88 results on '"Batres, C."'
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2. A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Legate, N, Ngyuen, T-V, Weinstein, N, Moller, A, Legault, L, Vally, Z, Tajchman, Z, Zsido, AN, Zrimsek, M, Chen, Z, Ziano, I, Gialitaki, Z, Ceary, CD, Jang, Y, Lin, Y, Kunisato, Y, Yamada, Y, Xiao, Q, Jiang, X, Du, X, Yao, E, Ryan, WS, Wilson, JP, Cyrus-Lai, W, Jimenez-Leal, W, Law, W, Unanue, W, Collins, WM, Richard, KL, Vranka, M, Ankushev, V, Schei, V, DePaola, C, Lerche, V, Kovic, V, Križanić, V, Kadreva, VH, Adoric, VC, Tran, US, Yeung, SK, Hassan, W, Houston, R, Machin, MA, Lima, TJS, Ostermann, T, Frizzo, T, Sverdrup, TE, House, T, Gill, T, Fedotov, M, Paltrow, T, Jernsäther, T, Rahman, T, Machin, T, Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M, Hostler, TJ, Ishii, T, Szaszi, B, Adamus, S, Suter, L, von Bormann, SM, Habib, S, Studzinska, A, Stojanovska, D, Janssen, SMJ, Stieger, S, Schulenberg, SE, Tatachari, S, Azouaghe, S, Sorokowski, P, Sorokowska, A, Song, X, Morbée, S, Lewis, S, Sinkolova, S, Grigoryev, D, Drexler, SM, Daches, S, Levine, SL, Geniole, SN, Akter, S, Vračar, S, Massoni, S, Costa, S, Zorjan, S, Sarioguz, E, Izquierdo, SM, Tshonda, SS, Alves, SG, Pöntinen, S, Solas, SÁ, Ordoñez-Riaño, S, Očovaj, SB, Onie, S, Lins, S, Biberauer, T, Çoksan, S, Khumkom, S, Sacakli, A, Ruiz-Fernández, S, Geiger, SJ, FatahModares, S, Walczak, RB, Betlehem, R, Vilar, R, Cárcamo, RA, Ross, RM, McCarthy, R, Ballantyne, T, Westgate, EC, Ryan, RM, Gargurevich, R, Afhami, R, Ren, D, Monteiro, RP, Reips, U-D, Reggev, N, Calin-Jageman, RJ, Pourafshari, R, Oliveira, R, Nedelcheva-Datsova, M, Rahal, R-M, Ribeiro, RR, Radtke, T, Searston, R, Jai-ai, R, Habte, R, Zdybek, P, Chen, S-C, Wajanatinapart, P, Maturan, PLG, Perillo, JT, Isager, PM, Kačmár, P, Macapagal, PM, Maniaci, MR, Szwed, P, Hanel, PHP, Forbes, PAG, Arriaga, P, Paris, B, Parashar, N, Papachristopoulos, K, Correa, PS, Kácha, O, Bernardo, M, Campos, O, Bravo, ON, Galindo-Caballero, OJ, Ogbonnaya, CE, Bialobrzeska, O, Kiselnikova, N, Simonovic, N, Cohen, N, Nock, NL, Hernandez, A, Thogersen-Ntoumani, C, Ntoumanis, N, Johannes, N, Albayrak-Aydemir, N, Say, N, Neubauer, AB, Martin, NI, Levy, N, Torunsky, N, Antwerpen, NV, Doren, NV, Sunami, N, Rachev, NR, Majeed, NM, Schmidt, N-D, Nadif, K, Corral-Frías, NS, Ouherrou, N, Abbas, N, Pantazi, M, Lucas, MY, Vasilev, MR, Victoria Ortiz, M, Butt, MM, Kurfalı, M, Kabir, M, Muda, R, Rivera, MDCMCT, Sirota, M, Seehuus, M, Parzuchowski, M, Toro, M, Hricova, M, Maldonado, MA, Rentzelas, P, Vansteenkiste, M, Metz, MA, Marszalek, M, Karekla, M, Mioni, G, Bosma, MJ, Westerlund, M, Vdovic, M, Bialek, M, Silan, MA, Anne, M, Misiak, M, Gugliandolo, MC, Grinberg, M, Capizzi, M, Espinoza Barría, MF, Kurfali, MA, Mensink, MC, Harutyunyan, M, Khosla, M, Dunn, MR, Korbmacher, M, Adamkovič, M, Ribeiro, MFF, Terskova, M, Hruška, M, Martončik, M, Jansen, M, Voracek, M, Čadek, M, Frias-Armenta, M, Kowal, M, Topor, M, Roczniewska, M, Oosterlinck, M, Kohlová, MB, Paruzel-Czachura, M, Sabristov, M, Romanova, M, Papadatou-Pastou, M, Lund, ML, Antoniadi, M, Magrin, ME, Jones, MV, Li, M, Ortiz, MS, Manavalan, M, Muminov, A, Kossowska, M, Friedemann, M, Wielgus, M, van Hooff, MLM, Varella, MAC, Standage, M, Nicolotti, M, Colloff, MF, Bradford, M, Vaughn, LA, Eudave, L, Vieira, L, Lu, JG, Pineda, LMS, Matos, L, Pérez, LC, Lazarevic, LB, Jaremka, LM, Smit, ES, Kushnir, E, Ferguson, LJ, Anton-Boicuk, L, Lins de Holanda Coelho, G, Ahlgren, L, Liga, F, Levitan, CA, Micheli, L, Gunton, L-A, Volz, L, Stojanovska, M, Boucher, L, Samojlenko, L, Delgado, LGJ, Kaliska, L, Beatrix, L, Warmelink, L, Rojas-Berscia, LM, Yu, K, Wylie, K, Wachowicz, J, Desai, K, Barzykowski, K, Kozma, L, Evans, K, Kirgizova, K, Emmanuel Agesin, BB, Koehn, MA, Wolfe, K, Korobova, T, Morris, K, Klevjer, K, van Schie, K, Vezirian, K, Damnjanović, K, Thommesen, KK, Schmidt, K, Filip, K, Staniaszek, K, Grzech, K, Hoyer, K, Moon, K, Khaobunmasiri, S, Rana, K, Janjić, K, Suchow, JW, Kielińska, J, Cruz Vásquez, JE, Chanal, J, Beitner, J, Vargas-Nieto, JC, Roxas, JCT, Taber, J, Urriago-Rayo, J, Pavlacic, JM, Benka, J, Bavolar, J, Soto, JA, Olofsson, JK, Vilsmeier, JK, Messerschmidt, J, Czamanski-Cohen, J, Waterschoot, J, Moss, JD, Boudesseul, J, Lee, JM, Kamburidis, J, Joy-Gaba, JA, Zickfeld, J, Miranda, JF, Verharen, JPH, Hristova, E, Beshears, JE, Djordjevic, JM, Bosch, J, Valentova, JV, Antfolk, J, Berkessel, JB, Schrötter, J, Urban, J, Röer, JP, Norton, JO, Silva, JR, Pickering, JS, Vintr, J, Uttley, J, Kunst, JR, Ndukaihe, ILG, Iyer, A, Vilares, I, Ivanov, A, Ropovik, I, Sula, I, Sarieva, I, Metin-Orta, I, Prusova, I, Pinto, I, Bozdoc, AI, Almeida, IAT, Pit, IL, Dalgar, I, Zakharov, I, Arinze, AI, Ihaya, K, Stephen, ID, Gjoneska, B, Brohmer, H, Flowe, H, Godbersen, H, Kocalar, HE, Hedgebeth, MV, Chuan-Peng, H, Sharifian, M, Manley, H, Akkas, H, Hajdu, N, Azab, H, Kaminski, G, Nilsonne, G, Anjum, G, Travaglino, GA, Feldman, G, Pfuhl, G, Czarnek, G, Marcu, GM, Hofer, G, Banik, G, Adetula, GA, Bijlstra, G, Verbruggen, F, Kung, FYH, Martela, F, Foroni, F, Forest, J, Singer, G, Muchembled, F, Azevedo, F, Mosannenzadeh, F, Marinova, E, Štrukelj, E, Etebari, Z, Bradshaw, EL, Baskin, E, Garcia, EOL, Musser, E, van Steenkiste, IMM, Ahn, ER, Quested, E, Pronizius, E, Jackson, EA, Manunta, E, Agadullina, E, Šakan, D, Dursun, P, Dujols, O, Dubrov, D, Willis, M, Tümer, M, Beaudry, JL, Popović, D, Dunleavy, D, Djamai, I, Krupić, D, Herrera, D, Vega, D, Du, H, Mola, D, Chakarova, D, Davis, WE, Holford, DL, Lewis, DMG, Vaidis, DC, Ozery, DH, Ricaurte, DZ, Storage, D, Sousa, D, Alvarez, DS, Boller, D, Rosa, AD, Dimova, D, Marko, D, Moreau, D, Reeck, C, Correia, RC, Whitt, CM, Lamm, C, Solorzano, CS, von Bastian, CC, Sutherland, CAM, Overkott, C, Aberson, CL, Wang, C, Niemiec, CP, Karashiali, C, Noone, C, Chiu, F, Picciocchi, C, Brownlow, C, Karaarslan, C, Cellini, N, Esteban-Serna, C, Reyna, C, Ferreyra, C, Batres, C, Li, R, Grano, C, Carpentier, J, Tamnes, CK, Fu, CHY, Ishkhanyan, B, Bylinina, L, Jaeger, B, Bundt, C, Allred, TB, Vermote, BJ, Bokkour, A, Bogatyreva, N, Shi, J, Chopik, WJ, Antazo, B, Behzadnia, B, Becker, M, Bayyat, MM, Cocco, B, Chou, W-L, Barkoukis, V, Hubena, B, Žuro, B, Aczel, B, Baklanova, E, Bai, H, Balci, BB, Babinčák, P, Soenens, B, Dixson, BJW, Mokady, A, Kappes, HB, Atari, M, Szala, A, Szabelska, A, Aruta, JJB, Domurat, A, Arinze, NC, Modena, A, Adiguzel, A, Monajem, A, ARABI, KAITEL, Özdoğru, AA, Rothbaum, AO, Torres, AO, Theodoropoulou, A, Skowronek, A, Jurković, AP, Singh, A, Kassianos, AP, Findor, A, Hartanto, A, Landry, AT, Ferreira, A, Santos, AC, De la Rosa-Gomez, A, Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A, Luxon, AM, Todsen, AL, Karababa, A, Janak, A, Pilato, A, Bran, A, Tullett, AM, Kuzminska, AO, Krafnick, AJ, Urooj, A, Khaoudi, A, Ahmed, A, Groyecka-Bernard, A, Askelund, AD, Adetula, A, Belaus, A, Charyate, AC, Wichman, AL, Stoyanova, A, Greenburgh, A, Thomas, AG, Arvanitis, A, Forscher, PS, Mallik, PR, Coles, NA, Miller, JK, Moshontz, H, Urry, HL, IJzerman, H, Basnight-Brown, DM, Ebersole, CR, Chartier, CR, Buchanan, EM, Primbs, MA, Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies, Clinical Psychology, Legate, N, Nguyen, T, Weinstein, N, Moller, A, Legault, L, Vally, Z, Tajchman, Z, Zsido, A, Zrimsek, M, Chen, Z, Ziano, I, Gialitaki, Z, Ceary, C, Jang, Y, Lin, Y, Kunisato, Y, Yamada, Y, Xiao, Q, Jiang, X, Du, X, Yao, E, Ryan, W, Wilson, J, Cyrus-Lai, W, Jimenez-Leal, W, Law, W, Unanue, W, Collins, W, Richard, K, Vranka, M, Ankushev, V, Schei, V, Lerche, V, Kovic, V, Krizanic, V, Kadreva, V, Adoric, V, Tran, U, Yeung, S, Hassan, W, Houston, R, Machin, M, Lima, T, Ostermann, T, Frizzo, T, Sverdrup, T, House, T, Gill, T, Fedotov, M, Paltrow, T, Jernsather, T, Rahman, T, Machin, T, Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M, Hostler, T, Ishii, T, Szaszi, B, Adamus, S, Suter, L, von Bormann, S, Habib, S, Studzinska, A, Stojanovska, D, Janssen, S, Stieger, S, Schulenberg, S, Tatachari, S, Azouaghe, S, Sorokowski, P, Sorokowska, A, Song, X, Morbee, S, Lewis, S, Sinkolova, S, Grigoryev, D, Drexler, S, Daches, S, Levine, S, Geniole, S, Akter, S, Vracar, S, Massoni, S, Costa, S, Zorjan, S, Sarioguz, E, Izquierdo, S, Tshonda, S, Alves, S, Pontinen, S, Solas, S, Ordonez-Riano, S, Ocovaj, S, Onie, S, Lins, S, Biberauer, T, Coksan, S, Khumkom, S, Sacakli, A, Ruiz-Fernandez, S, Geiger, S, Modares, S, Walczak, R, Betlehem, R, Vilar, R, Carcamo, R, Ross, R, Mccarthy, R, Ballantyne, T, Westgate, E, Ryan, R, Gargurevich, R, Afhami, R, Ren, D, Monteiro, R, Reips, U, Reggev, N, Calin-Jagema, R, Pourafshari, R, Oliveira, R, Nedelcheva-Datsova, M, Rahal, R, Ribeiro, R, Radtke, T, Searston, R, Jai-ai, R, Habte, R, Zdybek, P, Chen, S, Wajanatinapart, P, Maturan, P, Perillo, J, Isager, P, Kacmar, P, Macapagal, P, Maniaci, M, Szwed, P, Hanel, P, Forbes, P, Arriaga, P, Paris, B, Parashar, N, Papachristopoulos, K, Correa, P, Kacha, O, Bernardo, M, Campos, O, Bravo, O, Galindo-Caballero, O, Ogbonnaya, C, Bialobrzeska, O, Kiselnikova, N, Simonovic, N, Cohen, N, Nock, N, Hernandez, A, Thogersen-Ntouma, C, Ntoumanis, N, Johannes, N, Albayrak-Aydemir, N, Say, N, Neubauer, A, Martin, N, Torunsky, N, van Antwerpen, N, Van Doren, N, Sunami, N, Rachev, N, Majeed, N, Schmidt, N, Nadif, K, Corral-Frias, N, Ouherrou, N, Abbas, N, Pantazi, M, Lucas, M, Vasilev, M, Ortiz, M, Butt, M, Kurfali, M, Kabir, M, Muda, R, Rivera, M, Sirota, M, Seehuus, M, Parzuchowski, M, Toro, M, Hricova, M, Maldonado, M, Rentzelas, P, Vansteenkiste, M, Metz, M, Marszalek, M, Karekla, M, Mioni, G, Bosma, M, Westerlund, M, Vdovic, M, Bialek, M, Silan, M, Anne, M, Misiak, M, Gugliandolo, M, Grinberg, M, Capizzi, M, Barria, M, Mensink, M, Harutyunyan, M, Khosla, M, Dunn, M, Korbmacher, M, Adamkovic, M, Ribeiro, M, Terskova, M, Hruska, M, Martoncik, M, Voracek, M, Cadek, M, Frias-Armenta, M, Kowal, M, Topor, M, Roczniewska, M, Oosterlinck, M, Kohlova, M, Paruzel-Czachura, M, Sabristov, M, Romanova, M, Papadatou-Pastou, M, Lund, M, Antoniadi, M, Magrin, M, Jones, M, Li, M, Manavalan, M, Muminov, A, Kossowska, M, Friedemann, M, Wielgus, M, van Hooff, M, Varella, M, Standage, M, Nicolotti, M, Colloff, M, Bradford, M, Vaughn, L, Eudave, L, Vieira, L, Lu, J, Pineda, L, Matos, L, Perez, L, Lazarevic, L, Jaremka, L, Smit, E, Kushnir, E, Ferguson, L, Anton-Boicuk, L, Coelho, G, Ahlgren, L, Liga, F, Levitan, C, Micheli, L, Gunton, L, Volz, L, Stojanovska, M, Boucher, L, Samojlenko, L, Delgado, L, Kaliska, L, Beatrix, L, Warmelink, L, Rojas-Berscia, L, Yu, K, Wylie, K, Wachowicz, J, Desai, K, Barzykowski, K, Kozma, L, Evans, K, Kirgizova, K, Agesin, B, Koehn, M, Wolfe, K, Korobova, T, Morris, K, Klevjer, K, van Schie, K, Vezirian, K, Damnjanovic, K, Thommesen, K, Schmidt, K, Filip, K, Staniaszek, K, Grzech, K, Hoyer, K, Moon, K, Khaobunmasiri, S, Rana, K, Janjic, K, Suchow, J, Kielinska, J, Vasquez, J, Chanal, J, Beitner, J, Vargas-Nieto, J, Roxas, J, Taber, J, Urriago-Rayo, J, Pavlacic, J, Benka, J, Bavolar, J, Soto, J, Olofsson, J, Vilsmeier, J, Messerschmidt, J, Czamanski-Cohen, J, Waterschoot, J, Moss, J, Boudesseul, J, Lee, J, Kamburidis, J, Joy-Gaba, J, Zickfeld, J, Miranda, J, Verharen, J, Hristova, E, Beshears, J, Djordjevic, J, Bosch, J, Valentova, J, Antfolk, J, Berkessel, J, Schrotter, J, Urban, J, Roer, J, Norton, J, Silva, J, Pickering, J, Vintr, J, Uttley, J, Kunst, J, Ndukaihe, I, Iyer, A, Vilares, I, Ivanov, A, Ropovik, I, Sula, I, Sarieva, I, Metin-Orta, I, Prusova, I, Pinto, I, Bozdoc, A, Almeida, I, Pit, I, Dalgar, I, Zakharov, I, Arinze, A, Ihaya, K, Stephen, I, Gjoneska, B, Brohmer, H, Flowe, H, Godbersen, H, Kocalar, H, Hedgebeth, M, Chuan-Peng, H, Sharifian, M, Manley, H, Akkas, H, Hajdu, N, Azab, H, Kaminski, G, Nilsonne, G, Anjum, G, Travaglino, G, Feldman, G, Pfuhl, G, Czarnek, G, Marcu, G, Hofer, G, Banik, G, Adetula, G, Bijlstra, G, Verbruggen, F, Kung, F, Martela, F, Foroni, F, Forest, J, Singer, G, Muchembled, F, Azevedo, F, Mosannenzadeh, F, Marinova, E, Strukelj, E, Etebari, Z, Bradshaw, E, Baskin, E, Garcia, E, Musser, E, van Steenkiste, I, Ahn, E, Quested, E, Pronizius, E, Jackson, E, Manunta, E, Agadullina, E, Sakan, D, Dursun, P, Dujols, O, Dubrov, D, Willis, M, Tumer, M, Beaudry, J, Popovic, D, Dunleavy, D, Djamai, I, Krupic, D, Herrera, D, Vega, D, Du, H, Mola, D, Chakarova, D, Davis, W, Holford, D, Lewis, D, Vaidis, D, Ozery, D, Ricaurte, D, Storage, D, Sousa, D, Alvarez, D, Boller, D, Dalla Rosa, A, Dimova, D, Marko, D, Moreau, D, Reeck, C, Correia, R, Whitt, C, Lamm, C, Solorzano, C, von Bastian, C, Sutherland, C, Overkott, C, Aberson, C, Wang, C, Niemiec, C, Karashiali, C, Noone, C, Chiu, F, Picciocchi, C, Brownlow, C, Karaarslan, C, Cellini, N, Esteban-Serna, C, Reyna, C, Ferreyra, C, Batres, C, Li, R, Grano, C, Carpentier, J, Tamnes, C, Fu, C, Ishkhanyan, B, Bylinina, L, Jaeger, B, Bundt, C, Allred, T, Vermote, B, Bokkour, A, Bogatyreva, N, Shi, J, Chopik, W, Antazo, B, Behzadnia, B, Becker, M, Bayyat, M, Cocco, B, Chou, W, Barkoukis, V, Hubena, B, Zuro, B, Aczel, B, Baklanova, E, Bai, H, Balci, B, Babincak, P, Soenens, B, Dixson, B, Mokady, A, Kappes, H, Atari, M, Szala, A, Szabelska, A, Aruta, J, Domurat, A, Arinze, N, Modena, A, Adiguzel, A, Monajem, A, El Arabi, K, Ozdogru, A, Rothbaum, A, Torres, A, Theodoropoulou, A, Skowronek, A, Jurkovic, A, Singh, A, Kassianos, A, Findor, A, Hartanto, A, Landry, A, Ferreira, A, Santos, A, De la Rosa-Gomez, A, Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A, Luxon, A, Todsen, A, Karababa, A, Janak, A, Pilato, A, Bran, A, Tullett, A, Kuzminska, A, Krafnick, A, Urooj, A, Khaoudi, A, Ahmed, A, Groyecka-Bernard, A, Askelund, A, Adetula, A, Belaus, A, Charyate, A, Wichman, A, Stoyanova, A, Greenburgh, A, Thomas, A, Arvanitis, A, Forscher, P, Mallik, P, Coles, N, Miller, J, Moshontz, H, Urry, H, Ijzerman, H, Basnight-Brown, D, Ebersole, C, Chartier, C, Buchanan, E, Primbs, M, Medical and Clinical Psychology, Department of Social Psychology, Psychological Science Accelerator Self-Determination Theory Collaboration, Legate, N., Nguyen, T. -V., Weinstein, N., Moller, A., Legault, L., Vally, Z., Tajchman, Z., Zsido, A. N., Zrimsek, M., Chen, Z., Ziano, I., Gialitaki, Z., Basnight-Brown, D. M., Ceary, C. D., Jang, Y., Ijzerman, H., Lin, Y., Kunisato, Y., Yamada, Y., Xiao, Q., Jiang, X., Du, X., Yao, E., Ryan, W. S., Wilson, J. P., Cyrus-Lai, W., Jimenez-Leal, W., Law, W., Unanue, W., Collins, W. M., Richard, K. L., Vranka, M., Ankushev, V., Schei, V., Lerche, V., Kovic, V., Krizanic, V., Kadreva, V. H., Adoric, V. C., Tran, U. S., Yeung, S. K., Hassan, W., Houston, R., Urry, H. L., Machin, M. A., Lima, T. J. S., Ostermann, T., Frizzo, T., Sverdrup, T. E., House, T., Gill, T., Fedotov, M., Paltrow, T., Moshontz, H., Jernsather, T., Rahman, T., Machin, T., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Hostler, T. J., Ishii, T., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Suter, L., Von Bormann, S. M., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Stojanovska, D., Janssen, S. M. J., Stieger, S., Primbs, M. A., Schulenberg, S. E., Buchanan, E. M., Tatachari, S., Azouaghe, S., Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Song, X., Morbee, S., Lewis, S., Sinkolova, S., Grigoryev, D., Drexler, S. M., Daches, S., Levine, S. L., Geniole, S. N., Akter, S., Vracar, S., Massoni, S., Costa, S., Zorjan, S., Sarioguz, E., Izquierdo, S. M., Tshonda, S. S., Miller, J. K., Alves, S. G., Pontinen, S., Solas, S. A., Ordonez-Riano, S., Ocovaj, S. B., Onie, S., Lins, S., Biberauer, T., Coksan, S., Khumkom, S., Sacakli, A., Coles, N. A., Ruiz-Fernandez, S., Geiger, S. J., Fatahmodares, S., Walczak, R. B., Betlehem, R., Vilar, R., Carcamo, R. A., Ross, R. M., Mccarthy, R., Ballantyne, T., Westgate, E. C., Ryan, R. M., Gargurevich, R., Afhami, R., Ren, D., Monteiro, R. P., Reips, U. -D., Reggev, N., Calin-Jageman, R. J., Pourafshari, R., Oliveira, R., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rahal, R. -M., Ribeiro, R. R., Radtke, T., Searston, R., Jai-Ai, R., Habte, R., Zdybek, P., Chen, S. -C., Wajanatinapart, P., Maturan, P. L. G., Perillo, J. T., Isager, P. M., Kacmar, P., Macapagal, P. M., Maniaci, M. R., Szwed, P., Hanel, P. H. P., Forbes, P. A. G., Arriaga, P., Paris, B., Parashar, N., Papachristopoulos, K., Chartier, C. R., Correa, P. S., Kacha, O., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Bravo, O. N., Mallik, P. R., Galindo-Caballero, O. J., Ogbonnaya, C. E., Bialobrzeska, O., Kiselnikova, N., Simonovic, N., Cohen, N., Nock, N. L., Hernandez, A., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C., Ntoumanis, N., Johannes, N., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Say, N., Neubauer, A. B., Martin, N. I., Torunsky, N., Van Antwerpen, N., Van Doren, N., Sunami, N., Rachev, N. R., Majeed, N. M., Schmidt, N. -D., Nadif, K., Forscher, P. S., Corral-Frias, N. S., Ouherrou, N., Abbas, N., Pantazi, M., Lucas, M. Y., Vasilev, M. R., Ortiz, M. V., Butt, M. M., Kurfali, M., Kabir, M., Muda, R., Del Carmen, M. C. Tejada Rivera M., Sirota, M., Seehuus, M., Parzuchowski, M., Toro, M., Hricova, M., Maldonado, M. A., Arvanitis, A., Rentzelas, P., Vansteenkiste, M., Metz, M. A., Marszalek, M., Karekla, M., Mioni, G., Bosma, M. J., Westerlund, M., Vdovic, M., Bialek, M., Silan, M. A., Anne, M., Misiak, M., Gugliandolo, M. C., Grinberg, M., Capizzi, M., Espinoza Barria, M. F., Kurfali, M. A., Mensink, M. C., Harutyunyan, M., Khosla, M., Dunn, M. R., Korbmacher, M., Adamkovic, M., Ribeiro, M. F. F., Terskova, M., Hruska, M., Martoncik, M., Voracek, M., Cadek, M., Frias-Armenta, M., Kowal, M., Topor, M., Roczniewska, M., Oosterlinck, M., Thomas, A. G., Kohlova, M. B., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Sabristov, M., Greenburgh, A., Romanova, M., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Lund, M. L., Antoniadi, M., Magrin, M. E., Jones, M. V., Li, M., Ortiz, M. S., Manavalan, M., Muminov, A., Stoyanova, A., Kossowska, M., Friedemann, M., Wielgus, M., Van Hooff, M. L. M., Varella, M. A. C., Standage, M., Nicolotti, M., Colloff, M. F., Bradford, M., Vaughn, L. A., Eudave, L., Vieira, L., Lu, J. G., Pineda, L. M. S., Matos, L., Perez, L. C., Lazarevic, L. B., Jaremka, L. M., Smit, E. S., Kushnir, E., Wichman, A. L., Ferguson, L. J., Anton-Boicuk, L., De Holanda Coelho, G. L., Ahlgren, L., Liga, F., Levitan, C. A., Micheli, L., Gunton, L. -A., Volz, L., Stojanovska, M., Boucher, L., Samojlenko, L., Delgado, L. G. J., Kaliska, L., Beatrix, L., Warmelink, L., Rojas-Berscia, L. M., Yu, K., Wylie, K., Wachowicz, J., Charyate, A. C., Desai, K., Barzykowski, K., Kozma, L., Evans, K., Kirgizova, K., Belaus, A., Emmanuel Agesin, B. B., Koehn, M. A., Wolfe, K., Korobova, T., Morris, K., Klevjer, K., Van Schie, K., Vezirian, K., Damnjanovic, K., Thommesen, K. K., Schmidt, K., Filip, K., Staniaszek, K., Adetula, A., Grzech, K., Hoyer, K., Moon, K., Khaobunmasiri, S., Rana, K., Janjic, K., Suchow, J. W., Kielinska, J., Cruz Vasquez, J. E., Chanal, J., Beitner, J., Vargas-Nieto, J. C., Roxas, J. C. T., Taber, J., Urriago-Rayo, J., Askelund, A. D., Pavlacic, J. M., Benka, J., Bavolar, J., Soto, J. A., Olofsson, J. K., Vilsmeier, J. K., Messerschmidt, J., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Waterschoot, J., Moss, J. D., Boudesseul, J., Lee, J. M., Kamburidis, J., Joy-Gaba, J. A., Zickfeld, J., Miranda, J. F., Verharen, J. P. H., Hristova, E., Beshears, J. E., Djordjevic, J. M., Bosch, J., Valentova, J. V., Antfolk, J., Berkessel, J. B., Schrotter, J., Urban, J., Roer, J. P., Norton, J. O., Silva, J. R., Pickering, J. S., Vintr, J., Uttley, J., Kunst, J. R., Ndukaihe, I. L. G., Iyer, A., Vilares, I., Ivanov, A., Ropovik, I., Sula, I., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Sarieva, I., Metin-Orta, I., Prusova, I., Pinto, I., Bozdoc, A. I., Almeida, I. A. T., Pit, I. L., Dalgar, I., Zakharov, I., Arinze, A. I., Ihaya, K., Stephen, I. D., Gjoneska, B., Brohmer, H., Flowe, H., Godbersen, H., Kocalar, H. E., Hedgebeth, M. V., Chuan-Peng, H., Sharifian, M., Manley, H., Akkas, H., Hajdu, N., Azab, H., Kaminski, G., Nilsonne, G., Anjum, G., Travaglino, G. A., Feldman, G., Pfuhl, G., Czarnek, G., Marcu, G. M., Hofer, G., Banik, G., Adetula, G. A., Bijlstra, G., Verbruggen, F., Kung, F. Y. H., Martela, F., Foroni, F., Forest, J., Singer, G., Muchembled, F., Azevedo, F., Mosannenzadeh, F., Marinova, E., Strukelj, E., Etebari, Z., Bradshaw, E. L., Baskin, E., Garcia, E. O. L., Musser, E., Van Steenkiste, I. M. M., Ahn, E. R., Quested, E., Pronizius, E., Jackson, E. A., Manunta, E., Agadullina, E., Sakan, D., Dursun, P., Dujols, O., Dubrov, D., Willis, M., Tumer, M., Beaudry, J. L., Popovic, D., Dunleavy, D., Djamai, I., Krupic, D., Herrera, D., Vega, D., Du, H., Mola, D., Chakarova, D., Davis, W. E., Holford, D. L., Lewis, D. M. G., Vaidis, D. C., Ozery, D. H., Ricaurte, D. Z., Storage, D., Sousa, D., Alvarez, D. S., Boller, D., Rosa, A. D., Dimova, D., Marko, D., Moreau, D., Reeck, C., Correia, R. C., Whitt, C. M., Lamm, C., Solorzano, C. S., Von Bastian, C. C., Sutherland, C. A. M., Ebersole, C. R., Overkott, C., Aberson, C. L., Wang, C., Niemiec, C. P., Karashiali, C., Noone, C., Chiu, F., Picciocchi, C., Brownlow, C., Karaarslan, C., Cellini, N., Esteban-Serna, C., Reyna, C., Ferreyra, C., Batres, C., Li, R., Grano, C., Carpentier, J., Tamnes, C. K., Fu, C. H. Y., Ishkhanyan, B., Bylinina, L., Jaeger, B., Bundt, C., Allred, T. B., Vermote, B. J., Bokkour, A., Bogatyreva, N., Shi, J., Chopik, W. J., Antazo, B., Behzadnia, B., Becker, M., Bayyat, M. M., Cocco, B., Ahmed, A., Chou, W. -L., Barkoukis, V., Hubena, B., Khaoudi, A., Zuro, B., Aczel, B., Baklanova, E., Bai, H., Balci, B. B., Babincak, P., Soenens, B., Dixson, B. J. W., Mokady, A., Kappes, H. B., Atari, M., Szala, A., Szabelska, A., Aruta, J. J. B., Domurat, A., Arinze, N. C., Modena, A., Adiguzel, A., Monajem, A., Ait El Arabi, K., Ozdogru, A. A., Rothbaum, A. O., Torres, A. O., Theodoropoulou, A., Skowronek, A., Urooj, A., Jurkovic, A. P., Singh, A., Kassianos, A. P., Findor, A., Hartanto, A., Landry, A. T., Ferreira, A., Santos, A. C., De La Rosa-Gomez, A., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Luxon, A. M., Todsen, A. L., Karababa, A., Janak, A., Pilato, A., Bran, A., Tullett, A. M., Kuzminska, A. O., Krafnick, A. J., Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Aalto-yliopisto, Aalto University, Massey, D., Kurfali, Merve A., Collaboration, Psychological Science Accelerator Self-Determination Theory, FdR overig onderzoek, Persuasive Communication (ASCoR, FMG), and Organizational Psychology
- Subjects
behavior change ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,230 Affective Neuroscience ,INTENTIONS ,L400 ,self-determination theory ,Physical Distancing ,Social Sciences ,Intention ,Ciências Sociais::Psicologia [Domínio/Área Científica] ,FATIGUE ,motivation ,PARENTAL PROHIBITION ,SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being ,Pandemic ,Humans ,health communication ,MESSAGES ,Sociology ,Pandemics ,METAANALYSIS ,COVID-19 ,Behaviour Change and Well-being ,Multidisciplinary ,business.industry ,Social distance ,Public relations ,Motivation ,INTERNALIZATION ,business ,BEHAVIOR - Abstract
Significance\ud \ud Communicating in ways that motivate engagement in social distancing remains a critical global public health priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study tested motivational qualities of messages about social distancing (those that promoted choice and agency vs. those that were forceful and shaming) in 25,718 people in 89 countries. The autonomy-supportive message decreased feelings of defying social distancing recommendations relative to the controlling message, and the controlling message increased controlled motivation, a less effective form of motivation, relative to no message. Message type did not impact intentions to socially distance, but people’s existing motivations were related to intentions. Findings were generalizable across a geographically diverse sample and may inform public health communication strategies in this and future global health emergencies.\ud \ud \ud \ud Abstract\ud \ud Finding communication strategies that effectively motivate social distancing continues to be a global public health priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-country, preregistered experiment (n = 25,718 from 89 countries) tested hypotheses concerning generalizable positive and negative outcomes of social distancing messages that promoted personal agency and reflective choices (i.e., an autonomy-supportive message) or were restrictive and shaming (i.e., a controlling message) compared with no message at all. Results partially supported experimental hypotheses in that the controlling message increased controlled motivation (a poorly internalized form of motivation relying on shame, guilt, and fear of social consequences) relative to no message. On the other hand, the autonomy-supportive message lowered feelings of defiance compared with the controlling message, but the controlling message did not differ from receiving no message at all. Unexpectedly, messages did not influence autonomous motivation (a highly internalized form of motivation relying on one’s core values) or behavioral intentions. Results supported hypothesized associations between people’s existing autonomous and controlled motivations and self-reported behavioral intentions to engage in social distancing. Controlled motivation was associated with more defiance and less long-term behavioral intention to engage in social distancing, whereas autonomous motivation was associated with less defiance and more short- and long-term intentions to social distance. Overall, this work highlights the potential harm of using shaming and pressuring language in public health communication, with implications for the current and future global health challenges.
- Published
- 2022
3. Love and affectionate touch toward romantic partners all over the world
- Author
Sorokowska, A., Kowal, M., Saluja, S., Aavik, T., Alm, C., Anjum, A., Asao, K., Batres, C., Bensafia, A., Bizumic, B., Boussena, M., Buss, D., Butovskaya, M., Can, S., Carrier, A., Cetinkaya, H., Conroy-Beam, D., Cueto, R., Czub, M., Dural, S., Espinosa, A., Esteves, C., Frackowiak, T., Contreras-Garduño, J., Guemaz, F., Hromatko, I., Iskra, H., Jiang, F., Kafetsios, K., Kavcic, T., Kervyn, N., Köbis, N., Kostić, A., Láng, A., Lindholm, T., Manesi, Z., Meskó, N., Misra, G., Monaghan, C., Natividade, J., Nizharadze, G., Oberzaucher, E., Oleszkiewicz, A., Pagani, A., Pakalniskiene, V., Parise, M., Pejičić, M., Pisanski, A., Pisanski, K., Popa, C., Prokop, P., Sargautyte, R., Sharad, S., Simonetti, F., Sorokowski, P., Stefanczyk, M., Szagdaj, A., Tadinac, M., González, K., Uhryn, O., Vauclair, C., Yoo, G., Zupančič, M., Croy, I., UCL - SSH/LouRIM - Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations, and Veritati - Repositório Institucional da Universidade Católica Portuguesa
- Subjects
Multidisciplinary ,love ,affectionate touch - Abstract
Touch is the primary way people communicate intimacy in romantic relationships, and affectionate touch behaviors such as stroking, hugging and kissing are universally observed in partnerships all over the world. Here, we explored the association of love and affectionate touch behaviors in romantic partnerships in two studies comprising 7880 participants. In the first study, we used a cross-cultural survey conducted in 37 countries to test whether love was universally associated with affectionate touch behaviors. In the second study, using a more fine-tuned touch behavior scale, we tested whether the frequency of affectionate touch behaviors was related to love in romantic partnerships. As hypothesized, love was significantly and positively associated with affectionate touch behaviors in both studies and this result was replicated regardless of the inclusion of potentially relevant factors as controls. Altogether, our data strongly suggest that affectionate touch is a relatively stable characteristic of human romantic relationships that is robustly and reliably related to the degree of reported love between partners.
- Published
- 2023
4. Experimental and cross-cultural evidence that parenthood and parental care motives increase social conservatism.
- Author
Kerry, N, Al-Shawaf, L, Barbato, M, Batres, C, Blake, KR, Cha, Y, Chauvin, GV, Clifton, JDW, Fernandez, AM, Galbarczyk, A, Ghossainy, ME, Jang, D, Jasienska, G, Karasawa, M, Laustsen, L, Loria, R, Luberti, F, Moran, J, Pavlović, Z, Petersen, MB, Smith, AR, Žeželj, I, Murray, DR, Kerry, N, Al-Shawaf, L, Barbato, M, Batres, C, Blake, KR, Cha, Y, Chauvin, GV, Clifton, JDW, Fernandez, AM, Galbarczyk, A, Ghossainy, ME, Jang, D, Jasienska, G, Karasawa, M, Laustsen, L, Loria, R, Luberti, F, Moran, J, Pavlović, Z, Petersen, MB, Smith, AR, Žeželj, I, and Murray, DR
- Abstract
Differences in attitudes on social issues such as abortion, immigration and sex are hugely divisive, and understanding their origins is among the most important tasks facing human behavioural sciences. Despite the clear psychological importance of parenthood and the motivation to provide care for children, researchers have only recently begun investigating their influence on social and political attitudes. Because socially conservative values ostensibly prioritize safety, stability and family values, we hypothesized that being more invested in parental care might make socially conservative policies more appealing. Studies 1 (preregistered; n = 376) and 2 (n = 1924) find novel evidence of conditional experimental effects of a parenthood prime, such that people who engaged strongly with a childcare manipulation showed an increase in social conservatism. Studies 3 (n = 2610, novel data from 10 countries) and 4 (n = 426 444, World Values Survey data) find evidence that both parenthood and parental care motivation are associated with increased social conservatism around the globe. Further, most of the positive association globally between age and social conservatism is accounted for by parenthood. These findings support the hypothesis that parenthood and parental care motivation increase social conservatism.
- Published
- 2022
5. In COVID-19 health messaging, loss framing increases anxiety with Little-to-No concomitant benefits: Experimental evidence from 84 countries
- Author
Dorison, C.A., Lerner, J.S., Heller, B.H., Rothman, A.J., Kawachi, I.I., Wang, K., Rees, V.W., Gill, B.P., Gibbs, N., Ebersole, C.R., Vally, Z., Tajchman, Z., Zsido, A.N., Zrimsek, M., Chen, Z., Ziano, I., Gialitaki, Z., Ceary, C.D., Lin, Y., Kunisato, Y., Yamada, Y., Xiao, Q., Jiang, X., Du, X., Yao, E., Wilson, J.P., Cyrus-Lai, W., Jimenez-Leal, W., Law, W., Collins, W.M., Richard, K.L., Vranka, M., Ankushev, V., Schei, V., Križanić, V., Kadreva, V.H., Adoric, V.C., Tran, U.S., Yeung, S.K., Hassan, W., Houston, R., Lima, T.J.S., Ostermann, T., Frizzo, T., Sverdrup, T.E., House, T., Gill, T., Fedotov, M., Paltrow, T., Jernsäther, T., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Hostler, T.J., Ishii, T., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Suter, L., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Stojanovska, D., Janssen, S.M.J., Stieger, S., Schulenberg, S.E., Tatachari, S., Azouaghe, S., Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Song, X., Lewis, S.C., Sinkolova, S., Grigoryev, D., Drexler, S.M., Daches, S., Geniole, S.N., Vračar, S., Massoni, S., Zorjan, S., Sarıoğuz, E., Izquierdo, S.M., Alves, S.G., Pöntinen, S., Solas, S.Á., Ordoñez-Riaño, S., Očovaj, S.B., Onie, S., Lins, S., Çoksan, S., Sacakli, A., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Geiger, S.J., FatahModares, S., Walczak, R.B., Betlehem, R., Vilar, R., Cárcamo, R., Ross, R.M., McCarthy, R., Ballantyne, T., Westgate, E.C., Afhami, R., Ren, D., Monteiro, R.P., Reips, U-D, Reggev, N., Calin-Jageman, R.J., Pourafshari, R., Oliveira, R., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rahal, R-M, Ribeiro, R.R., Radtke, T., Searston, R., Habte, R., Zdybek, P., Chen, S-C, Maturan, P.L.G., Perillo, J.T., Isager, P.M., Kačmár, P., Macapagal, P.M., Szwed, P., Hanel, P.H.P., Forbes, P.A.G., Arriaga, P., Paris, B., Papachristopoulos, K., Correa, P.S., Kácha, O., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Bravo, O.N., Galindo-Caballero, O.J., Ogbonnaya, C.E., Bialobrzeska, O., Kiselnikova, N., Simonovic, N., Cohen, N., Nock, N.L., Johannes, N., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Say, N., Torunsky, N., Van Doren, N., Sunami, N., Rachev, N.R., Majeed, N.M., Schmidt, N-D, Nadif, K., Corral-Frías, N.S., Ouherrou, N., Pantazi, M., Lucas, M.Y., Vasilev, M.R., Ortiz, M.V., Butt, M.M., Kabir, M., Muda, R., Tejada Rivera, M.del.C.MC., Sirota, M., Seehuus, M., Parzuchowski, M., Toro, M., Hricova, M., Maldonado, M.A., Marszalek, M., Karekla, M., Mioni, G., Bosma, M.J., Westerlund, M., Vdovic, M., Bialek, M., Silan, M.A., Anne, M., Misiak, M., Grinberg, M., Capizzi, M., Espinoza Barría, M.F., Kurfali, M.A., Mensink, M.C., Harutyunyan, M., Khosla, M., Korbmacher, M., Adamkovič, M., Ribeiro, M.F.F., Terskova, M., Hruška, M., Martončik, M., Voracek, M., Čadek, M., Frias-Armenta, M., Kowal, M., Topor, M., Roczniewska, M., Oosterlinck, M., Kohlová, M.B., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Romanova, M., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Lund, M.L., Antoniadi, M., Jones, M.V., Ortiz, M.S., Manavalan, M., Muminov, A., Kossowska, M., Friedemann, M., Wielgus, M., Varella, M.A.C., Colloff, M.F., Bradford, M., Vaughn, L.A., Eudave, L., Vieira, L., Pineda, L.M.S., Pérez, L.C., Lazarevic, L.B., Jaremka, L.M., Kushnir, E., Anton-Boicuk, L., de Holanda Coelho, G.L., Ahlgren, L., Levitan, C.A., Micheli, L., Volz, L., Stojanovska, M., Boucher, L., Samojlenko, L., Delgado, L.G.J., Kaliska, L., Warmelink, L., Rojas-Berscia, L.M., Yu, K., Wachowicz, J., Desai, K., Barzykowski, K., Kozma, L., Evans, K., Kirgizova, K., Agesin, B.E., Koehn, M.A., Wolfe, K., Korobova, T., Klevjer, K., van Schie, K., Vezirian, K., Damnjanović, K., Thommesen, K.K., Schmidt, K., Filip, K., Grzech, K., Hoyer, K., Moon, K., Rana, K., Janjić, K., Suchow, J.W., Kielińska, J., Cruz Vásquez, J.E., Beitner, J., Vargas-Nieto, J.C., Roxas, J.C.T., Taber, J., Urriago-Rayo, J., Pavlacic, J.M., Bavolar, J., Soto, J.A., Olofsson, J.K., Vilsmeier, J.K., Messerschmidt, J., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Boudesseul, J., Lee, J.M., Kamburidis, J., Zickfeld, J., Miranda, J.F., Verharen, J.P.H., Hristova, E., Beshears, J.E., Đorđević, J.M., Bosch, J., Valentova, J.V., Antfolk, J., Berkessel, J.B., Schrötter, J., Urban, J., Röer, J.P., Norton, J.O., Silva, J.R., Pickering, J.S., Vintr, J., Uttley, J., Kunst, J.R., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Iyer, A., Vilares, I., Ivanov, A., Ropovik, I., Sula, I., Sarieva, I., Metin-Orta, I., Prusova, I., Pinto, I., Bozdoc, A.I., Almeida, I.A.T., Pit, I.L., Dalgar, I., Zakharov, I., Arinze, A.I., Ihaya, K., Stephen, I.D., Gjoneska, B., Brohmer, H., Flowe, H., Godbersen, H., Kocalar, H.E., Hedgebeth, M.V., Chuan-Peng, H., Sharifian, M., Manley, H., Akkas, H., Hajdu, N., Azab, H., Kaminski, Gw., Nilsonne, G., Anjum, G., Travaglino, G.A., Feldman, G., Pfuhl, G., Czarnek, G., Marcu, G.M., Hofer, G., Banik, G., Adetula, G.A., Bijlstra, G., Verbruggen, F., Kung, F.Y.H., Foroni, F., Singer, G., Muchembled, F., Azevedo, F., Mosannenzadeh, F., Marinov, E., Štrukelj, E., Etebari, Z., Baskin, E., Garcia, E.O.L., Musser, E., van Steenkiste, I.M.M., Ahn, E.R., Pronizius, E., Jackson, E.A., Manunta, E., Agadullina, E., Šakan, D., Dursun, P., Dujols, O., Dubrov, D., Willis, M., Tümer, M., Beaudry, J.L., Popović, D., Dunleavy, D., Djamai, I., Krupić, D., Vega, D., Du, H., Mola, D., Davis, W.E., Holford, D.L., Lewis, D.M.G., Vaidis, D.C., Ozery, D.H., Ricaurte, D.Z., Storage, D., Sousa, D., Alvarez, D.S., Rosa, A.D., Marko, D., Moreau, D., Reeck, C., Correia, R.C., Whitt, C.M., Lamm, C., Solorzano, C.S., von Bastian, C.C., Sutherland, C.A.M., Overkott, C., Aberson, C.L., Wang, C., Karashiali, C., Noone, C., Chiu, F., Picciocchi, C., Karaarslan, C., Cellini, N., Esteban-Serna, C., Reyna, C., Batres, C., Li, R., Grano, C., Carpentier, J., Tamnes, C.K., Fu, C.H.Y., Ishkhanyan, B., Bylinina, L., Jaeger, B., Bundt, C., Allred, T.B., Bokkour, A., Bogatyreva, N., Chopik, W.J., Antazo, B., Behzadnia, B., Becker, M., Cocco, B., Chou, W-L, Hubena, B., Žuro, B., Aczel, B., Baklanova, E., Bai, H., Balci, B.B., Babinčák, P., Dixson, B.J.W., Mokady, A., Kappes, H.B., Atari, M., Szala, A., Szabelska, A., Aruta, J.J.B., Domurat, A., Arinze, N.C., Modena, A., Adiguzel, A., Monajem, A., ARABI, K.A.E., Özdoğru, A.A., Olaya Torres, A.J., Theodoropoulou, A., Jurković, A.P., Kassianos, A.P., Findor, A., Hartanto, A., Thibault Landry, A., Ferreira, A., Santos, A.C., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Todsen, A.L., Karababa, A., Janak, A., Bran, A., Tullett, A.M., Kuzminska, A.O., Krafnick, A.J., Urooj, A., Khaoudi, A., Ahmed, A., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Askelund, A.D., Adetula, A., Belaus, A., Charyate, A.C., Wichman, A.L., Stoyanova, A., Greenburgh, A., Thomas, A.G., Arvanitis, A., Forscher, P.S., Mallik, P.R., Primbs, M.A., Miller, J.K., Moshontz, H., Urry, H.L., IJzerman, H., Basnight-Brown, D.M., Chartier, C.R., Buchanan, E.M., Coles, N.A., Dorison, C.A., Lerner, J.S., Heller, B.H., Rothman, A.J., Kawachi, I.I., Wang, K., Rees, V.W., Gill, B.P., Gibbs, N., Ebersole, C.R., Vally, Z., Tajchman, Z., Zsido, A.N., Zrimsek, M., Chen, Z., Ziano, I., Gialitaki, Z., Ceary, C.D., Lin, Y., Kunisato, Y., Yamada, Y., Xiao, Q., Jiang, X., Du, X., Yao, E., Wilson, J.P., Cyrus-Lai, W., Jimenez-Leal, W., Law, W., Collins, W.M., Richard, K.L., Vranka, M., Ankushev, V., Schei, V., Križanić, V., Kadreva, V.H., Adoric, V.C., Tran, U.S., Yeung, S.K., Hassan, W., Houston, R., Lima, T.J.S., Ostermann, T., Frizzo, T., Sverdrup, T.E., House, T., Gill, T., Fedotov, M., Paltrow, T., Jernsäther, T., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Hostler, T.J., Ishii, T., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Suter, L., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Stojanovska, D., Janssen, S.M.J., Stieger, S., Schulenberg, S.E., Tatachari, S., Azouaghe, S., Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Song, X., Lewis, S.C., Sinkolova, S., Grigoryev, D., Drexler, S.M., Daches, S., Geniole, S.N., Vračar, S., Massoni, S., Zorjan, S., Sarıoğuz, E., Izquierdo, S.M., Alves, S.G., Pöntinen, S., Solas, S.Á., Ordoñez-Riaño, S., Očovaj, S.B., Onie, S., Lins, S., Çoksan, S., Sacakli, A., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Geiger, S.J., FatahModares, S., Walczak, R.B., Betlehem, R., Vilar, R., Cárcamo, R., Ross, R.M., McCarthy, R., Ballantyne, T., Westgate, E.C., Afhami, R., Ren, D., Monteiro, R.P., Reips, U-D, Reggev, N., Calin-Jageman, R.J., Pourafshari, R., Oliveira, R., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rahal, R-M, Ribeiro, R.R., Radtke, T., Searston, R., Habte, R., Zdybek, P., Chen, S-C, Maturan, P.L.G., Perillo, J.T., Isager, P.M., Kačmár, P., Macapagal, P.M., Szwed, P., Hanel, P.H.P., Forbes, P.A.G., Arriaga, P., Paris, B., Papachristopoulos, K., Correa, P.S., Kácha, O., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Bravo, O.N., Galindo-Caballero, O.J., Ogbonnaya, C.E., Bialobrzeska, O., Kiselnikova, N., Simonovic, N., Cohen, N., Nock, N.L., Johannes, N., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Say, N., Torunsky, N., Van Doren, N., Sunami, N., Rachev, N.R., Majeed, N.M., Schmidt, N-D, Nadif, K., Corral-Frías, N.S., Ouherrou, N., Pantazi, M., Lucas, M.Y., Vasilev, M.R., Ortiz, M.V., Butt, M.M., Kabir, M., Muda, R., Tejada Rivera, M.del.C.MC., Sirota, M., Seehuus, M., Parzuchowski, M., Toro, M., Hricova, M., Maldonado, M.A., Marszalek, M., Karekla, M., Mioni, G., Bosma, M.J., Westerlund, M., Vdovic, M., Bialek, M., Silan, M.A., Anne, M., Misiak, M., Grinberg, M., Capizzi, M., Espinoza Barría, M.F., Kurfali, M.A., Mensink, M.C., Harutyunyan, M., Khosla, M., Korbmacher, M., Adamkovič, M., Ribeiro, M.F.F., Terskova, M., Hruška, M., Martončik, M., Voracek, M., Čadek, M., Frias-Armenta, M., Kowal, M., Topor, M., Roczniewska, M., Oosterlinck, M., Kohlová, M.B., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Romanova, M., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Lund, M.L., Antoniadi, M., Jones, M.V., Ortiz, M.S., Manavalan, M., Muminov, A., Kossowska, M., Friedemann, M., Wielgus, M., Varella, M.A.C., Colloff, M.F., Bradford, M., Vaughn, L.A., Eudave, L., Vieira, L., Pineda, L.M.S., Pérez, L.C., Lazarevic, L.B., Jaremka, L.M., Kushnir, E., Anton-Boicuk, L., de Holanda Coelho, G.L., Ahlgren, L., Levitan, C.A., Micheli, L., Volz, L., Stojanovska, M., Boucher, L., Samojlenko, L., Delgado, L.G.J., Kaliska, L., Warmelink, L., Rojas-Berscia, L.M., Yu, K., Wachowicz, J., Desai, K., Barzykowski, K., Kozma, L., Evans, K., Kirgizova, K., Agesin, B.E., Koehn, M.A., Wolfe, K., Korobova, T., Klevjer, K., van Schie, K., Vezirian, K., Damnjanović, K., Thommesen, K.K., Schmidt, K., Filip, K., Grzech, K., Hoyer, K., Moon, K., Rana, K., Janjić, K., Suchow, J.W., Kielińska, J., Cruz Vásquez, J.E., Beitner, J., Vargas-Nieto, J.C., Roxas, J.C.T., Taber, J., Urriago-Rayo, J., Pavlacic, J.M., Bavolar, J., Soto, J.A., Olofsson, J.K., Vilsmeier, J.K., Messerschmidt, J., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Boudesseul, J., Lee, J.M., Kamburidis, J., Zickfeld, J., Miranda, J.F., Verharen, J.P.H., Hristova, E., Beshears, J.E., Đorđević, J.M., Bosch, J., Valentova, J.V., Antfolk, J., Berkessel, J.B., Schrötter, J., Urban, J., Röer, J.P., Norton, J.O., Silva, J.R., Pickering, J.S., Vintr, J., Uttley, J., Kunst, J.R., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Iyer, A., Vilares, I., Ivanov, A., Ropovik, I., Sula, I., Sarieva, I., Metin-Orta, I., Prusova, I., Pinto, I., Bozdoc, A.I., Almeida, I.A.T., Pit, I.L., Dalgar, I., Zakharov, I., Arinze, A.I., Ihaya, K., Stephen, I.D., Gjoneska, B., Brohmer, H., Flowe, H., Godbersen, H., Kocalar, H.E., Hedgebeth, M.V., Chuan-Peng, H., Sharifian, M., Manley, H., Akkas, H., Hajdu, N., Azab, H., Kaminski, Gw., Nilsonne, G., Anjum, G., Travaglino, G.A., Feldman, G., Pfuhl, G., Czarnek, G., Marcu, G.M., Hofer, G., Banik, G., Adetula, G.A., Bijlstra, G., Verbruggen, F., Kung, F.Y.H., Foroni, F., Singer, G., Muchembled, F., Azevedo, F., Mosannenzadeh, F., Marinov, E., Štrukelj, E., Etebari, Z., Baskin, E., Garcia, E.O.L., Musser, E., van Steenkiste, I.M.M., Ahn, E.R., Pronizius, E., Jackson, E.A., Manunta, E., Agadullina, E., Šakan, D., Dursun, P., Dujols, O., Dubrov, D., Willis, M., Tümer, M., Beaudry, J.L., Popović, D., Dunleavy, D., Djamai, I., Krupić, D., Vega, D., Du, H., Mola, D., Davis, W.E., Holford, D.L., Lewis, D.M.G., Vaidis, D.C., Ozery, D.H., Ricaurte, D.Z., Storage, D., Sousa, D., Alvarez, D.S., Rosa, A.D., Marko, D., Moreau, D., Reeck, C., Correia, R.C., Whitt, C.M., Lamm, C., Solorzano, C.S., von Bastian, C.C., Sutherland, C.A.M., Overkott, C., Aberson, C.L., Wang, C., Karashiali, C., Noone, C., Chiu, F., Picciocchi, C., Karaarslan, C., Cellini, N., Esteban-Serna, C., Reyna, C., Batres, C., Li, R., Grano, C., Carpentier, J., Tamnes, C.K., Fu, C.H.Y., Ishkhanyan, B., Bylinina, L., Jaeger, B., Bundt, C., Allred, T.B., Bokkour, A., Bogatyreva, N., Chopik, W.J., Antazo, B., Behzadnia, B., Becker, M., Cocco, B., Chou, W-L, Hubena, B., Žuro, B., Aczel, B., Baklanova, E., Bai, H., Balci, B.B., Babinčák, P., Dixson, B.J.W., Mokady, A., Kappes, H.B., Atari, M., Szala, A., Szabelska, A., Aruta, J.J.B., Domurat, A., Arinze, N.C., Modena, A., Adiguzel, A., Monajem, A., ARABI, K.A.E., Özdoğru, A.A., Olaya Torres, A.J., Theodoropoulou, A., Jurković, A.P., Kassianos, A.P., Findor, A., Hartanto, A., Thibault Landry, A., Ferreira, A., Santos, A.C., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Todsen, A.L., Karababa, A., Janak, A., Bran, A., Tullett, A.M., Kuzminska, A.O., Krafnick, A.J., Urooj, A., Khaoudi, A., Ahmed, A., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Askelund, A.D., Adetula, A., Belaus, A., Charyate, A.C., Wichman, A.L., Stoyanova, A., Greenburgh, A., Thomas, A.G., Arvanitis, A., Forscher, P.S., Mallik, P.R., Primbs, M.A., Miller, J.K., Moshontz, H., Urry, H.L., IJzerman, H., Basnight-Brown, D.M., Chartier, C.R., Buchanan, E.M., and Coles, N.A.
- Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic (and its aftermath) highlights a critical need to communicate health information effectively to the global public. Given that subtle differences in information framing can have meaningful effects on behavior, behavioral science research highlights a pressing question: Is it more effective to frame COVID-19 health messages in terms of potential losses (e.g., “If you do not practice these steps, you can endanger yourself and others”) or potential gains (e.g., “If you practice these steps, you can protect yourself and others”)? Collecting data in 48 languages from 15,929 participants in 84 countries, we experimentally tested the effects of message framing on COVID-19-related judgments, intentions, and feelings. Loss- (vs. gain-) framed messages increased self-reported anxiety among participants cross-nationally with little-to-no impact on policy attitudes, behavioral intentions, or information seeking relevant to pandemic risks. These results were consistent across 84 countries, three variations of the message framing wording, and 560 data processing and analytic choices. Thus, results provide an empirical answer to a global communication question and highlight the emotional toll of loss-framed messages. Critically, this work demonstrates the importance of considering unintended affective consequences when evaluating nudge-style interventions.
- Published
- 2022
6. Author Correction: A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C.A., Miller, J.K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J.S., Gross, J.J., Agesin, B.B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Ozery, D.H., Jackson, E.A., Garcia, E.O.L., Drexler, S.M., Jurković, A.P., Rana, K., Wilson, J.P., Antoniadi, M., Desai, K., Gialitaki, Z., Kushnir, E., Nadif, K., Bravo, O.N., Nauman, R., Oosterlinck, M., Pantazi, M., Pilecka, N., Szabelska, A., van Steenkiste, I.M.M., Filip, K., Bozdoc, A.I., Marcu, G.M., Agadullina, E., Adamkovič, M., Roczniewska, M., Reyna, C., Kassianos, A.P., Westerlund, M., Ahlgren, L., Pöntinen, S., Adetula, G.A., Dursun, P., Arinze, A.I., Arinze, N.C., Ogbonnaya, C.E., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Dalgar, I., Akkas, H., Macapagal, P.M., Lewis, S., Metin-Orta, I., Foroni, F., Willis, M., Santos, A.C., Mokady, A., Reggev, N., Kurfali, M.A., Vasilev, M.R., Nock, N.L., Parzuchowski, M., Espinoza Barría, M.F., Vranka, M., Kohlová, M.B., Ropovik, I., Harutyunyan, M., Wang, C., Yao, E., Becker, M., Manunta, E., Kaminski, G., Boudesseul, J., Marko, D., Evans, K., Lewis, D.M.G., Findor, A., Landry, A.T., Aruta, J.J.B., Ortiz, M.S., Vally, Z., Pronizius, E., Voracek, M., Lamm, C., Grinberg, M., Li, R., Valentova, J.V., Mioni, G., Cellini, N., Chen, S-C, Zickfeld, J., Moon, K., Azab, H., Levy, N., Karababa, A., Beaudry, J.L., Boucher, L., Collins, W.M., Todsen, A.L., van Schie, K., Vintr, J., Bavolar, J., Kaliska, L., Križanić, V., Samojlenko, L., Pourafshari, R., Geiger, S.J., Beitner, J., Warmelink, L., Ross, R.M., Stephen, I.D., Hostler, T.J., Azouaghe, S., McCarthy, R., Szala, A., Grano, C., Solorzano, C.S., Anjum, G., Jimenez-Leal, W., Bradford, M., Pérez, L.C., Cruz Vásquez, J.E., Galindo-Caballero, O.J., Vargas-Nieto, J.C., Kácha, O., Arvanitis, A., Xiao, Q., Cárcamo, R., Zorjan, S., Tajchman, Z., Vilares, I., Pavlacic, J.M., Kunst, J.R., Tamnes, C.K., von Bastian, C.C., Atari, M., Sharifian, M.H., Hricova, M., Kačmár, P., Schrötter, J., Rahal, R-M, Cohen, N., FatahModares, S., Zrimsek, M., Zakharov, I., Koehn, M.A., Esteban-Serna, C., Calin-Jageman, R.J., Krafnick, A. J., Štrukelj, E., Isager, P.M., Urban, J., Silva, J.R., Martončik, M., Očovaj, S.B., Šakan, D., Kuzminska, A.O., Djordjevic, J.M., Almeida, I.A.T., Ferreira, A., Lazarevic, L.B., Manley, H., Ricaurte, D.Z., Monteiro, R.P., Etabari, Z., Musser, E., Dunleavy, D., Chou, W., Godbersen, H., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Reeck, C., Batres, C., Kirgizova, K., Muminov, A., Azevedo, F., Alvarez, D.S., Butt, M.M., Lee, J.M., Chen, Z., Verbruggen, F., Ziano, I., Tümer, M., Charyate, A.C.A., Dubrov, D., Tejada Rivera, M.d.C.M.C., Aberson, C., Pálfi, B., Maldonado, M.A., Hubena, B., Sacakli, A., Ceary, C.D., Richard, K.L., Singer, G., Perillo, J.T., Ballantyne, T., Cyrus-Lai, W., Fedotov, M., Du, H., Wielgus, M., Pit, I.L., Hruška, M., Sousa, D., Aczel, B., Hajdu, N., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Barzykowski, K., Micheli, L., Schmidt, N-D, Zsido, A.N., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Muda, R., Bialek, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowska, A., Misiak, M., Mola, D., Ortiz, M.V., Correa, P.S., Belaus, A., Muchembled, F., Ribeiro, R.R., Arriaga, P., Oliveira, R., Vaughn, L.A., Szwed, P., Kossowska, M., Czarnek, G., Kielińska, J., Antazo, B., Betlehem, R., Stieger, S., Nilsonne, G., Simonovic, N., Taber, J., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Domurat, A., Ihaya, K., Yamada, Y., Urooj, A., Gill, T., Čadek, M., Bylinina, L., Messerschmidt, J., Kurfalı, M., Adetula, A., Baklanova, E., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Kappes, H.B., Gjoneska, B., House, T., Jones, M.V., Berkessel, J.B., Chopik, W.J., Çoksan, S., Seehuus, M., Khaoudi, A., Bokkour, A., El Arabi, K.A., Djamai, I., Iyer, A., Parashar, N., Adiguzel, A., Kocalar, H.E., Bundt, C., Norton, J.O., Papadatou-Pastou, M., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Ankushev, V., Bogatyreva, N., Grigoryev, D., Ivanov, A., Prusova, I., Romanova, M., Sarieva, I., Terskova, M., Hristova, E., Kadreva, V.H., Janak, A., Schei, V., Sverdrup, T.E., Askelund, A.D., Pineda, L.M.S., Krupić, D., Levitan, C.A., Johannes, N., Ouherrou, N., Say, N., Sinkolova, S., Janjić, K., Stojanovska, M., Stojanovska, D., Khosla, M., Thomas, A.G., Kung, F.Y.H., Bijlstra, G., Mosannenzadeh, F., Balci, B.B., Reips, U-D, Baskin, E., Ishkhanyan, B., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dixson, B.J.W., Moreau, D., Sutherland, C.A.M., Chuan-Peng, H., Noone, C., Flowe, H., Anne, M., Janssen, S.M.J., Topor, M., Majeed, N.M., Kunisato, Y., Yu, K., Daches, S., Hartanto, A., Vdovic, M., Anton-Boicuk, L., Forbes, P.A.G., Kamburidis, J., Marinova, E., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rachev, N.R., Stoyanova, A., Schmidt, K., Suchow, J.W., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Jernsäther, T., Olofsson, J.K., Bialobrzeska, O., Marszalek, M., Tatachari, S., Afhami, R., Law, W., Antfolk, J., Žuro, B., Van Doren, N., Soto, J.A., Searston, R., Miranda, J., Damnjanović, K., Yeung, S.K., Hoyer, K., Jaeger, B., Ren, D., Pfuhl, G., Klevjer, K., Corral-Frías, N.S., Frias-Armenta, M., Lucas, M.Y., Torres, A.O., Toro, M., Delgado, L.G.J., Vega, D., Solas, S.Á., Vilar, R., Massoni, S., Frizzo, T., Bran, A., Vaidis, D.C., Vieira, L., Paris, B., Capizzi, M., Coelho, G.L.d.H., Greenburgh, A., Whitt, C.M., Tullett, A.M., Du, X., Volz, L., Bosma, M.J., Karaarslan, C., Sarıoğuz, E., Allred, T.B., Korbmacher, M., Colloff, M.F., Lima, T.J.S., Ribeiro, M.F.F., Verharen, J.P.H., Karekla, M., Karashiali, C., Sunami, N., Jaremka, L.M., Storage, D., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Hanel, P.H.P., Holford, D.L., Sirota, M., Wolfe, K., Chiu, F., Theodoropoulou, A., Ahn, E.R., Lin, Y., Westgate, E.C., Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Dujols, O., Vezirian, K., Feldman, G., Travaglino, G.A., Ahmed, A., Li, M., Bosch, J., Torunsky, N., Bai, H., Manavalan, M., Song, X., Walczak, R.B., Zdybek, P., Friedemann, M., Rosa, A.D., Kozma, L., Alves, S.G., Lins, S., Pinto, I.R., Correia, R.C., Babinčák, P., Banik, G., Rojas-Berscia, L.M., Varella, M.A.C., Uttley, J., Beshears, J.E., Thommesen, K.K., Behzadnia, B., Geniole, S.N., Silan, M.A., Maturan, P.L.G., Vilsmeier, J.K., Tran, U.S., Izquierdo, S.M., Mensink, M.C., Sorokowski, P., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Radtke, T., Adoric, V.C., Carpentier, J., Özdoğru, A.A., Joy-Gaba, J.A., Hedgebeth, M.V., Ishii, T., Wichman, A.L., Röer, J.P., Ostermann, T., Davis, W.E., Suter, L., Papachristopoulos, K., Zabel, C., Onie, S., Ebersole, C.R., Chartier, C.R., Mallik, P.R., Urry, H.L., Buchanan, E.M., Coles, N.A., Primbs, M.A., Basnight-Brown, D.M., IJzerman, H., Forscher, P.S., Moshontz, H., Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C.A., Miller, J.K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J.S., Gross, J.J., Agesin, B.B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Ozery, D.H., Jackson, E.A., Garcia, E.O.L., Drexler, S.M., Jurković, A.P., Rana, K., Wilson, J.P., Antoniadi, M., Desai, K., Gialitaki, Z., Kushnir, E., Nadif, K., Bravo, O.N., Nauman, R., Oosterlinck, M., Pantazi, M., Pilecka, N., Szabelska, A., van Steenkiste, I.M.M., Filip, K., Bozdoc, A.I., Marcu, G.M., Agadullina, E., Adamkovič, M., Roczniewska, M., Reyna, C., Kassianos, A.P., Westerlund, M., Ahlgren, L., Pöntinen, S., Adetula, G.A., Dursun, P., Arinze, A.I., Arinze, N.C., Ogbonnaya, C.E., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Dalgar, I., Akkas, H., Macapagal, P.M., Lewis, S., Metin-Orta, I., Foroni, F., Willis, M., Santos, A.C., Mokady, A., Reggev, N., Kurfali, M.A., Vasilev, M.R., Nock, N.L., Parzuchowski, M., Espinoza Barría, M.F., Vranka, M., Kohlová, M.B., Ropovik, I., Harutyunyan, M., Wang, C., Yao, E., Becker, M., Manunta, E., Kaminski, G., Boudesseul, J., Marko, D., Evans, K., Lewis, D.M.G., Findor, A., Landry, A.T., Aruta, J.J.B., Ortiz, M.S., Vally, Z., Pronizius, E., Voracek, M., Lamm, C., Grinberg, M., Li, R., Valentova, J.V., Mioni, G., Cellini, N., Chen, S-C, Zickfeld, J., Moon, K., Azab, H., Levy, N., Karababa, A., Beaudry, J.L., Boucher, L., Collins, W.M., Todsen, A.L., van Schie, K., Vintr, J., Bavolar, J., Kaliska, L., Križanić, V., Samojlenko, L., Pourafshari, R., Geiger, S.J., Beitner, J., Warmelink, L., Ross, R.M., Stephen, I.D., Hostler, T.J., Azouaghe, S., McCarthy, R., Szala, A., Grano, C., Solorzano, C.S., Anjum, G., Jimenez-Leal, W., Bradford, M., Pérez, L.C., Cruz Vásquez, J.E., Galindo-Caballero, O.J., Vargas-Nieto, J.C., Kácha, O., Arvanitis, A., Xiao, Q., Cárcamo, R., Zorjan, S., Tajchman, Z., Vilares, I., Pavlacic, J.M., Kunst, J.R., Tamnes, C.K., von Bastian, C.C., Atari, M., Sharifian, M.H., Hricova, M., Kačmár, P., Schrötter, J., Rahal, R-M, Cohen, N., FatahModares, S., Zrimsek, M., Zakharov, I., Koehn, M.A., Esteban-Serna, C., Calin-Jageman, R.J., Krafnick, A. J., Štrukelj, E., Isager, P.M., Urban, J., Silva, J.R., Martončik, M., Očovaj, S.B., Šakan, D., Kuzminska, A.O., Djordjevic, J.M., Almeida, I.A.T., Ferreira, A., Lazarevic, L.B., Manley, H., Ricaurte, D.Z., Monteiro, R.P., Etabari, Z., Musser, E., Dunleavy, D., Chou, W., Godbersen, H., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Reeck, C., Batres, C., Kirgizova, K., Muminov, A., Azevedo, F., Alvarez, D.S., Butt, M.M., Lee, J.M., Chen, Z., Verbruggen, F., Ziano, I., Tümer, M., Charyate, A.C.A., Dubrov, D., Tejada Rivera, M.d.C.M.C., Aberson, C., Pálfi, B., Maldonado, M.A., Hubena, B., Sacakli, A., Ceary, C.D., Richard, K.L., Singer, G., Perillo, J.T., Ballantyne, T., Cyrus-Lai, W., Fedotov, M., Du, H., Wielgus, M., Pit, I.L., Hruška, M., Sousa, D., Aczel, B., Hajdu, N., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Barzykowski, K., Micheli, L., Schmidt, N-D, Zsido, A.N., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Muda, R., Bialek, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowska, A., Misiak, M., Mola, D., Ortiz, M.V., Correa, P.S., Belaus, A., Muchembled, F., Ribeiro, R.R., Arriaga, P., Oliveira, R., Vaughn, L.A., Szwed, P., Kossowska, M., Czarnek, G., Kielińska, J., Antazo, B., Betlehem, R., Stieger, S., Nilsonne, G., Simonovic, N., Taber, J., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Domurat, A., Ihaya, K., Yamada, Y., Urooj, A., Gill, T., Čadek, M., Bylinina, L., Messerschmidt, J., Kurfalı, M., Adetula, A., Baklanova, E., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Kappes, H.B., Gjoneska, B., House, T., Jones, M.V., Berkessel, J.B., Chopik, W.J., Çoksan, S., Seehuus, M., Khaoudi, A., Bokkour, A., El Arabi, K.A., Djamai, I., Iyer, A., Parashar, N., Adiguzel, A., Kocalar, H.E., Bundt, C., Norton, J.O., Papadatou-Pastou, M., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Ankushev, V., Bogatyreva, N., Grigoryev, D., Ivanov, A., Prusova, I., Romanova, M., Sarieva, I., Terskova, M., Hristova, E., Kadreva, V.H., Janak, A., Schei, V., Sverdrup, T.E., Askelund, A.D., Pineda, L.M.S., Krupić, D., Levitan, C.A., Johannes, N., Ouherrou, N., Say, N., Sinkolova, S., Janjić, K., Stojanovska, M., Stojanovska, D., Khosla, M., Thomas, A.G., Kung, F.Y.H., Bijlstra, G., Mosannenzadeh, F., Balci, B.B., Reips, U-D, Baskin, E., Ishkhanyan, B., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dixson, B.J.W., Moreau, D., Sutherland, C.A.M., Chuan-Peng, H., Noone, C., Flowe, H., Anne, M., Janssen, S.M.J., Topor, M., Majeed, N.M., Kunisato, Y., Yu, K., Daches, S., Hartanto, A., Vdovic, M., Anton-Boicuk, L., Forbes, P.A.G., Kamburidis, J., Marinova, E., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rachev, N.R., Stoyanova, A., Schmidt, K., Suchow, J.W., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Jernsäther, T., Olofsson, J.K., Bialobrzeska, O., Marszalek, M., Tatachari, S., Afhami, R., Law, W., Antfolk, J., Žuro, B., Van Doren, N., Soto, J.A., Searston, R., Miranda, J., Damnjanović, K., Yeung, S.K., Hoyer, K., Jaeger, B., Ren, D., Pfuhl, G., Klevjer, K., Corral-Frías, N.S., Frias-Armenta, M., Lucas, M.Y., Torres, A.O., Toro, M., Delgado, L.G.J., Vega, D., Solas, S.Á., Vilar, R., Massoni, S., Frizzo, T., Bran, A., Vaidis, D.C., Vieira, L., Paris, B., Capizzi, M., Coelho, G.L.d.H., Greenburgh, A., Whitt, C.M., Tullett, A.M., Du, X., Volz, L., Bosma, M.J., Karaarslan, C., Sarıoğuz, E., Allred, T.B., Korbmacher, M., Colloff, M.F., Lima, T.J.S., Ribeiro, M.F.F., Verharen, J.P.H., Karekla, M., Karashiali, C., Sunami, N., Jaremka, L.M., Storage, D., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Hanel, P.H.P., Holford, D.L., Sirota, M., Wolfe, K., Chiu, F., Theodoropoulou, A., Ahn, E.R., Lin, Y., Westgate, E.C., Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Dujols, O., Vezirian, K., Feldman, G., Travaglino, G.A., Ahmed, A., Li, M., Bosch, J., Torunsky, N., Bai, H., Manavalan, M., Song, X., Walczak, R.B., Zdybek, P., Friedemann, M., Rosa, A.D., Kozma, L., Alves, S.G., Lins, S., Pinto, I.R., Correia, R.C., Babinčák, P., Banik, G., Rojas-Berscia, L.M., Varella, M.A.C., Uttley, J., Beshears, J.E., Thommesen, K.K., Behzadnia, B., Geniole, S.N., Silan, M.A., Maturan, P.L.G., Vilsmeier, J.K., Tran, U.S., Izquierdo, S.M., Mensink, M.C., Sorokowski, P., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Radtke, T., Adoric, V.C., Carpentier, J., Özdoğru, A.A., Joy-Gaba, J.A., Hedgebeth, M.V., Ishii, T., Wichman, A.L., Röer, J.P., Ostermann, T., Davis, W.E., Suter, L., Papachristopoulos, K., Zabel, C., Onie, S., Ebersole, C.R., Chartier, C.R., Mallik, P.R., Urry, H.L., Buchanan, E.M., Coles, N.A., Primbs, M.A., Basnight-Brown, D.M., IJzerman, H., Forscher, P.S., and Moshontz, H.
- Abstract
Correction to: Nature Human Behaviour https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-021-01173-x, published online 2 August 2021. In the version of this article initially published, the following authors were omitted from the author list and the Author contributions section for “investigation” and “writing and editing”: Nandor Hajdu (Institute of Psychology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary), Jordane Boudesseul (Facultad de Psicología, Instituto de Investigación Científica, Universidad de Lima, Lima, Perú), Rafał Muda (Faculty of Economics, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland) and Sandersan Onie (Black Dog Institute, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, Australia & Emotional Health for All Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia). In addition, Saeideh FatahModares’ name was originally misspelled as Saiedeh FatahModarres in the author list. Further, affiliations have been corrected for Maria Terskova (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia), Susana Ruiz Fernandez (FOM University of Applied Sciences, Essen; Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien, Tübingen, and LEAD Research Network, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany), Hendrik Godbersen (FOM University of Applied Sciences, Essen, Germany), Gulnaz Anjum (Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada, and Department of Economics & Social Sciences, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, Pakistan). The changes have been made to the HTML and PDF versions of the article.
- Published
- 2022
7. Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries
- Author
Kowal, M., Sorokowski, P., Pisanski, K., Valentova, J.V., Varella, M.A.C., Frederick, D.A., Al-Shawaf, L., García, F.E., Giammusso, I., Gjoneska, B., Kozma, L., Otterbring, T., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Pfuhl, G., Stöckli, S., Studzinska, A., Toplu-Demirtaş, E., Touloumakos, A.K., Bakos, B.E., Batres, C., Bonneterre, S., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dacanay, J.C., Deschrijver, E., Fisher, M.L., Grano, C., Grigoryev, D., Kačmár, P., Kozlov, M.V., Manunta, E., Massar, K., McFall, J.P., Mebarak, M., Miccoli, M.R., Milfont, T.L., Prokop, P., Aavik, T., Arriaga, P., Baiocco, R., Čeněk, J., Çetinkaya, H., Duyar, I., Guemaz, F., Ishii, T., Kamburidis, J.A., Khun-Inkeeree, H., Lidborg, L.H., Manor, H., Nussinson, R., Omar-Fauzee, M.S.B., Pazhoohi, F., Ponnet, K., Santos, A.C., Senyk, O., Spasovski, O., Vintila, M., Wang, A.H., Yoo, G., Zerhouni, O., Amin, R., Aquino, S., Boğa, M., Boussena, M., Can, A.R., Can, S., Castro, R., Chirumbolo, A., Çoker, O., Cornec, C., Dural, S., Eder, S.J., Moharrampour, N.G., Grassini, S., Hristova, E., Ikizer, G., Kervyn, N., Koyuncu, M., Kunisato, Y., Lins, S., Mandzyk, T., Mari, S., Mattiassi, A.D.A., Memisoglu-Sanli, A., Morelli, M., Novaes, F.C., Parise, M., Banai, I.P., Perun, M., Plohl, N., Sahli, F.Z., Šakan, D., Smojver-Azić, S., Solak, Ç., Söylemez, S., Toyama, A., Wlodarczyk, A., Yamada, Y., Abad-Villaverde, B., Afhami, R., Akello, G., Alami, N.H., Alma, L., Argyrides, M., Atamtürk, D., Burduli, N., Cardona, S., Carneiro, J., Castañeda, A., Chałatkiewicz, I., Chopik, W.J., Chubinidze, D., Conroy-Beam, D., Contreras-Garduño, J., da Silva, D.R., Don, Y.B., Donato, S., Dubrov, D., Duračková, M., Dutt, S., Ebimgbo, S.O., Estevan, I., Etchezahar, E., Fedor, P., Fekih-Romdhane, F., Frackowiak, T., Galasinska, K., Gargula, Ł., Gelbart, B., Yepes, T.G., Hamdaoui, B., Hromatko, I., Itibi, S.N., Jaforte, L., Janssen, Jose, Jović, Marija, Kertechian, K.S., Khan, F., Kobylarek, A., Koso-Drljević, M., Krasnodębska, A., Križanić, V., Landa-Blanco, M., Mailhos, A., Marot, T., Dorcić, T.M., Martinez-Banfi, M., Yusof, M.R., Mayorga-Lascano, M., Mikuličiūtė, V., Mišetić, K., Musil, B., Najmussaqib, A., Muthu, K.N., Natividade, J.C., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Nyhus, E.K., Oberzaucher, E., Omar, S.S., Ostaszewski, F., Pacquing, M.C.T., Pagani, A.F., Park, J.H., Pirtskhalava, E., Reips, U.-D., Reyes, M.E.S., Röer, J.P., Şahin, A., Samekin, A., Sargautytė, R., Semenovskikh, T., Siepelmeyer, H., Singh, S., Sołtys, A., Sorokowska, A., Soto-López, R., Sultanova, L., Tamayo-Agudelo, W., Tan, C.-S., Topanova, G.T., Bulut, M.T., Trémolière, B., Tulyakul, S., Türkan, B.N., Urbanek, A., Volkodav, T., Walter, K.V., Yaakob, M.F.M., Zumárraga-Espinosa, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowski, P., Pisanski, K., Valentova, J.V., Varella, M.A.C., Frederick, D.A., Al-Shawaf, L., García, F.E., Giammusso, I., Gjoneska, B., Kozma, L., Otterbring, T., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Pfuhl, G., Stöckli, S., Studzinska, A., Toplu-Demirtaş, E., Touloumakos, A.K., Bakos, B.E., Batres, C., Bonneterre, S., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dacanay, J.C., Deschrijver, E., Fisher, M.L., Grano, C., Grigoryev, D., Kačmár, P., Kozlov, M.V., Manunta, E., Massar, K., McFall, J.P., Mebarak, M., Miccoli, M.R., Milfont, T.L., Prokop, P., Aavik, T., Arriaga, P., Baiocco, R., Čeněk, J., Çetinkaya, H., Duyar, I., Guemaz, F., Ishii, T., Kamburidis, J.A., Khun-Inkeeree, H., Lidborg, L.H., Manor, H., Nussinson, R., Omar-Fauzee, M.S.B., Pazhoohi, F., Ponnet, K., Santos, A.C., Senyk, O., Spasovski, O., Vintila, M., Wang, A.H., Yoo, G., Zerhouni, O., Amin, R., Aquino, S., Boğa, M., Boussena, M., Can, A.R., Can, S., Castro, R., Chirumbolo, A., Çoker, O., Cornec, C., Dural, S., Eder, S.J., Moharrampour, N.G., Grassini, S., Hristova, E., Ikizer, G., Kervyn, N., Koyuncu, M., Kunisato, Y., Lins, S., Mandzyk, T., Mari, S., Mattiassi, A.D.A., Memisoglu-Sanli, A., Morelli, M., Novaes, F.C., Parise, M., Banai, I.P., Perun, M., Plohl, N., Sahli, F.Z., Šakan, D., Smojver-Azić, S., Solak, Ç., Söylemez, S., Toyama, A., Wlodarczyk, A., Yamada, Y., Abad-Villaverde, B., Afhami, R., Akello, G., Alami, N.H., Alma, L., Argyrides, M., Atamtürk, D., Burduli, N., Cardona, S., Carneiro, J., Castañeda, A., Chałatkiewicz, I., Chopik, W.J., Chubinidze, D., Conroy-Beam, D., Contreras-Garduño, J., da Silva, D.R., Don, Y.B., Donato, S., Dubrov, D., Duračková, M., Dutt, S., Ebimgbo, S.O., Estevan, I., Etchezahar, E., Fedor, P., Fekih-Romdhane, F., Frackowiak, T., Galasinska, K., Gargula, Ł., Gelbart, B., Yepes, T.G., Hamdaoui, B., Hromatko, I., Itibi, S.N., Jaforte, L., Janssen, Jose, Jović, Marija, Kertechian, K.S., Khan, F., Kobylarek, A., Koso-Drljević, M., Krasnodębska, A., Križanić, V., Landa-Blanco, M., Mailhos, A., Marot, T., Dorcić, T.M., Martinez-Banfi, M., Yusof, M.R., Mayorga-Lascano, M., Mikuličiūtė, V., Mišetić, K., Musil, B., Najmussaqib, A., Muthu, K.N., Natividade, J.C., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Nyhus, E.K., Oberzaucher, E., Omar, S.S., Ostaszewski, F., Pacquing, M.C.T., Pagani, A.F., Park, J.H., Pirtskhalava, E., Reips, U.-D., Reyes, M.E.S., Röer, J.P., Şahin, A., Samekin, A., Sargautytė, R., Semenovskikh, T., Siepelmeyer, H., Singh, S., Sołtys, A., Sorokowska, A., Soto-López, R., Sultanova, L., Tamayo-Agudelo, W., Tan, C.-S., Topanova, G.T., Bulut, M.T., Trémolière, B., Tulyakul, S., Türkan, B.N., Urbanek, A., Volkodav, T., Walter, K.V., Yaakob, M.F.M., and Zumárraga-Espinosa, M.
- Abstract
People across the world and throughout history have gone to great lengths to enhance their physical appearance. Evolutionary psychologists and ethologists have largely attempted to explain this phenomenon via mating preferences and strategies. Here, we test one of the most popular evolutionary hypotheses for beauty-enhancing behaviors, drawn from mating market and parasite stress perspectives, in a large cross-cultural sample. We also test hypotheses drawn from other influential and non-mutually exclusive theoretical frameworks, from biosocial role theory to a cultural media perspective. Survey data from 93,158 human participants across 93 countries provide evidence that behaviors such as applying makeup or using other cosmetics, hair grooming, clothing style, caring for body hygiene, and exercising or following a specific diet for the specific purpose of improving ones physical attractiveness, are universal. Indeed, 99% of participants reported spending >10 min a day performing beauty-enhancing behaviors. The results largely support evolutionary hypotheses: more time was spent enhancing beauty by women (almost 4 h a day, on average) than by men (3.6 h a day), by the youngest participants (and contrary to predictions, also the oldest), by those with a relatively more severe history of infectious diseases, and by participants currently dating compared to those in established relationships. The strongest predictor of attractiveness-enhancing behaviors was social media usage. Other predictors, in order of effect size, included adhering to traditional gender roles, residing in countries with less gender equality, considering oneself as highly attractive or, conversely, highly unattractive, TV watching time, higher socioeconomic status, right-wing political beliefs, a lower level of education, and personal individualistic attitudes. This study provides novel insight into universal beauty-enhancing behaviors by unifying evolutionary theory with several other complementary
- Published
- 2022
8. Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries
- Author
Kowal, M, Sorokowski, P, Pisanski, K, Valentova, J, Varella, M, Frederick, D, Al-Shawaf, L, García, F, Giammusso, I, Gjoneska, B, Kozma, L, Otterbring, T, Papadatou-Pastou, M, Pfuhl, G, Stöckli, S, Studzinska, A, Toplu-Demirtaş, E, Touloumakos, A, Bakos, B, Batres, C, Bonneterre, S, Czamanski-Cohen, J, Dacanay, J, Deschrijver, E, Fisher, M, Grano, C, Grigoryev, D, Kačmár, P, Kozlov, M, Manunta, E, Massar, K, Mcfall, J, Mebarak, M, Miccoli, M, Milfont, T, Prokop, P, Aavik, T, Arriaga, P, Baiocco, R, Čeněk, J, Çetinkaya, H, Duyar, I, Guemaz, F, Ishii, T, Kamburidis, J, Khun-Inkeeree, H, Lidborg, L, Manor, H, Nussinson, R, Omar-Fauzee, M, Pazhoohi, F, Ponnet, K, Santos, A, Senyk, O, Spasovski, O, Vintila, M, Wang, A, Yoo, G, Zerhouni, O, Amin, R, Aquino, S, Boğa, M, Boussena, M, Can, A, Can, S, Castro, R, Chirumbolo, A, Çoker, O, Cornec, C, Dural, S, Eder, S, Moharrampour, N, Grassini, S, Hristova, E, Ikizer, G, Kervyn, N, Koyuncu, M, Kunisato, Y, Lins, S, Mandzyk, T, Mari, S, Mattiassi, A, Memisoglu-Sanli, A, Morelli, M, Novaes, F, Parise, M, Banai, I, Perun, M, Plohl, N, Sahli, F, Šakan, D, Smojver-Azic, S, Solak, Ç, Söylemez, S, Toyama, A, Wlodarczyk, A, Yamada, Y, Abad-Villaverde, B, Afhami, R, Akello, G, Alami, N, Alma, L, Argyrides, M, Atamtürk, D, Burduli, N, Cardona, S, Carneiro, J, Castañeda, A, Chałatkiewicz, I, Chopik, W, Chubinidze, D, Conroy-Beam, D, Contreras-Garduño, J, da Silva, D, Don, Y, Donato, S, Dubrov, D, Duračková, M, Dutt, S, Ebimgbo, S, Estevan, I, Etchezahar, E, Fedor, P, Fekih-Romdhane, F, Frackowiak, T, Galasinska, K, Gargula, Ł, Gelbart, B, Yepes, T, Hamdaoui, B, Hromatko, I, Itibi, S, Jaforte, L, Janssen, S, Jovic, M, Kertechian, K, Khan, F, Kobylarek, A, Koso-Drljevic, M, Krasnodębska, A, Križanić, V, Landa-Blanco, M, Mailhos, A, Marot, T, Dorcic, T, Martinez-Banfi, M, Yusof, M, Mayorga-Lascano, M, Mikuličiūtė, V, Mišetić, K, Musil, B, Najmussaqib, A, Muthu, K, Natividade, J, Ndukaihe, I, Nyhus, E, Oberzaucher, E, Omar, S, Ostaszewski, F, Pacquing, M, Pagani, A, Park, J, Pirtskhalava, E, Reips, U, Reyes, M, Röer, J, Şahin, A, Samekin, A, Sargautytė, R, Semenovskikh, T, Siepelmeyer, H, Singh, S, Sołtys, A, Sorokowska, A, Soto-López, R, Sultanova, L, Tamayo-Agudelo, W, Tan, C, Topanova, G, Bulut, M, Trémolière, B, Tulyakul, S, Türkan, B, Urbanek, A, Volkodav, T, Walter, K, Yaakob, M, Zumárraga-Espinosa, M, Kowal, Marta, Sorokowski, Piotr, Pisanski, Katarzyna, Valentova, Jaroslava V., Varella, Marco A. C., Frederick, David A., Al-Shawaf, Laith, García, Felipe E., Giammusso, Isabella, Gjoneska, Biljana, Kozma, Luca, Otterbring, Tobias, Papadatou-Pastou, Marietta, Pfuhl, Gerit, Stöckli, Sabrina, Studzinska, Anna, Toplu-Demirtaş, Ezgi, Touloumakos, Anna K., Bakos, Bence E., Batres, Carlota, Bonneterre, Solenne, Czamanski-Cohen, Johanna, Dacanay, Jovi C., Deschrijver, Eliane, Fisher, Maryanne L., Grano, Caterina, Grigoryev, Dmitry, Kačmár, Pavol, Kozlov, Mikhail V., Manunta, Efisio, Massar, Karlijn, McFall, Joseph P., Mebarak, Moises, Miccoli, Maria Rosa, Milfont, Taciano L., Prokop, Pavol, Aavik, Toivo, Arriaga, Patrícia, Baiocco, Roberto, Čeněk, Jiří, Çetinkaya, Hakan, Duyar, Izzet, Guemaz, Farida, Ishii, Tatsunori, Kamburidis, Julia A., Khun-Inkeeree, Hareesol, Lidborg, Linda H., Manor, Hagar, Nussinson, Ravit, Omar-Fauzee, Mohd Sofian B., Pazhoohi, Farid, Ponnet, Koen, Santos, Anabela Caetano, Senyk, Oksana, Spasovski, Ognen, Vintila, Mona, Wang, Austin H., Yoo, Gyesook, Zerhouni, Oulmann, Amin, Rizwana, Aquino, Sibele, Boğa, Merve, Boussena, Mahmoud, Can, Ali R., Can, Seda, Castro, Rita, Chirumbolo, Antonio, Çoker, Ogeday, Cornec, Clément, Dural, Seda, Eder, Stephanie J., Moharrampour, Nasim Ghahraman, Grassini, Simone, Hristova, Evgeniya, Ikizer, Gözde, Kervyn, Nicolas, Koyuncu, Mehmet, Kunisato, Yoshihiko, Lins, Samuel, Mandzyk, Tetyana, Mari, Silvia, Mattiassi, Alan D. A., Memisoglu-Sanli, Aybegum, Morelli, Mara, Novaes, Felipe C., Parise, Miriam, Banai, Irena Pavela, Perun, Mariia, Plohl, Nejc, Sahli, Fatima Zahra, Šakan, Dušana, Smojver-Azic, Sanja, Solak, Çağlar, Söylemez, Sinem, Toyama, Asako, Wlodarczyk, Anna, Yamada, Yuki, Abad-Villaverde, Beatriz, Afhami, Reza, Akello, Grace, Alami, Nael H., Alma, Leyla, Argyrides, Marios, Atamtürk, Derya, Burduli, Nana, Cardona, Sayra, Carneiro, João, Castañeda, Andrea, Chałatkiewicz, Izabela, Chopik, William J., Chubinidze, Dimitri, Conroy-Beam, Daniel, Contreras-Garduño, Jorge, da Silva, Diana Ribeiro, Don, Yahya B., Donato, Silvia, Dubrov, Dmitrii, Duračková, Michaela, Dutt, Sanjana, Ebimgbo, Samuel O., Estevan, Ignacio, Etchezahar, Edgardo, Fedor, Peter, Fekih-Romdhane, Feten, Frackowiak, Tomasz, Galasinska, Katarzyna, Gargula, Łukasz, Gelbart, Benjamin, Yepes, Talia Gomez, Hamdaoui, Brahim, Hromatko, Ivana, Itibi, Salome N., Jaforte, Luna, Janssen, Steve M. J., Jovic, Marija, Kertechian, Kevin S., Khan, Farah, Kobylarek, Aleksander, Koso-Drljevic, Maida, Krasnodębska, Anna, Križanić, Valerija, Landa-Blanco, Miguel, Mailhos, Alvaro, Marot, Tiago, Dorcic, Tamara Martinac, Martinez-Banfi, Martha, Yusof, Mat Rahimi, Mayorga-Lascano, Marlon, Mikuličiūtė, Vita, Mišetić, Katarina, Musil, Bojan, Najmussaqib, Arooj, Muthu, Kavitha Nalla, Natividade, Jean C., Ndukaihe, Izuchukwu L. G., Nyhus, Ellen K., Oberzaucher, Elisabeth, Omar, Salma S., Ostaszewski, Franciszek, Pacquing, Ma. Criselda T., Pagani, Ariela F., Park, Ju Hee, Pirtskhalava, Ekaterine, Reips, Ulf-Dietrich, Reyes, Marc Eric S., Röer, Jan P., Şahin, Ayşegül, Samekin, Adil, Sargautytė, Rūta, Semenovskikh, Tatiana, Siepelmeyer, Henrik, Singh, Sangeeta, Sołtys, Alicja, Sorokowska, Agnieszka, Soto-López, Rodrigo, Sultanova, Liliya, Tamayo-Agudelo, William, Tan, Chee-Seng, Topanova, Gulmira T., Bulut, Merve Topcu, Trémolière, Bastien, Tulyakul, Singha, Türkan, Belgüzar N., Urbanek, Arkadiusz, Volkodav, Tatiana, Walter, Kathryn V., Yaakob, Mohd Faiz Mohd, Zumárraga-Espinosa, Marcos, Kowal, M, Sorokowski, P, Pisanski, K, Valentova, J, Varella, M, Frederick, D, Al-Shawaf, L, García, F, Giammusso, I, Gjoneska, B, Kozma, L, Otterbring, T, Papadatou-Pastou, M, Pfuhl, G, Stöckli, S, Studzinska, A, Toplu-Demirtaş, E, Touloumakos, A, Bakos, B, Batres, C, Bonneterre, S, Czamanski-Cohen, J, Dacanay, J, Deschrijver, E, Fisher, M, Grano, C, Grigoryev, D, Kačmár, P, Kozlov, M, Manunta, E, Massar, K, Mcfall, J, Mebarak, M, Miccoli, M, Milfont, T, Prokop, P, Aavik, T, Arriaga, P, Baiocco, R, Čeněk, J, Çetinkaya, H, Duyar, I, Guemaz, F, Ishii, T, Kamburidis, J, Khun-Inkeeree, H, Lidborg, L, Manor, H, Nussinson, R, Omar-Fauzee, M, Pazhoohi, F, Ponnet, K, Santos, A, Senyk, O, Spasovski, O, Vintila, M, Wang, A, Yoo, G, Zerhouni, O, Amin, R, Aquino, S, Boğa, M, Boussena, M, Can, A, Can, S, Castro, R, Chirumbolo, A, Çoker, O, Cornec, C, Dural, S, Eder, S, Moharrampour, N, Grassini, S, Hristova, E, Ikizer, G, Kervyn, N, Koyuncu, M, Kunisato, Y, Lins, S, Mandzyk, T, Mari, S, Mattiassi, A, Memisoglu-Sanli, A, Morelli, M, Novaes, F, Parise, M, Banai, I, Perun, M, Plohl, N, Sahli, F, Šakan, D, Smojver-Azic, S, Solak, Ç, Söylemez, S, Toyama, A, Wlodarczyk, A, Yamada, Y, Abad-Villaverde, B, Afhami, R, Akello, G, Alami, N, Alma, L, Argyrides, M, Atamtürk, D, Burduli, N, Cardona, S, Carneiro, J, Castañeda, A, Chałatkiewicz, I, Chopik, W, Chubinidze, D, Conroy-Beam, D, Contreras-Garduño, J, da Silva, D, Don, Y, Donato, S, Dubrov, D, Duračková, M, Dutt, S, Ebimgbo, S, Estevan, I, Etchezahar, E, Fedor, P, Fekih-Romdhane, F, Frackowiak, T, Galasinska, K, Gargula, Ł, Gelbart, B, Yepes, T, Hamdaoui, B, Hromatko, I, Itibi, S, Jaforte, L, Janssen, S, Jovic, M, Kertechian, K, Khan, F, Kobylarek, A, Koso-Drljevic, M, Krasnodębska, A, Križanić, V, Landa-Blanco, M, Mailhos, A, Marot, T, Dorcic, T, Martinez-Banfi, M, Yusof, M, Mayorga-Lascano, M, Mikuličiūtė, V, Mišetić, K, Musil, B, Najmussaqib, A, Muthu, K, Natividade, J, Ndukaihe, I, Nyhus, E, Oberzaucher, E, Omar, S, Ostaszewski, F, Pacquing, M, Pagani, A, Park, J, Pirtskhalava, E, Reips, U, Reyes, M, Röer, J, Şahin, A, Samekin, A, Sargautytė, R, Semenovskikh, T, Siepelmeyer, H, Singh, S, Sołtys, A, Sorokowska, A, Soto-López, R, Sultanova, L, Tamayo-Agudelo, W, Tan, C, Topanova, G, Bulut, M, Trémolière, B, Tulyakul, S, Türkan, B, Urbanek, A, Volkodav, T, Walter, K, Yaakob, M, Zumárraga-Espinosa, M, Kowal, Marta, Sorokowski, Piotr, Pisanski, Katarzyna, Valentova, Jaroslava V., Varella, Marco A. C., Frederick, David A., Al-Shawaf, Laith, García, Felipe E., Giammusso, Isabella, Gjoneska, Biljana, Kozma, Luca, Otterbring, Tobias, Papadatou-Pastou, Marietta, Pfuhl, Gerit, Stöckli, Sabrina, Studzinska, Anna, Toplu-Demirtaş, Ezgi, Touloumakos, Anna K., Bakos, Bence E., Batres, Carlota, Bonneterre, Solenne, Czamanski-Cohen, Johanna, Dacanay, Jovi C., Deschrijver, Eliane, Fisher, Maryanne L., Grano, Caterina, Grigoryev, Dmitry, Kačmár, Pavol, Kozlov, Mikhail V., Manunta, Efisio, Massar, Karlijn, McFall, Joseph P., Mebarak, Moises, Miccoli, Maria Rosa, Milfont, Taciano L., Prokop, Pavol, Aavik, Toivo, Arriaga, Patrícia, Baiocco, Roberto, Čeněk, Jiří, Çetinkaya, Hakan, Duyar, Izzet, Guemaz, Farida, Ishii, Tatsunori, Kamburidis, Julia A., Khun-Inkeeree, Hareesol, Lidborg, Linda H., Manor, Hagar, Nussinson, Ravit, Omar-Fauzee, Mohd Sofian B., Pazhoohi, Farid, Ponnet, Koen, Santos, Anabela Caetano, Senyk, Oksana, Spasovski, Ognen, Vintila, Mona, Wang, Austin H., Yoo, Gyesook, Zerhouni, Oulmann, Amin, Rizwana, Aquino, Sibele, Boğa, Merve, Boussena, Mahmoud, Can, Ali R., Can, Seda, Castro, Rita, Chirumbolo, Antonio, Çoker, Ogeday, Cornec, Clément, Dural, Seda, Eder, Stephanie J., Moharrampour, Nasim Ghahraman, Grassini, Simone, Hristova, Evgeniya, Ikizer, Gözde, Kervyn, Nicolas, Koyuncu, Mehmet, Kunisato, Yoshihiko, Lins, Samuel, Mandzyk, Tetyana, Mari, Silvia, Mattiassi, Alan D. A., Memisoglu-Sanli, Aybegum, Morelli, Mara, Novaes, Felipe C., Parise, Miriam, Banai, Irena Pavela, Perun, Mariia, Plohl, Nejc, Sahli, Fatima Zahra, Šakan, Dušana, Smojver-Azic, Sanja, Solak, Çağlar, Söylemez, Sinem, Toyama, Asako, Wlodarczyk, Anna, Yamada, Yuki, Abad-Villaverde, Beatriz, Afhami, Reza, Akello, Grace, Alami, Nael H., Alma, Leyla, Argyrides, Marios, Atamtürk, Derya, Burduli, Nana, Cardona, Sayra, Carneiro, João, Castañeda, Andrea, Chałatkiewicz, Izabela, Chopik, William J., Chubinidze, Dimitri, Conroy-Beam, Daniel, Contreras-Garduño, Jorge, da Silva, Diana Ribeiro, Don, Yahya B., Donato, Silvia, Dubrov, Dmitrii, Duračková, Michaela, Dutt, Sanjana, Ebimgbo, Samuel O., Estevan, Ignacio, Etchezahar, Edgardo, Fedor, Peter, Fekih-Romdhane, Feten, Frackowiak, Tomasz, Galasinska, Katarzyna, Gargula, Łukasz, Gelbart, Benjamin, Yepes, Talia Gomez, Hamdaoui, Brahim, Hromatko, Ivana, Itibi, Salome N., Jaforte, Luna, Janssen, Steve M. J., Jovic, Marija, Kertechian, Kevin S., Khan, Farah, Kobylarek, Aleksander, Koso-Drljevic, Maida, Krasnodębska, Anna, Križanić, Valerija, Landa-Blanco, Miguel, Mailhos, Alvaro, Marot, Tiago, Dorcic, Tamara Martinac, Martinez-Banfi, Martha, Yusof, Mat Rahimi, Mayorga-Lascano, Marlon, Mikuličiūtė, Vita, Mišetić, Katarina, Musil, Bojan, Najmussaqib, Arooj, Muthu, Kavitha Nalla, Natividade, Jean C., Ndukaihe, Izuchukwu L. G., Nyhus, Ellen K., Oberzaucher, Elisabeth, Omar, Salma S., Ostaszewski, Franciszek, Pacquing, Ma. Criselda T., Pagani, Ariela F., Park, Ju Hee, Pirtskhalava, Ekaterine, Reips, Ulf-Dietrich, Reyes, Marc Eric S., Röer, Jan P., Şahin, Ayşegül, Samekin, Adil, Sargautytė, Rūta, Semenovskikh, Tatiana, Siepelmeyer, Henrik, Singh, Sangeeta, Sołtys, Alicja, Sorokowska, Agnieszka, Soto-López, Rodrigo, Sultanova, Liliya, Tamayo-Agudelo, William, Tan, Chee-Seng, Topanova, Gulmira T., Bulut, Merve Topcu, Trémolière, Bastien, Tulyakul, Singha, Türkan, Belgüzar N., Urbanek, Arkadiusz, Volkodav, Tatiana, Walter, Kathryn V., Yaakob, Mohd Faiz Mohd, and Zumárraga-Espinosa, Marcos
- Abstract
People across the world and throughout history have gone to great lengths to enhance their physical appearance. Evolutionary psychologists and ethologists have largely attempted to explain this phenomenon via mating preferences and strategies. Here, we test one of the most popular evolutionary hypotheses for beauty-enhancing behaviors, drawn from mating market and parasite stress perspectives, in a large cross-cultural sample. We also test hypotheses drawn from other influential and non-mutually exclusive theoretical frameworks, from biosocial role theory to a cultural media perspective. Survey data from 93,158 human participants across 93 countries provide evidence that behaviors such as applying makeup or using other cosmetics, hair grooming, clothing style, caring for body hygiene, and exercising or following a specific diet for the specific purpose of improving ones physical attractiveness, are universal. Indeed, 99% of participants reported spending >10 min a day performing beauty-enhancing behaviors. The results largely support evolutionary hypotheses: more time was spent enhancing beauty by women (almost 4 h a day, on average) than by men (3.6 h a day), by the youngest participants (and contrary to predictions, also the oldest), by those with a relatively more severe history of infectious diseases, and by participants currently dating compared to those in established relationships. The strongest predictor of attractiveness-enhancing behaviors was social media usage. Other predictors, in order of effect size, included adhering to traditional gender roles, residing in countries with less gender equality, considering oneself as highly attractive or, conversely, highly unattractive, TV watching time, higher socioeconomic status, right-wing political beliefs, a lower level of education, and personal individualistic attitudes. This study provides novel insight into universal beauty-enhancing behaviors by unifying evolutionary theory with several other complement
- Published
- 2022
9. In COVID-19 Health Messaging, Loss Framing Increases Anxiety with Little-to-No Concomitant Benefits: Experimental Evidence from 84 Countries
- Author
Dorison, C. A., Lerner, J. S., Heller, B. H., Rothman, A. J., Kawachi, I. I., Wang, K., Rees, V. W., Gill, B. P., Gibbs, N., Ebersole, C. R., Vally, Z., Tajchman, Z., Zsido, A. N., Zrimsek, M., Chen, Z., Ziano, I., Gialitaki, Z., Ceary, C. D., Jang, Y., Lin, Y., Kunisato, Y., Yamada, Y., Xiao, Q., Jiang, X., Du, X., Yao, E., Ryan, W., Wilson, J. P., Cyrus-Lai, W., Jimenez-Leal, W., Law, W., Unanue, W., Collins, W. M., Richard, K. L., Vranka, M., Ankushev, V., Schei, V., DePaola, C., Lerche, V., Kovic, V., Križanić, V., Kadreva, V. H., Adoric, V. C., Tran, U. S., Yeung, S. K., Hassan, W., Houston, R., Machin, M. A., Lima, T. J. S., Ostermann, T., Frizzo, T., Sverdrup, T. E., House, T., Gill, T., Fedotov, M., Paltrow, T., Jernsäther, T., Rahman, T., Machin, T., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Hostler, T. J., Ishii, T., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Suter, L., von Bormann, S. M., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Stojanovska, D., Janssen, S. M. J., Stieger, S., Schulenberg, S. E., Tatachari, S., Azouaghe, S., Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Song, X., Morbée, S., Lewis, S. C., Sinkolova, S., Grigoryev, D., Drexler, S. M., Daches, S., Levine, S. L., Geniole, S. N., Akter, S., Vračar, S., Massoni, S., Costa, S., Zorjan, S., Sarıoğuz, E., Morales Izquierdo, S., Tshonda, S. S., Alves, S. G., Pöntinen, S., Álvarez Solas, S., Ordoñez-Riaño, S., Batić Očovaj, S., Onie, S., Lins, S., Biberauer, T., Çoksan, S., Khumkom, S., Sacakli, A., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Geiger, S. J., FatahModares, S., Walczak, R. B., Betlehem, R., Vilar, R., Doekemeijer, R., Cárcamo, R., Ross, R. M., McCarthy, R., Ballantyne, T., Westgate, E. C., Gargurevich, R., Afhami, R., Ren, D., Monteiro, R. P., Reips, U-D., Reggev, N., Calin-Jageman, R. J., Pourafshari, R., London, R., Oliveira, R., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rahal, R-M., Ribeiro, R. R., Radtke, T., Searston, R., Jai-ai, R., Habte, R., Zdybek, P., Chen, S-C., Wajanatinapart, P., Maturan, P. L. G., Perillo, J. T., Isager, P. M., Kačmár, P., Macapagal, P. M., Maniaci, M. R., Szwed, P., Hanel, P. H. P., Forbes, P. A. G., Arriaga, P., Paris, B., Parashar, N., Papachristopoulos, K., Sebastián-Correa, P., Kácha, O., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Niño Bravo, O., Galindo-Caballero, O. J., Ogbonnaya, C. E., Bialobrzeska, O., Kiselnikova, N., Simonovic, N., Cohen, N., Nock, N. L., Hernandez, A., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C., Ntoumanis, N., Johannes, N., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Say, N., Neubauer, A. B., Martin, N. I., Torunsky, N., van Antwerpen, N., Van Doren, N., Sunami, N., Rachev, N. R., Majeed, N. M., Schmidt, N-D., Nadif, K., Corral-Frías, N. S., Ouherrou, N., Abbas, N., Pantazi, M., Lucas, M. Y., Vasilev, Martin R., Ortiz, M. V., Butt, M. M., Kurfali, M., Kabir, M., Muda, R., Tejada Rivera, M. C., Sirota, M., Seehuus, M., Parzuchowski, M., Toro, M., Hricova, M., Alarcón Maldonado, M., Rentzelas, P., Vansteenkiste, M., Metz, M. A., Marszalek, M., Karekla, M., Mioni, G., Bosma, M. J., Westerlund, M., Vdovic, M., Bialek, M., Silan, M. A., Anne, M., Misiak, M., Gugliandolo, M. C., Grinberg, M., Capizzi, M., Espinoza Barría, M. F., Kurfali, M. A., Mensink, M. C., Harutyunyan, M., Khosla, M., Dunn, M. R., Korbmacher, M., Adamkovič, M., Ribeiro, M. F. F., Terskova, M., Hruška, M., Martončik, M., Jansen, M., Voracek, M., Čadek, M., Frias-Armenta, M., Kowal, M., Topor, M., Roczniewska, M., Oosterlinck, M., Braun Kohlová, M., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Sabristov, M., Romanova, M., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Lund, M. L., Antoniadi, M., Magrin, M. E., Jones, M. V., Ortiz, M. S., Manavalan, M., Muminov, A., Kossowska, M., Friedemann, M., Wielgus, M., van Hooff, M. L. M., Varella, M. A. C., Standage, M., Nicolotti, M., Colloff, M. F., Bradford, M., Vaughn, L. A., Eudave, L., Vieira, L., Sanabria Pineda, L. M., Matos, L., Calderón Pérez, L., Lazarevic, L. B., Jaremka, L. M., Smit, E. S., Kushnir, E., Ferguson, L. J., Anton-Boicuk, L., Lins de Holanda Coelho, G., Ahlgren, L., Liga, F., Levitan, C. A., Micheli, L., Gunton, L-A., Volz, L., Stojanovska, M., Boucher, L., Samojlenko, L., Javela Delgado, L. G., Kaliska, L., Labadi, B., Warmelink, L., Rojas-Berscia, L. M., Yu, K., Wylie, K., Wachowicz, J., Desai, K., Barzykowski, K., Kozma, L., Evans, K., Kirgizova, K., Agesin, B. E., Koehn, M. A., Wolfe, K., Korobova, T., Morris, K., Klevjer, K., van Schie, K., Vezirian, K., Damnjanović, K., Krabbe Thommesen, K., Schmidt, K., Filip, K., Staniaszek, K., Grzech, K., Hoyer, K., Moon, K., Khaobunmasiri, S., Rana, K., Janjić, K., Suchow, J. W., Kielińska, J., Cruz Vásquez, J. E., Chanal, J., Beitner, J., Vargas-Nieto, J. C., Roxas, J. C. T., Taber, J., Urriago-Rayo, J., Pavlacic, J. M., Benka, J., Bavolar, J., Soto, J. A., Olofsson, J. K., Vilsmeier, J. K., Messerschmidt, J., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Waterschoot, J., Moss, J. D., Boudesseul, J., Lee, J. M., Kamburidis, J., Joy-Gaba, J. A., Zickfeld, J., Miranda, J. F., Verharen, J. P. H., Hristova, E., Beshears, J. E., Đorđević, J. M., Bosch, J., Valentova, J. V., Antfolk, J., Berkessel, J. B., Schrötter, J., Urban, J., Röer, J. P., Norton, J. O., Silva, J. R., Pickering, J. S., Vintr, J., Uttley, J., Kunst, J. R., Ndukaihe, I. L. G., Iyer, A., Vilares, I., Ivanov, A., Ropovik, I., Sula, I., Sarieva, I., Metin-Orta, I., Prusova, I., Pinto, I., Bozdoc, A. I., Almeida, I. A. T., Pit, I. L., Dalgar, I., Zakharov, I., Arinze, A. I., Ihaya, K., Stephen, I. D., Gjoneska, B., Brohmer, H., Flowe, H., Godbersen, H., Kocalar, H. E., Hedgebeth, M. V., Chuan-Peng, H., Sharifian, M. H., Manley, H., Akkas, H., Hajdu, N., Azab, H., Kaminski, G., Nilsonne, G., Anjum, G., Travaglino, G. A., Feldman, G., Pfuhl, G., Czarnek, G., Marcu, G. M., Hofer, G., Banik, G., Adetula, G. A., Bijlstra, G., Verbruggen, F., Kung, F. Y. H., Martela, F., Foroni, F., Forest, J., Singer, G., Muchembled, F., Azevedo, F., Mosannenzadeh, F., Marinova, E., Štrukelj, E., Etebari, Z., Baskin, E., Garcia, E. O. L., Musser, E., van Steenkiste, I. M. M., Bradshaw, E. L., Ahn, E. R., Quested, E., Pronizius, E., Jackson, E. A., Manunta, E., Agadullina, E., Šakan, D., Dursun, P., Dujols, O., Dubrov, D., Willis, M., Tümer, M., Beaudry, J. L., Popović, D., Dunleavy, D., Djamai, I., Krupić, D., Herrera, D., Vega, D., Du, H., Mola, D., Chakarova, D., Davis, W. E., Holford, D. L., Lewis, D. M. G., Vaidis, D. C., Hausman Ozery, D., Zambrano Ricaurte, D., Storage, D., Sousa, D., Serrato Alvarez, D., Boller, D., Dalla Rosa, A., Dimova, D., Marko, D., Moreau, D., Reeck, C., Correia, R. C., Whitt, C. M., Lamm, C., Singh Solorzano, C., von Bastian, C.C., Sutherland, C. A. M., Overkott, C., Aberson, C. L., Wang, C., Niemiec, C. P., Reimer, C., Karashiali, C., Noone, C., Chiu, F., Picciocchi, C., Eben, C., Brownlow, C., Karaarslan, C., Cellini, N., Esteban-Serna, C., Reyna, C., Ferreyra, C., Batres, C., Li, R., Grano, C., Carpentier, J., Tamnes, C. K., Fu, C. H. Y., Ishkhanyan, B., Bylinina, L., Jaeger, B., Bundt, C., Bulut Allred, T., Vermote, B. J., Bokkour, A., Bogatyreva, N., Shi, J., Chopik, W. J., Antazo, B., Becker, M., Bayyat, M. M., Cocco, B., Chou, W-L., Barkoukis, V., Aczel, B., Baklanova, E., Bai, H., Balci, B. B., Babinčák, P., Soenens, B., Dixson, B. J. W., Mokady, A., Kappes, H. B., Atari, M., Szala, A., Szabelska, A., Aruta, J. J. B., Domurat, A., Arinze, N. C., Modena, A., Adiguzel, A., Monajem, A., El Arabi, K. A., Özdoğru, A. A., Rothbaum, A. O., Torres, A. J. O., Theodoropoulou, A., Skowronek, A., Jurković, A. P., Singh, A., Kassianos, A. P., Findor, A., Hartanto, A., Thibault Landry, A., Ferreira, A., Caetano Santos, A., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Luxon, A. M., Todsen, A. L., Karababa, A., Janak, A., Pilato, A., Bran, A., Tullett, A. M., Kuzminska, A. O., Krafnick, A. J., Urooj, A., Khaoudi, A., Ahmed, A., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Askelund, A. D., Adetula, A., Belaus, A., Charyate, A. C., Wichman, A. L., Stoyanova, A., Greenburgh, A., Thomas, A. G., Arvanitis, A., Forscher, P. S., Mallik, P. R., Primbs, M. A., Miller, J. K., Moshontz, H., Urry, H. L., IJzerman, H., Basnight-Brown, D. M., Chartier, C. R., Buchanan, E. M., Coles, N. A., MÜ, Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü, Kocalar, Halil Emre, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Organizational Psychology, Jernsäther, Teodor [0000-0002-7030-3299], Tatachari, Srinivasan [0000-0003-1838-2361], Geiger, Sandra J [0000-0002-3262-5609], Butt, Muhammad Mussaffa [0000-0001-5271-111X], Varella, Marco A C [0000-0002-7274-7360], Stephen, Ian D [0000-0001-9714-8295], Kaminski, Gwenael [0000-0001-5300-5655], Bai, Hui [0000-0003-2671-5955], Coles, Nicholas A [0000-0001-8583-5610], Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, Center Ph. D. Students, Department of Social Psychology, Tilburg University, and Medical and Clinical Psychology
- Subjects
Nudges ,Behaviour Change and Well-being ,ddc:150 ,230 Affective Neuroscience ,SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being ,message framing ,anxiety ,nudges ,COVID-19 ,Message framing ,General Medicine ,Anxiety - Abstract
Contains fulltext : 284232.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) The COVID-19 pandemic (and its aftermath) highlights a critical need to communicate health information effectively to the global public. Given that subtle differences in information framing can have meaningful effects on behavior, behavioral science research highlights a pressing question: Is it more effective to frame COVID-19 health messages in terms of potential losses (e.g., "If you do not practice these steps, you can endanger yourself and others") or potential gains (e.g., "If you practice these steps, you can protect yourself and others")? Collecting data in 48 languages from 15,929 participants in 84 countries, we experimentally tested the effects of message framing on COVID-19-related judgments, intentions, and feelings. Loss- (vs. gain-) framed messages increased self-reported anxiety among participants cross-nationally with little-to-no impact on policy attitudes, behavioral intentions, or information seeking relevant to pandemic risks. These results were consistent across 84 countries, three variations of the message framing wording, and 560 data processing and analytic choices. Thus, results provide an empirical answer to a global communication question and highlight the emotional toll of loss-framed messages. Critically, this work demonstrates the importance of considering unintended affective consequences when evaluating nudge-style interventions. 26 p.
- Published
- 2022
10. Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample
- Author
Bago, B. Kovacs, M. Protzko, J. Nagy, T. Kekecs, Z. Palfi, B. Adamkovic, M. Adamus, S. Albalooshi, S. Albayrak-Aydemir, N. Alfian, I.N. Alper, S. Alvarez-Solas, S. Alves, S.G. Amaya, S. Andresen, P.K. Anjum, G. Ansari, D. Arriaga, P. Aruta, J.J.B.R. Arvanitis, A. Babincak, P. Barzykowski, K. Bashour, B. Baskin, E. Batalha, L. Batres, C. Bavolar, J. Bayrak, F. Becker, B. Becker, M. Belaus, A. Białek, M. Bilancini, E. Boller, D. Boncinelli, L. Boudesseul, J. Brown, B.T. Buchanan, E.M. Butt, M.M. Calvillo, D.P. Carnes, N.C. Celniker, J.B. Chartier, C.R. Chopik, W.J. Chotikavan, P. Chuan-Peng, H. Clancy, R.F. Çoker, O. Correia, R.C. Adoric, V.C. Cubillas, C.P. Czoschke, S. Daryani, Y. de Grefte, J.A.M. de Vries, W.C. Burak, E.G.D. Dias, C. Dixson, B.J.W. Du, X. Dumančić, F. Dumbravă, A. Dutra, N.B. Enachescu, J. Esteban-Serna, C. Eudave, L. Evans, T.R. Feldman, G. Felisberti, F.M. Fiedler, S. Findor, A. Fleischmann, A. Foroni, F. Francová, R. Frank, D.-A. Fu, C.H.Y. Gao, S. Ghasemi, O. Ghazi-Noori, A.-R. Ghossainy, M.E. Giammusso, I. Gill, T. Gjoneska, B. Gollwitzer, M. Graton, A. Grinberg, M. Groyecka-Bernard, A. Harris, E.A. Hartanto, A. Hassan, W.A.N.M. Hatami, J. Heimark, K.R. Hidding, J.J.J. Hristova, E. Hruška, M. Hudson, C.A. Huskey, R. Ikeda, A. Inbar, Y. Ingram, G.P.D. Isler, O. Isloi, C. Iyer, A. Jaeger, B. Janssen, S.M.J. Jiménez-Leal, W. Jokić, B. Kačmár, P. Kadreva, V. Kaminski, G. Karimi-Malekabadi, F. Kasper, A.T.A. Kendrick, K.M. Kennedy, B.J. Kocalar, H.E. Kodapanakkal, R.I. Kowal, M. Kruse, E. Kučerová, L. Kühberger, A. Kuzminska, A.O. Lalot, F. Lamm, C. Lammers, J. Lange, E.B. Lantian, A. Lau, I.Y.-M. Lazarevic, L.B. Leliveld, M.C. Lenz, J.N. Levitan, C.A. Lewis, S.C. Li, M. Li, Y. Li, H. Lima, T.J.S. Lins, S. Liuzza, M.T. Lopes, P. Lu, J.G. Lynds, T. Máčel, M. Mackinnon, S.P. Maganti, M. Magraw-Mickelson, Z. Magson, L.F. Manley, H. Marcu, G.M. Seršić, D.M. Matibag, C.-J. Mattiassi, A.D.A. Mazidi, M. McFall, J.P. McLatchie, N. Mensink, M.C. Miketta, L. Milfont, T.L. Mirisola, A. Misiak, M. Mitkidis, P. Moeini-Jazani, M. Monajem, A. Moreau, D. Musser, E.D. Narhetali, E. Ochoa, D.P. Olsen, J. Owsley, N.C. Özdoğru, A.A. Panning, M. Papadatou-Pastou, M. Parashar, N. Pärnamets, P. Paruzel-Czachura, M. Parzuchowski, M. Paterlini, J.V. Pavlacic, J.M. Peker, M. Peters, K. Piatnitckaia, L. Pinto, I. Policarpio, M.R. Pop-Jordanova, N. Pratama, A.J. Primbs, M.A. Pronizius, E. Purić, D. Puvia, E. Qamari, V. Qian, K. Quiamzade, A. Ráczová, B. Reinero, D.A. Reips, U.-D. Reyna, C. Reynolds, K. Ribeiro, M.F.F. Röer, J.P. Ross, R.M. Roussos, P. Ruiz-Dodobara, F. Ruiz-Fernandez, S. Rutjens, B.T. Rybus, K. Samekin, A. Santos, A.C. Say, N. Schild, C. Schmidt, K. Ścigała, K.A. Sharifian, M.H. Shi, J. Shi, Y. Sievers, E. Sirota, M. Slipenkyj, M. Solak, Ç. Sorokowska, A. Sorokowski, P. Söylemez, S. Steffens, N.K. Stephen, I.D. Sternisko, A. Stevens-Wilson, L. Stewart, S.L.K. Stieger, S. Storage, D. Strube, J. Susa, K.J. Szekely-Copîndean, R.D. Szostak, N.M. Takwin, B. Tatachari, S. Thomas, A.G. Tiede, K.E. Tiong, L.E. Tonković, M. Trémolière, B. Tunstead, L.V. Türkan, B.N. Twardawski, M. Vadillo, M.A. Vally, Z. Vaughn, L.A. Verschuere, B. Vlašiček, D. Voracek, M. Vranka, M.A. Wang, S. West, S.-L. Whyte, S. Wilton, L.S. Wlodarczyk, A. Wu, X. Xin, F. Yadanar, S. Yama, H. Yamada, Y. Yilmaz, O. Yoon, S. Young, D.M. Zakharov, I. Zein, R.A. Zettler, I. Žeželj, I.L. Zhang, D.C. Zhang, J. Zheng, X. Hoekstra, R. Aczel, B.
- Abstract
The study of moral judgements often centres on moral dilemmas in which options consistent with deontological perspectives (that is, emphasizing rules, individual rights and duties) are in conflict with options consistent with utilitarian judgements (that is, following the greater good based on consequences). Greene et al. (2009) showed that psychological and situational factors (for example, the intent of the agent or the presence of physical contact between the agent and the victim) can play an important role in moral dilemma judgements (for example, the trolley problem). Our knowledge is limited concerning both the universality of these effects outside the United States and the impact of culture on the situational and psychological factors affecting moral judgements. Thus, we empirically tested the universality of the effects of intent and personal force on moral dilemma judgements by replicating the experiments of Greene et al. in 45 countries from all inhabited continents. We found that personal force and its interaction with intention exert influence on moral judgements in the US and Western cultural clusters, replicating and expanding the original findings. Moreover, the personal force effect was present in all cultural clusters, suggesting it is culturally universal. The evidence for the cultural universality of the interaction effect was inconclusive in the Eastern and Southern cultural clusters (depending on exclusion criteria). We found no strong association between collectivism/individualism and moral dilemma judgements. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.
- Published
- 2022
11. Erratum: Author Correction: A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic (Nature human behaviour (2021) 5 8 (1089-1110))
- Author
Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C. A., Miller, J. K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J. S., Gross, J. J., Agesin, B. B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Ozery, D. H., Jackson, E. A., Garcia, E. O. L., Drexler, S. M., Jurkovic, A. P., Rana, K., Wilson, J. P., Antoniadi, M., Desai, K., Gialitaki, Z., Kushnir, E., Nadif, K., Bravo, O. N., Nauman, R., Oosterlinck, M., Pantazi, M., Pilecka, N., Szabelska, A., van Steenkiste, I. M. M., Filip, K., Bozdoc, A. I., Marcu, G. M., Agadullina, E., Adamkovic, M., Roczniewska, M., Reyna, C., Kassianos, A. P., Westerlund, M., Ahlgren, L., Pontinen, S., Adetula, G. A., Dursun, P., Arinze, A. I., Arinze, N. C., Ogbonnaya, C. E., Ndukaihe, I. L. G., Dalgar, I., Akkas, H., Macapagal, P. M., Lewis, S., Metin-Orta, I., Foroni, F., Willis, M., Santos, A. C., Mokady, A., Reggev, N., Kurfali, M. A., Vasilev, M. R., Nock, N. L., Parzuchowski, M., Espinoza Barria, M. F., Vranka, M., Kohlova, M. B., Ropovik, I., Harutyunyan, M., Wang, C., Yao, E., Becker, M., Manunta, E., Kaminski, G., Boudesseul, J., Marko, D., Evans, K., Lewis, D. M. G., Findor, A., Landry, A. T., Aruta, J. J. B., Ortiz, M. S., Vally, Z., Pronizius, E., Voracek, M., Lamm, C., Grinberg, M., Li, R., Valentova, J. V., Mioni, G., Cellini, N., Chen, S. -C., Zickfeld, J., Moon, K., Azab, H., Levy, N., Karababa, A., Beaudry, J. L., Boucher, L., Collins, W. M., Todsen, A. L., van Schie, K., Vintr, J., Bavolar, J., Kaliska, L., Krizanic, V., Samojlenko, L., Pourafshari, R., Geiger, S. J., Beitner, J., Warmelink, L., Ross, R. M., Stephen, I. D., Hostler, T. J., Azouaghe, S., Mccarthy, R., Szala, A., Grano, C., Solorzano, C. S., Anjum, G., Jimenez-Leal, W., Bradford, M., Perez, L. C., Cruz Vasquez, J. E., Galindo-Caballero, O. J., Vargas-Nieto, J. C., Kacha, O., Arvanitis, A., Xiao, Q., Carcamo, R., Zorjan, S., Tajchman, Z., Vilares, I., Pavlacic, J. M., Kunst, J. R., Tamnes, C. K., von Bastian, C. C., Atari, M., Sharifian, M., Hricova, M., Kacmar, P., Schrotter, J., Rahal, R. -M., Cohen, N., Fatahmodares, S., Zrimsek, M., Zakharov, I., Koehn, M. A., Esteban-Serna, C., Calin-Jageman, R. J., Krafnick, A. J., Strukelj, E., Isager, P. M., Urban, J., Silva, J. R., Martoncik, M., Ocovaj, S. B., Sakan, D., Kuzminska, A. O., Djordjevic, J. M., Almeida, I. A. T., Ferreira, A., Lazarevic, L. B., Manley, H., Ricaurte, D. Z., Monteiro, R. P., Etabari, Z., Musser, E., Dunleavy, D., Chou, W., Godbersen, H., Ruiz-Fernandez, S., Reeck, C., Batres, C., Kirgizova, K., Muminov, A., Azevedo, F., Alvarez, D. S., Butt, M. M., Lee, J. M., Chen, Z., Verbruggen, F., Ziano, I., Tumer, M., Charyate, A. C. A., Dubrov, D., Tejada Rivera, M. D. C. M. C., Aberson, C., Palfi, B., Maldonado, M. A., Hubena, B., Sacakli, A., Ceary, C. D., Richard, K. L., Singer, G., Perillo, J. T., Ballantyne, T., Cyrus-Lai, W., Fedotov, M., Du, H., Wielgus, M., Pit, I. L., Hruska, M., Sousa, D., Aczel, B., Hajdu, N., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Barzykowski, K., Micheli, L., Schmidt, N. -D., Zsido, A. N., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Muda, R., Bialek, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowska, A., Misiak, M., Mola, D., Ortiz, M. V., Correa, P. S., Belaus, A., Muchembled, F., Ribeiro, R. R., Arriaga, P., Oliveira, R., Vaughn, L. A., Szwed, P., Kossowska, M., Czarnek, G., Kielinska, J., Antazo, B., Betlehem, R., Stieger, S., Nilsonne, G., Simonovic, N., Taber, J., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Domurat, A., Ihaya, K., Yamada, Y., Urooj, A., Gill, T., Cadek, M., Bylinina, L., Messerschmidt, J., Kurfali, M., Adetula, A., Baklanova, E., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Kappes, H. B., Gjoneska, B., House, T., Jones, M. V., Berkessel, J. B., Chopik, W. J., Coksan, S., Seehuus, M., Khaoudi, A., Bokkour, A., El Arabi, K. A., Djamai, I., Iyer, A., Parashar, N., Adiguzel, A., Kocalar, H. E., Bundt, C., Norton, J. O., Papadatou-Pastou, M., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Ankushev, V., Bogatyreva, N., Grigoryev, D., Ivanov, A., Prusova, I., Romanova, M., Sarieva, I., Terskova, M., Hristova, E., Kadreva, V. H., Janak, A., Schei, V., Sverdrup, T. E., Askelund, A. D., Pineda, L. M. S., Krupic, D., Levitan, C. A., Johannes, N., Ouherrou, N., Say, N., Sinkolova, S., Janjic, K., Stojanovska, M., Stojanovska, D., Khosla, M., Thomas, A. G., Kung, F. Y. H., Bijlstra, G., Mosannenzadeh, F., Balci, B. B., Reips, U. -D., Baskin, E., Ishkhanyan, B., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dixson, B. J. W., Moreau, D., Sutherland, C. A. M., Chuan-Peng, H., Noone, C., Flowe, H., Anne, M., Janssen, S. M. J., Topor, M., Majeed, N. M., Kunisato, Y., Yu, K., Daches, S., Hartanto, A., Vdovic, M., Anton-Boicuk, L., Forbes, P. A. G., Kamburidis, J., Marinova, E., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rachev, N. R., Stoyanova, A., Schmidt, K., Suchow, J. W., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Jernsather, T., Olofsson, J. K., Bialobrzeska, O., Marszalek, M., Tatachari, S., Afhami, R., Law, W., Antfolk, J., Zuro, B., Van Doren, N., Soto, J. A., Searston, R., Miranda, J., Damnjanovic, K., Yeung, S. K., Hoyer, K., Jaeger, B., Ren, D., Pfuhl, G., Klevjer, K., Corral-Frias, N. S., Frias-Armenta, M., Lucas, M. Y., Torres, A. O., Toro, M., Delgado, L. G. J., Vega, D., Solas, S. A., Vilar, R., Massoni, S., Frizzo, T., Bran, A., Vaidis, D. C., Vieira, L., Paris, B., Capizzi, M., Coelho, G. L. H., Greenburgh, A., Whitt, C. M., Tullett, A. M., Du, X., Volz, L., Bosma, M. J., Karaarslan, C., Sarioguz, E., Allred, T. B., Korbmacher, M., Colloff, M. F., Lima, T. J. S., Ribeiro, M. F. F., Verharen, J. P. H., Karekla, M., Karashiali, C., Sunami, N., Jaremka, L. M., Storage, D., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Hanel, P. H. P., Holford, D. L., Sirota, M., Wolfe, K., Chiu, F., Theodoropoulou, A., Ahn, E. R., Lin, Y., Westgate, E. C., Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Dujols, O., Vezirian, K., Feldman, G., Travaglino, G. A., Ahmed, A., Li, M., Bosch, J., Torunsky, N., Bai, H., Manavalan, M., Song, X., Walczak, R. B., Zdybek, P., Friedemann, M., Rosa, A. D., Kozma, L., Alves, S. G., Lins, S., Pinto, I. R., Correia, R. C., Babincak, P., Banik, G., Rojas-Berscia, L. M., Varella, M. A. C., Uttley, J., Beshears, J. E., Thommesen, K. K., Behzadnia, B., Geniole, S. N., Silan, M. A., Maturan, P. L. G., Vilsmeier, J. K., Tran, U. S., Izquierdo, S. M., Mensink, M. C., Sorokowski, P., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Radtke, T., Adoric, V. C., Carpentier, J., Ozdogru, A. A., Joy-Gaba, J. A., Hedgebeth, M. V., Ishii, T., Wichman, A. L., Roer, J. P., Ostermann, T., Davis, W. E., Suter, L., Papachristopoulos, K., Zabel, C., Onie, S., Ebersole, C. R., Chartier, C. R., Mallik, P. R., Urry, H. L., Buchanan, E. M., Coles, N. A., Primbs, M. A., Basnight-Brown, D. M., Ijzerman, H., Forscher, P. S., and Moshontz, H.
- Published
- 2022
12. To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply?
- Author
Jones, B.C. DeBruine, L.M. Flake, J.K. Liuzza, M.T. Antfolk, J. Arinze, N.C. Ndukaihe, I.L.G. Bloxsom, N.G. Lewis, S.C. Foroni, F. Willis, M.L. Cubillas, C.P. Vadillo, M.A. Turiegano, E. Gilead, M. Simchon, A. Saribay, S.A. Owsley, N.C. Jang, C. Mburu, G. Calvillo, D.P. Wlodarczyk, A. Qi, Y. Ariyabuddhiphongs, K. Jarukasemthawee, S. Manley, H. Suavansri, P. Taephant, N. Stolier, R.M. Evans, T.R. Bonick, J. Lindemans, J.W. Ashworth, L.F. Hahn, A.C. Chevallier, C. Kapucu, A. Karaaslan, A. Leongómez, J.D. Sánchez, O.R. Valderrama, E. Vásquez-Amézquita, M. Hajdu, N. Aczel, B. Szecsi, P. Andreychik, M. Musser, E.D. Batres, C. Hu, C.-P. Liu, Q.-L. Legate, N. Vaughn, L.A. Barzykowski, K. Golik, K. Schmid, I. Stieger, S. Artner, R. Mues, C. Vanpaemel, W. Jiang, Z. Wu, Q. Marcu, G.M. Stephen, I.D. Lu, J.G. Philipp, M.C. Arnal, J.D. Hehman, E. Xie, S.Y. Chopik, W.J. Seehuus, M. Azouaghe, S. Belhaj, A. Elouafa, J. Wilson, J.P. Kruse, E. Papadatou-Pastou, M. De La Rosa-Gómez, A. Barba-Sánchez, A.E. González-Santoyo, I. Hsu, T. Kung, C.-C. Wang, H.-H. Freeman, J.B. Oh, D.W. Schei, V. Sverdrup, T.E. Levitan, C.A. Cook, C.L. Chandel, P. Kujur, P. Parganiha, A. Parveen, N. Pati, A.K. Pradhan, S. Singh, M.M. Pande, B. Bavolar, J. Kačmár, P. Zakharov, I. Álvarez-Solas, S. Baskin, E. Thirkettle, M. Schmidt, K. Christopherson, C.D. Leonis, T. Suchow, J.W. Olofsson, J.K. Jernsäther, T. Lee, A.-S. Beaudry, J.L. Gogan, T.D. Oldmeadow, J.A. Balas, B. Stevens, L.M. Colloff, M.F. Flowe, H.D. Gülgöz, S. Brandt, M.J. Hoyer, K. Jaeger, B. Ren, D. Sleegers, W.W.A. Wissink, J. Kaminski, G. Floerke, V.A. Urry, H.L. Chen, S.-C. Pfuhl, G. Vally, Z. Basnight-Brown, D.M. Jzerman, H.I. Sarda, E. Neyroud, L. Badidi, T. Van der Linden, N. Tan, C.B.Y. Kovic, V. Sampaio, W. Ferreira, P. Santos, D. Burin, D.I. Gardiner, G. Protzko, J. Schild, C. Ścigała, K.A. Zettler, I. O’Mara Kunz, E.M. Storage, D. Wagemans, F.M.A. Saunders, B. Sirota, M. Sloane, G.V. Lima, T.J.S. Uittenhove, K. Vergauwe, E. Jaworska, K. Stern, J. Ask, K. van Zyl, C.J.J. Körner, A. Weissgerber, S.C. Boudesseul, J. Ruiz-Dodobara, F. Ritchie, K.L. Michalak, N.M. Blake, K.R. White, D. Gordon-Finlayson, A.R. Anne, M. Janssen, S.M.J. Lee, K.M. Nielsen, T.K. Tamnes, C.K. Zickfeld, J.H. Rosa, A.D. Vianello, M. Kocsor, F. Kozma, L. Putz, Á. Tressoldi, P. Irrazabal, N. Chatard, A. Lins, S. Pinto, I.R. Lutz, J. Adamkovic, M. Babincak, P. Baník, G. Ropovik, I. Coetzee, V. Dixson, B.J.W. Ribeiro, G. Peters, K. Steffens, N.K. Tan, K.W. Thorstenson, C.A. Fernandez, A.M. Hsu, R.M.C.S. Valentova, J.V. Varella, M.A.C. Corral-Frías, N.S. Frías-Armenta, M. Hatami, J. Monajem, A. Sharifian, M.H. Frohlich, B. Lin, H. Inzlicht, M. Alaei, R. Rule, N.O. Lamm, C. Pronizius, E. Voracek, M. Olsen, J. Giolla, E.M. Akgoz, A. Özdoğru, A.A. Crawford, M.T. Bennett-Day, B. Koehn, M.A. Okan, C. Gill, T. Miller, J.K. Dunham, Y. Yang, X. Alper, S. Borras-Guevara, M.L. Cai, S.J. Tiantian, D. Danvers, A.F. Feinberg, D.R. Armstrong, M.M. Gilboa-Schechtman, E. McCarthy, R.J. Muñoz-Reyes, J.A. Polo, P. Shiramazu, V.K.M. Yan, W.-J. Carvalho, L. Forscher, P.S. Chartier, C.R. Coles, N.A.
- Abstract
Over the past 10 years, Oosterhof and Todorov’s valence–dominance model has emerged as the most prominent account of how people evaluate faces on social dimensions. In this model, two dimensions (valence and dominance) underpin social judgements of faces. Because this model has primarily been developed and tested in Western regions, it is unclear whether these findings apply to other regions. We addressed this question by replicating Oosterhof and Todorov’s methodology across 11 world regions, 41 countries and 11,570 participants. When we used Oosterhof and Todorov’s original analysis strategy, the valence–dominance model generalized across regions. When we used an alternative methodology to allow for correlated dimensions, we observed much less generalization. Collectively, these results suggest that, while the valence–dominance model generalizes very well across regions when dimensions are forced to be orthogonal, regional differences are revealed when we use different extraction methods and correlate and rotate the dimension reduction solution. Protocol registration: The stage 1 protocol for this Registered Report was accepted in principle on 5 November 2018. The protocol, as accepted by the journal, can be found at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7611443.v1. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.
- Published
- 2021
13. A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Wang, K. Goldenberg, A. Dorison, C.A. Miller, J.K. Uusberg, A. Lerner, J.S. Gross, J.J. Agesin, B.B. Bernardo, M. Campos, O. Eudave, L. Grzech, K. Ozery, D.H. Jackson, E.A. Garcia, E.O.L. Drexler, S.M. Jurković, A.P. Rana, K. Wilson, J.P. Antoniadi, M. Desai, K. Gialitaki, Z. Kushnir, E. Nadif, K. Bravo, O.N. Nauman, R. Oosterlinck, M. Pantazi, M. Pilecka, N. Szabelska, A. van Steenkiste, I.M.M. Filip, K. Bozdoc, A.I. Marcu, G.M. Agadullina, E. Adamkovič, M. Roczniewska, M. Reyna, C. Kassianos, A.P. Westerlund, M. Ahlgren, L. Pöntinen, S. Adetula, G.A. Dursun, P. Arinze, A.I. Arinze, N.C. Ogbonnaya, C.E. Ndukaihe, I.L.G. Dalgar, I. Akkas, H. Macapagal, P.M. Lewis, S. Metin-Orta, I. Foroni, F. Willis, M. Santos, A.C. Mokady, A. Reggev, N. Kurfali, M.A. Vasilev, M.R. Nock, N.L. Parzuchowski, M. Espinoza Barría, M.F. Vranka, M. Kohlová, M.B. Ropovik, I. Harutyunyan, M. Wang, C. Yao, E. Becker, M. Manunta, E. Kaminski, G. Marko, D. Evans, K. Lewis, D.M.G. Findor, A. Landry, A.T. Aruta, J.J.B. Ortiz, M.S. Vally, Z. Pronizius, E. Voracek, M. Lamm, C. Grinberg, M. Li, R. Valentova, J.V. Mioni, G. Cellini, N. Chen, S.-C. Zickfeld, J. Moon, K. Azab, H. Levy, N. Karababa, A. Beaudry, J.L. Boucher, L. Collins, W.M. Todsen, A.L. van Schie, K. Vintr, J. Bavolar, J. Kaliska, L. Križanić, V. Samojlenko, L. Pourafshari, R. Geiger, S.J. Beitner, J. Warmelink, L. Ross, R.M. Stephen, I.D. Hostler, T.J. Azouaghe, S. McCarthy, R. Szala, A. Grano, C. Solorzano, C.S. Anjum, G. Jimenez-Leal, W. Bradford, M. Pérez, L.C. Cruz Vásquez, J.E. Galindo-Caballero, O.J. Vargas-Nieto, J.C. Kácha, O. Arvanitis, A. Xiao, Q. Cárcamo, R. Zorjan, S. Tajchman, Z. Vilares, I. Pavlacic, J.M. Kunst, J.R. Tamnes, C.K. von Bastian, C.C. Atari, M. Sharifian, M.H. Hricova, M. Kačmár, P. Schrötter, J. Rahal, R.-M. Cohen, N. FatahModarres, S. Zrimsek, M. Zakharov, I. Koehn, M.A. Esteban-Serna, C. Calin-Jageman, R.J. Krafnick, A.J. Štrukelj, E. Isager, P.M. Urban, J. Silva, J.R. Martončik, M. Očovaj, S.B. Šakan, D. Kuzminska, A.O. Djordjevic, J.M. Almeida, I.A.T. Ferreira, A. Lazarevic, L.B. Manley, H. Ricaurte, D.Z. Monteiro, R.P. Etabari, Z. Musser, E. Dunleavy, D. Chou, W. Godbersen, H. Ruiz-Fernández, S. Reeck, C. Batres, C. Kirgizova, K. Muminov, A. Azevedo, F. Alvarez, D.S. Butt, M.M. Lee, J.M. Chen, Z. Verbruggen, F. Ziano, I. Tümer, M. Charyate, A.C.A. Dubrov, D. Tejada Rivera, M.C.M.C. Aberson, C. Pálfi, B. Maldonado, M.A. Hubena, B. Sacakli, A. Ceary, C.D. Richard, K.L. Singer, G. Perillo, J.T. Ballantyne, T. Cyrus-Lai, W. Fedotov, M. Du, H. Wielgus, M. Pit, I.L. Hruška, M. Sousa, D. Aczel, B. Szaszi, B. Adamus, S. Barzykowski, K. Micheli, L. Schmidt, N.-D. Zsido, A.N. Paruzel-Czachura, M. Bialek, M. Kowal, M. Sorokowska, A. Misiak, M. Mola, D. Ortiz, M.V. Correa, P.S. Belaus, A. Muchembled, F. Ribeiro, R.R. Arriaga, P. Oliveira, R. Vaughn, L.A. Szwed, P. Kossowska, M. Czarnek, G. Kielińska, J. Antazo, B. Betlehem, R. Stieger, S. Nilsonne, G. Simonovic, N. Taber, J. Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A. Domurat, A. Ihaya, K. Yamada, Y. Urooj, A. Gill, T. Čadek, M. Bylinina, L. Messerschmidt, J. Kurfalı, M. Adetula, A. Baklanova, E. Albayrak-Aydemir, N. Kappes, H.B. Gjoneska, B. House, T. Jones, M.V. Berkessel, J.B. Chopik, W.J. Çoksan, S. Seehuus, M. Khaoudi, A. Bokkour, A. El Arabi, K.A. Djamai, I. Iyer, A. Parashar, N. Adiguzel, A. Kocalar, H.E. Bundt, C. Norton, J.O. Papadatou-Pastou, M. De la Rosa-Gomez, A. Ankushev, V. Bogatyreva, N. Grigoryev, D. Ivanov, A. Prusova, I. Romanova, M. Sarieva, I. Terskova, M. Hristova, E. Kadreva, V.H. Janak, A. Schei, V. Sverdrup, T.E. Askelund, A.D. Pineda, L.M.S. Krupić, D. Levitan, C.A. Johannes, N. Ouherrou, N. Say, N. Sinkolova, S. Janjić, K. Stojanovska, M. Stojanovska, D. Khosla, M. Thomas, A.G. Kung, F.Y.H. Bijlstra, G. Mosannenzadeh, F. Balci, B.B. Reips, U.-D. Baskin, E. Ishkhanyan, B. Czamanski-Cohen, J. Dixson, B.J.W. Moreau, D. Sutherland, C.A.M. Chuan-Peng, H. Noone, C. Flowe, H. Anne, M. Janssen, S.M.J. Topor, M. Majeed, N.M. Kunisato, Y. Yu, K. Daches, S. Hartanto, A. Vdovic, M. Anton-Boicuk, L. Forbes, P.A.G. Kamburidis, J. Marinova, E. Nedelcheva-Datsova, M. Rachev, N.R. Stoyanova, A. Schmidt, K. Suchow, J.W. Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M. Jernsäther, T. Olofsson, J.K. Bialobrzeska, O. Marszalek, M. Tatachari, S. Afhami, R. Law, W. Antfolk, J. Žuro, B. Van Doren, N. Soto, J.A. Searston, R. Miranda, J. Damnjanović, K. Yeung, S.K. Krupić, D. Hoyer, K. Jaeger, B. Ren, D. Pfuhl, G. Klevjer, K. Corral-Frías, N.S. Frias-Armenta, M. Lucas, M.Y. Torres, A.O. Toro, M. Delgado, L.G.J. Vega, D. Solas, S.Á. Vilar, R. Massoni, S. Frizzo, T. Bran, A. Vaidis, D.C. Vieira, L. Paris, B. Capizzi, M. Coelho, G.L.H. Greenburgh, A. Whitt, C.M. Tullett, A.M. Du, X. Volz, L. Bosma, M.J. Karaarslan, C. Sarıoğuz, E. Allred, T.B. Korbmacher, M. Colloff, M.F. Lima, T.J.S. Ribeiro, M.F.F. Verharen, J.P.H. Karekla, M. Karashiali, C. Sunami, N. Jaremka, L.M. Storage, D. Habib, S. Studzinska, A. Hanel, P.H.P. Holford, D.L. Sirota, M. Wolfe, K. Chiu, F. Theodoropoulou, A. Ahn, E.R. Lin, Y. Westgate, E.C. Brohmer, H. Hofer, G. Dujols, O. Vezirian, K. Feldman, G. Travaglino, G.A. Ahmed, A. Li, M. Bosch, J. Torunsky, N. Bai, H. Manavalan, M. Song, X. Walczak, R.B. Zdybek, P. Friedemann, M. Rosa, A.D. Kozma, L. Alves, S.G. Lins, S. Pinto, I.R. Correia, R.C. Babinčák, P. Banik, G. Rojas-Berscia, L.M. Varella, M.A.C. Uttley, J. Beshears, J.E. Thommesen, K.K. Behzadnia, B. Geniole, S.N. Silan, M.A. Maturan, P.L.G. Vilsmeier, J.K. Tran, U.S. Izquierdo, S.M. Mensink, M.C. Sorokowski, P. Groyecka-Bernard, A. Radtke, T. Adoric, V.C. Carpentier, J. Özdoğru, A.A. Joy-Gaba, J.A. Hedgebeth, M.V. Ishii, T. Wichman, A.L. Röer, J.P. Ostermann, T. Davis, W.E. Suter, L. Papachristopoulos, K. Zabel, C. Ebersole, C.R. Chartier, C.R. Mallik, P.R. Urry, H.L. Buchanan, E.M. Coles, N.A. Primbs, M.A. Basnight-Brown, D.M. IJzerman, H. Forscher, P.S. Moshontz, H.
- Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased negative emotions and decreased positive emotions globally. Left unchecked, these emotional changes might have a wide array of adverse impacts. To reduce negative emotions and increase positive emotions, we tested the effectiveness of reappraisal, an emotion-regulation strategy that modifies how one thinks about a situation. Participants from 87 countries and regions (n = 21,644) were randomly assigned to one of two brief reappraisal interventions (reconstrual or repurposing) or one of two control conditions (active or passive). Results revealed that both reappraisal interventions (vesus both control conditions) consistently reduced negative emotions and increased positive emotions across different measures. Reconstrual and repurposing interventions had similar effects. Importantly, planned exploratory analyses indicated that reappraisal interventions did not reduce intentions to practice preventive health behaviours. The findings demonstrate the viability of creating scalable, low-cost interventions for use around the world. Protocol registration: The stage 1 protocol for this Registered Report was accepted in principle on 12 May 2020. The protocol, as accepted by the journal, can be found at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4878591.v1 © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.
- Published
- 2021
14. A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C.A., Miller, J.K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J.S., Gross, J.J., Agesin, B.B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Ozery, D.H., Jackson, E.A., Garcia, E.O.L., Drexler, S.M., Jurković, A.P., Rana, K., Wilson, J.P., Antoniadi, M., Desai, K., Gialitaki, Z., Kushnir, E., Nadif, K., Bravo, O.N., Nauman, R., Oosterlinck, M., Pantazi, M., Pilecka, N., Szabelska, A., van Steenkiste, I.M.M., Filip, K., Bozdoc, A.I., Marcu, G.M., Agadullina, E., Adamkovič, M., Roczniewska, M., Reyna, C., Kassianos, A.P., Westerlund, M., Ahlgren, L., Pöntinen, S., Adetula, G.A., Dursun, P., Arinze, A.I., Arinze, N.C., Ogbonnaya, C.E., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Dalgar, I., Akkas, H., Macapagal, P.M., Lewis, S., Metin-Orta, I., Foroni, F., Willis, M., Santos, A.C., Mokady, A., Reggev, N., Kurfali, M.A., Vasilev, M.R., Nock, N.L., Parzuchowski, M., Espinoza Barría, M.F., Vranka, M., Kohlová, M.B., Ropovik, I., Harutyunyan, M., Wang, C., Yao, E., Becker, M., Manunta, E., Kaminski, G., Marko, D., Evans, K., Lewis, D.M.G., Findor, A., Landry, A.T., Aruta, J.J.B., Ortiz, M.S., Vally, Z., Pronizius, E., Voracek, M., Lamm, C., Grinberg, M., Li, R., Valentova, J.V., Mioni, G., Cellini, N., Chen, S-C, Zickfeld, J., Moon, K., Azab, H., Levy, N., Karababa, A., Beaudry, J.L., Boucher, L., Collins, W.M., Todsen, A.L., van Schie, K., Vintr, J., Bavolar, J., Kaliska, L., Križanić, V., Samojlenko, L., Pourafshari, R., Geiger, S.J., Beitner, J., Warmelink, L., Ross, R.M., Stephen, I.D., Hostler, T.J., Azouaghe, S., McCarthy, R., Szala, A., Grano, C., Solorzano, C.S., Anjum, G., Jimenez-Leal, W., Bradford, M., Pérez, L.C., Cruz Vásquez, J.E., Galindo-Caballero, O.J., Vargas-Nieto, J.C., Kácha, O., Arvanitis, A., Xiao, Q., Cárcamo, R., Zorjan, S., Tajchman, Z., Vilares, I., Pavlacic, J.M., Kunst, J.R., Tamnes, C.K., von Bastian, C.C., Atari, M., Sharifian, M., Hricova, M., Kačmár, P., Schrötter, J., Rahal, R-M, Cohen, N., FatahModarres, S., Zrimsek, M., Zakharov, I., Koehn, M.A., Esteban-Serna, C., Calin-Jageman, R.J., Krafnick, A.J., Štrukelj, E., Isager, P.M., Urban, J., Silva, J.R., Martončik, M., Očovaj, S.B., Šakan, D., Kuzminska, A.O., Djordjevic, J.M., Almeida, I.A.T., Ferreira, A., Lazarevic, L.B., Manley, H., Ricaurte, D.Z., Monteiro, R.P., Etabari, Z., Musser, E., Dunleavy, D., Chou, W., Godbersen, H., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Reeck, C., Batres, C., Kirgizova, K., Muminov, A., Azevedo, F., Alvarez, D.S., Butt, M.M., Lee, J.M., Chen, Z., Verbruggen, F., Ziano, I., Tümer, M., Charyate, A.C.A., Dubrov, D., Tejada Rivera, M.d.C.M.C., Aberson, C., Pálfi, B., Maldonado, M.A., Hubena, B., Sacakli, A., Ceary, C.D., Richard, K.L., Singer, G., Perillo, J.T., Ballantyne, T., Cyrus-Lai, W., Fedotov, M., Du, H., Wielgus, M., Pit, I.L., Hruška, M., Sousa, D., Aczel, B., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Barzykowski, K., Micheli, L., Schmidt, N-D, Zsido, A.N., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Bialek, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowska, A., Misiak, M., Mola, D., Ortiz, M.V., Correa, P.S., Belaus, A., Muchembled, F., Ribeiro, R.R., Arriaga, P., Oliveira, R., Vaughn, L.A., Szwed, P., Kossowska, M., Czarnek, G., Kielińska, J., Antazo, B., Betlehem, R., Stieger, S., Nilsonne, G., Simonovic, N., Taber, J., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Domurat, A., Ihaya, K., Yamada, Y., Urooj, A., Gill, T., Čadek, M., Bylinina, L., Messerschmidt, J., Kurfalı, M., Adetula, A., Baklanova, E., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Kappes, H.B., Gjoneska, B., House, T., Jones, M.V., Berkessel, J.B., Chopik, W.J., Çoksan, S., Seehuus, M., Khaoudi, A., Bokkour, A., El Arabi, K.A., Djamai, I., Iyer, A., Parashar, N., Adiguzel, A., Kocalar, H.E., Bundt, C., Norton, J.O., Papadatou-Pastou, M., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Ankushev, V., Bogatyreva, N., Grigoryev, D., Ivanov, A., Prusova, I., Romanova, M., Sarieva, I., Terskova, M., Hristova, E., Kadreva, V.H., Janak, A., Schei, V., Sverdrup, T.E., Askelund, A.D., Pineda, L.M.S., Krupić, D., Levitan, C.A., Johannes, N., Ouherrou, N., Say, N., Sinkolova, S., Janjić, K., Stojanovska, M., Stojanovska, D., Khosla, M., Thomas, A.G., Kung, F.Y.H., Bijlstra, G., Mosannenzadeh, F., Balci, B.B., Reips, U-D, Baskin, E., Ishkhanyan, B., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dixson, B.J.W., Moreau, D., Sutherland, C.A.M., Chuan-Peng, H., Noone, C., Flowe, H., Anne, M., Janssen, S.M.J., Topor, M., Majeed, N.M., Kunisato, Y., Yu, K., Daches, S., Hartanto, A., Vdovic, M., Anton-Boicuk, L., Forbes, P.A.G., Kamburidis, J., Marinova, E., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rachev, N.R., Stoyanova, A., Schmidt, K., Suchow, J.W., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Jernsäther, T., Olofsson, J.K., Bialobrzeska, O., Marszalek, M., Tatachari, S., Afhami, R., Law, W., Antfolk, J., Žuro, B., Van Doren, N., Soto, J.A., Searston, R., Miranda, J., Damnjanović, K., Yeung, S.K., Hoyer, K., Jaeger, B., Ren, D., Pfuhl, G., Klevjer, K., Corral-Frías, N.S., Frias-Armenta, M., Lucas, M.Y., Torres, A.O., Toro, M., Delgado, L.G.J., Vega, D., Solas, S.Á., Vilar, R., Massoni, S., Frizzo, T., Bran, A., Vaidis, D.C., Vieira, L., Paris, B., Capizzi, M., Coelho, G.L.de.H., Greenburgh, A., Whitt, C.M., Tullett, A.M., Du, X., Volz, L., Bosma, M.J., Karaarslan, C., Sarıoğuz, E., Allred, T.B., Korbmacher, M., Colloff, M.F., Lima, T.J.S., Ribeiro, M.F.F., Verharen, J.P.H., Karekla, M., Karashiali, C., Sunami, N., Jaremka, L.M., Storage, D., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Hanel, P.H.P., Holford, D.L., Sirota, M., Wolfe, K., Chiu, F., Theodoropoulou, A., Ahn, E.R., Lin, Y., Westgate, E.C., Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Dujols, O., Vezirian, K., Feldman, G., Travaglino, G.A., Ahmed, A., Li, M., Bosch, J., Torunsky, N., Bai, H., Manavalan, M., Song, X., Walczak, R.B., Zdybek, P., Friedemann, M., Rosa, A.D., Kozma, L., Alves, S.G., Lins, S., Pinto, I.R., Correia, R.C., Babinčák, P., Banik, G., Rojas-Berscia, L.M., Varella, M.A.C., Uttley, J., Beshears, J.E., Thommesen, K.K., Behzadnia, B., Geniole, S.N., Silan, M.A., Maturan, P.L.G., Vilsmeier, J.K., Tran, U.S., Izquierdo, S.M., Mensink, M.C., Sorokowski, P., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Radtke, T., Adoric, V.C., Carpentier, J., Özdoğru, A.A., Joy-Gaba, J.A., Hedgebeth, M.V., Ishii, T., Wichman, A.L., Röer, J.P., Ostermann, T., Davis, W.E., Suter, L., Papachristopoulos, K., Zabel, C., Ebersole, C.R., Chartier, C.R., Mallik, P.R., Urry, H.L., Buchanan, E.M., Coles, N.A., Primbs, M.A., Basnight-Brown, D.M., IJzerman, H., Forscher, P.S., Moshontz, H., Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C.A., Miller, J.K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J.S., Gross, J.J., Agesin, B.B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Ozery, D.H., Jackson, E.A., Garcia, E.O.L., Drexler, S.M., Jurković, A.P., Rana, K., Wilson, J.P., Antoniadi, M., Desai, K., Gialitaki, Z., Kushnir, E., Nadif, K., Bravo, O.N., Nauman, R., Oosterlinck, M., Pantazi, M., Pilecka, N., Szabelska, A., van Steenkiste, I.M.M., Filip, K., Bozdoc, A.I., Marcu, G.M., Agadullina, E., Adamkovič, M., Roczniewska, M., Reyna, C., Kassianos, A.P., Westerlund, M., Ahlgren, L., Pöntinen, S., Adetula, G.A., Dursun, P., Arinze, A.I., Arinze, N.C., Ogbonnaya, C.E., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Dalgar, I., Akkas, H., Macapagal, P.M., Lewis, S., Metin-Orta, I., Foroni, F., Willis, M., Santos, A.C., Mokady, A., Reggev, N., Kurfali, M.A., Vasilev, M.R., Nock, N.L., Parzuchowski, M., Espinoza Barría, M.F., Vranka, M., Kohlová, M.B., Ropovik, I., Harutyunyan, M., Wang, C., Yao, E., Becker, M., Manunta, E., Kaminski, G., Marko, D., Evans, K., Lewis, D.M.G., Findor, A., Landry, A.T., Aruta, J.J.B., Ortiz, M.S., Vally, Z., Pronizius, E., Voracek, M., Lamm, C., Grinberg, M., Li, R., Valentova, J.V., Mioni, G., Cellini, N., Chen, S-C, Zickfeld, J., Moon, K., Azab, H., Levy, N., Karababa, A., Beaudry, J.L., Boucher, L., Collins, W.M., Todsen, A.L., van Schie, K., Vintr, J., Bavolar, J., Kaliska, L., Križanić, V., Samojlenko, L., Pourafshari, R., Geiger, S.J., Beitner, J., Warmelink, L., Ross, R.M., Stephen, I.D., Hostler, T.J., Azouaghe, S., McCarthy, R., Szala, A., Grano, C., Solorzano, C.S., Anjum, G., Jimenez-Leal, W., Bradford, M., Pérez, L.C., Cruz Vásquez, J.E., Galindo-Caballero, O.J., Vargas-Nieto, J.C., Kácha, O., Arvanitis, A., Xiao, Q., Cárcamo, R., Zorjan, S., Tajchman, Z., Vilares, I., Pavlacic, J.M., Kunst, J.R., Tamnes, C.K., von Bastian, C.C., Atari, M., Sharifian, M., Hricova, M., Kačmár, P., Schrötter, J., Rahal, R-M, Cohen, N., FatahModarres, S., Zrimsek, M., Zakharov, I., Koehn, M.A., Esteban-Serna, C., Calin-Jageman, R.J., Krafnick, A.J., Štrukelj, E., Isager, P.M., Urban, J., Silva, J.R., Martončik, M., Očovaj, S.B., Šakan, D., Kuzminska, A.O., Djordjevic, J.M., Almeida, I.A.T., Ferreira, A., Lazarevic, L.B., Manley, H., Ricaurte, D.Z., Monteiro, R.P., Etabari, Z., Musser, E., Dunleavy, D., Chou, W., Godbersen, H., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Reeck, C., Batres, C., Kirgizova, K., Muminov, A., Azevedo, F., Alvarez, D.S., Butt, M.M., Lee, J.M., Chen, Z., Verbruggen, F., Ziano, I., Tümer, M., Charyate, A.C.A., Dubrov, D., Tejada Rivera, M.d.C.M.C., Aberson, C., Pálfi, B., Maldonado, M.A., Hubena, B., Sacakli, A., Ceary, C.D., Richard, K.L., Singer, G., Perillo, J.T., Ballantyne, T., Cyrus-Lai, W., Fedotov, M., Du, H., Wielgus, M., Pit, I.L., Hruška, M., Sousa, D., Aczel, B., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Barzykowski, K., Micheli, L., Schmidt, N-D, Zsido, A.N., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Bialek, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowska, A., Misiak, M., Mola, D., Ortiz, M.V., Correa, P.S., Belaus, A., Muchembled, F., Ribeiro, R.R., Arriaga, P., Oliveira, R., Vaughn, L.A., Szwed, P., Kossowska, M., Czarnek, G., Kielińska, J., Antazo, B., Betlehem, R., Stieger, S., Nilsonne, G., Simonovic, N., Taber, J., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Domurat, A., Ihaya, K., Yamada, Y., Urooj, A., Gill, T., Čadek, M., Bylinina, L., Messerschmidt, J., Kurfalı, M., Adetula, A., Baklanova, E., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Kappes, H.B., Gjoneska, B., House, T., Jones, M.V., Berkessel, J.B., Chopik, W.J., Çoksan, S., Seehuus, M., Khaoudi, A., Bokkour, A., El Arabi, K.A., Djamai, I., Iyer, A., Parashar, N., Adiguzel, A., Kocalar, H.E., Bundt, C., Norton, J.O., Papadatou-Pastou, M., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Ankushev, V., Bogatyreva, N., Grigoryev, D., Ivanov, A., Prusova, I., Romanova, M., Sarieva, I., Terskova, M., Hristova, E., Kadreva, V.H., Janak, A., Schei, V., Sverdrup, T.E., Askelund, A.D., Pineda, L.M.S., Krupić, D., Levitan, C.A., Johannes, N., Ouherrou, N., Say, N., Sinkolova, S., Janjić, K., Stojanovska, M., Stojanovska, D., Khosla, M., Thomas, A.G., Kung, F.Y.H., Bijlstra, G., Mosannenzadeh, F., Balci, B.B., Reips, U-D, Baskin, E., Ishkhanyan, B., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dixson, B.J.W., Moreau, D., Sutherland, C.A.M., Chuan-Peng, H., Noone, C., Flowe, H., Anne, M., Janssen, S.M.J., Topor, M., Majeed, N.M., Kunisato, Y., Yu, K., Daches, S., Hartanto, A., Vdovic, M., Anton-Boicuk, L., Forbes, P.A.G., Kamburidis, J., Marinova, E., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rachev, N.R., Stoyanova, A., Schmidt, K., Suchow, J.W., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Jernsäther, T., Olofsson, J.K., Bialobrzeska, O., Marszalek, M., Tatachari, S., Afhami, R., Law, W., Antfolk, J., Žuro, B., Van Doren, N., Soto, J.A., Searston, R., Miranda, J., Damnjanović, K., Yeung, S.K., Hoyer, K., Jaeger, B., Ren, D., Pfuhl, G., Klevjer, K., Corral-Frías, N.S., Frias-Armenta, M., Lucas, M.Y., Torres, A.O., Toro, M., Delgado, L.G.J., Vega, D., Solas, S.Á., Vilar, R., Massoni, S., Frizzo, T., Bran, A., Vaidis, D.C., Vieira, L., Paris, B., Capizzi, M., Coelho, G.L.de.H., Greenburgh, A., Whitt, C.M., Tullett, A.M., Du, X., Volz, L., Bosma, M.J., Karaarslan, C., Sarıoğuz, E., Allred, T.B., Korbmacher, M., Colloff, M.F., Lima, T.J.S., Ribeiro, M.F.F., Verharen, J.P.H., Karekla, M., Karashiali, C., Sunami, N., Jaremka, L.M., Storage, D., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Hanel, P.H.P., Holford, D.L., Sirota, M., Wolfe, K., Chiu, F., Theodoropoulou, A., Ahn, E.R., Lin, Y., Westgate, E.C., Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Dujols, O., Vezirian, K., Feldman, G., Travaglino, G.A., Ahmed, A., Li, M., Bosch, J., Torunsky, N., Bai, H., Manavalan, M., Song, X., Walczak, R.B., Zdybek, P., Friedemann, M., Rosa, A.D., Kozma, L., Alves, S.G., Lins, S., Pinto, I.R., Correia, R.C., Babinčák, P., Banik, G., Rojas-Berscia, L.M., Varella, M.A.C., Uttley, J., Beshears, J.E., Thommesen, K.K., Behzadnia, B., Geniole, S.N., Silan, M.A., Maturan, P.L.G., Vilsmeier, J.K., Tran, U.S., Izquierdo, S.M., Mensink, M.C., Sorokowski, P., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Radtke, T., Adoric, V.C., Carpentier, J., Özdoğru, A.A., Joy-Gaba, J.A., Hedgebeth, M.V., Ishii, T., Wichman, A.L., Röer, J.P., Ostermann, T., Davis, W.E., Suter, L., Papachristopoulos, K., Zabel, C., Ebersole, C.R., Chartier, C.R., Mallik, P.R., Urry, H.L., Buchanan, E.M., Coles, N.A., Primbs, M.A., Basnight-Brown, D.M., IJzerman, H., Forscher, P.S., and Moshontz, H.
- Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased negative emotions and decreased positive emotions globally. Left unchecked, these emotional changes might have a wide array of adverse impacts. To reduce negative emotions and increase positive emotions, we tested the effectiveness of reappraisal, an emotion-regulation strategy that modifies how one thinks about a situation. Participants from 87 countries and regions (n = 21,644) were randomly assigned to one of two brief reappraisal interventions (reconstrual or repurposing) or one of two control conditions (active or passive). Results revealed that both reappraisal interventions (vesus both control conditions) consistently reduced negative emotions and increased positive emotions across different measures. Reconstrual and repurposing interventions had similar effects. Importantly, planned exploratory analyses indicated that reappraisal interventions did not reduce intentions to practice preventive health behaviours. The findings demonstrate the viability of creating scalable, low-cost interventions for use around the world.
- Published
- 2021
15. To which world regions does the valence-dominance model of social perception apply?
- Author
Jones, BC, DeBruine, LM, Flake, JK, Liuzza, MT, Antfolk, J, Arinze, NC, Ndukaihe, ILG, Bloxsom, NG, Lewis, SC, Foroni, F, Willis, ML, Cubillas, CP, Vadillo, MA, Turiegano, E, Gilead, M, Simchon, A, Saribay, SA, Owsley, NC, Jang, C, Mburu, G, Calvillo, DP, Wlodarczyk, A, Qi, Y, Ariyabuddhiphongs, K, Jarukasemthawee, S, Manley, H, Suavansri, P, Taephant, N, Stolier, RM, Evans, TR, Bonick, J, Lindemans, JW, Ashworth, LF, Hahn, AC, Chevallier, C, Kapucu, A, Karaaslan, A, Leongomez, JD, Sanchez, OR, Valderrama, E, Vasquez-Amezquita, M, Hajdu, N, Aczel, B, Szecsi, P, Andreychik, M, Musser, ED, Batres, C, Hu, C-P, Liu, Q-L, Legate, N, Vaughn, LA, Barzykowski, K, Golik, K, Schmid, I, Stieger, S, Artner, R, Mues, C, Vanpaemel, W, Jiang, Z, Wu, Q, Marcu, GM, Stephen, ID, Lu, JG, Philipp, MC, Arnal, JD, Hehman, E, Xie, SY, Chopik, WJ, Seehuus, M, Azouaghe, S, Belhaj, A, Elouafa, J, Wilson, JP, Kruse, E, Papadatou-Pastou, M, De la Rosa-Gomez, A, Barba-Sanchez, AE, Gonzalez-Santoyo, I, Hsu, T, Kung, C-C, Wang, H-H, Freeman, JB, Oh, DW, Schei, V, Sverdrup, TE, Levitan, CA, Cook, CL, Chandel, P, Kujur, P, Parganiha, A, Parveen, N, Pati, AK, Pradhan, S, Singh, MM, Pande, B, Bavolar, J, Kacmar, P, Zakharov, I, Alvarez-Solas, S, Baskin, E, Thirkettle, M, Schmidt, K, Christopherson, CD, Leonis, T, Suchow, JW, Olofsson, JK, Jernsather, T, Lee, A-S, Beaudry, JL, Gogan, TD, Oldmeadow, JA, Balas, B, Stevens, LM, Colloff, MF, Flowe, HD, Gulgoz, S, Brandt, MJ, Hoyer, K, Jaeger, B, Ren, D, Sleegers, WWA, Wissink, J, Kaminski, G, Floerke, VA, Urry, HL, Chen, S-C, Pfuhl, G, Vally, Z, Basnight-Brown, DM, Jzerman, H, Sarda, E, Neyroud, L, Badidi, T, Van der Linden, N, Tan, CBY, Kovic, V, Sampaio, W, Ferreira, P, Santos, D, Burin, D, Gardiner, G, Protzko, J, Schild, C, Scigala, KA, Zettler, I, Kunz, EMO, Storage, D, Wagemans, FMA, Saunders, B, Sirota, M, Sloane, G, Lima, TJS, Uittenhove, K, Vergauwe, E, Jaworska, K, Stern, J, Ask, K, van Zyl, CJJ, Korner, A, Weissgerber, SC, Boudesseul, J, Ruiz-Dodobara, F, Ritchie, KL, Michalak, NM, Blake, KR, White, D, Gordon-Finlayson, AR, Anne, M, Janssen, SMJ, Lee, KM, Nielsen, TK, Tamnes, CK, Zickfeld, JH, Dalla Rosa, A, Vianello, M, Kocsor, F, Kozma, L, Putz, A, Tressoldi, P, Irrazabal, N, Chatard, A, Lins, S, Pinto, IR, Lutz, J, Adamkovic, M, Babincak, P, Banik, G, Ropovik, I, Coetzee, V, Dixson, BJW, Ribeiro, G, Peters, K, Steffens, NK, Tan, KW, Thorstenson, CA, Fernandez, AM, Hsu, RMCS, Valentova, JV, Varella, MAC, Corral-Frias, NS, Frias-Armenta, M, Hatami, J, Monajem, A, Sharifian, M, Frohlich, B, Lin, H, Inzlicht, M, Alaei, R, Rule, NO, Lamm, C, Pronizius, E, Voracek, M, Olsen, J, Mac Giolla, E, Akgoz, A, Ozdokru, AA, Crawford, MT, Bennett-Day, B, Koehn, MA, Okan, C, Gill, T, Miller, JK, Dunham, Y, Yang, X, Alper, S, Borras-Guevara, ML, Cai, SJ, Tiantian, D, Danvers, AF, Feinberg, DR, Armstrong, MM, Gilboa-Schechtman, E, McCarthy, RJ, Munoz-Reyes, JA, Polo, P, Shiramazu, VKM, Yan, W-J, Carvalho, L, Forscher, PS, Chartier, CR, Coles, NA, Jones, BC, DeBruine, LM, Flake, JK, Liuzza, MT, Antfolk, J, Arinze, NC, Ndukaihe, ILG, Bloxsom, NG, Lewis, SC, Foroni, F, Willis, ML, Cubillas, CP, Vadillo, MA, Turiegano, E, Gilead, M, Simchon, A, Saribay, SA, Owsley, NC, Jang, C, Mburu, G, Calvillo, DP, Wlodarczyk, A, Qi, Y, Ariyabuddhiphongs, K, Jarukasemthawee, S, Manley, H, Suavansri, P, Taephant, N, Stolier, RM, Evans, TR, Bonick, J, Lindemans, JW, Ashworth, LF, Hahn, AC, Chevallier, C, Kapucu, A, Karaaslan, A, Leongomez, JD, Sanchez, OR, Valderrama, E, Vasquez-Amezquita, M, Hajdu, N, Aczel, B, Szecsi, P, Andreychik, M, Musser, ED, Batres, C, Hu, C-P, Liu, Q-L, Legate, N, Vaughn, LA, Barzykowski, K, Golik, K, Schmid, I, Stieger, S, Artner, R, Mues, C, Vanpaemel, W, Jiang, Z, Wu, Q, Marcu, GM, Stephen, ID, Lu, JG, Philipp, MC, Arnal, JD, Hehman, E, Xie, SY, Chopik, WJ, Seehuus, M, Azouaghe, S, Belhaj, A, Elouafa, J, Wilson, JP, Kruse, E, Papadatou-Pastou, M, De la Rosa-Gomez, A, Barba-Sanchez, AE, Gonzalez-Santoyo, I, Hsu, T, Kung, C-C, Wang, H-H, Freeman, JB, Oh, DW, Schei, V, Sverdrup, TE, Levitan, CA, Cook, CL, Chandel, P, Kujur, P, Parganiha, A, Parveen, N, Pati, AK, Pradhan, S, Singh, MM, Pande, B, Bavolar, J, Kacmar, P, Zakharov, I, Alvarez-Solas, S, Baskin, E, Thirkettle, M, Schmidt, K, Christopherson, CD, Leonis, T, Suchow, JW, Olofsson, JK, Jernsather, T, Lee, A-S, Beaudry, JL, Gogan, TD, Oldmeadow, JA, Balas, B, Stevens, LM, Colloff, MF, Flowe, HD, Gulgoz, S, Brandt, MJ, Hoyer, K, Jaeger, B, Ren, D, Sleegers, WWA, Wissink, J, Kaminski, G, Floerke, VA, Urry, HL, Chen, S-C, Pfuhl, G, Vally, Z, Basnight-Brown, DM, Jzerman, H, Sarda, E, Neyroud, L, Badidi, T, Van der Linden, N, Tan, CBY, Kovic, V, Sampaio, W, Ferreira, P, Santos, D, Burin, D, Gardiner, G, Protzko, J, Schild, C, Scigala, KA, Zettler, I, Kunz, EMO, Storage, D, Wagemans, FMA, Saunders, B, Sirota, M, Sloane, G, Lima, TJS, Uittenhove, K, Vergauwe, E, Jaworska, K, Stern, J, Ask, K, van Zyl, CJJ, Korner, A, Weissgerber, SC, Boudesseul, J, Ruiz-Dodobara, F, Ritchie, KL, Michalak, NM, Blake, KR, White, D, Gordon-Finlayson, AR, Anne, M, Janssen, SMJ, Lee, KM, Nielsen, TK, Tamnes, CK, Zickfeld, JH, Dalla Rosa, A, Vianello, M, Kocsor, F, Kozma, L, Putz, A, Tressoldi, P, Irrazabal, N, Chatard, A, Lins, S, Pinto, IR, Lutz, J, Adamkovic, M, Babincak, P, Banik, G, Ropovik, I, Coetzee, V, Dixson, BJW, Ribeiro, G, Peters, K, Steffens, NK, Tan, KW, Thorstenson, CA, Fernandez, AM, Hsu, RMCS, Valentova, JV, Varella, MAC, Corral-Frias, NS, Frias-Armenta, M, Hatami, J, Monajem, A, Sharifian, M, Frohlich, B, Lin, H, Inzlicht, M, Alaei, R, Rule, NO, Lamm, C, Pronizius, E, Voracek, M, Olsen, J, Mac Giolla, E, Akgoz, A, Ozdokru, AA, Crawford, MT, Bennett-Day, B, Koehn, MA, Okan, C, Gill, T, Miller, JK, Dunham, Y, Yang, X, Alper, S, Borras-Guevara, ML, Cai, SJ, Tiantian, D, Danvers, AF, Feinberg, DR, Armstrong, MM, Gilboa-Schechtman, E, McCarthy, RJ, Munoz-Reyes, JA, Polo, P, Shiramazu, VKM, Yan, W-J, Carvalho, L, Forscher, PS, Chartier, CR, and Coles, NA
- Abstract
Over the past 10 years, Oosterhof and Todorov's valence-dominance model has emerged as the most prominent account of how people evaluate faces on social dimensions. In this model, two dimensions (valence and dominance) underpin social judgements of faces. Because this model has primarily been developed and tested in Western regions, it is unclear whether these findings apply to other regions. We addressed this question by replicating Oosterhof and Todorov's methodology across 11 world regions, 41 countries and 11,570 participants. When we used Oosterhof and Todorov's original analysis strategy, the valence-dominance model generalized across regions. When we used an alternative methodology to allow for correlated dimensions, we observed much less generalization. Collectively, these results suggest that, while the valence-dominance model generalizes very well across regions when dimensions are forced to be orthogonal, regional differences are revealed when we use different extraction methods and correlate and rotate the dimension reduction solution. PROTOCOL REGISTRATION: The stage 1 protocol for this Registered Report was accepted in principle on 5 November 2018. The protocol, as accepted by the journal, can be found at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7611443.v1 .
- Published
- 2021
16. Sex differences in human mate preferences vary across sex ratios
- Author
Walter, K. V., Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alhabahba, M. M., Alm, C., Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Atama, C. S., Duyar, D. A., Ayebare, R., Batres, C., Bendixen, M., Bensafia, A., Bizumic, B., Boussena, M., Butovskaya, M., Can, S., Cantarero, K., Carrier, A., Cetinkaya, H., Croy, I., Cueto, R. M., Czub, M., Dronova, D., Dural, S., Duyar, I., Ertugrul, B., Espinosa, A., Estevan, I., Esteves, C. S., Fang, L., Frackowiak, T., Garduno, J. C., Gonzalez, K. U., Guemaz, F., Gyuris, P., Halamova, M., Herak, I., Horvat, M., Hromatko, I., Hui, C. -M., Jaafar, J. L., Jiang, F., Kafetsios, K., Kavcic, T., Ottesen Kennair, L. E., Kervyn, N., Khanh Ha, T. T., Khilji, I. A., Kobis, N. C., Lan, H. M., Lang, A., Lennard, G. R., Leon, E., Lindholm, T., Linh, T. T., Lopez, Giulia, Luot, N. V., Mailhos, A., Manesi, Z., Martinez, R., Mckerchar, S. L., Mesko, N., Misra, G., Monaghan, C., Mora, E. C., Moya-Garofano, A., Musil, B., Natividade, J. C., Niemczyk, A., Nizharadze, G., Oberzaucher, E., Oleszkiewicz, A., Omar-Fauzee, M. S., Onyishi, I. E., Ozener, B., Pagani, Ariela Francesca, Pakalniskiene, V., Parise, Miriam, Pazhoohi, F., Pisanski, A., Pisanski, K., Ponciano, E., Popa, C., Prokop, P., Rizwan, M., Sainz, M., Salkicevic, S., Sargautyte, R., Sarmany-Schuller, I., Schmehl, S., Sharad, S., Siddiqui, R. S., Simonetti, F., Stoyanova, S. Y., Tadinac, M., Correa Varella, M. A., Vauclair, C. -M., Vega, L. D., Widarini, D. A., Yoo, G., Zatkova, M. M., Zupancic, M., Lopez G. (ORCID:0000-0002-9188-0650), Pagani A. F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7149-9350), Parise M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2150-6636), Walter, K. V., Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alhabahba, M. M., Alm, C., Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Atama, C. S., Duyar, D. A., Ayebare, R., Batres, C., Bendixen, M., Bensafia, A., Bizumic, B., Boussena, M., Butovskaya, M., Can, S., Cantarero, K., Carrier, A., Cetinkaya, H., Croy, I., Cueto, R. M., Czub, M., Dronova, D., Dural, S., Duyar, I., Ertugrul, B., Espinosa, A., Estevan, I., Esteves, C. S., Fang, L., Frackowiak, T., Garduno, J. C., Gonzalez, K. U., Guemaz, F., Gyuris, P., Halamova, M., Herak, I., Horvat, M., Hromatko, I., Hui, C. -M., Jaafar, J. L., Jiang, F., Kafetsios, K., Kavcic, T., Ottesen Kennair, L. E., Kervyn, N., Khanh Ha, T. T., Khilji, I. A., Kobis, N. C., Lan, H. M., Lang, A., Lennard, G. R., Leon, E., Lindholm, T., Linh, T. T., Lopez, Giulia, Luot, N. V., Mailhos, A., Manesi, Z., Martinez, R., Mckerchar, S. L., Mesko, N., Misra, G., Monaghan, C., Mora, E. C., Moya-Garofano, A., Musil, B., Natividade, J. C., Niemczyk, A., Nizharadze, G., Oberzaucher, E., Oleszkiewicz, A., Omar-Fauzee, M. S., Onyishi, I. E., Ozener, B., Pagani, Ariela Francesca, Pakalniskiene, V., Parise, Miriam, Pazhoohi, F., Pisanski, A., Pisanski, K., Ponciano, E., Popa, C., Prokop, P., Rizwan, M., Sainz, M., Salkicevic, S., Sargautyte, R., Sarmany-Schuller, I., Schmehl, S., Sharad, S., Siddiqui, R. S., Simonetti, F., Stoyanova, S. Y., Tadinac, M., Correa Varella, M. A., Vauclair, C. -M., Vega, L. D., Widarini, D. A., Yoo, G., Zatkova, M. M., Zupancic, M., Lopez G. (ORCID:0000-0002-9188-0650), Pagani A. F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7149-9350), and Parise M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2150-6636)
- Abstract
A wide range of literature connects sex ratio and mating behaviours in non-human animals. However, research examining sex ratio and human mating is limited in scope. Prior work has examined the relationship between sex ratio and desire for short-term, uncommitted mating as well as outcomes such as marriage and divorce rates. Less empirical attention has been directed towards the relationship between sex ratio and mate preferences, despite the importance of mate preferences in the human mating literature. To address this gap, we examined sex ratio's relationship to the variation in preferences for attractiveness, resources, kindness, intelligence and health in a long-term mate across 45 countries (n = 14 487). We predicted that mate preferences would vary according to relative power of choice on the mating market, with increased power derived from having relatively few competitors and numerous potential mates. We found that each sex tended to report more demanding preferences for attractiveness and resources where the opposite sex was abundant, compared to where the opposite sex was scarce. This pattern dovetails with those found for mating strategies in humans and mate preferences across species, highlighting the importance of sex ratio for understanding variation in human mate preferences.
- Published
- 2021
17. Universality of the Triangular Theory of Love: Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Triangular Love Scale in 25 Countries
- Author
Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Karwowski, M., Groyecka, A., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alm, C., Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Asao, K., Atama, C. S., Atamturk Duyar, D., Ayebare, R., Batres, C., Bendixen, M., Bensafia, A., Bizumic, B., Boussena, M., Buss, D. M., Butovskaya, M., Can, S., Cantarero, K., Carrier, A., Cetinkaya, H., Chabin, D., Conroy-Beam, D., Croy, I., Cueto, R. M., Czub, M., Dronova, D., Dural, S., Duyar, I., Ertugrul, B., Espinosa, A., Estevan, I., Esteves, C. S., Frackowiak, T., Graduno, J. C., Guemaz, F., Ha Thu, T., Halamova, M., Herak, I., Horvat, M., Hromatko, I., Hui, C. -M., Jaafar, J. L., Jiang, F., Kafetsios, K., Kavcic, T., Kennair, L. E. O., Kervyn, N., Kobis, N. C., Kostic, A., Krasnodebska, A., Lang, A., Lennard, G. R., Leon, E., Lindholm, T., Lopez, Giulia, Alhabahba, M. M., Mailhos, A., Manesi, Z., Martinez, R., Sainz Martinez, M., Mckerchar, S. L., Mesko, N., Misra, G., Monaghan, C., Mora, E. C., Moya-Garofano, A., Musil, B., Natividade, J. C., Nizharadze, G., Oberzaucher, E., Oleszkiewicz, A., Omar Fauzee, M. S., Onyishi, I. E., Ozener, B., Pagani, Ariela Francesca, Pakalniskiene, V., Parise, Miriam, Pawlowski, B., Pazhoohi, F., Pejicic, M., Pisanski, A., Pisanski, K., Plohl, N., Ponciano, E., Popa, C., Prokop, P., Przepiorka, A., Quang Lam, T., Rizwan, M., Rozycka-Tran, J., Salkicevic, S., Sargautyte, R., Sarmany-Schuller, I., Schmehl, S., Shahid, A., Shaikh, R., Sharad, S., Simonetti, F., Tadinac, M., Thi Khanh Ha, T., Ugalde Gonzalez, K., Vauclair, C. -M., Vega, L. D., Widarini, D. A., Wojciszke, B., Yoo, G., Zadeh, Z. F., Zatkova, M., Zupancic, M., Sternberg, R. J., Lopez G. (ORCID:0000-0002-9188-0650), Pagani A. F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7149-9350), Parise M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2150-6636), Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Karwowski, M., Groyecka, A., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alm, C., Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Asao, K., Atama, C. S., Atamturk Duyar, D., Ayebare, R., Batres, C., Bendixen, M., Bensafia, A., Bizumic, B., Boussena, M., Buss, D. M., Butovskaya, M., Can, S., Cantarero, K., Carrier, A., Cetinkaya, H., Chabin, D., Conroy-Beam, D., Croy, I., Cueto, R. M., Czub, M., Dronova, D., Dural, S., Duyar, I., Ertugrul, B., Espinosa, A., Estevan, I., Esteves, C. S., Frackowiak, T., Graduno, J. C., Guemaz, F., Ha Thu, T., Halamova, M., Herak, I., Horvat, M., Hromatko, I., Hui, C. -M., Jaafar, J. L., Jiang, F., Kafetsios, K., Kavcic, T., Kennair, L. E. O., Kervyn, N., Kobis, N. C., Kostic, A., Krasnodebska, A., Lang, A., Lennard, G. R., Leon, E., Lindholm, T., Lopez, Giulia, Alhabahba, M. M., Mailhos, A., Manesi, Z., Martinez, R., Sainz Martinez, M., Mckerchar, S. L., Mesko, N., Misra, G., Monaghan, C., Mora, E. C., Moya-Garofano, A., Musil, B., Natividade, J. C., Nizharadze, G., Oberzaucher, E., Oleszkiewicz, A., Omar Fauzee, M. S., Onyishi, I. E., Ozener, B., Pagani, Ariela Francesca, Pakalniskiene, V., Parise, Miriam, Pawlowski, B., Pazhoohi, F., Pejicic, M., Pisanski, A., Pisanski, K., Plohl, N., Ponciano, E., Popa, C., Prokop, P., Przepiorka, A., Quang Lam, T., Rizwan, M., Rozycka-Tran, J., Salkicevic, S., Sargautyte, R., Sarmany-Schuller, I., Schmehl, S., Shahid, A., Shaikh, R., Sharad, S., Simonetti, F., Tadinac, M., Thi Khanh Ha, T., Ugalde Gonzalez, K., Vauclair, C. -M., Vega, L. D., Widarini, D. A., Wojciszke, B., Yoo, G., Zadeh, Z. F., Zatkova, M., Zupancic, M., Sternberg, R. J., Lopez G. (ORCID:0000-0002-9188-0650), Pagani A. F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7149-9350), and Parise M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2150-6636)
- Abstract
The Triangular Theory of Love (measured with Sternberg’s Triangular Love Scale–STLS) is a prominent theoretical concept in empirical research on love. To expand the culturally homogeneous body of previous psychometric research regarding the STLS, we conducted a large-scale cross-cultural study with the use of this scale. In total, we examined more than 11,000 respondents, but as a result of applied exclusion criteria, the final analyses were based on a sample of 7332 participants from 25 countries (from all inhabited continents). We tested configural invariance, metric invariance, and scalar invariance, all of which confirmed the cultural universality of the theoretical construct of love analyzed in our study. We also observed that levels of love components differ depending on relationship duration, following the dynamics suggested in the Triangular Theory of Love. Supplementary files with all our data, including results on love intensity across different countries along with STLS versions adapted in a few dozen languages, will further enable more extensive research on the Triangular Theory of Love.
- Published
- 2021
18. Affective Interpersonal Touch in Close Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
- Author
Sorokowska, A., Saluja, S., Sorokowski, P., Frackowiak, T., Karwowski, M., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alm, C., Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Asao, K., Atama, C. S., Atamturk Duyar, D., Ayebare, R., Batres, C., Bendixen, M., Bensafia, A., Bizumic, B., Boussena, M., Buss, D. M., Butovskaya, M., Can, S., Cantarero, K., Carrier, A., Cetinkaya, H., Chabin, D., Conroy-Beam, D., Contreras-Graduno, J., Varella, M. A. C., Cueto, R. M., Czub, M., Dronova, D., Dural, S., Duyar, I., Ertugrul, B., Espinosa, A., Esteves, C. S., Guemaz, F., Halamova, M., Herak, I., Hromatko, I., Hui, C. -M., Jaafar, J. L., Jiang, F., Kafetsios, K., Kavcic, T., Kennair, L. E. O., Kervyn, N. O., Khilji, I. A., Kobis, N. C., Kostic, A., Lang, A., Lennard, G. R., Leon, E., Lindholm, T., Lopez, Giulia, Manesi, Z., Martinez, R., Mckerchar, S. L., Mesko, N., Misra, G., Monaghan, C., Mora, E. C., Moya-Garofano, A., Musil, B., Natividade, J. C., Nizharadze, G., Oberzaucher, E., Oleszkiewicz, A., Onyishi, I. E., Ozener, B., Pagani, Ariela Francesca, Pakalniskiene, V., Parise, Miriam, Pazhoohi, F., Pejicic, M., Pisanski, A., Pisanski, K., Plohl, N., Popa, C., Prokop, P., Rizwan, M., Sainz, M., Salkicevic, S., Sargautyte, R., Sarmany-Schuller, I., Schmehl, S., Shahid, A., Shaikh, R., Sharad, S., Siddiqui, R. S., Simonetti, F., Tadinac, M., Ugalde Gonzalez, K., Uhryn, O., Vauclair, C. -M., Vega Araya, L. D., Widarini, D. A., Yoo, G., Zadeh, Z. F., Zatkova, M., Zupancic, M., Croy, I., Lopez G. (ORCID:0000-0002-9188-0650), Pagani A. F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7149-9350), Parise M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2150-6636), Sorokowska, A., Saluja, S., Sorokowski, P., Frackowiak, T., Karwowski, M., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alm, C., Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Asao, K., Atama, C. S., Atamturk Duyar, D., Ayebare, R., Batres, C., Bendixen, M., Bensafia, A., Bizumic, B., Boussena, M., Buss, D. M., Butovskaya, M., Can, S., Cantarero, K., Carrier, A., Cetinkaya, H., Chabin, D., Conroy-Beam, D., Contreras-Graduno, J., Varella, M. A. C., Cueto, R. M., Czub, M., Dronova, D., Dural, S., Duyar, I., Ertugrul, B., Espinosa, A., Esteves, C. S., Guemaz, F., Halamova, M., Herak, I., Hromatko, I., Hui, C. -M., Jaafar, J. L., Jiang, F., Kafetsios, K., Kavcic, T., Kennair, L. E. O., Kervyn, N. O., Khilji, I. A., Kobis, N. C., Kostic, A., Lang, A., Lennard, G. R., Leon, E., Lindholm, T., Lopez, Giulia, Manesi, Z., Martinez, R., Mckerchar, S. L., Mesko, N., Misra, G., Monaghan, C., Mora, E. C., Moya-Garofano, A., Musil, B., Natividade, J. C., Nizharadze, G., Oberzaucher, E., Oleszkiewicz, A., Onyishi, I. E., Ozener, B., Pagani, Ariela Francesca, Pakalniskiene, V., Parise, Miriam, Pazhoohi, F., Pejicic, M., Pisanski, A., Pisanski, K., Plohl, N., Popa, C., Prokop, P., Rizwan, M., Sainz, M., Salkicevic, S., Sargautyte, R., Sarmany-Schuller, I., Schmehl, S., Shahid, A., Shaikh, R., Sharad, S., Siddiqui, R. S., Simonetti, F., Tadinac, M., Ugalde Gonzalez, K., Uhryn, O., Vauclair, C. -M., Vega Araya, L. D., Widarini, D. A., Yoo, G., Zadeh, Z. F., Zatkova, M., Zupancic, M., Croy, I., Lopez G. (ORCID:0000-0002-9188-0650), Pagani A. F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7149-9350), and Parise M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2150-6636)
- Abstract
Interpersonal touch behavior differs across cultures, yet no study to date has systematically tested for cultural variation in affective touch, nor examined the factors that might account for this variability. Here, over 14,000 individuals from 45 countries were asked whether they embraced, stroked, kissed, or hugged their partner, friends, and youngest child during the week preceding the study. We then examined a range of hypothesized individual-level factors (sex, age, parasitic history, conservatism, religiosity, and preferred interpersonal distance) and cultural-level factors (regional temperature, parasite stress, regional conservatism, collectivism, and religiosity) in predicting these affective-touching behaviors. Our results indicate that affective touch was most prevalent in relationships with partners and children, and its diversity was relatively higher in warmer, less conservative, and religious countries, and among younger, female, and liberal people. This research allows for a broad and integrated view of the bases of cross-cultural variability in affective touch.
- Published
- 2021
19. Sex differences in mate preferences across 45 Countries: A large-scale replication
- Author
Walter, K. V., Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alhabahba, M. M., Alm, C., Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Atama, C. S., Atamturk Duyar, D., Ayebare, R., Batres, C., Bendixen, M., Bensafia, A., Bizumic, B., Boussena, M., Butovskaya, M., Can, S., Cantarero, K., Carrier, A., Cetinkaya, H., Croy, I., Cueto, R. M., Czub, M., Dronova, D., Dural, S., Duyar, I., Ertugrul, B., Espinosa, A., Estevan, I., Esteves, C. S., Fang, L., Frackowiak, T., Garduno, J. C., Gonzalez, K. U., Guemaz, F., Gyuris, P., Halamova, M., Herak, I., Horvat, M., Hromatko, I., Hui, C. -M., Jaafar, J. L., Jiang, F., Kafetsios, K., Kavcic, T., Kennair, L. E. O., Kervyn, N., Khanh Ha, T. T., Khilji, I. A., Kobis, N. C., Lan, H. M., Lang, A., Lennard, G. R., Leon, E., Lindholm, T., Linh, T. T., Lopez, Giulia, Van Luot, N., Mailhos, A., Manesi, Z., Martinez, R., Mckerchar, S. L., Mesko, N., Misra, G., Monaghan, C., Mora, E. C., Moya-Garofano, A., Musil, B., Natividade, J. C., Niemczyk, A., Nizharadze, G., Oberzaucher, E., Oleszkiewicz, A., Omar-Fauzee, M. S., Onyishi, I. E., Ozener, B., Pagani, Ariela Francesca, Pakalniskiene, V., Parise, Miriam, Pazhoohi, F., Pisanski, A., Pisanski, K., Ponciano, E., Popa, C., Prokop, P., Rizwan, M., Sainz, M., Salkicevic, S., Sargautyte, R., Sarmany-Schuller, I., Schmehl, S., Sharad, S., Siddiqui, R. S., Simonetti, F., Stoyanova, S. Y., Tadinac, M., Varella, M. A. C., Vauclair, C. -M., Vega, L. D., Widarini, D. A., Yoo, G., Zat'Kova, M., Zupancic, M., Lopez G. (ORCID:0000-0002-9188-0650), Pagani A. F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7149-9350), Parise M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2150-6636), Walter, K. V., Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alhabahba, M. M., Alm, C., Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Atama, C. S., Atamturk Duyar, D., Ayebare, R., Batres, C., Bendixen, M., Bensafia, A., Bizumic, B., Boussena, M., Butovskaya, M., Can, S., Cantarero, K., Carrier, A., Cetinkaya, H., Croy, I., Cueto, R. M., Czub, M., Dronova, D., Dural, S., Duyar, I., Ertugrul, B., Espinosa, A., Estevan, I., Esteves, C. S., Fang, L., Frackowiak, T., Garduno, J. C., Gonzalez, K. U., Guemaz, F., Gyuris, P., Halamova, M., Herak, I., Horvat, M., Hromatko, I., Hui, C. -M., Jaafar, J. L., Jiang, F., Kafetsios, K., Kavcic, T., Kennair, L. E. O., Kervyn, N., Khanh Ha, T. T., Khilji, I. A., Kobis, N. C., Lan, H. M., Lang, A., Lennard, G. R., Leon, E., Lindholm, T., Linh, T. T., Lopez, Giulia, Van Luot, N., Mailhos, A., Manesi, Z., Martinez, R., Mckerchar, S. L., Mesko, N., Misra, G., Monaghan, C., Mora, E. C., Moya-Garofano, A., Musil, B., Natividade, J. C., Niemczyk, A., Nizharadze, G., Oberzaucher, E., Oleszkiewicz, A., Omar-Fauzee, M. S., Onyishi, I. E., Ozener, B., Pagani, Ariela Francesca, Pakalniskiene, V., Parise, Miriam, Pazhoohi, F., Pisanski, A., Pisanski, K., Ponciano, E., Popa, C., Prokop, P., Rizwan, M., Sainz, M., Salkicevic, S., Sargautyte, R., Sarmany-Schuller, I., Schmehl, S., Sharad, S., Siddiqui, R. S., Simonetti, F., Stoyanova, S. Y., Tadinac, M., Varella, M. A. C., Vauclair, C. -M., Vega, L. D., Widarini, D. A., Yoo, G., Zat'Kova, M., Zupancic, M., Lopez G. (ORCID:0000-0002-9188-0650), Pagani A. F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7149-9350), and Parise M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2150-6636)
- Abstract
Considerable research has examined human mate preferences across cultures, finding universal sex differences in preferences for attractiveness and resources as well as sources of systematic cultural variation. Two competing perspectives-an evolutionary psychological perspective and a biosocial role perspective-offer alternative explanations for these findings. However, the original data on which each perspective relies are decades old, and the literature is fraught with conflicting methods, analyses, results, and conclusions. Using a new 45-country sample (N = 14,399), we attempted to replicate classic studies and test both the evolutionary and biosocial role perspectives. Support for universal sex differences in preferences remains robust: Men, more than women, prefer attractive, young mates, and women, more than men, prefer older mates with financial prospects. Cross-culturally, both sexes have mates closer to their own ages as gender equality increases. Beyond age of partner, neither pathogen prevalence nor gender equality robustly predicted sex differences or preferences across countries.
- Published
- 2020
20. Contrasting computational models of mate preference integration across 45 Countries
- Author
Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alhabahba, M. M., Alm, C., Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Atama, C. S., Duyar, D. A., Ayebare, R., Batres, C., Bendixen, M., Bensafia, A., Bizumic, B., Boussena, M., Butovskaya, M., Can, S., Cantarero, K., Carrier, A., Cetinkaya, H., Croy, I., Cueto, R. M., Czub, M., Dronova, D., Dural, S., Duyar, I., Ertugrul, B., Espinosa, A., Estevan, I., Esteves, C. S., Fang, L., Frackowiak, T., Garduno, J. C., Gonzalez, K. U., Guemaz, F., Gyuris, P., Halamova, M., Herak, I., Horvat, M., Hromatko, I., Hui, C. -M., Jaafar, J. L., Jiang, F., Kafetsios, K., Kavcic, T., Kennair, L. E. O., Kervyn, N., Thi Khanh Ha, T., Khilji, I. A., Kobis, N. C., Lan, H. M., Lang, A., Lennard, G. R., Leon, E., Lindholm, T., Thi Linh, T., Lopez, Giulia, Van Luot, N., Mailhos, A., Manesi, Z., Martinez, R., Mckerchar, S. L., Mesko, N., Misra, G., Monaghan, C., Mora, E. C., Moya-Garofano, A., Musil, B., Natividade, J. C., Niemczyk, A., Nizharadze, G., Oberzaucher, E., Oleszkiewicz, A., Omar-Fauzee, M. S., Onyishi, I. E., Ozener, B., Pagani, Ariela Francesca, Pakalniskiene, V., Parise, Miriam, Pazhoohi, F., Pisanski, A., Pisanski, K., Ponciano, E., Popa, C., Prokop, P., Rizwan, M., Sainz, M., Salkicevic, S., Sargautyte, R., Sarmany-Schuller, I., Schmehl, S., Sharad, S., Siddiqui, R. S., Simonetti, F., Stoyanova, S. Y., Tadinac, M., Varella, M. A. C., Vauclair, C. -M., Vega, L. D., Widarini, D. A., Yoo, G., Zatkova, M., Zupancic, M., Lopez G. (ORCID:0000-0002-9188-0650), Pagani A. F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7149-9350), Parise M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2150-6636), Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alhabahba, M. M., Alm, C., Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Atama, C. S., Duyar, D. A., Ayebare, R., Batres, C., Bendixen, M., Bensafia, A., Bizumic, B., Boussena, M., Butovskaya, M., Can, S., Cantarero, K., Carrier, A., Cetinkaya, H., Croy, I., Cueto, R. M., Czub, M., Dronova, D., Dural, S., Duyar, I., Ertugrul, B., Espinosa, A., Estevan, I., Esteves, C. S., Fang, L., Frackowiak, T., Garduno, J. C., Gonzalez, K. U., Guemaz, F., Gyuris, P., Halamova, M., Herak, I., Horvat, M., Hromatko, I., Hui, C. -M., Jaafar, J. L., Jiang, F., Kafetsios, K., Kavcic, T., Kennair, L. E. O., Kervyn, N., Thi Khanh Ha, T., Khilji, I. A., Kobis, N. C., Lan, H. M., Lang, A., Lennard, G. R., Leon, E., Lindholm, T., Thi Linh, T., Lopez, Giulia, Van Luot, N., Mailhos, A., Manesi, Z., Martinez, R., Mckerchar, S. L., Mesko, N., Misra, G., Monaghan, C., Mora, E. C., Moya-Garofano, A., Musil, B., Natividade, J. C., Niemczyk, A., Nizharadze, G., Oberzaucher, E., Oleszkiewicz, A., Omar-Fauzee, M. S., Onyishi, I. E., Ozener, B., Pagani, Ariela Francesca, Pakalniskiene, V., Parise, Miriam, Pazhoohi, F., Pisanski, A., Pisanski, K., Ponciano, E., Popa, C., Prokop, P., Rizwan, M., Sainz, M., Salkicevic, S., Sargautyte, R., Sarmany-Schuller, I., Schmehl, S., Sharad, S., Siddiqui, R. S., Simonetti, F., Stoyanova, S. Y., Tadinac, M., Varella, M. A. C., Vauclair, C. -M., Vega, L. D., Widarini, D. A., Yoo, G., Zatkova, M., Zupancic, M., Lopez G. (ORCID:0000-0002-9188-0650), Pagani A. F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7149-9350), and Parise M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2150-6636)
- Abstract
Humans express a wide array of ideal mate preferences. Around the world, people desire romantic partners who are intelligent, healthy, kind, physically attractive, wealthy, and more. In order for these ideal preferences to guide the choice of actual romantic partners, human mating psychology must possess a means to integrate information across these many preference dimensions into summaries of the overall mate value of their potential mates. Here we explore the computational design of this mate preference integration process using a large sample of n = 14,487 people from 45 countries around the world. We combine this large cross-cultural sample with agent-based models to compare eight hypothesized models of human mating markets. Across cultures, people higher in mate value appear to experience greater power of choice on the mating market in that they set higher ideal standards, better fulfill their preferences in choice, and pair with higher mate value partners. Furthermore, we find that this cross-culturally universal pattern of mate choice is most consistent with a Euclidean model of mate preference integration.
- Published
- 2019
21. Assortative mating and the evolution of desirability covariation
- Author
Conroy-Beam, D., Roney, J. R., Lukaszewski, A. W., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alhabahba, M. M., Alm, C., Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Atama, C. S., Atamturk Duyar, D., Ayebare, R., Batres, C., Bendixen, M., Bensafia, A., Bertoni, Anna Marta Maria, Bizumic, B., Boussena, M., Butovskaya, M., Can, S., Cantarero, K., Carrier, A., Cetinkaya, H., Croy, I., Cueto, R. M., Czub, M., Donato, Silvia, Dronova, D., Dural, S., Duyar, I., Ertugrul, B., Espinosa, A., Estevan, I., Esteves, C. S., Fang, L., Frackowiak, T., Contreras Garduno, J., Gonzalez, K. U., Guemaz, F., Gyuris, P., Halamova, M., Herak, I., Horvat, M., Hromatko, I., Hui, C. -M., Iafrate, Raffaella, Jaafar, J. L., Jiang, F., Kafetsios, K., Kavcic, T., Kennair, L. E. O., Kervyn, N., Ha, T. T. K., Khilji, I. A., Kobis, N. C., Lan, H. M., Lang, A., Lennard, G. R., Leon, E., Lindholm, T., Linh, T. T., Lopez, Giulia, Van Luot, N., Mailhos, A., Manesi, Z., Martinez, R., Mckerchar, S. L., Mesko, N., Misra, G., Monaghan, C., Mora, E. C., Moya-Garofano, A., Musil, B., Natividade, J. C., Niemczyk, A., Nizharadze, G., Oberzaucher, E., Oleszkiewicz, A., Omar-Fauzee, M. S., Onyishi, I. E., Ozener, B., Pagani, Ariela Francesca, Pakalniskiene, V., Parise, Miriam, Pazhoohi, F., Pisanski, A., Pisanski, K., Ponciano, E., Popa, C., Prokop, P., Rizwan, M., Sainz, M., Salkicevic, S., Sargautyte, R., Sarmany-Schuller, I., Schmehl, S., Sharad, S., Siddiqui, R. S., Simonetti, F., Stoyanova, S. Y., Tadinac, M., Varella, M. A. C., Vauclair, C. -M., Vega, L. D., Widarini, D. A., Yoo, G., Zatkova, M., Zupancic, M., Bertoni A. (ORCID:0000-0001-7228-8718), Donato S. (ORCID:0000-0002-8406-4604), Iafrate R. (ORCID:0000-0003-1311-8983), Lopez G. (ORCID:0000-0002-9188-0650), Pagani A. F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7149-9350), Parise M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2150-6636), Conroy-Beam, D., Roney, J. R., Lukaszewski, A. W., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., Sorokowski, P., Aavik, T., Akello, G., Alhabahba, M. M., Alm, C., Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Atama, C. S., Atamturk Duyar, D., Ayebare, R., Batres, C., Bendixen, M., Bensafia, A., Bertoni, Anna Marta Maria, Bizumic, B., Boussena, M., Butovskaya, M., Can, S., Cantarero, K., Carrier, A., Cetinkaya, H., Croy, I., Cueto, R. M., Czub, M., Donato, Silvia, Dronova, D., Dural, S., Duyar, I., Ertugrul, B., Espinosa, A., Estevan, I., Esteves, C. S., Fang, L., Frackowiak, T., Contreras Garduno, J., Gonzalez, K. U., Guemaz, F., Gyuris, P., Halamova, M., Herak, I., Horvat, M., Hromatko, I., Hui, C. -M., Iafrate, Raffaella, Jaafar, J. L., Jiang, F., Kafetsios, K., Kavcic, T., Kennair, L. E. O., Kervyn, N., Ha, T. T. K., Khilji, I. A., Kobis, N. C., Lan, H. M., Lang, A., Lennard, G. R., Leon, E., Lindholm, T., Linh, T. T., Lopez, Giulia, Van Luot, N., Mailhos, A., Manesi, Z., Martinez, R., Mckerchar, S. L., Mesko, N., Misra, G., Monaghan, C., Mora, E. C., Moya-Garofano, A., Musil, B., Natividade, J. C., Niemczyk, A., Nizharadze, G., Oberzaucher, E., Oleszkiewicz, A., Omar-Fauzee, M. S., Onyishi, I. E., Ozener, B., Pagani, Ariela Francesca, Pakalniskiene, V., Parise, Miriam, Pazhoohi, F., Pisanski, A., Pisanski, K., Ponciano, E., Popa, C., Prokop, P., Rizwan, M., Sainz, M., Salkicevic, S., Sargautyte, R., Sarmany-Schuller, I., Schmehl, S., Sharad, S., Siddiqui, R. S., Simonetti, F., Stoyanova, S. Y., Tadinac, M., Varella, M. A. C., Vauclair, C. -M., Vega, L. D., Widarini, D. A., Yoo, G., Zatkova, M., Zupancic, M., Bertoni A. (ORCID:0000-0001-7228-8718), Donato S. (ORCID:0000-0002-8406-4604), Iafrate R. (ORCID:0000-0003-1311-8983), Lopez G. (ORCID:0000-0002-9188-0650), Pagani A. F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7149-9350), and Parise M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2150-6636)
- Abstract
Mate choice lies close to differential reproduction, the engine of evolution. Patterns of mate choice consequently have power to direct the course of evolution. Here we provide evidence suggesting one pattern of human mate choice—the tendency for mates to be similar in overall desirability—caused the evolution of a structure of correlations that we call the d factor. We use agent-based models to demonstrate that assortative mating causes the evolution of a positive manifold of desirability, d, such that an individual who is desirable as a mate along any one dimension tends to be desirable across all other dimensions. Further, we use a large cross-cultural sample with n = 14,478 from 45 countries around the world to show that this d-factor emerges in human samples, is a cross-cultural universal, and is patterned in a way consistent with an evolutionary history of assortative mating. Our results suggest that assortative mating can explain the evolution of a broad structure of human trait covariation.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
de Batres, L., primary and Batres, C., additional
- Published
- 2012
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
- Author
de Batres, L., primary and Batres, C., additional
- Published
- 2012
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
24. Innovations in management: establishing team behavioral norms for a healthy workplace.
- Author
Parsons ML, Batres C, and Golightly-Jenkins C
- Abstract
Promoting the development of positive work environments that attract and retain the patient care staff requires innovative management strategies. This article describes an emergency department staff's participation in a healthy workplace initiative and their priority action plans for beginning to create a healthy workplace. The planning and implementation of Team Behavioral Norms is delineated, including norms for communication, positive attitude, and individual accountability. This strategy may be used by emergency department leaders to enhance their patient care work environment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
25. A real-time screening alert improves patient recruitment efficiency
- Author
Batres, C., Bigger, J. T., Borda, T., Davidson, K. W., Weiskopf, N. G., Chunhua Weng, and Wilcox, A. B.
26. In COVID-19 health messaging, loss framing increases anxiety with little-to-no concomitant benefits: Experimental evidence from 84 countries
- Author
Dorison, C. A., Lerner, J. S., Heller, B. H., Rothman, A. J., Kawachi, I. I., Wang, K., Rees, V. W., Gill, B. P., Gibbs, N., Ebersole, C. R., Vally, Z., Tajchman, Z., Zsido, A. N., Zrimsek, M., Chen, Z., Ziano, I., Gialitaki, Z., Ceary, C. D., Jang, Y., Lin, Y., Kunisato, Y., Yamada, Y., Xiao, Q., Jiang, X., Du, X., Yao, E., Ryan, W., Wilson, J. P., Cyrus-Lai, W., Jimenez-Leal, W., Law, W., Unanue, W., Collins, W. M., Richard, K. L., Vranka, M., Ankushev, V., Schei, V., DePaola, C., Lerche, V., Kovic, V., Križanić, V., Kadreva, V. H., Adoric, V. C., Tran, U. S., Yeung, S. K., Hassan, W., Houston, R., Machin, M. A., Lima, T. J. S., Ostermann, T., Frizzo, T., Sverdrup, T. E., House, T., Gill, T., Fedotov, M., Paltrow, T., Jernsäther, T., Rahman, T., Machin, T., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Hostler, T. J., Ishii, T., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Suter, L., von Bormann, S. M., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Stojanovska, D., Janssen, S. M. J., Stieger, S., Schulenberg, S. E., Tatachari, S., Azouaghe, S., Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Song, X., Morbée, S., Lewis, S. C., Sinkolova, S., Grigoryev, D., Drexler, S. M., Daches, S., Levine, S. L., Geniole, S. N., Akter, S., Vračar, S., Massoni, S., Costa, S., Zorjan, S., Sarıoğuz, E., Morales Izquierdo, S., Tshonda, S. S., Alves, S. G., Pöntinen, S., Álvarez Solas, S., Ordoñez-Riaño, S., Batić Očovaj, S., Onie, S., Lins, S., Biberauer, T., Çoksan, S., Khumkom, S., Sacakli, A., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Geiger, S. J., FatahModares, S., Walczak, R. B., Betlehem, R., Vilar, R., Doekemeijer, R., Cárcamo, R., Ross, R. M., McCarthy, R., Ballantyne, T., Westgate, E. C., Gargurevich, R., Afhami, R., Ren, D., Monteiro, R. P., Reips, U-D., Reggev, N., Calin-Jageman, R. J., Pourafshari, R., London, R., Oliveira, R., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rahal, R-M., Ribeiro, R. R., Radtke, T., Searston, R., Jai-ai, R., Habte, R., Zdybek, P., Chen, S-C., Wajanatinapart, P., Maturan, P. L. G., Perillo, J. T., Isager, P. M., Kačmár, P., Macapagal, P. M., Maniaci, M. R., Szwed, P., Hanel, P. H. P., Forbes, P. A. G., Arriaga, P., Paris, B., Parashar, N., Papachristopoulos, K., Sebastián-Correa, P., Kácha, O., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Niño Bravo, O., Galindo-Caballero, O. J., Ogbonnaya, C. E., Bialobrzeska, O., Kiselnikova, N., Simonovic, N., Cohen, N., Nock, N. L., Hernandez, A., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C., Ntoumanis, N., Johannes, N., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Say, N., Neubauer, A. B., Martin, N. I., Torunsky, N., van Antwerpen, N., Van Doren, N., Sunami, N., Rachev, N. R., Majeed, N. M., Schmidt, N-D., Nadif, K., Corral-Frías, N. S., Ouherrou, N., Abbas, N., Pantazi, M., Lucas, M. Y., Vasilev, Martin R., Ortiz, M. V., Butt, M. M., Kurfali, M., Kabir, M., Muda, R., Tejada Rivera, M. C., Sirota, M., Seehuus, M., Parzuchowski, M., Toro, M., Hricova, M., Alarcón Maldonado, M., Rentzelas, P., Vansteenkiste, M., Metz, M. A., Marszalek, M., Karekla, M., Mioni, G., Bosma, M. J., Westerlund, M., Vdovic, M., Bialek, M., Silan, M. A., Anne, M., Misiak, M., Gugliandolo, M. C., Grinberg, M., Capizzi, M., Espinoza Barría, M. F., Kurfali, M. A., Mensink, M. C., Harutyunyan, M., Khosla, M., Dunn, M. R., Korbmacher, M., Adamkovič, M., Ribeiro, M. F. F., Terskova, M., Hruška, M., Martončik, M., Jansen, M., Voracek, M., Čadek, M., Frias-Armenta, M., Kowal, M., Topor, M., Roczniewska, M., Oosterlinck, M., Braun Kohlová, M., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Sabristov, M., Romanova, M., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Lund, M. L., Antoniadi, M., Magrin, M. E., Jones, M. V., Ortiz, M. S., Manavalan, M., Muminov, A., Kossowska, M., Friedemann, M., Wielgus, M., van Hooff, M. L. M., Varella, M. A. C., Standage, M., Nicolotti, M., Colloff, M. F., Bradford, M., Vaughn, L. A., Eudave, L., Vieira, L., Sanabria Pineda, L. M., Matos, L., Calderón Pérez, L., Lazarevic, L. B., Jaremka, L. M., Smit, E. S., Kushnir, E., Ferguson, L. J., Anton-Boicuk, L., Lins de Holanda Coelho, G., Ahlgren, L., Liga, F., Levitan, C. A., Micheli, L., Gunton, L-A., Volz, L., Stojanovska, M., Boucher, L., Samojlenko, L., Javela Delgado, L. G., Kaliska, L., Labadi, B., Warmelink, L., Rojas-Berscia, L. M., Yu, K., Wylie, K., Wachowicz, J., Desai, K., Barzykowski, K., Kozma, L., Evans, K., Kirgizova, K., Agesin, B. E., Koehn, M. A., Wolfe, K., Korobova, T., Morris, K., Klevjer, K., van Schie, K., Vezirian, K., Damnjanović, K., Krabbe Thommesen, K., Schmidt, K., Filip, K., Staniaszek, K., Grzech, K., Hoyer, K., Moon, K., Khaobunmasiri, S., Rana, K., Janjić, K., Suchow, J. W., Kielińska, J., Cruz Vásquez, J. E., Chanal, J., Beitner, J., Vargas-Nieto, J. C., Roxas, J. C. T., Taber, J., Urriago-Rayo, J., Pavlacic, J. M., Benka, J., Bavolar, J., Soto, J. A., Olofsson, J. K., Vilsmeier, J. K., Messerschmidt, J., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Waterschoot, J., Moss, J. D., Boudesseul, J., Lee, J. M., Kamburidis, J., Joy-Gaba, J. A., Zickfeld, J., Miranda, J. F., Verharen, J. P. H., Hristova, E., Beshears, J. E., Đorđević, J. M., Bosch, J., Valentova, J. V., Antfolk, J., Berkessel, J. B., Schrötter, J., Urban, J., Röer, J. P., Norton, J. O., Silva, J. R., Pickering, J. S., Vintr, J., Uttley, J., Kunst, J. R., Ndukaihe, I. L. G., Iyer, A., Vilares, I., Ivanov, A., Ropovik, I., Sula, I., Sarieva, I., Metin-Orta, I., Prusova, I., Pinto, I., Bozdoc, A. I., Almeida, I. A. T., Pit, I. L., Dalgar, I., Zakharov, I., Arinze, A. I., Ihaya, K., Stephen, I. D., Gjoneska, B., Brohmer, H., Flowe, H., Godbersen, H., Kocalar, H. E., Hedgebeth, M. V., Chuan-Peng, H., Sharifian, M. H., Manley, H., Akkas, H., Hajdu, N., Azab, H., Kaminski, G., Nilsonne, G., Anjum, G., Travaglino, G. A., Feldman, G., Pfuhl, G., Czarnek, G., Marcu, G. M., Hofer, G., Banik, G., Adetula, G. A., Bijlstra, G., Verbruggen, F., Kung, F. Y. H., Martela, F., Foroni, F., Forest, J., Singer, G., Muchembled, F., Azevedo, F., Mosannenzadeh, F., Marinova, E., Štrukelj, E., Etebari, Z., Baskin, E., Garcia, E. O. L., Musser, E., van Steenkiste, I. M. M., Bradshaw, E. L., Ahn, E. R., Quested, E., Pronizius, E., Jackson, E. A., Manunta, E., Agadullina, E., Šakan, D., Dursun, P., Dujols, O., Dubrov, D., Willis, M., Tümer, M., Beaudry, J. L., Popović, D., Dunleavy, D., Djamai, I., Krupić, D., Herrera, D., Vega, D., Du, H., Mola, D., Chakarova, D., Davis, W. E., Holford, D. L., Lewis, D. M. G., Vaidis, D. C., Hausman Ozery, D., Zambrano Ricaurte, D., Storage, D., Sousa, D., Serrato Alvarez, D., Boller, D., Dalla Rosa, A., Dimova, D., Marko, D., Moreau, D., Reeck, C., Correia, R. C., Whitt, C. M., Lamm, C., Singh Solorzano, C., von Bastian, C.C., Sutherland, C. A. M., Overkott, C., Aberson, C. L., Wang, C., Niemiec, C. P., Reimer, C., Karashiali, C., Noone, C., Chiu, F., Picciocchi, C., Eben, C., Brownlow, C., Karaarslan, C., Cellini, N., Esteban-Serna, C., Reyna, C., Ferreyra, C., Batres, C., Li, R., Grano, C., Carpentier, J., Tamnes, C. K., Fu, C. H. Y., Ishkhanyan, B., Bylinina, L., Jaeger, B., Bundt, C., Bulut Allred, T., Vermote, B. J., Bokkour, A., Bogatyreva, N., Shi, J., Chopik, W. J., Antazo, B., Becker, M., Bayyat, M. M., Cocco, B., Chou, W-L., Barkoukis, V., Aczel, B., Baklanova, E., Bai, H., Balci, B. B., Babinčák, P., Soenens, B., Dixson, B. J. W., Mokady, A., Kappes, H. B., Atari, M., Szala, A., Szabelska, A., Aruta, J. J. B., Domurat, A., Arinze, N. C., Modena, A., Adiguzel, A., Monajem, A., El Arabi, K. A., Özdoğru, A. A., Rothbaum, A. O., Torres, A. J. O., Theodoropoulou, A., Skowronek, A., Jurković, A. P., Singh, A., Kassianos, A. P., Findor, A., Hartanto, A., Thibault Landry, A., Ferreira, A., Caetano Santos, A., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Luxon, A. M., Todsen, A. L., Karababa, A., Janak, A., Pilato, A., Bran, A., Tullett, A. M., Kuzminska, A. O., Krafnick, A. J., Urooj, A., Khaoudi, A., Ahmed, A., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Askelund, A. D., Adetula, A., Belaus, A., Charyate, A. C., Wichman, A. L., Stoyanova, A., Greenburgh, A., Thomas, A. G., Arvanitis, A., Forscher, P. S., Mallik, P. R., Primbs, M. A., Miller, J. K., Moshontz, H., Urry, H. L., IJzerman, H., Basnight-Brown, D. M., Chartier, C. R., Buchanan, E. M., Coles, N. A., Dorison, C. A., Lerner, J. S., Heller, B. H., Rothman, A. J., Kawachi, I. I., Wang, K., Rees, V. W., Gill, B. P., Gibbs, N., Ebersole, C. R., Vally, Z., Tajchman, Z., Zsido, A. N., Zrimsek, M., Chen, Z., Ziano, I., Gialitaki, Z., Ceary, C. D., Jang, Y., Lin, Y., Kunisato, Y., Yamada, Y., Xiao, Q., Jiang, X., Du, X., Yao, E., Ryan, W., Wilson, J. P., Cyrus-Lai, W., Jimenez-Leal, W., Law, W., Unanue, W., Collins, W. M., Richard, K. L., Vranka, M., Ankushev, V., Schei, V., DePaola, C., Lerche, V., Kovic, V., Križanić, V., Kadreva, V. H., Adoric, V. C., Tran, U. S., Yeung, S. K., Hassan, W., Houston, R., Machin, M. A., Lima, T. J. S., Ostermann, T., Frizzo, T., Sverdrup, T. E., House, T., Gill, T., Fedotov, M., Paltrow, T., Jernsäther, T., Rahman, T., Machin, T., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Hostler, T. J., Ishii, T., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Suter, L., von Bormann, S. M., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Stojanovska, D., Janssen, S. M. J., Stieger, S., Schulenberg, S. E., Tatachari, S., Azouaghe, S., Sorokowski, P., Sorokowska, A., Song, X., Morbée, S., Lewis, S. C., Sinkolova, S., Grigoryev, D., Drexler, S. M., Daches, S., Levine, S. L., Geniole, S. N., Akter, S., Vračar, S., Massoni, S., Costa, S., Zorjan, S., Sarıoğuz, E., Morales Izquierdo, S., Tshonda, S. S., Alves, S. G., Pöntinen, S., Álvarez Solas, S., Ordoñez-Riaño, S., Batić Očovaj, S., Onie, S., Lins, S., Biberauer, T., Çoksan, S., Khumkom, S., Sacakli, A., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Geiger, S. J., FatahModares, S., Walczak, R. B., Betlehem, R., Vilar, R., Doekemeijer, R., Cárcamo, R., Ross, R. M., McCarthy, R., Ballantyne, T., Westgate, E. C., Gargurevich, R., Afhami, R., Ren, D., Monteiro, R. P., Reips, U-D., Reggev, N., Calin-Jageman, R. J., Pourafshari, R., London, R., Oliveira, R., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rahal, R-M., Ribeiro, R. R., Radtke, T., Searston, R., Jai-ai, R., Habte, R., Zdybek, P., Chen, S-C., Wajanatinapart, P., Maturan, P. L. G., Perillo, J. T., Isager, P. M., Kačmár, P., Macapagal, P. M., Maniaci, M. R., Szwed, P., Hanel, P. H. P., Forbes, P. A. G., Arriaga, P., Paris, B., Parashar, N., Papachristopoulos, K., Sebastián-Correa, P., Kácha, O., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Niño Bravo, O., Galindo-Caballero, O. J., Ogbonnaya, C. E., Bialobrzeska, O., Kiselnikova, N., Simonovic, N., Cohen, N., Nock, N. L., Hernandez, A., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C., Ntoumanis, N., Johannes, N., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Say, N., Neubauer, A. B., Martin, N. I., Torunsky, N., van Antwerpen, N., Van Doren, N., Sunami, N., Rachev, N. R., Majeed, N. M., Schmidt, N-D., Nadif, K., Corral-Frías, N. S., Ouherrou, N., Abbas, N., Pantazi, M., Lucas, M. Y., Vasilev, Martin R., Ortiz, M. V., Butt, M. M., Kurfali, M., Kabir, M., Muda, R., Tejada Rivera, M. C., Sirota, M., Seehuus, M., Parzuchowski, M., Toro, M., Hricova, M., Alarcón Maldonado, M., Rentzelas, P., Vansteenkiste, M., Metz, M. A., Marszalek, M., Karekla, M., Mioni, G., Bosma, M. J., Westerlund, M., Vdovic, M., Bialek, M., Silan, M. A., Anne, M., Misiak, M., Gugliandolo, M. C., Grinberg, M., Capizzi, M., Espinoza Barría, M. F., Kurfali, M. A., Mensink, M. C., Harutyunyan, M., Khosla, M., Dunn, M. R., Korbmacher, M., Adamkovič, M., Ribeiro, M. F. F., Terskova, M., Hruška, M., Martončik, M., Jansen, M., Voracek, M., Čadek, M., Frias-Armenta, M., Kowal, M., Topor, M., Roczniewska, M., Oosterlinck, M., Braun Kohlová, M., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Sabristov, M., Romanova, M., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Lund, M. L., Antoniadi, M., Magrin, M. E., Jones, M. V., Ortiz, M. S., Manavalan, M., Muminov, A., Kossowska, M., Friedemann, M., Wielgus, M., van Hooff, M. L. M., Varella, M. A. C., Standage, M., Nicolotti, M., Colloff, M. F., Bradford, M., Vaughn, L. A., Eudave, L., Vieira, L., Sanabria Pineda, L. M., Matos, L., Calderón Pérez, L., Lazarevic, L. B., Jaremka, L. M., Smit, E. S., Kushnir, E., Ferguson, L. J., Anton-Boicuk, L., Lins de Holanda Coelho, G., Ahlgren, L., Liga, F., Levitan, C. A., Micheli, L., Gunton, L-A., Volz, L., Stojanovska, M., Boucher, L., Samojlenko, L., Javela Delgado, L. G., Kaliska, L., Labadi, B., Warmelink, L., Rojas-Berscia, L. M., Yu, K., Wylie, K., Wachowicz, J., Desai, K., Barzykowski, K., Kozma, L., Evans, K., Kirgizova, K., Agesin, B. E., Koehn, M. A., Wolfe, K., Korobova, T., Morris, K., Klevjer, K., van Schie, K., Vezirian, K., Damnjanović, K., Krabbe Thommesen, K., Schmidt, K., Filip, K., Staniaszek, K., Grzech, K., Hoyer, K., Moon, K., Khaobunmasiri, S., Rana, K., Janjić, K., Suchow, J. W., Kielińska, J., Cruz Vásquez, J. E., Chanal, J., Beitner, J., Vargas-Nieto, J. C., Roxas, J. C. T., Taber, J., Urriago-Rayo, J., Pavlacic, J. M., Benka, J., Bavolar, J., Soto, J. A., Olofsson, J. K., Vilsmeier, J. K., Messerschmidt, J., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Waterschoot, J., Moss, J. D., Boudesseul, J., Lee, J. M., Kamburidis, J., Joy-Gaba, J. A., Zickfeld, J., Miranda, J. F., Verharen, J. P. H., Hristova, E., Beshears, J. E., Đorđević, J. M., Bosch, J., Valentova, J. V., Antfolk, J., Berkessel, J. B., Schrötter, J., Urban, J., Röer, J. P., Norton, J. O., Silva, J. R., Pickering, J. S., Vintr, J., Uttley, J., Kunst, J. R., Ndukaihe, I. L. G., Iyer, A., Vilares, I., Ivanov, A., Ropovik, I., Sula, I., Sarieva, I., Metin-Orta, I., Prusova, I., Pinto, I., Bozdoc, A. I., Almeida, I. A. T., Pit, I. L., Dalgar, I., Zakharov, I., Arinze, A. I., Ihaya, K., Stephen, I. D., Gjoneska, B., Brohmer, H., Flowe, H., Godbersen, H., Kocalar, H. E., Hedgebeth, M. V., Chuan-Peng, H., Sharifian, M. H., Manley, H., Akkas, H., Hajdu, N., Azab, H., Kaminski, G., Nilsonne, G., Anjum, G., Travaglino, G. A., Feldman, G., Pfuhl, G., Czarnek, G., Marcu, G. M., Hofer, G., Banik, G., Adetula, G. A., Bijlstra, G., Verbruggen, F., Kung, F. Y. H., Martela, F., Foroni, F., Forest, J., Singer, G., Muchembled, F., Azevedo, F., Mosannenzadeh, F., Marinova, E., Štrukelj, E., Etebari, Z., Baskin, E., Garcia, E. O. L., Musser, E., van Steenkiste, I. M. M., Bradshaw, E. L., Ahn, E. R., Quested, E., Pronizius, E., Jackson, E. A., Manunta, E., Agadullina, E., Šakan, D., Dursun, P., Dujols, O., Dubrov, D., Willis, M., Tümer, M., Beaudry, J. L., Popović, D., Dunleavy, D., Djamai, I., Krupić, D., Herrera, D., Vega, D., Du, H., Mola, D., Chakarova, D., Davis, W. E., Holford, D. L., Lewis, D. M. G., Vaidis, D. C., Hausman Ozery, D., Zambrano Ricaurte, D., Storage, D., Sousa, D., Serrato Alvarez, D., Boller, D., Dalla Rosa, A., Dimova, D., Marko, D., Moreau, D., Reeck, C., Correia, R. C., Whitt, C. M., Lamm, C., Singh Solorzano, C., von Bastian, C.C., Sutherland, C. A. M., Overkott, C., Aberson, C. L., Wang, C., Niemiec, C. P., Reimer, C., Karashiali, C., Noone, C., Chiu, F., Picciocchi, C., Eben, C., Brownlow, C., Karaarslan, C., Cellini, N., Esteban-Serna, C., Reyna, C., Ferreyra, C., Batres, C., Li, R., Grano, C., Carpentier, J., Tamnes, C. K., Fu, C. H. Y., Ishkhanyan, B., Bylinina, L., Jaeger, B., Bundt, C., Bulut Allred, T., Vermote, B. J., Bokkour, A., Bogatyreva, N., Shi, J., Chopik, W. J., Antazo, B., Becker, M., Bayyat, M. M., Cocco, B., Chou, W-L., Barkoukis, V., Aczel, B., Baklanova, E., Bai, H., Balci, B. B., Babinčák, P., Soenens, B., Dixson, B. J. W., Mokady, A., Kappes, H. B., Atari, M., Szala, A., Szabelska, A., Aruta, J. J. B., Domurat, A., Arinze, N. C., Modena, A., Adiguzel, A., Monajem, A., El Arabi, K. A., Özdoğru, A. A., Rothbaum, A. O., Torres, A. J. O., Theodoropoulou, A., Skowronek, A., Jurković, A. P., Singh, A., Kassianos, A. P., Findor, A., Hartanto, A., Thibault Landry, A., Ferreira, A., Caetano Santos, A., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Luxon, A. M., Todsen, A. L., Karababa, A., Janak, A., Pilato, A., Bran, A., Tullett, A. M., Kuzminska, A. O., Krafnick, A. J., Urooj, A., Khaoudi, A., Ahmed, A., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Askelund, A. D., Adetula, A., Belaus, A., Charyate, A. C., Wichman, A. L., Stoyanova, A., Greenburgh, A., Thomas, A. G., Arvanitis, A., Forscher, P. S., Mallik, P. R., Primbs, M. A., Miller, J. K., Moshontz, H., Urry, H. L., IJzerman, H., Basnight-Brown, D. M., Chartier, C. R., Buchanan, E. M., and Coles, N. A.
- Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic (and its aftermath) highlights a critical need to communicate health information effectively to the global public. Given that subtle differences in information framing can have meaningful effects on behavior, behavioral science research highlights a pressing question: Is it more effective to frame COVID-19 health messages in terms of potential losses (e.g., “If you do not practice these steps, you can endanger yourself and others”) or potential gains (e.g., “If you practice these steps, you can protect yourself and others”)? Collecting data in 48 languages from 15,929 participants in 84 countries, we experimentally tested the effects of message framing on COVID-19-related judgments, intentions, and feelings. Loss- (vs. gain-) framed messages increased self-reported anxiety among participants cross-nationally with little-to-no impact on policy attitudes, behavioral intentions, or information seeking relevant to pandemic risks. These results were consistent across 84 countries, three variations of the message framing wording, and 560 data processing and analytic choices. Thus, results provide an empirical answer to a global communication question and highlight the emotional toll of loss-framed messages. Critically, this work demonstrates the importance of considering unintended affective consequences when evaluating nudge-style interventions.
27. The Psychological Science Accelerator’s COVID-19 rapid-response dataset
- Author
Buchanan, EM, Lewis, SC, Paris, B, Forscher, PS, Pavlacic, JM, Beshears, JE, Drexler, SM, Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A, Mallik, PR, Silan, MAA, Miller, JK, IJzerman, H, Moshontz, H, Beaudry, JL, Suchow, JW, Chartier, CR, Coles, NA, Sharifian, M, Todsen, AL, Levitan, CA, Azevedo, F, Legate, N, Heller, B, Rothman, AJ, Dorison, CA, Gill, BP, Wang, K, Rees, VW, Gibbs, N, Goldenberg, A, Thi Nguyen, T, Gross, JJ, Kaminski, G, von Bastian, CC, Paruzel-Czachura, M, Mosannenzadeh, F, Azouaghe, S, Bran, A, Ruiz-Fernandez, S, Santos, AC, Reggev, N, Zickfeld, JH, Akkas, H, Pantazi, M, Ropovik, I, Korbmacher, M, Arriaga, P, Gjoneska, B, Warmelink, L, Alves, SG, de Holanda Coelho, GL, Stieger, S, Schei, V, Hanel, PHP, Szaszi, B, Fedotov, M, Antfolk, J, Marcu, G, Schrötter, J, Kunst, JR, Geiger, SJ, Adetula, A, Kocalar, HE, Kielińska, J, Kačmár, P, Bokkour, A, Galindo-Caballero, OJ, Djamai, I, Pöntinen, SJ, AGESIN, BE, Jernsäther, T, Urooj, A, Rachev, NR, Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M, Kurfalı, M, Pit, IL, Li, R, Çoksan, S, Dubrov, D, Paltrow, TE, Baník, G, Korobova, T, Studzinska, A, Jiang, X, Aruta, JJBR, Vintr, J, Chiu, F, Kaliska, L, Berkessel, JB, Tümer, M, Morales-Izquierdo, S, Chuan-Peng, H, Vezirian, K, Rosa, AD, Bialobrzeska, O, Vasilev, Martin R., Beitner, J, Kácha, O, Žuro, B, Westerlund, M, Nedelcheva-Datsova, M, Findor, A, Krupić, D, Kowal, M, Askelund, AD, Pourafshari, R, Đorđević, JM, Schmidt, N, Baklanova, E, Szala, A, Zakharov, I, Vranka, MA, Ihaya, K, Grano, C, Cellini, N, Białek, M, Anton-Boicuk, L, Dalgar, I, Adıgüzel, A, Verharen, JPH, Maturan, PLG, Kassianos, AP, Oliveira, R, Čadek, M, Adoric, VC, Özdoğru, AA, Sverdrup, TE, Aczel, B, Zambrano, D, Ahmed, A, Tamnes, CK, Yamada, Y, Volz, L, Sunami, N, Suter, L, Vieira, L, Groyecka-Bernard, A, Kamburidis, JA, Reips, U, Harutyunyan, M, Adetula, GA, Allred, TB, Barzykowski, K, Antazo, BG, Zsido, AN, Šakan, DD, Cyrus-Lai, W, Ahlgren, LP, Hruška, M, Vega, D, Manunta, E, Mokady, A, Capizzi, M, Martončik, M, Say, N, Filip, K, Vilar, R, Staniaszek, K, Vdovic, M, Adamkovic, M, Johannes, N, Hajdu, N, Cohen, N, Overkott, C, Hubena, B, Nilsonne, G, Mioni, G, Solorzano, CS, Ishii, T, Chen, Z, Kushnir, E, Karaarslan, C, Ribeiro, RR, Khaoudi, A, Kossowska, M, Bavolar, J, Hoyer, K, Roczniewska, M, Karababa, A, Becker, M, Monteiro, RP, Kunisato, Y, Metin-Orta, I, Adamus, S, Kozma, L, Czarnek, G, Domurat, A, Štrukelj, E, Alvarez, DS, Parzuchowski, M, Massoni, S, Czamanski-Cohen, J, Pronizius, E, Muchembled, F, van Schie, K, Saçaklı, A, Hristova, E, Kuzminska, AO, Charyate, A, Bijlstra, G, Afhami, R, Majeed, NM, Musser, ED, Sirota, M, Ross, RM, Yeung, SK, Papadatou-Pastou, M, Foroni, F, Almeida, IAT, Grigoryev, D, Lewis, DMG, Holford, DL, Janssen, SMJ, Tatachari, S, Batres, C, Olofsson, JK, Daches, S, Belaus, A, Pfuhl, G, Corral-Frias, NS, Sousa, D, Röer, JP, Isager, PM, Godbersen, H, Walczak, RB, Van Doren, N, Ren, D, Gill, T, Voracek, M, DeBruine, LM, Anne, M, Očovaj, SB, Thomas, AG, Arvanitis, A, Ostermann, T, Wolfe, K, Arinze, NC, Bundt, C, Lamm, C, Calin-Jageman, RJ, Davis, WE, Karekla, M, Zorjan, S, Jaremka, LM, Uttley, J, Hricova, M, Koehn, MA, Kiselnikova, N, Bai, H, Krafnick, AJ, Balci, BB, Ballantyne, T, Lins, S, Vally, Z, Esteban-Serna, C, Schmidt, K, Macapagal, PML, Szwed, P, Zdybek, PM, Moreau, D, Collins, WM, Joy-Gaba, JA, Vilares, I, Tran, US, Boudesseul, J, Albayrak-Aydemir, N, Dixson, BJW, Perillo, JT, Ferreira, A, Westgate, EC, Aberson, CL, Arinze, AI, Jaeger, B, Butt, MM, Silva, JR, Storage, DS, Janak, AP, Jiménez-Leal, W, Soto, JA, Sorokowska, A, McCarthy, R, Tullett, AM, Frias-Armenta, M, Ribeiro, MFF, Hartanto, A, Forbes, PAG, Willis, ML, del Carmen Tejada R, M, Torres, AJO, Stephen, ID, Vaidis, DC, de la Rosa-Gómez, A, Yu, K, Sutherland, CAM, Manavalan, M, Behzadnia, B, Urban, J, Baskin, E, McFall, JP, Buchanan, EM, Lewis, SC, Paris, B, Forscher, PS, Pavlacic, JM, Beshears, JE, Drexler, SM, Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A, Mallik, PR, Silan, MAA, Miller, JK, IJzerman, H, Moshontz, H, Beaudry, JL, Suchow, JW, Chartier, CR, Coles, NA, Sharifian, M, Todsen, AL, Levitan, CA, Azevedo, F, Legate, N, Heller, B, Rothman, AJ, Dorison, CA, Gill, BP, Wang, K, Rees, VW, Gibbs, N, Goldenberg, A, Thi Nguyen, T, Gross, JJ, Kaminski, G, von Bastian, CC, Paruzel-Czachura, M, Mosannenzadeh, F, Azouaghe, S, Bran, A, Ruiz-Fernandez, S, Santos, AC, Reggev, N, Zickfeld, JH, Akkas, H, Pantazi, M, Ropovik, I, Korbmacher, M, Arriaga, P, Gjoneska, B, Warmelink, L, Alves, SG, de Holanda Coelho, GL, Stieger, S, Schei, V, Hanel, PHP, Szaszi, B, Fedotov, M, Antfolk, J, Marcu, G, Schrötter, J, Kunst, JR, Geiger, SJ, Adetula, A, Kocalar, HE, Kielińska, J, Kačmár, P, Bokkour, A, Galindo-Caballero, OJ, Djamai, I, Pöntinen, SJ, AGESIN, BE, Jernsäther, T, Urooj, A, Rachev, NR, Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M, Kurfalı, M, Pit, IL, Li, R, Çoksan, S, Dubrov, D, Paltrow, TE, Baník, G, Korobova, T, Studzinska, A, Jiang, X, Aruta, JJBR, Vintr, J, Chiu, F, Kaliska, L, Berkessel, JB, Tümer, M, Morales-Izquierdo, S, Chuan-Peng, H, Vezirian, K, Rosa, AD, Bialobrzeska, O, Vasilev, Martin R., Beitner, J, Kácha, O, Žuro, B, Westerlund, M, Nedelcheva-Datsova, M, Findor, A, Krupić, D, Kowal, M, Askelund, AD, Pourafshari, R, Đorđević, JM, Schmidt, N, Baklanova, E, Szala, A, Zakharov, I, Vranka, MA, Ihaya, K, Grano, C, Cellini, N, Białek, M, Anton-Boicuk, L, Dalgar, I, Adıgüzel, A, Verharen, JPH, Maturan, PLG, Kassianos, AP, Oliveira, R, Čadek, M, Adoric, VC, Özdoğru, AA, Sverdrup, TE, Aczel, B, Zambrano, D, Ahmed, A, Tamnes, CK, Yamada, Y, Volz, L, Sunami, N, Suter, L, Vieira, L, Groyecka-Bernard, A, Kamburidis, JA, Reips, U, Harutyunyan, M, Adetula, GA, Allred, TB, Barzykowski, K, Antazo, BG, Zsido, AN, Šakan, DD, Cyrus-Lai, W, Ahlgren, LP, Hruška, M, Vega, D, Manunta, E, Mokady, A, Capizzi, M, Martončik, M, Say, N, Filip, K, Vilar, R, Staniaszek, K, Vdovic, M, Adamkovic, M, Johannes, N, Hajdu, N, Cohen, N, Overkott, C, Hubena, B, Nilsonne, G, Mioni, G, Solorzano, CS, Ishii, T, Chen, Z, Kushnir, E, Karaarslan, C, Ribeiro, RR, Khaoudi, A, Kossowska, M, Bavolar, J, Hoyer, K, Roczniewska, M, Karababa, A, Becker, M, Monteiro, RP, Kunisato, Y, Metin-Orta, I, Adamus, S, Kozma, L, Czarnek, G, Domurat, A, Štrukelj, E, Alvarez, DS, Parzuchowski, M, Massoni, S, Czamanski-Cohen, J, Pronizius, E, Muchembled, F, van Schie, K, Saçaklı, A, Hristova, E, Kuzminska, AO, Charyate, A, Bijlstra, G, Afhami, R, Majeed, NM, Musser, ED, Sirota, M, Ross, RM, Yeung, SK, Papadatou-Pastou, M, Foroni, F, Almeida, IAT, Grigoryev, D, Lewis, DMG, Holford, DL, Janssen, SMJ, Tatachari, S, Batres, C, Olofsson, JK, Daches, S, Belaus, A, Pfuhl, G, Corral-Frias, NS, Sousa, D, Röer, JP, Isager, PM, Godbersen, H, Walczak, RB, Van Doren, N, Ren, D, Gill, T, Voracek, M, DeBruine, LM, Anne, M, Očovaj, SB, Thomas, AG, Arvanitis, A, Ostermann, T, Wolfe, K, Arinze, NC, Bundt, C, Lamm, C, Calin-Jageman, RJ, Davis, WE, Karekla, M, Zorjan, S, Jaremka, LM, Uttley, J, Hricova, M, Koehn, MA, Kiselnikova, N, Bai, H, Krafnick, AJ, Balci, BB, Ballantyne, T, Lins, S, Vally, Z, Esteban-Serna, C, Schmidt, K, Macapagal, PML, Szwed, P, Zdybek, PM, Moreau, D, Collins, WM, Joy-Gaba, JA, Vilares, I, Tran, US, Boudesseul, J, Albayrak-Aydemir, N, Dixson, BJW, Perillo, JT, Ferreira, A, Westgate, EC, Aberson, CL, Arinze, AI, Jaeger, B, Butt, MM, Silva, JR, Storage, DS, Janak, AP, Jiménez-Leal, W, Soto, JA, Sorokowska, A, McCarthy, R, Tullett, AM, Frias-Armenta, M, Ribeiro, MFF, Hartanto, A, Forbes, PAG, Willis, ML, del Carmen Tejada R, M, Torres, AJO, Stephen, ID, Vaidis, DC, de la Rosa-Gómez, A, Yu, K, Sutherland, CAM, Manavalan, M, Behzadnia, B, Urban, J, Baskin, E, and McFall, JP
- Abstract
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Psychological Science Accelerator coordinated three large-scale psychological studies to examine the effects of loss-gain framing, cognitive reappraisals, and autonomy framing manipulations on behavioral intentions and affective measures. The data collected (April to October 2020) included specific measures for each experimental study, a general questionnaire examining health prevention behaviors and COVID-19 experience, geographical and cultural context characterization, and demographic information for each participant. Each participant started the study with the same general questions and then was randomized to complete either one longer experiment or two shorter experiments. Data were provided by 73,223 participants with varying completion rates. Participants completed the survey from 111 geopolitical regions in 44 unique languages/dialects. The anonymized dataset described here is provided in both raw and processed formats to facilitate re-use and further analyses. The dataset offers secondary analytic opportunities to explore coping, framing, and self-determination across a diverse, global sample obtained at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which can be merged with other time-sampled or geographic data.
28. A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Author
Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C.A., Miller, J.K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J.S., Gross, J.J., Agesin, B.B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Hausman Ozery, D., Jackson, E.A., Garcia, E.O.L., Meir Drexler, S., Jurković, A.P., Rana, N., Wilson, J.P., Antoniadi, M., Desai, K., Gialitaki, Z., Kushnir, E., Nadif, K., Niño Bravo, O., Nauman, R., Oosterlinck, M., Pantazi, M., Pilecka, N., Szabelska, A., van Steenkiste, I. M. M., Filip, K., Bozdoc, A.I., Marcu, G.M., Agadullina, E., Adamkovič, M., Roczniewska, M., Reyna, C., Kassianos, A.P., Westerlund, M., Ahlgren, L., Pöntinen, S., Adetula, G.A., Dursun, P., Arinze, A.I., Arinze, N.C., Ogbonnaya, C.E., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Dalgar, I., Akkas, H., Macapagal, P.M., Lewis, S., Metin-Orta, I., Foroni, F., Willis, M., Caetano Santos, A., Mokady, A., Reggev, N., Kurfali, M.A., Vasilev, Martin R., Nock, N.L., Parzuchowski, M., Espinoza Barría, M.F., Vranka, M., Braun Kohlová, M., Ropovik, I., Harutyunyan, M., Wang, C., Yao, E., Becker, M., Manunta, E., Kaminski, G., Marko, D., Evans, K., Lewis, D.M.G., Findor, A., Thibault Landry, A., Aruta, J.J.B., Ortiz, M.S., Vally, Z., Pronizius, E., Voracek, M., Lamm, C., Grinberg, M., Li, R., Valentova, J.V., Mioni, G., Cellini, N., Chen, S-C., Zickfeld, J., Moon, K., Azab, H., Levy, N., Karababa, A., Beaudry, J.L., Boucher, L., Collins, W.M., Todsen, A.L., van Schie, K., Vintr, J., Bavolar, J., Kaliska, L., Križanić, V., Samojlenko, L., Pourafshari, R., Geiger, S.J., Beitner, J., Warmelink, L., Ross, R.M., Stephen, I.D., Hostler, T.J., Azouaghe, S., McCarthy, R., Szala, A., Grano, C., Singh Solorzano, C., Anjum, G., Jimenez-Leal, W., Bradford, M., Calderón Pérez, L., Cruz Vásquez, J.E., Galindo-Caballero, O.J., Vargas-Nieto, J.C., Kácha, O., Arvanitis, A., Xiao, Q., Cárcamo, R., Zorjan, S., Tajchman, Z., Vilares, I., Pavlacic, J.M., Kunst, J.R., Tamnes, C.K., von Bastian, C.C., Atari, M., Sharifian, M., Hricova, M., Kačmár, P., Schrötter, J., Rahal, R-M., Cohen, N., FatahModarres, S., Zrimsek, M., Zakharov, I., Koehn, M.A., Esteban-Serna, C., Calin-Jageman, R.J., Krafnick, A.J., Štrukelj, E., Isager, P.M., Urban, J., Silva, J.R., Martončik, M., Batić Očovaj, S., Šakan, D., Kuzminska, A.O., Milosevic Djordjevic, J., Almeida, I.A.T., Ferreira, A., Lazarevic, L.B., Manley, H., Zambrano Ricaurte, D., Monteiro, R.P., Etabari, Z., Musser, E., Dunleavy, D., Chou, W., Godbersen, H., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Reeck, C., Batres, C., Kirgizova, K., Muminov, A., Azevedo, F., Serrato Alvarez, D., Mussaffa Butt, M., Lee, J.M., Chen, Z., Verbruggen, F., Ziano, I., Tümer, M., Charyate, A.C.A., Dubrov, D., Tejada Rivera, M.C., Aberson, C., Pálfi, B., Alarcón Maldonado, M., Hubena, B., Sacakli, A., Ceary, C.D., Richard, K.L., Singer, G., Perillo, J.T., Ballantyne, T., Cyrus-Lai, W., Fedotov, M., Du, H., Wielgus, M., Pit, I.L., Hruška, M., Sousa, D., Aczel, B., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Barzykowski, K., Micheli, L., Schmidt, N-D., Zsido, A.N., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Bialek, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowska, A., Misiak, M., Mola, D., Ortiz, M.V., Correa, P.S., Belaus, A., Muchembled, F., Ribeiro, R.R., Arriaga, P., Oliveira, R., Vaughn, L.A., Szwed, P., Kossowska, M., Czarnek, G., Kielińska, J., Antazo, B., Betlehem, R., Stieger, S., Nilsonne, G., Simonovic, N., Taber, J., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Domurat, A., Ihaya, K., Yamada, Y., Urooj, A., Gill, T., Čadek, M., Bylinina, L., Messerschmidt, J., Kurfali, M., Adetula, A., Baklanova, E., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Kappes, H.B., Gjoneska, B., House, T., Jones, M.V., Berkessel, J.B., Chopik, W.J., Çoksan, S., Seehuus, M., Khaoudi, A., Bokkour, A., El Arabi, K.A., Djamai, I., Iyer, A., Parashar, N., Adiguzel, A., Kocalar, H.E., Bundt, C., Norton, J.O., Papadatou-Pastou, M., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Ankushev, V., Bogatyreva, N., Grigoryev, D., Ivanov, A., Prusova, I., Romanova, M., Sarieva, I., Terskova, M., Hristova, E., Kadreva, V.H., Janak, A., Schei, V., Sverdrup, T.E., Askelund, A.D., Sanabria Pineda, L.M., Krupić, D., Levitan, C.A., Johannes, N., Ouherrou, N., Say, N., Sinkolova, S., Janjić, K., Stojanovska, M., Stojanovska, D., Khosla, M., Thomas, A.G., Kung, F.Y.H., Bijlstra, G., Mosannenzadeh, F., Balci, B.B., Reips, U-D., Baskin, E., Ishkhanyan, B., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dixson, B.J.W., Moreau, D., Sutherland, C.A.M., Chuan-Peng, H., Noone, C., Flowe, H., Anne, M., Janssen, S.M.J., Topor, M., Majeed, N.M., Kunisato, Y., Yu, K., Daches, S., Hartanto, A., Vdovic, M., Anton-Boicuk, L., Forbes, P.A.G., Kamburidis, J., Marinova, E., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rachev, N.R., Stoyanova, A., Schmidt, K., Suchow, J.W., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Jernsäther, T., Olofsson, J.K., Bialobrzeska, O., Marszalek, M., Tatachari, S., Afhami, R., Law, W., Antfolk, J., Žuro, B., Van Doren, N., Soto, J.A., Searston, R., Miranda, J., Damnjanović, K., Yeung, S.K., Hoyer, K., Jaeger, B., Ren, D., Pfuhl, G., Klevjer, K., Corral-Frías, N.S., Frias-Armenta, M., Lucas, M.Y., Olaya Torres, A., Toro, M., Javela Delgado, L.G., Vega, D., Álvarez Solas, S., Vilar, R., Massoni, S., Frizzo, T., Bran, A., Vaidis, D.C., Vieira, L., Paris, B., Capizzi, M., Lins de Holanda Coelho, G., Greenburgh, A., Whitt, C.M., Tullett, A.M., Du, X., Volz, L., Bosma, M.J., Karaarslan, C., Sarıoğuz, E., Bulut Allred, T., Korbmacher, M., Colloff, M.F., Lima, T.J.S., Ribeiro, M.F.F., Verharen, J.P.H., Karekla, M., Karashiali, C., Sunami, N., Jaremka, L.M., Storage, D., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Hanel, P.H.P., Holford, D.L., Sirota, M., Wolfe, K., Chiu, F., Theodoropoulou, A., Ahn, E.R., Lin, Y., Westgate, E.C., Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Dujols, O., Vezirian, K., Feldman, G., Travaglino, G.A., Ahmed, A., Li, M., Bosch, J., Torunsky, N., Bai, H., Manavalan, M., Song, X., Walczak, R.B., Zdybek, P., Friedemann, M., Dalla Rosa, A., Kozma, L., Alves, S.G., Lins, S., Pinto, I.R., Correia, R.C., Babinčák, P., Banik, G., Rojas-Berscia, L.M., Varella, M.A.C., Uttley, J., Beshears, J.E., Krabbe Thommesen, K., Behzadnia, B., Geniole, S.N., Silan, M.A., Maturan, P.L.G., Vilsmeier, J.K., Tran, U.S., Morales Izquierdo, S., Mensink, M.C., Sorokowski, P., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Radtke, T., Cubela Adoric, V., Carpentier, J., Özdoğru, A.A., Joy-Gaba, J.A., Hedgebeth, M.V., Ishii, T., Wichman, A.L., Röer, J.P., Ostermann, T., Davis, W.E., Suter, L., Papachristopoulos, K., Zabel, C., Ebersole, C.R., Chartier, C.R., Mallik, P.R., Urry, H.L., Buchanan, E.M., Coles, N.A., Primbs, M.A., Basnight-Brown, D.M., IJzerman, H., Forscher, P.S., Moshontz, H., Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C.A., Miller, J.K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J.S., Gross, J.J., Agesin, B.B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Hausman Ozery, D., Jackson, E.A., Garcia, E.O.L., Meir Drexler, S., Jurković, A.P., Rana, N., Wilson, J.P., Antoniadi, M., Desai, K., Gialitaki, Z., Kushnir, E., Nadif, K., Niño Bravo, O., Nauman, R., Oosterlinck, M., Pantazi, M., Pilecka, N., Szabelska, A., van Steenkiste, I. M. M., Filip, K., Bozdoc, A.I., Marcu, G.M., Agadullina, E., Adamkovič, M., Roczniewska, M., Reyna, C., Kassianos, A.P., Westerlund, M., Ahlgren, L., Pöntinen, S., Adetula, G.A., Dursun, P., Arinze, A.I., Arinze, N.C., Ogbonnaya, C.E., Ndukaihe, I.L.G., Dalgar, I., Akkas, H., Macapagal, P.M., Lewis, S., Metin-Orta, I., Foroni, F., Willis, M., Caetano Santos, A., Mokady, A., Reggev, N., Kurfali, M.A., Vasilev, Martin R., Nock, N.L., Parzuchowski, M., Espinoza Barría, M.F., Vranka, M., Braun Kohlová, M., Ropovik, I., Harutyunyan, M., Wang, C., Yao, E., Becker, M., Manunta, E., Kaminski, G., Marko, D., Evans, K., Lewis, D.M.G., Findor, A., Thibault Landry, A., Aruta, J.J.B., Ortiz, M.S., Vally, Z., Pronizius, E., Voracek, M., Lamm, C., Grinberg, M., Li, R., Valentova, J.V., Mioni, G., Cellini, N., Chen, S-C., Zickfeld, J., Moon, K., Azab, H., Levy, N., Karababa, A., Beaudry, J.L., Boucher, L., Collins, W.M., Todsen, A.L., van Schie, K., Vintr, J., Bavolar, J., Kaliska, L., Križanić, V., Samojlenko, L., Pourafshari, R., Geiger, S.J., Beitner, J., Warmelink, L., Ross, R.M., Stephen, I.D., Hostler, T.J., Azouaghe, S., McCarthy, R., Szala, A., Grano, C., Singh Solorzano, C., Anjum, G., Jimenez-Leal, W., Bradford, M., Calderón Pérez, L., Cruz Vásquez, J.E., Galindo-Caballero, O.J., Vargas-Nieto, J.C., Kácha, O., Arvanitis, A., Xiao, Q., Cárcamo, R., Zorjan, S., Tajchman, Z., Vilares, I., Pavlacic, J.M., Kunst, J.R., Tamnes, C.K., von Bastian, C.C., Atari, M., Sharifian, M., Hricova, M., Kačmár, P., Schrötter, J., Rahal, R-M., Cohen, N., FatahModarres, S., Zrimsek, M., Zakharov, I., Koehn, M.A., Esteban-Serna, C., Calin-Jageman, R.J., Krafnick, A.J., Štrukelj, E., Isager, P.M., Urban, J., Silva, J.R., Martončik, M., Batić Očovaj, S., Šakan, D., Kuzminska, A.O., Milosevic Djordjevic, J., Almeida, I.A.T., Ferreira, A., Lazarevic, L.B., Manley, H., Zambrano Ricaurte, D., Monteiro, R.P., Etabari, Z., Musser, E., Dunleavy, D., Chou, W., Godbersen, H., Ruiz-Fernández, S., Reeck, C., Batres, C., Kirgizova, K., Muminov, A., Azevedo, F., Serrato Alvarez, D., Mussaffa Butt, M., Lee, J.M., Chen, Z., Verbruggen, F., Ziano, I., Tümer, M., Charyate, A.C.A., Dubrov, D., Tejada Rivera, M.C., Aberson, C., Pálfi, B., Alarcón Maldonado, M., Hubena, B., Sacakli, A., Ceary, C.D., Richard, K.L., Singer, G., Perillo, J.T., Ballantyne, T., Cyrus-Lai, W., Fedotov, M., Du, H., Wielgus, M., Pit, I.L., Hruška, M., Sousa, D., Aczel, B., Szaszi, B., Adamus, S., Barzykowski, K., Micheli, L., Schmidt, N-D., Zsido, A.N., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Bialek, M., Kowal, M., Sorokowska, A., Misiak, M., Mola, D., Ortiz, M.V., Correa, P.S., Belaus, A., Muchembled, F., Ribeiro, R.R., Arriaga, P., Oliveira, R., Vaughn, L.A., Szwed, P., Kossowska, M., Czarnek, G., Kielińska, J., Antazo, B., Betlehem, R., Stieger, S., Nilsonne, G., Simonovic, N., Taber, J., Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, A., Domurat, A., Ihaya, K., Yamada, Y., Urooj, A., Gill, T., Čadek, M., Bylinina, L., Messerschmidt, J., Kurfali, M., Adetula, A., Baklanova, E., Albayrak-Aydemir, N., Kappes, H.B., Gjoneska, B., House, T., Jones, M.V., Berkessel, J.B., Chopik, W.J., Çoksan, S., Seehuus, M., Khaoudi, A., Bokkour, A., El Arabi, K.A., Djamai, I., Iyer, A., Parashar, N., Adiguzel, A., Kocalar, H.E., Bundt, C., Norton, J.O., Papadatou-Pastou, M., De la Rosa-Gomez, A., Ankushev, V., Bogatyreva, N., Grigoryev, D., Ivanov, A., Prusova, I., Romanova, M., Sarieva, I., Terskova, M., Hristova, E., Kadreva, V.H., Janak, A., Schei, V., Sverdrup, T.E., Askelund, A.D., Sanabria Pineda, L.M., Krupić, D., Levitan, C.A., Johannes, N., Ouherrou, N., Say, N., Sinkolova, S., Janjić, K., Stojanovska, M., Stojanovska, D., Khosla, M., Thomas, A.G., Kung, F.Y.H., Bijlstra, G., Mosannenzadeh, F., Balci, B.B., Reips, U-D., Baskin, E., Ishkhanyan, B., Czamanski-Cohen, J., Dixson, B.J.W., Moreau, D., Sutherland, C.A.M., Chuan-Peng, H., Noone, C., Flowe, H., Anne, M., Janssen, S.M.J., Topor, M., Majeed, N.M., Kunisato, Y., Yu, K., Daches, S., Hartanto, A., Vdovic, M., Anton-Boicuk, L., Forbes, P.A.G., Kamburidis, J., Marinova, E., Nedelcheva-Datsova, M., Rachev, N.R., Stoyanova, A., Schmidt, K., Suchow, J.W., Koptjevskaja-Tamm, M., Jernsäther, T., Olofsson, J.K., Bialobrzeska, O., Marszalek, M., Tatachari, S., Afhami, R., Law, W., Antfolk, J., Žuro, B., Van Doren, N., Soto, J.A., Searston, R., Miranda, J., Damnjanović, K., Yeung, S.K., Hoyer, K., Jaeger, B., Ren, D., Pfuhl, G., Klevjer, K., Corral-Frías, N.S., Frias-Armenta, M., Lucas, M.Y., Olaya Torres, A., Toro, M., Javela Delgado, L.G., Vega, D., Álvarez Solas, S., Vilar, R., Massoni, S., Frizzo, T., Bran, A., Vaidis, D.C., Vieira, L., Paris, B., Capizzi, M., Lins de Holanda Coelho, G., Greenburgh, A., Whitt, C.M., Tullett, A.M., Du, X., Volz, L., Bosma, M.J., Karaarslan, C., Sarıoğuz, E., Bulut Allred, T., Korbmacher, M., Colloff, M.F., Lima, T.J.S., Ribeiro, M.F.F., Verharen, J.P.H., Karekla, M., Karashiali, C., Sunami, N., Jaremka, L.M., Storage, D., Habib, S., Studzinska, A., Hanel, P.H.P., Holford, D.L., Sirota, M., Wolfe, K., Chiu, F., Theodoropoulou, A., Ahn, E.R., Lin, Y., Westgate, E.C., Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Dujols, O., Vezirian, K., Feldman, G., Travaglino, G.A., Ahmed, A., Li, M., Bosch, J., Torunsky, N., Bai, H., Manavalan, M., Song, X., Walczak, R.B., Zdybek, P., Friedemann, M., Dalla Rosa, A., Kozma, L., Alves, S.G., Lins, S., Pinto, I.R., Correia, R.C., Babinčák, P., Banik, G., Rojas-Berscia, L.M., Varella, M.A.C., Uttley, J., Beshears, J.E., Krabbe Thommesen, K., Behzadnia, B., Geniole, S.N., Silan, M.A., Maturan, P.L.G., Vilsmeier, J.K., Tran, U.S., Morales Izquierdo, S., Mensink, M.C., Sorokowski, P., Groyecka-Bernard, A., Radtke, T., Cubela Adoric, V., Carpentier, J., Özdoğru, A.A., Joy-Gaba, J.A., Hedgebeth, M.V., Ishii, T., Wichman, A.L., Röer, J.P., Ostermann, T., Davis, W.E., Suter, L., Papachristopoulos, K., Zabel, C., Ebersole, C.R., Chartier, C.R., Mallik, P.R., Urry, H.L., Buchanan, E.M., Coles, N.A., Primbs, M.A., Basnight-Brown, D.M., IJzerman, H., Forscher, P.S., and Moshontz, H.
- Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased negative emotions and decreased positive emotions globally. Left unchecked, these emotional changes might have a wide array of adverse impacts. To reduce negative emotions and increase positive emotions, we tested the effectiveness of reappraisal, an emotion-regulation strategy that modifies how one thinks about a situation. Participants from 87 countries and regions (n = 21,644) were randomly assigned to one of two brief reappraisal interventions (reconstrual or repurposing) or one of two control conditions (active or passive). Results revealed that both reappraisal interventions (vesus both control conditions) consistently reduced negative emotions and increased positive emotions across different measures. Reconstrual and repurposing interventions had similar effects. Importantly, planned exploratory analyses indicated that reappraisal interventions did not reduce intentions to practice preventive health behaviours. The findings demonstrate the viability of creating scalable, low-cost interventions for use around the world.
29. Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample
- Author
Bago, B, Kovacs, M, Protzko, J, Nagy, T, Kekecs, Z, Palfi, B, Adamkovic, M, Adamus, S, Albalooshi, S, Albayrak-Aydemir, N, Alfian, IN, Alper, S, Alvarez-Solas, S, Alves, SG, Amaya, S, Andresen, PK, Anjum, G, Ansari, D, Arriaga, P, Aruta, J, Arvanitis, A, Babincak, P, Barzykowski, K, Bashour, B, Baskin, E, Batalha, L, Batres, C, Bavolar, J, Bayrak, F, Becker, B, Becker, M, Belaus, A, Białek, M, Bilancini, E, Boller, D, Boncinelli, L, Boudesseul, J, Brown, BT, Buchanan, EM, Butt, MM, Calvillo, DP, Carnes, NC, Celniker, JB, Chartier, CR, Chopik, WJ, Chotikavan, P, Chuan-Peng, H, Clancy, RF, Çoker, O, Correia, RC, Adoric, VC, Cubillas, CP, Czoschke, S, Daryani, Y, de Grefte, JAM, de Vries, WC, Burak, EGD, Dias, C, Dixson, BJW, Du, X, Dumančić, F, Dumbravă, A, Dutra, NB, Enachescu, J, Esteban-Serna, C, Eudave, L, Evans, TR, Feldman, G, Felisberti, FM, Fiedler, S, Findor, A, Fleischmann, A, Foroni, F, Francová, R, Frank, DA, Fu, CHY, Gao, S, Ghasemi, O, Ghazi-Noori, AR, Ghossainy, ME, Giammusso, I, Gill, T, Gjoneska, B, Gollwitzer, M, Graton, A, Grinberg, M, Groyecka-Bernard, A, Harris, EA, Hartanto, A, Hassan, W, Hatami, J, Heimark, KR, Hidding, JJJ, Hristova, E, Hruška, M, Hudson, CA, Huskey, R, Ikeda, A, Inbar, Y, Ingram, GPD, Isler, O, Isloi, C, Iyer, A, Jaeger, B, Janssen, SMJ, Jiménez-Leal, W, Jokić, B, Kačmár, P, Kadreva, V, Kaminski, G, Karimi-Malekabadi, F, Kasper, ATA, Kendrick, KM, Kennedy, BJ, Kocalar, HE, Kodapanakkal, RI, Kowal, M, Kruse, E, Kučerová, L, Kühberger, A, Kuzminska, AO, Lalot, F, Lamm, C, Lammers, J, Lange, EB, Lantian, A, Lau, IY, Lazarevic, LB, Leliveld, MC, Lenz, JN, Levitan, CA, Lewis, SC, Li, M, Li, Y, Li, H, Lima, TJS, Lins, S, Liuzza, MT, Lopes, P, Lu, JG, Lynds, T, Máčel, M, Mackinnon, SP, Maganti, M, Magraw-Mickelson, Z, Magson, LF, Manley, H, Marcu, GM, Seršić, DM, Matibag, CJ, Mattiassi, ADA, Mazidi, M, McFall, JP, McLatchie, N, Mensink, MC, Miketta, L, Milfont, TL, Mirisola, A, Misiak, M, Mitkidis, P, Moeini-Jazani, M, Monajem, A, Moreau, D, Musser, ED, Narhetali, E, Ochoa, DP, Olsen, J, Owsley, NC, Özdoğru, AA, Panning, M, Papadatou-Pastou, M, Parashar, N, Pärnamets, P, Paruzel-Czachura, M, Parzuchowski, M, Paterlini, JV, Pavlacic, JM, Peker, M, Peters, K, Piatnitckaia, L, Pinto, I, Policarpio, MR, Pop-Jordanova, N, Pratama, AJ, Primbs, MA, Pronizius, E, Purić, D, Puvia, E, Qamari, V, Qian, K, Quiamzade, A, Ráczová, B, Reinero, DA, Reips, UD, Reyna, C, Reynolds, K, Ribeiro, MFF, Röer, JP, Ross, RM, Roussos, P, Ruiz-Dodobara, F, Ruiz-Fernandez, S, Rutjens, BT, Rybus, K, Samekin, A, Santos, AC, Say, N, Schild, C, Schmidt, K, Ścigała, KA, Sharifian, M, Shi, J, Shi, Y, Sievers, E, Sirota, M, Slipenkyj, M, Solak, Ç, Sorokowska, A, Sorokowski, P, Söylemez, S, Steffens, NK, Stephen, Ian D., Sternisko, A, Stevens-Wilson, L, Stewart, SLK, Stieger, S, Storage, D, Strube, J, Susa, KJ, Szekely-Copîndean, RD, Szostak, NM, Takwin, B, Tatachari, S, Thomas, AG, Tiede, KE, Tiong, LE, Tonković, M, Trémolière, B, Tunstead, LV, Türkan, BN, Twardawski, M, Vadillo, MA, Vally, Z, Vaughn, LA, Verschuere, B, Vlašiček, D, Voracek, M, Vranka, MA, Wang, S, West, SL, Whyte, S, Wilton, LS, Wlodarczyk, A, Wu, X, Xin, F, Yadanar, S, Yama, H, Yamada, Y, Yilmaz, O, Yoon, S, Young, DM, Zakharov, I, Zein, RA, Zettler, I, Žeželj, IL, Zhang, DC, Zhang, J, Zheng, X, Hoekstra, R, Aczel, B, Bago, B, Kovacs, M, Protzko, J, Nagy, T, Kekecs, Z, Palfi, B, Adamkovic, M, Adamus, S, Albalooshi, S, Albayrak-Aydemir, N, Alfian, IN, Alper, S, Alvarez-Solas, S, Alves, SG, Amaya, S, Andresen, PK, Anjum, G, Ansari, D, Arriaga, P, Aruta, J, Arvanitis, A, Babincak, P, Barzykowski, K, Bashour, B, Baskin, E, Batalha, L, Batres, C, Bavolar, J, Bayrak, F, Becker, B, Becker, M, Belaus, A, Białek, M, Bilancini, E, Boller, D, Boncinelli, L, Boudesseul, J, Brown, BT, Buchanan, EM, Butt, MM, Calvillo, DP, Carnes, NC, Celniker, JB, Chartier, CR, Chopik, WJ, Chotikavan, P, Chuan-Peng, H, Clancy, RF, Çoker, O, Correia, RC, Adoric, VC, Cubillas, CP, Czoschke, S, Daryani, Y, de Grefte, JAM, de Vries, WC, Burak, EGD, Dias, C, Dixson, BJW, Du, X, Dumančić, F, Dumbravă, A, Dutra, NB, Enachescu, J, Esteban-Serna, C, Eudave, L, Evans, TR, Feldman, G, Felisberti, FM, Fiedler, S, Findor, A, Fleischmann, A, Foroni, F, Francová, R, Frank, DA, Fu, CHY, Gao, S, Ghasemi, O, Ghazi-Noori, AR, Ghossainy, ME, Giammusso, I, Gill, T, Gjoneska, B, Gollwitzer, M, Graton, A, Grinberg, M, Groyecka-Bernard, A, Harris, EA, Hartanto, A, Hassan, W, Hatami, J, Heimark, KR, Hidding, JJJ, Hristova, E, Hruška, M, Hudson, CA, Huskey, R, Ikeda, A, Inbar, Y, Ingram, GPD, Isler, O, Isloi, C, Iyer, A, Jaeger, B, Janssen, SMJ, Jiménez-Leal, W, Jokić, B, Kačmár, P, Kadreva, V, Kaminski, G, Karimi-Malekabadi, F, Kasper, ATA, Kendrick, KM, Kennedy, BJ, Kocalar, HE, Kodapanakkal, RI, Kowal, M, Kruse, E, Kučerová, L, Kühberger, A, Kuzminska, AO, Lalot, F, Lamm, C, Lammers, J, Lange, EB, Lantian, A, Lau, IY, Lazarevic, LB, Leliveld, MC, Lenz, JN, Levitan, CA, Lewis, SC, Li, M, Li, Y, Li, H, Lima, TJS, Lins, S, Liuzza, MT, Lopes, P, Lu, JG, Lynds, T, Máčel, M, Mackinnon, SP, Maganti, M, Magraw-Mickelson, Z, Magson, LF, Manley, H, Marcu, GM, Seršić, DM, Matibag, CJ, Mattiassi, ADA, Mazidi, M, McFall, JP, McLatchie, N, Mensink, MC, Miketta, L, Milfont, TL, Mirisola, A, Misiak, M, Mitkidis, P, Moeini-Jazani, M, Monajem, A, Moreau, D, Musser, ED, Narhetali, E, Ochoa, DP, Olsen, J, Owsley, NC, Özdoğru, AA, Panning, M, Papadatou-Pastou, M, Parashar, N, Pärnamets, P, Paruzel-Czachura, M, Parzuchowski, M, Paterlini, JV, Pavlacic, JM, Peker, M, Peters, K, Piatnitckaia, L, Pinto, I, Policarpio, MR, Pop-Jordanova, N, Pratama, AJ, Primbs, MA, Pronizius, E, Purić, D, Puvia, E, Qamari, V, Qian, K, Quiamzade, A, Ráczová, B, Reinero, DA, Reips, UD, Reyna, C, Reynolds, K, Ribeiro, MFF, Röer, JP, Ross, RM, Roussos, P, Ruiz-Dodobara, F, Ruiz-Fernandez, S, Rutjens, BT, Rybus, K, Samekin, A, Santos, AC, Say, N, Schild, C, Schmidt, K, Ścigała, KA, Sharifian, M, Shi, J, Shi, Y, Sievers, E, Sirota, M, Slipenkyj, M, Solak, Ç, Sorokowska, A, Sorokowski, P, Söylemez, S, Steffens, NK, Stephen, Ian D., Sternisko, A, Stevens-Wilson, L, Stewart, SLK, Stieger, S, Storage, D, Strube, J, Susa, KJ, Szekely-Copîndean, RD, Szostak, NM, Takwin, B, Tatachari, S, Thomas, AG, Tiede, KE, Tiong, LE, Tonković, M, Trémolière, B, Tunstead, LV, Türkan, BN, Twardawski, M, Vadillo, MA, Vally, Z, Vaughn, LA, Verschuere, B, Vlašiček, D, Voracek, M, Vranka, MA, Wang, S, West, SL, Whyte, S, Wilton, LS, Wlodarczyk, A, Wu, X, Xin, F, Yadanar, S, Yama, H, Yamada, Y, Yilmaz, O, Yoon, S, Young, DM, Zakharov, I, Zein, RA, Zettler, I, Žeželj, IL, Zhang, DC, Zhang, J, Zheng, X, Hoekstra, R, and Aczel, B
- Abstract
The study of moral judgements often centres on moral dilemmas in which options consistent with deontological perspectives (that is, emphasizing rules, individual rights and duties) are in conflict with options consistent with utilitarian judgements (that is, following the greater good based on consequences). Greene et al. (2009) showed that psychological and situational factors (for example, the intent of the agent or the presence of physical contact between the agent and the victim) can play an important role in moral dilemma judgements (for example, the trolley problem). Our knowledge is limited concerning both the universality of these effects outside the United States and the impact of culture on the situational and psychological factors affecting moral judgements. Thus, we empirically tested the universality of the effects of intent and personal force on moral dilemma judgements by replicating the experiments of Greene et al. in 45 countries from all inhabited continents. We found that personal force and its interaction with intention exert influence on moral judgements in the US and Western cultural clusters, replicating and expanding the original findings. Moreover, the personal force effect was present in all cultural clusters, suggesting it is culturally universal. The evidence for the cultural universality of the interaction effect was inconclusive in the Eastern and Southern cultural clusters (depending on exclusion criteria). We found no strong association between collectivism/individualism and moral dilemma judgements.
30. To which world regions does the valence-dominance model of social perception apply?
- Author
Jones, BC, DeBruine, LM, Flake, JK, Liuzza, MT, Antfolk, J, Arinze, NC, Ndukaihe, ILG, Bloxsom, NG, Lewis, SC, Foroni, F, Willis, ML, Cubillas, CP, Vadillo, MA, Turiegano, E, Gilead, M, Simchon, A, Saribay, SA, Owsley, NC, Jang, C, Mburu, G, Calvillo, DP, Wlodarczyk, A, Qi, Y, Ariyabuddhiphongs, K, Jarukasemthawee, S, Manley, H, Suavansri, P, Taephant, N, Stolier, RM, Evans, TR, Bonick, J, Lindemans, JW, Ashworth, LF, Hahn, AC, Chevallier, C, Kapucu, A, Karaaslan, A, Leongómez, JD, Sánchez, OR, Valderrama, E, Vásquez-Amézquita, M, Hajdu, N, Aczel, B, Szecsi, P, Andreychik, M, Musser, ED, Batres, C, Hu, CP, Liu, QL, Legate, N, Vaughn, LA, Barzykowski, K, Golik, K, Schmid, I, Stieger, S, Artner, R, Mues, C, Vanpaemel, W, Jiang, Z, Wu, Q, Marcu, GM, Stephen, Ian D., Lu, JG, Philipp, MC, Arnal, JD, Hehman, E, Xie, SY, Chopik, WJ, Seehuus, M, Azouaghe, S, Belhaj, A, Elouafa, J, Wilson, JP, Kruse, E, Papadatou-Pastou, M, De La Rosa-Gómez, A, Barba-Sánchez, AE, González-Santoyo, I, Hsu, T, Kung, CC, Wang, HH, Freeman, JB, Oh, DW, Schei, V, Sverdrup, TE, Levitan, CA, Cook, CL, Chandel, P, Kujur, P, Parganiha, A, Parveen, N, Pati, AK, Pradhan, S, Singh, MM, Pande, B, Bavolar, J, Kačmár, P, Zakharov, I, Álvarez-Solas, S, Baskin, E, Thirkettle, M, Schmidt, K, Christopherson, CD, Leonis, T, Suchow, JW, Olofsson, JK, Jernsäther, T, Lee, AS, Beaudry, JL, Gogan, TD, Oldmeadow, JA, Balas, B, Stevens, LM, Colloff, MF, Flowe, HD, Gülgöz, S, Brandt, MJ, Hoyer, K, Jaeger, B, Ren, D, Sleegers, WWA, Wissink, J, Kaminski, G, Floerke, VA, Urry, HL, Chen, SC, Pfuhl, G, Vally, Z, Basnight-Brown, DM, Jzerman, HI, Sarda, E, Neyroud, L, Badidi, T, Van der Linden, N, Tan, CBY, Kovic, V, Sampaio, W, Ferreira, P, Santos, D, Burin, DI, Gardiner, G, Protzko, J, Schild, C, Ścigała, KA, Zettler, I, O'Mara Kunz, EM, Storage, D, Wagemans, FMA, Saunders, B, Sirota, M, Sloane, GV, Lima, TJS, Uittenhove, K, Vergauwe, E, Jaworska, K, Stern, J, Ask, K, van Zyl, CJJ, Körner, A, Weissgerber, SC, Boudesseul, J, Ruiz-Dodobara, F, Ritchie, KL, Michalak, NM, Blake, KR, White, D, Gordon-Finlayson, AR, Anne, M, Janssen, SMJ, Lee, KM, Nielsen, TK, Tamnes, CK, Zickfeld, JH, Rosa, AD, Vianello, M, Kocsor, F, Kozma, L, Putz, Á, Tressoldi, P, Irrazabal, N, Chatard, A, Lins, S, Pinto, IR, Lutz, J, Adamkovic, M, Babincak, P, Baník, G, Ropovik, I, Coetzee, V, Dixson, BJW, Ribeiro, G, Peters, K, Steffens, NK, Tan, KW, Thorstenson, CA, Fernandez, AM, Hsu, R, Valentova, JV, Varella, MAC, Corral-Frías, NS, Frías-Armenta, M, Hatami, J, Monajem, A, Sharifian, M, Frohlich, B, Lin, H, Inzlicht, M, Alaei, R, Rule, NO, Lamm, C, Pronizius, E, Voracek, M, Olsen, J, Giolla, EM, Akgoz, A, Özdoğru, AA, Crawford, MT, Bennett-Day, B, Koehn, MA, Okan, C, Gill, T, Miller, JK, Dunham, Y, Yang, X, Alper, S, Borras-Guevara, ML, Cai, SJ, Tiantian, D, Danvers, AF, Feinberg, DR, Armstrong, MM, Gilboa-Schechtman, E, McCarthy, RJ, Muñoz-Reyes, JA, Polo, P, Shiramazu, VKM, Yan, WJ, Carvalho, L, Forscher, PS, Chartier, CR, Coles, NA, Jones, BC, DeBruine, LM, Flake, JK, Liuzza, MT, Antfolk, J, Arinze, NC, Ndukaihe, ILG, Bloxsom, NG, Lewis, SC, Foroni, F, Willis, ML, Cubillas, CP, Vadillo, MA, Turiegano, E, Gilead, M, Simchon, A, Saribay, SA, Owsley, NC, Jang, C, Mburu, G, Calvillo, DP, Wlodarczyk, A, Qi, Y, Ariyabuddhiphongs, K, Jarukasemthawee, S, Manley, H, Suavansri, P, Taephant, N, Stolier, RM, Evans, TR, Bonick, J, Lindemans, JW, Ashworth, LF, Hahn, AC, Chevallier, C, Kapucu, A, Karaaslan, A, Leongómez, JD, Sánchez, OR, Valderrama, E, Vásquez-Amézquita, M, Hajdu, N, Aczel, B, Szecsi, P, Andreychik, M, Musser, ED, Batres, C, Hu, CP, Liu, QL, Legate, N, Vaughn, LA, Barzykowski, K, Golik, K, Schmid, I, Stieger, S, Artner, R, Mues, C, Vanpaemel, W, Jiang, Z, Wu, Q, Marcu, GM, Stephen, Ian D., Lu, JG, Philipp, MC, Arnal, JD, Hehman, E, Xie, SY, Chopik, WJ, Seehuus, M, Azouaghe, S, Belhaj, A, Elouafa, J, Wilson, JP, Kruse, E, Papadatou-Pastou, M, De La Rosa-Gómez, A, Barba-Sánchez, AE, González-Santoyo, I, Hsu, T, Kung, CC, Wang, HH, Freeman, JB, Oh, DW, Schei, V, Sverdrup, TE, Levitan, CA, Cook, CL, Chandel, P, Kujur, P, Parganiha, A, Parveen, N, Pati, AK, Pradhan, S, Singh, MM, Pande, B, Bavolar, J, Kačmár, P, Zakharov, I, Álvarez-Solas, S, Baskin, E, Thirkettle, M, Schmidt, K, Christopherson, CD, Leonis, T, Suchow, JW, Olofsson, JK, Jernsäther, T, Lee, AS, Beaudry, JL, Gogan, TD, Oldmeadow, JA, Balas, B, Stevens, LM, Colloff, MF, Flowe, HD, Gülgöz, S, Brandt, MJ, Hoyer, K, Jaeger, B, Ren, D, Sleegers, WWA, Wissink, J, Kaminski, G, Floerke, VA, Urry, HL, Chen, SC, Pfuhl, G, Vally, Z, Basnight-Brown, DM, Jzerman, HI, Sarda, E, Neyroud, L, Badidi, T, Van der Linden, N, Tan, CBY, Kovic, V, Sampaio, W, Ferreira, P, Santos, D, Burin, DI, Gardiner, G, Protzko, J, Schild, C, Ścigała, KA, Zettler, I, O'Mara Kunz, EM, Storage, D, Wagemans, FMA, Saunders, B, Sirota, M, Sloane, GV, Lima, TJS, Uittenhove, K, Vergauwe, E, Jaworska, K, Stern, J, Ask, K, van Zyl, CJJ, Körner, A, Weissgerber, SC, Boudesseul, J, Ruiz-Dodobara, F, Ritchie, KL, Michalak, NM, Blake, KR, White, D, Gordon-Finlayson, AR, Anne, M, Janssen, SMJ, Lee, KM, Nielsen, TK, Tamnes, CK, Zickfeld, JH, Rosa, AD, Vianello, M, Kocsor, F, Kozma, L, Putz, Á, Tressoldi, P, Irrazabal, N, Chatard, A, Lins, S, Pinto, IR, Lutz, J, Adamkovic, M, Babincak, P, Baník, G, Ropovik, I, Coetzee, V, Dixson, BJW, Ribeiro, G, Peters, K, Steffens, NK, Tan, KW, Thorstenson, CA, Fernandez, AM, Hsu, R, Valentova, JV, Varella, MAC, Corral-Frías, NS, Frías-Armenta, M, Hatami, J, Monajem, A, Sharifian, M, Frohlich, B, Lin, H, Inzlicht, M, Alaei, R, Rule, NO, Lamm, C, Pronizius, E, Voracek, M, Olsen, J, Giolla, EM, Akgoz, A, Özdoğru, AA, Crawford, MT, Bennett-Day, B, Koehn, MA, Okan, C, Gill, T, Miller, JK, Dunham, Y, Yang, X, Alper, S, Borras-Guevara, ML, Cai, SJ, Tiantian, D, Danvers, AF, Feinberg, DR, Armstrong, MM, Gilboa-Schechtman, E, McCarthy, RJ, Muñoz-Reyes, JA, Polo, P, Shiramazu, VKM, Yan, WJ, Carvalho, L, Forscher, PS, Chartier, CR, and Coles, NA
- Abstract
Over the past 10 years, Oosterhof and Todorov's valence-dominance model has emerged as the most prominent account of how people evaluate faces on social dimensions. In this model, two dimensions (valence and dominance) underpin social judgements of faces. Because this model has primarily been developed and tested in Western regions, it is unclear whether these findings apply to other regions. We addressed this question by replicating Oosterhof and Todorov's methodology across 11 world regions, 41 countries and 11,570 participants. When we used Oosterhof and Todorov's original analysis strategy, the valence-dominance model generalized across regions. When we used an alternative methodology to allow for correlated dimensions, we observed much less generalization. Collectively, these results suggest that, while the valence-dominance model generalizes very well across regions when dimensions are forced to be orthogonal, regional differences are revealed when we use different extraction methods and correlate and rotate the dimension reduction solution. PROTOCOL REGISTRATION: The stage 1 protocol for this Registered Report was accepted in principle on 5 November 2018. The protocol, as accepted by the journal, can be found at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7611443.v1 .
31. Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries
- Author
Marta Kowal, Piotr Sorokowski, Katarzyna Pisanski, Jaroslava V. Valentova, Marco A.C. Varella, David A. Frederick, Laith Al-Shawaf, Felipe E. García, Isabella Giammusso, Biljana Gjoneska, Luca Kozma, Tobias Otterbring, Marietta Papadatou-Pastou, Gerit Pfuhl, Sabrina Stöckli, Anna Studzinska, Ezgi Toplu-Demirtaş, Anna K. Touloumakos, Bence E. Bakos, Carlota Batres, Solenne Bonneterre, Johanna Czamanski-Cohen, Jovi C. Dacanay, Eliane Deschrijver, Maryanne L. Fisher, Caterina Grano, Dmitry Grigoryev, Pavol Kačmár, Mikhail V. Kozlov, Efisio Manunta, Karlijn Massar, Joseph P. McFall, Moises Mebarak, Maria Rosa Miccoli, Taciano L. Milfont, Pavol Prokop, Toivo Aavik, Patrícia Arriaga, Roberto Baiocco, Jiří Čeněk, Hakan Çetinkaya, Izzet Duyar, Farida Guemaz, Tatsunori Ishii, Julia A. Kamburidis, Hareesol Khun-Inkeeree, Linda H. Lidborg, Hagar Manor, Ravit Nussinson, Mohd Sofian B. Omar-Fauzee, Farid Pazhoohi, Koen Ponnet, Anabela Caetano Santos, Oksana Senyk, Ognen Spasovski, Mona Vintila, Austin H. Wang, Gyesook Yoo, Oulmann Zerhouni, Rizwana Amin, Sibele Aquino, Merve Boğa, Mahmoud Boussena, Ali R. Can, Seda Can, Rita Castro, Antonio Chirumbolo, Ogeday Çoker, Clément Cornec, Seda Dural, Stephanie J. Eder, Nasim Ghahraman Moharrampour, Simone Grassini, Evgeniya Hristova, Gözde Ikizer, Nicolas Kervyn, Mehmet Koyuncu, Yoshihiko Kunisato, Samuel Lins, Tetyana Mandzyk, Silvia Mari, Alan D.A. Mattiassi, Aybegum Memisoglu-Sanli, Mara Morelli, Felipe C. Novaes, Miriam Parise, Irena Pavela Banai, Mariia Perun, Nejc Plohl, Fatima Zahra Sahli, Dušana Šakan, Sanja Smojver-Azic, Çağlar Solak, Sinem Söylemez, Asako Toyama, Anna Wlodarczyk, Yuki Yamada, Beatriz Abad-Villaverde, Reza Afhami, Grace Akello, Nael H. Alami, Leyla Alma, Marios Argyrides, Derya Atamtürk, Nana Burduli, Sayra Cardona, João Carneiro, Andrea Castañeda, Izabela Chałatkiewicz, William J. Chopik, Dimitri Chubinidze, Daniel Conroy-Beam, Jorge Contreras-Garduño, Diana Ribeiro da Silva, Yahya B. Don, Silvia Donato, Dmitrii Dubrov, Michaela Duračková, Sanjana Dutt, Samuel O. Ebimgbo, Ignacio Estevan, Edgardo Etchezahar, Peter Fedor, Feten Fekih-Romdhane, Tomasz Frackowiak, Katarzyna Galasinska, Łukasz Gargula, Benjamin Gelbart, Talia Gomez Yepes, Brahim Hamdaoui, Ivana Hromatko, Salome N. Itibi, Luna Jaforte, Steve M.J. Janssen, Marija Jovic, Kevin S. Kertechian, Farah Khan, Aleksander Kobylarek, Maida Koso-Drljevic, Anna Krasnodębska, Valerija Križanić, Miguel Landa-Blanco, Alvaro Mailhos, Tiago Marot, Tamara Martinac Dorcic, Martha Martinez-Banfi, Mat Rahimi Yusof, Marlon Mayorga-Lascano, Vita Mikuličiūtė, Katarina Mišetić, Bojan Musil, Arooj Najmussaqib, Kavitha Nalla Muthu, Jean C. Natividade, Izuchukwu L.G. Ndukaihe, Ellen K. Nyhus, Elisabeth Oberzaucher, Salma S. Omar, Franciszek Ostaszewski, Ma. Criselda T. Pacquing, Ariela F. Pagani, Ju Hee Park, Ekaterine Pirtskhalava, Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Marc Eric S. Reyes, Jan P. Röer, Ayşegül Şahin, Adil Samekin, Rūta Sargautytė, Tatiana Semenovskikh, Henrik Siepelmeyer, Sangeeta Singh, Alicja Sołtys, Agnieszka Sorokowska, Rodrigo Soto-López, Liliya Sultanova, William Tamayo-Agudelo, Chee-Seng Tan, Gulmira T. Topanova, Merve Topcu Bulut, Bastien Trémolière, Singha Tulyakul, Belgüzar N. Türkan, Arkadiusz Urbanek, Tatiana Volkodav, Kathryn V. Walter, Mohd Faiz Mohd Yaakob, Marcos Zumárraga-Espinosa, Kowal, M, Sorokowski, P, Pisanski, K, Valentova, J, Varella, M, Frederick, D, Al-Shawaf, L, García, F, Giammusso, I, Gjoneska, B, Kozma, L, Otterbring, T, Papadatou-Pastou, M, Pfuhl, G, Stöckli, S, Studzinska, A, Toplu-Demirtaş, E, Touloumakos, A, Bakos, B, Batres, C, Bonneterre, S, Czamanski-Cohen, J, Dacanay, J, Deschrijver, E, Fisher, M, Grano, C, Grigoryev, D, Kačmár, P, Kozlov, M, Manunta, E, Massar, K, Mcfall, J, Mebarak, M, Miccoli, M, Milfont, T, Prokop, P, Aavik, T, Arriaga, P, Baiocco, R, Čeněk, J, Çetinkaya, H, Duyar, I, Guemaz, F, Ishii, T, Kamburidis, J, Khun-Inkeeree, H, Lidborg, L, Manor, H, Nussinson, R, Omar-Fauzee, M, Pazhoohi, F, Ponnet, K, Santos, A, Senyk, O, Spasovski, O, Vintila, M, Wang, A, Yoo, G, Zerhouni, O, Amin, R, Aquino, S, Boğa, M, Boussena, M, Can, A, Can, S, Castro, R, Chirumbolo, A, Çoker, O, Cornec, C, Dural, S, Eder, S, Moharrampour, N, Grassini, S, Hristova, E, Ikizer, G, Kervyn, N, Koyuncu, M, Kunisato, Y, Lins, S, Mandzyk, T, Mari, S, Mattiassi, A, Memisoglu-Sanli, A, Morelli, M, Novaes, F, Parise, M, Banai, I, Perun, M, Plohl, N, Sahli, F, Šakan, D, Smojver-Azic, S, Solak, Ç, Söylemez, S, Toyama, A, Wlodarczyk, A, Yamada, Y, Abad-Villaverde, B, Afhami, R, Akello, G, Alami, N, Alma, L, Argyrides, M, Atamtürk, D, Burduli, N, Cardona, S, Carneiro, J, Castañeda, A, Chałatkiewicz, I, Chopik, W, Chubinidze, D, Conroy-Beam, D, Contreras-Garduño, J, da Silva, D, Don, Y, Donato, S, Dubrov, D, Duračková, M, Dutt, S, Ebimgbo, S, Estevan, I, Etchezahar, E, Fedor, P, Fekih-Romdhane, F, Frackowiak, T, Galasinska, K, Gargula, Ł, Gelbart, B, Yepes, T, Hamdaoui, B, Hromatko, I, Itibi, S, Jaforte, L, Janssen, S, Jovic, M, Kertechian, K, Khan, F, Kobylarek, A, Koso-Drljevic, M, Krasnodębska, A, Križanić, V, Landa-Blanco, M, Mailhos, A, Marot, T, Dorcic, T, Martinez-Banfi, M, Yusof, M, Mayorga-Lascano, M, Mikuličiūtė, V, Mišetić, K, Musil, B, Najmussaqib, A, Muthu, K, Natividade, J, Ndukaihe, I, Nyhus, E, Oberzaucher, E, Omar, S, Ostaszewski, F, Pacquing, M, Pagani, A, Park, J, Pirtskhalava, E, Reips, U, Reyes, M, Röer, J, Şahin, A, Samekin, A, Sargautytė, R, Semenovskikh, T, Siepelmeyer, H, Singh, S, Sołtys, A, Sorokowska, A, Soto-López, R, Sultanova, L, Tamayo-Agudelo, W, Tan, C, Topanova, G, Bulut, M, Trémolière, B, Tulyakul, S, Türkan, B, Urbanek, A, Volkodav, T, Walter, K, Yaakob, M, Zumárraga-Espinosa, M, UCL - SSH/LouRIM - Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, RS: FPN WSP II, and Section Applied Social Psychology
- Subjects
Objectification Theory ,REDES SOCIAIS ,SEX-DIFFERENCES ,Self-modification ,Evolution ,Humanidades::Outras Humanidades [Domínio/Área Científica] ,Facial Attractiveness ,Ciências Médicas::Ciências da Saúde [Domínio/Área Científica] ,Social Sciences ,Experimental and Cognitive Psychology ,Ciências Sociais::Psicologia [Domínio/Área Científica] ,Evolutionary Perspective ,Self-Objectification ,Pathogen stress ,EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE ,Social media usage ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Behavior and Systematics ,ddc:150 ,Womens Body-Image ,Mating market perspective ,Ciências Naturais::Ciências Biológicas [Domínio/Área Científica] ,WOMENS BODY-IMAGE ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,OBJECTIFICATION THEORY ,M-PSI/05 - PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE ,Evolutionary theory ,Appearance ,Gender-Role ,Ecology ,MATE PREFERENCES ,Samfunnsvitenskap: 200 [VDP] ,Mate Preferences ,PERSONAL ORNAMENTS ,SELF-OBJECTIFICATION ,GENDER-ROLE ,Settore M-PSI/05 - PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE ,Social Media Use ,SOCIAL MEDIA USE ,Sex-Differences ,VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200 ,FACIAL ATTRACTIVENESS ,Ciências Naturais::Ciências da Terra e do Ambiente [Domínio/Área Científica] ,Pathogen stre ,Personal Ornaments - Abstract
People across the world and throughout history have gone to great lengths to enhance their physical appearance. Evolutionary psychologists and ethologists have largely attempted to explain this phenomenon via mating preferences and strategies. Here, we test one of the most popular evolutionary hypotheses for beauty-enhancing behaviors, drawn from mating market and parasite stress perspectives, in a large cross-cultural sample. We also test hypotheses drawn from other influential and non-mutually exclusive theoretical frameworks, from biosocial role theory to a cultural media perspective. Survey data from 93,158 human participants across 93 countries provide evidence that behaviors such as applying makeup or using other cosmetics, hair grooming, clothing style, caring for body hygiene, and exercising or following a specific diet for the specific purpose of improving ones physical attractiveness, are universal. Indeed, 99% of participants reported spending >10 min a day performing beauty-enhancing behaviors. The results largely support evolutionary hypotheses: more time was spent enhancing beauty by women (almost 4 h a day, on average) than by men (3.6 h a day), by the youngest participants (and contrary to predictions, also the oldest), by those with a relatively more severe history of infectious diseases, and by participants currently dating compared to those in established relationships. The strongest predictor of attractiveness-enhancing behaviors was social media usage. Other predictors, in order of effect size, included adhering to traditional gender roles, residing in countries with less gender equality, considering oneself as highly attractive or, conversely, highly unattractive, TV watching time, higher socioeconomic status, right-wing political beliefs, a lower level of education, and personal individualistic attitudes. This study provides novel insight into universal beauty-enhancing behaviors by unifying evolutionary theory with several other complementary perspectives., National Science Center, Poland [2019/33/N/HS6/00054]; Basic Research Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University); Basic Research Program at HSE University, RF; FCT [UID/PSI/03125/2021, SFRH/BD/126304/2016]; UTAR Research Centre Excellence Award; Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman [2019 -CAP (6401/0019)], This work is the result of the research project funded by the National Science Center, Poland (2019/33/N/HS6/00054). Dmitry Grigoryev was supported by the Basic Research Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University).; Dmitrii Dubrov was supported by the Basic Research Program at HSE University, RF.; Patricia Arriaga was supported by the FCT through funds from the research center UID/PSI/03125/2021. Anabela C. Santos was supported by the FCT through funds from a PhD grant SFRH/BD/126304/2016. Kavitha Nalla Muthu and Chee-Seng Tan were supported by the UTAR Research Centre Excellence Award 2019 -CAP (6401/0019) from the Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.
- Published
- 2022
32. Assortative mating and the evolution of desirability covariation
- Author
Pavol Prokop, Chiemezie S. Atama, Mohammad Madallh Alhabahba, Sarah L. McKerchar, Iskra Herak, Truong Thi Khanh Ha, Ike E. Onyishi, Razi Sultan Siddiqui, Jean Carlos Natividade, Girishwar Misra, Nguyen Van Luot, Barış Özener, Farida Guemaz, Ruta Sargautyte, Edna Lúcia Tinoco Ponciano, Imran Ahmed Khilji, James R. Roney, Mohd Sofian Omar-Fauzee, Tomasz Frackowiak, Berna Ertuğrul, Mons Bendixen, Luis Diego Vega, Rosa María Cueto, Petra Gyuris, Boris Bizumic, Afifa Anjum, Shivantika Sharad, Susanne Schmehl, Mahmoud Boussena, Elisabeth Oberzaucher, Katarzyna Pisanski, Mario Sainz, Silvio Donato, Muhammad Rizwan, Alba Moya-Garófano, Torun Lindholm, Karina Ugalde González, Agnieszka Niemczyk, Bojan Musil, Konstantinos Kafetsios, Svjetlana Salkičević, Daria Dronova, Chin Ming Hui, Charlotte Alm, Ernesto León, Nils C. Köbis, Marco Antonio Correa Varella, Trinh Thi Linh, Alvaro Mailhos, Zoi Manesi, Richard Ayebare, Anna Marta Maria Bertoni, Derya Atamtürk Duyar, Raffaella Iafrate, Seda Dural, Ariela Francesca Pagani, Annette Pisanski, Kelly Asao, Rocio Martinez, Aicha Bensafia, Conal Monaghan, Miriam Parise, Gyesook Yoo, Aaron W. Lukaszewski, Grace Akello, Luxi Fang, Vilmante Pakalniskiene, Marcin Czub, Agustín Espinosa, Marina Horvat, Carla Sofia Esteves, András Láng, Maja Zupančič, Emanuel C. Mora, Ignacio Estevan, Christin-Melanie Vauclair, İzzet Duyar, Hakan Cetinkaya, Seda Can, Jorge Contreras Garduño, Franco Simonetti, Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair, Ivana Hromatko, Carlota Batres, Farid Pazhoohi, Katarzyna Cantarero, Agnieszka Sorokowska, Anna Oleszkiewicz, Hoang Moc Lan, Feng Jiang, Tina Kavčič, Marina Butovskaya, Daniel Conroy-Beam, Naumana Amjad, Camelia Popa, Piotr Sorokowski, Meri Tadinac, Giulia Lopez, Toivo Aavik, Norbert Meskó, George Nizharadze, Stanislava Stoyanova, Georgina R. Lennard, Dwi Ajeng Widarini, Nicolas Kervyn, Jas Laile Suzana Binti Jaafar, Ivan Sarmány-Schuller, Marta Zaťková, Antonin Carrier, Ilona Croy, David M. Buss, Mária Halamová, Conroy-Beam, D., Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara 93106, United States -- Roney, J.R., Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara 93106, United States -- Lukaszewski, A.W., Department of Psychology, California State University, Fullerton, Fullerton 92831, United States -- Buss, D.M., Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 78712, United States -- Asao, K., Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, 78712, United States -- Sorokowska, A., Institute of Psychology, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, 50-137, Poland, Smell & Taste Clinic, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, TU Dresden, Dresden, 1069, Germany -- Sorokowski, P., Institute of Psychology, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, 50-137, Poland -- Aavik, T., Institute of Psychology, University of Tartu, Tartu, 50090, Estonia -- Akello, G., Department of Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine, Gulu University, Gulu 0, Uganda -- Alhabahba, M.M., English Language Department, Middle East University, Amman, 11181, Jordan -- Alm, C., Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 10691, Sweden -- Amjad, N., Institute of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 54590, Pakistan -- Anjum, A., Institute of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 54590, Pakistan -- Atama, C.S., Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 410002, Nigeria -- Atamtürk Duyar, D., Deparment of Anthropology, Istanbul University, Istanbul, 34452, Turkey -- Ayebare, R., North Star Alliance, NA, Kampala 0, Uganda -- Batres, C., Department of Psychology, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, 17603, United States -- Bendixen, M., Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU), Trondheim, 7491, Norway -- Bensafia, A., EFORT, Department of Sociology, University of Algiers 2, Algiers, 16000, Algeria -- Bertoni, A., Department of Psychology, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 20123, Italy -- Bizumic, B., Research School of Psychology, Australian National University, Canberra, 2601, Australia -- Boussena, M., EFORT, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Algiers 2, Algiers, 16000, Algeria -- Butovskaya, M., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation -- Can, S., Department of Psychology, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, 35300, Turkey -- Cantarero, K., Faculty in Sopot, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Sopot, 03-815, Poland -- Carrier, A., Psychology Faculty (CECOS), Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1348, Belgium -- Cetinkaya, H., Department of Psychology, Ankara University, Ankara, 6560, Turkey -- Croy, I., Department of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine, TU Dresden, Dresden, 1069, Germany -- Cueto, R.M., Grupo de Psicología Política y Social (GPPS), Departamento de Psicología, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, 15088, Peru -- Czub, M., Institute of Psychology, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, 50-137, Poland -- Donato, S., Department of Psychology, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 20123, Italy -- Dronova, D., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation -- Dural, S., Department of Psychology, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, 35300, Turkey -- Duyar, I., Deparment of Anthropology, Istanbul University, Istanbul, 34452, Turkey -- Ertugrul, B., Deparment of Anthropology, Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, 58140, Turkey -- Espinosa, A., Grupo de Psicología Política y Social (GPPS), Departamento de Psicología, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, 15088, Peru -- Estevan, I., Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de la República, Motevideo, 11200, Uruguay -- Esteves, C.S., Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), CIS-IUL, Lisboa, 1649-026, Portugal -- Fang, L., Department of Psychology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong -- Frackowiak, T., Institute of Psychology, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, 50-137, Poland -- Contreras Garduño, J., Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, Unidad Morelia UNAM, Morelia, 58190, Mexico -- González, K.U., Psychology Department, Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, San José, 11501, Costa Rica -- Guemaz, F., EFORT, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Setif 2, Setif, 16000, Algeria -- Gyuris, P., Institute of Psychology, University of Pécs, Pécs, 7624, Hungary -- Halamová, M., Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care, Department of Psychological Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Nitra, 94974, Slovakia -- Herak, I., Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organisations (LOURiM), Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1348, Belgium -- Horvat, M., Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology, University of Maribor, Maribor, 2000, Slovenia -- Hromatko, I., Department of Psychology, Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 10000, Croatia -- Hui, C.-M., Department of Psychology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong -- Iafrate, R., Department of Psychology, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 20123, Italy -- Jaafar, J.L., Dept of Educational Psychology and Counseling, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 50603, Malaysia -- Jiang, F., Organization and Human Resource Management, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, 102202, China -- Kafetsios, K., Psychology Department, University of Crete, Rethymno, 70013, Greece -- Kav?i?, T., Faculty of Education, University of Primorska, Koper, 6000, Slovenia -- Kennair, L.E.O., Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU), Trondheim, 7491, Norway -- Kervyn, N., Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organisations (LOURiM), Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1348, Belgium -- Ha, T.T.K., Department of Psychology, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi, 100000, Viet Nam -- Khilji, I.A., Department of Psychology, F.G. College for Men, F-j/d, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan -- Köbis, N.C., Center for Research in Experimental Economics and Political Decision Mating, Department of Economics, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1081, Netherlands -- Lan, H.M., Department of Psychology, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi, 100000, Viet Nam -- Láng, A., Institute of Psychology, University of Pécs, Pécs, 7624, Hungary -- Lennard, G.R., Research School of Psychology, Australian National University, Canberra, 2601, Australia -- León, E., Grupo de Psicología Política y Social (GPPS), Departamento de Psicología, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, 15088, Peru -- Lindholm, T., Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 10691, Sweden -- Linh, T.T., Department of Psychology, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi, 100000, Viet Nam -- Lopez, G., Department of Psychology, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 20123, Italy -- Van Luot, N., Department of Psychology, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi, 100000, Viet Nam -- Mailhos, A., Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de la República, Motevideo, 11200, Uruguay -- Manesi, Z., Department of Experimental & Applied Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 1081, Netherlands -- Martinez, R., Department of Social Psychology, University of Granada, Grenada, 18010, Spain -- McKerchar, S.L., Research School of Psychology, Australian National University, Canberra, 2601, Australia -- Meskó, N., Institute of Psychology, University of Pécs, Pécs, 7624, Hungary -- Misra, G., Department of Psychology, University of Delhi, Delhi, 110021, India -- Monaghan, C., Research School of Psychology, Australian National University, Canberra, 2601, Australia -- Mora, E.C., Department of Animal and Human Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Havana, Havana 0, Cuba -- Moya-Garófano, A., Department of Social Psychology, University of Granada, Grenada, 18010, Spain -- Musil, B., Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology, University of Maribor, Maribor, 2000, Slovenia -- Natividade, J.C., Department of Psychology, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 22451-000, Brazil -- Niemczyk, A., Institute of Psychology, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, 50-137, Poland -- Nizharadze, G., Department of Social Sciences, Free Unviersity of Tbilisi, Tbilisi 2, Georgia -- Oberzaucher, E., Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna, Vienna, 1090, Austria -- Oleszkiewicz, A., Institute of Psychology, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, 50-137, Poland, Smell & Taste Clinic, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, TU Dresden, Dresden, 1069, Germany -- Omar-Fauzee, M.S., School of Education, Universiti Uteara Malaysia, Sintok, 6010, Malaysia -- Onyishi, I.E., Department of Psychology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 410002, Nigeria -- Özener, B., Deparment of Anthropology, Istanbul University, Istanbul, 34452, Turkey -- Pagani, A.F., Department of Psychology, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 20123, Italy -- Pakalniskiene, V., Institute of Psychology, Vilnius University, Vilnius, 1513, Lithuania -- Parise, M., Department of Psychology, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 20123, Italy -- Pazhoohi, F., Department of Basic Psychology, School of Psychology, University of Minho, Braga, 4710-057, Portugal -- Pisanski, A., Department of Animal and Human Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Havana, Havana 0, Cuba -- Pisanski, K., Institute of Psychology, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, 50-137, Poland, Mammal Vocal Communication & Cognition Research Group, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RH, United Kingdom -- Ponciano, E., Institute of Psychology, University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 21941-901, Brazil -- Popa, C., Department of Psychology, Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences, UNATC-CINETIc, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 30167, Romania -- Prokop, P., Department of Environmental Ecology, Comenius University, Bratislava, 842 15, Slovakia, Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 845 06, Slovakia -- Rizwan, M., The Delve Pvt Ltd, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan -- Sainz, M., Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center, Department of Social Psychology, University of Granada, Grenada, 18010, Spain -- Salki?evi?, S., Department of Psychology, Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 10000, Croatia -- Sargautyte, R., Institute of Psychology, Vilnius University, Vilnius, 1513, Lithuania -- Sarmány-Schuller, I., Center for Social and Psychological Sciences, Institute of Experimental Psychology SAS, Bratislava, 841 04, Slovakia -- Schmehl, S., Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna, Vienna, 1010, Austria -- Sharad, S., Department of Applied Psychology, Vivekananda College, University of Delhi, Delhi, 110021, India -- Siddiqui, R.S., Department of Management Sciences, DHA Suffa University, Karachi, 75500, Pakistan -- Simonetti, F., School of Psychology, P. Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, 8331150, Chile -- Stoyanova, S.Y., Department of Psychology, South-West University 'Neofit Rilski', Blagoevgrad, 2700, Bulgaria -- Tadinac, M., Department of Psychology, Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 10000, Croatia -- Varella, M.A.C., Department of Experimental Psychology, Institute of Psychology, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 03178-200, Brazil -- Vauclair, C.-M., Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), CIS-IUL, Lisboa, 1649-026, Portugal -- Vega, L.D., Psychology Department, Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, San José, 11501, Costa Rica -- Widarini, D.A., Department of Communication, University Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama), Jakarta, 10270, Indonesia -- Yoo, G., Dept. of Child & Family Studies, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, 024-47, South Korea -- Za?ková, M., Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care, Department of Psychological Sciences, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Nitra, 94974, Slovakia -- Zupan?i?, M., Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 1000, Slovenia, Microeconomics (ASE, FEB), Experimental and Political Economics / CREED (ASE, FEB), Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde, and UCL - SSH/LouRIM - Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations
- Subjects
05 social sciences ,Assortative mating ,050109 social psychology ,Experimental and Cognitive Psychology ,Biology ,050105 experimental psychology ,Settore M-PSI/05 - PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE ,Trait covariation ,Agent-based modeling ,Cross-cultural studies ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Mate choice ,Evolutionary biology ,Trait ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics - Abstract
Mate choice lies close to differential reproduction, the engine of evolution. Patterns of mate choice consequently have power to direct the course of evolution. Here we provide evidence suggesting one pattern of human mate choice—the tendency for mates to be similar in overall desirability—caused the evolution of a structure of correlations that we call the d factor. We use agent-based models to demonstrate that assortative mating causes the evolution of a positive manifold of desirability, d, such that an individual who is desirable as a mate along any one dimension tends to be desirable across all other dimensions. Further, we use a large cross-cultural sample with n = 14,478 from 45 countries around the world to show that this d-factor emerges in human samples, is a cross-cultural universal, and is patterned in a way consistent with an evolutionary history of assortative mating. Our results suggest that assortative mating can explain the evolution of a broad structure of human trait covariation. © 2019, National Foundation for Science and Technology Development START, Global Change System for Analysis, Research, and Training Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej National Foundation for Science and Technology Development, We thank everyone who participated in this study as well as the research assistants who assisted in translating forms, recruiting participants, and inputting data. The work of Truong Thi Khanh Ha was supported by grants 501.01-2016.02 from the Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED). Anna Oleszkiewicz was supported by the Foundation for Polish Science (START scholarship). This study was conducted in line with project NIR ? 01201370995 “Cross-cultural and interdisciplinary researches. Biosocial and cross-cultural analysis of models of tolerance and basic values of culture in modern society” (Marina Butovskaya and Daria Dronova). Appendix A
- Published
- 2019
33. Factors associated with Glycemia Risk Index in a cohort of patients with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Latent Autoimmune Diabetes In Adults (LADA).
- Author
Herranz-Antolín S, Cotón-Batres C, López-Virgos MC, Esteban-Monge V, Álvarez-de Frutos V, and Torralba M
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Adult, Cross-Sectional Studies, Middle Aged, Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring, Hyperglycemia blood, Risk Factors, Cohort Studies, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 blood, Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults blood, Blood Glucose analysis, Hypoglycemia blood, Hypoglycemia epidemiology
- Abstract
Objective: To analyze the degree of control based on classical glucometric parameters and Glycemia Risk Index (GRI) in real-life conditions in a cohort of patients with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA) and to assess the factors that are associated with GRI., Patients and Methods: Cross-sectional study. 447 adult patients with type 1 DM and LADA users of Intermittent Continuous Glucose Monitoring (iCGM) with an adherence ≥ 70% were included. GRI was calculated with its Hypoglycemia (CHypo) and Hyperglycemia (CHyper) Components. Multivariate linear regression analysis was performed to evaluate the factors associated with GRI., Results: Mean age 44.6 years (SD 13.7); 57.7% men; 83.9% type 1 DM; 16.1% LADA; time of evolution 20.6 years (SD 12.3). In patients with type 1 DM vs. LADA, differences were observed in relation to age [-11.1 years (SD 1.7)], age of onset [-21.9 years (DE 1.5)], time of evolution [11.7 years (DE 1.5)], treatment modality (p < 0.001), Time in Range (TIR) [-6.3% (SD 2.2)], Time Below Range (TBR) [1.9% (SD 0.6)], TBR level 1 (TBR1) [1.4% (SD 0.5)], Time Above Range (TAR) level 2 (TAR2) [4.7% (SD 1.3)], Coefficient of Variation (CV) [4.6% (SD 0.9)], GRI [11.3% (SD 2.8)], CHypo [1.3% (SD 0.5)] and CHyper [4.8% (SD 1.7)]. The variables that were independently associated with GRI were TIR (β = -1.34; CI 95% -1.43 to -1.25; p < 0.001), Glucose Management Indicator (GMI) (β = -5.82; CI 95% -7.59 to -4.05; p < 0.001), CV (β = 0.67; CI 95% 0.57 to 0.77; p < 0.001) and adherence to sensor usage (β = -0.16; CI 95% -1.27 to -0.06; p < 0.002)., Conclusions: LADA present better control according to some glucometric parameters and a low GRI. However, the type of DM is not a factor that is independently associated with GRI., (© 2024. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.)
- Published
- 2024
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34. A worldwide test of the predictive validity of ideal partner preference matching.
- Author
Eastwick PW, Sparks J, Finkel EJ, Meza EM, Adamkovič M, Adu P, Ai T, Akintola AA, Al-Shawaf L, Apriliawati D, Arriaga P, Aubert-Teillaud B, Baník G, Barzykowski K, Batres C, Baucom KJ, Beaulieu EZ, Behnke M, Butcher N, Charles DY, Chen JM, Cheon JE, Chittham P, Chwiłkowska P, Cong CW, Copping LT, Corral-Frias NS, Ćubela Adorić V, Dizon M, Du H, Ehinmowo MI, Escribano DA, Espinosa NM, Expósito F, Feldman G, Freitag R, Frias Armenta M, Gallyamova A, Gillath O, Gjoneska B, Gkinopoulos T, Grafe F, Grigoryev D, Groyecka-Bernard A, Gunaydin G, Ilustrisimo R, Impett E, Kačmár P, Kim YH, Kocur M, Kowal M, Krishna M, Labor PD, Lu JG, Lucas MY, Małecki WP, Malinakova K, Meißner S, Meier Z, Misiak M, Muise A, Novak L, O J, Özdoğru AA, Park HG, Paruzel M, Pavlović Z, Püski M, Ribeiro G, Roberts SC, Röer JP, Ropovik I, Ross RM, Sakman E, Salvador CE, Selcuk E, Skakoon-Sparling S, Sorokowska A, Sorokowski P, Spasovski O, Stanton SCE, Stewart SLK, Swami V, Szaszi B, Takashima K, Tavel P, Tejada J, Tu E, Tuominen J, Vaidis D, Vally Z, Vaughn LA, Villanueva-Moya L, Wisnuwardhani D, Yamada Y, Yonemitsu F, Žídková R, Živná K, and Coles NA
- Abstract
Ideal partner preferences (i.e., ratings of the desirability of attributes like attractiveness or intelligence) are the source of numerous foundational findings in the interdisciplinary literature on human mating. Recently, research on the predictive validity of ideal partner preference matching (i.e., Do people positively evaluate partners who match vs. mismatch their ideals?) has become mired in several problems. First, articles exhibit discrepant analytic and reporting practices. Second, different findings emerge across laboratories worldwide, perhaps because they sample different relationship contexts and/or populations. This registered report-partnered with the Psychological Science Accelerator-uses a highly powered design ( N = 10,358) across 43 countries and 22 languages to estimate preference-matching effect sizes. The most rigorous tests revealed significant preference-matching effects in the whole sample and for partnered and single participants separately. The "corrected pattern metric" that collapses across 35 traits revealed a zero-order effect of β = .19 and an effect of β = .11 when included alongside a normative preference-matching metric. Specific traits in the "level metric" (interaction) tests revealed very small (average β = .04) effects. Effect sizes were similar for partnered participants who reported ideals before entering a relationship, and there was no consistent evidence that individual differences moderated any effects. Comparisons between stated and revealed preferences shed light on gender differences and similarities: For attractiveness, men's and (especially) women's stated preferences underestimated revealed preferences (i.e., they thought attractiveness was less important than it actually was). For earning potential, men's stated preferences underestimated-and women's stated preferences overestimated-revealed preferences. Implications for the literature on human mating are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).
- Published
- 2024
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35. Glycemic Risk Index in a Cohort of Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Stratified by the Coefficient of Variation: A Real-Life Study.
- Author
Herranz-Antolín S, Coton-Batres C, López-Virgos MC, Esteban-Monge V, Álvarez-de Frutos V, Pekarek L, and Torralba M
- Abstract
Objective : To analyze the Glycemic Risk Index (GRI) and assess their possible differences according to coefficient of variation (CV) in a cohort of real-life type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) patient users of intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring (isCGM). Patients and Methods : In total, 447 adult users of isCGM with an adherence ≥70% were included in a cross-sectional study. GRI was calculated with its hypoglycemia (CHypo) and hyperglycemia (CHyper) components. Multivariate linear regression analysis was performed to evaluate the factors associated with GRI. Results: Mean age was 44.6 years (standard deviation [SD] 13.7), 57.7% being male; age of DM onset was 24.5 years (SD 14.3) and time of evolution was 20.6 years (SD 12.3). In patients with CV >36% (52.8%) versus CV ≤36% (47.2%), differences were observed in relation to GRI (18.8% [SD 1.9]; P < 0.001), CHypo (2.9% [SD 0.3]; P < 0.001), CHyper (6.3% [SD 1.4]; P < 0.001), and all classical glucometric parameters except time above range level 1. The variables that were independently associated with GRI in patient with CV >36% were time in range (TIR) (β = -1.49; confidence interval [CI:] 95% -1.63 to -1.37; P < 0.001), glucose management indicator (GMI) (β = -7.22; CI: 95% -9.53 to -4.91; P < 0.001), and CV (β = 0.85; CI: 95% 0.69 to 1.02; P < 0.001). However, in patients with CV ≤36%, the variables were age (β = 0.15; CI: 95% 0.03 to 0.28; P = 0.019), age of onset (β = -0.15; CI: 95% -0.28 to -0.02; P = 0.023), TIR (β = -1.35; CI: 95% -1.46 to -1.23; P < 0.001), GMI (β = -6.67; CI: 95% -9.18 to -4.15; P < 0.001), and CV (β = 0.33; CI: 95% 0.11 to 0.56; P = 0.004). Conclusions : In this study, the factors independently associated with metabolic control according to GRI are modified by glycemic variability.
- Published
- 2024
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36. Ex vivo activation of the GCN2 pathway metabolically reprograms T cells, leading to enhanced adoptive cell therapy.
- Author
St Paul M, Saibil SD, Kates M, Han S, Lien SC, Laister RC, Hezaveh K, Kloetgen A, Penny S, Guo T, Garcia-Batres C, Smith LK, Chung DC, Elford AR, Sayad A, Pinto D, Mak TW, Hirano N, McGaha T, and Ohashi PS
- Subjects
- Humans, Animals, Mice, Immunotherapy, Adoptive methods, Immunotherapy, Amino Acids, CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes, Neoplasms pathology
- Abstract
The manipulation of T cell metabolism to enhance anti-tumor activity is an area of active investigation. Here, we report that activating the amino acid starvation response in effector CD8
+ T cells ex vivo using the general control non-depressible 2 (GCN2) agonist halofuginone (halo) enhances oxidative metabolism and effector function. Mechanistically, we identified autophagy coupled with the CD98-mTOR axis as key downstream mediators of the phenotype induced by halo treatment. The adoptive transfer of halo-treated CD8+ T cells into tumor-bearing mice led to robust tumor control and curative responses. Halo-treated T cells synergized in vivo with a 4-1BB agonistic antibody to control tumor growth in a mouse model resistant to immunotherapy. Importantly, treatment of human CD8+ T cells with halo resulted in similar metabolic and functional reprogramming. These findings demonstrate that activating the amino acid starvation response with the GCN2 agonist halo can enhance T cell metabolism and anti-tumor activity., Competing Interests: Declaration of interests P.S.O. is on the SAB for Providence Therapeutics, Treadwell Therapeutics, and Egle Therapeutics and holds SRA with EMD Serono. The authors have filed a patent pertaining to the use of halo to enhance immunotherapy., (Crown Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2024
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37. Effects of Voice Pitch on Social Perceptions Vary With Relational Mobility and Homicide Rate.
- Author
Aung T, Hill AK, Hlay JK, Hess C, Hess M, Johnson J, Doll L, Carlson SM, Magdinec C, G-Santoyo I, Walker RS, Bailey D, Arnocky S, Kamble S, Vardy T, Kyritsis T, Atkinson Q, Jones B, Burns J, Koster J, Palomo-Vélez G, Tybur JM, Muñoz-Reyes J, Choy BKC, Li NP, Klar V, Batres C, Bascheck P, Schild C, Penke L, Pazhoohi F, Kemirembe K, Valentova JV, Varella MAC, da Silva CSA, Borras-Guevara M, Hodges-Simeon C, Ernst M, Garr C, Chen BB, and Puts D
- Subjects
- Adult, Humans, Male, Female, Homicide, Social Perception, Sexual Partners, Voice
- Abstract
Fundamental frequency ( f
o ) is the most perceptually salient vocal acoustic parameter, yet little is known about how its perceptual influence varies across societies. We examined how fo affects key social perceptions and how socioecological variables modulate these effects in 2,647 adult listeners sampled from 44 locations across 22 nations. Low male fo increased men's perceptions of formidability and prestige, especially in societies with higher homicide rates and greater relational mobility in which male intrasexual competition may be more intense and rapid identification of high-status competitors may be exigent. High female fo increased women's perceptions of flirtatiousness where relational mobility was lower and threats to mating relationships may be greater. These results indicate that the influence of fo on social perceptions depends on socioecological variables, including those related to competition for status and mates.- Published
- 2024
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38. Correction to: 'Sex differences in human mate preferences vary across sex ratios' (2023) by Walter et al.
- Author
Walter KV, Conroy-Beam D, Buss DM, Asao K, Sorokowska A, Sorokowski P, Aavik T, Akello G, Alhabahba MM, Alm C, Amjad N, Anjum A, Atama CS, Duyar DA, Ayebare R, Batres C, Bendixen M, Bensafia A, Bizumic B, Boussena M, Butovskaya M, Can S, Cantarero K, Carrier A, Cetinkaya H, Croy I, Cueto RM, Czub M, Dronova D, Dural S, Duyar I, Ertugrul B, Espinosa A, Estevan I, Esteves CS, Fang L, Frackowiak T, Garduño JC, González KU, Guemaz F, Gyuris P, Halamová M, Herak I, Horvat M, Hromatko I, Hui CM, Jaafar JL, Jiang F, Kafetsios K, Kavčič T, Ottesen Kennair LE, Kervyn N, Khanh Ha TT, Khilji IA, Köbis NC, Lan HM, Láng A, Lennard GR, León E, Lindholm T, Linh TT, Lopez G, Luot NV, Mailhos A, Manesi Z, Martinez R, McKerchar SL, Meskó N, Misra G, Monaghan C, Mora EC, Moya-Garófano A, Musil B, Natividade JC, Niemczyk A, Nizharadze G, Oberzaucher E, Oleszkiewicz A, Omar-Fauzee MS, Onyishi IE, Özener B, Pagani AF, Pakalniskiene V, Parise M, Pazhoohi F, Pisanski A, Pisanski K, Ponciano E, Popa C, Prokop P, Rizwan M, Sainz M, Salkičević S, Sargautyte R, Sarmány-Schuller I, Schmehl S, Sharad S, Siddiqui RS, Simonetti F, Stoyanova SY, Tadinac M, Correa Varella MA, Vauclair CM, Vega LD, Widarini DA, Yoo G, Zaťková MM, and Zupančič M
- Published
- 2023
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39. Love and affectionate touch toward romantic partners all over the world.
- Author
Sorokowska A, Kowal M, Saluja S, Aavik T, Alm C, Anjum A, Asao K, Batres C, Bensafia A, Bizumic B, Boussena M, Buss DM, Butovskaya M, Can S, Carrier A, Cetinkaya H, Conroy-Beam D, Cueto RM, Czub M, Dural S, Espinosa A, Esteves CS, Frackowiak T, Contreras-Garduño J, Guemaz F, Hromatko I, Iskra H, Jiang F, Kafetsios K, Kavcic T, Kervyn N, Köbis NC, Kostić A, Láng A, Lindholm T, Manesi Z, Meskó N, Misra G, Monaghan C, Natividade JC, Nizharadze G, Oberzaucher E, Oleszkiewicz A, Pagani AF, Pakalniskiene V, Parise M, Pejičić M, Pisanski A, Pisanski K, Popa C, Prokop P, Sargautyte R, Sharad S, Simonetti F, Sorokowski P, Stefanczyk MM, Szagdaj A, Tadinac M, González KU, Uhryn O, Vauclair CM, Yoo G, Zupančič M, and Croy I
- Subjects
- Humans, Touch, Sexual Behavior, Sexual Partners, Interpersonal Relations, Love, Touch Perception
- Abstract
Touch is the primary way people communicate intimacy in romantic relationships, and affectionate touch behaviors such as stroking, hugging and kissing are universally observed in partnerships all over the world. Here, we explored the association of love and affectionate touch behaviors in romantic partnerships in two studies comprising 7880 participants. In the first study, we used a cross-cultural survey conducted in 37 countries to test whether love was universally associated with affectionate touch behaviors. In the second study, using a more fine-tuned touch behavior scale, we tested whether the frequency of affectionate touch behaviors was related to love in romantic partnerships. As hypothesized, love was significantly and positively associated with affectionate touch behaviors in both studies and this result was replicated regardless of the inclusion of potentially relevant factors as controls. Altogether, our data strongly suggest that affectionate touch is a relatively stable characteristic of human romantic relationships that is robustly and reliably related to the degree of reported love between partners., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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40. Disgusting Democrats and Repulsive Republicans: Members of Political Outgroups Are Considered Physically Gross.
- Author
Landy JF, Rottman J, Batres C, and Leimgruber KL
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Emotions, Morals, Facial Expression, Politics, Disgust
- Abstract
The status of disgust as a sociomoral emotion is debated. We conducted a stringent test of whether social stimuli (specifically, political outgroup members) can elicit physical disgust, as distinct from moral or metaphorical disgust. We employed stimuli (male faces) matched on baseline disgustingness, provided other ways for participants to express negativity toward outgroup members, and used concrete self-report measures of disgust, as well as a nonverbal measure (participants' facial expressions). Across three preregistered studies (total N = 915), we found that political outgroup members are judged to be "disgusting," although this effect is generally weaker for concrete self-report measures and absent for the nonverbal measure. This suggests that social stimuli are capable of eliciting genuine physical disgust, although it is not always outwardly expressed, and the strength of this result depends on the measures employed. We discuss implications of these results for research on sociomoral emotions and American politics.
- Published
- 2023
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41. The Psychological Science Accelerator's COVID-19 rapid-response dataset.
- Author
Buchanan EM, Lewis SC, Paris B, Forscher PS, Pavlacic JM, Beshears JE, Drexler SM, Gourdon-Kanhukamwe A, Mallik PR, Silan MAA, Miller JK, IJzerman H, Moshontz H, Beaudry JL, Suchow JW, Chartier CR, Coles NA, Sharifian M, Todsen AL, Levitan CA, Azevedo F, Legate N, Heller B, Rothman AJ, Dorison CA, Gill BP, Wang K, Rees VW, Gibbs N, Goldenberg A, Thi Nguyen TV, Gross JJ, Kaminski G, von Bastian CC, Paruzel-Czachura M, Mosannenzadeh F, Azouaghe S, Bran A, Ruiz-Fernandez S, Santos AC, Reggev N, Zickfeld JH, Akkas H, Pantazi M, Ropovik I, Korbmacher M, Arriaga P, Gjoneska B, Warmelink L, Alves SG, de Holanda Coelho GL, Stieger S, Schei V, Hanel PHP, Szaszi B, Fedotov M, Antfolk J, Marcu GM, Schrötter J, Kunst JR, Geiger SJ, Adetula A, Kocalar HE, Kielińska J, Kačmár P, Bokkour A, Galindo-Caballero OJ, Djamai I, Pöntinen SJ, Agesin BE, Jernsäther T, Urooj A, Rachev NR, Koptjevskaja-Tamm M, Kurfalı M, Pit IL, Li R, Çoksan S, Dubrov D, Paltrow TE, Baník G, Korobova T, Studzinska A, Jiang X, Aruta JJBR, Vintr J, Chiu F, Kaliska L, Berkessel JB, Tümer M, Morales-Izquierdo S, Chuan-Peng H, Vezirian K, Rosa AD, Bialobrzeska O, Vasilev MR, Beitner J, Kácha O, Žuro B, Westerlund M, Nedelcheva-Datsova M, Findor A, Krupić D, Kowal M, Askelund AD, Pourafshari R, Đorđević JM, Schmidt ND, Baklanova E, Szala A, Zakharov I, Vranka MA, Ihaya K, Grano C, Cellini N, Białek M, Anton-Boicuk L, Dalgar I, Adıgüzel A, Verharen JPH, Maturan PLG, Kassianos AP, Oliveira R, Čadek M, Adoric VC, Özdoğru AA, Sverdrup TE, Aczel B, Zambrano D, Ahmed A, Tamnes CK, Yamada Y, Volz L, Sunami N, Suter L, Vieira L, Groyecka-Bernard A, Kamburidis JA, Reips UD, Harutyunyan M, Adetula GA, Allred TB, Barzykowski K, Antazo BG, Zsido AN, Šakan DD, Cyrus-Lai W, Ahlgren LP, Hruška M, Vega D, Manunta E, Mokady A, Capizzi M, Martončik M, Say N, Filip K, Vilar R, Staniaszek K, Vdovic M, Adamkovic M, Johannes N, Hajdu N, Cohen N, Overkott C, Krupić D, Hubena B, Nilsonne G, Mioni G, Solorzano CS, Ishii T, Chen Z, Kushnir E, Karaarslan C, Ribeiro RR, Khaoudi A, Kossowska M, Bavolar J, Hoyer K, Roczniewska M, Karababa A, Becker M, Monteiro RP, Kunisato Y, Metin-Orta I, Adamus S, Kozma L, Czarnek G, Domurat A, Štrukelj E, Alvarez DS, Parzuchowski M, Massoni S, Czamanski-Cohen J, Pronizius E, Muchembled F, van Schie K, Saçaklı A, Hristova E, Kuzminska AO, Charyate A, Bijlstra G, Afhami R, Majeed NM, Musser ED, Sirota M, Ross RM, Yeung SK, Papadatou-Pastou M, Foroni F, Almeida IAT, Grigoryev D, Lewis DMG, Holford DL, Janssen SMJ, Tatachari S, Batres C, Olofsson JK, Daches S, Belaus A, Pfuhl G, Corral-Frias NS, Sousa D, Röer JP, Isager PM, Godbersen H, Walczak RB, Van Doren N, Ren D, Gill T, Voracek M, DeBruine LM, Anne M, Očovaj SB, Thomas AG, Arvanitis A, Ostermann T, Wolfe K, Arinze NC, Bundt C, Lamm C, Calin-Jageman RJ, Davis WE, Karekla M, Zorjan S, Jaremka LM, Uttley J, Hricova M, Koehn MA, Kiselnikova N, Bai H, Krafnick AJ, Balci BB, Ballantyne T, Lins S, Vally Z, Esteban-Serna C, Schmidt K, Macapagal PML, Szwed P, Zdybek PM, Moreau D, Collins WM, Joy-Gaba JA, Vilares I, Tran US, Boudesseul J, Albayrak-Aydemir N, Dixson BJW, Perillo JT, Ferreira A, Westgate EC, Aberson CL, Arinze AI, Jaeger B, Butt MM, Silva JR, Storage DS, Janak AP, Jiménez-Leal W, Soto JA, Sorokowska A, McCarthy R, Tullett AM, Frias-Armenta M, Ribeiro MFF, Hartanto A, Forbes PAG, Willis ML, Del Carmen Tejada R M, Torres AJO, Stephen ID, Vaidis DC, de la Rosa-Gómez A, Yu K, Sutherland CAM, Manavalan M, Behzadnia B, Urban J, Baskin E, McFall JP, Ogbonnaya CE, Fu CHY, Rahal RM, Ndukaihe ILG, Hostler TJ, Kappes HB, Sorokowski P, Khosla M, Lazarevic LB, Eudave L, Vilsmeier JK, Luis EO, Muda R, Agadullina E, Cárcamo RA, Reeck C, Anjum G, Venegas MCT, Misiak M, Ryan RM, Nock NL, Travaglino GA, Mensink MC, Feldman G, Wichman AL, Chou W, Ziano I, Seehuus M, Chopik WJ, Kung FYH, Carpentier J, Vaughn LA, Du H, Xiao Q, Lima TJS, Noone C, Onie S, Verbruggen F, Radtke T, and Primbs MA
- Subjects
- Humans, Adaptation, Psychological, Health Behavior, Pandemics, Surveys and Questionnaires, COVID-19
- Abstract
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Psychological Science Accelerator coordinated three large-scale psychological studies to examine the effects of loss-gain framing, cognitive reappraisals, and autonomy framing manipulations on behavioral intentions and affective measures. The data collected (April to October 2020) included specific measures for each experimental study, a general questionnaire examining health prevention behaviors and COVID-19 experience, geographical and cultural context characterization, and demographic information for each participant. Each participant started the study with the same general questions and then was randomized to complete either one longer experiment or two shorter experiments. Data were provided by 73,223 participants with varying completion rates. Participants completed the survey from 111 geopolitical regions in 44 unique languages/dialects. The anonymized dataset described here is provided in both raw and processed formats to facilitate re-use and further analyses. The dataset offers secondary analytic opportunities to explore coping, framing, and self-determination across a diverse, global sample obtained at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which can be merged with other time-sampled or geographic data., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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42. Makeup applied to facial features increases perceived skin evenness.
- Author
Batres C, Russell R, and Workowski M
- Subjects
- Humans, Face, Cosmetics
- Abstract
Facial cosmetics have powerful effects on person perception, such as increasing perceived attractiveness and competence. One specific aspect of facial appearance affected by makeup is apparent skin evenness. Here, we tested the notion that makeup makes facial skin look more homogeneous in part because of changes made not to the skin, but to the facial features. In two studies, participants made ratings of perceived skin evenness. Ratings were made on two versions of the same faces. In one version, no makeup of any kind was worn, while in the other version, the faces had makeup applied only on the features (digitally in Study 1 and by a professional makeup artist in Study 2). Critically, no makeup was worn on the skin in either condition, such that the physical skin homogeneity was identical. Across both studies, skin was rated as appearing more even in the condition with makeup applied to the facial features. This indicates that cosmetics make facial skin appear more even partly due to products applied only to the facial features. These findings are consistent with recent work demonstrating that skin appearance is affected by contrast with adjacent surfaces, possibly via contrast gain control., Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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43. Makeup increases attractiveness in male faces.
- Author
Batres C and Robinson H
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Face, Beauty, Cosmetics
- Abstract
Makeup is commonly attributed with increasing attractiveness in female faces, but this effect has not been investigated in male faces. We therefore sought to examine whether the positive effect of makeup on attractiveness can be extended to male faces. Twenty men were photographed facing forward, under constant camera and lighting conditions, with neutral expressions, and closed mouths. Each man was photographed twice: once without any cosmetics applied and another time with subtle cosmetics applied by a professional makeup artist. Two hundred participants then rated those 40 images on attractiveness. The male faces were rated as higher in attractiveness when presented wearing makeup, compared to when presented not wearing makeup. This was true for both male and female raters, and whether analyzing the data using a by-participant or a by-face analysis. These results provide the first empirical evidence that makeup increases attractiveness in male faces. Following work on female faces, future research should examine the effect of makeup on several other traits in male faces. The market for male cosmetics products is growing and evolving and this study serves as an initial step in understanding the effect of makeup on the perceptions of male faces., Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
- Published
- 2022
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44. In COVID-19 Health Messaging, Loss Framing Increases Anxiety with Little-to-No Concomitant Benefits: Experimental Evidence from 84 Countries.
- Author
Dorison CA, Lerner JS, Heller BH, Rothman AJ, Kawachi II, Wang K, Rees VW, Gill BP, Gibbs N, Ebersole CR, Vally Z, Tajchman Z, Zsido AN, Zrimsek M, Chen Z, Ziano I, Gialitaki Z, Ceary CD, Lin Y, Kunisato Y, Yamada Y, Xiao Q, Jiang X, Du X, Yao E, Wilson JP, Cyrus-Lai W, Jimenez-Leal W, Law W, Collins WM, Richard KL, Vranka M, Ankushev V, Schei V, Križanić V, Kadreva VH, Adoric VC, Tran US, Yeung SK, Hassan W, Houston R, Lima TJS, Ostermann T, Frizzo T, Sverdrup TE, House T, Gill T, Fedotov M, Paltrow T, Jernsäther T, Koptjevskaja-Tamm M, Hostler TJ, Ishii T, Szaszi B, Adamus S, Suter L, Habib S, Studzinska A, Stojanovska D, Janssen SMJ, Stieger S, Schulenberg SE, Tatachari S, Azouaghe S, Sorokowski P, Sorokowska A, Song X, Lewis SC, Sinkolova S, Grigoryev D, Drexler SM, Daches S, Geniole SN, Vračar S, Massoni S, Zorjan S, Sarıoğuz E, Izquierdo SM, Alves SG, Pöntinen S, Solas SÁ, Ordoñez-Riaño S, Očovaj SB, Onie S, Lins S, Çoksan S, Sacakli A, Ruiz-Fernández S, Geiger SJ, FatahModares S, Walczak RB, Betlehem R, Vilar R, Cárcamo R, Ross RM, McCarthy R, Ballantyne T, Westgate EC, Afhami R, Ren D, Monteiro RP, Reips UD, Reggev N, Calin-Jageman RJ, Pourafshari R, Oliveira R, Nedelcheva-Datsova M, Rahal RM, Ribeiro RR, Radtke T, Searston R, Habte R, Zdybek P, Chen SC, Maturan PLG, Perillo JT, Isager PM, Kačmár P, Macapagal PM, Szwed P, Hanel PHP, Forbes PAG, Arriaga P, Paris B, Papachristopoulos K, Correa PS, Kácha O, Bernardo M, Campos O, Bravo ON, Galindo-Caballero OJ, Ogbonnaya CE, Bialobrzeska O, Kiselnikova N, Simonovic N, Cohen N, Nock NL, Johannes N, Albayrak-Aydemir N, Say N, Torunsky N, Van Doren N, Sunami N, Rachev NR, Majeed NM, Schmidt ND, Nadif K, Corral-Frías NS, Ouherrou N, Pantazi M, Lucas MY, Vasilev MR, Ortiz MV, Butt MM, Kabir M, Muda R, Tejada Rivera MDCM, Sirota M, Seehuus M, Parzuchowski M, Toro M, Hricova M, Maldonado MA, Marszalek M, Karekla M, Mioni G, Bosma MJ, Westerlund M, Vdovic M, Bialek M, Silan MA, Anne M, Misiak M, Grinberg M, Capizzi M, Espinoza Barría MF, Kurfali MA, Mensink MC, Harutyunyan M, Khosla M, Korbmacher M, Adamkovič M, Ribeiro MFF, Terskova M, Hruška M, Martončik M, Voracek M, Čadek M, Frías-Armenta M, Kowal M, Topor M, Roczniewska M, Oosterlinck M, Kohlová MB, Paruzel-Czachura M, Romanova M, Papadatou-Pastou M, Lund ML, Antoniadi M, Jones MV, Ortiz MS, Manavalan M, Muminov A, Kossowska M, Friedemann M, Wielgus M, Varella MAC, Colloff MF, Bradford M, Vaughn LA, Eudave L, Vieira L, Pineda LMS, Pérez LC, Lazarevic LB, Jaremka LM, Kushnir E, Anton-Boicuk L, de Holanda Coelho GL, Ahlgren L, Levitan CA, Micheli L, Volz L, Stojanovska M, Boucher L, Samojlenko L, Delgado LGJ, Kaliska L, Warmelink L, Rojas-Berscia LM, Yu K, Wachowicz J, Desai K, Barzykowski K, Kozma L, Evans K, Kirgizova K, Agesin BE, Koehn MA, Wolfe K, Korobova T, Klevjer K, van Schie K, Vezirian K, Damnjanović K, Thommesen KK, Schmidt K, Filip K, Grzech K, Hoyer K, Moon K, Rana K, Janjić K, Suchow JW, Kielińska J, Cruz Vásquez JE, Beitner J, Vargas-Nieto JC, Roxas JCT, Taber J, Urriago-Rayo J, Pavlacic JM, Bavolar J, Soto JA, Olofsson JK, Vilsmeier JK, Messerschmidt J, Czamanski-Cohen J, Boudesseul J, Lee JM, Kamburidis J, Zickfeld J, Miranda JF, Verharen JPH, Hristova E, Beshears JE, Đorđević JM, Bosch J, Valentova JV, Antfolk J, Berkessel JB, Schrötter J, Urban J, Röer JP, Norton JO, Silva JR, Pickering JS, Vintr J, Uttley J, Kunst JR, Ndukaihe ILG, Iyer A, Vilares I, Ivanov A, Ropovik I, Sula I, Sarieva I, Metin-Orta I, Prusova I, Pinto I, Bozdoc AI, Almeida IAT, Pit IL, Dalgar I, Zakharov I, Arinze AI, Ihaya K, Stephen ID, Gjoneska B, Brohmer H, Flowe H, Godbersen H, Kocalar HE, Hedgebeth MV, Chuan-Peng H, Sharifian M, Manley H, Akkas H, Hajdu N, Azab H, Kaminski G, Nilsonne G, Anjum G, Travaglino GA, Feldman G, Pfuhl G, Czarnek G, Marcu GM, Hofer G, Banik G, Adetula GA, Bijlstra G, Verbruggen F, Kung FYH, Foroni F, Singer G, Muchembled F, Azevedo F, Mosannenzadeh F, Marinov E, Štrukelj E, Etebari Z, Baskin E, Garcia EOL, Musser E, van Steenkiste IMM, Ahn ER, Pronizius E, Jackson EA, Manunta E, Agadullina E, Šakan D, Dursun P, Dujols O, Dubrov D, Willis M, Tümer M, Beaudry JL, Popović D, Dunleavy D, Djamai I, Krupić D, Vega D, Du H, Mola D, Davis WE, Holford DL, Lewis DMG, Vaidis DC, Ozery DH, Ricaurte DZ, Storage D, Sousa D, Alvarez DS, Rosa AD, Krupić D, Marko D, Moreau D, Reeck C, Correia RC, Whitt CM, Lamm C, Solorzano CS, von Bastian CC, Sutherland CA, Overkott C, Aberson CL, Wang C, Karashiali C, Noone C, Chiu F, Picciocchi C, Karaarslan C, Cellini N, Esteban-Serna C, Reyna C, Batres C, Li R, Grano C, Carpentier J, Tamnes CK, Fu CHY, Ishkhanyan B, Bylinina L, Jaeger B, Bundt C, Allred TB, Bokkour A, Bogatyreva N, Chopik WJ, Antazo B, Behzadnia B, Becker M, Cocco B, Chou WL, Hubena B, Žuro B, Aczel B, Baklanova E, Bai H, Balci BB, Babinčák P, Dixson BJW, Mokady A, Kappes HB, Atari M, Szala A, Szabelska A, Aruta JJB, Domurat A, Arinze NC, Modena A, Adiguzel A, Monajem A, Arabi KAE, Özdoğru AA, Olaya Torres AJ, Theodoropoulou A, Jurković AP, Kassianos AP, Findor A, Hartanto A, Thibault Landry A, Ferreira A, Santos AC, De la Rosa-Gomez A, Gourdon-Kanhukamwe A, Todsen AL, Karababa A, Janak A, Bran A, Tullett AM, Kuzminska AO, Krafnick AJ, Urooj A, Khaoudi A, Ahmed A, Groyecka-Bernard A, Askelund AD, Adetula A, Belaus A, Charyate AC, Wichman AL, Stoyanova A, Greenburgh A, Thomas AG, Arvanitis A, Forscher PS, Mallik PR, Primbs MA, Miller JK, Moshontz H, Urry HL, IJzerman H, Basnight-Brown DM, Chartier CR, Buchanan EM, and Coles NA
- Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic (and its aftermath) highlights a critical need to communicate health information effectively to the global public. Given that subtle differences in information framing can have meaningful effects on behavior, behavioral science research highlights a pressing question: Is it more effective to frame COVID-19 health messages in terms of potential losses (e.g., "If you do not practice these steps, you can endanger yourself and others") or potential gains (e.g., "If you practice these steps, you can protect yourself and others")? Collecting data in 48 languages from 15,929 participants in 84 countries, we experimentally tested the effects of message framing on COVID-19-related judgments, intentions, and feelings. Loss- (vs. gain-) framed messages increased self-reported anxiety among participants cross-nationally with little-to-no impact on policy attitudes, behavioral intentions, or information seeking relevant to pandemic risks. These results were consistent across 84 countries, three variations of the message framing wording, and 560 data processing and analytic choices. Thus, results provide an empirical answer to a global communication question and highlight the emotional toll of loss-framed messages. Critically, this work demonstrates the importance of considering unintended affective consequences when evaluating nudge-style interventions., Competing Interests: Conflict of InterestThe authors declare no conflict of interest., (© The Society for Affective Science 2022.)
- Published
- 2022
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45. Experimental and cross-cultural evidence that parenthood and parental care motives increase social conservatism.
- Author
Kerry N, Al-Shawaf L, Barbato M, Batres C, Blake KR, Cha Y, Chauvin GV, Clifton JDW, Fernandez AM, Galbarczyk A, Ghossainy ME, Jang D, Jasienska G, Karasawa M, Laustsen L, Loria R, Luberti F, Moran J, Pavlović Z, Petersen MB, Smith AR, Žeželj I, and Murray DR
- Subjects
- Attitude, Child, Female, Humans, Politics, Pregnancy, Surveys and Questionnaires, Cross-Cultural Comparison, Motivation
- Abstract
Differences in attitudes on social issues such as abortion, immigration and sex are hugely divisive, and understanding their origins is among the most important tasks facing human behavioural sciences. Despite the clear psychological importance of parenthood and the motivation to provide care for children, researchers have only recently begun investigating their influence on social and political attitudes. Because socially conservative values ostensibly prioritize safety, stability and family values, we hypothesized that being more invested in parental care might make socially conservative policies more appealing. Studies 1 (preregistered; n = 376) and 2 ( n = 1924) find novel evidence of conditional experimental effects of a parenthood prime, such that people who engaged strongly with a childcare manipulation showed an increase in social conservatism. Studies 3 ( n = 2610, novel data from 10 countries) and 4 ( n = 426 444, World Values Survey data) find evidence that both parenthood and parental care motivation are associated with increased social conservatism around the globe. Further, most of the positive association globally between age and social conservatism is accounted for by parenthood. These findings support the hypothesis that parenthood and parental care motivation increase social conservatism.
- Published
- 2022
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46. Author Correction: A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Author
Wang K, Goldenberg A, Dorison CA, Miller JK, Uusberg A, Lerner JS, Gross JJ, Agesin BB, Bernardo M, Campos O, Eudave L, Grzech K, Ozery DH, Jackson EA, Garcia EOL, Drexler SM, Jurković AP, Rana K, Wilson JP, Antoniadi M, Desai K, Gialitaki Z, Kushnir E, Nadif K, Bravo ON, Nauman R, Oosterlinck M, Pantazi M, Pilecka N, Szabelska A, van Steenkiste IMM, Filip K, Bozdoc AI, Marcu GM, Agadullina E, Adamkovič M, Roczniewska M, Reyna C, Kassianos AP, Westerlund M, Ahlgren L, Pöntinen S, Adetula GA, Dursun P, Arinze AI, Arinze NC, Ogbonnaya CE, Ndukaihe ILG, Dalgar I, Akkas H, Macapagal PM, Lewis S, Metin-Orta I, Foroni F, Willis M, Santos AC, Mokady A, Reggev N, Kurfali MA, Vasilev MR, Nock NL, Parzuchowski M, Espinoza Barría MF, Vranka M, Kohlová MB, Ropovik I, Harutyunyan M, Wang C, Yao E, Becker M, Manunta E, Kaminski G, Boudesseul J, Marko D, Evans K, Lewis DMG, Findor A, Landry AT, Aruta JJB, Ortiz MS, Vally Z, Pronizius E, Voracek M, Lamm C, Grinberg M, Li R, Valentova JV, Mioni G, Cellini N, Chen SC, Zickfeld J, Moon K, Azab H, Levy N, Karababa A, Beaudry JL, Boucher L, Collins WM, Todsen AL, van Schie K, Vintr J, Bavolar J, Kaliska L, Križanić V, Samojlenko L, Pourafshari R, Geiger SJ, Beitner J, Warmelink L, Ross RM, Stephen ID, Hostler TJ, Azouaghe S, McCarthy R, Szala A, Grano C, Solorzano CS, Anjum G, Jimenez-Leal W, Bradford M, Pérez LC, Cruz Vásquez JE, Galindo-Caballero OJ, Vargas-Nieto JC, Kácha O, Arvanitis A, Xiao Q, Cárcamo R, Zorjan S, Tajchman Z, Vilares I, Pavlacic JM, Kunst JR, Tamnes CK, von Bastian CC, Atari M, Sharifian M, Hricova M, Kačmár P, Schrötter J, Rahal RM, Cohen N, FatahModares S, Zrimsek M, Zakharov I, Koehn MA, Esteban-Serna C, Calin-Jageman RJ, Krafnick AJ, Štrukelj E, Isager PM, Urban J, Silva JR, Martončik M, Očovaj SB, Šakan D, Kuzminska AO, Djordjevic JM, Almeida IAT, Ferreira A, Lazarevic LB, Manley H, Ricaurte DZ, Monteiro RP, Etabari Z, Musser E, Dunleavy D, Chou W, Godbersen H, Ruiz-Fernández S, Reeck C, Batres C, Kirgizova K, Muminov A, Azevedo F, Alvarez DS, Butt MM, Lee JM, Chen Z, Verbruggen F, Ziano I, Tümer M, Charyate ACA, Dubrov D, Tejada Rivera MDCMC, Aberson C, Pálfi B, Maldonado MA, Hubena B, Sacakli A, Ceary CD, Richard KL, Singer G, Perillo JT, Ballantyne T, Cyrus-Lai W, Fedotov M, Du H, Wielgus M, Pit IL, Hruška M, Sousa D, Aczel B, Hajdu N, Szaszi B, Adamus S, Barzykowski K, Micheli L, Schmidt ND, Zsido AN, Paruzel-Czachura M, Muda R, Bialek M, Kowal M, Sorokowska A, Misiak M, Mola D, Ortiz MV, Correa PS, Belaus A, Muchembled F, Ribeiro RR, Arriaga P, Oliveira R, Vaughn LA, Szwed P, Kossowska M, Czarnek G, Kielińska J, Antazo B, Betlehem R, Stieger S, Nilsonne G, Simonovic N, Taber J, Gourdon-Kanhukamwe A, Domurat A, Ihaya K, Yamada Y, Urooj A, Gill T, Čadek M, Bylinina L, Messerschmidt J, Kurfalı M, Adetula A, Baklanova E, Albayrak-Aydemir N, Kappes HB, Gjoneska B, House T, Jones MV, Berkessel JB, Chopik WJ, Çoksan S, Seehuus M, Khaoudi A, Bokkour A, El Arabi KA, Djamai I, Iyer A, Parashar N, Adiguzel A, Kocalar HE, Bundt C, Norton JO, Papadatou-Pastou M, De la Rosa-Gomez A, Ankushev V, Bogatyreva N, Grigoryev D, Ivanov A, Prusova I, Romanova M, Sarieva I, Terskova M, Hristova E, Kadreva VH, Janak A, Schei V, Sverdrup TE, Askelund AD, Pineda LMS, Krupić D, Levitan CA, Johannes N, Ouherrou N, Say N, Sinkolova S, Janjić K, Stojanovska M, Stojanovska D, Khosla M, Thomas AG, Kung FYH, Bijlstra G, Mosannenzadeh F, Balci BB, Reips UD, Baskin E, Ishkhanyan B, Czamanski-Cohen J, Dixson BJW, Moreau D, Sutherland CAM, Chuan-Peng H, Noone C, Flowe H, Anne M, Janssen SMJ, Topor M, Majeed NM, Kunisato Y, Yu K, Daches S, Hartanto A, Vdovic M, Anton-Boicuk L, Forbes PAG, Kamburidis J, Marinova E, Nedelcheva-Datsova M, Rachev NR, Stoyanova A, Schmidt K, Suchow JW, Koptjevskaja-Tamm M, Jernsäther T, Olofsson JK, Bialobrzeska O, Marszalek M, Tatachari S, Afhami R, Law W, Antfolk J, Žuro B, Van Doren N, Soto JA, Searston R, Miranda J, Damnjanović K, Yeung SK, Krupić D, Hoyer K, Jaeger B, Ren D, Pfuhl G, Klevjer K, Corral-Frías NS, Frias-Armenta M, Lucas MY, Torres AO, Toro M, Delgado LGJ, Vega D, Solas SÁ, Vilar R, Massoni S, Frizzo T, Bran A, Vaidis DC, Vieira L, Paris B, Capizzi M, Coelho GLH, Greenburgh A, Whitt CM, Tullett AM, Du X, Volz L, Bosma MJ, Karaarslan C, Sarıoğuz E, Allred TB, Korbmacher M, Colloff MF, Lima TJS, Ribeiro MFF, Verharen JPH, Karekla M, Karashiali C, Sunami N, Jaremka LM, Storage D, Habib S, Studzinska A, Hanel PHP, Holford DL, Sirota M, Wolfe K, Chiu F, Theodoropoulou A, Ahn ER, Lin Y, Westgate EC, Brohmer H, Hofer G, Dujols O, Vezirian K, Feldman G, Travaglino GA, Ahmed A, Li M, Bosch J, Torunsky N, Bai H, Manavalan M, Song X, Walczak RB, Zdybek P, Friedemann M, Rosa AD, Kozma L, Alves SG, Lins S, Pinto IR, Correia RC, Babinčák P, Banik G, Rojas-Berscia LM, Varella MAC, Uttley J, Beshears JE, Thommesen KK, Behzadnia B, Geniole SN, Silan MA, Maturan PLG, Vilsmeier JK, Tran US, Izquierdo SM, Mensink MC, Sorokowski P, Groyecka-Bernard A, Radtke T, Adoric VC, Carpentier J, Özdoğru AA, Joy-Gaba JA, Hedgebeth MV, Ishii T, Wichman AL, Röer JP, Ostermann T, Davis WE, Suter L, Papachristopoulos K, Zabel C, Onie S, Ebersole CR, Chartier CR, Mallik PR, Urry HL, Buchanan EM, Coles NA, Primbs MA, Basnight-Brown DM, IJzerman H, Forscher PS, and Moshontz H
- Published
- 2022
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47. Publisher Correction: Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample.
- Author
Bago B, Kovacs M, Protzko J, Nagy T, Kekecs Z, Palfi B, Adamkovic M, Adamus S, Albalooshi S, Albayrak-Aydemir N, Alfian IN, Alper S, Alvarez-Solas S, Alves SG, Amaya S, Andresen PK, Anjum G, Ansari D, Arriaga P, Aruta JJBR, Arvanitis A, Babincak P, Barzykowski K, Bashour B, Baskin E, Batalha L, Batres C, Bavolar J, Bayrak F, Becker B, Becker M, Belaus A, Białek M, Bilancini E, Boller D, Boncinelli L, Boudesseul J, Brown BT, Buchanan EM, Butt MM, Calvillo DP, Carnes NC, Celniker JB, Chartier CR, Chopik WJ, Chotikavan P, Chuan-Peng H, Clancy RF, Çoker O, Correia RC, Adoric VC, Cubillas CP, Czoschke S, Daryani Y, de Grefte JAM, de Vries WC, Burak EGD, Dias C, Dixson BJW, Du X, Dumančić F, Dumbravă A, Dutra NB, Enachescu J, Esteban-Serna C, Eudave L, Evans TR, Feldman G, Felisberti FM, Fiedler S, Findor A, Fleischmann A, Foroni F, Francová R, Frank DA, Fu CHY, Gao S, Ghasemi O, Ghazi-Noori AR, Ghossainy ME, Giammusso I, Gill T, Gjoneska B, Gollwitzer M, Graton A, Grinberg M, Groyecka-Bernard A, Harris EA, Hartanto A, Hassan WANM, Hatami J, Heimark KR, Hidding JJJ, Hristova E, Hruška M, Hudson CA, Huskey R, Ikeda A, Inbar Y, Ingram GPD, Isler O, Isloi C, Iyer A, Jaeger B, Janssen SMJ, Jiménez-Leal W, Jokić B, Kačmár P, Kadreva V, Kaminski G, Karimi-Malekabadi F, Kasper ATA, Kendrick KM, Kennedy BJ, Kocalar HE, Kodapanakkal RI, Kowal M, Kruse E, Kučerová L, Kühberger A, Kuzminska AO, Lalot F, Lamm C, Lammers J, Lange EB, Lantian A, Lau IY, Lazarevic LB, Leliveld MC, Lenz JN, Levitan CA, Lewis SC, Li M, Li Y, Li H, Lima TJS, Lins S, Liuzza MT, Lopes P, Lu JG, Lynds T, Máčel M, Mackinnon SP, Maganti M, Magraw-Mickelson Z, Magson LF, Manley H, Marcu GM, Seršić DM, Matibag CJ, Mattiassi ADA, Mazidi M, McFall JP, McLatchie N, Mensink MC, Miketta L, Milfont TL, Mirisola A, Misiak M, Mitkidis P, Moeini-Jazani M, Monajem A, Moreau D, Musser ED, Narhetali E, Ochoa DP, Olsen J, Owsley NC, Özdoğru AA, Panning M, Papadatou-Pastou M, Parashar N, Pärnamets P, Paruzel-Czachura M, Parzuchowski M, Paterlini JV, Pavlacic JM, Peker M, Peters K, Piatnitckaia L, Pinto I, Policarpio MR, Pop-Jordanova N, Pratama AJ, Primbs MA, Pronizius E, Purić D, Puvia E, Qamari V, Qian K, Quiamzade A, Ráczová B, Reinero DA, Reips UD, Reyna C, Reynolds K, Ribeiro MFF, Röer JP, Ross RM, Roussos P, Ruiz-Dodobara F, Ruiz-Fernandez S, Rutjens BT, Rybus K, Samekin A, Santos AC, Say N, Schild C, Schmidt K, Ścigała KA, Sharifian M, Shi J, Shi Y, Sievers E, Sirota M, Slipenkyj M, Solak Ç, Sorokowska A, Sorokowski P, Söylemez S, Steffens NK, Stephen ID, Sternisko A, Stevens-Wilson L, Stewart SLK, Stieger S, Storage D, Strube J, Susa KJ, Szekely-Copîndean RD, Szostak NM, Takwin B, Tatachari S, Thomas AG, Tiede KE, Tiong LE, Tonković M, Trémolière B, Tunstead LV, Türkan BN, Twardawski M, Vadillo MA, Vally Z, Vaughn LA, Verschuere B, Vlašiček D, Voracek M, Vranka MA, Wang S, West SL, Whyte S, Wilton LS, Wlodarczyk A, Wu X, Xin F, Yadanar S, Yama H, Yamada Y, Yilmaz O, Yoon S, Young DM, Zakharov I, Zein RA, Zettler I, Žeželj IL, Zhang DC, Zhang J, Zheng X, Hoekstra R, and Aczel B
- Published
- 2022
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48. Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample.
- Author
Bago B, Kovacs M, Protzko J, Nagy T, Kekecs Z, Palfi B, Adamkovic M, Adamus S, Albalooshi S, Albayrak-Aydemir N, Alfian IN, Alper S, Alvarez-Solas S, Alves SG, Amaya S, Andresen PK, Anjum G, Ansari D, Arriaga P, Aruta JJBR, Arvanitis A, Babincak P, Barzykowski K, Bashour B, Baskin E, Batalha L, Batres C, Bavolar J, Bayrak F, Becker B, Becker M, Belaus A, Białek M, Bilancini E, Boller D, Boncinelli L, Boudesseul J, Brown BT, Buchanan EM, Butt MM, Calvillo DP, Carnes NC, Celniker JB, Chartier CR, Chopik WJ, Chotikavan P, Chuan-Peng H, Clancy RF, Çoker O, Correia RC, Adoric VC, Cubillas CP, Czoschke S, Daryani Y, de Grefte JAM, de Vries WC, Burak EGD, Dias C, Dixson BJW, Du X, Dumančić F, Dumbravă A, Dutra NB, Enachescu J, Esteban-Serna C, Eudave L, Evans TR, Feldman G, Felisberti FM, Fiedler S, Findor A, Fleischmann A, Foroni F, Francová R, Frank DA, Fu CHY, Gao S, Ghasemi O, Ghazi-Noori AR, Ghossainy ME, Giammusso I, Gill T, Gjoneska B, Gollwitzer M, Graton A, Grinberg M, Groyecka-Bernard A, Harris EA, Hartanto A, Hassan WANM, Hatami J, Heimark KR, Hidding JJJ, Hristova E, Hruška M, Hudson CA, Huskey R, Ikeda A, Inbar Y, Ingram GPD, Isler O, Isloi C, Iyer A, Jaeger B, Janssen SMJ, Jiménez-Leal W, Jokić B, Kačmár P, Kadreva V, Kaminski G, Karimi-Malekabadi F, Kasper ATA, Kendrick KM, Kennedy BJ, Kocalar HE, Kodapanakkal RI, Kowal M, Kruse E, Kučerová L, Kühberger A, Kuzminska AO, Lalot F, Lamm C, Lammers J, Lange EB, Lantian A, Lau IY, Lazarevic LB, Leliveld MC, Lenz JN, Levitan CA, Lewis SC, Li M, Li Y, Li H, Lima TJS, Lins S, Liuzza MT, Lopes P, Lu JG, Lynds T, Máčel M, Mackinnon SP, Maganti M, Magraw-Mickelson Z, Magson LF, Manley H, Marcu GM, Seršić DM, Matibag CJ, Mattiassi ADA, Mazidi M, McFall JP, McLatchie N, Mensink MC, Miketta L, Milfont TL, Mirisola A, Misiak M, Mitkidis P, Moeini-Jazani M, Monajem A, Moreau D, Musser ED, Narhetali E, Ochoa DP, Olsen J, Owsley NC, Özdoğru AA, Panning M, Papadatou-Pastou M, Parashar N, Pärnamets P, Paruzel-Czachura M, Parzuchowski M, Paterlini JV, Pavlacic JM, Peker M, Peters K, Piatnitckaia L, Pinto I, Policarpio MR, Pop-Jordanova N, Pratama AJ, Primbs MA, Pronizius E, Purić D, Puvia E, Qamari V, Qian K, Quiamzade A, Ráczová B, Reinero DA, Reips UD, Reyna C, Reynolds K, Ribeiro MFF, Röer JP, Ross RM, Roussos P, Ruiz-Dodobara F, Ruiz-Fernandez S, Rutjens BT, Rybus K, Samekin A, Santos AC, Say N, Schild C, Schmidt K, Ścigała KA, Sharifian M, Shi J, Shi Y, Sievers E, Sirota M, Slipenkyj M, Solak Ç, Sorokowska A, Sorokowski P, Söylemez S, Steffens NK, Stephen ID, Sternisko A, Stevens-Wilson L, Stewart SLK, Stieger S, Storage D, Strube J, Susa KJ, Szekely-Copîndean RD, Szostak NM, Takwin B, Tatachari S, Thomas AG, Tiede KE, Tiong LE, Tonković M, Trémolière B, Tunstead LV, Türkan BN, Twardawski M, Vadillo MA, Vally Z, Vaughn LA, Verschuere B, Vlašiček D, Voracek M, Vranka MA, Wang S, West SL, Whyte S, Wilton LS, Wlodarczyk A, Wu X, Xin F, Yadanar S, Yama H, Yamada Y, Yilmaz O, Yoon S, Young DM, Zakharov I, Zein RA, Zettler I, Žeželj IL, Zhang DC, Zhang J, Zheng X, Hoekstra R, and Aczel B
- Subjects
- Humans, Individuality, Intention, Knowledge, Judgment, Morals
- Abstract
The study of moral judgements often centres on moral dilemmas in which options consistent with deontological perspectives (that is, emphasizing rules, individual rights and duties) are in conflict with options consistent with utilitarian judgements (that is, following the greater good based on consequences). Greene et al. (2009) showed that psychological and situational factors (for example, the intent of the agent or the presence of physical contact between the agent and the victim) can play an important role in moral dilemma judgements (for example, the trolley problem). Our knowledge is limited concerning both the universality of these effects outside the United States and the impact of culture on the situational and psychological factors affecting moral judgements. Thus, we empirically tested the universality of the effects of intent and personal force on moral dilemma judgements by replicating the experiments of Greene et al. in 45 countries from all inhabited continents. We found that personal force and its interaction with intention exert influence on moral judgements in the US and Western cultural clusters, replicating and expanding the original findings. Moreover, the personal force effect was present in all cultural clusters, suggesting it is culturally universal. The evidence for the cultural universality of the interaction effect was inconclusive in the Eastern and Southern cultural clusters (depending on exclusion criteria). We found no strong association between collectivism/individualism and moral dilemma judgements., (© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.)
- Published
- 2022
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49. Affective Interpersonal Touch in Close Relationships: A Cross-Cultural Perspective.
- Author
Sorokowska A, Saluja S, Sorokowski P, Frąckowiak T, Karwowski M, Aavik T, Akello G, Alm C, Amjad N, Anjum A, Asao K, Atama CS, Atamtürk Duyar D, Ayebare R, Batres C, Bendixen M, Bensafia A, Bizumic B, Boussena M, Buss DM, Butovskaya M, Can S, Cantarero K, Carrier A, Cetinkaya H, Chabin D, Conroy-Beam D, Contreras-Graduño J, Varella MAC, Cueto RM, Czub M, Dronova D, Dural S, Duyar I, Ertugrul B, Espinosa A, Esteves CS, Guemaz F, Haľamová M, Herak I, Hromatko I, Hui CM, Jaafar JL, Jiang F, Kafetsios K, Kavcic T, Kennair LEO, Kervyn NO, Khilji IA, Köbis NC, Kostic A, Láng A, Lennard GR, León E, Lindholm T, Lopez G, Manesi Z, Martinez R, McKerchar SL, Meskó N, Misra G, Monaghan C, Mora EC, Moya-Garofano A, Musil B, Natividade JC, Nizharadze G, Oberzaucher E, Oleszkiewicz A, Onyishi IE, Özener B, Pagani AF, Pakalniskiene V, Parise M, Pazhoohi F, Pejičić M, Pisanski A, Pisanski K, Plohl N, Popa C, Prokop P, Rizwan M, Sainz M, Salkičević S, Sargautyte R, Sarmany-Schuller I, Schmehl S, Shahid A, Shaikh R, Sharad S, Siddiqui RS, Simonetti F, Tadinac M, Ugalde González K, Uhryn O, Vauclair CM, Vega Araya LD, Widarini DA, Yoo G, Zadeh ZF, Zaťková M, Zupančič M, and Croy I
- Subjects
- Child, Female, Humans, Religion, Cross-Cultural Comparison, Touch
- Abstract
Interpersonal touch behavior differs across cultures, yet no study to date has systematically tested for cultural variation in affective touch, nor examined the factors that might account for this variability. Here, over 14,000 individuals from 45 countries were asked whether they embraced, stroked, kissed, or hugged their partner, friends, and youngest child during the week preceding the study. We then examined a range of hypothesized individual-level factors (sex, age, parasitic history, conservatism, religiosity, and preferred interpersonal distance) and cultural-level factors (regional temperature, parasite stress, regional conservatism, collectivism, and religiosity) in predicting these affective-touching behaviors. Our results indicate that affective touch was most prevalent in relationships with partners and children, and its diversity was relatively higher in warmer, less conservative, and religious countries, and among younger, female, and liberal people. This research allows for a broad and integrated view of the bases of cross-cultural variability in affective touch.
- Published
- 2021
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50. Professional Versus Self-Applied Makeup: Do Makeup Artists Add Value?
- Author
Batres C, Porcheron A, Courrèges S, and Russell R
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Cosmetics, Face
- Abstract
While a number of studies have investigated the effects of makeup on how people are perceived, the vast majority have used professionally applied makeup. Here, we tested the hypothesis that professional makeup is more effective than self-applied makeup. We photographed the same target women under controlled conditions wearing no makeup, makeup they applied themselves, and makeup applied by professional makeup artists. Participants rated the faces as appearing more attractive, more feminine, and as having higher status when wearing professional makeup than self-applied makeup. Secondarily, we found that participants perceived the professional makeup as appearing heavier and less natural looking than the self-applied makeup. This work shows that professional makeup is more effective than self-applied makeup and begins to elucidate the nature of makeup artistry. We discuss these findings with respect to personal decoration and physical attractiveness, as well as the notion of artists as experts.
- Published
- 2021
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