93 results on '"Bocanegra J"'
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2. Nonlinear mid-infrared meta-membranes
- Author
Sartorello Giovanni, Bocanegra Joshua, Knez David, Lukin Daniil M., Yang Joshua, Vučković Jelena, Fishman Dmitry A., Shvets Gennady, and Shcherbakov Maxim R.
- Subjects
metasurfaces ,nonlinear optics ,silicon carbide ,mid-infrared ,Physics ,QC1-999 - Abstract
Nanophotonic structures have shown promising routes to controlling and enhancing nonlinear optical processes at the nanoscale. However, most nonlinear nanostructures require a handling substrate, reducing their application scope. Due to the underwhelming heat dissipation, it has been a challenge to evaluate the nonlinear optical properties of free-standing nanostructures. Here, we overcome this challenge by performing shot-controlled fifth harmonic generation (FHG) measurements on a SiC meta-membrane – a free-standing transmission metasurface with pronounced optical resonances in the mid-infrared (λ res ≈ 4,000 nm). Back focal plane imaging of the FHG diffraction orders and rigorous finite-difference time-domain simulations reveal at least two orders of magnitude enhancement of the FHG from the meta-membrane, compared to the unstructured SiC film of the same thickness. Single-shot measurements of the meta-membrane with varying resonance positions reveal an unusual spectral behavior that we explain with Kerr-driven intensity-dependent resonance dynamics. This work paves the way for novel substrate-less nanophotonic architectures.
- Published
- 2024
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3. Creation of an NADP-dependent pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex by protein engineering
- Author
Bocanegra, J. Antonio, Scrutton, Nigel S., and Perham, Richard N.
- Subjects
Dehydrogenases -- Research ,Glucose metabolism -- Research ,Protein engineering -- Usage ,Biological sciences ,Chemistry - Abstract
The systematic conversion of the NAD-dependent enzyme, Escherichia coli dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase, into one that rejects NAD but is fully active with NADP is presented. In addition, the ability of the mutated enzyme to assemble into a fully active pyruvated dyhydrogenase multicomplex enzyme complex was examined. The specificity of the assembled product was also assessed. It was found to catalyze the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to yield acetyl coenzyme-A.
- Published
- 1993
4. Líquidos iónicos como catalisadores promissores na síntese orgânica: um contributo para a química sustentável
- Author
Montaño Montoya, Diego Fernando, Juaristi Cosio, Eusébio, Sepúlveda Aguirre, Jovany, and Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo
- Subjects
líquidos iónico ,medium of reaction ,Líquido iónico ,selectivity ,selectividad ,síntese orgânica seletividade ,Ionic liquid ,síntesis orgánica ,organic synthesis ,meio de reação ,medio de reacción - Abstract
Resumen Introducción. En todos los procesos químicos se requiere de un medio de reacción o solvente, y dichos solventes orgánicos son altamente volátiles por lo que son contaminantes de la atmósfera, y se requieren nuevos métodos, procesos y otro tipo de solventes que minimice dicha contaminación, y los líquidos iónicos están resultando ser una gran alternativa a dicho problema. Objetivo. Sintetizar líquidos iónicos a base del imidazol con aniones tanto inorgánicos como orgánicos y evaluar su potencial aplicación como catalizadores en reacciones importantes de síntesis orgánicas, como la síntesis asimétrica, específicamente la condensación aldolica. Materiales y métodos. El metil imidazol (99%), 1-bromobutano (97%), prolina (98%), KOH (97%), acetato de etilo, etanol, grado reactivo, fueron suministrados por Sigma Chemical Co. Se utilizó el metil imidazol; para la síntesis de líquido iónico base el bromuro de butil-metil-imidazol, [Bmim][Br]; los demás líquidos iónicos se obtienen por reacción de metátesis, para obtener el hidroxi de butil-metil-imidazol, [Bmim][OH], y el prolinato de butil-metil-imidazol, [Bmim][Pro]; estos líquidos fueron utilizados como catalizadores en la reacción de síntesis asimétrica como la condensación aldolica. Resultados. Se realizó una condensación aldolica clásica, p-nitrobenzalhedido con ciclohexanona para probar los líquidos iónicos sintetizados como catalizadores, y al comparar los resultados obtenidos con métodos convencionales se observan ventajas, como altos rendimientos y alta selectividad en menor tiempo de reacción. Conclusiones. En condiciones muy suaves de reacción, se logró reutilizar hasta 6 veces el líquido iónico como catalizador de la reacción sin perder las ventajas mencionadas, lo que lo hace un sistema sostenible. Abstract Introduction. In all chemical processes, a reaction medium or solvent is required, and such organic solvents are highly volatile so they are pollutants to the atmosphere, and new methods, processes and other solvents are required to minimize the contamination, and Ionic liquids are proving to be a great alternative to such problem. Objective. Synthesize imidazole based ionic liquids with both inorganic and organic anions and evaluate their potential application as catalysts in important reactions of organic synthesis, such as asymmetric synthesis, specifically in asymmetric aldol reaction. Materials and Methods. Methyl imidazole (99%), 1-bromobutane (97%), proline (98%), KOH (97%), Ethyl acetate, ethanol, reagent grade were supplied by Sigma Chemical Co. It was used the methyl imidazol for the synthesis of the ionic liquid butyl methyl imidazole bromide, [Bmim] [Br], and the other ionic liquids were obtained by metathesis reaction from such ionic liquid, to obtain the butyl methyl imidazole hydroxy [Bmim] [OH], and the butyl methyl imidazole prolinate, [Bmim] [Pro]. These ionic liquids were used as catalysts in the asymmetric aldol reaction. Results. A classical aldol reaction, p-nitrobenzaldehyde with cyclohexanone was performed to test the ionic liquids synthesized as catalysts, and when comparing the results obtained with conventional methods, advantages were observed, such as high yields and high selectivity in less time reaction. Conclusions. Under very mild reaction conditions, it was possible to reuse up to 6 times the ionic liquid as a reaction catalyst without losing the mentioned advantages, which makes it a sustainable system. Resumo Introdução. Todos os processos químicos requerem um meio de reação ou solvente, tais solventes orgânicos são altamente voláteis, é assim que são os poluentes principais da atmosfera, porem precisa-se de novos métodos, processos e outros solventes para minimizar a contaminação, por isso, os líquidos iónicos estão provando para ser uma ótima alternativa para esse problema. Objetivo. A sínteses dos líquidos iónicos com base em imidazol e usando ânions inorgânicos e orgânicos e avaliar sua potencial aplicação como catalisadores em reações importantes em síntese orgânica, tais como a síntese assimétrica, especificamente a condensação aldólica. Materiais e Métodos. O imidazol metil (99%), 1-bromobutano (97%), prolina (98%), KOH (97%), acetato de etila e etanol no grau de reagente, foram fornecidos pelo Sigma Chemical Co. O metila-imidazol foi utilizado para a síntese baseado no líquido iónico brometo de metil-butil-imidazo|, [BMIM] [Br], Os outros líquidos iónicos são obtidos por reação de metátese, para se obter o hidroxi de butil-metil-imidazol, [BMIM][OH], e prolinato de butil-metil-imidazol, [BMIM][Pro], estes líquidos foram usadas como catalisadores na reação de síntese assimétrica, como a condensação aldólica. Resultados. Foi realizada uma condensação aldólica clássica usando p-nitrobenzaldeído com a cicloexanona para testar os líquidos iónicos sintetizados como catalisador, ao comparar os resultados obtidos com os métodos convencionais darão vantagens, tais como rendimentos elevados e alta seletividade é observada no tempo de reação mais rápido. Conclusões. Nas condições muito suave de reação, foi possível reutilizar até 6 vezes o líquido iónico como catalisador da reação, sem perder as vantagens mencionadas, tornando-se um sistema sustentável.
- Published
- 2017
5. Degastrectomía Total Salvadora de Vida en Sepsis Abdominal Post Cirugía Bariatrica de Manga Gástrica
- Author
Barboza, E., Barboza, A, Calmet, F., Montes, M., Ronceros, V., Málaga, G., Gotuzzo, E., Sattui, A., Portugal, J., Mattos, L., Bocanegra, J., Vásquez, F., Contardo, M., and Arias Stella, J.
- Subjects
Obesidad ,total gastrectomy of the remanent gastric pouch ,degastrectomía total ,Obesity ,fístula gástrica ,manga gástrica ,gastric fistula ,sleeve gastrectomy ,Obesidad, manga gástrica, fístula gástrica, degastrectomía total - Abstract
Presentamos la experiencia de tres pacientes obesos que fueron sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico de manga gástrica y que desarrollaron dehiscencia de sutura gástrica con peritonitis generalizada, sepsis y shock por lo que fueron sometidos a degastrectomía total (resección del remanente gástrico) y reconstrucción inmediata de esófago yeyuno anastomosis en Y de Roux como última medida de tratamiento salvador de vida. Three obese patients underwent sleeve gastrectomy. They developed gastric dehiscence with generalized peritonitis, sepsis and shock, being operated as total gastrectomy of the remanent stomach with Roux in Y esophago-jejunostomy reconstruction as a last chance of life saving procedure.
- Published
- 2017
6. Incidência de Salmonella spp no bagre de canal (Ictalurus punctatus) no Mississippi, Estados Unidos
- Author
Becerra Ossa, Jhennys Paolo, Durango Villadiego, Alba Manuela, Silva, Juan L., Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo, and Corredor Gómez, Alba
- Subjects
invierno ,channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) ,spring ,bagre de canal (Ictalurus punctatus) ,inverno ,primavera ,Salmonella spp ,winter - Abstract
RESUMEN Introducción. El bagre de canal (Ictalurus punctatus) es la especie acuícola más importante y de mayor producción en Mississippi. Salmonella spp, con un 67,6 %, es el patógeno más frecuentemente encontrado en muestras de filetes de bagre de canal. Objetivo. determinar en invierno y primavera la incidencia de Salmonella spp en filetes antes de enfriamiento, después de enfriamiento, inyectados y congelados de bagre de canal, en pescado entero, equipos, vísceras, agua de enfriamiento y agua de camión de una planta procesadora ubicada en el estado de Mississippi. Materiales y métodos. Salmonella spp fue determinada por el método del manual de Food Safety Inspection Service. Resultados. La incidencia de Salmonella spp en las muestras de filetes y pescado entero presentó diferencias significativas (P
- Published
- 2017
7. Proposition d'une nouvelle promesse bioéthique pour les scientifiques qui utilisent des animaux dans leurs recherches (Partie II)
- Author
Garcés Giraldo, Luis Fernando, Silvera Sarmiento, Astelio, Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo, and Sepúlveda-Aguirre, Jovany
- Subjects
juramento ,Aristóteles ,Aristote ,virtude ,serment ,Aristotle ,vertu ,Juramento bio-ético ,Promesse bioéthique ,oath ,law 576 of 2000 ,Promesa bioética ,ley 576 de 2000 ,lei 576 de 2000 ,loi 576 de 2000 ,virtud ,virtue ,Bioethical promise - Abstract
Resumen Se presenta una propuesta de promesa para los profesionales de las ciencias animales en Colombia y el mundo. El juramento que plantea el artículo 9 de la ley 576 de 2000 no es suficiente y no cumple con las condiciones bioéticas que debe tener un profesional del siglo actual. Se describe la metodología utilizada para la nueva promesa y se desarrolla esta promesa teniendo en cuenta la virtud aristotélica y las relaciones que debe tener el hombre, como ser racional, con todos los seres vivos y el cuidado que debe prodigar a estos. Se describe uno a uno los postulados que se incluyen dentro de la propuesta y el por qué fueron considerados. Abstract A proposal of promise for professionals of the animal sciences in Colombia and the world is presented. The oath of article 9 of Law 576 of 2000 is not sufficient and does not meet the bioethical conditions that a professional of the present century must have. It describes the methodology used for the new promise and develops this promise taking into account the Aristotelian virtue and the relationships that man must have, as a rational being, with all living beings and the care that should be given to them. The postulates that are included within the proposal are described one by one as well as reasons why they were considered are described one by one. Résumé On présente une proposition de promesse pour les professionnels en sciences animales en Colombie et dans le monde. Le serment qui pose l’article 9 de la loi 576 de 2000 n'est pas suffisant et ne remplit pas les conditions bioéthiques qu’un professionnel du siècle actuel doit avoir. On décrit la méthodologie utilisée pour la nouvelle promesse et on développe cette promesse en tenant compte la vertu aristotélicienne et des relations que l'homme doit avoir, comme être rationnel, avec tous les êtres vivants et les soins qu’il doit les prodiguer. On décrit un par un les postulats qui sont inclus dans la proposition et la raison pour laquelle ils ont été considérés. Resumo Apresenta-se uma proposta de juramento para os profissionais dos ciências animais na Colômbia e no Mundo. O juramento que apresenta o artigo 9 da lei 576 de 2000 não é suficiente e não cumpre as condições bio-éticas que deve ter um profissional do século actual. Descreve-se a metodologia utilizada para o novo juramento e desenvolve-se este juramento tendo em conta a virtude aristotélica e as relações que o homem deve ter, como ser racional, com todos os seres vivos e o cuidado que deve proporcionar a estes. Descrevem-se um a um os postulados que se incluem no do juramento e os motivos porque foram considerados.
- Published
- 2016
8. Incidencia de Salmonella spp en bagre de canal (Ictalurus punctatus) en Mississippi, Estados Unidos
- Author
Becerra Ossa, Jhennys Paola, primary, Durango Villadiego, Alba Manuela, additional, Silva, Juan L., additional, Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo, additional, and Corredor Gómez, Alba, additional
- Published
- 2017
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9. Incidencia de Salmonella spp en bagre de canal (Ictalurus punctatus) en Mississippi, Estados Unidos
- Author
Becerra Ossa, Jhennys Paolo, Durango Villadiego, Alba, Silva, Juan L., Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo, Corredor Gómez, Alba Lucía, Becerra Ossa, Jhennys Paolo, Durango Villadiego, Alba, Silva, Juan L., Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo, and Corredor Gómez, Alba Lucía
- Abstract
Introduction. the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) its aquaculture specie most relevant and biggest production in Mississippi. Salmonella spp, with a 67.6%, is the most frequently found pathogen in samples of the channel catfish filet. Objective. to establish in winter and spring the influence of Salmonella sp on filets previous cooling, after cooling, injected and frozen channel catfish, whole fish, equipment, entrails, cooling water and truck water of a processing plant located in Mississippi state. Materials and methods. Salmonella spp was established by the manual method of Food Safety Inspection Service. Results. the influence of Salmonella spp in fillet samples and whole fish exhibited significant differences (P<0.05) between stations, with a 1.33% in winter and 6% in spring. The tools and equipment samples, during winter showed a Salmonella spp percentage that surpassed the allowed limits, according to International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Food-ICMSF (1986), which are n = 5; c = 0; m = 0 y M = 0. The strains and water analyzed (cooling and truck) showed values of Salmonella spp inside boundaries. conclusion. the influence of Salmonella spp in whole fish, fillets before cooling, fillets after cooling, injected and frozen variates between winter and spring stations, presented a bigger influence of microorganism in spring., RESUMO Introdução. O bagre de canal (Ictalurus punctatus) é a espécie aquícola mais importante e de maior produção no Mississippi. Salmonella spp, com um 67,6 %, é o patógeno mais frequentemente encontrado nas amostras de filé de bagre de canal. Objetivo. determinar no inverno e na primavera a incidência de Salmonella spp em filé antes de esfriamento, depois de esfriamento, injetados e congelados de bagre de canal, em peixes inteiro, equipamentos, vísceras, água de esfriamento e água de caminhão de uma planta processadora localizada no estado do Mississippi. Materiais e métodos. Salmonella spp foi determinada pelo método do manual de Food Safety Inspection Service. Resultados. A incidência de Salmonella spp nas amostras de filés e peixe inteiro apresentou diferencias significativas (P<0,05) entre as estações, com um 1,33 % no inverno e 6 % na primavera. Os utensílios e equipamentos amostrados, durante inverno, mostram uma porcentagem de Salmonella spp que ultrapassa os limites permitidos, segundo a International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods-ICMSF (1986), os quais são n = 5; c = 0; m = 0 y M = 0. As vísceras e as águas estudadas (esfriamento e caminhão) mostraram valores de Salmonella spp dentro dos permitidos. conclusão. A incidência de Salmonella spp no peixe inteiro, filés antes do esfriamento, filés depois do esfriamento, injetados e congelados varia entre as estações de inverno es primavera, apresentando-se uma maior incidência do microrganismo na primavera., RESUMEN Introducción. El bagre de canal (Ictalurus punctatus) es la especie acuícola más importante y de mayor producción en Mississippi. Salmonella spp, con un 67,6 %, es el patógeno más frecuentemente encontrado en muestras de filetes de bagre de canal. Objetivo. determinar en invierno y primavera la incidencia de Salmonella spp en filetes antes de enfriamiento, después de enfriamiento, inyectados y congelados de bagre de canal, en pescado entero, equipos, vísceras, agua de enfriamiento y agua de camión de una planta procesadora ubicada en el estado de Mississippi. Materiales y métodos. Salmonella spp fue determinada por el método del manual de Food Safety Inspection Service. Resultados. La incidencia de Salmonella spp en las muestras de filetes y pescado entero presentó diferencias significativas (P<0,05) entre las estaciones, con un 1,33 % en invierno y 6 % en primavera. Los utensilios y equipos muestreados, durante invierno, muestran un porcentaje de Salmonella spp que sobrepasa los límites permitidos, según la International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods-ICMSF (1986), los cuales son n = 5; c = 0; m = 0 y M = 0. Las vísceras y las aguas estudiadas (enfriamiento y camión) mostraron valores de Salmonella spp dentro de los permitidos. conclusión. La incidencia de Salmonella spp en pescado entero, filetes antes de enfriamiento, filetes después de enfriamiento, inyectados y congelados varía entre las estaciones de invierno y primavera, presentándose una mayor incidencia del microorganismo en primavera.
- Published
- 2017
10. Los líquidos iónicos como prometedores catalizadores en síntesis orgánica: una contribución a la química sostenible
- Author
Montaño Montoya, Diego Fernando, Juaristi, Eusebio, Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo, Sepúlveda Aguirre, Jovany Arley, Montaño Montoya, Diego Fernando, Juaristi, Eusebio, Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo, and Sepúlveda Aguirre, Jovany Arley
- Abstract
Introduction. In all chemical processes, a reaction medium or solvent is required, and such organic solvents are highly volatile so they are pollutants to the atmosphere, and new methods, processes and other solvents are required to minimize the contamination, and Ionic liquids are proving to be a great alternative to such problem. Objective. Synthesize imidazole based ionic liquids with both inorganic and organic anions and evaluate their potential application as catalysts in important reactions of organic synthesis, such as asymmetric synthesis, specifically in asymmetric aldol reaction. Materials and Methods. Methyl imidazole (99%), 1-bromobutane (97%), proline (98%), KOH (97%), Ethyl acetate, ethanol, reagent grade were supplied by Sigma Chemical Co. It was used the methyl imidazol for the synthesis of the ionic liquid butyl methyl imidazole bromide, [Bmim] [Br], and the other ionic liquids were obtained by metathesis reaction from such ionic liquid, to obtain the butyl methyl imidazole hydroxy [Bmim] [OH], and the butyl methyl imidazole prolinate, [Bmim] [Pro]. These ionic liquids were used as catalysts in the asymmetric aldol reaction. Results. A classical aldol reaction, p-nitrobenzaldehyde with cyclohexanone was performed to test the ionic liquids synthesized as catalysts, and when comparing the results obtained with conventional methods, advantages were observed, such as high yields and high selectivity in less time reaction. Conclusions. Under very mild reaction conditions, it was possible to reuse up to 6 times the ionic liquid as a reaction catalyst without losing the mentioned advantages, which makes it a sustainable system., Introdução. Todos os processos químicos requerem um meio de reação ou solvente, tais solventes orgânicos são altamente voláteis, é assim que são os poluentes principais da atmosfera, porem precisa-se de novos métodos, processos e outros solventes para minimizar a contaminação, por isso, os líquidos iónicos estão provando para ser uma ótima alternativa para esse problema. Objetivo. A sínteses dos líquidos iónicos com base em imidazol e usando ânions inorgânicos e orgânicos e avaliar sua potencial aplicação como catalisadores em reações importantes em síntese orgânica, tais como a síntese assimétrica, especificamente a condensação aldólica. Materiais e Métodos. O imidazol metil (99%), 1-bromobutano (97%), prolina (98%), KOH (97%), acetato de etila e etanol no grau de reagente, foram fornecidos pelo Sigma Chemical Co. O metila-imidazol foi utilizado para a síntese baseado no líquido iónico brometo de metil-butil-imidazo|, [BMIM] [Br], Os outros líquidos iónicos são obtidos por reação de metátese, para se obter o hidroxi de butil-metil-imidazol, [BMIM][OH], e prolinato de butil-metil-imidazol, [BMIM][Pro], estes líquidos foram usadas como catalisadores na reação de síntese assimétrica, como a condensação aldólica. Resultados. Foi realizada uma condensação aldólica clássica usando p-nitrobenzaldeído com a cicloexanona para testar os líquidos iónicos sintetizados como catalisador, ao comparar os resultados obtidos com os métodos convencionais darão vantagens, tais como rendimentos elevados e alta seletividade é observada no tempo de reação mais rápido. Conclusões. Nas condições muito suave de reação, foi possível reutilizar até 6 vezes o líquido iónico como catalisador da reação, sem perder as vantagens mencionadas, tornando-se um sistema sustentável., Introducción. En todos los procesos químicos se requiere de un medio de reacción o solvente, y dichos solventes orgánicos son altamente volátiles por lo que son contaminantes de la atmósfera, y se requieren nuevos métodos, procesos y otro tipo de solventes que minimice dicha contaminación, y los líquidos iónicos están resultando ser una gran alternativa a dicho problema. Objetivo. Sintetizar líquidos iónicos a base del imidazol con aniones tanto inorgánicos como orgánicos y evaluar su potencial aplicación como catalizadores en reacciones importantes de síntesis orgánicas, como la síntesis asimétrica, específicamente la condensación aldolica. Materiales y métodos. El metil imidazol (99%), 1-bromobutano (97%), prolina (98%), KOH (97%), acetato de etilo, etanol, grado reactivo, fueron suministrados por Sigma Chemical Co. Se utilizó el metil imidazol; para la síntesis de líquido iónico base el bromuro de butil-metil-imidazol, [Bmim][Br]; los demás líquidos iónicos se obtienen por reacción de metátesis, para obtener el hidroxi de butil-metil-imidazol, [Bmim][OH], y el prolinato de butil-metil-imidazol, [Bmim][Pro]; estos líquidos fueron utilizados como catalizadores en la reacción de síntesis asimétrica como la condensación aldolica. Resultados. Se realizó una condensación aldolica clásica, p-nitrobenzalhedido con ciclohexanona para probar los líquidos iónicos sintetizados como catalizadores, y al comparar los resultados obtenidos con métodos convencionales se observan ventajas, como altos rendimientos y alta selectividad en menor tiempo de reacción. Conclusiones. En condiciones muy suaves de reacción, se logró reutilizar hasta 6 veces el líquido iónico como catalizador de la reacción sin perder las ventajas mencionadas, lo que lo hace un sistema sostenible.
- Published
- 2017
11. Principios, habilidades y virtudes para el conciliador en derecho
- Author
Arboleda López, Adriana Patricia, Garcés Giraldo, Luis Fernando, Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo, Pineda-Carreño, Mariangélica, Arboleda López, Adriana Patricia, Garcés Giraldo, Luis Fernando, Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo, and Pineda-Carreño, Mariangélica
- Abstract
The conciliation, as an exclusive activity of the lawyer, on private conciliation centers, constitutes a field of action quite exploited by these professionals, under certain training requirements in that area; however, not everyone who is trained as a conciliator is one. The conciliator, in addition to juridical training, requires special qualities and abilities, among which one must have a prepared, open and responsible mentality, capable of dealing with all kinds of problems and transform them into small differences that lead him to determine the origin of the conflict, as well as how to get trust in the parties without harming the susceptibilities, and implement strategies of agreement not only from the legal point of view, but from the origin of the conflict, and the feelings and emotions of each party Involved., La conciliación, como una actividad exclusiva del abogado, respecto de los centros de conciliación privados, se constituye en un campo de acción ampliamente explorado por este tipo de profesionales, previo el cumplimiento de unos requisitos de formación en dicha área; sin embargo, no todo el que se forma como conciliador lo es en estricto sentido. El conciliador, adicional a la formación legal, requiere de calidades y habilidades especiales, entre las que se resaltan el tener una mentalidad preparada, abierta y responsable, con capacidad para manejar todo tipo de problemas y transformarlos en pequeñas diferencias que lo lleven a determinar el origen del conflicto que se le presenta, así como la forma de generar confianza en las partes, sin herir susceptibilidades, además de implementar estrategias de arreglo no solo desde el aspecto legal, sino desde el origen mismo del conflicto, y del sentir y querer de cada parte involucrada.
- Published
- 2017
12. Nuevos paradigmas de la bioética
- Author
Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo
- Published
- 2014
13. Principles, skills and virtues for the conciliator figure in Law
- Author
Arboleda López, Adriana Patricia, primary, Garcés Giraldo, Luis Fernando, additional, Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo, additional, and Pineda Carreño, Mariangélica, additional
- Published
- 2017
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14. Comparative tree growth, phenology and fruit yield of several Japanese plum cultivars in two newly established orchards, organic and conventionally managed
- Author
Arroyo, F. T., Jiménez-Bocanegra, J. A., García-Galavís, P. A., Santamaría, C., Camacho, M., Castejon, M., Pérez-Romero, L. F., Daza, A., and INIA
- Subjects
Agriculture ,Plant Production ,ingeniería agraria ,producción de plantas ,ciruelo japonés ,agricultura ecológica ,crecimiento de la plantación ,producción ,floración ,defoliación ,Japanese plum ,organic farming ,conventional farming ,tree growth ,fruit yield ,flowering ,defoliation - Abstract
The growth, phenology and fruit yield of 14 Japanese plum cultivars (Prunus salicina Lindl) were studied in two newly established experimental orchards under organic and conventional management. The experiment was conducted during 2005-2011 in the province of Seville (SW Spain), an important region of Japanese plum culture. Trunk cross-section areas (TCSA), flowering, yield and tree defoliation before winter dormancy were analysed over several years. After one year, TCSA were larger in the organically managed orchard (OMO) for most of the cultivars, in the next two years they were equal, and from the fourth year, several cultivars showed significantly larger TCSA in the conventionally managed orchard (CMO). Flowering in the conventional orchard started from 2 to 6 days before and lasted for 3 to 5 days more than in the OMO. Several cultivars produced significantly more fruit in the CMO, being the average fruit yield in the organic orchard about 72% of the conventionally managed orchard. Autumn defoliation was significantly advanced in the organic orchard, especially in cultivars highly susceptible to rust (Tranzschelia pruni spinosae), a disease not adequately controlled in the organic orchard., Se ha realizado un estudio comparado del crecimiento, la fenología y la producción de 14 cultivares de ciruelo japonés, cultivados desde su plantación en agricultura convencional o ecológica. El estudio se ha realizado durante el periodo 2005-2011 en la provincia de Sevilla, en el suroeste de España, región con una superficie importante de este frutal. Tras un primer año de crecimiento se observó que el área de la sección transversal de tronco (TCSA) fue mayor para la mayoría de los cultivares en la parcela ecológica. Tras el segundo y tercer año de crecimiento los valores de TCSA fueron similares con ambos tipos de manejo agronómico y partir del cuarto año varios cultivares tuvieron siempre valores de TCSA significativamente mayores en la parcela convencional. Varios cultivares han tenido una producción de fruta significativamente superior en la parcela convencional, suponiendo el rendimiento promedio de la parcela ecológica aproximadamente un 72% de la producción convencional. Se ha evaluado varios años la floración y la defoliación previa a la parada invernal. En general se ha observado que los árboles de la parcela convencional han manifestado una floración adelantada de 4 a 6 días con respecto a la parcela ecológica. La duración de la floración en la parcela convencional ha durado de 3 a 5 días más. Se ha observado una defoliación otoñal prematura en la parcela ecológica, más acusada en los cultivares susceptibles a la roya (Tranzschelia pruni spinosae), enfermedad que no se controla bien en manejo ecológico.
- Published
- 2013
15. PVC-based wood plastic composites (WPC) and its discoloration issue:Application, challenges and opportunities of nanotechnologies
- Author
Ferroni, F., Montresor, L., Poppi, R., Paajanen, Mika, Minkkinen, Hannu, Saarimäki, Eetta, Aguilar, A., Roman-Aguirre, M., Benavides, R., Bocanegra, J., Tena, C., Deluna, G., and Manuel Martinez, J.
- Subjects
WPC ,nanoparticle ,moisture ,discoloration ,ZnO ,zinc oxide ,wood-plastic composite ,thermal treatment ,UV ,stabilization - Abstract
So far, the biggest issue of PVC-based WPCs for outdoor application is the discoloration overtime. Over the years zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles have attracted much interest, because they possess various remarkable physical and chemical properties, like good transparency and UV absorption properties. The incorporation of nano-ZnO as UV-protecting agent into a polymer matrix have attracted particular interest in academic and industrial research. In this work we have tested the colour-fading resistance properties of innovative PVC-based WPCs, filled in many ways with different kind of ZnO and functionalized ZnO nanoparticles. The effectiveness of ZnO nanoparticles for protection of WPCs against discoloration were studied under controlled UV ageing conditions, both "only dry" and "dry / wet" conditions ("dry / wet" conditions were used to obtain a more realistic aging of the materials). The first results showed that the UV-induced photodegradation effects could be only slightly reduced as compared with neat polymer. We discovered that the potential anti-UV activity of nano-ZnO was masked by the strong discoloration of the wood matrix, which is always induced by moisture. Due to this fact we understood that a protection of the wood particles against moisture seems to be mandatory, so we started using alternative approaches in order to do that. In collaboration with all the involved partners, new kind of hydrophobic additives were tested into the WPCs, in association with nano-ZnO, trying to obtain a synergistic effect by increasing hydro-repellency and anti-UV properties. The protection of the wood particles against moisture seemed to be the right way to go through, so new functionalized nano-ZnO additives were developed by the partners and we tested the resistance of the so produced WPCs, verifying an improvement of the resistance against moisture- and UV-induced discoloration. Also an improvement of the dimensional stability of WPCs under wet conditions was achieved.A secondary approach was to use a pretreated wood flour called Thermowoodr (ThermoWoodr is a registered trademark owned by International ThermoWood Association), which should be more resistant to the atmospheric agents.Thanks to their improved durability against decay, the products made with this kind of wood are well suited to applications involving demanding weather conditions.Sovere made a preliminary.
- Published
- 2013
16. New high-quality mined nanomaterials mass produced for plastic and wood-plastic nanocomposites:General overview
- Author
Paajanen, Mika, Benavides, R., Olsen, S., Rodriguez, O., Aguilar, A., Bellomo, L.o, Poppi, R., Ruiz, F., Zamudio, B., Nieble, M., Pasanen, Satu, Saarimäki, Eetta, Minkkinen, Hannu, Bocanegra, J., Tena, C., Deluna, G., Martinez, J.-M., Miseljic, M., Morales, G., Espinoza-Gonzalez, C., Yanez, I., Roman, M., Gonzalez, G., Herrera, E., Orrantia, E., Glossman-Mitnik, D., Carfagnini, A., and Battelli, R.
- Subjects
nanocomposite ,nanoparticle ,zinc oxide ,mining ,MDH ,UV ,stabilization ,plastic ,ZnO ,antimicrobial ,magnesium dihydroxide ,SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production ,flame retardancy ,polypropylene - Abstract
A process to produce nanoparticle of ZnO, Mg(OH)2 and Ag in large scale utilizing already available processes and raw materials in mining industry was developed. The nanoparticles were functionalized and mixed with polypropylene and polystyrene plastics and polyvinylchloride-wood composites in order to improve their UV protection, fire retardancy and antimicrobial/fungal properties. Additionally a life cycle analysis was performed to study the environmental effects related to the nanoparticle production and the effects were compared to the use of conventional additives in plastics.
- Published
- 2013
17. Enhancement in environmental properties of PVC-wood composites by thermally treated wood and silanemodified ZnO nanoparticles
- Author
Saarimäki, Eetta, Paajanen, Mika, Minkkinen, Hannu, Aguilar, A., Román-Aguirre, M., Benavides, R., Bocanegra, J., Tena, C., Martinez, J., and Ferroni, F.
- Subjects
WPC ,nanoparticle ,fungi ,technology, industry, and agriculture ,food and beverages ,zinc oxide ,wood-plastic composite ,complex mixtures ,UV ,stabilization ,moisture ,discoloration ,ZnO ,thermal treatment - Abstract
Wood-plastic composites (WPC) typically include cellulose-based fine waste. WPC s are less susceptible to environmental effects compared to wood itself. However WPC s are not totally insensitive to environmental effects like UV and moisture. This study was made for PVC-wood composites concentrating on thermally treated wood-flour. Colour change, water absorption and mechanical properties were analysed. The results show that both mechanisms, water absorption and UV-degradation must be eliminated as effectively as possible. Thermally treated pine-wood flour inproved dimensional stability and decreased water absorption compared to normal wood flour mixed with PVC.
- Published
- 2013
18. PVC-wood composite:Processing and compsition challenges for improving the environmental durability by nanoparticles
- Author
Minkkinen, Hannu, Paajanen, Mika, Saarimäki, Eetta, Aquilar, A., Román Aguirre, M., Ferroni, F., Poppi, R., Benavides, R., Bocanegra, J., Tena, C., Deluna, G., and Martinez, J.-M.
- Subjects
WPC ,nanoparticle ,moisture ,compounding, extrusion ,discoloration ,ZnO ,zinc oxide ,wood-plastic composite ,thermal treatment ,UV ,stabilization - Abstract
The objective in this study was to research the use and impact of newly developed nano-size additives on PVC-wood composites. The main focus was on environmental durability, mechanical properties were measured to ensure the quality of the samples. Properties like UV-resistance and resistance moisture are in many applications more important than maximized mechanical strength. The tested nano-additives in this study were ZnO and Mg(OH)2. ZnO was added to improve UV-resistance, purpose of Mg(OH)2 was to reduce smoke production in case of fire. Most of the work was concentrated on the use of nano-ZnO and other organic additives to improve durability in outdoor use. Nano-ZnO was incorporated as water dispersion, EVA-based masterbatch or external lubricant based masterbatch. Water dispersion was used because dispersed nanosize ZnO was easy to mix with wood and produced good dispersion in final compound. Different ways and equipment to process PVC-wood mixtures into extruded or extruded and moulded specimens were tested. Main challenge in processing was to simulate industrial processing by using only around 500 g material batches. The processing conditions had strong influence on the surface quality of the sample which had remarkable effect on environmental durability. As a result we finally had simultaneous compounding and profile extrusion process, which produced constant high-quality samples from less than 500 g raw material batches. From the results of tests we saw the effect of nanoparticles, lubricants and additives on behaviour of PVC-wood composites.
- Published
- 2013
19. Determining Evapotranspiration in an Olive Orchard in Southwest Spain
- Author
Torres-Ruíz, J. M., Fernández, J. E., Girón, I. F., Romero, R., Jiménez-Bocanegra, J. A., García Tejero, I., María José Martín-Palomo García, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas [Madrid] (CSIC), Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera (IFAPA), University of Sevilla, and ProdInra, Migration
- Subjects
[SDV.BV]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Vegetal Biology ,[SDV.BV] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Vegetal Biology - Abstract
6th International Symposium on Olive Growing Sep 09-13, 2008 Univ Evora, Colegio Espirito Santo, Evora, PORTUGAL ICAM; Int Soc Hort Sci (ISHS); International audience; The aim of this work was to evaluate, for an olive orchard in the Aljarafe county, the method developed by Orgaz et al. (2005) for determining the crop evapotranspiration (ETc). We compared the calculated ETc (ETc (Orgaz)) values with those determined by the crop coefficient approach (ETc (crop) (coef)), as described by Fernandez et al. (2006), who used coefficient values previously calibrated for our orchard conditions. In addition, we compared the tree transpiration (E-p) values estimated with the mentioned Excel application (E-p (Orgaz)) with those simulated by a transpiration model (E-p (sim)) based on Penman-Monteith, validated for our orchard conditions. Results showed that the Excel application is a user-friendly tool valid for calculating reasonably accurate values of ETc from very few easy-to-measure inputs. The crop coefficient approach does not have this limitation, but years with unusual leaf area density may lead to errors on the calculated ETc. E-p (sim) is highly affected by variables difficult to measure in commercial orchards, such as the leaf area and the available soil water. In addition, processes related to leaf ageing, soil temperature and recovery after drought are not included yet in the model, which affects the reliability of the E-p (sim) values at the end of the irrigation.
- Published
- 2012
20. La investigación y su relación con la formación en bioética
- Author
Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo, primary
- Published
- 2016
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21. Diversity and genetic structure of cassava landraces and their wild relatives (Manihot spp.) in Colombia revealed by simple sequence repeats
- Author
Tovar, E., primary, Bocanegra, J. L., additional, Villafañe, C., additional, Fory, L., additional, Velásquez, A., additional, Gallego, G., additional, and Moreno, R., additional
- Published
- 2015
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22. Driver Distraction in Commercial Vehicle Operations
- Author
Bocanegra, J., Hickman, J.S., Hanowski, R.J., Olson, R.L., and Truck, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. Center For
- Published
- 2009
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23. Stomatal control by drying roots in olive trees under localized irrigation
- Author
Fernandez, José Enrique, de la Torre, Ana, Morales-Sillero, Ana, Torres-Ruiz, Jose Manuel, Jimenez-Bocanegra, J. A., de Cires, A., Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas [Madrid] (CSIC), and ProdInra, Migration
- Subjects
[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio] ,[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio] ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS - Abstract
International audience
- Published
- 2008
24. Determining evapotranspiration in an olive orchard in southwest Spain
- Author
Torres Ruiz, José Manuel, Fernández Luque, José Enrique, Girón Moreno, Ignacio F., Romero Vicente, Rafael, Jiménez Bocanegra, J. A., García-Tejero, Iván F., Martín Palomo, Mª José, Torres Ruiz, José Manuel, Fernández Luque, José Enrique, Girón Moreno, Ignacio F., Romero Vicente, Rafael, Jiménez Bocanegra, J. A., García-Tejero, Iván F., and Martín Palomo, Mª José
- Abstract
The aim of this work was to evaluate, for an olive orchard in the Aljarafe county, the method developed by Orgaz et al. (2005) for determining the crop evapotranspiration (ETc). We compared the calculated ETc (ETc Orgaz) values with those determined by the crop coefficient approach (ETc crop coef), as described by Fernández et al. (2006), who used coefficient values previously calibrated for our orchard conditions. In addition, we compared the tree transpiration (Ep) values estimated with the mentioned Excel application (Ep Orgaz) with those simulated by a transpiration model (Ep sim) based on Penman-Monteith, validated for our orchard conditions. Results showed that the Excel application is a user-friendly tool valid for calculating reasonably accurate values of ETc from very few easy-to-measure inputs. The crop coefficient approach does not have this limitation, but years with unusual leaf area density may lead to errors on the calculated ETc. Ep sim is highly affected by variables difficult to measure in commercial orchards, such as the leaf area and the available soil water. In addition, processes related to leaf aging, soil temperature and recovery after drought are not include yet in the model, which affects the reliability of the Ep sim values at the end of the irrigation.
- Published
- 2012
25. Diversity and genetic structure of cassava landraces and their wild relatives (Manihot spp.) in Colombia revealed by simple sequence repeats.
- Author
Tovar, E., Bocanegra, J. L., Villafañe, C., Fory, L., Velásquez, A., Gallego, G., and Moreno, R.
- Subjects
- *
CASSAVA , *MICROSATELLITE repeats , *PLANT species , *GERMPLASM , *GENE flow in plants - Abstract
Understanding the genetic composition and population structure of plant species at a molecular level is essential for the development of adequate strategies aimed at enhancing the conservation and use of their genetic resources. In addition, such knowledge can help to plan ahead for a scenario under which wild and cultivated species come into contact with their genetically modified (GM) counterpart(s). Using ten simple sequence repeat markers, we genotyped 409 samples pertaining to the species in the Manihot genus known to occur in Colombia, i.e. cassava (Manihot esculenta) and its wild relatives Manihot brachyloba, Manihot carthaginensis and Manihot tristis. High genetic variation was observed in all the species (HE = 0.212-0.603), with cassava showing highest diversity. Most of the genetic variation was found within species populations. Our results suggest that outcrossing events among populations occur much more frequently in M. tristis and M. esculenta, and particularly so in the latter, where the exchange of varieties among local farmers plays a key role in maintaining and introducing new genetic diversity. The occurrence of gene flow within and among populations of Manihot species in Colombia becomes relevant in a biosafety context, where gene flow from GM cassava, if introduced to the country, might have detrimental effects on the structure and dynamics of populations of wild species. The baseline information on the genetic diversity and structure of the four Colombian species that we have presented here provides a first and indispensable step towards the development of targeted interventions necessary to preserve their genetic resources. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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26. Propuesta de una nueva promesa bioética para los científicos que emplean animales en sus investigaciones (Parte II).
- Author
Garcés Giraldo, Luis Fernando, Silvera Sarmiento, Astelio, Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo, and Sepúlveda-Aguirre, Jovany
- Abstract
Copyright of CIVILIZAR: Ciencias Sociales y Humanas is the property of Universidad Sergio Arboleda and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
27. Expression of the Highly Toxic Centromere Binding Protein CENP-B in E. coli Using the pET System in the Absence of the Inducer IPTG
- Author
Antonio Bocanegra, J., primary, Bejarano, Luis A., additional, and Valdivia, Manuel M., additional
- Published
- 1997
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28. TCP/IP Communication between Server and Client in Multi User Remote Lab Applications.
- Author
Zutin, D. G., Auer, M. E., Bocanegra, J. F., López, E. R., Martins, A. C. B., Ortega, J. A., and Pester, A.
- Subjects
LABORATORIES ,TCP/IP ,REMOTE access networks ,SOFTWARE synthesizers ,ONLINE education ,COMPUTER assisted instruction ,COMPUTER peripherals ,COMPUTER users - Abstract
Remote labs in difference to virtual labs allow as usual only a single user access. To manage the user access for such remote experiments a reservation system is used. The aim of this work is to develop a simultaneous multi user access to the lab server and the remote experiment. This approach was tested for the READ remote lab and a Microcontroller remote lab, installed at the CUAS. The system controlled by LabView has been implemented using a Data Acquisition Card from National instruments. The performance of the simultaneous access was tested under load with a variable number of users. For the MRL a queue gives access to the peripherals to the main user, while the others wait for their time slot to use the system. This was implemented in such a way due to the synchronous characteristics of this lab. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2008
29. Expression of the Highly Toxic Centromere Binding Protein CENP-B in E. coliUsing the pET System in the Absence of the Inducer IPTG
- Author
Antonio Bocanegra, J., Bejarano, Luis A., and Valdivia, Manuel M.
- Published
- 1997
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30. Importance of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography during coronary artery surgery without cardiopulmonary bypass
- Author
Moises, V.A., Mesquita, C.B., Campos, O., Andrade, J.L., Bocanegra, J., Andrade, J.J.C., Buffolo, E., and Carvalho, A.C.
- Abstract
The goal of this study was to assess left ventricular segmental wall motion (SWM) abnormalities during coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) without cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), and its impact on the immediate postoperative outcome. Transesophageal echocardiography was used intraoperatively in 27 patients (mean age 57 years) who had CABG without CPB. Images obtained with a 5-MHz biplane transesophageal echocardiographic probe in the transgastric and transesophageal planes were recorded before, during, and after 48 coronary artery clampings for saphenous vein or internal mammary artery anastomosis. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed 1 day before surgery and on the seventh postoperative day. During the 48 coronary artery clampings, 31 (64%) new SWM abnormalities were found. At the time of chest closure, complete recovery occurred in 16 (50%) segments, partial recovery in 10 (33%), and no recovery in 5 (17%). On the seventh postoperative day the new SWM abnormalities persisted in all 5 segments without recovery at the end of the surgery and in 2 of 1o (20%)segments with partial recovery (group 1). Group 1 had higher variation on the echocardiographic point score index between the beginning and end of surgery, higher enzymatic levels, more ST-T changes on the electrocardiogram, and more clinical problems than group 2 (patients without new SWM abnormalities on the seventh postoperative day) (P<0.5). We concluded that new SWM abnormalities of the left ventricle occur during CABG without CPB as assessed by intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography. Persistence of these abnormalities at the end of surgery may be a predictor of SWM dysfunction and clinical problems in the immediate postoperative period.
- Published
- 1998
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31. Rb(5^2P~1~/~2~,~3~/~2) and Rb(6^2P~1~/~2~,~3~/~2) formation in Rb(5^2S~1~/~2)+Rb^+(^1S~0) collisions by crossed molecular beams
- Author
Romero, T., Andres, J. De, Sogas, J., Bocanegra, J. M., Alberti, M., Lucas, J. M., and Aguilar, A.
- Published
- 1998
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32. Electronic excitation and electron capture processes in the collision between Rb atoms and Na ions by crossed molecular beams
- Author
Romero, T., Andres, J. De, Sogas, J., Bocanegra, J. M., Alberti, M., Lucas, J. M., and Aguilar, A.
- Published
- 1997
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33. Review of acoustic hysteresis in flute-like instruments
- Author
Bocanegra, J. and Borelli, D.
- Subjects
Musical acoustics ,Acoustical hysteresis ,Flute-like instruments ,Mode transition ,Oscillation regimes
34. Flame retardant polypropylene copolymer and EVA blends filled with micro- and nanoparticles of magnesium hydroxide
- Author
Rodriguez-Fernández, O., Morales, G., Carlos Espinoza-González, Yañez-Flores, I., Paajanen, M., Pasanen, S., Bocanegra, J., Benavides, R., and Tena, C.
- Subjects
fluids and secretions ,reproductive and urinary physiology ,humanities - Abstract
Magnesium hydroxide (MDH) is an inexpensive inorganic flame retardant agent that has been increasingly used to replace conventional halogen-containing flame retardants in polymers. In this work, the effects of combination of micro-sized MDH particles (mMDH) with different morphologies and nano-sized MDH particles (mMDH) on flame retardant and mechanical properties of random polypropylene copolymer/EVA blends were studied. The results demonstrated that the morphology of mMDH particles also plays an important role on flame retardant properties mechanisms of the polymer. Issues concerning with the initial endothermic decomposition stage of the mMDH particles are crucial in the final flame retardant property of the composites.
35. Investigando con sentido.
- Author
Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo and Garcés Giraldo, Luis Fernando
- Subjects
- *
SENSES , *RESEARCH , *SENSORY stimulation , *MUSCULAR sense , *SENSITIVITY (Personality trait) - Abstract
El artículo presenta un editorial en el que los autores comenta sobre el concepto del sentido en cuanto a las investigación. Discurren sobre la importancia de la sensibilidad de lo social, lo cultural, entre otros, en la investigación. También se considera la diversidad de sentidos, más de los cinco más conocidos, incluyendo la kinestesia.
- Published
- 2016
36. Editorial.
- Author
Murillo Bocanegra, J. Eduardo
- Subjects
- *
SCIENCE periodicals , *RESEARCH methodology , *SCIENCE publishing - Abstract
Se presenta una introducción a la revista, en la cual se discurre sobre temas incluyendo la importancia del rigor científico, el fomento de la mentalidad investigadora en los docentes y en los estudiantes y el compromiso de la revista a la integridad y calidad científica y editorial.
- Published
- 2011
37. Physiologic multivalvular regurgitation during pregnancy: a longitudinal Doppler echocardiographic study
- Author
Campos, O., Andrade, J. L., Bocanegra, J., and Ambrose, J. A.
- Published
- 1993
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38. Purcell-Induced Bright Single Photon Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride.
- Author
Sakib MA, Triplett B, Harris W, Hussain N, Senichev A, Momenzadeh M, Bocanegra J, Vabishchevich P, Wu R, Boltasseva A, Shalaev VM, and Shcherbakov MR
- Abstract
Single photon emitters (SPEs) in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) are elementary building blocks for room-temperature on-chip quantum photonic technologies. However, fundamental challenges, such as slow radiative decay and nondeterministic placement of the emitters, limit their full potential. Here, we demonstrate large-area arrays of plasmonic nanoresonators (PNRs) for Purcell-induced room-temperature SPEs by engineering emitter-cavity coupling and enhancing radiative emission. Gold-coated silicon pillars with an alumina spacer enable a 10-fold local-field enhancement in the emission band of native hBN defects. We observe bright SPEs with an average saturated emission rate surpassing 5 million counts per second, an average lifetime of <0.5 ns, and 29% yield. Density functional theory reveals the beneficial role of an alumina spacer between hBN and gold, mitigating the electronic broadening of emission from defects proximal to the metal. Our results offer arrays of bright, heterogeneously integrated single-photon sources, paving the way for robust and scalable quantum information systems.
- Published
- 2024
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39. Enhancing running injury prevention strategies with real-time biofeedback: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Author
Shen W, Yu Y, Frias Bocanegra J, Wheeler PC, and Fong DTP
- Subjects
- Humans, Biomechanical Phenomena, Athletic Injuries prevention & control, Acceleration, Running injuries, Running physiology, Biofeedback, Psychology, Gait physiology
- Abstract
The number of runners and the incidence of running-related injuries (RRIs) are on the rise. Real-time biofeedback gait retraining offers a promising approach to RRIs prevention. However, due to the diversity in study designs and reported outcomes, there remains uncertainty regarding the efficacy of different forms of feedback on running gait biomechanics. Three databases: MEDLINE, PUBMED, and SPORTDiscus were searched to identify relevant studies published up to March 2024, yielding 4646 articles for review. The quality of the included studies was assessed using the Downs and Black Quality checklist. Primary outcomes, including Peak Tibial Acceleration (PTA), Vertical Average Loading Rate (VALR), and Vertical Instantaneous Loading Rate (VILR), were analysed through meta-analysis. 24 studies met the inclusion criteria and were analysed in this review.17 used visual biofeedback (VB) while 14 chose auditory biofeedback (AB). The meta-analysis revealed a reduction in loading variables both immediately following the intervention and after extended training, with both visual and auditory feedback. Notably, the decrease in loading variables was more pronounced post-training and VB proved to be more effective than AB. Real-time biofeedback interventions are effective in lowering loading variables associated with RRIs. The impact is more substantial with sustained training, and VB outperforms AB in terms of effectiveness.
- Published
- 2024
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40. Nanoscale reshaping of resonant dielectric microstructures by light-driven explosions.
- Author
Shcherbakov MR, Sartorello G, Zhang S, Bocanegra J, Bosch M, Tripepi M, Talisa N, AlShafey A, Smith J, Londo S, Légaré F, Chowdhury E, and Shvets G
- Abstract
Femtosecond-laser-assisted material restructuring employs extreme optical intensities to localize the ablation regions. To overcome the minimum feature size limit set by the wave nature of photons, there is a need for new approaches to tailored material processing at the nanoscale. Here, we report the formation of deeply-subwavelength features in silicon, enabled by localized laser-induced phase explosions in prefabricated silicon resonators. Using short trains of mid-infrared laser pulses, we demonstrate the controllable formation of high aspect ratio (>10:1) nanotrenches as narrow as [Formula: see text]. The trench geometry is shown to be scalable with wavelength, and controlled by multiple parameters of the laser pulse train, such as the intensity and polarization of each laser pulse and their total number. Particle-in-cell simulations reveal localized heating of silicon beyond its boiling point and suggest its subsequent phase explosion on the nanoscale commensurate with the experimental data. The observed femtosecond-laser assisted nanostructuring of engineered microstructures (FLANEM) expands the nanofabrication toolbox and opens exciting opportunities for high-throughput optical methods of nanoscale structuring of solid materials., (© 2023. Springer Nature Limited.)
- Published
- 2023
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41. Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in School Settings: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
- Author
Perihan C, Bicer A, and Bocanegra J
- Abstract
Anxiety is the most common mental health problem that occurs with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and due to creating a more inclusive learning environment, children with ASD are placed in general education classrooms. Thus, addressing anxiety problems for children with ASD in school settings become critically important. This systematic review and meta-analysis investigated the current qualities of studies and the effects of school-based interventions for reducing anxiety in children with ASD. The study included six studies with a total of 165 participants. A random-effect meta-analysis yielded a moderate overall effect ( g = - 0.58, 95% CI [- 0.96, - 0.20], z = - 3.01, p < .05) with no significant heterogeneity, Q (5) = 7.31, p = 0.20. Findings of the systematic review indicated that school-based interventions for anxiety problems are still in the early stages, and studies showed significant issues with adaptations of current clinical-based interventions and anxiety measurements to use in school settings for children with ASD. Interpretation of these findings and implications are discussed., Competing Interests: Conflict of interestThe authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose., (© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021.)
- Published
- 2022
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42. Introduction to Critical Training Topics Series II: Meeting the Diverse Needs of a Changing Nation.
- Author
Bocanegra J and Callan G
- Published
- 2022
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43. Safety and Gadolinium Distribution of the New High-Relaxivity Gadolinium Chelate Gadopiclenol in a Rat Model of Severe Renal Failure.
- Author
Fretellier N, Rasschaert M, Bocanegra J, Robert P, Factor C, Seron A, Idée JM, and Corot C
- Subjects
- Adenine, Animals, Azabicyclo Compounds, Brain, Contrast Media, Gadolinium, Gadolinium DTPA, Rats, Organometallic Compounds, Renal Insufficiency
- Abstract
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the toxicological profile of gadopiclenol, a new high-relaxivity macrocyclic gadolinium-based contrast agent (GBCA), in renally impaired rats, in comparison with 2 other macrocyclic GBCAs, gadoterate meglumine and gadobutrol, and 1 linear and nonionic GBCA, gadodiamide., Methods: Renal failure was induced by adding 0.75% wt/wt adenine to the diet for 3 weeks. During the second week of adenine-enriched diet, the animals (n = 8/group × 5 groups) received 5 consecutive intravenous injections of GBCA at 2.5 mmol/kg per injection, resulting in a cumulative dose of 12.5 mmol/kg or saline followed by a 3-week treatment-free period after the last injection. The total (elemental) gadolinium (Gd) concentration in different tissues (brain, cerebellum, femoral epiphysis, liver, skin, heart, kidney, spleen, plasma, urine, and feces) was measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Transmission electron microscopy (and electron energy loss spectroscopy analysis of metallic deposits) was used to investigate the presence and localization of Gd deposits in the skin. Relaxometry was used to evaluate the presence of dissociated Gd in the skin, liver, and bone. Skin histopathology was performed to investigate the presence of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis-like lesions., Results: Gadodiamide administrations were associated with high morbidity-mortality but also with macroscopic and microscopic skin lesions in renally impaired rats. No such effects were observed with gadopiclenol, gadoterate, or gadobutrol. Overall, elemental Gd concentrations were significantly higher in gadodiamide-treated rats than in rats treated with the other GBCAs for all tissues except the liver (where no significant difference was found with gadopiclenol) and the kidney and the heart (where statistically similar Gd concentrations were observed for all GBCAs). No plasma biochemical abnormalities were observed with gadopiclenol or the control GBCAs. Histopathology revealed a normal skin structure in the rats treated with gadopiclenol, gadoterate, and gadobutrol, contrary to those treated with gadodiamide. No evidence of Gd deposits on collagen fibers and inclusions in fibroblasts was found with gadopiclenol and its macrocyclic controls, unlike with gadodiamide. Animals of all test groups had Gd-positive lysosomal inclusions in the dermal macrophages. However, the textures differed for the different products (speckled texture for gadodiamide and rough-textured appearance for the 2 tested macrocyclic GBCAs)., Conclusions: No evidence of biochemical toxicity or pathological abnormalities of the skin was observed, and similar to other macrocyclic GBCAs, gadoterate and gadobutrol, tissue retention of Gd was found to be low (except in the liver) in renally impaired rats treated with the new high-relaxivity GBCA gadopiclenol., Competing Interests: Conflicts of interest and sources of funding: All authors are or were employees of Guerbet. This work is part of the Franco-German Project ISEULT and was funded in part by Banque Publique d'Investissement (France) and by Guerbet., (Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.)
- Published
- 2021
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44. Controlling Magnon Interaction by a Nanoscale Switch.
- Author
Etesamirad A, Rodriguez R, Bocanegra J, Verba R, Katine J, Krivorotov IN, Tyberkevych V, Ivanov B, and Barsukov I
- Abstract
The ability to control and tune magnetic dissipation is a key concept of emergent spintronic technologies. Magnon scattering processes constitute a major dissipation channel in nanomagnets, redefine their response to spin torque, and hold the promise for manipulating magnetic states on the quantum level. Controlling these processes in nanomagnets, while being imperative for spintronic applications, has remained difficult to achieve. Here, we propose an approach for controlling magnon scattering by a switch that generates nonuniform magnetic field at nanoscale. We provide an experimental demonstration in magnetic tunnel junction nanodevices, consisting of a free layer and a synthetic antiferromagnet. By triggering the spin-flop transition in the synthetic antiferromagnet and utilizing its stray field, magnon interaction in the free layer is toggled. The results open up avenues for tuning nonlinearities in magnetic neuromorphic applications and for engineering coherent magnon coupling in hybrid quantum information technologies.
- Published
- 2021
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45. Iterative Exponential Growth of Oxygen-Linked Aromatic Polymers Driven by Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions.
- Author
Jaynes TJ, Sharafi M, Campbell JP, Bocanegra J, McKay KT, Little K, Osadchey Brown R, Gray DL, Woods TJ, Li J, and Schneebeli ST
- Abstract
This work presents the first transition metal-free synthesis of oxygen-linked aromatic polymers by integrating iterative exponential polymer growth (IEG) with nucleophilic aromatic substitution (S
N Ar) reactions. Our approach applies methyl sulfones as the leaving groups, which eliminate the need for a transition metal catalyst, while also providing flexibility in functionality and configuration of the building blocks used. As indicated by 1)1 H-1 H NOESY NMR spectroscopy, 2) single-crystal X-ray crystallography, and 3) density functional theory (DFT) calculations, the unimolecular polymers obtained are folded by nonclassical hydrogen bonds formed between the oxygens of the electron-rich aromatic rings and the positively polarized C-H bonds of the electron-poor pyrimidine functions. Our results not only introduce a transition metal-free synthetic methodology to access precision polymers but also demonstrate how interactions between relatively small, neutral aromatic units in the polymers can be utilized as new supramolecular interaction pairs to control the folding of precision macromolecules., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2021 Jaynes, Sharafi, Campbell, Bocanegra, McKay, Little, Osadchey Brown, Gray, Woods, Li and Schneebeli.)- Published
- 2021
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46. Introduction to Critical Training Topics Series: Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Nation.
- Author
Bocanegra J
- Published
- 2021
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47. A synthetic approach to compare the large truck crash causation study and naturalistic driving data.
- Author
Hickman JS, Hanowski RJ, and Bocanegra J
- Subjects
- Automobile Driving statistics & numerical data, Humans, Odds Ratio, Protective Devices economics, Risk Factors, Accidents, Traffic statistics & numerical data, Automobile Driving standards, Motor Vehicles
- Abstract
Truck crashes represent a significant problem on our nation's highways. There is a great opportunity to learn about crash causation by analyzing and comparing the Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS) and naturalistic driving (ND) data. These data sets provide in-depth information, but have contrasting strengths and weaknesses. The LTCCS contains information on high-severity crashes (crashes and fatal crashes), but relied on data collected during crash investigations. The LTCCS identified principal driver errors in the crash, such as the Critical Reason, but not detailed behaviors or scenario sequences. The ND data sets relate primarily to non-crashes that are detectable from dynamic vehicle events, such as hard braking, swerve, etc., provide direct video observations of the driver and the surrounding driving scene and precise information on driver inputs (kinematics) and captured events, and provide certain types of exposure data that cannot easily be obtained using crash reconstruction data. The ND data are collected continuously, thereby capturing both safety-critical events and normative driving (i.e., baseline). The current project evaluated large-truck crash data from the LTCCS and two large-truck ND data sets, the Naturalistic Truck Driving Study and the Drowsy Driver Warning System Field Operational Test. A synthetic risk ratio analysis on the associated factor, Following Too Closely, indicated that truck drivers in the LTCCS were 1.34 times more likely to be involved in a crash, than an ND crash-relevant conflict, if they were following too closely (i.e., tailgating). Given several caveats noted in the paper, this study suggests it's possible to use the ND data set to calculate the exposure of a given behavior and use the LTCCS data set to calculate the crash exposure to the same behavior., (Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2018
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48. Species discovery and validation in a cryptic radiation of endangered primates: coalescent-based species delimitation in Madagascar's mouse lemurs.
- Author
Hotaling S, Foley ME, Lawrence NM, Bocanegra J, Blanco MB, Rasoloarison R, Kappeler PM, Barrett MA, Yoder AD, and Weisrock DW
- Subjects
- Animals, Bayes Theorem, DNA, Mitochondrial genetics, Madagascar, Markov Chains, Monte Carlo Method, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Cheirogaleidae classification, Genetic Speciation, Models, Genetic
- Abstract
Implementation of the coalescent model in a Bayesian framework is an emerging strength in genetically based species delimitation studies. By providing an objective measure of species diagnosis, these methods represent a quantitative enhancement to the analysis of multilocus data, and complement more traditional methods based on phenotypic and ecological characteristics. Recognized as two species 20 years ago, mouse lemurs (genus Microcebus) now comprise more than 20 species, largely diagnosed from mtDNA sequence data. With each new species description, enthusiasm has been tempered with scientific scepticism. Here, we present a statistically justified and unbiased Bayesian approach towards mouse lemur species delimitation. We perform validation tests using multilocus sequence data and two methodologies: (i) reverse-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling to assess the likelihood of different models defined a priori by a guide tree, and (ii) a Bayes factor delimitation test that compares different species-tree models without a guide tree. We assess the sensitivity of these methods using randomized individual assignments, which has been used in bpp studies, but not with Bayes factor delimitation tests. Our results validate previously diagnosed taxa, as well as new species hypotheses, resulting in support for three new mouse lemur species. As the challenge of multiple researchers using differing criteria to describe diversity is not unique to Microcebus, the methods used here have significant potential for clarifying diversity in other taxonomic groups. We echo previous studies in advocating that multiple lines of evidence, including use of the coalescent model, should be trusted to delimit new species., (© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2016
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49. Trigeminal Inflammatory Compression (TIC) injury induces chronic facial pain and susceptibility to anxiety-related behaviors.
- Author
Lyons DN, Kniffin TC, Zhang LP, Danaher RJ, Miller CS, Bocanegra JL, Carlson CR, and Westlund KN
- Subjects
- Adaptation, Ocular, Analysis of Variance, Animals, Disease Models, Animal, Exploratory Behavior, Functional Laterality, Hyperalgesia physiopathology, Male, Maze Learning, Mice, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Pain Measurement, Pain Threshold, Reflex, Startle, Anxiety Disorders etiology, Facial Pain complications, Facial Pain etiology, Trigeminal Nerve Injuries complications
- Abstract
Our laboratory previously developed a novel neuropathic and inflammatory facial pain model for mice referred to as the Trigeminal Inflammatory Compression (TIC) model. Rather than inducing whole nerve ischemia and neuronal loss, this injury induces only slight peripheral nerve demyelination triggering long-term mechanical allodynia and cold hypersensitivity on the ipsilateral whisker pad. The aim of the present study is to further characterize the phenotype of the TIC injury model using specific behavioral assays (i.e. light-dark box, open field exploratory activity, and elevated plus maze) to explore pain- and anxiety-like behaviors associated with this model. Our findings determined that the TIC injury produces hypersensitivity 100% of the time after surgery that persists at least 21 weeks post injury (until the animals are euthanized). Three receptive field sensitivity pattern variations in mice with TIC injury are specified. Animals with TIC injury begin displaying anxiety-like behavior in the light-dark box preference and open field exploratory tests at week eight post injury as compared to sham and naïve animals. Panic anxiety-like behavior was shown in the elevated plus maze in mice with TIC injury if the test was preceded with acoustic startle. Thus, in addition to mechanical and cold hypersensitivity, the present study identified significant anxiety-like behaviors in mice with TIC injury resembling the clinical symptomatology and psychosocial impairments of patients with chronic facial pain. Overall, the TIC injury model's chronicity, reproducibility, and reliability in producing pain- and anxiety-like behaviors demonstrate its usefulness as a chronic neuropathic facial pain model., (Copyright © 2015 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2015
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50. Mapping the exciton diffusion in semiconductor nanocrystal solids.
- Author
Kholmicheva N, Moroz P, Bastola E, Razgoniaeva N, Bocanegra J, Shaughnessy M, Porach Z, Khon D, and Zamkov M
- Subjects
- Diffusion, Energy Transfer, Lead chemistry, Spectrometry, Fluorescence, Sulfides chemistry, Electrons, Quantum Dots chemistry, Semiconductors
- Abstract
Colloidal nanocrystal solids represent an emerging class of functional materials that hold strong promise for device applications. The macroscopic properties of these disordered assemblies are determined by complex trajectories of exciton diffusion processes, which are still poorly understood. Owing to the lack of theoretical insight, experimental strategies for probing the exciton dynamics in quantum dot solids are in great demand. Here, we develop an experimental technique for mapping the motion of excitons in semiconductor nanocrystal films with a subdiffraction spatial sensitivity and a picosecond temporal resolution. This was accomplished by doping PbS nanocrystal solids with metal nanoparticles that force the exciton dissociation at known distances from their birth. The optical signature of the exciton motion was then inferred from the changes in the emission lifetime, which was mapped to the location of exciton quenching sites. By correlating the metal-metal interparticle distance in the film with corresponding changes in the emission lifetime, we could obtain important transport characteristics, including the exciton diffusion length, the number of predissociation hops, the rate of interparticle energy transfer, and the exciton diffusivity. The benefits of this approach to device applications were demonstrated through the use of two representative film morphologies featuring weak and strong interparticle coupling.
- Published
- 2015
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