U diplomskom radu navedeni su i sistematizirani svi tehnički materijali koji se spominju u Bibliji. Osobita pozornost posvećena je metalnim materijalima. Napravljena je usporedba naziva materijala u hrvatskom prijevodu s drugim prijevodima Biblije. Od metalnih materijala u Bibliji se navode zlato, srebro, bakar, bronca, mjed, tuč, željezo, gvožđe, čelik, ocjel, olovo i kositar. Zlato se spominje već u prvim poglavljima Knjige Postanka, a uz srebro to je najčešće spominjani metal. Bakar se također vrlo često spominje u Bibliji, isto kao i njegove legure: mjed, bronca i tuč. Teško je zaključiti odgovaraju li njihovi nazivi onome što ti materijali danas predstavljaju. I željezo se u Bibliji spominje vrlo rano, a često se koristi i pojam gvožđe. U engleskim prijevodima Biblije za isti materijal ima puno više istoznačnica. Čelik je također bio poznat i vrlo cijenjen materijal u biblijskim vremenima. U hrvatskim prijevodima spominje se svega dva puta, a navodi se i pod pojmom ocijel. U engleskim prijevodima spominje se u više navrata. Od ostalih metala u Bibliji se spominje olovo i kositar, a od nemetala vrlo često se spominje sumpor. Od keramičkih materijala spominju se kamen, kremen, brojni drugi minerali i drago kamenje te staklo, pečena glina i opeka. Među polimere spomenute u Bibliji mogu se svrstati drvo, različite vrste smola i vlakna. Kao građevni materijal najviše se koristilo smolasto drvo, bagrem, cedar i čempres. Opeka koja je rađena od gline i slame može se svrstati u kompozitne materijale. Kod usporedbe nazivlja nekih materijala uočene su velike razlike između hrvatskog i drugih prijevoda Biblije. Ovo je osobito izraženo kod bronce, mjedi, željeza i čelika. U hrvatskim prijevodima Biblije nerijetko se događa da se drvenaste vrste roda akacija (Acacia) neispravno prevode i nazivaju bagremom (Robinia pseudoacacia). All technical materials mentioned in the Bible are listed and systematized in the thesis. Special attention is paid to metal materials. A comparison of the names of the materials in the Croatian translation with other translations of the Bible was made. Gold, silver, copper, bronze, brass, iron, steel, lead, and tin are mentioned in the Bible as metallic materials. Gold is already mentioned in the first chapters of the Book of Genesis, and along with silver, it is the most frequently mentioned metal. Copper is also very often mentioned in the Bible, as are its alloys: brass, and bronze. It is difficult to conclude whether their names correspond to what these materials represent today. Iron is also mentioned very early in the Bible. In English translations of the Bible, there are many synonyms for the same material. Steel was also a well-known and highly valued material in biblical times. In the Croatian translations, it is mentioned only twice, while in the English translations, it is mentioned several times. Of the other metals in the Bible, lead and tin are mentioned, and of the non-metals, sulfur is very often mentioned. Ceramic materials include stone, flint, numerous other minerals, and precious stones, as well as glass, baked clay, and brick. Among the polymers mentioned in the Bible can be classified as wood, various types of resins, and fibers. Gopher wood, acacia, cedar, and cypress were mostly used as building materials. Bricks made of clay and straw can be classified as composite materials. When comparing the nomenclature of some materials, large differences were observed between the Croatian and other translations of the Bible. This is particularly pronounced with bronze, brass, iron, and steel. In Croatian translations of the Bible, it often happens that woody species of the acacia genus (Acacia) are incorrectly translated and called black locusts (Robinia pseudoacacia).