Meguellati-Kanoun, Amel, Kanoun, Mohamed, Saadaoui, Mohamed, Huguenin, Johann, Bekai, Fatma, Meguellati-Kanoun, Amel, Kanoun, Mohamed, Saadaoui, Mohamed, Huguenin, Johann, and Bekai, Fatma
The degradation of pastoral resources has been accelerated as a result of the severe droughts of the 1970s and 1980s. In addition to that, the new land practices had a major impact resulting in a territorial dynamic recomposition. They have led to a scarcity of the available forage for rangelands by reducing their surface area and their productivity. This study aims to analyze the ability of agropastoralists to adapt this uncertain context of forage to maintain the level of animals' production. To do this, forage balances were analyzed during a period from 2001 to 2015 in the Djelfa region. The data studied come from the Department of Agricultural Statistics of the Ministry, the agricultural services of Djelfa and surveys of agropastors. Univariate descriptive statistical analysis has shown a diversity of forage resources to ensure the nutritional needs of animals. The share of pastoral supplies from home terroirs and pastures from transhumance contributes equivalent to 58% of animal needs. Thus,the pastoral resources remain decisive in the pastoralists' strategy for animal feeding. Nevertheless, the contribution of grown fooder and purchased feed is growing. It accounts for nearly 38%, of which 58% and 42% are concentrated feed purchased and fodder grown respectively; mainly barley in green and grain. However, coefficients of variation ranging from 20% to 77% imply that access to pasture and the contribution of forage resources remain irregular, uncertain and monetary.