18 results on '"Bleeker, EAJ"'
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2. A framework for grouping and read-across of nanomaterials- supporting innovation and risk assessment
- Author
Stone, V, Gottardo, S., Bleeker, EAJ, Braakhuis, H, Dekkers, S, Fernandes, T, Haase, A, Hunt, N, and Oomen, AG
- Published
- 2020
3. Grouping nanomaterials : A strategy towards grouping and read-across
- Author
Sellers K, Deleebeeck NME, Messiean M, Jackson M, Bleeker EAJ, Sijm DTHM, van Broekhuizen FA, Sellers K, Deleebeeck NME, Messiean M, Jackson M, Bleeker EAJ, Sijm DTHM, and van Broekhuizen FA
- Abstract
RIVM rapport:De risicobeoordeling van stoffen wordt gebaseerd op informatie over de effecten die ze hebben op mens en milieu. Het kost echter veel tijd, geld en proefdieren om elke stof volledig op de effecten te testen. Om toch de gewenste informatie te verkrijgen wordt daarom zo veel mogelijk gebruikgemaakt van data over vergelijkbare materialen (read-across). Deze werkwijze wordt ook voor nanomaterialen ingezet. Het RIVM heeft een teststrategie laten ontwikkelen om voor nanomaterialen te beoordelen of de data van vergelijkbare stoffen geschikt zijn om voor read-across te gebruiken. Op deze manier hoeven er minder nieuwe data te worden gegenereerd en worden er zo min mogelijk proefdieren gebruikt. Voor de ontwikkeling van de teststrategie is een overzicht gemaakt van de fysisch-chemische eigenschappen die van belang zijn voor de manier waarop een stof zich in organismen gedraagt. Dit is gedaan met behulp van de huidige kennis over het gedrag en de schadelijkheid (toxiciteit) van nanomaterialen. Op basis van deze fysisch-chemische eigenschappen is vervolgens aangegeven welke informatie minimaal nodig is om nanomaterialen te kunnen karakteriseren. Hoe verplaatst de stof zich bijvoorbeeld in een organisme? Hoe reageert het op andere stoffen, zoals eiwitten en zouten? In welke mate wordt het onderweg afgebroken? De teststrategie geeft aan hoe per nanomateriaal op basis van deze fysisch-chemische eigenschappen kan worden beoordeeld onder welke voorwaarden data bruikbaar zijn voor read-across, en hoe dat is te verifiëren. De ontwikkelde teststrategie is getoetst op twee fictieve voorbeelden (nanozilver en nanotitaniumdioxide) en is bruikbaar bevonden. Wel blijkt dat de gedetailleerde informatie die nodig is over de relevante fysischchemische eigenschappen en over de condities waaronder de data zijn verkregen, niet altijd voldoende is gedocumenteerd., Scientists evaluate the risks from exposure to chemical substances by testing the effects that chemicals have on humans and on other species, such as fish. However, testing substances for the full set of effects requires a lot of time, money and test animals. To minimize costs and animal use, the existing data for similar substances can be used to fill data gaps for a chemical substance via a process called read-across. This approach is also applied for nanomaterials. RIVM has commissioned the development of a strategy to evaluate the potential for read-across in cases of missing data for nanomaterials, with a focus on fulfilling data requirements in regulatory frameworks. To develop this strategy, a literature review was compiled on physicochemical parameters (such as the rate at which and amount to which a chemical dissolves) and their relevance for the behaviour, fate and toxicity of nanomaterials in organisms and the environment. This review was based on current knowledge on the behaviour and toxicity of nanomaterials. It resulted in a base set of physico-chemical parameters that are essential to characterise a nanomaterial and substantiate possibilities for read-across. The strategy provides a framework in which to evaluate each nanomaterial and decide on the applicability of readacross for nanomaterials. The strategy has proven useful in two hypothetical case studies (nanosilver and nanotitanium dioxide). Nevertheless, it was concluded that improvement is needed for the documentation of the information from the laboratory testing of nanomaterials to support read-across. Particularly relevant physico-chemical properties of the nanomaterials and test conditions need more detailed descriptions. Furthermore, the scientific community needs to continue developing test methods that can characterize certain behaviours of nanomaterials to support read-across.
- Published
- 2015
4. Exploring building blocks for amending EU regulation of nanomaterials
- Author
NAT, M&V, Bleeker EAJ, Theodori D, Wijnhoven SWP, NAT, M&V, Bleeker EAJ, Theodori D, and Wijnhoven SWP
- Abstract
RIVM rapport:De Nederlandse interdepartementale werkgroep voor risico's van nanotechnologie (IWR) heeft in 2013 zes bouwstenen geformuleerd om wettelijke kaders geschikt(er) te maken voor de beoordeling van risico's van nanomaterialen. Daarnaast zijn de bouwstenen erop gericht de aanwezigheid van nanomaterialen in producten bekend te maken. Het RIVM heeft onderzocht of deze bouwstenen effectief zijn en heeft de invulling ervan vorm gegeven. De zes bouwstenen zijn: (1) eenduidige definitie van nanomaterialen, (2) specifieke informatievereisten voor REACH over een stof in nanovorm, (3) verlaging van het productievolume vanaf wanneer een stof in nanovorm in REACH moet worden geregistreerd of bepaalde informatie moet worden aangeleverd, (4) aparte blootstelling- en risicobeoordeling voor werknemers die werken met nanomaterialen, en (5) registratie en/of (6) etikettering van producten die nanomaterialen bevatten. De eerste drie relateren sterk aan de Europese verordening voor chemische stoffen REACH; de overige drie relateren aan andere wettelijke kaders. Een eenduidige definitie moet zich uitsluitend richten op identificatie van nanomaterialen: aangeven wanneer sprake is van een nanovorm en niet (meer) van een 'gebruikelijke' niet-nanovorm van de stof. De recent voorgestelde definitie van de Europese Commissie lijkt hiervoor zeer geschikt. De risicobeoordeling van nanomaterialen en (extra) informatie die daarvoor nodig is, volgt pas daarna in het desbetreffende beoordelingskader. De risicobeoordeling voor nanomaterialen vereist gedetailleerdere informatievereisten om de materialen te karakteriseren. Daarnaast is extra informatie nodig over de mate waarin een stof giftig is, de manier waarop hij zich in mens en milieu gedraagt, en waar hij uiteindelijk terecht komt. Hetzelfde geldt voor het vaststellen van de blootstelling en welke beheersmaatregelen nodig zijn om risico's te beperken. Onder REACH zijn informatievereisten gerelateerd aan de hoeveelheid van een chemische stof die word, In early 2013, the Netherlands Interdepartmental Working Group on Risks of Nanotechnology (IWR) defined six building blocks to amend regulatory frameworks and improve risk assessment of nanomaterials. Furthermore, the building blocks aim at improving knowledge on nanomaterials in products. RIVM has explored these building blocks for their effectiveness and provides further interpretation for them. The six building blocks are: (1) a uniform definition of nanomaterials, (2) specific information requirements under REACH for a substance in nanoform, (3) lowering the production volume for registering a substance in nanoform or requiring certain information under REACH, (4) separate assessment of exposure and risk of nanomaterials for workers, and (5) a European register and/or (6) labelling of products that contain nanomaterials. The first three building blocks are strongly related to the European REACH Regulation for chemical substances, while the other three relate to other frameworks. A horizontal definition should be solely aimed at identification of nanomaterials, i.e. distinguish between a nanoform and a 'conventional' non-nanoform of the substance. The recent recommendation by the European Commission is a good starting point for such a definition. The risk assessment of nanomaterials and the necessary (additional) information should be determined as a next step in the appropriate regulatory framework. The risk assessment of nanomaterials requires detailed information to characterise the materials. Additional information is needed on the toxic potential of the substances and on their behaviour in humans and the environment, as well as on their fate. The same holds for determining the exposure of humans and environment to nanomaterials and necessary risk management measures to limit the risk. REACH information requirements are related to the amount of chemical substance that is produced in or imported into the EU. This is in line with the idea that larger volumes pr
- Published
- 2013
5. Interpretation and implications of the European Commission's definition on nanomaterials
- Author
SEC, mev, Bleeker EAJ, Cassee FR, Geertsma RE, de Jong WH, Heugens EHW, Koers-Jacquemijns M, van de Meent D, Oomen AG, Popma J, Rietveld AG, Wijnhoven SWP, SEC, mev, Bleeker EAJ, Cassee FR, Geertsma RE, de Jong WH, Heugens EHW, Koers-Jacquemijns M, van de Meent D, Oomen AG, Popma J, Rietveld AG, and Wijnhoven SWP
- Abstract
RIVM rapport:In oktober 2011 heeft de Europese Commissie Aanbeveling Inzake de Definitie van Nanomateriaal vastgesteld. Het RIVM beschouwt deze definitie als een goede basis voor verdere discussie. De discussie zou zich vooral moeten richten op twee uitgangspunten van de definitie: de grenzen voor de afmeting van nanodeeltjes (van 1 tot 100 nanometer), en de eis voor nanomaterialen dat minimaal 50 procent van de deeltjes binnen de gestelde afmeting voor nanodeeltjes vallen. Volgens het RIVM kan wetenschappelijk onderzoek helpen om implicaties van de keuzes van deze uitgangspunten in te schatten. Verder is het van belang om betrouwbare en gestandaardiseerde methoden te hebben om de aantallen nanodeeltjes en de grootte ervan te kunnen meten. De Europese Commissie zal de definitie herzien in 2014 in het licht van de ervaringen en de wetenschappelijke en technologische ontwikkelingen. Inzicht in potentiële risico's van belang: De laatste jaren is een toenemend aantal toepassingen en producten beschikbaar gekomen waarin of waarvoor nanomaterialen worden gebruikt. Vanwege de geringe afmeting van de deeltjes hebben ze andere eigenschappen dan materialen met grotere deeltjes. Een eenduidige definitie is een belangrijke stap om de term 'nanomateriaal' voor Europese wet- en regelgeving vast te stellen. Het uiteindelijk doel van de definitie is om de potentiële risico's van nanomaterialen voor mens en milieu te beheersen. Nu de definitie van een nanomateriaal nader is bepaald, is de volgende stap om deze in te passen in de diverse kaders van wet- en regelgeving. Dan kan ook worden vastgesteld voor welke typen nanomaterialen specifieke maatregelen nodig zijn om te kunnen waarborgen dat ze op een veilige manier worden geproduceerd en toegepast. Deeltjes buiten definitie: niet automatisch veilig: Het RIVM onderschrijft het uitgangspunt van de Commissie dat een nanomateriaal niet automatisch als gevaarlijk moet worden beschouwd. Tegelijkertijd benadrukt het instituut dat materialen met deeltje, In October 2011, the European Commission published the Recommendation on the Definition of Nanomaterial. RIVM considers this definition to be a good basis for further discussion that should focus on two aspects of the definition: the proposed size limits for nanoparticles (1 to 100 nanometres); and the requirement that at least 50 % of the number of particles should be in this size range. According to RIVM, further scientific research would contribute to better understanding the implications of these threshold values. In addition, reliable and standardised measurement techniques are needed to determine particle number and size distributions. The European Commission will review the definition in 2014 in the light of experience and developments in science and technology. Understanding potential risks important: In recent years, an increasing number of applications and products containing or using nanomaterials have become available. However, the small size of the particles in nanomaterials gives these materials different properties relative to materials with larger sizes. A univocal definition of the term 'nanomaterial' is essential in EU legislation and regulations, particularly with regard to the management of potential risks of nanomaterials to humans and the environment. Once the definition of a nanomaterial has been established, it has to be incorporated in the appropriate legislative frameworks. Subsequently, further amendments may be required with regard to specific provisions for certain types of nanomaterials to ensure safe use. Particles outside the definition are not automatically safe: RIVM agrees with the Commission's principle that a nanomaterial should not automatically be considered as hazardous. Conversely, materials not covered by the definition should not automatically be considered as safe. Such materials may pose a nano-sized related risk, if a substantial number of the particles is in the nano-size range, depending on the degree of human and envi
- Published
- 2012
6. Bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aquatic organisms
- Author
SEC, Bleeker EAJ, Verbruggen EMJ, SEC, Bleeker EAJ, and Verbruggen EMJ
- Abstract
RIVM rapport:Het RIVM heeft beschikbare gegevens over ophopingen van polycyclische aromatische koolwaterstoffen (PAK's) in waterorganismen geevalueerd. Naar aanleiding hiervan is de indeling van deze stoffen voor regelgeving aangepast. Fenantreen en fluoranteen worden nu niet meer als 'zeer bioaccumulerend' beschouwd in vis, maar als 'bioaccumulerend'. De mate waarin stoffen in organismen ophopen (bioaccumulatie) is een belangrijk criterium voor regelgeving. Het is een indicatie dat hoger in de voedselketen hogere concentraties van de stof worden aangetroffen die schadelijk kunnen zijn. Gegevens van individuele PAK's, waaronder bioaccumulatiegegevens, worden gebruikt voor de risicobeoordeling van stoffen(mengsels) waarin PAK's een belangrijk bestanddeel zijn, zoals bijvoorbeeld olie en olieachtige stoffen. Als maat voor de ophoping wordt de bioconcentratiefactor (BCF) van een stof gebruikt. Dat is de ratio tussen de snelheid waarmee het organisme de stof vanuit water opneemt en de snelheid waarmee het naar water wordt uitgescheiden. Op grond hiervan worden stoffen in de Europese REACH-regelgeving ingedeeld in drie categorieen: niet bioaccumulerend (de BCF is kleiner dan 2000), bioaccumulerend (de BCF ligt tussen 2000 en 5000) en zeer bioaccumulerend (de BCF is hoger dan 5000). Vissen zijn in staat om PAK's om te zetten in stoffen die beter in water oplosbaar zijn waardoor ze makkelijker kunnen worden uitgescheiden. Hierdoor worden in vissen vaak lagere BCF-waarden gemeten. Mosselen en andere ongewervelden kunnen PAK's veel minder goed omzetten waardoor PAK's in deze organismen meer ophopen., RIVM has evaluated the available data on bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in aquatic organisms. As a result the categorisation of PAHs regarding their bioaccumulation potential was adapted. Phenanthrene and fluoranthene are now no longer considered 'very bioaccumulative' in fish, but 'bioaccumulative'. The level of accumulation of compounds in organisms (bioaccumulation) is an important criterion in chemicals regulation. It gives an indication that higher in the food chain higher concentrations of a compound are found that may become harmful. Data on individual PAHs, including data on bioaccumulation, are used in risk assessment of (mixtures of) compounds in which PAHs are major components, e.g. oil and oil compounds. As measure for accumulation the bioconcentration factor (BCF) of a compound is used. This is defined as the ratio between the uptake rate of a compound from water into the organism and its elimination rate to water. In the European REACH legislation compounds are divided over three BCF categories: not bioaccumulative (BCF is below 2000), bioaccumulative (BCF is between 2000 and 5000) and very bioaccumulative (BCF is above 5000). Fish are capable of transforming PAHs into compounds that are better soluble in water, which facilitates elimination. This results in lower measured BCF values in fish. Mussels and other invertebrates are much less capable of PAH transformation, which results in higher accumulation of PAHs in these organisms.
- Published
- 2010
7. Nanomaterials under REACH. Nanosilver as a case study
- Author
SEC, SIR, LER, Pronk MEJ, Wijnhoven SWP, Bleeker EAJ, Heugens EHW, Peijnenburg WJGM, Luttik R, Hakkert BC, SEC, SIR, LER, Pronk MEJ, Wijnhoven SWP, Bleeker EAJ, Heugens EHW, Peijnenburg WJGM, Luttik R, and Hakkert BC
- Abstract
RIVM rapport:Om de risico's van nanomaterialen te kunnen inschatten en beheersen, zijn enkele aanpassingen nodig in de Europese chemicalienwetgeving REACH. De gegevens over stoffen waar REACH standaard om vraagt, zijn namelijk onvoldoende om de specifieke eigenschappen van nanomaterialen te bepalen. Hetzelfde geldt voor het bepalen van de invloed van deze eigenschappen op het gedrag en de effecten van nanomaterialen in mens en milieu. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek van RIVM naar de geschiktheid van REACH voor nanomaterialen. Het instituut stelt daarom een aangepaste set minimum informatievereisten voor, voor alle te registreren nanomaterialen onder REACH, ongeacht de omvang van productie en import. Deze vereisten maken het mogelijk de risico's van nanomaterialen te beoordelen. Het gebruik van nanomaterialen neemt de laatste jaren sterk toe. Nanomaterialen worden vooralsnog gedefinieerd als stoffen waarvan de deeltjes minstens een dimensie kleiner dan honderd nanometer hebben. Vanwege hun afmeting hebben ze specifieke eigenschappen. Wetgeving moet erop gericht zijn de potentiele gevaren en risico's van deze nanomaterialen te beheersen. Aan de hand van een hypothetische registratie van nanozilver is onderzocht of REACH geschikt is om een veilig gebruik van nanomaterialen vast te stellen. Hieruit bleek onder andere dat een definitie van nanomateriaal ontbreekt, en dat de juiste maateenheid om de schadelijkheid en blootstelling in uit te drukken nog niet bekend is. Ook is de verplichte standaardinformatie ontoereikend om de blootstelling en gevaren in te kunnen schatten, en om het nanomateriaal goed te kunnen karakteriseren. Mede door de laatste beperking is niet vast te stellen in hoeverre de nanovorm van een stof overeenkomt met de niet-nanovorm van dezelfde stof. Bovendien is het onduidelijk of de huidige extrapolatiemethoden in de risicobeoordeling en de maatregelen om risico's te beheersen geschikt zijn voor nanomaterialen. Deze methoden en maatregelen zijn immers vastgesteld voor ni, Some adjustments are needed in the European chemicals legislation REACH to assess and control the risks of nanomaterials. The information on substances to be provided under REACH is not sufficient to determine the specific properties of nanomaterials, nor to assess how these properties affect their behaviour and effects in humans and the environment. RIVM concluded this following research into the suitability of REACH for nanomaterials. RIVM therefore proposes an adapted set of minimum information requirements, to be applied to all nanomaterials to be registered under REACH, independent of their volume of production and import. These requirements allow a risk assessment of nanomaterials. Over the last years the use of nanomaterials has strongly increased. As yet, nanomaterials are defined as substances of which the discrete parts have at least one dimension smaller than one hundred nanometres. Due to their nanosize they have specific properties. Legislation should focus on controlling the potential hazards and risks of these nanomaterials. By conducting a hypothetical registration of nanosilver it was investigated whether REACH is suitable for assessing the safe use of nanomaterials. From this it appeared that no definition of a nanomaterial is present, and that a relevant measure for expressing harmfulness and exposure is as yet not known. In addition, the standard information requirements are insufficient to assess hazard and exposure. They are also insufficient for a proper characterisation of the nanomaterial. Consequently, it cannot be determined to what extent the nanoform of a substance corresponds to the non-nanoform of the same substance. Furthermore, it is unclear whether current risk reduction measures and extrapolation methods in risk assessment, as established for non-nanomaterials, are applicable to nanomaterials.
- Published
- 2009
8. Governance of advanced materials: Shaping a safe and sustainable future.
- Author
Groenewold M, Bleeker EAJ, Noorlander CW, Sips AJAM, van der Zee M, Aitken RJ, Baker JH, Bakker MI, Bouman EA, Doak SH, Drobne D, Dumit VI, Florin MV, Fransman W, Gonzalez MM, Heunisch E, Isigonis P, Jeliazkova N, Jensen KA, Kuhlbusch T, Lynch I, Morrison M, Porcari A, Rodríguez-Llopis I, Pozuelo BM, Resch S, Säämänen AJ, Serchi T, Soeteman-Hernandez LG, Willighagen E, Dusinska M, and Scott-Fordsmand JJ
- Subjects
- Humans, Nanotechnology legislation & jurisprudence, Europe, Sustainable Development, Nanostructures
- Abstract
The past few decades of managing the uncertain risks associated with nanomaterials have provided valuable insights (knowledge gaps, tools, methods, etc.) that are equally important to promote safe and sustainable development and use of advanced materials. Based on these insights, the current paper proposes several actions to optimize the risk and sustainability governance of advanced materials. We emphasise the importance of establishing a European approach for risk and sustainability governance of advanced materials as soon as possible to keep up with the pace of innovation and to manage uncertainty among regulators, industry, SMEs and the public, regarding potential risks and impacts of advanced materials. Coordination of safe and sustainable advanced material research efforts, and data management according to the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) principles will enhance the generation of regulatory-relevant knowledge. This knowledge is crucial to identify whether current regulatory standardised and harmonised test methods are adequate to assess advanced materials. At the same time, there is urgent need for responsible innovation beyond regulatory compliance which can be promoted through the Safe and Sustainable Innovation Approach. that combines the Safe and Sustainable by Design concept with Regulatory Preparedness, supported by a trusted environment. We further recommend consolidating all efforts and networks related to the risk and sustainability governance of advanced materials in a single, easy-to-use digital portal. Given the anticipated complexity and tremendous efforts required, we identified the need of establishing an organisational structure dedicated to aligning the fast technological developments in advanced materials with proper risk and sustainability governance. Involvement of multiple stakeholders in a trusted environment ensures a coordinated effort towards the safe and sustainable development, production, and use of advanced materials. The existing infrastructures and network of experts involved in the governance of nanomaterials would form a solid foundation for such an organisational structure., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier B.V.)
- Published
- 2024
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9. Roadmap towards safe and sustainable advanced and innovative materials. (Outlook for 2024-2030).
- Author
Cassee FR, Bleeker EAJ, Durand C, Exner T, Falk A, Friedrichs S, Heunisch E, Himly M, Hofer S, Hofstätter N, Hristozov D, Nymark P, Pohl A, Soeteman-Hernández LG, Suarez-Merino B, Valsami-Jones E, and Groenewold M
- Abstract
The adoption of innovative advanced materials holds vast potential, contingent upon addressing safety and sustainability concerns. The European Commission advocates the integration of Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) principles early in the innovation process to streamline market introduction and mitigate costs. Within this framework, encompassing ecological, social, and economic factors is paramount. The NanoSafety Cluster (NSC) delineates key safety and sustainability areas, pinpointing unresolved issues and research gaps to steer the development of safe(r) materials. Leveraging FAIR data management and integration, alongside the alignment of regulatory aspects, fosters informed decision-making and innovation. Integrating circularity and sustainability mandates clear guidance, ensuring responsible innovation at every stage. Collaboration among stakeholders, anticipation of regulatory demands, and a commitment to sustainability are pivotal for translating SSbD into tangible advancements. Harmonizing standards and test guidelines, along with regulatory preparedness through an exchange platform, is imperative for governance and market readiness. By adhering to these principles, the effective and sustainable deployment of innovative materials can be realized, propelling positive transformation and societal acceptance., Competing Interests: All authors declare that they have no interests to declare.•Flemming R. Cassee, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Netherlands & Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands•Eric A.J. Bleeker, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Netherlands•Cyrille Durand, TEMAS Solutions GmbH, Hausen, Switzerland•Thomas Exner, Seven Past Nine, Cerknica, Slovenia•Andreas Falk, BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (BNN), Austria•Steffi Friedrichs, AcumenIST SRL, Brussels, Belgium•Elisabeth Heunisch, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Germany•Martin Himly, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria•Sabine Hofer, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria•Norbert Hofstätter, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria•Danail Hristozov, East European Research and Innovation Enterprise Ltd, Bulgaria•Penny Nymark, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Solna, Sweden•Anna Pohl, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Germany•Lya G. Soeteman-Hernández, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Netherlands•Blanca Suarez-Merino, TEMAS Solutions GmbH, Hausen, Switzerland•Eugenia Valsami-Jones, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom•Monique Groenewold,National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Netherlands, (© 2024 The Authors.)
- Published
- 2024
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10. A roadmap to strengthen standardisation efforts in risk governance of nanotechnology.
- Author
Rasmussen K, Bleeker EAJ, Baker J, Bouillard J, Fransman W, Kuhlbusch TAJ, Resch S, Sergent JA, Soeteman-Hernandez LG, Suarez-Merino B, and Porcari A
- Subjects
- Economic Factors, Educational Status, Reference Standards, Nanotechnology, Nanostructures
- Abstract
A roadmap was developed to strengthen standardisation activities for risk governance of nanotechnology. Its baseline is the available standardised and harmonised methods for nanotechnology developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In order to identify improvements and needs for new themes in standardisation work, an analysis of the state-of-the-art concepts and interpretations of risk governance of nanotechnology was performed. Eleven overall areas of action were identified, each including a subset of specific topics. Themes addressed include physical chemical characterisation, assessment of hazard, exposure, risk and socio-economic factors, as well as education & training and social dialogue. This has been visualised in a standardisation roadmap spanning a timeframe of ten years and including key outcomes and highlights of the analysis. Furthermore, the roadmap indicates potential areas of action for harmonisation and standardisation (H&S) for nanomaterials and nanotechnology. It also includes an evaluation of the current level (limited, moderate, intense) of ongoing H&S activities and indicates the time horizon for the different areas of action. As the identified areas differ in their state of development, the number and type of actions varied widely amongst the different actions towards achieving standardisation. Thus, priority areas were also identified. The overall objective of these actions is to strengthen risk governance towards a safe use of nanomaterials and nano-related products. Though not explicitly addressed, risk-based legislation and policies are supported via the proposed H&S actions., Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare no competing interests., (Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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11. Current status and future challenges of genotoxicity OECD Test Guidelines for nanomaterials: a workshop report.
- Author
Doak SH, Andreoli C, Burgum MJ, Chaudhry Q, Bleeker EAJ, Bossa C, Domenech J, Drobne D, Fessard V, Jeliazkova N, Longhin E, Rundén-Pran E, Stępnik M, El Yamani N, Catalán J, and Dusinska M
- Subjects
- Mutagenicity Tests methods, Risk Assessment, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Nanostructures toxicity, Nanostructures chemistry
- Abstract
Genotoxicity testing for nanomaterials remains challenging as standard testing approaches require some adaptation, and further development of nano-specific OECD Test Guidelines (TGs) and Guidance Documents (GDs) are needed. However, the field of genotoxicology continues to progress and new approach methodologies (NAMs) are being developed that could provide relevant information on the range of mechanisms of genotoxic action that may be imparted by nanomaterials. There is a recognition of the need for implementation of new and/or adapted OECD TGs, new OECD GDs, and utilization of NAMs within a genotoxicity testing framework for nanomaterials. As such, the requirements to apply new experimental approaches and data for genotoxicity assessment of nanomaterials in a regulatory context is neither clear, nor used in practice. Thus, an international workshop with representatives from regulatory agencies, industry, government, and academic scientists was convened to discuss these issues. The expert discussion highlighted the current deficiencies that exist in standard testing approaches within exposure regimes, insufficient physicochemical characterization, lack of demonstration of cell or tissue uptake and internalization, and limitations in the coverage of genotoxic modes of action. Regarding the latter aspect, a consensus was reached on the importance of using NAMs to support the genotoxicity assessment of nanomaterials. Also highlighted was the need for close engagement between scientists and regulators to (i) provide clarity on the regulatory needs, (ii) improve the acceptance and use of NAM-generated data, and (iii) define how NAMs may be used as part of weight of evidence approaches for use in regulatory risk assessments., (© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the UK Environmental Mutagen Society.)
- Published
- 2023
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12. Towards harmonisation of testing of nanomaterials for EU regulatory requirements on chemical safety - A proposal for further actions.
- Author
Bleeker EAJ, Swart E, Braakhuis H, Fernández Cruz ML, Friedrichs S, Gosens I, Herzberg F, Jensen KA, von der Kammer F, Kettelarij JAB, Navas JM, Rasmussen K, Schwirn K, and Visser M
- Subjects
- Humans, Policy, Risk Assessment methods, Toxicity Tests methods, Chemical Safety, Nanostructures toxicity
- Abstract
Over the recent years, EU chemicals legislation, guidance and test guidelines have been developed or adapted for nanomaterials to facilitate safe use of nanomaterials. This paper provides an overview of the information requirements across different EU regulatory areas. For each information requirement, a group of 22 experts identified potential needs for further action to accommodate guidance and test guidelines to nanomaterials. Eleven different needs for action were identified, capturing twenty-two information requirements that are specific to nanomaterials and relevant to multiple regulatory areas. These were further reduced to three overarching issues: 1) resolve issues around nanomaterial dispersion stability and dosing in toxicity testing, in particular for human health endpoints, 2) further develop tests or guidance on degradation and transformation of organic nanomaterials or nanomaterials with organic components, and 3) further develop tests and guidance to measure (a)cellular reactivity of nanomaterials. Efforts towards addressing these issues will result in better fit-for-purpose test methods for (EU) regulatory compliance. Moreover, it secures validity of hazard and risk assessments of nanomaterials. The results of the study accentuate the need for a structural process of identification of information needs and knowledge generation, preferably as part of risk governance and closely connected to technological innovation policy., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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13. How to formulate hypotheses and IATAs to support grouping and read-across of nanoforms.
- Author
Murphy FA, Johnston HJ, Dekkers S, Bleeker EAJ, Oomen AG, Fernandes TF, Rasmussen K, Jantunen P, Rauscher H, Hunt N, di Cristo L, Braakhuis HM, Haase A, Hristozov D, Wohlleben W, Sabella S, and Stone V
- Subjects
- Animals, Humans, Risk Assessment, Toxicokinetics, Hazardous Substances toxicity, Hazardous Substances chemistry
- Abstract
Manufacturing and functionalizing materials at the nanoscale has led to the generation of a whole array of nanoforms (NFs) of substances varying in size, morphology, and surface characteristics. Due to financial, time, and ethical considerations, testing every unique NF for adverse effects is virtually impossible. Use of hypothesis-driven grouping and read-across approaches, as supported by the GRACIOUS Framework, represents a promising alternative to case-by-case testing that will make the risk assessment process more efficient. Through application of appropriate grouping hypotheses, the Framework facilitates the assessment of similarity between NFs, thereby supporting grouping and read-across of information, minimizing the need for new testing, and aligning with the 3R principles of replacement, reduction, and refinement of animals in toxicology studies. For each grouping hypothesis an integrated approach to testing and assessment (IATA) guides the user in data gathering and acquisition to test the hypothesis, following a structured format to facilitate efficient decision-making. Here we present the template used to generate the GRACIOUS grouping hypotheses encompassing information relevant to “Lifecycle, environmental release, and human exposure”, “What they are: physicochemical characteristics”, “Where they go: environmental fate, uptake, and toxicokinetics”, and “What they do: human and environmental toxicity”. A summary of the template-derived hypotheses focusing on human health is provided, along with an overview of the IATAs generated by the GRACIOUS project. We discuss the application and flexibility of the template, providing the opportunity to expand the application of grouping and read-across in a logical, evidence-based manner to a wider range of NFs and substances.
- Published
- 2023
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14. Applicability of nanomaterial-specific guidelines within long-term Daphnia magna toxicity assays: A case study on multigenerational effects of nTiO 2 and nCeO 2 exposure in the presence of artificial daylight.
- Author
Nederstigt TAP, Peijnenburg WJGM, Bleeker EAJ, and Vijver MG
- Subjects
- Animals, Daphnia, Ecotoxicology methods, Reproduction, Nanostructures toxicity, Water Pollutants, Chemical toxicity
- Abstract
In recent years, various ecotoxicological test guidelines and (technical) guidance documents have been evaluated and updated with regard to their applicability to nanomaterials (NMs). Several of these have currently reached official regulatory status. Ensuring their harmonized implementation with previously recognized methods for ecotoxicity testing of chemicals is a crucial next step towards effective and efficient regulation of NMs. In the present study, we evaluated the feasibility of assessing multigenerational effects in the first generation of offspring derived from exposed Daphnia magna whilst maintaining test conditions in accordance with regulatory test guidelines and guidance documents for NMs. To do so, we integrated the recommendations for ecotoxicological testing of NMs as defined in OECD Guidance Document 317 into an extended long-term D. magna reproduction test method (OECD Test Guideline 211) and assessed effects of two poorly soluble NMs (nTiO
2 and nCeO2 ). Our results show adverse effects on life-history parameters of D. magna exposed to the selected nanomaterials within the range of reported environmental concentrations. We argue that conforming to OECD test guidelines and accompanying guidance for nanomaterials is feasible when performing D. magna reproduction tests and can minimize unnecessary duplication of similar experiments, even when extensions to the standardized test setup are added., (Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2022
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15. Identification of emerging safety and sustainability issues of advanced materials: Proposal for a systematic approach.
- Author
Peijnenburg W, Oomen AG, Soeteman-Hernández LG, Groenewold M, Sips AJAM, Noorlander CW, Kettelarij JAB, and Bleeker EAJ
- Subjects
- Forecasting, Risk Assessment, Industry, Policy
- Abstract
The EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability is a first step to achieve the Green Deal ambition for a toxic-free environment, and ensure that chemicals are produced and used in a way that maximises their contribution to society while avoiding harm to our planet and to future generations. Advanced materials are predicted to play a pivotal role in achieving this ambition and the underlying sustainability goals, and considerable efforts are invested in designing new classes of materials. Examples of such materials are metamaterials, artificially architectured materials designed to have material properties beyond those of the individual ingredient materials, or active materials at the boundary between materials and devices (e.g., new biomedical soft materials). Such innovative advanced materials raise concern about possible future safety and sustainability issues and would benefit from appropriate risk governance that promotes innovation, while pushing for safety and sustainability. To balance these aspects, a methodology is proposed for the early-stage identification of emerging safety and sustainability issues of advanced materials. As exemplified by two case studies, the methodology aims to be of use for innovators, risk assessors, and regulators. Extension of the methodology is highlighted, as well as implementation in broader initiatives like the EU's industrial policy approach., (Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2021
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16. Insights into possibilities for grouping and read-across for nanomaterials in EU chemicals legislation.
- Author
Mech A, Rasmussen K, Jantunen P, Aicher L, Alessandrelli M, Bernauer U, Bleeker EAJ, Bouillard J, Di Prospero Fanghella P, Draisci R, Dusinska M, Encheva G, Flament G, Haase A, Handzhiyski Y, Herzberg F, Huwyler J, Jacobsen NR, Jeliazkov V, Jeliazkova N, Nymark P, Grafström R, Oomen AG, Polci ML, Riebeling C, Sandström J, Shivachev B, Stateva S, Tanasescu S, Tsekovska R, Wallin H, Wilks MF, Zellmer S, and Apostolova MD
- Subjects
- Endpoint Determination, European Union, Government Regulation, Humans, Prospective Studies, Risk Assessment, Nanostructures classification, Nanostructures toxicity, Nanotechnology legislation & jurisprudence, Nanotechnology methods
- Abstract
This paper presents a comprehensive review of European Union (EU) legislation addressing the safety of chemical substances, and possibilities within each piece of legislation for applying grouping and read-across approaches for the assessment of nanomaterials (NMs). Hence, this review considers both the overarching regulation of chemical substances under REACH (Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on registration, evaluation, authorization, and restriction of chemicals) and CLP (Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures) and the sector-specific pieces of legislation for cosmetic, plant protection and biocidal products, and legislation addressing food, novel food, and food contact materials. The relevant supporting documents (e.g. guidance documents) regarding each piece of legislation were identified and reviewed, considering the relevant technical and scientific literature. Prospective regulatory needs for implementing grouping in the assessment of NMs were identified, and the question whether each particular piece of legislation permits the use of grouping and read-across to address information gaps was answered.
- Published
- 2019
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17. Physico-chemical properties of manufactured nanomaterials - Characterisation and relevant methods. An outlook based on the OECD Testing Programme.
- Author
Rasmussen K, Rauscher H, Mech A, Riego Sintes J, Gilliland D, González M, Kearns P, Moss K, Visser M, Groenewold M, and Bleeker EAJ
- Subjects
- Humans, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Particle Size, Water chemistry, Nanostructures chemistry
- Abstract
Identifying and characterising nanomaterials require additional information on physico-chemical properties and test methods, compared to chemicals in general. Furthermore, regulatory decisions for chemicals are usually based upon certain toxicological properties, and these effects may not be equivalent to those for nanomaterials. However, regulatory agencies lack an authoritative decision framework for nanomaterials that links the relevance of certain physico-chemical endpoints to toxicological effects. This paper investigates various physico-chemical endpoints and available test methods that could be used to produce such a decision framework for nanomaterials. It presents an overview of regulatory relevance and methods used for testing fifteen proposed physico-chemical properties of eleven nanomaterials in the OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials' Testing Programme, complemented with methods from literature, and assesses the methods' adequacy and applications limits. Most endpoints are of regulatory relevance, though the specific parameters depend on the nanomaterial and type of assessment. Size (distribution) is the common characteristic of all nanomaterials and is decisive information for classifying a material as a nanomaterial. Shape is an important particle descriptor. The octanol-water partitioning coefficient is undefined for particulate nanomaterials. Methods, including sample preparation, need to be further standardised, and some new methods are needed. The current work of OECD's Test Guidelines Programme regarding physico-chemical properties is highlighted., (Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2018
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18. Considerations for Safe Innovation: The Case of Graphene.
- Author
Park MVDZ, Bleeker EAJ, Brand W, Cassee FR, van Elk M, Gosens I, de Jong WH, Meesters JAJ, Peijnenburg WJGM, Quik JTK, Vandebriel RJ, and Sips AJAM
- Abstract
The terms "Safe innovation" and "Safe(r)-by-design" are currently popular in the field of nanotechnology. These terms are used to describe approaches that advocate the consideration of safety aspects already at an early stage of the innovation process of (nano)materials and nanoenabled products. Here, we investigate the possibilities of considering safety aspects during various stages of the innovation process of graphene, outlining what information is already available for assessing potential hazard, exposure, and risks. In addition, we recommend further steps to be taken by various stakeholders to promote the safe production and safe use of graphene.
- Published
- 2017
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