407 results on '"Biblioterapia"'
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NARRATIVE therapy ,ANOREXIA nervosa treatment - Abstract
Copyright of Miscelánea: A Journal of English & American Studies is the property of Miscelanea: A Journal of English & American Studies and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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3. Therapeutic Function of Literary Accounts of the War in Ukraine Addressed to Children.
- Author
Chłosta-Zielonka, Joanna
- Subjects
RUSSIAN invasion of Ukraine, 2022- ,CHILDREN'S literature writing ,CHILDREN'S stories ,UKRAINIANS ,CHILDREN'S books ,CHILDREN'S literature - Abstract
Copyright of Elementary Education in Theory & Practice is the property of Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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4. Use of Bibliotherapy for Depression in Pediatric Cancer Patients.
- Author
Çaksen, Hüseyin
- Subjects
MEDICAL personnel ,BIBLIOTHERAPY ,CHILDHOOD cancer ,CANCER patients ,PATIENTS' families - Abstract
Copyright of Psychiatria Hungarica is the property of Hungarian Psychiatric Association and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
5. Lecturas que hilan vidas.
- Author
- Subjects
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SOCIAL cohesion , *SOCIAL participation , *CULTURAL centers , *CULTURAL activities , *SOCIAL integration - Abstract
The title 'Lecturas que hilan vidas' (Readings that spin lives) brings together a series of projects to encourage reading that are currently being carried out in the Soto del Real Local Library and which make it a meeting place and a nerve centre for social and cultural activity in the municipality. The slogan aims to reflect the value of reading as an engine of emotional connection and the importance of the library as an agent of transformation and social cohesion, weaving community through culture and various library extension projects. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
- Author
Csákvári, Lilla
- Abstract
Copyright of Italica Belgradensia is the property of University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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Gabriella da Silva Reis, Luiza and César Devides, Dílson
- Subjects
SONG lyrics ,OLDER people ,ORAL interpretation ,LEISURE ,RECREATION ,BIRDSONGS - Abstract
Copyright of Muiraquitã: Revista de Letras e Humanidades is the property of Muiraquita and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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8. A biblioterápia mint mentálhigiénés személyiségfejlesztő eszköz.
- Author
László, RAJNAI
- Abstract
Copyright of Mediation of Hungarian Language Culture / Anyanyelvi Kultúraközvetítés is the property of Szent Istvan University, Kaposvar Campus and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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9. Biblioterapia
- Author
Luiz Felipe da Silva Candido, Antonia Lucineide Francisco de Lima, and Erick Alves de Lima Amorim
- Subjects
biblioterapia ,bibliotecário ,tecnologias de informação ,livro ,Medicine - Abstract
O presente artigo busca apresentar a biblioterapia como importante segmento hospitalar, evidenciando a atuação do(a) bibliotecário(a) dentro desse contexto como um profissional indispensável sendo um dos mais importantes nessa prática. Traça uma breve linha temporal da biblioterapia e discorre sobre seu processo evolutivo fazendo menção aos seus meios de realização. Tendo como objeto principal o livro, analisa os suportes informacionais utilizados e aplicados nesse processo. Discute sobre o meio virtual e digital na biblioterapia apontando formas de inserção das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação nesse domínio. A partir deste estudo é possível compreender mais sobre a aplicação da biblioterapia conhecendo o papel desempenhado pelo (a) bibliotecário (a), propor discussões sobre inovações no que diz respeito ao avanço do livro físico ao digital e virtual, mostrando como é possível inserir esta prática para a melhora do serviço e qualidade de vida das pessoas através da informação.
- Published
- 2024
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10. Postapokalipsa w Krótkich Gatkach, czyli jak przygotować dzieci na (każdą) katastrofę.
- Author
Łapiński, Paweł
- Subjects
EXPRESSIVE arts therapy ,ART therapy ,COMIC books, strips, etc. - Abstract
Copyright of Elementary Education in Theory & Practice is the property of Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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11. Literatura jako narzędzie wspierające rezyliencję młodzieży w sytuacjach kryzysowych
- Author
Wanda Matras‑Mastalerz
- Subjects
młodzież ,zdrowie ,rezyliencja ,biblioterapia ,dobrostan ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań dotyczących wybranych tekstów literackich jako narzędzia wspomagającego zdrowie i odporność psychiczną czytelników w okresie adolescencji. Badania zostały przeprowadzone wśród młodzieży w wieku 13–14 lat podczas realizacji warsztatów czytelniczych w Małopolskim Ogrodzie Sztuki w Krakowie w 2021 roku w ramach autorskiego projektu Wędrując ku dorosłości. Literatura wsparciem zdrowia psychicznego młodzieży. Celem spotkań było budowanie rezyliencji nastolatków, adaptacji do zmiany oraz zdolności do odzyskiwania utraconych lub osłabionych sił z wykorzystaniem odpowiednio dobranych lektur. Odniesienia do fabuły prowadziły młodzież do autopoznania, stanowiącego nieodzowny czynnik rozwoju osobowego i społecznego. Terapeutycznie wartościowe okazały się szczególnie takie teksty, które ukazywały charakter relacji międzyludzkich oraz przedstawiały konflikty wewnętrzne młodego człowieka, stając się w ten sposób bazą/lustrem dla własnych przeżyć.
- Published
- 2023
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12. Postapokalipsa w Krótkich Gatkach, czyli jak przygotować dzieci na (każdą) katastrofę
- Author
Paweł Łapiński
- Subjects
postapokalipsa ,arteterapia ,biblioterapia ,komiks ,literatura dziecięca ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Literatura dystopijna, również w wydaniu obrazkowym, od lat stanowi stały podgatunek kultury popularnej. O ile jednak na rynku nie brakuje dystopijnych, głównie postapokaliptycznych, utworów dla dorosłych czy starszej młodzieży (young adults), o wiele rzadziej obierają tę konwencję autorzy literatury kierowanej jednoznacznie do młodszego, dziecięcego czytelnika. Jednym z niewielu wyjątków jest autorska, ośmioczęściowa seria komiksowa Marcina Podolca Bajka na końcu świata opublikowana w latach 2017–2023 przez Kulturę Gniewu. Jej bohaterkami są dziewczynka Wiktoria i jej psia przyjaciółka Bajka, które wędrują przez „świat po wielkim wybuchu”, czyli wymarłe i zniszczone krainy pełne wszelkiego rodzaju anomalii w zakresie fauny, flory oraz zjawisk fizycznych. Na poziomie fabularnym wizja przedstawiona w kolejnych częściach serii czerpie pełnymi garściami z posępnego repertuaru postapokaliptycznych wizji znanych z literatury czy filmów dla dorosłych odbiorców. W artykule podjęta zostaje próba prześledzenia w jaki sposób autor scenariusza i rysunków opowiada przygody Wiktorii i Bajki w tym zniszczonym i budzącym grozę świecie w złagodzonej formie dopasowanej do percepcji dziecięcego odbiorcy.
- Published
- 2023
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13. Pensamento-invenção de um devir-professor: a biblioterapia como prática à deriva de leitura/escrita literária nas séries iniciais
- Author
Lucas Veras de Andrade and Thiago Felício Barbosa Pereira
- Subjects
Biblioterapia ,Séries Iniciais ,Leitura Literária ,Método Cartográfico ,Devir-Professor ,Bibliography. Library science. Information resources - Abstract
Objetivo: O texto é uma cartografia, planos gerados no encontro para devires que experimentam a leitura sob outros traçados para além do convencional, uma escrita de um pensamento-invenção que aposta na biblioterapia enquanto paisagem poética de leitura/escrita literária na escola. Nesse sentido, tem-se como objetivo geral refletir a biblioterapia como prática de leitura/escrita literária possível na escola, tendo como enfoque as séries iniciais da educação básica. Método: Para isso, segue linhas do método cartográfico (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 1995) situadas numa rede de conversação que atravessa diversos autores (pesquisa bibliográfica), as ideias do primeiro autor, proponente deste estudo, sob orientação do segundo. Que numa composição de escrita de si, se desloca em movimentos, em específico, dois: a percepção da literatura na escola e o agir da condição docente aliada à de pesquisador, no intuito de apresentar a biblioterapia como modo possível de ler/escrever e suas contribuições para a aprendizagem literária. Resultado: Nesse atravessamento de ideias expõe-se um devir-professor, considerando o lugar de docência, inventor de leitores, como um movimento do meio, um ser de devir de suas práticas. Conclusões: Ao final, aposta-se na empatia do leitor das palavras aqui expostas para que a biblioterapia seja entendida, legitimada como habitante do território escolar, a provocar deste modo, fissuras e porosidades nos saberes monolíticos que transitam neste ambiente sobre práticas e aprendizagens que envolvem a leitura e literatura, sobretudo, nas séries iniciais, espaço de fabulação deste professor/pesquisador.
- Published
- 2023
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14. A perfekcionista magatartás megjelenése egy serdülőknek tartott irodalomterápiás csoportfoglalkozás során.
- Author
Zsóka, Gál and Anita, G. Tóth
- Abstract
Copyright of Iskolakultúra is the property of University of Szeged, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
15. Biblioterapia como sistema global inclusivo de transformación en bibliotecas públicas.
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BIBLIOTHERAPY , *PUBLIC works , *PUBLIC libraries , *ACCESS to information , *LIBRARY users , *BIAS-free language , *FURNITURE , *CITIZENS , *LIBRARY orientation , *PEOPLE with disabilities , *MENTAL health ,ACADEMIC library services for people with disabilities - Abstract
Public libraries work on access to information and user training for people with special needs, be they physical, cognitive, cultural, emotional, etc. Work is carried out on the adaptability of resources, spatial availability, furniture, accessible information points in easy read. Adaptability is essential and a priority so that these users feel welcomed in their right as citizens. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
16. Biblioterapia, saúde mental e comunicação
- Author
Meri Nadia Marques Gerlin and Ricardo de Lima Chagas
- Subjects
biblioterapia ,competências leitora e comunicativa ,habilidades de comunicação e leitura ,prática bibliotecária ,crise sanitária e saúde mental ,Medicine - Abstract
Com o objetivo de identificar competências e habilidades necessárias à prática bibliotecária em espaços de informação, educação e cultura considera-se a contribuição da biblioterapia ao longo dos séculos até se constituir como uma estratégia de enfrentamento do sofrimento desencadeado pela pandemia, a crise sanitária mundial iniciada no final da segunda década do século XXI devido à Covid-19 (novo coronavírus). Por meio de um estudo qualitativo caracterizado como descritivo e como uma pesquisa bibliográfica realizada no âmbito da Ciência da Informação e áreas interdisciplinares, delineia-se um esquema metodológico compreendendo competências e habilidades de leitura e comunicativas. No que tange à competência leitora e ao saber fazer (habilidade) necessários ao uso de suportes com leituras informativas, literárias, entre outras modalidades destaca-se a capacidade de selecionar e disponibilizar narrativas, imagens, sons e outras linguagens (multimodalidade) que possam evocar diálogos terapêuticos e, não menos importante, leituras críticas e reflexivas durante a leitura (hiper)textual no espaço presencial e no ciberespaço. Em se tratando da competência comunicativa compreende-se a importância das suas habilidades para desencadear a interação verbal e não verbal durante os momentos biblioterapêuticos, conduzindo à acessibilidade e experimentação de uma escuta que precede o diálogo, o compartilhamento de experiências e o estabelecimento de uma situação de ajuda com base no uso de linguagens que traduzam sentimentos como o medo e a ansiedade, conduzindo ao fortalecimento da saúde mental e à resolução de problemas durante a crise sanitária. Depreende-se que tanto as competências leitora e comunicativa esquematizadas quanto o conjunto de habilidades identificadas são extremamente importantes aos processos biblioterapêuticos nas bibliotecas e noutros espaços visando o fortalecimento de uma prática bibliotecária que tende a conduzir à manutenção da saúde mental durante o cenário pandêmico.
- Published
- 2022
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17. Olvasókörök és biblioterápiás foglalkozások az erdélyi könyvtárakban (1989 után).
- Author
Judit, Vántsa
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TRAINING of librarians , *BIBLIOTHERAPY , *PUBLIC libraries , *LIBRARIAN associations , *LIBRARY directors - Abstract
In the years following the change of regime in Romania in 1989, there were no reading circles or reading clubs in Transylvanian libraries with Hungarian connections. If there had been, they were not mentioned in the Könyvesház or in any other library journal, nor were they mentioned in professional circles. The first reading circle initiatives started in the 2010s, after the Association of Hungarian Librarians Living in Romania organised a bibliotherapy training for librarians in June 2010, led by Éva Bartos, Director of the Hungarian Library Institute, at the Kájoni János County Library in Csíkszereda. As a result of this training and subsequent ones, more and more libraries are now offering bibliotherapy sessions or reading circles using bibliotherapy methods, and among them, even a drama circle with the participation of children living with disabilities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
de Andrade, Lucas Veras and Barbosa Pereira, Thiago Felício
- Published
- 2023
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19. Choroba jako życie w świetle opowieści maladycznych o dzieciach i dla dzieci Katarzyny Ryrych.
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Copyright of Porównania / Comparisons. A Journal on Comparative Literature & Interdisciplinary Studies is the property of Adam Mickiewicz University Poznao, Press of "Poznanskie Studia Polonistyczne" and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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20. La construction de la fiction: une étude à partir de la littérature de terrain, son auteur et les implications de la bibliothérapie.
- Author
Cariño Cortés, Natalia and Rostan Ochoa, Paula
- Subjects
Copyright of Synergies Mexique is the property of GERFLINT (Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches pour le Francais Langue Internationale) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Flores Fernández, Cherie and Rioseco Vergara, María Paz
- Subjects
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BIBLIOTHERAPY , *COGNITIVE therapy , *PSYCHOTHERAPY , *INFORMATION professionals , *ENGLISH language , *BIBLIOMETRICS , *FRAUD in science - Abstract
Bibliotherapy involves the therapeutic use of books and literature to facilitate the expression of feelings and coping skills. The purpose of this research was to analyze the scientific production on bibliotherapy, indexed in Scopus. A bibliometric study was carried out using quantitative methods to know the development of research related to bibliotherapy at a general level. A retrospective recovery of documents was carried out, without a temporality filter, identifying 1,289 records, in which the article predominates as the type of document and English as the language. The most cited author is Cuijpers, while the most prolific is John Pardeck; the most productive countries correspond to the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia. Among the most preponderant keywords are: bibliotherapy, female, male, adult, rehabilitation, depression, cognitive therapy, psychotherapy, child and self-care. It is concluded that production has increased systematically during the 21st century, and its use as an auxiliary tool in the treatment of physical and psychological diseases has increased. On the other hand, although bibliotherapy is considered part of the work of librarians, there is not a large production of information professionals. Due to this, it is suggested to increase the research on bibliotherapy from the librarianship perspective. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
22. Biblioterapia: una propuesta terapéutica en el desgarro del tejido social
- Author
Diana Paris
- Subjects
biblioterapia ,literatura ,pandemia ,depresión ,bionarración ,Bibliography. Library science. Information resources - Abstract
Desde una mirada holística, integrativa y psicoanalítica, entiendo que la intervención biblioterapéutica pertenece al campo de la salud mental, física, espiritual, ecológica y emocional. Se ofrece como una disciplina terapéutica enfocada en el acompañamiento de los procesos vinculados a crisis vitales, duelos, desmotivaciones y estados muy particulares del ánimo derivados de lo que en la actualidad los profesionales de la psicología mencionamos como el binomio «depresión-ansiedad covid». En este sentido, el sujeto que naufraga en el puro presente de insatisfacción, enojo y amenaza encuentra en el diálogo con el biblioterapeuta la posibilidad de cambiar el pensamiento automático mediante afrontamientos saludables. Para ello, la lectura de un texto literario puede ser el elemento desencadenante de su bionarración, y así la biblioterapia opera como poder vinculante, puente simbólico entre el sufriente y su circunstancia. En la presente comunicación ―centrada en los efectos de la pandemia y la rotura de la piel social, como metáfora del aislamiento―, la biblioterapia busca promover el pensamiento crítico a partir del entrelace de modelos teóricos interdisciplinarios. Se comparte, además, una experiencia puntual ―desarrollada con el formato de taller de lectura de textos ficcionales sobre La peste― y la reescritura del guion personal como vía de recuperación de espacios subjetivos bloqueados.
- Published
- 2021
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23. Biblioterapia. Recomendaciones terapéuticas de libro en la autoterapia ampliada
- Author
Analía Verónica Losada and Antonio Martín Román
- Subjects
biblioterapia ,terapia ,psicología clínica ,psicología social ,autoterapia ,Bibliography. Library science. Information resources - Abstract
La recomendación de libros como instrumento terapéutico ha sido el eje central de la presente investigación, que postula a la biblioterapia como la terapia y tratamiento a través de los libros. Con el objetivo de conocer las encomiendas terapéuticas de libros en términos de autoterapia ampliada, se realizaron encuestas a 81 profesionales de la psicología de 8 países. 77 participantes son de América (57 de Argentina, 14 de Colombia, 3 de Brasil, 2 de Perú y 1 de Ecuador); 1 de Europa (España), y 3 de África (2 de Angola y 1 de Mozambique). Entre los participantes, 73 —que representan el 90,12 %— explicitaron que se valen de la biblioterapia como recurso. Los terapeutas expusieron sobre los autores y obras que sugieren a sus pacientes. Entre los motivos de recomendación, el de mayor frecuencia ha sido el de continuar aspectos trabajados durante la sesión a modo de autoterapia ampliada. Como conclusión se destaca la concordancia con los autores en los resultados aportados por los partícipes y se sugiere el uso de la biblioterapia en diferentes dispositivos de tratamiento.
- Published
- 2021
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24. La perspectiva terapéutica de la literatura francesa contemporánea: entre trauma y narración
- Author
Alberto Alejandro Muñiz Márquez
- Subjects
Biblioterapia ,Literatura francesa ,Identidad en la literatura ,Emociones en la literatura ,Problemas sociales en la literatura ,Ética en la literatura ,Language and Literature - Abstract
En el marco de la literatura francesa contemporánea, el presente artículo tiene por objetivo reflexionar sobre el enfoque terapéutico del que se ven imbuidos los textos contemporáneos. Distanciados de toda óptica política, los proyectos literarios contemporáneos concentran su atención en paliar el sufrimiento que aqueja al sujeto, hacer frente a los devastadores escenarios sociales de las sociedades actuales o, por lo menos, como señala Alexandre Gefen en su ensayo Réparer le monde (2017), hacer bien. Al colocar al ser humano en el centro de la escena literaria, se presenta ante nosotros el fenómeno de la transitividad que supone atender las tensiones, aflicciones y desgarres del yo, sin por ello descuidar a los otros individuos cuyas existencias han permanecido soslayadas por la Historia. Así pues, esta perspectiva reparadora de la literatura francesa contemporánea exige una postura autocrítica del individuo respecto de su propia condición y de su entorno social. En este sentido, la práctica terapéutica de la literatura —o bibliothérapie, a partir de la propia noción de Gefen—pondera la vida cotidiana y los espacios inmediatos a partir de los cuales se buscan la visibilización de la propia identidad, la narrativización de los traumas y la liberación de yo perturbado mediante el efecto catártico.
- Published
- 2022
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25. Makerspace e biblioterapia em hospitais: um estudo bibliométrico.
- Author
Carolina da Silva, Rafaela, Pinheiro de Souza, Leonardo Pereira, Gomes de Mello, Mariana Rodrigues, Bochi, Fernanda, and Bassan de Moraes, Cássia Regina
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BIBLIOTHERAPY , *PATIENT autonomy , *PSYCHIATRIC hospitals , *MAKERSPACES , *MEDICAL personnel , *MENTAL work , *MENTAL health - Abstract
Currently, informational, social, and economic pressures, among others, are affecting individuals in society, favoring the proliferation of mental illnesses. In this scenario, complementary strategies to conventional psychological/psychiatric therapies started to be taken into account in the work with mental health in hospitals. Two of them rely on the participation of the information professional, that is, bibliotherapy, which provides self-reflection through books; and the maker space, in which the person can create objects, expressing themselves and exercising their creativity. From this perspective, this research aimed to verify the corpus of articles dealing with the interaction between Information Science, the maker space and bibliotherapy in hospitals that work with mental health, highlighting how the keywords used in these articles could help the understanding of this relationship. As methodological procedures, keyword co-occurrence analysis was used. It was found that the corpus is still incipient, with eight groups of articles, consisting of 105 keywords. However, the therapies mentioned give autonomy to patients, with no side effects, through which the information professional has an active role in collaborating with health professionals. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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26. The influence of bibliotherapy on child perfectionism
- Author
Leonardo Andres Aguilar Durán and Isaac Daniel Depablo Marrero
- Subjects
perfeccionismo infantil ,biblioterapia ,literapia ,literatura infantil ,niños venezolanos ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
Perfectionism is a personality disposition characterized by the setting of excessively high performance standards. Several studies have proved the relationship between perfectionism and psychological maladjustment in children and adolescents. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of bibliotherapy based on children's literature -more properly, literature therapy- on perfectionism levels in children. A quantitative investigation with explanatory scope and quasi-experimental design (pretest-posttest, one group) was carried out. A brief program of bibliotherapy was applied to 16 children with extreme perfectionism (≥ P75), who were in 4th and 5th grade of primary education -i.e., children aged 9-10- in a private school in Caracas. The literary selection used consisted of eight children's stories written and illustrated by European and American authors. Perfectionism was evaluated with the Venezuelan version (Aguilar & Castellanos, 2017) of the Scale of Childhood Perfectionism (Oros, 2003). Bibliotherapy achieved statistically significant decreases in the scores of children in perfectionism and their dimensions (p < .01). These results coincide with previous empirical evidence referred by foreign investigations. The application of reading therapy in similar contexts is recommended. Certain adjustments could be made to maximize its effects and improve experimental control.
- Published
- 2020
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27. Biblioterapia como herramienta de recuperación emocional
- Author
Alexandre Oliveira de Meira Gusmão and Elaine Gleice Jerônimo de Souza
- Subjects
biblioterapia ,bibliotecario ,transtornos emocionales ,Bibliography. Library science. Information resources ,Bibliography ,Z1001-8999 - Abstract
Se reflexiona sobre el campo de acción del bibliotecario con énfasis en la efectividad de la biblioterapia para el restablecimiento de individuos que sufren trastornos emocionales. El objetivo general ha sido debatir temas relacionados con los trastornos emocionales, presentando sugerencias biblioterapéuticas como alternativas complementarias. El campo de acción, tanto para el bibliotecario como para cualquier otro profesional, implica darse cuenta de que cada profesión está vinculada a un determinado nivel de conocimientos. La biblioterapia como una práctica de lectura utiliza textos verbales y no verbales como complementos en el tratamiento de personas afectadas por enfermedades físicas o mentales. Se recomienda la biblioterapia para personas que enfrentan trastornos emocionales.
- Published
- 2020
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28. Lectura de cómics para el bienestar de los adolescentes en acogimiento residencial
- Author
Manuel Jesús Maldonado-Lozano and Myriam Gutiérrez-Zornoza
- Subjects
Adolescentes ,acogimiento residencial ,motivación lectora ,cómics ,análisis de contenido ,biblioterapia ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 - Abstract
Se ha demostrado que la lectura de cómics, como práctica vernácula e informal, es una herramienta útil para narrar y trabajar sucesos complejos y dolorosos con adolescentes. Los jóvenes en Acogimiento Residencial (AR) han sufrido múltiples vulneraciones de sus derechos, experimentando situaciones de maltrato, con modelos afectivos-destructivos basados en la violencia y falta de empatía, con escasa red de apoyo social, sentimiento de culpabilización y estigmatización, dificultades conductuales, cognitivas, emocionales y de adaptación escolar. El AR no tiene que ser una experiencia traumática per se y si una oportunidad de vida. La lectura de cómics supone una novedosa estrategia de intervención socioeducativa que puede ser muy eficaz para su bienestar. Por ello se han seleccionado y analizado 16 obras que servirán de apoyo a intervenciones socioeducativas, atendido al criterio de temática: historias de maduración protagonizadas por adolescentes que se enfrentan a situaciones problemáticas ante las cuales despliegan estrategias de afrontamiento. Sintetizando su contenido, partiendo de los factores de desarrollo del bienestar de los adolescentes en AR, que tienen que ver con comprender la historia familiar, empoderamiento, reconocimiento familiar-social, autoconcepto-aceptación, afectividad-emociones-amor, autonomía, redes de apoyo social e interpretación del mundo.
- Published
- 2022
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29. Mediación literaria como ética de cuidado en contextos adversos
- Author
Soledad Veliz, Macarena García-González, and Evelyn Arizpe
- Subjects
mediación literaria ,contextos adversos ,ética del cuidado ,lectura ,literatura ,biblioterapia ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 - Abstract
En este artículo se explora la mediación con textos literarios en contextos adversos y espacios no convencionales (tales como campamentos, hospitales, centros comunitarios y otros) por parte de mediadoras de lectura radicadas en México y Chile. A través de un análisis temático de tipo deductivo de 20 entrevistas se establece una relación entre mediación literaria y las cuatro categorías de la ética del cuidado que esboza Joan Tronto (1993) (caring about, caring for, care giving and care receiving). Se concluye que la mediación literaria en estos contextos toma la forma de un acompañamiento que se organiza a través de una metodología de trabajo emergente con las comunidades, centrada en la escucha, orientada intuitivamente y situada, que apoya tanto prácticas de esparcimiento y distracción, como procesos de autoconocimiento y contención emocional. Se discute cómo esta práctica de mediación se involucra tanto con lógicas humanitarias de cuidado como con prácticas que descentran la autoridad y figura del libro en pos de otras relacionalidades.
- Published
- 2022
30. Corpus comentado de literatura infantojuvenil sobre dislexia: una opción para biblioterapia.
- Author
Anaya-Reig, Nuria and Calvo Fernández, Vicente
- Subjects
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CHILDREN with dyslexia , *SPANISH literature , *CHILDREN'S literature , *YOUNG adult fiction , *BIBLIOTHERAPY , *TEACHER educators , *YOUNG adult literature - Abstract
Various works have highlighted the value of bibliotherapy or the use of reading as an educational intervention tool in order to address problems of a different nature. One of these problems, one of the most prevalent in the current school population, is dyslexia. This contribution presents and analyzes a corpus of works of children's and youth adult literature in Spanish, originals or translations, and other non-literary fictional texts, whose theme revolves around dyslexia, so that it can be used by teachers and educators as an intervention strategy in children affected by this problem. After carrying out systematic searches for fiction books for children and adolescents on dyslexia in bibliographic repertoires of children's and young adult literature in Spanish, original or translations, by combining keywords related to dyslexia and selection criteria to narrow down the search, the works have been classified, according to a bibliographic record model prepared ad hoc. A critical analysis of the works is carried out, aimed at a possible use in an educational intervention program, by indicating the different nuclei of interest that are addressed in the texts. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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31. ENTRELACES DA BIBLIOTERAPIA E DA MEDIAÇÃO DA LEITURA: uma análise das entrevistas concedidas à Rede Mediar.
- Author
Oliveira Assis, Pamela, do Rosário Santos, Raquel, and Medeiros de Sousa, Ana Claudia
- Subjects
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BIBLIOTHERAPY , *QUALITATIVE research , *SOCIALIZATION , *SOCIAL change , *WELL-being - Abstract
When researching about bibliotherapy and reading mediation, it is understood that there is a thematic relationship in which both favor the subject's socialization and emotional balance through reading and the benefits that this action enables. The objective of this study was to evidence the interrelationship of bibliotherapy with the reading mediation through the narratives recorded in the interviews of Rede Mediar project. As for the methodology, it is a descriptive study, for which the documentary research method and the qualitative approach were adopted, and the shared perceptions were analyzed through interviews granted to Rede Mediar. The results indicated that bibliotherapy and reading mediation intertwine, aiming at a humanizing and conscious action of the mediator, so that supports the formation and development of the subject in the reader's perspective and the reach of well-being. It is considered that, from the perspective of bibliotherapy, the act of read has a therapeutic intention that favors singular and social changes in the subjects. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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32. Mediación literaria como ética de cuidado en contextos adversos.
- Author
Véliz, Soledad, García-González, Macarena, and Arizpe, Evelyn
- Subjects
Copyright of OCNOS: Journal of Reading Research / Revista de Estudios sobre Lectura is the property of Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacion y Humanidades and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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33. Lectura de cómics para el bienestar de los adolescentes en acogimiento residencial.
- Author
Maldonado-Lozano, Manuel-Jesús and Gutiérrez-Zornoza, Myriam
- Subjects
CONSCIOUSNESS raising ,RESIDENTIAL care ,HUMOROUS stories ,COMEDIANS ,SOCIAL support ,FAMILY history (Genealogy) - Abstract
Copyright of OCNOS: Journal of Reading Research / Revista de Estudios sobre Lectura is the property of Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacion y Humanidades and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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34. The specificity of the use of bibliotherapy as an element of psychiatric rehabilitation in a group of patients suffering from schizophrenia.
- Author
Kasperek-Zimowska, Beata J., Bednarek, Agata, Giguere, Marta, Orłowski, Wojciech, and Sawicka, Maryla
- Subjects
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Purpose: This article emphasizes the characteristics of the application of bibliotherapy in psychiatric rehabilitation of people suffering from chronic schizophrenia. The role of the bibliotherapist and methodology for conducting bibliotherapy for people with chronic schizophrenia are also described. Views: The characteristic symptoms are connected to a patient's perception of the surrounding reality differing from the norm. This may be due to the symptoms of schizophrenia and its course, in which psychoticism can become a regulative part of a patient's personality. The academic definition of bibliotherapy proposed by Ewa Tomasik says that "bibliotherapy is an intentional activity that uses books or non-printed materials to fulfil rehabilitative, re-socializing, prophylactic and developmental aims for people from varying social backgrounds, in different age and with diverse needs". This article focuses on and discusses the structure and course of bibliotherapy sessions embedded in individual and group rehabilitation process. An additional goal is to explain bibliotherapy as an element of the entire system of rehabilitation and therapeutic interactions which has a therapeutic effect for this system, not only in terms of individual classes. Attention is paid to the narrative nature of bibliotherapy, in combination with behavioral-cognitive, humanistic and psychodynamic interactions. Conclusions: Bibliotherapy can help people suffering from chronic schizophrenia to organize their self-narrative and narratives about other people, to make them real and to organize their statements, so that the content and manner of thinking can be regulated. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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35. Biblioterapia reminiscencyjna osób starszych i możliwość jej zastosowania podczas epidemii Covid-19
- Author
Kiriakos Chatzipentidis
- Subjects
biblioterapia ,biblioterapia reminiscencyjna ,czytelnicza terapia wspomnieniowa ,teleterapia ,terapia zdalna ,epidemia covid-19 ,Social Sciences ,Political science - Abstract
Biblioterapia reminiscencyjna to oparta o wspomnienia forma terapii czytelniczej przeznaczona dla osób starszych. Mechanizm biblioterapii opiera się na trzech zależnych od siebie etapach: identyfikacji, katharsis oraz wglądu w siebie. Tematy reminiscencyjne są ułożone w porządku chronologicznym, wspominanie historii życia wzmacnia pamięć osób starszych, umożliwia ekspresję emocji oraz poprawia dobrostan psychiczny. Biblioterapia reminiscencyjna podczas epidemii COVID-19, mając na uwadze swoją skuteczność, powinna zmienić formę na teleterapię, skoncentrować się na terapii indywidualnej bądź terapii par, oraz opierać się na ustandaryzowanym programie biblioterapeutycznym.
- Published
- 2020
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36. Biblioterapia: análise dos artigos indexados na Base de Dados em Ciência da Informação (BRAPCI)
- Author
Jéssica da Silva Gadelha and Gabrielle Francinne de S. C. Tanus
- Subjects
Biblioterapia ,Bibliometria ,Atuação do Bibliotecário ,Base de Dados Referenciais de Artigos de Periódicos em Ciência da Informação (BRAPCI) ,Museums. Collectors and collecting ,AM1-501 ,Bibliography. Library science. Information resources - Abstract
Para conhecer mais sobre a biblioterapia, propõem-se, nesta pesquisa, a análise das publicações sobre a biblioterapia indexadas na Base de Dados Referenciais de Artigos de Periódicos em Ciência da Informação (BRAPCI). Assim realizou-se um estudo bibliométrico das seguintes variáveis: autores, periódicos e ano de publicação a fim de explorar como esse campo de estudo e de prática vem se comportando no decorrer dos anos. A análise de conteúdo também foi utilizada a fim de identificar por meio da leitura dos artigos empíricos, a atuação do profissional bibliotecário, os usuários envolvidos e os ambientes das ações. A partir dos dados coletados, avaliou-se que a produção da biblioterapia é pouco produzida no âmbito científico, havendo uma concentração significativa em torno de alguns autores e periódicos. Todavia, a temática analisada apresentou um certo crescimento na presente década. Em relação ao público-alvo a maior parte dos estudos envolvem as crianças e os idosos. E os ambientes mais recorrentes são os hospitais e os asilos. Conclui-se que a biblioterapia é uma perspectiva de atuação para o bibliotecário que deseja se inserir na área humanística, e devido a sua complexidade é necessária que essa prática seja executada interdisciplinarmente, abrangendo outras áreas do conhecimento.
- Published
- 2019
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37. Prática de biblioterapia no Brasil e no exterior: principais experiências com a terapia pela leitura a partir da década de 1980
- Author
Andréa Pereira Santos, Natália Rocha, and Larissa Andrade Batista Cavalcanti
- Subjects
Biblioterapia ,Programas de biblioterapia ,Biblioterapia com pacientes ,Pacientes hospitalizados ,Leitura terapêutica. ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
O presente estudo tem como objetivo conhecer as principais experiências com a biblioterapia voltadas para pessoas acometidas com doenças variadas sejam físicas e/ou mentais, ou sociais no Brasil e no exterior. Justifica-se por apresentar a função terapêutica da leitura. Tem como base os conceitos teóricos e históricos da biblioterapia, o conhecimento das principais experiências com a biblioterapia no Brasil e comparativo com entre a realidade nacional e internacional quanto a utilização dessa terapia. Para tanto, trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, qualitativa e bibliográfica, que buscou em bases de dados nacionais e internacional (LISA) com material publicado sobre experiências que utilizassem a biblioterapia para o bem-estar do indivíduo. Desse modo, observa-se que o Brasil caminha para ampliação da utilização da terapia, enquanto que outros países a utilizam em variados nichos sejam hospitalar, escolar, prisional, entre outros. O que permite concluir que a biblioterapia proporciona saúde e bem-estar aos que dela fazem uso.
- Published
- 2021
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38. Mediação cultural e de leitura na formação do bibliotecário biblioterapeuta
- Author
Hélio Márcio Pajeú and Wérleson Alexandre de Lima Santos
- Subjects
Mediação cultural ,Mediação de leitura ,Biblioterapia ,Saúde mental ,Formação profissional do bibliotecário. ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
O presente artigo visa fazer uma reflexão acerca da formação do bibliotecário na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) como profissional apto para o exercício da mediação cultural e de leitura, bem como da biblioterapia. Tomando como base os conceitos de mediação cultural de Edmir Perrotti e de mediação de leitura de Michèle Petit, o trabalho debruça-se sobre a grade curricular do perfil 0406 do Bacharelado em Biblioteconomia e analisa a distribuição do conteúdo programático, das competências e das cargas horárias e como a formação cultural e biblioterapêutica do discente está sendo tratada em relação à percepção de sua importância sociocultural dentro da atuação profissional.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Moreno Morales, Magda Ivette and Ávila Landa, Homero
- Subjects
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ORAL interpretation , *LITTERATEURS , *READING promotion , *HEALING , *BIBLIOTHERAPY , *VIOLENCE against women - Abstract
This article discusses the foundation and results of an educational-therapeutic intervention carried out on a group of 20 women in situations of violence. The objective was to contribute to emotional well-being by reading selected literary works that deal with topics related to the situation of the participants. The library therapy approach is examined, which posits that reading literary works has healing properties. The main results indicate that the intervention encouraged greater interest in continuing to read individually and collectively in spaces such as the one experienced. Participants showed willingness to interpret and relate literary texts to their life experiences. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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40. Biblioterapia: Uso y caracterización en contexto pediátrico hospitalario en Santiago de Chile.
- Author
Rioseco Vergara, María Paz and Flores Fernández, Cherie
- Subjects
BIBLIOTHERAPY ,CHILDREN'S hospitals ,SEMI-structured interviews ,CONTENT analysis ,HOSPITALS ,LIBRARY science - Abstract
Copyright of Revista General de Información y Documentación is the property of Universidad Complutense de Madrid and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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41. Espaço, arte e expressão na formação docente: iluminuras do sensível
- Author
Cristiana Garcez dos Santos Seixas and Luciana Esmeralda Ostetto
- Subjects
Formação estética docente ,Arte ,Biblioterapia ,Education ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
Resultado de pesquisa que teve por objetivo analisar contribuições de espaços-tempos poéticos, simbólicos e expressivos na formação de professores da Educação Infantil, este artigo apresenta e discute a proposta denominada “Estúdio do sensível”. Criado no âmbito da pesquisa e estruturado em dez encontros sustentados pelos recursos expressivos que dialogam com a arte e outros dispositivos culturais – arteterapia, biblioterapia, dança circular e escrita criativa –, o “Estúdio do sensível” foi desenvolvido com um grupo de oito professoras de Educação Infantil da rede pública. Os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da psicologia analítica e arquetípica e das abordagens autobiográficas fundamentaram a condução da proposta e a pesquisa como um todo. Notas de campo (caderno de ressonâncias), fotografias do processo e material narrativo-expressivo criado pelas participantes constituíram o conjunto de dados. Das narrativas textuais e imagéticas docentes, inúmeros símbolos emergiram. Por um lado, notou-se a recorrência dos símbolos “árvore” e “pássaros”, que, pelas suas significâncias no contexto, foram iluminados, nas análises, apresentando-se como conteúdos estruturantes do caminho da individuação, sinalizando percursos da formação estética docente. Por outro lado, o ninho construído por meio do formato do “Estúdio do Sensível”, como um espaço de criação, pluralidade de linguagens e conhecimento de si, revelou aspectos que podem inspirar propostas de formação de professores que integrem conhecimento sensível e cognoscível. A qualidade dos tempos e dos espaços, as possibilidades expressivas das materialidades e dos recursos disponibilizados mostraram-se como elementos geradores de poéticas singulares, decisivos para fecundar o reconhecimento e a ampliação do senso estético e anímico na educação.
- Published
- 2021
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42. Biblioterapia
- Author
Andreia Caroline Schneider and Marguit Carmen Goldmeyer
- Subjects
Leitura ,Terapia ,Biblioterapia ,Literatura gaúcha ,Theory and practice of education ,LB5-3640 - Abstract
Historicamente a leitura admite a habilidade e oportunidade de auxiliar o leitor por meio da biblioterapia. Sua função terapêutica tem sido cada vez mais difundida e adotada como caminho ou refúgio para uma nova percepção da realidade e encorajamento do leitor. Por meio da identificação positiva com personagens da literatura existe a possibilidade de adesão afetiva e intelectual do leitor com a obra, o que nos leva ao mecanismo básico da função terapêutica, ou seja, leitura e respostas emocionais aos textos. Com base em Caldin e Ferreira a biblioterapia tem como mecanismo básico a leitura e as respostas emocionais ao texto, uma vez que por meio da assimilação e reelaboração é que pode ocorrer um novo entendimento da realidade exterior. Exemplos positivos em figuras batalhadoras, esperançosas e determinadas não faltam na literatura Sul-Riograndense e são apontadas no presente artigo como uma via próspera para se trabalhar a biblioterapia e permitir, por meio de terapia, a produção de uma reação benéfica para o leitor.
- Published
- 2021
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43. Teksty literackie w biblioterapii wychowawczej.
- Author
Kamil Kuracki
- Subjects
biblioterapia ,tekst literacki ,kryteria doboru ,rynek wydawniczy ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
W artykule dokonano przeglądu dostępnej na rynku wydawniczym literatury biblioterapeutycznej oraz podjęto próbę uporządkowania eksponowanych w polskiej i światowej literaturze kryteriów doboru tekstów do zajęć biblioterapeutycznych, doprecyzowania ich, a także uzupełnienia o inne, w większym stopniu odnoszące się do świata przedstawionego i sposobu prowadzenia narracji w utworach epickich. Wskutek przeprowadzonych przez autora analiz zaproponowano autorską kategoryzację kryteriów oraz wskazano kierunek, w jakim mogą być one rozpatrywane, aby w konsekwencji biblioterapeuta miał szansę podjąć przemyślaną decyzję o ewentualnym wykorzystaniu tekstu w biblioterapii.
- Published
- 2020
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44. La biblioterapia como recurso terapéutico interdisciplinario
- Author
Analia Veronica Losada
- Subjects
biblioterapia ,recuso terapéutico ,psicología social ,interdisciplina ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
La biblioterapia ha sido ampliamente estudiada por diversos autores. Como recurso terapéutico basado en la lectura de libros tiene un enfoque interdisciplinario entre la psicología y la bibliotecología. Para ampliar el tema, se transcribe una entrevista realizada a Antonio Martín Román, que es Licenciado en Bibliotecología y Documentación y Doctor en Psicología Social, en la que se abordan los antecedentes de la Biblioterapia, la relación con el sentido de la vida y con la frustración existencial o neurosis noógena, y la teoría de este investigador sobre los beneficios de la aplicación de este recurso terapéutico en poblaciones vulnerables.
- Published
- 2020
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45. The therapeutic dimension of art. Overcoming the trauma of illness and death in art and literature - autotherapy of artists on the basis of Jo Spence's photography, Halina Powiatowska's literature and Bill Viola's video
- Author
Karolina Tkaczyk
- Subjects
biblioterapia ,fototerapia ,sztuka ,literatura ,trauma ,Bibliography. Library science. Information resources - Abstract
The article concerns the influence of personal traumas of selected artists on the subject taken in artistic works. Author attempts to find an answer to the question whether a person is able to work through a difficult experience through art, and what treatments allow a given effect to be obtained. Examples of artists have been selected while meeting two criteria. The first is the experience of the trauma of one's own illness or illness of one's relatives. The second is the use of an artistic form to develop emotions related to biographical facts. Selected artists who met the criteria discussed in this article are Jo Spence, Halina Poświatowska, Bill Viola. Phototherapy and bibliotherapy is the starting point for reflections on the autotherapeutic effects of art and literature. The first is the trauma associated with cancer and the way in which Jo Spence worked it through in his phototherapy. Next, the article discusses attempts to familiarize with heart disease and experiencing the approach of death by the writer Halina Poświatowska. The article ends with examples of the work of Bill Viola, who has undergone an attempt to change and give new meaning to the traumatic experience of losing his mother.
- Published
- 2019
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46. Bibliotherapy through the eyes of psychotherapist. An attempt to define bibliotherapy as a tool in psychotherapy
- Author
Barbara Anna Krzemińska
- Subjects
biblioterapia ,psychoterapia ,opór ,wgląd ,Bibliography. Library science. Information resources - Abstract
This article presents basic theoretical and practical assumptions in both individual and group therapy. Following stages of bibliotherapeutic proces (identification, projection, catharsis and insight) may improve psychotherapy, especially in its second stage – overwork resistance, expandind awarness, releasing difficult and painful emotions, and in result – introducing desired changes in patient’s life. Reading of selected literary texts will develop and strenghten patient’s sense of authenticity and individuality, without violating the limits of personal freedom. Bibliotherapy as a therapeutic tool not only may create a deep space to discover oneself, their values, the meaning of life, but also suport and mitigate suffering resulting from therapy.
- Published
- 2018
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47. A Biblioterapia como ferramenta de restabelecimento emocional.
- Author
de Meira Gusmão, Alexandre Oliveira and Jerônimo de Souza, Elaine Gleice
- Abstract
Copyright of Investigación Bibliotecológica is the property of UNAM, Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecologicas and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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48. Influencia de la biblioterapia sobre el perfeccionismo infantil.
- Author
Aguilar Durán, Leonardo Andrés and Depablo Marrero, Isaac Daniel
- Published
- 2020
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- Abstract
Copyright of Forum Pedagogiczne / Pedagogical Forum is the property of Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego w Warszawie and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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50. Implicaciones noéticas de la lectura y el recurso logoterapéutico de la biblioterapia.
- Author
Oliveira Medrado, Suzaneide and Martín Román, Antonio
- Subjects
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ORAL interpretation , *SOCIAL interaction , *NEUROSES , *PROBLEM solving , *EXISTENTIALISM , *POSSIBILITY , *BIBLIOTHERAPY - Abstract
This work has the objective of presenting reflections on the noetic contribution of reading, which is constituted as the logotherapeutic resource of Bibliotherapy, which is considered as a therapy whose tools are books and essentially Literature. From an existentialist perspective, reading is thought of as an activity that leads to reflection, since it involves a subjective contribution characterized by the reader's dialogue with the text, where reading and life experiences interact, resulting from social interactions, which they influence the assignment of meaning. Through the reading of literary texts, the process of identification of the reader with the characters occurs that contributes to the reflection on life, to open up new possibilities and consequently, to solve problems and situations that are complicated or even characterized as noogenic neuroses or existential emptiness. Thus, from that deeper interaction, it is possible to give meaning not only to the text but to life itself. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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