3,081 results on '"Bisognin, A."'
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- Author
Bisognin, Cleber, primary, Gonçalves, Caroline Lopes, additional, and Jacobi, Luciane Flores, additional
- Published
- 2024
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3. Observation of edge magnetoplasmon squeezing in a quantum Hall conductor
- Author
Bartolomei, H., Bisognin, R., Kamata, H., Berroir, J. -M., Bocquillon, E., Ménard, G., Plaçais, B., Cavanna, A., Gennser, U., Jin, Y., Degiovanni, P., Mora, C., and Fève, G.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics - Abstract
Squeezing of the quadratures of the electromagnetic field has been extensively studied in optics and microwaves. However, previous works focused on the generation of squeezed states in a low impedance ($Z_0 \approx 50 \Omega$) environment. We report here on the demonstration of the squeezing of bosonic edge magnetoplasmon modes in a quantum Hall conductor whose characteristic impedance is set by the quantum of resistance ($R_K \approx 25 k \Omega$), offering the possibility of an enhanced coupling to low-dimensional quantum conductors. By applying a combination of dc and ac drives to a quantum point contact, we demonstrate squeezing and observe a noise reduction 18\% below the vacuum fluctuations. This level of squeezing can be improved by using more complex conductors, such as ac driven quantum dots or mesoscopic capacitors., Comment: 6+2 pages, 3+1 figures
- Published
- 2022
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Beatriz Alves Gonçalves, Melissa Fernandes Vilela de Freitas, Catarina Spohr Saretta, Heloísa Rodrigues Marmé, Isadora Pereira do Nascimento, Luiza Bisognin Marchesan, and Lucas Araújo Ferreira
- Subjects
Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
Introdução: A Dengue é uma enfermidade causada por vírus transmitido ao homem por via vetorial, a partir do repasto sanguíneo de fêmeas do Aedes aegypti infectadas. Após a transmissão o vírus se reproduz e ataca as células do baço, fígado e medula óssea, resultando na diminuição das plaquetas. Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde, o ano de 2023 foi o ano de maior registro de casos de dengue na região das Américas, com um total de 4.565.911 casos, incluindo 7.653 casos graves (0,17%) e 2.340 óbitos. Sendo assim, é de suma importância expor tais dados para o aprimoramento do combate ao vírus. Objetivo: Descrever os casos notificados de Dengue, no estado de São Paulo/Brasil, entre o período de 2020 a abril de 2024. Método: Estudo descritivo, transversal com abordagem quantitativa de análise de série temporal. Foram selecionados, apenas dados do DATASUS/SINAN sendo considerados os registros de casos notificados de Dengue, que aconteceram no estado de São Paulo, no período de 2020 a maio de 2024. Resultados: Após a coleta dos dados, foram notificados um total de 2.077.786 casos no estado de São Paulo durante o período selecionado. Dessas notificações, 204.616 casos correspondem ao ano de 2020, 158.546 ao ano de 2021, 350.898 ao ano de 2022, 338.143 ao ano de 2023 e 1.025.583 até maio do ano de 2024. Observa-se que o ano de 2021 registrou o menor número de casos (158.546), enquanto o ano de 2024, até maio, apresenta-se como o ano com o maior número de notificações de dengue (1.025.583), com mais que o dobro de casos em comparação com o ano anterior, 2023 (338.143). Conclusão: Após a análise dos dados, constatou-se que os casos de dengue nos anos iniciais da pandemia (2020 e 2021) foram significativamente menores em comparação aos anos subsequentes, possivelmente devido à subnotificação dos casos durante o período de pico da pandemia de COVID-19. Em 2024, até o mês de maio, foi observado um aumento exponencial nos casos de dengue, atribuído à introdução de novas cepas do vírus no país e aos eventos climáticos. Diante dessa situação, é imprescindível reforçar as medidas para erradicar o vetor da doença e ampliar a vacinação contra a dengue.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Heloísa Rodrigues Marmé, Luiza Bisognin Marchesan, Beatriz Alves Gonçalves, Catarina Spohr Saretta, Isadora Pereira do Nascimento, Melissa Fernandes Vilela de Freitas, and Sofia Zulianeli Carvalho Andrade
- Subjects
Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
Introdução: A tuberculose (TB) segue entre as principais causas de morte global, com o surgimento de cepas de Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistentes representando um desafio significativo. A tuberculose multidroga-resistente (TB-MDR), resistente a pelo menos dois medicamentos essenciais no tratamento - rifampicina (RIF) e isoniazida (INH) - representa uma séria ameaça ao controle global da doença. Nesse contexto, é crucial uma análise aprofundada da epidemiologia da condição e dos fatores de risco associados à TB-MDR, visando implementar medidas eficazes de controle e prevenção. Objetivo: Analisar a epidemiologia da tuberculose e de sua forma multidroga-resistente e descrever os fatores de risco associados. Método: Realizou-se uma revisão integrativa da literatura em abril de 2024, utilizando as bases de dados eletrônicas Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, Scielo e PubMed e os descritores ''Tuberculosis, Multidrug-Resistant'', ''Therapeutics'' e ''Prevention and Control''. Os critérios de inclusão foram: artigos originais publicados na íntegra, período de 2015 a 2024 e idiomas Português, Inglês e Espanhol. Ao término da análise, foram selecionados 05 artigos para desenvolver o presente estudo. Resultados: Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde, em 2023, o Relatório Global de Tuberculose aponta um aumento alarmante, com 7,5 milhões de casos de tuberculose em 2022, marcando o maior número registrado desde o início do monitoramento, em 1995. No Brasil, de 2015 a 2022, foram registrados 735 mil casos, conforme dados do Departamento de Informações e Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS). No contexto da tuberculose multidroga-resistente, observa-se que o número de casos no mundo manteve-se estável de 2020 a 2022, totalizando 410 mil casos no ano de 2022. Diversos fatores de risco são apontados como essenciais para o desenvolvimento da TB-MDR, como hospitalizações prévias, coinfeção com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV), prescrições inadequadas (como altas dosagens e distribuições inapropriadas de drogas), histórico prévio da doença, idade acima de 60 anos, sexo masculino e desnutrição. Conclusão: Observa-se que a tuberculose multidroga-resistente é resultado de uma interseção complexa de fatores. Para efetivamente controlar essa condição, é crucial investir em diagnóstico precoce e educação em saúde, fortalecer os sistemas de monitoramento da doença, abordar comorbidades relacionadas e controlar o uso inadequado de medicamentos.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Heloísa Rodrigues Marmé, Luiza Bisognin Marchesan, Beatriz Alves Gonçalves, Catarina Spohr Saretta, Isadora Pereira do Nascimento, Melissa Fernandes Vilela de Freitas, and Sofia Zulianeli Carvalho Andrade
- Subjects
Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
Introdução: A hepatite B aguda, causada pelo vírus da hepatite B, é uma preocupação global de saúde devido à sua alta morbimortalidade. Ela pode ser assintomática ou apresentar sintomas como febre, anorexia, náuseas, vômitos e icterícia. Nesse contexto, a análise do perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes diagnosticados com hepatite B aguda no Brasil é essencial para aprimorar estratégias de controle e prevenção, reduzindo o impacto da doença e promovendo a saúde da população. Objetivo: Analisar o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes diagnosticados com hepatite B aguda no Brasil de 2014 a 2023. Método: Realizou-se um estudo ecológico, baseado em dados do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do Sistema Único de Saúde (SIH/SUS), vinculado ao Departamento de Informações e Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS). Foram considerados os casos registrados de hepatite B aguda no Brasil no período de 2014 a 2023 e as seguintes variáveis: regiões do Brasil, ano de processamento, faixa etária, gênero e raça/cor. Os dados coletados foram organizados em planilhas do Microsoft Excel e analisados por estatística descritiva. Resultados: Durante o período analisado, foram registradas um total de 9.575 internações devido à hepatite B aguda em todo o Brasil. Dessas, 901 ocorreram na região Norte (representando 9,4% do total), 4.338 na região Nordeste (45,3%), 2.566 na região Sudeste (26,8%), 1.002 na região Sul (10,5%) e 768 na região Centro-Oeste (8%). Quanto à faixa etária dos pacientes afetados, observa-se uma predominância significativa entre aqueles com idades entre 40 e 69 anos, totalizando 60,5% do número total de casos. Além disso, nota-se uma disparidade de gênero, com uma maioria de casos ocorrendo em homens, representando 70,5% dos acometidos. Em relação à cor/raça, a maioria dos casos foi observada em indivíduos pardos, com 52,6% das ocorrências, seguidos por brancos, que totalizaram 22,2% dos casos. No entanto, é importante destacar que em 20,6% dos casos não há informações disponíveis sobre a cor/raça dos pacientes. Conclusão: Observa-se uma distribuição geográfica e demográfica variada das internações por hepatite B aguda no Brasil, com predominância nas regiões Nordeste e Sudeste, entre indivíduos por volta da meia-idade e com maior prevalência entre homens e pardos. Essas informações destacam a necessidade de políticas de saúde específicas para cada região e grupo demográfico, visando a prevenção e o controle eficaz da doença em todo o país.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Isadora Pereira do Nascimento, Catarina Spohr Saretta, Beatriz Alves Gonçalves, Melissa Fernandes Vilela de Freitas, Luiza Bisognin Marche, and Heloísa Rodrigues Marmé
- Subjects
Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
Introdução: A síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS) é o estágio avançado da infecção pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV), que ataca e enfraquece o sistema imunológico. A doença é definida por uma contagem de células TCD4 inferior a 200 células/mm³. Inicialmente, a AIDS foi percebida como infecção que afetava jovens, no entanto, nos últimos anos, devido ao aumento dos casos e à percepção equivocada sobre a sexualidade na terceira idade, os idosos foram negligenciados em medidas de prevenção a transmissão do vírus. Como resultado, nas últimas décadas, um número crescente de casos de AIDS tem sido diagnosticado em indivíduos acima dos 60 anos. Objetivo: Descrever a ocorrência de AIDS em idosos durante os anos de 2017 a 2023 nas diversas regiões do Brasil. Método: Estudo ecológico realizado a partir de dados do Painel de Epidemiologia e Morbidades, situados no DATASUS (Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde). Foram coletadas informações sobre o número de notificações por região durante os anos de 2017 a 2023 em pessoas com mais de 60 anos. A análise estatística descritiva foi realizada no Microsoft Excel através do cálculo da diferença de frequência percentual por região de notificação. Resultados: Observou-se um total de 15.623 notificações durante o período, sendo que mais de 58% dessas notificações foram em idosos do sexo masculino. A região Sudeste apresentou a maior taxa de notificação (17,5%), enquanto a região Norte obteve o menor número de diagnósticos no período (3,7%). Observou-se também a elevação nas notificações ano a ano, este aumento pode ser explicado pelo estigma associado à sexualidade na velhice, que dificulta o acesso à informação e o entendimento da necessidade de buscar ajuda, tornando os idosos mais vulneráveis. Além disso, um dos maiores desafios na gestão da AIDS em idosos é o diagnóstico tardio, pois os sintomas da infecção podem ser confundidos com os de doenças comuns na terceira idade, como hipertensão e doenças cardiovasculares, o que pode levar ao subdiagnóstico. Conclusão: Os resultados indicam a necessidade de mais estudos para entender a vulnerabilidade desse grupo e desenvolver medidas de rastreio e prevenção, visando reduzir as taxas de infecção e garantir tratamento nos estágios iniciais da doença. É crucial que os profissionais de saúde reconheçam os sinais de infecção e promovam diagnósticos precoces, já que o manejo das comorbidades e a adaptação dos regimes de tratamento são essenciais para assegurar a qualidade de vida desses pacientes.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Melissa Fernandes Vilela de Freitas, Beatriz Alves Gonçalves, Catarina Spohr Saretta, Heloísa Rodrigues Marmé, Isadora Pereira do Nascimento, and Luiza Bisognin Marchesan
- Subjects
Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
Introdução: A meningite é uma doença grave que afeta o sistema nervoso central, caracterizada pela inflamação das meninges, membranas que revestem o cérebro e a medula espinhal. Essa doença é causada por diferentes agentes, como bactérias, vírus e fungos, acometendo cerca de 5 milhões de pessoas por ano em todo o mundo. Segundo a Meningitis Research Foundation, estima-se que esse agravo mate 1 em cada 10 doentes e deixe 1 em cada 5 sobreviventes com incapacidade permanente. Diante da gravidade e da incidência dessa enfermidade, é essencial destacar os dados epidemiológicos para, assim, reforçar a importância das medidas preventivas. Objetivo: Descrever a prevalência e a distribuição etária dos casos notificados de Meningite no estado de São Paulo, entre o período de 2019 a 2023. Método: Estudo descritivo, transversal com abordagem quantitativa de análise de série temporal. Foram selecionados, apenas dados do DATASUS/SINAN sendo considerados os registros de casos notificados de meningite, apenas a população menor de 1 ano a 19 anos completos, no estado de São Paulo, entre o período de 2019 a 2023. Resultados: No período entre 2019 a 2023, o estado de São Paulo relatou um total de 18.668 casos confirmados de meningite, sendo notificados por ano 6.690 (2019), 2.696 (2020), 2.298 (2021), 5.140 (2022), 1.662 (2023). Desses, 10.913 foram diagnosticados em crianças e adolescentes com até 19 anos de idade, o que equivale a 58% do número total de casos. Foi observado que houve 3.497 notificações em crianças menores de 1 ano, seguidas por um aumento para 3.889 casos na faixa etária de 1 a 4 anos. Após essa idade é possível observar uma queda significativa com o amadurecimento do sistema imunológico, entre 5 a 9 anos, foram registrados 2.026 casos, enquanto nas faixas de 10 a 14 anos e de 15 a 19 anos, foram reportados 864 e 637 casos, respectivamente. Esses dados destacam a relevância da vigilância e prevenção da meningite, especialmente entre os grupos mais jovens da população. Conclusão: Sendo assim, é essencial implementar medidas de prevenção e conscientização que abranjam todas as faixas etárias. A vacinação é a estratégia mais eficaz para evitar a propagação da infecção, especialmente na população pediátrica. Reforçar a importância da imunização é crucial para proteger as crianças e adolescentes contra a meningite e também para promover a saúde pública em geral. Com altas taxas de vacinação e maior conscientização sobre sua relevância, podemos trabalhar em direção a comunidades mais saudáveis e resilientes.
- Published
- 2024
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9. Use of BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ for the detection of non-tuberculous mycobacteria in sanitary water samples
- Author
Vincenzo Ferraro, Francesco Bisognin, Federica Sorella, Federica Ruin, and Paola Dal Monte
- Subjects
non-tuberculous mycobacteria ,NTM ,M. chimaera ,M. saskatchewanense ,sanitary water ,BD BACTEC MGIT Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tubes ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
IntroductionThe most commonly used method for the detection of non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) is culture in BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tubes incubated in an automated growth detection reader BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ 960 Instrument. The system is currently validated for the detection of mycobacteria from clinical specimens but not environmental matrices.MethodsFrom November 2018 to December 2023, 1,369 sanitary water samples from 92 heater–cooler units (HCUs) and 747 sanitary water samples from 489 haemodialysis instruments (dialysis) were concentrated, decontaminated, and cultured on MGIT and solid Lowenstein–Jensen media to evaluate the presence of NTM. NTM-positive cultures (n = 261 HCUs and n = 20 dialysis) were purified by Middlebrook 7H11 agar plate subcultures and identified by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry technology.ResultsThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of the MGIT system on sanitary water from HCU and dialysis, using the two strains most frequently isolated on these devices as sources of NTM during the Emilia- Romagna surveillance programme: M. chimaera (79%) and M. saskatchewanense (100%), respectively. To evaluate the accuracy, sanitary water was spiked with M. chimaera and M. saskatchewanense at the theoretical concentrations of 100 and 10 CFU/mL, and all resulted positive in MGIT tubes. No significant changes in time to positivity were observed when MGIT tubes were inoculated with NTM at the theoretical concentrations of 10 and 100 CFU/mL on 3 consecutive days, indicating that the detection method is reproducible.DiscussionThe MGIT system is suitable for detecting the presence of NTM in sanitary water samples as it was capable of detecting up to 4 CFU/mL for both M. chimaera and M. saskatchewanense. Our results indicate that the MGIT system can be used for NTM detection not only for clinical samples but also for environmental matrices.
- Published
- 2024
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10. Environmental degradation, climate change and health from the perspective of Brazilian Indigenous stakeholders: a qualitative study
- Author
Antonio José Grande, Seeromanie Harding, Maria Inês Da Rosa, Ieda M A V Dias, Paulo T C Jardim, Alessandra Aparecida Vieira Machado, Jacks Soratto, Luciane Bisognin Ceretta, Xanthi Zourntos, and Regeane Oliveira Suares
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Medicine - Abstract
Background The WHO identifies climate change as the most significant threat to global health systems. Indigenous peoples, whose lives are deeply intertwined with nature, are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of these changes.Objective This study aimed to understand the perspectives of Indigenous stakeholders and public services managers on the interconnectedness of climate change and Indigenous health.Design A qualitative study with 22 Indigenous stakeholders and public service managers on climate change and perceived impact on Indigenous health.Setting and participants Indigenous stakeholders and public service managers on climate change and perceived impact on Indigenous health from Brazil. Data was collected through interviews incorporating two vignette videos depicting environmental and health scenarios. Thematic content analysis was used to analyse the data.Results The analytical process yielded six subcategories that were further grouped into three overarching thematic macro-categories: environmental degradation and climate change in the context of Indigenous peoples; environment, vulnerability and impact on Indigenous mental health; and actions and public health policies for Indigenous peoples.Conclusion The perspectives of Indigenous stakeholders and public service managers on the interconnectedness of climate change and Indigenous health were deeply entrenched in their lived experiences of loss of their lands from deforestation and environmental degradation. They argued strongly for the strengthening of public health policies aimed at the Indigenous peoples, to face many challenges, especially suicide, and to have a voice in decision-making. A sensitive approach that values Indigenous peoples' connections with nature is fundamental to promote their health and well-being.
- Published
- 2024
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11. Fibromyalgia and sexual dysfunction in women: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Author
Deggerone, Indiamara, Rodrigues Uggioni, Maria Laura, Rech, Peterson, Silveira, Vitória, Colonetti, Tamy, Bisognin Ceretta, Luciane, Rosa, Maria Inês, and Grande, Antônio José
- Published
- 2024
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12. Selection of eucalyptus hybrid clones planted in Brazil for growth and wood quality
- Author
Beltrame, Rafael, Zanatta, Paula, de Avila Delucis, Rafael, Lazarotto, Marília, Acosta, Andrey Pereira, Haselein, Clovis Roberto, and Bisognin, Dilson Antônio
- Published
- 2023
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13. Freehand System for Probe-Fed Antenna Diagnostics by Means of Amplitude-Only Acquisitions.
- Author
Ana Arboleya, Jaime Laviada, Yuri álvarez López, Guillermo álvarez Narciandi, Fernando Las-Heras, Cyril Luxey, Diane Titz, and Aimeric Bisognin
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Rosa, Glaucio Jorge Ferreira, primary, Reis, Diego Brenner Dos, additional, and Bisognin, Cleber, additional
- Published
- 2024
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15. Segurelha
- Author
Mazocco, Letícia, primary, Chagas, Patrícia, additional, and Bisognin Garlet, Tanea Maria, additional
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
LIMA, Luan Matheus Siqueira, primary, MIOTTI, Luiza Vedana, additional, SARRAF, Amanda Foltran, additional, LOUZA, Kamylla Carvalho, additional, PERETTI, Tauany, additional, DOBROTINIC, Carolina Ramos, additional, GUZZO, Isadora, additional, BERTELLI, Carla Geovana Surdi, additional, BISOGNIN, Edith Coradi, additional, and BAVARESCO, Ana Beatriz, additional
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- 2024
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17. Histological study of adventitious rooting in Acacia mearnsii and Ilex paraguariensis mini-cuttings: insights into the so-called anatomical barrier
- Author
João Marcelo Santos de Oliveira, Dilson Antônio Bisognin, Marlove Fátima Brião Muniz, Denise Gazzana, and Marjana Machado dos Santos
- Subjects
Cylindrocladium sp. ,forest species ,mini-cutting ,rooting competence ,starch. ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 ,Botany ,QK1-989 - Abstract
Abstract Acacia mearnsii and Ilex paraguariensis are tree species of great social and economic importance in Brazil, demanding clonal cultivars. Their shoots possess a reservoir of totipotent cells with suitable potential for adventitious rooting, essential for mass production of high-quality seedlings. This study aimed to gain new insights into how anatomical barriers, i.e. sclerified tissues in the cortical region, may affect the adventitious rooting of cuttings from these species through histological examinations. For both species, histological analysis revealed significant diagnostic features. Tissue decay appears to be equivalent to an anatomical barrier in A. mearnsii. Starch abundance was notable in clones with higher rooting competence of I. paraguariensis, but they were not observed in the fundamental tissues of A. mearnsii, regardless of the rooting competence of the clone. The main differences in adventitious rooting were associated with the speed of response, initiated from cortical meristems, followed by differentiation of conductive tissue from newly formed tissue, connecting the periphery with the secondary vascular tissue. Thus, this newly formed tissue with parenchymatic structure provides the necessary structural basis for radial vascular connections. For both studied species, rhizogenesis presents distinct barriers to rooting, nevertheless these are not necessarily of anatomical nature.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Bisognin, Cleber, primary and Silva, Augusto Maciel da, additional
- Published
- 2023
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19. First isolation of Mycobacterium saskatchewanense from medical devices
- Author
Francesco Bisognin, Vincenzo Ferraro, Federica Sorella, Giulia Lombardi, Tiziana Lazzarotto, and Paola Dal Monte
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Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Abstract Mycobacterium saskatchewanense is a species of pigmented slow-growing Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM), positive for Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) by AccuProbe system. MAC organisms have frequently been isolated from different medical devices. This is the first study reporting isolation of M. saskatchewanense from medical devices and highlights the importance of correctly identifying the NTMs that often colonize sanitary water. GenoType Mycobacterium CM CE-IVD kit (CM) was used as the first step of NTM strain identification, and all positive cultures were found to be components of MAC. Then, GenoType NTM-DR CE-IVD kit (NTM-DR) was used to differentiate the different species. Sub-culture on solid media were used for: (i) phenotypical confirmation by colony morphology and Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry; (ii) molecular confirmation by Next Generation Sequencing. All positive cultures were identified as M. intracellulare by CM and NTM-DR assays, whereas colony morphology showed bright yellow scotochromogenic growth. MALDI-TOF analyses identified the strains as M. saskatchewanense with a high score, and identification was confirmed by NGS analysis based on the hsp-65 region. This paper suggests that it is important to actively monitor NTM contamination in medical devices that use sanitary water, to prevent the possibility of patients becoming infected.
- Published
- 2023
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20. Use of P for three potato clones in soil and in soilless cultivation
- Author
Sausen, Darlene, Carvalho, Ivan Ricardo, Schorr, Marcio Renan Weber, Tavares, Miriam da Silva, Pereira, Aline Soares, Dorneles, Athos Odin Severo, Bernardy, Daniele, Lautenchleger, Francine, Bisognin, Dilson Antonio, and Nicoloso, Fernando Teixeira
- Published
- 2021
21. Selection of Acacia mearnsii for mini-cutting propagation /Seleção de Acacia mearnsii para a propagação por miniestaquia
- Author
Gazzana, Denise, Avinio, Renata Smith, da Silva Tonetto, Thaíse, Malheiros, Angélica Costa, Lencina, Kelen Haygert, and Bisognin, Dilson Antônio
- Published
- 2024
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22. Prevalence of cognitive impairment and associated factors in older people
- Author
Campos, Ana Carolina Brunatto Falchetti, Teixeira, Iara Gonçalves, Moraes, Nayara de Souza, Cadorin, Isabela de Jesus, Morelli, Patrícia Mariotto, Lidio, Adrielly Vargas, Medeiros, Eduarda Behenck, Garcez, Michelle Lima, Keller, Gabriela Serafim, Kucharska, Ewa, da Rosa, Maria Inês, Ceretta, Luciane Bisognin, Quevedo, João, and Budni, Josiane
- Published
- 2024
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23. Sanitary Waters: Is It Worth Looking for Mycobacteria?
- Author
Angela Cannas, Francesco Messina, Paola Dal Monte, Francesco Bisognin, Giorgio Dirani, Silvia Zannoli, Giulia Gatti, Ornella Butera, Vincenzo Ferraro, Carla Nisii, Elena Vecchi, Giovanna Mattei, Giuseppe Diegoli, Antonio Santoro, Gian Luigi Belloli, Enrico Girardi, Tiziana Lazzarotto, Vittorio Sambri, and Carla Fontana
- Subjects
dialysis water ,Mycobacterium saskatchewanense ,nontuberculous mycobacteria ,whole-genome sequencing ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
The freshwater environment is suitable for nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTMs) growth. Their high adaptability represents a considerable risk for sanitary water systems, which are a potential vector for NTMs transmission. This study investigated the occurrence of NTMs, such as Mycobacterium saskatchewanense, in hospital water systems to support the surveillance and control of potentially pathogenic NTMs. We analyzed 722 ultrapure dialysis fluid samples from Emilia Romagna Dialysis Services. Among these, 35 samples were found to be positive for M. saskatchewanense. The strains were characterized using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and variability analysis was carried out along the whole M. saskatchewanense genome. This investigation revealed the exclusive presence of M. saskatchewanense in these dialysis machines, with low genetic variability among all strains (with a low number of different alleles:
- Published
- 2024
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24. Nonlinear Logistic Model for Describing Strawberry Fruit Production
- Author
Maria Inês Diel, Alessandro Dal Col Lucio, Dilson Antonio Bisognin, Gabriel de Araujo Lopes, and Valdeci Jose dos Santos
- Subjects
nonlinear regression ,production distribution ,repeated measures ,multiple harvests ,Agriculture - Abstract
Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) production can be evaluated as repeated measurements, since the same plant is harvested multiple times during the production season. The objectives were to evaluate the production of fresh mass and fruit number in successive harvests and compare three strawberry clones in two cultivation conditions. Two experiments were carried out in two environmental cultivations: the rural property and the experimental area of the Plant Science Department, Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. The parameters of the nonlinear logistic model and their critical points were estimated via bootstrap for each condition and clone for fresh mass and fruit number with accumulated values, depending on the thermal sum accumulated during the production season. For nonlinear regression analysis, the ordinary least squares method was used with the Gauss–Newton algorithm. Confidence intervals were obtained for each parameter and estimated critical points, and they did not cross; the treatments were considered different. There were significant differences between clones and cultivation conditions for fruit mass and number. The nonlinear logistic models, adjusted for mass and number of strawberry fruits, detailed the production season, highlighting the main differences between cultivation conditions and clones.
- Published
- 2024
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25. Analysis of Entrepreneurial Behaviour in Incubated Technology-Based Companies
- Author
de Freitas Michelin Claudia, Minello Italo Fernando, Siluk Julio Cezar Mairesse, Gerhardt Vinícius Jaques, Savian Fernando de Souza, and Garlet Taís Bisognin
- Subjects
entrepreneurial behaviour ,technology-based companies ,business life cycle ,l20 ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
The analysis of entrepreneurial behaviour in incubated technology-based companies can help managers to understand their characteristics and how these aspects can be maximized to increase the performance of the companies.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Bisognin, Cleber, primary, Gonçalves, Caroline Lopes, additional, and Correa, Keler Eliana Severo, additional
- Published
- 2023
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27. Fractional statistics in anyon collisions
- Author
Bartolomei, H., Kumar, M., Bisognin, R., Marguerite, A., Berroir, J. -M., Bocquillon, E., Plaçais, B., Cavanna, A., Dong, Q., Gennser, U., Jin, Y., and Fève, G.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Two-dimensional systems can host exotic particles called anyons whose quantum statistics are neither bosonic nor fermionic. For example, the elementary excitations of the fractional quantum Hall effect at filling factor $\nu=1/m$ (where m is an odd integer) have been predicted to obey abelian fractional statistics, with a phase $\varphi$ associated with the exchange of two particles equal to $\pi/m$. However, despite numerous experimental attempts, clear signatures of fractional statistics remain elusive. Here we experimentally demonstrate abelian fractional statistics at filling factor $\nu=1/3$ by measuring the current correlations resulting from the collision between anyons at a beam-splitter. By analyzing their dependence on the anyon current impinging on the splitter and comparing with recent theoretical models, we extract $\varphi=\pi/3$, in agreement with predictions., Comment: 5 pages, supplementary material can be downloaded at https://science.sciencemag.org/content/368/6487/173/suppl/DC1
- Published
- 2020
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28. Quantum tomography of electrical currents
- Author
Bisognin, R., Marguerite, A., Roussel, B., Kumar, M., Cabart, C., Chapdelaine, C., Mohammad-Djafari, A., Berroir, J. -M., Bocquillon, E., Plaçais, B., Cavanna, A., Gennser, U., Jin, Y., Degiovanni, P., and Fève, G.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics - Abstract
In quantum nanoelectronics, time-dependent electrical currents are built from few elementary excitations emitted with well-defined wavefunctions. However, despite the realization of sources generating quantized numbers of excitations, and despite the development of the theoretical framework of time-dependent quantum electronics, extracting electron and hole wavefunctions from electrical currents has so far remained out of reach, both at the theoretical and experimental levels. In this work, we demonstrate a quantum tomography protocol which extracts the generated electron and hole wavefunctions and their emission probabilities from any electrical current. It combines two-particle interferometry with signal processing. Using our technique, we extract the wavefunctions generated by trains of Lorentzian pulses carrying one or two electrons. By demonstrating the synthesis and complete characterization of electronic wavefunctions in conductors, this work offers perspectives for quantum information processing with electrical currents and for investigating basic quantum physics in many-body systems., Comment: Preprint version, supplementary material is available at https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41467-019-11369-5/MediaObjects/41467_2019_11369_MOESM1_ESM.pdf
- Published
- 2020
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29. First isolation of Mycobacterium saskatchewanense from medical devices
- Author
Bisognin, Francesco, Ferraro, Vincenzo, Sorella, Federica, Lombardi, Giulia, Lazzarotto, Tiziana, and Dal Monte, Paola
- Published
- 2023
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30. A Case Study on the Correlation Between Functional and Manufacturing Specifications for a Large Injection Moulded Part
- Author
Maltauro, Mattia, Meneghello, Roberto, Concheri, Gianmaria, Pellegrini, Daniele, Viero, Massimo, Bisognin, Giuseppe, Chaari, Fakher, Series Editor, Gherardini, Francesco, Series Editor, Ivanov, Vitalii, Series Editor, Cavas-Martínez, Francisco, Editorial Board Member, di Mare, Francesca, Editorial Board Member, Haddar, Mohamed, Editorial Board Member, Kwon, Young W., Editorial Board Member, Trojanowska, Justyna, Editorial Board Member, Gerbino, Salvatore, editor, Lanzotti, Antonio, editor, Martorelli, Massimo, editor, Mirálbes Buil, Ramón, editor, Rizzi, Caterina, editor, and Roucoules, Lionel, editor
- Published
- 2023
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31. Evaluation of the effects of Bauhinia forficata as an adjuvant in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus: Systematic review and meta-analysis
- Author
Dimer, Liliana Maria, Colonetti, Tamy, Rodrigues Uggioni, Maria Laura, Dagostin Ferraz, Sarah, Grande, Antonio José, Rosa, Maria Inês, and Bisognin Ceretta, Luciane
- Published
- 2024
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32. Avaliação do uso e cobertura da terra e da qualidade da água da Sub-bacia do Lajeado Pardo no Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul
- Author
Kauane Andressa Flach, Ramiro Pereira Bisognin, Genesio Mario da Rosa, Ubiratan Alegransi Bones, and William Wichrowski Sipert
- Subjects
geoprocessamento ,águas superficiais ,estudo ambiental ,Social Sciences ,Urbanization. City and country ,HT361-384 - Abstract
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o uso e ocupação da terra e a qualidade da água de cinco microbacias do Lajeado Pardo, no noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul, nos municípios de Frederico Westphalen e Taquaruçu do Sul. Para tanto, as diferentes condições de uso e ocupação da terra foram classificadas como: formação florestal; agricultura ou pastagem; infraestrutura urbana; rios, lagos e açudes e lavoura temporária. Os parâmetros de qualidade da água analisados foram: nitrato, nitrito, amônia, fósforo, pH, condutividade elétrica, coliformes totais, Escherichia coli (E. coli), turbidez, sólidos dissolvidos totais e temperatura. Além disso, foi calculado o índice de estado trófico (IET) que está relacionado ao grau de qualidade por enriquecimento de fósforo total, principal elemento causador da eutrofização. Pela análise de uso e ocupação da terra, constatou-se que as cinco microbacias são ocupadas majoritariamente por atividades agrícolas, como lavoura temporária (58,84%) e agricultura ou pastagem (15,57%). Os parâmetros fósforo e E. coli apresentaram, em média, valores elevados, enquadrando as águas dos cinco pontos amostrados como Classe 4 pela Resolução CONAMA nº 357/05. Ainda, as águas em todos os pontos apresentaram IET hipereutrófico. Esses resultados podem ser decorrentes das atividades de uso e ocupação da terra, possivelmente pela lixiviação de fósforo utilizada na fertilização fosfatada nas áreas agricultáveis, aplicação de dejetos suínos no solo em virtude da expressiva criação de suínos na região e esgotamento sanitário deficitário.
- Published
- 2024
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33. Selection of Acacia mearnsii for mini-cutting propagation
- Author
Denise Gazzana, Renata Smith Avinio, Thaíse da Silva Tonetto, Angélica Costa Malheiros, Kelen Haygert Lencina, and Dilson Antônio Bisognin
- Subjects
black wattle ,adventitious rooting ,superior genotypes ,genetic improvement ,number of rooted mini-cuttings ,Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
ABSTRACT: Acacia mearnsii De Wild. (Black wattle) is a forest species with great social and economical importance for the southern region of Brazil. This species has multifunctional characteristics, being cultivated to produce tannin, cellulose and energy. This research identified black wattle genotypes with competence for adventitious rooting for mini-cutting propagation. Single-bud mini-cuttings were treated with IBA at a concentration of 2000 mg L-1. After 30 days of cultivation in a humid chamber, the mini-cuttings were evaluated for percentages of survival, rooting, number of roots, average length of the three largest roots, and the number of mini-cuttings rooted per mini-stump. The identification of the best genotypes was performed with the Selegen REML/BLUP software. Selection between and within black wattle progenies can be performed based on the number of rooted mini-cuttings, making it possible to select genotypes with high competence for adventitious rooting while maintaining genetic variability for new selection cycles to develop clones for vegetative propagation by mini-cutting.
- Published
- 2023
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34. A vacinação como tema de educação em saúde: Relato de experiência do projeto PET-Saúde
- Author
Júlia Barbosa Mangili, Ana Claudia Rodrigues Candido, Rafael Amaral Oliveira, Luciane Bisognin Ceretta, Renan Ceretta, Ioná Vieira Bez Birolo, and Letícia Felipe Milak
- Subjects
Imunização ,Atenção Primária Em Saúde ,Extensão Universitária ,Education ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
O projeto de extensão da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense denominado “Vivências e experiências na realidade da gestão e da assistência na atenção primária em saúde de Criciúma/SC”, em parceria com o Ministério da Saúde, conta com a imersão do acadêmico no ensino, na pesquisa, na extensão universitária e na participação social. O presente relato de experiência visa descrever as ações de conscientização acerca da importância da vacinação realizadas em um município de do extremo sul catarinense, pelo grupo de Educação em Saúde, do programa PET-Saúde. As experiências foram apresentadas em quatro momentos: escolha da “vacinação” como tema de educação em saúde a ser abordado com a população; pesquisas sobre o tema e definição das ações a serem realizadas; organização e desenvolvimento dos materiais; e realização das ações. As ações de educação em saúde acerca da vacinação possibilitaram aos acadêmicos um processo de imersão teórico-prático dentro da atenção primária em saúde do município, desenvolvendo ações para trabalhar fragilidades apresentadas nesse nível de assistência. A educação em saúde é uma importante ferramenta para a prevenção e promoção da saúde. A vivência dentro do Sistema Único de Saúde contribui para a formação acadêmica e profissional dos estudantes da área da saúde, estimulando uma visão mais ampla sobre as condições enfrentadas nesse sistema. Palavras-chave: Imunização; Atenção Primária Em Saúde; Extensão Universitária Vaccination as a health education topic: Experience report from the PET-Saúde project Abstract: The extension project of the University of Extremo Sul Catarinense, entitled "Experiences and realities in the management and primary health care assistance in Criciúma” (Santa Catarina State, Brazil), in partnership with the Ministry of Health, involves the immersion of students in teaching, research, university extension, and social engagement. This experiential report aims to describe the awareness-raising actions regarding the importance of vaccination in a municipality in the southernmost region of Santa Catarina by the Health Education group of the PET-Saúde program. The experiences were presented in four stages: selection of "vaccination" as the topic for health education with the population; research on the subject and definition of the actions to be carried out; organization and development of materials; and implementation of the actions. The health education activities on vaccination allowed the students to engage in a theoretical and practical immersion within the primary health care of the municipality, addressing weaknesses observed at this level of care. Health education is an essential tool for prevention and health promotion. The experience within the Unified Health System contributes to the academic and professional development of students in the health field, stimulating a broader understanding of the conditions faced within this system. Keywords: Immunization; Primary Health Care; University Extension
- Published
- 2023
35. University indigenous students' perspectives on climate change and survival of indigenous peoples in Brazil: a concept mapping study
- Author
Antonio Jose Grande, Ieda M. A. V. Dias, Paulo T. C. Jardim, Alessandra Aparecida Vieira Machado, Jacks Soratto, Maria Inês da Rosa, Leonardo Roever, Luciane Bisognin Ceretta, Xanthi Zourntos, and Seeromanie Harding
- Subjects
indigenous ,climate change ,land loss ,survival ,health ,concept mapping ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
IntroductionThis study aimed to identify what indigenous university students in Brazil perceived to be important and feasible actions to protect the survival of indigenous peoples from climate change-related impacts.MethodsConcept mapping, which is a participatory mixed methodology, was conducted virtually with 20 indigenous students at two universities in Brazil. A focus prompt was developed from consultations with indigenous stakeholders and read “To protect the survival of the Indigenous Peoples from climate change, it is necessary to…”. Students brainstormed 46 statements, which they then sorted into clusters based on conceptual similarity. They rated each statement for importance and feasibility. Quantitative multivariate analyses of clusters and ratings were conducted to produce multiple visual maps of perceived actionable priorities. These analyses used the Group Wisdom TM software.ResultsStudents agreed on 8 clusters that reflect the factors that influence the survival of indigenous peoples-preservation of lands 0.16 (SD 0.13), protection of demarcated lands 0.31 (SD 0.10), indigenous health and wellbeing 0.35 (SD 0.14), ancestral customs 0.46 (SD 0.04), global and national actions 0.61 (SD 0.13), indigenous rights 0.64 (SD 0.23), collective living 0.71 (SD 0.21), and respect 0.75 (SD 0.14).DiscussionThe most actionable priorities are related to the respect for their lands and customs, educational initiatives in schools about the importance of indigenous peoples to society, guarantees for basic health rights, and culturally appropriate provision of care, with specific mention of mental healthcare. The findings aligned closely with the concept of indigenous self-determination, which is rooted in autonomy and respect for cultural diversity, and the right to make decisions that impact their lives, land, and resources.
- Published
- 2023
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36. Ultrasonography as a Tool to Improve Preoperative Marking in Body Contour Surgery
- Author
Raúl Martín Manzaneda Cipriani, MD, Maurício Viaro, MD, Gerardo Adrianzen, MD, Emmanuel Flores, MD, Héctor Duran Vega, MD, Ricardo Babaitis, MD, João Vitor Dal Ponte Zatt, MD, Ignacio Salonia Goldmann, Rafael Kornalewski de Oliveira, and Laura de Souza Bisognin
- Subjects
Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
Background:. Body contouring surgery and surgical drawings are usually performed based on the surgeon’s experience without considering the nature of the unique anatomical structures of each patient. Thus, we propose a more reliable surgical design approach that considers the anatomical structures of each patient. Ultrasonography is increasingly used in plastic surgery and helps plastic surgeons to highlight anatomical features representing results in their interventions by providing a better understanding of the patients’ unique structures. Methods:. This study presents a series of cases involving 100 recruited patients (36 men and 64 women) between 18 and 60 years of age. Five surgeons examined the patients and created a presurgical design based on palpation, which was validated later by a physician skilled in evaluating the anterior wall of the abdomen using ultrasonography. The concordance between the findings of the palpation and ultrasonography was assessed for each patient. Results:. The concordance rate for each structure in both evaluations was midline (49%) (P > 0.92), diastasis recti (15%), semilunar line (23%), upper edge of rectus abdominis muscles (12%), lower edge of pectoral muscles (16%), border of oblique muscle (13%), number of tendinous intersections (12%), shape of tendinous intersections (11%), serratus anterior muscle (15%), subcostal triangle (15%), and oblique triangle (26%) (P < 0.0001). Conclusion:. All the structures evaluated by palpation in comparison with ultrasound show discordance, except the midline where agreement is evident, with a very good level of statistical significance.
- Published
- 2023
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37. Climate change and mental health of Indigenous peoples living in their territory: a concept mapping study
- Author
Antonio Jose Grande, Ieda M. A. V. Dias, Paulo T. C. Jardim, Alessandra Aparecida Vieira Machado, Jacks Soratto, Maria Inês da Rosa, Leonardo Roever, Luciane Bisognin Ceretta, Xanthi Zourntos, and Seeromanie Harding
- Subjects
Indigenous ,climate change ,mental health ,concept mapping ,community based participatory research ,Psychiatry ,RC435-571 - Abstract
BackgroundThe alarming increase in annual deforestation rates has had devastating consequences in climate change, and it is affecting Indigenous people, who depend entirely on the land for survival and has also weakened the rainforest's crucial role in stabilizing the global climate. Recognizing and respecting Indigenous people's needs and social, economic, and historical conditions influence health and healthcare. This study aimed to conduct online concept mapping workshops with university students to identify perceived important and feasible actions for improving the mental health of Indigenous people living in their territory in association with climate change.MethodsConcept mapping, a participatory mixed methodology, was conducted virtually with 20 Indigenous students at two universities in Brazil. A focus prompt was developed from consultations with Indigenous stakeholders and read—“To improve the mental health of Indigenous peoples in their territory during climate change crises, it is necessary to….”ResultsUniversity students organized 42 unique statements in 6 clusters that cover a wide range of topics: family support, 0.68 (SD 0.19); respect and understanding, 0.37 (SD 0.08); improvement actions, 0.52 (SD 0.07); public policies in favor of Indigenous people's mental health, 0.24 (0.09); health actions, 0.15 (SD 0.08); Indigenous training in health and its importance in improving mental health 0.32 (SD 0.07).ConclusionThese clusters range from community initiatives, public policies, health actions, and strengthening professional services in Indigenous communities. These all provide numerous concrete ideas for developing interventions designed to address mental health challenges associated with climate change.
- Published
- 2023
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38. Microwave photons emitted by fractionally charged quasiparticles
- Author
Bisognin, R., Bartolomei, H., Kumar, M., Safi, I., Berroir, J. -M., Bocquillon, E., Plaçais, B., Cavanna, A., Gennser, U., Jin, Y., and Fève, G.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics - Abstract
Strongly correlated low-dimensional systems can host exotic elementary excitations carrying a fractional charge $q$ and potentially obeying anyonic statistics. In the fractional quantum Hall effect, their fractional charge has been successfully determined owing to low frequency shot noise measurements. However, a universal method for sensing them unambiguously and unraveling their intricate dynamics was still lacking. Here, we demonstrate that this can be achieved by measuring the microwave photons emitted by such excitations when they are transferred through a potential barrier biased with a dc voltage $V_{\text{dc}}$. We observe that only photons at frequencies $f$ below $qV_{\text{dc}}/h$ are emitted. This threshold provides a direct and unambiguous determination of the charge $q$, and a signature of exclusion statistics. Derived initially within the Luttinger model, this feature is also predicted by universal non-equilibrium fluctuation relations which agree fully with our measurements. Our work paves the way for further exploration of anyonic statistics using microwave measurements., Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Bisognin, Cleber, primary and Klein, Daniela Regina, additional
- Published
- 2023
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40. Ultrasonography as a Tool to Improve Preoperative Marking in Body Contour Surgery
- Author
Manzaneda Cipriani, Raúl Martín, Viaro, Maurício, Adrianzen, Gerardo, Flores, Emmanuel, Duran Vega, Héctor, Babaitis, Ricardo, Dal Ponte Zatt, João Vitor, Salonia Goldmann, Ignacio, Kornalewski de Oliveira, Rafael, and de Souza Bisognin, Laura
- Published
- 2023
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41. Colostrum for premature newborns: Systematic review and meta-analysis
- Author
Colonetti, Tamy, de Figueiredo, Pâmela E.E., de Florencio, Isabela C., Rodrigues Uggioni, Maria Laura, Colonetti, Laura, Ceretta, Luciane Bisognin, da Rosa, Maria Inês, and Grande, Antonio José
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Peripolli, Patricia Zanon, Porto, Eliane Quincozes, Pigatto, Aline Grohe Schirmer, and Bisognin, Eleni
- Published
- 2022
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43. In vitro sensitivity of potato plants to cadmium exposure
- Author
Luana da Silva Cadore, Dilson Antônio Bisognin, Francielly Baroni Mendes, Janaina de Fatima Spanevello, Jacson Ricardo Librelotto, and Thaíse da Silva Tonetto
- Subjects
Solanum tuberosum L. ,heavy metal ,growth ,plant micropropagation. ,Agriculture ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
ABSTRACT: Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal that is extremely dangerous to human health and can be found naturally in soils, deposited through industrial waste or phosphate fertilization. In this study, we evaluated the morphological responses of in vitro grown plants of potato in the presence of Cd, and define a procedure for assessing Cd sensitivity of different clones. The potato clone SMIJ461-1 was cultured in the presence of Cd at concentrations of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 90, 110, 120, 140, and 160 µM. Survival, rooting, number and height of shoots, leaf and root counts were evaluated at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days of cultivation. Adverse effects of Cd on the growth of the potato plants, exerted in a concentration-dependent manner, were observed for shoot height, leaf and root counts. Results of this study indicated that Cd concentrations of 0, 45, 90, and 135 µM can be used for future in vitro evaluation of potato clone sensitivity to Cd exposure.
- Published
- 2023
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44. Beta Autoregressive Fractionally Integrated Moving Average Models
- Author
Pumi, Guilherme, Valk, Marcio, Bisognin, Cleber, Bayer, Fábio Mariano, and Prass, Taiane Schaedler
- Subjects
Statistics - Methodology ,62M10, 62F12, 62J12, 62J99 - Abstract
In this work we introduce the class of beta autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average models for continuous random variables taking values in the continuous unit interval $(0,1)$. The proposed model accommodates a set of regressors and a long-range dependent time series structure. We derive the partial likelihood estimator for the parameters of the proposed model, obtain the associated score vector and Fisher information matrix. We also prove the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator under mild conditions. Hypotheses testing, diagnostic tools and forecasting are also proposed. A Monte Carlo simulation is considered to evaluate the finite sample performance of the partial likelihood estimators and to study some of the proposed tests. An empirical application is also presented and discussed.
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Felice, Anna Virgínia Bisognin, primary, Colpo, Elisangela, additional, Oliveira, Lilian Oliveira de, additional, and Blattes, Minéia Weber, additional
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Dominguini, Diogo, primary, Nascimento, Larissa Carvalho, additional, Francisco, Lilian Keli, additional, Losso, Ana Regina, additional, Medeiros, Izabel Scarabelot, additional, Dagostin, Valdemira Santina, additional, and Ceretta, Luciane Bisognin, additional
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Bisognin, C., primary, Gonçalves, L.C., additional, and Correa, K.E.S., additional
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Carneosso, Caroline Cogo, primary, Scrimini, João Inácio, additional, and Bisognin, Cleber, additional
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Lopes, Cristiano Borges, primary, Souza Junior, Francisco Canuto de, additional, Lima, Aparecida Cardoso, additional, Santos, Givaldo Alves dos, additional, Marchesan, Luiza Bisognin, additional, Cardoso, Alexandra Rodrigues, additional, Silva, Lauany Évellin Pires da, additional, Ribeiro, Alice Wilk Silva, additional, Avila, Carolina Oliveira de, additional, and Santana, Gabrielle Nepomuceno da Costa, additional
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Bisognin, Roselaine de Oliveira, primary and Padoin, Maria Medianeira, additional
- Published
- 2022
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