207 results on '"Barberi, S."'
Search Results
2. Effects of empagliflozin on progression of chronic kidney disease: a prespecified secondary analysis from the empa-kidney trial
- Author
Staplin, N, Haynes, R, Judge, PK, Wanner, C, Green, JB, Emberson, J, Preiss, D, Mayne, KJ, Ng, SYA, Sammons, E, Zhu, D, Hill, M, Stevens, W, Wallendszus, K, Brenner, S, Cheung, AK, Liu, ZH, Li, J, Hooi, LS, Liu, WJ, Kadowaki, T, Nangaku, M, Levin, A, Cherney, D, Maggioni, AP, Pontremoli, R, Deo, R, Goto, S, Rossello, X, Tuttle, KR, Steubl, D, Petrini, M, Seidi, S, Landray, MJ, Baigent, C, Herrington, WG, Abat, S, Abd Rahman, R, Abdul Cader, R, Abdul Hafidz, MI, Abdul Wahab, MZ, Abdullah, NK, Abdul-Samad, T, Abe, M, Abraham, N, Acheampong, S, Achiri, P, Acosta, JA, Adeleke, A, Adell, V, Adewuyi-Dalton, R, Adnan, N, Africano, A, Agharazii, M, Aguilar, F, Aguilera, A, Ahmad, M, Ahmad, MK, Ahmad, NA, Ahmad, NH, Ahmad, NI, Ahmad Miswan, N, Ahmad Rosdi, H, Ahmed, I, Ahmed, S, Aiello, J, Aitken, A, AitSadi, R, Aker, S, Akimoto, S, Akinfolarin, A, Akram, S, Alberici, F, Albert, C, Aldrich, L, Alegata, M, Alexander, L, Alfaress, S, Alhadj Ali, M, Ali, A, Alicic, R, Aliu, A, Almaraz, R, Almasarwah, R, Almeida, J, Aloisi, A, Al-Rabadi, L, Alscher, D, Alvarez, P, Al-Zeer, B, Amat, M, Ambrose, C, Ammar, H, An, Y, Andriaccio, L, Ansu, K, Apostolidi, A, Arai, N, Araki, H, Araki, S, Arbi, A, Arechiga, O, Armstrong, S, Arnold, T, Aronoff, S, Arriaga, W, Arroyo, J, Arteaga, D, Asahara, S, Asai, A, Asai, N, Asano, S, Asawa, M, Asmee, MF, Aucella, F, Augustin, M, Avery, A, Awad, A, Awang, IY, Awazawa, M, Axler, A, Ayub, W, Azhari, Z, Baccaro, R, Badin, C, Bagwell, B, Bahlmann-Kroll, E, Bahtar, AZ, Bains, D, Bajaj, H, Baker, R, Baldini, E, Banas, B, Banerjee, D, Banno, S, Bansal, S, Barberi, S, Barnes, S, Barnini, C, Barot, C, Barrett, K, Barrios, R, Bartolomei Mecatti, B, Barton, I, Barton, J, Basily, W, Bavanandan, S, Baxter, A, Becker, L, Beddhu, S, Beige, J, Beigh, S, Bell, S, Benck, U, Beneat, A, Bennett, A, Bennett, D, Benyon, S, Berdeprado, J, Bergler, T, Bergner, A, Berry, M, Bevilacqua, M, Bhairoo, J, Bhandari, S, Bhandary, N, Bhatt, A, Bhattarai, M, Bhavsar, M, Bian, W, Bianchini, F, Bianco, S, Bilous, R, Bilton, J, Bilucaglia, D, Bird, C, Birudaraju, D, Biscoveanu, M, Blake, C, Bleakley, N, Bocchicchia, K, Bodine, S, Bodington, R, Boedecker, S, Bolduc, M, Bolton, S, Bond, C, Boreky, F, Boren, K, Bouchi, R, Bough, L, Bovan, D, Bowler, C, Bowman, L, Brar, N, Braun, C, Breach, A, Breitenfeldt, M, Brettschneider, B, Brewer, A, Brewer, G, Brindle, V, Brioni, E, Brown, C, Brown, H, Brown, L, Brown, R, Brown, S, Browne, D, Bruce, K, Brueckmann, M, Brunskill, N, Bryant, M, Brzoska, M, Bu, Y, Buckman, C, Budoff, M, Bullen, M, Burke, A, Burnette, S, Burston, C, Busch, M, Bushnell, J, Butler, S, Büttner, C, Byrne, C, Caamano, A, Cadorna, J, Cafiero, C, Cagle, M, Cai, J, Calabrese, K, Calvi, C, Camilleri, B, Camp, S, Campbell, D, Campbell, R, Cao, H, Capelli, I, Caple, M, Caplin, B, Cardone, A, Carle, J, Carnall, V, Caroppo, M, Carr, S, Carraro, G, Carson, M, Casares, P, Castillo, C, Castro, C, Caudill, B, Cejka, V, Ceseri, M, Cham, L, Chamberlain, A, Chambers, J, Chan, CBT, Chan, JYM, Chan, YC, Chang, E, Chant, T, Chavagnon, T, Chellamuthu, P, Chen, F, Chen, J, Chen, P, Chen, TM, Chen, Y, Cheng, C, Cheng, H, Cheng, MC, Ching, CH, Chitalia, N, Choksi, R, Chukwu, C, Chung, K, Cianciolo, G, Cipressa, L, Clark, S, Clarke, H, Clarke, R, Clarke, S, Cleveland, B, Cole, E, Coles, H, Condurache, L, Connor, A, Convery, K, Cooper, A, Cooper, N, Cooper, Z, Cooperman, L, Cosgrove, L, Coutts, P, Cowley, A, Craik, R, Cui, G, Cummins, T, Dahl, N, Dai, H, Dajani, L, D'Amelio, A, Damian, E, Damianik, K, Danel, L, Daniels, C, Daniels, T, Darbeau, S, Darius, H, Dasgupta, T, Davies, J, Davies, L, Davis, A, Davis, J, Davis, L, Dayanandan, R, Dayi, S, Dayrell, R, De Nicola, L, Debnath, S, Deeb, W, Degenhardt, S, DeGoursey, K, Delaney, M, DeRaad, R, Derebail, V, Dev, D, Devaux, M, Dhall, P, Dhillon, G, Dienes, J, Dobre, M, Doctolero, E, Dodds, V, Domingo, D, Donaldson, D, Donaldson, P, Donhauser, C, Donley, V, Dorestin, S, Dorey, S, Doulton, T, Draganova, D, Draxlbauer, K, Driver, F, Du, H, Dube, F, Duck, T, Dugal, T, Dugas, J, Dukka, H, Dumann, H, Durham, W, Dursch, M, Dykas, R, Easow, R, Eckrich, E, Eden, G, Edmerson, E, Edwards, H, Ee, LW, Eguchi, J, Ehrl, Y, Eichstadt, K, Eid, W, Eilerman, B, Ejima, Y, Eldon, H, Ellam, T, Elliott, L, Ellison, R, Epp, R, Er, A, Espino-Obrero, M, Estcourt, S, Estienne, L, Evans, G, Evans, J, Evans, S, Fabbri, G, Fajardo-Moser, M, Falcone, C, Fani, F, Faria-Shayler, P, Farnia, F, Farrugia, D, Fechter, M, Fellowes, D, Feng, F, Fernandez, J, Ferraro, P, Field, A, Fikry, S, Finch, J, Finn, H, Fioretto, P, Fish, R, Fleischer, A, Fleming-Brown, D, Fletcher, L, Flora, R, Foellinger, C, Foligno, N, Forest, S, Forghani, Z, Forsyth, K, Fottrell-Gould, D, Fox, P, Frankel, A, Fraser, D, Frazier, R, Frederick, K, Freking, N, French, H, Froment, A, Fuchs, B, Fuessl, L, Fujii, H, Fujimoto, A, Fujita, A, Fujita, K, Fujita, Y, Fukagawa, M, Fukao, Y, Fukasawa, A, Fuller, T, Funayama, T, Fung, E, Furukawa, M, Furukawa, Y, Furusho, M, Gabel, S, Gaidu, J, Gaiser, S, Gallo, K, Galloway, C, Gambaro, G, Gan, CC, Gangemi, C, Gao, M, Garcia, K, Garcia, M, Garofalo, C, Garrity, M, Garza, A, Gasko, S, Gavrila, M, Gebeyehu, B, Geddes, A, Gentile, G, George, A, George, J, Gesualdo, L, Ghalli, F, Ghanem, A, Ghate, T, Ghavampour, S, Ghazi, A, Gherman, A, Giebeln-Hudnell, U, Gill, B, Gillham, S, Girakossyan, I, Girndt, M, Giuffrida, A, Glenwright, M, Glider, T, Gloria, R, Glowski, D, Goh, BL, Goh, CB, Gohda, T, Goldenberg, R, Goldfaden, R, Goldsmith, C, Golson, B, Gonce, V, Gong, Q, Goodenough, B, Goodwin, N, Goonasekera, M, Gordon, A, Gordon, J, Gore, A, Goto, H, Gowen, D, Grace, A, Graham, J, Grandaliano, G, Gray, M, Greene, T, Greenwood, G, Grewal, B, Grifa, R, Griffin, D, Griffin, S, Grimmer, P, Grobovaite, E, Grotjahn, S, Guerini, A, Guest, C, Gunda, S, Guo, B, Guo, Q, Haack, S, Haase, M, Haaser, K, Habuki, K, Hadley, A, Hagan, S, Hagge, S, Haller, H, Ham, S, Hamal, S, Hamamoto, Y, Hamano, N, Hamm, M, Hanburry, A, Haneda, M, Hanf, C, Hanif, W, Hansen, J, Hanson, L, Hantel, S, Haraguchi, T, Harding, E, Harding, T, Hardy, C, Hartner, C, Harun, Z, Harvill, L, Hasan, A, Hase, H, Hasegawa, F, Hasegawa, T, Hashimoto, A, Hashimoto, C, Hashimoto, M, Hashimoto, S, Haskett, S, Hauske, SJ, Hawfield, A, Hayami, T, Hayashi, M, Hayashi, S, Hazara, A, Healy, C, Hecktman, J, Heine, G, Henderson, H, Henschel, R, Hepditch, A, Herfurth, K, Hernandez, G, Hernandez Pena, A, Hernandez-Cassis, C, Herzog, C, Hewins, S, Hewitt, D, Hichkad, L, Higashi, S, Higuchi, C, Hill, C, Hill, L, Himeno, T, Hing, A, Hirakawa, Y, Hirata, K, Hirota, Y, Hisatake, T, Hitchcock, S, Hodakowski, A, Hodge, W, Hogan, R, Hohenstatt, U, Hohenstein, B, Hooi, L, Hope, S, Hopley, M, Horikawa, S, Hosein, D, Hosooka, T, Hou, L, Hou, W, Howie, L, Howson, A, Hozak, M, Htet, Z, Hu, X, Hu, Y, Huang, J, Huda, N, Hudig, L, Hudson, A, Hugo, C, Hull, R, Hume, L, Hundei, W, Hunt, N, Hunter, A, Hurley, S, Hurst, A, Hutchinson, C, Hyo, T, Ibrahim, FH, Ibrahim, S, Ihana, N, Ikeda, T, Imai, A, Imamine, R, Inamori, A, Inazawa, H, Ingell, J, Inomata, K, Inukai, Y, Ioka, M, Irtiza-Ali, A, Isakova, T, Isari, W, Iselt, M, Ishiguro, A, Ishihara, K, Ishikawa, T, Ishimoto, T, Ishizuka, K, Ismail, R, Itano, S, Ito, H, Ito, K, Ito, M, Ito, Y, Iwagaitsu, S, Iwaita, Y, Iwakura, T, Iwamoto, M, Iwasa, M, Iwasaki, H, Iwasaki, S, Izumi, K, Izumi, T, Jaafar, SM, Jackson, C, Jackson, Y, Jafari, G, Jahangiriesmaili, M, Jain, N, Jansson, K, Jasim, H, Jeffers, L, Jenkins, A, Jesky, M, Jesus-Silva, J, Jeyarajah, D, Jiang, Y, Jiao, X, Jimenez, G, Jin, B, Jin, Q, Jochims, J, Johns, B, Johnson, C, Johnson, T, Jolly, S, Jones, L, Jones, S, Jones, T, Jones, V, Joseph, M, Joshi, S, Judge, P, Junejo, N, Junus, S, Kachele, M, Kadoya, H, Kaga, H, Kai, H, Kajio, H, Kaluza-Schilling, W, Kamaruzaman, L, Kamarzarian, A, Kamimura, Y, Kamiya, H, Kamundi, C, Kan, T, Kanaguchi, Y, Kanazawa, A, Kanda, E, Kanegae, S, Kaneko, K, Kang, HY, Kano, T, Karim, M, Karounos, D, Karsan, W, Kasagi, R, Kashihara, N, Katagiri, H, Katanosaka, A, Katayama, A, Katayama, M, Katiman, E, Kato, K, Kato, M, Kato, N, Kato, S, Kato, T, Kato, Y, Katsuda, Y, Katsuno, T, Kaufeld, J, Kavak, Y, Kawai, I, Kawai, M, Kawase, A, Kawashima, S, Kazory, A, Kearney, J, Keith, B, Kellett, J, Kelley, S, Kershaw, M, Ketteler, M, Khai, Q, Khairullah, Q, Khandwala, H, Khoo, KKL, Khwaja, A, Kidokoro, K, Kielstein, J, Kihara, M, Kimber, C, Kimura, S, Kinashi, H, Kingston, H, Kinomura, M, Kinsella-Perks, E, Kitagawa, M, Kitajima, M, Kitamura, S, Kiyosue, A, Kiyota, M, Klauser, F, Klausmann, G, Kmietschak, W, Knapp, K, Knight, C, Knoppe, A, Knott, C, Kobayashi, M, Kobayashi, R, Kobayashi, T, Koch, M, Kodama, S, Kodani, N, Kogure, E, Koizumi, M, Kojima, H, Kojo, T, Kolhe, N, Komaba, H, Komiya, T, Komori, H, Kon, SP, Kondo, M, Kong, W, Konishi, M, Kono, K, Koshino, M, Kosugi, T, Kothapalli, B, Kozlowski, T, Kraemer, B, Kraemer-Guth, A, Krappe, J, Kraus, D, Kriatselis, C, Krieger, C, Krish, P, Kruger, B, Ku Md Razi, KR, Kuan, Y, Kubota, S, Kuhn, S, Kumar, P, Kume, S, Kummer, I, Kumuji, R, Küpper, A, Kuramae, T, Kurian, L, Kuribayashi, C, Kurien, R, Kuroda, E, Kurose, T, Kutschat, A, Kuwabara, N, Kuwata, H, La Manna, G, Lacey, M, Lafferty, K, LaFleur, P, Lai, V, Laity, E, Lambert, A, Langlois, M, Latif, F, Latore, E, Laundy, E, Laurienti, D, Lawson, A, Lay, M, Leal, I, Lee, AK, Lee, J, Lee, KQ, Lee, R, Lee, SA, Lee, YY, Lee-Barkey, Y, Leonard, N, Leoncini, G, Leong, CM, Lerario, S, Leslie, A, Lewington, A, Li, N, Li, X, Li, Y, Liberti, L, Liberti, ME, Liew, A, Liew, YF, Lilavivat, U, Lim, SK, Lim, YS, Limon, E, Lin, H, Lioudaki, E, Liu, H, Liu, J, Liu, L, Liu, Q, Liu, X, Liu, Z, Loader, D, Lochhead, H, Loh, CL, Lorimer, A, Loudermilk, L, Loutan, J, Low, CK, Low, CL, Low, YM, Lozon, Z, Lu, Y, Lucci, D, Ludwig, U, Luker, N, Lund, D, Lustig, R, Lyle, S, Macdonald, C, MacDougall, I, Machicado, R, MacLean, D, Macleod, P, Madera, A, Madore, F, Maeda, K, Maegawa, H, Maeno, S, Mafham, M, Magee, J, Mah, DY, Mahabadi, V, Maiguma, M, Makita, Y, Makos, G, Manco, L, Mangiacapra, R, Manley, J, Mann, P, Mano, S, Marcotte, G, Maris, J, Mark, P, Markau, S, Markovic, M, Marshall, C, Martin, M, Martinez, C, Martinez, S, Martins, G, Maruyama, K, Maruyama, S, Marx, K, Maselli, A, Masengu, A, Maskill, A, Masumoto, S, Masutani, K, Matsumoto, M, Matsunaga, T, Matsuoka, N, Matsushita, M, Matthews, M, Matthias, S, Matvienko, E, Maurer, M, Maxwell, P, Mazlan, N, Mazlan, SA, Mbuyisa, A, McCafferty, K, McCarroll, F, McCarthy, T, McClary-Wright, C, McCray, K, McDermott, P, McDonald, C, McDougall, R, McHaffie, E, McIntosh, K, McKinley, T, McLaughlin, S, McLean, N, McNeil, L, Measor, A, Meek, J, Mehta, A, Mehta, R, Melandri, M, Mené, P, Meng, T, Menne, J, Merritt, K, Merscher, S, Meshykhi, C, Messa, P, Messinger, L, Miftari, N, Miller, R, Miller, Y, Miller-Hodges, E, Minatoguchi, M, Miners, M, Minutolo, R, Mita, T, Miura, Y, Miyaji, M, Miyamoto, S, Miyatsuka, T, Miyazaki, M, Miyazawa, I, Mizumachi, R, Mizuno, M, Moffat, S, Mohamad Nor, FS, Mohamad Zaini, SN, Mohamed Affandi, FA, Mohandas, C, Mohd, R, Mohd Fauzi, NA, Mohd Sharif, NH, Mohd Yusoff, Y, Moist, L, Moncada, A, Montasser, M, Moon, A, Moran, C, Morgan, N, Moriarty, J, Morig, G, Morinaga, H, Morino, K, Morisaki, T, Morishita, Y, Morlok, S, Morris, A, Morris, F, Mostafa, S, Mostefai, Y, Motegi, M, Motherwell, N, Motta, D, Mottl, A, Moys, R, Mozaffari, S, Muir, J, Mulhern, J, Mulligan, S, Munakata, Y, Murakami, C, Murakoshi, M, Murawska, A, Murphy, K, Murphy, L, Murray, S, Murtagh, H, Musa, MA, Mushahar, L, Mustafa, R, Mustafar, R, Muto, M, Nadar, E, Nagano, R, Nagasawa, T, Nagashima, E, Nagasu, H, Nagelberg, S, Nair, H, Nakagawa, Y, Nakahara, M, Nakamura, J, Nakamura, R, Nakamura, T, Nakaoka, M, Nakashima, E, Nakata, J, Nakata, M, Nakatani, S, Nakatsuka, A, Nakayama, Y, Nakhoul, G, Naverrete, G, Navivala, A, Nazeer, I, Negrea, L, Nethaji, C, Newman, E, Ng, TJ, Ngu, LLS, Nimbkar, T, Nishi, H, Nishi, M, Nishi, S, Nishida, Y, Nishiyama, A, Niu, J, Niu, P, Nobili, G, Nohara, N, Nojima, I, Nolan, J, Nosseir, H, Nozawa, M, Nunn, M, Nunokawa, S, Oda, M, Oe, M, Oe, Y, Ogane, K, Ogawa, W, Ogihara, T, Oguchi, G, Ohsugi, M, Oishi, K, Okada, Y, Okajyo, J, Okamoto, S, Okamura, K, Olufuwa, O, Oluyombo, R, Omata, A, Omori, Y, Ong, LM, Ong, YC, Onyema, J, Oomatia, A, Oommen, A, Oremus, R, Orimo, Y, Ortalda, V, Osaki, Y, Osawa, Y, Osmond Foster, J, O'Sullivan, A, Otani, T, Othman, N, Otomo, S, O'Toole, J, Owen, L, Ozawa, T, Padiyar, A, Page, N, Pajak, S, Paliege, A, Pandey, A, Pandey, R, Pariani, H, Park, J, Parrigon, M, Passauer, J, Patecki, M, Patel, M, Patel, R, Patel, T, Patel, Z, Paul, R, Paulsen, L, Pavone, L, Peixoto, A, Peji, J, Peng, BC, Peng, K, Pennino, L, Pereira, E, Perez, E, Pergola, P, Pesce, F, Pessolano, G, Petchey, W, Petr, EJ, Pfab, T, Phelan, P, Phillips, R, Phillips, T, Phipps, M, Piccinni, G, Pickett, T, Pickworth, S, Piemontese, M, Pinto, D, Piper, J, Plummer-Morgan, J, Poehler, D, Polese, L, Poma, V, Postal, A, Pötz, C, Power, A, Pradhan, N, Pradhan, R, Preiss, E, Preston, K, Prib, N, Price, L, Provenzano, C, Pugay, C, Pulido, R, Putz, F, Qiao, Y, Quartagno, R, Quashie-Akponeware, M, Rabara, R, Rabasa-Lhoret, R, Radhakrishnan, D, Radley, M, Raff, R, Raguwaran, S, Rahbari-Oskoui, F, Rahman, M, Rahmat, K, Ramadoss, S, Ramanaidu, S, Ramasamy, S, Ramli, R, Ramli, S, Ramsey, T, Rankin, A, Rashidi, A, Raymond, L, Razali, WAFA, Read, K, Reiner, H, Reisler, A, Reith, C, Renner, J, Rettenmaier, B, Richmond, L, Rijos, D, Rivera, R, Rivers, V, Robinson, H, Rocco, M, Rodriguez-Bachiller, I, Rodriquez, R, Roesch, C, Roesch, J, Rogers, J, Rohnstock, M, Rolfsmeier, S, Roman, M, Romo, A, Rosati, A, Rosenberg, S, Ross, T, Roura, M, Roussel, M, Rovner, S, Roy, S, Rucker, S, Rump, L, Ruocco, M, Ruse, S, Russo, F, Russo, M, Ryder, M, Sabarai, A, Saccà, C, Sachson, R, Sadler, E, Safiee, NS, Sahani, M, Saillant, A, Saini, J, Saito, C, Saito, S, Sakaguchi, K, Sakai, M, Salim, H, Salviani, C, Sampson, A, Samson, F, Sandercock, P, Sanguila, S, Santorelli, G, Santoro, D, Sarabu, N, Saram, T, Sardell, R, Sasajima, H, Sasaki, T, Satko, S, Sato, A, Sato, D, Sato, H, Sato, J, Sato, T, Sato, Y, Satoh, M, Sawada, K, Schanz, M, Scheidemantel, F, Schemmelmann, M, Schettler, E, Schettler, V, Schlieper, GR, Schmidt, C, Schmidt, G, Schmidt, U, Schmidt-Gurtler, H, Schmude, M, Schneider, A, Schneider, I, Schneider-Danwitz, C, Schomig, M, Schramm, T, Schreiber, A, Schricker, S, Schroppel, B, Schulte-Kemna, L, Schulz, E, Schumacher, B, Schuster, A, Schwab, A, Scolari, F, Scott, A, Seeger, W, Segal, M, Seifert, L, Seifert, M, Sekiya, M, Sellars, R, Seman, MR, Shah, S, Shainberg, L, Shanmuganathan, M, Shao, F, Sharma, K, Sharpe, C, Sheikh-Ali, M, Sheldon, J, Shenton, C, Shepherd, A, Shepperd, M, Sheridan, R, Sheriff, Z, Shibata, Y, Shigehara, T, Shikata, K, Shimamura, K, Shimano, H, Shimizu, Y, Shimoda, H, Shin, K, Shivashankar, G, Shojima, N, Silva, R, Sim, CSB, Simmons, K, Sinha, S, Sitter, T, Sivanandam, S, Skipper, M, Sloan, K, Sloan, L, Smith, R, Smyth, J, Sobande, T, Sobata, M, Somalanka, S, Song, X, Sonntag, F, Sood, B, Sor, SY, Soufer, J, Sparks, H, Spatoliatore, G, Spinola, T, Squyres, S, Srivastava, A, Stanfield, J, Staylor, K, Steele, A, Steen, O, Steffl, D, Stegbauer, J, Stellbrink, C, Stellbrink, E, Stevenson, A, Stewart-Ray, V, Stickley, J, Stoffler, D, Stratmann, B, Streitenberger, S, Strutz, F, Stubbs, J, Stumpf, J, Suazo, N, Suchinda, P, Suckling, R, Sudin, A, Sugamori, K, Sugawara, H, Sugawara, K, Sugimoto, D, Sugiyama, H, Sugiyama, T, Sullivan, M, Sumi, M, Suresh, N, Sutton, D, Suzuki, H, Suzuki, R, Suzuki, Y, Swanson, E, Swift, P, Syed, S, Szerlip, H, Taal, M, Taddeo, M, Tailor, C, Tajima, K, Takagi, M, Takahashi, K, Takahashi, M, Takahashi, T, Takahira, E, Takai, T, Takaoka, M, Takeoka, J, Takesada, A, Takezawa, M, Talbot, M, Taliercio, J, Talsania, T, Tamori, Y, Tamura, R, Tamura, Y, Tan, CHH, Tan, EZZ, Tanabe, A, Tanabe, K, Tanaka, A, Tanaka, N, Tang, S, Tang, Z, Tanigaki, K, Tarlac, M, Tatsuzawa, A, Tay, JF, Tay, LL, Taylor, J, Taylor, K, Te, A, Tenbusch, L, Teng, KS, Terakawa, A, Terry, J, Tham, ZD, Tholl, S, Thomas, G, Thong, KM, Tietjen, D, Timadjer, A, Tindall, H, Tipper, S, Tobin, K, Toda, N, Tokuyama, A, Tolibas, M, Tomita, A, Tomita, T, Tomlinson, J, Tonks, L, Topf, J, Topping, S, Torp, A, Torres, A, Totaro, F, Toth, P, Toyonaga, Y, Tripodi, F, Trivedi, K, Tropman, E, Tschope, D, Tse, J, Tsuji, K, Tsunekawa, S, Tsunoda, R, Tucky, B, Tufail, S, Tuffaha, A, Turan, E, Turner, H, Turner, J, Turner, M, Tye, YL, Tyler, A, Tyler, J, Uchi, H, Uchida, H, Uchida, T, Udagawa, T, Ueda, S, Ueda, Y, Ueki, K, Ugni, S, Ugwu, E, Umeno, R, Unekawa, C, Uozumi, K, Urquia, K, Valleteau, A, Valletta, C, van Erp, R, Vanhoy, C, Varad, V, Varma, R, Varughese, A, Vasquez, P, Vasseur, A, Veelken, R, Velagapudi, C, Verdel, K, Vettoretti, S, Vezzoli, G, Vielhauer, V, Viera, R, Vilar, E, Villaruel, S, Vinall, L, Vinathan, J, Visnjic, M, Voigt, E, von-Eynatten, M, Vourvou, M, Wada, J, Wada, T, Wada, Y, Wakayama, K, Wakita, Y, Walters, T, Wan Mohamad, WH, Wang, L, Wang, W, Wang, X, Wang, Y, Wanninayake, S, Watada, H, Watanabe, K, Watanabe, M, Waterfall, H, Watkins, D, Watson, S, Weaving, L, Weber, B, Webley, Y, Webster, A, Webster, M, Weetman, M, Wei, W, Weihprecht, H, Weiland, L, Weinmann-Menke, J, Weinreich, T, Wendt, R, Weng, Y, Whalen, M, Whalley, G, Wheatley, R, Wheeler, A, Wheeler, J, Whelton, P, White, K, Whitmore, B, Whittaker, S, Wiebel, J, Wiley, J, Wilkinson, L, Willett, M, Williams, A, Williams, E, Williams, K, Williams, T, Wilson, A, Wilson, P, Wincott, L, Wines, E, Winkelmann, B, Winkler, M, Winter-Goodwin, B, Witczak, J, Wittes, J, Wittmann, M, Wolf, G, Wolf, L, Wolfling, R, Wong, C, Wong, E, Wong, HS, Wong, LW, Wong, YH, Wonnacott, A, Wood, A, Wood, L, Woodhouse, H, Wooding, N, Woodman, A, Wren, K, Wu, J, Wu, P, Xia, S, Xiao, H, Xiao, X, Xie, Y, Xu, C, Xu, Y, Xue, H, Yahaya, H, Yalamanchili, H, Yamada, A, Yamada, N, Yamagata, K, Yamaguchi, M, Yamaji, Y, Yamamoto, A, Yamamoto, S, Yamamoto, T, Yamanaka, A, Yamano, T, Yamanouchi, Y, Yamasaki, N, Yamasaki, Y, Yamashita, C, Yamauchi, T, Yan, Q, Yanagisawa, E, Yang, F, Yang, L, Yano, S, Yao, S, Yao, Y, Yarlagadda, S, Yasuda, Y, Yiu, V, Yokoyama, T, Yoshida, S, Yoshidome, E, Yoshikawa, H, Young, A, Young, T, Yousif, V, Yu, H, Yu, Y, Yuasa, K, Yusof, N, Zalunardo, N, Zander, B, Zani, R, Zappulo, F, Zayed, M, Zemann, B, Zettergren, P, Zhang, H, Zhang, L, Zhang, N, Zhang, X, Zhao, J, Zhao, L, Zhao, S, Zhao, Z, Zhong, H, Zhou, N, Zhou, S, Zhu, L, Zhu, S, Zietz, M, Zippo, M, Zirino, F, and Zulkipli, FH
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3. Impact of primary kidney disease on the effects of empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease: secondary analyses of the EMPA-KIDNEY trial
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Judge, PK, Staplin, N, Mayne, KJ, Wanner, C, Green, JB, Hauske, SJ, Emberson, JR, Preiss, D, Ng, SYA, Roddick, AJ, Sammons, E, Zhu, D, Hill, M, Stevens, W, Wallendszus, K, Brenner, S, Cheung, AK, Liu, ZH, Li, J, Hooi, LS, Liu, WJ, Kadowaki, T, Nangaku, M, Levin, A, Cherney, D, Maggioni, AP, Pontremoli, R, Deo, R, Goto, S, Rossello, X, Tuttle, KR, Steubl, D, Massey, D, Landray, MJ, Baigent, C, Haynes, R, Herrington, WG, Abat, S, Abd Rahman, R, Abdul Cader, R, Abdul Hafidz, MI, Abdul Wahab, MZ, Abdullah, NK, Abdul-Samad, T, Abe, M, Abraham, N, Acheampong, S, Achiri, P, Acosta, JA, Adeleke, A, Adell, V, Adewuyi-Dalton, R, Adnan, N, Africano, A, Agharazii, M, Aguilar, F, Aguilera, A, Ahmad, M, Ahmad, MK, Ahmad, NA, Ahmad, NH, Ahmad, NI, Ahmad Miswan, N, Ahmad Rosdi, H, Ahmed, I, Ahmed, S, Aiello, J, Aitken, A, AitSadi, R, Aker, S, Akimoto, S, Akinfolarin, A, Akram, S, Alberici, F, Albert, C, Aldrich, L, Alegata, M, Alexander, L, Alfaress, S, Alhadj Ali, M, Ali, A, Alicic, R, Aliu, A, Almaraz, R, Almasarwah, R, Almeida, J, Aloisi, A, Al-Rabadi, L, Alscher, D, Alvarez, P, Al-Zeer, B, Amat, M, Ambrose, C, Ammar, H, An, Y, Andriaccio, L, Ansu, K, Apostolidi, A, Arai, N, Araki, H, Araki, S, Arbi, A, Arechiga, O, Armstrong, S, Arnold, T, Aronoff, S, Arriaga, W, Arroyo, J, Arteaga, D, Asahara, S, Asai, A, Asai, N, Asano, S, Asawa, M, Asmee, MF, Aucella, F, Augustin, M, Avery, A, Awad, A, Awang, IY, Awazawa, M, Axler, A, Ayub, W, Azhari, Z, Baccaro, R, Badin, C, Bagwell, B, Bahlmann-Kroll, E, Bahtar, AZ, Bains, D, Bajaj, H, Baker, R, Baldini, E, Banas, B, Banerjee, D, Banno, S, Bansal, S, Barberi, S, Barnes, S, Barnini, C, Barot, C, Barrett, K, Barrios, R, Bartolomei Mecatti, B, Barton, I, Barton, J, Basily, W, Bavanandan, S, Baxter, A, Becker, L, Beddhu, S, Beige, J, Beigh, S, Bell, S, Benck, U, Beneat, A, Bennett, A, Bennett, D, Benyon, S, Berdeprado, J, Bergler, T, Bergner, A, Berry, M, Bevilacqua, M, Bhairoo, J, Bhandari, S, Bhandary, N, Bhatt, A, Bhattarai, M, Bhavsar, M, Bian, W, Bianchini, F, Bianco, S, Bilous, R, Bilton, J, Bilucaglia, D, Bird, C, Birudaraju, D, Biscoveanu, M, Blake, C, Bleakley, N, Bocchicchia, K, Bodine, S, Bodington, R, Boedecker, S, Bolduc, M, Bolton, S, Bond, C, Boreky, F, Boren, K, Bouchi, R, Bough, L, Bovan, D, Bowler, C, Bowman, L, Brar, N, Braun, C, Breach, A, Breitenfeldt, M, Brettschneider, B, Brewer, A, Brewer, G, Brindle, V, Brioni, E, Brown, C, Brown, H, Brown, L, Brown, R, Brown, S, Browne, D, Bruce, K, Brueckmann, M, Brunskill, N, Bryant, M, Brzoska, M, Bu, Y, Buckman, C, Budoff, M, Bullen, M, Burke, A, Burnette, S, Burston, C, Busch, M, Bushnell, J, Butler, S, Büttner, C, Byrne, C, Caamano, A, Cadorna, J, Cafiero, C, Cagle, M, Cai, J, Calabrese, K, Calvi, C, Camilleri, B, Camp, S, Campbell, D, Campbell, R, Cao, H, Capelli, I, Caple, M, Caplin, B, Cardone, A, Carle, J, Carnall, V, Caroppo, M, Carr, S, Carraro, G, Carson, M, Casares, P, Castillo, C, Castro, C, Caudill, B, Cejka, V, Ceseri, M, Cham, L, Chamberlain, A, Chambers, J, Chan, CBT, Chan, JYM, Chan, YC, Chang, E, Chant, T, Chavagnon, T, Chellamuthu, P, Chen, F, Chen, J, Chen, P, Chen, TM, Chen, Y, Cheng, C, Cheng, H, Cheng, MC, Ching, CH, Chitalia, N, Choksi, R, Chukwu, C, Chung, K, Cianciolo, G, Cipressa, L, Clark, S, Clarke, H, Clarke, R, Clarke, S, Cleveland, B, Cole, E, Coles, H, Condurache, L, Connor, A, Convery, K, Cooper, A, Cooper, N, Cooper, Z, Cooperman, L, Cosgrove, L, Coutts, P, Cowley, A, Craik, R, Cui, G, Cummins, T, Dahl, N, Dai, H, Dajani, L, D'Amelio, A, Damian, E, Damianik, K, Danel, L, Daniels, C, Daniels, T, Darbeau, S, Darius, H, Dasgupta, T, Davies, J, Davies, L, Davis, A, Davis, J, Davis, L, Dayanandan, R, Dayi, S, Dayrell, R, De Nicola, L, Debnath, S, Deeb, W, Degenhardt, S, DeGoursey, K, Delaney, M, DeRaad, R, Derebail, V, Dev, D, Devaux, M, Dhall, P, Dhillon, G, Dienes, J, Dobre, M, Doctolero, E, Dodds, V, Domingo, D, Donaldson, D, Donaldson, P, Donhauser, C, Donley, V, Dorestin, S, Dorey, S, Doulton, T, Draganova, D, Draxlbauer, K, Driver, F, Du, H, Dube, F, Duck, T, Dugal, T, Dugas, J, Dukka, H, Dumann, H, Durham, W, Dursch, M, Dykas, R, Easow, R, Eckrich, E, Eden, G, Edmerson, E, Edwards, H, Ee, LW, Eguchi, J, Ehrl, Y, Eichstadt, K, Eid, W, Eilerman, B, Ejima, Y, Eldon, H, Ellam, T, Elliott, L, Ellison, R, Emberson, J, Epp, R, Er, A, Espino-Obrero, M, Estcourt, S, Estienne, L, Evans, G, Evans, J, Evans, S, Fabbri, G, Fajardo-Moser, M, Falcone, C, Fani, F, Faria-Shayler, P, Farnia, F, Farrugia, D, Fechter, M, Fellowes, D, Feng, F, Fernandez, J, Ferraro, P, Field, A, Fikry, S, Finch, J, Finn, H, Fioretto, P, Fish, R, Fleischer, A, Fleming-Brown, D, Fletcher, L, Flora, R, Foellinger, C, Foligno, N, Forest, S, Forghani, Z, Forsyth, K, Fottrell-Gould, D, Fox, P, Frankel, A, Fraser, D, Frazier, R, Frederick, K, Freking, N, French, H, Froment, A, Fuchs, B, Fuessl, L, Fujii, H, Fujimoto, A, Fujita, A, Fujita, K, Fujita, Y, Fukagawa, M, Fukao, Y, Fukasawa, A, Fuller, T, Funayama, T, Fung, E, Furukawa, M, Furukawa, Y, Furusho, M, Gabel, S, Gaidu, J, Gaiser, S, Gallo, K, Galloway, C, Gambaro, G, Gan, CC, Gangemi, C, Gao, M, Garcia, K, Garcia, M, Garofalo, C, Garrity, M, Garza, A, Gasko, S, Gavrila, M, Gebeyehu, B, Geddes, A, Gentile, G, George, A, George, J, Gesualdo, L, Ghalli, F, Ghanem, A, Ghate, T, Ghavampour, S, Ghazi, A, Gherman, A, Giebeln-Hudnell, U, Gill, B, Gillham, S, Girakossyan, I, Girndt, M, Giuffrida, A, Glenwright, M, Glider, T, Gloria, R, Glowski, D, Goh, BL, Goh, CB, Gohda, T, Goldenberg, R, Goldfaden, R, Goldsmith, C, Golson, B, Gonce, V, Gong, Q, Goodenough, B, Goodwin, N, Goonasekera, M, Gordon, A, Gordon, J, Gore, A, Goto, H, Gowen, D, Grace, A, Graham, J, Grandaliano, G, Gray, M, Greene, T, Greenwood, G, Grewal, B, Grifa, R, Griffin, D, Griffin, S, Grimmer, P, Grobovaite, E, Grotjahn, S, Guerini, A, Guest, C, Gunda, S, Guo, B, Guo, Q, Haack, S, Haase, M, Haaser, K, Habuki, K, Hadley, A, Hagan, S, Hagge, S, Haller, H, Ham, S, Hamal, S, Hamamoto, Y, Hamano, N, Hamm, M, Hanburry, A, Haneda, M, Hanf, C, Hanif, W, Hansen, J, Hanson, L, Hantel, S, Haraguchi, T, Harding, E, Harding, T, Hardy, C, Hartner, C, Harun, Z, Harvill, L, Hasan, A, Hase, H, Hasegawa, F, Hasegawa, T, Hashimoto, A, Hashimoto, C, Hashimoto, M, Hashimoto, S, Haskett, S, Hawfield, A, Hayami, T, Hayashi, M, Hayashi, S, Hazara, A, Healy, C, Hecktman, J, Heine, G, Henderson, H, Henschel, R, Hepditch, A, Herfurth, K, Hernandez, G, Hernandez Pena, A, Hernandez-Cassis, C, Herzog, C, Hewins, S, Hewitt, D, Hichkad, L, Higashi, S, Higuchi, C, Hill, C, Hill, L, Himeno, T, Hing, A, Hirakawa, Y, Hirata, K, Hirota, Y, Hisatake, T, Hitchcock, S, Hodakowski, A, Hodge, W, Hogan, R, Hohenstatt, U, Hohenstein, B, Hooi, L, Hope, S, Hopley, M, Horikawa, S, Hosein, D, Hosooka, T, Hou, L, Hou, W, Howie, L, Howson, A, Hozak, M, Htet, Z, Hu, X, Hu, Y, Huang, J, Huda, N, Hudig, L, Hudson, A, Hugo, C, Hull, R, Hume, L, Hundei, W, Hunt, N, Hunter, A, Hurley, S, Hurst, A, Hutchinson, C, Hyo, T, Ibrahim, FH, Ibrahim, S, Ihana, N, Ikeda, T, Imai, A, Imamine, R, Inamori, A, Inazawa, H, Ingell, J, Inomata, K, Inukai, Y, Ioka, M, Irtiza-Ali, A, Isakova, T, Isari, W, Iselt, M, Ishiguro, A, Ishihara, K, Ishikawa, T, Ishimoto, T, Ishizuka, K, Ismail, R, Itano, S, Ito, H, Ito, K, Ito, M, Ito, Y, Iwagaitsu, S, Iwaita, Y, Iwakura, T, Iwamoto, M, Iwasa, M, Iwasaki, H, Iwasaki, S, Izumi, K, Izumi, T, Jaafar, SM, Jackson, C, Jackson, Y, Jafari, G, Jahangiriesmaili, M, Jain, N, Jansson, K, Jasim, H, Jeffers, L, Jenkins, A, Jesky, M, Jesus-Silva, J, Jeyarajah, D, Jiang, Y, Jiao, X, Jimenez, G, Jin, B, Jin, Q, Jochims, J, Johns, B, Johnson, C, Johnson, T, Jolly, S, Jones, L, Jones, S, Jones, T, Jones, V, Joseph, M, Joshi, S, Judge, P, Junejo, N, Junus, S, Kachele, M, Kadoya, H, Kaga, H, Kai, H, Kajio, H, Kaluza-Schilling, W, Kamaruzaman, L, Kamarzarian, A, Kamimura, Y, Kamiya, H, Kamundi, C, Kan, T, Kanaguchi, Y, Kanazawa, A, Kanda, E, Kanegae, S, Kaneko, K, Kang, HY, Kano, T, Karim, M, Karounos, D, Karsan, W, Kasagi, R, Kashihara, N, Katagiri, H, Katanosaka, A, Katayama, A, Katayama, M, Katiman, E, Kato, K, Kato, M, Kato, N, Kato, S, Kato, T, Kato, Y, Katsuda, Y, Katsuno, T, Kaufeld, J, Kavak, Y, Kawai, I, Kawai, M, Kawase, A, Kawashima, S, Kazory, A, Kearney, J, Keith, B, Kellett, J, Kelley, S, Kershaw, M, Ketteler, M, Khai, Q, Khairullah, Q, Khandwala, H, Khoo, KKL, Khwaja, A, Kidokoro, K, Kielstein, J, Kihara, M, Kimber, C, Kimura, S, Kinashi, H, Kingston, H, Kinomura, M, Kinsella-Perks, E, Kitagawa, M, Kitajima, M, Kitamura, S, Kiyosue, A, Kiyota, M, Klauser, F, Klausmann, G, Kmietschak, W, Knapp, K, Knight, C, Knoppe, A, Knott, C, Kobayashi, M, Kobayashi, R, Kobayashi, T, Koch, M, Kodama, S, Kodani, N, Kogure, E, Koizumi, M, Kojima, H, Kojo, T, Kolhe, N, Komaba, H, Komiya, T, Komori, H, Kon, SP, Kondo, M, Kong, W, Konishi, M, Kono, K, Koshino, M, Kosugi, T, Kothapalli, B, Kozlowski, T, Kraemer, B, Kraemer-Guth, A, Krappe, J, Kraus, D, Kriatselis, C, Krieger, C, Krish, P, Kruger, B, Ku Md Razi, KR, Kuan, Y, Kubota, S, Kuhn, S, Kumar, P, Kume, S, Kummer, I, Kumuji, R, Küpper, A, Kuramae, T, Kurian, L, Kuribayashi, C, Kurien, R, Kuroda, E, Kurose, T, Kutschat, A, Kuwabara, N, Kuwata, H, La Manna, G, Lacey, M, Lafferty, K, LaFleur, P, Lai, V, Laity, E, Lambert, A, Langlois, M, Latif, F, Latore, E, Laundy, E, Laurienti, D, Lawson, A, Lay, M, Leal, I, Lee, AK, Lee, J, Lee, KQ, Lee, R, Lee, SA, Lee, YY, Lee-Barkey, Y, Leonard, N, Leoncini, G, Leong, CM, Lerario, S, Leslie, A, Lewington, A, Li, N, Li, X, Li, Y, Liberti, L, Liberti, ME, Liew, A, Liew, YF, Lilavivat, U, Lim, SK, Lim, YS, Limon, E, Lin, H, Lioudaki, E, Liu, H, Liu, J, Liu, L, Liu, Q, Liu, X, Liu, Z, Loader, D, Lochhead, H, Loh, CL, Lorimer, A, Loudermilk, L, Loutan, J, Low, CK, Low, CL, Low, YM, Lozon, Z, Lu, Y, Lucci, D, Ludwig, U, Luker, N, Lund, D, Lustig, R, Lyle, S, Macdonald, C, MacDougall, I, Machicado, R, MacLean, D, Macleod, P, Madera, A, Madore, F, Maeda, K, Maegawa, H, Maeno, S, Mafham, M, Magee, J, Mah, DY, Mahabadi, V, Maiguma, M, Makita, Y, Makos, G, Manco, L, Mangiacapra, R, Manley, J, Mann, P, Mano, S, Marcotte, G, Maris, J, Mark, P, Markau, S, Markovic, M, Marshall, C, Martin, M, Martinez, C, Martinez, S, Martins, G, Maruyama, K, Maruyama, S, Marx, K, Maselli, A, Masengu, A, Maskill, A, Masumoto, S, Masutani, K, Matsumoto, M, Matsunaga, T, Matsuoka, N, Matsushita, M, Matthews, M, Matthias, S, Matvienko, E, Maurer, M, Maxwell, P, Mazlan, N, Mazlan, SA, Mbuyisa, A, McCafferty, K, McCarroll, F, McCarthy, T, McClary-Wright, C, McCray, K, McDermott, P, McDonald, C, McDougall, R, McHaffie, E, McIntosh, K, McKinley, T, McLaughlin, S, McLean, N, McNeil, L, Measor, A, Meek, J, Mehta, A, Mehta, R, Melandri, M, Mené, P, Meng, T, Menne, J, Merritt, K, Merscher, S, Meshykhi, C, Messa, P, Messinger, L, Miftari, N, Miller, R, Miller, Y, Miller-Hodges, E, Minatoguchi, M, Miners, M, Minutolo, R, Mita, T, Miura, Y, Miyaji, M, Miyamoto, S, Miyatsuka, T, Miyazaki, M, Miyazawa, I, Mizumachi, R, Mizuno, M, Moffat, S, Mohamad Nor, FS, Mohamad Zaini, SN, Mohamed Affandi, FA, Mohandas, C, Mohd, R, Mohd Fauzi, NA, Mohd Sharif, NH, Mohd Yusoff, Y, Moist, L, Moncada, A, Montasser, M, Moon, A, Moran, C, Morgan, N, Moriarty, J, Morig, G, Morinaga, H, Morino, K, Morisaki, T, Morishita, Y, Morlok, S, Morris, A, Morris, F, Mostafa, S, Mostefai, Y, Motegi, M, Motherwell, N, Motta, D, Mottl, A, Moys, R, Mozaffari, S, Muir, J, Mulhern, J, Mulligan, S, Munakata, Y, Murakami, C, Murakoshi, M, Murawska, A, Murphy, K, Murphy, L, Murray, S, Murtagh, H, Musa, MA, Mushahar, L, Mustafa, R, Mustafar, R, Muto, M, Nadar, E, Nagano, R, Nagasawa, T, Nagashima, E, Nagasu, H, Nagelberg, S, Nair, H, Nakagawa, Y, Nakahara, M, Nakamura, J, Nakamura, R, Nakamura, T, Nakaoka, M, Nakashima, E, Nakata, J, Nakata, M, Nakatani, S, Nakatsuka, A, Nakayama, Y, Nakhoul, G, Naverrete, G, Navivala, A, Nazeer, I, Negrea, L, Nethaji, C, Newman, E, Ng, TJ, Ngu, LLS, Nimbkar, T, Nishi, H, Nishi, M, Nishi, S, Nishida, Y, Nishiyama, A, Niu, J, Niu, P, Nobili, G, Nohara, N, Nojima, I, Nolan, J, Nosseir, H, Nozawa, M, Nunn, M, Nunokawa, S, Oda, M, Oe, M, Oe, Y, Ogane, K, Ogawa, W, Ogihara, T, Oguchi, G, Ohsugi, M, Oishi, K, Okada, Y, Okajyo, J, Okamoto, S, Okamura, K, Olufuwa, O, Oluyombo, R, Omata, A, Omori, Y, Ong, LM, Ong, YC, Onyema, J, Oomatia, A, Oommen, A, Oremus, R, Orimo, Y, Ortalda, V, Osaki, Y, Osawa, Y, Osmond Foster, J, O'Sullivan, A, Otani, T, Othman, N, Otomo, S, O'Toole, J, Owen, L, Ozawa, T, Padiyar, A, Page, N, Pajak, S, Paliege, A, Pandey, A, Pandey, R, Pariani, H, Park, J, Parrigon, M, Passauer, J, Patecki, M, Patel, M, Patel, R, Patel, T, Patel, Z, Paul, R, Paulsen, L, Pavone, L, Peixoto, A, Peji, J, Peng, BC, Peng, K, Pennino, L, Pereira, E, Perez, E, Pergola, P, Pesce, F, Pessolano, G, Petchey, W, Petr, EJ, Pfab, T, Phelan, P, Phillips, R, Phillips, T, Phipps, M, Piccinni, G, Pickett, T, Pickworth, S, Piemontese, M, Pinto, D, Piper, J, Plummer-Morgan, J, Poehler, D, Polese, L, Poma, V, Postal, A, Pötz, C, Power, A, Pradhan, N, Pradhan, R, Preiss, E, Preston, K, Prib, N, Price, L, Provenzano, C, Pugay, C, Pulido, R, Putz, F, Qiao, Y, Quartagno, R, Quashie-Akponeware, M, Rabara, R, Rabasa-Lhoret, R, Radhakrishnan, D, Radley, M, Raff, R, Raguwaran, S, Rahbari-Oskoui, F, Rahman, M, Rahmat, K, Ramadoss, S, Ramanaidu, S, Ramasamy, S, Ramli, R, Ramli, S, Ramsey, T, Rankin, A, Rashidi, A, Raymond, L, Razali, WAFA, Read, K, Reiner, H, Reisler, A, Reith, C, Renner, J, Rettenmaier, B, Richmond, L, Rijos, D, Rivera, R, Rivers, V, Robinson, H, Rocco, M, Rodriguez-Bachiller, I, Rodriquez, R, Roesch, C, Roesch, J, Rogers, J, Rohnstock, M, Rolfsmeier, S, Roman, M, Romo, A, Rosati, A, Rosenberg, S, Ross, T, Roura, M, Roussel, M, Rovner, S, Roy, S, Rucker, S, Rump, L, Ruocco, M, Ruse, S, Russo, F, Russo, M, Ryder, M, Sabarai, A, Saccà, C, Sachson, R, Sadler, E, Safiee, NS, Sahani, M, Saillant, A, Saini, J, Saito, C, Saito, S, Sakaguchi, K, Sakai, M, Salim, H, Salviani, C, Sampson, A, Samson, F, Sandercock, P, Sanguila, S, Santorelli, G, Santoro, D, Sarabu, N, Saram, T, Sardell, R, Sasajima, H, Sasaki, T, Satko, S, Sato, A, Sato, D, Sato, H, Sato, J, Sato, T, Sato, Y, Satoh, M, Sawada, K, Schanz, M, Scheidemantel, F, Schemmelmann, M, Schettler, E, Schettler, V, Schlieper, GR, Schmidt, C, Schmidt, G, Schmidt, U, Schmidt-Gurtler, H, Schmude, M, Schneider, A, Schneider, I, Schneider-Danwitz, C, Schomig, M, Schramm, T, Schreiber, A, Schricker, S, Schroppel, B, Schulte-Kemna, L, Schulz, E, Schumacher, B, Schuster, A, Schwab, A, Scolari, F, Scott, A, Seeger, W, Segal, M, Seifert, L, Seifert, M, Sekiya, M, Sellars, R, Seman, MR, Shah, S, Shainberg, L, Shanmuganathan, M, Shao, F, Sharma, K, Sharpe, C, Sheikh-Ali, M, Sheldon, J, Shenton, C, Shepherd, A, Shepperd, M, Sheridan, R, Sheriff, Z, Shibata, Y, Shigehara, T, Shikata, K, Shimamura, K, Shimano, H, Shimizu, Y, Shimoda, H, Shin, K, Shivashankar, G, Shojima, N, Silva, R, Sim, CSB, Simmons, K, Sinha, S, Sitter, T, Sivanandam, S, Skipper, M, Sloan, K, Sloan, L, Smith, R, Smyth, J, Sobande, T, Sobata, M, Somalanka, S, Song, X, Sonntag, F, Sood, B, Sor, SY, Soufer, J, Sparks, H, Spatoliatore, G, Spinola, T, Squyres, S, Srivastava, A, Stanfield, J, Staylor, K, Steele, A, Steen, O, Steffl, D, Stegbauer, J, Stellbrink, C, Stellbrink, E, Stevenson, A, Stewart-Ray, V, Stickley, J, Stoffler, D, Stratmann, B, Streitenberger, S, Strutz, F, Stubbs, J, Stumpf, J, Suazo, N, Suchinda, P, Suckling, R, Sudin, A, Sugamori, K, Sugawara, H, Sugawara, K, Sugimoto, D, Sugiyama, H, Sugiyama, T, Sullivan, M, Sumi, M, Suresh, N, Sutton, D, Suzuki, H, Suzuki, R, Suzuki, Y, Swanson, E, Swift, P, Syed, S, Szerlip, H, Taal, M, Taddeo, M, Tailor, C, Tajima, K, Takagi, M, Takahashi, K, Takahashi, M, Takahashi, T, Takahira, E, Takai, T, Takaoka, M, Takeoka, J, Takesada, A, Takezawa, M, Talbot, M, Taliercio, J, Talsania, T, Tamori, Y, Tamura, R, Tamura, Y, Tan, CHH, Tan, EZZ, Tanabe, A, Tanabe, K, Tanaka, A, Tanaka, N, Tang, S, Tang, Z, Tanigaki, K, Tarlac, M, Tatsuzawa, A, Tay, JF, Tay, LL, Taylor, J, Taylor, K, Te, A, Tenbusch, L, Teng, KS, Terakawa, A, Terry, J, Tham, ZD, Tholl, S, Thomas, G, Thong, KM, Tietjen, D, Timadjer, A, Tindall, H, Tipper, S, Tobin, K, Toda, N, Tokuyama, A, Tolibas, M, Tomita, A, Tomita, T, Tomlinson, J, Tonks, L, Topf, J, Topping, S, Torp, A, Torres, A, Totaro, F, Toth, P, Toyonaga, Y, Tripodi, F, Trivedi, K, Tropman, E, Tschope, D, Tse, J, Tsuji, K, Tsunekawa, S, Tsunoda, R, Tucky, B, Tufail, S, Tuffaha, A, Turan, E, Turner, H, Turner, J, Turner, M, Tye, YL, Tyler, A, Tyler, J, Uchi, H, Uchida, H, Uchida, T, Udagawa, T, Ueda, S, Ueda, Y, Ueki, K, Ugni, S, Ugwu, E, Umeno, R, Unekawa, C, Uozumi, K, Urquia, K, Valleteau, A, Valletta, C, van Erp, R, Vanhoy, C, Varad, V, Varma, R, Varughese, A, Vasquez, P, Vasseur, A, Veelken, R, Velagapudi, C, Verdel, K, Vettoretti, S, Vezzoli, G, Vielhauer, V, Viera, R, Vilar, E, Villaruel, S, Vinall, L, Vinathan, J, Visnjic, M, Voigt, E, von-Eynatten, M, Vourvou, M, Wada, J, Wada, T, Wada, Y, Wakayama, K, Wakita, Y, Walters, T, Wan Mohamad, WH, Wang, L, Wang, W, Wang, X, Wang, Y, Wanninayake, S, Watada, H, Watanabe, K, Watanabe, M, Waterfall, H, Watkins, D, Watson, S, Weaving, L, Weber, B, Webley, Y, Webster, A, Webster, M, Weetman, M, Wei, W, Weihprecht, H, Weiland, L, Weinmann-Menke, J, Weinreich, T, Wendt, R, Weng, Y, Whalen, M, Whalley, G, Wheatley, R, Wheeler, A, Wheeler, J, Whelton, P, White, K, Whitmore, B, Whittaker, S, Wiebel, J, Wiley, J, Wilkinson, L, Willett, M, Williams, A, Williams, E, Williams, K, Williams, T, Wilson, A, Wilson, P, Wincott, L, Wines, E, Winkelmann, B, Winkler, M, Winter-Goodwin, B, Witczak, J, Wittes, J, Wittmann, M, Wolf, G, Wolf, L, Wolfling, R, Wong, C, Wong, E, Wong, HS, Wong, LW, Wong, YH, Wonnacott, A, Wood, A, Wood, L, Woodhouse, H, Wooding, N, Woodman, A, Wren, K, Wu, J, Wu, P, Xia, S, Xiao, H, Xiao, X, Xie, Y, Xu, C, Xu, Y, Xue, H, Yahaya, H, Yalamanchili, H, Yamada, A, Yamada, N, Yamagata, K, Yamaguchi, M, Yamaji, Y, Yamamoto, A, Yamamoto, S, Yamamoto, T, Yamanaka, A, Yamano, T, Yamanouchi, Y, Yamasaki, N, Yamasaki, Y, Yamashita, C, Yamauchi, T, Yan, Q, Yanagisawa, E, Yang, F, Yang, L, Yano, S, Yao, S, Yao, Y, Yarlagadda, S, Yasuda, Y, Yiu, V, Yokoyama, T, Yoshida, S, Yoshidome, E, Yoshikawa, H, Young, A, Young, T, Yousif, V, Yu, H, Yu, Y, Yuasa, K, Yusof, N, Zalunardo, N, Zander, B, Zani, R, Zappulo, F, Zayed, M, Zemann, B, Zettergren, P, Zhang, H, Zhang, L, Zhang, N, Zhang, X, Zhao, J, Zhao, L, Zhao, S, Zhao, Z, Zhong, H, Zhou, N, Zhou, S, Zhu, L, Zhu, S, Zietz, M, Zippo, M, Zirino, F, and Zulkipli, FH
- Published
- 2024
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4. FeNO measurement as a new tool for increasing patient's adherence to SLIT
- Author
Gammeri, E., Dell’Albani, I., Incorvaia, C., di Cara, G., Barberi, S., Ciprandi, G., and Frati, F.
- Published
- 2014
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5. Seasonal changes in nasal cytology in mite-allergic patients
- Author
Gelardi M, Peroni DG, Incorvaia C, Quaranta N, De Luca C, Barberi S, Dell'Albani I, Landi M, Frati F, and de Beaumont O
- Subjects
Pathology ,RB1-214 ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 - Abstract
Matteo Gelardi,1 Diego G Peroni,2 Cristoforo Incorvaia,3 Nicola Quaranta,1 Concetta De Luca,1 Salvatore Barberi,4 Ilaria Dell'Albani,5 Massimo Landi,6 Franco Frati,5 Olivier de Beaumont7 1Otolaryngology Unit, Department of Neuroscience and Sensory Organs, University of Bari, Bari, Italy; 2Department of Pediatrics, University of Verona, Verona, Italy; 3Allergy/Pulmonary Rehabilitation, ICP Hospital, Milan, Italy; 4Department of Pediatrics, San Paolo Hospital, Milan, Italy; 5Medical and Scientific Department, Stallergenes, Milan, Italy; 6Department of Pediatrics, National Healthcare System, ASL TO1, Turin, Italy; 7Medical Affairs Department, Stallergenes, Antony, France Background: House dust mites (HDMs) are a major cause of allergic rhinitis (AR) and asthma worldwide. Recent studies suggested that the allergen load presents seasonal modifications, giving rise to seasonal variation in nasal inflammation and symptoms. The aim of this study was to evaluate by nasal cytology whether nasal inflammation in mite-allergic patients changes with the seasons of the year. Methods: The study included 16 patients (seven males and nine females, mean age 38.1 years) with persistent AR caused by monosensitization to HDMs. Nasal cytology was performed in all patients once monthly for 1 year. Results: Nasal cytology showed that the cells most commonly detected in the nasal mucosa were neutrophils. During the period from October to April, a peak in the number of neutrophils and also the presence of significant numbers of eosinophils, mast cells, and lymphocytes/plasma cells were found, which shows the occurrence of more intense inflammation during these months. Conclusion: Nasal cytology provides useful data in detecting nasal inflammation and its association with the clinical stage of AR. The seasonal variations in nasal cytology are likely to be induced by the fluctuations in the HDM allergen that have been uncovered in recent investigations. Keywords: allergens, allergic rhinitis, house dust mite, nasal inflammation
- Published
- 2014
6. P-098 Male age does not affect sperm motility rate after thawing and laboratory outcomes of transnational oocyte donation programs
- Author
Scarica, C, primary, Pontemezzo, E, additional, Admitable, C, additional, Bologna, F, additional, Bosio, Y, additional, Fasano, E, additional, Gregori, O, additional, Manniello, D, additional, Miceli, A, additional, Pace, S, additional, Patruno, M, additional, Gujiarro Ponce, P, additional, Barberi, S, additional, and Monaco, A, additional
- Published
- 2022
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7. Inter-society consensus for the use of inhaled corticosteroids in infants, children and adolescents with airway diseases (vol 47, pg 1, 2021)
- Author
Duse, M, Santamaria, F, Verga, M, Bergamini, M, Simeone, G, Leonardi, L, Tezza, G, Bianchi, A, Capuano, A, Cardinale, F, Cerimoniale, G, Landi, M, Malventano, M, Tosca, M, Varricchio, A, Zicari, A, Alfaro, C, Barberi, S, Becherucci, P, Bernardini, R, Biasci, P, Caffarelli, C, Caldarelli, V, Capristo, C, Castronuovo, S, Chiappini, E, Cutrera, R, De Castro, G, De Franciscis, L, Decimo, F, Iacono, I, Diaferio, L, Di Cicco, M, Di Mauro, C, Di Mauro, D, Di Mauro, F, Di Mauro, G, Doria, M, Falsaperla, R, Ferraro, V, Fanos, V, Galli, E, Ghiglioni, D, Indinnimeo, L, Kantar, A, Lamborghini, A, Licari, A, Lubrano, R, Luciani, S, Macri, F, Marseglia, G, Martelli, A, Masini, L, Midulla, F, Minasi, D, Miniello, V, Del Giudice, M, Morandini, S, Nardini, G, Nocerino, A, Novembre, E, Pajno, G, Paravati, F, Piacentini, G, Piersantelli, C, Pozzobon, G, Ricci, G, Spanevello, V, Turra, R, Zanconato, S, Borrelli, M, Villani, A, Corsello, G, and Peroni, D
- Subjects
Settore MED/38 - Published
- 2022
8. Resolution of septic shock in a patient with myelomeningocele (spina bifida) complicated with deforming Elephantiasis Nostras Verrucosa
- Author
Barberi, S., Manzione, A., Scrivano, J., Maresca, B., Moioli, A., Salvi, P. F., Stoppacciaro, A., Pucci, E., Punzo, G., Tammaro, A., Gaspari, A. A., and Menè, P.
- Published
- 2016
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9. Gastrointestinal symptoms in severe COVID-19 children
- Author
Vania, Giacomet, Lucia, Barcellini, Marta, Stracuzzi, Emma, Longoni, Laura, Folgori, Alessandro, Leone, and Gian Vincenzo Zuccotti, Dilillo, on behalf of COVID-19 Pediatric network § § D., Meini, A., Plebani, A., Marseglia, Gl, Giacchero, R., Rossi, P., Palma, P., Monticone, S., De Giacomo, C., Pogliani, L., Ilaria, Brambilla, Barera, G., Banderali, G., Biondi, A., Rossi, L., Traina, G., Barberi, S., Bruni, P., Bellù, R., Martelli, A., Decembrino, L., Bernardo, L., Agosti, M., Abbagnato, L., Morandi, F., Varisco, T., Nebdal, M., Mirri, G., Giaquinto, C., Da Dalt, L., Donà, D., and Costenaro, P.
- Subjects
Male ,Microbiology (medical) ,medicine.medical_specialty ,2019-20 coronavirus outbreak ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,Gastrointestinal Diseases ,Pneumonia, Viral ,macromolecular substances ,medicine.disease_cause ,03 medical and health sciences ,Betacoronavirus ,0302 clinical medicine ,030225 pediatrics ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Retrospective analysis ,Humans ,In patient ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health ,Respiratory system ,Pandemics ,Coronavirus ,Retrospective Studies ,child ,business.industry ,child, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, gastrointestinal symptoms ,SARS-CoV-2 ,Infant ,COVID-19 ,Retrospective cohort study ,medicine.disease ,Pneumonia ,Infectious Diseases ,Italy ,Cardiovascular Diseases ,gastrointestinal symptoms ,Child, Preschool ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,Female ,business ,Coronavirus Infections - Abstract
There are growing evidence of clinical manifestations other than acute respiratory syndrome in severe acute respiratory syndrome associated with coronavirus 2-infected children. In our multicenter retrospective analysis, we observed among 127 severe acute respiratory syndrome associated with coronavirus 2 positive children that the presence of gastrointestinal symptoms was more frequently associated with severe and critical phenotype (P = 0.029). Moreover, having gastrointestinal symptoms was more frequently reported in patients who developed cardiac impairment.
- Published
- 2020
10. Consensus statement of the Italian society of pediatric allergy and immunology for the pragmatic management of children and adolescents with allergic or immunological diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
Cardinale, F, Ciprandi, G, Barberi, S, Bernardini, R, Caffarelli, C, Calvani, M, Cavagni, G, Galli, E, Minasi, D, Del Giudice, M, Moschese, V, Novembre, E, Paravati, F, Peroni, D, Tosca, M, Traina, G, Tripodi, S, Marseglia, G, Amato, D, Anania, C, Anastasio, E, Antignani, R, Arasi, S, Baldassarre, M, Baldo, E, Barbalace, A, Barni, S, Betti, F, Bianchi, A, Bolzacchini, E, Bonini, M, Bottau, P, Bozzetto, S, Brighetti, M, Caimmi, D, Caimmi, S, Calzone, L, Cancrini, C, Caminiti, L, Capata, G, Capra, L, Capristo, C, Carboni, E, Carella, F, Castagnoli, R, Chiappini, E, Chiera, F, Chinellato, I, Chini, L, Cipriani, F, Civitelli, F, Comberiati, P, Contini, D, Corrente, S, Cravidi, C, Crisafulli, G, Cuomo, B, D'Auria, E, D'Elios, S, Decimo, F, Giustina, A, Piane, R, De Filippo, M, De Vittori, V, Diaferio, L, Di Mauro, M, Duse, M, Federici, S, Felice, G, Fenu, G, Ferrante, G, Foti, T, Franceschini, F, Ghiglioni, D, Giardino, G, Giovannini, M, Indirli, G, Indolfi, C, Landi, M, La Torre, F, Leone, L, Licari, A, Liotti, L, Lougaris, V, Maiello, N, Mantecca, P, Manti, S, Mariani, M, Martelli, A, Mastrorilli, C, Mastrorilli, V, Montin, D, Mori, F, Olcese, R, Ottaviano, G, Paglialunga, C, Pajno, G, Parisi, G, Pattini, S, Pecoraro, L, Pelosi, U, Pignata, C, Ricci, G, Ricci, S, Rizzi, S, Rizzo, C, Rosati, S, Rosso, P, Sangerardi, M, Santoro, A, Saretta, F, Sarti, L, Sartorio, M, Sgruletti, M, Soresina, A, Sfika, I, Sgrulletti, M, Tesse, N, Tranchino, V, Travaglini, A, Velia, M, Verduci, E, Vernich, M, Veronelli, E, Volpi, S, Votto, M, Zicari, A, Cardinale, F, Ciprandi, G, Barberi, S, Bernardini, R, Caffarelli, C, Calvani, M, Cavagni, G, Galli, E, Minasi, D, Del Giudice, M, Moschese, V, Novembre, E, Paravati, F, Peroni, D, Tosca, M, Traina, G, Tripodi, S, Marseglia, G, Amato, D, Anania, C, Anastasio, E, Antignani, R, Arasi, S, Baldassarre, M, Baldo, E, Barbalace, A, Barni, S, Betti, F, Bianchi, A, Bolzacchini, E, Bonini, M, Bottau, P, Bozzetto, S, Brighetti, M, Caimmi, D, Caimmi, S, Calzone, L, Cancrini, C, Caminiti, L, Capata, G, Capra, L, Capristo, C, Carboni, E, Carella, F, Castagnoli, R, Chiappini, E, Chiera, F, Chinellato, I, Chini, L, Cipriani, F, Civitelli, F, Comberiati, P, Contini, D, Corrente, S, Cravidi, C, Crisafulli, G, Cuomo, B, D'Auria, E, D'Elios, S, Decimo, F, Giustina, A, Piane, R, De Filippo, M, De Vittori, V, Diaferio, L, Di Mauro, M, Duse, M, Federici, S, Felice, G, Fenu, G, Ferrante, G, Foti, T, Franceschini, F, Ghiglioni, D, Giardino, G, Giovannini, M, Indirli, G, Indolfi, C, Landi, M, La Torre, F, Leone, L, Licari, A, Liotti, L, Lougaris, V, Maiello, N, Mantecca, P, Manti, S, Mariani, M, Martelli, A, Mastrorilli, C, Mastrorilli, V, Montin, D, Mori, F, Olcese, R, Ottaviano, G, Paglialunga, C, Pajno, G, Parisi, G, Pattini, S, Pecoraro, L, Pelosi, U, Pignata, C, Ricci, G, Ricci, S, Rizzi, S, Rizzo, C, Rosati, S, Rosso, P, Sangerardi, M, Santoro, A, Saretta, F, Sarti, L, Sartorio, M, Sgruletti, M, Soresina, A, Sfika, I, Sgrulletti, M, Tesse, N, Tranchino, V, Travaglini, A, Velia, M, Verduci, E, Vernich, M, Veronelli, E, Volpi, S, Votto, M, and Zicari, A
- Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has surprised the entire population. The world has had to face an unprecedented pandemic. Only, Spanish flu had similar disastrous consequences. As a result, drastic measures (lockdown) have been adopted worldwide. Healthcare service has been overwhelmed by the extraordinary influx of patients, often requiring high intensity of care. Mortality has been associated with severe comorbidities, including chronic diseases. Patients with frailty were, therefore, the victim of the SARS-COV-2 infection. Allergy and asthma are the most prevalent chronic disorders in children and adolescents, so they need careful attention and, if necessary, an adaptation of their regular treatment plans. Fortunately, at present, young people are less suffering from COVID-19, both as incidence and severity. However, any age, including infancy, could be affected by the pandemic. Based on this background, the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology has felt it necessary to provide a Consensus Statement. This expert panel consensus document offers a rationale to help guide decision-making in the management of children and adolescents with allergic or immunologic diseases.
- Published
- 2020
11. The clinical relevance of molecular diagnosis in children allergic to grass pollen and treated with allergen immunotherapy
- Author
Barberi, S., primary, Traina, G., additional, Landi, M., additional, De Castro, G., additional, Peroni, D., additional, Licari, A., additional, Marseglia, G., additional, and Ciprandi, G., additional
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Gelardi, M, Puccinelli, P, Incorvaia, C, Passalacqua, G, Ciprandi, G, Barberi, S, Barbone, B, Ferraro, A, Foresi, A, Galli, E, Gani, F, La Mantia, I, Peroni, D, Ridolo, E, Senna, Ge, Ricciardi, L, Riccio, Am, Romano, A, Rossi, O, Scala, G, Quranta, N, and Testi, S
- Subjects
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,House dust mite ,medicine.medical_specialty ,allergic rhinitis ,biology ,business.industry ,Immunology ,allergic rhinitis, nasal cytology, allergen immunotherapy ,biology.organism_classification ,Dermatology ,nasal cytology ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Nasal cytology ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,medicine ,allergen immunotherapy ,Immunology and Allergy ,business ,030215 immunology - Published
- 2018
13. Allergic reactions after vaccination: translating guidelines into clinical practice
- Author
Incorvaia, C., primary, Barberi, S., additional, Pastorello, E., additional, and Ciprandi, G., additional
- Published
- 2019
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14. Clinical practice recommendations for allergen-specific immunotherapy in children: the Italian consensus report
- Author
Pajno, Gb, Bernardini, R, Peroni, Diego, Arasi, S, Martelli, Arianna, Landi, M, Passalacqua, G, Muraro, Alessandra, La Grutta, S, Fiocchi, A, Indinnimeo, L, Caffarelli, C, Calamelli, E, Comberiati, Pasquale, Duse, M, Akdis, C, Akdis, M, Arrigoni, Sara, Barberi, S, Baviera, G, Boner, Attilio, Calvani, M, Calzone, L, Caminiti, L, Capristo, A, Capristo, C, Chiera, F, Cravidi, C, Crisafulli, G, De Castro, G, DE SIMONE, Martina, Dello Iacono, I, Dondi, A, Galli, Enrico, Guglielmo, F, Maiello, N, Marseglia, G, Matricardi, Pm, Meglio, P, Minasi, D, Del Giudice, Mm, Panasci, G, Paravati, F, Pelosi, U, Pingitore, G, Ricci, G, Scala, G, Terracciano, L, Tosca, M, Tripodi, S, Verga, Mc, Wahn, U., Pajno, Giovanni Battista, Bernardini, Roberto, Peroni, Diego, Arasi, Stefania, Martelli, Alberto, Landi, Massimo, Passalacqua, Giovanni, Muraro, Antonella, La Grutta, Stefania, Fiocchi, Alessandro, Indinnimeo, Luciana, Caffarelli, Carlo, Calamelli, Elisabetta, Comberiati, Pasquale, and Duse, Marzia
- Subjects
Pediatrics ,Allergy ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Administration, Oral ,Dermatitis ,Review ,Desensitization ,0302 clinical medicine ,Immunologic ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Child ,Children ,Societies, Medical ,Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic ,Clinical Trials as Topic ,Subcutaneous immunotherapy ,Subcutaneous ,Atopic dermatitis ,Perinatology and Child Health ,Atopic dermatiti ,Clinical Practice ,Treatment Outcome ,allergen-specific immunotherapy ,allergy ,asthma ,atopic dermatitis ,children ,food allergy ,sub-lingual immunotherapy ,subcutaneous immunotherapy ,pediatrics, perinatology and child health ,Italy ,Administration ,Practice Guidelines as Topic ,Sub-lingual immunotherapy ,Food Hypersensitivity ,Oral ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Consensus ,Injections, Subcutaneous ,Atopic ,Dermatitis, Atopic ,Injections ,03 medical and health sciences ,Pharmacotherapy ,Food allergy ,Medical ,medicine ,Humans ,Medical prescription ,Asthma ,Allergen-specific immunotherapy ,business.industry ,Immunotherapy ,medicine.disease ,030228 respiratory system ,Desensitization, Immunologic ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,Societies ,business - Abstract
Allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) is currently recognized as a clinically effective treatment for allergic diseases, with a unique disease-modifying effect. AIT was introduced in clinical practice one century ago, and performed in the early years with allergenic extracts of poor quality and definition. After the mechanism of allergic reaction were recognized, the practice of AIT was refined, leading to remarkable improvement in the efficacy and safety profile of the treatment. Currently AIT is accepted and routinely prescribed worldwide for respiratory allergies and hymenoptera venom allergy. Both the subcutaneous (SCIT) and sublingual (SLIT) routes of administration are used in the pediatric population. AIT is recommended in allergic rhinitis/conjunctivitis with/without allergic asthma, with an evidence of specific IgE-sensitization towards clinically relevant inhalant allergens. Long-term studies provided evidence that AIT can also prevent the onset of asthma and of new sensitizations. The favorable response to AIT is strictly linked to adherence to treatment, that lasts 3–5 years. Therefore, several factors should be carefully evaluated before starting this intervention, including the severity of symptoms, pharmacotherapy requirements and children and caregivers’ preference and compliance. In recent years, there have been increasing interest in the role of AIT for the treatment of IgE-associated food allergy and extrinsic atopic dermatitis. A growing body of evidence shows that oral immunotherapy represents a promising treatment option for IgE-associated food allergy. On the contrary, there are still controversies on the effectiveness of AIT for patients with atopic dermatitis. This consensus document was promoted by the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (SIAIP) to provide evidence-based recommendations on AIT in order to implement and optimize current prescription practices of this treatment for allergic children.
- Published
- 2017
15. Immunoterapia con allergeni (AIT): Consensus della Società Italiana di Allergologia e Immunologia Pediatrica (SIAIP) per la pratica clinica in pediatria
- Author
Pajno, Gb, Bernardini, R, Terracciano, L, Duse, M, Indinnimeo, L, Caminiti, L, Comberiati, P, Matricardi, Pm, Miraglia del Giudice, M, Muraro, A, Passalacqua, G, Peroni, D, Barberi, S., CALAMELLI, ELISABETTA, DONDI, ARIANNA, RICCI, GIAMPAOLO, Pajno, Gb, Bernardini, R, Terracciano, L, Duse, M, Indinnimeo, L, Calamelli, E, Caminiti, L, Comberiati, P, Dondi, A, Matricardi, Pm, Miraglia del Giudice, M, Muraro, A, Passalacqua, G, Peroni, D, Ricci, G, and Barberi, S
- Subjects
Immunoterapia allergene specifica, Pediatria, Rinite allergica - Abstract
Questo documento è stato sviluppato a seguito della riunione del Gruppo di Lavoro Italiano sull’Immunoterapia allergene specifica (AIT) promosso dalla Società Italiana di Allergologia e Immunologia Pediatrica (SIAIP). L’obiettivo è implementare e ottimizzare la pratica clinica dell’AIT per i pazienti in età pediatrica con malattie allergiche. Questo documento costituisce una guida per un efficace e sicuro utilizzo dell’AIT nei bambini allergici, allo scopo di supportare lo specialista, per quanto possibile, nella pratica clinica . Per la preparazione di questo documento, il Gruppo di Lavoro ha eseguito un’approfondita ricerca nella letteratura medica, con l’ausilio di Pub-Med. Gli studi clinici pubblicati sono stati valutati per categorie di evidenza e utilizzati per stabilire la forza della raccomandazione.
- Published
- 2014
16. I disturbi del sonno: il Progetto 'Ci piace sognare'
- Author
Brambilla, P, Barberi, S, Bernasconi, S, Bona, G, Brusoni, G, Buongiovanni, C, Carotenuto, M, Chiappini, E, Di Mauro, G, Ghiglioni, D, Gnecchi, M, Giussani, M, Iughetti, Lorenzo, Maffeis, C, Miraglia Del Giudice, E, Pasinato, A, Picca, M, Privitera, F, Sticco, M, Tamassia, G, Venturelli, L, Verduci, E, Villella, A., Brambilla, P, Barberi, S, Bernasconi, S, Bona, G, Brusoni, G, Buongiovanni, C, Carotenuto, Marco, Chiappini, E, Di Mauro, G, Ghiglioni, D, Gnecchi, M, Giussani, M, Iughetti, L, Maffeis, C, MIRAGLIA DEL GIUDICE, Emanuele, Pasinato, A, Picca, M, Privitera, F, Sticco, M, Tamassia, G, Venturelli, L, Verduci, E, and Villella, A.
- Subjects
sonno - Published
- 2014
17. Hypertonic saline monotherapy in children with perennial allergic rhinitis: a pilot study
- Author
Barberi, S., D Auria, E., Bernardo, L., Ferrara, F., Pietra, B., Pinto, F., Ferrero, F., and Giorgio Ciprandi
- Subjects
Settore MED/38 - Pediatria Generale e Specialistica - Published
- 2016
18. La tosse cronica in età pediatrica
- Author
Kantar, Coordinators: A., Bergamini, M., Arasi, Stefania, Antonelli, R. C. u. t. r. e. r. a. Estensori: F., Barbato, A., Barberi, S., Bernardini, R., Bignamini, E., Boner, A., Bracaglia, G., Cardinale, F., Cazzato, S., Cheli, M., Chiappini, E., Ghiglioni, D., De’Angelis, G. L., De Benedictis, F. M., Di Mauro4, G., Duse, M., Esposito, F., Ghezzi, M., Indinnimeo, L., Longo, G., Mansi, N., Midulla, F., Minasi, D., Miniello, V. L., Miraglia del Giudice, M., Nosetti, L., Novelli, A., Pajno, G. B., Paravati, F., Plebani, A., Ragazzo, V., Ricci, G., Rossi, G. A., Sacco, O., Saggin, A., Snijders, D., Tagliaferri, B., Tancredi, G., Terracciano, L., Ullmann, N., Verga, Mc, Varricchio, A., and DOCUMENTO INTERSOCIETARIO SIAIP SIMRI SIPO SIPPS, A. V. i. l. l. a. n. i.
- Published
- 2015
19. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and subacute rhinosinusitis in children
- Author
Esposito S, Principi N, Di Pietro P, Bona G, Longhi R, Navone C, De Luca G, Michelozzi C, Miniello V, Morelli M, Tel F, Traverso A, Tremolati E, de Martino M, Bosis S, Chiappini E, Galli L, Tovo P, Paravati F, Plebani A, Vierucci A, Barbato A, Marseglia G, Baldi F, Barberi S, Bellasio M, Boner A, Cuffari A, Decimo F, De Rosa M, Leo G, del Giudice MM, Piacentini G, Tripodi S, Di Mauro G, Brusoni G, Zuccotti GV, Passali D, Serra A, Pagnataro L, Belussi L, Marchisio P, Eandi M, Novelli A, Scaglione F, Nicoletti G, Speciale A.M. Pediatrics, Italian Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Italian Society of Chemotherapy, Italian Society of Microbiology, LONGO, GIORGIO, Esposito, S, Principi, N, DI PIETRO, P, Bona, G, Longhi, R, Navone, C, DE LUCA, G, Michelozzi, C, Miniello, V, Morelli, M, Tel, F, Traverso, A, Tremolati, E, DE MARTINO, M, Bosis, S, Chiappini, E, Galli, L, Tovo, P, Paravati, F, Plebani, A, Vierucci, A, Barbato, A, Marseglia, G, Baldi, F, Barberi, S, Bellasio, M, Boner, A, Cuffari, A, Decimo, Fabio, DE ROSA, M, Leo, G, Longo, G, MIRAGLIA DEL GIUDICE, Michele, Piacentini, G, Tripodi, S, DI MAURO, G, Brusoni, G, Zuccotti, Gv, Passali, D, Serra, A, Pagnataro, L, Belussi, L, Marchisio, P, Eandi, M, Novelli, A, Scaglione, F, Nicoletti, Giovanni Francesco, Speciale, Am, Di Pietro, P, De Luca, G, de Martino, M, Decimo, F, De Rosa, M, Longo, Giorgio, del Giudice, Mm, Di Mauro, G, Nicoletti, G, Pediatrics, Speciale A. M., Italian Society of, Otorhinolaryngology, Italian Society of, Chemotherapy, and Italian Society of, Microbiology
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,sinusitis ,respiratory tract infection ,Respiratory System Agents ,MEDLINE ,subacute rhinosinusiti ,English language ,Guidelines ,Drug Administration Schedule ,subacute rhinosinusitis ,children ,Terminology as Topic ,medicine ,Acute rhinosinusitis ,Humans ,Pharmacology (medical) ,rhinosinusitis ,guidelines ,Child ,Sinusitis ,Intensive care medicine ,Rhinitis ,Pharmacology ,Settore MED/38 - Pediatria Generale e Specialistica ,Human studies ,business.industry ,medicine.disease ,Antibiotic treatment ,Anti-Bacterial Agents ,Surgery ,Infectious Diseases ,Oncology ,El Niño ,Settore BIO/14 - Farmacologia ,business - Abstract
The importance of rhinosinusitis finally reached pediatricians' attention a few years ago, and it has now been demonstrated that it is medically important and has a considerable socioeconomic impact in childhood. These guidelines, which have been prepared with and approved by many Italian Scientific Societies, are based on the most recent findings in the fields of clinical symptoms, imaging and microbiology tests for the diagnosis of acute rhinosinusitis, and efficacy evidence concerning antibiotic treatment and non-antibiotic adjuvant treatment. A Pubmed search using the key words "sinusitis", "rhinosinusitis", "child" and "antibiotic treatment", and the limits "human studies" and "English language", led to the selection of more than 2,700 articles published between 1966 and 2007. These guidelines are based on the 125 that were considered truly relevant and reflect the most widely shared positions concerning the diagnosis and treatment of acute, subacute and recurrent rhinosinusitis in children.
- Published
- 2008
20. Nasal cytology in children: scraping or swabbing?
- Author
Pipolo, C., primary, Bianchini, S., additional, Barberi, S., additional, Landi, M., additional, D'Auria, E., additional, Fuccillo, E., additional, Gaffuri, M., additional, Marchisio, P., additional, Rosazza, C., additional, Saibene, A.M., additional, Gerlardi, M., additional, and Torretta, S., additional
- Published
- 2017
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
21. Allergen immunotherapy may exert an extra-anti-allergic activity in children
- Author
Ciprandi, G, Incorvaia, C, Dell'Albani, I, Di Cara, G, Barberi, S, Puccinelli, P, Frati, F, Masieri, Simonetta, and RINOBIT Study Group
- Subjects
Cohort Studies ,Male ,Rhinitis, Allergic, Perennial ,Desensitization, Immunologic ,Humans ,Female ,Child ,Rhinitis, Allergic - Abstract
Allergic patients frequently suffer from infections. Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) usually improves respiratory symptoms, mainly in allergic rhinitis (AR). This study was aimed at evaluating the possible impact of AIT on extra-allergic outcomes in a cohort of Italian children with respiratory allergy patients. The study was performed on 77 children (43 males, mean age 10.5 years) with AR. The kind and the number of prescribed allergen extracts, type of diagnosis, severity of symptoms, and use of drugs were evaluated at baseline and after 2 year AIT. Globally 40 patients were treated with AIT, the remaining 37 children served as control. AIT-treated children had lower symptoms, drug use, and less severe extra-allergic surrogate markers of infection in comparison with children untreated with AIT. In conclusion, this study provides the first evidence that 2-year SLIT is able of exerting an adjunctive anti-allergic activity in AR children.
- Published
- 2014
22. Allergen immunotherapy may exert an extra-anti-allergic activity in children
- Author
Giorgio Ciprandi, Incorvaia, C., Albani, I., Di Cara, G., Barberi, S., Puccinelli, P., and Frati, F.
- Published
- 2013
23. A survey on features of allergic rhinitis in children
- Author
Zicari, A, Indinnimeo, L, De Castro, G, Incorvaia, C, Frati, F, Dell'Albani, I, Puccinelli, P, Scolari, M, Duse, M, Ahmad, K, Alessandri, C, Anastasio, E, Baldo, E, Barberi, S, Bernardini, R, Boccafogli, A, Boner, A, Brunetti, L, Caffarelli, C, Capocasale, G, Capra, L, Carbone, M, Cavaliere, C, Celani, C, Cervone, R, Cesoni Marcelli, A, Chini, L, Cortellini, G, Costantino, M, Cutrera, R, Dello Iacono, I, De Vittori, V, Dinella, G, Esposito, S, Ferrarini, E, Ferraro, F, Gelardi, M, Gualtiero, L, La Grutta, S, Lietti, D, Lollobrigida, V, Marinoni, M, Marseglia, G, Masieri, S, Minasi, D, Del Giudice, M, Moschese, V, Nespoli, L, Novembre, E, Occasi, F, Pace, M, Pajno, G, Patria, M, Peroni, D, Ricci, G, Ricciardi, L, Roncallo, C, Santamaria, F, Santucci, A, Sciacca, A, Scala, G, Taddeo, G, Tancredi, G, Tosca, M, Varricchio, A, Zampogna, S, Zicari, Am, Indinnimeo, L, De Castro, G, Incorvaia, C, Frati, F, Dell'Albani, I, Puccinelli, P, Scolari, M, MIRAGLIA DEL GIUDICE, Michele, Duse, M., Zicari, A., Indinnimeo, L., De Castro, G., Incorvaia, C., Frati, F., Dell'Albani, I., Puccinelli, P., Scolari, M., and La Grutta, Stefania.
- Subjects
Questionnaires ,Male ,Pediatrics ,medicine.disease_cause ,Adrenal Cortex Hormone ,Allergic rhinitis ,Drug treatment ,Allergen ,Adrenal Cortex Hormones ,Grass pollen ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Child ,Rhinitis ,Allergen immunotherapy ,biology ,Medicine (all) ,Pyroglyphidae ,General Medicine ,Dust mites ,Response to treatment ,Phenotypes ,Phenotype ,Italy ,Child, Preschool ,Female ,Adolescent ,Animals ,Histamine Antagonists ,Humans ,Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal ,Histamine Antagonist ,Human ,allergen immunotherapy ,phenotypes ,aria classification ,allergic rhinitis ,drug treatment ,medicine.medical_specialty ,ARIA classification ,Allergic ,medicine ,Allergic rhiniti ,Preschool ,Settore MED/38 - Pediatria Generale e Specialistica ,Seasonal ,business.industry ,Animal ,Questionnaire ,biology.organism_classification ,Dermatology ,Clinical trial ,Multicenter study ,business - Abstract
Objective: A number of epidemiologic studies evaluated the prevalence of allergic rhinitis (AR), but few data are available on its different clinical presentations. We addressed this survey to assess the features of AR in children and adolescents. Methods: Thirty-five centers in Italy included 2623 pediatric patients with rhinitis, of whom 2319 suffered from AR, while 304 had other kinds of rhinitis. For each patient a standardized questionnaire was filled in, including ARIA classification, the duration of symptoms, the allergen identified as clinically relevant, the co-morbidities, the kind of treatment, the response to treatment, the satisfaction with the treatment, and the feasibility of allergen immunotherapy (AIT). Results: Of the 2319 patients, 597 (25.7%) had mild intermittent, 701 (30.2%) mild persistent, 174 (7.5%) moderate-severe intermittent, and 773 (33.3%) moderate-severe persistent AR. The allergens most relevant were grass pollen and dust mites. The most frequently used drugs were oral antihistamines (83.1%) and topical corticosteroids (63.5%). The response to treatment was judged as excellent in 13.5%, good in 45.1%, fair in 30.8%, poor in 10%, and very bad in 0.6% of cases. The satisfaction with treatment was judged as very satisfactory in 15.2%, satisfactory in 61.8%, unsatisfactory in 22.4%, and very unsatisfactory in 0.5% of cases. AIT was considered indicated in 53.1% of patients with mild intermittent, 79.2% of moderate-severe intermittent, 72.6% of mild persistent, and 82.7% of moderate-severe persistent AR. Conclusions: The limitation of this study is that the population was not unselected and this prevents epidemiological significance. These results offer confirmation of the adequacy of ARIA guidelines in classifying patients with AR and of the association of severe phenotype with lack of success of drug treatment. © 2013 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2013
24. Adherence to sublingual immunotherapy in preschool children
- Author
Pajno, Gb, Caminiti, L, Crisafulli, G, Barberi, S, Landi, M, Aversa, T, Valenzise, M, and Passalacqua, Giovanni
- Subjects
Male ,Sublingual immunotherapy ,Rhinitis, Allergic, Perennial ,Pyroglyphidae ,Administration, Sublingual ,Asthma ,Italy ,Desensitization, Immunologic ,Child, Preschool ,Animals ,Humans ,Patient Compliance ,Female ,Antigens, Dermatophagoides ,Child ,Follow-Up Studies - Published
- 2012
25. Improvvisa perdita bilaterale della vista in una paziente in trattamento emodialitico Cronico:un caso di neurite ottica ischemica non artritica anteriore(NAION)
- Author
Barberi, S, Festuccia, F, Fazzari, L., Punzo, Giorgio, and Mene', Paolo
- Published
- 2011
26. Immune response to sublingual immunotherapy in children allergic to mites
- Author
Barberi, S., Villa, M. P., Pajno, G. B., La Penna, F., Barreto, M., Cardelli, P., Amodeo, R., Tabacco, F., Caminiti, L., and Giorgio Ciprandi
- Subjects
Male ,Mites ,Adolescent ,Administration, Sublingual ,Immunoglobulin E ,sublingual immunotherapy ,house dust mites ,t cell subsets ,children ,cytokine production ,Desensitization, Immunologic ,Hypersensitivity ,Animals ,Cytokines ,Humans ,Female ,sublingual immunotherapy, cytokine production, T cell subsets, children, house dust mites ,Child ,T cell subsets - Abstract
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is characterized by Th2 polarized immune response. Specific immunotherapy modifies this arrangement restoring a physiologic Th1 profile. Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is widely prescribed, but there is no early marker of response. The aim of this study is to investigate possible marker of SLIT effectiveness. Thirty children with mite allergy were studied: 15 were treated with drugs alone, 15 with SLIT and drugs on demand. The study lasted 2 years. Visual analogue scale (VAS) for symptoms and medication score were evaluated. Serum cytokines (IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IFN-gamma, MCP-1, and TNF-alpha) were assessed by ELISA before and after 1 and 2 year SLIT. SLIT-treated children obtained a significant improvement of symptoms and a reduction of drug use, whereas children treated with a drug alone did not obtained any change. IL-10 significantly increased, whereas Th2-dependent and pro-inflammatory cytokines significantly decreased. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that 2-year SLIT is capable of inducing immunologic hyporeactivity to mites.
- Published
- 2011
27. Studio di cinetica emodialitica nel paziente sottoposto a trattamento con iodio-131 Per carcinoma tiroideo
- Author
Apponi, F, Fofi, C, Barberi, S, Falcone, C, Festuccia, F, Punzo, Giorgio, and Mene', Paolo
- Published
- 2011
28. Chronic urticaria in children/Orticaria cronica in età pediatrica
- Author
Caffarelli, C, Cardinale, F, Paravati, F, Agnelli, R, Barberi, S, Belloni Fortina, A, Bernardini, R, and Rovatti, G
- Published
- 2010
29. Specific Oral Tollerence Induction With A Weekly Updosing Schedule in Children With Ige Mediated Cow's Milk Allergy
- Author
Pajno, Giovanni Bat., Caminiti, L., Barberi, S., Vita, D., BAENA CAGNANI, C. E., BARBERIO BARBERIO, Giovanni, Ruggeri, Paolo, and Passalacqua, G.
- Published
- 2009
30. Quadrantectomia e asportazione del linfonodo sentinella in anestesia locale in day hospital
- Author
Ranieri, Ersilia, Larcinese, Antonella, Barberi, S, Caprio, G, Naticchioni, Enzo, Civitelli, Liana, Paglicci, Carlo, Pagni, Paola, Zancla, S, Rengo, Mario, and DI GIORGIO, Angelo
- Subjects
pathology/surgery ,Ambulatory Surgical Procedures, Anesthesia ,Local, Breast Neoplasms ,pathology/surgery, Female, Humans, Lymph Node Excision, Mastectomy ,methods, Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy ,Ambulatory Surgical Procedures ,Local ,Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy ,Humans ,Lymph Node Excision ,Anesthesia ,Breast Neoplasms ,Female ,Mastectomy ,methods - Published
- 2008
31. Long term clinical efficacy of sublingual immunotherapy in children with parietaria allergy
- Author
Barberi, S, Caminiti, L, Vita, D, Passalacqua, G, and Pajno, Giovanni Bat.
- Published
- 2008
32. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and subacute rhinosinusitis in children
- Author
Di Pietro, P, Bona, G, Longhi, R, Navone, C, De Luca, G, Michelozzi, C, Miniello, V, Morelli, M, Tel, F, Traverso, A, Tremolati, E, de Martino, M, Bosis, S, Chiappini, E, Galli, L, Tovo, P, Paravati, F, Plebani, A, Vierucci, A, Barbato, A, Marseglia, G, Baldi, F, Barberi, S, Bellasio, M, Boner, A, Cuffari, A, Decimo, F, De Rosa, M, Leo, G, Longo, G, del Giudice MM, Piacentini, G, Tripodi, S, Di Mauro, G, Brusoni, G, Zuccotti, Gv, Passali, D, Serra, Agostino, Pagnataro, L, Bellussi, L, Marchisio, P, Eandi, M, Novelli, A, Scaglione, F, Nicoletti, G, and Speciale, A. M.
- Published
- 2008
33. Respiratory maneuvers during collection of exhaled breath condensate (EBC) influence acidity measurements in healthy and asthmatic children
- Author
Barreto, Mario, Barberi, S, Zambardi, R, Martella, S, Olita, C, Principessa, L, Ronchetti, R, and Villa, M. P.
- Published
- 2007
34. [Breast carcinoma in young women]
- Author
Tomao, Federica, Miele, E., Barberi, S., Caprio, G., Russillol, M., Spinelli, GIAN PAOLO, La Ferla, G., and Tomao, Silverio
- Subjects
young ,Carcinoma ,Age Factors ,Breast Neoplasms ,Prognosis ,survival ,Survival Analysis ,breast cancer ,Italy ,Predictive Value of Tests ,Risk Factors ,Humans ,Female ,Lymph Nodes - Abstract
Breast cancer presents important differences in distribution of histopathologic factors between younger and older patients but it's less clear if reduction of survival which often occurs in cancer of the youth depends on the concomitant presence of negative prognostic factor or if age alone acts as a factor indicating more aggressiveness. Many studies seem to indicate that young age at diagnosis is an independent predictive factor mostly in patients with early stage of disease and negative nodes. Other studies assert that age can be considered as the most important predictive factor after nodes involvement.
- Published
- 2006
- Author
Ranieri, Ersilia, Barberi, S., Caprio, G., Naticchioni, E., Ceccarelli, F., and Rengo, M.
- Published
- 2006
36. Endocrinoterapia neoadiuvante nel carcinoma della mammella localmente avanzato
- Author
Tomao, Federica, Miele, E, Barberi, S, Caprio, G, Russillo, M, Spinelli, GIAN PAOLO, LA FERLA, G, and Tomao, Silverio
- Subjects
Breast cancer ,young ,prognosis - Published
- 2006
37. Tahini, a little known sesame-containing food, as an unexpected cause of severeallergic reaction
- Author
Caminiti, L, Vita, D, Passalacqua, G, Arrigo, Teresa, Barberi, S, Lombardo, Fortunato, and Pajno, Giovanni Bat.
- Subjects
allergy ,sesame ,tahini ,masked allergen - Published
- 2006
38. Tahini, a little known sesame-contining food as cause of severe reaction
- Author
Caminiti, L, Arrigo, T, Passalacqua, Giovanni, Vita, D, Barberi, S, Lombardo, F, and Pajno, G.
- Published
- 2006
39. Ruolo dell’acido urico nell’ipertensione arteriosa e nella progressione delle nefropatie
- Author
Barberi, S and Mene', Paolo
- Published
- 2006
40. Resolution of septic shock in a patient with myelomeningocele (spina bifida) complicated with deforming Elephantiasis Nostras Verrucosa
- Author
Barberi, S., primary, Manzione, A., additional, Scrivano, J., additional, Maresca, B., additional, Moioli, A., additional, Salvi, P.F., additional, Stoppacciaro, A., additional, Pucci, E., additional, Punzo, G., additional, Tammaro, A., additional, Gaspari, A.A., additional, and Menè, P., additional
- Published
- 2015
- Full Text
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41. One-day surgery in a series of 150 breast cancer patients: efficacy and cost-benefit analysis
- Author
Ranieri, Ersilia, Caprio, G., Fobert, M. T., Civitelli, Liana, Ceccarelli, F., Barberi, S., and Virno, F.
- Subjects
Adult ,Ambulatory Surgical Procedures ,Italy ,Patient Satisfaction ,Cost-Benefit Analysis ,Humans ,Breast Neoplasms ,Female ,Health Care Costs ,Middle Aged ,Mastectomy ,Aged - Abstract
Financing health-care expenditure has become increasingly more difficult. Considering the high frequency of breast cancer, which affects one million women in the world each year, the reductions of medical expenditure for the treatment of this disease is highly desirable within the limits of medical efficiency and safety. One hundred and fifty patients with carcinoma of the breast underwent surgery in our department with one-day hospitalization. Patients were discharged with the drainage tube still in place and later treated in the out-patient setting, for dressing and checking the wound, and removing the stitches and drainage tube. Four cases of seroma were registered, all resolved by aspiration of the fluid in a single visit, 1 case of haematoma and 1 case of infection. Patients who underwent this short-stay treatment were amply satisfied. Our experience demonstrates that this type of treatment is both safe and effective. Moreover, it provides considerable benefits in terms of national health-care costs as well as being psychologically better for the patients.
- Published
- 2004
42. Gestione integrata della rinite allergica e dell'asma del bambino
- Author
Pajno, Giovanni Bat., Marseglia, G. L., Caimmi, S., Barberi, S., Ricci, A., Vita, D., Caminiti, L., Barberi, I., and BARBERIO BARBERIO, Giovanni
- Published
- 2004
43. Correlation between oxidative stress andmodality of ventilation in preterm newborn
- Author
Gitto, Eloisa, Barberi, S, Arco, A, Giuffrida, M, and Barberi, Ignazio
- Published
- 2003
44. Correlation between oxidative stress and modality of ventilation in preterm newborn
- Author
Gitto, Eloisa, Barberi, S., Barberi, Ignazio, Arco, A., and Giuffrida, M.
- Published
- 2003
45. Utilizzo clinico della melatonina nel neonato
- Author
Barberi, Ignazio, Gitto, Eloisa, Cordaro, S, Calabro', Maria Pia, Arco, A, and Barberi, S.
- Published
- 2002
46. Ruolo della melatonina nella prevenzione dello stress ossidativo nell'asfissia neonatale
- Author
Polimeni, I, Fulia, Francesco, Gitto, Eloisa, Meo, P, Barberi, S, Cordaro, Sp, Cuzzocrea, Salvatore, and Barberi, Ignazio
- Published
- 2001
47. Effetti della melatonina nel trattamento delle sepsi neonatali
- Author
Gitto, Eloisa, Reiter, Rj, Fulia, Francesco, Cordaro, Sp, Gitto, P, Barberi, S, Cuzzocrea, Salvatore, and Barberi, Ignazio
- Published
- 2001
48. Sepsi e stress ossidativo del neonato: nuove strategie terapeutiche
- Author
Barberi, Ignazio, Gitto, Eloisa, Fulia, Francesco, Barberi, S, Calafiore, M, and Cordaro, S.
- Published
- 2001
49. Nuovi vaccini
- Author
Barberi, Ignazio, Gitto, Eloisa, Arco, A, and Barberi, S.
- Published
- 2001
50. Serum bone-related degradation products from C-terminal telopeptides of type I collagen ( ßCTX) in men
- Author
Minisola, Salvatore, Pacitti, Mt, Caravella, P, Barberi, S, Dionisi, S, Diacinti, Daniele, Mazzaferro, Sandro, Carnevale, V, Scillitani, A, Romagnoli, E, and Mazzuoli, G. F.
- Published
- 2000
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