- Author
BIZJAK, KRISTJAN and Pevcin, Primož
- Subjects
banke ,prodaja vozil ,gospodarska kriza ,automobile industry ,evropski trg ,vehicle sales ,measures ,avtomobilska industrija ,economic crisis ,ukrepi ,banks ,European market - Abstract
Osrednja tema magistrskega dela je svetovna gospodarska kriza in njen vpliv na avtomobilski trg v Sloveniji in drugih evropskih drţavah. Cilj dela je bil analizirati prodajo vozil in ostalih povezanih dejavnosti, ugotovitve pa predstaviti in primerjati. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljena stališča avtorjev in ţe izvedene raziskave na tem področju, empirični del pa vsebuje analize slovenskega trga vozil po letu 2007. Glavni metodi uporabljeni v magistrskem delu sta statistična metoda in metoda kompilacije, dodatno pa še metoda klasifikacije in deskripcije. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je gospodarska kriza močno vplivala na prodajo vozil po celem svetu. Slovenija se je z upadom gospodarske rasti srečala proti koncu leta 2008. Posledično se je zmanjšala proizvodnja vozil in sestavnih delov, krčenje obsega proizvodnje pa je privedlo do številnih odpuščanj. Poenostavljeno, slovenski trg je podlegel razmeram na tujih trgih, vseeno pa je bilo v tem času storjenih veliko napačnih dejanj s strani drţave, podjetij in posameznikov. Z raziskavo smo preverili hipoteze, zastavljene v uvodnem delu naloge. Prva in druga hipoteza sta bili uspešno potrjeni s statističnimi podatki in analizami, tretja hipoteza pa je bila zavrnjena na podlagi podatkov o uvedenih ukrepih v času gospodarske krize. Četrta hipoteza je bila potrjena zgolj delno zaradi neenakosti trgov. Nenazadnje delo pomembno prispeva tudi na področju upravljavske ekonomike v javnem sektorju, prikazani ukrepi in nasveti pa lahko ugodno vplivajo na poslovanje podjetij in mišljenje ljudi ob nakupu avtomobilov. Na ta način bi se lahko prodalo več novih vozil, kar se odraţa v pomladitvi voznega parka in močnejšem gospodarstvu. The main topic of the present master's thesis is the global economic crisis and the impact on the automotive market in Slovenia and European countries. The aim of the study was to analyse the sales of vehicles and other directly related activities and to present and compare the findings. The theoretical part presents the author's views and already carried out research in this field while the empirical part contains analyses of the Slovenian vehicle market after 2007. Main methods used in the master’s thesis are the statistical method and the compilation method additionally, classification and descriptive method was used as well. It was found that the economic crisis had a major impact on the sale of vehicles around the world. Slovenia experienced a slowdown in economic growth towards the end of 2008 Consequently, the production of vehicles and components decreased, while the decline in production volumes led to numerous layoffs. Simply put, Slovenian market has succumbed to the situation on foreign markets, but at the same time, many wrong actions have been committed either by the state, companies or individuals. The survey examined the hypotheses set out in the introductory part of the paper. The first and the second hypotheses were successfully confirmed by statistical data and analyses, while the third hypothesis was rejected due to the information obtained about the measures taken during the economic crisis. The fourth hypothesis was confirmed only partly because of the inequality of markets. Finally, the work also creates an important contribution to the field of managerial economics in the public sector, measures and advice presented in the thesis, may also have positive impact, relating to the operating activities of the entity and perception of people when purchasing a car. In that manner, more new vehicles could be sold, resulting in the rejuvenation of the rolling stock and stronger economy.
- Published
- 2017