32 results on '"Brännström, I"'
Search Results
2. Trends in mortality in people with HIV from 1999 to 2020: a multi-cohort collaboration
- Author
Tusch, E, Ryom, L, Pelchen-Matthews, A, Mocroft, A, Elbirt, D, Oprea, C, Günthard, H, Staehelin, C, Zangerle, R, Suarez, I, Vehreschild, J, Wit, F, Menozzi, M, d'Arminio Monforte, A, Spagnuolo, V, Pradier, C, Carlander, C, Suanzes, P, Wasmuth, J, Carr, A, Petoumenos, K, Borgans, F, Bonnet, F, De Wit, S, El-Sadr, W, Neesgaard, B, Jaschinski, N, Greenberg, L, Hosein, S, Gallant, J, Vannappagari, V, Young, L, Sabin, C, Lundgren, J, Peters, L, Reekie, J, Calvo, G, Dabis, F, Kirk, O, Law, M, Monforte, A, Morfeldt, L, Reiss, P, Weber, R, Lind-Thomsen, A, Brandt, R, Hillebreght, M, Zaheri, S, Scherrer, A, Schöni-Affolter, F, Rickenbach, M, Tavelli, A, Fanti, I, Leleux, O, Mourali, J, Marec, F, Boerg, E, Thulin, E, Sundström, A, Bartsch, G, Thompsen, G, Necsoi, C, Delforge, M, Fontas, E, Caissotti, C, Dollet, K, Mateu, S, Torres, F, Blance, A, Huang, R, Puhr, R, Laut, K, Kristensen, D, Phillips, A, Kamara, D, Smith, C, Hatleberg, C, Raben, D, Matthews, C, Bojesen, A, Grevsen, A, Powderly, B, Shortman, N, Moecklinghoff, C, Reilly, G, Franquet, X, Smit, C, Ross, M, Fux, C, Morlat, P, Friis-Møller, N, Kowalska, J, Bohlius, J, Bower, M, Fätkenheuer, G, Grulich, A, Sjøl, A, Meidahl, P, Iversen, J, Reiss, C, Hillebregt, M, Prins, J, Kuijpers, T, Scherpbier, H, van der Meer, J, Godfried, M, van der Poll, T, Nellen, F, Geerlings, S, van Vugt, M, Pajkrt, D, Bos, J, Wiersinga, W, van der Valk, M, Goorhuis, A, Hovius, J, van Eden, J, Henderiks, A, van Hes, A, Mutschelknauss, M, Nobel, H, Pijnappel, F, Jurriaans, S, Back, N, Zaaijer, H, Berkhout, B, Cornelissen, M, Schinkel, C, Thomas, X, Ziekenhuis, A, van den Berge, M, Stegeman, A, Baas, S, de Looff, L, Versteeg, D, Ziekenhuis, C, Pronk, M, Ammerlaan, H, De Munnik, E, Jansz, A, Tjhie, J, Wegdam, M, Deiman, B, Scharnhorst, V, van der Plas, A, Weijsenfeld, A, van der Ende, M, De Vries-Sluijs, T, van Gorp, E, Schurink, C, Nouwen, J, Verbon, A, Rijnders, B, Bax, H, van der Feltz, M, Bassant, N, van Beek, J, Vriesde, M, van Zonneveld, L, de Oude-Lubbers, A, van den Berg-Cameron, H, Bruinsma-Broekman, F, de Groot, J, de Man, M, Boucher, C, Koopmans, M, van Kampen, J, Pas, S, Mc–sophia, E, Driessen, G, van Rossum, A, van der Knaap, L, Visser, E, Branger, J, Rijkeboer-Mes, A, de Ven, C, Ziekenhuis, H, Schippers, E, van Nieuwkoop, C, van IJperen, J, Geilings, J, van der Hut, G, Franck, P, van Eeden, A, Brokking, W, Groot, M, Elsenburg, L, Damen, M, Kwa, I, Groeneveld, P, Bouwhuis, J, van den Berg, J, van Hulzen, A, van der Bliek, G, Bor, P, Bloembergen, P, Wolfhagen, M, Ruijs, G, Kroon, F, de Boer, M, Bauer, M, Jolink, H, Vollaard, A, Dorama, W, van Holten, N, Claas, E, Wessels, E, den Hollander, J, Pogany, K, Roukens, A, Kastelijns, M, Smit, J, Smit, E, Struik-Kalkman, D, Tearno, C, Bezemer, M, van Niekerk, T, Pontesilli, O, Lowe, S, Lashof, A, Posthouwer, D, Ackens, R, Schippers, J, Vergoossen, R, Weijenberg-Maes, B, van Loo, I, Havenith, T, Leyten, E, Gelinck, L, van Hartingsveld, A, Meerkerk, C, Wildenbeest, G, Mutsaers, J, Jansen, C, Mulder, J, Vrouenraets, S, Lauw, F, van Broekhuizen, M, Paap, H, Vlasblom, D, Smits, P, Zuiderzee, M, Weijer, S, El Moussaoui, R, Bosma, A, van Vonderen, M, van Houte, D, Kampschreur, L, Dijkstra, K, Faber, S, Weel, J, Kootstra, G, Delsing, C, van der Burg-van de Plas, M, Heins, H, Lucas, E, Kortmann, W, van Twillert, G, Stuart, J, Diederen, B, Pronk, D, van Truijen-Oud, F, van der Reijden, W, Jansen, R, Brinkman, K, van den Berk, G, Blok, W, Frissen, P, Lettinga, K, Schouten, W, Veenstra, J, Brouwer, C, Geerders, G, Hoeksema, K, Kleene, M, van der Meché, I, Spelbrink, M, Sulman, H, Toonen, A, Wijnands, S, Kwa, D, Witte, E, Koopmans, P, Keuter, M, van der Ven, A, ter Hofstede, H, Dofferhoff, A, van Crevel, R, Albers, M, Bosch, M, Grintjes-Huisman, K, Zomer, B, Stelma, F, Rahamat-Langendoen, J, Burger, D, Richter, C, Gisolf, E, Hassing, R, ter Beest, G, van Bentum, P, Langebeek, N, Tiemessen, R, Swanink, C, van Lelyveld, S, Soetekouw, R, Hulshoff, N, van der Prijt, L, van der Swaluw, J, Bermon, N, Herpers, B, Veenendaal, D, Verhagen, D, van Wijk, M, Ziekenhuis, S, van Kasteren, M, Brouwer, A, de Wiel, B, Kuipers, M, Santegoets, R, van der Ven, B, Marcelis, J, Buiting, A, Kabel, P, Bierman, W, Scholvinck, H, Wilting, K, Stienstra, Y, Jonge, H, van der Meulen, P, de Weerd, D, Ludwig-Roukema, J, Niesters, H, Riezebos-Brilman, A, van Leer-Buter, C, Knoester, M, Hoepelman, A, Mudrikova, T, Ellerbroek, P, Oosterheert, J, Arends, J, Barth, R, Wassenberg, M, Schadd, E, van Elst-Laurijssen, D, van Oers-Hazelzet, E, Vervoort, S, van Berkel, M, Schuurman, R, Verduyn-Lunel, F, Wensing, A, Peters, E, van Agtmael, M, Bomers, M, de Vocht, J, Heitmuller, M, Laan, L, Pettersson, A, Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C, Ang, C, Kinderziekenhuis, W, Geelen, S, Wolfs, T, Bont, L, Nauta, N, Bezemer, D, van Sighem, A, Boender, T, de Jong, A, Bergsma, D, Hoekstra, P, de Lang, A, Grivell, S, Jansen, A, Rademaker, M, Raethke, M, Meijering, R, Schnörr, S, de Groot, L, van den Akker, M, Bakker, Y, Claessen, E, El Berkaoui, A, Koops, J, Kruijne, E, Lodewijk, C, Munjishvili, L, Peeck, B, Ree, C, Regtop, R, Ruijs, Y, Rutkens, T, van de Sande, L, Schoorl, M, Timmerman, A, Tuijn, E, Veenenberg, L, van der Vliet, S, Wisse, A, Woudstra, T, Tuk, B, Dupon, M, Gaborieau, V, Lacoste, D, Malvy, D, Mercié, P, Neau, D, Pellegrin, J, Tchamgoué, S, Lazaro, E, Cazanave, C, Vandenhende, M, Vareil, M, Gérard, Y, Blanco, P, Bouchet, S, Breilh, D, Fleury, H, Pellegrin, I, Chêne, G, Thiébaut, R, Wittkop, L, Lawson-Ayayi, S, Gimbert, A, Desjardin, S, Lacaze-Buzy, L, Petrov-Sanchez, V, André, K, Bernard, N, Caubet, O, Caunegre, L, Chossat, I, Courtault, C, Dauchy, F, De Witte, S, Dondia, D, Duffau, P, Dutronc, H, Farbos, S, Faure, I, Ferrand, H, Gerard, Y, Greib, C, Hessamfar, M, Imbert, Y, Lataste, P, Marie, J, Mechain, M, Monlun, E, Ochoa, A, Pistone, T, Raymond, I, Receveur, M, Rispal, P, Sorin, L, Valette, C, Viallard, J, Wille, H, Wirth, G, Lafon, M, Trimoulet, P, Bellecave, P, Tumiotto, C, Haramburu, F, Miremeont-Salamé, G, Blaizeau, M, Decoin, M, Hannapier, C, Lenaud, E, Pougetoux, A, Delveaux, S, D’Ivernois, C, Diarra, F, Uwamaliya-Nziyumvira, B, Palmer, G, Conte, V, Sapparrart, V, Law, C, Moore, R, Edwards, S, Hoy, J, Watson, K, Roth, N, Lau, H, Bloch, M, Baker, D, Cooper, D, O’Sullivan, M, Nolan, D, Guelfi, G, Calvo, C, Domingo, P, Sambeat, M, Gatell, J, Del Cacho, E, Cadafalch, J, Fuster, M, Codina, C, Sirera, G, Vaqué, A, Clumeck, N, Gennotte, A, Gerard, M, Kabeya, K, Konopnicki, D, Libois, A, Martin, C, Payen, M, Semaille, P, Van Laethem, Y, Neaton, C, Krum, E, Thompson, G, Wentworth, D, Luskin-Hawk, R, Telzak, E, Abrams, D, Cohn, D, Markowitz, N, Arduino, R, Mushatt, D, Friedland, G, Perez, G, Tedaldi, E, Fisher, E, Gordin, F, Crane, L, Sampson, J, Baxter, J, Gazzard, B, Horban, A, Karpov, I, Losso, M, Pedersen, C, Ristola, M, Rockstroh, J, Fischer, A, Larsen, J, Podlekareva, D, Cozzi-Lepri, A, Shepherd, L, Schultze, A, Amele, S, Kundro, M, Schmied, B, Wien, P, Vassilenko, A, Mitsura, V, Paduto, D, Florence, E, Vandekerckhove, L, Hadziosmanovic, V, Begovac, J, Machala, L, Jilich, D, Sedlacek, D, Kronborg, G, Benfield, T, Gerstoft, J, Katzenstein, T, Møller, N, Ostergaard, L, Wiese, L, Nielsen, L, Zilmer, K, Smidt, J, Siseklinik, N, Aho, I, Viard, J, Duvivier, C, Schmidt, R, Degen, O, Stellbrink, H, Stefan, C, Goethe, J, Bogner, J, Chkhartishvili, N, Gargalianos, P, Xylomenos, G, Armenis, K, Sambatakou, H, Szlávik, J, Gottfredsson, M, Mulcahy, F, Yust, I, Turner, D, Burke, M, Shahar, E, Hassoun, G, Elinav, H, Haouzi, M, Sthoeger, Z, Esposito, R, Mazeu, I, Mussini, C, Mazzotta, F, Gabbuti, A, Annunziata, O, Vullo, V, Lichtner, M, Zaccarelli, M, Antinori, A, Acinapura, R, Plazzi, M, Lazzarin, A, Castagna, A, Gianotti, N, Galli, M, Ridolfo, A, Rozentale, B, Uzdaviniene, V, Matulionyte, R, Staub, T, Hemmer, R, Ormaasen, V, Maeland, A, Bruun, J, Knysz, B, Gasiorowski, J, Inglot, M, Bakowska, E, Flisiak, R, Grzeszczuk, A, Parczewski, M, Maciejewska, K, Aksak-Was, B, Beniowski, M, Mularska, E, Smiatacz, T, Gensing, M, Jablonowska, E, Malolepsza, E, Wojcik, K, Mozer-Lisewska, I, Caldeira, L, Mansinho, K, Maltez, F, Radoi, R, Panteleev, A, Panteleev, O, Yakovlev, A, Trofimora, T, Khromova, I, Kuzovatova, E, Blokhina, I, Novogrod, N, Borodulina, E, Vdoushkina, E, Jevtovic, D, Tomazic, J, Miró, J, Moreno, S, Rodriguez, J, Clotet, B, Jou, A, Paredes, R, Tural, C, Puig, J, Bravo, I, Gutierrez, M, Mateo, G, Laporte, J, Sonnerborg, A, Brännström, I, Flamholc, L, Cavassini, M, Calmy, A, Furrer, H, Battegay, M, Schmid, P, Kuznetsova, A, Kyselyova, G, Sluzhynska, M, Johnson, A, Simons, E, Johnson, M, Orkin, C, Weber, J, Scullard, G, Clarke, A, Leen, C, Morfeldt, C, Thulin, G, Åkerlund, B, Koppel, K, Karlsson, A, Håkangård, C, Castelli, F, Cauda, R, Perri, G, Iardino, R, Ippolito, G, Marchetti, G, Perno, C, von Schloesser, F, Viale, P, Ceccherini-Silberstein, F, Girardi, E, Caputo, S, Puoti, M, Andreoni, M, Ammassari, A, Balotta, C, Bandera, A, Bonfanti, P, Bonora, S, Borderi, M, Calcagno, A, Calza, L, Capobianchi, M, Cingolani, A, Cinque, P, De Luca, A, Biagio, A, Gori, A, Guaraldi, G, Lapadula, G, Madeddu, G, Maggiolo, F, Marcotullio, S, Monno, L, Nozza, S, Roldan, E, Rossotti, R, Rusconi, S, Santoro, M, Saracino, A, Galli, L, Lorenzini, P, Rodano, A, Shanyinde, M, Carletti, F, Carrara, S, Caro, A, Graziano, S, Petrone, F, Prota, G, Quartu, S, Truffa, S, Giacometti, A, Costantini, A, Barocci, V, Angarano, G, Santoro, C, Suardi, C, Donati, V, Verucchi, G, Minardi, C, Quirino, T, Abeli, C, Manconi, P, Piano, P, Cacopardo, B, Celesia, B, Vecchiet, J, Falasca, K, Pan, A, Lorenzotti, S, Sighinolfi, L, Segala, D, Vichi, F, Cassola, G, Viscoli, C, Alessandrini, A, Bobbio, N, Mazzarello, G, Mastroianni, C, Belvisi, V, Caramma, I, Chiodera, A, Milini, P, Rizzardini, G, Moioli, M, Piolini, R, Salpietro, S, Tincati, C, Puzzolante, C, Abrescia, N, Chirianni, A, Borgia, G, Orlando, R, Bonadies, G, Martino, F, Gentile, I, Maddaloni, L, Cattelan, A, Marinello, S, Cascio, A, Colomba, C, Baldelli, F, Schiaroli, E, Parruti, G, Sozio, F, Magnani, G, Ursitti, M, Cristaudo, A, Baldin, G, Capozzi, M, Cicalini, S, Sulekova, L, Iaiani, G, Latini, A, Mastrorosa, I, Savinelli, S, Vergori, A, Cecchetto, M, Viviani, F, Bagella, P, Rossetti, B, Franco, A, Del Vecchio, R, Francisci, D, Giuli, C, Caramello, P, Orofino, G, Sciandra, M, Bassetti, M, Londero, A, Pellizzer, G, Manfrin, V, Starnini, G, Ialungo, A, Central, C, Dellamonica, P, Bernard, E, Courjon, J, Cua, E, De Salvador-Guillouet, F, Durant, J, Etienne, C, Ferrando, S, Mondain-Miton, V, Naqvi, A, Perbost, I, Pillet, S, Prouvost-Keller, B, Pugliese, P, Rio, V, Risso, K, Roger, P, Aubert, V, Bernasconi, E, Böni, J, Braun, D, Bucher, H, Ciuffi, A, Dollenmaier, G, Egger, M, Elzi, L, Fehr, J, Fellay, J, Haerry, D, Hasse, B, Hirsch, H, Hoffmann, M, Hösli, I, Kahlert, C, Kaiser, L, Keiser, O, Klimkait, T, Kouyos, R, Kovari, H, Ledergerber, B, Martinetti, G, de Tejada, B, Marzolini, C, Metzner, K, Müller, N, Nicca, D, Pantaleo, G, Paioni, P, Rauch, A, Rudin, C, Speck, R, Stöckle, M, Tarr, P, Trkola, A, Vernazza, P, Wandeler, G, Yerly, S, Valk, M, Hutchinson, J, Rupasinghe, D, Han, W, Appoyer, H, Vera, J, Broster, B, Barbour, L, Carney, D, Greenland, L, Coughlan, R, Saint-Pierre, C, Stephan, C, Bucht, M, Chokoshvili, O, Borghi, V, Casabona, J, Miro, J, Lampe, F, Burns, F, Chaloner, C, Muccini, C, Lolatto, R, Sönnerborg, A, Nowak, P, Vesterbacka, J, Mattsson, L, Carrick, D, Stigsäter, K, Kusejko, K, Schulze, N, Franke, B, Rooney, J, Mcnicholl, I, Garges, H, Campo, R, Volny-Anne, A, Dedes, N, Williams, E, Bruguera, A, Volny-Anne, R, Mendão, L, Timiryasova, A, Fursa, O, Jakobsen, M, Kraef, C, Gardizi, M, Andersen, K, Kumar, L, Elsing, T, Shahi, S, Valdenmaiier, O, Bansi-Matharu, L, Byonanebye, D, Bannister, W, Roen, A, Null, N, Tusch, Erich, Ryom, Lene, Pelchen-Matthews, Annegret, Mocroft, Amanda, Elbirt, Daniel, Oprea, Cristiana, Günthard, Huldrych F, Staehelin, Cornelia, Zangerle, Robert, Suarez, Isabelle, Vehreschild, Jörg Janne, Wit, Ferdinand, Menozzi, Marianna, d'Arminio Monforte, Antonella, Spagnuolo, Vincenzo, Pradier, Christian, Carlander, Christina, Suanzes, Paula, Wasmuth, Jan-Christian, Carr, Andrew, Petoumenos, Kathy, Borgans, Frauke, Bonnet, Fabrice, De Wit, Stephane, El-Sadr, Wafaa, Neesgaard, Bastian, Jaschinski, Nadine, Greenberg, Lauren, Hosein, Sean R, Gallant, Joel, Vannappagari, Vani, Young, Lital, Sabin, Caroline, Lundgren, Jens, Peters, Lars, Reekie, Joanne, Monforte, A d’Arminio, Brandt, R Salbøl, Wit, F W N M, Marec, F Le, Laut, K Grønborg, Sabin, C A, Phillips, A N, Kamara, D A, Smith, C J, Hatleberg, C I, Brandt, R S, Grevsen, A L, Lundgren, J D, Fux, C A, Monforte, A d'Arminio, Iversen, J S, Reiss, Central P, Prins, J M, Kuijpers, T W, Scherpbier, H J, van der Meer, J T M, Godfried, M H, Nellen, F J B, Geerlings, S E, Bos, J C, Wiersinga, W J, Hovius, J W, van Hes, A M H, Nobel, H E, Pijnappel, F J J, Back, N K T, Zaaijer, H L, Cornelissen, M T E, Schinkel, C J, Thomas, X V, Ziekenhuis, Admiraal De Ruyter, de Looff, L Hage, Ziekenhuis, Catharina, Pronk, M J H, Ammerlaan, H S M, De Munnik, E S, Jansz, A R, Wegdam, M C A, Weijsenfeld, A M, van der Ende, M E, De Vries-Sluijs, T E M S, van Gorp, E C M, Schurink, C A M, Nouwen, J L, Rijnders, B J A, Bax, H I, van Beek, J E A, van Zonneveld, L M, van den Berg-Cameron, H J, Bruinsma-Broekman, F B, de Man, M de Zeeuw, Boucher, C A B, Koopmans, M P G, van Kampen, J J A, Pas, S D, MC–Sophia, Erasmus, Driessen, G J A, van Rossum, A M C, van der Knaap, L C, de Ven, C J H M Duijf-van, Ziekenhuis, Haga, Schippers, E F, van IJperen, J M, Franck, P F H, Elsenburg, L J M, Kwa, I S, Groeneveld, P H P, Bouwhuis, J W, van den Berg, J F, van Hulzen, A G W, van der Bliek, G L, Bor, P C J, Wolfhagen, M J H M, Ruijs, G J H M, Kroon, F P, de Boer, M G J, Bauer, M P, Vollaard, A M, Claas, E C J, den Hollander, J G, Smit, J V, Lowe, S H, Lashof, A M L Oude, Ackens, R P, van Loo, I H M, Havenith, T R A, Leyten, E M S, Gelinck, L B S, Wildenbeest, G S, Mutsaers, J A E M, Jansen, C L, Mulder, J W, Vrouenraets, S M E, Lauw, F N, van Broekhuizen, M C, Vlasblom, D J, Smits, P H M, Zuiderzee, M C, Bosma, A S, van Vonderen, M G A, van Houte, D P F, Kampschreur, L M, Kootstra, G J, Delsing, C E, Stuart, J W T Cohen, Diederen, B M W, van Truijen-Oud, F A, van der Reijden, W A, van den Berk, G E L, Blok, W L, Frissen, P H J, Lettinga, K D, Schouten, W E M, Brouwer, C J, Geerders, G F, Kleene, M J, van der Meché, I B, Toonen, A J M, Koopmans, P P, van der Ven, A J A M, ter Hofstede, H J M, Dofferhoff, A S M, Bosch, M E W, Grintjes-Huisman, K J T, Zomer, B J, Stelma, F F, Gisolf, E H, Hassing, R J, van Bentum, P H M, Swanink, C M A, van Lelyveld, S F L, van der Prijt, L M M, Herpers, B L, Verhagen, D W M, Ziekenhuis, St Elisabeth, van Kasteren, M E E, Brouwer, A E, de Wiel, B A F M de Kruijf-van, Santegoets, R M W J, Marcelis, J H, Buiting, A G M, Kabel, P J, Bierman, W F W, Wilting, K R, Jonge, H de Groot-de, van der Meulen, P A, de Weerd, D A, Niesters, H G M, van Leer-Buter, C C, Hoepelman, A I M, Ellerbroek, P M, Oosterheert, J J, Arends, J E, Barth, R E, Wassenberg, M W M, Schadd, E M, van Elst-Laurijssen, D H M, van Oers-Hazelzet, E E B, Wensing, A M J, Peters, E J G, van Agtmael, M A, Laan, L M, Pettersson, A M, Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C M J E, Ang, C W, Kinderziekenhuis, Wilhelmina, Geelen, S P M, Wolfs, T F W, Bont, L J, Bezemer, D O, van Sighem, A I, Boender, T S, Rademaker, M J, Pellegrin, J L, Vareil, M O, Dauchy, F A, Receveur, M C, Vandenhende, M A, Viallard, J F, Lafon, Me, Blaizeau, M J, Boerg, Eloïse, Law, Central M, Calvo, Central G, Sambeat, M A, Gennotte, A F, Payen, M C, Neaton, Central J, El-Sadr, W M, Abrams, D I, Crane, L R, Fischer, A H, Larsen, J F, Wien, Pulmologisches Zentrum der Stadt, Mitsura, V M, Møller, N F, Nielsen, L N, Smidt, Jelena, Siseklinik, Nakkusosakond, Viard, J-P, Stellbrink, H J, Goethe, J W, Sthoeger, Z M, Monforte, A D’Arminio, Annunziata, Ospedale S Maria, Blokhina, I N, Novogrod, Nizhny, Gatell, J M, Miró, J M, Rodriguez, J M, Laporte, J M, Johnson, A M, Johnson, M A, Morfeldt, Central L, Perri, G Di, Marchetti, G C, Perno, C F, Caputo, S Lo, Capobianchi, M R, Biagio, A Di, Roldan, E Quiros, Santoro, M M, Caro, A Di, Manconi, P E, Moioli, M C, Ridolfo, A L, Martino, F Di, Cattelan, A M, Ursitti, M A, Sulekova, L Fontanelli, Plazzi, M M, Del Vecchio, R Fontana, Giuli, C Di, Orofino, G C, Roger, P M, Braun, D L, Bucher, H C, Günthard, H F, Hirsch, H H, Kouyos, R D, de Tejada, B Martinez, Metzner, K J, Scherrer, A U, Valk, Marc vd, Han, W Min, Saint-Pierre, C H U, Miro, J M, Wasmuth, J C, Vehreschild, J J, McNicholl, I, Williams, E D, Volny-Anne, R Campo Alain, Dedes, Nikos, Mendão, Luis, Jakobsen, M L, Kumar, L Ramesh, Elsing, T W, null, null, Tusch, E, Ryom, L, Pelchen-Matthews, A, Mocroft, A, Elbirt, D, Oprea, C, Günthard, H, Staehelin, C, Zangerle, R, Suarez, I, Vehreschild, J, Wit, F, Menozzi, M, d'Arminio Monforte, A, Spagnuolo, V, Pradier, C, Carlander, C, Suanzes, P, Wasmuth, J, Carr, A, Petoumenos, K, Borgans, F, Bonnet, F, De Wit, S, El-Sadr, W, Neesgaard, B, Jaschinski, N, Greenberg, L, Hosein, S, Gallant, J, Vannappagari, V, Young, L, Sabin, C, Lundgren, J, Peters, L, Reekie, J, Calvo, G, Dabis, F, Kirk, O, Law, M, Monforte, A, Morfeldt, L, Reiss, P, Weber, R, Lind-Thomsen, A, Brandt, R, Hillebreght, M, Zaheri, S, Scherrer, A, Schöni-Affolter, F, Rickenbach, M, Tavelli, A, Fanti, I, Leleux, O, Mourali, J, Marec, F, Boerg, E, Thulin, E, Sundström, A, Bartsch, G, Thompsen, G, Necsoi, C, Delforge, M, Fontas, E, Caissotti, C, Dollet, K, Mateu, S, Torres, F, Blance, A, Huang, R, Puhr, R, Laut, K, Kristensen, D, Phillips, A, Kamara, D, Smith, C, Hatleberg, C, Raben, D, Matthews, C, Bojesen, A, Grevsen, A, Powderly, B, Shortman, N, Moecklinghoff, C, Reilly, G, Franquet, X, Smit, C, Ross, M, Fux, C, Morlat, P, Friis-Møller, N, Kowalska, J, Bohlius, J, Bower, M, Fätkenheuer, G, Grulich, A, Sjøl, A, Meidahl, P, Iversen, J, Reiss, C, Hillebregt, M, Prins, J, Kuijpers, T, Scherpbier, H, van der Meer, J, Godfried, M, van der Poll, T, Nellen, F, Geerlings, S, van Vugt, M, Pajkrt, D, Bos, J, Wiersinga, W, van der Valk, M, Goorhuis, A, Hovius, J, van Eden, J, Henderiks, A, van Hes, A, Mutschelknauss, M, Nobel, H, Pijnappel, F, Jurriaans, S, Back, N, Zaaijer, H, Berkhout, B, Cornelissen, M, Schinkel, C, Thomas, X, Ziekenhuis, A, van den Berge, M, Stegeman, A, Baas, S, de Looff, L, Versteeg, D, Ziekenhuis, C, Pronk, M, Ammerlaan, H, De Munnik, E, Jansz, A, Tjhie, J, Wegdam, M, Deiman, B, Scharnhorst, V, van der Plas, A, Weijsenfeld, A, van der Ende, M, De Vries-Sluijs, T, van Gorp, E, Schurink, C, Nouwen, J, Verbon, A, Rijnders, B, Bax, H, van der Feltz, M, Bassant, N, van Beek, J, Vriesde, M, van Zonneveld, L, de Oude-Lubbers, A, van den Berg-Cameron, H, Bruinsma-Broekman, F, de Groot, J, de Man, M, Boucher, C, Koopmans, M, van Kampen, J, Pas, S, Mc–sophia, E, Driessen, G, van Rossum, A, van der Knaap, L, Visser, E, Branger, J, Rijkeboer-Mes, A, de Ven, C, Ziekenhuis, H, Schippers, E, van Nieuwkoop, C, van IJperen, J, Geilings, J, van der Hut, G, Franck, P, van Eeden, A, Brokking, W, Groot, M, Elsenburg, L, Damen, M, Kwa, I, Groeneveld, P, Bouwhuis, J, van den Berg, J, van Hulzen, A, van der Bliek, G, Bor, P, Bloembergen, P, Wolfhagen, M, Ruijs, G, Kroon, F, de Boer, M, Bauer, M, Jolink, H, Vollaard, A, Dorama, W, van Holten, N, Claas, E, Wessels, E, den Hollander, J, Pogany, K, Roukens, A, Kastelijns, M, Smit, J, Smit, E, Struik-Kalkman, D, Tearno, C, Bezemer, M, van Niekerk, T, Pontesilli, O, Lowe, S, Lashof, A, Posthouwer, D, Ackens, R, Schippers, J, Vergoossen, R, Weijenberg-Maes, B, van Loo, I, Havenith, T, Leyten, E, Gelinck, L, van Hartingsveld, A, Meerkerk, C, Wildenbeest, G, Mutsaers, J, Jansen, C, Mulder, J, Vrouenraets, S, Lauw, F, van Broekhuizen, M, Paap, H, Vlasblom, D, Smits, P, Zuiderzee, M, Weijer, S, El Moussaoui, R, Bosma, A, van Vonderen, M, van Houte, D, Kampschreur, L, Dijkstra, K, Faber, S, Weel, J, Kootstra, G, Delsing, C, van der Burg-van de Plas, M, Heins, H, Lucas, E, Kortmann, W, van Twillert, G, Stuart, J, Diederen, B, Pronk, D, van Truijen-Oud, F, van der Reijden, W, Jansen, R, Brinkman, K, van den Berk, G, Blok, W, Frissen, P, Lettinga, K, Schouten, W, Veenstra, J, Brouwer, C, Geerders, G, Hoeksema, K, Kleene, M, van der Meché, I, Spelbrink, M, Sulman, H, Toonen, A, Wijnands, S, Kwa, D, Witte, E, Koopmans, P, Keuter, M, van der Ven, A, ter Hofstede, H, Dofferhoff, A, van Crevel, R, Albers, M, Bosch, M, Grintjes-Huisman, K, Zomer, B, Stelma, F, Rahamat-Langendoen, J, Burger, D, Richter, C, Gisolf, E, Hassing, R, ter Beest, G, van Bentum, P, Langebeek, N, Tiemessen, R, Swanink, C, van Lelyveld, S, Soetekouw, R, Hulshoff, N, van der Prijt, L, van der Swaluw, J, Bermon, N, Herpers, B, Veenendaal, D, Verhagen, D, van Wijk, M, Ziekenhuis, S, van Kasteren, M, Brouwer, A, de Wiel, B, Kuipers, M, Santegoets, R, van der Ven, B, Marcelis, J, Buiting, A, Kabel, P, Bierman, W, Scholvinck, H, Wilting, K, Stienstra, Y, Jonge, H, van der Meulen, P, de Weerd, D, Ludwig-Roukema, J, Niesters, H, Riezebos-Brilman, A, van Leer-Buter, C, Knoester, M, Hoepelman, A, Mudrikova, T, Ellerbroek, P, Oosterheert, J, Arends, J, Barth, R, Wassenberg, M, Schadd, E, van Elst-Laurijssen, D, van Oers-Hazelzet, E, Vervoort, S, van Berkel, M, Schuurman, R, Verduyn-Lunel, F, Wensing, A, Peters, E, van Agtmael, M, Bomers, M, de Vocht, J, Heitmuller, M, Laan, L, Pettersson, A, Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C, Ang, C, Kinderziekenhuis, W, Geelen, S, Wolfs, T, Bont, L, Nauta, N, Bezemer, D, van Sighem, A, Boender, T, de Jong, A, Bergsma, D, Hoekstra, P, de Lang, A, Grivell, S, Jansen, A, Rademaker, M, Raethke, M, Meijering, R, Schnörr, S, de Groot, L, van den Akker, M, Bakker, Y, Claessen, E, El Berkaoui, A, Koops, J, Kruijne, E, Lodewijk, C, Munjishvili, L, Peeck, B, Ree, C, Regtop, R, Ruijs, Y, Rutkens, T, van de Sande, L, Schoorl, M, Timmerman, A, Tuijn, E, Veenenberg, L, van der Vliet, S, Wisse, A, Woudstra, T, Tuk, B, Dupon, M, Gaborieau, V, Lacoste, D, Malvy, D, Mercié, P, Neau, D, Pellegrin, J, Tchamgoué, S, Lazaro, E, Cazanave, C, Vandenhende, M, Vareil, M, Gérard, Y, Blanco, P, Bouchet, S, Breilh, D, Fleury, H, Pellegrin, I, Chêne, G, Thiébaut, R, Wittkop, L, Lawson-Ayayi, S, Gimbert, A, Desjardin, S, Lacaze-Buzy, L, Petrov-Sanchez, V, André, K, Bernard, N, Caubet, O, Caunegre, L, Chossat, I, Courtault, C, Dauchy, F, De Witte, S, Dondia, D, Duffau, P, Dutronc, H, Farbos, S, Faure, I, Ferrand, H, Gerard, Y, Greib, C, Hessamfar, M, Imbert, Y, Lataste, P, Marie, J, Mechain, M, Monlun, E, Ochoa, A, Pistone, T, Raymond, I, Receveur, M, Rispal, P, Sorin, L, Valette, C, Viallard, J, Wille, H, Wirth, G, Lafon, M, Trimoulet, P, Bellecave, P, Tumiotto, C, Haramburu, F, Miremeont-Salamé, G, Blaizeau, M, Decoin, M, Hannapier, C, Lenaud, E, Pougetoux, A, Delveaux, S, D’Ivernois, C, Diarra, F, Uwamaliya-Nziyumvira, B, Palmer, G, Conte, V, Sapparrart, V, Law, C, Moore, R, Edwards, S, Hoy, J, Watson, K, Roth, N, Lau, H, Bloch, M, Baker, D, Cooper, D, O’Sullivan, M, Nolan, D, Guelfi, G, Calvo, C, Domingo, P, Sambeat, M, Gatell, J, Del Cacho, E, Cadafalch, J, Fuster, M, Codina, C, Sirera, G, Vaqué, A, Clumeck, N, Gennotte, A, Gerard, M, Kabeya, K, Konopnicki, D, Libois, A, Martin, C, Payen, M, Semaille, P, Van Laethem, Y, Neaton, C, Krum, E, Thompson, G, Wentworth, D, Luskin-Hawk, R, Telzak, E, Abrams, D, Cohn, D, Markowitz, N, Arduino, R, Mushatt, D, Friedland, G, Perez, G, Tedaldi, E, Fisher, E, Gordin, F, Crane, L, Sampson, J, Baxter, J, Gazzard, B, Horban, A, Karpov, I, Losso, M, Pedersen, C, Ristola, M, Rockstroh, J, Fischer, A, Larsen, J, Podlekareva, D, Cozzi-Lepri, A, Shepherd, L, Schultze, A, Amele, S, Kundro, M, Schmied, B, Wien, P, Vassilenko, A, Mitsura, V, Paduto, D, Florence, E, Vandekerckhove, L, Hadziosmanovic, V, Begovac, J, Machala, L, Jilich, D, Sedlacek, D, Kronborg, G, Benfield, T, Gerstoft, J, Katzenstein, T, Møller, N, Ostergaard, L, Wiese, L, Nielsen, L, Zilmer, K, Smidt, J, Siseklinik, N, Aho, I, Viard, J, Duvivier, C, Schmidt, R, Degen, O, Stellbrink, H, Stefan, C, Goethe, J, Bogner, J, Chkhartishvili, N, Gargalianos, P, Xylomenos, G, Armenis, K, Sambatakou, H, Szlávik, J, Gottfredsson, M, Mulcahy, F, Yust, I, Turner, D, Burke, M, Shahar, E, Hassoun, G, Elinav, H, Haouzi, M, Sthoeger, Z, Esposito, R, Mazeu, I, Mussini, C, Mazzotta, F, Gabbuti, A, Annunziata, O, Vullo, V, Lichtner, M, Zaccarelli, M, Antinori, A, Acinapura, R, Plazzi, M, Lazzarin, A, Castagna, A, Gianotti, N, Galli, M, Ridolfo, A, Rozentale, B, Uzdaviniene, V, Matulionyte, R, Staub, T, Hemmer, R, Ormaasen, V, Maeland, A, Bruun, J, Knysz, B, Gasiorowski, J, Inglot, M, Bakowska, E, Flisiak, R, Grzeszczuk, A, Parczewski, M, Maciejewska, K, Aksak-Was, B, Beniowski, M, Mularska, E, Smiatacz, T, Gensing, M, Jablonowska, E, Malolepsza, E, Wojcik, K, Mozer-Lisewska, I, Caldeira, L, Mansinho, K, Maltez, F, Radoi, R, Panteleev, A, Panteleev, O, Yakovlev, A, Trofimora, T, Khromova, I, Kuzovatova, E, Blokhina, I, Novogrod, N, Borodulina, E, Vdoushkina, E, Jevtovic, D, Tomazic, J, Miró, J, Moreno, S, Rodriguez, J, Clotet, B, Jou, A, Paredes, R, Tural, C, Puig, J, Bravo, I, Gutierrez, M, Mateo, G, Laporte, J, Sonnerborg, A, Brännström, I, Flamholc, L, Cavassini, M, Calmy, A, Furrer, H, Battegay, M, Schmid, P, Kuznetsova, A, Kyselyova, G, Sluzhynska, M, Johnson, A, Simons, E, Johnson, M, Orkin, C, Weber, J, Scullard, G, Clarke, A, Leen, C, Morfeldt, C, Thulin, G, Åkerlund, B, Koppel, K, Karlsson, A, Håkangård, C, Castelli, F, Cauda, R, Perri, G, Iardino, R, Ippolito, G, Marchetti, G, Perno, C, von Schloesser, F, Viale, P, Ceccherini-Silberstein, F, Girardi, E, Caputo, S, Puoti, M, Andreoni, M, Ammassari, A, Balotta, C, Bandera, A, Bonfanti, P, Bonora, S, Borderi, M, Calcagno, A, Calza, L, Capobianchi, M, Cingolani, A, Cinque, P, De Luca, A, Biagio, A, Gori, A, Guaraldi, G, Lapadula, G, Madeddu, G, Maggiolo, F, Marcotullio, S, Monno, L, Nozza, S, Roldan, E, Rossotti, R, Rusconi, S, Santoro, M, Saracino, A, Galli, L, Lorenzini, P, Rodano, A, Shanyinde, M, Carletti, F, Carrara, S, Caro, A, Graziano, S, Petrone, F, Prota, G, Quartu, S, Truffa, S, Giacometti, A, Costantini, A, Barocci, V, Angarano, G, Santoro, C, Suardi, C, Donati, V, Verucchi, G, Minardi, C, Quirino, T, Abeli, C, Manconi, P, Piano, P, Cacopardo, B, Celesia, B, Vecchiet, J, Falasca, K, Pan, A, Lorenzotti, S, Sighinolfi, L, Segala, D, Vichi, F, Cassola, G, Viscoli, C, Alessandrini, A, Bobbio, N, Mazzarello, G, Mastroianni, C, Belvisi, V, Caramma, I, Chiodera, A, Milini, P, Rizzardini, G, Moioli, M, Piolini, R, Salpietro, S, Tincati, C, Puzzolante, C, Abrescia, N, Chirianni, A, Borgia, G, Orlando, R, Bonadies, G, Martino, F, Gentile, I, Maddaloni, L, Cattelan, A, Marinello, S, Cascio, A, Colomba, C, Baldelli, F, Schiaroli, E, Parruti, G, Sozio, F, Magnani, G, Ursitti, M, Cristaudo, A, Baldin, G, Capozzi, M, Cicalini, S, Sulekova, L, Iaiani, G, Latini, A, Mastrorosa, I, Savinelli, S, Vergori, A, Cecchetto, M, Viviani, F, Bagella, P, Rossetti, B, Franco, A, Del Vecchio, R, Francisci, D, Giuli, C, Caramello, P, Orofino, G, Sciandra, M, Bassetti, M, Londero, A, Pellizzer, G, Manfrin, V, Starnini, G, Ialungo, A, Central, C, Dellamonica, P, Bernard, E, Courjon, J, Cua, E, De Salvador-Guillouet, F, Durant, J, Etienne, C, Ferrando, S, Mondain-Miton, V, Naqvi, A, Perbost, I, Pillet, S, Prouvost-Keller, B, Pugliese, P, Rio, V, Risso, K, Roger, P, Aubert, V, Bernasconi, E, Böni, J, Braun, D, Bucher, H, Ciuffi, A, Dollenmaier, G, Egger, M, Elzi, L, Fehr, J, Fellay, J, Haerry, D, Hasse, B, Hirsch, H, Hoffmann, M, Hösli, I, Kahlert, C, Kaiser, L, Keiser, O, Klimkait, T, Kouyos, R, Kovari, H, Ledergerber, B, Martinetti, G, de Tejada, B, Marzolini, C, Metzner, K, Müller, N, Nicca, D, Pantaleo, G, Paioni, P, Rauch, A, Rudin, C, Speck, R, Stöckle, M, Tarr, P, Trkola, A, Vernazza, P, Wandeler, G, Yerly, S, Valk, M, Hutchinson, J, Rupasinghe, D, Han, W, Appoyer, H, Vera, J, Broster, B, Barbour, L, Carney, D, Greenland, L, Coughlan, R, Saint-Pierre, C, Stephan, C, Bucht, M, Chokoshvili, O, Borghi, V, Casabona, J, Miro, J, Lampe, F, Burns, F, Chaloner, C, Muccini, C, Lolatto, R, Sönnerborg, A, Nowak, P, Vesterbacka, J, Mattsson, L, Carrick, D, Stigsäter, K, Kusejko, K, Schulze, N, Franke, B, Rooney, J, Mcnicholl, I, Garges, H, Campo, R, Volny-Anne, A, Dedes, N, Williams, E, Bruguera, A, Volny-Anne, R, Mendão, L, Timiryasova, A, Fursa, O, Jakobsen, M, Kraef, C, Gardizi, M, Andersen, K, Kumar, L, Elsing, T, Shahi, S, Valdenmaiier, O, Bansi-Matharu, L, Byonanebye, D, Bannister, W, Roen, A, Null, N, Tusch, Erich, Ryom, Lene, Pelchen-Matthews, Annegret, Mocroft, Amanda, Elbirt, Daniel, Oprea, Cristiana, Günthard, Huldrych F, Staehelin, Cornelia, Zangerle, Robert, Suarez, Isabelle, Vehreschild, Jörg Janne, Wit, Ferdinand, Menozzi, Marianna, d'Arminio Monforte, Antonella, Spagnuolo, Vincenzo, Pradier, Christian, Carlander, Christina, Suanzes, Paula, Wasmuth, Jan-Christian, Carr, Andrew, Petoumenos, Kathy, Borgans, Frauke, Bonnet, Fabrice, De Wit, Stephane, El-Sadr, Wafaa, Neesgaard, Bastian, Jaschinski, Nadine, Greenberg, Lauren, Hosein, Sean R, Gallant, Joel, Vannappagari, Vani, Young, Lital, Sabin, Caroline, Lundgren, Jens, Peters, Lars, Reekie, Joanne, Monforte, A d’Arminio, Brandt, R Salbøl, Wit, F W N M, Marec, F Le, Laut, K Grønborg, Sabin, C A, Phillips, A N, Kamara, D A, Smith, C J, Hatleberg, C I, Brandt, R S, Grevsen, A L, Lundgren, J D, Fux, C A, Monforte, A d'Arminio, Iversen, J S, Reiss, Central P, Prins, J M, Kuijpers, T W, Scherpbier, H J, van der Meer, J T M, Godfried, M H, Nellen, F J B, Geerlings, S E, Bos, J C, Wiersinga, W J, Hovius, J W, van Hes, A M H, Nobel, H E, Pijnappel, F J J, Back, N K T, Zaaijer, H L, Cornelissen, M T E, Schinkel, C J, Thomas, X V, Ziekenhuis, Admiraal De Ruyter, de Looff, L Hage, Ziekenhuis, Catharina, Pronk, M J H, Ammerlaan, H S M, De Munnik, E S, Jansz, A R, Wegdam, M C A, Weijsenfeld, A M, van der Ende, M E, De Vries-Sluijs, T E M S, van Gorp, E C M, Schurink, C A M, Nouwen, J L, Rijnders, B J A, Bax, H I, van Beek, J E A, van Zonneveld, L M, van den Berg-Cameron, H J, Bruinsma-Broekman, F B, de Man, M de Zeeuw, Boucher, C A B, Koopmans, M P G, van Kampen, J J A, Pas, S D, MC–Sophia, Erasmus, Driessen, G J A, van Rossum, A M C, van der Knaap, L C, de Ven, C J H M Duijf-van, Ziekenhuis, Haga, Schippers, E F, van IJperen, J M, Franck, P F H, Elsenburg, L J M, Kwa, I S, Groeneveld, P H P, Bouwhuis, J W, van den Berg, J F, van Hulzen, A G W, van der Bliek, G L, Bor, P C J, Wolfhagen, M J H M, Ruijs, G J H M, Kroon, F P, de Boer, M G J, Bauer, M P, Vollaard, A M, Claas, E C J, den Hollander, J G, Smit, J V, Lowe, S H, Lashof, A M L Oude, Ackens, R P, van Loo, I H M, Havenith, T R A, Leyten, E M S, Gelinck, L B S, Wildenbeest, G S, Mutsaers, J A E M, Jansen, C L, Mulder, J W, Vrouenraets, S M E, Lauw, F N, van Broekhuizen, M C, Vlasblom, D J, Smits, P H M, Zuiderzee, M C, Bosma, A S, van Vonderen, M G A, van Houte, D P F, Kampschreur, L M, Kootstra, G J, Delsing, C E, Stuart, J W T Cohen, Diederen, B M W, van Truijen-Oud, F A, van der Reijden, W A, van den Berk, G E L, Blok, W L, Frissen, P H J, Lettinga, K D, Schouten, W E M, Brouwer, C J, Geerders, G F, Kleene, M J, van der Meché, I B, Toonen, A J M, Koopmans, P P, van der Ven, A J A M, ter Hofstede, H J M, Dofferhoff, A S M, Bosch, M E W, Grintjes-Huisman, K J T, Zomer, B J, Stelma, F F, Gisolf, E H, Hassing, R J, van Bentum, P H M, Swanink, C M A, van Lelyveld, S F L, van der Prijt, L M M, Herpers, B L, Verhagen, D W M, Ziekenhuis, St Elisabeth, van Kasteren, M E E, Brouwer, A E, de Wiel, B A F M de Kruijf-van, Santegoets, R M W J, Marcelis, J H, Buiting, A G M, Kabel, P J, Bierman, W F W, Wilting, K R, Jonge, H de Groot-de, van der Meulen, P A, de Weerd, D A, Niesters, H G M, van Leer-Buter, C C, Hoepelman, A I M, Ellerbroek, P M, Oosterheert, J J, Arends, J E, Barth, R E, Wassenberg, M W M, Schadd, E M, van Elst-Laurijssen, D H M, van Oers-Hazelzet, E E B, Wensing, A M J, Peters, E J G, van Agtmael, M A, Laan, L M, Pettersson, A M, Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C M J E, Ang, C W, Kinderziekenhuis, Wilhelmina, Geelen, S P M, Wolfs, T F W, Bont, L J, Bezemer, D O, van Sighem, A I, Boender, T S, Rademaker, M J, Pellegrin, J L, Vareil, M O, Dauchy, F A, Receveur, M C, Vandenhende, M A, Viallard, J F, Lafon, Me, Blaizeau, M J, Boerg, Eloïse, Law, Central M, Calvo, Central G, Sambeat, M A, Gennotte, A F, Payen, M C, Neaton, Central J, El-Sadr, W M, Abrams, D I, Crane, L R, Fischer, A H, Larsen, J F, Wien, Pulmologisches Zentrum der Stadt, Mitsura, V M, Møller, N F, Nielsen, L N, Smidt, Jelena, Siseklinik, Nakkusosakond, Viard, J-P, Stellbrink, H J, Goethe, J W, Sthoeger, Z M, Monforte, A D’Arminio, Annunziata, Ospedale S Maria, Blokhina, I N, Novogrod, Nizhny, Gatell, J M, Miró, J M, Rodriguez, J M, Laporte, J M, Johnson, A M, Johnson, M A, Morfeldt, Central L, Perri, G Di, Marchetti, G C, Perno, C F, Caputo, S Lo, Capobianchi, M R, Biagio, A Di, Roldan, E Quiros, Santoro, M M, Caro, A Di, Manconi, P E, Moioli, M C, Ridolfo, A L, Martino, F Di, Cattelan, A M, Ursitti, M A, Sulekova, L Fontanelli, Plazzi, M M, Del Vecchio, R Fontana, Giuli, C Di, Orofino, G C, Roger, P M, Braun, D L, Bucher, H C, Günthard, H F, Hirsch, H H, Kouyos, R D, de Tejada, B Martinez, Metzner, K J, Scherrer, A U, Valk, Marc vd, Han, W Min, Saint-Pierre, C H U, Miro, J M, Wasmuth, J C, Vehreschild, J J, McNicholl, I, Williams, E D, Volny-Anne, R Campo Alain, Dedes, Nikos, Mendão, Luis, Jakobsen, M L, Kumar, L Ramesh, Elsing, T W, and null, null
- Abstract
Background: Mortality among people with HIV declined with the introduction of combination antiretroviral therapy. We investigated trends over time in all-cause and cause-specific mortality in people with HIV from 1999-2020. Methods: Data were collected from the D:A:D cohort from 1999 through January 2015 and RESPOND from October 2017 through 2020. Age-standardized all-cause and cause-specific mortality rates, classified using Coding Causes of Death in HIV (CoDe), were calculated. Poisson regression models were used to assess mortality trends over time. Results: Among 55716 participants followed for a median of 6 years (IQR 3-11), 5263 participants died (crude mortality rate [MR] 13.7/1000 PYFU; 95%CI 13.4-14.1). Changing patterns of mortality were observed with AIDS as the most common cause of death between 1999- 2009 (n = 952, MR 4.2/1000 PYFU; 95%CI 4.0-4.5) and non-AIDS defining malignancy (NADM) from 2010 -2020 (n = 444, MR 2.8/1000 PYFU; 95%CI 2.5-3.1). In multivariable analysis, all-cause mortality declined over time (adjusted mortality rate ratio [aMRR] 0.97 per year; 95%CI 0.96, 0.98), mostly from 1999 through 2010 (aMRR 0.96 per year; 95%CI 0.95-0.97), and with no decline shown from 2011 through 2020 (aMRR 1·00 per year; 95%CI 0·96-1·05). Mortality due all known causes except NADM also declined over the entire follow-up period. Conclusion: Mortality among people with HIV in the D:A:D and/or RESPOND cohorts decreased between 1999 and 2009 and was stable over the period from 2010 through 2020. The decline in mortality rates was not fully explained by improvements in immunologic-virologic status or other risk factors.
- Published
- 2024
3. Abstracts of papers and posters safe handling of medicines
- Author
Meyer, H. -J., Tromp, Th(Dick) F. J., van der Kleijn, E., Fields, Suzanne M., Moors, J. P. P., Enlund, H., Luscombe, D. K., Remond, J -Ph, Martv, S., Dhillon, S., Taylor, D., Kostrzewski, A., Bluml, B. M., Enlow, M. L., Metzler, S. E., de Vries, Philip A., Duty, C. J., Lee, H. Y., Ábrahám, Tibor, Cardoni, A. A., Sýkora, J., Szücsová, S., Reymond, J. -Ph, Marty, S, Engová, D., Sheridan, J., Vlček, J., Webb, D. G., Bates, I. P., Tabachnik A., Cass Y., Jacobs J., Vexler A., Gorodetsky, R., Whittlesea, C. M. C., Walker, R., Khan, F., Houghton, J., Phillips, I., Szymura-Oleksiak, J., Wasieczko, A., Wyska, E., Ayani, I., Errecalde, M. F., Rodriauez-Sasiain, J. M., Aouirre, C., Bellés Medall M. D., Casabó Alos V. G., Hervás Botella M. A., Cabrera Pérez A., Jiménez Torres N. V., Casterá Melchor D. E., Abad Gimeno F. J., Clark, J. E., Gomez, E. C., Cruz, A. C., Wilbur, R. L., Alfonso, I., Grout, C. H., Goldstein, R., Rivers, P., Stutz, K., Mühlcbach, S., Udeani, George, Zervopoulous, Irene, Patel, Krishna, Mullane, Michael, Radziwill, R., Dudek, J., Herbst, U., Bency, J., Muff, P., Marty, S., Rcymond, J. -Ph, Aumente M. D., Panadero M. D., Latre J. M., Torres M., Villegas M. J., Alvarez J., van Dijk, E. A., Logman, E. M., Ploeger, B., van der Schors, T. G., Steensma, D. J., Langlois-Karaga, A., Davignon, A., Bues-Charbit, M., Somme, V., Albanese, J., Durbec, O., Martin, C., Morati, N., Balansard, G., Pereira, M. E. Araújo, Nogueira, A., Silva, J. C., Mega, I., Costa, A. Gomes, Morais, J. A., Prata, M. M., Cajaraville, G., Tamés, M. J., García, B., Batel Marqucs F. J., Capela H. S., Pomingues P., Feio J. A., Siha C., Wolter, K., Fritschka, E., Schneesann, H., Stuurman, A., Gudjonsdottir, A., Angelo, H. R., Rasmuassen, M., Rasmussen, S. N., Carrera, J., Idoate, A., Modrego, A., Tejedor, I., Giráldez, J., Mangues, M. A., Farré, R., Demestre, X., Ginovart, G., Orozco, J., Julio, G., Moral, M. A., Busin, C., Bardin, C., Seroux, C., Sauvageon-Martre, H., Sraer, J. -D., Chast, F., Real, J. V., Climente, M., Font, I., Pérez, C., Ordovás, J. P., Hermenegildo, M., Catalán, J. L., Juan, J., Jiménez, N. V., Amiot, F., Clavel, S., Sarrut, B., Doreau, C., Hips, F. Zs, Soós, Gy, Petô-Nagy, G., Vincze, Z., Robays H., Freidank, A., Fischer, A., Cordovilla, H., Font, B., Ortega, A., Salek, M. S., Thomas, S., Baver, A. J., Vandenbroucke J., Ekedahl, A., Tuovinen K., Wallenius K., Enlund H., Boeke, A. W., Veenstra, E. J., van de Poll, M. A. P. C., Nonkes, K., Carlen, I., Tanner, M., Reinke, C., Escher, J., Fischer, J., Marly, S., Ooi, G. K., Cottle, A., Savage, A., Temesvári, E., Montero, M. C., Pastor, M., Valdivia, M. L., Buenestado, C., Lluch, A., Atienza, M., Santos, B., Echeverria Roca M., Fernandez Gallastegui S., Alonso Rizaldos C., Arce Trueba M. D., Booth, C. D., Aldaz, A., Lacasa, C., Cordovilla, M., Alzina, V., Sheridan, J. L., Webb, D. G., Usselmann, B., Carstens, G., Falcao, A. C., Femández de Gatta, M. M., Cobo, F. Nieto, Gorzátez, A. C. Alonso, Lanao, J. M., Dominguez -Gil, A., Burr, A., Ferreira, M. P., Rodrigues, M. O., Pereira, M. E., Marques, M. F., Vicente, M. C., Carrondo, A. P., Pires, M. A., Granja, M. A., Tuneu L., Serna J., Saló E., Cerutti P., Cardona P., Bonal J., Cosh, D. G., Abbott, F., Alderman, C. P., Mav, F. W., Peters, P. G., Scott, S. D., Jenkins, D., Cairns, C., Barber, N. D., Cammie, S. M., Burr, A. J., Brännström, I., Boya, P. Giner, Aliaga, C. Parreño, González, M. M. Negredo, Mansilla, L. Lorente, Pidrman, V., Fendrich, Z., Alberola, C., Castillo, B., Girón, C., Morell, A., López-Calull C., Carcia-Capdevila L., Sanz M., Cardona D., Castro I., Farré R., Saura R., Pérez J. M., Johnsen, Eva, Krogsgård, Ole, Pinheiro, R. L., Morais, I. A., Batel Marques F. J., Domingues P., Feio J. A., Silva C., Astdrager, C. L. L., Schnlekamp, T., de Gier, J. J., Rutten, C. W. H., Rivera, M. C., Vilanova, M., Mattei, I., Roglan, A., Serna, J., and Bonal, J.
- Published
- 1993
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4. Genomics and the challenging translation into conservation practice
- Author
Shafer, A.B.A., Wolf, J.B.W., Alves, P.C., Bergström, L., Bruford, M.W., Brännström, I., Colling, G., Meester, L., Ekblom, R., Fawcett, K.D., Fior, S., Hajibabaei, M., Hill, J.A., Hoezel, A.R., Höglund, P., Jensen, E.L., Krause, J., Kristensen, T.N., Krutzen, M., Martin Österling, E., McKay, J.K., Norman, A.J., Ogden, R., Popovic, D., Ouborg, J., Piccolo, J., Primmer, C.R., Reed, F.A., Roumet, M., Salmona, J., Schenekar, T., Schwartz, M.K., Segelbacher, G., Senn, H., Thaulow, J., Valtonen, M., Veale, A., Vergeer, P., Vijay, N., Vila, C., Weissensteiner, M., Wennerström, L., Wheat, C.W., Zielinski, P., Shafer, A.B.A., Wolf, J.B.W., Alves, P.C., Bergström, L., Bruford, M.W., Brännström, I., Colling, G., Meester, L., Ekblom, R., Fawcett, K.D., Fior, S., Hajibabaei, M., Hill, J.A., Hoezel, A.R., Höglund, P., Jensen, E.L., Krause, J., Kristensen, T.N., Krutzen, M., Martin Österling, E., McKay, J.K., Norman, A.J., Ogden, R., Popovic, D., Ouborg, J., Piccolo, J., Primmer, C.R., Reed, F.A., Roumet, M., Salmona, J., Schenekar, T., Schwartz, M.K., Segelbacher, G., Senn, H., Thaulow, J., Valtonen, M., Veale, A., Vergeer, P., Vijay, N., Vila, C., Weissensteiner, M., Wennerström, L., Wheat, C.W., and Zielinski, P.
- Abstract
Contains fulltext : 149060.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)
- Published
- 2015
5. Changing social patterns of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in a Swedish community intervention programme.
- Author
BRÄNNSTRÖM, I, WEINEHALL, L, PERSSON, L Å, WESTER, P O, WALL, S, Brännström, I, and Persson, L A
- Abstract
Since 1985 a small-scale community-based cardiovascular disease (CVD) preventive programme has been in operation in an inland municipality, Norsjö, in Northern Sweden. The aim of this study was to assess the development of the relationship between social position and CVD risk factors in repeated cross-sectional surveys (1985–1990) among all men and women aged 30, 40, 50 and 60 years in the study area, using an age-stratified random sample from the Northern Sweden MONICA Study of 1986 and 1990 as reference population. These multiple cross-sectional surveys comprised a self-administered questionnaire and a health examination. Of the study population 95% (n = 1499) and 80% of those in the reference area (n = 3208) participated. Subjects were classified with regard to demographic, structural and social characteristics in relation to CVD risk factors and self-reported health status. Time trends in classical risk factor occurrence were assessed in terms of age- and sex- adjusted odds ratios using Mantel-Haenszel procedures. When simultaneously adjusting for several potential confounders we used a logistic regression analysis. Initially, more than half of the study population, both males and females, had an elevated (≥6.5 mmol/l) serum cholesterol level. After adjustments had been made for age and social factors it was found that the relative risk of hypercholesterolaemia dropped substantially and significantly among both sexes during the 6 years of CVD intervention in the study area. However, the probability of being a smoker was significantly reduced only in highly educated groups. Among other risk factors no single statistically significant change over time could be found. In the reference area there were no changes over time for the selected CVD risk factors. People in the study area had a less favourable perception of their health than those in the reference area. Social differences were found when perceived good health was measured, especially in variables indicating emotional and social support. When sex, age and social factors had been accounted for there was no clear change over the years in perceived good health. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 1993
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6. Saving More Neonates in Hospital: An Intervention towards a Sustainable Reduction in Neonatal Mortality in a Nicaraguan Hospital
- Author
Aleman, J, primary, Brännström, I, additional, Liljestrand, J, additional, Peña, R, additional, Persson, L A, additional, and Steidinger, J, additional
- Published
- 1998
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7. Co-operation, participation and conflicts faced in public health—lessons learned from a long-term prevention programme in Sweden
- Author
Brännström, I., primary, Emmelin, M., additional, Dahlgren, L., additional, Johansson, M., additional, and Wall, S., additional
- Published
- 1994
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8. The growth chart--a road to health chart? Maternal comprehension of the growth chart in two Somali villages.
- Author
Aden, Abdulaziz Sharif, Brännstrom, Inger, Mohamud, Kadigia Ali, Persson, Lars Ake, Wall, Stig, Aden, A S, Brännström, I, Mohamud, K A, Persson, L A, and Wall, S
- Published
- 1990
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9. Local health planning and intervention--the case of a Swedish municipality
- Author
Brännström I, Rosén M, Wall S, and Lars Weinehall
- Subjects
Primary Prevention ,Sweden ,Cardiovascular Diseases ,Humans ,Pilot Projects ,Community Health Services ,Regional Health Planning - Abstract
This article attempts to illustrate the process from community diagnosis to community involvement by a case study from the north of Sweden. The case of Norsjö is one of few documented Swedish examples of a preventive program with a broad participation from the community. The results up to now are promising and further illustrate the importance of decentralized health planning and local data.
10. Teaching transposon classification as a means to crowd source the curation of repeat annotation - a tardigrade perspective.
- Author
Peona V, Martelossi J, Almojil D, Bocharkina J, Brännström I, Brown M, Cang A, Carrasco-Valenzuela T, DeVries J, Doellman M, Elsner D, Espíndola-Hernández P, Montoya GF, Gaspar B, Zagorski D, Hałakuc P, Ivanovska B, Laumer C, Lehmann R, Boštjančić LL, Mashoodh R, Mazzoleni S, Mouton A, Nilsson MA, Pei Y, Potente G, Provataris P, Pardos-Blas JR, Raut R, Sbaffi T, Schwarz F, Stapley J, Stevens L, Sultana N, Symonova R, Tahami MS, Urzì A, Yang H, Yusuf A, Pecoraro C, and Suh A
- Abstract
Background: The advancement of sequencing technologies results in the rapid release of hundreds of new genome assemblies a year providing unprecedented resources for the study of genome evolution. Within this context, the significance of in-depth analyses of repetitive elements, transposable elements (TEs) in particular, is increasingly recognized in understanding genome evolution. Despite the plethora of available bioinformatic tools for identifying and annotating TEs, the phylogenetic distance of the target species from a curated and classified database of repetitive element sequences constrains any automated annotation effort. Moreover, manual curation of raw repeat libraries is deemed essential due to the frequent incompleteness of automatically generated consensus sequences., Results: Here, we present an example of a crowd-sourcing effort aimed at curating and annotating TE libraries of two non-model species built around a collaborative, peer-reviewed teaching process. Manual curation and classification are time-consuming processes that offer limited short-term academic rewards and are typically confined to a few research groups where methods are taught through hands-on experience. Crowd-sourcing efforts could therefore offer a significant opportunity to bridge the gap between learning the methods of curation effectively and empowering the scientific community with high-quality, reusable repeat libraries., Conclusions: The collaborative manual curation of TEs from two tardigrade species, for which there were no TE libraries available, resulted in the successful characterization of hundreds of new and diverse TEs in a reasonable time frame. Our crowd-sourcing setting can be used as a teaching reference guide for similar projects: A hidden treasure awaits discovery within non-model organisms., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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11. Comparative genomics of Ascetosporea gives new insight into the evolutionary basis for animal parasitism in Rhizaria.
- Author
Hiltunen Thorén M, Onuț-Brännström I, Alfjorden A, Pecková H, Swords F, Hooper C, Holzer AS, Bass D, and Burki F
- Subjects
- Animals, Biological Evolution, Genome, Evolution, Molecular, Genomics, Phylogeny, Rhizaria genetics
- Abstract
Background: Ascetosporea (Endomyxa, Rhizaria) is a group of unicellular parasites infecting aquatic invertebrates. They are increasingly being recognized as widespread and important in marine environments, causing large annual losses in invertebrate aquaculture. Despite their importance, little molecular data of Ascetosporea exist, with only two genome assemblies published to date. Accordingly, the evolutionary origin of these parasites is unclear, including their phylogenetic position and the genomic adaptations that accompanied the transition from a free-living lifestyle to parasitism. Here, we sequenced and assembled three new ascetosporean genomes, as well as the genome of a closely related amphizoic species, to investigate the phylogeny, origin, and genomic adaptations to parasitism in Ascetosporea., Results: Using a phylogenomic approach, we confirm the monophyly of Ascetosporea and show that Paramyxida group with Mikrocytida, with Haplosporida being sister to both groups. We report that the genomes of these parasites are relatively small (12-36 Mb) and gene-sparse (~ 2300-5200 genes), while containing surprisingly high amounts of non-coding sequence (~ 70-90% of the genomes). Performing gene-tree aware ancestral reconstruction of gene families, we demonstrate extensive gene losses at the origin of parasitism in Ascetosporea, primarily of metabolic functions, and little gene gain except on terminal branches. Finally, we highlight some functional gene classes that have undergone expansions during evolution of the group., Conclusions: We present important new genomic information from a lineage of enigmatic but important parasites of invertebrates and illuminate some of the genomic innovations accompanying the evolutionary transition to parasitism in this lineage. Our results and data provide a genetic basis for the development of control measures against these parasites., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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12. Identification of a new gregarine parasite associated with mass mortality events of freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera) in Sweden.
- Author
Alfjorden A, Onut-Brännström I, Wengström N, Kristmundsson A, Jamy M, Persson BD, and Burki F
- Subjects
- Animals, Sweden, Apicomplexa classification, Apicomplexa isolation & purification, Apicomplexa genetics, Apicomplexa physiology, Gills parasitology, Fresh Water parasitology, Phylogeny, Bivalvia parasitology
- Abstract
Freshwater bivalves play key ecological roles in lakes and rivers, largely contributing to healthy ecosystems. The freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, is found in Europe and on the East coast of North America. Once common in oxygenated streams, M. margaritifera is rapidly declining and consequently assessed as a threatened species worldwide. Deterioration of water quality has been considered the main factor for the mass mortality events affecting this species. Yet, the role of parasitic infections has not been investigated. Here, we report the discovery of three novel protist lineages found in Swedish populations of M. margaritifera belonging to one of the terrestrial groups of gregarines (Eugregarinorida, Apicomplexa). These lineages are closely related-but clearly separated-from the tadpole parasite Nematopsis temporariae. In one lineage, which is specifically associated with mortality events of M. margaritifera, we found cysts containing single vermiform zoites in the gills and other organs of diseased individuals using microscopy and in situ hybridization. This represents the first report of a parasitic infection in M. margaritifera that may be linked to the decline of this mussel species. We propose a tentative life cycle with the distribution of different developmental stages and potential exit from the host into the environment., (© 2024 The Authors. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Society of Protistologists.)
- Published
- 2024
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13. A novel kleptoplastidic symbiosis revealed in the marine centrohelid Meringosphaera with evidence of genetic integration.
- Author
Sørensen MES, Zlatogursky VV, Onuţ-Brännström I, Walraven A, Foster RA, and Burki F
- Subjects
- In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence, Plastids genetics, Plastids metabolism, Phylogeny, Symbiosis genetics, Genome
- Abstract
Plastid symbioses between heterotrophic hosts and algae are widespread and abundant in surface oceans. They are critically important both for extant ecological systems and for understanding the evolution of plastids. Kleptoplastidy, where the plastids of prey are temporarily retained and continuously re-acquired, provides opportunities to study the transitional states of plastid establishment. Here, we investigated the poorly studied marine centrohelid Meringosphaera and its previously unidentified symbionts using culture-independent methods from environmental samples. Investigations of the 18S rDNA from single-cell assembled genomes (SAGs) revealed uncharacterized genetic diversity within Meringosphaera that likely represents multiple species. We found that Meringosphaera harbors plastids of Dictyochophyceae origin (stramenopiles), for which we recovered six full plastid genomes and found evidence of two distinct subgroups that are congruent with host identity. Environmental monitoring by qPCR and catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) revealed seasonal dynamics of both host and plastid. In particular, we did not detect the plastids for 6 months of the year, which, combined with the lack of plastids in some SAGs, suggests that the plastids are temporary and the relationship is kleptoplastidic. Importantly, we found evidence of genetic integration of the kleptoplasts as we identified host-encoded plastid-associated genes, with evolutionary origins likely from the plastid source as well as from other alga sources. This is only the second case where host-encoded kleptoplast-targeted genes have been predicted in an ancestrally plastid-lacking group. Our results provide evidence for gene transfers and protein re-targeting as relatively early events in the evolution of plastid symbioses., Competing Interests: Declaration of interests The authors declare no competing interests., (Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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14. Contrasting outcomes of genome reduction in mikrocytids and microsporidians.
- Author
Žárský V, Karnkowska A, Boscaro V, Trznadel M, Whelan TA, Hiltunen-Thorén M, Onut-Brännström I, Abbott CL, Fast NM, Burki F, and Keeling PJ
- Subjects
- Phylogeny, Evolution, Molecular, Genome, Introns, Eukaryota genetics, Microsporidia genetics
- Abstract
Background: Intracellular symbionts often undergo genome reduction, losing both coding and non-coding DNA in a process that ultimately produces small, gene-dense genomes with few genes. Among eukaryotes, an extreme example is found in microsporidians, which are anaerobic, obligate intracellular parasites related to fungi that have the smallest nuclear genomes known (except for the relic nucleomorphs of some secondary plastids). Mikrocytids are superficially similar to microsporidians: they are also small, reduced, obligate parasites; however, as they belong to a very different branch of the tree of eukaryotes, the rhizarians, such similarities must have evolved in parallel. Since little genomic data are available from mikrocytids, we assembled a draft genome of the type species, Mikrocytos mackini, and compared the genomic architecture and content of microsporidians and mikrocytids to identify common characteristics of reduction and possible convergent evolution., Results: At the coarsest level, the genome of M. mackini does not exhibit signs of extreme genome reduction; at 49.7 Mbp with 14,372 genes, the assembly is much larger and gene-rich than those of microsporidians. However, much of the genomic sequence and most (8075) of the protein-coding genes code for transposons, and may not contribute much of functional relevance to the parasite. Indeed, the energy and carbon metabolism of M. mackini share several similarities with those of microsporidians. Overall, the predicted proteome involved in cellular functions is quite reduced and gene sequences are extremely divergent. Microsporidians and mikrocytids also share highly reduced spliceosomes that have retained a strikingly similar subset of proteins despite having reduced independently. In contrast, the spliceosomal introns in mikrocytids are very different from those of microsporidians in that they are numerous, conserved in sequence, and constrained to an exceptionally narrow size range (all 16 or 17 nucleotides long) at the shortest extreme of known intron lengths., Conclusions: Nuclear genome reduction has taken place many times and has proceeded along different routes in different lineages. Mikrocytids show a mix of similarities and differences with other extreme cases, including uncoupling the actual size of a genome with its functional reduction., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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15. A Mitosome With Distinct Metabolism in the Uncultured Protist Parasite Paramikrocytos canceri (Rhizaria, Ascetosporea).
- Author
Onuț-Brännström I, Stairs CW, Campos KIA, Thorén MH, Ettema TJG, Keeling PJ, Bass D, and Burki F
- Subjects
- Animals, Organelles, Mitochondria genetics, Mitochondria metabolism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolism, Parasites, Rhizaria genetics
- Abstract
Ascetosporea are endoparasites of marine invertebrates that include economically important pathogens of aquaculture species. Owing to their often-minuscule cell sizes, strict intracellular lifestyle, lack of cultured representatives and minimal availability of molecular data, these unicellular parasites remain poorly studied. Here, we sequenced and assembled the genome and transcriptome of Paramikrocytos canceri, an endoparasite isolated from the European edible crab Cancer pagurus. Using bioinformatic predictions, we show that P. canceri likely possesses a mitochondrion-related organelle (MRO) with highly reduced metabolism, resembling the mitosomes of other parasites but with key differences. Like other mitosomes, this MRO is predicted to have reduced metabolic capacity and lack an organellar genome and function in iron-sulfur cluster (ISC) pathway-mediated Fe-S cluster biosynthesis. However, the MRO in P. canceri is uniquely predicted to produce ATP via a partial glycolytic pathway and synthesize phospholipids de novo through the CDP-DAG pathway. Heterologous gene expression confirmed that proteins from the ISC and CDP-DAG pathways retain mitochondrial targeting sequences that are recognized by yeast mitochondria. This represents a unique combination of metabolic pathways in an MRO, including the first reported case of a mitosome-like organelle able to synthesize phospholipids de novo. Some of these phospholipids, such as phosphatidylserine, are vital in other protist endoparasites that invade their host through apoptotic mimicry., (© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.)
- Published
- 2023
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16. ABC om - Wernickes encefalopati.
- Author
Ajob L, Brännström I, Ott M, and Werneke U
- Subjects
- Abducens Nerve Diseases etiology, Alcoholism complications, Brain pathology, Diagnosis, Differential, Humans, Magnesium Deficiency complications, Practice Guidelines as Topic, Prognosis, Thiamine therapeutic use, Thiamine Deficiency complications, Wernicke Encephalopathy diagnosis, Wernicke Encephalopathy drug therapy, Wernicke Encephalopathy etiology, Wernicke Encephalopathy physiopathology
- Published
- 2018
17. Sharing of photobionts in sympatric populations of Thamnolia and Cetraria lichens: evidence from high-throughput sequencing.
- Author
Onuț-Brännström I, Benjamin M, Scofield DG, Heiðmarsson S, Andersson MGI, Lindström ES, and Johannesson H
- Subjects
- Ascomycota classification, Biodiversity, DNA, Ribosomal Spacer, Ecosystem, High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing, Lichens physiology, Parmeliaceae classification, Photosynthesis, Phylogeny, Ascomycota physiology, Parmeliaceae physiology, Symbiosis
- Abstract
In this study, we explored the diversity of green algal symbionts (photobionts) in sympatric populations of the cosmopolitan lichen-forming fungi Thamnolia and Cetraria. We sequenced with both Sanger and Ion Torrent High-Throughput Sequencing technologies the photobiont ITS-region of 30 lichen thalli from two islands: Iceland and Öland. While Sanger recovered just one photobiont genotype from each thallus, the Ion Torrent data recovered 10-18 OTUs for each pool of 5 lichen thalli, suggesting that individual lichens can contain heterogeneous photobiont populations. Both methods showed evidence for photobiont sharing between Thamnolia and Cetraria on Iceland. In contrast, our data suggest that on Öland the two mycobionts associate with distinct photobiont communities, with few shared OTUs revealed by Ion Torrent sequencing. Furthermore, by comparing our sequences with public data, we identified closely related photobionts from geographically distant localities. Taken together, we suggest that the photobiont composition in Thamnolia and Cetraria results from both photobiont-mycobiont codispersal and local acquisition during mycobiont establishment and/or lichen growth. We hypothesize that this is a successful strategy for lichens to be flexible in the use of the most adapted photobiont for the environment.
- Published
- 2018
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18. [Wernicke encephalopathy].
- Author
Ajob L, Brännström I, Ott M, and Werneke U
- Subjects
- Abducens Nerve Diseases etiology, Alcoholism complications, Brain pathology, Diagnosis, Differential, Humans, Magnesium Deficiency complications, Practice Guidelines as Topic, Prognosis, Thiamine therapeutic use, Thiamine Deficiency complications, Wernicke Encephalopathy diagnosis, Wernicke Encephalopathy drug therapy, Wernicke Encephalopathy etiology, Wernicke Encephalopathy physiopathology
- Published
- 2017
19. A worldwide phylogeography of the whiteworm lichens Thamnolia reveals three lineages with distinct habitats and evolutionary histories.
- Author
Onuţ-Brännström I, Tibell L, and Johannesson H
- Abstract
Thamnolia is a lichenized fungus with an extremely wide distribution, being encountered in arctic and alpine environments in most continents. In this study, we used molecular markers to investigate the population structure of the fungal symbiont and the associated photosynthetic partner of Thamnolia . By analyzing molecular, morphological, and chemical variation among 253 specimens covering the species distribution range, we revealed the existence of three mycobiont lineages. One lineage (Lineage A) is confined to the tundra region of Siberia and the Aleutian Islands, a second (Lineage B) is found in the high alpine region of the Alps and the Carpathians Mountains, and a third (Lineage C) has a worldwide distribution and covers both the aforementioned ecosystems. Molecular dating analysis indicated that the split of the three lineages is older than the last glacial maximum, but the distribution ranges and the population genetic analyses suggest an influence of last glacial period on the present-day population structure of each lineage. We found a very low diversity of Lineage B, but a higher and similar one in Lineages A and C. Demographic analyses suggested that Lineage C has its origin in the Northern Hemisphere, possibly Scandinavia, and that it has passed through a bottleneck followed by a recent population expansion. While all three lineages reproduce clonally, recombination tests suggest rare or past recombination in both Lineages A and C. Moreover, our data showed that Lineage C has a comparatively low photobiont specificity, being found associated with four widespread Trebouxia lineages (three of them also shared with other lichens), while Lineages A and B exclusively harbor T. simplex s. lat. Finally, we did not find support for the recognition of taxa in Thamnolia based on either morphological or chemical characters.
- Published
- 2017
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20. Genomics and the challenging translation into conservation practice.
- Author
Shafer AB, Wolf JB, Alves PC, Bergström L, Bruford MW, Brännström I, Colling G, Dalén L, De Meester L, Ekblom R, Fawcett KD, Fior S, Hajibabaei M, Hill JA, Hoezel AR, Höglund J, Jensen EL, Krause J, Kristensen TN, Krützen M, McKay JK, Norman AJ, Ogden R, Österling EM, Ouborg NJ, Piccolo J, Popović D, Primmer CR, Reed FA, Roumet M, Salmona J, Schenekar T, Schwartz MK, Segelbacher G, Senn H, Thaulow J, Valtonen M, Veale A, Vergeer P, Vijay N, Vilà C, Weissensteiner M, Wennerström L, Wheat CW, and Zieliński P
- Subjects
- Adaptation, Biological, Genetics, Population, Genome, Biodiversity, Conservation of Natural Resources methods, Genomics
- Abstract
The global loss of biodiversity continues at an alarming rate. Genomic approaches have been suggested as a promising tool for conservation practice as scaling up to genome-wide data can improve traditional conservation genetic inferences and provide qualitatively novel insights. However, the generation of genomic data and subsequent analyses and interpretations remain challenging and largely confined to academic research in ecology and evolution. This generates a gap between basic research and applicable solutions for conservation managers faced with multifaceted problems. Before the real-world conservation potential of genomic research can be realized, we suggest that current infrastructures need to be modified, methods must mature, analytical pipelines need to be developed, and successful case studies must be disseminated to practitioners., (Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2015
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21. Speaking discourses and silent lips: women and gender-based portraits in sudden infant death publications.
- Author
Brännström I
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Infant, Newborn, Sweden, Publishing, Sudden Infant Death
- Abstract
Aims and Objectives: To reveal the prominent discourses and assigned social ordering given to women in paediatric research in Sweden concerning the subject of sudden infant death syndrome., Background: There are no further studies in Sweden and elsewhere, regarding publishing portraits of women's social ordering in nursing research surrounding sudden infant death syndrome., Design and Methods: The material encompassed all 55 articles/comments published by the Swedish Medical Journal 1980-2007 (7 March) as retrieved using selected keywords. The items were accessed in full text, and a discourse analytical approach was used triangulated with feminist theoretical perspectives., Results: Three main discourses were identified: (1) women as bearers of guilt and accountability, (2) a social ordering where women's biology and lifestyles received great attention together with a tribute to mothers as having the principal responsibility as parent and caregiver and (3) gender-based health policy portrayals showing women/mothers in marginalised social and structural contexts or exposed to one-sided disciplinary penal codes despite the Swedish welfare state having long declared gender equality in its family policies and in paediatric nursing practices., Conclusions: Although results from this study primarily relate to the Swedish contexts, they may also reflect the dual role in paediatric nursing practices in other countries, that is, (1) as being medical experts on children's health (paediatrics and nursing) and (2) as change agents with regard to childcare and practical recommendations directed to individuals (mothers, fathers, both or other caregivers of infants)., Relevance to Clinical Practice: The study highlights the needs of not merely seeing the family or the mother as ultimate and individual beneficiaries of medical/practical advice about child-caring duties in infancy. Further studies are encouraged to recognise infant nursing practices, gender equality and safe parenthood in child health research and nursing practices., (© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2014
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22. The benefit of evolving a larger brain: big-brained guppies perform better in a cognitive task.
- Author
Kotrschal A, Rogell B, Bundsen A, Svensson B, Zajitschek S, Brännström I, Immler S, Maklakov AA, and Kolm N
- Abstract
•We previously selected for large and small brain size in guppies.•Large-brained females outperformed small-brained females in a learning task.•Healy and Rowe challenged our interpretations of larger brains = better learning.•Here we argue why we think they are mistaken.
- Published
- 2013
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23. Artificial selection on relative brain size in the guppy reveals costs and benefits of evolving a larger brain.
- Author
Kotrschal A, Rogell B, Bundsen A, Svensson B, Zajitschek S, Brännström I, Immler S, Maklakov AA, and Kolm N
- Subjects
- Animals, Female, Gastrointestinal Tract anatomy & histology, Learning, Male, Organ Size, Reproduction, Biological Evolution, Brain anatomy & histology, Cognition physiology, Poecilia physiology, Selection, Genetic
- Abstract
The large variation in brain size that exists in the animal kingdom has been suggested to have evolved through the balance between selective advantages of greater cognitive ability and the prohibitively high energy demands of a larger brain (the "expensive-tissue hypothesis"). Despite over a century of research on the evolution of brain size, empirical support for the trade-off between cognitive ability and energetic costs is based exclusively on correlative evidence, and the theory remains controversial. Here we provide experimental evidence for costs and benefits of increased brain size. We used artificial selection for large and small brain size relative to body size in a live-bearing fish, the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), and found that relative brain size evolved rapidly in response to divergent selection in both sexes. Large-brained females outperformed small-brained females in a numerical learning assay designed to test cognitive ability. Moreover, large-brained lines, especially males, developed smaller guts, as predicted by the expensive-tissue hypothesis, and produced fewer offspring. We propose that the evolution of brain size is mediated by a functional trade-off between increased cognitive ability and reproductive performance and discuss the implications of these findings for vertebrate brain evolution., (Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2013
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24. Publishing ethics in paediatric research: a cross-cultural comparative review.
- Author
Brännström I
- Subjects
- Abstracting and Indexing, Authorship standards, Conflict of Interest, Cross-Cultural Comparison, Databases, Factual, Developed Countries, Developing Countries, Financing, Government ethics, Humans, Nursing Research methods, Selection Bias, Nursing Research ethics, Pediatric Nursing ethics, Pediatrics ethics, Publishing ethics
- Abstract
The present article aims to scrutinize publishing ethics in the fields of paediatrics and paediatric nursing. Full-text readings of all original research articles in paediatrics from a high-income economy, i.e. Sweden, and from all low-income economies in Sub-Saharan Africa, were reviewed as they were indexed and stored in Web of Science for the search period from 1 January 2007 to 7 October 2009. The application of quantitative and qualitative content analysis revealed a marked discrepancy in publishing frequencies between the two contrasting economies. Authors from 16 low-income economies in Sub-Saharan Africa, with at least one article stored, were obviously closely linked to co-authorships and foreign funding sources, predominantly from Europe and the USA. Statements concerning conflicts of interest were frequently missing (both regions), even when multiple financial sources, including companies, were involved. It is necessary to be aware of possible systematic bias when using electronic databases to search for certain topics and regions. Further research regarding publishing ethics in paediatrics and paediatric nursing is emphasized.
- Published
- 2012
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25. Child health research in contrasting economies: gender recognition and publishing portraits.
- Author
Brännström I
- Subjects
- Bibliometrics, Child, Databases, Factual, Developed Countries, Developing Countries, Female, Global Health, Humans, Male, Child Welfare, Gender Identity, Publishing, Research Design
- Abstract
Objective: This study aims to discover gender domains and publishing portraits in child health research across two large groups of divergent economies., Method: All abstracts from original articles (2004-2008) stored in the electronic literature database Web of Science on the cut-off day. i.e., 19 January 2009, were assessed when they met the selection criteria. A critical discourse analysis methodology (Foucault) was used., Results: The biomedical approach established the publishing scene whereas an integrated social approach toward gender recognition was seldom found. Articles from low- and lower-middle-income economies were almost out of the publishing gaze., Conclusion: This might be due to search terms, journals indexed in the Web of Sciences, analytical tools, and recording principles within the literature databases reviewed, thus creating risks for information bias. This underscores the need for further research regarding gender recognition in database managements and the availability of electronic literature databases, particularly in economically disadvantaged regions., (Copyright © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.)
- Published
- 2011
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26. Configurative domains in child health research: sudden infant death in the Swedish Medical Journal.
- Author
Brännström I
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Infant, Male, Sweden epidemiology, Bibliometrics, Parenting, Periodicals as Topic, Prejudice, Sudden Infant Death epidemiology, Sudden Infant Death prevention & control
- Abstract
The aim of present investigation is to discover publishing portrayals embedded in sudden infant death informatics disseminated by a medical journal at regional level. In particular, gender configurative domains regarding health policy and nursing practices are scrutinized. A qualitative literature review was performed using a critical discourse analytical approach. The full texts of 55 articles/comments published within the field by the Swedish Medical Journal from January 1, 1980 to March 6, 2007 were examined. Four configurative domains were recognized as setting the agenda and as working throughout the reviewed text viz., (a) the clinical-medical episteme, (b) the individualized family domain, (c) gender domains in prevention and nursing practices, and finally (d) the configurative entry into gendered academic writing of the subject in view. The skewed gendered publishing portrayals observed were consistent throughout more than two decades. Gender analysis in child health research is highlighted.
- Published
- 2010
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27. Does it matter how epilepsy is considered and classified?
- Author
Brännström I
- Subjects
- Health Services Accessibility, Humans, Mental Disorders classification, World Health Organization, Epilepsy classification, Stereotyping
- Published
- 2002
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28. Gender and social patterning of health: the Norsjö cardiovascular preventive programme in northern Sweden 1985-1990.
- Author
Brännström I, Persson LA, and Wall S
- Subjects
- Adult, Cardiovascular Diseases prevention & control, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Humans, Hypercholesterolemia complications, Hypertension complications, Male, Middle Aged, Odds Ratio, Regression Analysis, Sex Factors, Smoking adverse effects, Socioeconomic Factors, Sweden epidemiology, Cardiovascular Diseases epidemiology
- Abstract
Objective: To assess the extent to which the impact of social stratification on cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors was different among men and women., Design: Pooled data from six (1985-90) cross-sectional health surveys., Setting: The intervention area is an inland municipality, Norsjö, in northern Sweden with a population of 5,300 inhabitants., Main Outcome Measures: Smoking, high blood pressure, hypercholesterolaemia, and perceived health status., Results: Almost half of the study population had hypercholesterolaemia (> or = 6.5 mmol/l), 19% of men and 25% of women were smokers, and 30% and 29%, respectively, had hypertension. Age had a strong impact on all outcome measures. Social factors were associated with smoking in women and with hypercholesterolaemia in men. There were no sex differences in perceived good health. The likelihood of self-assessed good health decreased with increasing risk factor load, with the exception of hypercholesterolaemia, in all social strata., Conclusion: The present study implies the importance of considering age, gender, and social differences in intervention and evaluation of CVD preventive programmes. The study also demonstrate that self-defined health contains important information on cardiovascular risk profile.
- Published
- 1994
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29. Local health planning and intervention--the case of a Swedish municipality.
- Author
Brännström I, Rosén M, Wall S, and Weinehall L
- Subjects
- Cardiovascular Diseases prevention & control, Humans, Pilot Projects, Primary Prevention methods, Sweden, Community Health Services organization & administration, Regional Health Planning organization & administration
- Abstract
This article attempts to illustrate the process from community diagnosis to community involvement by a case study from the north of Sweden. The case of Norsjö is one of few documented Swedish examples of a preventive program with a broad participation from the community. The results up to now are promising and further illustrate the importance of decentralized health planning and local data.
- Published
- 1988
30. [Equal footing and equality in part-time nursery school].
- Author
Brännström IM, Risan-Oskog P, and Lanestrand G
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Male, Research Design, Schools, Nursery, Sweden, Child Development, Child, Preschool psychology, Gender Identity, Identification, Psychological, Socialization
- Published
- 1983
31. [Intercommunication between private and public patient care].
- Author
Brännström I
- Subjects
- Communication, Midwifery, Nursing, Nursing Service, Hospital, Public Health Nursing, Referral and Consultation
- Published
- 1968
32. [Communication between private and public patient treatment].
- Author
Brännström I
- Subjects
- Communication, Midwifery, Nursing, Nursing Service, Hospital, Public Health Nursing, Referral and Consultation
- Published
- 1968
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