36 results on '"Bierschenk, S."'
Search Results
2. Mitochondrial and contractile dysfunction in a swine model of early chronic kidney disease
- Author
Sen, P, primary, Shashikadze, B, additional, Sittig, T, additional, Hamers, J, additional, Bierschenk, S, additional, Zandbergen, L, additional, Zhang, H, additional, Hesse, N, additional, Pauly, V, additional, Clauss, S, additional, Frohlich, T, additional, and Merkus, D, additional
- Published
- 2023
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3. A6.4 The possible role of ARHGAP25 in the regulation of leukocyte migration
- Author
Csépányi-Kömi, R, Bartos, B, Lévai, P, Kurz, A, Bierschenk, S, Ligeti, E, and Sperandio, M
- Published
- 2015
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4. Mammalian sterile 20-like kinase 1 - a new player in neutrophil recruitment in vivo: 1.37
- Author
Kurz, A., Pruenster, M., Bierschenk, S., Lim, D. S., Klein, C., Walzog, B., and Sperandio, M.
- Published
- 2013
5. Role of S100A8 and S100A9 in leukocyte recruitment in trauma-induced inflammation in vivo: 179
- Author
Pruenster, M., Bierschenk, S., Vogl, T., Koedel, U., Roth, J., and Sperandio, M.
- Published
- 2012
6. Projektmanagement ist entscheidend
- Author
Bierschenk, S., Kuhlmann, T., and Publica
- Subjects
Projektmanagement ,Fertigungsprozeß ,digitale Fabrikplanung ,digitale Fabrik ,Software ,digital factory - Abstract
Softwarelösungen für die Digitale Fabrik dienen der wirtschaftlichen und effizienten Gestaltung von Produktionsprozessen. Digitale Fabrik ist aber mehr als nur Software. Planungsvorgehensweise, Planungsbeteiligte und Planungsrandbedingungen müssen genauso entwickelt werden wie das Konzept der notwendigen IT-Lösungen.
- Published
- 2005
7. Digitale Fabrik jenseits von 2007
- Author
Bierschenk, S. and Publica
- Subjects
Fertigung ,digitale Fabrik ,Echtzeitplanung - Abstract
Längst ist die Digitale Fabrik keine Worthülse mehr. Großunternehmen haben die Potenziale, die in der Nutzung der Digitalen Fabrik liegen, erkannt. Sie stellen sich der Herausforderung, die Digitale Fabrik zur durchgängigen und digitalen Planung und Gestaltung von Produktionen einzusetzen und zwar bereits in der Phase der Produktentstehung.
- Published
- 2005
8. Digitale Fabrik und ihre Vernetzung mit der realen Fabrik
- Author
Schraft, R.D., Bierschenk, S., and Publica
- Subjects
Fertigungsprozeß ,Anlagenplanung ,digitale Fabrik ,Fertigungssystem ,digital factory - Abstract
Die Digitale Fabrik gilt als das große Leitthema in den nächsten Jahren und rückt immer mehr in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses. In diesem Zusammenhang lassen sich zur Kostensenkung, zur maßgeschneiderten Gestaltung und Einführung und zum Betrieb der Digitalen Fabrik drei Hauptaufgaben identifizieren: Die Schaffung von Integrationsplattformen als Kern von Digitale-Fabrik-Lösungen, die Entwicklung von Digitale-Fabrik-Lösungen für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen sowie die Kopplung der Digitalen mit der realen Fabrik. Besonders die Kopplung von realer und Digitaler Fabrik kann als die Aufgabe der Zukunft betrachtet werden. In diesem Beitrag wird gezeigt, dass unter anderem mittels Agententechnologie eine integrale Lösung dieser Aufgabe grundsätzlich einfach möglich ist.
- Published
- 2005
9. Status quo
- Author
Bierschenk, S., Ritter, A., Kuhlmann, T., and Publica
- Subjects
Anlagenplanung ,KMU (Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen) ,digitale Fabrik ,digital factory - Abstract
Die Entscheidung zugunsten der digitalen Fabrik ist in großen Unternehmen häufig bereits getroffen. Längst wird vielfach nicht mehr das Ob, sondern das Wie in Sachen Umsetzung diskutiert. Auf mittelständische Unternehmen bezogen ist der Nutzen jedoch den Betroffenen nur teilweise transparent, vor allem aber noch nicht vollständig nachgewiesen.
- Published
- 2004
10. Digital Fab verifiziert Planungshypothesen
- Author
Bierschenk, S. and Publica
- Subjects
Anlagenplanung ,digitale Fabrik ,Produktentstehungsprozeß ,digital factory ,Produktentwicklung - Abstract
Großunternehmen haben die Potenziale erkannt, die in der Nutzung der digitalen Fabrik liegen. Die Herausforderung: Die Digital Fab muss zur durchgängigen und digitalen Planung und Gestaltung von Produktionen eingesetzt werden - und zwar während der Produktentstehung.
- Published
- 2004
11. Pl@net plus
- Author
Schraft, R.D., Bierschenk, S., Kuhlmann, T., and Publica
- Subjects
Prozessmodell ,Fertigungsplanung - Abstract
Planungen und Umplanungen in der Produktion nehmen zu und werden zu ständigen Aufgaben in den Unternehmen. Dabei ist es wichtig, das Rad nicht jedes Mal neu zu erfinden, sondern den Problemlösungsweg systematisch zu planen und auf vorhandenes Know-how zurückzugreifen. Genau in diesem Punkt setzt Pl@net plus ein und ermöglicht die einfache Gestaltung von Planungsprozessen zur Erschließung ungenutzter Potentiale. Pl@net plus ist eine Kombination aus Prozessmodell, Best-Practice-Templates und IT-Werkzeug. In diesem Beitrag werden Funktionsweise und Modelle von Pl@net plus aufgezeigt und die verfügbaren Schnittstellen vorgestellt. Dabei wird nicht nur auf die Gestaltung, sondern auch auf das anschließende Managen der Planung eingegangen. Anhand eines Beispiels wird der Nutzen für den Anwender beschrieben. Nutzenpotenziale liegen in der Verkürzung der Planung, gestiegener Qualität und gesunkenen Kosten.
- Published
- 2004
12. Virtuelle Produkt- und Produktionsentstehung
- Author
Bierschenk, S. and Publica
- Subjects
Fertigungsplanung ,Pl@net ,digitale Fabrik ,Simulation ,Produktentwicklung - Abstract
Längst ist die Digitale Fabrik keine Worthülse mehr. Großunternehmen haben die Potenziale, die in der Nutzung der Digitalen Fabrik liegen, erkannt. Sie stellen sich der Herausforderung, die Digitale Fabrik zur durchgängigen und digitalen Planung und Gestaltung von Produktionen einzusetzen, und zwar bereits in der Phase der Produktentstehung.
- Published
- 2004
13. Digitale Fabrik
- Author
Bierschenk, S. and Publica
- Subjects
Datenerfassung ,Fertigungsplanung ,digitale Fabrik ,Software ,Simulation - Abstract
Digitale FAbrik - Was es ist und umfasst, was sie leisten kann und welche Chancen und Risiken sie mit sich bringt.
- Published
- 2004
14. Aus digitalen Wurzeln wächst die Fabrik der Zukunft
- Author
Bierschenk, S. and Publica
- Subjects
Anlagenplanung ,Fabrik der Zukunft ,Fertigung ,digitale Fabrik ,digital factory - Abstract
Die Digitale Fabrik ist Abbild der realen Fabrik in digitalen Modellen für eine effiziente Neu- und Umplanung sowie Optimierung des laufenden Betriebs. Wie diese neue Technik funktioniert, erläutert im folgenden Sabine Bierschenk, Abteilungsleiterin Engineering-IT am Stuttgarter Fraunhofer-Institut IPA. Sie arbeitet mit an der VDI-Richtlinie 4499 "Digitale Fabrik".
- Published
- 2004
15. Konzept bringt Experten in mittleren und kleinen Firmen an einen Tisch
- Author
Bierschenk, S., Ritter, A., and Publica
- Subjects
Layoutplanung ,kooperativer Arbeitsplatz ,Planungswerkzeug ,KoKoBel-Tisch ,Anlagenplanung ,digitale Fabrik ,Visualisierung ,Simulationskonzept ,Simulation - Abstract
Die Digitale Fabrik versteht sich als Abbild der realen Fabrik in einem digitalen Modell. Sie umfasst Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Planung, Simulation und Visualisierung; daneben auch Integrationskonzepte zum Datenmanagement und für Applikationssoftware.
- Published
- 2003
16. Der steinige Weg zur digitalen Fabrik
- Author
Bierschenk, S., Bischoff, J., and Publica
- Subjects
CAx ,digitale Fabrik ,wandlungsfähige Fabrik ,ERP ,Produktentwicklungsprozess - Abstract
Kürzere Produktlebenszyklen und turbulente Absatzmärkte erfordern neue Konzepte für eine wandlungsfähige Fabrik. Die ständige Anpassung oder Gestaltung der Fertigungsstrukturen wird künftig zum Regelprozess gehören. Konventionelle IT-Werkzeuge reichen dafür nicht aus.
- Published
- 2003
17. IT-Wissen für Investitionsentscheider. Ein Special des Fraunhofer IPA
- Author
Bierschenk, S., Bischoff, J., Gehr, F., Joosten, H., Körber, S., Palm, D., Runde, C., Weller, R., Wiendahl, H.-H., Wiedenmann, H., Zeh, K.-P., and Publica
- Published
- 2002
18. PPS in dezentral organisierten Unternehmen
- Author
Bierschenk, S. and Publica
- Subjects
Studie ,Dezentrale Strukturen ,PPS ,PPS-System - Abstract
Ein zunehmend turbulentes Umfeld stellt steigende Anforderungen an die Flexibilität von Unternehmen, denen diese durch die Einführung dezentraler Organisationsstrukturen versuchen, gerecht zu werden. Wie wirkt sich dieser Wandel der Organisationsstrukturen auf die unterstützenden EDV-Systeme und insbesondere auf Produktionsplanungs- und steuerungs-(PPS)-systeme aus? Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung hat zur Klärung dieser Frage eine Untersuchung durchgeführt, die zeigt, daß die derzeit eingesetzten PPS-Systeme den Anforderungen neuer Organisationsstrukturen in punkto Flexibilität nur unzureichend gerecht werden.
- Published
- 1997
19. Die Zeit ist reif für dynamische Auftragsmanagementsysteme
- Author
Westkämper, E., Bierschenk, S., Wiedenmann, H., and Publica
- Subjects
Kundenorientierung ,Flexibilität ,Fertigungsplanung ,Auftragsbearbeitung ,Auftragsabwicklung ,Kostenrechnung ,Kundendienst ,Auftragsmanagement ,Fertigungssteuerung ,PPS-System - Abstract
Die wichtigste Fähigkeit eines Unternehmens besteht heute darin, Aufträge kundenorientiert abwickeln zu können. Dies ist nur zu erreichen, wenn die Produktionsfaktoren Mensch, Material, Betriebsmittel und Information so ausgerichtet sind, daß Kundenanforderungen nach Produkt, Zeit, Menge, Qualität und Kosten bestmöglich erfüllt werden. Bei vielen Unternehmen sind die Durchlaufzeiten in Verwaltung und Produktion jedoch zu lang, und die Auftragsabwicklung verursacht (zu) hohe Personal- und Sachkosten.
- Published
- 1997
20. Veränderung der intrazellulären Glykosyltransferasenkonzentration während der Embryonalentwicklung
- Author
Steppner, A, primary, Nussbaum, C, additional, Schmidt, S, additional, Hofmann, S, additional, Kuhn, C, additional, Bierschenk, S, additional, Sperandio, M, additional, Jeschke, U, additional, and Friese, K, additional
- Published
- 2011
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21. Classical Diphtheria Caused by Corynebacterium ulcerans in Germany: Amino Acid Sequence Differences between Diphtheria Toxins from Corynebacterium diphtheriae and C. ulcerans
- Author
Sing, A., primary, Bierschenk, S., additional, and Heesemann, J., additional
- Published
- 2005
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22. Digitale Fabrik – nur was für die Großen?
- Author
Westkämper, E., primary, Bierschenk, S., additional, and Kuhlmann, T., additional
- Published
- 2003
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23. Virtuell Entwickeln und Planen – Real Produzieren
- Author
Bierschenk, S., primary
- Published
- 2002
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24. Oxidative stress initiates hemodynamic change in CKD-induced heart disease.
- Author
Sen P, Hamers J, Sittig T, Shashikadze B, d'Ambrosio L, Stöckl JB, Bierschenk S, Zhang H, d'Alessio C, Zandbergen LM, Pauly V, Clauss S, Wolf E, Dendorfer A, Fröhlich T, and Merkus D
- Subjects
- Animals, Swine, Disease Models, Animal, Hemodynamics, Proteomics, Myocardium metabolism, Myocardium pathology, Ventricular Function, Left, Fibrosis, Coronary Circulation, Heart Diseases metabolism, Heart Diseases physiopathology, Heart Diseases pathology, Heart Diseases etiology, Oxidative Stress, Renal Insufficiency, Chronic physiopathology, Renal Insufficiency, Chronic metabolism, Renal Insufficiency, Chronic pathology, Ventricular Remodeling
- Abstract
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) predisposes to cardiac remodeling and coronary microvascular dysfunction. Studies in swine identified changes in microvascular structure and function, as well as changes in mitochondrial structure and oxidative stress. However, CKD was combined with metabolic derangement, thereby obscuring the contribution of CKD alone. Therefore, we studied the impact of CKD on the heart and combined proteome studies with measurement of cardiac function and perfusion to identify processes involved in cardiac remodeling in CKD. CKD was induced in swine at 10-12 weeks of age while sham-operated swine served as controls. 5-6 months later, left ventricular (LV) function and coronary flow reserve were measured. LC-MS-MS-based proteomic analysis of LV tissue was performed. LV myocardium and kidneys were histologically examined for interstitial fibrosis and oxidative stress. Renal embolization resulted in mild chronic kidney injury (increased fibrosis and urinary NGAL). PV loops showed LV dilation and increased wall stress, while preload recruitable stroke work was impaired in CKD. Quantitative proteomic analysis of LV myocardium and STRING pre-ranked functional analysis showed enrichments in pathways related to contractile function, reactive oxygen species, and extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling, which were confirmed histologically and associated with impaired total anti-oxidant capacity. H
2 O2 exposure of myocardial slices from CKD, but not normal swine, impaired contractile function. Furthermore, in CKD, mitochondrial proteins were downregulated suggesting mitochondrial dysfunction which was associated with higher basal coronary blood flow. Thus, mild CKD induces alterations in mitochondrial proteins along with contractile proteins, oxidative stress and ECM remodeling, that were associated with changes in cardiac function and perfusion., Competing Interests: Declarations. Conflict of interest: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (© 2024. The Author(s).)- Published
- 2024
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25. A20 and the noncanonical NF-κB pathway are key regulators of neutrophil recruitment during fetal ontogeny.
- Author
Rohwedder I, Wackerbarth LM, Heinig K, Ballweg A, Altstätter J, Ripphahn M, Nussbaum C, Salvermoser M, Bierschenk S, Straub T, Gunzer M, Schmidt-Supprian M, Kolben T, Schulz C, Ma A, Walzog B, Heinig M, and Sperandio M
- Subjects
- Animals, Humans, Mice, Inflammation, Neonatal Sepsis genetics, Neonatal Sepsis metabolism, Signal Transduction physiology, Neutrophil Infiltration genetics, NF-kappa B metabolism, Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha-Induced Protein 3 metabolism
- Abstract
Newborns are at high risk of developing neonatal sepsis, particularly if born prematurely. This has been linked to divergent requirements the immune system has to fulfill during intrauterine compared with extrauterine life. By transcriptomic analysis of fetal and adult neutrophils, we shed new light on the molecular mechanisms of neutrophil maturation and functional adaption during fetal ontogeny. We identified an accumulation of differentially regulated genes within the noncanonical NF-κB signaling pathway accompanied by constitutive nuclear localization of RelB and increased surface expression of TNF receptor type II in fetal neutrophils, as well as elevated levels of lymphotoxin α in fetal serum. Furthermore, we found strong upregulation of the negative inflammatory regulator A20 (Tnfaip3) in fetal neutrophils, which was accompanied by pronounced downregulation of the canonical NF-κB pathway. Functionally, overexpressing A20 in Hoxb8 cells led to reduced adhesion of these neutrophil-like cells in a flow chamber system. Conversely, mice with a neutrophil-specific A20 deletion displayed increased inflammation in vivo. Taken together, we have uncovered constitutive activation of the noncanonical NF-κB pathway with concomitant upregulation of A20 in fetal neutrophils. This offers perfect adaption of neutrophil function during intrauterine fetal life but also restricts appropriate immune responses particularly in prematurely born infants.
- Published
- 2023
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26. Subtotal occlusion of the right coronary artery by Cardioband and its successful intervention via retrograde approach. Interventional flashlight.
- Author
Habedank D, Bierschenk S, Zimpel S, Huch J, and Atmowihardjo I
- Abstract
In recent years, transcatheter approaches have changed the therapy of valvular regurgitation. One of these new techniques is the Cardioband ® tricuspid valve reconstruction system (Edwards Lifesciences Corp., Irvine, CA, USA), which allows an adjustment of the ring size but may cause a temporary deformation or even occlusion of the right coronary artery (RCA) due to its close proximity. We report on a patient with symptomatic and subtotal occlusion of the RCA after Cardioband implantation. The distortion was so sharp-cornered that antegrade re-canalizations failed. Finally, the subtotal occlusion was re-opened via retrograde approach and this stent remained open in long-term follow-up. We think this complication should be known and considered when using the Cardioband system., Learning Objective: Transcatheter reconstruction of the tricuspid valve by Cardioband ® can lead to subtotal occlusion of the right coronary artery, which is difficult to re-canalize., Competing Interests: The authors have no conflict of interests to declare., (© 2022 Japanese College of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier Ltd.)
- Published
- 2022
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27. Circadian Expression of Migratory Factors Establishes Lineage-Specific Signatures that Guide the Homing of Leukocyte Subsets to Tissues.
- Author
He W, Holtkamp S, Hergenhan SM, Kraus K, de Juan A, Weber J, Bradfield P, Grenier JMP, Pelletier J, Druzd D, Chen CS, Ince LM, Bierschenk S, Pick R, Sperandio M, Aurrand-Lions M, and Scheiermann C
- Subjects
- Adult, Animals, Cell Adhesion Molecules genetics, Cell Adhesion Molecules immunology, Cell Adhesion Molecules metabolism, Cell Movement genetics, Endothelial Cells immunology, Endothelial Cells metabolism, Female, Gene Expression Profiling, Homeostasis genetics, Homeostasis immunology, Humans, Leukocytes cytology, Leukocytes metabolism, Male, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Mice, Knockout, Mice, Transgenic, Middle Aged, Organ Specificity genetics, Organ Specificity immunology, Transcription Factors genetics, Transcription Factors metabolism, Cell Movement immunology, Circadian Rhythm immunology, Gene Expression Regulation immunology, Leukocytes immunology, Transcription Factors immunology
- Abstract
The number of leukocytes present in circulation varies throughout the day, reflecting bone marrow output and emigration from blood into tissues. Using an organism-wide circadian screening approach, we detected oscillations in pro-migratory factors that were distinct for specific vascular beds and individual leukocyte subsets. This rhythmic molecular signature governed time-of-day-dependent homing behavior of leukocyte subsets to specific organs. Ablation of BMAL1, a transcription factor central to circadian clock function, in endothelial cells or leukocyte subsets demonstrated that rhythmic recruitment is dependent on both microenvironmental and cell-autonomous oscillations. These oscillatory patterns defined leukocyte trafficking in both homeostasis and inflammation and determined detectable tumor burden in blood cancer models. Rhythms in the expression of pro-migratory factors and migration capacities were preserved in human primary leukocytes. The definition of spatial and temporal expression profiles of pro-migratory factors guiding leukocyte migration patterns to organs provides a resource for the further study of the impact of circadian rhythms in immunity., (Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2018
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28. Priming anti-tumor immunity by radiotherapy: Dying tumor cell-derived DAMPs trigger endothelial cell activation and recruitment of myeloid cells.
- Author
Krombach J, Hennel R, Brix N, Orth M, Schoetz U, Ernst A, Schuster J, Zuchtriegel G, Reichel CA, Bierschenk S, Sperandio M, Vogl T, Unkel S, Belka C, and Lauber K
- Abstract
The major goal of radiotherapy is the induction of tumor cell death. Additionally, radiotherapy can function as in situ cancer vaccination by exposing tumor antigens and providing adjuvants for anti-tumor immune priming. In this regard, the mode of tumor cell death and the repertoire of released damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) are crucial. However, optimal dosing and fractionation of radiotherapy remain controversial. Here, we examined the initial steps of anti-tumor immune priming by different radiation regimens (20 Gy, 4 × 2 Gy, 2 Gy, 0 Gy) with cell lines of triple-negative breast cancer in vitro and in vivo . Previously, we have shown that especially high single doses (20 Gy) induce a delayed type of primary necrosis with characteristics of mitotic catastrophe and plasma membrane disintegration. Now, we provide evidence that protein DAMPs released by these dying cells stimulate sequential recruitment of neutrophils and monocytes in vivo . Key players in this regard appear to be endothelial cells revealing a distinct state of activation upon exposure to supernatants of irradiated tumor cells as characterized by high surface expression of adhesion molecules and production of a discrete cytokine/chemokine pattern. Furthermore, irradiated tumor cell-derived protein DAMPs enforced differentiation and maturation of dendritic cells as hallmarked by upregulation of co-stimulatory molecules and improved T cell-priming. Consistently, a recurring pattern was observed: The strongest effects were detected with 20 Gy-irradiated cells. Obviously, the initial steps of radiotherapy-induced anti-tumor immune priming are preferentially triggered by high single doses - at least in models of triple-negative breast cancer.
- Published
- 2018
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29. A Novel ex vivo Mouse Mesometrium Culture Model for Investigating Angiogenesis in Microvascular Networks.
- Author
Suarez-Martinez AD, Bierschenk S, Huang K, Kaplan D, Bayer CL, Meadows SM, Sperandio M, and Murfee WL
- Subjects
- Actins metabolism, Animals, Antigens metabolism, Biomarkers metabolism, Female, Glycoproteins metabolism, Green Fluorescent Proteins genetics, Green Fluorescent Proteins metabolism, Membrane Transport Proteins, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Mice, Transgenic, Microvessels drug effects, Microvessels metabolism, Models, Animal, Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 metabolism, Proteoglycans metabolism, Time Factors, Time-Lapse Imaging, Tissue Culture Techniques, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A pharmacology, Microvessels physiology, Neovascularization, Physiologic drug effects, Uterus blood supply
- Abstract
Background: The development of models that incorporate intact microvascular networks enables the investigation of multicellular dynamics during angiogenesis. Our laboratory introduced the rat mesentery culture model as such a tool, which would be enhanced with mouse tissue. Since mouse mesentery is avascular, an alternative is mouse mesometrium, the connective tissue of uterine horns. The study's objective was to demonstrate that mouse mesometrium contains microvascular networks that can be cultured to investigate multicellular dynamics during angiogenesis., Methods: Harvested mesometrium tissues from C57Bl/6 female mice were cultured in media with serum for up to 7 days. PECAM, NG2, αSMA, and LYVE-1 labeling identified endothelial cells, pericytes, smooth muscle cells, and lymphatic endothelial cells, respectively., Results: These cells comprised microvascular networks with arterioles, venules, and capillaries. Compared to day 0, capillary sprouts per vascular length were increased by 3 and 5 days in culture (day 0, 0.08 ± 0.01; day 3, 3.19 ± 0.78; day 5, 2.49 ± 0.05 sprouts/mm; p < 0.05). Time-lapse imaging of cultured tissues from FlkEGFP mice showcases the use of the model for lineage studies. The impact is supported by the identification of endothelial cell jumping from one sprout to another., Conclusion: These results introduce a novel culture model for investigating multicellular dynamics during angiogenesis in real-time ex vivo microvascular networks., (© 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel.)
- Published
- 2018
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30. Homeomorphic Isomerization as a Design Element in Container Molecules; Binding, Displacement, and Selective Transport of MCl 2 Species (M = Pt, Pd, Ni).
- Author
Kharel S, Joshi H, Bierschenk S, Stollenz M, Taher D, Bhuvanesh N, and Gladysz JA
- Abstract
The dibridgehead diphosphine ((CH
2 )14 )3 P (1) can rapidly turn inside-out (homeomorphic isomerization) to give a mixture of in,in and out,out isomers. The exo directed lone pairs in the latter are able to scavenge Lewis acidic MCl2 ; cagelike adducts of the in,in isomer, trans- Cl2 (P((CH2 )14 )3 P) (M = 2/Pt, 3/Pd, 4/Ni), then form. The NiCl2 unit in 4 may be replaced by PtCl2 or PdCl2 , but 2 and 3 do not give similar substitutions. U-tubes are charged with CH2 Cl2 solutions of 1 (lower phase), an aqueous solution of K2 MCl4 (charging arm; M = Pt, Pd), and an aqueous solution of excess KCl (receiving arm). The MCl2 units are then transported to the receiving arm until equilibrium is reached (up to 22 d). When the receiving arm is charged with KCN, transport is much faster (ca. 100 h) and higher K2 MX4 equilibrium ratios are obtained (≥96≤4). Analogous experiments with K2 PtCl4 /K2 PdCl4 mixtures show PdCl2 transport to be more rapid. A similar diphosphine with longer methylene chains, P((CH2 )18 )3 P, is equally effective. No transport occurs in the absence of 1, and other diphosphines or monophosphines assayed give only trace levels.- Published
- 2017
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31. Rac GTPase Activating Protein ARHGAP25 Regulates Leukocyte Transendothelial Migration in Mice.
- Author
Csépányi-Kömi R, Wisniewski É, Bartos B, Lévai P, Németh T, Balázs B, Kurz AR, Bierschenk S, Sperandio M, and Ligeti E
- Subjects
- Animals, GTPase-Activating Proteins deficiency, Mice, Mice, Knockout, Neutrophils cytology, Neutrophils metabolism, GTPase-Activating Proteins metabolism, Leukocytes cytology, Leukocytes metabolism, Transendothelial and Transepithelial Migration
- Abstract
ARHGAP25 is a Rac-specific GTPase-activating protein that is expressed primarily in hematopoietic cells. The involvement of ARHGAP25 in regulating the recruitment of leukocytes to inflammatory sites was investigated in genetically modified mice. Using intravital microscopy, we show that Arhgap25 deficiency affects all steps of leukocyte recruitment with a predominant enhancement of transendothelial migration of neutrophilic granulocytes. Increased transmigration of Arhgap25-deficient leukocytes is demonstrated in inflamed cremaster muscle venules, in a peritonitis model, and in an in vitro chemotaxis assay. Using bone marrow chimeric mice lacking ARHGAP25 in the hematopoietic compartment, we show that enhanced migration in the absence of ARHGAP25 is due to defective leukocyte function. In search for potential mechanisms of ARHGAP25-regulated migration of neutrophils, we detected an increase in the amount of active, GTP-bound Rac and Rac-dependent cytoskeletal changes in the absence of ARHGAP25, suggesting a critical role of ARHGAP25 in counterbalancing the Rac-activating effect of nucleotide exchange factors. Taken together, using Arhgap25-deficient mice, we identified ARHGAP25 as a relevant negative regulator of leukocyte transendothelial migration., (Copyright © 2016 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.)
- Published
- 2016
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32. Extracellular MRP8/14 is a regulator of β2 integrin-dependent neutrophil slow rolling and adhesion.
- Author
Pruenster M, Kurz AR, Chung KJ, Cao-Ehlker X, Bieber S, Nussbaum CF, Bierschenk S, Eggersmann TK, Rohwedder I, Heinig K, Immler R, Moser M, Koedel U, Gran S, McEver RP, Vestweber D, Verschoor A, Leanderson T, Chavakis T, Roth J, Vogl T, and Sperandio M
- Subjects
- Animals, CD18 Antigens genetics, Calgranulin A genetics, Calgranulin B genetics, Gene Expression Regulation, Hyaluronan Receptors genetics, Hyaluronan Receptors metabolism, Inflammation chemically induced, Inflammation metabolism, Macrophages physiology, Male, Mice, Mice, Knockout, Protein Binding, CD18 Antigens metabolism, Calgranulin A metabolism, Calgranulin B metabolism, Cell Adhesion physiology, Leukocyte Rolling physiology, Neutrophils physiology
- Abstract
Myeloid-related proteins (MRPs) 8 and 14 are cytosolic proteins secreted from myeloid cells as proinflammatory mediators. Currently, the functional role of circulating extracellular MRP8/14 is unclear. Our present study identifies extracellular MRP8/14 as an autocrine player in the leukocyte adhesion cascade. We show that E-selectin-PSGL-1 interaction during neutrophil rolling triggers Mrp8/14 secretion. Released MRP8/14 in turn activates a TLR4-mediated, Rap1-GTPase-dependent pathway of rapid β2 integrin activation in neutrophils. This extracellular activation loop reduces leukocyte rolling velocity and stimulates adhesion. Thus, we identify Mrp8/14 and TLR4 as important modulators of the leukocyte recruitment cascade during inflammation in vivo.
- Published
- 2015
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33. Endothelial cell-derived chemerin promotes dendritic cell transmigration.
- Author
Gonzalvo-Feo S, Del Prete A, Pruenster M, Salvi V, Wang L, Sironi M, Bierschenk S, Sperandio M, Vecchi A, and Sozzani S
- Subjects
- Animals, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Cell Adhesion drug effects, Cell Adhesion genetics, Cell Adhesion immunology, Cell Line, Chemokines, Chemotactic Factors genetics, Dendritic Cells cytology, Endothelial Cells cytology, Gene Expression Regulation drug effects, Gene Expression Regulation genetics, Gene Expression Regulation immunology, Intercellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins genetics, Mice, Mice, Knockout, Receptors, CCR, Receptors, Chemokine genetics, Receptors, Chemokine immunology, Receptors, G-Protein-Coupled genetics, Receptors, G-Protein-Coupled immunology, Transendothelial and Transepithelial Migration drug effects, Transendothelial and Transepithelial Migration genetics, Tretinoin pharmacology, Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 genetics, Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 immunology, Chemotactic Factors immunology, Dendritic Cells immunology, Endothelial Cells immunology, Intercellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins immunology, Transendothelial and Transepithelial Migration immunology
- Abstract
ChemR23 is a chemotactic receptor expressed by APCs, such as dendritic cells, macrophages, and NK cells. Chemerin, the ChemR23 ligand, was detected by immunohistochemistry, to be associated with inflamed endothelial cells in autoimmune diseases, such as lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis. This study reports that blood and lymphatic murine endothelial cells produce chemerin following retinoic acid stimulation. Conversely, proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, IFN-γ, and LPS, or calcitriol, are not effective. Retinoic acid-stimulated endothelial cells promoted dendritic cell adhesion under shear stress conditions and transmigration in a ChemR23-dependent manner. Activated endothelial cells upregulated the expression of the atypical chemotactic receptor CCRL2/ACKR5, a nonsignaling receptor able to bind and present chemerin to ChemR23(+) dendritic cells. Accordingly, activated endothelial cells expressed chemerin on the plasma membrane and promoted in a more efficient manner chemerin-dependent transmigration of dendritic cells. Finally, chemerin stimulation of myeloid dendritic cells induced the high-affinity binding of VCAM-1/CD106 Fc chimeric protein and promoted VCAM-1-dependent arrest to immobilized ligands under shear stress conditions. In conclusion, this study reports that retinoic acid-activated endothelial cells can promote myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cell transmigration across endothelial cell monolayers through the endogenous production of chemerin, the upregulation of CCRL2, and the activation of dendritic cell β1 integrin affinity.
- Published
- 2014
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34. Neutrophil and endothelial adhesive function during human fetal ontogeny.
- Author
Nussbaum C, Gloning A, Pruenster M, Frommhold D, Bierschenk S, Genzel-Boroviczény O, von Andrian UH, Quackenbush E, and Sperandio M
- Subjects
- Cell Adhesion, E-Selectin immunology, E-Selectin metabolism, Female, Fetus embryology, Flow Cytometry, Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Gestational Age, Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells, Humans, Infant, Extremely Premature immunology, Infant, Extremely Premature metabolism, Infant, Premature, Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 immunology, Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 metabolism, Leukocyte Rolling, Male, Neutrophil Infiltration immunology, P-Selectin immunology, P-Selectin metabolism, Endothelial Cells cytology, Endothelial Cells immunology, Fetus cytology, Fetus immunology, Infant, Newborn immunology, Neutrophils cytology, Neutrophils immunology
- Abstract
Attenuation of the immune response contributes to the high rate of neonatal infections, particularly in premature infants. Whereas our knowledge of innate immune functions in mature neonates is growing, little is known about the ontogeny of neutrophil recruitment. We investigated neutrophils and ECs in the course of gestation with respect to rolling and adhesive functions. With the use of microflow chambers, we demonstrate that the neutrophil's ability to roll and adhere directly correlates with gestational age. These adhesion-related abilities are very rare in extremely premature infants (<30 weeks of gestation), which may correlate with our observation of markedly reduced expression of PSGL-1 and Mac-1 on neutrophils in preterm infants. In parallel, the capacity of HUVECs to mediate neutrophil adhesion under flow increases with gestational age. In addition, HUVECs from extremely premature infants exerting the lowest ability to recruit adult neutrophils show a diminished up-regulation of E-selectin and ICAM-1. Finally, by following neutrophil function postnatally, we show that maturation of PMN recruitment proceeds equivalently during extra- and intrauterine development. Thus, PMN recruitment and EC adhesion-related functions are ontogenetically regulated in the fetus, which might contribute significantly to the high risk of life-threatening infections in premature infants.
- Published
- 2013
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35. Yersinia V antigen induces both TLR homo- and heterotolerance in an IL-10-involving manner.
- Author
Reithmeier-Rost D, Bierschenk S, Filippova N, Schröder-Braunstein J, and Sing A
- Subjects
- Animals, Cells, Cultured, Female, Humans, Interleukin-10 metabolism, Lipopolysaccharide Receptors immunology, Lipopolysaccharide Receptors metabolism, Macrophages immunology, Macrophages metabolism, Macrophages microbiology, Membrane Glycoproteins genetics, Membrane Glycoproteins metabolism, Mice, Pore Forming Cytotoxic Proteins, Receptors, Cell Surface genetics, Receptors, Cell Surface metabolism, Receptors, Immunologic deficiency, Receptors, Immunologic genetics, Receptors, Immunologic metabolism, Toll-Like Receptor 2, Toll-Like Receptor 4, Toll-Like Receptors, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha immunology, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha metabolism, Yersinia Infections metabolism, Yersinia Infections microbiology, Antigens, Bacterial immunology, Immune Tolerance immunology, Interleukin-10 immunology, Membrane Glycoproteins immunology, Receptors, Cell Surface immunology, Yersinia immunology, Yersinia Infections immunology
- Abstract
The virulence antigen (LcrV) of pathogenic yersiniae "silences" macrophages against stimulation with the TLR2-agonist zymosan A in a CD14/TLR2-dependent fashion via IL-10 induction. This pathogenically important "silencing" resembles TLR tolerance phenomena; in these, pre-exposure to a primary tolerizing TLR-agonist renders macrophages unresponsive to stimulation with a secondary challenging TLR-agonist which may involve either the same (TLR homotolerance) or a different TLR (TLR heterotolerance) as the primary TLR-agonist. Here, we show that rLcrV induces TLR homo- and heterotolerance against TLR2- or TLR4-agonists both in human and murine macrophages, respectively. The underlying mechanism of LcrV-induced tolerance is most likely not due to changes in TLR2- or TLR4 expression, but involves LcrV-mediated IL-10 production, since LcrV-induced TLR homo- and heterotolerance is highly impaired in IL-10(-/-) macrophages. Moreover, the involvement of IL-10 in TLR tolerance induction seems to be a more general phenomenon as shown by experiments using different TLR-agonists in IL-10(-/-) macrophages. Since LcrV acts as a secreted protein upon macrophages without requiring direct cell contact, as shown in transwell assays, we propose that yersiniae exploit IL-10-involving TLR tolerance mechanisms by the virulence factor LcrV.
- Published
- 2004
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36. Detection of differences in the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of diphtheria toxin from Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Corynebacterium ulcerans causing extrapharyngeal infections.
- Author
Sing A, Hogardt M, Bierschenk S, and Heesemann J
- Subjects
- Adult, Amino Acid Sequence, Base Sequence, Corynebacterium Infections microbiology, Corynebacterium diphtheriae genetics, Corynebacterium diphtheriae pathogenicity, HeLa Cells, Humans, Male, Molecular Sequence Data, Pharyngitis, Polymerase Chain Reaction methods, Sinusitis microbiology, Species Specificity, Corynebacterium genetics, Corynebacterium pathogenicity, Diphtheria Toxin chemistry, Diphtheria Toxin genetics, Mutation
- Abstract
While Corynebacterium ulcerans can mimic classical diphtheria, extrapharyngeal infections are extremely rare. Sequencing of the diphtheria toxin (DT)-encoding tox gene of two C. ulcerans isolates from extrapharyngeal infections revealed differences from C. diphtheriae DT sequences, mainly in the translocation and receptor-binding domains. C. ulcerans supernatants were much less potent than supernatant from C. diphtheriae. A C. ulcerans DT-specific PCR is described below.
- Published
- 2003
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