17 results on '"Auxiliary troops"'
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2. Ciudad y estado en Celtiberia: cambio y transformación de las formaciones sociales en el Sistema Ibérico entre los siglos V-I a.C.
- Author
Bonilla Santander, Óscar
- Subjects
MILITARY reform ,ROMAN Republic, 510-30 B.C. ,CONSTANTS of integration ,AGRARIAN societies ,URBAN renewal ,WAR ,CARTHAGE (Extinct city) - Abstract
Copyright of Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar (RUHM) is the property of Centro de Estudios de la Guerra and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
3. Nuevas evidencias de la instalación campamental del siglo II aC en la colina de Empúries: las estructuras tardorrepublicanas documentadas en la ínsula 30
- Author
Tremoleda, Joaquim, Santos, Marta, Castanyer, Pere, and Hernández, Elisa
- Subjects
Ejército romano ,Empúries ,Pottery ,Amphorae ,Cerámica ,General Engineering ,Energy Engineering and Power Technology ,Tropas auxiliares ,Ánforas ,Auxiliary troops ,Tropes auxiliars ,Military installation ,Àmfores ,Instal·lació militar ,Instalación militar ,Exèrcit romà ,Ceràmica ,Roman army - Abstract
Cada vez son más numerosas las evidencias de la existencia de una instalación militar en la colina sobre la que posteriormente se fundó la ciudad romana de Emporiae. Se trata de un recinto fortificado, posterior a la presencia militar en la zona durante la época catoniana, cuyo inicio puede fecharse en torno a finales del primer cuarto o ya en los inicios del segundo cuarto del siglo II aC, cuando Empúries volvería a funcionar como puerto de llegada de tropas y de avituallamientos romanos. Esta instalación estuvo activa al menos durante medio siglo, probablemente en el contexto de las guerras celtibéricas (181-133 aC) y hasta finales del tercer cuarto del siglo II aC, momento en que dejó de usarse. La excavación de los niveles más profundos de la ínsula 30 ha aportado nuevos datos acerca de la identidad cultural ibérica de, al menos, una parte de los efectivos y, en menor medida, quizás también gala. Este hecho indica que la instalación pudo servir como lugar de reclutamiento de tropas auxiliares indígenas para reforzar las legiones romanas. Cada vegada són més nombroses les evidències de l'existència d'una instal·lació militar al turó sobre el qual posteriorment es va fundar la ciutat romana d'Emporiae. Es tracta d'un recinte fortificat, posterior a la presència militar a la zona durant l'època catoniana, l'inici de la qual pot datar-se entorn de finals del primer quart o ja als inicis del segon quart del segle II a. C., quan Empúries va tornar a funcionar com a port d'arribada de tropes i d'avituallaments romans. Aquesta instal·lació va estar activa almenys durant mig segle, probablement en el context de les guerres celtibèriques (181-133 a. C.) i fins a finals del tercer quart del segle II a. C., moment en què va deixar d'usar-se. L'excavació dels nivells més profunds de l'insula 30 ha aportat noves dades sobre la identitat cultural ibèrica d'almenys una part dels efectius i, en menor mesura, potser també gal·la. Aquest fet indica que la instal·lació va poder servir com a lloc de reclutament de tropes auxiliars indígenes per reforçar les legions romanes. There is growing evidence of the existence of a military installation on the hill on which the Roman city of Emporiae was later founded. It is a fortified enclosure subsequent to the military presence in the area during the Catonian era that dates from the end of the first quarter or the beginning of the second quarter of the second century BC, when Empúries would once again operate as a port for movement of Roman troops and supplies. This installation was active for at least half a century, probably during the Celtiberian Wars (181-133 BC), until the end of the third quarter of the second century BC, when it ceased to be used. Evidence from the deepest levels of the excavation of Insula 30 provide new information about the Iberian cultural identity of at least some of the troops and, to a lesser extent, the presence of Gallic individuals. This indicates that the installation could have served as a recruitment centre for indigenous auxiliary troops to reinforce the Roman legions.
- Published
- 2023
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4. Britain's Defence Strategy and her Home Defence Forces between the 17th and 19th Century.
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- Subjects
MILITARY strategy ,BRITISH military ,RECRUITING & enlistment (Armed Forces) - Abstract
Copyright of Military Science Review / Hadtudományi Szemle is the property of National University of Public Service and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
5. Inter-Ethnic War in Sonora: Indigenous Captains General and Cultural Change, 1740–1832
- Author
Bustos, José Marcos Medina, Bay, Ignacio Almada, Levin Rojo, Danna A., book editor, and Radding, Cynthia, book editor
- Published
- 2019
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6. Prva kohorta Belgâ i njeni pripadnici u ljubuškom kraju.
- Author
Marić, Almir
- Abstract
This paper analyzes monuments of the First Belgian cohort (cohors I Belgarum equitata) from the area of Ljubuški. Of all the cohorts that were settled in Humac, most registered monuments belong to the auxiliaries of this unit. Three officers are among them (centurion, decurion, signifer), and ordinary soldiers whose monuments are mostly fragmented with damaged inscription field. Four monuments of this kind were discovered. Besides these monuments, we analyzed votive monuments mentioning cohors I Belgarum equitata, such as monuments dedicated to Liber, Fortuna Augusta, Mithra and emperor's genius. We have found that these votive monuments are not adequately interpreted in the current scientific literature, and we offer a new reading. Also, paper discusses the question of marriage of Roman soldiers, as well as recruitment of local young men in the roman auxiliary troops. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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- Abstract
Within the context of the Ottoman irregular warfare experience in the Russo-Ottoman War of 1877-1878, this article focuses on the issue of Circassian immigrants' voluntary military service in the Ottoman army. This voluntary service shaped a specific relationship between Circassian immigrants and the Ottoman state, and this article aims to analyze the military and social dimensions of this relationship in a synthetic way. The article investigates why and how Circassian volunteers were employed as auxiliary troops in the Ottoman army and what sorts of roles they undertook during the war. The issue of voluntary military service is situated within a framework of an alliance that began to shape between Circassian immigrants and the Ottoman state during the war. On the one hand, the state sought possible ways of using this potentially anti-Russian population for military purposes, and, on the other hand, Circassians themselves regarded their voluntary support to the Ottoman army as a catalyst of their integration into their new homeland, a means of increasing their social status, and a promoter of their dialogue with the Ottoman state. However, this article does not take this alliance as taken-for-granted, but problematize it as a process of negotiation, in which Circassian immigrants also had a certain degree of agency vis-à-vis the state authority. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
8. Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart's Deutsche Chronik and the War of American Independence, 1774-1777.
- Author
Baer, Friederike
- Subjects
GERMAN participation in the American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783 ,GERMAN periodicals ,BRITISH colonies ,WAR in mass media ,EIGHTEENTH century - Abstract
This article examines coverage of Britain's conflict with the American colonies in Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart's popular German-language periodical Deutsche Chronik from March 1774 to the beginning of 1777. Schubart was an enthusiastic supporter of the revolutionary movement, which he thought could serve as a model for German-speaking Europeans. However, Britain's use of German troops against the Americans marked a turning point in the way the Chronik covered the conflict. It not only resulted in a significant increase in reports about American developments, but also compelled Schubart to introduce alternative interpretations of the Americans' struggle with Britain. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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9. Moesia und seine Truppen. Neue Diplome f��r Moesia und Moesia superior
- Author
Eck, Werner and Pangerl, Andreas
- Subjects
auxiliary troops ,constitutions of citizenship ,dipl��mes militaires ,B��rgerrechtskonstitutionen ,Romanisierung ,Milit��rdiplome ,Heer ,arm��e ,military diplomas ,Moesia superior ,constitution de droits civiques ,troupes auxiliaires ,M��sie sup��rieure ,Hilfstruppen ,romanisation ,military administration ,Milit��radministration ,Moesia ,army ,M��sie ,administration militaire - Abstract
Chiron, Bd. 38 (2008), Es werden insgesamt 20 neue Diplome publiziert, drei aus der Regierungszeit Vespasians fu��r die Truppen der ungeteilten Provinz Moesia, 17 aus der Zeit zwischen 100 und 157 fu��r die Truppen von Moesia superior. Die Diplome geben zahlreiche Einzelinformationen fu��r verschiedene Einheiten und deren Dislokation, datieren einige der schon bekannten Statthalter pr��ziser, geben auch die Namen einiger neuer Amtstr��ger. Daru��ber hinaus lassen die nunmehr sehr zahlreichen Diplome weit besser das Funktionieren der kaiserlichen Milit��radministration erkennen sowie die kontinuierliche Ausstellung von Bu��rgerrechtskonstitutionen.
- Published
- 2017
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10. Milit��rdiplome f��r Moesia (Moesia, Moesia superior, Moesia inferior)
- Author
Weiss, Peter
- Subjects
auxiliary troops ,constitutions of citizenship ,dipl��mes militaires ,B��rgerrechtskonstitutionen ,Romanisierung ,prosopography ,Milit��rdiplome ,Heer ,arm��e ,military diplomas ,Moesia superior ,constitution de droits civiques ,troupes auxiliaires ,M��sie sup��rieure ,Hilfstruppen ,romanisation ,military administration ,Prosopographie ,Milit��radministration ,Moesia ,army ,M��sie ,administration militaire - Abstract
Chiron, Bd. 38 (2008), Ver��ffentlicht werden Fragmente von 14 neuen Diplomen von Vespasian bis Antoninus Pius. Zu zwei weiteren werden Erg��nzungen vorgelegt. Manche der Konstitutionen sind neu, andere lassen sich nun besser erg��nzen und beurteilen. Neuigkeiten ergeben sich fu��r die Truppengeschichte M��siens und fu��r die Prosopographie der beiden hohen ordines. Die m��sischen Provinzen stehen mit dem in diesem Band vorgelegten Material nunmehr an der Spitze der Dokumentation der Auxiliarurkunden.
- Published
- 2017
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11. Soldados astures en las tropas auxiliares romanas
- Author
Santos Yanguas, Narciso Vicente and Santos Yanguas, Narciso Vicente
- Abstract
The Asturian soldiers who figured as auxiliary troops in the Roman army contributed to the conquest, organization, administration and romanization of different imperial provinces. Some of them are to be found in the Peninsular North, among troops under the control of legions established in the territory (the VII Gemina, from Vespasian onwards). These soldiers without rank accommodated themselves to the territory under the control of military units, and not only during their military life but also after their license, Los soldados astures que formaron parte de las tropas auxiliares del ejército romano contribuyeron a la conquista, organización, administración y romanización de las diversas provincias del Imperio. Algunos de ellos militarían en el Norte peninsular en cuerpos de tropas dependientes de las legiones establecidas en el mismo (a partir de Vespasiano de la VII Gemina). Estos soldados sin graduación condicionarían sus vidas al territorio controlado por las unidades militares no solo durante los años de su servicio militar sino también tras su licenciamiento.
- Published
- 2016
12. 'Notes on the Cults of National Numeri Stationed in the Danubian Provinces.' In L. Zerbini (ed.), Culti e religiosità nelle province danubiane, Bologna, 183-206
- Author
Bertolazzi, Riccardo
- Subjects
auxiliary troops ,Roman army ,Roman army, "national" numeri, auxiliary troops, Roman religion ,"national" numeri ,Roman religion - Published
- 2015
13. Ejército romano y urbanismo en territorio de los astures
- Author
Narciso Santos Yanguas
- Subjects
tropas auxiliares ,lcsh:Ancient history ,Ejército romano ,Native settlements of astures ,Centros de población indígena astur ,Campamentos permanentes y urbanización ,Historia antigua ,Permanent camps and urbanisation (canabae ,centros de población indígena astur ,Tropas auxiliares ,lcsh:D51-90 ,Auxiliary troops ,Legiones ,Urbanismo ,Legions ,legiones ,campamentos permanentes y urbanización ,lcsh:Archaeology ,Roman army ,lcsh:CC1-960 ,Urbanism ,Vici) ,ejército romano ,urbanismo - Abstract
The army became a key and fundamental factor in the process of assimilation of urban organization and Roman ways of life. Permanent camps, built up in order to garrison the army after the Astur-Cantabrian wars, contributed towards the urbanization of those communities living in the North-Western area of Hispania. The consequences derived from that process of urbanization are visible not only in the influence exercised by the army upon native settlements of the astures but in the birth and growth of urban centres around the camps in which legionary and auxiliary troops were garrisoned. En el proceso de asimilación de la organización urbana y las formas de vida romanas la institución militar se convertiría en uno de los factores básicos. Los campamentos estables, erigidos para dar acogida al ejército romano de ocupación al finalizar las guerras astur-cántabras, contribuirían a la urbanización de las comunidades del cuadrante nordoccidental hispano. Por ello las consecuencias de dicho proceso de urbanización se manifiestan no sólo a través de la influencia militar sobre los poblados indígenas de los astures sino también en el surgimiento de centros urbanos en torno a los campamentos, tanto de tropas legionarias como auxiliares.
- Published
- 2010
14. Oficiales galaicos en las tropas auxiliares romanas
- Author
Santos Yanguas, Narciso Vicente and Santos Yanguas, Narciso Vicente
- Abstract
The Callaeci enrolled as officers and subofficers among Roman auxiliary troops played a role in the conquest, organization, administration and romanization of different imperial provinces. Some of them are to be found in the Peninsular North among troops under the control of legions established in the said territory (basically the VII Gémina from Vespasian onwards). These auxiliary soldiers accommodated themselves to the territory under the control of military units during the time of their service and after their license., Los galaicos enrolados en las tropas auxiliares del ejército romano como oficiales y suboficiales contribuyeron a la conquista, organización, administración y romanización de las diversas provincias del Imperio. De la misma manera algunos de ellos militarían en el Norte peninsular en cuerpos de tropas dependientes de las legiones establecidas en el mismo (en especial la VII Gémina desde Vespasiano). Estos soldados auxiliares de cierto rango unirían sus vidas al territorio controlado por sus unidades militares durante los años de su servicio y tras su licenciamiento.
- Published
- 2013
15. Ejército romano y urbanismo en territorio de los astures
- Author
Santos Yanguas, Narciso and Santos Yanguas, Narciso
- Abstract
The army became a key and fundamental factor in the process of assimilation of urban organization and Roman ways of life. Permanent camps, built up in order to garrison the army after the Astur-Cantabrian wars, contributed towards the urbanization of those communities living in the North-Western area of Hispania. The consequences derived from that process of urbanization are visible not only in the influence exercised by the army upon native settlements of the astures but in the birth and growth of urban centres around the camps in which legionary and auxiliary troops were garrisoned., En el proceso de asimilación de la organización urbana y las formas de vida romanas la institución militar se convertiría en uno de los factores básicos. Los campamentos estables, erigidos para dar acogida al ejército romano de ocupación al finalizar las guerras astur-cántabras, contribuirían a la urbanización de las comunidades del cuadrante nordoccidental hispano. Por ello las consecuencias de dicho proceso de urbanización se manifiestan no sólo a través de la influencia militar sobre los poblados indígenas de los astures sino también en el surgimiento de centros urbanos en torno a los campamentos, tanto de tropas legionarias como auxiliares.
- Published
- 2010
16. Bretagne, Germanie, Danube : mouvements de troupes et priorités stratégiques sous le règne de Domitien
- Author
François Bérard
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,Domitien ,Germanie ,légions ,troupes auxiliaires ,vexillations ,frontière ,Danube ,Bretagne ,Art ,Classics ,Domitian ,Britain ,Germany ,the Danube ,legions ,auxiliary troops ,vexillationes ,frontier ,Humanities ,media_common - Abstract
Domitian's campaigns in Germany and on the Danube have been decried by ancient historians. A systematic and detailed study of troop movements at the frontiers makes it possible to reconsider the military policy of that emperor. For instance only vexillationes were displaced from Britain during the war against the Chattes, which no doubt weakened Agricola's potential, but only in a limited and provisional way. From Germany to the Danube the movements were more considerable, affecting whole units : thus were displaced the legions I and II Adiutrix, but the legion XIIII Gemina and the XXI Rapax are likely to have been transferred later, contrary to a hard dying tradition. The Pannonian army on the other hand was considerably reinforced by auxiliary troops from Britain. It was also from Britain that came most of the vexillationes legionaries or auxiliaries, sent to Pannonia. Such was notably the case with the troops under the command of the former primipiles C. Velius Rufus, contrary to what several recent studies assert. Finally, Domitian's achievement in military matters is characterized by a large resort to vexillationes, which foreshadows the wars of the late second century ; the settlement of the legions on the borders, a policy in which Domitian carries on Vespasian's work, and an uninterrupted development of auxiliary troops which, initiated under Vespasian, was carried on under Trajan. Domitian therefore appears to have pursued a coherent policy, which heralds that of Trajan and later of Hadrian., Les campagnes de Domitien en Germanie et sur le Danube sont décriées par les historiens anciens. L'étude systématique et détaillée des mouvements de troupes aux frontières permet de réévaluer la politique militaire de cet empereur. Ainsi de Bretagne ne furent déplacées, lors de la guerre des Chattes, que des vexillations, ce qui, certes, affaiblit le potentiel d'Agricola, mais seulement de façon limitée et provisoire. De la Germanie vers le Danube, les mouvements furent plus considérables, affectant des unités entières : ainsi furent déplacées les légions I et II Adiutrix , mais la légion XIIII Gemina et la XXI Rapax ne furent sans doute transférées que plus tard, contrairement à une tradition encore vivace. L'armée de Pannonie fut par ailleurs considérablement renforcée de troupes auxiliaires venues de Bretagne. C'est également de Bretagne que vint la majeure partie des vexillations, légionnaires ou auxiliaires, envoyées en Pannonie. Ce fut notamment le cas des troupes commandées par l'ancien primipile C. Velius Rufus, contrairement à ce que disent plusieurs études récentes. En définitive, l'œuvre de Domitien en matière militaire se caractérise par un large usage des vexillations, ce qui annonce les guerres de la fin du Ilème siècle, la fixation des légions aux frontières, domaine dans lequel Domitien poursuit l'œuvre de Vespasien, et un développement continu des troupes auxiliaires, développement qui, commencé sous Vespasien, se poursuivit sous Trajan. Domitien paraît donc avoir mené une politique cohérente, qui annonce celle de Trajan puis Hadrien., Bérard François. Bretagne, Germanie, Danube : mouvements de troupes et priorités stratégiques sous le règne de Domitien. In: Pallas, 40/1994. Les années Domitien. pp. 221-240.
- Published
- 1994
17. Moesia und seine Truppen II. Neue Diplome f��r Moesia, Moesia interior und Moesia superior
- Author
Eck, Werner and Pangerl, Andreas
- Subjects
auxiliary troops ,Danube provinces ,Kaiserzeit ,��poque imp��riale ,Milit��rdiplome ,M��sie inf��rieure ,military diploma ,Moesia superior ,M��sie sup��rieure ,troupes auxiliaires ,Moesia inferior ,imperial age ,arm��e romaine ,provinces danubiennes ,r��mische Armee ,Roman army ,Donauprovinzen ,Auxiliartruppen - Abstract
Chiron, Bd. 39 (2009), Es werden als Fortsetzung der Publikation im Chiron 38, 2008, insgesamt 23 neue Diplome ver��ffentlicht, n��mlich 17 fu��r die Truppen von Moesia inferior, fu��nf fu��r die von Moesia superior und eines fu��r eine unbestimmte Provinz. Anschlie��end werden einige sich aus der Gesamtu��berlieferung von Milit��rdiplomen fu��r die beiden Provinzen ergebende historische Fragen er��rtert.
- Published
- 1970
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