The presented paper copes with an experimental evaluation of a model based on modified Weibull size effect theory. Classical statistical Weibull theory was modified by introducing a new parameter (correlation length lp) representing the spatial autocorrelation of a random mechanical properties of material. This size effect modification was observed on two different materials used in civil engineering: unreinforced (plain) concrete and multi-filament yarns made of alkaliresistant (AR) glass which are used for textile-reinforced concrete. The behavior under flexural, resp. tensile loading was investigated by laboratory experiments. A high number of specimens of different sizes was tested to obtain statistically significant data which were subsequently corrected and statistically processed. Due to a distortion of the measured displacements caused by the unstiff experiment device, only the maximal load values were statistically evaluated. Results of the experiments showed a decreasing strength with an increasing sample length. Size effect curves were obtained and the correlation length was fitted according to measured data. Results did not exclude the existence of the proposed new parameter lp., {"references":["1] J. Kadˇerov´a, “Testov´an´ı statistick´eho vlivu velikosti pomoc´ı\nˇctyˇrbodov´eho ohybu (Experiments on statistical size effect in four point\nbent specimens),” Bachelor’s thesis, Institute of Structural Mechanics,\nFaculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Brno,\nCzech Republic, 2009.","\"Multi-filament yarns testing for textile-reinforced concrete,\"\nMaster's thesis, Institute of Structural Mechanics, Faculty of Civil\nEngineering, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic,\n2012.","W. Weibull, \"The phenomenon of rupture in solids,\" Royal Swedish\nInstitute of Engineering Research (Ingenioersvetenskaps Akad. Handl.),\nStockholm, vol. 153, pp. 1–55, 1939.","Z. P. Baˇzant, M. Voˇrechovsk´y, and D. Nov´ak, \"Asymptotic prediction\nof energetic-statistical size effect from deterministic finite element\nsolutions,\" Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), vol. 133, no. 2,\npp. 153–162, 2007.","Z. P. Baˇzant, S. D. Pang, M. Voˇrechovsk´y, and D. Nov´ak, \"Energeticstatistical\nsize effect simulated by SFEM with stratified sampling and\ncrack band model,\" International Journal for Numerical Methods in\nEngineering (Wiley), vol. 71, no. 11, pp. 1297–1320, 2007.","M. Voˇrechovsk´y, \"Incorporation of statistical length scale into Weibull\nstrength theory for composites,\" Composite Structures, vol. 92, no. 9,\npp. 2027–2034, 2010.","M. Voˇrechovsk´y and R. Chudoba, \"Stochastic modeling of multifilament\nyarns: II. Random properties over the length and size effect,\"\nInternational Journal of Solids and Structures (Elsevier), vol. 43, no.\n3-4, pp. 435–458, 2006.","M. Voˇrechovsk´y, \"Statistical alternatives of combined size effect on\nnominal strength for structures failing at crack initiation,\" in Probl´emy\nlomov´e mechaniky IV (Problems of Fracture Mechanics IV), M. Stibor,\nEd. Academy of Sciences - Institute of physics of materials of\nthe ASCR: Brno University of Technology, 2004, pp. 99–106, invited\nlecture.","R. Leadbetter, G. Lindgren, and H. Rootzen, Extremes and Related\nProperties of Random Sequences and Processes, ser. Springer Series\nin Statistics. Springer London, Limited, 2011. [Online]. Available:\n\n[10] H. Koide, H. Akita, and M. Tomon, \"Probability model of flexural\nresistance on different lengths of concrete beams,\" Applications of\nStatistics and Probability, Melchers & Stewards (eds), pp. 1053–1057,\n2000.\n[11] H. Daniels, \"The maximum of gaussian process whose mean path has\na maximum, with an application to the strength of bundles of fibres,\"\nAdvances in Applied Probability, vol. 21, pp. 315–333, 1945.\n[12] R. Smith, \"The asymptotic distribution of the strength of the seriesparallel\nsystem with equal load-sharing,\" Annals of Probability, vol. 10,\nno. 1, pp. 137–171, 1982.\n[13] R. Chudoba, M. Voˇrechovsk´y, V. Eckers, and T. Gries, \"Effect of twist,\nfineness, loading rate and length on tensile behavior of multifilament\nyarns (a multivariate study),\" Textile Research Journal (Sage), vol. 77,\nno. 11, pp. 880–891, 2007."]}