V letu 2008 smo v litoralnem pasu Bohinjskega jezera od junija do semptembra trikrat vzorčili na sedmih izbranih mestih, da bi ocenili vpliv kopalcev na številčnost bentoških nevretenčarjev (makroinvertebratov). Primerjali smo številčnost populacij med vzorčnimi mesti in pripadajočim referenčnim mestom (referenčno mesto 1 z vzorčnimi mesti 1 in 2 ter referenčno mesto 2 z vzorčnimi mesti 3, 4 in 5). Zajeli smo 21 plastenk z bentoškimi vzorci (vsaka predstavlja 0,64 m2 površine litoralnega pasu v jezeru na globini 0,5 m dveh referenčnih in petih vzorčnih mest, ki predstavljajo s turisti različno obremenjene dele vzhodnega obrežja jezera (Kopalno območje Fužinski zaliv)). S presejanjem smo ločili vse osebke, večje od 2 mm. Po določanju organizmov smo označili 336 epic za 13 skupin: Nematoda (gliste), Bivalvia (školjke), Gastropoda (polži), Oligochaeta (maloščetinci), Hirudinea (pijavke), Ephemeroptera (enodnevnice), Plecoptera (vrbnice), Odonata (kačji pastirji), Coleoptera (hrošči), Heteroptera (stenice), Megaloptera (velekrilci), Trichoptera (mladoletnice), Diptera (dvokrilci). S pomočjo primerjave gibanja populacij med vzorčnimi mesti in ustreznim referenčnim mestom smo določili 3 kritična mesta (pri čolnarni, pri cerkvi sv. Janeza Krstnika in pri urejenem delu kopališča) in 3 kritične skupine (gliste, maloščetinci in dvokrilci). From June to Semptember in 2008 we sampled seven selected sites in the littoral zone of lake Bohinj on three different dates to evaluate the impact of bathers on the abundance of benthic invertebrates (makroinvertebrates) by means of comparison of the changes in the size of populations between the sample and the corresponding reference site (reference site 1 was compared to sample sites 1 and 2, reference site 2 was compared to sample sites 3, 4 and 5). We took 21 samples (each represents an area of 0.64 m2 of the littoral zone at a depth of ca. 0.5 m at the two reference sites and five sampling sites, representing parts of the eastern shore of the lake (Kopalno območje Fužinski zaliv) that are differently burdened with tourists). With the screening process we separated all organisms greater than 2 mm from the rest of the sample. After the identification of organisms we marked 336 micro test tubes with 13 groups or taxa: Nematoda (roundworms), Bivalvia (clams), Gastropoda (snails), Oligochaeta (freshwater worms), Hirudinea (leeches), Ephemeroptera (mayfly), Plecoptera (stoneflies), Odonata (dragonflies), Coleoptera (beetles), Heteroptera (true bugs), Megaloptera (alderflies, dobsonflies, and fishflies), Trichoptera (caddisfly), Diptera (true flies). By comparing the changes in the size of populations between the sample and the corresponding reference site we determined 3 critical sites (near the boathouse, near the Church of St. John the Baptist and at the regulated part of the bathing area), and 3 critical groups (roundworms, freshwater worms and true flies).