Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti značilnosti gibalne učinkovitosti v povezavi z uspešnostjo slovenskih teniških igralcev s pomočjo metode FMS (»Functional movement screen«). Metoda FMS je sestavljena iz 7 testov, na podlagi katerih s pomočjo opazovanja ocenjujemo gibalne naloge posameznika. Testirani igralci in igralke so bili stari med 10 in 18 let in so bili uvrščeni na jakostno lestvico Teniške zveze Slovenije. Podatki so bili pridobljeni na letnih meritvah na Fakulteti za šport, med leti 2012 in 2018, kjer je sodelovalo 172 slovenskih teniških igralcev in igralk. Glede na kriterije uspešnosti smo prišli do ugotovitev, da gibalna učinkovitost nima direktne povezave z uspešnostjo v tenisu. Ugotovili smo, da med starostnimi skupinami ne obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v gibalni učinkovitosti. Preverili smo tudi telesne asimetrije, kjer smo ugotovili, da se največ telesnih asimetrij pojavlja v predelu ramenskega obroča. Pri povezavi gibalne učinkovitosti in uspešnosti v tenisu smo ugotovili, da so gibalno učinkovitejši igralci tudi uspešnejši v tenisu. Medtem ko za igralke to ne velja. Ko smo primerjali uspešne z manj uspešnimi v številu asimetrij, smo ugotovili, da imajo uspešnejše igralke in igralci manj telesnih asimetrij, kot jih imajo manj uspešni igralci ter igralke. Z raziskavo smo odprli novo področje primerjave gibalne učinkovitosti in uspešnosti v tenisu, katere izsledke je moč aplicirati tudi v prakso. The purpose of the diploma work was to determine the characteristics of movement efficiency in connection with the performance of Slovenian tennis players using the method of FMS ("Functional movement screen"). The FMS method consists of 7 tests on the basis of which we assess the individual's movement tasks by means of observation. The tested players were between 10 and 18 years old and were ranked on the strength scale of the Tennis Association of Slovenia. Data were obtained from annual measurements at the Faculty of Sports between the years 2012 and 2018, where 172 Slovenian tennis players participated. According to the performance criteria, we have come to the conclusion that movement efficiency has no direct connection with performance in tennis. We established that there were no statistically significant differences in movement performance among age groups. We also checked body asymmetries, where we established that most body asymmetries occur in the shoulder girdle area. In linking movement efficiency and performance in tennis, we found that more movement-efficient players are also more successful in tennis. While this does not apply to female players. When we compared the successful with the less successful players in the number of asymmetries, we found that more successful players have fewer physical asymmetries than less successful players. The research has opened a new field of comparison of movement efficiency and performance in tennis, the results of which can also be applied in practice.