Three new genera are described: Michener (Proteropinae), Bioalfa (Rogadinae), and Hermosomastax (Rogadinae). Keys are given for the New World genera of the following braconid subfamilies: Agathidinae, Braconinae, Cheloninae, Homolobinae, Hormiinae, Ichneutinae, Macrocentrinae, Orgilinae, Proteropinae, Rhysipolinae, and Rogadinae. In these subfamilies 416 species are described or redescribed. Most of the species have been reared and all but 13 are new to science. A consensus sequence of the COI barcodes possessed by each species is employed to diagnose the species, and this approach is justified in the introduction. Most descriptions consist of a lateral or dorsal image of the holotype, a diagnostic COI consensus barcode, the Barcode Index Number (BIN) code with a link to the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD), and the holotype specimen information required by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. The following species are treated and those lacking authorship are newly described here with authorship attributable to Sharkey except for the new species of Macrocentrinae which are by Sharkey & van Achterberg: AGATHIDINAE: Aerophiluspaulmarshi , Mesocoelusdavidsmithi , Neothlipsisbobkulai , Plesiocoelusvanachterbergi , Pneumagathiserythrogastra (Cameron, 1905), Therophilusbobwhartoni , T.donaldquickei , T.gracewoodae , T.maetoi , T.montywoodi , T.penteadodiasae , Zacremnopsbrianbrowni , Z.coatlicue Sharkey, 1990, Zacremnopscressoni (Cameron, 1887), Z.ekchuah Sharkey, 1990, Z.josefernandezi , Zelomorphasarahmeierottoae . BRACONINAE: Braconalejandromarini , B.alejandromasisi , B.alexamasisae , B.andresmarini , B.andrewwalshi , B.anniapicadoae , B.anniemoriceae , B.barryhammeli , B.bernardoespinozai , B.carlossanabriai , B.chanchini , B.christophervallei , B.erasmocoronadoi , B.eugeniephillipsae , B.federicomatarritai , B.frankjoycei , B.gerardovegai , B.germanvegai , B.isidrochaconi , B.jimlewisi , B.josejaramilloi , B.juanjoseoviedoi , B.juliodiazi , B.luzmariaromeroae , B.manuelzumbadoi , B.marialuisariasae , B.mariamartachavarriae , B.mariorivasi , B.melissaespinozae , B.nelsonzamorai , B.nicklaphami , B.ninamasisae , B.oliverwalshi , B.paulamarinae , B.rafamoralesi , B.robertofernandezi , B.rogerblancoi , B.ronaldzunigai , B.sigifredomarini , B.tihisiaboshartae , B.wilberthbrizuelai , Digonogastramontylloydi , D.montywoodi , D.motohasegawai , D.natwheelwrighti , D.nickgrishini . CHELONINAE: Adeliusadrianguadamuzi , A.gauldi Shimbori & Shaw, 2019, A.janzeni Shimbori & Shaw, 2019, Ascogastergloriasihezarae , A.grettelvegae , A.guillermopereirai , A.gustavoecheverrii , A.katyvandusenae , A.luisdiegogomezi , Chelonusalejandrozaldivari , C.gustavogutierrezi , C.gustavoinduni , C.harryramirezi , C.hartmanguidoi , C.hazelcambroneroae , C.iangauldi , C.isidrochaconi , C.janecheverriae , C.jeffmilleri , C.jennyphillipsae , C.jeremydewaardi , C.jessiehillae , C.jesusugaldei , C.jimlewisi , C.jimmilleri , C.jimwhitfieldi , C.johanvalerioi , C.johnburnsi , C.johnnoyesi , C.jorgebaltodanoi , C.jorgehernandezi , C.josealfredohernandezi , C.josefernandeztrianai , C.josehernandezcortesi , C.josemanuelperezi , C.josephinerodriguezae , C.juanmatai , C.junkoshimurae , C.kateperezae , C.luciariosae , C.luzmariaromeroae , C.manuelpereirai , C.manuelzumbadoi , C.marianopereirai , C.maribellealvarezae , C.markmetzi , C.markshawi , C.martajimenezae , C.mayrabonillae , C.meganmiltonae , C.melaniamunozae , C.michaelstroudi , C.michellevanderbankae , C.mingfangi , C.minorcarmonai , C.monikaspringerae , C.moniquegilbertae , C.motohasegawai , C.nataliaivanovae , C.nelsonzamorai , C.normwoodleyi , C.osvaldoespinozai , C.pamelacastilloae , C.paulgoldsteini , C.paulhansoni , C.paulheberti , C.petronariosae , C.ramyamanjunathae , C.randallgarciai , C.rebeccakittelae , C.robertoespinozai , C.robertofernandezi , C.rocioecheverriae , C.rodrigogamezi , C.ronaldzunigai , C.rosibelelizondoae , C.rostermoragai , C.ruthfrancoae , C.scottmilleri , C.scottshawi , C.sergioriosi , C.sigifredomarini , C.stevearonsoni , C.stevestroudi , C.sujeevanratnasinghami , C.sureshnaiki , C.torbjornekremi , C.yeimycedenoae , Leptodrepanaalexisae , L.erasmocoronadoi , L.felipechavarriai , L.freddyquesadai , L.gilbertfuentesi , L.manuelriosi , Phanerotomaalmasolisae , P.alvaroherrerai , P.anacordobae , P.anamariamongeae , P.andydeansi , P.angelagonzalezae , P.angelsolisi , P.barryhammeli , P.bernardoespinozai , P.calixtomoragai , P.carolinacanoae , P.christerhanssoni , P.christhompsoni , P.davesmithi , P.davidduthiei , P.dirksteinkei , P.donquickei , P.duniagarciae , P.duvalierbricenoi , P.eddysanchezi , P.eldarayae , P.eliethcantillanoae , P.jenopappi , Pseudophanerotomaalanflemingi , Ps.albanjimenezi , Ps.alejandromarini , Ps.alexsmithi , Ps.allisonbrownae , Ps.bobrobbinsi . HOMOLOBINAE: Exasticolusjennyphillipsae , E.randallgarciai , E.robertofernandezi , E.sigifredomarini , E.tomlewinsoni . HORMIINAE: Hormiusanamariamongeae , H.angelsolisi , H.anniapicadoae , H.arthurchapmani , H.barryhammeli , H.carmenretanae , H.carloswalkeri , H.cesarsuarezi , H.danbrooksi , H.eddysanchezi , H.erikframstadi , H.georgedavisi , H.grettelvegae , H.gustavoinduni , H.hartmanguidoi , H.hectoraritai , H.hesiquiobenitezi , H.irenecanasae , H.isidrochaconi, H.jaygallegosi , H.jimbeachi , H.jimlewisi , H.joelcracrafti , H.johanvalerioi , H.johnburleyi , H.joncoddingtoni , H.jorgecarvajali , H.juanmatai , H.manuelzumbadoi , H.mercedesfosterae , H.modonnellyae , H.nelsonzamorai , H.pamelacastilloae , H.raycypessi , H.ritacolwellae , H.robcolwelli , H.rogerblancosegurai , H.ronaldzunigai , H.russchapmani , H.virginiaferrisae , H.warrenbrighami , H.willsflowersi . ICHNEUTINAE: Oligoneuruskriskrishtalkai , O.jorgejimenezi , Paroligoneuruselainehoaglandae , P.julianhumphriesi , P.mikeiviei . MACROCENTRINAE: Austrozelejorgecampabadali , A.jorgesoberoni , Dolichozelegravitarsis (Muesebeck, 1938), D.josefernandeztrianai , D.josephinerodriguezae , Hymenochaoniakalevikulli , H.kateperezae , H.katherinebaillieae , H.katherineellisonae , H.katyvandusenae , H.kazumifukunagae , H.keithlangdoni , H.keithwillmotti , H.kenjinishidai , H.kimberleysheldonae , H.krisnorvigae , H.lilianamadrigalae , H.lizlangleyae , Macrocentrusfredsingeri , M.geoffbarnardi , M.gregburtoni , M.gretchendailyae , M.grettelvegae , M.gustavogutierrezi , M.hannahjamesae , M.harisridhari , M.hillaryrosnerae , M.hiroshikidonoi , M.iangauldi , M.jennyphillipsae , M.jesseausubeli , M.jessemaysharkae , M.jimwhitfieldi , M.johnbrowni , M.johnburnsi , M.jonathanfranzeni , M.jonathanrosenbergi , M.jorgebaltodanoi , M.lucianocapelli . ORGILINAE: Orgilusamyrossmanae , O.carrolyoonae , O.christhompsoni , O.christinemcmahonae , O.dianalipscombae , O.ebbenielsoni , O.elizabethpennisiae , O.evertlindquisti , O.genestoermeri , O.jamesriegeri , O.jeanmillerae , O.jeffmilleri , O.jerrypowelli , O.jimtiedjei , O.johnlundbergi , O.johnpipolyi , O.jorgellorentei , O.larryspearsi , O.marlinricei , O.mellissaespinozae , O.mikesmithi , O.normplatnicki , O.peterrauchi , O.richardprimacki , O.sandraberriosae , O.sarahmirandae , O.scottmilleri , O.scottmorii , Stantoniabillalleni , S.brookejarvisae , S.donwilsoni , S.erikabjorstromae , S.garywolfi , S.henrikekmani , S.luismirandai , S.miriamzunzae , S.quentinwheeleri , S.robinkazmierae , S.ruthtifferae . PROTEROPINAE: Hebichneutestricolor Sharkey & Wharton, 1994, Proteropsiangauldi , P.vickifunkae , Michenercharlesi . RHYSIPOLINAE: Pseudorhysipolisluisfonsecai , P. mailyngonzalezaeRhysipolisjulioquirosi . ROGADINAE: Aleiodesadrianaradulovae , A.adrianforsythi , A.agnespeelleae , A.alaneaglei , A.alanflemingi , A.alanhalevii , A.alejandromasisi , A.alessandracallejae , A.alexsmithi , A.alfonsopescadori , A.alisundermieri , A.almasolisae , A.alvarougaldei , A.alvaroumanai , A.angelsolisi , A.annhowdenae , A.bobandersoni , A.carolinagodoyae , A.charlieobrieni , A.davefurthi , A.donwhiteheadi , A.doylemckeyi , A.frankhovorei , A.henryhowdeni , A.inga Shimbori & Shaw, 2020, A.johnchemsaki , A.johnkingsolveri , A.gonodontovorus Shimbori & Shaw, 2020, A.manuelzumbadoi , A.mayrabonillae , A.michelledsouzae , A.mikeiviei , A.normwoodleyi , A.pammitchellae , A.pauljohnsoni , A.rosewarnerae , A.steveashei , A.terryerwini , A.willsflowersi , Bioalfapedroleoni , B.alvarougaldei , B.rodrigogamezi , Choreborogasandydeansi , C.eladiocastroi , C.felipechavarriai , C.frankjoycei , Clinocentrusandywarreni , Cl.angelsolisi , Cystomastaxalexhausmanni , Cy.angelagonzalezae , Cy.ayaigarashiae , Hermosomastaxclavifemorus Quicke sp. nov., Heterogamusdonstonei , Pseudoyeliconesbernsweeneyi , Stiropiusbencrairi , S.berndkerni , S.edgargutierrezi , S.edwilsoni , S.ehakernae , Triraphisbillfreelandi , T.billmclarneyi , T.billripplei , T.bobandersoni , T.bobrobbinsi , T.bradzlotnicki , T.brianbrowni , T.brianlaueri , T.briannestjacquesae , T.camilocamargoi , T.carlosherrerai , T.carolinepalmerae , T.charlesmorrisi , T.chigiybinellae , T.christerhanssoni , T.christhompsoni , T.conniebarlowae , T.craigsimonsi , T.defectus Valerio, 2015, T.danielhubi , T.davidduthiei , T.davidwahli , T.federicomatarritai , T.ferrisjabri , T.mariobozai , T.martindohrni , T.matssegnestami , T.mehrdadhajibabaei , T.ollieflinti , T.tildalauerae , Yeliconesdirksteinkei , Y.markmetzi , Y.monserrathvargasae , Y.tricolor Quicke, 1996. Y.woldai Quicke, 1996. The following new combinations are proposed: Neothlipsissmithi (Ashmead), new combination for Microdussmithi Ashmead, 1894; Neothlipsispygmaeus (Enderlein), new combination for Microduspygmaeus Enderlein, 1920; Neothlipsisunicinctus (Ashmead), new combination for Microdusunicinctus Ashmead, 1894; Therophilusanomalus (Bortoni and Penteado-Dias) new combination for Plesiocoelusanomalus Bortoni and Penteado-Dias, 2015; Aerophilusareolatus (Bortoni and Penteado-Dias) new combination for Plesiocoelusareolatus Bortoni and Penteado-Dias, 2015; Pneumagathiserythrogastra (Cameron) new combination for Agathiserythrogastra Cameron, 1905. Dolichozelecitreitarsis (Enderlein), new combination for Paniscozelecitreitarsis Enderlein, 1920. Dolichozelefuscivertex (Enderlein) new combination for Paniscozelefuscivertex Enderlein, 1920. Finally, Bassusbrooksi Sharkey, 1998 is synonymized with Agathiserythrogastra Cameron, 1905; Paniscozelegriseipes Enderlein, 1920 is synonymized with Dolichozelekoebelei Viereck, 1911; Paniscozelecarinifrons Enderlein, 1920 is synonymized with Dolichozelefuscivertex (Enderlein, 1920); and Paniscozelenigricauda Enderlein,1920 is synonymized with Dolichozelequaestor (Fabricius, 1804). (originally described as Ophionquaestor Fabricius, 1804)., (Michael J. Sharkey, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie Hallwachs, Eric G. Chapman, M. Alex Smith, Tanya Dapkey, Allison Brown, Sujeevan Ratnasingham, Suresh Naik, Ramya Manjunath, Kate Perez, Megan Milton, Paul Hebert, Scott R. Shaw, Rebecca N. Kittel, M. Alma Solis, Mark A. Metz, Paul Z. Goldstein, John W. Brown, Donald L. J. Quicke, C. van Achterberg, Brian V. Brown, John M. Burns.)