Noumair, Debra A., Shani, A. B. Rami, Zandee, Danielle, Baburoglu, Oguz N., Scott, Brenda Barker, Bartunek, Jean M., Beer, Michael, Berggren, Rita, Bogacz-Wojtanowska, Ewa, Brock, William, Burke, W. Warner, Coghlan, David, Cruz, Mateo, Cummings, Thomas G., Fink, Alexis, Ford, Jeffrey D., Fredberg, Tobias, Frossevi, Bjorn E., Golom, Frank D., and Hansson, Mikael
The first annual volume of Research in Organizational Change and Development (ROCD) was published by JAI Press in 1987. Since then, ROCD has provided a special platform for scholars and practitioners to share new research-based insights in the annually published research volumes as well as at Academy meetings. Due to COVID-restrictions the longstanding tradition of a yearly AOM ROCD presenter symposium was interrupted for 2020 and 2021. We now re-start and combine the contributions of volume 28, 29 and 30 authors as catalyst for a lively dialogue around thought-provoking and timely ideas in the realm of change research and practice. Chapter presentations will be grouped under five central questions that are directly connected with the 2022 AOM theme. These questions invite the exploration of the relational conditions, the inquiry methods, the role of technology, issues of identity and the necessary future research and theorizing that will position the field of organization change and development as an important player in "creating a better world together." As an integral part of former Organization Development and Change (ODC) Division programs, we resume the tradition of volume authors engaging with participants in roundtable conversations. With the new format and the current pertinence of change-oriented questions, we envision a symposium that might also attract members of other divisions who are interested in researching, understanding, and impacting organizational and social change dynamics for world betterment. * Designing for Collaboration: Don't Just Focus on the Team, Focus Also on the Context (Volume 29) * Presenter: Brenda Barker Scott; -* Presenter: Michael R. Manning; Benedictine U. * The Laboratization of Change: What is it with Labs and Change these Days? * Presenter: Mathis Schulte; HEC Paris * Toward Reconfiguring Sociotechnical System Design: Digitally Infused Work Systems and the 'Platform-* Presenter: Oguz N. Baburoglu; Sabanci U. * Digitalization in Schools: Four Examples of Embeddedness * Presenter: Jan Löwstedt; Stockholm U. * Are OD and Analytics Twins Separated at Birth? Toward an Integrated Framework * Presenter: Alec Levenson; U. of Southern California * Presenter: Alexis Fink; Facebook * Aligning Strategy and Digital Technology in Government Organizations: A Call for Action * Presenter: Joe McDonagh; Irish Management Institute / Trinity College Dublin * Reflections: Change Management is not Organization Development * Presenter: W. Warner Burke; Teachers College, Columbia U. * Management is Missing in Change Management * Presenter: Jeffrey D. Ford; Ohio State U. * Reflections: Individually and Jointly Reconceiving OD to Foster a Hospitable Future * Presenter: Susan A. Mohrman; U. of Southern California * Presenter: Jean M. Bartunek; Boston College * From Psychological Dispositions To Social Positions: Applying a Habitus Oriented Approach To Organiz * Presenter: Baruch Shimoni; Bar-Ilan U. * Constructing the Professional Identity of the Renowned Women of Organizational Change * Presenter: David B. Szabla; Western Michigan U. * Creating and Building Shared Scholarship in Organization Development and Change: A Metalogue * Presenter: David Coghlan; Trinity College Dublin * Presenter: A.B. Rami Shani; California Polytechnic State U. * Applying Management and Organization Theory to Organization Change and Development: More than Meets * Presenter: Thomas G. Cummings; U. of Southern California * Presenter: Chris Worley; Pepperdine Graziadio Business School * Research in Organization Development and Change: A Personal Journey * Presenter: Philip H. Mirvis; Babson Social Innovation Lab * The Social Media Presence of OD: A Social Network Analysis Using Big Data * Presenter: Donna Ogle; Rockford U. * Presenter: Ram Tenkasi; Benedictine U. * Presenter: William Brock; Colorado Christian U. * The Role and Relevance of Discourse and Discursive Perspectives in Organizational Change and Develop * Presenter: Clifford Oswick; City U. London * Presenter: Yuan Li; Saint Mary's College of California * Developing a Sustainable High Commitment, High Performance System of Organizing, Managing, and Leadi * Presenter: Michael Beer; Harvard Business School * Context-Levels-Culture: A Diagnostic Framework for Consulting to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Change * Presenter: Frank D. Golom; Loyola U. Maryland * Presenter: Mateo Cruz; Bentley U. * Values in Concert: Subjective Values Enabling Exploitation and Exploration in Executive Teams * Presenter: Mikael Hansson; Orrebro U. * Presenter: Johanna E. Pregmark; Chalmers U. of Technology * Presenter: Tobias Fredberg; Chalmers U. of Technology * Community In The New World Of Work: Implications For Organization Development and Thriving * Presenter: Gretchen Marie Spreitzer; U. of Michigan * Why Honest Conversations are Transformative * Presenter: Michael Beer; Harvard Business School * Change in Tightly Coupled Systems: The Role and Action of Middle Managers * Presenter: Rita Berggren; Chalmers U. of Technology * Presenter: Bjorn E. Frossevi; Chalmers U. of Technology * Exploring the Richness of Action Learning Research to Exploit Action Learning in Networks: A Journey * Presenter: David Coghlan; Trinity College Dublin * Opening the Doors of the Ivory Tower: Action Research as a Tool Supporting Cooperation Between Unive * Presenter: Beata Jalocha; Jagiellonian U. * Presenter: Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska,; Jagiellonian U. * Presenter: Piotr Jedynak; Jagiellonian U. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]