Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU), a program operating on funds from the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), was initiated at Arkansas State University in 1989. The 60-day program is targeted to economically disadvantaged 14- and 15-year-olds who are on grade level and have been identified as being likely to drop out of high school, but are not exceptional in other ways (e.g., learning disabled or emotionally disturbed). Participants live on campus and work 20 hours a week and earn one semester credit in English and mathematics. Students are administered the Metropolitan Achievement Test at the beginning and the end of the program to assess the program's academic effectiveness. In 1990, students made academic progress in reading, language, and mathematics. The job developer is responsible for locating jobs for students, keeping records of time worked, monitoring job performance, and acting as a liason between the YOU program and the job site supervisors. Part of the federal minimum wage is paid to students weekly and the rest is placed in an account and given to the student after completing the program. A component of the program, the Job Club, emphasizes the development of good work habits. In addition, students are provided with health and dental care, counseling, tutoring, recreational activities, and educational field trips. Students completing the program are followed through high school and student grades are reported to the follow-up coordinator each semester. Although exact figures are not available, the program for 1990 seemed successful as all students are still in school one year later. (LP)