Riley, Stephen, Taylor, Trevor, Guelke, Adrian, Mueller, M. G., Bull, David, Ritchie, G. N., Shaw, Clive, Rogers, Christopher, Thornton, D. S., Hay, Roger, Elliott, Charles, Seddon, David, Mitchell, C. R., Makinda, Samuel, Wiseman, John, Caplan, Lionel, Burrell, R. M., Roitnson, Austin, Ellen, Roy, Pamuk, Sevket, Taylor, John, Husain, Azim, Thoburn, John, Alan, James, Phang, Paul Chang Min, Watts, David, Batley, Richard, Ankrah-Dove, Linda, and Jmcivor, Timothy
Making the Most of the Least: alternative ways to development. Edited by Leonard Berry and Robert W Kates, New York: Holmes & Meier. 1980. 282pp. £17.25The Study of Political Adaptation. James N Rosenau, London: Frances Pinter. 1981. 235pp. £15.00. £6.00pbPerspectives on World Politics. Edited by Michael Smith, Richard Little and Michael Shackleton, London: Croom Helm. 1980. 431pp. £12.95Vodka-Cola: the explosive cocktail of detente. Charles Levinson Horsham, England: Biblias. 1980.328pp. £9.95White Supremacy: a comparative study in American and South African history. George M Fredrickson, New York: OUP. 1981. 356pp. £12.50The Third World Calamity. Brian May, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1981. 274pp. £8.95Reflections on Economic Development and Social Change: essays in honour of Professor V K R V Rao. Edited by C H H Rao and P C Joshi, Oxford: Martin Robertson. 1979. 486pp. £19.50Circle of Poison: pesticides and people in a hungry world. David Weir and Mark Schapiro San Francisco: Institute for Food and Development Policy. 1981. 101pp. $3.95pbUnited States Food Aid in a Global Context. Mitchell B Wallerstein, London: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1980. 299pp. £21.00The World of States. J D B Miller, London: Croom Helm. 1981.179pp. £12.50The Development Gap: a spatial analysis of world poverty and inequality. J P Cole Chichester, England: John Wiley. 1981. 454pp. £16.80Agribusiness in the Americas. Roger Burbach and Patricia Flynn, London: Monthly Review Press. 1980. 314pp. £3.25A Plough in Field Arable: western agribusiness in Third World agriculture. Sarah Potts Voll London: University of New Hampshire. 1981. 213pp. £7.25Food Policies. John R Tarrant Chichester, England: John Wiley. 1980. 338pp. £15.00The Political Economy of EEC Relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific States: contributions to the understanding of the Lomé Convention on North-South relations. 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Bertil Walstedt, London: John Hopkins (for the World Bank). 1981. 354pp. £6.00The Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey. Edited by Ergun Özbudun and Aydin Ulusan, London: Holmes & Meier. 1980. 533pp. £22.95Minangkabau Social Formations: Indonesian peasants and the world economy. Joel S Kahn, Cambridge University Press. 1980. 228pp. £15.00Industrial Growth, Employment and Foreign Investment in Peninsula Malaysia. Lutz Hoffman and Tan Siew Ee Oxford University Press. 1980. 322pp. £19.50Egypt: economic management in a period of transition. Khalid Ikram, London: John Hopkins University Press. 1980. 444pp. npKorea: a decade of development. Edited by Yunshik Chang Seoul National University Press. 1980. 312pp. $10.00Pakhtun Economy and Society. Akbar S Ahmed, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1980. 416pp. £15.00Chinese Educational Policy. 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