32 results on '"BAŞSÜLLÜ, Nuray"'
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2. Female genital system tuberculosis: a retrospective clinicopathological study of 1,548 cases in Turkish women
- Author
Türkmen, İlknur Çetinaslan, Başsüllü, Nuray, Çomunoğlu, Cem, Bağcı, Pelin, Aydın, Övgü, Çomunoğlu, Nil, Gezer, Altay, Calay, Zerrin, and İlvan, Şennur
- Published
- 2012
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3. Endocervical glandular involvement, multicentricity, and extent of the disease are features of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
- Author
Güdücü, Nilgün, Sidar, Güliz, Başsüllü, Nuray, Türkmen, İlknur, and Dünder, İlkkan
- Published
- 2013
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4. The prognostic relationship between histopathological and immunohistochemical features of hepatocellular carcinoma, intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and mixed type
- Author
Çabuk, Fatmagül, primary, Başsüllü, Nuray, additional, Türkmen, İlknur, additional, Dayangaç, Murat, additional, Akyıldız, Murat, additional, Yüzer, Yıldıray, additional, Tokat, Yaman, additional, and Doğusoy, Gülen, additional
- Published
- 2020
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5. Discrepancies in Lymphoma Diagnosis Over the Years: A 13-Year Experience in a Tertiary Center
- Author
Özkaya, Neval, primary, Başsüllü, Nuray, additional, Demiroz, Ahu Senem, additional, and Tüzüner, Nükhet, additional
- Published
- 2017
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6. Dev Soliter Jejunal Divertikül Perforasyonu
- Author
DİRİCAN, Abuzer, ÜNAL, Bülent, SÜMER, Fatih, BAŞSÜLLÜ, Nuray, ÖZGÜR, Dinçer, and KIRIMLIOĞLU, Vedat
- Subjects
Jejunum,Divertikül,Perforasyon ,Jejunum,Diverticulum,Perforation - Abstract
Jejunum diverticulum's are generally pseudo diverticulum's and located at mesenteric side. Jejunum diverticulum's perforation is an unusual cause of acute abdomen. Segmental intestinal resection is recommended in surgical treatment. A 51 years old male patient was operated on due to acute abdomen. In the operation a perforation that was associated with solitary jejune diverticulums at location 15 cm far from the Treitz ligament was identified. Diverticulectomy and primary closure was performed. Key words: Jejunum, Diverticulum, Perforation, Jejunum divertiküllerinin çoğu mezenterik yerleşimli psödodivertiküllerdir. Jejunal divertikül perforasyonu nadir görülen bir akut karın nedenidir ve tedavide segmenter barsak rezeksiyonu önerilir. Elli bir yaşındaki erkek hasta akut karın sebebiyle ameliyat edildi. Ameliyatta Treitz ligamanının 15 cm distalinde Jejunumun antimezenterik tarafında 6.6x9x3cm boyutlarında perfore gerçek divertikül mevcuttu. Divertikülektomi ve primer onarım yapıldı. Anahtar kelimeler: Jejunum, Divertikül, Perforasyon
- Published
- 2015
7. Retroperitoneal Malign Tümöre Benzeyen, Stromadan Zengin Varyant Castleman Hastalığı: Olgu Sunumu
- Author
BAŞSÜLLÜ, Nuray, TÜRKMEN, İlknur, DİRİCAN, Abuzer, CALAY, Zerrin, and MÜSLÜMANOĞLU, Mahmut
- Subjects
Castleman's Disease,Stroma-Rich Hyaline Vascular Type,Retroperitoneal Tumor ,Castleman Hastalığı,Stromadan Zengin Hyalen Vasküler Tip,Retroperitoneal Tümör - Abstract
Castleman's Disease is a rare entity which is characterized by the benign proliferation of lymphoid tissue. Generally it is asymptomatic and seen in young adults. Mostly it is located in mediastinum but it can also be seen at neck, axillary, intraabdominal and retroperitoneal locations. Most of the retroperitoneal masses are malignant. Because of difficulty in differentiate benign Castleman's Disease from malign tumors clinically and radiologically, Castleman's Disease should be remembered in differential diagnosis of retroperitoneal masses. The stroma rich variant is a new subtype of Castleman's disease and its morphoimmunophenotypical characteristics make it necessary to be differentiated from spindle cell tumors. A 45 years old woman with stromal rich variant hyaline vascular type of Castleman's Disease with retroperitoneal location is reported due to its rare presence in this localization and possibility of interference with malignant disease. Key words: Castleman's Disease, Stroma-Rich Hyaline Vascular Type, Retroperitoneal Tumor, Castleman hastalığı, lenfoid dokunun benign proliferasyonu ile karakterize, nadir görülen bir hastalıktır. Genellikle genç erişkinlerde görülür ve asemptomatik seyreder. Hastalığın en yaygın yerleşimi mediasten olsa da retroperiton, boyun, aksilla ve batında da görülebilir. Retroperiton yerleşimli kitlelerin çoğu maligndir. Klinik ve radyolojik olarak Castleman hastalığının malign tümörlerden ayırıcı tanısının zor olması nedeniyle retroperitoneal kitlesi olan olgularda akla gelmelidir. Stromadan zengin varyant, Castleman hastalığının yeni tanımlanan bir alt grubu olup zaman zaman morfoimmunofenotipik özellikleri iğsi hücreli tümörlerden ayırıcı tanısının yapılmasını gerektirmektedir. 45 yaşında retroperitoneal yerleşimli stromadan zengin varyant hyalen vasküler tip Castleman hastalığı olgusu, bu lokalizasyonda az görülmesi ve malign hastalıklarla karışması nedeniyle sunulmuştur. Anahtar kelimeler: Castleman Hastalığı, Stromadan Zengin Hyalen Vasküler Tip, Retroperitoneal Tümör
- Published
- 2015
- Author
BAŞSÜLLÜ, Nuray, TÜRKMEN, İlknur, BÜKEY, Yusuf, TEKELİOĞLU, M. Hakan, EKİCİ, İşın Doğan, and DOĞUSOY, Gülen Bülbül
- Subjects
Warthin Tümörü Benzeri Tiroid Papiller Karsinomu,Metastaz,Hashimoto Tiroiditi - Abstract
Warthin tümörü benzeri tiroid papiller karsinomu, papiller tiroid karsinomunun az görülen ve diğer varyantlara göre daha iyi prognozlu olan, tükürük bezinin Warthin tümörüne benzer bir varyantıdır. Bu güne dek literatürde bildirilen olgu sayısı 80’ler civarındadır. Bölgesel lenf düğümlerine metastaz ise çok daha az görülmektedir. Bu sunumda aspirasyon biopsisinde Hürtle hücreli neoplazi tanısı alan ve servikal lenf düğümlerine metastaz yapan Warthin tümör benzeri tiroid papiller karsinomu olgusu literatür bilgileri eşliğinde tartışılmıştır.
- Published
- 2014
9. Invasive ductal carcinoma of the mammary like glands of vulva-with sentinel lymph node identification
- Author
- Subjects
Vulva,vulvar neoplasms,breast,carcinoma,ductal ,Vulva,vulvar tümörler,meme,karsinoma,duktal - Abstract
Vulvanın meme benzeri karsinomlarının ektopik meme dokusundan kaynaklandığı veya meme karsinomu metastazı olduğu düşünülmüştür. Ancak, şu anda, vulvada meme-benzeri bezler olduğu için, memede görülen herhangi bir patolojinin bu bezlerde görülebileceği kabul edilmektedir. Vulvanın adenokarsinomu nadir olup, meme-benzeri adenokarsinomları literatürde olgu sunumları şeklinde yer almaktadır. Vulvar kitle ve kanama şikayetiyle başvuran 70 yaşındaki hastada tanımladığımız vulvanın primer meme benzeri karsinomu olgusunu sunuyoruz. İnsizyonel biyopsi vulvar adenokarsinom olarak raporlandı. İntraoperatif sentinal lenf düğümü incelemesi adenokarsinom metastazı olan hastaya hemivulvektomi ve bilateral inguinal lenfadenektomi uygulandı. Vulvanın adenokarsinomları nadir olup, prognoz ve tedavi primer meme kanseri ile benzerlik gösterdiği için bu olgularda meme benzeri karsinom akılda tutulmalıdır., Breast like carcinomas of the vulva was thought to be originated from ectopic breast tissue or metastasis from breast. It is now accepted that, as mammary-like glands are present in the vulva, any pathology that is found in the breast can be seen at these glands. Adenocarcinoma of the vulva is rare and the breast-like adenocarcinomas are presented as case reports in the literature. We present a primary breast-like carcinoma of the vulva in a 70 year old patient, who had complaint of vulvar mass and bleeding from it. The incisional biopsy was reported as vulvar adenocarcinoma. The intraoperative diagnosis of sentinel lymph node was adenocarcinoma metastasis and hemivulvectomy together with bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy was carried out. Adenocarcinomas of vulva are very rare and breast like carcinoma must be kept in mind in these cases, as the prognosis and treatment is similar to primary breast carcinomas.Keywords: Vulva, vulvar neoplasms, breast, carcinoma, ductal ÖzetVulvanın meme benzeri karsinomlarının ektopik meme dokusundan kaynaklandığı veya meme karsinomu metastazı olduğu düşünülmüştür. Ancak, şu anda, vulvada meme-benzeri bezler olduğu için, memede görülen herhangi bir patolojinin bu bezlerde görülebileceği kabul edilmektedir. Vulvanın adenokarsinomu nadir olup, meme-benzeri adenokarsinomları literatürde olgu sunumları şeklinde yer almaktadır. Vulvar kitle ve kanama şikayetiyle başvuran 70 yaşındaki hastada tanımladığımız vulvanın primer meme benzeri karsinomu olgusunu sunuyoruz. İnsizyonel biyopsi vulvar adenokarsinom olarak raporlandı. İntraoperatif sentinal lenf düğümü incelemesi adenokarsinom metastazı olan hastaya hemivulvektomi ve bilateral inguinal lenfadenektomi uygulandı. Vulvanın adenokarsinomları nadir olup, prognoz ve tedavi primer meme kanseri ile benzerlik gösterdiği için bu olgularda meme benzeri karsinom akılda tutulmalıdır.Anahtar sözcükler: Vulva, vulvar tümörler, meme, karsinoma, duktal
- Published
- 2012
- Author
BİNGÖL, Banu, AĞABEYKE, Faruk, Dünder, İlkkan, Türkmen, İlknur, Başsüllü, Nuray, and Doğusay, Gülen Bülbül
- Subjects
Ovarian Lesions,Uterin Lesions,Frozen Section,Intraoperative Diagnosis,Suspicion of Malignancy ,Ovaryan Lezyonlar,Uterin Lezyonlar,Frozen Section,İntraoperatif Tanı,Malignite Şüphesi ,female genital diseases and pregnancy complications - Abstract
Amaç: Malignite şüphesi olan endometrial ve ovaryan lezyonlarda intraoperatif Frozen Section sonuçları ile paraffin blok patoloji sonuçları karşılaştırılmış ve intraoperatif FS' nin öneminin gösterilmesi planlandı. Materyal-Metod: Ovaryan veya endometrial malignite şüphesi ile opere edilen ve intraoperatif Frozen Section yapılan 52 hastanın, preoperatif, intraoperatif bulguları, intraoperatif FS sonuçları ve postoperative paraffin bloklarla yapılan nihai patoloji sonuçları retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Bulgular: 16 hastada uterin kaynaklı lezyon, 36 hastada adneksiyal- pelvik lezyon mevcuttu. FS sonuçlarına göre; 21 hastaya TAH BSO, 13 hastaya ovaryan kistektomi, 10 hastaya TAH BSO + Pelvikparaaortik lenfadenektomi + Omentektomi + Appendektomi uygulandı. FS sonuçlarına göre uterusdan kaynaklanlar lezyonlar (n=16, %30,8); leiomyoma (n=10, %19,2), normal endometrium (n=2, %3,8) ve endometrium adenokarsinom (n=1, %2), endometrial polip (n=1, %2), vajinal kafda fibröz doku (n=1, %2), kompleks atipili hiperplazi (n=1, %2) tespit edildi. FS sonuçlarında en sık saptanan ovaryan lezyonlar ise seröz kistadenom (n=7, %13,5) ve endometrioma (n=7, %13,5) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Tüm FS sonuçları değerlendirildiğinde 44 olgu sonucu benign, 8 olguda malignite tespit edilirken, kesin patoloji sonuçları nda 43 olgu sonucu benign, 9 olguda malignite tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Paraffin kesit histoloji, kesin tanı için altın standart kabul edilmektedir. Çalışmalarda FS hata oranı (benign-malign) %1,5 olarak bildirilmiş olup, bu oran kabul edilebilir sınırlardadır. Çok büyük boyutlarda doku yüzeylerinde çok kısa sure içersinde sonuç bildirme zorluğu bu hatalara neden olabilmektedir., Purpose: The endometrial and ovarian malignancy suspicion of intra-operative Frozen Section pathology results of paraffin block wheal formation in the results compared and shown the importance of intraoperative FS. Material-Method: 52 patients were taken in this study who were operated with suspicion of ovarian and endometrial malignancy. Intraoperative FS results were determined and compared to final pathologic diagnosis. Findings: 16 patients had uterine lesion, 36 patients were available adneksial-pelvic lesion. According to the results of the FS; 21 patient were undertaken TAH BSO, 13 ovarian cystectomy, 10 TAH BSO +PPLND+ Omentectomy + Appendectomy . According to the results of the FS, uterin lesions (n = 16,% 30.8); leiomyoma (n = 10,% 19.2), normal endometrium (n = 2,% 3.8) and endometrium adenocarcinoma (n = 1, 2%), endometrial polyp (n = 1,2%), vaginal kafda fibrous tissue (n = 1, 2%), complex atipili hyperplasia (n = 1, 2%) were detected. FS is the most frequently detected ovarian lesions in serous cystadenom (n = 7,% 13.5) and the endometrioma (n = 7,% 13.5) have been identified. The result of evaluation of the results of all FS, 8 cases of malignancy from benign cases 44 detected.
- Published
- 2012
11. What does the Data of 354,725 Patients from Turkey Tell Us About Cervical Smear Epithelial Cell Abnormalities? - The Epithelial Cell Abnormality Rate is Increasing - Quality Control Studies and Corrective Activity are Musts.
- Author
ÇETINASLAN TÜRKMEN, İlknur, USUBÜTÜN, Alp, ÇAKIR, Aslı, AYDIN, Özlem, AKA BOLAT, Filiz, AKBULUT, Metin, ALTINAY, Serdar, ARICI, Sema, ASLAN, Figen, ASTARCI, Müzeyyen, KILIÇ BAĞIR, Emine, BAŞ, Yılmaz, BAŞSÜLLÜ, Nuray, ÇELIK, Betül, ÇETINER, Handan, ÇOBANOĞLU, Bengü, AYDIN, Abdullah, DEMIR, Hale, TATLI DOĞAN, Hayriye, and GÜLÇIN EKEN, Kamile
- Subjects
CERVICAL cancer ,EPITHELIAL cell tumors ,EARLY detection of cancer ,PATHOLOGICAL laboratories ,SQUAMOUS cell carcinoma - Abstract
Objective: There is no other screening program close to the success rate of PAP test. Cervical cytology constitutes a large workload so that quality control in cervical cytology is important for the quality assurance of pathology laboratories. Material and Method: In this study, we collected the cervical cytology results from all over Turkey and discussed the parameters influencing the quality of the PAP test. The study was conducted with Turkish gynaecopathology working group and 38 centers (totally 45 hospitals) agreed to contribute from 24 different cities. The study was designed to cover the cervical cytology results during 2013. The results were evaluated from the data based on an online questionnaire. Results: The total number of Epithelial Cell Abnormality was 18,020 and the global Epithelial Cell Abnormality rate was 5.08% in the total 354,725 smears and ranging between 0.3% to 16.64% among centers. The Atypical squamous cells/Squamous intraepithelial lesion ratios changed within the range of 0.21-13.94 with an average of 2.61. When the centers were asked whether they performed quality assurance studies, only 14 out of 28 centers, which shared the information, had such a control study and some quality parameters were better in these centers. Conclusion: There is an increase in the global Epithelial Cell Abnormality rate and there are great differences among centers. Quality control studies including the Atypical squamous cells/Squamous intraepithelial lesion ratio are important. Corrective and preventive action according to quality control parameters is a must. A cervical cytology subspecialist in every center can be utopic but a dedicated pathologist in the center is certainly needed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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12. Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma of the vagina: A tumor, not previously reported at this site
- Author
Güdücü, Nilgün, primary, Çoban, İpek, additional, Başsüllü, Nuray, additional, Gönenç, Gökçenur, additional, and Aydınlı, Kılıç, additional
- Published
- 2014
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13. Hodgkin lenfoma'da immunhistokimya: Uygulama öncesi ve sonrasında tanı değişiklikleri, morfolojik ve biyolojik grizon lenfomaların tanınabilmesi
- Author
Başsüllü, Nuray, Tüzüner Tunçay, Nuriye Nukhet, and Patoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Pathology ,Patoloji - Abstract
ÖZET ve SONUÇLAR Bu çalışmada, İHK kullanılmadan tanı alan ve alt tiplemeleri yapılan HL vakaları ÎHK uygulamasından sonra yeniden değerlendirilerek HL ile NHL arasında ortak yönleri ile kesişen vakalar izole edilmiş ve bunlar HL ile morfolojik ve/veya biyolojik gri zon içinde karışabilen ancak İHK uygulaması ile tam almış ABHL ve THZBHL vakaları da eklenerek değerlendirilmiştir. HL tanısı alan 397 olguda median yaş 31, yaş ortalaması 33,76 ±17,74,yaş sınırları 16-75 dir. Vakaların %67,8'i erkek, %32,2'si kadm olup E/K oram 2,8:1 dir. 508 vaka yeniden değerlendirildiğinde 429 vakadan 397'sinde (%92.5) Hodgkin Lenfoma tanısı kesinlik kazanmıştır. Alt tiplere göre dağılımda en sık görülen tip NS (%43.5) olup bunu Mikst tip (%40) izlemektedir. Lenfositten zengin nodüler HL %3.8 oranında görülürken, Lenfositten zengin klasik HL nın nodüler ve difuz tipleri %2.8 oranındadır. Lenfositten yoksun alt tip oram ise %5.6 dır. 32 olguda (%7.5) ise tam NHL yönünde değişmiştir. İlk tamları NS olan 147 vakadan sadece 3 'ünde HH tanısı NHL olarak değişmiş olup (%2) bu değişim iki vakada ABHL, birinde ise THZBHL şeklindedir.. Vakaların %90'ında alt tip değişmeden NS olarak kalmıştır. Yedi olguda (%4.8) alt tip MH olarak değişirken 4 vakada (%2.7) materyal yetersizliğine bağlı nedenlerle alt tipleme yapılamamıştır. NS gradelendirmesinde ilk tam ile son değerlendirme arasında vakaların sadece %85'inde Grade değişmeden kalmıştır. Grade II içinde yer alan sinsisyal varyant vakaların % 4'ünü oluşturmaktadır İlk tanısı MH olan 201 vakadan 149'unda (%74) alt tip MH olarak kalmıştır. Bu alt tipte NHL olarak tanımlanan olgu sayısı 12 (%6) olup tümü THZBHL tanısı almıştır. MH alt tipindeki değişimler ise 20 vakada (%10) NS, 11 vakada (%5,6) LY, 5 vakada (%2.5) LZKHL bir vakada (%0.5) da NLZHL şeklindedir. İki vakada NLZHL ile THZBHL arasında kesin ayırım yapılamamış, altı vakada ise HH tanısı kesinleşmesine rağmen infiltrasyonun fokal oluşu veya biopsinin insizyonel ve küçük oluşu nedeniyle alt tipleme mümkün olmamıştır. İlk tamlara göre, MH tip bir vakada düşük gradeli B hücreli NHL birlikteliği LY alt tip olarak değişmiştir. 41En fazla tanı değişikliği LY alt tipte gerçekleşmiştir. İlk tanısı LY olarak verilmiş 35 olgunun 21 'inde (%60) HH tanısı değişmezken 13'ünde (%37) tam NHL yönünde değişmiştir. NHL alt tipleri 8 vakada ABHL, 5 vakada ise difuz büyük B hücreli lenfoma şeklindedir. LY alt tip içindeki alt tip değişimleri ise NS (%17), MH (%11.4), sımflandırılamayan (%5.7) şeklindedir. Onbir vakada ise (%31:4) alt tip değişmeden LY olarak kalmıştır. Çalışmamızda bu tip ile en fazla kansan NHL nin ABHL olduğu bunu THZBHL nın izlediği görülmüştür. HL alt tipinde değişim olarak da en sık NS ile karıştığı saptanmıştır İlk tamları nodüler difuz ayırımı yapılmaksızın LZ-HH olarak verilen 15 vakadan beşinde (%33,3) tam MH tip, 4 olguda (%13) biyolojik gri zon olan THZBHL,bir olguda ise (%3) morfolojik gri zon olan PTHL olarak değişmiştir. Bir vakada (%6.6) tam NLZHL, 3 vakada (% 20) LZKHL (1 nodüler, 2 difoz), olarak belirlenmiştir. NLZHH tamsı almış olan 15 vakanın 11 'inde (%73.3) alt tip aynı kalmış, üçünde (%20) LZKHL olarak değişirken bir vakada alt tipleme yapılamamıştır. İlk tanıya göre HH tamsı alan ancak alt tipleme verilmemiş olan 16 vakadan 12'sinde (%75) alt tipleme mümkün olduğu halde 4 vakada alt tipleme yapılamamıştır. KHL tamsı alan vakalarda RS hücreleri CD30 (% 100), CD15(%97,4) ile pozitif olup CD 15 ile + boyanan RS hücrelerinin oram vakadan vakaya değişiklik göstermekteydi. Vakaların %85.4'ünde RS hücrelerinin %50-100'ünde paranüklear ve membran tipi boyanma mevcuttu. Geri kalan HL vakalarında RS hücrelerinin CD 15 boyanma oranlan, vakaların % 7'sinde %10, %6.8'inde %20-50 arasında değişmekteydi. CD15(-) olan vakaların dağılımlan NS (%2.3), MH (%1.3), LY(%4.5) şeklinde olup NLZHL vakalarının tümünde RS hücreleri CD15(-) idi. RS hücrelerinde CD20 ile membran boyanması % 15.6'da saptandı. RS hücrelerinin CD20 ile boyanma oranlan ise vakaların % 24.2'sinde %50 şeklindeydi. ABHL olarak sımflandınlan 50 olguda median yaş 56, yaş ortalaması 51.3±18.8, yaş sınırlan 17-91dir. Vakalann %70 i erkek, %30 u kadm olup E/K oram 2.3:1 dir. İlk tanılan ABHL olan 37 vaka yeniden değerlendirildiğinde ikisinde ABHL ile HL arasında kesin bir ayırıma gidilemedi, birinin tamsı ise B hücreli ABHL olarak değişmiştir. 42ABHL vakalarının %54'ü ALK (-), %40 ı ALK(+) olup, 2 vakada B hücreli ABHL saptandı bunlardan biri ALK+ idi. Üc vakada ise ABHL ile HL arasında kesin ayırım yapılamadı. CD30 tüm olgularda kuvvetli pozitif boyanmaktaydı. EMA vakaların %25'de pozitif bulundu. CD15 olguların % 4.8'de hücrelerin
- Published
- 2003
14. Invasive ductal carcinoma of the mammary like glands of vulva-with sentinel lymph node identification
- Author
Çetinaslan Türkmen, İlknur, primary, Başsüllü, Nuray, additional, Baykal, Cem Murat, additional, Dünder, İlkkan, additional, and Bülbül Doğusoy, Gülen, additional
- Published
- 2013
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15. Breast carcinoma metastasis to endometrial polyp (Case report and literature review)
- Author
Çetinaslan Türkmen, İlknur, primary, Başsüllü, Nuray, additional, Yaşar, Reyhan, additional, Gönenç, Gökçenur, additional, İşçi, Herman, additional, Özgüroğlu, Mustafa, additional, and Bülbül Doğusoy, Gülen, additional
- Published
- 2013
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16. Giant mucocele originating from the middle concha in a 5-year-old child: a case report
- Author
Aslan, Gaffar, primary, Ugur, Mehmet Birol, additional, and Başsüllü, Nuray, additional
- Published
- 2013
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17. Endometriyal polip zemininde gelişen endometriyum kanserleri: 3 yıllık klinik deneyimiz
- Author
Gönenç, Gökçenur, primary, Güdücü, Nilgün, additional, Türkmen, İlknur, additional, Başsüllü, Nuray, additional, İşçi, Herman, additional, Aydınlı, Kılıç, additional, Yiğiter, Alin Başgül, additional, and Dünder, İlkkan, additional
- Published
- 2013
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18. Discrepancies in Lymphoma Diagnosis Over the Years: A 13-Year Experience in a Tertiary Center.
- Author
Demiröz, Ahu Senem, Tüzüner, Nükhet, Özkaya, Neval, and Başsüllü, Nuray
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2017
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19. Xanthogranulomatous sialadenitis clinically mimicking a malignancy: case report and review of the literature
- Author
Türkmen, İlknur, primary, Başsüllü, Nuray, additional, Aslan, İsmet, additional, Çomunoğlu, Cem, additional, and Doğusoy, Gülen Bülbül, additional
- Published
- 2011
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20. Müllerian Adenosarcoma with Sarcomatous Overgrowth of the Cervix
- Author
Çomunoğlu, Nil, primary, Çomunoğlu, Cem, additional, Başsüllü, Nuray, additional, Somunkiran, Asli, additional, and Calay, Zerrin, additional
- Published
- 2007
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21. Patients with Epithelial Cell Abnormality in PAP Smears: Correlation of Results with Follow-Up Smears and Cervical Biopsies.
- Author
TÜRKMEN, İlknur Çetinaslan, BAŞSÜLLÜ, Nuray, KORKMAZ, Pınar, GÜNENÇ, Banu, BAYKAL, Cem Murat, GÜDÜCÜ, Nilgün, İŞÇİ, Herman, DÜNDER, İlkkan, and DOĞUSOY, Gülen BÜLBÜL
- Subjects
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EPITHELIAL cells , *CERVICAL cancer , *CYTOLOGY , *HISTOLOGY , *MEDICAL screening - Abstract
Objective: Cervical carcinoma has been included in the preventable diseases category ever since the use of cervical cytology in routine practice. The Pap test is an efficient screening test. We aimed to compare the cervical cytology diagnosis with biopsy and smear follow up results in our institution. Material and Method: We aimed to compare the diagnosis of cytology material examined in our institution during the 2009-2012 period with their biopsy and smear follow ups. The diagnoses were compared with the follow up smears and/or cervical biopsies. Results: 13610 Pap tests were examined during September 2009-July 2012. Among these cases, there were 370 atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS), 29 atypical squamous cells-high grade intraepithelial lesions cannot be excluded (ASC-H), 155 low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), 33 high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL), and 5 atypical glandular cell (AGC) diagnoses. The ratio of atypical squamous cell (ASCUS and ASC-H) to squamous intraepithelial lesions was 2.12. Squamous intraepithelial lesion was verified in 47 of 91 ASCUS cases. Among patients who had a cervical biopsy, 52 of 64 LSIL cases and all of the 21 HSIL cases had biopsy-proven SIL. Conclusion: Atypical squamous cell (ASC) is the most common diagnosis in abnormal cervical cytology. As it is indefinite, ASC is used as a quality assurance parameter and the aim is to decrease its use. As the ratio of epithelial cell abnormality is variable in different populations, the ASC/SIL is a more definite variable to be used for quality assurance. The efficiency in clinical use of the cervical cytology screening test is determined by biopsy verification. Our epithelial cell abnormality, ASC/SIL ratio and cytology-histology correlation values were parallel to the literature, proving that the methods are used reliably at our institution. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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22. Interobserver Variability in Cervical Smears from Patients with a History of Abnormal Cytology: Comparison of Conventional Pap Smears and Liquid-Based Cytology.
- Author
Türkmen, İlknur Çetinaslan, Başsüllü, Nuray, Bingöl, Banu, Doğusoy, Gülen Bülbül, and Arıcı, Sema
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CYTOLOGY , *COMPARATIVE studies , *PRECANCEROUS conditions , *FOLLOW-up studies (Medicine) , *INTER-observer reliability , *CERVICAL cancer patients , *PAP test - Abstract
Objective: One of the problems encountered when assessing cervical precancerous lesions is intra- and interobserver variability. The aim of this study was to determine the degree of interobserver variation in conventional PAP smears (CPS) and liquid-based cytology (LBC). Materials and Methods: The diagnostic variability among three pathologists was assessed using 120 smears (67 conventional CPS and 53 LBC). The cases were selected retrospectively from the archives of the Pathology Department among the patients with follow-up, such as biopsy confirmation and/or persistent/ resolving disease in the follow-up smear. The observers examined the slides in a blinded fashion. Results: Diagnostic agreement on the presence or absence of intraepithelial lesions was found in 30 of 51 slides (58.82%) of LBC (kappa=0.42) and in 44 of 67 slides (65.67%) of conventional cytology (kappa=0.50). The agreement was slightly higher in conventional smears. The highest agreement was in the LSIL category with a kappa value of 0.50 in LBC and 0.62 in conventional cytology, while ASCUS was the least reproducible diagnosis. Conclusion: Our results are in agreement with the literature in that the reproducibility of cervical cytology shows low to moderate consistency. The study showed no significant difference between LBC and CPS in the reproducibility of the diagnosis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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23. General Evaluation of Hepatectomy and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cases.
- Author
BAŞSÜLLÜ, Nuray, TÜRKMEN, İlknur, YAPRAK, Onur, DAYANGAÇ, Murat, DEMİRBAŞ, Tolga, GÜLER, Necdet, URAZ, Süleyman, AKYILDIZ, Murat, CİĞERCİOĞULLARI, Engin, TOKAT, Yaman, YÜZER, Yıldıray, and BÜLBÜL DOĞUSOY, Gülen
- Subjects
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LIVER cancer , *HEPATECTOMY , *ETIOLOGY of diseases , *MULTIPLE comparisons (Statistics) , *CHI-squared test - Abstract
Objective: Although the clinical and histopathological findings of hepatocellular carcinoma are well described, there are few national studies. In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between these findings in total or partial hepatectomy specimens in our series. Material and Method: We first collected 190 cases of total or partial hepatectomies performed because of hepatocellular carcinoma, cirrhosis or other disorders from the archives of Pathology. After re-examining the histopathological and clinical features such as age, gender and etiology, the relationship between them and serology results were statistically analyzed using the chi square and Multiple Comparison Tests. Results: Among 190 cases, there were 168 (88.5%) total and 18 (9.5%) partial hepatectomies and 4 (2%) tumorectomy or metastasectomy cases. After gross and microscopic examination, 170 (89.5%) cases had a diagnosis of cirrhosis, 85 (44.7%) hepatocellular carcinoma, 3 parasitic cyst, 7 metastasis, 1 hepatoblastoma, 1 hepatocellular adenoma, 2 cholangiocarcinoma, 2 Budd Chiari Syndrome, 1 focal nodular hyperplasia, 1 cavernous hemangioma, and 2 acute fulminant hepatitis. Among the hepatocellular carcinoma cases, 53 had Hepatitis B virus, 15 Hepatitis C virus , 3 Hepatitis B virus and Hepatitis C virus, and 3 Hepatitis B virus and Hepatitis delta virus etiology, while 6 were alcoholic and 4 were due to other causes. Among cirrhosis patients, 84 (49.4%) had hepatocellular carcinoma. The male to female ratio of hepatocellular carcinoma cases was 74/11. The mean age was 55 and the median age 56.7. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrated that the most common hepatic disorder was cirrhosis due to Hepatitis B virus in the hepatectomy specimens of our series that mostly consisted of total hepatectomies performed for transplantation where 50% had hepatocellular carcinoma. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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24. Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasia in Ectopic Pancreas Located in the Jejunum: Case Report.
- Author
BAŞSÜLLÜ, Nuray, TÜRKMEN, İlknur, YILMAZ, Mehmet, ƙOMUNOĞLU, Cem, and AYDIN, N. Engin
- Published
- 2011
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25. Retroperitoneal Malign Tümöre Benzeyen, Stromadan Zengin Varyant Castleman Hastaliği: Olgu Sunumu.
- Author
Başsüllü, Nuray, Türkmen, İlknur, Dirican, Abuzer, Calay, Zerrin, and Müslümanoğlu, Mahmut
- Published
- 2009
26. Klinikte Parsiyel Mol Hidatiform Tanisi Alan Plasental Mezenkimal Displazi: Olgu Sunumu.
- Author
Başsüllü, Nuray, Türkmen, İlknur, Huq, Gülben Erdem, Aydin, Övgü, Calay, Zerrin, and İşçi, Herman
- Published
- 2008
27. Dev Soliter Jejunal Divertikül Perforasyonu.
- Author
Dirican, Abuzer, Ünal, Bülent, Sümer, Fatih, Başsüllü, Nuray, Özgür, Dinçer, and Kirimlioğlu, Vedat
- Published
- 2009
28. What does the Data of 354,725 Patients from Turkey Tell Us About Cervical Smear Epithelial Cell Abnormalities? - The Epithelial Cell Abnormality Rate is Increasing - Quality Control Studies and Corrective Activity are Musts.
- Author
Türkmen İÇ, Usubütün A, Çakir A, Aydin Ö, Bolat FA, Akbulut M, Altinay S, Arici S, Aslan F, Astarci M, Bağir EK, Baş Y, Başsüllü N, Çelik B, Çetiner H, Çobanoğlu B, Aydin A, Demir H, Doğan HT, Eken KG, Erhan SŞ, Erdoğan G, Erdoğan KE, Eren F, Ersöz Ş, Firat P, Gürses İ, Haberal N, Kahraman DS, Kamali GH, Karabulut YY, Kefeli M, Koyuncuoğlu M, Köseoğlu RD, Müezzinoğlu B, Onal B, Önder S, Özcan Z, Kimiloğlu E, Özer H, Sönmez FC, Şahin S, Şahin N, and Yalta T
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Turkey epidemiology, Uterine Cervical Neoplasms diagnosis, Early Detection of Cancer standards, Medical Oncology standards, Quality Control, Uterine Cervical Neoplasms epidemiology, Vaginal Smears standards
- Abstract
Objective: There is no other screening program close to the success rate of PAP test. Cervical cytology constitutes a large workload so that quality control in cervical cytology is important for the quality assurance of pathology laboratories., Material and Method: In this study, we collected the cervical cytology results from all over Turkey and discussed the parameters influencing the quality of the PAP test. The study was conducted with Turkish gynaecopathology working group and 38 centers (totally 45 hospitals) agreed to contribute from 24 different cities. The study was designed to cover the cervical cytology results during 2013. The results were evaluated from the data based on an online questionnaire., Results: The total number of Epithelial Cell Abnormality was 18,020 and the global Epithelial Cell Abnormality rate was 5.08% in the total 354,725 smears and ranging between 0.3% to 16.64% among centers. The Atypical squamous cells /Squamous intraepithelial lesion ratios changed within the range of 0.21-13.94 with an average of 2.61. When the centers were asked whether they performed quality assurance studies, only 14 out of 28 centers, which shared the information, had such a control study and some quality parameters were better in these centers., Conclusion: There is an increase in the global Epithelial Cell Abnormality rate and there are great differences among centers. Quality control studies including the Atypical squamous cells/Squamous intraepithelial lesion ratio are important. Corrective and preventive action according to quality control parameters is a must. A cervical cytology subspecialist in every center can be utopic but a dedicated pathologist in the center is certainly needed.
- Published
- 2017
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29. Co-existence of BRAF V600E Gene Mutation in Tumor and Non-tumoral Surrounding Tissues in Colorectal Cancer.
- Author
Öztürk T, Toptaş-Hekimoğlu B, Eronat AP, Saygili N, Dağlar-Aday A, Başsüllü N, Türkmen I, Aydoğan HY, Bülbül G, Göksel S, Öztürk O, and Isbir T
- Subjects
- Aged, Amino Acid Substitution, Cell Transformation, Neoplastic metabolism, Colorectal Neoplasms metabolism, Colorectal Neoplasms pathology, Female, Genotype, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Grading, Neoplasm Invasiveness, Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf metabolism, Cell Transformation, Neoplastic genetics, Codon, Colorectal Neoplasms genetics, Mutation, Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf genetics
- Abstract
Background/aim: The murine sarcoma viral (V-Raf) oncogene homolog B (BRAF) V600E mutation, which increases protein kinase activity in BRAF-mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) - extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK) (mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)) signaling, is found in 5-40% of all colorectal carcinoma cases. Proteins with this mutation are reported to be 130-fold more active, which results in induced proliferation, differentiation, cellular survival, and angiogenesis. The aim of the present study was to investigate tumor tissues, together with the surrounding non-tumoral tissues, for BRAF mutation presence, which may be an indicator for possible recurrence or prognosis as in the 'field carcinogenesis' model., Materials and Methods: The BRAF V600E genotype of 152 colorectal adenocarcinoma paraffin-embedded specimens were determined by mutant-allele-specific amplification-polymerase chain reaction., Results: According to our results, the presence of BRAF mutation increases risk of lymph node invasion by 1.55-fold [χ(2)=3.83, p=0.05, odds ratio (OR)=1.55, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.00-2.42], histologically medium or high-grade tumor by 1.60-fold (χ(2)=4.34, p=0.030, OR=1.60, 95% CI=1.03-2.48), vascular invasion by 1.55-fold (χ(2)=3.55, p=0.05, OR=1.55, 95% CI=0.99-2.42), perineural invasion by 1.50-fold (χ(2)=3.16, p=0.07, OR=1.5, 95% CI=0.96-2.33) and the combination of these poor prognostic features by 1.54-fold (χ(2)=2.47, p=0.11, OR=1.54, 95% CI=0.93-2.53). We also found that females are more prone to having the mutation and that being female increases the risk of having this mutation by 1.54-fold (χ(2)=3.58, p=0.05, OR=1.54, 95% CI=0.97-2.44)., Conclusion: BRAF V600E mutation in non-tumoral surrounding tissue in patients with colorectal cancer may be used as a valuable marker to foresee clinical outcome or a possible recurrence. To our knowledge, this was the first study to take into consideration the non-tumoral surrounding tissues in addition to the tumor tissue., (Copyright © 2015 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. John G. Delinassios), All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2015
30. Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma of the vagina: A tumor, not previously reported at this site.
- Author
Güdücü N, Çoban İ, Başsüllü N, Gönenç G, and Aydınlı K
- Abstract
This report presents the first case of low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma (LGFMS) arising from the vaginal wall (a rare soft-tissue sarcoma of subfascial planes) and draws attention to differential diagnosis of masses arising from the vaginal wall. A patient presenting with abdominal pain to emergency department was diagnosed to have an ovarian mass filling the Douglas space. At laparoscopy, the origin of the mass was identified as the posterior vaginal wall. After vaginal excision of the gelatinous mass, pathologic diagnosis revealed a rare tumor, LGFMS. We discussed the differential diagnosis of vaginal LGFMS.
- Published
- 2014
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31. CDX2, COX2 and MUC2 expressions in Barrett's esophagus: can they be useful in determination of the dysplasia?
- Author
Türkmen IÇ, Başsüllü N, Uraz S, Yerdel MA, Memışoğlu R, and Bülbül Doğusoy G
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Barrett Esophagus diagnosis, Barrett Esophagus pathology, Biomarkers, Tumor analysis, CDX2 Transcription Factor, Cyclooxygenase 2 analysis, Disease Progression, Female, Homeodomain Proteins analysis, Humans, Immunohistochemistry, Male, Metaplasia diagnosis, Metaplasia pathology, Middle Aged, Mucin-2 analysis, Barrett Esophagus metabolism, Cyclooxygenase 2 biosynthesis, Goblet Cells metabolism, Homeodomain Proteins biosynthesis, Metaplasia metabolism, Mucin-2 biosynthesis
- Abstract
Objective: The description of Barrett's esophagus which is a risk factor for esophageal adenocarcinoma has differences, and the need of goblet cells for diagnosis is controversial. However, the pathophysiology in the metaplasia seen in Barrett's esophagus is not totally understood and new methods are searched for the assessment of progression to dysplasia. We aimed to search the immunohistochemical expression of CDX2, COX2 and MUC2 in Barrett's esophagus to detect any early evidence of intestinal metaplasia or dysplasia., Material and Method: The staining properties were examined in the intestinal metaplastic (goblet cell-containing columnar epithelium), columnar (non-goblet columnar epithelium), distant columnar (non-goblet columnar epithelium distant from intestinal metaplastic epithelium) and squamous epithelium in 59 pathologically diagnosed Barrett's esophagus, 22 of which having dysplasia. The results were compared statistically with Pearson and Fisher exact tests., Results: The distribution of the staining of intestinal metaplastic, non-goblet columnar distant columnar, and squamous epithelium, respectively were as follows: for CDX2 76.3%, 23.7%, 1.7%, 0%; for COX-2 93.2%, 47.5%, 8%, 62.9%; for MUC2 93.2%, 11.9%, 4% and 0%. The expression of CDX2, COX2 and MUC2 in the intestinal metaplastic epithelium was higher than the expression in distant and non-goblet columnar epithelium. The expression of CDX2, COX2 and MUC2 in the foci of dysplasia decreased significantly (18.2%, 27.3%, 31.9%, and p=0.039, 0.0001, 0.0001, respectively). COX2 expression in squamous epithelium was also lower when the adjacent mucosa has dysplasia (p=0.014)., Conclusion: The CDX2, COX2 and MUC2 expressions were seen in the intestinal epithelium having goblet cells. The use of the markers in the diagnosis is controversial but the difference in the Barrett esophagus-dysplasia sequence seems to be meaningful.
- Published
- 2012
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32. The expression of matrix metalloproteinases in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, hilar (Klatskin tumor), middle and distal extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, gallbladder cancer, and ampullary carcinoma: role of matrix metalloproteinases in tumor progression and prognosis.
- Author
Kirimlioğlu H, Türkmen I, Başsüllü N, Dirican A, Karadağ N, and Kirimlioğlu V
- Subjects
- Adenocarcinoma metabolism, Adenocarcinoma pathology, Ampulla of Vater enzymology, Ampulla of Vater pathology, Bile Duct Neoplasms pathology, Bile Ducts, Intrahepatic pathology, Cholangiocarcinoma pathology, Disease Progression, Gallbladder Neoplasms metabolism, Gallbladder Neoplasms pathology, Hepatic Duct, Common enzymology, Hepatic Duct, Common pathology, Humans, Immunohistochemistry, Klatskin Tumor metabolism, Klatskin Tumor pathology, Matrix Metalloproteinase 14 metabolism, Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 metabolism, Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 metabolism, Neoplasm Invasiveness, Prognosis, Bile Duct Neoplasms metabolism, Bile Ducts, Intrahepatic enzymology, Cholangiocarcinoma metabolism, Matrix Metalloproteinases metabolism
- Abstract
Background/aims: Carcinomas of the biliary tree are rare tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, with an increasing incidence in recent years. Biliary neoplasms are classified into intra- and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (Klatskin tumor, middle and distal extrahepatic tumors), gallbladder adenocarcinoma, and ampullary carcinoma. We aimed to determine the expression profile of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2, MMP-9 and MMP-14 in the biliary neoplasms classified according to their localization and the relation with the prognosis., Methods: Ten gallbladder adenocarcinoma, 8 distal bile duct carcinomas (distal cholangiocarcinoma), 8 Klatskin tumors, 8 intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas and 10 ampullary carcinomas were included in the study. The immunohistochemical expression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-14 was detected in the nontumoral, metaplastic, dysplastic and tumoral epithelia. The tumor differentiation, angiolymphatic and perineural invasion of the tumor, and presence of lymph node and distant metastasis were determined. Survey of the patients was noted from the patient follow-up data., Results: The nontumoral epithelia of the gallbladder, intrahepatic ducts, and Klatskin tumor did not express MMP-2. MMP-2 expression was detected in the distal part of the biliary ducts, in 75% (6/18) of cases and in the nontumoral epithelia of the ampullary region in 50% (5/10) of cases. The metaplastic and dysplastic epithelia were positively stained in all of the gallbladder adenocarcinoma, distal cholangiocarcinoma and ampullary tumors. In the intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, the hepatocytes were positively stained but the infiltrative tumors were spared. Klatskin tumors were also not stained with MMP-2. The gallbladder adenocarcinoma, distal cholangiocarcinoma and ampullary carcinomas expressed MMP-2 in 30%, 37% and 40% of the cases, respectively. MMP-9 and MMP-14 were expressed in normal, metaplastic, and dysplastic epithelium and tumoral cells in all of the cases of the groups. Expressions of MMPs were higher in subjects with neural invasion, but there was no correlation between MMP expression and tumor differentiation or angiolymphatic invasion., Conclusions: When tumors of the biliary system are divided as intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas, MMP-2 expression was present in the extrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas including gallbladder carcinomas. Like the intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, Klatskin tumors also did not express MMP-2. This can be related with its characteristic growth pattern. MMP-9 and MMP- 14 were present in metaplasia, dysplasia carcinoma sequence in all of the bile tract tumors, suggesting that MMPs play an important role in carcinogenesis. The higher expression of the MMPs with neural invasion suggests the significant role of those tumors in the invasion activity.
- Published
- 2009
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