18 results on '"Bezerra, Luciana Ângelo"'
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- Author
ARAÚJO, Laryssa Nayam Carvalho de, primary, SOARES, Alicia Maria Lima, additional, SILVA, Virnna Mariana Ferreira, additional, FERRAZ, Álvaro Valgueiro da Silva, additional, SOUZA, Ana Carolina de Sá Gomes Cruz, additional, SILVA, Fernanda Adriana da, additional, QUEIROZ, Virgínia Karla Pinheiro de, additional, BEZERRA, Luciana Ângelo, additional, FILGUEIRA, Pedro Tardelly Diniz, additional, and SILVA, Welma Emidio da, additional
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Jesus, Matheus Alexsando Bezerra de, primary, Lima, Carlos Bezerra de, additional, Bezerra, Luciana Ângelo, additional, and Lima, Ana Karla Bezerra da Silva, additional
- Published
- 2024
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4. Escolares: influência de hábitos posturais e o aparecimento de escoliose / School children: influence of postural habits and the appearance of scoliosis
- Author
Leite, Wildson César da Silva, primary, Hipólito, Nayron Anderson Dias, additional, Melo, Renato de Souza, additional, Ferraz, Rosana Paula Cruz, additional, and Bezerra, Luciana Ângelo, additional
- Published
- 2022
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5. Correlação entre dor musculoesquelética e níveis de estresse em professores durante o período de ensino remoto na pandemia de COVID-19
- Author
Matias, Nyvea Maria de Souza, primary, Bezerra, Luciana Ângelo, additional, Nascimento, Sthefany Ellen de Araújo, additional, Ferreira, Palloma Gabryela de Souza, additional, Raposo, Maria Cristina Falcão, additional, and Melo, Renato de Souza, additional
- Published
- 2022
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6. Correlation between musculoskeletal pain and stress levels in teachers during the remote teaching period of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Matias, Nyvea Maria de Souza, primary, Bezerra, Luciana Ângelo, additional, Nascimento, Sthefany Ellen de Araújo, additional, Ferreira, Palloma Gabryela de Souza, additional, Raposo, Maria Cristina Falcão, additional, and Melo, Renato de Souza, additional
- Published
- 2022
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7. Eficácia da terapia manual no tratamento das disfunções temporomandibulares
- Author
Silva, Nicolly Márcia Nunes da, primary, Bezerra, Luciana Ângelo, additional, and Silva, Nylene Maria Rodrigues da, additional
- Published
- 2020
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8. Analysis of the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and occupational stress in professors of a higher education institution in the state of Pernambuco
- Author
Almeida, Thais Elvira Nogueira, primary, Ferreira, Rosa Elita de Andrade, additional, Bezerra, Luciana Ângelo, additional, and Pereira, Taciane Machado de Melo, additional
- Published
- 2020
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9. Lado de preferência mastigatória e suas relações com a atividade elétrica muscular, postura e descarga de peso podal em crianças
- Author
BEZERRA, Luciana Ângelo, SILVA, Hilton Justino, and PEIXOTO, Décio Medeiros
- Subjects
Eletromiografia ,Postura ,Criança ,Mastigação - Abstract
Sistema estomatognático é constituído por estruturas estáticas/passivas e dinâmicas/ativas, cuja interligação fornece base para o desenvolvimento das principais funções vitais do organismo (respiração, sucção, mastigação, deglutição) e sociais (fonação e articulação). A mastigação é uma função aprendida e é dependente da integração desse complexo de estruturas estáticas e dinâmicas, sendo controlados pelo sistema nervoso central. O SE está bastante interligado com a postura corporal, alterações no modo mastigatório pode levar a alterações na postura corporal, podendo ser uma via bidirecional, pois nosso corpo é constituído por uma imensa cadeia muscular. Logo o objetivo foi caracterizar o lado de preferência mastigatório e suas relações com a atividade elétrica muscular, postura cervical e descarga de peso podal em crianças. O estudo foi realizado no Departamento de Fonoaudiologia da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, com crianças de ambos os sexos, de 10 a 12 anos de idade, saudáveis. Após autorização dos responsáveis e assinatura do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido foi iniciado o estudo. As fichas de avaliação e o índice anamnésico de disfunção têmporo-madibular (DTM) de Fonseca foram preenchidos, e em seguida foi realizada a parte prática da avaliação (tipo de arcada dentária; tipo de mordida; eletromiografia de superfície; biofotogrametria; baropodometria digital; mastigação). Este estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Parecer: 1.095.782). Os dados foram organizados em planilha Excel® e analisados com o programa SPSS® na versão 21.0.0 para Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). A mostra constou de 70 crianças (35 meninos), 20 (28,57%) eutróficos, 48 (68,57%) com risco de sobrepeso. Em relação a DTM, 47 (67,14%) apresentavam DTM leve, porém todas as crianças no momento da avaliação estavam assintomáticas. Quanto a classificação da mastigação: preferência mastigatória à direita (PMD) n=42 (60%), mastigação bilateral alternada (MBA) 15 (21,4%), e preferência mastigatória à esquerda (PME) 13 (18,6%). A postura da cabeça não apresentou diferença estatística na comparação entre os diferentes tipos de mastigação, também não houve associação entre o tipo de mastigação e a postura de cabeça. Houve diferença significativa entre a distribuição anterior e posterior, tendo a maioria dos sujeitos, maior descarga de peso na região posterior do pé, com p de 0,023 para diferença entre os grupos e associação com p de 0,032. Na comparação entre os grupos de preferência mastigatória, houve diferença na proporção anterior/posterior entres os grupos PME e MBA. A análise eletromiográfica das musculaturas avaliadas foram estatisticamente iguais entre os grupos. Observou-se que a preferência mastigatória para um dos lados em 55 (78,57%) das crianças avaliadas, que pode ter sido influenciado por hábitos mastigatórios deletérios. Todas as crianças apresentaram anteriorização de cabeça, que pode-se inferir como uma das origens o hábito de uso de eletrônicos e mobiliário escolar inadequado para seu tamanho. Ao associar preferência mastigatória e postura de cabeça na vista lateral pôde-se observar que 60 (85,71%) apresentavam alteração nas duas, inferindo que desajustes em um dos sistemas leva a reorganização e/ou desajustes em outro sistema visando o menor gasto energético corporal. The stomatognathic system consists of static/passive and dynamic/active structures, wich structures connection provides the basis for body’s vital functions development (breathing, sucking, chewing, swallowing) and social functions (phonation and articulation). Chewing is a learned function and it’s dependent on the integration of this complex static and dynamic structures, being controlled by the central nervous system. In this way the stomatognathic system is very intertwined with the body posture, changes in the masticatory mode can lead to changes in the body posture, being a bidirectional way, because our body is constituted by an immense muscular chain. This study had as aim to characterize the chewing preference side and its relationships with muscular electric activity, cervical posture and foot weight discharge in children. The study was carried out in Speech Therapy Department of Pernambuco Federal University, with children of both sexes, into 10 to 12 years, healthy. Parents and/or guardians received information about the study and when they authorized the child's participation in the study, signed the TCLE. Then, the data collection procedure was started, in which the evaluation form was filled out with sociodemographic data; questionnaire and anamnestic index of temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) of Fonseca (to verify the presence of TMD); observational evaluation of the dental arch (check complete or incomplete dentition); type of bite (photograph being framed in class I, II or III of Angle). Then the weight and height were measured, palpation of the musculature which will be submitted to surface electromyography (check pain presence or absence and muscle tension). The practical part of the assessment was so initiated, firstly the posture (biophotogrammetry), then the electrical muscular potential (bilateral surface electromyography) was simultaneously measured with baropodometry, and finally the masticatory evaluation (electrognatography). This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee with Human Beings of the Pernambuco Federal University (CAAE 42183615.2.0000.5208; Number: 1,095,782). The data were organized in an Excel® and analyzed with the SPSS® program in version 21.0.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). It was evaluated 70 children of both sexes, 35 boys and 35 girls, were evaluated. Regarding obesity, 20 (28.57%) were eutrophic, 48 (68.57%) were at risk of overweight, and 2 (2.86%) were obese. In relation to TMD, 17 (24.28%) had no TMD, 47 (67.14%) had mild TMD, 6 (8.58%) had moderate TMD and no child had severe TMD. All children at the time of the evaluation were asymptomatic regarding TMD. Regarding chewing classification, the 70 children evaluated were subdivided into 3 subgroups: right masticatory preference (PMD) n = 42 (60%), alternate bilateral mastication (MBA) 15 (21.4%), and left masticatory preference (PME) 13 (18.6%). The head posture presented no statistical difference in comparison between the different types of chewing, nor was there any association between the type of chewing and the posture of the head or neck. There was a significant difference between the anterior and posterior foot discharge, with the majority of subjects having greater weight loss in the posterior foot region, with p of 0.023 for difference between groups and association with p of 0.032. In the comparison between the masticatory preference groups, there was a difference in the anterior/posterior proportion between the PME and MBA groups. The electromyographic analysis of the evaluated musculature were statistically equal between the groups. The masticatory preference for one side in 55 (78.57%) of the children evaluated, which may have been influenced by deleterious masticatory habits. All the children presented head anteriorization, which can be inferred as one of the origins the habit of using electronics and school furniture inappropriate for their size. By associating masticatory preference and head posture in lateral view it was observed that 60 (85.71%) presented alterations in both, inferring that misalignments in one of the systems leads to reorganization and/or maladjustments in another system aiming lower energy expenditure body.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Silva, Fernanda Adriana da, primary, Bezerra, Luciana Ângelo, additional, Nóbrega, Lídia Pinheiro da, additional, and Silva, Welma Emidio da, additional
- Published
- 2018
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11. Simetria cervical e suas relações com lado de preferência mastigatório em crianças com respiração oral secundária à rinite alérgica
- Author
BEZERRA, Luciana Ângelo, PEIXOTO, Décio Medeiros, and SILVA, Hilton Justino da
- Subjects
Chewing ,Postura ,Posture ,Mouth breathing ,Respiração oral ,Criança ,Mastigação ,Child ,Rinite alérgica ,Allergic rhinitis - Abstract
Allergic rhinitis is characterized by nasal mucosa inflammation mediated by Eimmunoglobulin and presents as main symptoms and signs: nasal itching , sneezing, rhinorrhea aqueous, nasal obstruction and, in some cases, mouth breathing. Mouth breathing usually leads to craniofacial (changing stomatognathic system functions, whose main one is mastication), musculoskeletal and body axis (forward head) changes. This study objective was to verify the relationship between cervical symmetry with masticatory preference side in children with mouth breathing secondary to allergic rhinitis. It’s a transversal study, controlcase type, with two children groups from 4 to 12 incomplete years old, with mouth breathing secondary to allergic rhinitis (GRA) and another group without mouth breathing neither allergic rhinitis (CG). The children and their parents answered a questionnaire (personal data, sociodemographic, child sleep quality, assessment of mouth breathing and ISAAC - International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood). The physical assessment were comprised by neck region goniometry, facial pachymetry, dental arch (complete or incomplete). Subsequently, the child remained in standing posture, being points marked on her body and recorded three photographs in each view (anterior, right and left profile, and posterior). Then, it was performed mastication assessment in which the child was comfortably seated, and was instructed to eat a 25g french bread, in front of the same film machine and the time was recorded. For posture, the photographs were evaluated by SAPO® software and were characterized in forward, posteriorized or normal head position (right profile); and, in normal, right or left tilted (anterior view). The masticatory function was assessed by film observing, with the masticatory cycles counting and being categorized into normal mastication, preferably mastication to the right or left side, simultaneous bilateral mastication, unilateral right or left exclusively. It was analyzed 94 children in GRA and 45 in GC, these 6 children from GRA were excluded two for refusing to eat the bread, two for not being able to eat the bread and two for not presenting enough scored to be classified as an individual with oral breathing. It was observed a greater likelihood of children with allergic rhinitis experiencing snoring (OR 2.21, IC 95% 1.06 – 4.59) and night hypersialorry (OR 3.33, IC 95% 1.56 – 7.09). It was observed that 73/88 (82.95%) children of GRA and 38/45 (84.44%) of GC had forward head; 41/88 (46.60%) of the GRA and 31/45 (68.89%) of the GC had left head tilt. Regarding to mastication we found a higher percentage of normal masticatory type, in both groups, but it was observed high speed masticatory, high amount of chewing cycles. When was associate masticatory function to postural changes at GRA we found 25/88 (28.40%) of GRA children with forward head and mastication changes and 15/88 (17.04%) with left tilt head with mastication changes, but did not observe any statistically significant difference (p=0.19 and p=0.35 respectively). But it was seen clinically important changes that affect the children functional performance. It is recommend future studies with larger sample because there are small subgroups formation from the masticatory and postural assessment. CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) A rinite alérgica caracteriza-se por inflamação na mucosa nasal mediada pela imunoglobulina- E e apresenta como principais sinais e sintomas: prurido nasal, espirros, rinorréia aquosa, obstrução nasal e, em alguns casos, respiração oral. A respiração oral geralmente leva à modificações craniofaciais (alterando funções do sistema estomatognático, cuja principal é a mastigação), músculo-esqueléticas, alteração no eixo corporal (anteriorização de cabeça). O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a associação da simetria cervical com o lado de preferência mastigatório em crianças com respiração oral secundária à rinite alérgica. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter transversal, do tipo caso-controle, constituído por dois grupos, de 4 a 12 anos incompletos, um com respiração oral secundária à rinite alérgica (GRA), e o outro sem respiração oral e rinite alérgica (GC). As crianças e seus responsáveis responderam a um questionário (dados pessoais, sociodemográficos, qualidade de sono da criança, avaliação da respiração oral e ao ISAAC - International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood). A avaliação física constou de: goniometria da região cervical, paquimetria facial, arcada dentária (completa ou incompleta). Posteriormente, a criança permaneceu em postura ortostática, tendo sido demarcados pontos em seu corpo e registradas três fotografias em cada vista (anterior, perfil direito e esquerdo, e posterior). Em seguida foi realizada avaliação mastigatória na qual a criança ficou sentada, confortavelmente, e foi orientada a comer um pão francês de 25g, em frente à máquina filmadora e o tempo foi cronometrado. Para postura, as imagens foram analisadas através do software SAPO® e categorizadas em cabeça anteriorizada, posteriorizada ou normal (perfil direito); e, em normal, inclinada à direita ou à esquerda (vista anterior). A função mastigatória foi avaliada através da observação da filmagem, com a contagem dos ciclos mastigatórios categorizando-os em normal, preferência à direita ou à esquerda, bilateral simultânea, exclusivamente unilateral direita ou esquerda. Foram avaliadas 94 crianças no GRA e 45 no GC, destas foram excluídas 6 crianças do GRA, duas por se recusar a comer o pão, duas por não poder comer o pão e 2 por não apresentar pontuação suficiente para ser enquadrada como portadora de respiração oral. Observou-se uma maior probabilidade de crianças com rinite alérgica apresentarem ronco (OR 2,21; IC 95% 1,06 – 4,59) e hipersialorréia noturna (OR 3,33; IC 95% 1,56 – 7,09). 73/88 (82,95%) crianças do GRA e 38/45 (84,44%) GC apresentaram cabeça anteriorizada; 41/88 (46,60%) do GRA e 31/45 (68,89%) do GC apresentaram cabeça inclinada à esquerda. Em relação à função mastigatória encontrou-se um percentual maior de mastigação do tipo normal, em ambos os grupos, porém evidenciou-se velocidade e quantidade de ciclos mastigatórios elevados. Ao associar as alterações mastigatória e postural do GRA encontrou-se: 25/88 (28,40%) de crianças com anteriorização de cabeça e alteração mastigatória e 15/88 (17,04%) com inclinação lateral de cabeça à esquerda com alteração mastigatória, porém não evidenciou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa (p=0,19 e p=0,35 respectivamente). Mas, clinicamente foram observadas alterações importantes que afetam o desempenho funcional da criança. Sugerimos estudos futuros, com amostra maior, devido a formação de pequenos subgrupos a partir da avaliação mastigatória e postural.
- Published
- 2014
12. Aeração nasal e força muscular respiratória em crianças respiradoras orais
- Author
Cunha, Renata Andrade da, primary, Cunha, Daniele Andrade da, additional, Bezerra, Luciana Ângelo, additional, Melo, Ana Carolina Cardoso de, additional, Peixoto, Décio Medeiros, additional, Tashiro, Tetsuo, additional, and Silva, Hilton Justino da, additional
- Published
- 2015
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13. Surface electromyography: proposal of a protocol for cervical muscles
- Author
Moraes, Klyvia Juliana Rocha de, primary, Cunha, Daniele Andrade da, additional, Bezerra, Luciana Ângelo, additional, Cunha, Renata Andrade da, additional, and Silva, Hilton Justino da, additional
- Published
- 2011
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14. Evaluation of Respiratory Muscle Strength in Mouth Breathers: Clinical Evidences.
- Author
da Cunha, Renata Andrade, da Cunha, Daniele Andrade, Assis, Roberta Borba, Bezerra, Luciana Ângelo, and da Silva, Hilton Justino
- Subjects
RESPIRATORY muscle physiology ,MOUTH breathing ,MUSCLE strength ,RESPIRATORY mechanics ,CHILDREN'S health - Abstract
Introduction The child who chronically breathes through the mouth may develop a weakness of the respiratorymuscles. Researchers and clinical are seeking formethods of instrumental evaluation to gather complementary data to clinical evaluations.With this in mind, it is important to evaluate breathingmuscles in the child with Mouth Breathing. Objective To develop a review to investigate studies that used evaluation methods of respiratory muscle strength in mouth breathers. Data Synthesis The authors were unanimous in relation to manovacuometry method as a way to evaluate respiratory pressures in Mouth Breathing children. Two of them performed with an analogmanovacuometer and the other one, digital. The studies were not evaluated with regard to the method efficacy neither the used instruments. Conclusion There are few studies evaluating respiratory muscle strength in Mouth Breathing people through manovacuometry and the low methodological rigor of the analyzed studies hindered a reliable result to support or refuse the use of this technique. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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- Author
de Moraes, Klyvia Juliana Rocha, da Cunha, Daniele Andrade, Bezerra, Luciana Ângelo, da Cunha, Renata Andrade, and da Silva, Hilton Justino
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2012
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16. Evaluation of Respiratory Muscle Strength in Mouth Breathers: Clinical Evidences
- Author
Andrade da Cunha, Renata, Andrade da Cunha, Daniele, Assis, Roberta Borba, Bezerra, Luciana Ângelo, and Justino da Silva, Hilton
- Published
- 2014
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17. Masticatory Changes in Oral Breath Secondary to Allergic Rhinitis: Integrative Review
- Author
Bezerra, Luciana Ângelo, Silva, Hilton Justino da, Melo, Ana Carolina Cardoso de, Moraes, Klyvia Juliana Rocha de, Cunha, Renata Andrade da, Cunha, Daniele Andrade da, and Medeiros, Décio
- Published
- 2014
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18. Analysis of the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and occupational stress in professors of a higher education institution in the state of Pernambuco.
- Author
Almeida TEN, Ferreira REA, Bezerra LÂ, and Pereira TMM
- Abstract
Introduction: The consequences of technological innovations and current ways of work organization have prompted the appearance of various health conditions, namely repetitive strain disorders, work-related musculoskeletal disorders, and burn-out; these can emotionally and physically overload workers., Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and occupational stress in professors of the Serra Talhada campus of Instituto Federal do Sertão Pernambucano., Methods: Participants signed a free and informed consent form and answered to the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. Subsequently, we applied the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey and evaluated the participants' postures during teaching by using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment tool (Ergolândia software)., Results: We observed that 82% of the participants presented musculoskeletal symptoms, mainly in the lower back and lower limbs. Professors presented high scores for the burn-out syndrome, and posture evaluation indicated action levels of 3-4 (suggesting immediate intervention)., Conclusions: The implementation of an occupational physical therapist in this higher education institution is recommended in order to promote ergonomic adaptations and to elaborate a protocol for workplace physical activity, ultimately aiming to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and occupational stress., Competing Interests: Conflicts of interest: None
- Published
- 2021
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