423 results on '"Bagnoli, S."'
Search Results
2. Event-Related Potential Markers of Subject Cognitive Decline and Mild Cognitive Impairment during a sustained visuo-attentive task
- Author
Vergani, A. A., primary, Mazzeo, S., additional, Moschini, V., additional, Burali, R., additional, Lassi, M., additional, Amato, L. G., additional, Carpaneto, J., additional, Salves-trini, G., additional, Fabbiani, C., additional, Giacomucci, G., additional, Morinelli, C., additional, Emiliani, F., additional, Scarpino, M., additional, Bagnoli, S., additional, Ingannato, A., additional, Nacmias, B., additional, Padiglioni, S., additional, Sorbi, S., additional, Bessi, V., additional, Grippo, A., additional, and Mazzoni, A., additional
- Published
- 2024
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3. P492 All intestinal ultrasound scores for ulcerative colitis (and IBUS-SAS) strongly correlate with endoscopic activity: a prospective study
- Author
Innocenti, T, primary, Rocco, C, additional, Lynch, E N, additional, Bagnoli, S, additional, Macrì, G, additional, Rogai, F, additional, Orlandini, B, additional, Bonanomi, A G, additional, Milla, M, additional, Milani, S, additional, Galli, A, additional, Biagini, M R, additional, and Dragoni, G, additional
- Published
- 2024
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4. Incomplete penetrance in familial Alzheimer’s disease with PSEN1 Ala260Gly mutation
- Author
Piaceri, I., Chiari, A., Galli, C., Bagnoli, S., Ferrari, C., Saavedra, S. Trujillo, Molinari, M. A., Vinceti, G., Sorbi, S., and Nacmias, B.
- Published
- 2020
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5. Author Correction: Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores (Nature Communications, (2021), 12, 1, (3417), 10.1038/s41467-021-22491-8)
- Author
de Rojas I., de Rojas, I, Moreno-Grau, S, Tesi, N, Grenier-Boley, B, Andrade, V, Jansen, I, Pedersen, N, Stringa, N, Zettergren, A, Hernandez, I, Montrreal, L, Antunez, C, Antonell, A, Tankard, R, Bis, J, Sims, R, Bellenguez, C, Quintela, I, Gonzalez-Perez, A, Calero, M, Franco-Macias, E, Macias, J, Blesa, R, Cervera-Carles, L, Menendez-Gonzalez, M, Frank-Garcia, A, Royo, J, Moreno, F, Huerto Vilas, R, Baquero, M, Diez-Fairen, M, Lage, C, Garcia-Madrona, S, Garcia-Gonzalez, P, Alarcon-Martin, E, Valero, S, Sotolongo-Grau, O, Ullgren, A, Naj, A, Lemstra, A, Benaque, A, Perez-Cordon, A, Benussi, A, Rabano, A, Padovani, A, Squassina, A, de Mendonca, A, Arias Pastor, A, Kok, A, Meggy, A, Pastor, A, Espinosa, A, Corma-Gomez, A, Martin Montes, A, Sanabria, A, Destefano, A, Schneider, A, Haapasalo, A, Kinhult Stahlbom, A, Tybjaerg-Hansen, A, Hartmann, A, Spottke, A, Corbaton-Anchuelo, A, Rongve, A, Borroni, B, Arosio, B, Nacmias, B, Nordestgaard, B, Kunkle, B, Charbonnier, C, Abdelnour, C, Masullo, C, Martinez Rodriguez, C, Munoz-Fernandez, C, Dufouil, C, Graff, C, Ferreira, C, Chillotti, C, Reynolds, C, Fenoglio, C, Van Broeckhoven, C, Clark, C, Pisanu, C, Satizabal, C, Holmes, C, Buiza-Rueda, D, Aarsland, D, Rujescu, D, Alcolea, D, Galimberti, D, Wallon, D, Seripa, D, Grunblatt, E, Dardiotis, E, Duzel, E, Scarpini, E, Conti, E, Rubino, E, Gelpi, E, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E, Duron, E, Boerwinkle, E, Ferri, E, Tagliavini, F, Kucukali, F, Pasquier, F, Sanchez-Garcia, F, Mangialasche, F, Jessen, F, Nicolas, G, Selbaek, G, Ortega, G, Chene, G, Hadjigeorgiou, G, Rossi, G, Spalletta, G, Giaccone, G, Grande, G, Binetti, G, Papenberg, G, Hampel, H, Bailly, H, Zetterberg, H, Soininen, H, Karlsson, I, Alvarez, I, Appollonio, I, Giegling, I, Skoog, I, Saltvedt, I, Rainero, I, Rosas Allende, I, Hort, J, Diehl-Schmid, J, Van Dongen, J, Vidal, J, Lehtisalo, J, Wiltfang, J, Thomassen, J, Kornhuber, J, Haines, J, Vogelgsang, J, Pineda, J, Fortea, J, Popp, J, Deckert, J, Buerger, K, Morgan, K, Fliessbach, K, Sleegers, K, Molina-Porcel, L, Kilander, L, Weinhold, L, Farrer, L, Wang, L, Kleineidam, L, Farotti, L, Parnetti, L, Tremolizzo, L, Hausner, L, Benussi, L, Froelich, L, Ikram, M, Deniz-Naranjo, M, Tsolaki, M, Rosende-Roca, M, Lowenmark, M, Hulsman, M, Spallazzi, M, Pericak-Vance, M, Esiri, M, Bernal Sanchez-Arjona, M, Dalmasso, M, Martinez-Larrad, M, Arcaro, M, Nothen, M, Fernandez-Fuertes, M, Dichgans, M, Ingelsson, M, Herrmann, M, Scherer, M, Vyhnalek, M, Kosmidis, M, Yannakoulia, M, Schmid, M, Ewers, M, Heneka, M, Wagner, M, Scamosci, M, Kivipelto, M, Hiltunen, M, Zulaica, M, Alegret, M, Fornage, M, Roberto, N, van Schoor, N, Seidu, N, Banaj, N, Armstrong, N, Scarmeas, N, Scherbaum, N, Goldhardt, O, Hanon, O, Peters, O, Skrobot, O, Quenez, O, Lerch, O, Bossu, P, Caffarra, P, Dionigi Rossi, P, Sakka, P, Mecocci, P, Hoffmann, P, Holmans, P, Fischer, P, Riederer, P, Yang, Q, Marshall, R, Kalaria, R, Mayeux, R, Vandenberghe, R, Cecchetti, R, Ghidoni, R, Frikke-Schmidt, R, Sorbi, S, Hagg, S, Engelborghs, S, Helisalmi, S, Botne Sando, S, Kern, S, Archetti, S, Boschi, S, Fostinelli, S, Gil, S, Mendoza, S, Mead, S, Ciccone, S, Djurovic, S, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Riedel-Heller, S, Kuulasmaa, T, del Ser, T, Lebouvier, T, Polak, T, Ngandu, T, Grimmer, T, Bessi, V, Escott-Price, V, Giedraitis, V, Deramecourt, V, Maier, W, Jian, X, Pijnenburg, Y, Smith, A, Saenz, A, Bizzarro, A, Lauria, A, Vacca, A, Solomon, A, Anastasiou, A, Richardson, A, Boland, A, Koivisto, A, Daniele, A, Greco, A, Marianthi, A, Mcguinness, B, Fin, B, Ferrari, C, Custodero, C, Ferrarese, C, Ingino, C, Mangone, C, Reyes Toso, C, Martinez, C, Cuesta, C, Muchnik, C, Joachim, C, Ortiz, C, Besse, C, Johansson, C, Zoia, C, Laske, C, Anastasiou, C, Palacio, D, Politis, D, Janowitz, D, Craig, D, Mann, D, Neary, D, Jurgen, D, Daian, D, Belezhanska, D, Kohler, E, Castano, E, Koutsouraki, E, Chipi, E, De Roeck, E, Costantini, E, Vardy, E, Piras, F, Roveta, F, Prestia, F, Assogna, F, Salani, F, Sala, G, Lacidogna, G, Novack, G, Wilcock, G, Thonberg, H, Kolsch, H, Weber, H, Boecker, H, Etchepareborda, I, Piaceri, I, Tuomilehto, J, Lindstrom, J, Laczo, J, Johnston, J, Deleuze, J, Harris, J, Schott, J, Priller, J, Bacha, J, Snowden, J, Lisso, J, Mihova, K, Traykov, L, Morelli, L, Brusco, L, Rainer, M, Takalo, M, Bjerke, M, Del Zompo, M, Serpente, M, Sanchez Abalos, M, Rios, M, Peltonen, M, Herrman, M, Kohler, M, Rojo, M, Jones, M, Orsini, M, Medel, N, Olivar, N, Fox, N, Salvadori, N, Hooper, N, Galeano, P, Solis, P, Bastiani, P, Passmore, P, Heun, R, Antikainen, R, Olaso, R, Perneczky, R, Germani, S, Lopez-Garcia, S, Love, S, Mehrabian, S, Bagnoli, S, Kochen, S, Andreoni, S, Teipel, S, Todd, S, Pickering-Brown, S, Natunen, T, Tegos, T, Laatikainen, T, Strandberg, T, Polvikoski, T, Matoska, V, Ciullo, V, Cores, V, Solfrizzi, V, Lisetti, V, Sevillano, Z, Aguilera, N, Alarcon, E, Boada, M, Buendia, M, Canabate, P, Carracedo, A, Diego, S, Gailhajenet, A, Guitart, M, Ibarria, M, Lafuente, A, Maronas, O, Martin, E, Martinez, M, Marquie, M, Mauleon, A, Moreno, M, Orellana, A, Pancho, A, Peleja, E, Preckler, S, Real, L, Ruiz, A, Saez, M, Serrano-Rios, M, Tarraga, L, Vargas, L, Adarmes-Gomez, A, Alonso, M, Alvarez, V, Amer-Ferrer, G, Antequera, M, Bernal, M, Bullido, M, Burguera, J, Carrillo, F, Carrion-Claro, M, Casajeros, M, Clarimon, J, Cruz-Gamero, J, de Pancorbo, M, Escuela, R, Garrote-Espina, L, Garcia-Alberca, J, Garcia Madrona, S, Garcia-Ribas, G, Gomez-Garre, P, Hevilla, S, Jesus, S, Labrador Espinosa, M, Legaz, A, Lleo, A, Lopez de Munain, A, Macias-Garcia, D, Manzanares, S, Marin, M, Marin-Munoz, J, Marin, T, Martinez, B, Martinez, V, Martinez-Lage Alvarez, P, Medina, M, Mendioroz Iriarte, M, Mir, P, Molinuevo, J, Pastor, P, Perez Tur, J, Perinan-Tocino, T, Pineda-Sanchez, R, Pinol-Ripoll, G, Real de Asua, D, Rodrigo, S, Sanchez del Valle Diaz, R, Sanchez-Juan, P, Sastre, I, Vicente, M, Vigo-Ortega, R, Vivancos, L, Macleod, C, Mccracken, C, Brayne, C, Bresner, C, Grozeva, D, Bellou, E, Sommerville, E, Matthews, F, Leonenko, G, Menzies, G, Windle, G, Harwood, J, Phillips, J, Bennett, K, Luckuck, L, Clare, L, Woods, R, Saad, S, Burholt, V, Kehoe, P, Scheltens, P, Holstege, H, Amouyel, P, Schellenberg, G, Williams, J, Seshadri, S, van Duijn, C, Mather, K, Sanchez-Valle, R, Blennow, K, Huisman, M, Andreassen, O, Posthuma, D, van der Flier, W, Ramirez, A, Lambert, J, van der Lee, S, de Rojas I., Moreno-Grau S., Tesi N., Grenier-Boley B., Andrade V., Jansen I. E., Pedersen N. L., Stringa N., Zettergren A., Hernandez I., Montrreal L., Antunez C., Antonell A., Tankard R. M., Bis J. C., Sims R., Bellenguez C., Quintela I., Gonzalez-Perez A., Calero M., Franco-Macias E., Macias J., Blesa R., Cervera-Carles L., Menendez-Gonzalez M., Frank-Garcia A., Royo J. L., Moreno F., Huerto Vilas R., Baquero M., Diez-Fairen M., Lage C., Garcia-Madrona S., Garcia-Gonzalez P., Alarcon-Martin E., Valero S., Sotolongo-Grau O., Ullgren A., Naj A. C., Lemstra A. W., Benaque A., Perez-Cordon A., Benussi A., Rabano A., Padovani A., Squassina A., de Mendonca A., Arias Pastor A., Kok A. A. L., Meggy A., Pastor A. B., Espinosa A., Corma-Gomez A., Martin Montes A., Sanabria A., DeStefano A. L., Schneider A., Haapasalo A., Kinhult Stahlbom A., Tybjaerg-Hansen A., Hartmann A. M., Spottke A., Corbaton-Anchuelo A., Rongve A., Borroni B., Arosio B., Nacmias B., Nordestgaard B. G., Kunkle B. W., Charbonnier C., Abdelnour C., Masullo C., Martinez Rodriguez C., Munoz-Fernandez C., Dufouil C., Graff C., Ferreira C. B., Chillotti C., Reynolds C. A., Fenoglio C., Van Broeckhoven C., Clark C., Pisanu C., Satizabal C. L., Holmes C., Buiza-Rueda D., Aarsland D., Rujescu D., Alcolea D., Galimberti D., Wallon D., Seripa D., Grunblatt E., Dardiotis E., Duzel E., Scarpini E., Conti E., Rubino E., Gelpi E., Rodriguez-Rodriguez E., Duron E., Boerwinkle E., Ferri E., Tagliavini F., Kucukali F., Pasquier F., Sanchez-Garcia F., Mangialasche F., Jessen F., Nicolas G., Selbaek G., Ortega G., Chene G., Hadjigeorgiou G., Rossi G., Spalletta G., Giaccone G., Grande G., Binetti G., Papenberg G., Hampel H., Bailly H., Zetterberg H., Soininen H., Karlsson I. K., Alvarez I., Appollonio I., Giegling I., Skoog I., Saltvedt I., Rainero I., Rosas Allende I., Hort J., Diehl-Schmid J., Van Dongen J., Vidal J. -S., Lehtisalo J., Wiltfang J., Thomassen J. Q., Kornhuber J., Haines J. L., Vogelgsang J., Pineda J. A., Fortea J., Popp J., Deckert J., Buerger K., Morgan K., Fliessbach K., Sleegers K., Molina-Porcel L., Kilander L., Weinhold L., Farrer L. A., Wang L. -S., Kleineidam L., Farotti L., Parnetti L., Tremolizzo L., Hausner L., Benussi L., Froelich L., Ikram M. A., Deniz-Naranjo M. C., Tsolaki M., Rosende-Roca M., Lowenmark M., Hulsman M., Spallazzi M., Pericak-Vance M. A., Esiri M., Bernal Sanchez-Arjona M., Dalmasso M. C., Martinez-Larrad M. T., Arcaro M., Nothen M. M., Fernandez-Fuertes M., Dichgans M., Ingelsson M., Herrmann M. J., Scherer M., Vyhnalek M., Kosmidis M. H., Yannakoulia M., Schmid M., Ewers M., Heneka M. T., Wagner M., Scamosci M., Kivipelto M., Hiltunen M., Zulaica M., Alegret M., Fornage M., Roberto N., van Schoor N. M., Seidu N. M., Banaj N., Armstrong N. J., Scarmeas N., Scherbaum N., Goldhardt O., Hanon O., Peters O., Skrobot O. A., Quenez O., Lerch O., Bossu P., Caffarra P., Dionigi Rossi P., Sakka P., Mecocci P., Hoffmann P., Holmans P. A., Fischer P., Riederer P., Yang Q., Marshall R., Kalaria R. N., Mayeux R., Vandenberghe R., Cecchetti R., Ghidoni R., Frikke-Schmidt R., Sorbi S., Hagg S., Engelborghs S., Helisalmi S., Botne Sando S., Kern S., Archetti S., Boschi S., Fostinelli S., Gil S., Mendoza S., Mead S., Ciccone S., Djurovic S., Heilmann-Heimbach S., Riedel-Heller S., Kuulasmaa T., del Ser T., Lebouvier T., Polak T., Ngandu T., Grimmer T., Bessi V., Escott-Price V., Giedraitis V., Deramecourt V., Maier W., Jian X., Pijnenburg Y. A. L., Smith A. D., Saenz A., Bizzarro A., Lauria A., Vacca A., Solomon A., Anastasiou A., Richardson A., Boland A., Koivisto A., Daniele A., Greco A., Marianthi A., McGuinness B., Fin B., Ferrari C., Custodero C., Ferrarese C., Ingino C., Mangone C., Reyes Toso C., Martinez C., Cuesta C., Muchnik C., Joachim C., Ortiz C., Besse C., Johansson C., Zoia C. P., Laske C., Anastasiou C., Palacio D. L., Politis D. G., Janowitz D., Craig D., Mann D. M., Neary D., Jurgen D., Daian D., Belezhanska D., Kohler E., Castano E. M., Koutsouraki E., Chipi E., De Roeck E., Costantini E., Vardy E. R. L. C., Piras F., Roveta F., Prestia F. A., Assogna F., Salani F., Sala G., Lacidogna G., Novack G., Wilcock G., Thonberg H., Kolsch H., Weber H., Boecker H., Etchepareborda I., Piaceri I., Tuomilehto J., Lindstrom J., Laczo J., Johnston J., Deleuze J. -F., Harris J., Schott J. M., Priller J., Bacha J. I., Snowden J., Lisso J., Mihova K. Y., Traykov L., Morelli L., Brusco L. I., Rainer M., Takalo M., Bjerke M., Del Zompo M., Serpente M., Sanchez Abalos M., Rios M., Peltonen M., Herrman M. J., Kohler M., Rojo M., Jones M., Orsini M., Medel N., Olivar N., Fox N. C., Salvadori N., Hooper N. M., Galeano P., Solis P., Bastiani P., Passmore P., Heun R., Antikainen R., Olaso R., Perneczky R., Germani S., Lopez-Garcia S., Love S., Mehrabian S., Bagnoli S., Kochen S., Andreoni S., Teipel S., Todd S., Pickering-Brown S., Natunen T., Tegos T., Laatikainen T., Strandberg T., Polvikoski T. M., Matoska V., Ciullo V., Cores V., Solfrizzi V., Lisetti V., Sevillano Z., Aguilera N., Alarcon E., Boada M., Buendia M., Canabate P., Carracedo A., Diego S., Gailhajenet A., Guitart M., Ibarria M., Lafuente A., Maronas O., Martin E., Martinez M. T., Marquie M., Mauleon A., Moreno M., Orellana A., Pancho A., Peleja E., Preckler S., Real L. M., Ruiz A., Saez M. E., Serrano-Rios M., Tarraga L., Vargas L., Adarmes-Gomez A. D., Alonso M. D., Alvarez V., Amer-Ferrer G., Antequera M., Bernal M., Bullido M. J., Burguera J. A., Carrillo F., Carrion-Claro M., Casajeros M. J., Clarimon J., Cruz-Gamero J. M., de Pancorbo M. M., Escuela R., Garrote-Espina L., Garcia-Alberca J. M., Garcia Madrona S., Garcia-Ribas G., Gomez-Garre P., Hevilla S., Jesus S., Labrador Espinosa M. A., Legaz A., Lleo A., Lopez de Munain A., Macias-Garcia D., Manzanares S., Marin M., Marin-Munoz J., Marin T., Martinez B., Martinez V., Martinez-Lage Alvarez P., Medina M., Mendioroz Iriarte M., Mir P., Molinuevo J. L., Pastor P., Perez Tur J., Perinan-Tocino T., Pineda-Sanchez R., Pinol-Ripoll G., Real de Asua D., Rodrigo S., Sanchez del Valle Diaz R., Sanchez-Juan P., Sastre I., Vicente M. P., Vigo-Ortega R., Vivancos L., Macleod C., McCracken C., Brayne C., Bresner C., Grozeva D., Bellou E., Sommerville E. W., Matthews F., Leonenko G., Menzies G., Windle G., Harwood J., Phillips J., Bennett K., Luckuck L., Clare L., Woods R., Saad S., Burholt V., Kehoe P. G., Scheltens P., Holstege H., Amouyel P., Schellenberg G. D., Williams J., Seshadri S., van Duijn C. M., Mather K. A., Sanchez-Valle R., Blennow K., Huisman M., Andreassen O. A., Posthuma D., van der Flier W. M., Ramirez A., Lambert J. -C., van der Lee S. J., de Rojas I., de Rojas, I, Moreno-Grau, S, Tesi, N, Grenier-Boley, B, Andrade, V, Jansen, I, Pedersen, N, Stringa, N, Zettergren, A, Hernandez, I, Montrreal, L, Antunez, C, Antonell, A, Tankard, R, Bis, J, Sims, R, Bellenguez, C, Quintela, I, Gonzalez-Perez, A, Calero, M, Franco-Macias, E, Macias, J, Blesa, R, Cervera-Carles, L, Menendez-Gonzalez, M, Frank-Garcia, A, Royo, J, Moreno, F, Huerto Vilas, R, Baquero, M, Diez-Fairen, M, Lage, C, Garcia-Madrona, S, Garcia-Gonzalez, P, Alarcon-Martin, E, Valero, S, Sotolongo-Grau, O, Ullgren, A, Naj, A, Lemstra, A, Benaque, A, Perez-Cordon, A, Benussi, A, Rabano, A, Padovani, A, Squassina, A, de Mendonca, A, Arias Pastor, A, Kok, A, Meggy, A, Pastor, A, Espinosa, A, Corma-Gomez, A, Martin Montes, A, Sanabria, A, Destefano, A, Schneider, A, Haapasalo, A, Kinhult Stahlbom, A, Tybjaerg-Hansen, A, Hartmann, A, Spottke, A, Corbaton-Anchuelo, A, Rongve, A, Borroni, B, Arosio, B, Nacmias, B, Nordestgaard, B, Kunkle, B, Charbonnier, C, Abdelnour, C, Masullo, C, Martinez Rodriguez, C, Munoz-Fernandez, C, Dufouil, C, Graff, C, Ferreira, C, Chillotti, C, Reynolds, C, Fenoglio, C, Van Broeckhoven, C, Clark, C, Pisanu, C, Satizabal, C, Holmes, C, Buiza-Rueda, D, Aarsland, D, Rujescu, D, Alcolea, D, Galimberti, D, Wallon, D, Seripa, D, Grunblatt, E, Dardiotis, E, Duzel, E, Scarpini, E, Conti, E, Rubino, E, Gelpi, E, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E, Duron, E, Boerwinkle, E, Ferri, E, Tagliavini, F, Kucukali, F, Pasquier, F, Sanchez-Garcia, F, Mangialasche, F, Jessen, F, Nicolas, G, Selbaek, G, Ortega, G, Chene, G, Hadjigeorgiou, G, Rossi, G, Spalletta, G, Giaccone, G, Grande, G, Binetti, G, Papenberg, G, Hampel, H, Bailly, H, Zetterberg, H, Soininen, H, Karlsson, I, Alvarez, I, Appollonio, I, Giegling, I, Skoog, I, Saltvedt, I, Rainero, I, Rosas Allende, I, Hort, J, Diehl-Schmid, J, Van Dongen, J, Vidal, J, Lehtisalo, J, Wiltfang, J, Thomassen, J, Kornhuber, J, Haines, J, Vogelgsang, J, Pineda, J, Fortea, J, Popp, J, Deckert, J, Buerger, K, Morgan, K, Fliessbach, K, Sleegers, K, Molina-Porcel, L, Kilander, L, Weinhold, L, Farrer, L, Wang, L, Kleineidam, L, Farotti, L, Parnetti, L, Tremolizzo, L, Hausner, L, Benussi, L, Froelich, L, Ikram, M, Deniz-Naranjo, M, Tsolaki, M, Rosende-Roca, M, Lowenmark, M, Hulsman, M, Spallazzi, M, Pericak-Vance, M, Esiri, M, Bernal Sanchez-Arjona, M, Dalmasso, M, Martinez-Larrad, M, Arcaro, M, Nothen, M, Fernandez-Fuertes, M, Dichgans, M, Ingelsson, M, Herrmann, M, Scherer, M, Vyhnalek, M, Kosmidis, M, Yannakoulia, M, Schmid, M, Ewers, M, Heneka, M, Wagner, M, Scamosci, M, Kivipelto, M, Hiltunen, M, Zulaica, M, Alegret, M, Fornage, M, Roberto, N, van Schoor, N, Seidu, N, Banaj, N, Armstrong, N, Scarmeas, N, Scherbaum, N, Goldhardt, O, Hanon, O, Peters, O, Skrobot, O, Quenez, O, Lerch, O, Bossu, P, Caffarra, P, Dionigi Rossi, P, Sakka, P, Mecocci, P, Hoffmann, P, Holmans, P, Fischer, P, Riederer, P, Yang, Q, Marshall, R, Kalaria, R, Mayeux, R, Vandenberghe, R, Cecchetti, R, Ghidoni, R, Frikke-Schmidt, R, Sorbi, S, Hagg, S, Engelborghs, S, Helisalmi, S, Botne Sando, S, Kern, S, Archetti, S, Boschi, S, Fostinelli, S, Gil, S, Mendoza, S, Mead, S, Ciccone, S, Djurovic, S, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Riedel-Heller, S, Kuulasmaa, T, del Ser, T, Lebouvier, T, Polak, T, Ngandu, T, Grimmer, T, Bessi, V, Escott-Price, V, Giedraitis, V, Deramecourt, V, Maier, W, Jian, X, Pijnenburg, Y, Smith, A, Saenz, A, Bizzarro, A, Lauria, A, Vacca, A, Solomon, A, Anastasiou, A, Richardson, A, Boland, A, Koivisto, A, Daniele, A, Greco, A, Marianthi, A, Mcguinness, B, Fin, B, Ferrari, C, Custodero, C, Ferrarese, C, Ingino, C, Mangone, C, Reyes Toso, C, Martinez, C, Cuesta, C, Muchnik, C, Joachim, C, Ortiz, C, Besse, C, Johansson, C, Zoia, C, Laske, C, Anastasiou, C, Palacio, D, Politis, D, Janowitz, D, Craig, D, Mann, D, Neary, D, Jurgen, D, Daian, D, Belezhanska, D, Kohler, E, Castano, E, Koutsouraki, E, Chipi, E, De Roeck, E, Costantini, E, Vardy, E, Piras, F, Roveta, F, Prestia, F, Assogna, F, Salani, F, Sala, G, Lacidogna, G, Novack, G, Wilcock, G, Thonberg, H, Kolsch, H, Weber, H, Boecker, H, Etchepareborda, I, Piaceri, I, Tuomilehto, J, Lindstrom, J, Laczo, J, Johnston, J, Deleuze, J, Harris, J, Schott, J, Priller, J, Bacha, J, Snowden, J, Lisso, J, Mihova, K, Traykov, L, Morelli, L, Brusco, L, Rainer, M, Takalo, M, Bjerke, M, Del Zompo, M, Serpente, M, Sanchez Abalos, M, Rios, M, Peltonen, M, Herrman, M, Kohler, M, Rojo, M, Jones, M, Orsini, M, Medel, N, Olivar, N, Fox, N, Salvadori, N, Hooper, N, Galeano, P, Solis, P, Bastiani, P, Passmore, P, Heun, R, Antikainen, R, Olaso, R, Perneczky, R, Germani, S, Lopez-Garcia, S, Love, S, Mehrabian, S, Bagnoli, S, Kochen, S, Andreoni, S, Teipel, S, Todd, S, Pickering-Brown, S, Natunen, T, Tegos, T, Laatikainen, T, Strandberg, T, Polvikoski, T, Matoska, V, Ciullo, V, Cores, V, Solfrizzi, V, Lisetti, V, Sevillano, Z, Aguilera, N, Alarcon, E, Boada, M, Buendia, M, Canabate, P, Carracedo, A, Diego, S, Gailhajenet, A, Guitart, M, Ibarria, M, Lafuente, A, Maronas, O, Martin, E, Martinez, M, Marquie, M, Mauleon, A, Moreno, M, Orellana, A, Pancho, A, Peleja, E, Preckler, S, Real, L, Ruiz, A, Saez, M, Serrano-Rios, M, Tarraga, L, Vargas, L, Adarmes-Gomez, A, Alonso, M, Alvarez, V, Amer-Ferrer, G, Antequera, M, Bernal, M, Bullido, M, Burguera, J, Carrillo, F, Carrion-Claro, M, Casajeros, M, Clarimon, J, Cruz-Gamero, J, de Pancorbo, M, Escuela, R, Garrote-Espina, L, Garcia-Alberca, J, Garcia Madrona, S, Garcia-Ribas, G, Gomez-Garre, P, Hevilla, S, Jesus, S, Labrador Espinosa, M, Legaz, A, Lleo, A, Lopez de Munain, A, Macias-Garcia, D, Manzanares, S, Marin, M, Marin-Munoz, J, Marin, T, Martinez, B, Martinez, V, Martinez-Lage Alvarez, P, Medina, M, Mendioroz Iriarte, M, Mir, P, Molinuevo, J, Pastor, P, Perez Tur, J, Perinan-Tocino, T, Pineda-Sanchez, R, Pinol-Ripoll, G, Real de Asua, D, Rodrigo, S, Sanchez del Valle Diaz, R, Sanchez-Juan, P, Sastre, I, Vicente, M, Vigo-Ortega, R, Vivancos, L, Macleod, C, Mccracken, C, Brayne, C, Bresner, C, Grozeva, D, Bellou, E, Sommerville, E, Matthews, F, Leonenko, G, Menzies, G, Windle, G, Harwood, J, Phillips, J, Bennett, K, Luckuck, L, Clare, L, Woods, R, Saad, S, Burholt, V, Kehoe, P, Scheltens, P, Holstege, H, Amouyel, P, Schellenberg, G, Williams, J, Seshadri, S, van Duijn, C, Mather, K, Sanchez-Valle, R, Blennow, K, Huisman, M, Andreassen, O, Posthuma, D, van der Flier, W, Ramirez, A, Lambert, J, van der Lee, S, de Rojas I., Moreno-Grau S., Tesi N., Grenier-Boley B., Andrade V., Jansen I. E., Pedersen N. L., Stringa N., Zettergren A., Hernandez I., Montrreal L., Antunez C., Antonell A., Tankard R. M., Bis J. C., Sims R., Bellenguez C., Quintela I., Gonzalez-Perez A., Calero M., Franco-Macias E., Macias J., Blesa R., Cervera-Carles L., Menendez-Gonzalez M., Frank-Garcia A., Royo J. L., Moreno F., Huerto Vilas R., Baquero M., Diez-Fairen M., Lage C., Garcia-Madrona S., Garcia-Gonzalez P., Alarcon-Martin E., Valero S., Sotolongo-Grau O., Ullgren A., Naj A. C., Lemstra A. W., Benaque A., Perez-Cordon A., Benussi A., Rabano A., Padovani A., Squassina A., de Mendonca A., Arias Pastor A., Kok A. A. L., Meggy A., Pastor A. B., Espinosa A., Corma-Gomez A., Martin Montes A., Sanabria A., DeStefano A. L., Schneider A., Haapasalo A., Kinhult Stahlbom A., Tybjaerg-Hansen A., Hartmann A. M., Spottke A., Corbaton-Anchuelo A., Rongve A., Borroni B., Arosio B., Nacmias B., Nordestgaard B. G., Kunkle B. W., Charbonnier C., Abdelnour C., Masullo C., Martinez Rodriguez C., Munoz-Fernandez C., Dufouil C., Graff C., Ferreira C. B., Chillotti C., Reynolds C. A., Fenoglio C., Van Broeckhoven C., Clark C., Pisanu C., Satizabal C. L., Holmes C., Buiza-Rueda D., Aarsland D., Rujescu D., Alcolea D., Galimberti D., Wallon D., Seripa D., Grunblatt E., Dardiotis E., Duzel E., Scarpini E., Conti E., Rubino E., Gelpi E., Rodriguez-Rodriguez E., Duron E., Boerwinkle E., Ferri E., Tagliavini F., Kucukali F., Pasquier F., Sanchez-Garcia F., Mangialasche F., Jessen F., Nicolas G., Selbaek G., Ortega G., Chene G., Hadjigeorgiou G., Rossi G., Spalletta G., Giaccone G., Grande G., Binetti G., Papenberg G., Hampel H., Bailly H., Zetterberg H., Soininen H., Karlsson I. K., Alvarez I., Appollonio I., Giegling I., Skoog I., Saltvedt I., Rainero I., Rosas Allende I., Hort J., Diehl-Schmid J., Van Dongen J., Vidal J. -S., Lehtisalo J., Wiltfang J., Thomassen J. Q., Kornhuber J., Haines J. L., Vogelgsang J., Pineda J. A., Fortea J., Popp J., Deckert J., Buerger K., Morgan K., Fliessbach K., Sleegers K., Molina-Porcel L., Kilander L., Weinhold L., Farrer L. A., Wang L. -S., Kleineidam L., Farotti L., Parnetti L., Tremolizzo L., Hausner L., Benussi L., Froelich L., Ikram M. A., Deniz-Naranjo M. C., Tsolaki M., Rosende-Roca M., Lowenmark M., Hulsman M., Spallazzi M., Pericak-Vance M. A., Esiri M., Bernal Sanchez-Arjona M., Dalmasso M. C., Martinez-Larrad M. T., Arcaro M., Nothen M. M., Fernandez-Fuertes M., Dichgans M., Ingelsson M., Herrmann M. J., Scherer M., Vyhnalek M., Kosmidis M. H., Yannakoulia M., Schmid M., Ewers M., Heneka M. T., Wagner M., Scamosci M., Kivipelto M., Hiltunen M., Zulaica M., Alegret M., Fornage M., Roberto N., van Schoor N. M., Seidu N. M., Banaj N., Armstrong N. J., Scarmeas N., Scherbaum N., Goldhardt O., Hanon O., Peters O., Skrobot O. A., Quenez O., Lerch O., Bossu P., Caffarra P., Dionigi Rossi P., Sakka P., Mecocci P., Hoffmann P., Holmans P. A., Fischer P., Riederer P., Yang Q., Marshall R., Kalaria R. N., Mayeux R., Vandenberghe R., Cecchetti R., Ghidoni R., Frikke-Schmidt R., Sorbi S., Hagg S., Engelborghs S., Helisalmi S., Botne Sando S., Kern S., Archetti S., Boschi S., Fostinelli S., Gil S., Mendoza S., Mead S., Ciccone S., Djurovic S., Heilmann-Heimbach S., Riedel-Heller S., Kuulasmaa T., del Ser T., Lebouvier T., Polak T., Ngandu T., Grimmer T., Bessi V., Escott-Price V., Giedraitis V., Deramecourt V., Maier W., Jian X., Pijnenburg Y. A. L., Smith A. D., Saenz A., Bizzarro A., Lauria A., Vacca A., Solomon A., Anastasiou A., Richardson A., Boland A., Koivisto A., Daniele A., Greco A., Marianthi A., McGuinness B., Fin B., Ferrari C., Custodero C., Ferrarese C., Ingino C., Mangone C., Reyes Toso C., Martinez C., Cuesta C., Muchnik C., Joachim C., Ortiz C., Besse C., Johansson C., Zoia C. P., Laske C., Anastasiou C., Palacio D. L., Politis D. G., Janowitz D., Craig D., Mann D. M., Neary D., Jurgen D., Daian D., Belezhanska D., Kohler E., Castano E. M., Koutsouraki E., Chipi E., De Roeck E., Costantini E., Vardy E. R. L. C., Piras F., Roveta F., Prestia F. A., Assogna F., Salani F., Sala G., Lacidogna G., Novack G., Wilcock G., Thonberg H., Kolsch H., Weber H., Boecker H., Etchepareborda I., Piaceri I., Tuomilehto J., Lindstrom J., Laczo J., Johnston J., Deleuze J. -F., Harris J., Schott J. M., Priller J., Bacha J. I., Snowden J., Lisso J., Mihova K. Y., Traykov L., Morelli L., Brusco L. I., Rainer M., Takalo M., Bjerke M., Del Zompo M., Serpente M., Sanchez Abalos M., Rios M., Peltonen M., Herrman M. J., Kohler M., Rojo M., Jones M., Orsini M., Medel N., Olivar N., Fox N. C., Salvadori N., Hooper N. M., Galeano P., Solis P., Bastiani P., Passmore P., Heun R., Antikainen R., Olaso R., Perneczky R., Germani S., Lopez-Garcia S., Love S., Mehrabian S., Bagnoli S., Kochen S., Andreoni S., Teipel S., Todd S., Pickering-Brown S., Natunen T., Tegos T., Laatikainen T., Strandberg T., Polvikoski T. M., Matoska V., Ciullo V., Cores V., Solfrizzi V., Lisetti V., Sevillano Z., Aguilera N., Alarcon E., Boada M., Buendia M., Canabate P., Carracedo A., Diego S., Gailhajenet A., Guitart M., Ibarria M., Lafuente A., Maronas O., Martin E., Martinez M. T., Marquie M., Mauleon A., Moreno M., Orellana A., Pancho A., Peleja E., Preckler S., Real L. M., Ruiz A., Saez M. E., Serrano-Rios M., Tarraga L., Vargas L., Adarmes-Gomez A. D., Alonso M. D., Alvarez V., Amer-Ferrer G., Antequera M., Bernal M., Bullido M. J., Burguera J. A., Carrillo F., Carrion-Claro M., Casajeros M. J., Clarimon J., Cruz-Gamero J. M., de Pancorbo M. M., Escuela R., Garrote-Espina L., Garcia-Alberca J. M., Garcia Madrona S., Garcia-Ribas G., Gomez-Garre P., Hevilla S., Jesus S., Labrador Espinosa M. A., Legaz A., Lleo A., Lopez de Munain A., Macias-Garcia D., Manzanares S., Marin M., Marin-Munoz J., Marin T., Martinez B., Martinez V., Martinez-Lage Alvarez P., Medina M., Mendioroz Iriarte M., Mir P., Molinuevo J. L., Pastor P., Perez Tur J., Perinan-Tocino T., Pineda-Sanchez R., Pinol-Ripoll G., Real de Asua D., Rodrigo S., Sanchez del Valle Diaz R., Sanchez-Juan P., Sastre I., Vicente M. P., Vigo-Ortega R., Vivancos L., Macleod C., McCracken C., Brayne C., Bresner C., Grozeva D., Bellou E., Sommerville E. W., Matthews F., Leonenko G., Menzies G., Windle G., Harwood J., Phillips J., Bennett K., Luckuck L., Clare L., Woods R., Saad S., Burholt V., Kehoe P. G., Scheltens P., Holstege H., Amouyel P., Schellenberg G. D., Williams J., Seshadri S., van Duijn C. M., Mather K. A., Sanchez-Valle R., Blennow K., Huisman M., Andreassen O. A., Posthuma D., van der Flier W. M., Ramirez A., Lambert J. -C., and van der Lee S. J.
- Abstract
The original version of this Article omitted from the author list the 212th author Patrizia Mecocci, who is from the Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy. Consequently, the “Sample Contribution” section of Author Contributions was updated to add “P.M” between “P.D.” and “R.C.”. Additionally, the original version of this Article contained the incorrect affiliation for author Patrick Gavin Kehoe, which incorrectly read “German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Berlin, Germany”. The correct version replaces this affiliation with “Bristol Medical School (THS), University of Bristol, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK”. This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.
- Published
- 2023
6. Protein network analysis reveals selectively vulnerable regions and biological processes in FTD
- Author
Bonham, Luke W., Steele, Natasha Z.R., Karch, Celeste M., Manzoni, Claudia, Geier, Ethan G., Wen, Natalie, Ofori-Kuragu, Aaron, Momeni, Parastoo, Hardy, John, Miller, Zachary A., Hess, Christopher P., Lewis, Patrick, Miller, Bruce L., Seeley, William W., Baranzini, Sergio E., Desikan, Rahul S., Ferrari, Raffaele, Yokoyama, Jennifer S., Ferrari, R, Hernandez, D G, Nalls, M A, Rohrer, J D, Ramasamy, A, Kwok, J B J, Dobson-Stone, C, Schofield, P R, Halliday, G M, Hodges, J R, Piguet, O, Bartley, L, Thompson, E, Hernández, I, Ruiz, A, Boada, M, Borroni, B, Padovani, A, Cruchaga, C, Cairns, N J, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, R, Forloni, G, Albani, D, Galimberti, D, Fenoglio, C, Serpente, M, Scarpini, E, Clarimón, J, Lleó, A, Blesa, R, Waldö, M Landqvist, Nilsson, K, Nilsson, C, Mackenzie, I R A, Hsiung, G-Y R, Mann, D, Grafman, J, Morris, C M, Attems, J, Griffiths, T D, McKeith, I G, Thomas, A J, Pietrini, P, Huey, E D, Wassermann, E M, Baborie, A, Jaros, E, Tierney, M C, Pastor, P, Razquin, C, Ortega-Cubero, S, Alonso, E, Perneczky, R, Diehl-Schmid, J, Alexopoulos, P, Kurz, A, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Pinessi, L, Rogaeva, E, St George-Hyslop, P, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Giaccone, G, Albani, D., Rowe, J B, Schlachetzki, J C M, Uphill, J, Collinge, J, Mead, S, Danek, A, Van Deerlin, V M, Grossman, M, Trojanowski, J Q, van der Zee, J, Van Broeckhoven, C, Cappa, S F, Leber, I, Hannequin, D, Golfier, V, Vercelletto, M, Brice, A, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bagnoli, S, Piaceri, I, Nielsen, J E, Hjermind, L E, Riemenschneider, M, Mayhaus, M, Ibach, B, Gasparoni, G, Pichler, S, Gu, W, Rossor, M N, Fox, N C, Warren, J D, Spillantini, M G, Morris, H R, Rizzu, P, Heutink, P, Snowden, J S, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Gerhard, A, Bruni, A C, Maletta, R, Frangipane, F, Cupidi, C, Bernardi, L, Anfossi, M, Gallo, M, Conidi, M E, Smirne, N, Rademakers, R, Baker, M, Dickson, D W, Graff-Radford, N R, Petersen, R C, Knopman, D, Josephs, K A, Boeve, B F, Parisi, J E, Seeley, W W, Miller, B L, Karydas, A M, Rosen, H, van Swieten, J C, Dopper, E G P, Seelaar, H, Pijnenburg, Y A L, Scheltens, P, Logroscino, G, Capozzo, R, Novelli, V, Puca, A A, Franceschi, M, Postiglione, A, Milan, G, Sorrentino, P, Kristiansen, M, Chiang, H-H, Graff, C, Pasquier, F, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Lebouvier, T, Kapogiannis, D, Ferrucci, L, Pickering-Brown, S, Singleton, A B, Hardy, J, and Momeni, P
- Published
- 2018
- Full Text
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7. Genetic architecture of sporadic frontotemporal dementia and overlap with Alzheimerʼs and Parkinsonʼs diseases
- Author
Ferrari, Raffaele, Wang, Yunpeng, Vandrovcova, Jana, Guelfi, Sebastian, Witeolar, Aree, Karch, Celeste M, Schork, Andrew J, Fan, Chun C, Brewer, James B, Momeni, Parastoo, Schellenberg, Gerard D, Dillon, William P, Sugrue, Leo P, Hess, Christopher P, Yokoyama, Jennifer S, Bonham, Luke W, Rabinovici, Gil D, Miller, Bruce L, Andreassen, Ole A, Dale, Anders M, Hardy, John, Desikan, Rahul S, Hernandez, D G, Nalls, M A, Rohrer, J D, Ramasamy, A, Kwok, J B J, Dobson-Stone, C, Schofield, P R, Halliday, G M, Hodges, J R, Piguet, O, Bartley, L, Thompson, E, Haan, E, Hernández, I, Ruiz, A, Boada, M, Borroni, B, Padovani, A, Cruchaga, C, Cairns, N J, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, R, Forloni, G, Albani, D, Galimberti, D, Fenoglio, C, Serpente, M, Scarpini, E, Clarimón, J, Lleó, A, Blesa, R, Landqvist Waldö, M, Nilsson, K, Nilsson, C, Mackenzie, I R A, Hsiung, G-Y R, Mann, D M A, Grafman, J, Morris, C M, Attems, J, Griffiths, T D, McKeith, I G, Thomas, A J, Pietrini, P, Huey, E D, Wassermann, E M, Baborie, A, Jaros, E, Tierney, M C, Pastor, P, Razquin, C, Ortega-Cubero, S, Alonso, E, Perneczky, R, Diehl-Schmid, J, Alexopoulos, P, Kurz, A, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Pinessi, L, Rogaeva, E, St George-Hyslop, P, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Giaccone, G, Rowe, J B, Schlachetzki, J C M, Uphill, J, Collinge, J, Mead, S, Danek, A, Van Deerlin, V M, Grossman, M, Trojanowski, J Q, van der Zee, J, Cruts, M, Van Broeckhoven, C, Cappa, S F, Leber, I, Hannequin, D, Golfier, V, Vercelletto, M, Brice, A, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bagnoli, S, Piaceri, I, Nielsen, J E, Hjermind, L E, Riemenschneider, M, Mayhaus, M, Ibach, B, Gasparoni, G, Pichler, S, Gu, W, Rossor, M N, Fox, N C, Warren, J D, Spillantini, M G, Morris, H R, Rizzu, P, Heutink, P, Snowden, J S, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Gerhard, A, Bruni, A C, Maletta, R, Frangipane, F, Cupidi, C, Bernardi, L, Anfossi, M, Gallo, M, Conidi, M E, Smirne, N, Rademakers, R, Baker, M, Dickson, D W, Graff-Radford, N R, Petersen, R C, Knopman, D, Josephs, K A, Boeve, B F, Parisi, J E, Seeley, W W, Karydas, A M, Rosen, H, van Swieten, J C, Dopper, E G P, Seelaar, H, Pijnenburg, Y A L, Scheltens, P, Logroscino, G, Capozzo, R, Novelli, V, Puca, A A, Franceschi, M, Postiglione, A, Milan, G, Sorrentino, P, Kristiansen, M, Chiang, H-H, Graff, C, Pasquier, F, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Lebouvier, T, Kapogiannis, D, Ferrucci, L, Pickering-Brown, S, and Singleton, A B
- Published
- 2017
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8. P407 Prospective evaluation of clinical efficacy and safety of golimumab in biologic experienced and naïve patients with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis: experience from a tertiary referral centre
- Author
Orlandini, B., Dragoni, G., Bagnoli, S., Deiana, S., Macrì, G., and Rogai, F.
- Published
- 2017
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9. Therapeutic landscape for ulcerative colitis: where is the Adacolumn® system and where should it be?
- Author
D’Incà R, Riegler G, Vernia P, Vecchi M, Annese V, and Bagnoli S
- Subjects
Diseases of the digestive system. Gastroenterology ,RC799-869 - Abstract
Maurizio Vecchi,1 Piero Vernia,2 Gabriele Riegler,3 Renata D'Incà,4 Vito Annese,5 Siro Bagnoli51University of Milan, Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, San Donato Milanese, Milan, 2Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties, Gastroenterology Unit, Rome, 3Second University of Naples, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, Naples, 4University of Padua, Department of Surgical and Gastroenterological Science, Gastroenterology Unit, Padua, 5University Hospital Careggi, Gastroenterology Unit, Florence, ItalyAbstract: Granulocyte-monocyte apheresis is a relatively new therapy that has been proposed, sometimes with controversial results, for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, particularly ulcerative colitis. The aim of the present study was to perform a thorough review of the literature on the application of this type of treatment in ulcerative colitis and discuss the results, in order to provide an opinion on its use which is shared by the involved experts. The review of the literature was performed by searching PubMed with appropriate key words. The results obtained suggest that the major role for this treatment at this moment is for those patients with steroid dependency or with major contraindications to use of steroids. However, promising, albeit very preliminary, results have also been observed in steroid-naïve subjects, and this is of particular interest in consideration of the safety profile of this therapeutic method. As such, the Adacolumn may prove useful in specific subgroups of patients. Future phenotypic, genotypic, and molecular characterization of patients with inflammatory bowel disease might prove useful in defining better those subjects who might benefit most from this treatment modality.Keywords: ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, guidelines, apheresis
- Published
- 2013
10. P082 The profibrogenic role of neutrophil extracellular traps in stenotic Crohn’s disease: a new antifibrotic target?
- Author
Dragoni, G, primary, Ke, B J, additional, Verstockt, B, additional, Abdurahiman, S, additional, Innocenti, T, additional, Giudici, F, additional, De Hertogh, G, additional, Milla, M, additional, Bagnoli, S, additional, Picariello, L, additional, Galli, A, additional, Matteoli, G, additional, and Vermeire, S, additional
- Published
- 2022
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11. A C6orf10/LOC101929163 locus is associated with age of onset in C9orf72 carriers
- Author
Zhang M1, 2 3, Ferrari R4, Tartaglia MC3, 5 6, Keith J7, Surace EI8, Wolf U9, Sato C3, Grinberg M3, Liang Y3, Xi Z3, Dupont K3, McGoldrick P3, Weichert A3, McKeever PM3, Schneider R3, 6 7, McCorkindale MD4, Manzoni C10, Rademakers R11, Graff-Radford NR12, Dickson DW11, Parisi JE13, Boeve BF14, Petersen RC14, Miller BL15, Seeley WW16, van Swieten JC17, van Rooij J17, Pijnenburg Y18, van der Zee J19, Van Broeckhoven C19, Le Ber I21, Van Deerlin V23, Suh E23, Rohrer JD24, Mead S25, Graff C26, Öijerstedt L26, Pickering-Brown S28, Rollinson S28, Rossi G29, Tagliavini F30, Brooks WS31, Dobson-Stone C32, Halliday GM32, Hodges JR32, Piguet O34, Binetti G36, Benussi L37, Ghidoni R37, Nacmias B38, Sorbi S38, Bruni AC40, Galimberti D41, Scarpini E41, Rainero I42, Rubino E42, Clarimon J43, Lleó A43, Ruiz A45, Hernández I45, Pastor P46, Diez-Fairen M46, Borroni B48, Pasquier F49, Deramecourt V49, Lebouvier T49, Perneczky R50, 51 52, Diehl-Schmid J50, Grafman J53, Huey ED55, Mayeux R55, Nalls MA57, Hernandez D57, Singleton A57, Momeni P58, Zeng Z59, Hardy J4, Robertson J3, Zinman L6, 7, Rogaeva E3, 6, International FTD-Genomics Consortium (IFGC), Ferrari R, Hernandez DG, Nalls MA, Rohrer JD, Ramasamy A, Kwok JBJ, Dobson-Stone C, Brooks WS, Schofield PR, Halliday GM, Hodges JR, Piguet O, Bartley L, Thompson E, Hernández I, Ruiz A, Boada M, Borroni B, Padovani A, Cruchaga C, Cairns NJ, Benussi L, Binetti G, Ghidoni R, Forloni G, Albani D, Galimberti D, Fenoglio C, Serpente M, Scarpini E, Clarimón J, Lleó A, Blesa R, Wald Ouml ML, Nilsson K, Nilsson C, Mackenzie IRA, Hsiung GR, Mann DMA, Grafman J, Morris CM, Attems J, Griffiths TD, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ, Pietrini P, Huey ED, Wassermann EM, Baborie A, Jaros E, Tierney MC, Pastor P, Razquin C, Ortega-Cubero S, Alonso E, Perneczky R, Diehl-Schmid J, Alexopoulos P, Kurz A, Rainero I, Rubino E, Pinessi L, Rogaeva E, St George-Hyslop P, Rossi G, Tagliavini F, Giaccone G, Rowe JB, Schlachetzki JCM, Uphill J, Collinge J, Mead S, Danek A, Van Deerlin VM, Grossman M, Trojanowski JQ, van der Zee J, Van Broeckhoven C, Cappa SF, Leber I, Hannequin D, Golfier V, Vercelletto M, Brice A, Nacmias B, Sorbi S, Bagnoli S, Piaceri I, Nielsen JE, Hjermind LE, Riemenschneider M, Mayhaus M, Ibach B, Gasparoni G, Pichler S, Gu W, Rossor MN, Fox NC, Warren JD, Grazia Spillantini M, Morris HR, Rizzu P, Heutink P, Snowden JS, Rollinson S, Richardson A, Gerhard A, Bruni AC, Maletta R, Frangipane F, Cupidi C, Bernardi L, Anfossi M, Gallo M, Elena Conidi M, Smirne N, Rademakers R, Baker M, Dickson DW, Graff-Radford NR, Petersen RC, Knopman D, Josephs KA, Boeve BF, Parisi JE, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Karydas AM, Rosen H, van Swieten JC, Dopper EGP, Seelaar H, Pijnenburg YAL, Scheltens P, Logroscino G, Capozzo R, Novelli V, Puca AA, Franceschi M, Postiglione A, Milan G, Sorrentino P, Kristiansen M, Chiang HH, Graff C, Pasquier F, Rollin A, Deramecourt V, Lebouvier T, Kapogiannis D, Ferrucci L, Pickering-Brown S, Singleton AB, Hardy J, Momeni P, Human genetics, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Neurodegeneration, Neurology, Divisions, Zhang, M1, 2, 3, Ferrari, R4, Tartaglia, Mc3, 5, 6, Keith, J7, Surace, Ei8, Wolf, U9, Sato, C3, Grinberg, M3, Liang, Y3, Xi, Z3, Dupont, K3, Mcgoldrick, P3, Weichert, A3, Mckeever, Pm3, Schneider, R3, 6, 7, Mccorkindale, Md4, Manzoni, C10, Rademakers, R11, Graff-Radford, Nr12, Dickson, Dw11, Parisi, Je13, Boeve, Bf14, Petersen, Rc14, Miller, Bl15, Seeley, Ww16, van Swieten, Jc17, van Rooij, J17, Pijnenburg, Y18, van der Zee, J19, Van Broeckhoven, C19, Le Ber, I21, Van Deerlin, V23, Suh, E23, Rohrer, Jd24, Mead, S25, Graff, C26, Öijerstedt, L26, Pickering-Brown, S28, Rollinson, S28, Rossi, G29, Tagliavini, F30, Brooks, Ws31, Dobson-Stone, C32, Halliday, Gm32, Hodges, Jr32, Piguet, O34, Binetti, G36, Benussi, L37, Ghidoni, R37, Nacmias, B38, Sorbi, S38, Bruni, Ac40, Galimberti, D41, Scarpini, E41, Rainero, I42, Rubino, E42, Clarimon, J43, Lleó, A43, Ruiz, A45, Hernández, I45, Pastor, P46, Diez-Fairen, M46, Borroni, B48, Pasquier, F49, Deramecourt, V49, Lebouvier, T49, Perneczky, R50, 51, 52, Diehl-Schmid, J50, Grafman, J53, Huey, Ed55, Mayeux, R55, Nalls, Ma57, Hernandez, D57, Singleton, A57, Momeni, P58, Zeng, Z59, Hardy, J4, Robertson, J3, Zinman, L6, Rogaeva, E3, International FTD-Genomics Consortium, (IFGC), Ferrari, R, Hernandez, Dg, Nalls, Ma, Rohrer, Jd, Ramasamy, A, Kwok, Jbj, Dobson-Stone, C, Brooks, W, Schofield, Pr, Halliday, Gm, Hodges, Jr, Piguet, O, Bartley, L, Thompson, E, Hernández, I, Ruiz, A, Boada, M, Borroni, B, Padovani, A, Cruchaga, C, Cairns, Nj, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, R, Forloni, G, Albani, D, Galimberti, D, Fenoglio, C, Serpente, M, Scarpini, E, Clarimón, J, Lleó, A, Blesa, R, Wald Ouml, Ml, Nilsson, K, Nilsson, C, Mackenzie, Ira, Hsiung, Gr, Mann, Dma, Grafman, J, Morris, Cm, Attems, J, Griffiths, Td, Mckeith, Ig, Thomas, Aj, Pietrini, P, Huey, Ed, Wassermann, Em, Baborie, A, Jaros, E, Tierney, Mc, Pastor, P, Razquin, C, Ortega-Cubero, S, Alonso, E, Perneczky, R, Diehl-Schmid, J, Alexopoulos, P, Kurz, A, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Pinessi, L, Rogaeva, E, St George-Hyslop, P, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Giaccone, G, Rowe, Jb, Schlachetzki, Jcm, Uphill, J, Collinge, J, Mead, S, Danek, A, Van Deerlin, Vm, Grossman, M, Trojanowski, Jq, van der Zee, J, Van Broeckhoven, C, Cappa, Sf, Leber, I, Hannequin, D, Golfier, V, Vercelletto, M, Brice, A, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bagnoli, S, Piaceri, I, Nielsen, Je, Hjermind, Le, Riemenschneider, M, Mayhaus, M, Ibach, B, Gasparoni, G, Pichler, S, Gu, W, Rossor, Mn, Fox, Nc, Warren, Jd, Grazia Spillantini, M, Morris, Hr, Rizzu, P, Heutink, P, Snowden, J, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Gerhard, A, Bruni, Ac, Maletta, R, Frangipane, F, Cupidi, C, Bernardi, L, Anfossi, M, Gallo, M, Elena Conidi, M, Smirne, N, Rademakers, R, Baker, M, Dickson, Dw, Graff-Radford, Nr, Petersen, Rc, Knopman, D, Josephs, Ka, Boeve, Bf, Parisi, Je, Seeley, Ww, Miller, Bl, Karydas, Am, Rosen, H, van Swieten, Jc, Dopper, Egp, Seelaar, H, Pijnenburg, Yal, Scheltens, P, Logroscino, G, Capozzo, R, Novelli, V, Puca, Aa, Franceschi, M, Postiglione, A, Milan, G, Sorrentino, P, Kristiansen, M, Chiang, Hh, Graff, C, Pasquier, F, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Lebouvier, T, Kapogiannis, D, Ferrucci, L, Pickering-Brown, S, Singleton, Ab, Hardy, J, Momeni, P, and Int FTD-Genomics Consortium IFGC
- Subjects
Male ,Heterozygote ,amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ,Genotype ,genetic association ,Age of onset ,Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide ,frontotemporal dementia ,age of onset ,C9orf72 ,Humans ,amyotrophic lateral sclerosi ,Aged ,C9orf72 Protein ,Original Articles ,DNA Methylation ,Middle Aged ,Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ,Gene Expression Regulation ,Genetic association ,CpG Islands ,Female ,Human medicine ,Neurology (clinical) ,Frontotemporal dementia - Abstract
Discovery of disease age-of-onset modifiers is important for clinical trials and drug design. Zhang et al. perform a genome-wide analysis of epigenetic functional polymorphisms and identify an association between the C6orf10/LOC101929163 locus and age of FTD/ALS onset. The risk allele may be associated with a pro-inflammatory state in the brain., The G4C2-repeat expansion in C9orf72 is the most common known cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia. The high phenotypic heterogeneity of C9orf72 patients includes a wide range in age of onset, modifiers of which are largely unknown. Age of onset could be influenced by environmental and genetic factors both of which may trigger DNA methylation changes at CpG sites. We tested the hypothesis that age of onset in C9orf72 patients is associated with some common single nucleotide polymorphisms causing a gain or loss of CpG sites and thus resulting in DNA methylation alterations. Combined analyses of epigenetic and genetic data have the advantage of detecting functional variants with reduced likelihood of false negative results due to excessive correction for multiple testing in genome-wide association studies. First, we estimated the association between age of onset in C9orf72 patients (n = 46) and the DNA methylation levels at all 7603 CpG sites available on the 450 k BeadChip that are mapped to common single nucleotide polymorphisms. This was followed by a genetic association study of the discovery (n = 144) and replication (n = 187) C9orf72 cohorts. We found that age of onset was reproducibly associated with polymorphisms within a 124.7 kb linkage disequilibrium block tagged by top-significant variation, rs9357140, and containing two overlapping genes (LOC101929163 and C6orf10). A meta-analysis of all 331 C9orf72 carriers revealed that every A-allele of rs9357140 reduced hazard by 30% (P = 0.0002); and the median age of onset in AA-carriers was 6 years later than GG-carriers. In addition, we investigated a cohort of C9orf72 negative patients (n = 2634) affected by frontotemporal dementia and/or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; and also found that the AA-genotype of rs9357140 was associated with a later age of onset (adjusted P = 0.007 for recessive model). Phenotype analyses detected significant association only in the largest subgroup of patients with frontotemporal dementia (n = 2142, adjusted P = 0.01 for recessive model). Gene expression studies of frontal cortex tissues from 25 autopsy cases affected by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis revealed that the G-allele of rs9357140 is associated with increased brain expression of LOC101929163 (a non-coding RNA) and HLA-DRB1 (involved in initiating immune responses), while the A-allele is associated with their reduced expression. Our findings suggest that carriers of the rs9357140 GG-genotype (linked to an earlier age of onset) might be more prone to be in a pro-inflammatory state (e.g. by microglia) than AA-carriers. Further, investigating the functional links within the C6orf10/LOC101929163/HLA-DRB1 pathway will be critical to better define age-dependent pathogenesis of frontotemporal dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Dragoni, G., primary, Innocenti, T., additional, Lynch, E.N., additional, Fiorini, C., additional, Parisio, L., additional, Roselli, J., additional, Bagnoli, S., additional, Macrì, G., additional, Rogai, F., additional, Milani, S., additional, Galli, A., additional, and Milla, M., additional
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Roselli, J., primary, Taylor, A., additional, Innocenti, T., additional, Dragoni, G., additional, Gottin, M., additional, Lynch, E.N., additional, Campani, C., additional, Bagnoli, S., additional, Macrì, G., additional, Rogai, F., additional, Milani, S., additional, Galli, A., additional, and Milla, M., additional
- Published
- 2021
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14. Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores
- Author
de Rojas, I. Moreno-Grau, S. Tesi, N. Grenier-Boley, B. Andrade, V. Jansen, I.E. Pedersen, N.L. Stringa, N. Zettergren, A. Hernández, I. Montrreal, L. Antúnez, C. Antonell, A. Tankard, R.M. Bis, J.C. Sims, R. Bellenguez, C. Quintela, I. González-Perez, A. Calero, M. Franco-Macías, E. Macías, J. Blesa, R. Cervera-Carles, L. Menéndez-González, M. Frank-García, A. Royo, J.L. Moreno, F. Huerto Vilas, R. Baquero, M. Diez-Fairen, M. Lage, C. García-Madrona, S. García-González, P. Alarcón-Martín, E. Valero, S. Sotolongo-Grau, O. Ullgren, A. Naj, A.C. Lemstra, A.W. Benaque, A. Pérez-Cordón, A. Benussi, A. Rábano, A. Padovani, A. Squassina, A. de Mendonça, A. Arias Pastor, A. Kok, A.A.L. Meggy, A. Pastor, A.B. Espinosa, A. Corma-Gómez, A. Martín Montes, A. Sanabria, Á. DeStefano, A.L. Schneider, A. Haapasalo, A. Kinhult Ståhlbom, A. Tybjærg-Hansen, A. Hartmann, A.M. Spottke, A. Corbatón-Anchuelo, A. Rongve, A. Borroni, B. Arosio, B. Nacmias, B. Nordestgaard, B.G. Kunkle, B.W. Charbonnier, C. Abdelnour, C. Masullo, C. Martínez Rodríguez, C. Muñoz-Fernandez, C. Dufouil, C. Graff, C. Ferreira, C.B. Chillotti, C. Reynolds, C.A. Fenoglio, C. Van Broeckhoven, C. Clark, C. Pisanu, C. Satizabal, C.L. Holmes, C. Buiza-Rueda, D. Aarsland, D. Rujescu, D. Alcolea, D. Galimberti, D. Wallon, D. Seripa, D. Grünblatt, E. Dardiotis, E. Düzel, E. Scarpini, E. Conti, E. Rubino, E. Gelpi, E. Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E. Duron, E. Boerwinkle, E. Ferri, E. Tagliavini, F. Küçükali, F. Pasquier, F. Sanchez-Garcia, F. Mangialasche, F. Jessen, F. Nicolas, G. Selbæk, G. Ortega, G. Chêne, G. Hadjigeorgiou, G. Rossi, G. Spalletta, G. Giaccone, G. Grande, G. Binetti, G. Papenberg, G. Hampel, H. Bailly, H. Zetterberg, H. Soininen, H. Karlsson, I.K. Alvarez, I. Appollonio, I. Giegling, I. Skoog, I. Saltvedt, I. Rainero, I. Rosas Allende, I. Hort, J. Diehl-Schmid, J. Van Dongen, J. Vidal, J.-S. Lehtisalo, J. Wiltfang, J. Thomassen, J.Q. Kornhuber, J. Haines, J.L. Vogelgsang, J. Pineda, J.A. Fortea, J. Popp, J. Deckert, J. Buerger, K. Morgan, K. Fließbach, K. Sleegers, K. Molina-Porcel, L. Kilander, L. Weinhold, L. Farrer, L.A. Wang, L.-S. Kleineidam, L. Farotti, L. Parnetti, L. Tremolizzo, L. Hausner, L. Benussi, L. Froelich, L. Ikram, M.A. Deniz-Naranjo, M.C. Tsolaki, M. Rosende-Roca, M. Löwenmark, M. Hulsman, M. Spallazzi, M. Pericak-Vance, M.A. Esiri, M. Bernal Sánchez-Arjona, M. Dalmasso, M.C. Martínez-Larrad, M.T. Arcaro, M. Nöthen, M.M. Fernández-Fuertes, M. Dichgans, M. Ingelsson, M. Herrmann, M.J. Scherer, M. Vyhnalek, M. Kosmidis, M.H. Yannakoulia, M. Schmid, M. Ewers, M. Heneka, M.T. Wagner, M. Scamosci, M. Kivipelto, M. Hiltunen, M. Zulaica, M. Alegret, M. Fornage, M. Roberto, N. van Schoor, N.M. Seidu, N.M. Banaj, N. Armstrong, N.J. Scarmeas, N. Scherbaum, N. Goldhardt, O. Hanon, O. Peters, O. Skrobot, O.A. Quenez, O. Lerch, O. Bossù, P. Caffarra, P. Dionigi Rossi, P. Sakka, P. Hoffmann, P. Holmans, P.A. Fischer, P. Riederer, P. Yang, Q. Marshall, R. Kalaria, R.N. Mayeux, R. Vandenberghe, R. Cecchetti, R. Ghidoni, R. Frikke-Schmidt, R. Sorbi, S. Hägg, S. Engelborghs, S. Helisalmi, S. Botne Sando, S. Kern, S. Archetti, S. Boschi, S. Fostinelli, S. Gil, S. Mendoza, S. Mead, S. Ciccone, S. Djurovic, S. Heilmann-Heimbach, S. Riedel-Heller, S. Kuulasmaa, T. del Ser, T. Lebouvier, T. Polak, T. Ngandu, T. Grimmer, T. Bessi, V. Escott-Price, V. Giedraitis, V. Deramecourt, V. Maier, W. Jian, X. Pijnenburg, Y.A.L. Smith, A.D. Saenz, A. Bizzarro, A. Lauria, A. Vacca, A. Solomon, A. Anastasiou, A. Richardson, A. Boland, A. Koivisto, A. Daniele, A. Greco, A. Marianthi, A. McGuinness, B. Fin, B. Ferrari, C. Custodero, C. Ferrarese, C. Ingino, C. Mangone, C. Reyes Toso, C. Martínez, C. Cuesta, C. Muchnik, C. Joachim, C. Ortiz, C. Besse, C. Johansson, C. Zoia, C.P. Laske, C. Anastasiou, C. Palacio, D.L. Politis, D.G. Janowitz, D. Craig, D. Mann, D.M. Neary, D. Jürgen, D. Daian, D. Belezhanska, D. Kohler, E. Castaño, E.M. Koutsouraki, E. Chipi, E. De Roeck, E. Costantini, E. Vardy, E.R.L.C. Piras, F. Roveta, F. Piras, F. Prestia, F.A. Assogna, F. Salani, F. Sala, G. Lacidogna, G. Novack, G. Wilcock, G. Thonberg, H. Kölsch, H. Weber, H. Boecker, H. Etchepareborda, I. Piaceri, I. Tuomilehto, J. Lindström, J. Laczo, J. Johnston, J. Deleuze, J.-F. Harris, J. Schott, J.M. Priller, J. Bacha, J.I. Snowden, J. Lisso, J. Mihova, K.Y. Traykov, L. Morelli, L. Brusco, L.I. Rainer, M. Takalo, M. Bjerke, M. Del Zompo, M. Serpente, M. Sanchez Abalos, M. Rios, M. Peltonen, M. Herrman, M.J. Kosmidis, M.H. Kohler, M. Rojo, M. Jones, M. Orsini, M. Medel, N. Olivar, N. Fox, N.C. Salvadori, N. Hooper, N.M. Galeano, P. Solis, P. Bastiani, P. Mecocci, P. Passmore, P. Heun, R. Antikainen, R. Olaso, R. Perneczky, R. Germani, S. López-García, S. Love, S. Mehrabian, S. Bagnoli, S. Kochen, S. Andreoni, S. Teipel, S. Todd, S. Pickering-Brown, S. Natunen, T. Tegos, T. Laatikainen, T. Strandberg, T. Polvikoski, T.M. Matoska, V. Ciullo, V. Cores, V. Solfrizzi, V. Lisetti, V. Sevillano, Z. Abdelnour, C. Aguilera, N. Alarcon, E. Alegret, M. Benaque, A. Boada, M. Buendia, M. Cañabate, P. Carracedo, A. Corbatón-Anchuelo, A. Diego, S. Espinosa, A. Gailhajenet, A. Gil, S. Guitart, M. Hernández, I. Ibarria, M. Lafuente, A. Macias, J. Maroñas, O. Martín, E. Martínez, M.T. Marquié, M. Mauleón, A. Montrreal, L. Moreno-Grau, S. Moreno, M. Orellana, A. Ortega, G. Pancho, A. Pelejá, E. Pérez-Cordon, A. Pineda, J.A. Preckler, S. Quintela, I. Real, L.M. Rosende-Roca, M. Ruiz, A. Sáez, M.E. Sanabria, A. Serrano-Rios, M. Sotolongo-Grau, O. Tárraga, L. Valero, S. Vargas, L. Adarmes-Gómez, A.D. Alarcón-Martín, E. Alonso, M.D. Álvarez, I. Álvarez, V. Amer-Ferrer, G. Antequera, M. Antúnez, C. Baquero, M. Bernal, M. Blesa, R. Boada, M. Buiza-Rueda, D. Bullido, M.J. Burguera, J.A. Calero, M. Carrillo, F. Carrión-Claro, M. Casajeros, M.J. Clarimón, J. Cruz-Gamero, J.M. de Pancorbo, M.M. del Ser, T. Diez-Fairen, M. Escuela, R. Garrote-Espina, L. Fortea, J. Franco-Macías, E. Frank-García, A. García-Alberca, J.M. Garcia Madrona, S. Garcia-Ribas, G. Gómez-Garre, P. Hernández, I. Hevilla, S. Jesús, S. Labrador Espinosa, M.A. Lage, C. Legaz, A. Lleó, A. Lopez de Munain, A. López-García, S. Macias-García, D. Manzanares, S. Marín, M. Marín-Muñoz, J. Marín, T. Marquié, M. Martín Montes, A. Martínez, B. Martínez, C. Martínez, V. Martínez-Lage Álvarez, P. Medina, M. Mendioroz Iriarte, M. Mir, P. Molinuevo, J.L. Pastor, P. Pérez Tur, J. Periñán-Tocino, T. Pineda-Sanchez, R. Piñol-Ripoll, G. Rábano, A. Real de Asúa, D. Rodrigo, S. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, E. Royo, J.L. Ruiz, A. Sanchez del Valle Díaz, R. Sánchez-Juan, P. Sastre, I. Valero, S. Vicente, M.P. Vigo-Ortega, R. Vivancos, L. Macleod, C. McCracken, C. Brayne, C. Bresner, C. Grozeva, D. Bellou, E. Sommerville, E.W. Matthews, F. Leonenko, G. Menzies, G. Windle, G. Harwood, J. Phillips, J. Bennett, K. Luckuck, L. Clare, L. Woods, R. Saad, S. Burholt, V. Jansen, I.E. Rongve, A. Kehoe, P.G. Garcia-Ribas, G. Sánchez-Juan, P. Pastor, P. Pérez-Tur, J. Piñol-Ripoll, G. Lopez de Munain, A. García-Alberca, J.M. Bullido, M.J. Álvarez, V. Lleó, A. Real, L.M. Scheltens, P. Holstege, H. Marquié, M. Sáez, M.E. Carracedo, Á. Amouyel, P. Schellenberg, G.D. Williams, J. Seshadri, S. van Duijn, C.M. Mather, K.A. Sánchez-Valle, R. Serrano-Ríos, M. Orellana, A. Tárraga, L. Blennow, K. Huisman, M. Andreassen, O.A. Posthuma, D. Clarimón, J. Boada, M. van der Flier, W.M. Ramirez, A. Lambert, J.-C. van der Lee, S.J. Ruiz, A. EADB contributors The GR@ACE study group DEGESCO consortium IGAP (ADGC, CHARGE, EADI, GERAD) PGC-ALZ consortia
- Abstract
Genetic discoveries of Alzheimer’s disease are the drivers of our understanding, and together with polygenetic risk stratification can contribute towards planning of feasible and efficient preventive and curative clinical trials. We first perform a large genetic association study by merging all available case-control datasets and by-proxy study results (discovery n = 409,435 and validation size n = 58,190). Here, we add six variants associated with Alzheimer’s disease risk (near APP, CHRNE, PRKD3/NDUFAF7, PLCG2 and two exonic variants in the SHARPIN gene). Assessment of the polygenic risk score and stratifying by APOE reveal a 4 to 5.5 years difference in median age at onset of Alzheimer’s disease patients in APOE ɛ4 carriers. Because of this study, the underlying mechanisms of APP can be studied to refine the amyloid cascade and the polygenic risk score provides a tool to select individuals at high risk of Alzheimer’s disease. © 2021, The Author(s).
- Published
- 2021
15. Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores
- Author
de Rojas, I., Moreno-Grau, S., Tesi, N., Grenier-Boley, B., Andrade, V., Jansen, I. E., Pedersen, N. L., Stringa, N., Zettergren, A., Hernandez, I., Montrreal, L., Antunez, C., Antonell, A., Tankard, R. M., Bis, J. C., Sims, R., Bellenguez, C., Quintela, I., Gonzalez-Perez, A., Calero, M., Franco-Macias, E., Macias, J., Blesa, R., Cervera-Carles, L., Menendez-Gonzalez, M., Frank-Garcia, A., Royo, J. L., Moreno, F., Huerto Vilas, R., Baquero, M., Diez-Fairen, M., Lage, C., Garcia-Madrona, S., Garcia-Gonzalez, P., Alarcon-Martin, E., Valero, S., Sotolongo-Grau, O., Ullgren, A., Naj, A. C., Lemstra, A. W., Benaque, A., Perez-Cordon, A., Benussi, A., Rabano, A., Padovani, A., Squassina, A., de Mendonca, A., Arias Pastor, A., Kok, A. A. L., Meggy, A., Pastor, A. B., Espinosa, A., Corma-Gomez, A., Martin Montes, A., Sanabria, A., DeStefano, A. L., Schneider, A., Haapasalo, A., Kinhult Stahlbom, A., Tybjaerg-Hansen, A., Hartmann, A. M., Spottke, A., Corbaton-Anchuelo, A., Rongve, A., Borroni, B., Arosio, B., Nacmias, B., Nordestgaard, B. G., Kunkle, B. W., Charbonnier, C., Abdelnour, C., Masullo, C., Martinez Rodriguez, C., Munoz-Fernandez, C., Dufouil, C., Graff, C., Ferreira, C. B., Chillotti, C., Reynolds, C. A., Fenoglio, C., Van Broeckhoven, C., Clark, C., Pisanu, C., Satizabal, C. L., Holmes, C., Buiza-Rueda, D., Aarsland, D., Rujescu, D., Alcolea, D., Galimberti, D., Wallon, D., Seripa, D., Grunblatt, E., Dardiotis, E., Duzel, E., Scarpini, E., Conti, E., Rubino, E., Gelpi, E., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E., Duron, E., Boerwinkle, E., Ferri, E., Tagliavini, F., Kucukali, F., Pasquier, F., Sanchez-Garcia, F., Mangialasche, F., Jessen, F., Nicolas, G., Selbaek, G., Ortega, G., Chene, G., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Rossi, G., Spalletta, G., Giaccone, G., Grande, G., Binetti, G., Papenberg, G., Hampel, H., Bailly, H., Zetterberg, H., Soininen, H., Karlsson, I. K., Alvarez, I., Appollonio, I., Giegling, I., Skoog, I., Saltvedt, I., Rainero, I., Rosas Allende, I., Hort, J., Diehl-Schmid, J., Van Dongen, J., Vidal, J. -S., Lehtisalo, J., Wiltfang, J., Thomassen, J. Q., Kornhuber, J., Haines, J. L., Vogelgsang, J., Pineda, J. A., Fortea, J., Popp, J., Deckert, J., Buerger, K., Morgan, K., Fliessbach, K., Sleegers, K., Molina-Porcel, L., Kilander, L., Weinhold, L., Farrer, L. A., Wang, L. -S., Kleineidam, L., Farotti, L., Parnetti, L., Tremolizzo, L., Hausner, L., Benussi, L., Froelich, L., Ikram, M. A., Deniz-Naranjo, M. C., Tsolaki, M., Rosende-Roca, M., Lowenmark, M., Hulsman, M., Spallazzi, M., Pericak-Vance, M. A., Esiri, M., Bernal Sanchez-Arjona, M., Dalmasso, M. C., Martinez-Larrad, M. T., Arcaro, M., Nothen, M. M., Fernandez-Fuertes, M., Dichgans, M., Ingelsson, M., Herrmann, M. J., Scherer, M., Vyhnalek, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Yannakoulia, M., Schmid, M., Ewers, M., Heneka, M. T., Wagner, M., Scamosci, M., Kivipelto, M., Hiltunen, M., Zulaica, M., Alegret, M., Fornage, M., Roberto, N., van Schoor, N. M., Seidu, N. M., Banaj, N., Armstrong, N. J., Scarmeas, N., Scherbaum, N., Goldhardt, O., Hanon, O., Peters, O., Skrobot, O. A., Quenez, O., Lerch, O., Bossu, P., Caffarra, P., Dionigi Rossi, P., Sakka, P., Hoffmann, P., Holmans, P. A., Fischer, P., Riederer, P., Yang, Q., Marshall, R., Kalaria, R. N., Mayeux, R., Vandenberghe, R., Cecchetti, R., Ghidoni, R., Frikke-Schmidt, R., Sorbi, S., Hagg, S., Engelborghs, S., Helisalmi, S., Botne Sando, S., Kern, S., Archetti, S., Boschi, S., Fostinelli, S., Gil, S., Mendoza, S., Mead, S., Ciccone, S., Djurovic, S., Heilmann-Heimbach, S., Riedel-Heller, S., Kuulasmaa, T., del Ser, T., Lebouvier, T., Polak, T., Ngandu, T., Grimmer, T., Bessi, V., Escott-Price, V., Giedraitis, V., Deramecourt, V., Maier, W., Jian, X., Pijnenburg, Y. A. L., Smith, A. D., Saenz, A., Bizzarro, A., Lauria, A., Vacca, A., Solomon, A., Anastasiou, A., Richardson, A., Boland, A., Koivisto, A., Daniele, A., Greco, A., Marianthi, A., McGuinness, B., Fin, B., Ferrari, C., Custodero, C., Ferrarese, C., Ingino, C., Mangone, C., Reyes Toso, C., Martinez, C., Cuesta, C., Muchnik, C., Joachim, C., Ortiz, C., Besse, C., Johansson, C., Zoia, C. P., Laske, C., Anastasiou, C., Palacio, D. L., Politis, D. G., Janowitz, D., Craig, D., Mann, D. M., Neary, D., Jurgen, D., Daian, D., Belezhanska, D., Kohler, E., Castano, E. M., Koutsouraki, E., Chipi, E., De Roeck, E., Costantini, E., Vardy, E. R. L. C., Piras, F., Roveta, F., Prestia, F. A., Assogna, F., Salani, F., Sala, G., Lacidogna, G., Novack, G., Wilcock, G., Thonberg, H., Kolsch, H., Weber, H., Boecker, H., Etchepareborda, I., Piaceri, I., Tuomilehto, J., Lindstrom, J., Laczo, J., Johnston, J., Deleuze, J. -F., Harris, J., Schott, J. M., Priller, J., Bacha, J. I., Snowden, J., Lisso, J., Mihova, K. Y., Traykov, L., Morelli, L., Brusco, L. I., Rainer, M., Takalo, M., Bjerke, M., Del Zompo, M., Serpente, M., Sanchez Abalos, M., Rios, M., Peltonen, M., Herrman, M. J., Kohler, M., Rojo, M., Jones, M., Orsini, M., Medel, N., Olivar, N., Fox, N. C., Salvadori, N., Hooper, N. M., Galeano, P., Solis, P., Bastiani, P., Mecocci, P., Passmore, P., Heun, R., Antikainen, R., Olaso, R., Perneczky, R., Germani, S., Lopez-Garcia, S., Love, S., Mehrabian, S., Bagnoli, S., Kochen, S., Andreoni, S., Teipel, S., Todd, S., Pickering-Brown, S., Natunen, T., Tegos, T., Laatikainen, T., Strandberg, T., Polvikoski, T. M., Matoska, V., Ciullo, V., Cores, V., Solfrizzi, V., Lisetti, V., Sevillano, Z., Aguilera, N., Alarcon, E., Boada, M., Buendia, M., Canabate, P., Carracedo, A., Diego, S., Gailhajenet, A., Guitart, M., Ibarria, M., Lafuente, A., Maronas, O., Martin, E., Martinez, M. T., Marquie, M., Mauleon, A., Moreno, M., Orellana, A., Pancho, A., Peleja, E., Preckler, S., Real, L. M., Ruiz, A., Saez, M. E., Serrano-Rios, M., Tarraga, L., Vargas, L., Adarmes-Gomez, A. D., Alonso, M. D., Alvarez, V., Amer-Ferrer, G., Antequera, M., Bernal, M., Bullido, M. J., Burguera, J. A., Carrillo, F., Carrion-Claro, M., Casajeros, M. J., Clarimon, J., Cruz-Gamero, J. M., de Pancorbo, M. M., Escuela, R., Garrote-Espina, L., Garcia-Alberca, J. M., Garcia Madrona, S., Garcia-Ribas, G., Gomez-Garre, P., Hevilla, S., Jesus, S., Labrador Espinosa, M. A., Legaz, A., Lleo, A., Lopez de Munain, A., Macias-Garcia, D., Manzanares, S., Marin, M., Marin-Munoz, J., Marin, T., Martinez, B., Martinez, V., Martinez-Lage Alvarez, P., Medina, M., Mendioroz Iriarte, M., Mir, P., Molinuevo, J. L., Pastor, P., Perez Tur, J., Perinan-Tocino, T., Pineda-Sanchez, R., Pinol-Ripoll, G., Real de Asua, D., Rodrigo, S., Sanchez del Valle Diaz, R., Sanchez-Juan, P., Sastre, I., Vicente, M. P., Vigo-Ortega, R., Vivancos, L., Macleod, C., McCracken, C., Brayne, C., Bresner, C., Grozeva, D., Bellou, E., Sommerville, E. W., Matthews, F., Leonenko, G., Menzies, G., Windle, G., Harwood, J., Phillips, J., Bennett, K., Luckuck, L., Clare, L., Woods, R., Saad, S., Burholt, V., Kehoe, P. G., Perez-Tur, J., Scheltens, P., Holstege, H., Amouyel, P., Schellenberg, G. D., Williams, J., Seshadri, S., van Duijn, C. M., Mather, K. A., Sanchez-Valle, R., Blennow, K., Huisman, M., Andreassen, O. A., Posthuma, D., van der Flier, W. M., Ramirez, A., Lambert, J. -C., and van der Lee, S. J.
- Subjects
Age of Onset ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,Alzheimer Disease ,Amyloid beta-Protein Precursor ,Apolipoproteins E ,Case-Control Studies ,Cohort Studies ,Datasets as Topic ,Female ,Follow-Up Studies ,Genetic Predisposition to Disease ,Genome-Wide Association Study ,Heterozygote ,Humans ,Male ,Middle Aged ,Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide ,Risk Assessment ,Risk Factors ,Multifactorial Inheritance - Published
- 2021
16. Erratum: Human iPSC-derived hippocampal spheroids: An innovative tool for stratifying Alzheimer disease patient-specific cellular phenotypes and developing therapies (Stem Cell Reports (2020) 15(1) (256–273), (S2213671120301922), (10.1016/j.stemcr.2020.06.001))
- Author
Pomeshchik, Y., Klementieva, O., Gil, J., Martinsson, I., Hansen, M. G., de Vries, T., Sancho-Balsells, A., Russ, K., Savchenko, E., Collin, A., Vaz, A. R., Bagnoli, S., Nacmias, B., Rampon, C., Sorbi, S., Brites, D., Marko-Varga, G., Kokaia, Z., Rezeli, M., Gouras, G. K., and Roybon, L.
- Subjects
Human iPSC-Derived Hippocampal Spheroids, Alzheimer Disease - Published
- 2021
17. P141 IBUS-SAS for Crohn’s disease ultrasound activity: initial validation and research of the optimal cut-off score
- Author
Dragoni, G, primary, Innocenti, T, additional, Lynch, E N, additional, Fiorini, C, additional, Parisio, L, additional, Roselli, J, additional, Bagnoli, S, additional, Macrì, G, additional, Rogai, F, additional, Milani, S, additional, Galli, A, additional, and Milla, M, additional
- Published
- 2021
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
18. P491 Infectious risk of vedolizumab compared with other biological agents in the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Author
Innocenti, T, primary, Roselli, J, additional, Lynch, E N, additional, Apolito, P, additional, Parisio, L, additional, Bagnoli, S, additional, Macrì, G, additional, Rogai, F, additional, Milani, S, additional, Galli, A, additional, Milla, M, additional, and Dragoni, G, additional
- Published
- 2021
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
19. Correction to:A nonsynonymous mutation in PLCG2 reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal dementia, and increases the likelihood of longevity (Acta Neuropathologica, (2019), 138, 2, (237-250), 10.1007/s00401-019-02026-8)
- Author
van der Lee, Sven J., Conway, Olivia J., Jansen, Iris, Carrasquillo, Minerva M., Kleineidam, Luca, van den Akker, Erik, Hernández, Isabel, van Eijk, Kristel R., Stringa, Najada, Chen, Jason A., Zettergren, Anna, Andlauer, Till F.M., Diez-Fairen, Monica, Simon-Sanchez, Javier, Lleó, Alberto, Zetterberg, Henrik, Nygaard, Marianne, Blauwendraat, Cornelis, Savage, Jeanne E., Mengel-From, Jonas, Moreno-Grau, Sonia, Wagner, Michael, Fortea, Juan, Keogh, Michael J., Blennow, Kaj, Skoog, Ingmar, Friese, Manuel A., Pletnikova, Olga, Zulaica, Miren, Lage, Carmen, de Rojas, Itziar, Riedel-Heller, Steffi, Illán-Gala, Ignacio, Wei, Wei, Jeune, Bernard, Orellana, Adelina, Then Bergh, Florian, Wang, Xue, Hulsman, Marc, Beker, Nina, Tesi, Niccolo, Morris, Christopher M., Indakoetxea, Begoña, Collij, Lyduine E., Scherer, Martin, Morenas-Rodríguez, Estrella, Ironside, James W., van Berckel, Bart N.M., Alcolea, Daniel, Wiendl, Heinz, Strickland, Samantha L., Pastor, Pau, Rodríguez Rodríguez, Eloy, Mead, S., Synofzik, M., van Swieten, J. C., Leber, I., Ferrari, R., Hernandez, D. G., Nalls, M. A., Rohrer, J. D., Ramasamy, A., Kwok, J. B.J., Dobson-Stone, C., Schofield, P. R., Halliday, G. M., Hodges, J. R., Piguet, O., Bartley, L., Thompson, E., Borroni, B., Padovani, A., Cruchaga, C., Cairns, N. J., Benussi, L., Binetti, G., Ghidoni, R., Forloni, G., Albani, D., Galimberti, D., Fenoglio, C., Serpente, M., Scarpini, E., Blesa, R., Landqvist Waldö, M., Nilsson, K., Nilsson, C., Mackenzie, I. R.A., Hsiung, G. Y.R., Mann, D. M.A., Grafman, J., Morris, C. M., Attems, J., Griffiths, T. D., McKeith, I. G., Thomas, A. J., Pietrini, P., Huey, E. D., Wassermann, E. M., Baborie, A., Jaros, E., Tierney, M. C., Razquin, C., Ortega-Cubero, S., Alonso, E., Perneczky, R., Diehl-Schmid, J., Alexopoulos, P., Kurz, A., Rainero, I., Rubino, E., Pinessi, L., Rogaeva, E., St George-Hyslop, P., Rossi, G., Tagliavini, F., Giaccone, G., Rowe, J. B., Schlachetzki, J. C.M., Uphill, J., Collinge, J., Danek, A., Van Deerlin, V. M., Grossman, M., Trojanowski, J. Q., van der Zee, J., Van Broeckhoven, C., Cappa, S. F., Hannequin, D., Golfier, V., Vercelletto, M., Brice, A., Nacmias, B., Sorbi, S., Bagnoli, S., Piaceri, I., Nielsen, J. E., Hjermind, L. E., Riemenschneider, M., Mayhaus, M., Ibach, B., Gasparoni, G., Pichler, S., Gu, W., Rossor, M. N., Fox, N. C., Warren, J. D., Spillantini, M. G., Morris, H. R., Rizzu, P., Snowden, J. S., Rollinson, S., Richardson, A., Gerhard, A., Bruni, A. C., Maletta, R., Frangipane, F., Cupidi, C., Bernardi, L., Anfossi, M., Gallo, M., Conidi, M. E., Smirne, N., Baker, M., Josephs, K. A., Parisi, J. E., Seeley, W. W., Miller, B. L., Karydas, A. M., Rosen, H., Dopper, E. G.P., Seelaar, H., Logroscino, G., Capozzo, R., Novelli, V., Puca, A. A., Franceschi, M., Postiglione, A., Milan, G., Sorrentino, P., Kristiansen, M., Chiang, H. H., Graff, C., Pasquier, F., Rollin, A., Deramecourt, V., Lebouvier, T., Kapogiannis, D., Ferrucci, L., Pickering-Brown, S., Singleton, A. B., Hardy, J., Momeni, P., Boeve, Bradley F., Petersen, Ronald C., Ferman, Tanis J., van Gerpen, Jay A., Reinders, Marcel J.T., Uitti, Ryan J., Tárraga, Lluís, Maier, Wolfgang, Dols-Icardo, Oriol, Kawalia, Amit, Dalmasso, Maria Carolina, Boada, Mercè, Zettl, Uwe K., van Schoor, Natasja M., Beekman, Marian, Allen, Mariet, Masliah, Eliezer, de Munain, Adolfo López, Pantelyat, Alexander, Wszolek, Zbigniew K., Ross, Owen A., Dickson, Dennis W., Graff-Radford, Neill R., Knopman, David, Rademakers, Rosa, Lemstra, Afina W., Pijnenburg, Yolande A.L., Scheltens, Philip, Gasser, Thomas, Chinnery, Patrick F., Hemmer, Bernhard, Huisman, Martijn A., Troncoso, Juan, Moreno, Fermin, Nohr, Ellen A., Sørensen, Thorkild I.A., Heutink, Peter, Sánchez-Juan, Pascual, Posthuma, Danielle, Coppola, G., Varpetian, A., Foroud, T. M., Levey, A. I., Kukull, W. A., Mendez, M. F., Ringman, J., Chui, H., Cotman, C., DeCarli, C., Geschwind, D. H., Clarimón, Jordi, Christensen, Kaare, Ertekin-Taner, Nilüfer, Scholz, Sonja W., Ramirez, Alfredo, Ruiz, Agustín, Slagboom, Eline, van der Flier, Wiesje M., and Holstege, Henne
- Abstract
The IPDGC (The International Parkinson Disease Genomics Consortium) and EADB (Alzheimer Disease European DNA biobank) are listed correctly as an author to the article, however, they were incorrectly listed more than once.
- Published
- 2020
20. Correction to: A nonsynonymous mutation in PLCG2 reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal dementia, and increases the likelihood of longevity (Acta Neuropathologica, (2019), 138, 2, (237-250), 10.1007/s00401-019-02026-8)
- Author
van der Lee, S. J., Conway, O. J., Jansen, I., Carrasquillo, M. M., Kleineidam, L., van den Akker, E., Hernandez, I., van Eijk, K. R., Stringa, N., Chen, J. A., Zettergren, A., Andlauer, T. F. M., Diez-Fairen, M., Simon-Sanchez, J., Lleo, A., Zetterberg, H., Nygaard, M., Blauwendraat, C., Savage, J. E., Mengel-From, J., Moreno-Grau, S., Wagner, M., Fortea, J., Keogh, M. J., Blennow, K., Skoog, I., Friese, M. A., Pletnikova, O., Zulaica, M., Lage, C., de Rojas, I., Riedel-Heller, S., Illan-Gala, I., Wei, W., Jeune, B., Orellana, A., Then Bergh, F., Wang, X., Hulsman, M., Beker, N., Tesi, N., Morris, C. M., Indakoetxea, B., Collij, L. E., Scherer, M., Morenas-Rodriguez, E., Ironside, J. W., van Berckel, B. N. M., Alcolea, D., Wiendl, H., Strickland, S. L., Pastor, P., Rodriguez Rodriguez, E., Mead, S., Synofzik, M., van Swieten, J. C., Leber, I., Ferrari, R., Hernandez, D. G., Nalls, M. A., Rohrer, J. D., Ramasamy, A., Kwok, J. B. J., Dobson-Stone, C., Schofield, P. R., Halliday, G. M., Hodges, J. R., Piguet, O., Bartley, L., Thompson, E., Borroni, B., Padovani, A., Cruchaga, C., Cairns, N. J., Benussi, L., Binetti, G., Ghidoni, R., Forloni, G., Albani, D., Galimberti, D., Fenoglio, C., Serpente, M., Scarpini, E., Blesa, R., Landqvist Waldo, M., Nilsson, K., Nilsson, C., Mackenzie, I. R. A., Hsiung, G. -Y. R., Mann, D. M. A., Grafman, J., Attems, J., Griffiths, T. D., Mckeith, I. G., Thomas, A. J., Pietrini, P., Huey, E. D., Wassermann, E. M., Baborie, A., Jaros, E., Tierney, M. C., Razquin, C., Ortega-Cubero, S., Alonso, E., Perneczky, R., Diehl-Schmid, J., Alexopoulos, P., Kurz, A., Rainero, I., Rubino, E., Pinessi, L., Rogaeva, E., St George-Hyslop, P., Rossi, G., Tagliavini, F., Giaccone, G., Rowe, J. B., Schlachetzki, J. C. M., Uphill, J., Collinge, J., Danek, A., Van Deerlin, V. M., Grossman, M., Trojanowski, J. Q., van der Zee, J., Van Broeckhoven, C., Cappa, S. F., Hannequin, D., Golfier, V., Vercelletto, M., Brice, A., Nacmias, B., Sorbi, S., Bagnoli, S., Piaceri, I., Nielsen, J. E., Hjermind, L. E., Riemenschneider, M., Mayhaus, M., Ibach, B., Gasparoni, G., Pichler, S., Gu, W., Rossor, M. N., Fox, N. C., Warren, J. D., Spillantini, M. G., Morris, H. R., Rizzu, P., Snowden, J. S., Rollinson, S., Richardson, A., Gerhard, A., Bruni, A. C., Maletta, R., Frangipane, F., Cupidi, C., Bernardi, L., Anfossi, M., Gallo, M., Conidi, M. E., Smirne, N., Baker, M., Josephs, K. A., Parisi, J. E., Seeley, W. W., Miller, B. L., Karydas, A. M., Rosen, H., Dopper, E. G. P., Seelaar, H., Logroscino, G., Capozzo, R., Novelli, V., Puca, A. A., Franceschi, M., Postiglione, A., Milan, G., Sorrentino, P., Kristiansen, M., Chiang, H. -H., Graff, C., Pasquier, F., Rollin, A., Deramecourt, V., Lebouvier, T., Kapogiannis, D., Ferrucci, L., Pickering-Brown, S., Singleton, A. B., Hardy, J., Momeni, P., Boeve, B. F., Petersen, R. C., Ferman, T. J., van Gerpen, J. A., Reinders, M. J. T., Uitti, R. J., Tarraga, L., Maier, W., Dols-Icardo, O., Kawalia, A., Dalmasso, M. C., Boada, M., Zettl, U. K., van Schoor, N. M., Beekman, M., Allen, M., Masliah, E., de Munain, A. L., Pantelyat, A., Wszolek, Z. K., Ross, O. A., Dickson, D. W., Graff-Radford, N. R., Knopman, D., Rademakers, R., Lemstra, A. W., Pijnenburg, Y. A. L., Scheltens, P., Gasser, T., Chinnery, P. F., Hemmer, B., Huisman, M. A., Troncoso, J., Moreno, F., Nohr, E. A., Sorensen, T. I. A., Heutink, P., Sanchez-Juan, P., Posthuma, D., Coppola, G., Varpetian, A., Foroud, T. M., Levey, A. I., Kukull, W. A., Mendez, M. F., Ringman, J., Chui, H., Cotman, C., Decarli, C., Geschwind, D. H., Clarimon, J., Christensen, K., Ertekin-Taner, N., Scholz, S. W., Ramirez, A., Ruiz, A., Slagboom, E., van der Flier, W. M., Holstege, H., Neurology, Epidemiology and Data Science, Human genetics, APH - Societal Participation & Health, APH - Aging & Later Life, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Complex Trait Genetics, APH - Personalized Medicine, and APH - Methodology
- Subjects
education - Abstract
The IPDGC (The International Parkinson Disease Genomics Consortium) and EADB (Alzheimer Disease European DNA biobank) are listed correctly as an author to the article, however, they were incorrectly listed more than once.
- Published
- 2020
21. Human iPSC-Derived Hippocampal Spheroids: An Innovative Tool for Stratifying Alzheimer Disease Patient-Specific Cellular Phenotypes and Developing Therapies
- Author
Pomeshchik Y, Klementieva O, Gil J, Martinsson I, Hansen MG, de Vries T, Sancho-Balsells A, Russ K, Savchenko E, Collin A, Vaz AR, Bagnoli S, Nacmias B, Rampon C, Sorbi S, Brites D, Marko-Varga G, Kokaia Z, Rezeli M, Gouras GK, Roybon L.
- Published
- 2020
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
22. Mendelian randomization implies no direct causal association between leukocyte telomere length and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Author
Gao, Y. (Yixin), Wang, T. (Ting), Yu, X. (Xinghao), Ferrari, R. (Raffaele), Hernandez, D.G. (Dena), Nalls, M.A. (Michael), Rohrer, J.D. (Jonathan), Ramasamy, A. (Adaikalavan), Kwok, J.B.J. (John), Dobson-Stone, C. (Carol), Brooks, W.S. (William S.), Schofield, P.R. (Peter R.), Halliday, G.M. (Glenda Margaret), Hodges, J.R. (John R.), Piguet, O. (Olivier), Bartley, L. (Lauren), Thompson, E. (Elizabeth), Haan, E. (Eric), Hernández, I. (Isabel), Ruiz, A. (A.), Boada, M. (Mercè), Borroni, B. (Barbara), Padovani, A. (Alessandro), Crane, L.M.A., Cairns, N.J. (Nigel), Benussi, L. (Luisa), Binetti, G. (Giuliano), Ghidoni, R. (Roberta), Forloni, G. (Gianluigi), Albani, D. (Diego), Galimberti, D. (Daniela), Fenoglio, C. (Chiara), Serpente, M. (Maria), Scarpini, E. (Elio), Clarimón, J. (Jordi), Lleo, A. (Alberto), Blesa, R. (Rafael), Waldö, M.L. (Maria Landqvist), Nilsson, K. (Karin), Nilsson, C. (Christer), Mackenzie, I.R.A. (Ian), Hsiung, G.-Y.R. (Ging-Yuek R.), Mann, D.M.A. (David M. A.), Grafman, J. (Jordan), Morris, C.M. (Chris), Attems, J. (Johannes), Griffiths, T.D. (Timothy), McKeith, I.G. (Ian), Thomas, A.J. (Alan J.), Pietrini, P. (P.), Huey, E.D. (Edward), Wassermann, E.M. (Eric), Baborie, A. (Atik), Jaros, J.A.J. (Julian), Tierney, M.C. (Michael C.), Pastor, P. (Pau), Razquin, C. (Cristina), Ortega-Cubero, S. (Sara), Alonso, E. (Elena), Perneczky, R. (Robert), Diehl-Schmid, J. (Janine), Alexopoulos, E.C. (Evangelos), Kurz, A., Rainero, I. (Innocenzo), Rubino, M. (Maurizio), Pinessi, L. (Lorenzo), Rogaeva, E. (Ekaterina), George-Hyslop, P.S. (Peter St), Rossi, G. (Giacomina), Tagliavini, F. (Fabrizio), Giaccone, G. (Giuseppe), Rowe, J.B. (James), Schlachetzki, J.C.M. (Johannes C.), Uphill, J. (James), Collinge, J. (John), Mead, S. (Simon), Danek, A. (Adrian), Deerlin, V.M. (Vivianna), Grossman, M. (Murray), Trojanowski, J.Q. (John Q.), Zee, J. (Jill) van der, Cruts, M. (Marc), Broeckhoven, C. (Christine) van, Cappa, S.F. (Stefano), Leber, I. (Isabelle), Hannequin, D. (Didier), Golfier, V. (Véronique), Vercelletto, M. (Martine), Brice, A. (Alexis), Nacmias, B. (Benedetta), Sorbi, S. (Sandro), Bagnoli, S. (Silvia), Piaceri, I. (Irene), Nielsen, J.E. (Jørgen E.), Hjermind, L.E. (Lena), Riemenschneider, M. (Matthias), Mayhaus, M. (Manuel), Ibach, B. (Bernd), Gasparoni, G. (Gilles), Pichler, I. (Irene), Gu, W. (Wei), Rossor, M. (Martin), Fox, N.C. (Nick), Warren, J.D. (Jason), Spillantini, M.G., Morris, H.R. (Huw R.), Rizzu, P. (Patrizia), Heutink, P. (Peter), Snowden, J. (Julie), Rollinson, S. (Sara), Richardson, A. (Anna), Gerhard, A. (Alex), Bruni, A.C. (Amalia), Maletta, R. (Raffaele), Frangipane, F. (Francesca), Cupidi, C. (Chiara), Bernardi, L. (Livia), Anfossi, M. (Maria), Gallo, V. (Valentina), Conidi, A. (Andrea), Smirne, N. (Nicoletta), Rademakers, S. (Suzanne), Baker, M.C. (Matthew), Dickson, D. (Dennis), Graff-Radford, N.R. (Neill), Petersen, R.C. (Ronald C.), Knopman, D.S. (David), Josephs, K.A. (Keith), Boeve, B.F. (Bradley F.), Parisi, J.E. (Joseph), Seeley, W.W. (William W.), Miller, B.L. (Bruce L.), Karydas, A.M. (Anna M.), Rosen, H. (Howard), Swieten, J.C. (John) van, Dopper, E.G.P. (Elise), Seelaar, H. (Harro), Pijnenburg, Y.A.L. (Yolande), Scheltens, P. (Philip), Logroscino, G. (Giancarlo), Capozzo, R. (Rosa), Novelli, V. (Valeria), Puca, A.A. (Annibale), Franceschi, M. (Massimo), Postiglione, A. (Alfredo), Milan, D.J. (David), Sorrentino, D. (Dario), Kristiansen, M. (Mark), Chiang, Y.T., Graff, C. (Caroline), Pasquier, F. (Florence), Rollin, A. (Adeline), Deramecourt, V. (Vincent), Lebouvier, T. (Thibaud), Kapogiannis, D. (Dimitrios), Ferrucci, L. (Luigi), Pickering-Brown, S. (Stuart), Singleton, A. (Andrew), Hardy, J. (John), Momeni, P. (Parastoo), Zhao, H. (Huashuo), Zeng, P. (Ping), Gao, Y. (Yixin), Wang, T. (Ting), Yu, X. (Xinghao), Ferrari, R. (Raffaele), Hernandez, D.G. (Dena), Nalls, M.A. (Michael), Rohrer, J.D. (Jonathan), Ramasamy, A. (Adaikalavan), Kwok, J.B.J. (John), Dobson-Stone, C. (Carol), Brooks, W.S. (William S.), Schofield, P.R. (Peter R.), Halliday, G.M. (Glenda Margaret), Hodges, J.R. (John R.), Piguet, O. (Olivier), Bartley, L. (Lauren), Thompson, E. (Elizabeth), Haan, E. (Eric), Hernández, I. (Isabel), Ruiz, A. (A.), Boada, M. (Mercè), Borroni, B. (Barbara), Padovani, A. (Alessandro), Crane, L.M.A., Cairns, N.J. (Nigel), Benussi, L. (Luisa), Binetti, G. (Giuliano), Ghidoni, R. (Roberta), Forloni, G. (Gianluigi), Albani, D. (Diego), Galimberti, D. (Daniela), Fenoglio, C. (Chiara), Serpente, M. (Maria), Scarpini, E. (Elio), Clarimón, J. (Jordi), Lleo, A. (Alberto), Blesa, R. (Rafael), Waldö, M.L. (Maria Landqvist), Nilsson, K. (Karin), Nilsson, C. (Christer), Mackenzie, I.R.A. (Ian), Hsiung, G.-Y.R. (Ging-Yuek R.), Mann, D.M.A. (David M. A.), Grafman, J. (Jordan), Morris, C.M. (Chris), Attems, J. (Johannes), Griffiths, T.D. (Timothy), McKeith, I.G. (Ian), Thomas, A.J. (Alan J.), Pietrini, P. (P.), Huey, E.D. (Edward), Wassermann, E.M. (Eric), Baborie, A. (Atik), Jaros, J.A.J. (Julian), Tierney, M.C. (Michael C.), Pastor, P. (Pau), Razquin, C. (Cristina), Ortega-Cubero, S. (Sara), Alonso, E. (Elena), Perneczky, R. (Robert), Diehl-Schmid, J. (Janine), Alexopoulos, E.C. (Evangelos), Kurz, A., Rainero, I. (Innocenzo), Rubino, M. (Maurizio), Pinessi, L. (Lorenzo), Rogaeva, E. (Ekaterina), George-Hyslop, P.S. (Peter St), Rossi, G. (Giacomina), Tagliavini, F. (Fabrizio), Giaccone, G. (Giuseppe), Rowe, J.B. (James), Schlachetzki, J.C.M. (Johannes C.), Uphill, J. (James), Collinge, J. (John), Mead, S. (Simon), Danek, A. (Adrian), Deerlin, V.M. (Vivianna), Grossman, M. (Murray), Trojanowski, J.Q. (John Q.), Zee, J. (Jill) van der, Cruts, M. (Marc), Broeckhoven, C. (Christine) van, Cappa, S.F. (Stefano), Leber, I. (Isabelle), Hannequin, D. (Didier), Golfier, V. (Véronique), Vercelletto, M. (Martine), Brice, A. (Alexis), Nacmias, B. (Benedetta), Sorbi, S. (Sandro), Bagnoli, S. (Silvia), Piaceri, I. (Irene), Nielsen, J.E. (Jørgen E.), Hjermind, L.E. (Lena), Riemenschneider, M. (Matthias), Mayhaus, M. (Manuel), Ibach, B. (Bernd), Gasparoni, G. (Gilles), Pichler, I. (Irene), Gu, W. (Wei), Rossor, M. (Martin), Fox, N.C. (Nick), Warren, J.D. (Jason), Spillantini, M.G., Morris, H.R. (Huw R.), Rizzu, P. (Patrizia), Heutink, P. (Peter), Snowden, J. (Julie), Rollinson, S. (Sara), Richardson, A. (Anna), Gerhard, A. (Alex), Bruni, A.C. (Amalia), Maletta, R. (Raffaele), Frangipane, F. (Francesca), Cupidi, C. (Chiara), Bernardi, L. (Livia), Anfossi, M. (Maria), Gallo, V. (Valentina), Conidi, A. (Andrea), Smirne, N. (Nicoletta), Rademakers, S. (Suzanne), Baker, M.C. (Matthew), Dickson, D. (Dennis), Graff-Radford, N.R. (Neill), Petersen, R.C. (Ronald C.), Knopman, D.S. (David), Josephs, K.A. (Keith), Boeve, B.F. (Bradley F.), Parisi, J.E. (Joseph), Seeley, W.W. (William W.), Miller, B.L. (Bruce L.), Karydas, A.M. (Anna M.), Rosen, H. (Howard), Swieten, J.C. (John) van, Dopper, E.G.P. (Elise), Seelaar, H. (Harro), Pijnenburg, Y.A.L. (Yolande), Scheltens, P. (Philip), Logroscino, G. (Giancarlo), Capozzo, R. (Rosa), Novelli, V. (Valeria), Puca, A.A. (Annibale), Franceschi, M. (Massimo), Postiglione, A. (Alfredo), Milan, D.J. (David), Sorrentino, D. (Dario), Kristiansen, M. (Mark), Chiang, Y.T., Graff, C. (Caroline), Pasquier, F. (Florence), Rollin, A. (Adeline), Deramecourt, V. (Vincent), Lebouvier, T. (Thibaud), Kapogiannis, D. (Dimitrios), Ferrucci, L. (Luigi), Pickering-Brown, S. (Stuart), Singleton, A. (Andrew), Hardy, J. (John), Momeni, P. (Parastoo), Zhao, H. (Huashuo), and Zeng, P. (Ping)
- Abstract
We employed Mendelian randomization (MR) to evaluate the causal relationship between leukocyte telomere length (LTL) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) with summary statistics from genome-wide association studies (n = ~ 38,000 for LTL and ~ 81,000 for ALS in the European population; n = ~ 23,000 for LTL and ~ 4,100 for ALS in the Asian population). We further evaluated mediation roles of lipids in the pathway from LTL to ALS. The odds ratio per standard deviation decrease of LTL on ALS was 1.10 (95% CI 0.93–1.31, p = 0.274) in the European population and 0.75 (95% CI 0.53–1.07, p = 0.116) in the Asian population. This null association was also detected between LTL and frontotemporal dementia in the European population. However, we found that an indirect effect of LTL on ALS might be mediated by low density lipoprotein (LDL) or total cholesterol (TC) in the European population.
- Published
- 2020
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
23. Divergent patterns of total and cancer mortality in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease patients: the Florence IBD study 1978-2001
- Author
Masala, G., Bagnoli, S., and Ceroti, M.
- Subjects
Crohn's disease -- Patient outcomes ,Crohn's disease -- Research ,Gastroenterology -- Research ,Ulcerative colitis -- Patient outcomes ,Ulcerative colitis -- Research ,Health - Published
- 2004
24. Clinical heterogeneity in Italian patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Author
Piaceri, I, Del Mastio, M, Tedde, A, Bagnoli, S, Latorraca, S, Massaro, F, Paganini, M, Corrado, A, Sorbi, S, and Nacmias, B
- Published
- 2012
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
25. PER2 C111G polymorphism, cognitive reserve and cognition in subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment: a 10‐year follow‐up study
- Author
Bessi, V., primary, Giacomucci, G., additional, Mazzeo, S., additional, Bagnoli, S., additional, Padiglioni, S., additional, Balestrini, J., additional, Tomaiuolo, G., additional, Piaceri, I., additional, Carraro, M., additional, Bracco, L., additional, Sorbi, S., additional, and Nacmias, B., additional
- Published
- 2020
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
- Author
Apolito, P., primary, Innocenti, T., additional, Roselli, J., additional, Parisio, L., additional, Macrì, G., additional, Bagnoli, S., additional, Rogai, F., additional, Galli, A., additional, and Milla, M., additional
- Published
- 2020
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
- Author
Dragoni, G., primary, Pieraccini, A., additional, Bagnoli, S., additional, Caini, S., additional, Macrì, G., additional, Rogai, F., additional, Milani, S., additional, Galli, A., additional, and Milla, M., additional
- Published
- 2020
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
28. Assessing the effectiveness of subjective cognitive decline plus criteria in predicting the progression to Alzheimer’s disease: an 11‐year follow‐up study
- Author
Mazzeo, S., primary, Padiglioni, S., additional, Bagnoli, S., additional, Carraro, M., additional, Piaceri, I., additional, Bracco, L., additional, Nacmias, B., additional, Sorbi, S., additional, and Bessi, V., additional
- Published
- 2020
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
29. P620 Maintenance of clinical remission with SB5 biosimilar after switch from adalimumab originator: Real-life experience of a tertiary referral centre
- Author
Dragoni, G, primary, Pieraccini, A, additional, Bagnoli, S, additional, Caini, S, additional, Macrì, G, additional, Rogai, F, additional, Milani, S, additional, Galli, A, additional, and Milla, M, additional
- Published
- 2020
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
30. Codon 129 polymorphism of prion protein gene in sporadic Alzheimerʼs disease
- Author
Poleggi, A., Bizzarro, A., Acciarri, A., Antuono, P., Bagnoli, S., Cellini, E., Forno, G. Dal, Giannattasio, C., Lauria, A., Matera, M. G., Nacmias, B., Puopolo, M., Seripa, D., Sorbi, S., Wekstein, D. R., Pocchiari, M., and Masullo, C.
- Published
- 2008
31. Correction to: A nonsynonymous mutation in PLCG2 reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal dementia, and increases the likelihood of longevity
- Author
van der Lee, Sven J, Conway, Olivia J, Zettergren, Anna, Christensen, Kaare, Ertekin-Taner, Nilüfer, Scholz, Sonja W, Ramirez, Alfredo, Ruiz, Agustín, Slagboom, Eline, van der Flier, Wiesje M, Holstege, Henne, Mead, S., Synofzik, M., Andlauer, Till F M, van Swieten, J. C., Leber, I., Ferrari, R., Hernandez, D. G., Nalls, M. A., Rohrer, J. D., Ramasamy, A., Kwok, J. B. J., Dobson-Stone, C., Schofield, P. R., Diez-Fairen, Monica, Halliday, G. M., Hodges, J. R., Piguet, O., Bartley, L., Thompson, E., Borroni, B., Padovani, A., Cruchaga, C., Cairns, N. J., Benussi, L., Simon-Sanchez, Javier, Binetti, G., Ghidoni, R., Forloni, G., Albani, D., Galimberti, D., Fenoglio, C., Serpente, M., Scarpini, E., Blesa, R., Landqvist Waldö, M., Lleó, Alberto, Nilsson, K., Nilsson, C., Mackenzie, I. R. A., Hsiung, G-Y R, Mann, D. M. A., Grafman, J., Morris, C. M., Attems, J., Griffiths, T. D., McKeith, I. G., Zetterberg, Henrik, Thomas, A. J., Pietrini, P., Huey, E. D., Wassermann, E. M., Baborie, A., Jaros, E., Tierney, M. C., Razquin, C., Ortega-Cubero, S., Alonso, E., Nygaard, Marianne, Perneczky, R., Diehl-Schmid, J., Alexopoulos, P., Kurz, A., Rainero, I., Rubino, E., Pinessi, L., Rogaeva, E., St George-Hyslop, P., Rossi, G., Blauwendraat, Cornelis, Tagliavini, F., Giaccone, G., Rowe, J. B., Schlachetzki, J. C. M., Uphill, J., Collinge, J., Danek, A., Van Deerlin, V. M., Grossman, M., Trojanowski, J. Q., Savage, Jeanne E, van der Zee, J., Van Broeckhoven, C., Cappa, S. F., Hannequin, D., Golfier, V., Vercelletto, M., Brice, A., Nacmias, B., Sorbi, S., Bagnoli, S., Mengel-From, Jonas, Piaceri, I., Nielsen, J. E., Hjermind, L. E., Riemenschneider, M., Mayhaus, M., Ibach, B., Gasparoni, G., Pichler, S., Gu, W., Rossor, M. N., Jansen, Iris, Moreno-Grau, Sonia, Fox, N. C., Warren, J. D., Spillantini, M. G., Morris, H. R., Rizzu, P., Snowden, J. S., Rollinson, S., Richardson, A., Gerhard, A., Bruni, A. C., Wagner, Michael, Maletta, R., Frangipane, F., Cupidi, C., Bernardi, L., Anfossi, M., Gallo, M., Conidi, M. E., Smirne, N., Baker, M., Josephs, K. A., Fortea, Juan, Parisi, J. E., Seeley, W. W., Miller, B. L., Karydas, A. M., Rosen, H., Dopper, E. G. P., Seelaar, H., Logroscino, G., Capozzo, R., Novelli, V., Keogh, Michael J, Puca, A. A., Franceschi, M., Postiglione, A., Milan, G., Sorrentino, P., Kristiansen, M., Chiang, H-H, Graff, C., Pasquier, F., Rollin, A., Blennow, Kaj, Deramecourt, V., Lebouvier, T., Kapogiannis, D., Ferrucci, L., Pickering-Brown, S., Singleton, A. B., Hardy, J., Momeni, P., Coppola, G., Skoog, Ingmar, Varpetian, A., Foroud, T. M., Levey, A. I., Kukull, W. A., Mendez, M. F., Ringman, J., Chui, H., Cotman, C., DeCarli, C., Friese, Manuel A, Geschwind, D. H., Pletnikova, Olga, Zulaica, Miren, Lage, Carmen, Carrasquillo, Minerva M, de Rojas, Itziar, Riedel-Heller, Steffi, Illán-Gala, Ignacio, Wei, Wei, Jeune, Bernard, Orellana, Adelina, Then Bergh, Florian, Wang, Xue, Hulsman, Marc, Beker, Nina, Kleineidam, Luca, Tesi, Niccolo, Morris, Christopher M, Indakoetxea, Begoña, Collij, Lyduine E, Scherer, Martin, Morenas-Rodríguez, Estrella, Ironside, James W, van Berckel, Bart N M, Alcolea, Daniel, Wiendl, Heinz, van den Akker, Erik, Strickland, Samantha L, Pastor, Pau, Rodríguez Rodríguez, Eloy, DESGESCO, EADB, IFGC, IPDGC, RiMod-FTD, Bank, Netherlands Brain, Boeve, Bradley F, Hernández, Isabel, Petersen, Ronald C, Ferman, Tanis J, van Gerpen, Jay A, Reinders, Marcel J T, Uitti, Ryan J, Tárraga, Lluís, Maier, Wolfgang, Dols-Icardo, Oriol, Kawalia, Amit, Dalmasso, Maria Carolina, van Eijk, Kristel R, Boada, Mercè, Zettl, Uwe K, van Schoor, Natasja M, Beekman, Marian, Allen, Mariet, Masliah, Eliezer, de Munain, Adolfo López, Pantelyat, Alexander, Wszolek, Zbigniew K, Ross, Owen A, Stringa, Najada, Dickson, Dennis W, Graff-Radford, Neill R, Knopman, David, Rademakers, Rosa, Lemstra, Afina W, Pijnenburg, Yolande A L, Scheltens, Philip, Gasser, Thomas, Chinnery, Patrick F, Hemmer, Bernhard, Chen, Jason A, Huisman, Martijn A, Troncoso, Juan, Moreno, Fermin, Nohr, Ellen A, Sørensen, Thorkild I A, Heutink, Peter, Sánchez-Juan, Pascual, Posthuma, Danielle, GIFT, and Clarimón, Jordi
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Dementia with Lewy bodies ,Disease ,Bioinformatics ,Neurodegenerative disease ,0302 clinical medicine ,Missense mutation ,media_common ,2. Zero hunger ,Longevity ,Brain ,Parkinson Disease ,Phospholipase C Gamma 2 ,Biobank ,3. Good health ,ddc ,Frontotemporal Dementia ,Microglia ,Alzheimer's disease ,Alzheimer’s disease ,Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ,Frontotemporal dementia ,Multiple sclerosis ,PLCG2 ,Parkinson’s disease ,Progressive supranuclear palsy ,Lewy Body Disease ,Risk ,Multiple Sclerosis ,media_common.quotation_subject ,education ,Neuroimaging ,Genomics ,Pathology and Forensic Medicine ,03 medical and health sciences ,Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience ,SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being ,Alzheimer Disease ,medicine ,Humans ,Genetic Predisposition to Disease ,ddc:610 ,Alleles ,Phospholipase C gamma ,business.industry ,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ,Correction ,medicine.disease ,030104 developmental biology ,Mutation ,Dementia ,Neurology (clinical) ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Genome-Wide Association Study - Abstract
The genetic variant rs72824905-G (minor allele) in the PLCG2 gene was previously associated with a reduced Alzheimer's disease risk (AD). The role of PLCG2 in immune system signaling suggests it may also protect against other neurodegenerative diseases and possibly associates with longevity. We studied the effect of the rs72824905-G on seven neurodegenerative diseases and longevity, using 53,627 patients, 3,516 long-lived individuals and 149,290 study-matched controls. We replicated the association of rs72824905-G with reduced AD risk and we found an association with reduced risk of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). We did not find evidence for an effect on Parkinson's disease (PD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS) risks, despite adequate sample sizes. Conversely, the rs72824905-G allele was associated with increased likelihood of longevity. By-proxy analyses in the UK Biobank supported the associations with both dementia and longevity. Concluding, rs72824905-G has a protective effect against multiple neurodegenerative diseases indicating shared aspects of disease etiology. Our findings merit studying the PLCγ2 pathway as drug-target. The genetic variant rs72824905-G (minor allele) in the PLCG2 gene was previously associated with a reduced Alzheimer's disease risk (AD). The role of PLCG2 in immune system signaling suggests it may also protect against other neurodegenerative diseases and possibly associates with longevity. We studied the effect of the rs72824905-G on seven neurodegenerative diseases and longevity, using 53,627 patients, 3,516 long-lived individuals and 149,290 study-matched controls. We replicated the association of rs72824905-G with reduced AD risk and we found an association with reduced risk of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). We did not find evidence for an effect on Parkinson's disease (PD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS) risks, despite adequate sample sizes. Conversely, the rs72824905-G allele was associated with increased likelihood of longevity. By-proxy analyses in the UK Biobank supported the associations with both dementia and longevity. Concluding, rs72824905-G has a protective effect against multiple neurodegenerative diseases indicating shared aspects of disease etiology. Our findings merit studying the PLCγ2 pathway as drug-target.
- Published
- 2019
32. Genetic variation across RNA metabolism and cell death gene networks is implicated in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia
- Author
Bonham, L.W., Steele, N.Z.R., Karch, C.M., Broce, I., Geier, E.G., Wen, N.L., Momeni, P., Hardy, J., Miller, Z.A., Gorno-Tempini, M.L., Hess, C.P., Lewis, P., Miller, B.L., Seeley, W.W., Manzoni, C., Desikan, R.S., Baranzini, S.E., Ferrari, R., Yokoyama, J.S., Hernandez, D.G., Nalls, M.A., Rohrer, J.D., Ramasamy, A., Kwok, J.B.J., Dobson-Stone, C., Schofield, P.R., Halliday, G.M., Hodges, J.R., Piguet, O., Bartley, L., Thompson, E., Haan, E., Hernández, Isabel, Ruiz, A., Boada, M., Borroni, B., Padovani, A., Cruchaga, C., Cairns, N.J., Benussi, L., Binetti, G., Ghidoni, R., Forloni, G., Albani, Diego, Galimberti, D., Fenoglio, C., Serpente, M., Scarpini, E., Clarimón, J., Lleó, Alberto, Blesa, R., Landqvist Waldö, M., Nilsson, K., Nilsson, C., Mackenzie, I.R.A., Hsiung, G.Y.R., Mann, D.M.A., Grafman, J., Morris, C.M., Attems, J., Griffiths, T.D., McKeith, I.G., Thomas, A.J., Pietrini, P., Huey, E.D., Wassermann, E.M., Baborie, A., Jaros, E., Tierney, M.C., Pastor, Pau, Razquin, C., Ortega-Cubero, S., Alonso, E., Perneczky, R., Diehl-Schmid, J., Alexopoulos, P., Kurz, A., Rainero, I., Rubino, E., Pinessi, L., Rogaeva, E., St George-Hyslop, P., Rossi, G., Tagliavini, F., Giaccone, G., Rowe, J.B., Schlachetzki, J.C.M., Uphill, J., Collinge, J., Mead, S., Danek, A., Van Deerlin, V.M., Grossman, M., Trojanowski, J.Q., van der Zee, J., Cruts, M., Van Broeckhoven, C., Cappa, S.F., Leber, I., Hannequin, D., Golfier, V., Vercelletto, M., Brice, A., Nacmias, B., Sorbi, Sandro, Bagnoli, S., Piaceri, I., Nielsen, J.E., Hjermind, L.E., Riemenschneider, M., Mayhaus, M., Ibach, B., Gasparoni, G., Pichler, S., Gu, W., Rossor, M.N., Fox, N.C., Warren, J.D., Spillantini, M.G., Morris, H.R., Rizzu, P., Heutink, P., Snowden, J.S., Rollinson, S., Richardson, A., Gerhard, A., Bruni, A.C., Maletta, R., Frangipane, F., Cupidi, C., Bernardi, L., Anfossi, M., Gallo, M., Conidi, M.E., Smirne, N., Rademakers, R., Baker, M., Dickson, Dennis W., Graff-Radford, N.R., Petersen, R.C., Knopman, D., Josephs, K.A., Boeve, B.F., Parisi, J.E., Karydas, A.M., Rosen, H., van Swieten, J.C., Dopper, E.G.P., Seelaar, H., Pijnenburg, Y.A.L., Scheltens, Philip, Logroscino, G., Capozzo, R., Novelli, V., Puca, A.A., Franceschi, M., Postiglione, A., Milan, G., Sorrentino, P., Kristiansen, M., Chiang, H.H., Graff, C., Pasquier, F., Rollin, A., Deramecourt, V., Lebouvier, T., Kapogiannis, D., Ferrucci, L., Pickering-Brown, S., Singleton, A.B., Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Broce, Iris [0000-0003-4932-1430], Miller, Zachary A. [0000-0002-5991-3053], Lewis, Patrick [0000-0003-4537-0489], Baranzini, Sergio E. [0000-0003-0067-194X], Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, Int FTD-Genomics Consortium, Neurology, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Neurodegeneration, Divisions, and CCA - Imaging and biomarkers
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Aging ,Transcription, Genetic ,Gene regulatory network ,lcsh:Medicine ,Genome-wide association study ,Apoptosis ,Neurodegenerative ,Primary progressive aphasia ,Cohort Studies ,0302 clinical medicine ,692/617/375/132 ,Risk Factors ,Databases, Genetic ,2.1 Biological and endogenous factors ,Gene Regulatory Networks ,Protein Interaction Maps ,Aetiology ,lcsh:Science ,Multidisciplinary ,Neurodegeneration ,Neurodegenerative diseases ,article ,Frontotemporal lobar degeneration ,631/208/205 ,Single Nucleotide ,Phenotype ,ddc ,3. Good health ,DNA-Binding Proteins ,Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) ,692/617/375/365 ,Neurological ,Medical genetics ,38/39 ,Engineering sciences. Technology ,Transcription ,Biotechnology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Computational biology ,Biology ,Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide ,03 medical and health sciences ,Databases ,Rare Diseases ,Genetic ,medicine ,Aphasia ,Acquired Cognitive Impairment ,Genetics ,Humans ,Primary Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia ,Polymorphism ,Gene ,Genetic association study ,International FTD-Genomics Consortium ,lcsh:R ,Human Genome ,Neurosciences ,medicine.disease ,Brain Disorders ,631/208/199 ,030104 developmental biology ,Gene Expression Regulation ,RNA ,lcsh:Q ,Dementia ,Gene expression ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Genome-Wide Association Study - Abstract
The semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia (svPPA) is a clinical syndrome characterized by neurodegeneration and progressive loss of semantic knowledge. Unlike many other forms of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), svPPA has a highly consistent underlying pathology composed of TDP-43 (a regulator of RNA and DNA transcription metabolism). Previous genetic studies of svPPA are limited by small sample sizes and a paucity of common risk variants. Despite this, svPPA’s relatively homogenous clinicopathologic phenotype makes it an ideal investigative model to examine genetic processes that may drive neurodegenerative disease. In this study, we used GWAS metadata, tissue samples from pathologically confirmed frontotemporal lobar degeneration, and in silico techniques to identify and characterize protein interaction networks associated with svPPA risk. We identified 64 svPPA risk genes that interact at the protein level. The protein pathways represented in this svPPA gene network are critical regulators of RNA metabolism and cell death, such as SMAD proteins and NOTCH1. Many of the genes in this network are involved in TDP-43 metabolism. Contrary to the conventional notion that svPPA is a clinical syndrome with few genetic risk factors, our analyses show that svPPA risk is complex and polygenic in nature. Risk for svPPA is likely driven by multiple common variants in genes interacting with TDP-43, along with cell death,x` working in combination to promote neurodegeneration.
- Published
- 2019
33. Genetic variation across RNA metabolism and cell death gene networks is implicated in the semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia
- Author
Bonham, L.W. (Luke W.), Steele, N.Z.R. (Natasha Z. R.), Karch, C.M. (Celeste M.), Broce, I. (Iris), Geier, E.G. (Ethan G.), Wen, N.L. (Natalie L.), Momeni, P. (Parastoo), Hardy, J. (John), Miller, Z.A. (Zachary A.), Gorno-Tempini, M.L. (Maria Luisa), Hess, C.P. (Christopher P.), Lewis, P. (Patrick), Miller, B.L. (Bruce Lars), Seeley, W.W. (William W.), Manzoni, C. (Claudia), Desikan, R.S. (Rahul S.), Baranzini, S.E. (Sergio), Ferrari, R. (Raffaele), Yokoyama, J.S. (Jennifer S.), Hernandez, D.G. (Dena), Nalls, M.A. (Michael), Rohrer, J.D. (Jonathan), Ramasamy, A. (Adaikalavan), Kwok, J.B.J. (John), Dobson-Stone, C. (Carol), Schofield, P.R. (P. R.), Halliday, G.M. (Glenda Margaret), Hodges, J. (John), Piguet, O. (Olivier), Bartley, L. (Lauren), Thompson, E. (E.), Haan, E. (Eric), Hernández, I. (Isabel), Ruiz, A. (A.), Boada, M. (M.), Borroni, B. (Barbara), Padovani, A. (Alessandro), Cruchaga, C. (C.), Cairns, N.J. (Nigel), Benussi, L. (Luisa), Binetti, G. (Giuliano), Ghidoni, R. (R.), Forloni, G. (Gianluigi), Albani, D. (D.), Galimberti, D. (Daniela), Fenoglio, C. (Chiara), Serpente, M. (Maria), Scarpini, E. (E.), Clarimón, J. (J.), Lleo, A. (Alberto), Blesa, R. (Rafael), Landqvist Waldö, M. (M.), Nilsson, K. (K.), Nilsson, C. (Christer), Mackenzie, I.R.A. (Ian), Hsiung, G.Y.R. (Ging-Yuek), Mann, D.M.A. (D. M.A.), Grafman, J. (Jordan), Morris, C.M. (Chris), Attems, J. (Johannes), Griffiths, T.D. (Timothy), McKeith, I.G. (Ian), Thomas, A.W. (Alan), Pietrini, P. (P.), Huey, E.D. (Edward), Wassermann, E.M. (Eric), Baborie, A. (Atik), Jaros, J.A.J. (Julian), Tierney, M.C. (M. C.), Pastor, P. (P.), Razquin, C. (Cristina), Ortega-Cubero, S. (S.), Alonso, E. (E.), Perneczky, R. (Robert), Diehl-Schmid, J. (Janine), Alexopoulos, E.C. (Evangelos), Kurz, A., Rainero, I. (Innocenzo), Rubino, M. (Maurizio), Pinessi, L. (Lorenzo), Rogaeva, E. (Ekaterina), St. George-Hyslop, P. (Peter), Rossi, G. (G.), Tagliavini, F. (F.), Giaccone, G. (Giuseppe), Rowe, J.B. (James), Schlachetzki, J.C.M. (Johannes C.), Uphill, J. (James), Collinge, J. (J.), Mead, S. (S.), Danek, A. (A.), Deerlin, V.M. (Vivianna), Grossman, M. (Murray), Trojanowski, J.Q. (J. Q.), Zee, J. (Jill) van der, Cruts, M. (Marc), Broeckhoven, C. (Christine) van, Cappa, S.F. (Stefano), Leber, I. (Isabelle), Hannequin, D. (Didier), Golfier, V. (Véronique), Vercelletto, M. (Martine), Brice, A. (A.), Nacmias, B. (Benedetta), Sorbi, S. (Sandro), Bagnoli, S. (Silvia), Piaceri, I. (Irene), Nielsen, J.E. (J. E.), Hjermind, L.E. (Lena), Riemenschneider, M. (M.), Mayhaus, M. (Manuel), Ibach, B. (Bernd), Gasparoni, G. (Gilles), Pichler, I. (Irene), Gu, W. (W.), Rossor, M. (Martin), Fox, N.C. (Nick), Warren, J.D. (Jason), Spillantini, M.G., Morris, H. (Huw), Rizzu, P. (Patrizia), Heutink, P. (Peter), Snowden, J. (Julie), Rollinson, S. (Sara), Richardson, A. (Anna), Gerhard, A. (Alex), Bruni, A.C. (Amalia), Maletta, R. (Raffaele), Frangipane, F. (Francesca), Cupidi, C. (Chiara), Bernardi, L. (Livia), Anfossi, M. (Maria), Gallo, V. (Valentina), Conidi, A. (Andrea), Smirne, N. (Nicoletta), Rademakers, S. (Suzanne), Baker, M.C. (Matthew), Dickson, D. (Dennis), Graff-Radford, N.R. (Neill), Petersen, R.C. (R. C.), Knopman, D.S. (David), Josephs, K.A. (Keith), Boeve, B.F. (Bradley), Parisi, J.E. (Joseph), Karydas, A.M. (A. M.), Rosen, H. (H.), Swieten, J.C. (John) van, Dopper, E.G.P. (Elise), Seelaar, H. (H.), Pijnenburg, Y.A.L. (Yolande), Scheltens, P. (Philip), Logroscino, G. (Giancarlo), Capozzo, R. (Rosa), Novelli, V. (Valeria), Puca, A.A. (Annibale), Franceschi, C. (Claudio), Postiglione, A. (Alfredo), Milan, D.J. (David), Sorrentino, D. (Dario), Kristiansen, M. (Mark), Chiang, Y.T., Graff, C. (C.), Pasquier, F. (Florence), Rollin, A. (A.), Deramecourt, V. (Vincent), Lebouvier, T. (T.), Kapogiannis, D. (Dimitrios), Ferrucci, L. (L.), Pickering-Brown, S. (Stuart), Singleton, A. (Andrew), Bonham, L.W. (Luke W.), Steele, N.Z.R. (Natasha Z. R.), Karch, C.M. (Celeste M.), Broce, I. (Iris), Geier, E.G. (Ethan G.), Wen, N.L. (Natalie L.), Momeni, P. (Parastoo), Hardy, J. (John), Miller, Z.A. (Zachary A.), Gorno-Tempini, M.L. (Maria Luisa), Hess, C.P. (Christopher P.), Lewis, P. (Patrick), Miller, B.L. (Bruce Lars), Seeley, W.W. (William W.), Manzoni, C. (Claudia), Desikan, R.S. (Rahul S.), Baranzini, S.E. (Sergio), Ferrari, R. (Raffaele), Yokoyama, J.S. (Jennifer S.), Hernandez, D.G. (Dena), Nalls, M.A. (Michael), Rohrer, J.D. (Jonathan), Ramasamy, A. (Adaikalavan), Kwok, J.B.J. (John), Dobson-Stone, C. (Carol), Schofield, P.R. (P. R.), Halliday, G.M. (Glenda Margaret), Hodges, J. (John), Piguet, O. (Olivier), Bartley, L. (Lauren), Thompson, E. (E.), Haan, E. (Eric), Hernández, I. (Isabel), Ruiz, A. (A.), Boada, M. (M.), Borroni, B. (Barbara), Padovani, A. (Alessandro), Cruchaga, C. (C.), Cairns, N.J. (Nigel), Benussi, L. (Luisa), Binetti, G. (Giuliano), Ghidoni, R. (R.), Forloni, G. (Gianluigi), Albani, D. (D.), Galimberti, D. (Daniela), Fenoglio, C. (Chiara), Serpente, M. (Maria), Scarpini, E. (E.), Clarimón, J. (J.), Lleo, A. (Alberto), Blesa, R. (Rafael), Landqvist Waldö, M. (M.), Nilsson, K. (K.), Nilsson, C. (Christer), Mackenzie, I.R.A. (Ian), Hsiung, G.Y.R. (Ging-Yuek), Mann, D.M.A. (D. M.A.), Grafman, J. (Jordan), Morris, C.M. (Chris), Attems, J. (Johannes), Griffiths, T.D. (Timothy), McKeith, I.G. (Ian), Thomas, A.W. (Alan), Pietrini, P. (P.), Huey, E.D. (Edward), Wassermann, E.M. (Eric), Baborie, A. (Atik), Jaros, J.A.J. (Julian), Tierney, M.C. (M. C.), Pastor, P. (P.), Razquin, C. (Cristina), Ortega-Cubero, S. (S.), Alonso, E. (E.), Perneczky, R. (Robert), Diehl-Schmid, J. (Janine), Alexopoulos, E.C. (Evangelos), Kurz, A., Rainero, I. (Innocenzo), Rubino, M. (Maurizio), Pinessi, L. (Lorenzo), Rogaeva, E. (Ekaterina), St. George-Hyslop, P. (Peter), Rossi, G. (G.), Tagliavini, F. (F.), Giaccone, G. (Giuseppe), Rowe, J.B. (James), Schlachetzki, J.C.M. (Johannes C.), Uphill, J. (James), Collinge, J. (J.), Mead, S. (S.), Danek, A. (A.), Deerlin, V.M. (Vivianna), Grossman, M. (Murray), Trojanowski, J.Q. (J. Q.), Zee, J. (Jill) van der, Cruts, M. (Marc), Broeckhoven, C. (Christine) van, Cappa, S.F. (Stefano), Leber, I. (Isabelle), Hannequin, D. (Didier), Golfier, V. (Véronique), Vercelletto, M. (Martine), Brice, A. (A.), Nacmias, B. (Benedetta), Sorbi, S. (Sandro), Bagnoli, S. (Silvia), Piaceri, I. (Irene), Nielsen, J.E. (J. E.), Hjermind, L.E. (Lena), Riemenschneider, M. (M.), Mayhaus, M. (Manuel), Ibach, B. (Bernd), Gasparoni, G. (Gilles), Pichler, I. (Irene), Gu, W. (W.), Rossor, M. (Martin), Fox, N.C. (Nick), Warren, J.D. (Jason), Spillantini, M.G., Morris, H. (Huw), Rizzu, P. (Patrizia), Heutink, P. (Peter), Snowden, J. (Julie), Rollinson, S. (Sara), Richardson, A. (Anna), Gerhard, A. (Alex), Bruni, A.C. (Amalia), Maletta, R. (Raffaele), Frangipane, F. (Francesca), Cupidi, C. (Chiara), Bernardi, L. (Livia), Anfossi, M. (Maria), Gallo, V. (Valentina), Conidi, A. (Andrea), Smirne, N. (Nicoletta), Rademakers, S. (Suzanne), Baker, M.C. (Matthew), Dickson, D. (Dennis), Graff-Radford, N.R. (Neill), Petersen, R.C. (R. C.), Knopman, D.S. (David), Josephs, K.A. (Keith), Boeve, B.F. (Bradley), Parisi, J.E. (Joseph), Karydas, A.M. (A. M.), Rosen, H. (H.), Swieten, J.C. (John) van, Dopper, E.G.P. (Elise), Seelaar, H. (H.), Pijnenburg, Y.A.L. (Yolande), Scheltens, P. (Philip), Logroscino, G. (Giancarlo), Capozzo, R. (Rosa), Novelli, V. (Valeria), Puca, A.A. (Annibale), Franceschi, C. (Claudio), Postiglione, A. (Alfredo), Milan, D.J. (David), Sorrentino, D. (Dario), Kristiansen, M. (Mark), Chiang, Y.T., Graff, C. (C.), Pasquier, F. (Florence), Rollin, A. (A.), Deramecourt, V. (Vincent), Lebouvier, T. (T.), Kapogiannis, D. (Dimitrios), Ferrucci, L. (L.), Pickering-Brown, S. (Stuart), and Singleton, A. (Andrew)
- Abstract
The semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia (svPPA) is a clinical syndrome characterized by neurodegeneration and progressive loss of semantic knowledge. Unlike many other forms of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), svPPA has a highly consistent underlying pathology composed of TDP-43 (a regulator of RNA and DNA transcription metabolism). Previous genetic studies of svPPA are limited by small sample sizes and a paucity of common risk variants. Despite this, svPPA’s relatively homogenous clinicopathologic phenotype makes it an ideal investigative model to examine genetic processes that may drive neurodegenerative disease. In this study, we used GWAS metadata, tissue samples from pathologically confirmed frontotemporal lobar degeneration, and in silico techniques to identify and characterize protein interaction networks associated with svPPA risk. We identified 64 svPPA risk genes that interact at the protein level. The protein pathways represented in this svPPA gene network are critical regulators of RNA metabolism
- Published
- 2019
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34. Prevalence and phenotype of the c.1529C>T SPG7 variant in adult-onset cerebellar ataxia in Italy
- Author
Mancini, C., Giorgio, E., Rubegni, A., Pradotto, L., Bagnoli, S., Rubino, E., Prontera, P., Cavalieri, S., Di Gregorio, E., Ferrero, M., Pozzi, E., Riberi, E., Ferrero, P., Nigro, P., Mauro, A., Zibetti, M., Tessa, A., Barghigiani, M., Antenora, A., Sirchia, F., Piacentini, S., Silvestri, Gabriella, De Michele, G., Filla, A., Orsi, L., Santorelli, F. M., Brusco, A., Silvestri, G. (ORCID:0000-0002-1950-1468), Mancini, C., Giorgio, E., Rubegni, A., Pradotto, L., Bagnoli, S., Rubino, E., Prontera, P., Cavalieri, S., Di Gregorio, E., Ferrero, M., Pozzi, E., Riberi, E., Ferrero, P., Nigro, P., Mauro, A., Zibetti, M., Tessa, A., Barghigiani, M., Antenora, A., Sirchia, F., Piacentini, S., Silvestri, Gabriella, De Michele, G., Filla, A., Orsi, L., Santorelli, F. M., Brusco, A., and Silvestri, G. (ORCID:0000-0002-1950-1468)
- Abstract
Background and purpose: Hereditary ataxias are heterogeneous groups of neurodegenerative disorders, characterized by cerebellar syndromes associated with dysarthria, oculomotor and corticospinal signs, neuropathy and cognitive impairment. Recent reports have suggested mutations in the SPG7 gene, causing the most common form of autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia (MIM#607259), as a main cause of ataxias. The majority of described patients were homozygotes or compound heterozygotes for the c.1529C>T (p.Ala510Val) change. We screened a cohort of 895 Italian patients with ataxia for p.Ala510Val in order to define the prevalence and genotype–phenotype correlation of this variant. Methods: We set up a rapid assay for c.1529C>T using restriction enzyme analysis after polymerase chain reaction amplification. We confirmed the diagnosis with Sanger sequencing. Results: We identified eight homozygotes and 13 compound heterozygotes, including two novel variants affecting splicing. Mutated patients showed a pure cerebellar ataxia at onset, evolving in mild spastic ataxia (alternatively) associated with dysarthria (~80% of patients), urinary urgency (~30%) and pyramidal signs (~70%). Comparing homozygotes and compound heterozygotes, we noted a difference in age at onset and Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia score between the two groups, supporting an earlier and more severe phenotype in compound heterozygotes versus homozygotes. Conclusions: The SPG7 c.1529C>T (p.Ala510Val) mutants accounted for 2.3% of cerebellar ataxia cases in Italy, suggesting that this variant should be considered as a priority test in the presence of late-onset pure ataxia. Moreover, the heterozygous/homozygous genotype appeared to predict the onset of clinical manifestation and disease progression.
- Published
- 2019
35. CXCR4involvement in neurodegenerative diseases
- Author
Bonham, Luke W, Karch, Celeste M, Ferrari, Raffaele, Danek, A., Van Deerlin, V. M., Grossman, M., Trojanowski, J. Q., van der Zee, J., Cruts, M., Van Broeckhoven, C., Cappa, S. F., Leber, I., Hannequin, D., Hardy, John, Golfier, V., Vercelletto, M., Brice, A., Nacmias, B., Sorbi, S., Bagnoli, S., Piaceri, I., Nielsen, J. E., Hjermind, L. E., Riemenschneider, M., Momeni, Parastoo, Mayhaus, M., Ibach, B., Gasparoni, G., Pichler, S., Gu, W., Rossor, M. N., Fox, N. C., Warren, J. D., Spillantini, M. G., Morris, H. R., Höglinger, Günter, Rizzu, P., Heutink, P., Snowden, J. S., Rollinson, S., Richardson, A., Gerhard, A., Bruni, A. C., Maletta, R., Frangipane, F., Cupidi, C., Müller, Ulrich, Bernardi, L., Anfossi, M., Gallo, M., Conidi, M. E., Smirne, N., Rademakers, R., Baker, M., Dickson, D. W., Graff-Radford, N. R., Petersen, R. C., Hess, Christopher P, Knopman, D., Josephs, K. A., Boeve, B. F., Parisi, J. E., Seeley, W. W., Miller, B. L., Karydas, A. M., Rosen, H., van Swieten, J. C., Dopper, E. G. P., Sugrue, Leo P, Seelaar, H., Pijnenburg, Y. A. L., Scheltens, P., Logroscino, G., Capozzo, R., Novelli, V., Puca, A. A., Franceschi, M., Postiglione, A., Milan, G., Dillon, William P, Sorrentino, P., Kristiansen, M., Chiang, H-H, Graff, C., Pasquier, F., Rollin, A., Deramecourt, V., Lebouvier, T., Kapogiannis, D., Ferrucci, L., Schellenberg, Gerard D, Pickering-Brown, S., Singleton, A. B., Hardy, J., Momeni, P., Miller, Bruce L, Fan, Chun C, Andreassen, Ole A, Dale, Anders M, Barkovich, A James, Yokoyama, Jennifer S, Desikan, Rahul S, Consortium, International FTD-Genomics, Consortium, International Parkinson’s Disease Genetics, Project, International Genomics of Alzheimer’s, Ferrari, R., Hernandez, D. G., Tan, Chin, Nalls, M. A., Rohrer, J. D., Ramasamy, A., Kwok, J. B. J., Dobson-Stone, C., Schofield, P. R., Halliday, G. M., Hodges, J. R., Piguet, O., Bartley, L., Geier, Ethan G, Thompson, E., Haan, E., Hernández, I., Ruiz, A., Boada, M., Borroni, B., Padovani, A., Cruchaga, C., Cairns, N. J., Benussi, L., Wang, Yunpeng, Binetti, G., Ghidoni, R., Forloni, G., Albani, D., Galimberti, D., Fenoglio, C., Serpente, M., Scarpini, E., Clarimón, J., Lleó, A., Wen, Natalie, Blesa, R., Waldö, M Landqvist, Nilsson, K., Nilsson, C., Mackenzie, I. R. A., Hsiung, G-Y R, Mann, D. M. A., Grafman, J., Morris, C. M., Attems, J., Broce, Iris J, Griffiths, T. D., McKeith, I. G., Thomas, A. J., Pietrini, P., Huey, E. D., Wassermann, E. M., Baborie, A., Jaros, E., Tierney, M. C., Pastor, P., Li, Yi, Razquin, C., Ortega-Cubero, S., Alonso, E., Perneczky, R., Diehl-Schmid, J., Alexopoulos, P., Kurz, A., Rainero, I., Rubino, E., Pinessi, L., Barkovich, Matthew J, Rogaeva, E., George-Hyslop, P St, Rossi, G., Tagliavini, F., Giaccone, G., Rowe, J. B., Schlachetzki, J. C. M., Uphill, J., Collinge, J., Mead, S., Bonham, Luke W., Karch, Celeste M., Fan, Chun C., Tan, Chin, Geier, Ethan G., Wang, Yunpeng, Wen, Natalie, Broce, Iris J., Li, Yi, Barkovich, Matthew J., Ferrari, Raffaele, Hardy, John, Momeni, Parastoo, Höglinger, Günter, Müller, Ulrich, Hess, Christopher P., Sugrue, Leo P., Dillon, William P., Schellenberg, Gerard D., Miller, Bruce L., Andreassen, Ole A., Dale, Anders M., Barkovich, A. Jame, Yokoyama, Jennifer S., Desikan, Rahul S., Hernandez, D. G., Nalls, M. A., Rohrer, J. D., Ramasamy, A., Kwok, J. B. J., Dobson-Stone, C., Schofield, P. R., Halliday, G. M., Hodges, J. R., Piguet, O., Bartley, L., Thompson, E., Haan, E., Hernández, I., Ruiz, A., Boada, M., Borroni, B., Padovani, A., Cruchaga, C., Cairns, N. J., Benussi, L., Binetti, G., Ghidoni, R., Forloni, G., Albani, D., Galimberti, D., Fenoglio, C., Serpente, M., Scarpini, E., Clarimón, J., Lleó, A., Blesa, R., Waldö, M. Landqvist., Nilsson, K., Nilsson, C., Mackenzie, I. R. A., Hsiung, G. -Y. R., Mann, D. M. A., Grafman, J., Morris, C. M., Attems, J., Griffiths, T. D., Mckeith, I. G., Thomas, A. J., Pietrini, P., Huey, E. D., Wassermann, E. M., Baborie, A., Jaros, E., Tierney, M. C., Pastor, P., Razquin, C., Ortega-Cubero, S., Alonso, E., Perneczky, R., Diehl-Schmid, J., Alexopoulos, P., Kurz, A., Rainero, I., Rubino, E., Pinessi, L., Rogaeva, E., George-Hyslop, P. St., Rossi, G., Tagliavini, F., Giaccone, G., Rowe, J. B., Schlachetzki, J. C. M., Uphill, J., Collinge, J., Mead, S., Danek, A., Van Deerlin, V. M., Grossman, M., Trojanowski, J. Q., Van Der Zee, J., Cruts, M., Van Broeckhoven, C., Cappa, S. F., Leber, I., Hannequin, D., Golfier, V., Vercelletto, M., Brice, A., Nacmias, B., Sorbi, S., Bagnoli, S., Piaceri, I., Nielsen, J. E., Hjermind, L. E., Riemenschneider, M., Mayhaus, M., Ibach, B., Gasparoni, G., Pichler, S., Gu, W., Rossor, M. N., Fox, N. C., Warren, J. D., Spillantini, M. G., Morris, H. R., Rizzu, P., Heutink, P., Snowden, J. S., Rollinson, S., Richardson, A., Gerhard, A., Bruni, A. C., Maletta, R., Frangipane, F., Cupidi, C., Bernardi, L., Anfossi, M., Gallo, M., Conidi, M. E., Smirne, N., Rademakers, R., Baker, M., Dickson, D. W., Graff-Radford, N. R., Petersen, R. C., Knopman, D., Josephs, K. A., Boeve, B. F., Parisi, J. E., Seeley, W. W., Karydas, A. M., Rosen, H., Van Swieten, J. C., Dopper, E. G. P., Seelaar, H., Pijnenburg, Y. A. L., Scheltens, P., Logroscino, G., Capozzo, R., Novelli, V., Puca, A. A., Franceschi, M., Postiglione, A., Milan, G., Sorrentino, P., Kristiansen, M., Chiang, H. -H., Graff, C., Pasquier, F., Rollin, A., Deramecourt, V., Lebouvier, T., Kapogiannis, D., Ferrucci, L., Pickering-Brown, S., Singleton, A. B., Rademakers, Rosa, International FTD-Genomics Consortium (IFGC), International Parkinsons Disease Genetics Consortium (IPDGC), and International Genomics of Alzheimers Project (IGAP)
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Aging ,Gene Expression ,Genome-wide association study ,metabolism [Microglia] ,Neurodegenerative ,Bioinformatics ,Alzheimer's Disease ,Transgenic ,Mice ,0302 clinical medicine ,Risk Factors ,Receptors ,2.1 Biological and endogenous factors ,Psychology ,Gene Regulatory Networks ,Aetiology ,Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (ADRD) ,0303 health sciences ,Gene Regulatory Network ,Parkinson's Disease ,International Genomics of Alzheimer’s Project ,Neurodegeneration ,Brain ,Neurodegenerative Diseases ,Single Nucleotide ,International Parkinson’s Disease Genetics Consortium ,Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) ,Psychiatry and Mental Health ,Neurological ,Public Health and Health Services ,Tauopathy ,Microglia ,Frontotemporal dementia ,Human ,Receptors, CXCR4 ,Tau protein ,Clinical Sciences ,Mice, Transgenic ,Computational biology ,Biology ,Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide ,Article ,CXCR4 protein, human ,Progressive supranuclear palsy ,lcsh:RC321-571 ,Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience ,03 medical and health sciences ,Rare Diseases ,Text mining ,Genetic predisposition ,medicine ,Genetics ,Acquired Cognitive Impairment ,Animals ,Humans ,Genetic Predisposition to Disease ,ddc:610 ,Polymorphism ,lcsh:Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry ,Biological Psychiatry ,030304 developmental biology ,CXCR4 ,Neurodegenerative Disease ,Animal ,business.industry ,Risk Factor ,International FTD-Genomics Consortium ,Neurosciences ,Alzheimer's Disease including Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) ,medicine.disease ,genetics [Receptors, CXCR4] ,Brain Disorders ,Genome-Wide Association Study ,030104 developmental biology ,metabolism [Brain] ,genetics [Neurodegenerative Diseases] ,Expression quantitative trait loci ,biology.protein ,Dementia ,Human medicine ,metabolism [Receptors, CXCR4] ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Neurodegenerative diseases likely share common underlying pathobiology. Although prior work has identified susceptibility loci associated with various dementias, few, if any, studies have systematically evaluated shared genetic risk across several neurodegenerative diseases. Using genome-wide association data from large studies (total n = 82,337 cases and controls), we utilized a previously validated approach to identify genetic overlap and reveal common pathways between progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), frontotemporal dementia (FTD), Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In addition to the MAPT H1 haplotype, we identified a variant near the chemokine receptor CXCR4 that was jointly associated with increased risk for PSP and PD. Using bioinformatics tools, we found strong physical interactions between CXCR4 and four microglia related genes, namely CXCL12, TLR2, RALB, and CCR5. Evaluating gene expression from post-mortem brain tissue, we found that expression of CXCR4 and microglial genes functionally related to CXCR4 was dysregulated across a number of neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, in a mouse model of tauopathy, expression of CXCR4 and functionally associated genes was significantly altered in regions of the mouse brain that accumulate neurofibrillary tangles most robustly. Beyond MAPT, we show dysregulation of CXCR4 expression in PSP, PD, and FTD brains, and mouse models of tau pathology. Our multi-modal findings suggest that abnormal signaling across a ‘network’ of microglial genes may contribute to neurodegeneration and may have potential implications for clinical trials targeting immune dysfunction in patients with neurodegenerative diseases.
- Published
- 2017
36. Genetic risk for neurodegenerative disorders, and its overlap with cognitive ability and physical function
- Author
Hagenaars, Sp, Radaković, R, Crockford, C, Fawns-Ritchie, C, Gale, Cr, Deary, Ij, J B, J Kwok, Dobson-Stone, C, R Schofield, P, Gmhalliday, R Hodges, J, Piguet, O, Bartley, L, Thompson, E, Hernaândez, I, Ruiz, A, Mboada, Borroni, B, Padovani, A, Cruchaga, C, J Cairns, N, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, R, Forloni, G, Albani, D, Galimberti, D, Fenoglio, C, Serpente, M, Scarpini, E, Clarimoân, J, Lleoâ, A, Blesa, R, Mlandqvist, Waldoè, Nilsson, K, Nilsson, C, I R, A Mackenzie, G-Y, R Hsiung, Dma, Mann, Grafman, J, Cmmorris, Attems, J, D Griffiths, T, G McKeith, I, J Thomas, A, Pietrini, P, D Huey, E, Emwassermann, Baborie, A, Jaros, E, Tierney, Mc, Pastor, P, Razquin, C, Ortega-Cubero, S, Alonso, E, Perneczky, R, Diehl-Schmid, J, Alexopoulos, P, Kurz, A, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Pinessi, L, Rogaeva, E, P St George-Hyslop, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Giaccone, G, B Rowe, J, Cmschlachetzki, J, Uphill, J, Collinge, J, Mead, S, Danek, A, Vmvan, Deerlin, Mgrossman, Q Trojanowski, J, J van der Zee, C Van Broeckhoven, F Cappa, S, Leber, I, Hannequin, D, Golfier, V, Mvercelletto, Brice, A, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bagnoli, S, Piaceri, I, E Nielsen, J, E Hjermind, L, Mriemenschneider, Mmayhaus, Ibach, B, Gasparoni, G, Pichler, S, Wgu, Rossor, Mn, C Fox, N, D Warren, J, Spillantini, Mg, R Morris, H, Rizzu, P, Heutink, P, S Snowden, J, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Gerhard, A, C Bruni, A, Maletta, R, Frangipane, F, Cupidi, C, Bernardi, L, Manfossi, Mgallo, Conidi, Me, Smirne, N, Rademakers, R, Baker, M, Dwdickson, R Graff-Radford, N, C Petersen, R, Knopman, D, A Josephs, K, F Boeve, B, E Parisi, J, Wwseeley, L Miller, B, Amkarydas, Rosen, H, C van Swieten, J, E G, P Dopper, Seelaar, H, Y A, L Pijnenburg, Scheltens, P, Logroscino, G, Capozzo, R, Novelli, V, A Puca, A, Franceschi, M, Postiglione, A, Milan, G, Sorrentino, P, Mkristiansen, H-H, Chiang, Graff, C, Pasquier, F, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Lebouvier, T, Kapogiannis, D, Ferrucci, L, Pickering-Brown, S, B Singleton, A, Hardy, J, and Momeni., P
- Subjects
Genetics and Molecular Biology (all) ,Multifactorial Inheritance ,Peak Expiratory Flow Rate ,Disease ,Physical function ,Alzheimer's Disease ,Biochemistry ,Motor Neuron Diseases ,0302 clinical medicine ,Cognition ,Learning and Memory ,Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (all) ,Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all) ,Forced Expiratory Volume ,Medicine and Health Sciences ,Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ,Genetic risk ,Cognitive Impairment ,0303 health sciences ,Cognitive Neurology ,Neurodegenerative Diseases ,Middle Aged ,Mental Status and Dementia Tests ,Neurology ,Frontotemporal Dementia ,Clinical psychology ,Frontotemporal dementia ,Research Article ,Adult ,Cognitive Neuroscience ,Risk Assessment ,03 medical and health sciences ,Memory ,Alzheimer Disease ,Mental Health and Psychiatry ,mental disorders ,medicine ,Genetics ,Humans ,Effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance ,Muscle Strength ,Genetic Association Studies ,030304 developmental biology ,Aged ,business.industry ,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ,Biology and Life Sciences ,medicine.disease ,United Kingdom ,Physical Fitness ,Genetics of Disease ,Cognitive Science ,Polygenic risk score ,Dementia ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Neuroscience ,Genome-Wide Association Study - Abstract
INTRODUCTIONIt is unclear whether polygenic risk for neurodegenerative disease is associated with cognitive performance and physical health.METHODSThis study tested whether polygenic scores for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), or frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are associated with cognitive performance and physical health. Group-based analyses were performed to compare associations with cognitive and physical function outcomes in the top and bottom 10% for the three neurodegenerative polygenic risk scores.RESULTSHigher polygenic risk scores for AD, ALS, and FTD were associated with lower cognitive performance. Higher polygenic risk scores for FTD was also associated with increased forced expiratory volume in 1s and peak expiratory flow. A significant group difference was observed on the symbol digit substitution task between individuals with high polygenic risk for FTD and high polygenic risk for ALS.DISCUSSIONOur results suggest overlap between polygenic risk for neurodegenerative disorders, cognitive function and physical health.
- Published
- 2018
37. Protein network analysis reveals selectively vulnerable regions and biological processes in FTD
- Author
Bonham, Lw1, Steele, Nzr1, Karch, Cm1, Manzoni, C1, Geier, Eg1, Wen, N1, Ofori-Kuragu, A1, Momeni, P1, Hardy, J1, Miller, Za1, Hess, Cp1, Lewis, P1, Miller, Bl1, Seeley, Ww1, Baranzini, Se1, Desikan, Rs1, Ferrari, R1, Yokoyama, Js1, ( Ferrari R, International FTD-Genomics Consortium, Hernandez, Dg, Nalls, Ma, Rohrer, Jd, Ramasamy, A, Kwok, Jbj, Dobson-Stone, C, Schofield, Pr, Halliday, Gm, Hodges, Jr, Piguet, O, Bartley, L, Thompson, E, Haan, E, Hernández, I, Ruiz, A, Boada, M, Borroni, B, Padovani, A, Cruchaga, C, Cairns, Nj, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, R, Forloni, G, Albani, D, Galimberti, D, Fenoglio, C, Serpente, M, Scarpini, E, Clarimón, J, Lleó, A, Blesa, R, Landqvist Waldö, M, Nilsson, C, Mackenzie, Ira, Hsiung, Gyr, Mann, Dma, Grafman, J, Morris, Cm, Attems, J, Griffiths, Td, Mckeith, Ig, Thomas, Aj, Pietrini, P, Huey, Ed, Wassermann, Em, Baborie, A, Jaros, E, Tierney, Mc, Pastor, P, Razquin, C, Ortega-Cubero, S, Alonso, E, Perneczky, R, Diehl-Schmid, J, Alexopoulos, P, Kurz, A, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Pinessi, L, Rogaeva, E, St George-Hyslop, P, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Giaccone, G, Rowe, Jb, Schlachetzki, Jcm, Uphill, J, Collinge, J, Mead, S, Danek, A, Van Deerlin VM, Grossman, M, Trojanowski, Jq, van der Zee, J, Cruts, M, Van Broeckhoven, C, Cappa, Sf, Leber, I, Hannequin, D, Golfier, V, Vercelletto, M, Brice, A, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bagnoli, S, Piaceri, I, Nielsen, Je, Hjermind, Le, Riemenschneider, M, Mayhaus, M, Ibach, B, Gasparoni, G, Pichler, S, Gu, W, Rossor, Mn, Fox, Nc, Warren, Jd, Spillantini, Mg, Morris, Hr, Rizzu, P, Heutink, P, Snowden, Js, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Gerhard, A, Bruni, Ac, Maletta, R, Frangipane, F, Cupidi, C, Bernardi, L, Anfossi, M, Gallo, M, Conidi, Me, Smirne, N, Rademakers, R, Baker, M, Dickson, Dw, Graff-Radford, Nr, Petersen, Rc, Knopman, D, Josephs, Ka, Boeve, Bf, Parisi, Je, Seeley, Ww, Miller, Bl, Karydas, Am, Rosen, H, van Swieten JC, Dopper, Eg, Seelaar, H, Pijnenburg, Yal, Scheltens, P, Logroscino, G, Capozzo, R, Novelli, V, Puca, Aa, Franceschi, M, Postiglione, A, Milan, G, Sorrentino, P, Kristiansen, M, Chiang, Hh, Graff, C, Pasquier, F, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Lebouvier, T, Kapogiannis, D, Ferrucci, L, Pickering-Brown, S, Singleton, Ab, Hardy, J, and Momeni, P.
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Cell type ,Disease ,Frontotemporal lobar degeneration ,Biology ,medicine.disease ,Article ,03 medical and health sciences ,030104 developmental biology ,0302 clinical medicine ,Interaction network ,Genetic variation ,medicine ,Neurology (clinical) ,Gene ,Neuroscience ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Genetics (clinical) ,Frontotemporal dementia ,Genetic association - Abstract
ObjectiveThe neuroanatomical profile of behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) suggests a common biological etiology of disease despite disparate pathologic causes; we investigated the genetic underpinnings of this selective regional vulnerability to identify new risk factors for bvFTD.MethodsWe used recently developed analytical techniques designed to address the limitations of genome-wide association studies to generate a protein interaction network of 63 bvFTD risk genes. We characterized this network using gene expression data from healthy and diseased human brain tissue, evaluating regional network expression patterns across the lifespan as well as the cell types and biological processes most affected in bvFTD.ResultsWe found that bvFTD network genes show enriched expression across the human lifespan in vulnerable neuronal populations, are implicated in cell signaling, cell cycle, immune function, and development, and are differentially expressed in pathologically confirmed frontotemporal lobar degeneration cases. Five of the genes highlighted by our differential expression analyses, BAIAP2, ERBB3, POU2F2, SMARCA2, and CDC37, appear to be novel bvFTD risk loci.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that the cumulative burden of common genetic variation in an interacting protein network expressed in specific brain regions across the lifespan may influence susceptibility to bvFTD.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Manetti, N., primary, Baldini, M., additional, Dragoni, G., additional, Le Grazie, M., additional, Fiorini, C., additional, Orlandini, B., additional, Bensi, C., additional, Bruno, G., additional, Caini, S., additional, Bagnoli, S., additional, and Milla, M., additional
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
- Author
Dragoni, G., primary, Zu Schwabedissen, A. Meyer, additional, Manetti, N., additional, Le Grazie, M., additional, Campani, C., additional, Bensi, C., additional, Galli, A., additional, Bagnoli, S., additional, and Milla, M., additional
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
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40. Genetic architecture of sporadic frontotemporal dementia and overlap with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases
- Author
Ferrari R, Wang Y, Vandrovcova J, Guelfi S, Witeolar A, Karch CM, Schork AJ, Fan CC, Brewer JB, International FTD-Genomics Consortium (IFGC), International Parkinson's Disease Genomics Consortium (IPDGC), International Genomics of Alzheimer's Project (IGAP), Momeni P, Schellenberg GD, Dillon WP, Sugrue LP, Hess CP, Yokoyama JS, Bonham LW, Rabinovici GD, Miller BL, Andreassen OA, Dale AM, Hardy J, Desikan RS, Collaborators: Ferrari R, Hernandez DG, Nalls MA, Rohrer JD, Ramasamy A, Kwok JBJ, Dobson-Stone C, Schofield PR, Halliday GM, Hodges JR, Piguet O, Bartley L, Thompson E, Haan E, Hernández I, Ruiz A, Boada M, Borroni B, Padovani A, Cruchaga C, Cairns NJ, Benussi L, Binetti G, Ghidoni R, Forloni G, Albani D, Galimberti D, Fenoglio C, Serpente M, Scarpini E, Clarimón J, Lleó A, Blesa R, Landqvist Waldö M, Nilsson C, Mackenzie IRA, Hsiung GYR, Mann DMA, Grafman J, Morris CM, Attems J, Griffiths TD, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ, Pietrini P, Huey ED, Wassermann EM, Baborie A, Jaros E, Tierney MC, Pastor P, Razquin C, Ortega-Cubero S, Alonso E, Perneczky R, Diehl-Schmid J, Alexopoulos P, Kurz A, Rainero I, Rubino E, Pinessi L, Rogaeva E, St George-Hyslop P, Rossi G, Tagliavini F, Giaccone G, Rowe JB, Schlachetzki JCM, Uphill J, Collinge J, Mead S, Danek A, Van Deerlin VM, Grossman M, Trojanowski JQ, van der Zee J, Cruts M, Van Broeckhoven C, Cappa SF, Leber I, Hannequin D, Golfier V, Vercelletto M, Brice A, Nacmias B, Sorbi S, Bagnoli S, Piaceri I, Nielsen JE, Hjermind LE, Riemenschneider M, Mayhaus M, Ibach B, Gasparoni G, Pichler S, Gu W, Rossor MN, Fox NC, Warren JD, Spillantini MG, Morris HR, Rizzu P, Heutink P, Snowden JS, Rollinson S, Richardson A, Gerhard A, Bruni AC, Maletta R, Frangipane F, Cupidi C, Bernardi L, Anfossi M, Gallo M, Conidi ME, Smirne N, Rademakers R, Baker M, Dickson DW, Graff-Radford NR, Petersen RC, Knopman D, Josephs KA, Boeve BF, Parisi JE, Seeley WW, Karydas AM, Rosen H, van Swieten JC, Dopper EG, Seelaar H, Pijnenburg YAL, Scheltens P, Logroscino G, Capozzo R, Novelli V, Puca AA, Franceschi M, Postiglione A, Milan G, Sorrentino P, Kristiansen M, Chiang HH, Graff C, Pasquier F, Rollin A, Deramecourt V, Lebouvier T, Kapogiannis D, Ferrucci L, Pickering-Brown S, Singleton AB, Momeni P., Neurology, VU University medical center, Human genetics, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Neurodegeneration, CCA - Imaging and biomarkers, Divisions, Van Broeckhoven, Christine, Rademakers, Rosa, International FTD-Genomics Consortium (IFGC), International Parkinson's Disease Genomics Consortium (IPDGC), International Genomics of Alzheimer's Project (IGAP), Ferrari, R, Wang, Y, Vandrovcova, J, Guelfi, S, Witeolar, A, Karch, Cm, Schork, Aj, Fan, Cc, Brewer, Jb, International FTD-Genomics Consortium, (IFGC), International Parkinson's Disease Genomics Consortium, (IPDGC), International Genomics of Alzheimer's Project, (IGAP), Momeni, P, Schellenberg, Gd, Dillon, Wp, Sugrue, Lp, Hess, Cp, Yokoyama, J, Bonham, Lw, Rabinovici, Gd, Miller, Bl, Andreassen, Oa, Dale, Am, Hardy, J, Desikan, R, Collaborators: Ferrari, R, Hernandez, Dg, Nalls, Ma, Rohrer, Jd, Ramasamy, A, Kwok, Jbj, Dobson-Stone, C, Schofield, Pr, Halliday, Gm, Hodges, Jr, Piguet, O, Bartley, L, Thompson, E, Haan, E, Hernández, I, Ruiz, A, Boada, M, Borroni, B, Padovani, A, Cruchaga, C, Cairns, Nj, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, R, Forloni, G, Albani, D, Galimberti, D, Fenoglio, C, Serpente, M, Scarpini, E, Clarimón, J, Lleó, A, Blesa, R, Landqvist Waldö, M, Nilsson, C, Mackenzie, Ira, Hsiung, Gyr, Mann, Dma, Grafman, J, Morris, Cm, Attems, J, Griffiths, Td, Mckeith, Ig, Thomas, Aj, Pietrini, P, Huey, Ed, Wassermann, Em, Baborie, A, Jaros, E, Tierney, Mc, Pastor, P, Razquin, C, Ortega-Cubero, S, Alonso, E, Perneczky, R, Diehl-Schmid, J, Alexopoulos, P, Kurz, A, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Pinessi, L, Rogaeva, E, St George-Hyslop, P, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Giaccone, G, Rowe, Jb, Schlachetzki, Jcm, Uphill, J, Collinge, J, Mead, S, Danek, A, Van Deerlin, Vm, Grossman, M, Trojanowski, Jq, van der Zee, J, Cruts, M, Van Broeckhoven, C, Cappa, Sf, Leber, I, Hannequin, D, Golfier, V, Vercelletto, M, Brice, A, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bagnoli, S, Piaceri, I, Nielsen, Je, Hjermind, Le, Riemenschneider, M, Mayhaus, M, Ibach, B, Gasparoni, G, Pichler, S, Gu, W, Rossor, Mn, Fox, Nc, Warren, Jd, Spillantini, Mg, Morris, Hr, Rizzu, P, Heutink, P, Snowden, J, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Gerhard, A, Bruni, Ac, Maletta, R, Frangipane, F, Cupidi, C, Bernardi, L, Anfossi, M, Gallo, M, Conidi, Me, Smirne, N, Rademakers, R, Baker, M, Dickson, Dw, Graff-Radford, Nr, Petersen, Rc, Knopman, D, Josephs, Ka, Boeve, Bf, Parisi, Je, Seeley, Ww, Karydas, Am, Rosen, H, van Swieten, Jc, Dopper, Eg, Seelaar, H, Pijnenburg, Yal, Scheltens, P, Logroscino, G, Capozzo, R, Novelli, V, Puca, Aa, Franceschi, M, Postiglione, A, Milan, G, Sorrentino, P, Kristiansen, M, Chiang, Hh, Graff, C, Pasquier, F, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Lebouvier, T, Kapogiannis, D, Ferrucci, L, Pickering-Brown, S, Singleton, Ab, and Momeni, P.
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Genotype ,Single-nucleotide polymorphism ,Genome-wide association study ,Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide ,Article ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Alzheimer Disease ,mental disorders ,Genetic Pleiotropy ,Genetic predisposition ,Medicine ,Humans ,Genetic Predisposition to Disease ,Allele ,Polymorphism ,Biology ,Alleles ,Genetic association ,Genetics ,business.industry ,Frontotemporal Dementia ,Genome-Wide Association Study ,Parkinson Disease ,Surgery ,Neurology (clinical) ,Psychiatry and Mental Health ,Single Nucleotide ,medicine.disease ,Genetic architecture ,nervous system diseases ,030104 developmental biology ,Human medicine ,business ,Neuroscience ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Frontotemporal dementia - Abstract
Background Clinical, pathological and genetic overlap between sporadic frontotemporal dementia (FTD), Alzheimer9s disease (AD) and Parkinson9s disease (PD) has been suggested; however, the relationship between these disorders is still not well understood. Here we evaluated genetic overlap between FTD, AD and PD to assess shared pathobiology and identify novel genetic variants associated with increased risk for FTD. Methods Summary statistics were obtained from the International FTD Genomics Consortium, International PD Genetics Consortium and International Genomics of AD Project (n>75 000 cases and controls). We used conjunction false discovery rate (FDR) to evaluate genetic pleiotropy and conditional FDR to identify novel FTD-associated SNPs. Relevant variants were further evaluated for expression quantitative loci. Results We observed SNPs within the HLA , MAPT and APOE regions jointly contributing to increased risk for FTD and AD or PD. By conditioning on polymorphisms associated with PD and AD, we found 11 loci associated with increased risk for FTD. Meta-analysis across two independent FTD cohorts revealed a genome-wide signal within the APOE region (rs6857, 3′-UTR= PVRL2 , p=2.21×10 –12 ), and a suggestive signal for rs1358071 within the MAPT region (intronic= CRHR1 , p=4.91×10 −7 ) with the effect allele tagging the H1 haplotype. Pleiotropic SNPs at the HLA and MAPT loci associated with expression changes in cis -genes supporting involvement of intracellular vesicular trafficking, immune response and endo/lysosomal processes. Conclusions Our findings demonstrate genetic pleiotropy in these neurodegenerative diseases and indicate that sporadic FTD is a polygenic disorder where multiple pleiotropic loci with small effects contribute to increased disease risk.
- Published
- 2016
41. PER2 C111G polymorphism, cognitive reserve and cognition in subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment: a 10‐year follow‐up study.
- Author
Bessi, V., Giacomucci, G., Mazzeo, S., Bagnoli, S., Padiglioni, S., Balestrini, J., Tomaiuolo, G., Piaceri, I., Carraro, M., Bracco, L., Sorbi, S., and Nacmias, B.
- Subjects
MILD cognitive impairment ,EXECUTIVE function ,CLOCK genes ,SLEEP-wake cycle ,NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL tests ,ALZHEIMER'S disease - Abstract
Background and purpose: CLOCK and PER2 genes have been implicated in sleep–wake cycle alterations and neurodegenerative diseases. Our aim was to evaluate the effect of CLOCK T3111C and PER2 C111G on cognitive functioning in subjective cognitive decline (SCD) patients and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients at the baseline of a longitudinal study, and the effect of these two polymorphisms on the progression to Alzheimer's disease (AD) of the two groups. Methods: Sixty‐eight subjects (41 SCD and 27 MCI) who underwent clinical evaluation, neuropsychological assessment, CLOCK and PER2 genotyping at baseline and neuropsychological follow‐up every 2 years for a mean time of 10 years were included. Subjects who developed AD (SCD‐c and MCI‐c) and non‐converters (SCD‐nc, MCI‐nc) were considered. Results: CLOCK T3111C was detected in 47% of cases (21 SCD, 11 MCI) and PER2 C111G in 19% of cases (eight SCD and five MCI). PER2 G carriers presented lower premorbid intelligence score (P = 0.049), fewer years of education (P = 0.007) and a lower frequency of family history of AD (P = 0.04) than G non‐carriers. MCI PER2 G carriers had worse performance in tests assessing memory, executive function, language and visuospatial abilities at baseline. During follow‐up, two SCD and 15 MCI subjects progressed to AD: both of the SCD‐c subjects presented the PER2 G allele, while none of the SCD PER2 G non‐carriers converted to AD (P = 0.003). Conclusion: PER2 seems to have a role in cognitive reserve and cognition in SCD and MCI patients. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to assess the role of PER2 C111G on the risk of progression to AD. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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42. Immune-related genetic enrichment in frontotemporal dementia: An analysis of genome-wide association studies
- Author
Broce, Iris, Karch, Celeste M., Wen, Natalie, Fan, Chun C., Wang, Yunpeng, Hong Tan, Chin, Kouri, Naomi, Ross, Owen A., Höglinger, Günter U., Muller, Ulrich, Hardy, John, Momeni, Parastoo, Hess, Christopher P., Dillon, William P., Miller, Zachary A., Bonham, Luke W., Rabinovici, Gil D., Rosen, Howard J., Schellenberg, Gerard D., Franke, Andre, Karlsen, Tom H., Veldink, Jan H., Ferrari, Raffaele, Yokoyama, Jennifer S., Miller, Bruce L., Andreassen, Ole A., Dale, Anders M., Desikan, Rahul S., Sugrue, Leo P., Ferrari R, Hernandez DG, Nalls MA, Rohrer JD, Ramasamy A, Kwok JBJ, Dobson-Stone C, Brooks WS, Schofield PR, Halliday GM, Hodges JR, Piguet O, Bartley L, Thompson E, Haan E, Hernández I, Ruiz A, Boada M, Borroni B, Padovani A, Cruchaga C, Cairns NJ, Benussi L, Binetti G, Ghidoni R, Forloni G, Galimberti D, Fenoglio C, Serpente M, Scarpini E, Clarimón J, Lleó A, Blesa R, Waldö ML, Nilsson K, Nilsson C, Mackenzie IRA, Hsuing GYR, Mann DMA, Grafman J, Morris CM, Attems J, Griffiths TD, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ, Pietrini P, Huey ED, Wasserman EM, Baborie A, Jaros E, Tierney MC, Pastor P, Razquin C, Ortega-Cubero S, Alonso E, Perneczky E, Diehl-Schmid J, Alexopoulos P, Kurz A, Rainero I, Rubino E, Pinessi L, Rogaeva E, St George-Hyslop P, Rossi G, Tagliavini F, Giaccone G, Rowe JB, Schlachetzki JCM, Uphill J, Collinge J, Mead S, Danek A, Van Deerlin VM, Grossmann M, Trojanowski JQ, van der Zee J, Deschamps W, Van Langenhove T, Cruts M, Van Broeckhoven C, Cappa SF, Le Ber I, Hannequin D, Golfier V, Vercelletto M, Brice A, Nacmias B, Sorbi S, Bagnoli S, Piaceri I, Nielsen JE, Hjermind LE, Riemenschneider M, Mayhaus M, Ibach B, Gasparoni G, Pichler S, Gu W, Rossor MN, Fox NC, Warren JD, Spillantini MG, Morris HR, Rizzu P, Heutnik P, Snowden J, Rollinson S, Richardson A, Gerhard A, Bruni AC, Maletta R, Frangipane F, Cupidi C, Bernardi L, Anfossi M, Gallo M, Conidi ME, Smirne N, Rademakers R, Baker M, Dickson DW, Graff-Radford NR, Peterson RC, Knopman D, Josephs KA, Boeve BF, Parisi JE, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Karydas AM, Rosen H, van Swieten JC, Dopper EGP, Seelaar H, Pijnenburg YAL, Scheltens P, Logroscino G, Capozzo R, Novelli V, Puca AA, Franceschi M, Postiglione A, Milan G, Sorrentino P, Kristiansen M, Chiang HH, Graff C, Pasquier F, Rollin A, Deramecourt V, Lebert F, Kapogiannis D, Ferucci L, Pickering-Brown S, Singleton AB, Hardy J, Momeni P., Broce, Iris [0000-0003-4932-1430], Karch, Celeste M [0000-0002-6854-5547], Wang, Yunpeng [0000-0001-9831-1090], Tan, Chin Hong [0000-0002-0980-9936], Kouri, Naomi [0000-0002-6841-9882], Hess, Christopher P [0000-0002-5132-5302], Miller, Zachary A [0000-0002-5991-3053], Bonham, Luke W [0000-0002-2533-1266], Veldink, Jan H [0000-0001-5572-9657], Dale, Anders M [0000-0002-6126-2966], Desikan, Rahul S [0000-0002-4151-6017], Sugrue, Leo P [0000-0001-7315-4519], Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, Neurology, Human genetics, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Neurodegeneration, Divisions, Rademakers, Rosa, Int FTD-Genomics Consortium, Broce, Iri, Karch, Celeste M., Wen, Natalie, Fan, Chun C., Wang, Yunpeng, Hong Tan, Chin, Kouri, Naomi, Ross, Owen A., Höglinger, Günter U., Muller, Ulrich, Hardy, John, Momeni, Parastoo, Hess, Christopher P., Dillon, William P., Miller, Zachary A., Bonham, Luke W., Rabinovici, Gil D., Rosen, Howard J., Schellenberg, Gerard D., Franke, Andre, Karlsen, Tom H., Veldink, Jan H., Ferrari, Raffaele, Yokoyama, Jennifer S., Miller, Bruce L., Andreassen, Ole A., Dale, Anders M., Desikan, Rahul S., Sugrue, Leo P., Ferrari, R, Hernandez, Dg, Nalls, Ma, Rohrer, Jd, Ramasamy, A, Kwok, Jbj, Dobson-Stone, C, Brooks, W, Schofield, Pr, Halliday, Gm, Hodges, Jr, Piguet, O, Bartley, L, Thompson, E, Haan, E, Hernández, I, Ruiz, A, Boada, M, Borroni, B, Padovani, A, Cruchaga, C, Cairns, Nj, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, R, Forloni, G, Galimberti, D, Fenoglio, C, Serpente, M, Scarpini, E, Clarimón, J, Lleó, A, Blesa, R, Waldö, Ml, Nilsson, K, Nilsson, C, Mackenzie, Ira, Hsuing, Gyr, Mann, Dma, Grafman, J, Morris, Cm, Attems, J, Griffiths, Td, Mckeith, Ig, Thomas, Aj, Pietrini, P, Huey, Ed, Wasserman, Em, Baborie, A, Jaros, E, Tierney, Mc, Pastor, P, Razquin, C, Ortega-Cubero, S, Alonso, E, Perneczky, E, Diehl-Schmid, J, Alexopoulos, P, Kurz, A, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Pinessi, L, Rogaeva, E, St George-Hyslop, P, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Giaccone, G, Rowe, Jb, Schlachetzki, Jcm, Uphill, J, Collinge, J, Mead, S, Danek, A, Van Deerlin, Vm, Grossmann, M, Trojanowski, Jq, van der Zee, J, Deschamps, W, Van Langenhove, T, Cruts, M, Van Broeckhoven, C, Cappa, Sf, Le Ber, I, Hannequin, D, Golfier, V, Vercelletto, M, Brice, A, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bagnoli, S, Piaceri, I, Nielsen, Je, Hjermind, Le, Riemenschneider, M, Mayhaus, M, Ibach, B, Gasparoni, G, Pichler, S, Gu, W, Rossor, Mn, Fox, Nc, Warren, Jd, Spillantini, Mg, Morris, Hr, Rizzu, P, Heutnik, P, Snowden, J, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Gerhard, A, Bruni, Ac, Maletta, R, Frangipane, F, Cupidi, C, Bernardi, L, Anfossi, M, Gallo, M, Conidi, Me, Smirne, N, Rademakers, R, Baker, M, Dickson, Dw, Graff-Radford, Nr, Peterson, Rc, Knopman, D, Josephs, Ka, Boeve, Bf, Parisi, Je, Seeley, Ww, Miller, Bl, Karydas, Am, Rosen, H, van Swieten, Jc, Dopper, Egp, Seelaar, H, Pijnenburg, Yal, Scheltens, P, Logroscino, G, Capozzo, R, Novelli, V, Puca, Aa, Franceschi, M, Postiglione, A, Milan, G, Sorrentino, P, Kristiansen, M, Chiang, Hh, Graff, C, Pasquier, F, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Lebert, F, Kapogiannis, D, Ferucci, L, Pickering-Brown, S, Singleton, Ab, Hardy, J, and Momeni, P.
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Linkage disequilibrium ,Gene Expression ,Genome-wide association study ,Neurodegenerative ,Medical and Health Sciences ,Motor Neuron Diseases ,0302 clinical medicine ,Medicine and Health Sciences ,2.1 Biological and endogenous factors ,Corticobasal degeneration ,genetics [Genetic Predisposition to Disease] ,genetics [Frontotemporal Dementia] ,Genetics ,Medicine (all) ,Neurodegenerative Diseases ,Single Nucleotide ,Genomics ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Colitis ,LRRK2 ,3. Good health ,Neurology ,Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing ,Frontotemporal Dementia ,Neurological ,Medicine ,Research Article ,Frontotemporal dementia ,ResearchInstitutes_Networks_Beacons/MICRA ,Immunology ,Rheumatoid Arthritis ,Single-nucleotide polymorphism ,Gastroenterology and Hepatology ,Human leukocyte antigen ,Biology ,Autoimmune Disease ,Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide ,Autoimmune Diseases ,03 medical and health sciences ,Rare Diseases ,Rheumatology ,Clinical Research ,General & Internal Medicine ,FTD GWA ,Mental Health and Psychiatry ,mental disorders ,Acquired Cognitive Impairment ,Genome-Wide Association Studies ,medicine ,Ulcerative Colitis ,Humans ,Inflammatory and Immune System ,Genetic Predisposition to Disease ,ddc:610 ,Polymorphism ,Aged ,Genetic association ,Genome-Wide Association Study ,International FTD-Genomics Consortium ,Prevention ,Arthritis ,Human Genome ,Inflammatory Bowel Disease ,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ,Neurosciences ,Correction ,Biology and Life Sciences ,Computational Biology ,nutritional and metabolic diseases ,Human Genetics ,Genome Analysis ,medicine.disease ,Brain Disorders ,nervous system diseases ,030104 developmental biology ,Genetic Loci ,Genetics of Disease ,Dementia ,Clinical Immunology ,Human medicine ,Clinical Medicine ,Digestive Diseases ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Background Converging evidence suggests that immune-mediated dysfunction plays an important role in the pathogenesis of frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Although genetic studies have shown that immune-associated loci are associated with increased FTD risk, a systematic investigation of genetic overlap between immune-mediated diseases and the spectrum of FTD-related disorders has not been performed. Methods and findings Using large genome-wide association studies (GWASs) (total n = 192,886 cases and controls) and recently developed tools to quantify genetic overlap/pleiotropy, we systematically identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) jointly associated with FTD-related disorders—namely, FTD, corticobasal degeneration (CBD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)—and 1 or more immune-mediated diseases including Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis (UC), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), type 1 diabetes (T1D), celiac disease (CeD), and psoriasis. We found up to 270-fold genetic enrichment between FTD and RA, up to 160-fold genetic enrichment between FTD and UC, up to 180-fold genetic enrichment between FTD and T1D, and up to 175-fold genetic enrichment between FTD and CeD. In contrast, for CBD and PSP, only 1 of the 6 immune-mediated diseases produced genetic enrichment comparable to that seen for FTD, with up to 150-fold genetic enrichment between CBD and CeD and up to 180-fold enrichment between PSP and RA. Further, we found minimal enrichment between ALS and the immune-mediated diseases tested, with the highest levels of enrichment between ALS and RA (up to 20-fold). For FTD, at a conjunction false discovery rate < 0.05 and after excluding SNPs in linkage disequilibrium, we found that 8 of the 15 identified loci mapped to the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region on Chromosome (Chr) 6. We also found novel candidate FTD susceptibility loci within LRRK2 (leucine rich repeat kinase 2), TBKBP1 (TBK1 binding protein 1), and PGBD5 (piggyBac transposable element derived 5). Functionally, we found that the expression of FTD–immune pleiotropic genes (particularly within the HLA region) is altered in postmortem brain tissue from patients with FTD and is enriched in microglia/macrophages compared to other central nervous system cell types. The main study limitation is that the results represent only clinically diagnosed individuals. Also, given the complex interconnectedness of the HLA region, we were not able to define the specific gene or genes on Chr 6 responsible for our pleiotropic signal. Conclusions We show immune-mediated genetic enrichment specifically in FTD, particularly within the HLA region. Our genetic results suggest that for a subset of patients, immune dysfunction may contribute to FTD risk. These findings have potential implications for clinical trials targeting immune dysfunction in patients with FTD., Rahul Desikan and colleagues use summary data from genome-wide association studies to investigate genetic overlap between frontotemporal dementia and a several immune-mediated diseases, and identify microglia and inflammation-associated genes that may play a role in FTD pathogenesis., Author summary Why was this study done? Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is the leading cause of dementia in individuals less than 65 years old. Currently, there is no approved treatment of FTD and no diagnostic tests for predicting disease onset or measuring progression. Increasing evidence suggests that inflammation and immune system dysfunction play an important role in the pathogenesis of FTD. What did the researchers do and find? We used summary data from genome-wide association studies to investigate genetic overlap, or “pleiotropy,” between FTD and a variety of immune-mediated diseases. Through this approach, we found extensive FTD–immune genetic overlap within the HLA region on Chromosome 6, an area rich in genes related to microglial function, as well as in 3 genes not previously identified as contributing to the pathophysiology of FTD. Pointing to the functional relevance of these genetic results, we found that these candidate FTD–immune genes are differentially expressed in postmortem brains from patients with FTD compared to controls, and in microglia/macrophages compared with other central nervous system cells. Using bioinformatics tools, we explored protein and genetic interactions among our candidate FTD–immune genes. These results suggest that rather than a few individual loci, large portions of the HLA region may be associated with increased FTD risk. What do these findings mean? Immune dysfunction may play a role in the pathophysiology of a subset of FTD cases. For a subset of patients in whom immune dysfunction in general—and microglial activation in particular—is central to disease pathophysiology, anti-inflammatory treatment is an important area for further investigation.
- Published
- 2018
43. Susceptible genes and disease mechanisms identified in frontotemporal dementia and frontotemporal dementia with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis by DNA-methylation and GWAS
- Author
Taskesen, E, Mishra, A, van der Sluis, S, Ferrari, R, Veldink, Jh, van Es MA4, Smit, Ab5, Posthuma, D1, 2, Hernandez DG, Pijnenburg Y., Nalls, Ma, Rohrer, Jd, Ramasamy, A, Kwok, Jbj, Dobson-Stone, C, Schofield, Pr, Halliday, Gm, Hodges, Jr, Piguet, O, Bartley, L, Thompson, E, Haan, E, Hernández, I, Ruiz, A, Boada, M, Borroni, B, Padovani, A, Cruchaga, C, Cairns, Nj, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, Roberta, Forloni, G, Albani, D, Galimberti, D, Fenoglio, C, Serpente, M, Scarpini, E, Clarimón, J, Lleó, A, Blesa, R, Waldö, Ml, Nilsson, K, Nilsson, C, Mackenzie, Ira, Hsiung, Gr, Mann, Dma, Grafman, J, Morris, Cm, Attems, J, Griffiths, Td, Mckeith, Ig, Thomas, Aj, Pietrini, P, Huey, Ed, Wassermann, Em, Baborie, A, Jaros, E, Tierney, Mc, Pastor, P, Razquin, C, Ortega-Cubero, S, Alonso, E, Perneczky, R, Diehl-Schmid, J, Alexopoulos, P, Kurz, A, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Pinessi, L, Rogaeva, E, George-Hyslop, Ps, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Giaccone, G, Rowe, Jb, Schlachetzki, Jcm, Uphill, J, Collinge, J, Mead, S, Danek, A, Van Deerlin VM, Grossman, M, Trojanowski, Jq, van der Zee, J, Van Broeckhoven, C, Cappa, Sf, Leber, I, Hannequin, D, Golfier, V, Vercelletto, M, Brice, A, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bagnoli, S, Piaceri, I, Nielsen, Je, Hjermind, Le, Riemenschneider, GUNNAR MARKUS, Mayhaus, M, Ibach, B, Gasparoni, G, Pichler, S, Gu, W, Rossor, Mn, Fox, Nc, Warren, Jd, Spillantini, Mg, Morris, Hr, Rizzu, P, Heutink, P, Snowden, Js, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Gerhard, A, Bruni, Ac, Maletta, R, Frangipane, F, Cupidi, C, Bernardi, Lara, Anfossi, M, Gallo, M, Conidi, Me, Smirne, N, Rademakers, R, Baker, M, Dickson, Dw, Graff-Radford, Nr, Petersen, Rc, Knopman, D, Josephs, Ka, Boeve, Bf, Parisi, Je, Seeley, Ww, Miller, Bl, Karydas, Am, Rosen, H, van Swieten JC, Dopper, Egp, Seelaar, H, Scheltens, P, Logroscino, G, Capozzo, R, Novelli, V, Puca, Aa, Franceschi, M, Postiglione, Antonio, Milan, Gian Luca, Sorrentino, Paolo Luigi, Kristiansen, M, Chiang, Hh, Graff, C, Pasquier, F, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Lebouvier, T, Kapogiannis, D, Ferrucci, L, Pickering-Brown, S, Singleton, Ab, Hardy, J, Momeni, P., Rademakers, Rosa, International FTD-Genomics Consortium, Complex Trait Genetics, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Complex Trait Genetics, Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Neurodegeneration, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Cellular & Molecular Mechanisms, Human genetics, APH - Quality of Care, Midwifery Science, Divisions, Neurology, Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D), Mishra, A [0000-0002-8141-1543], van der Sluis, S [0000-0001-9958-7216], van Es, MA [0000-0002-7709-5883], Posthuma, D [0000-0001-7582-2365], and Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Candidate gene ,Science ,Genome-wide association study ,Biology ,Neurodegenerative ,Article ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Rare Diseases ,SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being ,mental disorders ,medicine ,Journal Article ,Acquired Cognitive Impairment ,Genetics ,2.1 Biological and endogenous factors ,Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ,Aetiology ,General ,Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (ADRD) ,Genetic association ,Multidisciplinary ,Genetic heterogeneity ,International FTD-Genomics Consortium ,Neurodegeneration ,Human Genome ,Neurosciences ,nutritional and metabolic diseases ,Alzheimer's Disease including Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) ,medicine.disease ,nervous system diseases ,Brain Disorders ,Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) ,030104 developmental biology ,DNA methylation ,Neurological ,Medicine ,Dementia ,Human medicine ,ALS ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Frontotemporal dementia - Abstract
Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a neurodegenerative disorder predominantly affecting the frontal and temporal lobes. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on FTD identified only a few risk loci. One of the possible explanations is that FTD is clinically, pathologically, and genetically heterogeneous. An important open question is to what extent epigenetic factors contribute to FTD and whether these factors vary between FTD clinical subgroup. We compared the DNA-methylation levels of FTD cases (n = 128), and of FTD cases with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (FTD-ALS; n = 7) to those of unaffected controls (n = 193), which resulted in 14 and 224 candidate genes, respectively. Cluster analysis revealed significant class separation of FTD-ALS from controls. We could further specify genes with increased susceptibility for abnormal gene-transcript behavior by jointly analyzing DNA-methylation levels with the presence of mutations in a GWAS FTD-cohort. For FTD-ALS, this resulted in 9 potential candidate genes, whereas for FTD we detected 1 candidate gene (ELP2). Independent validation-sets confirmed the genes DLG1, METTL7A, KIAA1147, IGHMBP2, PCNX, UBTD2, WDR35, and ELP2/SLC39A6 among others. We could furthermore demonstrate that genes harboring mutations and/or displaying differential DNA-methylation, are involved in common pathways, and may therefore be critical for neurodegeneration in both FTD and FTD-ALS.
- Published
- 2017
44. Immune-related genetic enrichment in frontotemporal dementia
- Author
Broce, Iris, Karch, Celeste M., Wen, Natalie, Fan, Chun C., Wang, Yunpeng, Hong Tan, Chin, Kouri, Naomi, Ross, Owen A., Höglinger, Günter U., Muller, Ulrich, Hardy, John, Momeni, Parastoo, Hess, Christopher P., Dillon, William P., Miller, Zachary A., Bonham, Luke W., Rabinovici, Gil D., Rosen, Howard J., Schellenberg, Gerard D., Franke, Andre, Karlsen, Tom H., Veldink, Jan H., Ferrari, Raffaele, Yokoyama, Jennifer S., Miller, Bruce L., Andreassen, Ole A., Dale, Anders M., Desikan, Rahul S., Sugrue, Leo P., Ferrari, R, Hernandez, D G, Nalls, M A, Rohrer, J D, Ramasamy, A, Kwok, J B J, Dobson-Stone, C, Schofield, P R, Halliday, G M, Hodges, J R, Piguet, O, Bartley, L, Thompson, E, Haan, E, Hernández, I, Ruiz, A, Boada, M, Borroni, B, Padovani, A, Cruchaga, C, Cairns, N J, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, R, Forloni, G, Albani, D, Galimberti, D, Fenoglio, C, Serpente, M, Scarpini, E, Clarimón, J, Lleó, A, Blesa, R, Landqvist Waldö, M, Nilsson, K, Nilsson, C, Mackenzie, I R A, Hsiung, G-Y R, Mann, D M A, Grafman, J, Morris, C M, Attems, J, Griffiths, T D, McKeith, I G, Thomas, A J, Pietrini, P, Huey, E D, Wassermann, E M, Baborie, A, Jaros, E, Tierney, M C, Pastor, P, Razquin, C, Ortega-Cubero, S, Alonso, E, Perneczky, R, Diehl-Schmid, J, Alexopoulos, P, Kurz, A, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Pinessi, L, Rogaeva, E, George-Hyslop, P St, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Giaccone, G, Rowe, J B, Schlachetzki, J C M, Uphill, J, Collinge, J, Mead, S, Danek, A, Van Deerlin, V M, Grossman, M, Trojanowski, J Q, der Zee, J van, Cruts, M, Broeckhoven, C Van, Cappa, S F, Leber, I, Hannequin, D, Golfier, V, Vercelletto, M, Brice, A, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bagnoli, S, Piaceri, I, Nielsen, J E, Hjermind, L E, Riemenschneider, M, Mayhaus, M, Ibach, B, Gasparoni, G, Pichler, S, Gu, W, Rossor, M N, Fox, N C, Warren, J D, Spillantini, M G, Morris, H R, Rizzu, P, Heutink, P, Snowden, J S, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Gerhard, A, Bruni, A C, Maletta, R, Frangipane, F, Cupidi, C, Bernardi, L, Anfossi, M, Gallo, M, Conidi, M E, Smirne, N, Rademakers, R, Baker, M, Dickson, D W, Graff-Radford, N R, Petersen, R C, Knopman, D, Josephs, K A, Boeve, B F, Parisi, J E, Seeley, W W, Miller, B L, Karydas, A M, Rosen, H, van Swieten, J C, Dopper, E G P, Seelaar, H, Pijnenburg, Y A L, Scheltens, P, Logroscino, G, Capozzo, R, Novelli, V, Puca, A A, Franceschi, M, Postiglione, A, Milan, G, Sorrentino, P, Kristiansen, M, Chiang, H-H, Graff, C, Pasquier, F, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Lebouvier, T, Kapogiannis, D, Ferrucci, L, Pickering-Brown, S, Singleton, A B, Hardy, J, and Momeni, P
- Subjects
Genetics ,0303 health sciences ,business.industry ,nutritional and metabolic diseases ,Single-nucleotide polymorphism ,Genome-wide association study ,Disease ,medicine.disease ,nervous system diseases ,3. Good health ,Progressive supranuclear palsy ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,mental disorders ,Immunology ,Medicine ,Corticobasal degeneration ,Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,030304 developmental biology ,Genetic association ,Frontotemporal dementia - Abstract
BackgroundConverging evidence suggests that immune-mediated dysfunction plays an important role in the pathogenesis of frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Although genetic studies have shown that immune-associated loci are associated with increased FTD risk, a systematic investigation of genetic overlap between immune-mediated diseases and the spectrum of FTD-related disorders has not been performed.Methods and findingsUsing large genome-wide association studies (GWAS) (total n = 192,886 cases and controls) and recently developed tools to quantify genetic overlap/pleiotropy, we systematically identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)jointlyassociated with ‘FTD-related disorders’ namely FTD, corticobasal degeneration (CBD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – and one or more immune-mediated diseases including Crohn’s disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), type 1 diabetes (T1D), celiac disease (CeD), and psoriasis (PSOR). We found up to 270-fold genetic enrichment between FTD and RA and comparable enrichment between FTD and UC, T1D, and CeD. In contrast, we found only modest genetic enrichment between any of the immune-mediated diseases and CBD, PSP or ALS. At a conjunction false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05, we identified numerous FTD-immune pleiotropic SNPs within the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)region on chromosome 6. By leveraging the immune diseases, we also found novel FTD susceptibility loci withinLRRK2(Leucine Rich Repeat Kinase 2), TBKBP1(TANK-binding kinase 1 Binding Protein 1), andPGBD5(PiggyBac Transposable Element Derived 5). Functionally, we found that expression of FTD-immune pleiotropic genes (particularly within theHLAregion) is altered in postmortem brain tissue from patients with frontotemporal dementia and is enriched in microglia compared to other central nervous system (CNS) cell types.ConclusionsWe show considerable immune-mediated genetic enrichment specifically in FTD, particularly within theHLAregion. Our genetic results suggest that for a subset of patients, immune dysfunction may contribute to risk for FTD. These findings have potential implications for clinical trials targeting immune dysfunction in patients with FTD.
- Published
- 2017
45. Shared genetic risk between corticobasal degeneration, progressive supranuclear palsy, and frontotemporal dementia
- Author
Yokoyama, Jennifer S., Karch, Celeste M., Fan, Chun C., Bonham, Luke W., Naomi, Kouri, Ross, Owen A., Rosa, Rademakers, Jungsu, Kim, Yunpeng, Wang, Höglinger, Günter U., Ulrich, Muller, Raffaele, Ferrari, John, Hardy, International FTD-Genomics Consortium (IFGC Ferrari, R, Hernandez, Dg, Nalls, Ma, Rohrer, Jd, Ramasamy, A, Kwok, Jbj, Dobson-Stone, C, Schofield, Pr, Halliday, Gm, Hodges, Jr, Piguet, O, Bartley, L, Thompson, E, Haan, E, Hernández, I, Ruiz, A, Boada, M, Borroni, B, Padovani, A, Cruchaga, C, Cairns, Nj, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, R, Forloni, G, Albani, D, Galimberti, D, Fenoglio, C, Serpente, M, Scarpini, E, Clarimón, J, Lleó, A, Blesa, R, Landqvist Waldö, M, Nilsson, C, Mackenzie, Ira, Hsiung, Gyr, Mann, Dma, Grafman, J, Morris, Cm, Attems, J, Griffiths, Td, Mckeith, Ig, Thomas, Aj, Pietrini, P, Huey, Ed, Wassermann, Em, Baborie, A, Jaros, E, Tierney, Mc, Pastor, P, Razquin, C, Ortega-Cubero, S, Alonso, E, Perneczky, R, Diehl-Schmid, J, Alexopoulos, P, Kurz, A, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Pinessi, L, Rogaeva, E, St George-Hyslop, P, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Giaccone, G, Rowe, Jb, Schlachetzki, Jcm, Uphill, J, Collinge, J, Mead, S, Danek, A, Van Deerlin VM, Grossman, M, Trojanowski, Jq, van der Zee, J, Cruts, M, Van Broeckhoven, C, Cappa, Sf, Leber, I, Hannequin, D, Golfier, V, Vercelletto, M, Brice, A, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bagnoli, S, Piaceri, I, Nielsen, Je, Hjermind, Le, Riemenschneider, M, Mayhaus, M, Ibach, B, Gasparoni, G, Pichler, S, Gu, W, Rossor, Mn, Fox, Nc, Warren, Jd, Spillantini, Mg, Morris, Hr, Rizzu, P, Heutink, P, Snowden, Js, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Gerhard, A, Bruni, Ac, Maletta, R, Frangipane, F, Cupidi, C, Bernardi, L, Anfossi, M, Gallo, M, Conidi, Me, Smirne, N, Rademakers, R, Baker, M, Dickson, Dw, Graff-Radford, Nr, Petersen, Rc, Knopman, D, Josephs, Ka, Boeve, Bf, Parisi, Je, Seeley, Ww, Miller, Bl, Karydas, Am, Rosen, H, van Swieten JC, Dopper, Eg, Seelaar, H, Pijnenburg, Yal, Scheltens, P, Logroscino, G, Capozzo, R, Novelli, V, Puca, Aa, Franceschi, M, Postiglione, A, Milan, G, Sorrentino, P, Kristiansen, M, Chiang, Hh, Graff, C, Pasquier, F, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Lebouvier, T, Kapogiannis, D, Ferrucci, L, Pickering-Brown, S, Singleton, Ab, Hardy, J, Momeni, P. )., Parastoo, Momeni, Sugrue, Leo P., Hess, Christopher P., James Barkovich, A., Boxer, Adam L., Seele, William W., Rabinovici, Gil D., Rosen, Howard J., Miller, Bruce L., Schmansky, Nicholas J., Bruce, Fischl, Hyman, Bradley T., Dickson, Dennis W., Schellenberg, Gerard D., Andreassen, Ole A., Dale, Anders M., Desikan, and Rahul S., and Int FTD-Genomics Consortium
- Subjects
pathology [Tauopathies] ,0301 basic medicine ,Pathology ,Aging ,genetics [Basal Ganglia Diseases] ,Genome-wide association study ,Neurodegenerative ,diagnosis [Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive] ,diagnosis [Frontotemporal Dementia] ,pathology [Inclusion Bodies] ,0302 clinical medicine ,Neurology (clinical) ,Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience ,Risk Factors ,pathology [Neurons] ,Corticobasal degeneration ,Supranuclear Palsy ,2.1 Biological and endogenous factors ,Aetiology ,genetics [Frontotemporal Dementia] ,Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (ADRD) ,Genetics ,Inclusion Bodies ,Neurons ,genetics [Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive] ,Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) ,Tauopathies ,Frontotemporal Dementia ,Neurological ,Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive ,Frontotemporal dementia ,medicine.medical_specialty ,pathology [Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive] ,Clinical Sciences ,MAPT protein, human ,Locus (genetics) ,Single-nucleotide polymorphism ,tau Proteins ,Biology ,Article ,Pathology and Forensic Medicine ,Progressive supranuclear palsy ,03 medical and health sciences ,Rare Diseases ,Progressive ,Basal Ganglia Diseases ,mental disorders ,medicine ,Acquired Cognitive Impairment ,Humans ,ddc:610 ,Genetic association ,Neurology & Neurosurgery ,International FTD-Genomics Consortium ,Prevention ,Haplotype ,Human Genome ,Neurosciences ,Alzheimer's Disease including Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) ,medicine.disease ,metabolism [tau Proteins] ,digestive system diseases ,Brain Disorders ,030104 developmental biology ,pathology [Frontotemporal Dementia] ,Dementia ,Human medicine ,pathology [Basal Ganglia Diseases] ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Corticobasal degeneration (CBD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and a subset of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are neurodegenerative disorders characterized by tau inclusions in neurons and glia (tauopathies). Although clinical, pathological and genetic evidence suggests overlapping pathobiology between CBD, PSP, and FTD, the relationship between these disorders is still not well understood. Using summary statistics (odds ratios and p values) from large genome-wide association studies (total n=14,286 cases and controls) and recently established genetic methods, we investigated the genetic overlap between CBD and PSP and CBD and FTD. We found up to 800-fold enrichment of genetic risk in CBD across different levels of significance for PSP or FTD. In addition to NSF (tagging the MAPT H1 haplotype), we observed that SNPs in or near MOBP, CXCR4, EGFR, and GLDC showed significant genetic overlap between CBD and PSP, whereas only SNPs tagging the MAPT haplotype overlapped between CBD and FTD. The risk alleles of the shared SNPs were associated with expression changes in cis-genes. Evaluating transcriptome levels across adult human brains, we found a unique neuroanatomic gene expression signature for each of the five overlapping gene loci (omnibus ANOVA p 
- Published
- 2017
46. Genetic architecture of sporadic frontotemporal dementia and overlap with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases
- Author
Wang Y., Ferrari R., Hernandez, D. G, Nalls, M. A, Rohrer, J. D, Ramasamy, A, Kwok, J. B. J, Dobson Stone, C, Schofield, P. R, Halliday, G. M, Hodges, J. R, Piguet, O, Bartley, L, Thompson, E, Haan, E, Hernández, I, Ruiz, A, Boada, M, Borroni, Barbara, Padovani, Alessandro, Cruchaga, C, Cairns, N. J, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, R, Forloni, G, Albani, D, Galimberti, D, Fenoglio, C, Serpente, M, Scarpini, E, Clarimón, J, Lleó, A, Blesa, R, Landqvist Waldö, M, Nilsson, K, Nilsson, C, Mackenzie, I. R. A, Hsiung, G. Y. R, Mann, D. M. A, Grafman, J, Morris, C. M, Attems, J, Griffiths, T. D, Mckeith, I. G, Thomas, A. J, Pietrini, P, Huey, E. D, Wassermann, E. M, Baborie, A, Jaros, E, Tierney, M. C, Pastor, P, Razquin, C, Ortega Cubero, S, Alonso, E, Perneczky, R, Diehl Schmid, J, Alexopoulos, P, Kurz, A, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Pinessi, L, Rogaeva, E, St George Hyslop, P, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Giaccone, G, Rowe, J. B, Schlachetzki, J. C. M, Uphill, J, Collinge, J, Mead, S, Danek, A, Van Deerlin, V. M, Grossman, M, Trojanowski, J. Q, van der Zee, J, Cruts, M, Van Broeckhoven, C, Cappa, S. F, Leber, I, Hannequin, D, Golfier, V, Vercelletto, M, Brice, A, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bagnoli, S, Piaceri, I, Nielsen, J. E, Hjermind, L. E, Riemenschneider, M, Mayhaus, M, Ibach, B, Gasparoni, G, Pichler, S, Gu, W, Rossor, M. N, Fox, N. C, Warren, J. D, Spillantini, M. G, Morris, H. R, Rizzu, P, Heutink, P, Snowden, J. S, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Gerhard, A, Bruni, A. C, Maletta, R, Frangipane, F, Cupidi, C, Bernardi, L, Anfossi, M, Gallo, M, Conidi, M. E, Smirne, N, Rademakers, R, Baker, M, Dickson, D. W, Graff Radford, N. R, Petersen, R. C, Knopman, D, Josephs, K. A, Boeve, B. F, Parisi, J. E, Seeley, W. W, Miller, B. L, Karydas, A. M, Rosen, H, van Swieten, J. C, Dopper, E. G. P, Seelaar, H, Pijnenburg, Y. A. L, Scheltens, P, Logroscino, G, Capozzo, R, Novelli, V, Puca, A. A, Franceschi, M, Postiglione, A, Milan, G, Sorrentino, P, Kristiansen, M, Chiang, H. H, Graff, C, Pasquier, F, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Lebouvier, T, Kapogiannis, D, Ferrucci, L, Pickering Brown, S, Singleton, A. B, Hardy, J, and Momeni, P.
- Published
- 2017
47. Gene-based association studies report genetic links for clinical subtypes of frontotemporal dementia
- Author
Mishra, Aniket, Ferrari, Raffaele, Rohrer, J. D., Ibach, B., Gasparoni, G., Pichler, S., Gu, W., Rossor, M. N., Fox, N. C., Warren, J. D., Spillantini, M. G., Morris, H. R., Rizzu, P., Ramasamy, A., Heutink, P., Snowden, J. S., Rollinson, S., Richardson, A., Gerhard, A., Bruni, A. C., Maletta, R., Frangipane, F., Cupidi, C., Bernardi, L., Kwok, J. B. J., Anfossi, M., Gallo, M., Conidi, M. E., Smirne, N., Rademakers, R., Baker, M., Dickson, D. W., Graff-Radford, N. R., Petersen, R. C., Knopman, D., Dobson-Stone, C., Josephs, K. A., Boeve, B. F., Parisi, J. E., Seeley, W. W., Miller, B. L., Karydas, A. M., Rosen, H., van Swieten, J. C., Dopper, E. G. P., Seelaar, H., Schofield, P. R., Pijnenburg, Y. A. L., Scheltens, P., Logroscino, G., Capozzo, R., Novelli, V., Puca, A. A., Franceschi, M., Postiglione, A., Milan, G., Sorrentino, P., Halliday, G. M., Kristiansen, M., Chiang, H-H, Graff, C., Pasquier, F., Rollin, A., Deramecourt, V., Lebouvier, T., Kapogiannis, D., Ferrucci, L., Pickering-Brown, S., Hodges, J. R., Singleton, A. B., Hardy, J., Momeni, P., Piguet, O., Bartley, L., Thompson, E., Heutink, Peter, Haan, E., Hernández, I., Ruiz, A., Boada, M., Borroni, B., Padovani, A., Cruchaga, C., Cairns, N. J., Benussi, L., Binetti, G., Hardy, John, Ghidoni, R., Forloni, G., Albani, D., Galimberti, D., Fenoglio, C., Serpente, M., Scarpini, E., Clarimón, J., Lleó, A., Blesa, R., Pijnenburg, Yolande, Landqvist Waldö, M., Nilsson, K., Nilsson, C., Mackenzie, I. R. A., Hsiung, G-Y R, Mann, D. M. A., Grafman, J., Morris, C. M., Attems, J., Griffiths, T. D., Posthuma, Danielle, McKeith, I. G., Thomas, A. J., Pietrini, P., Huey, E. D., Wassermann, E. M., Baborie, A., Jaros, E., Tierney, M. C., Pastor, P., Razquin, C., Consortium, International FTD-Genomics, Ortega-Cubero, S., Alonso, E., Perneczky, R., Diehl-Schmid, J., Alexopoulos, P., Kurz, A., Rainero, I., Rubino, E., Pinessi, L., Rogaeva, E., Ferrari, R., St George-Hyslop, P., Rossi, G., Tagliavini, F., Giaccone, G., Rowe, J. B., Schlachetzki, J. C. M., Uphill, J., Collinge, J., Mead, S., Danek, A., Hernandez, D. G., Van Deerlin, V. M., Grossman, M., Trojanowski, J. Q., van der Zee, J., Cruts, M., Van Broeckhoven, C., Cappa, S. F., Leber, I., Hannequin, D., Golfier, V., Nalls, M. A., Vercelletto, M., Brice, A., Nacmias, B., Sorbi, S., Bagnoli, S., Piaceri, I., Nielsen, J. E., Hjermind, L. E., Riemenschneider, M., Mayhaus, M., International FTD-Genomics Consortium, Complex Trait Genetics, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Complex Trait Genetics, Human genetics, Neurology, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Neurodegeneration, and Amsterdam Reproduction & Development (AR&D)
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Genome-wide association study ,0302 clinical medicine ,diagnosis [Frontotemporal Dementia] ,ARHGAP35 protein, human ,Risk Factors ,Mitochondrial Precursor Protein Import Complex Proteins ,MAGMA ,GWAS ,Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factors ,genetics [Genetic Predisposition to Disease] ,genetics [Frontotemporal Dementia] ,Genetics ,genetics [Membrane Transport Proteins] ,FTD ,genetics [Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factors] ,TOMM40 protein, human ,Frontotemporal Dementia ,Allelic heterogeneity ,medicine.symptom ,Frontotemporal dementia ,Semantic dementia ,03 medical and health sciences ,Apolipoproteins E ,Progressive nonfluent aphasia ,stress-signalling pathway ,SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being ,gene-based association study ,Aphasia ,medicine ,Genetic predisposition ,Journal Article ,Humans ,Genetic Predisposition to Disease ,ddc:610 ,Alleles ,Case-Control Studies ,Genetic Association Studies ,Membrane Transport Proteins ,Protective Factors ,Repressor Proteins ,alpha 1-Antitrypsin ,Neurology (clinical) ,Biology ,Genetic association ,business.industry ,SERPINA1 protein, human ,medicine.disease ,genetics [alpha 1-Antitrypsin] ,genetics [Repressor Proteins] ,030104 developmental biology ,genetics [Apolipoproteins E] ,Human medicine ,business ,Neuroscience ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Meta-Analysis - Abstract
Genome-wide association studies in frontotemporal dementia showed limited success in identifying associated loci. This is possibly due to small sample size, allelic heterogeneity, small effect sizes of single genetic variants, and the necessity to statistically correct for testing millions of genetic variants. To overcome these issues, we performed gene-based association studies on 3348 clinically identified frontotemporal dementia cases and 9390 controls (discovery, replication and joint-cohort analyses). We report association of APOE and TOMM40 with behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia, and ARHGAP35 and SERPINA1 with progressive non-fluent aphasia. Further, we found the ɛ2 and ɛ4 alleles of APOE harbouring protective and risk increasing effects, respectively, in clinical subtypes of frontotemporal dementia against neurologically normal controls. The APOE-locus association with behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia indicates its potential risk-increasing role across different neurodegenerative diseases, whereas the novel genetic associations of ARHGAP35 and SERPINA1 with progressive non-fluent aphasia point towards a potential role of the stress-signalling pathway in its pathophysiology.
- Published
- 2017
48. Deleterious ABCA7 mutations and transcript rescue mechanisms in early onset Alzheimer’s disease
- Author
De Roeck A., Van den Bossche T., van der Zee J., Verheijen J., De Coster W., Van Dongen J., Dillen L., Baradaran-Heravi Y., Heeman B., Sanchez-Valle R., Lladó A., Nacmias B., Sorbi S., Gelpi E., Grau-Rivera O., Gómez-Tortosa E., Pastor P., Ortega-Cubero S., Pastor M.A., Graff C., Thonberg H., Benussi L., Ghidoni R., Binetti G., de Mendonça A., Martins M., Borroni B., Padovani A., Almeida M.R., Santana I., Diehl-Schmid J., Alexopoulos P., Clarimon J., Lleó A., Fortea J., Tsolaki M., Koutroumani M., Matej R., De Deyn P., Engelborghs S., Cras P., Van Broeckhoven C., Sleegers K., Bessi V., Bagnoli S., do Couto F.S., Verdelho A., Fratiglioni L., Rohan Z., Razquin C., Lorenzo E., Iglesias E., Seijo-Martínez M., Rene R., Gascon J., Campdelacreu J., and Blesa R.
- Subjects
onset age ,ABCA7 protein, human ,Male ,haplotype ,frameshift mutation ,prevalence ,DNA sequence ,nonsense mutation ,gene frequency ,Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide ,Article ,alternative RNA splicing ,single nucleotide polymorphism ,middle aged ,Humans ,controlled study ,Genetic Predisposition to Disease ,genetics ,human ,gene mutation ,Age of Onset ,protein expression ,Genetic Association Studies ,risk reduction ,next generation sequencing ,ABC transporter A7 ,missense mutation ,adult ,apolipoprotein E4 ,cohort analysis ,major clinical study ,gene linkage disequilibrium ,unclassified drug ,genetic code ,aged ,female ,priority journal ,genetic association study ,Mutation ,amino terminal sequence ,ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters ,disease severity ,ABC transporter ,Alzheimer disease ,genetic predisposition ,nonsense mediated mRNA decay - Abstract
Premature termination codon (PTC) mutations in the ATP-Binding Cassette, Sub-Family A, Member 7 gene (ABCA7) have recently been identified as intermediate-to-high penetrant risk factor for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD). High variability, however, is observed in downstream ABCA7 mRNA and protein expression, disease penetrance, and onset age, indicative of unknown modifying factors. Here, we investigated the prevalence and disease penetrance of ABCA7 PTC mutations in a large early onset AD (EOAD)—control cohort, and examined the effect on transcript level with comprehensive third-generation long-read sequencing. We characterized the ABCA7 coding sequence with next-generation sequencing in 928 EOAD patients and 980 matched control individuals. With MetaSKAT rare variant association analysis, we observed a fivefold enrichment (p = 0.0004) of PTC mutations in EOAD patients (3%) versus controls (0.6%). Ten novel PTC mutations were only observed in patients, and PTC mutation carriers in general had an increased familial AD load. In addition, we observed nominal risk reducing trends for three common coding variants. Seven PTC mutations were further analyzed using targeted long-read cDNA sequencing on an Oxford Nanopore MinION platform. PTC-containing transcripts for each investigated PTC mutation were observed at varying proportion (5–41% of the total read count), implying incomplete nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). Furthermore, we distinguished and phased several previously unknown alternative splicing events (up to 30% of transcripts). In conjunction with PTC mutations, several of these novel ABCA7 isoforms have the potential to rescue deleterious PTC effects. In conclusion, ABCA7 PTC mutations play a substantial role in EOAD, warranting genetic screening of ABCA7 in genetically unexplained patients. Long-read cDNA sequencing revealed both varying degrees of NMD and transcript-modifying events, which may influence ABCA7 dosage, disease severity, and may create opportunities for therapeutic interventions in AD. © 2017, The Author(s).
- Published
- 2017
49. Prevalence and phenotype of the c.1529C>T SPG 7 variant in adult‐onset cerebellar ataxia in Italy
- Author
Mancini, C., primary, Giorgio, E., additional, Rubegni, A., additional, Pradotto, L., additional, Bagnoli, S., additional, Rubino, E., additional, Prontera, P., additional, Cavalieri, S., additional, Di Gregorio, E., additional, Ferrero, M., additional, Pozzi, E., additional, Riberi, E., additional, Ferrero, P., additional, Nigro, P., additional, Mauro, A., additional, Zibetti, M., additional, Tessa, A., additional, Barghigiani, M., additional, Antenora, A., additional, Sirchia, F., additional, Piacentini, S., additional, Silvestri, G., additional, De Michele, G., additional, Filla, A., additional, Orsi, L., additional, Santorelli, F. M., additional, and Brusco, A., additional
- Published
- 2018
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50. P657 Postoperative outcome in Crohn’s disease: Observational study of 1283 surgical patients
- Author
Zambonin, D, primary, Lavorini, E, additional, Giudici, F, additional, Ficari, F, additional, Bagnoli, S, additional, and Scaringi, S, additional
- Published
- 2018
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