5,243 results on '"Berenyi A"'
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2. Corrigendum to 'Search for a common baryon source in high-multiplicity pp collisions at the LHC' [Phys. Lett. B 811 (2020) 135849]
- Author
S. Acharya, D. Adamová, A. Adler, J. Adolfsson, M.M. Aggarwal, G. Aglieri Rinella, M. Agnello, N. Agrawal, Z. Ahammed, S. Ahmad, S.U. Ahn, Z. Akbar, A. Akindinov, M. Al-Turany, S.N. Alam, D.S.D. Albuquerque, D. Aleksandrov, B. Alessandro, H.M. Alfanda, R. Alfaro Molina, B. Ali, Y. Ali, A. Alici, A. Alkin, J. Alme, T. Alt, L. Altenkamper, I. Altsybeev, M.N. Anaam, C. Andrei, D. Andreou, H.A. Andrews, A. Andronic, M. Angeletti, V. Anguelov, C. Anson, T. Antičić, F. Antinori, P. Antonioli, N. Apadula, L. Aphecetche, H. Appelshäuser, S. Arcelli, R. Arnaldi, M. Arratia, I.C. Arsene, M. Arslandok, A. Augustinus, R. Averbeck, S. Aziz, M.D. Azmi, A. Badalà, Y.W. Baek, S. Bagnasco, X. Bai, R. Bailhache, R. Bala, A. Balbino, A. Baldisseri, M. Ball, S. Balouza, D. Banerjee, R. Barbera, L. Barioglio, G.G. Barnaföldi, L.S. Barnby, V. Barret, P. Bartalini, K. Barth, E. Bartsch, F. Baruffaldi, N. Bastid, S. Basu, G. Batigne, B. Batyunya, D. Bauri, J.L. Bazo Alba, I.G. Bearden, C. Beattie, C. Bedda, N.K. Behera, I. Belikov, A.D.C. Bell Hechavarria, F. Bellini, R. Bellwied, V. Belyaev, G. Bencedi, S. Beole, A. Bercuci, Y. Berdnikov, D. Berenyi, R.A. Bertens, D. Berzano, M.G. Besoiu, L. Betev, A. Bhasin, I.R. Bhat, M.A. Bhat, H. Bhatt, B. Bhattacharjee, A. Bianchi, L. Bianchi, N. Bianchi, J. Bielčík, J. Bielčíková, A. Bilandzic, G. Biro, R. Biswas, S. Biswas, J.T. Blair, D. Blau, C. Blume, G. Boca, F. Bock, A. Bogdanov, S. Boi, J. Bok, L. Boldizsár, A. Bolozdynya, M. Bombara, G. Bonomi, H. Borel, A. Borissov, H. Bossi, E. Botta, L. Bratrud, P. Braun-Munzinger, M. Bregant, M. Broz, E. Bruna, G.E. Bruno, M.D. Buckland, D. Budnikov, H. Buesching, S. Bufalino, O. Bugnon, P. Buhler, P. Buncic, Z. Buthelezi, J.B. Butt, S.A. Bysiak, D. Caffarri, A. Caliva, E. Calvo Villar, R.S. Camacho, P. Camerini, A.A. Capon, F. Carnesecchi, R. Caron, J. Castillo Castellanos, A.J. Castro, E.A.R. Casula, F. Catalano, C. Ceballos Sanchez, P. Chakraborty, S. Chandra, W. Chang, S. Chapeland, M. Chartier, S. Chattopadhyay, A. Chauvin, C. Cheshkov, B. Cheynis, V. Chibante Barroso, D.D. Chinellato, S. Cho, P. Chochula, T. Chowdhury, P. Christakoglou, C.H. Christensen, P. Christiansen, T. Chujo, C. Cicalo, L. Cifarelli, F. Cindolo, G. Clai, J. Cleymans, F. Colamaria, D. Colella, A. Collu, M. Colocci, M. Concas, G. Conesa Balbastre, Z. Conesa del Valle, G. Contin, J.G. Contreras, T.M. Cormier, Y. Corrales Morales, P. Cortese, M.R. Cosentino, F. Costa, S. Costanza, P. Crochet, E. Cuautle, P. Cui, L. Cunqueiro, D. Dabrowski, T. Dahms, A. Dainese, F.P.A. Damas, M.C. Danisch, A. Danu, D. Das, I. Das, P. Das, S. Das, A. Dash, S. Dash, S. De, A. De Caro, G. de Cataldo, J. de Cuveland, A. De Falco, D. De Gruttola, N. De Marco, S. De Pasquale, S. Deb, H.F. Degenhardt, K.R. Deja, A. Deloff, S. Delsanto, W. Deng, D. Devetak, P. Dhankher, D. Di Bari, A. Di Mauro, R.A. Diaz, T. Dietel, P. Dillenseger, Y. Ding, R. Divià, D.U. Dixit, Ø. Djuvsland, U. Dmitrieva, A. Dobrin, B. Dönigus, O. 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Weber, A. Wegrzynek, S.C. Wenzel, J.P. Wessels, J. Wiechula, J. Wikne, G. Wilk, J. Wilkinson, G.A. Willems, E. Willsher, B. Windelband, M. Winn, W.E. Witt, J.R. Wright, Y. Wu, R. Xu, S. Yalcin, Y. Yamaguchi, K. Yamakawa, S. Yang, S. Yano, Z. Yin, H. Yokoyama, I.-K. Yoo, J.H. Yoon, S. Yuan, A. Yuncu, V. Yurchenko, V. Zaccolo, A. Zaman, C. Zampolli, H.J.C. Zanoli, N. Zardoshti, A. Zarochentsev, P. Závada, N. Zaviyalov, H. Zbroszczyk, M. Zhalov, S. Zhang, X. Zhang, Z. Zhang, V. Zherebchevskii, D. Zhou, Y. Zhou, Z. Zhou, J. Zhu, Y. Zhu, A. Zichichi, G. Zinovjev, and N. Zurlo
- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 - Published
- 2025
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3. Exploring the NΛ–NΣ coupled system with high precision correlation techniques at the LHC
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Ahuja, I, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bailung, Y, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, Bielčík, J, and Bielčíková, J
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Synchrotrons and Accelerators ,Physical Sciences ,Mathematical Physics ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical sciences ,Physical sciences - Abstract
The interaction of Λ and Σ hyperons (Y) with nucleons (N) is strongly influenced by the coupled-channel dynamics. Due to the small mass difference of the NΛ and NΣ systems, the sizable coupling strength of the NΣ↔NΛ processes constitutes a crucial element in the determination of the NΛ interaction. In this letter we present the most precise measurements on the interaction of pΛ pairs, from zero relative momentum up to the opening of the NΣ channel. The correlation function in the relative momentum space for pΛ⊕p‾Λ‾ pairs measured in high-multiplicity triggered pp collisions at s=13 TeV at the LHC is reported. The opening of the inelastic NΣ channels is visible in the extracted correlation function as a cusp-like structure occurring at relative momentum k⁎=289MeV/c. This represents the first direct experimental observation of the NΣ↔NΛ coupled channel in the pΛ system. The correlation function is compared with recent chiral effective field theory calculations, based on different strengths of the NΣ↔NΛ transition potential. A weaker coupling, as possibly supported by the present measurement, would require a more repulsive three-body NNΛ interaction for a proper description of the Λ in-medium properties, which has implications on the nuclear equation of state and for the presence of hyperons inside neutron stars.
- Published
- 2022
4. Positive cardiovascular health: longitudinal investigation of sustained health behavior in a cross-lagged model
- Author
Zsofia Ocsovszky, Blanka Ehrenberger, Blanka Berenyi, Alexandra Assabiny, Jozsef Otohal, Tamas Martos, Orsolya Papp-Zipernovszky, Fanni Hegedus, Bela Merkely, Marta Csabai, and Zsolt Bagyura
- Subjects
positive cardiovascular health ,health awareness ,health behavior change ,positive psychology ,cardiovascular health prevention ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
ObjectiveOur study focuses on the role of psychological states in the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and explores the potential of positive psychological factors in reducing CVD risk. While existing research has predominantly examined negative mental states and risk behavior, this longitudinal study takes a novel approach by investigating positive psychological wellbeing and its impact on sustained health behavior.MethodThe research involved participants (n = 502) with medium to high cardiovascular risk who underwent a comprehensive risk assessment in 2012, followed by written risk communication. Health behavior and psychological variables were measured in 2012 and 2019. A cross-lagged panel was employed to repeat measures of a cardiovascular health index with latent factors.ResultsResults indicated an excellent fit for the model (RMSEA = 0.0644, CFI = 0.936, TLI = 0.921, SRMR = 0.050), with significant associations between the observed variables (p < 0.05) and created latent factors. Furthermore, the model implied significant bivariate correlations (p < 0.05) between latent constructs of sustained health behavior and positive psychological states in 2012 and 2019. A significant regression relationship between Health Awareness Index 2012 and 2019, between Psychological wellbeing in 2012 and 2019 (B = 1.103 p = 0.038), latent factors could be identified (B = 1.103 p = 0.038) using cross-lagged panel model. Results highlighted the importance of cardiovascular health awareness, subjective risk perception, and self-directed efforts in facilitating health behavior change.ConclusionRelationships between psychological wellbeing and health awareness emphasize that positive experiences and reinforcement are crucial in sustaining optimal health behavior. Our findings offer a new perspective on cardiovascular risk screening and preventive interventions. Extending cardiovascular risk screening with psychological measures may broaden prevention opportunities by including psychological elements reinforcing positive psychological states. The findings suggest that an effective prevention program must consider stabilizing and maintaining positive psychological states to achieve lasting improvements in cardiovascular health.
- Published
- 2024
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5. Production of K*(892)0 and ϕ(1020) in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Ahuja, I, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bailung, Y, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Balis, B, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, L, and Bianchi, N
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Nuclear and plasma physics - Abstract
The production of K∗(892)0 and φ(1020) mesons in proton-proton (pp) and lead-lead (Pb-Pb) collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV has been measured using the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The transverse momentum (pT) distributions of K∗(892)0 and φ(1020) mesons have been measured at midrapidity (|y| 8 GeV/c, the RAA values of K∗(892)0 and φ(1020) are below unity and observed to be similar to those of pions, kaons, and (anti)protons. The RAA values at high pT (>8 GeV/c) for K∗(892)0 and φ(1020) mesons are in agreement within uncertainties for sNN= 5.02 and 2.76 TeV.
- Published
- 2022
6. Enhanced surface activation of ground tire rubber via the radiolysis of water for effective rubber recycling
- Author
Kiss, Lóránt, Berényi, Alexandra Erzsébet, Németh, Miklós, Tegze, Anna, Homlok, Renáta, Takács, Erzsébet, and Mészáros, László
- Published
- 2024
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7. Comirnaty-induced cardiopulmonary distress and other symptoms of complement-mediated pseudo-anaphylaxis in a hyperimmune pig model: Causal role of anti-PEG antibodies
- Author
Barta, Bálint András, Radovits, Tamás, Dobos, Attila Balázs, Tibor Kozma, Gergely, Mészáros, Tamás, Berényi, Petra, Facskó, Réka, Fülöp, Tamás, Merkely, Béla, and Szebeni, János
- Published
- 2024
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8. Dependency and diversity – Electricity transition and security in the Visegrad Group countries (V4)
- Author
Berényi, László, Pintér, Éva, and Deutsch, Nikolett
- Published
- 2024
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9. Investigating the role of strangeness in baryon–antibaryon annihilation at the LHC
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Ahuja, I, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bailung, Y, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Balis, B, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, L, and Bianchi, N
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Synchrotrons and Accelerators ,Physical Sciences ,Mathematical Physics ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical sciences ,Physical sciences - Abstract
Annihilation dynamics plays a fundamental role in the baryon–antibaryon interaction (B–B‾) at low-energy and its strength and range are crucial in the assessment of possible baryonic bound states. Experimental data on annihilation cross sections are available for the p–p‾ system but not in the low relative momentum region. Data regarding the B–B‾ interaction with strange degrees of freedom are extremely scarce, hence the modeling of the annihilation contributions is mainly based on nucleon–antinucleon (N–N‾) results, when available. In this letter we present a measurement of the p–p‾, p–Λ‾⊕p‾–Λ and Λ–Λ‾ interaction using correlation functions in the relative momentum space in high-multiplicity triggered pp collisions at s=13 TeV recorded by ALICE at the LHC. In the p–p‾ system the couplings to the mesonic channels in different partial waves are extracted by adopting a coupled-channel approach with recent χEFT potentials. The inclusion of these inelastic channels provides good agreement with the data, showing a significant presence of the annihilation term down to zero momentum. Predictions obtained using the Lednický–Lyuboshits formula and scattering parameters obtained from heavy-ion collisions, hence mainly sensitive to elastic processes, are compared with the experimental p–Λ‾⊕p‾–Λ and Λ–Λ‾ correlations. The model describes the Λ–Λ‾ data and underestimates the p–Λ‾⊕p‾–Λ data in the region of momenta below 200 MeV/c. The observed deviation indicates a different contribution of annihilation channels to the two systems containing strange hadrons.
- Published
- 2022
10. Measurement of K⁎(892)± production in inelastic pp collisions at the LHC
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Ahuja, I, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bailung, Y, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Balis, B, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, L, and Bianchi, N
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Mathematical Physics ,Mathematical Sciences ,Physical Sciences ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical sciences ,Physical sciences - Abstract
The first results on K⁎(892)± resonance production in inelastic pp collisions at LHC energies of s=5.02, 8, and 13 TeV are presented. The K⁎(892)± has been reconstructed via its hadronic decay channel K⁎(892)→±KS0+π± with the ALICE detector. Measurements of transverse momentum distributions, pT-integrated yields, and mean transverse momenta for charged K⁎(892) are found to be consistent with previous ALICE measurements for neutral K⁎(892) within uncertainties. For pT>1 GeV/c the K⁎(892)± transverse momentum spectra become harder with increasing centre-of-mass energy from 5.02 to 13 TeV, similar to what previously observed for charged kaons and pions. For pT
- Published
- 2022
11. Production of Λ and K S 0 in jets in p–Pb collisions at s NN = 5.02 TeV and pp collisions at s = 7 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bailung, Y, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, Bielčík, J, Bielčíková, J, and Biernat, J
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Mathematical Physics ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical sciences ,Physical sciences - Abstract
The production of Λ baryons and KS0 mesons (V0 particles) was measured in p–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV and pp collisions at s=7 TeV with ALICE at the LHC. The production of these strange particles is studied separately for particles associated with hard scatterings and the underlying event to shed light on the baryon-to-meson ratio enhancement observed at intermediate transverse momentum (pT) in high multiplicity pp and p–Pb collisions. Hard scatterings are selected on an event-by-event basis with jets reconstructed with the anti-kT algorithm using charged particles. The production of strange particles associated with jets pT,jetch>10 and pT,jetch>20 GeV/c in p–Pb collisions, and with jet pT,jetch>10 GeV/c in pp collisions is reported as a function of pT. Its dependence on angular distance from the jet axis, R(V0,jet), for jets with pT,jetch>10 GeV/c in p–Pb collisions is reported as well. The pT-differential production spectra of strange particles associated with jets are found to be harder compared to that in the underlying event and both differ from the inclusive measurements. In events containing a jet, the density of the V0 particles in the underlying event is found to be larger than the density in the minimum bias events. The Λ/KS0 ratio associated with jets in p–Pb collisions is consistent with the ratio in pp collisions and follows the expectation of jets fragmenting in vacuum. On the other hand, this ratio within jets is consistently lower than the one obtained in the underlying event and it does not show the characteristic enhancement of baryons at intermediate pT often referred to as “baryon anomaly” in the inclusive measurements.
- Published
- 2022
12. Nuclear modification factor of light neutral-meson spectra up to high transverse momentum in p–Pb collisions at s NN = 8.16 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Ahuja, I, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bailung, Y, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Mathematical Physics ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical sciences ,Physical sciences - Abstract
Neutral pion (π0) and η meson production cross sections were measured up to unprecedentedly high transverse momenta (pT) in p–Pb collisions at sNN=8.16TeV. The mesons were reconstructed via their two-photon decay channel in the rapidity interval −1.310 GeV/c, leaving essentially no room for final state energy loss. The new data provide strong constraints for nuclear parton distribution and fragmentation functions over a broad kinematic range and are compared to model predictions as well as previous results at sNN=5.02TeV.
- Published
- 2022
13. Charm-quark fragmentation fractions and production cross section at midrapidity in pp collisions at the LHC
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Ahuja, I, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bailung, Y, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Balis, B, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences - Abstract
Recent pT-integrated cross-section measurements of the ground-state charm mesons and baryons, D0, D+, Ds+, Λc+, and Ξc0, are used to evaluate the charm fragmentation fractions and production cross section per unit of rapidity at midrapidity (|y|
- Published
- 2022
14. Inclusive, prompt and non-prompt J/ψ production at midrapidity in p-Pb collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Ahuja, I, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bailung, Y, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Balis, B, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, L, and Bianchi, N
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Synchrotrons and Accelerators ,Mathematical Physics ,Mathematical Sciences ,Physical Sciences ,Heavy Ion Experiments ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical physics ,Nuclear and plasma physics ,Particle and high energy physics - Abstract
A measurement of inclusive, prompt, and non-prompt J/ψ production in p-Pb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy sNN = 5.02 TeV is presented. The inclusive J/ψ mesons are reconstructed in the dielectron decay channel at midrapidity down to a transverse momentum pT = 0. The inclusive J/ψ nuclear modification factor RpPb is calculated by comparing the new results in p-Pb collisions to a recently measured proton-proton reference at the same centre-of-mass energy. Non-prompt J/ψ mesons, which originate from the decay of beauty hadrons, are separated from promptly produced J/ψ on a statistical basis for pT larger than 1.0 GeV/c. These results are based on the data sample collected by the ALICE detector during the 2016 LHC p-Pb run, corresponding to an integrated luminosity Lint = 292 ± 11 μb−1, which is six times larger than the previous publications. The total uncertainty on the pT-integrated inclusive J/ψ and non-prompt J/ψ cross section are reduced by a factor 1.7 and 2.2, respectively. The measured cross sections and RpPb are compared with theoretical models that include various combinations of cold nuclear matter effects. From the non-prompt J/ψ production cross section, the b b ¯ production cross section at midrapidity, d σbb ¯/dy, and the total cross section extrapolated over full phase space, σbb ¯, are derived. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
- Published
- 2022
15. Understanding understanding: a renormalization group inspired model of (artificial) intelligence
- Author
Jakovac, A., Berenyi, D., and Posfay, P.
- Subjects
Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence ,Computer Science - Machine Learning ,High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
This paper is about the meaning of understanding in scientific and in artificial intelligent systems. We give a mathematical definition of the understanding, where, contrary to the common wisdom, we define the probability space on the input set, and we treat the transformation made by an intelligent actor not as a loss of information, but instead a reorganization of the information in the framework of a new coordinate system. We introduce, following the ideas of physical renormalization group, the notions of relevant and irrelevant parameters, and discuss, how the different AI tasks can be interpreted along these concepts, and how the process of learning can be described. We show, how scientific understanding fits into this framework, and demonstrate, what is the difference between a scientific task and pattern recognition. We also introduce a measure of relevance, which is useful for performing lossy compression., Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures
- Published
- 2020
16. Measurement of the Cross Sections of Ξc0 and Ξc+ Baryons and of the Branching-Fraction Ratio BR(Ξc0→Ξ-e+νe)/BR(Ξc0→Ξ-π+) in pp Collisions at s=13 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Ahuja, I, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bailung, Y, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Balis, B, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, L, and Bianchi, N
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,A Large Ion Collider Experiment Collaboration ,Mathematical Sciences ,Engineering ,General Physics ,Mathematical sciences ,Physical sciences - Abstract
The p_{T}-differential cross sections of prompt charm-strange baryons Ξ_{c}^{0} and Ξ_{c}^{+} were measured at midrapidity (|y|
- Published
- 2021
17. ϒ production and nuclear modification at forward rapidity in Pb–Pb collisions at s NN = 5.02 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Mathematical Physics ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical sciences ,Physical sciences - Abstract
The production of ϒ mesons in Pb–Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair sNN=5.02 TeV is measured with the muon spectrometer of the ALICE detector at the LHC. The yields as well as the nuclear modification factors are determined in the forward rapidity region 2.5
- Published
- 2021
18. Λc+ production in pp and in p-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Synchrotrons and Accelerators ,Physical Sciences ,Nuclear and plasma physics - Abstract
The production cross section of prompt Λc+ charm baryons was measured with the ALICE detector at the LHC at midrapidity in proton-proton (pp) and proton-lead (p-Pb) collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair of sNN=5.02TeV. The Λc+ and Λ¯c- baryons were reconstructed in the hadronic decay channels Λc+→pK-π+ and Λc+→pKS0 and respective charge conjugates. The measured differential cross sections as a function of transverse momentum (pT) and the pT-integrated Λc+ production cross section in pp and in p-Pb collisions are presented. The Λc+ nuclear modification factor (RpPb), calculated from the cross sections in pp and in p-Pb collisions, is presented and compared with the RpPb of D mesons. The Λc+/D0 ratio is also presented and compared with the light-flavor baryon-to-meson ratios p/π and Λ/KS0, and measurements from other LHC experiments. The results are compared to predictions from model calculations and Monte Carlo event generators.
- Published
- 2021
19. Charged-particle multiplicity fluctuations in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN = 2.76 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Ahuja, I, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bailung, Y, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Balis, B, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, L, and Bianchi, N
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Astronomical sciences ,Atomic ,molecular and optical physics ,Particle and high energy physics - Abstract
Measurements of event-by-event fluctuations of charged-particle multiplicities in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN = 2.76 TeV using the ALICE detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are presented in the pseudorapidity range | η| < 0.8 and transverse momentum 0.2 < pT< 2.0 GeV/c. The amplitude of the fluctuations is expressed in terms of the variance normalized by the mean of the multiplicity distribution. The η and pT dependences of the fluctuations and their evolution with respect to collision centrality are investigated. The multiplicity fluctuations tend to decrease from peripheral to central collisions. The results are compared to those obtained from HIJING and AMPT Monte Carlo event generators as well as to experimental data at lower collision energies. Additionally, the measured multiplicity fluctuations are discussed in the context of the isothermal compressibility of the high-density strongly-interacting system formed in central Pb–Pb collisions.
- Published
- 2021
20. Experimental Evidence for an Attractive p-ϕ Interaction
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Ahuja, I, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bailung, Y, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Balis, B, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, L, and Bianchi, N
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,ALICE Collaboration ,Mathematical Sciences ,Engineering ,General Physics ,Mathematical sciences ,Physical sciences - Abstract
This Letter presents the first experimental evidence of the attractive strong interaction between a proton and a ϕ meson. The result is obtained from two-particle correlations of combined p-ϕ⊕ p[over ¯]-ϕ pairs measured in high-multiplicity pp collisions at sqrt[s]=13 TeV by the ALICE Collaboration. The spin-averaged scattering length and effective range of the p-ϕ interaction are extracted from the fully corrected correlation function employing the Lednický-Lyuboshits approach. In particular, the imaginary part of the scattering length vanishes within uncertainties, indicating that inelastic processes do not play a prominent role for the p-ϕ interaction. These data demonstrate that the interaction is dominated by elastic p-ϕ scattering. Furthermore, an analysis employing phenomenological Gaussian- and Yukawa-type potentials is conducted. Under the assumption of the latter, the N-ϕ coupling constant is found to be g_{N-ϕ}=0.14±0.03(stat)±0.02(syst). This work provides valuable experimental input to accomplish a self-consistent description of the N-ϕ interaction, which is particularly relevant for the more fundamental studies on partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclear medium.
- Published
- 2021
21. First measurements of N-subjettiness in central Pb-Pb collisions at sNN = 2.76 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Ahuja, I, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bailung, Y, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Balis, B, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, L, and Bianchi, N
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Heavy Ion Experiments ,Mathematical Physics ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical physics ,Nuclear and plasma physics ,Particle and high energy physics - Abstract
The ALICE Collaboration reports the first fully-corrected measurements of the N-subjettiness observable for track-based jets in heavy-ion collisions. This study is performed using data recorded in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at centre-of-mass energies of s = 7 TeV and sNN = 2.76 TeV, respectively. In particular the ratio of 2-subjettiness to 1-subjettiness, τ2/τ1, which is sensitive to the rate of two-pronged jet substructure, is presented. Energy loss of jets traversing the strongly interacting medium in heavy-ion collisions is expected to change the rate of two-pronged substructure relative to vacuum. The results are presented for jets with a resolution parameter of R = 0.4 and charged jet transverse momentum of 40 ≤ pT,jet ≤ 60 GeV/c, which constitute a larger jet resolution and lower jet transverse momentum interval than previous measurements in heavy-ion collisions. This has been achieved by utilising a semi-inclusive hadron-jet coincidence technique to suppress the larger jet combinatorial background in this kinematic region. No significant modification of the τ2/τ1 observable for track-based jets in Pb-Pb collisions is observed relative to vacuum PYTHIA6 and PYTHIA8 references at the same collision energy. The measurements of τ2/τ1, together with the splitting aperture angle ∆R, are also performed in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV for inclusive jets. These results are compared with PYTHIA calculations at s = 7 TeV, in order to validate the model as a vacuum reference for the Pb-Pb centre-of-mass energy. The PYTHIA references for τ2/τ1 are shifted to larger values compared to the measurement in pp collisions. This hints at a reduction in the rate of two-pronged jets in Pb-Pb collisions compared to pp collisions. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
- Published
- 2021
22. Measurement of the production cross section of prompt Ξc0 baryons at midrapidity in pp collisions at s = 5.02 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Ahuja, I, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bailung, Y, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Balis, B, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, L, and Bianchi, N
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Mathematical Physics ,Mathematical Sciences ,Physical Sciences ,Heavy Ion Experiments ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical physics ,Nuclear and plasma physics ,Particle and high energy physics - Abstract
The transverse momentum (pT) differential cross section of the charm-strange baryon Ξc0 is measured at midrapidity (|y| < 0.5) via its semileptonic decay into e+Ξ−νe in pp collisions at s = 5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The ratio of the pT-differential Ξc0-baryon and D0-meson production cross sections is also reported. The measurements are compared with simulations with different tunes of the PYTHIA 8 event generator, with predictions from a statistical hadronisation model (SHM) with a largely augmented set of charm-baryon states beyond the current lists of the Particle Data Group, and with models including hadronisation via quark coalescence. The pT-integrated cross section of prompt Ξc0-baryon production at midrapidity is also reported, which is used to calculate the baryon-to-meson ratio Ξc0/D0 = 0.20 ± 0.04 (stat.)−0.07+0.08 (syst.). These results provide an additional indication of a modification of the charm fragmentation from e+e− and e−p collisions to pp collisions. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
- Published
- 2021
23. The Appropriate Way of Sharing Project Information: A Student Approach
- Author
Soltész, László, Berényi, László, Chaari, Fakher, Series Editor, Gherardini, Francesco, Series Editor, Ivanov, Vitalii, Series Editor, Cavas-Martínez, Francisco, Editorial Board Member, di Mare, Francesca, Editorial Board Member, Haddar, Mohamed, Editorial Board Member, Kwon, Young W., Editorial Board Member, Trojanowska, Justyna, Editorial Board Member, Jármai, Károly, editor, and Cservenák, Ákos, editor
- Published
- 2023
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24. Evolution of Startups in Automotive Supply Chain
- Author
Venczel, Tamás Bence, Berényi, László, Hriczó, Krisztián, Chaari, Fakher, Series Editor, Gherardini, Francesco, Series Editor, Ivanov, Vitalii, Series Editor, Cavas-Martínez, Francisco, Editorial Board Member, di Mare, Francesca, Editorial Board Member, Haddar, Mohamed, Editorial Board Member, Kwon, Young W., Editorial Board Member, Trojanowska, Justyna, Editorial Board Member, Jármai, Károly, editor, and Cservenák, Ákos, editor
- Published
- 2023
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25. A new semi-slug of the genus Microparmarion from Brunei, discovered, described and DNA-barcoded on citizen-science 'taxon expeditions' (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Ariophantidae)
- Author
Schilthuizen, Menno, Berenyi, Simon, Ezzwan, Nurilya, Hamdani, Nur Izzah, Wu, Harrison, De Antoni, Luca, Vincenzi, Leonardo, de Gier, Werner, Van Peursen, Anthonie, Njunjić, Iva, Delledonne, Massimo, Slik, Ferry, Grafe, Ulmar, Cicuzza, Daniele, and Pensoft Publishers
- Subjects
Borneo ,Land snails ,Malacology ,new species ,semi-slugs ,taxonomy - Published
- 2023
26. Jet fragmentation transverse momentum distributions in pp and p-Pb collisions at s, sNN = 5.02 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, Bielčík, J, and Bielčíková, J
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Mathematical Sciences ,Physical Sciences ,Heavy Ion Experiments ,Mathematical Physics ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical physics ,Nuclear and plasma physics ,Particle and high energy physics - Abstract
Jet fragmentation transverse momentum (jT) distributions are measured in proton-proton (pp) and proton-lead (p-Pb) collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC. Jets are reconstructed with the ALICE tracking detectors and electromagnetic calorimeter using the anti-kT algorithm with resolution parameter R = 0.4 in the pseudorapidity range |η| < 0.25. The jT values are calculated for charged particles inside a fixed cone with a radius R = 0.4 around the reconstructed jet axis. The measured jT distributions are compared with a variety of parton-shower models. Herwig and Pythia 8 based models describe the data well for the higher jT region, while they underestimate the lower jT region. The jT distributions are further characterised by fitting them with a function composed of an inverse gamma function for higher jT values (called the “wide component”), related to the perturbative component of the fragmentation process, and with a Gaussian for lower jT values (called the “narrow component”), predominantly connected to the hadronisation process. The width of the Gaussian has only a weak dependence on jet transverse momentum, while that of the inverse gamma function increases with increasing jet transverse momentum. For the narrow component, the measured trends are successfully described by all models except for Herwig. For the wide component, Herwig and PYTHIA 8 based models slightly underestimate the data for the higher jet transverse momentum region. These measurements set constraints on models of jet fragmentation and hadronisation. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
- Published
- 2021
27. Production of muons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at high transverse momentum in Pb–Pb collisions at s NN = 5.02 and 2.76 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Berzano, D, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Mathematical Physics ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical sciences ,Physical sciences - Abstract
Measurements of the production of muons from heavy-flavour hadron decays in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 and 2.76 TeV using the ALICE detector at the LHC are reported. The nuclear modification factor RAA at sNN=5.02 TeV is measured at forward rapidity (2.57 GeV/c). The RAA shows an increase of the suppression of the yields of muons from heavy-flavour hadron decays with increasing centrality. A suppression by a factor of about three is observed in the 10% most central collisions. The RAA at sNN=5.02 TeV is similar to that at sNN=2.76 TeV. The precise RAA measurements have the potential to distinguish between model predictions implementing different mechanisms of parton energy loss in the high-density medium formed in heavy-ion collisions. They place important constraints for the understanding of the heavy-quark interaction with the hot and dense QCD medium.
- Published
- 2021
28. Jet fragmentation transverse momentum distributions in pp and p-Pb collisions at √s , √sNN = 5.02 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, Bielčík, J, and Bielčíková, J
- Subjects
Heavy Ion Experiments ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical Physics ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics - Abstract
Jet fragmentation transverse momentum (jT) distributions are measured in proton-proton (pp) and proton-lead (p-Pb) collisions at sNN = 5.02 TeV with the ALICE experiment at the LHC. Jets are reconstructed with the ALICE tracking detectors and electromagnetic calorimeter using the anti-kT algorithm with resolution parameter R = 0.4 in the pseudorapidity range |η| < 0.25. The jT values are calculated for charged particles inside a fixed cone with a radius R = 0.4 around the reconstructed jet axis. The measured jT distributions are compared with a variety of parton-shower models. Herwig and Pythia 8 based models describe the data well for the higher jT region, while they underestimate the lower jT region. The jT distributions are further characterised by fitting them with a function composed of an inverse gamma function for higher jT values (called the “wide component”), related to the perturbative component of the fragmentation process, and with a Gaussian for lower jT values (called the “narrow component”), predominantly connected to the hadronisation process. The width of the Gaussian has only a weak dependence on jet transverse momentum, while that of the inverse gamma function increases with increasing jet transverse momentum. For the narrow component, the measured trends are successfully described by all models except for Herwig. For the wide component, Herwig and PYTHIA 8 based models slightly underestimate the data for the higher jet transverse momentum region. These measurements set constraints on models of jet fragmentation and hadronisation. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
- Published
- 2021
29. Jet-associated deuteron production in pp collisions at s=13 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical Physics ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics - Abstract
Deuteron production in high-energy collisions is sensitive to the space–time evolution of the collision system, and is typically described by a coalescence mechanism. For the first time, we present results on jet-associated deuteron production in pp collisions at s=13 TeV, providing an opportunity to test the established picture for deuteron production in events with a hard scattering. Using a trigger particle with high transverse-momentum (pT>5 GeV/c) as a proxy for the presence of a jet at midrapidity, we observe a measurable population of deuterons being produced around the jet proxy. The associated deuteron yield measured in a narrow angular range around the trigger particle differs by 2.4–4.8 standard deviations from the uncorrelated background. The data are described by PYTHIA model calculations featuring baryon coalescence.
- Published
- 2021
30. Inclusive heavy-flavour production at central and forward rapidity in Xe–Xe collisions at sNN=5.44 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical Physics ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics - Abstract
The first measurements of the production of muons and electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays in Xe–Xe collisions at sNN=5.44 TeV, using the ALICE detector at the LHC, are reported. The measurement of the nuclear modification factor RAA is performed as a function of transverse momentum pT in several centrality classes at forward rapidity (2.5
- Published
- 2021
31. Inclusive heavy-flavour production at central and forward rapidity in Xe–Xe collisions at s NN = 5.44 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Mathematical Physics ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical sciences ,Physical sciences - Abstract
The first measurements of the production of muons and electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays in Xe–Xe collisions at sNN=5.44 TeV, using the ALICE detector at the LHC, are reported. The measurement of the nuclear modification factor RAA is performed as a function of transverse momentum pT in several centrality classes at forward rapidity (2.5
- Published
- 2021
32. Jet-associated deuteron production in pp collisions at s = 13 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Mathematical Physics ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical sciences ,Physical sciences - Abstract
Deuteron production in high-energy collisions is sensitive to the space–time evolution of the collision system, and is typically described by a coalescence mechanism. For the first time, we present results on jet-associated deuteron production in pp collisions at s=13 TeV, providing an opportunity to test the established picture for deuteron production in events with a hard scattering. Using a trigger particle with high transverse-momentum (pT>5 GeV/c) as a proxy for the presence of a jet at midrapidity, we observe a measurable population of deuterons being produced around the jet proxy. The associated deuteron yield measured in a narrow angular range around the trigger particle differs by 2.4–4.8 standard deviations from the uncorrelated background. The data are described by PYTHIA model calculations featuring baryon coalescence.
- Published
- 2021
33. Coherent J/ψ and ψ′ photoproduction at midrapidity in ultra-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Astronomical sciences ,Atomic ,molecular and optical physics ,Particle and high energy physics - Abstract
The coherent photoproduction of J / ψ and ψ ′ mesons was measured in ultra-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy sNN=5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector. Charmonia are detected in the central rapidity region for events where the hadronic interactions are strongly suppressed. The J / ψ is reconstructed using the dilepton (l+l-) and proton–antiproton decay channels, while for the ψ ′ the dilepton and the l+l-π+π- decay channels are studied. The analysis is based on an event sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 233 μb - 1. The results are compared with theoretical models for coherent J / ψ and ψ ′ photoproduction. The coherent cross section is found to be in a good agreement with models incorporating moderate nuclear gluon shadowing of about 0.64 at a Bjorken-x of around 6 × 10 - 4, such as the EPS09 parametrization, however none of the models is able to fully describe the rapidity dependence of the coherent J / ψ cross section including ALICE measurements at forward rapidity. The ratio of ψ ′ to J / ψ coherent photoproduction cross sections was also measured and found to be consistent with the one for photoproduction off protons.
- Published
- 2021
34. Coherent J / ψ and ψ ′ photoproduction at midrapidity in ultra-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, GA, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, RA, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JLB, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADCB, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics - Abstract
The coherent photoproduction of J / ψ and ψ ′ mesons was measured in ultra-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy sNN=5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector. Charmonia are detected in the central rapidity region for events where the hadronic interactions are strongly suppressed. The J / ψ is reconstructed using the dilepton (l+l-) and proton–antiproton decay channels, while for the ψ ′ the dilepton and the l+l-π+π- decay channels are studied. The analysis is based on an event sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 233 μb - 1. The results are compared with theoretical models for coherent J / ψ and ψ ′ photoproduction. The coherent cross section is found to be in a good agreement with models incorporating moderate nuclear gluon shadowing of about 0.64 at a Bjorken-x of around 6 × 10 - 4, such as the EPS09 parametrization, however none of the models is able to fully describe the rapidity dependence of the coherent J / ψ cross section including ALICE measurements at forward rapidity. The ratio of ψ ′ to J / ψ coherent photoproduction cross sections was also measured and found to be consistent with the one for photoproduction off protons.
- Published
- 2021
35. Pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles as a function of mid- and forward rapidity multiplicities in pp collisions at s = 5.02, 7 and 13 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aggarwal, MM, Agha, S, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartalini, P, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Berzano, D, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bianchi, A, and Bianchi, L
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Astronomical sciences ,Atomic ,molecular and optical physics ,Particle and high energy physics - Abstract
The multiplicity dependence of the pseudorapidity density of charged particles in proton–proton (pp) collisions at centre-of-mass energies s=5.02, 7 and 13 TeV measured by ALICE is reported. The analysis relies on track segments measured in the midrapidity range (| η| < 1.5). Results are presented for inelastic events having at least one charged particle produced in the pseudorapidity interval | η| < 1. The multiplicity dependence of the pseudorapidity density of charged particles is measured with mid- and forward rapidity multiplicity estimators, the latter being less affected by autocorrelations. A detailed comparison with predictions from the PYTHIA 8 and EPOS LHC event generators is also presented. The results can be used to constrain models for particle production as a function of multiplicity in pp collisions.
- Published
- 2021
36. Production of pions, kaons, (anti-)protons and ϕ mesons in Xe–Xe collisions at sNN = 5.44 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Astronomical sciences ,Atomic ,molecular and optical physics ,Particle and high energy physics - Abstract
The first measurement of the production of pions, kaons, (anti-)protons and ϕ mesons at midrapidity in Xe–Xe collisions at sNN=5.44TeV is presented. Transverse momentum (pT) spectra and pT-integrated yields are extracted in several centrality intervals bridging from p–Pb to mid-central Pb–Pb collisions in terms of final-state multiplicity. The study of Xe–Xe and Pb–Pb collisions allows systems at similar charged-particle multiplicities but with different initial geometrical eccentricities to be investigated. A detailed comparison of the spectral shapes in the two systems reveals an opposite behaviour for radial and elliptic flow. In particular, this study shows that the radial flow does not depend on the colliding system when compared at similar charged-particle multiplicity. In terms of hadron chemistry, the previously observed smooth evolution of particle ratios with multiplicity from small to large collision systems is also found to hold in Xe–Xe. In addition, our results confirm that two remarkable features of particle production at LHC energies are also valid in the collision of medium-sized nuclei: the lower proton-to-pion ratio with respect to the thermal model expectations and the increase of the ϕ-to-pion ratio with increasing final-state multiplicity.
- Published
- 2021
37. Production of pions, kaons, (anti-)protons and ϕ mesons in Xe–Xe collisions at √sNN = 5.44 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JLB, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics - Abstract
The first measurement of the production of pions, kaons, (anti-)protons and ϕ mesons at midrapidity in Xe–Xe collisions at sNN=5.44TeV is presented. Transverse momentum (pT) spectra and pT-integrated yields are extracted in several centrality intervals bridging from p–Pb to mid-central Pb–Pb collisions in terms of final-state multiplicity. The study of Xe–Xe and Pb–Pb collisions allows systems at similar charged-particle multiplicities but with different initial geometrical eccentricities to be investigated. A detailed comparison of the spectral shapes in the two systems reveals an opposite behaviour for radial and elliptic flow. In particular, this study shows that the radial flow does not depend on the colliding system when compared at similar charged-particle multiplicity. In terms of hadron chemistry, the previously observed smooth evolution of particle ratios with multiplicity from small to large collision systems is also found to hold in Xe–Xe. In addition, our results confirm that two remarkable features of particle production at LHC energies are also valid in the collision of medium-sized nuclei: the lower proton-to-pion ratio with respect to the thermal model expectations and the increase of the ϕ-to-pion ratio with increasing final-state multiplicity.
- Published
- 2021
38. Pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles as a function of mid- and forward rapidity multiplicities in pp collisions at √s = 5.02, 7 and 13 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aggarwal, MM, Agha, S, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartalini, P, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Berzano, D, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bianchi, A, and Bianchi, L
- Subjects
Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics - Abstract
The multiplicity dependence of the pseudorapidity density of charged particles in proton–proton (pp) collisions at centre-of-mass energies s=5.02, 7 and 13 TeV measured by ALICE is reported. The analysis relies on track segments measured in the midrapidity range (| η| < 1.5). Results are presented for inelastic events having at least one charged particle produced in the pseudorapidity interval | η| < 1. The multiplicity dependence of the pseudorapidity density of charged particles is measured with mid- and forward rapidity multiplicity estimators, the latter being less affected by autocorrelations. A detailed comparison with predictions from the PYTHIA 8 and EPOS LHC event generators is also presented. The results can be used to constrain models for particle production as a function of multiplicity in pp collisions.
- Published
- 2021
39. First measurement of the
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics - Abstract
The first measurement of the cross section for coherent J/ψ photoproduction as a function of |t|, the square of the momentum transferred between the incoming and outgoing target nucleus, is presented. The data were measured with the ALICE detector in ultra-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair sNN=5.02TeV with the J/ψ produced in the central rapidity region |y|
- Published
- 2021
40. First measurement of the |t|-dependence of coherent J/ψ photonuclear production
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Synchrotrons and Accelerators ,Physical Sciences ,Mathematical Physics ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical sciences ,Physical sciences - Abstract
The first measurement of the cross section for coherent J/ψ photoproduction as a function of |t|, the square of the momentum transferred between the incoming and outgoing target nucleus, is presented. The data were measured with the ALICE detector in ultra-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair sNN=5.02TeV with the J/ψ produced in the central rapidity region |y|
- Published
- 2021
41. ΛK femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aggarwal, MM, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Anson, C, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bagnasco, S, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Balouza, S, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartalini, P, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Bedda, C, Behera, NK, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berenyi, D, Bertens, RA, Berzano, D, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhatt, H, and Bhattacharjee, B
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Nuclear and plasma physics - Abstract
The first measurements of the scattering parameters of ΛK pairs in all three charge combinations (ΛK+, ΛK-, and ΛKS0) are presented. The results are achieved through a femtoscopic analysis of ΛK correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV recorded by ALICE at the Large Hadron Collider. The femtoscopic correlations result from strong final-state interactions and are fit with a parametrization allowing for both the characterization of the pair emission source and the measurement of the scattering parameters for the particle pairs. Extensive studies with the THERMINATOR 2 event generator provide a good description of the nonfemtoscopic background, which results mainly from collective effects, with unprecedented precision. Furthermore, together with HIJING simulations, this model is used to account for contributions from residual correlations induced by feed-down from particle decays. The extracted scattering parameters indicate that the strong force is repulsive in the ΛK+ interaction and attractive in the ΛK- interaction. The data hint that the ΛKS0 interaction is attractive; however, the uncertainty of the result does not permit such a decisive conclusion. The results suggest an effect arising either from different quark-antiquark interactions between the pairs (ss¯ in ΛK+ and uū in ΛK-) or from different net strangeness for each system (S=0 for ΛK+, and S=-2 for ΛK-). Finally, the ΛK systems exhibit source radii larger than expected from extrapolation from identical particle femtoscopic studies. This effect is interpreted as resulting from the separation in space-time of the single-particle Λ and K source distributions.
- Published
- 2021
42. Λk femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN =2.76 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aggarwal, MM, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Anson, C, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bagnasco, S, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Balouza, S, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartalini, P, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Bedda, C, Behera, NK, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berenyi, D, Bertens, RA, Berzano, D, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhatt, H, and Bhattacharjee, B
- Abstract
The first measurements of the scattering parameters of ΛK pairs in all three charge combinations (ΛK+, ΛK-, and ΛKS0) are presented. The results are achieved through a femtoscopic analysis of ΛK correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV recorded by ALICE at the Large Hadron Collider. The femtoscopic correlations result from strong final-state interactions and are fit with a parametrization allowing for both the characterization of the pair emission source and the measurement of the scattering parameters for the particle pairs. Extensive studies with the THERMINATOR 2 event generator provide a good description of the nonfemtoscopic background, which results mainly from collective effects, with unprecedented precision. Furthermore, together with HIJING simulations, this model is used to account for contributions from residual correlations induced by feed-down from particle decays. The extracted scattering parameters indicate that the strong force is repulsive in the ΛK+ interaction and attractive in the ΛK- interaction. The data hint that the ΛKS0 interaction is attractive; however, the uncertainty of the result does not permit such a decisive conclusion. The results suggest an effect arising either from different quark-antiquark interactions between the pairs (ss¯ in ΛK+ and uū in ΛK-) or from different net strangeness for each system (S=0 for ΛK+, and S=-2 for ΛK-). Finally, the ΛK systems exhibit source radii larger than expected from extrapolation from identical particle femtoscopic studies. This effect is interpreted as resulting from the separation in space-time of the single-particle Λ and K source distributions.
- Published
- 2021
43. Long- and short-range correlations and their event-scale dependence in high-multiplicity pp collisions at s = 13 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Anguelov, V, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Anuj, C, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barlou, M, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belokurova, S, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berdnikova, A, Berenyi, D, Bergmann, L, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhaduri, PP, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhattacharjee, B, Bhattacharya, P, Bianchi, A, Bianchi, L, Bianchi, N, and Bielčík, J
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Heavy Ion Experiments ,Mathematical Physics ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical physics ,Nuclear and plasma physics ,Particle and high energy physics - Abstract
Two-particle angular correlations are measured in high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions at s = 13 TeV by the ALICE Collaboration. The yields of particle pairs at short-(∆η ∼ 0) and long-range (1.6 < |∆η| < 1.8) in pseudorapidity are extracted on the near-side (∆φ ∼ 0). They are reported as a function of transverse momentum (pT) in the range 1 < pT< 4 GeV/c. Furthermore, the event-scale dependence is studied for the first time by requiring the presence of high-pT leading particles or jets for varying pT thresholds. The results demonstrate that the long-range “ridge” yield, possibly related to the collective behavior of the system, is present in events with high-pT processes as well. The magnitudes of the short- and long-range yields are found to grow with the event scale. The results are compared to EPOS LHC and PYTHIA 8 calculations, with and without string-shoving interactions. It is found that while both models describe the qualitative trends in the data, calculations from EPOS LHC show a better quantitative agreement for the pT dependency, while overestimating the event-scale dependency. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
- Published
- 2021
44. Elliptic Flow of Electrons from Beauty-Hadron Decays in Pb-Pb Collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aggarwal, MM, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Anson, C, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bagnasco, S, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Balouza, S, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartalini, P, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Bedda, C, Behera, NK, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berenyi, D, Bertens, RA, Berzano, D, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, and Bhatt, H
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,ALICE Collaboration ,Mathematical Sciences ,Engineering ,General Physics ,Mathematical sciences ,Physical sciences - Abstract
The elliptic flow of electrons from beauty hadron decays at midrapidity (|y|
- Published
- 2021
45. First measurement of quarkonium polarization in nuclear collisions at the LHC
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aggarwal, MM, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Anson, C, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bagnasco, S, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Balouza, S, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartalini, P, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Bedda, C, Behera, NK, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berenyi, D, Bertens, RA, Berzano, D, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, and Bhatt, H
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics - Abstract
The polarization of inclusive J/ψ and ϒ(1S) produced in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV at the LHC is measured with the ALICE detector. The study is carried out by reconstructing the quarkonium through its decay to muon pairs in the rapidity region 2.5
- Published
- 2021
46. Stability of Resistance of Maize to Ear Rots (Fusarium graminearum, F. verticillioides and Aspergillus flavus) and Their Resistance to Toxin Contamination and Conclusions for Variety Registration
- Author
Akos Mesterhazy, Balazs Szabo, Denes Szieberth, Szabolcs Tóth, Zoltan Nagy, Tamas Meszlenyi, Beata Herczig, Attila Berenyi, and Beata Tóth
- Subjects
maize ,Gibberella ear rot ,Fusarium ear rot ,Aspergillus ear rot ,stability ,resistance ,Medicine - Abstract
All major ear rots (F. graminearum, F. verticillioides, and Aspergillus flavus) and their toxins are present in maize of preharvest origin in Hungary. Resistance can be an important tool in reducing the infection and toxin contamination from these rots in maize. Previous results identified resistance differences in maize hybrids that were suitable for use in evaluating their risk from toxigenic fungi and their toxins. During the tests, two methodical improvements were achieved: the use of three isolates of the fungus secured and a more precise estimation of resistance to ear rots and their resistance to toxin accumulation or overproduction. The improvement in sampling and the tests of subsamples made the evaluation for the statistics much more exact. This way, we were able to reduce the Within value, providing a statistically more reliable method of evaluation. Earlier data had confirmed that toxin contamination could not be predicted well from visual ear rot severity data. Contradictory results for hybrid ranking were often identified between isolates. The resistance to disease and toxin contamination is not generally valid. The new suggested methodology compares the performance of hybrids in a large number of epidemic situations to identify adaptable hybrids that can respond to diverse conditions; therefore, the stability of resistance and toxin response is decisive information to evaluate risk analyses. The increased number of disease toxin data allowed for lower LSD 5% values for toxins, a much finer analysis of toxin overproduction and underproduction, and a wider database for stability analyses. This way, we obtained important additional separated information about resistance to accumulation of toxins and about maize resistance to these pathogens that is suitable to provide much more reliable testing than was possible until now. Globally, about 50–100 million metric tons can be saved by excluding susceptible hybrids from commercial production.
- Published
- 2024
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47. Analysis of precipitation-related climatic conditions in European plain regions
- Author
Berényi, Alexandra, Bartholy, Judit, and Pongrácz, Rita
- Published
- 2023
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48. Production of light-flavor hadrons in pp collisions at s=7ands=13TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aggarwal, MM, Rinella, G Aglieri, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, R Alfaro, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andrews, HA, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Anson, C, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bagnasco, S, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Balouza, S, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartalini, P, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JL Bazo, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Bedda, C, Behera, NK, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADC Bell, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berenyi, D, Bertens, RA, Berzano, D, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhatt, H, Bhattacharjee, B, and Bianchi, A
- Subjects
Nuclear and Plasma Physics ,Particle and High Energy Physics ,Physical Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Astronomical sciences ,Atomic ,molecular and optical physics ,Particle and high energy physics - Abstract
The production of π±, K ±, KS0, K ∗(892) , p , ϕ(1020) , Λ , Ξ -, Ω -, and their antiparticles was measured in inelastic proton–proton (pp) collisions at a center-of-mass energy of s = 13 TeV at midrapidity (| y| < 0.5) as a function of transverse momentum (pT) using the ALICE detector at the CERN LHC. Furthermore, the single-particle pT distributions of KS0, Λ , and Λ ¯ in inelastic pp collisions at s=7 TeV are reported here for the first time. The pT distributions are studied at midrapidity within the transverse momentum range 0 ≤ pT≤ 20 GeV/c, depending on the particle species. The pT spectra, integrated yields, and particle yield ratios are discussed as a function of collision energy and compared with measurements at lower s and with results from various general-purpose QCD-inspired Monte Carlo models. A hardening of the spectra at high pT with increasing collision energy is observed, which is similar for all particle species under study. The transverse mass and xT≡2pT/s scaling properties of hadron production are also studied. As the collision energy increases from s = 7–13 TeV, the yields of non- and single-strange hadrons normalized to the pion yields remain approximately constant as a function of s, while ratios for multi-strange hadrons indicate enhancements. The pT-differential cross sections of π±, K ± and p (p ¯) are compared with next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations, which are found to overestimate the cross sections for π± and p (p ¯) at high pT.
- Published
- 2021
49. Production of light-flavor hadrons in pp collisions at √s=7and√s=13TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aggarwal, MM, Rinella, GA, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Molina, RA, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andrews, HA, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Anson, C, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bagnasco, S, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Balouza, S, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartalini, P, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Alba, JLB, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Bedda, C, Behera, NK, Belikov, I, Hechavarria, ADCB, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berenyi, D, Bertens, RA, Berzano, D, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, Bhatt, H, Bhattacharjee, B, and Bianchi, A
- Subjects
Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics - Abstract
The production of π±, K ±, KS0, K ∗(892) , p , ϕ(1020) , Λ , Ξ -, Ω -, and their antiparticles was measured in inelastic proton–proton (pp) collisions at a center-of-mass energy of s = 13 TeV at midrapidity (| y| < 0.5) as a function of transverse momentum (pT) using the ALICE detector at the CERN LHC. Furthermore, the single-particle pT distributions of KS0, Λ , and Λ ¯ in inelastic pp collisions at s=7 TeV are reported here for the first time. The pT distributions are studied at midrapidity within the transverse momentum range 0 ≤ pT≤ 20 GeV/c, depending on the particle species. The pT spectra, integrated yields, and particle yield ratios are discussed as a function of collision energy and compared with measurements at lower s and with results from various general-purpose QCD-inspired Monte Carlo models. A hardening of the spectra at high pT with increasing collision energy is observed, which is similar for all particle species under study. The transverse mass and xT≡2pT/s scaling properties of hadron production are also studied. As the collision energy increases from s = 7–13 TeV, the yields of non- and single-strange hadrons normalized to the pion yields remain approximately constant as a function of s, while ratios for multi-strange hadrons indicate enhancements. The pT-differential cross sections of π±, K ± and p (p ¯) are compared with next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations, which are found to overestimate the cross sections for π± and p (p ¯) at high pT.
- Published
- 2021
50. Transverse-momentum and event-shape dependence of D-meson flow harmonics in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02TeV
- Author
Acharya, S, Adamová, D, Adler, A, Adolfsson, J, Aggarwal, MM, Aglieri Rinella, G, Agnello, M, Agrawal, N, Ahammed, Z, Ahmad, S, Ahn, SU, Akbar, Z, Akindinov, A, Al-Turany, M, Alam, SN, Albuquerque, DSD, Aleksandrov, D, Alessandro, B, Alfanda, HM, Alfaro Molina, R, Ali, B, Ali, Y, Alici, A, Alizadehvandchali, N, Alkin, A, Alme, J, Alt, T, Altenkamper, L, Altsybeev, I, Anaam, MN, Andrei, C, Andreou, D, Andronic, A, Angeletti, M, Anguelov, V, Anson, C, Antičić, T, Antinori, F, Antonioli, P, Apadula, N, Aphecetche, L, Appelshäuser, H, Arcelli, S, Arnaldi, R, Arratia, M, Arsene, IC, Arslandok, M, Augustinus, A, Averbeck, R, Aziz, S, Azmi, MD, Badalà, A, Baek, YW, Bagnasco, S, Bai, X, Bailhache, R, Bala, R, Balbino, A, Baldisseri, A, Ball, M, Balouza, S, Banerjee, D, Barbera, R, Barioglio, L, Barnaföldi, GG, Barnby, LS, Barret, V, Bartalini, P, Bartels, C, Barth, K, Bartsch, E, Baruffaldi, F, Bastid, N, Basu, S, Batigne, G, Batyunya, B, Bauri, D, Bazo Alba, JL, Bearden, IG, Beattie, C, Bedda, C, Behera, NK, Belikov, I, Bell Hechavarria, ADC, Bellini, F, Bellwied, R, Belyaev, V, Bencedi, G, Beole, S, Bercuci, A, Berdnikov, Y, Berenyi, D, Bertens, RA, Berzano, D, Besoiu, MG, Betev, L, Bhasin, A, Bhat, IR, Bhat, MA, and Bhatt, H
- Subjects
Nuclear & Particles Physics ,Mathematical Physics ,Astronomical and Space Sciences ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics - Abstract
The elliptic and triangular flow coefficients v2 and v3 of prompt D0, D+, and D⁎+ mesons were measured at midrapidity (|y|
- Published
- 2021
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