89 results on '"Atalić, Bruno"'
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2. Smrt na sjevernom Mediteranu na pragu trećeg milenija: obilježja mortaliteta na bakarskom i malološinjskom području.
- Author
Doričić, Robert and Atalić, Bruno
- Published
- 2024
3. Differences and similarities in the regulation of medical practice between early modern Vienna and Osijek
- Author
Atalic, Bruno
- Published
- 2012
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4. An unexpected position of the dialyses catheter during routine x-ray examination: a case of the double superior vena cava
- Author
Atalić, Bruno, Sabo, Goran, and Toth, Jurica
- Published
- 2013
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5. Tatjana Čulina, Povijesnomedicinski i javno-zdravstveni odrazi neravnomjernog gospodarskog razvitka Rijeke i okolice u XIX. stoljeću
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Abstract
Book Review/Prikaz knjige
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Atalić, Bruno, Lučin Atalić, Ana, Toth, Jurica, Atalić, Bruno, Lučin Atalić, Ana, and Toth, Jurica
- Abstract
Austrijski car i hrvatsko-ugarski kralj Franjo Josip I. (1830./1848. – 1916.) bio je najdugo-vječniji habsburški vladar. U sklopu njegovih posjeda nalazio se i Osijek koji od 1809. uživa status slobodnoga kraljevskoga grada. U promatranome razdoblju sjedište je Virovitičke žu-panije i prijestolnica Kraljevine Slavonije do njezina uklapanja u Trojednu Kraljevinu Hr-vatsku, Slavoniju i Dalmaciju nakon Hrvatsko-ugarske nagodbe 1868. Zbog toga Osijek čini ne samo političko, gospodarsko i kulturno već i zdravstveno središte. Na početku vladavine Franje Josipa I. u njemu djeluju dvije bolnice: vojna u baroknoj vojnoj utvrdi Tvrđi i civilna u Novome gradu. Najznačajniju ulogu u daljnjemu razvoju osječkoga i slavonskog zdravstva ima zaklada osnovana 1806. iz ostavština gostioničara Johanna Kolhoffera, kožara Josefa Huttlera i isusovca Cristiana Monspergera. Iako je prvotno bila namijenjena osnivanju si-rotišta, zbog brojnih nepogodnih političkih okolnosti, zaklada, uz do tada glavnici višestruko pripisane kamate, pod upravu grada dolazi tek 1867. Novcem iz nje se tada uz sirotište zavr-šeno 1868. podiže i nova osječka bolnica otvorena 1874. Huttler-Kohlhoffer-Monspergerova zakladna bolnica bila je najveća i najmodernija bolnica u Trojednoj Kraljevini, a njezina je zgrada, unatoč kasnijim izgradnjama različitih bolničkih odjela, do danas ostala najrepre-zentativnija građevina u sklopu Kliničkoga bolničkog centra Osijek., The Austrian emperor and the Croat-Hungarian king Franz Joseph I (1830/1848-1916) was the longest-serving ruler of the Habsburg dynasty. Among his properties was Osijek, which since 1809 enjoyed the status of a free royal city. In the period under review, it was the seat of the Virovitica County and the capital of the Kingdom of Slavonia until its incorporation into the Triune Kingdom of Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia after the Croat-Hungarian settlement of 1868. Because of this, Osijek was not only a political, economic and cultural centre but also a health care centre. At the beginning of the reign of Franz Joseph I, two hospitals were operating in it: a military one in the baroque military garrison Tvrđa and a civilian one in New Town. The most significant role in the further development of the Osijek and Slavonian health care was played by the trust established in 1806 from the legacies of innkeeper Johann Kolhoffer, tanner Josef Huttler and Jesuit Cristian Monsperger. Altho-ugh originally intended for the establishment of an orphanage, due to a number of unfavo-urable political circumstances, the trust, until then with multiple interests attributed to the principal, came under the administration of the city of Osijek only in 1867. Along with the new orphanage opened in 1874, a new hospital was completed as well in 1868, also with the money from the trust. Huttler-Kohlhoffer-Monsperger Foundation Hospital was the largest and most modern hospital in the Triune Kingdom, and despite later constructions of various hospital wards, its building has remained the most representative building within the Clini-cal-Hospital Centre Osijek.
- Published
- 2021
7. Nobelove nagrade u kliničkoj radiologiji
- Author
Atalić, Bruno, Atalić, Bruno, and Buterin, Toni
- Subjects
klinička radiologija ,povijest medicine ,Nobelova nagrada ,Alfred Nobel ,Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen - Abstract
Nobelove nagrade dodjeljuju se od 1901. godine od kamata glavnice, koju je s tom svrhom u obliku zaklade utemeljio izumitelj dinamita, švedski kemičar Alfred Nobel. Discipline za koje se dodjeljuju su fizika, kemija, medicina i fiziologija, književnost te mir, a počevši s kasnijim datumom ekonomija. Već prilikom prve dodjele navedene 1901. godine, Nobelovu nagradu za fiziku primio je njemački fizičar Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen za svoje otkriće X zraka 8. studenoga 1895. godine, što se smatra utemeljenjem suvremene medicinske discipline kliničke radiologije. Uslijedila su daljnja brojna otkrića, primjerice kompjutorizirane tomografije odnosno magnetske rezonancije, koja su značajno unaprijedila kliničku radiološku dijagnostiku. Na tome tragu bit će osvijetljeni i drugi dobitnici Nobelove nagrade za otkrića i izume vezane za specijalnost kliničke radiologije, bit će analizirana područja njihovih znanstvenih istraživanja iz kojih su i dobili navedene nagrade (fizika, kemija, medicina i fiziologija) te će biti evaluiran njihov utjecaj na razvoj kliničke radiologije.
- Published
- 2019
8. Primjena niskodoznih kompjutoriziranih tomografskih pregleda u pedijatrijskoj radiologiji
- Author
Atalić, Bruno, Veljković Vujaklija, Danijela, Jurković, Slaven, Balić, Mirko, Roić, Goran, and Miletić, Damir
- Subjects
thorax ,toraks ,niskodozni CT ,low dose CT ,muskuloskeletni sustav ,abdomen ,glava ,pedijatrijska radiologija ,BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Kliničke medicinske znanosti. Pedijatrija ,head ,musculoskeletal system ,BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Clinical Medical Sciences. Radiology ,pediatric radiology ,BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Clinical Medical Sciences. Pediatrics ,BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Kliničke medicinske znanosti. Radiologija - Abstract
Due to their small size, numerous cellular divisions of the still growing and developing tissues and organs, as well as a longer life expectancy, children are approximately three times more sensitive to the same doses of ionizing radiation than adults. This is especially the case with the computerized tomography (CT) examinations, which despite making only 17 % of the ionizing radiological examinations, account for as much as 49 % of the total patient irradiation. Because of this, the Image Gently campaign in the early 2010s was thinking about abandoning the CT examinations in pediatric radiology and replacing them with the ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging as the methods of choice. The appearance of Flash CT technology, which simultaneously shortens the recording time and reduces radiation doses, has led to the abandonment of this way of thinking. This is also supported by the fact that, on the one hand, CT examinations are practically irreplaceable in the cases of trauma, while on the other hand, children, as well as members of all the other age groups, are constantly exposed to a smaller or larger amount of the environmental ionizing radiation (Earth, space, airplanes). In this sense, it is increasingly recommended to use the low dose CT (LDCT) techniques individually adapted to each patient, due to their small amount of ionizing radiation. On this track, we have tried to make a review of the latest findings on the mentioned problem based on the scientific papers published over the past three years (2016-2018). They show that the CT examinations are not only abandoned in the pediatric radiology, but that on the contrary, in the cases of numerous indications LDCT examinations make the gold standard., jeca su zbog svoje male veličine, brojnih staničnih dioba još uvijek rastućih i razvijajućih tkiva i organa, kao i dužeg očekivanog životnog vijeka, otprilike tri puta osjetljivija na iste doze ionizirajućeg zračenja od odraslih. To je posebno izraženo kod pregleda kompjutoriziranom tomografijom (engl. computerized tomography, CT) koji, iako čine samo 17 % ionizirajućih radioloških pregleda, sudjeluju s čak 49 % u ukupnom ozračivanju pacijenata. Zbog toga se pod utjecajem kampanje Image Gently početkom 2010-ih godina razmišljalo o potpunom napuštanju CT pregleda u pedijatrijskoj radiologiji te njihovoj zamjeni ultrazvučnim odnosno pregledima učinjenim magnetskom rezonancijom kao metodama izbora. Pojava Flash CT tehnike koja istovremeno skraćuje vrijeme snimanja i smanjuje doze zračenja dovela je do odustajanja od toga. Tome u prilog išle su i činjenice da su s jedne strane CT pregledi praktički nezamjenjivi u slučajevima trauma, dok su s druge strane djeca, kao uostalom i pripadnici svih drugih dobnih skupina, neprestano izložena manjoj ili većoj količini pozadinskog ionizirajućeg zračenja (Zemlja, svemir, zrakoplovi). U tome smislu danas se sve više preporučuje uporaba low dose CT (LDCT) tehnika individualno prilagođenih svakom pacijentu zbog njihove manje količine ionizirajućeg zračenja. Na tome putu nastojali smo napraviti pregled najnovijih spoznaja o spomenutoj problematici na temelju znanstvenih radova objavljenih u protekle tri godine (2016. – 2018.). Oni pokazuju da CT pregledi ne samo da nisu napušteni u pedijatrijskoj radiologiji, već naprotiv, u slučajevima brojnih indikacija LDCT pregledi čine zlatni standard.
- Published
- 2020
9. Evaluation of the sagittal spine curvatures in the supine patients
- Author
Atalić, Bruno, Ružić Baršić, Antonija, and Gudelj, Lea
- Subjects
musculoskeletal diseases ,sense organs ,X ray ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,Spine - Abstract
Objective: Providing suggestions for the evaluation of the sagittal spine curvatures in the supine patients because the sagittal spine curvatures are usually analyzed only in the erect patients.Methods:196 patients had their sagittal spine curva-tures analyzed in a retrospective study on both the standard X rays done in the erect position and on the native MR scans done in the supine position during the six months period, between the 1st January and the 30th June 2019, on the So-matom Avanto, Erlangen 1, 5 T machine at the Department of Radiology of the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka. Harrison’s posterior tangential method was used for the evaluation of the sagittal spine curvatures due to its lesser standard mis-take and a greater measurement precision than the Cobb’s method.Results:In the cervical spines there were no significant changes in the patients with hyperlodoses and kyphoses, lesser changes were seen in the patients with hypolordoses and applanations, while the greatest changes were in the patients with normolordoses. The smallest changes overall were observed in the thoracic spines. Regarding the lum-bar spines there were again no significant changes in the patients with hyperlordoses and kyphoses, lesser changes were seen in the patients with hypolordoses and applana-tions, while the greatest changes were observed in the pa-tients with normolordoses.Conclusion:In the supine patients the sagittal spine cu-rvatures could with a certainty be assessed in the cases of thoracic spines and lumbar normolordoses as well as in the cervical and lumbar hyperlordoses and pathological kyphoses.
- Published
- 2020
10. Medicina u Osijeku u doba Franje Josipa I.
- Author
Atalić, Bruno, primary, Lučin Atalić, Ana, additional, and Toth, Jurica, additional
- Published
- 2021
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11. Application of low dose computed tomography protocols in pediatric radiology
- Author
Atalić, Bruno, primary, Miletić, Damir, additional, Roić, Goran, additional, Balić, Mirko, additional, Jurković, Slaven, additional, and Veljković Vujaklija, Danijela, additional
- Published
- 2020
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12. Svetci zaštitnici protiv epidemija kuge
- Author
Atalić, Bruno, primary
- Published
- 2019
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13. Svetci zaštitinici protiv epidemija kuge – analiza primjera iz sakralnih baština Rijeke i Osijeka
- Author
Atalić, Bruno, Atalić, Bruno, and Buterin, Toni
- Subjects
Rijeka ,Osijek ,epidemije kuge ,Hrvatska ,Habsburška Monarhija ,svetci zaštitnici - Abstract
Epidemije kuge su u kolektivnoj svijesti do današnjih dana ostale zapamćene kao najsmrtonosnije. Zbog toga ne iznenađuje što tijekom povijesti odgovori na njih nisu bili samo medicinske već i religijske prirode. Isti se u ovoj studiji nastoje iščitati kroz kultove svetaca zaštitinika protiv epidemija kuge koji su se razvili u dva hrvatska grada komparabilne veličine, Rijeci i Osijeku, no dijametralno suprotnih zemljopisnih položaja te u skladu s time i prilično različitih povijesnih razvoja. S jedne strane, nastojat će se prikazati što iscrpniji pregled razvoja kultova različitih svetaca prisutnih u navedenim gradovima. S druge strane, na temelju prikaza istih u sakralnim baštinama tih gradova nastojat će se rasvijetliti širi kontekst vremena i prostora u kojima su se oni razvijali. Pri tome će osobita pozornost biti posvećena njihovim medicinskim konotacijama.
- Published
- 2018
14. Emanuel Edward Klein—The Father of British Microbiology and the Case of the Animal Vivisection Controversy of 1875
- Author
Atalić, Bruno and Fatović-FerenčIć, Stella
- Published
- 2009
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- Author
Škrobonja, Anton and Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
Leonardo da Vinci ,anatomija ,renesansna medicina ,Anatomy, Renaissance medicine, Leonardo da Vinci ,BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Temeljne medicinske znanosti. Povijest medicine i biomedicinskih znanosti ,Anatomy ,Renaissance medicine ,BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Basic Medical Sciences. History of Medicine and the Biomedical Sciences - Abstract
Ovaj prikaz posvećen je spomenu na petstotu obljetnicu smrti Leonarda da Vincija (Vinci kraj Firence, Italija, 15. travnja 1452. – Cloux Castle, Francuska, 2. svibnja 1519.), najvećega umjetnika renesanse i jednog od najvećih umjetnika uopće. Iz njegove neprocjenjive umjetničke i znanstvene baštine za ovu je prigodu izabran tek malen dio posvećen istraživanju prirode. U tome, po mnogima najznačajnije, mjesto zauzimaju anatomski crteži kao trajno svjedočanstvo njegova zanimanja za anatomiju i medicinu općenito. O toj je temi tijekom proteklih petsto godina puno toga izrečeno i napisano. Tragom brojnih bibliografskih izvora, ovdje je, uz nekoliko kratkih reminescencija, odabrano nekoliko najdojmljivijih crteža koji, svaki za sebe, najbolje svjedoče o genijalnom umu velikoga Leonarda, s pravom nazvanoga uomo universale., This editorial is dedicated to a commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci (Vinci near Florence, April 15, 1452 - Cloux Castle, France, May 2, 1519) - the greatest Renaissance artist and one of the greatest artists in general. From his invaluable artistic and scientific heritage, only a small part dedicated to the exploration of the Nature was selected for this occasion. In this part, according to many, the most significant place is dedicated to his anatomical drawings as a lasting testament to his interest in anatomy and medicine in general. Much has been said and written about this topic over the past 500 years. While searching through numerous bibliographic sources, several of the most impressive drawings have been selected for this occasion, with a few short reminiscences, which bear the most impressive testimony to the brilliant mind of the great Leonardo, rightfully called uomo universale.
- Published
- 2019
16. John G Raffensperger’s Books: A Surgeon’s Lessons: Learned and Lost and Children’s Surgery: A Worldwide History
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
children’s surgery ,medical education ,surgery - Abstract
American specialist of children’s surgery, John G Raffensperger, has recently published his newest book entitled A Surgeon’s Lessons: Learned and Lost (1). It presents the author’s autobiography from his graduate medical studies until his retirement, spanning more than 50 years. It is an easy and interesting read of 213 pages that is at the same time full of useful facts and life advice.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec, history of medicine, 19th century, stethoscope, scientific revolution, clinic, hospital medicine, Paris ,humanities - Abstract
Although stethoscope was invented by French physician René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec (1781-1826) in 1816, its wider clinical application started only after the publication of his book entitled De l’Auscultation Médiate ou Traité, du Diagnostic des Maladies des Poumons et du Coeur in 1819. Its invention coincided with the development of the ‘hospital medicine’ in the post-revolutionary Paris during the first quarter of the 19th century. It has enabled then contemporary physicians to explain the correlation between the patient symptoms and the clinical findings and thus has helped the shift from the humoral pathology towards the solitary pathology.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Atalić, Bruno and Škrobonja, Ante
- Subjects
anatomija ,renesansna medicina ,Leonardo da Vinci - Abstract
Ovaj prikaz posvećen je spomenu na petstotu obljetnicu smrti Leonarda da Vincija (Vinci kraj Firence, Italija, 15. travnja 1452. – Cloux Castle, Francuska, 2. svibnja 1519.), najvećega umjetnika renesanse i jednog od najvećih umjetnika uopće. Iz njegove neprocjenjive umjetničke i znanstvene baštine za ovu je prigodu izabran tek malen dio posvećen istraživanju prirode. U tome, po mnogima najznačajnije, mjesto zauzimaju anatomski crteži kao trajno svjedočanstvo njegova zanimanja za anatomiju i medicinu općenito. O toj je temi tijekom proteklih petsto godina puno toga izrečeno i napisano. Tragom brojnih bibliografskih izvora, ovdje je, uz nekoliko kratkih reminescencija, odabrano nekoliko najdojmljivijih crteža koji, svaki za sebe, najbolje svjedoče o genijalnom umu velikoga Leonarda, s pravom nazvanoga uomo universale.
- Published
- 2019
19. Dr. Lujo pl. Thaller – utemeljitelj hrvatske povijesti medicine
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
dr. Lujo pl. Thaller ,Podunavski Švabe ,povijest medicine - Abstract
U radu autor sažeto prikazuje život i djelovanje liječnika Luje pl. Thallera, koji je više od 30 godina radio u bolnici Milosrdnih sestara u Zagrebu, i to prvo kao pomoćni liječnik, zatim primarni liječnik plućnoga odjela od 1919. do 1922. te konačno kao šef interne klinike od 1927. do 1941. godine. Kao dugogodišnji honorarni nastavnik predavao je povijest medicine na zagrebačkome Medicinskome fakultetu, a od 1943. do 1945. kao redoviti profesor povijesti medicine. Osobito je izučavao antičku i srednjovjekovnu medicinu te narodnu medicinu u Hrvatskoj. Autor navodi da je 1938. godine organizirao međunarodni kongres iz povijesti medicine u Zagrebu, Beogradu, Sarajevu i Dubrovniku te ga se zbog toga kao i zbog drugih doprinosa smatra utemeljiteljem hrvatske povijesti medicine.
- Published
- 2018
20. 200th birth anniversary of Ignatius Philipp Semmelweis
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
Ignaz Phillip Semmelweis ,puerperalna sepsa ,porodništvo ,Ignaz Phillip Semmelweis, puerperalna sepsa, porodništvo ,puerperal sepsis ,Obstetrics - Abstract
Ignaz Phillip Semmelweis značajan je za povijest medicine zbog svojeg otkrića uzroka puerperalne sepse, do kojega je došao tijekom rada na Prvoj porodničkoj klinici bečke Allgemeines Krankenhaus. Budući da je ta klinika, koju su vodili liječnici, imala puno veću smrtnost rodilja od Druge porodničke klinike, koju su vodile babice, želio je utvrditi uzroke takva stanja. Došao je do zaključka da puerperalnu sepsu prenose sami liječnici i studenti medicine budući da su nakon obavljanja anatomskih sekcija odlazili izvoditi porođaje, pri čemu su ruke najčešće prali samo sapunom. Semmelweis je umjesto toga predložio obvezatno pranje ruku u otopini kalij-hipoklorita, čime je smrtnost na Prvoj izjednačio sa smrtnošću na Drugoj porodničkoj klinici. Unatoč tome, njegovo je otkriće naišlo na odbacivanje etabliranih medicinskih krugova., Ignaz Phillip Semmelweis’s significance for the history of medicine lies in his discovery of the cause of puerperal fever. He discovered it during his work at the First Obstetrics Clinic of the Vienna’s Allgemeines Krankenhaus. Since the mentioned Clinic, led by the doctors, had much higher mortality rates of the child-bearing women than the Second Obstetrics Clinic, led by the midwives, he wanted to determine the causes of such a state. He came to the conclusion that puerperal sepsis was transmitted by the doctors and medical students, who after performing the anatomical sections started to perform the births with their hands beforehand washed only with soap. Semmelweis instead proposed a mandatory hand washing in a potassium-hypochlorite solution thus making the mortality at the First equivalent to the mortality at the Second Obstetrics Clinic. Despite this, his discovery was rejected by the established medical circuits.
- Published
- 2018
21. Subdural Hematoma vs. Brain Tumor: the importance of contrast application in the brain examination performed by the computerized tomography
- Author
Borovac, Mateo, Atalić, Bruno, Javoran, Dragan, and Madunić, Mateo
- Subjects
brain tumor ,sub-acute subdural hematoma (SASDH) ,computerized tomography (CT) ,contrast media ,headache - Abstract
Aim: to give new evidences for proving of the importance of the contrast media application in the brain examination performed by the computerized tomography. Case Presentation: during a routine native examination of brain preformed with the computerized tomography of a patient suffering from the chronic headache and negating the experience of the previous trauma, the extensive edema of the brain tissue in the left frontal part of his brain with the contralateral displacement of the medio- sagittal structures was described, which according to its characteristics corresponded to a brain tumor and in the accordance with the established practice the intravenous contrast media application was performed. Subsequently there was no opacification of the mass, which would be typical for a tumor, while at the same time the extra axial formation which was previously isodense with the surrounding brain tissue was visualized, which suggested a diagnosis of the sub-acute subdural hematoma of an no traumatic cause. This was further confirmed after the neurosurgical operation during which craniotomy was performed in order to evacuate the mentioned hematoma. Conclusion: the above presented case report shows that the native brain examination performed by the computerized tomography is not enough for providing a final diagnosis, but could even point the radiologist in the wrong direction, which is why the contrast media application should be implemented in all unclear cases despite its potentially advers effects such as allergic reactions.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
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PHYSICIANS , *RELIGIOUS identity , *HISTORY of medicine , *CALIPHATE ,SILK Road - Abstract
Ibn Sina, better known to the Western medical historians by his Latin nickname Avicenna, is considered the third most important physician in medical history, along with the Greek physician Hippocrates and the Roman physician Galen. He was born around 980 in Afshona near Bukhara on the Silk Road in present-day Uzbekistan and died in 1037 in Hamadan near Tehran in present-day Iran. Among his greatest contributions to the development of medicine is his work entitled The Canon of Medicine, in which he summarized all the previous medical knowledge, which is why it has been used for centuries as a basic medical textbook. In recent times, in connection with the controversy over the naming of the medieval caliphate medicine, with the aim of formulating an inclusive term, which would not emphasize any involved group to the detriment of the others, paradoxically in the focus of the research of the in it interested historians of medicine, instead of the achievements of the individual doctors from the mentioned era, came the determination of their ethnic and religious affiliation, including Avicenna’s, all the more so because he came from the disputed area of the conflicts between different nations and opposing religions. In doing so, scientific discussions are increasingly joined by the erection of the representative architectural structures in the places related to the individual doctors, one of which is the representative Avicenna Museum in Afshona. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
23. Holy Trinity monument in the city of Osijek
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
kuga ,kužni pil ,Osijek ,Habsburška Monarhija ,Hrvatska ,XVIII. stoljeće ,plague ,plague column ,Habsburg Monarchy ,Croatia ,18th century - Abstract
Kuga je bila jedna od najsmrtonosnijih epidemijskih bolesti XVIII. stoljeća. Odgovori na nju nisu bili samo medicinski već i religijski. Dobar je primjer toga spomenik Presvetoga Trojstva u gradu Osijeku što ga je u baroknome stilu između 1729. i 1730. dala podići udovica generala Maksimilijana Petraša koji je preminuo tijekom epidemije kuge 1728. Njegova se izgradnja može protumačiti kao izraz katoličke obnove pa se u tome smislu spomenik može percipirati kao simbol uspješnog uvođenja habsburških rekatolizacijskih vjerskih mjera u Osijek i Slavoniju nakon njihova oslobođenja od Osmanlija, ali i i kao kontinuitet teurgičkoga razumijevanja medicine i kao znak neuspješnog uvođenja habsburških prosvijećenih zdravstvenih mjera. Pregledom arhivske građe i analizom samoga spomenika, rad nastoji razjasniti spomenute suprotnosti., Plague was one of the most deadly epidemic diseases of the Baroque period. Responses to it were not only medical, but religious as well. A good example of the latter is the Most Holy Trinity monument in the city of Osijek, which was in the 18th century the biggest town of the Kingdom of Slavonia and today is the regional centre in the Republic of Croatia. The monument was erected between 1729 and 1730 on the main square of the Osijek military fortress Tvrđa by the widow of the General Maksimilijan Petraš who died during the 1728 plague epidemic. Inscription on it implores the mercy of God as a protection against plague. Its foundation could be also interpreted as a part of the Catholic Revival, which was implemented by the Habsburgs in Osijek and Slavonia after their liberation from the Ottomans. But although, on the one hand, it could be interpreted as a symbol of the successful implementation of the Habsburg unifying religious policies due to its strong resemblance with the similar columns throughout the Habsburg Monarchy, on the other hand, it represented a continuation of the theurgic understanding of medicine, which could be interpreted as the failure of the Habsburg enlightened medical policies. Thus the archival documents from the Osijek State Archive together with the Osijek plague column itself were analysed with the aim of explaining the above mentioned ambiguities.
- Published
- 2017
24. Dr. Lujo pl. Thaller
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
dr. Lujo pl. Thaller ,Podunavski Švabe ,povijest medicine - Abstract
Lujo Thaller je rođen u Osijeku 1891. godine u obitelji dr. Emanuela Huga pl. Thallera (1852. – 1921.), koji je od starijeg brata Vatroslava naslijedio zaslužno ugarsko plemstvo i Adilije rođene Amruš (1853. – 1923.), inače sestre zagrebačkoga gradonačelnika dr. Milana Amruša. Otac mu je po zanimanju bio pravnik, a radio je kao sudbeni auskultator u Požegi, Donjem Miholjcu i Našicama i naposlijetku sudbeni vijećnik u Osijeku te je bio vijećnik kraljevskog banskog stola i kraljevski septimver u Zagrebu. Obitelj Thaller je podrijetlom bila iz Tirola, a njezin rodonačelnik Paul Joseph Thaller je doselio u Požegu 1766. godine, gdje je radio kao kemičar i ljekarnik te je bio utemeljitelj pošte. Lujin je stariji brat Milan Thaller također bio liječnik te je radio kao šef poliklinike i profesor higijene te predsjednik Crvenog križa u Požegi. Lujo je završio osnovnu školu i prvi razred gimnazije u Osijeku te gornjogradsku klasičnu gimnaziju u Zagrebu. Potom je pohađao studij medicine u Pragu od 1909. godine i Beču do 13. rujna 1914. godine kada je diplomirao s pohvalama zbog čega je od cara i kralja Franje Josipa dobio prsten za uspjeh. 1916. godine u Zagrebu je upisao IV. i V. semestar mudroslovlja te je 31. srpnja 1917. godine postao doktor filozofije iz prirodoslovnih znanosti. Iste godine se učlanio u Zbor liječnika Hrvatske. Preko trideset godina je radio u bolnici Milosrdnih sestara u Zagrebu, prvo kao pomoćni liječnik, zatim kao primarni liječnik te konačno kao šef interne klinike od 1927. do 1938. godine. Usporedno je godinama kao honorarni nastavnik predavao povijest medicine na zagrebačkom medicinskom fakultetu da bi od 1943. do 1945. godine bio redoviti profesor povijesti medicine. Osobito je izučavao antičku i srednjovjekovnu medicinu te medicinski folklor u Hrvatskoj na temelju čega je 1928. godine izdao knjigu pod naslovom Povijest medicine u Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji od godine 1770. do 1850. Sudjelovao je na međunarodnim kongresima povijesti medicine u Bukureštu 1932. godine i Madridu 1935. godine po uzoru na koje je organizirao je međunarodni kongres iz povijesti medicine u Zagrebu, Beogradu, Sarajevu i Dubrovniku 1938. godine. Tom prigodom je iste godine izdao prvi udžbenik iz povijesti medicine na hrvatskom jeziku pod naslovom Od vrača i čarobnjaka do modernog liječnika. Zbog svega navedenoga s pravom se smatra utemeljiteljem hrvatske povijesti medicine. Bio je u braku s Martom Vrbanić (1891. – 1975.), kćerkom sveučilišnog profesora šumarstva iz Fužina, s kojom je imao troje djece: Martu te Luju i Tatjanu također liječnike. Preminuo je u Zagrebu sa svega 58 godina 23. rujna 1949. godine te je sahranjen na Mirogoju. 1999. godine postavljena je spomen ploča na njegovu domu u Prolazu Đure Deželića broj 32 u Zagrebu.
- Published
- 2017
25. Spomenik Presvetoga Trojstva u osječkoj Tvrđi
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
kuga ,kužni pil ,Osijek ,Habsburška Monarhija ,Hrvatska ,XVIII. stoljeće - Abstract
Kuga je bila jedna od najsmrtonosnijih epidemijskih bolesti 18. stoljeća. Odgovori na nju nisu bili samo medicinski, već i religijski. Dobar primjer spomenutoga je spomenik Presvetoga Trojstva u gradu Osijeku, koji je u baroknome stilu između 1729. i 1730. godine dala podići udovica generala Maksimilijana Petraša, a koji je preminuo tijekom epidemije kuge 1728. godine. S jedne strane, njegova izgradnja može se protumačiti kao izraz Katoličke Obnove, pa se u tome smislu spomenik može percipirati kao simbol uspješnoga uvođenja habsburških rekatolizacijskih vjerskih mjera u Osijek i Slavoniju nakon njihovoga oslobođenja od Osmanlija. Međutim, s druge strane, isto se može percipirati kao kontinuitet teurgičkoga razumijevanja medicine, pa se na tome putu može protumačiti kao znak neuspješnoga uvođenja habsburških prosvijećenih zdravstvenih mjera. U tome kotekstu, pregledom arhivske građe i analizom samoga spomenika, rad nastoji razjasniti spomenute suprotnosti.
- Published
- 2016
26. Prevalencija i incidencija razvojnog poremećaja kuka kod donošene novorođenčadi tijekom desetogodišnjeg razdoblja od 2004. do 2013. godine
- Author
Čubelić, Sandra and Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
poremećaj kuka, razvojni ,neonatalni skrining ,ultrasonografija - Abstract
S obzirom na to da je razvojni poremećaj kuka najčešća prirođena deformacija lokomotornog sustava, cilj rada je bio utvrditi incidenciju i prevalenciju različitih stupnjeva prirođenog iščašenja kukova prema Grafu u novorođenčadi tijekom desetogodišnjeg razdoblja od 2004. do 2013. godine. Svoj novorođenoj djeci tijekom desetogodišnjeg razdoblja od 2004. do 2013. godine obavljen je neselektivni ultrazvučni neonatalni skrining razvojnog poremećaja kuka metodom prema Grafu, pri čemu su I.A i I.B stupnjevi smatrani zdravima, II.A+ stupanj graničnim nalazom, kod kojega je za četiri do šest tjedana obavljena kontrola ultrazvukom, dok su uopćeni II.A i viši, III. i IV. stupanj smatrani patološkim nalazom te su upućeni specijalistu ortopedije na daljnju obradu. Istraživanjem tijekom desetogodišnjeg razdoblja ukupno je obuhvaćeno 3874 kukova u 1937-ero novorođenčadi čiji su modificirani stupnjevi zrelosti kukova prema Grafu bili: I.A kod 1265 kukova, I.B kod 1532, II.A+ kod 828, uopćeni II.A- i viši kod 173, III. kod 66 te IV. kod 10 kukova. Istraživanje je potvrdilo opravdanost provođenja neselektivnog ultrazvučnog neonatalnog skrininga metodom prema Grafu radi utvrđivanja stupnjeva zrelosti kukova, jer je kod djece s prirođenim iščašenjima kukova uopćenog II.A i višeg, III. i IV. stupnja održanim nakon redovite kontrole provedena ortopedska korekcija te je tako na vrijeme spriječena njihova progresija.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
microbiology ,history of microbiology ,diseases affecting birds ,fowl enteritis ,grouse disease ,education ,humanities - Abstract
Emanuel Edward Klein (1844 - 1925) was a British microbiologist of Croatian origin. He was born in Osijek in what is currently the Republic of Croatia and which was then part of the Habsburg Monarchy, he completed his medical studies in Vienna in 1869, and went on to spend his entire career in London. Although trained as an anatomist, embryologist and histologist, his main area of research was microbiology. Due to the fact that back then it was a new and fast developing discipline, he was able to pursue his interests in many directions and make significant discoveries, such as the identification of the ‘Bacillus enteritidis sporogenes’ as a cause of summer hospital diarrhoeas. Although the overwhelming majority of his researches dealt with bacteria which attacked humans, in 1892 he published a book entitled The Etiology and Pathology of Grouse Disease, Fowl Enteritis, and Some Other Diseases Affecting Birds, which revealed the results of his experiments on the bacteria which affected birds. In the context of the general development of the microbiology, this paper tries to give an objective evaluation of this until now widely neglected book.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
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Although stethoscope was invented by French physician René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec (1781-1826) in 1816, its wider clinical application started only after the publication of his book entitled De l'Auscultation Médiate ou Traité, du Diagnostic des Maladies des Poumons et du Coeur in 1819. Its invention coincided with the development of the 'hospital medicine' in the post-revolutionary Paris during the first quarter of the 19th century. It has enabled then contemporary physicians to explain the correlation between the patient symptoms and the clinical findings and thus has helped the shift from the humoral pathology towards the solitary pathology. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
29. Međunarodni muzej Crvenoga križa u Genevi
- Author
Atalić, Bruno, Sabo, Goran, and Toth, Jurica
- Subjects
Muzej Crvenoga Križa ,Ženeva - Abstract
Prije pet godina smo u “Liječničkim novinama” pisali o muzeju povijesti medicine u Parizu, a sada se javljamo nakon posjete drugom i drukčijem muzeju. To je Međunarodni muzej Crvenoga križa i Crvenoga polumjeseca (Musée international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge) koji se nalazi u Genevi, samo nekoliko minuta od palače Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Već na samom ulazu u muzej nas medicinare obuzme ushit jer postoji muzej posvećen spašavanju života, mjesto gdje su dokumentirane brojne tragedije 20. stoljeća i gdje se podsjeća na ljude koji su pridonijeli da rane nakon tih strašnih događaja brže zacijele.
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Abstract
Ignaz Phillip Semmelweis's significance for the history of medicine lies in his discovery of the cause of puerperal fever. He discovered it during his work at the First Obstetrics Clinic of the Vienna's Allgemeines Krankenhaus. Since the mentioned Clinic, led by the doctors, had much higher mortality rates of the child-bearing women than the Second Obstetrics Clinic, led by the midwives, he wanted to determine the causes of such a state. He came to the conclusion that puerperal sepsis was transmitted by the doctors and medical students, who after performing the anatomical sections started to perform the births with their hands beforehand washed only with soap. Semmelweis instead proposed a mandatory hand washing in a potassium-hypochlorite solution thus making the mortality at the First equivalent to the mortality at the Second Obstetrics Clinic. Despite this, his discovery was rejected by the established medical circuits. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Abstract
Plague was one of the most deadly epidemic diseases of the Baroque period. Responses to it were not only medical, but religious as well. A good example of the latter is the Most Holy Trinity monument in the city of Osijek, which was in the 18th century the biggest town of the Kingdom of Slavonia and today is the regional centre in the Republic of Croatia. The monument was erected between 1729 and 1730 on the main square of the Osijek military fortress Tvrda by the widow of the General Maksimilijan Petraš who died during the 1728 plague epidemic. Inscription on it implores the mercy of God as a protection against plague. Its foundation could be also interpreted as a part of the Catholic Revival, which was implemented by the Habsburgs in Osijek and Slavonia after their liberation from the Ottomans. But although, on the one hand, it could be interpreted as a symbol of the successful implementation of the Habsburg unifying religious policies due to its strong resemblance with the similar columns throughout the Habsburg Monarchy, on the other hand, it represented a continuation of the theurgic understanding of medicine, which could be interpreted as the failure of the Habsburg enlightened medical policies. Thus the archival documents from the Osijek State Archive together with the Osijek plague column itself were analysed with the aim of explaining the above mentioned ambiguities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
32. Reevaluacija srednjovjekovne znanosti
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
srednjovjekovna znanost - Abstract
Srednji vijek se uglavnom percipira kao razdoblje propadanja i stagnacije između vrhunaca antike i renesanse. Navedena mispercepcija se smatra osobito točnom u slučaju srednjovjekovne latinske znanosti, koja se pod okriljem Katoličke Crkve i na latinskome jeziku razvijala u srednjovjekovnoj Europi. S ciljem dokazivanja da je spomenuti zaključak prvenstveno posljedica pretjeranih pojednostavljivanja, a ne stvarnih činjenica, ovaj rad nastoji učiniti objektivnu evaluaciju srednjovjekovnih znanstvenih i medicinskih postignuća. Na tome tragu, izabrani primjeri srednjovjekovnih postignuća su analizirani s obzirom na opći kontekst njihovoga pojavljivanja i kroz prizmu oprečnih stavova različitih filozofa znanosti. U tome smislu, teorija znanstvenih revolucija američkoga filozofa znanosti, Thomasa Samuela Kuhna, je primijenjena na spomenute primjere.
- Published
- 2012
33. Sexual behaviour of the Croatian blood donors as a threat for the health of blood recipients
- Author
Miškulin, Maja, Puntarić, Dinko, Miškulin, Ivan, Atalić, Bruno, and Dijanić Tomislav
- Subjects
blood donors ,anonymous questionnaire ,sexual behaviour ,donor screening ,Croatia - Abstract
Background. This cross-sectional study assessed the prevalence of the various blood safety sexual behavioural risks among the blood donors from East Croatia and the possibilities for the improvement of the present blood donor screening procedure. Materials and Methods. The study included 423 blood donors of both sexes who completed the specially designed anonymous questionnaire immediately after their blood donations. The questionnaire contained questions on their demographic data, their sexual preferences, and the possible sexual risk behaviour in the period before the blood donation. Results. The study revealed that the most common forms of sexual risk behaviour among Croatian blood donors had been irregular condom use during the sexual contacts with new partners (294/423 ; 69.5%) and five or more sexual partners during the lifetime (213/423 ; 50.4%). There were more male than female subjects with five or more sexual partners during the lifetime (p
- Published
- 2011
34. History of Dermatovenerology
- Author
Vukšić Polić, Melita and Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
dermatovenerology ,syphilis ,history of medicine ,Croatia ,Osijek - Abstract
This lecture tends to give an overview of the historical development of dermatovenerology. It starts with the empirical phase in the history of medicine, continues with the ancient civilisations, and brings writings of Hippocrates and Galen. It then describes various epidemics of the Middle Ages with the special highlight of the invention of quarantine in Dubrovnik in 1377. It describes syphilis and its various treatments. Through evaluation of the achievements of the First and Second Viennese School and its influence on the Croatian medicine, it finally concentrates on the development of dermatovenerology in Osijek. It describes the foundation of the Ward for Dermatovenerology at the Huttler-Kohloffer- Monsperger Trust Hospital, first as part of the Ward for Surgery since the foundation of the mentioned Hospital in 1874 and then as an independent ward since 1911. It explains the improvements in the treatments of dermatovenerological ailments and their reflection in the reduction of the number of beds reserved for dermatovenerological patients, which have more than halved after the introduction of the antibiotics. It evaluates the methods in the prevention of syphilis and other venereal diseases. Finally, it mentiones the achievements of the most prominent Osijek dermatovenerology specialists, starting with the Doctor Aleksandar Blašković as the founder of the Ward for Dermatovenerology, then continues with Doctor Marjan Maržik, Doctor Erich Ditz, Doctor Dinko Erman, and Primarius Nikola Mudrovčić, and ends with the pre- contemporary heads of the Ward for Dermatovenerology Primarius Marin Brničević, Primarius Mira Margold-Bubalović and Primarius Vladimira Barišić-Druško.
- Published
- 2011
35. The Impact of the Vitamins in the Prevention of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Barrett\'s Oesophagus and Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma
- Author
Lukić, Marko, Šegec, Ana, Šegec, Igor, Pinotić, Ljerka, Pinotić, Krešimir, Atalić, Bruno, Šolić, Krešimir, and Včev, Aleksandar
- Subjects
antioxidant vitamins ,dietary questionnaire ,gastroesophageal reflux disease ,Barrett's oesophagus ,oesophageal adenocarcinoma - Abstract
INTRODUCTION Antioxidant micronutrients are a heterogeneous group of different molecules (vitamins A, C and E, coenzyme Q, glucose, ubiquinon, bilirubine, urates, flavonoids, some amino-acids and certain peptides) which have in common a functional possibility for the binding of oxygen radicals. Previous studies have shown that the antioxidants through their binding with the oxidants could prevent cell deterioration and cancer development. This study evaluated the impact of vitamins A, C and E intake in the prevention of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Barrett's oesophagus (BE), and oesophageal adenocarcinoma (EADC). METHODOLOGY There were 180 subjects included in the study, 109 males and 71 females, which were divided in the four groups (70 patients with GERD, 20 patients with BE, 20 patients with EADC, and 70 healthy examinees composing a control group). Their antioxidant vitamins intake was investigated through the usage of the dietary questionnaires. Concentration of the mentioned antioxidant vitamins in serum was detected by HPLC method. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results showed that the healthy examinees had consumed the greater quantities of the vitamins A, C and E, through both the natural (fruits and vegetables) and the supplementary (industrial vitamin additives) way, than the patients with GERD, BE and EADC. This was reflected in the higher serum levels of the mentioned vitamins in the control group in the comparison with the other groups. The Fischer's exact test has showed that all the differences were statistically significant with p
- Published
- 2011
36. Prevalence and incidence of developmental dysplasia of the hip among full term newborns at the Gospić General Hospital during a ten-year period (2004-2013)
- Author
Čubelić, Sandra, primary and Atalić, Bruno, additional
- Published
- 2015
- Full Text
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37. Reducing food salt content - a neglected approach to the hypertension prevention and control
- Author
Miškulin, Maja, Dumić, Albina, Dumančić, Gabrijela, Rudan, Stjepan, Atalić, Bruno, Drenjančević, I, Koller, A, Kiss, I, and Jelaković, B.
- Subjects
adult population ,salt intake ,hypertension ,prevention ,Osijek ,Croatia - Abstract
Introduction: High blood pressure is a major cause of cardiovascular disease, responsible for 62% of stroke and 49% of coronary heart disease. There is overwhelming evidence that dietary salt is the major cause of high blood pressure and that a reduction in salt intake lowers blood pressure, thereby, reducing blood pressure-related diseases. Despite that, the large proportion of population still does not take much care about their dietary salt intake. The aim of this study was to identify the amount of dietary salt intake among hypertensive and normo-tensive adult patients from Eastern Croatia, to determine is there difference in dietary salt intake between these two groups and to evaluate the prevalence of uncontrolled blood pressure among hypertensive patients and role of dietary salt intake in that sense. Materials and methods: During June 2010 all together 100 patients that had been cured for hypertension by their chosen family physician were asked to participate in this study on voluntary basis. Response rate was 89.0% (89/100). The main age of this group of patient was 57.5±10.6 (range 38 to 78) years. The control group of patients consist of 71 patients cured for some other reasons in the same family physician office. Response rate for controls was 71.0% (71/100), and their mean age was 53.4±9.4 (range 38 to 77) years. Each participant who agreed to participate in study on voluntary basis had been asked to fill out the specially designed questionnaire that contained questions on gender, age, work status, average monthly income of household, number of members of the household, place of residence, anamnestic data concerning the chronic illnesses and daily used medicines, monthly consumption of salt in household, daily consumption of bread, various bakery products and salty snacks in the household and practice to put extra amount of table salt in the meal before eating. The weight and height of each participant as well as blood pressure were measured. In the Institute of Public Health of Osijek-Baranja County the values of salt content in 23 breads and 42 bakery products from bakery shops in Osijek area were established. Besides that the value of salt content in 31 different salty snacks available in Croatian market was also established. The amount of salt consumed daily through the cooking, consumption of bread, bakery products and salty snacks as well as the overall daily salt consumption for each participant has been calculated. Results: Average daily dietary salt intake among hypertensive adult patients from Eastern Croatia was 8.8±3.4 (range 3.3 to 18.1) grams and among normo-tensive ones 10.2±4.5 (range 4.0 to 24.7) grams. Among hypertensive patients there were 44.9% (40/89) of them with well controlled blood pressure and 55.1% (49/89) of them with uncontrolled blood pressure. The average daily salt intake among hypertensive patients with well controlled blood pressure was 8.3±3.3 (range 3.3 to 16.5) grams and among hypertensive patients with uncontrolled blood pressure was 9.1±3.5 (range 4.1 to 18.1) grams. Discussion and conclusion: The study revealed that average daily salt intake among hypertensive and normo-tensive adult patients from Eastern Croatia is much higher then maximum recommended intake of 6 grams of salt daily. In the milieu of increasing cardiovascular disease worldwide, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, salt reduction is one of the most cost-effective strategies to combat the epidemic of high blood pressure, associated cardiovascular disease and to improve population health in general.
- Published
- 2010
38. Emanuel Edward Klein, a dilligent and industrious plodder or the father of British microbiology
- Author
Atalić, Bruno, Drenjančević-Perić, Ines, and Fatović-Ferenčić, Stela
- Subjects
Klein ,Emanuel Edward ,United Kingdom ,Microbiology ,19th Century ,20th Century - Abstract
Emanuel Edward Klein (Osijek, 1844 - Hove, 1925) was British microbiologist of Croatian origin. He completed his medical studies in Vienna in 1869. In 1869 he was sent to England to determine terms for the translation of Samuel Stricker's manual Handbuch von den Geweben des Menchen und der Tiere. During his visit he made a good impression on John Burdon Sanderson and John Simon, which was the main reason why he was invited to London in 1871 to conduct investigations under their guidance. In 1873 Klein began his collaboration with the Saint Bartholomew's Hospital, where he was appointed as a Joint Professor of General Anatomy and Physiology. His researches were in the fields of anatomy, histology, pathology, embriology, physiology, and especially microbiology. He did a great deal to its development in Britain. He has written about 260 scientific papers on a broad range of different topics, Despite all the aforementioned facts, his work was never properly studied, and he is almost unknown outside academic circules. For that reason, attitudes towards him still range between the extremes of calling him the father of British microbiology on one side, and attributing him as a dilligent and industrious plodder on the other. In this paper we will try to prove the first attitude. We will put his researches in a general context. Finally we will highlight his original achievements in the isolation of new microbes.
- Published
- 2010
39. Važnost eksperimentalizma Emanuela Edwarda Kleina za razvoj temeljnih medicinskih znanosti
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
Klein ,Emanuel Edward ,eksperimentalizam ,pozitivizam ,naturalizam ,evolucionizam: anatomija ,embriologija ,fiziologija ,histologija ,mikrobiologija ,19. stoljeće ,20. stoljeće ,filozofija znanosti ,povijest medicine ,medicinska etika ,vivisekcionizam ,anti-vivisekcionizam - Abstract
Disertacija proučava važnost eksperimentalizma Emanuela Edwarda Kleina za razvoj temeljnih medicinskih znanosti, institucionalizaciju laboratorija, te širenje eksperimentalizma u medicinskoj znanosti. Kleinov eksperimentalizam je stavljen u kontekst njegovoga podrijetla, obrazovanja i karijere, te je razjašnjen njegov utjecaj na razvoj temeljnih medicinskih znanosti. Analizirani su rezultati njegovih istraživanja u području anatomije, embriologije, eksperimentalne fiziologije, histologije, te mikrobiologije. Kleinov eksperimentalizam je sustavno istražen, te je pregledno ocjenjen s obzirom na opći kontekst razvoja eksperimentalne medicine krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća, pri čemu je analiziran utjecaj, koji su na njegovo formiranje izvršili pozitivizam, naturalizam i evolucionizam. Izvorni znanstveni doprinos samoga doktorata je sustavni prikaz cjelokupnoga eksperimentalnoga rada Emanuela Edwarda Kleina s obzirom na konceptualni kontekst tadašnjega razvoja medicine s jedne strane, te s obzirom na suvremene spoznaje u medicinskoj znanosti s druge strane. Materijal disertacije je arhivska građa, koja obuhvaća originalne dokumente o Kleinovome životu, knjižnična građa, koja obuhvaća primarnu i sekundarnu literaturu o Kleinovoj karijeri, te Kleinovi objavljeni radovi. U radu su korištene opisne, komparativne i analitičke metode rada u svrhu raščlambe i interpretacije primarnih i sekundarnih izvora, te dostupne literature. Konačno je napravljena evaluacija doprinosa eksperimentalnih istraživanja Emanuela Edwarda Kleina razvoju suvremene medicine.
- Published
- 2010
- Author
Atalić, Bruno, Drenjančević Perić, Ines, Fatović Ferenčić, Stella, Erić, Mirela, and Krvokuća, Dragan
- Subjects
Emanuel Edward Klein ,comparative anatomy ,anatomy - Abstract
Aim The aim of this abstract is to evaluate the importance of comparative anatomy in the development of modern anatomy during late 19th and early 20th centuries, as observed in the work of Emanuel Edward Klein (Osijek, 1844 - Hove, 1925). His anatomical researches in the fields of general, comparative and pathological anatomy were coducted between 1868 and 1880, and were based on dead body section, laboratory animal vivisection and their combination, which has resulted in the eleven studies. Despite this, his work was never properly studied. Methods Our investigation is based on the work in archives (State Archive Osijek ; Archive of Saint Bartholomew's Hospital), and libraries (Oxford Bodleian Library ; Cambridge University Library), precisely on collection of primary sources and their analysis in broader context of secondary sources. Results Klein's researches dealt with esophagus muscles, oral muscles, corneal nerves, peripheral nerves endings and distribution, Auerbach's plexus, Jacobson's organ, lymphatic system, and serosal membranes. They could be divided into the Viennese period prior to 1871, and the London period after it. His researches were conducted on toads, frogs, rats, cats, dogs, rabbits, and guineapigs. His most important discovery was the descripton of musculus rectus labii proprius, which is still named after him. His most inluental book was The Anatomy of the Lymphatic System, which was the first book on the mentioned topic. Conclusion Comparative anatomy as a new scientific discipline, developed together with experimental physiology, played a crucial role in the Klein's work and enabled him to make his significant discoveries.
- Published
- 2009
41. Život i karijera Emanuela Edwarda Kleina
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
Klein, Emanuel Edward ,Eksperimentalizam ,Fiziologija ,Povijest, 19. stoljeæe ,Povijest, 20. stoljeæe - Abstract
Hrvatski znanstvenik Emanuel Edward Klein, anatom, embriolog, fiziolog, histolog i mikrobiolog, rođen je u Osijeku, medicinu je završio u Beču, a svoju profesionalnu karijeru ostvario je u Londonu. Njegov život i karijera do sada nisu sustavno istraženi, što je autora ponukalo da se njima posveti u svome doktoratu. U ćlanku su predstavljena Kleinova najvažnija medicinska djela.
- Published
- 2009
42. Plague as mediator of health service institutionalization and town development in the 18th century Osijek
- Author
Atalić, Bruno, Fatović-Ferenčić, Stella, and Jakob Perschy
- Subjects
History of medicine ,Public health institutions-history ,plague epidemics ,Osijek’ s town hospital ,Osijek ,Croatia ,18th century - Abstract
After the Christian liberation from Turks in 1687 health service in Osijek was in very poor state. Franciscans were taking care of pharmacy stores and healing was mostly in hands of surgeons or lay people. The only hospital in town was military hospital which was used exclusively for soldiers. Due to the fact that Slavonia was the border region epidemics were very often. The most dreadful among them was the great epidemic of plague devastating this region in the period from 1736 to 1741. It killed almost one third of Osijek residents. Consequently the network of quarantine lazarettos and stationeries were opened in and around Osijek in due time. In this paper we examine the role of plague in the 18th century as well as its consequences regarding development of the public health care system in Osijek. We argue that epidemic of plague which appeared in Osijek in 1736 was among the principal influential factors in improving public health services in Osijek. This was evident in advancing public services, increasing number and structure of medical practitioners, as well as in intensifying awareness for the establishment of the civil hospital suitable to serve its purpose during the subsequent decades.
- Published
- 2007
43. Između brijačnice i bolnice : uloga kirurga-ranarnika u Osijeku u razdoblju od 1687. do 1746. godine
- Author
Atalić, Bruno and Fatović-Ferenčić, Stella
- Subjects
povijest medicine ,povijest kirurgije ,medicinski praktičari ,kirurzi-ranarnici ,brijači-Baderi ,Osijek ,Hrvatska - Abstract
U radu smo prikazali pojavnost i ulogu medicinskih praktičara, osobito kirurga- ranarnika i brijača-Badera u Osijeku u razdoblju od kršćanskoga oslobođenja 1687. do proglašavanja “ Regulationen für Baderen” 1746. godine. Na temelju arhivskih izvora i građe prikazali smo njihov identitet, porijeklo, broj i status, te ukazali na određena odstupanja u njihovoj nadležnosti u odnosu na druge gradove Habsburške Monarhije. Prisutnost i široki raspon poslova, koje su ranarnici ovdje obnašali mogu se objasniti geostrateškim položajem Osijeka kao vojne utvrde u blizini granice s Osmanskim Carstvom i snažnim vojnim utjecajem na njegov razvoj, te odsutnošću školovanih liječnika. Podatci prikazani u ovom radu ukazuju na same početke djelovanja medicinskih praktičara u Osijeku i važni su za razumijevanje razvoja organizacije zdravstva na ovom području.
- Published
- 2007
44. An unexpected position of the dialyses catheter during routine x-ray examination: a case of the double superior vena cava
- Author
Atalić, Bruno, primary, Sabo, Goran, additional, and Toth, Jurica, additional
- Published
- 2013
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45. The Influence of the Age, the Years of Training, and the BMI on the Average Muscle Power in Male and Female Rowers.
- Author
Moguš, Mate, Frič, Vlasta Oršić, and Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
SOCIAL influence ,TRAINING ,BODY mass index ,MUSCLE strength ,DYNAMOMETER - Abstract
Copyright of Collegium Antropologicum is the property of Croatian Anthropological Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
46. Prevalencija i incidencija razvojnog poremećaja kuka kod donošene novorođenčadi u Općoj bolnici Gospić tijekom desetogodišnjeg razdoblja od 2004. do 2013. godine.
- Author
Čubelić, Sandra and Atalić, Bruno
- Abstract
Due to the fact that developmental dysplasia of the hip is the most common congenital deformity of the locomotor system, the aim of the study was to determine the incidence and prevalence of various degrees of congenital hip strains according to Graf in the newborns born at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Gospić General Hospital during a ten-year period (2004-2013). All neonates born at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Gospić General Hospital from 2004 to 2013 were examined after birth and before discharge from the hospital by the ultrasound diagnostics and their hip maturity was graded according to Graf, with IA and IB degrees termed matured, IIA+ degrees designated as border cases that underwent follow up ultrasound after four to six weeks at the Department of Pediatrics, while generalized IIA- and higher, III and IV degrees were considered pathologic and consequently referred to orthopedic specialist for further corrections. The study included 3874 hips in 1937 infants whose modifi ed degrees of hip maturity according to Graf were as follows: IA in 1265, IB in 1532, IIA+ in 828, generalized IIA- and higher in 173, III in 66, and IV in 10 hips examined during the ten-year period. This study confi rmed that neonatal screening with ultrasound according to Graf with the aim to determine the degree of hip maturity in newborns and followed by orthopedic correction in those with congenital hip dislocations of generalized IIA- and higher, III and IV degrees confi rmed on regular follow up visits signifi cantly prevented their progression. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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47. Imbalanced Concentrations of Serum Lipids and Lichen Planus.
- Author
Polié, Melita Vukšić, Miškulin, Maja, Šolić, Krešimir, Plužarić, Vera, Sikora, Miroslav, and Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
BLOOD lipid measurement ,LICHEN planus ,LOW density lipoprotein receptors ,HIGH-density lipoprotein receptors ,HYPERTRIGLYCERIDEMIA ,HYPERLIPIDEMIA ,HYPERCHOLESTEREMIA - Abstract
The aim of this study was to analyze possible connection between the lichen planus and imbalanced concentrations of serum lipids and to evaluate the impact of various dietary regimes (used in the regulation of imbalanced concentrations of serum lipids) on the regression of lichen planus lesions. Research was conducted as a case-control study comprised of 72 patients with Lichen Planus and 30 participants from control group, treated at the Clinic for Dermatology and Venereology of the Clinical-Hospital Centre Osijek, Eastern Croatia, during 2010 and 2011. LP cases were diagnosed with both a clinical examination conducted by a dermatovenerology consultant and by patohistological diagnostic. Serum lipid levels (total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol) were determined by the classic laboratory diagnostics in both investigated groups (LP patients and control group). The present study has confirmed that there is a strong connection between the imbalanced concentrations of one or more serum lipids (cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides) and the occurrence of LP which is important in the therapeutic approach to patients with this disease. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
48. The Impact of the Vitamins A, C and E in the Prevention of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Barrett's Oesophagus and Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma.
- Author
Lukić, Marko, Ṡegec, Ana, Ṡegec, Igor, Pinotić, Ljerka, Pinotić, Krešimir, Atalić, Bruno, Šolić, KreŠimir, and Včev, Aleksandar
- Subjects
Copyright of Collegium Antropologicum is the property of Croatian Anthropological Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
- Author
Atalić, Bruno
- Subjects
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RENAISSANCE , *COMPARATIVE studies , *MEDICINE , *CULTURAL centers , *MEDICAL personnel , *ENGLISH people - Abstract
This paper evaluates the differences between English and Croatian views of early modem medicine through the respective Renaissance plays. As Renaissance made no particular distinction between arts and sciences, plays of that time provide a very common source of medical narrative. During Renaissance both languages produced high literary achievements, which makes them exemplars among their Germanic and Slavic counterparts, and justifies this comparison, regardless of their significant differences. One should bear in mind that while England was a unified kingdom, with London as the major cultural centre, Croatia's division among the neighbouring powers produced several prominent cultural centres such as Zadar, Šibenik, Split, Hvar, Korčula, and the most important one, Dubrovnik. One should also bear in mind that the golden age of Croatian Renaissance plays had finished as early as 1567 with the death of Marin Držić, before it even started in England with the foundation of the first permanent theatrical companies in 1576. Along these lines, this paper compares their early modern attitudes toward medicine in general and men and women practitioners in particular. In this respect, it evaluates the influences of the origin, patronage, and religion of their authors. Special attention is given to William Shakespeare (1564-1616) and Marin Držić (1508-1567) as the exemplars of English and Croatian Renaissance literature. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
50. Historical Review: Emanuel Edward Klein—The Father of British Microbiology and the Case of the Animal Vivisection Controversy of 1875.
- Author
Atalić, Bruno and Fatović-Ferenčić, Stella
- Abstract
The new Appendix A of the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes, which gives guidelines for accommodation and care of animals and was approved on June 15, 2006, was the main reason the authors decided to investigate the origins of the regulations of animal experiments. Although one might assume that the regulation had its origin in the United Nations conventions, the truth is that its origins are a hundred years old. The authors present a case of the nineteenth-century vivisection controversy brought about by the publication of the Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory in 1873, in which John Burdon-Sanderson, Emanuel Edward Klein, Michael Foster, and Thomas Lauder Brunton described a series of vivisection experiments they performed on animals for research purposes. It was the first case of vivisection to be examined, processed, and condemned for inhuman behavior toward animals before an official body, leading to enactment of the Cruelty to Animals Act in 1876. The case reveals a specific ethos of science in the second half of the nineteenth century, which was characterized by a deep commitment of scientists to the scientific enterprise and their strong belief that science could solve social problems, combined with an overt insensitivity to the suffering of experimental animals. The central figure in the case was Emanuel Edward Klein, a disciple of the Central European medical tradition (Vienna Medical School) and a direct follower of the experimental school of Brücke, Stricker, Magendie, and Bernard. Because of his undisguised attitudes and opinions on the use of vivisection, Klein became a paradigm of the new scientific identity, strongly influencing the stereotypic image of a scientist, and polarizing the public opinion on vivisection in England in the nineteenth century and for some considerable time afterward. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2009
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