1. Kronično liječenje dječje astme i koncept MART
- Author
Banac, Srđan and Banac, Srđan
- Abstract
Kasnih osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, kada se shvatilo da je astma dominantno kronična upalna bolest dišnih putova, došlo je do velikih promjena u kliničkom pristupu bolesniku s astmom. Time je završila „bronhodilatacijska era“ i započela je „protuupalna era“ u kojoj su inhalacijski kortikosteroidi (ICS) postali glavni oslonac farmakoterapijskog pristupa astmi. Jedan takav recentan pristup poznat je pod akronimom MART (engl. maintenance and reliever therapy). On podrazumijeva primjenu fiksne kombinacije ICS-a i formoterola koju bolesnik udiše svakodnevno u cilju dugoročnog održavanja kontrole astme (engl. maintenance), ali za istim lijekom poseže i dodatno „po potrebi“ za postizanje olakšanja (engl. reliever). MART je učinkovita farmakoterapijska opcija u djece starije od šest godina koja pate od perzistentne astme. Poglavito je atraktivna za adolescente čija je astma često nezadovoljavajuće kontrolirana uslijed slabe adherencije za kontinuiranim uzimanjem protuupalnih lijekova., In the late 1980s, when it was realized that asthma is predominantly a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, there were major changes in the clinical approach to patients with asthma. The “bronchodilator era” ended and the “anti-inflammatory era” began in which inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) became the mainstay of the pharmacotherapeutic approach to asthma. One such recent approach is known under the acronym MART (maintenance and reliever therapy). It involves the use of a fixed combination of ICS and formoterol that the patient inhales daily with the aim of long-term maintenance of asthma control, but the same drug is additionally used “as needed” to achieve relief. MART is an effective pharmacotherapeutic option in children older than 6 years who suffer from persistent asthma. It is particularly attractive for adolescents whose asthma is often unsatisfactorily controlled because of poor adherence to continuous anti-inflammatory medication.
- Published
- 2024