The paper defines a special type of problem tasks and considers its didactic potential, as well as the success of students in solving the selected problem. The research instrument used is a geometrical task from the National Secondary School Leaving Exam in Croatia (State Matura). The geometrical task is presented in three versions: as a verbal problem, as a verbal problem with a corresponding image and as a problem in context. The material analysed in the present paper was collected from 182 students in 7th and 8th grade of Croatian urban elementary schools. The didactic potential is considered from the aspect of use of mathematical concepts and connections. The success of students in problem-solving is considered from the aspect of implementation of the problem-solving process and producing correct answers, depending on the manner in which the tasks are set up. The results show that the stand-alone problem, as a special type of problem task, has considerable didactic potential. However, the students’ skills of discovering and connecting mathematical concepts and their properties are underdeveloped. In addition, the manner in which the tasks are set up considerably affects the process of solving the task and consequently the success of that process. Based on the results of the research, proposals are given for application of stand-alone problems in teaching mathematics., U radu se definira posebna vrsta problemskoga zadatka te se razmatra njegov didaktički potencijal kao i uspješnost učenika u rješavanju odabranoga problema. Instrument istraživanja je geometrijski zadatak s državne mature koji se postavlja u tri inačice: kao tekstualni problem, kao tekstualni problem uz odgovarajuću sliku te kao zadatak u kontekstu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 182 učenika 7. i 8. razreda hrvatskih gradskih osnovnih škola. Didaktički potencijal razmatra se s aspekta iskoristivosti matematičkih koncepata i veza, a uspješnost učenika u rješavanju problema razmatra se s aspekta provedbe procesa rješavanja i otkrivanja točnoga rješenja ovisno o načinu postavljanja zadatka. Rezultati pokazuju da promatrani problem kao posebna vrsta problemskoga zadatka ima veliki didaktički potencijal, ali da učenici imaju nedovoljno razvijene vještine otkrivanja i povezivanja matematičkih koncepata i njihovih svojstava. Osim toga, način postavljanja zadatka značajno utječe na proces rješavanja, a posljedično i na uspješnost određivanja rješenja. Na temelju rezultata daju se prijedlozi primjene opisane vrste problema u nastavi Matematike.