Bathymétrie repartition of the benthic Foraminifera on the continental shelf. From the data obtained by several workers, it is possible to propose some general patterns of the present foraminiferal bathymétrie distribution. Four main faunal breaks are evidenced at 50-70 m, 90-100 m, 100-120 m and 180-200 m depth. The most important factors are the seasonnal thermic variations and the light intensity. The 50-70 m boundary is the most conspicuous, its location appears to be linked with the thermocline. At this level we note the disapearance of a lot of species thus considered as eurythermal. This species are also, despite few exceptions, adapted to high light intensities and often contain symbiotic algae. Above this limit, the population is rich in forms with porcelaneous tests. Miliolidae, Peneroplidae, Elphidiidae, Discorbidae, Rotaliidae, Cibicididae and, locally, Amphisteginidae, Nummulitidae are frequent. Their percentages vary from a biotope to another and are controlled by several ecological parameters other than depth (salinity, turbulence, grain size of the sediment, vegetation etc...). The lower limits are marked by successives appearances of more and more stenothermal taxa, the most of which extending down to the upper slope. The proportion of the hyaline tests increases to the detriment of porcelaneous ones. Bathyal agglutinated forms are pre sent below 150-180 m. These criteria may be used with caution for paleoecologieal interpretations. The 50-70 m boundary is the most conspicuous, its location appears to be linked with the thermocline. At this level we note the disapearance of a lot of species thus considered as eurythermal. This species are also, despite few exceptions, adapted to high light intensities and often contain symbiotic algae. Above this limit, the population is rich in forms with porcelaneous tests. Miliolidae, Peneroplidae, Elphidiidae, Discorbidae, Rotaliidae, Cibicididae and, locally, Amphisteginidae, Nummulitidae are frequent. Their percentages vary from a biotope to another and are controlled by several ecological parameters other than depth (salinity, turbulence, grain size of the sediment, vegetation etc...). The lower limits are marked by successives appearances of more and more stenothermal taxa, the most of which extending down to the upper slope. The proportion of the hyaline tests increases to the detriment of porcelaneous ones. Bathyal agglutinated forms are pre sent below 150-180 m. These criteria may be used with caution for paleoecologieal interpretations., A partir des données obtenues par de nombreux auteurs, il a été possible de dégager quelques tendances générales concernant la répartition bathymétrique des foraminifères actuels sur la plate-forme continentale. Quatre coupures fauniques majeures sont observées à 50-70 m, 90-100 m, 120-150 m, 180-200 m. Les facteurs principaux de la zonation sont l'écart thermique saisonnier et l'intensité lumineuse. La coupure à 50-70 m est la plus nette, sa profondeur dépend de celle de la thermocline. A ce niveau on note la disparition d'un stock faunistique considéré comme eurytherme. Ces formes tolèrent, en outre, pour la plupart, les fortes luminosités et hébergent souvent des algues symbiotiques. Au-dessus de cette limite, la population est riche en formes à test porcelané. Miliolidae, Peneroplidae, Elphidiidae, Discorbidae, Rotaliidae, Cibicididae et, localement, Amphisteginidae, Nummultitidae sont abondants. Leurs pourcentages varient dans les différents biotopes en fonction de paramètres écologiques locaux (salinité, turbulence, granulométrie du sédiment, végétation, etc...). Les coupures suivantes correspondent à des apparitions successives de formes de plus en plus sténothermes dont la plupart se rencontrent jusqu'au sommet de la pente bathyale. La proportion des tests hyalins augmente aux dépends des tests porcelanés. Des formes arénacées bathyales sont présentes à partir de 180 m. Ces critères peuvent être utilisés, avec précaution, pour les interprétations paléoécologiques., Blanc-Vernet Laure. Répartition bathymétrique des Foraminifères benthiques sur la plate-forme continentale. In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 15, numéro 1, 1988. Indicateurs bathymétriques biologiques des milieux actuels de la marge continentale. pp. 5-12.