1. Razvoj mehkega fluidno-tehničnega robotskega prijemala
- Author
Babič, Miha and Majdič, Franc
- Subjects
udc:621.865.8:544.27:004.9(043.2) ,soft robotics ,fluidna tehnika ,3D tisk ,meritve ,mehka robotika ,3D print ,numerical calculation ,MKE ,numerični preračuni ,fluid power ,measurements ,FEA - Abstract
V avtomatizaciji se v zadnjem času problem manipulacije krhkih in občutljivih predmetov ter sodelovanja s človekom rešuje s pomočjo ideje ti. mehke robotike. Ta temelji na posnemanju narave in uporabi inovativnih materialov ter načinov njihove uporabe. Narejenih je že veliko raziskav in prototipov, vendar je uporabno znanje za lastno izvedbo še vedno pomanjkljivo. V diplomski nalogi smo pregledali stanje tehnike na omenjenem področju. Nato smo v programu za tridimenzionalno modeliranje izdelali osnovni model aktuatorja, ki smo ga najprej načrtovali s pomočjo numeričnih simulacij. Izdelan model smo nato natisnili. Eksperimentalni preizkusi so pokazali, da večje število komor, manjši razmak med komorami in višje komore omogočajo večjo deformacijo. Ugotovili smo tudi, da bolj kot se pod tlakom aktuator deformira, večjo silo prenaša. Numerično smo preračunali radije ukrivljenosti in sile osnovnega modela ter jih primerjali z eksperimentalnimi meritvami. Rezultati so imeli podoben potek vendar manjši zamik vrednosti. Na koncu smo zasnovali in natisnili še nekaj uporabnih prototipov in jih testirali. Concurrent problems of automation regarding manipulation of brittle and sensitive objects and human interaction are currently being solved by means of soft robotics. It is based on imitation of nature, innovative materials and applications. There is already a lot of research in this field, but the knowledge for in-house production is lacking. In this bachelor thesis we have researched the state of the art in this field. We created a basic model of the actuator in the programme for three-dimensional modelling, which we designed with the help of numerical simulations. Later we also manufactured this model using 3D printing technology. Experiments have shown that more chambers, smaller distances between them and higher chambers allow greater deformation. We also found that the actuators that have larger deformations also transmit larger forces. We numerically calculated the radii and forces of the basic model which we compared to the results obtained experimentally. The results showed a very similar trend but had a small offset in values. In the end, we designed, printed and tested some useful prototypes.
- Published
- 2022