463 results on '"Bel N"'
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2. Pensamiento reflexivo en la educacion superior: aportaciones desde las metodologias narrativas/Reflective thinking in higher education: contributions from narrative methodologies
- Author
Puig, Marta Sabariego, Mart?, Angelina S?nchez, and Hila, Ana Bel?n Cano
- Published
- 2019
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3. Circuitos de precariedad de las cuidadoras bolivianas en Espana: Implicaciones familiares y supervivencias transnacionales
- Author
Fuentes Guti?rrez, Virginia and Agrela Romero, Bel?n
- Published
- 2018
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4. Ontwikkeling van een virussensor : Real-time detectie van komkommerbontvirus (CGMMV) en Plantago asiatica mosaic virus (PlAMV) in water
- Author
Koopal, K., Draaijer, A., Bel, N. van, Hommes, A., Vermunt, A., Wurff, A. van der, Koopal, K., Draaijer, A., Bel, N. van, Hommes, A., Vermunt, A., and Wurff, A. van der
- Abstract
Het is belangrijk om een plantenvirusinfectie in de kas snel te detecteren, zodat met behulp van hygiënemaatregelen en preventieve ruiming een grote(re) uitbraak kan worden voorkomen. Telers geven aan dat het risico op een virusinfectie in de kas een belangrijke reden is om water niet te hergebruiken. Dit is dus een belangrijk obstakel voor de realisatie van de emissieloze kas in 2027. In de teelt van komkommer is het risico op een (her)besmetting van komkommerbontvirus een reden om het gebruikte voedings-, en irrigatiewater uit de teelt niet te recirculeren. Ook bij de teelt van Lelie wordt water niet hergebruikt als er een risico is op een besmetting van PlamV virus. Er is binnen dit project onderzoek uitgevoerd naar twee methoden voor een snelle detectie: 1.) het ontwikkelen van een real-time sensor, en 2.) het ontwikkelen van een verbeterde detectiemethode op basis van qPCR.
- Published
- 2023
5. Effect van aquathermie op microbiologische drinkwaterkwaliteit : Deel 1
- Author
Bel, N. van, Moerman, A., Linde, D. van der, Koopmans, C., Bel, N. van, Moerman, A., Linde, D. van der, and Koopmans, C.
- Abstract
Om te komen tot een duurzame warmtevoorziening zijn alle beschikbare bronnen in Nederland nodig. Ook drinkwaterbedrijven worden daarom steeds vaker benaderd met de vraag of zij warmte of koelcapaciteit willen aanbieden vanuit hun assets, zogenaamde “Thermische Energie uit Drinkwater” (TED). Wanneer warmte (of koude) aan het drinkwater wordt onttrokken door een warmtewisselaar in een TED-installatie heeft dit invloed op de temperatuur van het drinkwater. De microbiologische kwaliteit van het drinkwater kan hierdoor veranderen. Drinkwaterbedrijven willen daarom weten onder welke condities het leveren van warmte of koude uit het drinkwaternet veilig is. TED wordt in Nederland al ongeveer 18 jaar toegepast, ook als collectieve warmtevoorziening, zoals in de wijk EVA-Lanxmeer in Culemborg. Bij TED als warmtewinning koelt het drinkwater af. Afhankelijk van de situatie kan TED ook een bron zijn van duurzame koude; het drinkwater warmt dan op. Een voorbeeld hiervan is het bestaande TED-systeem bij Sanquin in Amsterdam (Waternet). Hier wordt in het winterseizoen ‘koude gewonnen’ en opgeslagen in een bodemenergiesysteem voor koeling in de zomer. Er is nu nog onvoldoende kennis beschikbaar om te beoordelen tot welke temperatuur het gebruik van TED drinkwater mag opwarmen zonder de drinkwaterveiligheid in gevaar te brengen. Daarom worden grote veiligheidsmarges gehanteerd. Binnen WarmingUP/ project 3B een proefopstelling met zogenaamde flowcellen gebouwd waarmee daadwerkelijk onderzoek gedaan kan worden naar de groei van micro-organismen op diverse materialen en bij verschillende temperaturen in een omgeving die voldoende representatief is vergeleken met een warmtewisselaar. Drinkwaterbedrijf PWN heeft een locatie ter beschikking gesteld voor de proefinstallatie. Op deze locatie werd drinkwater onttrokken aan een transportleiding van PWN en verzameld in een afzonderlijk systeem, zodat er geen risico bestond op uitwisseling van water uit de proefinstallatie met het drinkwater va
- Published
- 2023
6. Short communication: Behavior of different Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serotypes (O26:H11, O103:H2, O145:H28, O157:H7) during the manufacture, ripening, and storage of a white mold cheese
- Author
Miszczycha, S.D., Bel, N., Gay-Perret, P., Michel, V., Montel, M.C., and Sergentet-Thevenot, D.
- Published
- 2016
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7. Dépistage et prise en charge des anomalies respiratoires de l’enfant obèse : syndrome d’apnée obstructive du sommeil et syndrome d’obésité hypoventilation
- Author
Gachelin, E., Reynaud, R., Dubus, J.-C., and Stremler-Le Bel, N.
- Published
- 2015
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8. Bronchiolite et kinésithérapie respiratoire : un dogme ébranlé
- Author
Sterling, B., Bosdure, E., Stremler-Le Bel, N., Chabrol, B., and Dubus, J.-C.
- Published
- 2015
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9. El refugiado: un personaje de nuestro tiempo
- Author
Ruiz-Estramil, Ivana Bel��n
- Subjects
personajes ,estado ,asilo ,refugiado ,humanitarismo - Abstract
En este art��culo se abordar�� la importancia del refugiado como personaje central en la actualidad que re��ne caracter��sticas similares con otros personajes cl��sicos de las ciencias sociales, adem��s de conformarse en la paradoja entre un Estado en repliegue de su responsabilidad de proteger (en origen) y un Estado protector (en destino). Desde una metodolog��a cualitativa, se traza un hilo conductor entre la desprotecci��n en origen y la b��squeda de protecci��n en destino vivida por el refugiado, con el objetivo de resaltar su relaci��n con el Estado y su construcci��n subjetiva atravesada por condiciones que le alejan de la norma de la ciudadan��a. Los paralelismos con caracter��sticas de distintos personajes ayudan a delimitar la caracterizaci��n del refugiado, atendiendo a los diferentes momentos en los que puede encontrarse en relaci��n a su reconocimiento.
- Published
- 2022
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10. El cultivo del cacao, sus caracter��sticas y su asociaci��n con microorganismos durante la fermentaci��n
- Author
Rodr��guez-Vel��zquez, Nadia Denisse, Ch��vez-Ram��rez, Bel��n, G��mez de la Cruz, Irene, V��squez-Murrieta, Mar��a-Soledad, and Estrada de los Santos, Paulina
- Subjects
Cacao ,cocoa, Theobroma cacao ,fermentaci��n del cacao ,cocoa ,Theobroma cacao ,cacao fermentation - Abstract
RESUMEN Theobroma cacao L. es un ��rbol del bosque tropical, se clasifica dentro de la familia Malvaceae originario del sur de Am��rica. El ��rbol se conoce com��nmente como cacao mientras que el t��rmino cocoa se refiere a los productos preparados con las semillas secas y fermentadas. El cacao es un ���commodity��� que representa la base de la econom��a de millones de peque��os productores en el mundo. En el a��o 2019, la producci��n a nivel mundial fue de 6,800 millones de d��lares con m��s de 10 millones de toneladas obtenidas. En M��xico, se produjeron 28,473 ton siendo Tabasco el mayor productor (18,331 ton), seguido de Chiapas con 9,857 ton y Guerrero con 285 ton. El cacao se clasifica en tres grupos gen��ticos: criollo, forastero y trinitario. El cacao criollo es el de mejor calidad, pero de mayor susceptibilidad a enfermedades. El cultivo de cacao requiere de condiciones de temperatura, humedad, suelo y sombra, determinadas para su crecimiento y producci��n. Para la fermentaci��n de cacao, las semillas y la pulpa se colocan en tapetes cubiertos con hojas de pl��tano o en cajas de madera con drenaje. Los microorganismos involucrados principalmente en la fermentaci��n incluyen levaduras, bacterias ��cido l��cticas y bacterias ��cido ac��ticas. El proceso de fermentaci��n es fundamental para la calidad de los productos. Esta revisi��n muestra las caracter��sticas del cacao, as�� como los microorganismos involucrados en su fermentaci��n. ABSTRACT Theobroma cacao L. is a tree from the tropical rainforest. It is classified in the Malvacea family and was originated in the south of America. The tree is commonly known as cacao while cocoa refers to the products obtained from dried and fermented seeds. Cacao is a commodity which is the economic base for millions of small producers in the world. The production of cacao in the world in 2019 was valued in 6,800 million dollars, with more than 10 million of harvested tons. In Mexico, the production was 28,473 ton with Tabasco as the mayor producer (18,331 ton), followed by Chiapas with 9,857 ton and Guerrero with 285 ton. Cacao is classified in three genetic groups: criollo, forastero and trinitario. The criollo cacao has the best quality but it has the mayor susceptibility to diseases. The cacao tree requires special conditions of temperature, humidity, kind of soil and shade for its growth and production. To start the fermentation, the beans and pulp are removed from the pod and placed in heaps covered with banana leaves or in wooden boxes fitted with drainage holes. The main microorganisms involved in the fermentation are yeast, lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria. Cacao fermentation is fundamental to obtain products with quality. This review features the main cacao characteristics and the microorganisms involved in the fermentation., {"references":["Díaz-Valderrama JR, Leiva-Espinoza T y Aime MC. 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- Published
- 2022
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11. Bureaustudies naar de (groepen van) stoffen waarop Aeromonas, Legionella en coliformen groeien en parameters van biofilm groei
- Author
Bel, N. van, Learbuch, K., Bel, N. van, and Learbuch, K.
- Abstract
In het Drinkwaterbesluit in Nederland zijn diverse microbiologische parameters opgenomen om de microbiologische drinkwaterkwaliteit te borgen. Een deel van de microbiologische parameters zijn gerelateerd aan fecale verontreiniging en een ander deel aan microbiële groei in het drinkwatersysteem. Naast overschrijding van de wettelijke norm van de microbiologische parameters voor nagroei, is ook overmatige biofilmvorming op buiswand of sediment, of een biofilm met negatieve bijeffecten in het distributiesysteem onwenselijk. Biofilms spelen bijvoorbeeld een belangrijke rol bij nagroeiproblemen, zoals groei van opportunistische ziekteverwekkers. Om de oorzaak van biofilmvorming en de normoverschrijding van de wettelijke parameters aan te kunnen pakken is het belangrijk om te achterhalen welke condities in het distributiesysteem verantwoordelijk zijn voor groei en biofilmvorming. Voor Legionella (pneumophila) is bekend wat de minimale hoeveelheid biologisch afbreekbare stoffen (AOC; ≥ 1 µg C/l) moet zijn om groei plaats te kunnen laten vinden. Aeromonas en bacteriën van de coligroep groeien ook alleen bij voldoende nutriënten, waarbij er indicaties zijn dat hogere concentraties van afbreekbare stoffen nodig zijn voor groei van deze twee bacteriegroepen dan voor Legionella. Voor alle drie de microbiologische parameters is echter in meer of mindere mate onbekend op welke stoffen zij in het distributienet kunnen groeien. Het doel van deze bureaustudie is daarom om te achterhalen wat voor kennis in de wetenschappelijke literatuur aanwezig is over de invloed van nutriënten op biofilmgroei (op leidingwand en sediment) en groei van Aeromonas, Legionella, bacteriën van de coligroep in het drinkwatersysteem beïnvloeden.
- Published
- 2022
12. Bepalen van niche in het distributiesysteem van Aeromonas, Legionella en bacteriën van de coligroep
- Author
Learbuch, K., Bel, N. van, Learbuch, K., and Bel, N. van
- Abstract
Nagroei in het distributienet beheersen vergt kennis over de niche waarin micro-organismen voorkomen. Dat is onderzocht voor drie wettelijke parameters: Legionella, Aeromonas en bacteriën van de coligroep. Bekend was al dat Aeromonas bacteriën voornamelijk in sediment voorkomen en dat Legionella pneumophila groeit in biofilm en vrijkomt in drinkwater. Buisuitnamen en spuiacties gaven onvoldoende informatie om te bepalen in welke niche van het distributienet (drinkwater, [biofilm op] sediment of buiswandbiofilm) andere Legionella soorten en bacteriën van de coligroep voorkomen. Deze bacteriën werden maar in weinig monsters aangetroffen, wat leidt tot de conclusie dat bacteriën van de coligroep zowel hun niche in de buiswandbiofilm als in de sedimentbiofilm kunnen hebben. De niche van Aeromonas kon wel worden bepaald: Aeromonas is voornamelijk aanwezig in biofilm op sediment en in drinkwater. Omdat meer dan 90 tot 99% van de actieve biomassa zich bevindt in de biofilm op de leidingwand of op het sediment, overeenkomstig met eerder onderzoek, hoeft drinkwater geen goede indicator te zijn van de microbiële activiteit in drinkwaterdistributiesystemen. Andere onderzoeksmethoden worden voorgesteld om de aanwezigheid in niches verder te onderzoeken.
- Published
- 2022
13. Verwijdering van natuurlijke en pathogene virussen tijdens drinkwaterproductie
- Author
Bel, N. van, Hornstra, L., Bel, N. van, and Hornstra, L.
- Abstract
Virusindicatoren worden ingezet om te bepalen hoe goed drinkwaterproductieprocessen in een full scale proces virussen verwijderen of inactiveren. De gebruikelijke virusindicatoren (zoals somatische colifagen en F-specifieke RNA-fagen) zijn in te lage concentraties aanwezig in het ruwe water om nauwkeurige resultaten te geven. Deze studie toont aan dat alternatieve indicatorvirussen, die van nature in hogere concentraties voorkomen, beter kunnen dienen om de virusverwijdering of -inactivatie door zuiveringsprocessen te kwantificeren. Deze alternatieve indicatorvirussen zijn bijvoorbeeld Pepper Mild Mottle Virus [PPMoV], CrassPhage en de natuurlijke virussen NV2247, NV2310 en NV2314. Omdat bij dit onderzoek geen ziekteverwekkende virussen werden aangetroffen, was het niet mogelijk het gedrag van de nieuwe indicatorvirussen te vergelijken met dat van ziekteverwekkende virussen. Wel blijken ze even groot als veel ziekteverwekkende virussen (tussen 30 en 100 nm). De studie toont dat schade aan virussen door UV-desinfectie met de alternatieve virussen nog niet goed kan worden aangetoond, al zijn hiervoor mogelijk wel alternatieve detectiemethoden in het laboratorium beschikbaar die ook de schade aan indicatorvirussen door UV duidelijker zichtbaar te maken.
- Published
- 2022
14. Overleving en groei van waterpissebedden op biofilm
- Author
Bel, N. van and Bel, N. van
- Abstract
Waterpissebedden (Asellus aquaticus) gebruiken sediment en biofilm als voedingsbron voor overleving, het is echter nog niet duidelijk welke van de twee het belangrijkste is in het distributienet. Dit blijkt uit laboratoriumonderzoek waarin de overleving van Asellus op verschillende voedingsbronnen is getest, waaronder gekweekte biofilm en biofilm op een uitgenomen leiding. Overleving is gelijk op biofilm die gekweekt was in drinkwater van ps. Braakman of ps. Kralingen (Evides). Bij gebruik van een natuurlijke biofilm was de overleving slechter en vergelijkbaar met wanneer geen voedingsbron werd toegevoegd. Vorming en instandhouding van zowel sediment als biofilm in het distributienet wordt beïnvloed door de biologische stabiliteit van het water. Distributie van drinkwater met een lage concentratie nutriënten kan (op de lange termijn) de hoeveelheid sediment en biofilm, de voedingsbronnen van waterpissebedden, verminderen. De hoeveelheid waterpissebedden in het distributienet lijkt gerelateerd te zijn aan aantallen Aeromonas-bacteriën, een bedrijfstechnische parameter in het drinkwaterbesluit, die in sommige distributiegebieden regelmatig de norm overschrijdt. Kennis over de belangrijkste voedingsbronnen van waterpissebedden in het distributienet kan helpen om preventieve maatregelen te nemen en zo het aantal waterpissebedden, en mogelijk ook het Aeromonas-aantal, te verlagen.
- Published
- 2022
15. Snelle detectie van een fecale besmetting in zwemwater
- Author
Bel, N. van, Zaan, B. van der, Jong, A. de, Langeveld, J., Hommes, A., Heijen, L., Bel, N. van, Zaan, B. van der, Jong, A. de, Langeveld, J., Hommes, A., and Heijen, L.
- Abstract
In dit project wordt praktijk ervaring opgedaan met twee typen snelle detectiemethoden voor fecale verontreinigingen (mobiele qPCR en de BACTcontrol) en vergeleken met de standaard kweek (MPN Colilert)methoden zoals die staan genoemd in o.a. de Europese zwemwaterrichtlijn. Naast een validatieonderzoek in het laboratorium wordt geleerd van praktijktesten met mobiele qPCR bij meerdere zwemlocaties en drie pilot experimenten met de BACTcontrol. De opgedane ervaring en prestaties van de methoden wordt verwerkt tot concrete aanbevelingen om de methoden in te zetten in de praktijk om fecale verontreinigingen te monitoren.
- Published
- 2022
16. Maladies neuromusculaires de l’enfant
- Author
Lubrano, M., Piperno, D., Stremler-Le Bel, N., and Sattler, C.
- Published
- 2012
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17. Integrando el trasplante fecal en la pr��ctica cl��nica
- Author
Fuenmayor, Marco Antonio Gonz��lez, Inga, Priscila Natal�� Farf��n, Bonilla, Estefan��a Bel��n S��nchez, Alomoto, Cristian Gabriel Herrera, Minta, Jessica Karina Minta, Z����iga, Manuel Mesias Jara, Villa, Estefan��a Carolina Guichay, Quispe, Jesy Ximena Vega, and Pachucho, Tannia Alexandra S��nchez
- Subjects
microbiota intestinal ,infecci��n por Clostridium difficile ,disbiosis intestinal ,Trasplante fecal - Abstract
En a��os recientes, el trasplante fecal (TF) ha ganado un elevado volumen de inter��s y r��pida aceptaci��n. Actualmente el TF se define como la infusi��n de heces provenientes de un individuo sano a un paciente con disbiosis intestinal, la cual se ha identificado como un componente central en la etiopatogenia de numerosos trastornos gastrointestinales, como el s��ndrome de intestino irritable, la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal y la infecci��n por Clostridium difficile, entre otros. Adem��s, la disbiosis intestinal se ha propuesto como un elemento fisiopatol��gico contribuyente a numerosas enfermedades cr��nicas no transmisibles relacionadas con la inflamaci��n de bajo grado como la obesidad, la diabetes mellitus, las enfermedades cardiovasculares, el c��ncer y m��ltiples trastornos neuropsiqui��tricos y autoinmunes. La correcci��n de los desbalances en la microbiota intestinal es el mecanismo de acci��n fundamental del TF, mediante la introducci��n de microbios que puedan restablecer la funcionalidad intestinal normal. Aunque la popularidad de este procedimiento se encuentra en ascenso, hasta la fecha a��n no se dispone de pautas estandarizadas para la preparaci��n de la materia fecal o su administraci��n y las medidas de seguridad pertinentes; adem��s de numerosas inc��gnitas por responder en relaci��n a los resultados a largo plazo relacionados con esta intervenci��n. Por ende, en esta revisi��n se ofrece una perspectiva actual de la integraci��n del TF en la pr��ctica cl��nica contempor��nea.
- Published
- 2022
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18. Diabetes latente autoinmune del adulto: un reto diagn��stico y terap��utico
- Author
Carrasco, Christian Morales, Carrasco, Alex Patricio Morales, D��az, Crist��bal Espinoza, Verdugo, Mar��a Patricia V��zquez, Ortega, Hugo Saquipay, Zambrano, Alicia Morocho, and Delgado, Mar��a Bel��n Pes��ntez
- Subjects
diagn��stico ,diabetes autoinmune latente del adulto ,autoinmunidad ,Diabetes mellitus ,terap��utica - Abstract
La diabetes mellitus (DM) representa uno de los problemas de salud p��blica m��s importantes a nivel internacional. Aunque las DM tipo 1 y tipo 2 representan casi la totalidad de los casos de DM, sumando alrededor de 97%, existen otros tipos de trastornos diab��ticos que con frecuencia son excluidos de los estudios observacionales por representar una porci��n presuntamente despreciable de casos. Entre estos, se encuentran las formas de DM autoinmune de inicio en la adultez como la Diabetes Autoinmune Latente del Adulto (LADA), que combina en su fisiopatolog��a un origen autoinmune con la edad de presentaci��n, que es en la adultez. La importancia de la LADA recae sobre el infradiagn��stico de la misma dado su comportamiento tan heterog��neo, que suele prestarse para confusi��n del m��dico tratante. Frecuentemente estos pacientes son mal diagnosticados con DM tipo 2, por ser la forma m��s frecuente y relevante de DM en la adultez. Sin embargo, se ha demostrado que el retraso en el diagn��stico y tratamiento oportuno de la LADA resulta en mayor riesgo de complicaciones. La LADA sigue siendo un enigma diagn��stico y terap��utico, por lo que se necesita mayor estudio para esclarecer las lagunas de conocimiento que circundan esta entidad. El objetivo de esta revisi��n es definir los par��metros para el correcto diagn��stico de esta enfermedad, as�� como las estrategias actuales para su correcto manejo.
- Published
- 2022
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19. A Systematic Review on Model-agnostic XAI Libraries
- Author
Darias, Jesus M., D��az-Agudo, Bel��n, and Recio-Garc��a:, Juan A.
- Subjects
XAI, libraries, Case Based Reasoning - Abstract
During the last few years the topic explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) has become a hotspot in the ML research community. Model-agnostic interpretation methods propose separating the explanations from the ML model, making these explanation methods reusable through XAI libraries. In this paper we have reviewed some selected XAI libraries and provide examples of different model agnostic explanations for the same black box model with the same training data. The context of the research conducted in this paper is the iSee project 1 that will show how users of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can capture, share and re-use their experiences of AI explanations with other users who have similar explanation needs., Preprint of the CEUR publication at http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3017/96.pdf
- Published
- 2022
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20. Additional file 5 of Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma is a heterogeneous entity with pTERT mutations prognosticating shorter survival
- Author
Ebrahimi, Azadeh, Korshunov, Andrey, Reifenberger, Guido, Capper, David, Felsberg, Joerg, Trisolini, Elena, Pollo, Bianca, Calatozzolo, Chiara, Prinz, Marco, Staszewski, Ori, Schweizer, Leonille, Schittenhelm, Jens, Harter, Patrick N., Paulus, Werner, Thomas, Christian, Kohlhof-Meinecke, Patricia, Seiz-Rosenhagen, Marcel, Milde, Till, Casalini, Bel��n M., Suwala, Abigail, Wefers, Annika K., Reinhardt, Annekathrin, Sievers, Philipp, Kramm, Christof M., Etminam, Nima, Unterberg, Andreas, Wick, Wolfgang, Herold-Mende, Christel, Sturm, Dominik, Pfister, Stefan M., Sill, Martin, Jones, David T. W., Schrimpf, Daniel, Reuss, David E., Aldape, Ken, Abdullaev, Zied, Sahm, Felix, von Deimling, Andreas, and Stichel, Damian
- Abstract
Additional file 5. Histological features observed in pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomas, (a) classical giant pleomorphic cells with multiple nuclei and prominent nucleolus, (b) extensive perivascular inflammatory infiltrates, (c) endothelial proliferations, (d) extensive myxoid matrix, (e) pseudopalisading necrosis, (f) pseudopapillary growth pattern, (g) biphasic pattern with spindle cell component and giant pleomorphic cell component, (h) extensive calcification, (i) small round blue cell morphology, (j) a thrombosed vessel; all depicted tumors had a maximum calibrated score above 0.9 for mcPXA; Supplementary figure 2 Overall survival (Kaplan-Meier curve) of patients in cohort mcPXA stratified after initial histological diagnosis (a) and BRAF V600E status (b); Supplementary figure 3 Typical copy number profile of mcPXA (upper panel) compared to that of mcGBM (lower panel); Supplementary figure 4 Copy number summary of cohort mcPXA altogether and stratified after WHO grade; Supplementary figure 5: The composition of cohorts histPXA and mcPXA, (a) 220 mcPXA cases with their histological composition, (b) 144 histPXA cases with their methylation class assignments (v11b4).
- Published
- 2022
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21. Additional file 1 of It is time to define an organizational model for the prevention and management of infections along the surgical pathway: a worldwide cross-sectional survey
- Author
Sartelli, Massimo, Labricciosa, Francesco M., Coccolini, Federico, Coimbra, Raul, Abu-Zidan, Fikri M., Ansaloni, Luca, Al-Hasan, Majdi N., Ansari, Shamshul, Barie, Philip S., Ca��nzos, Miguel Angel, Ceresoli, Marco, Chiarugi, Massimo, Claridge, Jeffrey A., Cicuttin, Enrico, Dellinger, Evan Patchen, Fry, Donald E., Guirao, Xavier, Hardcastle, Timothy Craig, Hecker, Andreas, Lepp��niemi, Ari K., Litvin, Andrey, Marwah, Sanjay, Maseda, Emilio, Mazuski, John E., Memish, Ziad Ahmed, Kirkpatrick, Andrew W., Pagani, Leonardo, Podda, Mauro, Rasa, Huseyin Kemal, Sakakushev, Boris E., Sawyer, Robert G., Tumietto, Fabio, Xiao, Yonghong, Aboubreeg, Wedad Faraj, Adamou, Harissou, Akhmeteli, Lali, Akin, Emrah, Alberio, Maria Grazia, Alconchel, Felipe, Magagi, Ibrahim Amadou, Ara��z, Ana Bel��n, Argenio, Giulio, Atanasov, Boyko C., Atici, Semra Demirli, Awad, Selmy Sabry, Baili, Efstratia, Bains, Lovenish, Bala, Miklosh, Baraket, Oussama, Baral, Suman, Belskii, Vladislav A., Benboubker, Moussa, Ben-Ishay, Offir, Bordoni, Pierpaolo, Boum��di��ne, Abdalia, Brisinda, Giuseppe, Cavazzuti, Laura, Chandy, Sujith J., Chiarello, Maria Michela, Cillara, Nicola, Clarizia, Guglielmo, Cocuz, Maria-Elena, Cocuz, Iuliu Gabriel, Conti, Luigi, Coppola, Raffaella, Cui, Yunfeng, Czepiel, Jacek, D���Acapito, Fabrizio, Damaskos, Dimitrios, Das, Koray, De Simone, Belinda, Delibegovic, Samir, Demetrashvili, Zaza, Detanac, Dzemail S., Dhingra, Sameer, Di Bella, Stefano, Dimitrov, Evgeni N., Dogjani, Agron, D���Oria, Mario, Dumitru, Irina Magdalena, Elmangory, Mutasim M., Enciu, Octavian, Fantoni, Massimo, Filipescu, Daniela, Fleres, Francesco, Foghetti, Domitilla, Fransvea, Pietro, Gachabayov, Mahir, Galeiras, Rita, Gattuso, Gianni, Ghannam, Wagih M., Ghisetti, Valeria, Giraudo, Giorgio, Gonfa, Kebebe Bekele, Gonullu, Emre, Hamad, Yousif Tag Elsir Y., Hecker, Matthias, Isik, Arda, Ismail, Nizar, Ismail, Azzain, Jain, Sumita Agarwal, Kanj, Souha S., Kapoor, Garima, Karaiskos, Ilias, Kavalakat, Alfie J., Kenig, Jakub, Khamis, Faryal, Khokha, Vladimir, Kiguba, Ronald, Kim, Jae Il, Kobe, Yoshiro, Kok, Kenneth Yuh Yen, Kovacevic, Bojan M., Kryvoruchko, Igor Andreevich, Kuriyama, Akira, Landaluce-Olavarria, Aitor, Lasithiotakis, Konstantinos, Lohsiriwat, Varut, Lostoridis, Eftychios, Luppi, Davide, Vega, Gustavo Miguel Machain, Maegele, Marc, Marinis, Athanasios, Martines, Gennaro, Mart��nez-P��rez, Aleix, Massalou, Damien, Mesina, Cristian, Metan, G��khan, Miranda-Novales, Mar��a Guadalupe, Mishra, Shyam Kumar, Mohamed, Mohaned Ibrahim Hussein, Mohamedahmed, Ali Yasen Y., Mora-Guzm��n, Ismael, Mulita, Francesk, Musina, Ana-Maria, Navsaria, Pradeep H., Negoi, Ionut, Nita, Gabriela Elisa, O���Connor, Donal B., Ordo��ez, Carlos Alberto, Pantalone, Desir��, Panyko, Arp��d, Papadopoulos, Aristeidis, Pararas, Nikolaos, Pata, Francesco, Patel, Tapan, Pellino, Gianluca, Perra, Teresa, Perrone, Gennaro, Pesce, Antonio, Pintar, Tadeja, Popivanov, Georgi Ivanov, Porcu, Alberto, Quiodettis, Martha Alexa, Rahim, Razrim, Mitul, Ashrarur Rahman, Reichert, Martin, Rems, Miran, Campbell, Glendee Yolande Reynolds, Rocha-Pereira, Nuno, Rodrigues, Gabriel, Villamil, Gustavo Eduardo Roncancio, Rossi, Stefano, Sall, Ibrahima, Kafil, Hossein Samadi, Sasia, Diego, Seni, Jeremiah, Seretis, Charalampos, Serradilla-Mart��n, Mario, Shelat, Vishal G., Siribumrungwong, Boonying, Slavchev, Mihail, Solaini, Leonardo, Tan, Boun Kim, Tarasconi, Antonio, Tartaglia, Dario, Toma, Elena Adelina, Tomadze, Gia, Toro, Adriana, Tovani-Palone, Marcos Roberto, van Goor, Harry, Vasilescu, Alin, Vereczkei, Andras, Veroux, Massimiliano, Weckmann, Sergio Alberto, Widmer, Lukas Werner, Yahya, AliIbrahim, Zachariah, Sanoop K., Zakaria, Andee Dzulkarnaen, Zubareva, Nadezhda, Zuidema, Wietse P., Di Carlo, Isidoro, Cortese, Francesco, Baiocchi, Gian Luca, Maier, Ronald V., and Catena, Fausto
- Abstract
Additional file 1. Questionnaire.
- Published
- 2022
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22. DOCaMEx - Développement d’un prOgiciel de Capitalisation et de Mobilisation du savoir-faire et de l’Expérience fromagers en filière valorisant leur terroir. Innovations Agronomiques 85, 107-120
- Author
Notz, E., Bel, N., Buche, P., Paysant, B., Polturat, B., Charles, C., and Couteaux, J.
- Published
- 2022
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23. Additional file 10 of Whole-genome analyses reveal a novel prophage and cgSNPs-derived sublineages of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae ST196
- Author
Garc��a-Mart��n, Ana Bel��n, Roder, Thomas, Schmitt, Sarah, Zeeh, Friederike, Bruggmann, R��my, and Perreten, Vincent
- Abstract
Additional file 10: Figure S3. Pangenome analysis of genomes of different Brachyspira species. (A) General organization and visualization of 90 Brachyspira genomes based on the presence/absence of genes and their contribution to the bins core, soft-core and singleton. Total number of gene clusters (GCs) as well as the number of gene calls falling into each bin are shown in brackets. A graph bar displaying the number of singletons per genome, varying from 0 to 174, is also included.The two outmost layers represent both functional annotations derived from the NCBI-PGAP and COGs database. Known and unknown functions are in dark and light blue, respectively. Total number of both known and unknown functions are indicated in brackets. Genomes are colored-coded according to the seven different species they belong to except Swiss B. hyodysenteriae genomes that are colored in orange to facilitate their visualization. (B) Visualization of the soft-core gene clusters containing a high number of accessory genes. (C) Singletons present in each genome are highlighted and information regarding functional annotation is indicated in brackets.
- Published
- 2022
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24. Additional file 1 of The A��1���42/A��1���40 ratio in CSF is more strongly associated to tau markers and clinical progression than A��1���42 alone
- Author
Delaby, Constance, Estell��s, Teresa, Zhu, Nuole, Arranz, Javier, Barroeta, Isabel, Carmona-Iragui, Mar��a, Ill��n-Gala, Ignacio, Santos-Santos, Miguel ��ngel, Altuna, Miren, Sala, Isabel, S��nchez-Saudin��s, M. Bel��n, Videla, Laura, Valldeneu, S��lvia, Subirana, Andrea, Tondo, Mireia, Blanco-Vaca, Francisco, Lehmann, Sylvain, Belbin, Olivia, Blesa, Rafael, Fortea, Juan, Lle��, Alberto, and Alcolea, Daniel
- Subjects
Additional file 1. Supplementary tables and figures.
- Published
- 2022
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25. Additional file 3 of Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma is a heterogeneous entity with pTERT mutations prognosticating shorter survival
- Author
Ebrahimi, Azadeh, Korshunov, Andrey, Reifenberger, Guido, Capper, David, Felsberg, Joerg, Trisolini, Elena, Pollo, Bianca, Calatozzolo, Chiara, Prinz, Marco, Staszewski, Ori, Schweizer, Leonille, Schittenhelm, Jens, Harter, Patrick N., Paulus, Werner, Thomas, Christian, Kohlhof-Meinecke, Patricia, Seiz-Rosenhagen, Marcel, Milde, Till, Casalini, Bel��n M., Suwala, Abigail, Wefers, Annika K., Reinhardt, Annekathrin, Sievers, Philipp, Kramm, Christof M., Etminam, Nima, Unterberg, Andreas, Wick, Wolfgang, Herold-Mende, Christel, Sturm, Dominik, Pfister, Stefan M., Sill, Martin, Jones, David T. W., Schrimpf, Daniel, Reuss, David E., Aldape, Ken, Abdullaev, Zied, Sahm, Felix, von Deimling, Andreas, and Stichel, Damian
- Abstract
Additional file 3. Composition of cohorts mcPXA and histPXA in numbers.
- Published
- 2022
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26. Study on multi-ELVES in the Pierre Auger Observatory
- Author
Collaboration, Pierre Auger, V��squez Ram��rez, Adriana, Abreu, Pedro, Aglietta, Marco, Albury, Justin M., Allekotte, Ingomar, Almela, Alejandro, Alvarez-Muniz, Jaime, Alves Batista, Rafael, Anastasi, Gioacchino Alex, Anchordoqui, Luis A., Andrada, Bel��n, Andringa, Sofia, Aramo, Carla, Ara��jo Ferreira, Paulo Ricardo, Arteaga Velazquez, Juan Carlos, Asorey, Hern��n Gonzalo, Assis, Pedro, Avila, Gualberto, Badescu, Alina Mihaela, Bakalova, Alena, Balaceanu, Alexandru, Barbato, Felicia, Barreira Luz, Ricardo Jorge, Becker, Karl-Heinz, Bellido, Jose A., Berat, Corinne, Bertaina, Mario Edoardo, Bertou, Xavier, Biermann, Peter L., Binet, Virginia, Bismark, Kathrin, Bister, Teresa, Biteau, Jonathan, Blazek, Jiri, Bleve, Carla, Bohacova, Martina, Boncioli, Denise, Bonifazi, Carla, Bonneau Arbeletche, Luan, Borodai, Nataliia, Botti, Ana Martina, Brack, Jeffrey, Bretz, Thomas, Brichetto Orchera, P. Gabriel, Briechle, Florian Lukas, Buchholz, Peter, Bueno, Antonio, Buitink, Stijn, Buscemi, Mario, B��sken, Max, Caballero-Mora, Karen S., Caccianiga, Lorenzo, Canfora, Fabrizia, Caracas, Ioana, Carceller, Juan Miguel, Caruso, Rossella, Castellina, Antonella, Catalani, Fernando, Cataldi, Gabriella, Cazon, Lorenzo, Cerda, Marcos, Chinellato, Jose Augusto, Chudoba, Jiri, Chytka, Ladislav, Clay, Roger W., Cobos Cerutti, Agust��n, Colalillo, Roberta, Coleman, Alan, Coluccia, Maria Rita, Concei����o, R��ben, Condorelli, Antonio, Consolati, Giovanni, Contreras, Fernando, Convenga, Fabio, Correia Dos Santos, Diego, Covault, Corbin, Dasso, Sergio, Daumiller, Kai, Dawson, Bruce R., Day, Jarryd A., Almeida, Rogerio M. De, Jes��s, Joaqu��n De, Jong, Sijbrand J. De, De Mauro, Giuseppe, Mello Neto, Jo��o De, De Mitri, Ivan, Oliveira, Jaime De, Oliveira Franco, Danelise De, Palma, Francesco De, Souza, Vitor De, De Vito, Emanuele, R��o, Mariano Del, Deligny, Olivier, Deval, Luca, Matteo, Armando Di, Dobrigkeit, Carola, D'Olivo, Juan Carlos, Domingues Mendes, Luis Miguel, Anjos, Rita Dos, Santos, Diego Dos, Dova, Maria Teresa, Ebr, Jan, Engel, Ralph, Epicoco, Italo, Erdmann, Martin, Escobar, Carlos O., Etchegoyen, Alberto, Falcke, Heino, Farmer, John, Farrar, Glennys R., Fauth, Anderson, Fazzini, Norberto, Feldbusch, Fridtjof, Fenu, Francesco, Fick, Brian, Figueira, Juan Manuel, Filipcic, Andrej, Fitoussi, Thomas, Fodran, Tom����, Freire, Mart��n Miguel, Fujii, Toshihiro, Fuster, Alan, Galea, Cristina, Galelli, Claudio, Garc��a, Beatriz, Garc��a Vegas, Adrianna Luz, Gemmeke, Hartmut, Gesualdi, Flavia, Gherghel-Lascu, Alexandru, Ghia, Piera Luisa, GIACCARI, Ugo, Giammarchi, Marco, Glombitza, Jonas, Gobbi, Fabian, Gollan, Fernando, Golup, Geraldina, G��mez Berisso, Mariano, G��mez Vitale, Primo F., Gongora, Juan Pablo, Gonz��lez, Juan Manuel, Gonzalez, Nicolas Martin, Goos, Isabel, Gora, Dariusz, Gorgi, Alessio, Gottowik, Marvin, Grubb, Trent D., Guarino, Fausto, Guedes, Germano, Guido, Eleonora, Hahn, Steffen, Hamal, Petr, Hampel, Mat��as Rolf, Hansen, Patricia Mar��a, Harari, Diego, Harvey, Violet M., Haungs, Andreas, Hebbeker, Thomas, Heck, Dieter, Hill, Gary C., Hojvat, Carlos, H��randel, J��rg, Horvath, Pavel, Hrabovsky, Miroslav, Huege, Tim, Insolia, Antonio, Isar, Paula Gina, Janecek, Petr, Johnsen, Jeffrey A., Jury��ek, Jakub, K����p��, Alex, Kampert, Karl-Heinz, Karastathis, Nikolaos, Keilhauer, Bianca, Kemp, Julian, Khakurdikar, Abha, Kizakke Covilakam, Varada Varma, Klages, Hans, Kleifges, Matthias, Kleinfeller, Jonny, K��pke, Marcel, Kunka, Norbert, Lago, Bruno L., Lang, Rodrigo Guedes, Langner, Niklas, Leigui De Oliveira, Marcelo Augusto, Lenok, Vladimir, Letessier-Selvon, Antoine, Lhenry-Yvon, Isabelle, Lo Presti, Domenico, LOPES, Luis, L��pez, Rebeca, Lu, Lu, Luce, Quentin, Lundquist, Jon Paul, Machado Payeras, Allan, Mancarella, Giovanni, Mandat, Dusan, Manning, Bradley C., Manshanden, Julien, Mantsch, Paul, Marafico, Sullivan, Mariazzi, Analisa, Maris, Ioana Codrina, Marsella, Giovanni, Martello, Daniele, Martinelli, Sara, Mart��nez Bravo, Oscar, Mastrodicasa, Massimo, Mathes, Hermann-Josef, Matthews, James, Matthiae, Giorgio, Mayotte, Eric, Mazur, Peter, Medina-Tanco, Gustavo, Melo, Diego, Menshikov, Alexander, Merenda, Kevin-Druis, Michal, Stanislav, Micheletti, Maria Isabel, Miramonti, Lino, Mollerach, Silvia, Montanet, Fran��ois, Morello, Carlo, Mostafa, Miguel, M��ller, Ana L., Muller, Marcio Aparecido, Mulrey, Katharine, Mussa, Roberto, Muzio, Marco Stein, Namasaka, Wilson M., Nasr-Esfahani, Alina, Nellen, Lukas, Niculescu-Oglinzanu, Mihai, Niechciol, Marcus, Nitz, Dave, Nosek, Dalibor, Novotn��, Vladim��r, Nozka, Libor, Nucita, Achille, Nunez, Luis A., Palatka, Miroslav, Pallotta, Juan, Papenbreer, Philipp, Parente, Gonzalo, Parra, Alejandra, Pawlowsky, Jannis, Pech, Miroslav, Pedreira, Francisco, P��kala, Jan, Pelayo, Rodrigo, Pe��a-Rodr��guez, Jes��s, Pereira Martins, Edyvania Emily, Perez Armand, Johnnier, P��rez Bertolli, Carmina, Perlin, Mat��as, Perrone, Lorenzo, Petrera, Sergio, Pierog, Tanguy, Pimenta, M��rio, Pirronello, Valerio, Platino, Manuel, Pont, Bjarni, Pothast, Mart, Privitera, Paolo, Prouza, Michael, Puyleart, Andrew, Querchfeld, Sven, Rautenberg, Julian, Ravignani, Diego, Reininghaus, Maximilian, Ridky, Jan, Riehn, Felix, Risse, Markus, Rizi, Vincenzo, Rodrigues De Carvalho, Washington, Rodriguez Rojo, Jorge Rub��n, Roncoroni, Mat��as J., Rossoni, Simone, Roth, Markus, Roulet, Esteban, Rovero, Adrian, Ruehl, Philip, Saftoiu, Alexandra, Salamida, Francesco, Salazar, Humberto Ibarguen, Salina, Gaetano, Sanabria Gomez, Jose, S��nchez, Federico Andr��s, Santos, Edivaldo Moura, Santos, Eva, Sarazin, Fred, Sarmento, Raul, Sarmiento-Cano, Christian, Sato, Ricardo, Savina, Pierpaolo, Sch��fer, Christoph M., Scherini, Viviana, Schieler, Harald, Schimassek, Martin, Schimp, Michael, Schl��ter, Felix, Schmidt, David, Scholten, Olaf, Schovanek, Petr, Schr��der, Frank G., Schr��der, Sonja, Schulte, Josina, Sciutto, Sergio, Scornavacche, Marina, Segreto, Alberto, Sehgal, Srijan, Shellard, Ronald C., Sigl, Guenter, Silli, Gaia, Sima, Octavian, Smida, Radomir, Sommers, Paul, Soriano, Jorge F., Souchard, Julien, Squartini, Ruben, Stadelmaier, Maximilian, Stanca, Denis, Stani��, Samo, Stasielak, Jaroslaw, Stassi, Patrick, Streich, Alexander, Su��rez-Dur��n, Mauricio, Sudholz, Tristan, Suomijarvi, Tiina, Supanitsky, A. Daniel, Szadkowski, Zbigniew, Tapia, Alex, Taricco, Carla, Timmermans, Charles, Tkachenko, Olena, Tobiska, Petr, Todero Peixoto, Carlos J., Tom��, Bernardo, Torr��s, Zo��, Travaini, Andres, Travnicek, Petr, Trimarelli, Caterina, Tueros, Matias, Ulrich, Ralf, Unger, Michael, Vaclavek, Luk����, Vacula, Martin, Vald��s Galicia, Jose F., Valore, Laura, Varela, Enrique, V��squez-Ram��rez, Adriana, Veberic, Darko, Ventura, Cynthia, Vergara Quispe, Indira D., Verzi, Valerio, Vicha, Jakub, Vink, Jacco, Vorobiov, Serguei, Wahlberg, Hernan, Watanabe, Clara Keiko Oliveira, Watson, Alan, Weber, Marc, Weindl, Andreas, Wiencke, Lawrence, Wilczy��ski, Henryk, Wirtz, Marcus, Wittkowski, David, Wundheiler, Brian, Yushkov, Alexey, Zapparrata, Orazio, Zas, Enrique, Zavrtanik, Danilo, Zavrtanik, Marko, and Zehrer, Lukas
- Subjects
Physics ,Pierre Auger Observatory ,Polarity (physics) ,Astronomy ,Astrophysics ,Lightning ,Lightning strike ,Altitude ,Experimental High Energy Physics ,Light emission ,Satellite ,High Energy Physics ,ddc:620 ,Ionosphere ,Engineering & allied operations - Abstract
Since 2013, the four sites of the Fluorescence Detector (FD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory record ELVES with a dedicated trigger. These UV light emissions are correlated to distant lightning strikes. The length of recorded traces has been increased from 100 $\mu$s (2013), to 300 $\mu$s (2014-16), to 900 $\mu$s (2017-present), to progressively extend the observation of the light emission towards the vertical of the causative lightning and beyond. A large fraction of the observed events shows double ELVES within the time window, and, in some cases, even more complex structures are observed. The nature of the multi-ELVES is not completely understood but may be related to the different types of lightning in which they are originated. For example, it is known that Narrow Bipolar Events can produce double ELVES, and Energetic In-cloud Pulses, occurring between the main negative and upper positive charge layer of clouds, can induce double and even quadruple ELVES in the ionosphere. This report shows the seasonal and daily dependence of the time gap, amplitude ratio, and correlation between the pulse widths of the peaks in a sample of 1000+ multi-ELVES events recorded during the period 2014-20. The events have been compared with data from other satellite and ground-based sensing devices to study the correlation of their properties with lightning observables such as altitude and polarity.
- Published
- 2022
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27. Additional file 9 of Whole-genome analyses reveal a novel prophage and cgSNPs-derived sublineages of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae ST196
- Author
Garc��a-Mart��n, Ana Bel��n, Roder, Thomas, Schmitt, Sarah, Zeeh, Friederike, Bruggmann, R��my, and Perreten, Vincent
- Abstract
Additional file 9: Figure S2. Synteny analysis. The two most outer layers represent both functional annotations, derived from the COGs database and NCBI-PGAP, and number of genes with either known (dark blue) or unknown (light blue) annotations are also shown. Genomes are organized according to the synteny of the reference genome (in orange). The genome of the novel prophage consisting of phage-like genes organized sequentially and integrated into the chromosome is highlighted in black. Total number of gene clusters (GCs) and genes are indicated for core (dark blue), soft-core (light pink) and singleton (dark pink) bins.
- Published
- 2022
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28. Testing effects of Lorentz invariance violation in the propagation of astroparticles with the Pierre Auger Observatory
- Author
Abreu, Pedro, Aglietta, Marco, Albury, Justin M., Allekotte, Ingomar, Almeida Cheminant, Kevin, Almela, Alejandro, Alvarez-Mu��iz, Jaime, Alves Batista, Rafael, Anastasi, Gioacchino Alex, Anchordoqui, Luis, Andrada, Bel��n, Andringa, Sofia, Aramo, Carla, Ara��jo Ferreira, Paulo Ricardo, Arnone, Enrico, Arteaga Vel��zquez, Juan Carlos, Asorey, Hern��n Gonzalo, Assis, Pedro, Avila, Gualberto, Badescu, Alina Mihaela, Bakalova, Alena, Balaceanu, Alexandru, Barbato, Felicia, Bellido, Jose A., Berat, Corinne, Bertaina, Mario Edoardo, Bertou, Xavier, Bhatta, Gopal, Biermann, Peter, Binet, Virginia, Bismark, Kathrin, Bister, Teresa Karolin, Biteau, Jonathan, Blazek, Jiri, Bleve, Carla, Bl��mer, Johannes, Boh����ov��, Martina, Boncioli, Denise, Bonifazi, Carla, Bonneau Arbeletche, Luan, Borodai, Nataliia, Botti, Ana Martina, Brack, Jeffrey, Bretz, Thomas, Brichetto Orchera, P. Gabriel, Briechle, Florian Lukas, Buchholz, Peter, Bueno, Antonio, Buitink, Stijn, Buscemi, Mario, B��sken, Max, Caballero-Mora, Karen S., Caccianiga, Lorenzo, Canfora, Fabrizia, Caracas, Ioana, Caruso, Rossella, Castellina, Antonella, Catalani, Fernando, Cataldi, Gabriella, Cazon, Lorenzo, Cerda, Marcos, Chinellato, Jose Augusto, Chudoba, Jiri, Chytka, Ladislav, Clay, Roger W., Cobos Cerutti, Agust��n, Colalillo, Roberta, Coleman, Alan, Coluccia, Maria Rita, Concei����o, Ruben, Condorelli, Antonio, Consolati, Giovanni, Contreras, Fernando, Convenga, Fabio, Correia dos Santos, Diego, Covault, Corbin, Dasso, Sergio, Daumiller, Kai, Dawson, Bruce R., Day, Jarryd A., de Almeida, Rogerio M., de Jes��s, Joaqu��n, de Jong, Sijbrand J., de Mello Neto, J. R. T., De Mitri, Ivan, de Oliveira, Jaime, de Oliveira Franco, Danelise, de Palma, Francesco, de Souza, Vitor, De Vito, Emanuele, Del Popolo, Antonino, del R��o, Mariano, Deligny, Olivier, Deval, Luca, di Matteo, Armando, Dobre, Madalina, Dobrigkeit, Carola, D'Olivo, Juan Carlos, Domingues Mendes, Luis Miguel, dos Anjos, Rita, Dova, Maria Teresa, Ebr, Jan, Engel, Ralph, Epicoco, Italo, Erdmann, Martin, Escobar, Carlos O., Etchegoyen, Alberto, Falcke, Heino, Farmer, John, Farrar, Glennys, Fauth, Anderson, Fazzini, Norberto, Feldbusch, Fridtjof, Fenu, Francesco, Fick, Brian, Figueira, Juan Manuel, Filip��i��, Andrej, Fitoussi, Thomas, Fodran, Tomas, Fujii, Toshihiro, Fuster, Alan, Galea, Cristina, Galelli, Claudio, Garc��a, Beatriz, Garcia Vegas, Adrianna Luz, Gemmeke, Hartmut, Gesualdi, Flavia, Gherghel-Lascu, Alexandru, Ghia, Piera Luisa, Giaccari, Ugo, Giammarchi, Marco, Glombitza, Jonas, Gobbi, Fabian, Gollan, Fernando, Golup, Geraldina, G��mez Berisso, Mariano, G��mez Vitale, Primo F., Gongora, Juan Pablo, Gonz��lez, Juan Manuel, Gonz��lez, Nicol��s, Goos, Isabel, G��ra, Dariusz, Gorgi, Alessio, Gottowik, Marvin, Grubb, Trent D., Guarino, Fausto, Guedes, Germano, Guido, Eleonora, Hahn, Steffen, Hamal, Petr, Hampel, Mat��as Rolf, Hansen, Patricia, Harari, Diego, Harvey, Violet M., Haungs, Andreas, Hebbeker, Thomas, Heck, Dieter, Hill, Gary C., Hojvat, Carlos, H��randel, J��rg, Horvath, Pavel, Hrabovsk��, Miroslav, Huege, Tim, Insolia, Antonio, Isar, Paula Gina, Janecek, Petr, Johnsen, Jeffrey A., Jurysek, Jakub, K����p��, Alex, Kampert, Karl-Heinz, Karastathis, Nikolaos, Keilhauer, Bianca, Khakurdikar, Abha, Kizakke Covilakam, Varada Varma, Klages, Hans, Kleifges, Matthias, Kleinfeller, Jonny, Knapp, Felix, Kunka, Norbert, Lago, Bruno L., Lang, Rodrigo Guedes, Langner, Niklas Uwe, Leigui de Oliveira, Marcelo Augusto, Lenok, Vladimir, Letessier-Selvon, Antoine, Lhenry-Yvon, Isabelle, Lo Presti, Domenico, Lopes, Luis, L��pez, Rebeca, Lu, Lu, Luce, Quentin, Lundquist, Jon Paul, Machado Payeras, Allan, Mancarella, Giovanni, Mandat, Dusan, Manning, Bradley C., Manshanden, Julien, Mantsch, Paul, Marafico, Sullivan, Mariani, Federico Maria, Mariazzi, Analisa, Mari��, Ioana, Marsella, Giovanni, Martello, Daniele, Martinelli, Sara, Mart��nez Bravo, Oscar, Mastrodicasa, Massimo, Mathes, Hermann-Josef, Matthews, James, Matthiae, Giorgio, Mayotte, Eric, Mayotte, Sonja, Mazur, Peter, Medina-Tanco, Gustavo, Melo, Diego, Menshikov, Alexander, Michal, Stanislav, Micheletti, Maria Isabel, Miramonti, Lino, Mollerach, Silvia, Montanet, Fran��ois, Morejon, Leonel, Morello, Carlo, Mostaf��, Miguel, M��ller, Ana L., Muller, Marcio Aparecido, Mulrey, Katharine, Mussa, Roberto, Muzio, Marco, Namasaka, Wilson M., Nasr-Esfahani, Alina, Nellen, Lukas, Nicora, Gabriela, Niculescu-Oglinzanu, Mihai, Niechciol, Marcus, Nitz, Dave, Nosek, Dalibor, Novotny, Vladimir, No��ka, Libor, Nucita, Achille, N����ez, Luis, Oliveira, Cain��, Palatka, Miroslav, Pallotta, Juan, Papenbreer, Philipp, Parente, Gonzalo, Parra, Alejandra, Pawlowsky, Jannis, Pech, Miroslav, P��kala, Jan, Pelayo, Rodrigo, Pe��a-Rodriguez, Jes��s, Pereira Martins, Edyvania Emily, Perez Armand, Johnnier, P��rez Bertolli, Carmina, Perlin, Mat��as, Perrone, Lorenzo, Petrera, Sergio, Petrucci, Camilla, Pierog, Tanguy, Pimenta, M��rio, Pirronello, Valerio, Platino, Manuel, Pont, Bjarni, Pothast, Mart, Privitera, Paolo, Prouza, Michael, Puyleart, Andrew, Querchfeld, Sven, Rautenberg, Julian, Ravignani, Diego, Reininghaus, Maximilian, Ridky, Jan, Riehn, Felix, Risse, Markus, Rizi, Vincenzo, Rodrigues de Carvalho, Washington, Rodriguez Rojo, Jorge Rub��n, Roncoroni, Mat��as J., Rossoni, Simone, Roth, Markus, Roulet, Esteban, Rovero, Adrian, Ruehl, Philip, Saftoiu, Alexandra, Saharan, Mohit, Salamida, Francesco, Salazar, Humberto, Salina, Gaetano, Sanabria Gomez, Jose, S��nchez, Federico, Santos, Edivaldo Moura, Santos, Eva, Sarazin, Fred, Sarmento, Raul, Sarmiento-Cano, Christian, Sato, Ricardo, Savina, Pierpaolo, Sch��fer, Christoph M., Scherini, Viviana, Schieler, Harald, Schimassek, Martin, Schimp, Michael, Schl��ter, Felix, Schmidt, David, Scholten, Olaf, Schoorlemmer, Harm, Schov��nek, Petr, Schr��der, Frank G., Schulte, Josina, Schulz, Tobias, Sciutto, Sergio, Scornavacche, Marina, Segreto, Alberto, Sehgal, Srijan, Shellard, Ronald C., Sigl, Guenter, Silli, Gaia, Sima, Octavian, Smau, Raluca, ��m��da, Radomir, Sommers, Paul, Soriano, Jorge F., Squartini, Ruben, Stadelmaier, Maximilian, Stanca, Denis, Stani��, Samo, Stasielak, Jaroslaw, Stassi, Patrick, Streich, Alexander, Su��rez-Dur��n, Mauricio, Sudholz, Tristan, Suomij��rvi, Tiina, Supanitsky, A. Daniel, Szadkowski, Zbigniew, Tapia, Alex, Taricco, Carla, Timmermans, Charles, Tkachenko, Olena, Tobiska, Petr, Todero Peixoto, Carlos J., Tom��, Bernardo, Torr��s, Zo��, Travaini, Andres, Travnicek, Petr, Trimarelli, Caterina, Tueros, Matias, Ulrich, Ralf, Unger, Michael, Vaclavek, Luk����, Vacula, Martin, Vald��s Galicia, Jose F., Valore, Laura, Varela, Enrique, V��squez-Ram��rez, Adriana, Veberi��, Darko, Ventura, Cynthia, Vergara Quispe, Indira D., Verzi, Valerio, Vicha, Jakub, Vink, Jacco, Vorobiov, Serguei, Wahlberg, Hernan, Watanabe, Clara, Watson, Alan, Weindl, Andreas, Wiencke, Lawrence, Wilczy��ski, Henryk, Wittkowski, David, Wundheiler, Brian, Yushkov, Alexey, Zapparrata, Orazio, Zas, Enrique, Zavrtanik, Danilo, Zavrtanik, Marko, and Zehrer, Lukas
- Abstract
26 Seiten (2022).
- Published
- 2022
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29. Introducing QuBERT: a large monolingual corpus and BERT model for Southern Quechua
- Author
Zevallos, R., Ortega, J. E., Chen, W., Castro, R., Bel, N., Yoshikawa, C., Ventura, R., Aradiel, H., and Melgarejo, N.
- Subjects
Quítxua meridional -- Traducció automàtica - Abstract
Comunicació presentada a 3rd Workshop on Deep Learning Approaches for Low-Resource NLP (DeepLo 2022), celebrat el 14 de juliol de 2022 a Seattle, Estats Units. The lack of resources for languages in the Americas has proven to be a problem for the creation of digital systems such as machine translation, search engines, chat bots, and more. The scarceness of digital resources for a language causes a higher impact on populations where the language is spoken by millions of people. We introduce the first official large combined corpus for deep learning of an indigenous South American low-resource language spoken by millions called Quechua. Specifically, our curated corpus is created from text gathered from the southern region of Peru where a dialect of Quechua is spoken that has not traditionally been used for digital systems as a target dialect in the past. In order to make our work repeatable by others, we also offer a public, pre-trained, BERT model called QuBERT which is the largest linguistic model ever trained for any Quechua type, not just the southern region dialect. We furthermore test our corpus and its corresponding BERT model on two major tasks: (1) named-entity recognition (NER) and (2) part-of-speech (POS) tagging by using state-of-the-art techniques where we achieve results comparable to other work on higher-resource languages. In this article, we describe the methodology, challenges, and results from the creation of QuBERT which is on par with other state-of-the-art multilingual models for natural language processing achieving between 71 and 74% F1 score on NER and 84–87% on POS tasks. This work was partially funded by Project PID2019-104512GB-I00 of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación and Universidades and Agencia Estatal de Investigación.
- Published
- 2022
30. Additional file 6 of Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma is a heterogeneous entity with pTERT mutations prognosticating shorter survival
- Author
Ebrahimi, Azadeh, Korshunov, Andrey, Reifenberger, Guido, Capper, David, Felsberg, Joerg, Trisolini, Elena, Pollo, Bianca, Calatozzolo, Chiara, Prinz, Marco, Staszewski, Ori, Schweizer, Leonille, Schittenhelm, Jens, Harter, Patrick N., Paulus, Werner, Thomas, Christian, Kohlhof-Meinecke, Patricia, Seiz-Rosenhagen, Marcel, Milde, Till, Casalini, Bel��n M., Suwala, Abigail, Wefers, Annika K., Reinhardt, Annekathrin, Sievers, Philipp, Kramm, Christof M., Etminam, Nima, Unterberg, Andreas, Wick, Wolfgang, Herold-Mende, Christel, Sturm, Dominik, Pfister, Stefan M., Sill, Martin, Jones, David T. W., Schrimpf, Daniel, Reuss, David E., Aldape, Ken, Abdullaev, Zied, Sahm, Felix, von Deimling, Andreas, and Stichel, Damian
- Subjects
TheoryofComputation_MATHEMATICALLOGICANDFORMALLANGUAGES ,ComputingMethodologies_SYMBOLICANDALGEBRAICMANIPULATION ,ComputingMethodologies_DOCUMENTANDTEXTPROCESSING ,Data_FILES ,GeneralLiterature_REFERENCE(e.g.,dictionaries,encyclopedias,glossaries) - Abstract
Additional file 6. List of abbreviations.
- Published
- 2022
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31. Additional file 4 of Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma is a heterogeneous entity with pTERT mutations prognosticating shorter survival
- Author
Ebrahimi, Azadeh, Korshunov, Andrey, Reifenberger, Guido, Capper, David, Felsberg, Joerg, Trisolini, Elena, Pollo, Bianca, Calatozzolo, Chiara, Prinz, Marco, Staszewski, Ori, Schweizer, Leonille, Schittenhelm, Jens, Harter, Patrick N., Paulus, Werner, Thomas, Christian, Kohlhof-Meinecke, Patricia, Seiz-Rosenhagen, Marcel, Milde, Till, Casalini, Bel��n M., Suwala, Abigail, Wefers, Annika K., Reinhardt, Annekathrin, Sievers, Philipp, Kramm, Christof M., Etminam, Nima, Unterberg, Andreas, Wick, Wolfgang, Herold-Mende, Christel, Sturm, Dominik, Pfister, Stefan M., Sill, Martin, Jones, David T. W., Schrimpf, Daniel, Reuss, David E., Aldape, Ken, Abdullaev, Zied, Sahm, Felix, von Deimling, Andreas, and Stichel, Damian
- Abstract
Additional file 4. tSNE plot of histPXA cases with the set of reference samples underlying the classifier version v11b4; ���histPXA a��� represents cases with a calibrated score less than 0.9 in v11b4 classifier, ���histPXA b��� represents cases with a calibrated score of 0.9 or higher in v11b4 classifier.
- Published
- 2022
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32. Additional file 1 of Cortical microstructure in primary progressive aphasia: a multicenter study
- Author
Ill��n-Gala, Ignacio, Montal, Victor, Borrego-��cija, Sergi, Mandelli, Maria Luisa, Falg��s, Neus, Welch, Ariane E., Pegueroles, Jordi, Santos-Santos, Miguel, Bejanin, Alexandre, Alcolea, Daniel, Dols-Icardo, Oriol, Belbin, Olivia, S��nchez-Saudin��s, M��. Bel��n, Bargall��, Nuria, Gonz��lez-Ortiz, Sof��a, Llad��, Albert, Blesa, Rafael, Dickerson, Bradford C., Rosen, Howard J., Miller, Bruce L., Lle��, Alberto, Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa, S��nchez-Valle, Raquel, and Fortea, Juan
- Abstract
Additional file 1. Supplementary material.
- Published
- 2022
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33. sj-pdf-1-ehp-10.1177_01632787211067532 ��� Supplemental Material for Network Meta-Analysis for Single-Case Design Studies: An Illustration
- Author
Barbosa Mendes, Ana, Jamshidi, Laleh, Van den Noortgate, Wim, and Fern��ndez-Castilla, Bel��n
- Subjects
111099 Nursing not elsewhere classified ,111708 Health and Community Services ,111799 Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified ,160807 Sociological Methodology and Research Methods ,FOS: Health sciences ,FOS: Sociology - Abstract
Supplemental Material, sj-pdf-1-ehp-10.1177_01632787211067532 for Network Meta-Analysis for Single-Case Design Studies: An Illustration by Ana Barbosa Mendes, Laleh Jamshidi, Wim Van den Noortgate, and Bel��n Fern��ndez-Castillain Evaluation & the Health Professions
- Published
- 2022
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34. Properties of Wine Polysaccharides
- Author
Ayestarán, Belén, Martínez-Lapuente, Leticia, and Guadalupe, Zenaida
- Subjects
Technology & Engineering / Agriculture - Abstract
Polysaccharides are the main macromolecules of colloidal nature in wines, and play a fundamental role in the technological properties and organoleptic characteristics of the wines. The role of the different wine polysaccharides will depend on their quantity but also on their chemical composition, molecular structure and origin. Wine polysaccharides originate from grapes and yeast acting during the winemaking. The main polysaccharides present in wines can be grouped into three major families: (i) polysaccharides rich in arabinose and galactose (PRAG), (ii) polysaccharides rich in rhamnogalacturonans (RG-I and RG-II), which both come from the pectocellulosic cell walls of grape berries, and (iii) mannoproteins (MP) released by yeasts. This paper describes the origin, structure and role of the different wine polysaccharide families through a bibliographic revision of their origin and extraction into the wines, as well as their technological and sensory properties.
- Published
- 2022
35. Beethoven en los espacios privados granadinos a finales del siglo XIX
- Author
Li����n, Mar��a Bel��n Vargas
- Subjects
Music in private sphere ,Granada ,19th century ,Beethoven ,musical intimacy - Abstract
This article focuses on how Beethoven's music was received in Granada's private spheres during the last two decades of the 19th century, through an exhaustive emptying of the local press. This production had a wide circulation in the most exclusive domestic spaces of the city, especially in the residences of musicians and amateurs, with the occasional presence of prestigious visiting artists. In this sense, a classification of these musical contexts is proposed according to their purpose and participants, making a difference between artistic soir��es, student auditions and social events. Likewise, the concept of "musical intimacy" linked to performing and listening to Beethoven's work in the private sphere of Granada is further explored. Finally, the protagonists (musicians and hosts) of these evenings are approached as figures of the turn-of-the-century music scene in Granada still scarcely known, among whom some female pianists who were masterful interpreters of the Beethovenian repertoire stand out., Este art��culo analiza la recepci��n de la m��sica de Beethoven en los ambientes privados de Granada durante las dos ��ltimas d��cadas del siglo XIX, a trav��s de un vaciado exhaustivo de la prensa local. La difusi��n de esta producci��n tuvo lugar en los espacios dom��sticos m��s elitistas de la ciudad, sobre todo en las residencias de m��sicos y aficionados, con la presencia ocasional de artistas visitantes de prestigio. En este sentido se propone una clasificaci��n de estos contextos musicales en funci��n de su finalidad y participantes, diferenciando entre veladas art��sticas, audiciones de alumnos y eventos sociales. As�� mismo, se profundiza en el concepto de ��intimidad musical�� vinculado con la interpretaci��n y escucha de la obra de Beethoven en la esfera privada granadina. Finalmente, se realiza un acercamiento a los protagonistas (m��sicos y anfitriones) de estas veladas, figuras del panorama musical granadino finisecular todav��a escasamente conocidas, de entre las que destacan algunas pianistas femeninas que fueron int��rpretes sobresalientes del repertorio beethoveniano.
- Published
- 2021
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36. Entre euphorie et dysphorie : Ill��gitimes, un exemple autofictionnel de la travers��e des identit��s multiples dans les x��nographies francophones
- Author
Soto, Ana Bel��n
- Subjects
x��nographies francophones, itin��raire transclasse, identit��, autofiction, ��criture f��minine - Abstract
Associ��s intimement aux notions de crise et de mobilit��, les flux migratoires contribuent �� l�����volution de la construction des soci��t��s europ��ennes. Nous pouvons ainsi constater l���essor du r��cit transfrontalier dans la litt��rature de l���extr��me contemporain, notamment dans le corpus litt��raire des x��nographies francophones. Et c���est dans ce contexte que Nesrine Slaoui repr��sente un bel exemple de ces ��crivains qui, venant d���ailleurs, illustrent les fronti��res de la mobilit�� et de la copr��sence dans leurs ��crits. Inscrit dans cette perspective, Ill��gitimes, le premier roman de Slaoui, symbolise l���exp��rience de l���entre-deux d���une jeune fille d���immigr��s qui, ayant atteint ses objectifs professionnels, se situe �� la crois��e entre deux mondes aux fronti��res symboliques., Synergies Europe n�� 16 - 2021 p. 109-122 - GERFLINT - httpS://gerflint.fr/Base/Europe16/soto.pdf
- Published
- 2021
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37. Descubrir y aprender el patrimonio cultural y los valores democr��ticos a trav��s de Patexplor@
- Author
Calder��n Roca, Bel��n and Fern��ndez Moreno, Ana Isabel
- Abstract
La lectura es una actividad ling����stico-cognitiva muy compleja para ni��os de edades tempranas, y m��s a��n en nativos digitales. En cambio, mediante la utilizaci��n de cuentos con abundante material gr��fico y herramientas did��cticas audiovisuales, as�� como con el docente como mediador de la narraci��n, se posibilita que ni��os y ni��as se motiven y se generen intercambios verbales alrededor de las historias narradas. Desde diversas asignaturas que afecta a docentes en formaci��n, pusimos en marcha el proyecto interdisciplinar de Coordinaci��n Docente concedido por la Facultad de Educaci��n de la Universidad de M��laga, durante el curso 2020-2021: Patexplor@ ���yo miro, yo leo, yo me emociono���, que part��a de la narrativa audiovisual y del uso del patrimonio cultural y los valores democr��ticos como estrategia innovadora para fomentar la alfabetizaci��n digital, adquirir competencias b��sicas y visibilizar el curr��culo oculto, activando las potencialidades imaginativas de ni��os y ni��as. Especialmente, mediante las TIC, los cuentos pueden convertirse en una herramienta socializadora para la construcci��n de la personalidad y la identidad de la ciudadan��a, auxili��ndoles en la aprehensi��n y transmisi��n de valores, actitudes, creencias, normas, y modelos socioculturales., Didattica della storia ��� Journal of Research and Didactics of History, Vol. 3 (2021)
- Published
- 2021
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38. Think tanks, expertos y revistas: el caso del Instituto de Ciencia Pol��tica en Colombia en los a��os ochenta
- Author
Mercado, Ana Bel��n
- Subjects
Think tanks, expertos, derecha intelectual, neoliberalismo, circulaci��n de ideas - Abstract
El Instituto de Ciencia Pol��tica es un think tank colombiano que, a partir de su conformaci��n como tal en 1987, ha enfocado su tarea hacia la promoci��n de ideas neoliberales relacionadas con las nociones de libertad de empresa y de mercado, la defensa de la propiedad privada y la demanda de no intervenci��n por parte del Estado en los asuntos de la econom��a. En el presente estudio, en primer lugar, reflexionaremos en torno a la caracterizaci��n de los intelectuales y expertos en Am��rica Latina, y a los rasgos predominantes de dichos perfiles con el advenimiento del neoliberalismo. En segundo lugar, realizaremos una caracterizaci��n del Instituto de Ciencia Pol��tica como un think tank de promoci��n de las ideas neoliberales. A continuaci��n, reflexionaremos sobre la relevancia del estudio de las revistas y la composici��n del Consejo Editorial de la Revista Ciencia Pol��tica, como expresi��n de las trayectorias de los expertos que formaron parte de este proyecto editorial. Para dicho an��lisis abordaremos los a��os ochenta en funci��n del contexto de lanzamiento de la revista mencionada (1985) pero, adem��s, por configurarse esta d��cada como el momento de despliegue del modelo neoliberal en Colombia.
- Published
- 2021
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39. Adhesión terapéutica de los pacientes con EPOC según los niveles de implicación en educación sanitaria de sus centros
- Author
Borja G. Cosío, Vicente Plaza, Jordi Giner, Elena Curto, J. M. Vega, Carmen Raya Fernández, Miren Itxaso Orue, and M Bel N Alonso-Ortiz
- Subjects
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,business.industry ,MEDLINE ,Medicine ,business ,Humanities - Published
- 2021
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40. Adaptative Changes of the Serotonergic System After Antidepressant Treatments
- Author
Artigas, F., Bel, N., Casanovas, J. Ma, Romero, L., Filippini, Graziella Allegri, editor, Costa, Carlo V. L., editor, and Bertazzo, Antonella, editor
- Published
- 1996
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41. The effects of brofaromine, a reversible MAO-A inhibitor, on extracellular serotonin in the raphe nuclei and frontal cortex of freely moving rats
- Author
Celada, P., Bel, N., Artigas, F., Tipton, K. F., editor, Youdim, M. B. H., editor, Barwell, C. J., editor, Callingham, B. A., editor, and Lyles, G. A., editor
- Published
- 1994
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42. Quantifying hidden massive red galaxies at z>3
- Author
Alcalde Pampliega, Bel��n
- Subjects
Astrophysics::Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics ,Astrophysics::Galaxy Astrophysics - Abstract
The ultimate goal in galaxy studies is to have a complete picture of galaxy formation and evolution across the history of the Universe. A robust determination of the abundance of massive (even quiescent) galaxies at high-redshift is essential to constrain current galaxy formation models. In this context, this work addresses the challenge of studying the build-up of massive galaxies adding a new population of optically faint (HST-dark) Balmer Break Galaxies (BBGs), which are bright at longer wavelengths (even in the sub-mm regime), to the general population of massive galaxies at z > 3. We study in detail the physical properties of the general population of known massive galaxies at z > 3 and we analyze the sample of BBGs by comparing them with a mass-limited (M > 10^10M��� and z > 3) sample and a color-selected (H ���[3.6] > 2.5) sample extracted from the CANDELS catalogs published for these fields. We have therefore detected a new population of previously unknown optically dark massive red galaxies and provide a more complete sample of the general population of massive galaxies at z > 3. This population of massive distant galaxies may represent the progenitors of most massive local galaxies. In the context of the current paradigm of galaxy formation, it is essential to constrain and confirm the number density of high redshift massive galaxies, which will provide crucial information to expand our understanding of galaxy evolution. The existence of this numerous population of massive galaxies at high redshifts represents a challenge for existing cosmological models and state-of-the-art simulations.
- Published
- 2021
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43. Matrato infantil perinatal: evaluaci��n y procedimiento
- Author
Civit Bel, N��ria
- Abstract
Psicosom��tica y Psiquiatr��a, N��m. 5 (2018): abril-mayo-junio
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
G��emes, Mar��a Mercedes, Ferrari, Laura, Tallon, Laura, and Urcelay, Mar��a Bel��n
- Subjects
preconcesividad ,conjunci��n adversativa ,modalidad epist��mica ,corpus oral - Abstract
El presente trabajo se propone como un estudio de los valores polifuncionales de la conjunci��n pero y, m��s estrictamente, de su valor preconcesivo. La investigaci��n se enlaza con la nutrida bibliograf��a sobre la adversatividad y aporta a este frente te��rico un estudio del espa��ol rioplatense basado en un corpus oral. Act��an como sustento del presente aporte el art��culo de Ferrari et al. (en prensa) en el cual se identificaron a partir de patrones pros��dicos, dos valores particulares de la conjunci��n en cuesti��n: adversativo-restrictivo y preconcesivo; y los estudios de Biagini & Mazzoleni (2017, 2019) sobre los mismos valores para el italiano y el ruso. El corpus utilizado se extrajo de pel��culas argentinas estrenadas entre los a��os 1990 y 2010 y de emisiones elicitadas a partir de entrevistas semidirigidas hechas por las investigadoras. El tratamiento de la informaci��n relevada permite concluir que, por su comportamiento sint��ctico-pragm��tico, el valor preconcesivo de la conjunci��n pero act��a como mitigador epist��mico del hablante a partir de diferentes estrategias de modalizaci��n, part��culas cataf��ricas, reforzadores o reformuladores que garantizan una gradualidad en el distanciamiento respecto del contexto previo de enunciaci��n.
- Published
- 2021
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45. A direct proof of convergence of Davis-Yin splitting algorithm allowing larger stepsizes
- Author
Arag��n-Artacho, Francisco J. and Torregrosa-Bel��n, David
- Subjects
Optimization and Control (math.OC) ,FOS: Mathematics ,47H05, 90C30, 65K05 ,Mathematics - Optimization and Control - Abstract
This note is devoted to the splitting algorithm proposed by Davis and Yin in 2017 for computing a zero of the sum of three maximally monotone operators, with one of them being cocoercive. We provide a direct proof that guarantees its convergence when the stepsizes are smaller than four times the cocoercivity constant, thus doubling the size of the interval established by Davis and Yin. As a by-product, the same conclusion applies to the forward-backward splitting algorithm. Further, we use the notion of "strengthening" of a set-valued operator to derive a new splitting algorithm for computing the resolvent of the sum. Last but not least, we provide some numerical experiments illustrating the importance of appropriately choosing the stepsize and relaxation parameters of the algorithms.
- Published
- 2021
46. R��bricas evaluativas por competencias del ��rea de F��sica y Matem��tica en la Unidad Educativa San Camilo Quevedo-Ecuador
- Author
Nivela, Gonzalo Arturo Pe��afiel, Armas, Jorge Antonio Acurio, Paredes, Flor Del Roc��o Carriel, and Armas, Ana Bel��n Acurio
- Subjects
Aprendizaje, evaluaci��n, indicadores, manual, sistema - Abstract
La presente investigaci��n es el resultado del an��lisis de la problem��tica detectada en los diferentes procesos de evaluaci��n en el ��rea de matem��ticas de la Unidad Educativa San Camilo, lo origina como problema cient��fico: ��C��mo potenciar el sistema de evaluaci��n por competencias para el fortalecimiento del aprendizaje significativo en los estudiantes del ��rea de F��sica y Matem��tica de la Unidad Educativa San Camilo del Cant��n Quevedo?, con un enfoque cuantitativo y un muestreo estratificado, aplicando los m��todos de la modelaci��n an��lisis, s��ntesis, sist��mico, inducci��n y deducci��n, hipot��tico- deductivo y desde el nivel emp��rico: la observaci��n, encuesta y entrevista, en el dise��o metodol��gico se plantearon instrumentos denominados r��bricas en el sistema de evaluaci��n por competencias. En este estudio se destacan categor��as como: evaluaci��n, r��bricas, indicadores, entre otros t��rminos usados en el sistema de evaluaci��n para alcanzar los est��ndares educativos, se lograron resultados importantes para el uso de herramientas diarias docentes del ��rea de matem��ticas, r��bricas para el sistema de evaluaci��n sustentado en un sistema integral de capacitaci��n docente sobre la evaluaci��n del aprendizaje.
- Published
- 2021
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47. Generalized Chern numbers based on open system Green's functions
- Author
Farias, M. Bel��n, Groenendijk, Solofo, and Schmidt, Thomas L.
- Subjects
Quantum Physics ,Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics ,Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics (cond-mat.mes-hall) ,FOS: Physical sciences ,Quantum Physics (quant-ph) - Abstract
We present an alternative approach to studying topology in open quantum systems, relying directly on Green's functions and avoiding the need to construct an effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. We define an energy-dependent Chern number based on the eigenstates of the inverse Green's function matrix of the system which contains, within the self-energy, all the information about the influence of the environment, interactions, gain or losses. We explicitly calculate this topological invariant for a system consisting of a single 2D Dirac cone and find that it is half-integer quantized when certain assumptions over the damping are made. Away from these conditions, which cannot or are not usually considered within the formalism of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, we find that such a quantization is usually lost and the Chern number vanishes, and that in special cases, it can change to integer quantization.
- Published
- 2021
48. Inteligencia Artificial en el campo de las Finanzas
- Author
Espinoza Naula, Gissella Stefania, Jim?nez C?rdenas, Camila Bel?n, and Reyes Clavijo, Marco
- Subjects
La inteligencia artificial (IA) surge en la d?cada de los 40; el trabajo reconocido de Turing (1950) tuvo gran relevancia y fue considerado padre de la IA, este art?culo titulado ?Computing Machinery and Intelligence? presenta la probabilidad de que una maquina pueda imitar el pensamiento de una persona, adem?s, da a conocer un test que prueba la capacidad de una m?quina comparada con el pensamiento humano.
- Published
- 2021
49. Investigating the Relations Between Caffeine-Derived Metabolites and Plasma Lipids in 2 Population-Based Studies
- Author
Petrovic, Dusan, Pruijm, Menno, Ponte, Bel��n, Dhayat, Nasser A., Ackermann, Daniel, Ehret, Georg, Ansermot, Nicolas, Vogt, Bruno, Martin, Pierre-Yves, Stringhini, Silvia, Estoppey-Youn��s, Sandrine, Thijs, Lutgarde, Zhang, Zhenyu, Melgarejo, Jesus D, Eap, Chin B, Staessen, Jan A, Bochud, Murielle, and Guessous, Idris
- Subjects
610 Medicine & health - Abstract
OBJECTIVE To investigate the relations between caffeine-derived metabolites (methylxanthines) and plasma lipids by use of population-based data from 2 European countries. METHODS Families were randomly selected from the general population of northern Belgium (FLEMENGHO), from August 12, 1985, until November 22, 1990, and 3 Swiss cities (SKIPOGH), from November 25, 2009, through April 4, 2013. We measured plasma concentrations (FLEMENGHO, SKIPOGH) and 24-hour urinary excretions (SKIPOGH) of 4 methylxanthines-caffeine, paraxanthine, theobromine, and theophylline-using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. We used enzymatic methods to estimate total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglyceride levels and the Friedewald equation for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in plasma. We applied sex-specific mixed models to investigate associations between methylxanthines and plasma lipids, adjusting for major confounders. RESULTS In both FLEMENGHO (N=1987; 1055 [53%] female participants) and SKIPOGH (N=990; 523 [53%] female participants), total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglyceride levels increased across quartiles of plasma caffeine, paraxanthine, and theophylline (total cholesterol levels by caffeine quartiles in FLEMENGHO, male participants: 5.01��0.06 mmol/L, 5.05��0.06 mmol/L, 5.27��0.06 mmol/L, 5.62��0.06 mmol/L; female participants: 5.24��0.06 mmol/L, 5.15��0.05 mmol/L, 5.25��0.05 mmol/L, 5.42��0.05 mmol/L). Similar results were observed using urinary methylxanthines in SKIPOGH (total cholesterol levels by caffeine quartiles, male participants: 4.54��0.08 mmol/L, 4.94��0.08 mmol/L, 4.87��0.08 mmol/L, 5.27��0.09 mmol/L; female participants: 5.12��0.07 mmol/L, 5.21��0.07 mmol/L, 5.28��0.05 mmol/L, 5.28��0.07 mmol/L). Furthermore, urinary caffeine and theophylline were positively associated with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in SKIPOGH male participants. CONCLUSION Plasma and urinary caffeine, paraxanthine, and theophylline were positively associated with plasma lipids, whereas the associations involving theobromine were less clear. We postulate that the positive association between caffeine intake and plasma lipids may be related to the sympathomimetic function of methylxanthines, mitigating the overall health-beneficial effect of caffeine intake.
- Published
- 2021
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50. Deep-learning based reconstruction of the shower maximum $X_{max}$ using the water-Cherenkov detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory
- Author
Aab, Alexander, Abreu, Pedro, Aglietta, Marco, Albury, Justin M., Allekotte, Ingomar, Almela, Alejandro, Alvarez-Mu��iz, Jaime, Alves Batista, Rafael, Anastasi, Gioacchino Alex, Anchordoqui, Luis, Andrada, Bel��n, Andringa, Sofia, Aramo, Carla, Ara��jo Ferreira, Paulo Ricardo, Arteaga Vel��zquez, Juan Carlos, Asorey, Hern��n Gonzalo, Assis, Pedro, Avila, Gualberto, Badescu, Alina Mihaela, Bakalova, Alena, Balaceanu, Alexandru, Barbato, Felicia, Barreira Luz, Ricardo Jorge, Becker, Karl-Heinz, Bellido, Jose A., Berat, Corinne, Bertaina, Mario Edoardo, Bertou, Xavier, Biermann, Peter, Bister, Teresa Karolin, Biteau, Jonathan, Blazek, Jiri, Bleve, Carla, Boh����ov��, Martina, Boncioli, Denise, Bonifazi, Carla, Bonneau Arbeletche, Luan, Borodai, Nataliia, Botti, Ana Martina, Brack, Jeffrey, Bretz, Thomas, Brichetto Orchera, P. Gabriel, Briechle, Florian Lukas, Buchholz, Peter, Bueno, Antonio, Buitink, Stijn, Buscemi, Mario, Caballero-Mora, Karen S., Caccianiga, Lorenzo, Canfora, Fabrizia, Caracas, Ioana, Carceller, Juan Miguel, Caruso, Rossella, Castellina, Antonella, Catalani, Fernando, Cataldi, Gabriella, Cazon, Lorenzo, Cerda, Marcos, Chinellato, Jose Augusto, Choi, Koun, Chudoba, Jiri, Chytka, Ladislav, Clay, Roger W., Cobos Cerutti, Agust��n, Colalillo, Roberta, Coleman, Alan, Coluccia, Maria Rita, Concei����o, Ruben, Condorelli, Antonio, Consolati, Giovanni, Contreras, Fernando, Convenga, Fabio, Correia dos Santos, Diego, Covault, Corbin, Dasso, Sergio, Daumiller, Kai, Dawson, Bruce R., Day, Jarryd A., de Almeida, Rogerio M., de Jes��s, Joaqu��n, de Jong, Sijbrand J., De Mauro, Giuseppe, de Mello Neto, J. R. T., De Mitri, Ivan, de Oliveira, Jaime, de Oliveira Franco, Danelise, de Palma, Francesco, de Souza, Vitor, De Vito, Emanuele, del R��o, Mariano, Deligny, Olivier, Di Matteo, Armando, Dobrigkeit, Carola, D'Olivo, Juan Carlos, dos Anjos, Rita, Dova, Maria Teresa, Ebr, Jan, Engel, Ralph, Epicoco, Italo, Erdmann, Martin, Escobar, Carlos O., Etchegoyen, Alberto, Falcke, Heino, Farmer, John, Farrar, Glennys, Fauth, Anderson, Fazzini, Norberto, Feldbusch, Fridtjof, Fenu, Francesco, Fick, Brian, Figueira, Juan Manuel, Filip��i��, Andrej, Fodran, Tomas, Freire, Mart��n Miguel, Fujii, Toshihiro, Fuster, Alan, Galea, Cristina, Galelli, Claudio, Garc��a, Beatriz, Garcia Vegas, Adrianna Luz, Gemmeke, Hartmut, Gesualdi, Flavia, Gherghel-Lascu, Alexandru, Ghia, Piera Luisa, Giaccari, Ugo, Giammarchi, Marco, Giller, Maria, Glombitza, Jonas, Gobbi, Fabian, Gollan, Fernando, Golup, Geraldina, G��mez Berisso, Mariano, G��mez Vitale, Primo F., Gongora, Juan Pablo, Gonz��lez, Juan Manuel, Gonz��lez, Nicol��s, Goos, Isabel, G��ra, Dariusz, Gorgi, Alessio, Gottowik, Marvin, Grubb, Trent D., Guarino, Fausto, Guedes, Germano, Guido, Eleonora, Hahn, Steffen, Hamal, Petr, Hampel, Mat��as Rolf, Hansen, Patricia, Harari, Diego, Harvey, Violet M., Haungs, Andreas, Hebbeker, Thomas, Heck, Dieter, Hill, Gary C., Hojvat, Carlos, H��randel, J��rg, Horvath, Pavel, Hrabovsk��, Miroslav, Huege, Tim, Hulsman, Johannes, Insolia, Antonio, Isar, Paula Gina, Janecek, Petr, Johnsen, Jeffrey A., Jurysek, Jakub, K����p��, Alex, Kampert, Karl-Heinz, Keilhauer, Bianca, Kemp, Julian, Klages, Hans, Kleifges, Matthias, Kleinfeller, Jonny, K��pke, Marcel, Kunka, Norbert, Lago, Bruno L., Lang, Rodrigo Guedes, Langner, Niklas Uwe, Leigui de Oliveira, Marcelo Augusto, Lenok, Vladimir, Letessier-Selvon, Antoine, Lhenry-Yvon, Isabelle, Lo Presti, Domenico, Lopes, Luis, L��pez, Rebeca, Lu, Lu, Luce, Quentin, Lucero, Agustin, Lundquist, Jon Paul, Machado Payeras, Allan, Mancarella, Giovanni, Mandat, Dusan, Manning, Bradley C., Manshanden, Julien, Mantsch, Paul, Marafico, Sullivan, Mariazzi, Analisa, Mari��, Ioana, Marsella, Giovanni, Martello, Daniele, Martinez, Humberto, Mart��nez Bravo, Oscar, Mastrodicasa, Massimo, Mathes, Hermann-Josef, Matthews, James, Matthiae, Giorgio, Mayotte, Eric, Mazur, Peter, Medina-Tanco, Gustavo, Melo, Diego, Menshikov, Alexander, Merenda, Kevin-Druis, Michal, Stanislav, Micheletti, Maria Isabel, Miramonti, Lino, Mollerach, Silvia, Montanet, Fran��ois, Morello, Carlo, Mostaf��, Miguel, M��ller, Ana L., Muller, Marcio Aparecido, Mulrey, Katharine, Mussa, Roberto, Muzio, Marco, Namasaka, Wilson M., Nasr-Esfahani, Alina, Nellen, Lukas, Niculescu-Oglinzanu, Mihai, Niechciol, Marcus, Nitz, Dave, Nosek, Dalibor, Novotny, Vladimir, No��ka, Libor, Nucita, Achille, N����ez, Luis, Palatka, Miroslav, Pallotta, Juan, Papenbreer, Philipp, Parente, Gonzalo, Parra, Alejandra, Pech, Miroslav, Pedreira, Francisco, P��kala, Jan, Pelayo, Rodrigo, Pe��a-Rodriguez, Jes��s, Pereira Martins, Edyvania Emily, Perez Armand, Johnnier, P��rez Bertolli, Carmina, Perlin, Mat��as, Perrone, Lorenzo, Petrera, Sergio, Pierog, Tanguy, Pimenta, M��rio, Pirronello, Valerio, Platino, Manuel, Pont, Bjarni, Pothast, Mart, Privitera, Paolo, Prouza, Michael, Puyleart, Andrew, Querchfeld, Sven, Rautenberg, Julian, Ravignani, Diego, Reininghaus, Maximilian, Ridky, Jan, Riehn, Felix, Risse, Markus, Rizi, Vincenzo, Rodrigues de Carvalho, Washington, Rodriguez Rojo, Jorge Rub��n, Roncoroni, Mat��as J., Roth, Markus, Roulet, Esteban, Rovero, Adrian, Ruehl, Philip, Saffi, Steven J., Saftoiu, Alexandra, Salamida, Francesco, Salazar, Humberto, Salina, Gaetano, Sanabria Gomez, Jose, S��nchez, Federico, Moura Santos, Edivaldo, Santos, Eva, Sarazin, Fred, Sarmento, Raul, Sarmiento-Cano, Christian, Sato, Ricardo, Savina, Pierpaolo, Sch��fer, Christoph M., Scherini, Viviana, Schieler, Harald, Schimassek, Martin, Schimp, Michael, Schl��ter, Felix, Schmidt, David, Scholten, Olaf, Schov��nek, Petr, Schr��der, Frank G., Schr��der, Sonja, Schulte, Josina, Sciutto, Sergio, Scornavacche, Marina, Segreto, Alberto, Sehgal, Srijan, Shellard, Ronald C., Sigl, Guenter, Silli, Gaia, Sima, Octavian, ��m��da, Radomir, Sommers, Paul, Soriano, Jorge F., Souchard, Julien, Squartini, Ruben, Stadelmaier, Maximilian, Stanca, Denis, Stani��, Samo, Stasielak, Jaroslaw, Stassi, Patrick, Streich, Alexander, Su��rez-Dur��n, Mauricio, Sudholz, Tristan, Suomij��rvi, Tiina, Supanitsky, A. Daniel, ��up��k, Jan, Szadkowski, Zbigniew, Taboada, Alvaro, Tapia, Alex, Taricco, Carla, Timmermans, Charles, Tkachenko, Olena, Tobiska, Petr, Todero Peixoto, Carlos J., Tom��, Bernardo, Travaini, Andres, Travnicek, Petr, Trimarelli, Caterina, Trini, Marta, Tueros, Matias, Ulrich, Ralf, Unger, Michael, Vaclavek, Luk����, Vacula, Martin, Vald��s Galicia, Jose F., Valore, Laura, Varela, Enrique, Varma KC, Varada, V��squez-Ram��rez, Adriana, Veberi��, Darko, Ventura, Cynthia, Vergara Quispe, Indira D., Verzi, Valerio, Vicha, Jakub, Vink, Jacco, Vorobiov, Serguei, Wahlberg, Hernan, Watanabe, Clara, Watson, Alan, Weber, Marc, Weindl, Andreas, Wiencke, Lawrence, Wilczy��ski, Henryk, Winchen, Tobias, Wirtz, Marcus, Wittkowski, David, Wundheiler, Brian, Yushkov, Alexey, Zapparrata, Orazio, Zas, Enrique, Zavrtanik, Danilo, Zavrtanik, Marko, Zehrer, Lukas, and Zepeda, Arnulfo
- Subjects
showers: energy ,interaction: model ,showers: atmosphere ,air ,detector: surface ,neural network ,Large detector systems for particle and astroparticle physics ,Pattern recognition, cluster finding, calibration and fitting methods ,Data analysis ,resolution ,calibration ,Auger ,detector: fluorescence ,observatory ,Particle identification methods ,Cherenkov counter ,cosmic radiation: UHE ,nucleus: mass spectrum ,structure ,network: performance ,showers: longitudinal - Abstract
27 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme (2021).
- Published
- 2021
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