9 results on '"Bousnina O"'
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2. 46th Medical Maghrebian Congress. November 9-10, 2018. Tunis
- Author
Alami Aroussi, A., Fouad, A., Omrane, A., Razzak, A., Aissa, A., Akkad, A., Amraoui, A., Aouam, A., Arfaoui, A., Belkouchi, A., Ben Chaaben, A., Ben Cheikh, A., Ben Khélifa, A., Ben Mabrouk, A., Benhima, A., Bezza, A., Bezzine, A., Bourrahouat, A., Chaieb, A., Chakib, A., Chetoui, A., Daoudi, A., Ech-Chenbouli, A., Gaaliche, A., Hassani, A., Kassimi, A., Khachane, A., Labidi, A., Lalaoui, A., Masrar, A., Mchachi, A., Nakhli, A., Ouakaa, A., Siati, A., Toumi, A., Zaouali, A., Condé, A. Y., Haggui, A., Belaguid, A., abdelkader jalil el hangouche, Gharbi, A., Mahfoudh, A., Bouzouita, A., Aissaoui, A., Ben Hamouda, A., Hedhli, A., Ammous, A., Bahlous, A., Ben Halima, A., Belhadj, A., Blel, A., Brahem, A., Banasr, A., Meherzi, A., Saadi, A., Sellami, A., Turki, A., Ben Miled, A., Ben Slama, A., Daib, A., Zommiti, A., Chadly, A., Jmaa, A., Mtiraoui, A., Ksentini, A., Methnani, A., Zehani, A., Kessantini, A., Farah, A., Mankai, A., Mellouli, A., Touil, A., Hssine, A., Ben Safta, A., Derouiche, A., Jmal, A., Ferjani, A., Djobbi, A., Dridi, A., Aridhi, A., Bahdoudi, A., Ben Amara, A., Benzarti, A., Ben Slama, A. Y., Oueslati, A., Soltani, A., Chadli, A., Aloui, A., Belghuith Sriha, A., Bouden, A., Laabidi, A., Mensi, A., Sabbek, A., Zribi, A., Green, A., Ben Nasr, A., Azaiez, A., Yeades, A., Belhaj, A., Mediouni, A., Sammoud, A., Slim, A., Amine, B., Chelly, B., Jatik, B., Lmimouni, B., Daouahi, B., Ben Khelifa, B., Louzir, B., Dorra, A., Dhahri, B., Ben Nasrallah, C., Chefchaouni, C., Konzi, C., Loussaief, C., Makni, C., Dziri, C., Bouguerra, C., Kays, C., Zedini, C., Dhouha, C., Mohamed, C., Aichaouia, C., Dhieb, C., Fofana, D., Gargouri, D., Chebil, D., Issaoui, D., Gouiaa, D., Brahim, D., Essid, D., Jarraya, D., Trad, D., Ben Hmida, E., Sboui, E., Ben Brahim, E., Baati, E., Talbi, E., Chaari, E., Hammami, E., Ghazouani, E., Ayari, F., Ben Hariz, F., Bennaoui, F., Chebbi, F., Chigr, F., Guemira, F., Harrar, F., Benmoula, F. Z., Ouali, F. Z., Maoulainine, F. M. R., Bouden, F., Fdhila, F., Améziani, F., Bouhaouala, F., Charfi, F., Chermiti Ben Abdallah, F., Hammemi, F., Jarraya, F., Khanchel, F., Ourda, F., Sellami, F., Trabelsi, F., Yangui, F., Fekih Romdhane, F., Mellouli, F., Nacef Jomli, F., Mghaieth, F., Draiss, G., Elamine, G., Kablouti, G., Touzani, G., Manzeki, G. B., Garali, G., Drissi, G., Besbes, G., Abaza, H., Azzouz, H., Said Latiri, H., Rejeb, H., Ben Ammar, H., Ben Brahim, H., Ben Jeddi, H., Ben Mahjouba, H., Besbes, H., Dabbebi, H., Douik, H., El Haoury, H., Elannaz, H., Elloumi, H., Hachim, H., Iraqi, H., Kalboussi, H., Khadhraoui, H., Khouni, H., Mamad, H., Metjaouel, H., Naoui, H., Zargouni, H., Elmalki, H. O., Feki, H., Haouala, H., Jaafoura, H., Drissa, H., Mizouni, H., Kamoun, H., Ouerda, H., Zaibi, H., Chiha, H., Saibi, H., Skhiri, H., Boussaffa, H., Majed, H., Blibech, H., Daami, H., Harzallah, H., Rkain, H., Ben Massoud, H., Jaziri, H., Ben Said, H., Ayed, H., Harrabi, H., Chaabouni, H., Ladida Debbache, H., Harbi, H., Yacoub, H., Abroug, H., Ghali, H., Kchir, H., Msaad, H., Manai, H., Riahi, H., Bousselmi, H., Limem, H., Aouina, H., Jerraya, H., Ben Ayed, H., Chahed, H., Snéne, H., Lahlou Amine, I., Nouiser, I., Ait Sab, I., Chelly, I., Elboukhani, I., Ghanmi, I., Kallala, I., Kooli, I., Bouasker, I., Fetni, I., Bachouch, I., Bouguecha, I., Chaabani, I., Gazzeh, I., Samaali, I., Youssef, I., Zemni, I., Bachouche, I., Bouannene, I., Kasraoui, I., Laouini, I., Mahjoubi, I., Maoudoud, I., Riahi, I., Selmi, I., Tka, I., Hadj Khalifa, I., Mejri, I., Béjia, I., Bellagha, J., Boubaker, J., Daghfous, J., Dammak, J., Hleli, J., Ben Amar, J., Jedidi, J., Marrakchi, J., Kaoutar, K., Arjouni, K., Ben Helel, K., Benouhoud, K., Rjeb, K., Imene, K., Samoud, K., El Jeri, K., Abid, K., Chaker, K., Bouzghaîa, K., Kamoun, K., Zitouna, K., Oughlani, K., Lassoued, K., Letaif, K., Hakim, K., Cherif Alami, L., Benhmidoune, L., Boumhil, L., Bouzgarrou, L., Dhidah, L., Ifrine, L., Kallel, L., Merzougui, L., Errguig, L., Mouelhi, L., Sahli, L., Maoua, M., Rejeb, M., Ben Rejeb, M., Bouchrik, M., Bouhoula, M., Bourrous, M., Bouskraoui, M., El Belhadji, M., Essakhi, M., Essid, M., Gharbaoui, M., Haboub, M., Iken, M., Krifa, M., Lagrine, M., Leboyer, M., Najimi, M., Rahoui, M., Sabbah, M., Sbihi, M., Zouine, M., Chefchaouni, M. C., Gharbi, M. H., El Fakiri, M. M., Tagajdid, M. R., Shimi, M., Touaibia, M., Jguirim, M., Barsaoui, M., Belghith, M., Ben Jmaa, M., Koubaa, M., Tbini, M., Boughdir, M., Ben Salah, M., Ben Fraj, M., Ben Halima, M., Ben Khalifa, M., Bousleh, M., Limam, M., Mabrouk, M., Mallouli, M., Rebeii, M., Ayari, M., Belhadj, M., Ben Hmida, M., Boughattas, M., Drissa, M., El Ghardallou, M., Fejjeri, M., Hamza, M., Jaidane, M., Jrad, M., Kacem, M., Mersni, M., Mjid, M., Serghini, M., Triki, M., Ben Abbes, M., Boussaid, M., Gharbi, M., Hafi, M., Slama, M., Trigui, M., Taoueb, M., Chakroun, M., Ben Cheikh, M., Chebbi, M., Hadj Taieb, M., Ben Khelil, M., Hammami, M., Khalfallah, M., Ksiaa, M., Mechri, M., Mrad, M., Sboui, M., Bani, M., Hajri, M., Mellouli, M., Allouche, M., Mesrati, M. A., Mseddi, M. A., Amri, M., Bejaoui, M., Bellali, M., Ben Amor, M., Ben Dhieb, M., Ben Moussa, M., Chebil, M., Cherif, M., Fourati, M., Kahloul, M., Khaled, M., Machghoul, M., Mansour, M., Abdesslem, M. M., Ben Chehida, M. A., Chaouch, M. A., Essid, M. A., Meddeb, M. A., Gharbi, M. C., Elleuch, M. H., Loueslati, M. H., Sboui, M. M., Mhiri, M. N., Kilani, M. O., Ben Slama, M. R., Charfi, M. R., Nakhli, M. S., Mourali, M. S., El Asli, M. S., Lamouchi, M. T., Cherti, M., Khadhraoui, M., Bibi, M., Hamdoun, M., Kassis, M., Touzi, M., Ben Khaled, M., Fekih, M., Khemiri, M., Ouederni, M., Hchicha, M., Ben Attia, M., Yahyaoui, M., Ben Azaiez, M., Bousnina, M., Ben Jemaa, M., Ben Yahia, M., Daghfous, M., Haj Slimen, M., Assidi, M., Belhadj, N., Ben Mustapha, N., El Idrissislitine, N., Hikki, N., Kchir, N., Mars, N., Meddeb, N., Ouni, N., Rada, N., Rezg, N., Trabelsi, N., Bouafia, N., Haloui, N., Benfenatki, N., Bergaoui, N., Yomn, N., Maamouri, N., Mehiri, N., Siala, N., Beltaief, N., Aridhi, N., Sidaoui, N., Walid, N., Mechergui, N., Mnif, N., Ben Chekaya, N., Bellil, N., Dhouib, N., Achour, N., Kaabar, N., Mrizak, N., Chaouech, N., Hasni, N., Issaoui, N., Ati, N., Balloumi, N., Haj Salem, N., Ladhari, N., Akif, N., Liani, N., Hajji, N., Trad, N., Elleuch, N., Marzouki, N. E. H., Larbi, N., M Barek, N., Rebai, N., Bibani, N., Ben Salah, N., Belmaachi, O., Elmaalel, O., Jlassi, O., Mihoub, O., Ben Zaid, O., Bouallègue, O., Bousnina, O., Bouyahia, O., El Maalel, O., Fendri, O., Azzabi, O., Borgi, O., Ghdes, O., Ben Rejeb, O., Rachid, R., Abi, R., Bahiri, R., Boulma, R., Elkhayat, R., Habbal, R., Tamouza, R., Jomli, R., Ben Abdallah, R., Smaoui, R., Debbeche, R., Fakhfakh, R., El Kamel, R., Gargouri, R., Jouini, R., Nouira, R., Fessi, R., Bannour, R., Ben Rabeh, R., Kacem, R., Khmakhem, R., Ben Younes, R., Karray, R., Cheikh, R., Ben Malek, R., Ben Slama, R., Kouki, R., Baati, R., Bechraoui, R., Fradi, R., Lahiani, R., Ridha, R., Zainine, R., Kallel, R., Rostom, S., Ben Abdallah, S., Ben Hammamia, S., Benchérifa, S., Benkirane, S., Chatti, S., El Guedri, S., El Oussaoui, S., Elkochri, S., Elmoussaoui, S., Enbili, S., Gara, S., Haouet, S., Khammeri, S., Khefecha, S., Khtrouche, S., Macheghoul, S., Mallouli, S., Rharrit, S., Skouri, S., Helali, S., Boulehmi, S., Abid, S., Naouar, S., Zelfani, S., Ben Amar, S., Ajmi, S., Braiek, S., Yahiaoui, S., Ghezaiel, S., Ben Toumia, S., Thabeti, S., Daboussi, S., Ben Abderahman, S., Rhaiem, S., Ben Rhouma, S., Rekaya, S., Haddad, S., Kammoun, S., Merai, S., Mhamdi, S., Ben Ali, R., Gaaloul, S., Ouali, S., Taleb, S., Zrour, S., Hamdi, S., Zaghdoudi, S., Ammari, S., Ben Abderrahim, S., Karaa, S., Maazaoui, S., Saidani, S., Stambouli, S., Mokadem, S., Boudiche, S., Zaghbib, S., Ayedi, S., Jardek, S., Bouselmi, S., Chtourou, S., Manoubi, S., Bahri, S., Halioui, S., Jrad, S., Mazigh, S., Ouerghi, S., Toujani, S., Fenniche, S., Aboudrar, S., Meriem Amari, S., Karouia, S., Bourgou, S., Halayem, S., Rammeh, S., Yaïch, S., Ben Nasrallah, S., Chouchane, S., Ftini, S., Makni, S., Miri, S., Saadi, S., Manoubi, S. A., Khalfallah, T., Mechergui, T., Dakka, T., Barhoumi, T., M Rad, T. E. B., Ajmi, T., Dorra, T., Ouali, U., Hannachi, W., Ferjaoui, W., Aissi, W., Dahmani, W., Dhouib, W., Koubaa, W., Zhir, W., Gheriani, W., Arfa, W., Dougaz, W., Sahnoun, W., Naija, W., Sami, Y., Bouteraa, Y., Elhamdaoui, Y., Hama, Y., Ouahchi, Y., Guebsi, Y., Nouira, Y., Daly, Y., Mahjoubi, Y., Mejdoub, Y., Mosbahi, Y., Said, Y., Zaimi, Y., Zgueb, Y., Dridi, Y., Mesbahi, Y., Gharbi, Y., Hellal, Y., Hechmi, Z., Zid, Z., Elmouatassim, Z., Ghorbel, Z., Habbadi, Z., Marrakchi, Z., Hidouri, Z., Abbes, Z., Ouhachi, Z., Khessairi, Z., Khlayfia, Z., Mahjoubi, Z., and Moatemri, Z.
3. Oral communication and poster abstracts of the 22nd National Congress of Gastroenterology joint to the 4th Maghrebian Congress of Gastroenterology. December 2018
- Author
Bellabah, A., Benkirane, A., Ibrahimi, A., Nakhli, A., Sair, A., Essaid, A., Blel, A., Lahchaichi, A., Ben Slama, A., Ouni, A., Amouri, A., Jemaa, A., Cherif, A., Khsiba, A., Hssine, A., Djobbi, A., Guedich, A., Laabidi, A., Mensi, A., Ouakaa, A., Sriha, A., Choukri, A., Green, A., Belkhamsa, A., Hammami, A., Bourigua, A., Filali, A., Belabeh, A., Sentissi, A., Ait Errami, A., Nadi, A., Filankembo, A., Lamine, A., Badre, W., Ben Kaab, B., Ben Slimane, B., S, B., Hasnaoui, B., Bouchabou, B., Bouguerra, C., Baccouche, C., Ayadi, C., Bennasrallah, C., Benajah, D., Gargouri, D., Zehi, D., Issaoui, D., Cherif, D., Ben Ghachem, D., Trad, D., Bouaiti, E., Boutouria, E., Bel Hadj Mabrouk, E., Chalbi, E., Aait, E., Bouhamou, F., Haddad, F., Lairani, F., Saffar, F., Torjmen, F., Haj Kacem, F., Hamdane, F., Chabib, F. Z., Elrhaoussi, F. Z., Moumayez, F. Z., Loukil, F., Ahmed Djouldé Diallo, F., Aissaoui, F., Ajana, F., Chabib, F., Hamdoun, F., Moumayez, F., Bennani Kella, G., Bennani, G., Abid, H., Cheikhani, H., Ouazzani, H., Romdhane, H., Hassan SEDDIK, Sghir, H., Debbabi, H., Ben Jeddi, H., Garraoui, H., Letaief, H., Kchir, H., Elloumi, H., Hammami, H., Jaziri, H., Ben Abdallah, H., Chaabouni, H., Ben Romdhane, H., Yacoub, H., Gdoura, H., Sahli, H., Loghmari, H., Bouguerra, H., Maghrebi, H., Ben Nejma, H., Jlassi, H., Fourati, H., Alaoui, H., Ismail, H., Benelbarhdadi, I., Cohen, I., Errabih, I., Koti, I., Doghri, I., Elhidaoui, I., Haraki, I., Cheikh, I., Abdelaali, I., Jemni, I., Bouennene, I., Akoch, I., H, I., Boubaker, J., Krati, K., Eljery, K., Temani, K., Bellil, K., Chabbouh, K., Boughoula, K., Ouazzani, L., Ben Yaghlene, L., Kallel, L., A, L., Hamzaoui, L., Chtourou, L., Ben Farhat, L., Bouabid, L., Mnif, L., Mouelhi, L., Safer, L., Zouiten Mekki, L., Bourehma, M., El Akbari, M., El Khayari, M., Elyousfi, M., Firwana, M., Lahlali, M., Tahiri, M., Mestouri, M., Abdelwahed, M., Ben Hamida, M., Ben Chaabane, M., Moalla, M., Yakoubi, M., Sabbah, M., Serghini, M., Amri, M., Ben Abbes, M., Ben Cheikh, M., Ghribi, M., Hafi, M., Ben Abdelwahed, M., Ksiaa, M., Essid, M., Zakhama, M., Yousfi, M., Ayari, M., Belhadj, M., Cheickh, M., Kacem, M., Horma Alaoui, M., Abid, M., Bennour, M. A., Ghanem, M., Loghmari, M. H., Douggui, M. H., Azouz, M. M., Abdelli, M. N., Boudabous, M., Feki, M., Fekih, M., Mahmoudi, M., Boudabbous, M., Figuigui, M., Medhioub, M., Safer, M., Azzouz, M., Abbes, M., El Abkari, M., Aqodad, N., Azib, N., Bellil, N., Benhoumane, N., Benzoubbeir, N., Elkhabiz, N., Hemdani, N., Lahmidani, N., Abdelli, N., Ben Chaabane, N., Tahri, N., Benhoummane, N., Ben Jaafar, N., Ben Mustapha, N., Maamouri, N., Hannachi, N., Ben Alaya, N., Bibani, N., Trad, N., Elleuch, N., Kharmach, O., Bahri, O., Bousnina, O., Gharbi, O., Benjira, R., Ennaifer, R., Dabbèche, R., Jouini, R., Zgolli, R., Baklouti, R., Bouali Mohamed, R., Marouani, R., Kallel, R., Berrag, S., El Yazal, S., Jiddi, S., Mechhour, S., Morabit, S., Oubaha, S., Sentissi, S., Bouaziz, S., Soua, S., Hachicha, S., Elaboudi, S., Ajmi, S., Mallat, S., Bouchoucha, S., Mrabti, S., Ben Slama, S., Hamdi, S., Laabidi, S., Ayadi, S., Hidri, S., Bizid, S., Ben Hamida, S., Zertiti, S., Ben Amor, S., Nsibi, S., Bellakhal, S., Bahja, S., Jomni, T., Hliwa, W., Rebai, W., Ben Mansour, W., Ben Othmen, W., Dhouib, W., Hammoumi, W., Zaatour, W., Bouhlel, W., Feki, W., Triki, W., Said, Y., Zaimi, Y., Gorgi, Y., Bouhnoun, Z., Samlani, Z., Hamidi, Z., Mnif, Z., and Ben Safta, Z.
4. Eradication of Helicobacter pylori : a prospective comparative randomized trial of standard versus optimized quadruple therapy.
- Author
Souissi S, Makni C, Chaieb B, Jarraya A, Toulgui N, Jmal L, Mlika M, Fendri C, Bouchoucha M, Razgallah R, Ammar LB, Bousnina O, Mezni F, Jmal A, and Kallel L
- Abstract
The treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection remains a challenge. None of the proposed treatment regimens has resulted in a 100% eradication rate. The aim of our study was to compare the rate of H. pylori eradication after standard or dose-optimized amoxicillin quadruple therapy. We conducted a prospective comparative study collating patients naive to any anti- H. pylori treatment and with chronic H. pylori infection documented by histological examination. Patients were randomly assigned to either standard quadruple therapy or optimized quadruple therapy. Eradication control was performed by urea breath test. Eighty-eight eligible patients were included with 44 in each group.There was no significant difference between the eradication rates of Qo-14 and Qs-14 neither in ITT (84 vs 70.4%; p = 0.127) nor in PP (82.1 vs 77.7%; p = 0.473). Compliance and tolerance appeared similar in each group., Competing Interests: The authors have no competing interests or relevant affiliations with any organization or entity with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert testimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties., (© 2024 Salma Souissi.)
- Published
- 2024
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5. Correlation between the intensity of Helicobacter pylori colonization and severity of gastritis: Results of a prospective study.
- Author
Souissi S, Makni C, Belhadj Ammar L, Bousnina O, and Kallel L
- Subjects
- Adult, Atrophy pathology, Gastric Mucosa pathology, Humans, Inflammation pathology, Metaplasia complications, Prospective Studies, Gastritis pathology, Gastritis, Atrophic pathology, Helicobacter Infections epidemiology, Helicobacter pylori
- Abstract
Helicobacter pylori infection is strongly associated with chronic gastritis and is probably the main course of chronic inflammation in the gastric mucosa. Gradually, H. pylori gastritis will result in gastric atrophy and intestinal metaplasia. Identifying the relationship between intensity of colonization and activity of gastritis helps the clinician in more effective treatment and post-treatment follow-ups. The aim of our work was to analyze the relationship between the density of H. pylori colonization of the gastric mucosa and the severity of histological parameters of gastritis (inflammation activity, gastric atrophy, and intestinal metaplasia). This was a prospective monocentric study conducted from January 2020 to December 2020, collecting patients naive to any anti-H. pylori treatment and having a chronic H. pylori infection documented by histological examination. Epidemiological, endoscopic, and anathomopathological data were collected. Ninety-seven patients with a mean age of 42.6 years [18-65 years] and a sex ratio of M/F = 0.64 were included. The density of H. pylori colonization was mild (+) in 43.3% of patients, moderate (++) in 47.4% of patients, and significant (+++) in 9.3% of patients. Nearly, ten per cent of patients had no gastritis, 33% had mild gastritis, 50.5% had moderate gastritis, and 6.2% had severe gastritis. Gastric atrophy and intestinal metaplasia were found in 44.3% and 10.3% of our population, respectively. Patients with mild H. pylori colonization rates had the highest level of mild activity (59.5%). There was a statistically significant association between the severity of H. pylori infection and gastritis activity (p < .001). Gastric atrophy was significantly associated with the intensity of H. pylori colonization (p = .049). No significant relationship was found between the intensity of colonization and metaplasia (p = .08). Our study shows that there is a statistically significant association between the density of H. pylori and histopathological findings including gastritis activity and intestinal atrophy., (© 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2022
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6. [Endoscopic removal of intrauterine device perforating the sigmoid colon: case report].
- Author
Makni C, Souissi S, Saidani A, Belhaj A, Bousnina O, Ammar LB, Ridene I, Chebbi F, and Kallel L
- Subjects
- Colon, Sigmoid surgery, Device Removal methods, Female, Humans, Middle Aged, Intrauterine Device Migration adverse effects, Intrauterine Devices adverse effects, Laparoscopy methods, Uterine Perforation etiology, Uterine Perforation surgery
- Abstract
Intrauterine device (IUD) is the mainstay of family planning methods in developing countries. However, it is associated with severe complications such as bleeding, perforation and migration to adjacent organs. Although perforation of the uterus is not rare, migration to the sigmoid colon is exceptional. We here report a case of IUD migration into sigmoid colon; this was removed via low endoscopy. The study involved a 45-year-old woman using an IUD who presented with pelvic pain associated with a feeling of pelvic heaviness 6 years later of insertion. Clinical examination was without abnormalities, and computed tomography (CT) scan showed the IUD embedded in the sigmoid colon wall. Diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy was performed, which objectified IUD-related intestinal perforation. IUD was partially embedded in the sigmoid colon wall and couldn't be removed. The device was removed during colonoscopy by diathermy loop excision (15 mm in diameter)., Competing Interests: Les auteurs ne déclarent aucun conflit d'intérêts., (Copyright: Cyrine Makni et al.)
- Published
- 2022
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7. 46th Medical Maghrebian Congress. November 9-10, 2018. Tunis.
- Author
Alami Aroussi A, Fouad A, Omrane A, Razzak A, Aissa A, Akkad A, Amraoui A, Aouam A, Arfaoui A, Belkouchi A, Ben Chaaben A, Ben Cheikh A, Ben Khélifa A, Ben Mabrouk A, Benhima A, Bezza A, Bezzine A, Bourrahouat A, Chaieb A, Chakib A, Chetoui A, Daoudi A, Ech-Chenbouli A, Gaaliche A, Hassani A, Kassimi A, Khachane A, Labidi A, Lalaoui A, Masrar A, McHachi A, Nakhli A, Ouakaa A, Siati A, Toumi A, Zaouali A, Condé AY, Haggui A, Belaguid A, El Hangouche AJ, Gharbi A, Mahfoudh A, Bouzouita A, Aissaoui A, Ben Hamouda A, Hedhli A, Ammous A, Bahlous A, Ben Halima A, Belhadj A, Bezzine A, Blel A, Brahem A, Banasr A, Meherzi A, Saadi A, Sellami A, Turki A, Ben Miled A, Ben Slama A, Daib A, Zommiti A, Chadly A, Jmaa A, Mtiraoui A, Ksentini A, Methnani A, Zehani A, Kessantini A, Farah A, Mankai A, Mellouli A, Zaouali A, Touil A, Hssine A, Ben Safta A, Derouiche A, Jmal A, Ferjani A, Djobbi A, Dridi A, Aridhi A, Bahdoudi A, Ben Amara A, Benzarti A, Ben Slama AY, Oueslati A, Soltani A, Chadli A, Aloui A, Belghuith Sriha A, Bouden A, Laabidi A, Mensi A, Ouakaa A, Sabbek A, Zribi A, Green A, Ben Nasr A, Azaiez A, Yeades A, Belhaj A, Mediouni A, Sammoud A, Slim A, Amine B, Chelly B, Jatik B, Lmimouni B, Daouahi B, Ben Khelifa B, Louzir B, Dorra A, Dhahri B, Ben Nasrallah C, Chefchaouni C, Konzi C, Loussaief C, Makni C, Dziri C, Bouguerra C, Kays C, Zedini C, Dhouha C, Mohamed C, Aichaouia C, Dhieb C, Fofana D, Gargouri D, Chebil D, Issaoui D, Gouiaa D, Brahim D, Essid D, Jarraya D, Trad D, Ben Hmida E, Sboui E, Ben Brahim E, Baati E, Talbi E, Chaari E, Hammami E, Ghazouani E, Ayari F, Ben Hariz F, Bennaoui F, Chebbi F, Chigr F, Guemira F, Harrar F, Benmoula FZ, Ouali FZ, Maoulainine FMR, Bouden F, Fdhila F, Améziani F, Bouhaouala F, Charfi F, Chermiti Ben Abdallah F, Hammemi F, Jarraya F, Khanchel F, Ourda F, Sellami F, Trabelsi F, Yangui F, Fekih Romdhane F, Mellouli F, Nacef Jomli F, Mghaieth F, Draiss G, Elamine G, Kablouti G, Touzani G, Manzeki GB, Garali G, Drissi G, Besbes G, Abaza H, Azzouz H, Said Latiri H, Rejeb H, Ben Ammar H, Ben Brahim H, Ben Jeddi H, Ben Mahjouba H, Besbes H, Dabbebi H, Douik H, El Haoury H, Elannaz H, Elloumi H, Hachim H, Iraqi H, Kalboussi H, Khadhraoui H, Khouni H, Mamad H, Metjaouel H, Naoui H, Zargouni H, Elmalki HO, Feki H, Haouala H, Jaafoura H, Drissa H, Mizouni H, Kamoun H, Ouerda H, Zaibi H, Chiha H, Kamoun H, Saibi H, Skhiri H, Boussaffa H, Majed H, Blibech H, Daami H, Harzallah H, Rkain H, Ben Massoud H, Jaziri H, Ben Said H, Ayed H, Harrabi H, Chaabouni H, Ladida Debbache H, Harbi H, Yacoub H, Abroug H, Ghali H, Kchir H, Msaad H, Ghali H, Manai H, Riahi H, Bousselmi H, Limem H, Aouina H, Jerraya H, Ben Ayed H, Chahed H, Snéne H, Lahlou Amine I, Nouiser I, Ait Sab I, Chelly I, Elboukhani I, Ghanmi I, Kallala I, Kooli I, Bouasker I, Fetni I, Bachouch I, Bouguecha I, Chaabani I, Gazzeh I, Samaali I, Youssef I, Zemni I, Bachouche I, Youssef I, Bouannene I, Kasraoui I, Laouini I, Mahjoubi I, Maoudoud I, Riahi I, Selmi I, Tka I, Hadj Khalifa I, Mejri I, Béjia I, Bellagha J, Boubaker J, Daghfous J, Dammak J, Hleli J, Ben Amar J, Jedidi J, Marrakchi J, Kaoutar K, Arjouni K, Ben Helel K, Benouhoud K, Rjeb K, Imene K, Samoud K, El Jeri K, Abid K, Chaker K, Abid K, Bouzghaîa K, Kamoun K, Zitouna K, Oughlani K, Lassoued K, Letaif K, Hakim K, Cherif Alami L, Benhmidoune L, Boumhil L, Bouzgarrou L, Dhidah L, Ifrine L, Kallel L, Merzougui L, Errguig L, Mouelhi L, Sahli L, Maoua M, Rejeb M, Ben Rejeb M, Bouchrik M, Bouhoula M, Bourrous M, Bouskraoui M, El Belhadji M, El Belhadji M, Essakhi M, Essid M, Gharbaoui M, Haboub M, Iken M, Krifa M, Lagrine M, Leboyer M, Najimi M, Rahoui M, Sabbah M, Sbihi M, Zouine M, Chefchaouni MC, Gharbi MH, El Fakiri MM, Tagajdid MR, Shimi M, Touaibia M, Jguirim M, Barsaoui M, Belghith M, Ben Jmaa M, Koubaa M, Tbini M, Boughdir M, Ben Salah M, Ben Fraj M, Ben Halima M, Ben Khalifa M, Bousleh M, Limam M, Mabrouk M, Mallouli M, Rebeii M, Ayari M, Belhadj M, Ben Hmida M, Boughattas M, Drissa M, El Ghardallou M, Fejjeri M, Hamza M, Jaidane M, Jrad M, Kacem M, Mersni M, Mjid M, Sabbah M, Serghini M, Triki M, Ben Abbes M, Boussaid M, Gharbi M, Hafi M, Slama M, Trigui M, Taoueb M, Chakroun M, Ben Cheikh M, Chebbi M, Hadj Taieb M, Kacem M, Ben Khelil M, Hammami M, Khalfallah M, Ksiaa M, Mechri M, Mrad M, Sboui M, Bani M, Hajri M, Mellouli M, Allouche M, Mesrati MA, Mseddi MA, Amri M, Bejaoui M, Bellali M, Ben Amor M, Ben Dhieb M, Ben Moussa M, Chebil M, Cherif M, Fourati M, Kahloul M, Khaled M, Machghoul M, Mansour M, Abdesslem MM, Ben Chehida MA, Chaouch MA, Essid MA, Meddeb MA, Gharbi MC, Elleuch MH, Loueslati MH, Sboui MM, Mhiri MN, Kilani MO, Ben Slama MR, Charfi MR, Nakhli MS, Mourali MS, El Asli MS, Lamouchi MT, Cherti M, Khadhraoui M, Bibi M, Hamdoun M, Kassis M, Touzi M, Ben Khaled M, Fekih M, Khemiri M, Ouederni M, Hchicha M, Kassis M, Ben Attia M, Yahyaoui M, Ben Azaiez M, Bousnina M, Ben Jemaa M, Ben Yahia M, Daghfous M, Haj Slimen M, Assidi M, Belhadj N, Ben Mustapha N, El Idrissislitine N, Hikki N, Kchir N, Mars N, Meddeb N, Ouni N, Rada N, Rezg N, Trabelsi N, Bouafia N, Haloui N, Benfenatki N, Bergaoui N, Yomn N, Ben Mustapha N, Maamouri N, Mehiri N, Siala N, Beltaief N, Aridhi N, Sidaoui N, Walid N, Mechergui N, Mnif N, Ben Chekaya N, Bellil N, Dhouib N, Achour N, Kaabar N, Mrizak N, Mnif N, Chaouech N, Hasni N, Issaoui N, Ati N, Balloumi N, Haj Salem N, Ladhari N, Akif N, Liani N, Hajji N, Trad N, Elleuch N, Marzouki NEH, Larbi N, M'barek N, Rebai N, Bibani N, Ben Salah N, Belmaachi O, Elmaalel O, Jlassi O, Mihoub O, Ben Zaid O, Bouallègue O, Bousnina O, Bouyahia O, El Maalel O, Fendri O, Azzabi O, Borgi O, Ghdes O, Ben Rejeb O, Rachid R, Abi R, Bahiri R, Boulma R, Elkhayat R, Habbal R, Rachid R, Tamouza R, Jomli R, Ben Abdallah R, Smaoui R, Debbeche R, Fakhfakh R, El Kamel R, Gargouri R, Jouini R, Nouira R, Fessi R, Bannour R, Ben Rabeh R, Kacem R, Khmakhem R, Ben Younes R, Karray R, Cheikh R, Ben Malek R, Ben Slama R, Kouki R, Baati R, Bechraoui R, Fakhfakh R, Fradi R, Lahiani R, Ridha R, Zainine R, Kallel R, Rostom S, Ben Abdallah S, Ben Hammamia S, Benchérifa S, Benkirane S, Chatti S, El Guedri S, El Oussaoui S, Elkochri S, Elmoussaoui S, Enbili S, Gara S, Haouet S, Khammeri S, Khefecha S, Khtrouche S, Macheghoul S, Mallouli S, Rharrit S, Skouri S, Helali S, Boulehmi S, Abid S, Naouar S, Zelfani S, Ben Amar S, Ajmi S, Braiek S, Yahiaoui S, Ghezaiel S, Ben Toumia S, Thabeti S, Daboussi S, Ben Abderahman S, Rhaiem S, Ben Rhouma S, Rekaya S, Haddad S, Kammoun S, Merai S, Mhamdi S, Ben Ali R, Gaaloul S, Ouali S, Taleb S, Zrour S, Hamdi S, Zaghdoudi S, Ammari S, Ben Abderrahim S, Karaa S, Maazaoui S, Saidani S, Stambouli S, Mokadem S, Boudiche S, Zaghbib S, Ayedi S, Jardek S, Bouselmi S, Chtourou S, Manoubi S, Bahri S, Halioui S, Jrad S, Mazigh S, Ouerghi S, Toujani S, Fenniche S, Aboudrar S, Meriem Amari S, Karouia S, Bourgou S, Halayem S, Rammeh S, Yaïch S, Ben Nasrallah S, Chouchane S, Ftini S, Makni S, Manoubi S, Miri S, Saadi S, Manoubi SA, Khalfallah T, Mechergui T, Dakka T, Barhoumi T, M'rad TEB, Ajmi T, Dorra T, Ouali U, Hannachi W, Ferjaoui W, Aissi W, Dahmani W, Dhouib W, Koubaa W, Zhir W, Gheriani W, Arfa W, Dougaz W, Sahnoun W, Naija W, Sami Y, Bouteraa Y, Elhamdaoui Y, Hama Y, Ouahchi Y, Guebsi Y, Nouira Y, Daly Y, Mahjoubi Y, Mejdoub Y, Mosbahi Y, Said Y, Zaimi Y, Zgueb Y, Dridi Y, Mesbahi Y, Gharbi Y, Hellal Y, Hechmi Z, Zid Z, Elmouatassim Z, Ghorbel Z, Habbadi Z, Marrakchi Z, Hidouri Z, Abbes Z, Ouhachi Z, Khessairi Z, Khlayfia Z, Mahjoubi Z, and Moatemri Z
- Subjects
- Africa, Northern epidemiology, Anatomy education, Education, Medical history, Education, Medical methods, Education, Medical organization & administration, History, 21st Century, Humans, Internship and Residency standards, Internship and Residency trends, Job Satisfaction, Pathology, Clinical education, Tunisia epidemiology, Education, Medical trends, Medicine methods, Medicine organization & administration, Medicine trends
- Published
- 2019
8. Fanconi anemia complicated by neutropenic enterocolitis.
- Author
Tinsa F, Necib N, Guesmi M, Bousnina O, Douira W, Bousetta K, and Bousnina S
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Anti-Bacterial Agents therapeutic use, Anti-Infective Agents therapeutic use, Blood Transfusion, Ceftazidime therapeutic use, Drug Therapy, Combination, Enterocolitis, Neutropenic therapy, Fanconi Anemia therapy, Gentamicins therapeutic use, Humans, Male, Metronidazole therapeutic use, Treatment Outcome, Enterocolitis, Neutropenic diagnosis, Enterocolitis, Neutropenic etiology, Fanconi Anemia complications, Fanconi Anemia diagnosis
- Abstract
Background: Neutropenic enterocolitis (NEC) also known as typhlitis is an acute, life-threatening inflammation of the small and large bowel often seen in patients with leukaemia undergoing cytotoxic chemotherapy: occasionally this syndrome could present in other immunocompromised patients., Aim: To report an unusual case of Fanconi anemia complicated by neutropenic enterocolitis., Case Report: We report a case of a 13-year-old boy affected by Fanconi anemia with severe neutropenia and who presented neutropenic enterocolitis. Abdominal ultrasonography showed thickening of cecum and ascending colon of 1.18cm. The outcome was favourable with medical management., Conclusion: Neutropenic enterocolitis in Fanconi anemia is a rare and a severe illness: however, the outcome is improved with early management.
- Published
- 2008
9. [Diabetes and the day hospital].
- Author
Zghal A, el Fehik N, Bousnina O, Daoud I, Zghal I, and Gaigi S
- Subjects
- Diabetes Mellitus diagnosis, Diabetes Mellitus psychology, Hospital Bed Capacity statistics & numerical data, Hospital Costs statistics & numerical data, Hospitalization economics, Humans, Patient Education as Topic, Program Evaluation, Tunisia, Day Care, Medical organization & administration, Diabetes Mellitus therapy
- Abstract
The day hospital is a relatively new way of hospitalization in Tunisia, the first experience beginning in 1985 to the National Institute of Nutrition. This hospitalization avoid the drawbacks of classic hospitalization (dependency, discomfort, separation) and boredom and present a lot of advantages of social command, humanitarian, psychological, medical and economical the cost of hospitalization is clearly reduced). This day hospitalization is beneficial in several pathologies notably the illness nutrition and metabolic diseases (diabetes, obesity, dyslipoproteinemia, hyperuricemia), where the patients continue to have a good physical activity and where the education médico sanitary and dietary hygiéno occupies a position of choice.
- Published
- 2000
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