Robert Delsnyder, Gordon Davies, Jacqueline Isaac, John Kessler, Claude Cox, John Harvey, Joseph Kozar, David Gowler, Daniel Smith, Leif Vaage, John Kloppenborg, Grant LeMarquand, Mark Husbands, Steven Muir, Kristen Sweder, John Meagher, Douglas Campbell, Terence Donaldson, Gregory Bloomquist, Robert Derrenbacker Jr., Wendy Cotter, William Arnal, Harry Maier, Marion Taylor, Victor Shepherd, Alan Davies, Brian Fraser, Gordon Jensen, John Egan, Pamela Moeller, Lillian Perigoe, Ronald Barnes, Jean-Marc Laporte, Joseph Raab, Peter Althouse, Daniel Donovan, Michael Dempsey, Harold Wells, Dennis Ngien, Sheila Kappler, Gerard Whelan, and Peter Wyatt
David Aberbach, Imperialism and Biblical Prophecy 750-500 BCE, reviewed by Robert Delsynder Anthony Ceresko, Psalmists and Sages: Studies in Old Testament Poetry and Religion,reviewed by Robert Delsynder Michael Duggan, The Consuming Fire: A Christian Introduction to the Old Testament, reviewed by Gordon F. Davies J. Cheryl Exum, Fragmented Women: Feminist (Sub)versions of Biblical Narratives, reviewed by Jacqueline R. Isaac Jeffrey A. Fager, Land Tenure and the Biblical Jubilee: Uncovering Hebrew Ethics through the Sociology of Knowledge,reviewed by John Kessler Naomi Steinberg, Kinship and Marriage in Genesis: A Household Economics Perspective, reviewed by Jacqueline R. Isaac Emanuel Tov, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, reviewed by Claude E. Cox Claus Westermann, Roots of Wisdom: The Oldest Proverbs of Israel and Other Peoples, reviewed by John E. Harvey C. Clifton Black, Mark: Images of an Apostolic Interpreter, reviewed by Joseph Vlcek Kozar Willi Braun, Feasting and Social Rhetoric in Luke 14, reviewed by David B. Gowler Richard A. Burridge, Four Gospels, One Jesus?reviewed by Daniel A. Smith Stevan L. Davies, New Testament Fundamentals, reviewed by Leif E. Vaage Andreas Ennulat, Die “Minor Agreements”: Untersuchungen zu einer offenen Frage des synoptischen Problems, reviewed by John S. Kloppenborg Gordon D. Fee, God's Empowering Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Letters of Paulreviewed by Grant LeMarquand William Hamilton, A Quest for the Post-Historical Jesus, reviewed by Mark Husbands Donald H. Juel, A Master of Surprise: Mark Interpreted, reviewed by Steven C. Muir Aryeh Kasher, Jews and Hellenistic Cities in Eretz Israel: Relations of the Jews in Eretz-Israel with the Hellenistic Cities during the Second Temple Period (332 BCE-70 CE), reviewed by John S. Kloppenborg John S. Kloppenborg, ed., Conflict and Invention: Literary, Rhetorical, and Social Studies on the Sayings Gospel Q, reviewed by Kristen M. Sweder S.R. Llewelyn, New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity. Vol. 7: A Review of Greek Inscriptions and Papyri Published in 1982-83 reviewed by John S. Kloppenborg Elaine Pagels, The Origin of Satan, reviewed by John C. Meagher James Carleton Paget, The Epistle of Barnabas: Outlook and Backgroundreviewed by Grant Le MarQuand Kevin Quast, Reading the Corinthian Correspondence: An Introduction, reviewed by Douglas A. Campbell Rainer Riesner, Die Frühzeit des Apostels Paulus: Studien zur Chronologie, Missionsstrategie und Theologie, reviewed by Terence L. Donaldson Vernon K. Robbins, New Boundaries in Old Territory: Form and Social Rhetoric in Markreviewed by Grant LeMarquand Barnes W. Tatum, John the Baptist and Jesus: A Report of the Jesus Seminar, reviewed by L. Gregory Bloomquist David. Trobisch, Paul's Letter Collection: Tracing the Origin, reviewed by Robert A. Derrenbacker Graham H. Twelftree, Jesus the Exorcist: A Contribution to the Study of the Historical Jesus, reviewed by Wendy Cotter Leif E. Vaage, Galilean Upstarts: Jesus ' First Followers According to Q, reviewed by William E. Arnal Walter H. Wagner, After the Apostles: Christianity in the Second Century, reviewed by Harry O. Maier Khiok-Khing Yeo, Rhetorical Interaction in Corinthians 8 and 10: A Formal Analysis with Preliminary Suggestions for a Chinese, Cross-Cultural Hermeneutic, reviewed by Grant LeMarquand Léonie J. Archer, Susan Fischler and Maria Wyke, eds., Women in Ancient Societies: An Illusion of the Night, reviewed by Marion Ann Taylor Martin Brecht, Martin Luther: The Preservation of the Church, 1532-1546, reviewed by Victor Shepherd William R. Hutchison and Hartmut Lehmann, Many Are Chosen: Divine Election and Western Nationalismreviewed by Alan Davies William Klempa, ed., The Burning Bush and a Few. Acres of Snow: The Presbyterian Contribution to Canadian Life and Culture, reviewed by Brian J. Fraser Heiko A. Oberman, The Impact of the Reformation, reviewed by Gordon A. Jensen Heiko A. Oberman, The Reformation: Roots and Ramifications, reviewed by Gordon A. Jensen Peter Widdicombe, The Fatherhood of God from Origen to Athanasius, reviewed by John P. Egan Paul F. Bradshaw, Two Ways of Prayingreviewed by Pamella Ann Moeller Gertrude Lebans, ed., Gathered by the River: Reflections and Essays of Women Doing Ministry, reviewed by Lillian Perigoe Elisabeth Moltmann-Wendel, I Am My Body: A Theology of Embodiment, reviewed by Pamella Ann Moeller Claudio Naranjo, The End of Patriarchy: And the Dawning of a Tri-une Societyreviewed by Ronald Barnes W. Norris Clarke, Person and Being, reviewed by Jean-Marc Laporte Catherine Cornille and Valeer Neckebrouck, A Universal Faith? Peoples, Cultures, Religions, and the Christ, reviewed by Joseph Quinn Raab Harvey Cox, Fire from Heaven: The Rise of Pentecostalism and the Reshaping of Religion in the Twenty-first Centuryreviewed by Peter Althouse Paul E. Dinter, Beyond Naive Belief: The Bible and Adult Catholic Faith, reviewed by Daniel Donovan Jacques Dupuis, Who Do You Say I Am? Introduction to Christology, reviewed by Joseph Quinn Raab Hans Küng, Great Christian Thinkersreviewed by Daniel Donovan Karl-Josef Kuschel, Born Before All Time? The Dispute Over Christ's Origin, reviewed by Daniel Donovan John Macquarrie, Heidegger and Christianity, reviewed by Michael T. Dempsey Emmanuel Martey, African Theology: Inculturation and Liberationreviewed by Harold Wells Ted Peters, God—The World's Future: Systematic Theology for a Postmodern Era, reviewed by Dennis Ngien Ted Peters, Sin: Radical Evil in Soul and Society, reviewed by Dennis Ngien Eleanor Rae, Women, the Earth, the Divine, reviewed by Sheila Kappler Jon Sobrino, Jesus the Liberator: A Historical-Theological Reading of Jesus of Nazareth, reviewed by Gerard K. Whelan Dennis E. Tamburello, Union with Christ: John Calvin and the Mysticism of St. Bernard, reviewed by Peter Wyatt