1. Socioeconomic (Un)Opportunities and Quality of Family Education
- Author
Božić, Tina, Ljubetić, Maja, Koludrović, Morana, and Reić-Ercegovac, Ina
- Subjects
child ,family ,dijete ,obitelj ,obiteljski odgoj ,roditeljstvo ,socioekonomski čimbenici ,parenting ,socioeconomic factors ,family education - Abstract
U ovom radu se daje prikaz suvremene obitelji, koja svoje odnose temelji na načelima jednakopravnosti i poštovanja, te o mogućim konfliktima koji se stvaraju unutar obitelji zbog nedostatka integracije njenih članova. Suvremeno shvaćanje obitelji vodi i do promjene shvaćanja odgojnih ciljeva i postupaka; sve veći je naglasak na razvoju djetetove kreativnosti i kritičkog mišljenja. U okviru odgojne funkcije, promatraju se utjecaji vanjskih i unutarnjih čimbenika, a poglavito socioekonomskih utjecaja obitelji na odgoj djeteta. Socioekonomski čimbenici ukazuju na postojanje velikih socijalnih razlika u društvu. Socijalni status roditelja velikim dijelom utječe na obrazovanje djece, stoga bi odgojno-obrazovna ustanova trebala kompenzirati slabiju obrazovnu potporu što je dobivaju djeca nižeg socioekonomskog statusa., This paper gives an overview of the contemporary family, whose relationships are based on the principles of equality and respect, and the possible conflicts that are created within the family because of the lack of integration of its members. The modern concept of families leads to changes in perception of educational objectives and procedures; increasing the emphasis on developing the child's creativity and critical thinking. As part of the educational function, external and internal factors are observed, particularly the socio-economic impact on the family upbringing of the child. Socioeconomic factors point out the existence of large social differences in society, and also determined that the status of the parents largely influence the education of children, therefore, the educational institution should compensate weaker educational support that is given children of lower socioeconomic status.
- Published
- 2016