31 results on '"Bouchrik M"'
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2. RETRAIT : Seroprevalence of cystic echinococcosis in the provinces of Ifrane and El Hajeb in Morocco
- Author
Tahiri, S., primary, Naoui, H., additional, Iken, M., additional, Azelmat, S., additional, Bouchrik, M., additional, and Lmimouni, B.E., additional
- Published
- 2020
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3. Relapsing fever in a Moroccan man
- Author
Kahouli, S., additional, Naoui, H., additional, Uwingabiye, J., additional, Reggad, A., additional, Ennibi, K., additional, Bouchrik, M., additional, and Lmimouni, B.E., additional
- Published
- 2018
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4. Comparison of two antifungal susceptibility testing of Candida sp. isolates using agar diffusion method: Neo-sensitabs® tablets and Bio-rad® disks
- Author
Uwingabiye, J., Iken, M., Zohoun, A.G., Boumhil, L., Lemkhente, Z., Naoui, H., Bouchrik, M., and Lmimouni, B.
- Published
- 2016
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5. Endocardite à Candida albicans après cure de canal atrioventriculaire complet
- Author
El Alami, S., Handor, N., Moutaki Allah, Y., Bouchrik, M., El Mellouki, W., Boulahya, A., and Lmimouni, B.
- Published
- 2013
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Toxoplasmose cerebral - Abstract
Introduction : La toxoplasmose est une zoonose cosmopolite due à un protozoaire toxoplasma gondii. Habituellement bénigne, elle est redoutable chez le fœtus et le patient immunodéprimé. Dans 90% des cas, la réactivation du parasite a lieu au niveau cérébral, conduisant à des abcès cérébraux. Observation : Nous rapportons le cas d’un patient de 45 ans, VIH positif qui est admis en réanimation dans un tableau comateux. Le diagnostic de toxoplasmose est évoqué devant l’image radiologique en cocarde de la TDM cérébrale. Le bilan biologique retrouve une anémie macrocytaire, une thrombopénie et des images de grands lymphocytes hyper basophiles, faisant penser à un syndrome mononucléosique. Une ponction lombaire et un prélèvement sanguin sont réalisés pour la détermination du titre des Ac Ig G antitoxoplasmiques dans le sérum et le LCR en vue de calculer la charge immunitaire et le coefficient de Desmonds. Le CD‘ 4 est en faveur d’une synthèse intrathécale d’anticorps antitoxoplasmiques, témoignant d’une infection cérébrale évolutive. Un traitement par la Pyriméthamine – Clindamycine est instauré avec une évolution favorable. Conclusion : La toxoplasmose cérébrale doit être systématiquement évoquée devant des manifestations neurologiques centrales chez un patient VIH positif. Le diagnostic biologique précoce est basé sur la mise en évidence d’une synthèse intrathécale d’anticorps antitoxoplasmique., Maroc Médical, Vol. 29, No 3 (2007)
- Published
- 2013
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Maroc Médical, Vol. 26, No 3 (2004)
- Published
- 2013
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Gale norvégienne - traitement immunosuppresseur - Abstract
La gale norvégienne ou gale croûteuse, est une affection rare et exceptionnelle de la gale acarienne humaine. Elle se caractérise par son polymorphisme clinique (absence parfois de prurit, répartition topographique différente de la gale classique), ce qui pose un problème de diagnostic. Nous rapportons dans ce travail, un cas de sclérodermato polymyosite chez une femme de 40 ans à bas niveau d’hygiène et qui était sous cyclophosphamide associé à une corticothérapie générale, la patiente a développé des lésions cupuliforme et généralisées de la peau, un aspect squameux jaunâtre au niveau du cuir chevelu et une hyperkératose sous unguéale. La généralisation de l’atteinte et la contagiosité sont rapides surtout chez le personnel soignant. Le diagnostic de la gale norvégienne est porté après un examen parasitologique des prélèvements réalisés au niveau de la peau et du cuir chevelu et qui a montré la présence du Sarcoptes scabiei var : hominis. La patiente a été mise sous Benzoate de benzyle (Ascabiol®) et devant des examens parasitologiques de contrôle : positifs, la patiente a été mise sous Ivermectine. Le laboratoire de parasitologie mycologie joue un rôle important pour poser le diagnostic de la gale norvégienne et pour contrôler l’efficacité du traitement., Maroc Médical, Vol. 26, No 3 (2004)
- Published
- 2013
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Teignes - cuir chevelu- Microsporum canis - Abstract
Sur 4999 malades admis au laboratoire de parasitologie et de mycologie médicale de l’hôpital d’enfants de Rabat entre janvier 1993 et juin 1998, 846 cas sont suspects de teigne du cuir chevelu, soit 16,92 % de l’échantillon examiné. L’âge des patients se situe entre 6 mois et 85 ans. Les personnes les plus touchées sont celles dont l’âge est compris entre 1 et 15 ans, soit 62,72 %. Le sexe masculin est relativement plus touché avec un pourcentage de 59,34 %. L’analyse mycologique confirme les cas de teignes du cuir chevelu dans 77,54 % du total des prélèvements effectués à ce niveau. Les trichophyties à trichophyton violaceum prédominent (80,49 %), suivies des microspories à microsporum canis qui représentent 13,11 % de l’ensemble des cultures positives. Quant aux teignes inflammatoires, elles restent l’apanage des personnes vivant en milieu rural (2,75 %). La comparaison avec des enquêtes précédentes montre que les microspories qui étaient pratiquement inconnues sont en pleine progression, alors que les teignes faviques régressent nettement., Maroc Médical, Vol. 22, No 2 (2000)
- Published
- 2013
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10. RETRAIT : Seroprevalence of cystic echinococcosis in the provinces of Ifrane and El Hajeb in Morocco
- Author
Tahiri, S., Naoui, H., Iken, M., Azelmat, S., Bouchrik, M., and Lmimouni, B.E.
- Abstract
À la demande des auteurs et conformément à la ligne de conduite d’Elsevier concernant le retrait d’articles cet article a dû être retiré. Vous pouvez consulter le site pour de plus amples renseignements. L’éditeur vous prie d’accepter ses excuses pour ce désagrément.
- Published
- 2024
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11. Comparison of two antifungal susceptibility testing of Candida sp. isolates using agar diffusion method: Neo-sensitabs ® tablets and Bio-rad ® disks
- Author
Uwingabiye, J., primary, Iken, M., additional, Zohoun, A.G., additional, Boumhil, L., additional, Lemkhente, Z., additional, Naoui, H., additional, Bouchrik, M., additional, and Lmimouni, B., additional
- Published
- 2016
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12. Épidémiologique des teignes du cuir chevelu a l’hôpital militaire d’instruction Mohamed V de Rabat (HMIMV)
- Author
Srifi, A., primary, Boumhil, L., additional, Alem, N., additional, Bouhou, S., additional, Iken, M., additional, Naoui, H., additional, Lemkhente, Z., additional, Bouchrik, M., additional, and Lmimouni, B., additional
- Published
- 2014
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13. Épidémiologie des dermatophyties : expérience du laboratoire de parasitologie–mycologie de l’hôpital militaire d’instruction Mohamed V Rabat (sur une durée de 5 ans)
- Author
Bouhou, S., primary, Boumhil, L., additional, Dahraoui, S., additional, Belarj, B., additional, Iken, M., additional, Bouchrik, M., additional, and Lmimouni, B., additional
- Published
- 2014
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14. Comparaison entre le test de filamentation et le bichro-latex albicans pour l’identification de Candida albicans
- Author
Boumhil, L., primary, Bouyarmane, W., additional, Iken, M., additional, Naoui, H., additional, Bouchrik, M., additional, and Lmimouni, B., additional
- Published
- 2014
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15. L’Aspergillose pulmonaire invasive en oncohématologie à l’hôpital Militaire d’Instruction Mohammed V de Rabat
- Author
Dahraoui, S., primary, Srifi, A., additional, Naoui, H., additional, Boumhil, L., additional, Iken, M., additional, Bouchrik, M., additional, Doghmi, K., additional, Miqdame, M., additional, and Lmimouni, B., additional
- Published
- 2014
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16. Les épidermophyties a l’hôpital militaire d’instruction Mohammed V de Rabat (Maroc)
- Author
Bouchrik, M., primary, Naoui, H., additional, Lemsayeh, H., additional, Iken, M., additional, Boumhil, L., additional, El Mellouki, W., additional, and Lmimouni, B., additional
- Published
- 2012
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17. Les onychomycoses à moisissures et pseudodermatophytes à l’hôpital militaire d’instruction Mohammed-V de Rabat (Maroc)
- Author
Bouchrik, M., primary, Naoui, H., additional, Lemsayeh, H., additional, Boumhil, L., additional, Iken, M., additional, El Mellouki, W., additional, and Lmimouni, B., additional
- Published
- 2012
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18. Endocardite à Candida albicans après cure de canal atrio-ventriculaire complet
- Author
El Alami, S., primary, Handor, N., additional, Moutaki Allah, Y., additional, Naoui, H., additional, Bouchrik, M., additional, Boulahya, A., additional, and Lmimouni, B., additional
- Published
- 2012
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19. Les candidoses vulvo-vaginales chez la consultante a l’hopital militaire d’instruction Mohammed V, Rabat (Maroc)
- Author
El Alami, S., primary, Handor, N., additional, Naoui, H., additional, Bouchrik, M., additional, Sbai Idrissi, K., additional, Guelzim, K., additional, and Lmimouni, B., additional
- Published
- 2012
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20. Histoplasmose pulmonaire à histoplasma capsulatum variété capsulatum – à propos d’un cas
- Author
Berrada, R., primary, Naoui, H., additional, Bouchrik, M., additional, Sekkach, Y., additional, and Lmimouni, B., additional
- Published
- 2012
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21. Fièvre récurrente chez un Marocain.
- Author
Kahouli, S., Naoui, H., Uwingabiye, J., Reggad, A., Ennibi, K., Bouchrik, M., and Lmimouni, B.E.
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2018
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22. P133 Candidoses buccales chez le diabétique de type 2 (étude prospective à propos de 150 patients)
- Author
Baïzri, H., primary, Bouchrik, M., additional, Boufaress, F., additional, Qacif, H., additional, Sekkach, Y., additional, Elqatni, M., additional, Elomri, N., additional, Jira, M., additional, Abouzahir, A., additional, Lmimouni, B., additional, Elmallouki, W., additional, Rkiouak, F., additional, Belmejdoub, G., additional, Ghafir, D., additional, and Ohayon, V., additional
- Published
- 2008
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23. 46th Medical Maghrebian Congress. November 9-10, 2018. Tunis
- Author
Alami Aroussi, A., Fouad, A., Omrane, A., Razzak, A., Aissa, A., Akkad, A., Amraoui, A., Aouam, A., Arfaoui, A., Belkouchi, A., Ben Chaaben, A., Ben Cheikh, A., Ben Khélifa, A., Ben Mabrouk, A., Benhima, A., Bezza, A., Bezzine, A., Bourrahouat, A., Chaieb, A., Chakib, A., Chetoui, A., Daoudi, A., Ech-Chenbouli, A., Gaaliche, A., Hassani, A., Kassimi, A., Khachane, A., Labidi, A., Lalaoui, A., Masrar, A., Mchachi, A., Nakhli, A., Ouakaa, A., Siati, A., Toumi, A., Zaouali, A., Condé, A. Y., Haggui, A., Belaguid, A., abdelkader jalil el hangouche, Gharbi, A., Mahfoudh, A., Bouzouita, A., Aissaoui, A., Ben Hamouda, A., Hedhli, A., Ammous, A., Bahlous, A., Ben Halima, A., Belhadj, A., Blel, A., Brahem, A., Banasr, A., Meherzi, A., Saadi, A., Sellami, A., Turki, A., Ben Miled, A., Ben Slama, A., Daib, A., Zommiti, A., Chadly, A., Jmaa, A., Mtiraoui, A., Ksentini, A., Methnani, A., Zehani, A., Kessantini, A., Farah, A., Mankai, A., Mellouli, A., Touil, A., Hssine, A., Ben Safta, A., Derouiche, A., Jmal, A., Ferjani, A., Djobbi, A., Dridi, A., Aridhi, A., Bahdoudi, A., Ben Amara, A., Benzarti, A., Ben Slama, A. Y., Oueslati, A., Soltani, A., Chadli, A., Aloui, A., Belghuith Sriha, A., Bouden, A., Laabidi, A., Mensi, A., Sabbek, A., Zribi, A., Green, A., Ben Nasr, A., Azaiez, A., Yeades, A., Belhaj, A., Mediouni, A., Sammoud, A., Slim, A., Amine, B., Chelly, B., Jatik, B., Lmimouni, B., Daouahi, B., Ben Khelifa, B., Louzir, B., Dorra, A., Dhahri, B., Ben Nasrallah, C., Chefchaouni, C., Konzi, C., Loussaief, C., Makni, C., Dziri, C., Bouguerra, C., Kays, C., Zedini, C., Dhouha, C., Mohamed, C., Aichaouia, C., Dhieb, C., Fofana, D., Gargouri, D., Chebil, D., Issaoui, D., Gouiaa, D., Brahim, D., Essid, D., Jarraya, D., Trad, D., Ben Hmida, E., Sboui, E., Ben Brahim, E., Baati, E., Talbi, E., Chaari, E., Hammami, E., Ghazouani, E., Ayari, F., Ben Hariz, F., Bennaoui, F., Chebbi, F., Chigr, F., Guemira, F., Harrar, F., Benmoula, F. Z., Ouali, F. Z., Maoulainine, F. M. R., Bouden, F., Fdhila, F., Améziani, F., Bouhaouala, F., Charfi, F., Chermiti Ben Abdallah, F., Hammemi, F., Jarraya, F., Khanchel, F., Ourda, F., Sellami, F., Trabelsi, F., Yangui, F., Fekih Romdhane, F., Mellouli, F., Nacef Jomli, F., Mghaieth, F., Draiss, G., Elamine, G., Kablouti, G., Touzani, G., Manzeki, G. B., Garali, G., Drissi, G., Besbes, G., Abaza, H., Azzouz, H., Said Latiri, H., Rejeb, H., Ben Ammar, H., Ben Brahim, H., Ben Jeddi, H., Ben Mahjouba, H., Besbes, H., Dabbebi, H., Douik, H., El Haoury, H., Elannaz, H., Elloumi, H., Hachim, H., Iraqi, H., Kalboussi, H., Khadhraoui, H., Khouni, H., Mamad, H., Metjaouel, H., Naoui, H., Zargouni, H., Elmalki, H. O., Feki, H., Haouala, H., Jaafoura, H., Drissa, H., Mizouni, H., Kamoun, H., Ouerda, H., Zaibi, H., Chiha, H., Saibi, H., Skhiri, H., Boussaffa, H., Majed, H., Blibech, H., Daami, H., Harzallah, H., Rkain, H., Ben Massoud, H., Jaziri, H., Ben Said, H., Ayed, H., Harrabi, H., Chaabouni, H., Ladida Debbache, H., Harbi, H., Yacoub, H., Abroug, H., Ghali, H., Kchir, H., Msaad, H., Manai, H., Riahi, H., Bousselmi, H., Limem, H., Aouina, H., Jerraya, H., Ben Ayed, H., Chahed, H., Snéne, H., Lahlou Amine, I., Nouiser, I., Ait Sab, I., Chelly, I., Elboukhani, I., Ghanmi, I., Kallala, I., Kooli, I., Bouasker, I., Fetni, I., Bachouch, I., Bouguecha, I., Chaabani, I., Gazzeh, I., Samaali, I., Youssef, I., Zemni, I., Bachouche, I., Bouannene, I., Kasraoui, I., Laouini, I., Mahjoubi, I., Maoudoud, I., Riahi, I., Selmi, I., Tka, I., Hadj Khalifa, I., Mejri, I., Béjia, I., Bellagha, J., Boubaker, J., Daghfous, J., Dammak, J., Hleli, J., Ben Amar, J., Jedidi, J., Marrakchi, J., Kaoutar, K., Arjouni, K., Ben Helel, K., Benouhoud, K., Rjeb, K., Imene, K., Samoud, K., El Jeri, K., Abid, K., Chaker, K., Bouzghaîa, K., Kamoun, K., Zitouna, K., Oughlani, K., Lassoued, K., Letaif, K., Hakim, K., Cherif Alami, L., Benhmidoune, L., Boumhil, L., Bouzgarrou, L., Dhidah, L., Ifrine, L., Kallel, L., Merzougui, L., Errguig, L., Mouelhi, L., Sahli, L., Maoua, M., Rejeb, M., Ben Rejeb, M., Bouchrik, M., Bouhoula, M., Bourrous, M., Bouskraoui, M., El Belhadji, M., Essakhi, M., Essid, M., Gharbaoui, M., Haboub, M., Iken, M., Krifa, M., Lagrine, M., Leboyer, M., Najimi, M., Rahoui, M., Sabbah, M., Sbihi, M., Zouine, M., Chefchaouni, M. C., Gharbi, M. H., El Fakiri, M. M., Tagajdid, M. R., Shimi, M., Touaibia, M., Jguirim, M., Barsaoui, M., Belghith, M., Ben Jmaa, M., Koubaa, M., Tbini, M., Boughdir, M., Ben Salah, M., Ben Fraj, M., Ben Halima, M., Ben Khalifa, M., Bousleh, M., Limam, M., Mabrouk, M., Mallouli, M., Rebeii, M., Ayari, M., Belhadj, M., Ben Hmida, M., Boughattas, M., Drissa, M., El Ghardallou, M., Fejjeri, M., Hamza, M., Jaidane, M., Jrad, M., Kacem, M., Mersni, M., Mjid, M., Serghini, M., Triki, M., Ben Abbes, M., Boussaid, M., Gharbi, M., Hafi, M., Slama, M., Trigui, M., Taoueb, M., Chakroun, M., Ben Cheikh, M., Chebbi, M., Hadj Taieb, M., Ben Khelil, M., Hammami, M., Khalfallah, M., Ksiaa, M., Mechri, M., Mrad, M., Sboui, M., Bani, M., Hajri, M., Mellouli, M., Allouche, M., Mesrati, M. A., Mseddi, M. A., Amri, M., Bejaoui, M., Bellali, M., Ben Amor, M., Ben Dhieb, M., Ben Moussa, M., Chebil, M., Cherif, M., Fourati, M., Kahloul, M., Khaled, M., Machghoul, M., Mansour, M., Abdesslem, M. M., Ben Chehida, M. A., Chaouch, M. A., Essid, M. A., Meddeb, M. A., Gharbi, M. C., Elleuch, M. H., Loueslati, M. H., Sboui, M. M., Mhiri, M. N., Kilani, M. O., Ben Slama, M. R., Charfi, M. R., Nakhli, M. S., Mourali, M. S., El Asli, M. S., Lamouchi, M. T., Cherti, M., Khadhraoui, M., Bibi, M., Hamdoun, M., Kassis, M., Touzi, M., Ben Khaled, M., Fekih, M., Khemiri, M., Ouederni, M., Hchicha, M., Ben Attia, M., Yahyaoui, M., Ben Azaiez, M., Bousnina, M., Ben Jemaa, M., Ben Yahia, M., Daghfous, M., Haj Slimen, M., Assidi, M., Belhadj, N., Ben Mustapha, N., El Idrissislitine, N., Hikki, N., Kchir, N., Mars, N., Meddeb, N., Ouni, N., Rada, N., Rezg, N., Trabelsi, N., Bouafia, N., Haloui, N., Benfenatki, N., Bergaoui, N., Yomn, N., Maamouri, N., Mehiri, N., Siala, N., Beltaief, N., Aridhi, N., Sidaoui, N., Walid, N., Mechergui, N., Mnif, N., Ben Chekaya, N., Bellil, N., Dhouib, N., Achour, N., Kaabar, N., Mrizak, N., Chaouech, N., Hasni, N., Issaoui, N., Ati, N., Balloumi, N., Haj Salem, N., Ladhari, N., Akif, N., Liani, N., Hajji, N., Trad, N., Elleuch, N., Marzouki, N. E. H., Larbi, N., M Barek, N., Rebai, N., Bibani, N., Ben Salah, N., Belmaachi, O., Elmaalel, O., Jlassi, O., Mihoub, O., Ben Zaid, O., Bouallègue, O., Bousnina, O., Bouyahia, O., El Maalel, O., Fendri, O., Azzabi, O., Borgi, O., Ghdes, O., Ben Rejeb, O., Rachid, R., Abi, R., Bahiri, R., Boulma, R., Elkhayat, R., Habbal, R., Tamouza, R., Jomli, R., Ben Abdallah, R., Smaoui, R., Debbeche, R., Fakhfakh, R., El Kamel, R., Gargouri, R., Jouini, R., Nouira, R., Fessi, R., Bannour, R., Ben Rabeh, R., Kacem, R., Khmakhem, R., Ben Younes, R., Karray, R., Cheikh, R., Ben Malek, R., Ben Slama, R., Kouki, R., Baati, R., Bechraoui, R., Fradi, R., Lahiani, R., Ridha, R., Zainine, R., Kallel, R., Rostom, S., Ben Abdallah, S., Ben Hammamia, S., Benchérifa, S., Benkirane, S., Chatti, S., El Guedri, S., El Oussaoui, S., Elkochri, S., Elmoussaoui, S., Enbili, S., Gara, S., Haouet, S., Khammeri, S., Khefecha, S., Khtrouche, S., Macheghoul, S., Mallouli, S., Rharrit, S., Skouri, S., Helali, S., Boulehmi, S., Abid, S., Naouar, S., Zelfani, S., Ben Amar, S., Ajmi, S., Braiek, S., Yahiaoui, S., Ghezaiel, S., Ben Toumia, S., Thabeti, S., Daboussi, S., Ben Abderahman, S., Rhaiem, S., Ben Rhouma, S., Rekaya, S., Haddad, S., Kammoun, S., Merai, S., Mhamdi, S., Ben Ali, R., Gaaloul, S., Ouali, S., Taleb, S., Zrour, S., Hamdi, S., Zaghdoudi, S., Ammari, S., Ben Abderrahim, S., Karaa, S., Maazaoui, S., Saidani, S., Stambouli, S., Mokadem, S., Boudiche, S., Zaghbib, S., Ayedi, S., Jardek, S., Bouselmi, S., Chtourou, S., Manoubi, S., Bahri, S., Halioui, S., Jrad, S., Mazigh, S., Ouerghi, S., Toujani, S., Fenniche, S., Aboudrar, S., Meriem Amari, S., Karouia, S., Bourgou, S., Halayem, S., Rammeh, S., Yaïch, S., Ben Nasrallah, S., Chouchane, S., Ftini, S., Makni, S., Miri, S., Saadi, S., Manoubi, S. A., Khalfallah, T., Mechergui, T., Dakka, T., Barhoumi, T., M Rad, T. E. B., Ajmi, T., Dorra, T., Ouali, U., Hannachi, W., Ferjaoui, W., Aissi, W., Dahmani, W., Dhouib, W., Koubaa, W., Zhir, W., Gheriani, W., Arfa, W., Dougaz, W., Sahnoun, W., Naija, W., Sami, Y., Bouteraa, Y., Elhamdaoui, Y., Hama, Y., Ouahchi, Y., Guebsi, Y., Nouira, Y., Daly, Y., Mahjoubi, Y., Mejdoub, Y., Mosbahi, Y., Said, Y., Zaimi, Y., Zgueb, Y., Dridi, Y., Mesbahi, Y., Gharbi, Y., Hellal, Y., Hechmi, Z., Zid, Z., Elmouatassim, Z., Ghorbel, Z., Habbadi, Z., Marrakchi, Z., Hidouri, Z., Abbes, Z., Ouhachi, Z., Khessairi, Z., Khlayfia, Z., Mahjoubi, Z., and Moatemri, Z.
24. Synthesis and antimicrobial properties of some Pyridazin-3-thiones derivatives
- Author
Benmoussa, A., El Harti, J., Ansar, M., Bouchrik, M., Ahmed ZAHIDI, Cherrah, Y., Bouklouze, A., and Taoufik, J.
25. Histoplasmose pulmonaire àhistoplasma capsulatum variété capsulatum – à propos d’un cas.
- Author
Berrada, R., Naoui, H., Bouchrik, M., Sekkach, Y., and Lmimouni, B.
- Published
- 2012
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26. Endocardite àCandida albicans après cure de canal atrio-ventriculaire complet.
- Author
El Alami, S., Handor, N., Moutaki Allah, Y., Naoui, H., Bouchrik, M., Boulahya, A., and Lmimouni, B.
- Published
- 2012
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27. Correction to: Genotyping of human Echinococcus granulosus cyst in Morocco.
- Author
Tahiri S, Naoui H, Iken M, Azelmat S, Khallayoune M, Bouchrik M, and Lmimouni BE
- Abstract
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1007/s12639-019-01127-1.]., (© Indian Society for Parasitology 2022.)
- Published
- 2022
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28. Genotyping of human Echinococcus granulosus cyst in Morocco.
- Author
Tahiri S, Naoui H, Iken M, Azelmat S, Khallayoune M, Bouchrik M, and Lmimouni BE
- Abstract
Echinococcus granulosus is the etiological agent of cystic echinococcosis (CE), also commonly called hydatidosis. This is a zoonotic infection endemic worldwide, including the Mediterranean basin and Morocco. The genetic variability of Echinococcus granulosus is known to influence development of parasitic cysts in different intermediate hosts, and therefore the epidemiology of infection. Molecular studies have identified nine genotypes of Echinococcus granulosus , eight of them affect humans, grouped today in four distinct species. In Morocco, molecular studies on CE cysts from animals showed the presence, for the large majority of cases, of the G1 genotype (« sheep strain » or Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto), which is also the cause of the majority of human infections worldwide, and to a lesser extent of the other genotypes (G2 and G3) within Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto complex. However, so far no genotyping of echinococcal cysts in Morocco has been carried out. We collected CE cysts material from 15 patients diagnosed with abdominal CE in the Meknès-Tafilalt region, Middle Atlas of Morocco, and an endemic area and genotyped by multiplex PCR. The only five cysts from which it was possible to successfully amplify the DNA were all belonging to the G1-G3 genotype, in line with the epidemiology of CE in animals in the same area. Our results add new information, on the human side, to the epidemiological picture of CE in the region, which are important in the context of any control plan for the infection., (© Indian Society for Parasitology 2019.)
- Published
- 2019
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29. 46th Medical Maghrebian Congress. November 9-10, 2018. Tunis.
- Author
Alami Aroussi A, Fouad A, Omrane A, Razzak A, Aissa A, Akkad A, Amraoui A, Aouam A, Arfaoui A, Belkouchi A, Ben Chaaben A, Ben Cheikh A, Ben Khélifa A, Ben Mabrouk A, Benhima A, Bezza A, Bezzine A, Bourrahouat A, Chaieb A, Chakib A, Chetoui A, Daoudi A, Ech-Chenbouli A, Gaaliche A, Hassani A, Kassimi A, Khachane A, Labidi A, Lalaoui A, Masrar A, McHachi A, Nakhli A, Ouakaa A, Siati A, Toumi A, Zaouali A, Condé AY, Haggui A, Belaguid A, El Hangouche AJ, Gharbi A, Mahfoudh A, Bouzouita A, Aissaoui A, Ben Hamouda A, Hedhli A, Ammous A, Bahlous A, Ben Halima A, Belhadj A, Bezzine A, Blel A, Brahem A, Banasr A, Meherzi A, Saadi A, Sellami A, Turki A, Ben Miled A, Ben Slama A, Daib A, Zommiti A, Chadly A, Jmaa A, Mtiraoui A, Ksentini A, Methnani A, Zehani A, Kessantini A, Farah A, Mankai A, Mellouli A, Zaouali A, Touil A, Hssine A, Ben Safta A, Derouiche A, Jmal A, Ferjani A, Djobbi A, Dridi A, Aridhi A, Bahdoudi A, Ben Amara A, Benzarti A, Ben Slama AY, Oueslati A, Soltani A, Chadli A, Aloui A, Belghuith Sriha A, Bouden A, Laabidi A, Mensi A, Ouakaa A, Sabbek A, Zribi A, Green A, Ben Nasr A, Azaiez A, Yeades A, Belhaj A, Mediouni A, Sammoud A, Slim A, Amine B, Chelly B, Jatik B, Lmimouni B, Daouahi B, Ben Khelifa B, Louzir B, Dorra A, Dhahri B, Ben Nasrallah C, Chefchaouni C, Konzi C, Loussaief C, Makni C, Dziri C, Bouguerra C, Kays C, Zedini C, Dhouha C, Mohamed C, Aichaouia C, Dhieb C, Fofana D, Gargouri D, Chebil D, Issaoui D, Gouiaa D, Brahim D, Essid D, Jarraya D, Trad D, Ben Hmida E, Sboui E, Ben Brahim E, Baati E, Talbi E, Chaari E, Hammami E, Ghazouani E, Ayari F, Ben Hariz F, Bennaoui F, Chebbi F, Chigr F, Guemira F, Harrar F, Benmoula FZ, Ouali FZ, Maoulainine FMR, Bouden F, Fdhila F, Améziani F, Bouhaouala F, Charfi F, Chermiti Ben Abdallah F, Hammemi F, Jarraya F, Khanchel F, Ourda F, Sellami F, Trabelsi F, Yangui F, Fekih Romdhane F, Mellouli F, Nacef Jomli F, Mghaieth F, Draiss G, Elamine G, Kablouti G, Touzani G, Manzeki GB, Garali G, Drissi G, Besbes G, Abaza H, Azzouz H, Said Latiri H, Rejeb H, Ben Ammar H, Ben Brahim H, Ben Jeddi H, Ben Mahjouba H, Besbes H, Dabbebi H, Douik H, El Haoury H, Elannaz H, Elloumi H, Hachim H, Iraqi H, Kalboussi H, Khadhraoui H, Khouni H, Mamad H, Metjaouel H, Naoui H, Zargouni H, Elmalki HO, Feki H, Haouala H, Jaafoura H, Drissa H, Mizouni H, Kamoun H, Ouerda H, Zaibi H, Chiha H, Kamoun H, Saibi H, Skhiri H, Boussaffa H, Majed H, Blibech H, Daami H, Harzallah H, Rkain H, Ben Massoud H, Jaziri H, Ben Said H, Ayed H, Harrabi H, Chaabouni H, Ladida Debbache H, Harbi H, Yacoub H, Abroug H, Ghali H, Kchir H, Msaad H, Ghali H, Manai H, Riahi H, Bousselmi H, Limem H, Aouina H, Jerraya H, Ben Ayed H, Chahed H, Snéne H, Lahlou Amine I, Nouiser I, Ait Sab I, Chelly I, Elboukhani I, Ghanmi I, Kallala I, Kooli I, Bouasker I, Fetni I, Bachouch I, Bouguecha I, Chaabani I, Gazzeh I, Samaali I, Youssef I, Zemni I, Bachouche I, Youssef I, Bouannene I, Kasraoui I, Laouini I, Mahjoubi I, Maoudoud I, Riahi I, Selmi I, Tka I, Hadj Khalifa I, Mejri I, Béjia I, Bellagha J, Boubaker J, Daghfous J, Dammak J, Hleli J, Ben Amar J, Jedidi J, Marrakchi J, Kaoutar K, Arjouni K, Ben Helel K, Benouhoud K, Rjeb K, Imene K, Samoud K, El Jeri K, Abid K, Chaker K, Abid K, Bouzghaîa K, Kamoun K, Zitouna K, Oughlani K, Lassoued K, Letaif K, Hakim K, Cherif Alami L, Benhmidoune L, Boumhil L, Bouzgarrou L, Dhidah L, Ifrine L, Kallel L, Merzougui L, Errguig L, Mouelhi L, Sahli L, Maoua M, Rejeb M, Ben Rejeb M, Bouchrik M, Bouhoula M, Bourrous M, Bouskraoui M, El Belhadji M, El Belhadji M, Essakhi M, Essid M, Gharbaoui M, Haboub M, Iken M, Krifa M, Lagrine M, Leboyer M, Najimi M, Rahoui M, Sabbah M, Sbihi M, Zouine M, Chefchaouni MC, Gharbi MH, El Fakiri MM, Tagajdid MR, Shimi M, Touaibia M, Jguirim M, Barsaoui M, Belghith M, Ben Jmaa M, Koubaa M, Tbini M, Boughdir M, Ben Salah M, Ben Fraj M, Ben Halima M, Ben Khalifa M, Bousleh M, Limam M, Mabrouk M, Mallouli M, Rebeii M, Ayari M, Belhadj M, Ben Hmida M, Boughattas M, Drissa M, El Ghardallou M, Fejjeri M, Hamza M, Jaidane M, Jrad M, Kacem M, Mersni M, Mjid M, Sabbah M, Serghini M, Triki M, Ben Abbes M, Boussaid M, Gharbi M, Hafi M, Slama M, Trigui M, Taoueb M, Chakroun M, Ben Cheikh M, Chebbi M, Hadj Taieb M, Kacem M, Ben Khelil M, Hammami M, Khalfallah M, Ksiaa M, Mechri M, Mrad M, Sboui M, Bani M, Hajri M, Mellouli M, Allouche M, Mesrati MA, Mseddi MA, Amri M, Bejaoui M, Bellali M, Ben Amor M, Ben Dhieb M, Ben Moussa M, Chebil M, Cherif M, Fourati M, Kahloul M, Khaled M, Machghoul M, Mansour M, Abdesslem MM, Ben Chehida MA, Chaouch MA, Essid MA, Meddeb MA, Gharbi MC, Elleuch MH, Loueslati MH, Sboui MM, Mhiri MN, Kilani MO, Ben Slama MR, Charfi MR, Nakhli MS, Mourali MS, El Asli MS, Lamouchi MT, Cherti M, Khadhraoui M, Bibi M, Hamdoun M, Kassis M, Touzi M, Ben Khaled M, Fekih M, Khemiri M, Ouederni M, Hchicha M, Kassis M, Ben Attia M, Yahyaoui M, Ben Azaiez M, Bousnina M, Ben Jemaa M, Ben Yahia M, Daghfous M, Haj Slimen M, Assidi M, Belhadj N, Ben Mustapha N, El Idrissislitine N, Hikki N, Kchir N, Mars N, Meddeb N, Ouni N, Rada N, Rezg N, Trabelsi N, Bouafia N, Haloui N, Benfenatki N, Bergaoui N, Yomn N, Ben Mustapha N, Maamouri N, Mehiri N, Siala N, Beltaief N, Aridhi N, Sidaoui N, Walid N, Mechergui N, Mnif N, Ben Chekaya N, Bellil N, Dhouib N, Achour N, Kaabar N, Mrizak N, Mnif N, Chaouech N, Hasni N, Issaoui N, Ati N, Balloumi N, Haj Salem N, Ladhari N, Akif N, Liani N, Hajji N, Trad N, Elleuch N, Marzouki NEH, Larbi N, M'barek N, Rebai N, Bibani N, Ben Salah N, Belmaachi O, Elmaalel O, Jlassi O, Mihoub O, Ben Zaid O, Bouallègue O, Bousnina O, Bouyahia O, El Maalel O, Fendri O, Azzabi O, Borgi O, Ghdes O, Ben Rejeb O, Rachid R, Abi R, Bahiri R, Boulma R, Elkhayat R, Habbal R, Rachid R, Tamouza R, Jomli R, Ben Abdallah R, Smaoui R, Debbeche R, Fakhfakh R, El Kamel R, Gargouri R, Jouini R, Nouira R, Fessi R, Bannour R, Ben Rabeh R, Kacem R, Khmakhem R, Ben Younes R, Karray R, Cheikh R, Ben Malek R, Ben Slama R, Kouki R, Baati R, Bechraoui R, Fakhfakh R, Fradi R, Lahiani R, Ridha R, Zainine R, Kallel R, Rostom S, Ben Abdallah S, Ben Hammamia S, Benchérifa S, Benkirane S, Chatti S, El Guedri S, El Oussaoui S, Elkochri S, Elmoussaoui S, Enbili S, Gara S, Haouet S, Khammeri S, Khefecha S, Khtrouche S, Macheghoul S, Mallouli S, Rharrit S, Skouri S, Helali S, Boulehmi S, Abid S, Naouar S, Zelfani S, Ben Amar S, Ajmi S, Braiek S, Yahiaoui S, Ghezaiel S, Ben Toumia S, Thabeti S, Daboussi S, Ben Abderahman S, Rhaiem S, Ben Rhouma S, Rekaya S, Haddad S, Kammoun S, Merai S, Mhamdi S, Ben Ali R, Gaaloul S, Ouali S, Taleb S, Zrour S, Hamdi S, Zaghdoudi S, Ammari S, Ben Abderrahim S, Karaa S, Maazaoui S, Saidani S, Stambouli S, Mokadem S, Boudiche S, Zaghbib S, Ayedi S, Jardek S, Bouselmi S, Chtourou S, Manoubi S, Bahri S, Halioui S, Jrad S, Mazigh S, Ouerghi S, Toujani S, Fenniche S, Aboudrar S, Meriem Amari S, Karouia S, Bourgou S, Halayem S, Rammeh S, Yaïch S, Ben Nasrallah S, Chouchane S, Ftini S, Makni S, Manoubi S, Miri S, Saadi S, Manoubi SA, Khalfallah T, Mechergui T, Dakka T, Barhoumi T, M'rad TEB, Ajmi T, Dorra T, Ouali U, Hannachi W, Ferjaoui W, Aissi W, Dahmani W, Dhouib W, Koubaa W, Zhir W, Gheriani W, Arfa W, Dougaz W, Sahnoun W, Naija W, Sami Y, Bouteraa Y, Elhamdaoui Y, Hama Y, Ouahchi Y, Guebsi Y, Nouira Y, Daly Y, Mahjoubi Y, Mejdoub Y, Mosbahi Y, Said Y, Zaimi Y, Zgueb Y, Dridi Y, Mesbahi Y, Gharbi Y, Hellal Y, Hechmi Z, Zid Z, Elmouatassim Z, Ghorbel Z, Habbadi Z, Marrakchi Z, Hidouri Z, Abbes Z, Ouhachi Z, Khessairi Z, Khlayfia Z, Mahjoubi Z, and Moatemri Z
- Subjects
- Africa, Northern epidemiology, Anatomy education, Education, Medical history, Education, Medical methods, Education, Medical organization & administration, History, 21st Century, Humans, Internship and Residency standards, Internship and Residency trends, Job Satisfaction, Pathology, Clinical education, Tunisia epidemiology, Education, Medical trends, Medicine methods, Medicine organization & administration, Medicine trends
- Published
- 2019
30. Pneumocystis pneumonia suspected cases in 604 non-HIV and HIV patients.
- Author
Bienvenu AL, Traore K, Plekhanova I, Bouchrik M, Bossard C, and Picot S
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Child, Child, Preschool, Female, France epidemiology, HIV Infections mortality, Humans, Infant, Male, Middle Aged, Pneumocystis genetics, Pneumonia, Pneumocystis diagnosis, Pneumonia, Pneumocystis mortality, Prevalence, Retrospective Studies, Young Adult, HIV Infections epidemiology, Pneumocystis isolation & purification, Pneumonia, Pneumocystis epidemiology
- Abstract
Background: Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) is one of the most devastating fungal diseases in patients with impaired immunity. Effective antiviral therapies have reduced the burden of PCP among AIDS patients, but an increase in the prevalence of this disease among persons receiving immunosuppressive therapies has been reported., Methods: We retrospectively reviewed HIV and non-HIV PCP patients diagnosed in our department during a nine year period. Data were collected from the local database completed during the diagnosis procedure. For each patient, demographic, clinical, radiological, biological and therapeutic data were analyzed., Results: A total of 21,274 bronchoalveolar samples were received from patients suspected of pneumocystosis during the study period, leading to a discharge diagnosis of PCP for 604 patients (143 HIV-positive and 461 HIV-negative). The ratio of non-HIV versus HIV patients presenting PCP increased from 1.7 to 5.6 during the study period. The mortality rate at day 14 was 16%, occurring mostly in non-HIV patients (20.6% compared to 1.4%, P<0.0001), while non-HIV patients were less symptomatic at diagnosis than AIDS patients., Conclusions: This study presents one of the higher number of HIV and non-HIV patients presenting with PCP in a single center. Pneumocystosis is now a crucial health challenge for patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy, with a high mortality rate. This study highlights the need for international guidelines for prophylaxis of PCP in non-HIV patients., (Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2016
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31. Evaluation of the malaria rapid diagnostic test VIKIA malaria Ag Pf/Pan™ in endemic and non-endemic settings.
- Author
Eibach D, Traore B, Bouchrik M, Coulibaly B, Coulibaly N, Siby F, Bonnot G, Bienvenu AL, and Picot S
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Child, Child, Preschool, Endemic Diseases, Female, France, Humans, Infant, Malaria, Falciparum epidemiology, Male, Mali, Microscopy methods, Middle Aged, Polymerase Chain Reaction methods, Predictive Value of Tests, Sensitivity and Specificity, Young Adult, Clinical Laboratory Techniques methods, Diagnostic Tests, Routine methods, Malaria, Falciparum diagnosis, Parasitology methods
- Abstract
Background: Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are a useful tool in endemic malaria countries, where light microscopy is not feasible. In non-endemic countries they can be used as complementary tests to provide timely results in case of microscopy inexperience. This study aims to compare the new VIKIA Malaria Ag Pf/Pan™ RDT with PCR-corrected microscopy results and the commonly used CareStart™ RDT to diagnose falciparum and non-falciparum malaria in the endemic setting of Bamako, Mali and the non-endemic setting of Lyon, France., Methods: Blood samples were collected during a 12-months and six-months period in 2011 from patients suspected to have malaria in Lyon and Bamako respectively. The samples were examined by light microscopy, the VIKIA Malaria Ag Pf/Pan™ test and in Bamako additionally with the CareStart™ RDT. Discordant results were corrected by real-time PCR. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were used to evaluate test performance., Results: Samples of 877 patients from both sites were included. The VIKIA Malaria Ag Pf/Pan™ had a sensitivity of 98% and 96% for Plasmodium falciparum in Lyon and Bamako, respectively, performing similar to PCR-corrected microscopy., Conclusions: The VIKIA Malaria Ag Pf/Pan™ performs similar to PCR-corrected microscopy for the detection of P. falciparum, making it a valuable tool in malaria endemic and non-endemic regions.
- Published
- 2013
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