Hermann, Peter, Villar-Piqu��, Anna, Schmitz, Matthias, Schmidt, Christian, Varges, Daniela, Goebel, Stefan, Bunck, Timothy, Lindemann, Hanna, Bogner, Carla, Santana, Isabel, Baldeiras, In��s, Riggert, Joachim, Zerr, Inga, and Llorens, Franc
Additional file 1: A. Pre-analytic study. Four plasma samples (healthy controls) were analyzed repeatedly at baseline and each time after three transfers (upper left), three freeze-thaw cycles (room temperature/minus 80��C, upper right), one to four and eight days storage at 4��C (lower left), as well as room temperature (lower right). Comparisons of Lipocalin 2 concentrations were calculated with ANOVA followed by Bonferroni correcture. Differences are indicated when p was < 0.05 (*) and < 0.001 (***), respectively. B. Results from linear regression models and post hoc Tests in Fig. 1. Estimates, standard errors, t-values, and p-values were calculated through pairwise comparisons of means of log-transferred values by Tukey contrasts, HC: healthy controls, ND-Dem: non-neurodegenerative neurological diseases with dementia syndrome, AD: Alzheimer���s disease, CJD: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, LBD: Lewy body diseases (dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson���s disease dementia), FTD: fronto-temporal dementia, and VaD: vascular dementia. C. Results from linear regression models and post hoc Tests in Figs. 2 and 3. Estimates, standard errors, t-values, and p-values were calculated through pairwise comparisons of means of log-transferred values by Tukey contrasts, HC: healthy controls, AD: Alzheimer���s disease, MCI-AD: mild cognitive impairment with positive AD biomarker, VaD: vascular dementia, VCI-MCI: mild vascular cognitive impairment, spAD: slowly progressive AD; rpAD: rapidly progressive AD. D. Results from linear regression models using only A+/T+ AD-patients. Estimates, standard errors, t-values, and p-values were calculated through pairwise comparisons of means of log-transferred values by Tukey contrasts, HC: healthy controls, ND-Dem: non-neurodegenerative neurological diseases with dementia syndrome, AD: Only patients with diagnosis of Alzheimer���s disease based on pathologic CSF abeta 1-42 and also pathologic phosphorylated tau protein (A+/T+, n = 39), CJD: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, LBD: Lewy body diseases (dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson���s disease dementia), FTD: fronto-temporal dementia, and VaD: vascular dementia. E. Correlation of plasma and CSF LCN2. Association of plasma and CSF lipocalin 2 (LCN2) in paired samples from the AD group in the study cohort. Correlation coefficient (rho), 95% confidence interval (95% CI) and p-values from non-parametric spearman correlation is indicated. F. Correlation of plasma LCN2 and ARWMC in AD. Scatter plot of the association between age-related white matter changes scale (ARWMC) scores and plasma lipocalin LCN2 concentrations. Spearman coefficients (cc) with 95% confidence interval (CI) and corresponding p-values are indicated.