66,200 results on '"Artikel"'
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2. Medieval dynamics of minority languages and cultures in Europe: A Case study of Calabrian-Greeks and the dynamics of the Norman period.
- Author
IJssennagger-van der Pluijm, Nelleke and IJssennagger-van der Pluijm, Nelleke
- Published
- 2025
3. Ein Sonderweg zwischen Romantik und Rassismus. Dänemarks Nachtmänner, Reisende und Roma im Spiegel der Wissenschaft
- Author
Steffen Werther
- Subjects
artikel ,article ,dänemark ,denmark ,dänischer sonderweg ,danish sonderweg ,romantik ,romanticism ,rassismus ,racism ,nachtmänner ,nightmen ,reisende ,travellers ,roma ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia ,DL1-1180 - Abstract
Dieser Artikel behandelt die Wissensproduktion über nichtsesshafte Bevölkerungsgruppen wie Nachtmänner, Roma und Reisende in Dänemark zwischen 1800 und 1950. Hierbei wird die These eines dahingehenden dänischen Sonderweges vertreten, nicht nur im Vergleich zu Deutschland, sondern auch zu den skandinavischen Nachbarn. Dieser äußerte sich in einem unterentwickelten Interesse von Wissenschaft und Staat für entsprechende Gruppen und mündete in einer Ablehnung eugenischer Zwangsmaßnahmen. Die Analyse dieses Sonderweges erfolgt anhand von Schlüsseltexten aus drei Perioden: einer nationalromantischen ab ca. 1800, einer durch den dänischen Gypsy Lorist Johan Miskow geprägten zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts und einer eugenischen ab 1938. Ein besonderes Interesse gilt hierbei Kontinuitäten und Brüchen in Narrativen von Reinheit vs. Vermischung. // This article analyses knowledge production about itinerant groups such as Nightmen, Roma and Travellers in Denmark between 1800 and 1950. It puts forward the thesis of a Danish Sonderweg in this regard, not only compared with Germany, but also the Scandinavian neighbours. This Sonderweg was characterized by an underdeveloped interest of science and state authorities for respective groups and culminated into a rejection of forced eugenic measures. The analysis is based on key texts from three periods: a national romantic one from approximately 1800 onwards, one shaped by the Danish Gypsy Lorist Johan Miskow at the beginning of the 20th century, and one eugenic from 1938. Special interest is given to continuities and fractions in narratives of purity vs. mixture.
- Published
- 2023
4. Pelatihan Penulisan Artikel Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Literasi Guru
- Author
Muhammad Ihsan, Muhammad Mutakhir, Muhammad Irsal, Rudi Rudi, and Ismail Ismail
- Subjects
artikel ,penelitian tindakan kelas ,literasi ,guru ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dengan maksud tujuan para guru SMP dan MTs di kecamatan Kindang Kabupaten Bulukumba terampil dalam hal penulisan Artikel Penelitian tindakan kelas. Dengan terlaksananya kegiatan ini, maka diharapkan Penelitian Tindakan kelas tidak lagi menjadi menjadi penghalang bagi guru untuk naik pangkat dan yang paling utama adalah meningkatnya minat guru dalam literasi khususnya membaca yang berimbas pada peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran di kelas.Hasil kegiatan pelatihan secara umum berjalan dengan sangat baik, ditandai dengan antusiasme yang sangat tinggi dari para peserta pelatihan. Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh 20 peserta yang berlangsung selama tiga hari, hari pertama pemberian materi subtansi artikel dan cara mencari artikel secara online sebagai sumber referensi disampaikan dengan metode ceramah dan tanya jawab. Hari kedua praktek pembuatan artikel Penelitian tindakan kelas dilakukan secara berkelompok yang masing-masing beranggotakan 5 orang. Pada hari terakhir diberikan materi cara mengirim jurnal ke OJS disertai dengan praktek langsung. Sebelum kegiatan ditutup para peserta pelatihan diberikan angket respon serta tanggapan berupa saran terhadap kegiatan ini. kegiatan ini dapat mencapai hasil yang maksimal jika para peserta pelatihan dapat mengimplementasikan penulisan artikel penelitian tindakan kelas sehingga mampu meningkatkan kompetensi guru sehingga literasi membaca dan menulis dapat semakin lebih baik.
- Published
- 2023
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5. Frekuensi dan Tipe Hedges pada Artikel di ScienceDirect.com Bidang Pengajaran Bahasa dan Politik
- Author
Ayendi Ayendi, Hermawati Syarif, and Novia Juita
- Subjects
hedges ,artikel ,bidang pengajaran bahasa ,bidang politik ,sciencedirect.com ,Education ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Dalam menulis akademik penggunaan hedges sangat diperlukan untuk membedakan opini dan fakta dan membuat pandangan penulis lebih terukur. Artikel Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki perbedaan frequensi dan tipe hedges yang digunakan pada wacana akademik dan wacana politik dan membuat interpretasi dari kedominanan pemunculannya. Penelitian ini memiliki pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Dua puluh (20) bagian Kesimpulan artikel penelitian internasional terbitan 2021 dari situs web ScienceDirect.com dijadikan data penelitian dengan masing-masingnya sepuluh artikel untuk wacana akademik, dan sepuluh untuk wacana politik. Analisis data didasarkan pada kerangka pragmatis Hyland (1996) Prosedur penelitian ini dengan mengidentifikasi frekuensi dari tipe hedges yang digunakan melalui pembacaan yang cermat.penggunaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tipe Writer-oriented hedges pada wacana politik jauh lebih dominan daripada wacana akademik. Begitu juga untuk Reliability-oriented hedges. Namun sebaliknya pada dua tipe terakhir yaitu Reliability-oriented hedges dan Reader-oriented hedges itu lebih dominan penggunaannya pada wacana akademik. Bagaimanapun penggunaan tipe Reader-oriented hedges pada wacana politik adalah paling tidak dominan digunakan. Hal ini disebabkan perbedaan orientasi atau fokus dalam menyimpulkan artikel tersebut.
- Published
- 2022
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6. Peningkatan Pengetahuan Tentang Aplikasi Penggunaan Referensi Dalam Publikasi Karya Ilmiah
- Author
Dairoh Dairoh, Sharfina Febbi Handayani, Riszki Wijayatun Pratiwi, Dwi Intan Af’idah, Very Kurnia Bakti, Susi Nurindah Sari, and Irvan Akbar
- Subjects
referensi ,artikel ,aplikasi ,mendeley ,zotero ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Kemampuan menulis dan mempublikasikan sebuah karya ilmiah merupkan salah satu aktivitas penting bagi setiap orang khususnya bagi guru, dosen dan mahasiswa pada umumnya. Proses menulis karya ilmu pastinya menggunakan rujukan didalamnya. Namun perlu diperhatikan bahwa penulisan rujukan harus berhati-hati agar terhindar dari kegiatan plagiasi. Pengetahuan tentang beberapa aplikasi sitasi referensi yang dapat membantu telah tersedia secara mudah. Namun masih banyak yang belum mengetahui dan mengenal aplikasi sitasi (referensi). Untuk itu, guna mengenalkan dan memanfaatkan aplikasi referensi tersebut di lakukan kegiatan PKM pada tanggal 15 Juli 2021 secara virtual dengan 55 peserta daru guru, dosen dan mahasiswa. Kegiatan PKM ini berupa pemberian materi dan praktik penggunaan dari aplikasi Mendeley dan Zotero. Hasilnya peserta mengetahui dan mengenal aplikasi sistem referensi yang tersedia seperti Mendeley dan Zotero secara lancar dan benar saat dilakukan praktik, dengan hasil responden peserta terhadap pemahaman penggunaan aplikasi tersbut diperoleh 80% peserta sudah dapat mengenal, memahami dan menggunakan sistem referensi yang diketahui
- Published
- 2022
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7. The Traditional Sources of Lana Hansen’s Greenlandic Environmental Commitment
- Author
Daniel Chartier
- Subjects
artikel ,article ,spezialausgabe ,special issue ,lana hansen ,grönland ,greenland ,grönländische literatur ,greenlandic literature ,literatur der inuit ,inuit literature ,nuna ,sila ,sedna ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia ,DL1-1180 - Abstract
Indigenous cultures have an integrated relationship with nature, and do not view it in opposition to culture, nor do they consider humans as separate from the environment. For example, the concepts of nuna and sila and the figure of Sedna, at the basis of the traditional Inuit thought, decenter the role of humans in the living world. In 2009, Greenlandic author Lana Hansen published a »tale about climate change«, Sila . She calls for a holistic view, using concepts that encompass humans, animals, languages, spirits, memories, plants, and resources. This article aims to review the context of publication of Hansen’s tale from a point of view of Greenlandic and Inuit literature and to examine the traditional sources that it brings into play. Indigene Kulturen stehen in einheitlicher Verbindung mit der Natur, betrachten diese weder als kulturellen Gegensatz noch den Menschen als von der Umwelt getrennt. Die Begriffe nuna und sila beispielsweise und die Gestalt der Sedna, die dem traditionellen Denken der Inuit zugrunde liegen, marginalisieren die Rolle des Menschen in seiner Lebenswelt. 2009 veröffentlicht die grönländische Autorin Lana Hansen eine »Erzählung über den Klimawandel«, Sila . Sie plädiert darin für eine ganzheitliche Sichtweise und verwendet Konzepte, die Menschen, Tiere, Sprachen, Geister, Erinnerungen, Pflanzen und Ressourcen einbeziehen. Dieser Artikel kontextualisiert Hansens Erzählung aus Sicht der grönländischen und der Inuit-Literatur und untersucht die mit eingebrachten traditionellen Quellen.
- Published
- 2022
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8. Anthropocene Melancholy. Uncanny Familiarity in Contemporary Norwegian Long Poems
- Author
Per Esben Myren-Svelstad
- Subjects
artikel ,article ,spezialausgabe ,special issue ,ruth lillegraven ,urd ,guri sørumgård botheim ,heime mellom istidene ,lyrik ,poetry ,norwegen ,norway ,norwegische literatur ,norwegian literature ,timothy morton ,dark ecology ,timothy clark ,anthropocene ,familiarity ,melancholy ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia ,DL1-1180 - Abstract
The article presents an analysis of Urd by Ruth Lillegraven and Heime mellom istidene by Guri Sørumgård Botheim. These two works of poetry are studied from an ecocritical perspective primarily inspired by Timothy Morton’s concept of dark ecology and Timothy Clark’s idea of the Anthropocene. The main focus of the analysis is how the poems depict feelings of familiarity between modern humans, their ancestors, and their surroundings. In the discussion, particular attention is paid to the gendered aspects of familial melancholy. In this way, the author seeks to demonstrate how poetic form can contribute to a way of reading in the Anthropocene. Der Artikel analysiert Urd von Ruth Lillegraven und Heime mellom istidene von Guri Sørumgård Botheim. Diese beiden Gedichtsammlungen werden aus einer ökokritischen Perspektive untersucht, die vor allem von Timothy Mortons Konzept der dunklen Ökologie und Timothy Clarks Idee des Anthropozäns inspiriert ist. Im Mittelpunkt der Analyse steht die Frage, wie die Gedichte Gefühle der Vertrautheit zwischen dem modernen Menschen, seinen Vorfahren und seiner Umgebung darstellen. In der Diskussion wird den geschlechtsspezifischen Aspekten der familiären Melancholie besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Auf diese Weise versucht der Autor zu zeigen, wie die poetische Form zu einer Lesart im Anthropozän beitragen kann.
- Published
- 2022
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9. Climate Change and the Carnivalesque in Erlend O. Nødtvedt’s Vestlandet
- Author
Thorunn Gullaksen Endreson
- Subjects
artikel ,article ,spezialausgabe ,special issue ,erlend nødtvedt ,vestlandet ,norwegen ,norway ,norwegische literatur ,norwegian literature ,mikhail bakhtin ,environmental humor ,laughter ,carnivalesque ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia ,DL1-1180 - Abstract
Norwegian contemporary climate fiction often portrays humans as in denial of climate change. In Erlend Nødtvedt’s transgressive novel Vestlandet (2017), an alternative story is presented. In contrast to conventional climate change denial, the two protagonists turn the situation upside down and literally celebrate death and climate change and the exceptional Western Norwegian »sublime« landscape. Drawing on Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of laughter and the carnivalesque, I will investigate Vestlandet as a response to a world in climate crisis, and thereby transcending the ecocritical reluctance to engage with laughter. Environmental humor offers an alternative vision, a possibility to see ourselves from another perspective. Vestlandet contributes to the creation of new climate change narratives and communicates potential for change, but there is no guarantee that laughter will lead to increased awareness and action. In der zeitgenössischen norwegischen Klimaliteratur wird der Mensch oft als Leugner des Klimawandels dargestellt. In Erlend Nødtvedts transgressivem Roman Vestlandet (2017) wird eine alternative Geschichte präsentiert. Im Gegensatz zur herkömmlichen Leugnung des Klimawandels stellen die beiden Protagonisten die Situation auf den Kopf und feiern buchstäblich den Tod, den Klimawandel und die außergewöhnliche westnorwegische »erhabene « Landschaft. In Anlehnung an Mikhail Bakhtins Konzept des Lachens und des Karnevalesken werde ich Vestlandet als Antwort auf eine Welt in der Klimakrise untersuchen und dabei die ökokritische Zurückhaltung gegenüber dem Lachen überwinden. Umwelthumor bietet eine alternative Vision, eine Möglichkeit, uns selbst aus einer anderen Perspektive zu sehen. Vestlandet trägt zur Schaffung neuer Erzählungen über den Klimawandel bei und vermittelt das Potenzial für Veränderungen, gibt aber keine Garantie dafür, dass Lachen zu mehr Bewusstsein und Handeln führt.
- Published
- 2022
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10. Introduction to the Special Issue: Environmental Change in Nordic Fiction
- Author
Toni Lahtinen and Juha Raipola
- Subjects
artikel ,article ,spezialausgabe ,special issue ,einleitung ,introduction ,klimawandel ,climate change ,umwelt ,environment ,environmental change ,nordic fiction ,enscan ,ecocritical network for scandinavian studies ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia ,DL1-1180 - Abstract
The five research articles published in this special issue of NORDEUROPAforum were originally presented as papers at the third workshop of the Ecocritical Network for Scandinavian Studies (ENSCAN), which had the overarching theme of »Environmental Change in Nordic Fiction«. Held in Tampere, Finland, in November 2019, the workshop provided a platform for scholars to discuss how environmental issues are represented in Nordic fiction across media, and how the physical impact of ecological transformation has affected our environmental imagination.
- Published
- 2022
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11. Fictional Minds in Natural Environments: Changing Ecologies, Human Experiences, and Textual Designs in Ulla-Lena Lundberg’s Ice
- Author
Markku Lehtimäki
- Subjects
artikel ,article ,spezialausgabe ,special issue ,ulla-lena lundberg ,finnland ,finland ,schweden ,sweden ,roman ,novel ,åland ,eis ,ice ,fictional minds ,changing ecologies ,human experiences ,textual design ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia ,DL1-1180 - Abstract
The essay studies Ulla-Lena Lundberg’s novel Ice , the story of which depicts the changing seasons and the formation of sea ice in the Åland archipelago. In the narrative, ice takes both mental and physical dimensions, and the analysis focuses on the workings of fictional minds in their specific natural and social environments. It is argued that nature both inspires and informs human experience and meaning making, even as it resists and challenges, human aims and hopes. In the novel, the characters have differing views on the natural environment and conflicting interpretations of what nature and its phenomena, including ice, could mean. Der Aufsatz befasst sich mit Ulla-Lena Lundbergs Roman Eis , der den Wechsel der Jahreszeiten und die Entstehung des Meereises auf den Åland-Inseln behandelt. In der Erzählung nimmt das Eis sowohl mentale als auch physische Dimensionen an, und die Analyse konzentriert sich auf die Funktionsweise der fiktiven Denkfiguren in ihren spezifischen natürlichen und sozialen Umgebungen. Es wird argumentiert, dass die Natur die menschliche Erfahrung und Bedeutungssuche sowohl inspiriert als auch informiert, auch wenn sie sich den menschlichen Zielen und Hoffnungen widersetzt und diese herausfordert. In dem Roman haben die Figuren abweichende Ansichten über die natürliche Umwelt und widersprechen sich hinsichtlich ihrer Interpretationen von der Bedeutung der Natur und ihrer Phänomene, einschließlich des Eises.
- Published
- 2022
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12. Knut Hamsun’s Segelfoss Books. A Green Criticism of the Consumer Society?
- Author
Henning Howlid Wærp
- Subjects
artikel ,article ,spezialausgabe ,special issue ,knut hamsun ,norwegen ,norway ,nobelpreisträger ,nobel prize winner ,segelfoss-romane ,segelfoss novels ,kinder ihrer zeit ,children of the age ,die stadt segelfoss ,segelfoss town ,wirtschaft ,economy ,verbraucher ,consumer ,handel ,trade ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia ,DL1-1180 - Abstract
The novels of the Norwegian Nobel Prize winner Knut Hamsun can be seen as an ongoing discussion with modernity. In some parts his critique is reactionary, in other parts worth listening to. This article deals with his Segelfoss novels, Hamsun’s satirical representation of the commodity trade within the emerging capitalist market and the role of the consumer. The novels may be read as early and thought-provoking contributions to the large amount of literature on consumers and their nature. Is growth always good? What has been lost? Die Romane des norwegischen Nobelpreisträgers Knut Hamsun können als eine ständige Auseinandersetzung mit der Moderne betrachtet werden. In einigen Teilen ist seine Kritik reaktionär, in anderen Teilen hörenswert. In diesem Artikel geht es um seine Segelfoss-Romane, Hamsuns satirische Darstellung des Warenhandels im aufkommenden kapitalistischen Markt und der Rolle des Verbrauchers. Die Romane können als frühe und zum Nachdenken anregende Beiträge zu der großen Menge an Literatur über Verbraucher und ihr Wesen gelesen werden. Ist Wachstum immer gut? Was ist verloren gegangen?
- Published
- 2022
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13. A Dog’s Struggle. Martin Kellerman’s Rocky as Autofiction
- Author
Øystein Sjåstad
- Subjects
artikel ,article ,martin kellerman ,rocky ,comic ,kartoon ,cartoon ,schweden ,sweden ,autofiktion ,autofiction ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia ,DL1-1180 - Abstract
This article is about the Swedish daily comic strip Rocky by Martin Kellerman. The article views Rocky as an example of autofiction due to Kellerman’s use of an anthropomorphic cartoon self and the daily comic strip’s narrative structure. One of the article’s goals is to show how the daily comic strip as a medium creates an original day-to-day space for exploring a life story. // Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dem schwedischen Tagescomic Rocky des Autors Martin Kellerman. Rocky wird aufgrund Kellermans Verwendung eines anthropomorphen Cartoon-Ichs und der narrativen Struktur des täglichen Comics als ein Beispiel für Autofiktion betrachtet. Ein Ziel des Beitrags ist es zu zeigen, wie der tägliche Comic als Medium genutzt wird, um einen originellen Raum für die Erkundung einer Lebensgeschichte zu schaffen.
- Published
- 2022
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14. Pemetaan Riset Akuntansi Zakat: Analisis Bibliometrik
- Author
Kiki Hardiansyah, Viya Fatwa Nurmalasari, Lisa Aslamiah, Najwa Rahmadina, and Risma
- Subjects
Akuntansi Zakat ,Artikel ,Bibliometrik ,Economic history and conditions ,HC10-1085 ,Islam ,BP1-253 - Abstract
This study aims to determine the extent of the development of zakat accounting research by reviewing various literature. This research is here to fill the gap in the bibliometric research of zakat, which is still very limited. The method used is qualitative with bibliometric analysis using VOSViewer. The results showed that 42 articles related to zakat accounting were published in international journals, spanning 2015-2022. These articles have been published regularly in the last eight years (2015-2022). The majority of articles were published in 2020, which was 13 articles or 29.55%. The years 2015 and 2018 were the fewest, namely only 1 article or 2.27%. The articles are written individually (single author) as well as collaboratively (multiple authors). The most frequently used method of qualitative research is qualitative-descriptive, with a total of 19 articles. Meanwhile, the quantitative method that is most often used is the quantitative method with linear regression analysis, as many as 2 articles. The International Journal of Financial Research became the most significant journal. In total there are 298 citations, with keywords that are often used are zakat accounting, trust, business zakat, information system, and economic sustainability.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Via, Nining Sudiar, and Amelia, Vita
- Abstract
This study aims to find out about the trend topics that are more often discussed in Information dan Communication Technology journals indexed by SINTA 1 in 2021 so that they can bring up the latest research subjects. The method used in this research is to use the bibliometric data analysis method based on the zipf rule. The results showed that there was the word "Learning" which was the highest word frequency, which was 317 times appearing with a percentage (3.8%) of the total 8246 words. These words can be used as keywords in the research article being studied. The calculation above shows that the relevant subject index is greater with the relevant percentage of 62.5%, relevant marginal of 37.5% and irrelevant of 0 %. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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16. Kekecewaan Politik
- Author
Rasyid, Abdul and Rasyid, Abdul
- Published
- 2024
17. Pak Marmuj dan Tiga Jenis Petani (6)
- Author
Mardianto, Mardianto and Mardianto, Mardianto
- Published
- 2024
18. Pendidik Inspiratif (174)
- Author
Mardianto, Mardianto and Mardianto, Mardianto
- Published
- 2024
19. Pak Marmuj dan Surat kepada Yang Terhormat Tuhan YME (7)
- Author
Mardianto, Mardianto and Mardianto, Mardianto
- Published
- 2024
20. Pak Marmuj Guru Sombong (3)
- Author
Mardianto, Mardianto and Mardianto, Mardianto
- Published
- 2024
21. Perbanyak Sabar
- Author
Rasyid, Abdul and Rasyid, Abdul
- Published
- 2024
22. Istikharah Politik
- Author
Rasyid, Abdul and Rasyid, Abdul
- Published
- 2024
23. Hilang Rasa Malu
- Author
Rasyid, Abdul and Rasyid, Abdul
- Published
- 2024
24. Pak Marmuj dan Cerita Terpanjang di Dunia (4)
- Author
Mardianto, Mardianto and Mardianto, Mardianto
- Published
- 2024
25. Pendidik Inspiratif (171) Hendri Fauza
- Author
Mardianto, Mardianto and Mardianto, Mardianto
- Published
- 2024
26. Educational inequalities in major depressive disorder prevalence, timing and duration among adults over the life course: A microsimulation analysis based on the Lifelines Cohort Study
- Author
Lepe, A., Hoveling, L.A., Boissonneault, M. (Michael), de Beer, J.A.A., Reijneveld, Sijmen A, de Kroon, M.L.A., Liefbroer, A.C. (Aat), Lepe, A., Hoveling, L.A., Boissonneault, M. (Michael), de Beer, J.A.A., Reijneveld, Sijmen A, de Kroon, M.L.A., and Liefbroer, A.C. (Aat)
- Published
- 2024
27. De toekomst van onderzoek naar klankverandering: Een dieper begrip door een bredere blik
- Author
Voeten, Cesko and Voeten, Cesko
- Published
- 2024
28. Assessing soil functioning: What is the added value of soil organic carbon quality measurements alongside total organic carbon content?
- Author
Koorneef, Guusje J., Pulleman, Mirjam M., Comans, Rob NJ, van Rijssel, Sophie Q., Barré, Pierre, Baudin, François, de Goede, Ron GM, Koorneef, Guusje J., Pulleman, Mirjam M., Comans, Rob NJ, van Rijssel, Sophie Q., Barré, Pierre, Baudin, François, and de Goede, Ron GM
- Abstract
Soil organic carbon (SOC) content is the most widely used soil health indicator, but many soil functions are also influenced by the quality of SOC. Yet, standardized SOC quality parameters that can be used in soil health assessments in addition to SOC content are still in development. Here, we investigated the relationships between various SOC parameters (both quantity and quality) and soil functions. We collected 223 soil samples from arable fields in two contrasting Dutch soil types i.e., marine clay and sand. For each sample, we assessed three soil functions (i.e., biological population regulation, element cycling, and soil structure and water regulation) by measuring five indicators per function. We also analyzed SOC quality with four techniques (C:N-ratio, POX-C, Rock-Eval, POM-MAOM fractionation), resulting in 21 SOC quality parameters, and measured SOC content. We then determined for each soil type how much variation in each function indicator was explained by the SOC parameters and other measured intrinsic soil properties. We found that SOC parameters and intrinsic soil properties explained at most 30 ± 22% of the variation in soil function indicators. SOC content explained 9 ± 16% of the variation across functions and soil types. Including one single SOC quality parameter alongside SOC content never had significant added value in explaining soil functions. Only including multiple Rock-Eval parameters alongside SOC content significantly increased the explained variation compared to SOC content alone, as well as combining multiple parameters from the four different SOC quality techniques. We conclude that the relationships between the SOC quality parameters and soil functions are insufficiently straight-forward to add significant explanatory power to SOC content alone. We recommend that before including SOC quality parameters in soil health monitoring, more emphasis should be put on evaluating their relation to soil functions and their potential redundancy
- Published
- 2024
29. Positive, negative, and ambivalent dyads and triads with family and friends: A personal network study on how they are associated with young adults’ well-being
- Author
de Bel, V. (Vera), Widmer, E.D., de Bel, V. (Vera), and Widmer, E.D.
- Published
- 2024
30. Determinants of ethnic harassment among first- and second-generation immigrants in Europe
- Author
van Tubergen, F. (Frank), Kros, M., van Tubergen, F. (Frank), and Kros, M.
- Published
- 2024
31. Adpositions in schwa in Saterland Frisian
- Author
Hoekstra, E., Slofstra, B., Wolf, Henk, Hoekstra, E., Slofstra, B., and Wolf, Henk
- Published
- 2024
32. Consciousness in non-REM-parasomnia episodes
- Author
Siclari, Francesca and Siclari, Francesca
- Abstract
Sleepwalking and related parasomnias are thought to result from incomplete awakenings out of non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep. Non-REM parasomnia behaviours have been described as unconscious and automatic, or related to vivid, dream-like conscious experiences. Similarly, some observations have suggested that patients are unresponsive during episodes, while others that they can interact with their surroundings. To better grasp and characterise the full spectrum of consciousness and environmental (dis)connection associated with behavioural episodes, 35 adult patients with non-REM sleep parasomnias were interviewed in-depth about their experiences. The level of consciousness during parasomnia episodes was reported to be variable both within and between individuals, ranging from minimal or absent consciousness and largely automatic behaviours (frequently/always present in 36% of patients) to preserved conscious experiences characterised by delusional thinking to varying degrees of specificity (65%), often about impending danger, variably formed, uni- or multisensory hallucinations (53%), impaired insight (77%), negative emotions (75%), and variable, but often pronounced, amnesia (30%). Patients described their experiences as a dream scene during which they felt awake ("awake dreaming"). The surroundings were either realistically perceived, misinterpreted (in the form of perceptual illusions or misidentifications of people), or entirely hallucinated as a function of the prevailing delusion. These observations suggest that the level of consciousness, amnesia and sensory disconnection during non-REM parasomnia episodes is variable and graded. In their full-fledged expression, non-REM parasomnia experiences feature several core features of dreams. They therefore represent a valuable model for the study of consciousness, sleep-related sensory disconnection and dreaming.
- Published
- 2024
33. Nieuwe pistes om de raadsels van het klankveranderingsproces op te lossen
- Author
Pinget, Anne-France and Pinget, Anne-France
- Published
- 2024
34. Sleep profiles of different psychiatric traits
- Author
Axelsson, John, van Someren, Eus J W, Balter, Leonie J T, Axelsson, John, van Someren, Eus J W, and Balter, Leonie J T
- Abstract
Disturbed sleep comes in many forms. While the key role of sleep in mental health is undisputed, our understanding of the type of sleeping problems that manifest in the early stages of psychiatric disorders is limited. A sample without psychiatric diagnoses (N = 440, 341 women, 97 men, 2 non-binaries; Mage = 32.1, SD = 9.4, range 18-77) underwent a comprehensive assessment, evaluating eight sleep features and 13 questionnaires on common psychiatric complaints. Results revealed that traits of affect disorders, generalized anxiety, and ADHD had the worst sleep profiles, while autism disorder, eating disorder, and impulsivity traits showed milder sleep issues. Mania was the only trait associated with an overall better sleep profile. Across traits, insomnia and fatigue dominated and sleep variability was least prominent. These findings provide support for both transdiagnostic and disorder-specific targets for prevention and treatment.
- Published
- 2024
35. Does parental origin-country culture affect the gender gap in sport participation? A study on immigrant youth in Italy
- Author
van Tubergen, F. (Frank), Molteni, F., van Tubergen, F. (Frank), and Molteni, F.
- Published
- 2024
36. The educational diffusion of divorce: The role of gender and context
- Author
Hogendoorn, B. (Bram), van den Berg, L. (Lonneke), Hogendoorn, B. (Bram), and van den Berg, L. (Lonneke)
- Published
- 2024
37. Ixodes ricinus as potential vector for Usutu virus
- Author
Bakker, Julian W., Münger, Emmanuelle, Esser, Helen J., Sikkema, Reina S., de Boer, Willem F., Sprong, Hein, Reusken, Chantal B. E. M., de Vries, Ankje, Kohl, Robert, van der Linden, Anne, Stroo, Arjan, van der Jeugd, Henk, Pijlman, Gorben P., Koopmans, Marion P. G., Oude Munnink, Bas B., Koenraadt, Constantianus J. M., Bakker, Julian W., Münger, Emmanuelle, Esser, Helen J., Sikkema, Reina S., de Boer, Willem F., Sprong, Hein, Reusken, Chantal B. E. M., de Vries, Ankje, Kohl, Robert, van der Linden, Anne, Stroo, Arjan, van der Jeugd, Henk, Pijlman, Gorben P., Koopmans, Marion P. G., Oude Munnink, Bas B., and Koenraadt, Constantianus J. M.
- Abstract
Usutu virus (USUV) is an emerging flavivirus that is maintained in an enzootic cycle with mosquitoes as vectors and birds as amplifying hosts. In Europe, the virus has caused mass mortality of wild birds, mainly among Common Blackbird (Turdus merula) populations. While mosquitoes are the primary vectors for USUV, Common Blackbirds and other avian species are exposed to other arthropod ectoparasites, such as ticks. It is unknown, how- ever, if ticks can maintain and transmit USUV. We addressed this question using in vitro and in vivo experiments and field collected data. USUV replicated in IRE/CTVM19 Ixodes ricinus tick cells and in injected ticks. Moreover, I. ricinus nymphs acquired the virus via artificial membrane blood-feeding and maintained the virus for at least 70 days. Transstadial trans- mission of USUV from nymphs to adults was confirmed in 4.9% of the ticks. USUV dissemi- nated from the midgut to the haemocoel, and was transmitted via the saliva of the tick during artificial membrane blood-feeding. We further explored the role of ticks by monitoring USUV in questing ticks and in ticks feeding on wild birds in the Netherlands between 2016 and 2019. In total, 622 wild birds and the Ixodes ticks they carried were tested for USUV RNA. Of these birds, 48 (7.7%) carried USUV-positive ticks. The presence of negative-sense USUV RNA in ticks, as confirmed via small RNA-sequencing, showed active virus replica- tion. In contrast, we did not detect USUV in 15,381 questing ticks collected in 2017 and 2019. We conclude that I. ricinus can be infected with USUV and can transstadially and hori- zontally transmit USUV. However, in comparison to mosquito-borne transmission, the role of I. ricinus ticks in the epidemiology of USUV is expected to be minor.
- Published
- 2024
38. Putative benefits of vitamin D supplements in multiple sclerosis out of reach due to sample size
- Author
Corsten, Cato E A, Wokke, Beatrijs H A, Smolders, Joost, Corsten, Cato E A, Wokke, Beatrijs H A, and Smolders, Joost
- Published
- 2024
39. Grey x Purple Heron hybrids:: records, breeding case and separation from Great Blue Heron
- Author
Ebels, Enno, De Vries, Peter, Ebels, Enno, and De Vries, Peter
- Published
- 2024
40. Demografische zorgen in naamkundige verhoudingen?: Over grootsteedse families die uitdunnen en de bevolkingsgroei in dorpsgemeenschappen
- Author
Brouwer, Leendert and Brouwer, Leendert
- Published
- 2024
41. Clustered synapses develop in distinct dendritic domains in visual cortex before eye opening
- Author
Leighton, Alexandra H, Cheyne, Juliette E, Lohmann, Christian, Leighton, Alexandra H, Cheyne, Juliette E, and Lohmann, Christian
- Abstract
Synaptic inputs to cortical neurons are highly structured in adult sensory systems, such that neighboring synapses along dendrites are activated by similar stimuli. This organization of synaptic inputs, called synaptic clustering, is required for high-fidelity signal processing, and clustered synapses can already be observed before eye opening. However, how clustered inputs emerge during development is unknown. Here, we employed concurrent in vivo whole-cell patch-clamp and dendritic calcium imaging to map spontaneous synaptic inputs to dendrites of layer 2/3 neurons in the mouse primary visual cortex during the second postnatal week until eye opening. We found that the number of functional synapses and the frequency of transmission events increase several fold during this developmental period. At the beginning of the second postnatal week, synapses assemble specifically in confined dendritic segments, whereas other segments are devoid of synapses. By the end of the second postnatal week, just before eye opening, dendrites are almost entirely covered by domains of co-active synapses. Finally, co-activity with their neighbor synapses correlates with synaptic stabilization and potentiation. Thus, clustered synapses form in distinct functional domains presumably to equip dendrites with computational modules for high-capacity sensory processing when the eyes open.
- Published
- 2024
42. Biological Characterization of Physostegia Chlorotic Mottle Virus, an Emergent Virus Infecting Vegetables in Diversified Production Systems
- Author
Temple, Coline, Blouin, Arnaud G., Boezen, Dieke, Botermans, Marleen, Durant, Laurena, De Jonghe, Kris, de Koning, Pier, Goedefroit, Thomas, Minet, Laurent, Steyer, Stephan, Verdin, Eric, Zwart, Mark, Massart, Sebastien, Temple, Coline, Blouin, Arnaud G., Boezen, Dieke, Botermans, Marleen, Durant, Laurena, De Jonghe, Kris, de Koning, Pier, Goedefroit, Thomas, Minet, Laurent, Steyer, Stephan, Verdin, Eric, Zwart, Mark, and Massart, Sebastien
- Abstract
In 2014, Physostegia chlorotic mottle virus (PhCMoV) was discovered in Austria in Physostegia virginiana. Subsequent collaborative efforts established a link between the virus and severe fruit symptoms on important crops such as tomato, eggplant, and cucumber across nine European countries. Thereafter, specific knowledge gaps, which are crucial to assess the risks PhCMoV can pose for production and how to manage it, needed to be addressed. In this study, the transmission, prevalence, and disease severity of PhCMoV were examined. This investigation led to the identification of PhCMoV presence in a new country, Switzerland. Furthermore, our research indicates that the virus was already present in Europe 30 years ago. Bioassays demonstrated PhCMoV can result in up to 100% tomato yield losses depending on the phenological stage of the plant at the time of infection. PhCMoV was found to naturally infect 12 new host plant species across eight families, extending its host range to 21 plant species across 15 plant families. The study also identified a polyphagous leafhopper (genus Anaceratagallia) as a natural vector of PhCMoV. Overall, PhCMoV was widespread in small-scale diversified vegetable farms in Belgium where tomato is grown in soil under tunnels, occurring in approximately one-third of such farms. However, outbreaks were sporadic and were associated at least once with the cultivation in tomato tunnels of perennial plants that can serve as a reservoir host for the virus and its vector. To further explore this phenomenon and manage the virus, studying the ecology of the vector would be beneficial.
- Published
- 2024
43. Iron mineral type controls organic matter stability and priming in paddy soil under anaerobic conditions
- Author
Wang, Shuang, Gao, Wei, Ma, Zhi, Zhu, Zhenke, Luo, Yu, Wei, Liang, Yuan, Hongzhao, Chen, Song, Ying, Chaoyun, Mason-Jones, Kyle, Kuzyakov, Yakov, Ge, Tida, Wang, Shuang, Gao, Wei, Ma, Zhi, Zhu, Zhenke, Luo, Yu, Wei, Liang, Yuan, Hongzhao, Chen, Song, Ying, Chaoyun, Mason-Jones, Kyle, Kuzyakov, Yakov, and Ge, Tida
- Abstract
Associations of iron (hydr)oxides (FeOx) with organic carbon are vital in regulating the stability of soil organic carbon (SOC). Like SOC, FeOx is chemically dynamic in soils, particularly under anaerobic conditions. However, previous research has not clarified how the stability of FeOx (goethite versus ferrihydrite) and the formation pathway of FeOx-OC associations (adsorption versus coprecipitation) affect the stability of FeOx-bound OC and, subsequently, the priming effect (PE) under anaerobic conditions. With an aim to bridge this gap, we incubated paddy soils for 80 d under anaerobic conditions after adding free 13C-glucose, ferrihydrite- or goethite-bound 13C-glucose formed by either adsorption or coprecipitation. Compared with the free glucose addition, the FeOx-bound glucose addition increased 13CO2 production by 8%–21% but reduced 13C–CH4 production by 7%–10%. Ferrihydrite-bound glucose was mineralised more than goethite-bound glucose; this is consistent with its lower crystallinity facilitating reduction and, thus, higher OC bioavailability. Glucose induced a negative priming effect (PE) for CO2 but a positive PE for CH4, whereas FeOx-bound glucose showed the opposite trend. This may be because FeOx-bound glucose provides an energy source and electron acceptor for Fe-reducing bacteria; this promotes the dissimilating reduction of iron and combines with an aggravated microbial P limitation resulting from the FeOx input. The crystallinity of FeOx affected the amount of primed CH4 rather than its formation pathway. In conclusion, the crystallinity of FeOx controls the stability of FeOx-OC associations and the PE of SOC decomposition under anaerobic conditions.
- Published
- 2024
44. Diverse bacterial consortia: key drivers of rhizosoil fertility modulating microbiome functions, plant physiology, nutrition, and soybean grain yield
- Author
Moretti, Luiz Gustavo, Crusciol, Carlos Alexandre Costa, Leite, Marcio Fernandes Alves, Momesso, Letusa, Bossolani, João William, Costa, Ohana Yonara Assis, Hungria, Mariangela, Kuramae, Eiko Eurya, Moretti, Luiz Gustavo, Crusciol, Carlos Alexandre Costa, Leite, Marcio Fernandes Alves, Momesso, Letusa, Bossolani, João William, Costa, Ohana Yonara Assis, Hungria, Mariangela, and Kuramae, Eiko Eurya
- Abstract
Soybean cultivation in tropical regions relies on symbioses with nitrogen-fixing Bradyrhizobium and plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPBs), reducing environmental impacts of N fertilizers and pesticides. We evaluate the effects of soybean inoculation with different bacterial consortia combined with PGPBs or microbial secondary metabolites (MSMs) on rhizosoil chemistry, plant physiology, plant nutrition, grain yield, and rhizosphere microbial functions under field conditions over three growing seasons with four treatments: standard inoculation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens consortium (SI); SI plus foliar spraying with Bacillus subtilis (SI + Bs); SI plus foliar spraying with Azospirillum brasilense (SI + Az); and SI plus seed application of MSMs enriched in lipo-chitooligosaccharides extracted from B. diazoefficiens and Rhizobium tropici (SI + MSM). Rhizosphere microbial composition, diversity, and function was assessed by metagenomics. The relationships between rhizosoil chemistry, plant nutrition, grain yield, and the abundance of microbial taxa and functions were determined by generalized joint attribute modeling. The bacterial consortia had the most significant impact on rhizosphere soil fertility, which in turn affected the bacterial community, plant physiology, nutrient availability, and production. Cluster analysis identified microbial groups and functions correlated with shifts in rhizosoil chemistry and plant nutrition. Bacterial consortia positively modulated specific genera and functional pathways involved in biosynthesis of plant secondary metabolites, amino acids, lipopolysaccharides, photosynthesis, bacterial secretion systems, and sulfur metabolism. The effects of the bacterial consortia on the soybean holobiont, particularly the rhizomicrobiome and rhizosoil fertility, highlight the importance of selecting appropriate consortia for desired outcomes. These findings have implications for microbial-based agricultural prac
- Published
- 2024
45. Sampling data of macro-invertebrates collected in grasslands under restoration succession in a lowland stream-valley system
- Author
Gerrits, Gijs, Hemerik, Lia, Gerrits, Gijs, and Hemerik, Lia
- Abstract
Background Publication of data from past field studies on invertebrate populations is of high importance, as there is much added value for them to be used as baselines to study spatiotemporal population and community dynamics in these groups. Therefore, a dataset consisting of occurrence data on epigaeic invertebrates collected in 1996 was standardised into the Darwin core format and cross-checked in order to make it publicly available following FAIR data principles. With publication, it can contribute to the biodiversity assessment of terrestrial invertebrates, thereby improving the availability and accessibility of much-needed historical datasets on macro-invertebrates. Here, we present sampling event data on invertebrates from four grasslands taken out of agricultural production over the span of several decades, effectively displaying a chronosequence on the effects of agricultural extensification. The data were collected by means of a standardised sampling design using pyramid traps, pitfall traps and soil samples. New information The raw data presented in this data paper have not been published before. They consist of 20,000+ records of nearly 70,000 specimens from 121 taxonomic groups. The data were collected using a standardised field study set-up and specimens were identified by taxonomic specialists. Most groups were identified up to family level, with eight groups identified up to species level. The occurrence data are complemented by information on plant composition, meteorological data and soil physical characteristics. The dataset has been registered in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF): http://doi.org/10.15468/7n499e
- Published
- 2024
46. Revisiting Perdeck's massive avian migration experiments debunks alternative social interpretations
- Author
Pot, M.T., Visser, M.E., Helm, B., von Rönn, J.A.C., van der Jeugd, H.P., Pot, M.T., Visser, M.E., Helm, B., von Rönn, J.A.C., and van der Jeugd, H.P.
- Abstract
Whether avian migrants can adapt to their changing world depends on the relative importance of genetic and environmental variation for the timing and direction of migration. In the classic series of field experiments on avian migration, A. C. Perdeck discovered that translocated juveniles failed to reach goal areas, whereas translocated adults performed ‘true-goal navigation’. His translocations of > 14 000 common starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) suggested that genetic mechanisms guide juveniles into a population-specific direction, i.e. ‘vector navigation’. However, alternative explanations involving social learning after release in juveniles could not be excluded. By adding historical data from translocation sites, data that was unavailable in Perdeck's days, and by integrated analyses including the original data, we could not explain juvenile migrations from possible social information upon release. Despite their highly social behaviour, our findings are consistent with the idea that juvenile starlings follow inherited information and independently reach their winter quarters. Similar to more solitarily migrating songbirds, starlings would require genetic change to adjust the migration route in response to global change.
- Published
- 2024
47. Temporal pattern recognition in retinal ganglion cells is mediated by dynamical inhibitory synapses
- Author
Ebert, Simone, Buffet, Thomas, Sermet, B Semihcan, Marre, Olivier, Cessac, Bruno, Ebert, Simone, Buffet, Thomas, Sermet, B Semihcan, Marre, Olivier, and Cessac, Bruno
- Abstract
A fundamental task for the brain is to generate predictions of future sensory inputs, and signal errors in these predictions. Many neurons have been shown to signal omitted stimuli during periodic stimulation, even in the retina. However, the mechanisms of this error signaling are unclear. Here we show that depressing inhibitory synapses shape the timing of the response to an omitted stimulus in the retina. While ganglion cells, the retinal output, responded to an omitted flash with a constant latency over many frequencies of the flash sequence, we found that this was not the case once inhibition was blocked. We built a simple circuit model and showed that depressing inhibitory synapses were a necessary component to reproduce our experimental findings. A new prediction of our model is that the accuracy of the constant latency requires a sufficient amount of flashes in the stimulus, which we could confirm experimentally. Depressing inhibitory synapses could thus be a key component to generate the predictive responses observed in the retina, and potentially in many brain areas.
- Published
- 2024
48. Methane-cycling microbial communities from Amazon floodplains and upland forests respond differently to simulated climate change scenarios
- Author
Gontijo, Júlia B., Paula, Fabiana S., Bieluczyk, Wanderlei, França, Aline G., Navroski, Deisi, Mandro, Jéssica A., Venturini, Andressa M., Asselta, Fernanda O., Mendes, Lucas W., Moura, José M. S., Moreira, Marcelo Z., Nüsslein, Klaus, Bohannan, Brendan J. M., Bodelier, Paul L. E., Rodrigues, Jorge L. Mazza, Tsai, Siu M., Gontijo, Júlia B., Paula, Fabiana S., Bieluczyk, Wanderlei, França, Aline G., Navroski, Deisi, Mandro, Jéssica A., Venturini, Andressa M., Asselta, Fernanda O., Mendes, Lucas W., Moura, José M. S., Moreira, Marcelo Z., Nüsslein, Klaus, Bohannan, Brendan J. M., Bodelier, Paul L. E., Rodrigues, Jorge L. Mazza, and Tsai, Siu M.
- Abstract
Seasonal floodplains in the Amazon basin are important sources of methane (CH4), while upland forests are known for their sink capacity. Climate change effects, including shifts in rainfall patterns and rising temperatures, may alter the functionality of soil microbial communities, leading to uncertain changes in CH4 cycling dynamics. To investigate the microbial feedback under climate change scenarios, we performed a microcosm experiment using soils from two floodplains (i.e., Amazonas and Tapajós rivers) and one upland forest. We employed a two-factorial experimental design comprising flooding (with non-flooded control) and temperature (at 27 °C and 30 °C, representing a 3 °C increase) as variables. We assessed prokaryotic community dynamics over 30 days using 16S rRNA gene sequencing and qPCR. These data were integrated with chemical properties, CH4 fluxes, and isotopic values and signatures. In the floodplains, temperature changes did not significantly affect the overall microbial composition and CH4 fluxes. CH4 emissions and uptake in response to flooding and non-flooding conditions, respectively, were observed in the floodplain soils. By contrast, in the upland forest, the higher temperature caused a sink-to-source shift under flooding conditions and reduced CH4 sink capability under dry conditions. The upland soil microbial communities also changed in response to increased temperature, with a higher percentage of specialist microbes observed. Floodplains showed higher total and relative abundances of methanogenic and methanotrophic microbes compared to forest soils. Isotopic data from some flooded samples from the Amazonas river floodplain indicated CH4 oxidation metabolism. This floodplain also showed a high relative abundance of aerobic and anaerobic CH4 oxidizing Bacteria and Archaea. Taken together, our data indicate that CH4 cycle dynamics and microbial communities in Amazonian floodplain and upland forest soils may respond differently to climate change
- Published
- 2024
49. Are comparable studies really comparable? Suggestions from a problem-solving experiment on urban and rural great tits
- Author
Vincze, Ernő, Kačergytė, Ineta, Gaviraghi Mussoi, Juliane, Urhan, Utku, Brodin, Anders, Vincze, Ernő, Kačergytė, Ineta, Gaviraghi Mussoi, Juliane, Urhan, Utku, and Brodin, Anders
- Abstract
Performance in tests of various cognitive abilities has often been compared, both within and between species. In intraspecific comparisons, habitat effects on cognition has been a popular topic, frequently with an underlying assumption that urban animals should perform better than their rural conspecifics. In this study, we tested problem-solving ability in great tits Parus major, in a string-pulling and a plug-opening test. Our aim was to compare performance between urban and rural great tits, and to compare their performance with previously published problem solving studies. Our great tits perfomed better in string-pulling than their conspecifics in previous studies (solving success: 54%), and better than their close relative, the mountain chickadee Poecile gambeli, in the plug-opening test (solving success: 70%). Solving latency became shorter over four repeated sessions, indicating learning abilities, and showed among-individual correlation between the two tests. However, the solving ability did not differ between habitat types in either test. Somewhat unexpectedly, we found marked differences between study years even though we tried to keep conditions identical. These were probably due to small changes to the experimental protocol between years, for example the unavoidable changes of observers and changes in the size and material of test devices. This has an important implication: if small changes in an otherwise identical set-up can have strong effects, meaningful comparisons of cognitive performance between different labs must be extremely hard. In a wider perspective this highlights the replicability problem often present in animal behaviour studies.
- Published
- 2024
50. Simulation-based optimization and experimental comparison of intracranial T2-weighted DANTE-SPACE vessel wall imaging at 3T and 7T
- Author
de Buck, Matthijs H S, Hess, Aaron T, Jezzard, Peter, de Buck, Matthijs H S, Hess, Aaron T, and Jezzard, Peter
- Abstract
PURPOSE: T2-weighted DANTE-SPACE (Delay Alternating with Nutation for Tailored Excitation - Sampling Perfection with Application optimized Contrasts using different flip angle Evolution) sequences facilitate non-invasive intracranial vessel wall imaging at 7T through simultaneous suppression of blood and CSF. However, the achieved vessel wall delineation depends closely on the selected sequence parameters, and little information is available about the performance of the sequence using more widely available 3T MRI. Therefore, in this paper a comprehensive DANTE-SPACE simulation framework is used for the optimization and quantitative comparison of T2-weighted DANTE-SPACE at both 7T and 3T.METHODS: Simulations are used to propose optimized sequence parameters at both 3T and 7T. At 7T, an additional protocol which uses a parallel transmission (pTx) shim during the DANTE preparation for improved suppression of inflowing blood is also proposed. Data at both field strengths using optimized and literature protocols are acquired and quantitatively compared in six healthy volunteers.RESULTS: At 7T, more vessel wall signal can be retained while still achieving sufficient CSF suppression by using fewer DANTE pulses than described in previous implementations. The use of a pTx shim during DANTE at 7T provides a modest further improvement to the inner vessel wall delineation. At 3T, aggressive DANTE preparation is required to achieve CSF suppression, resulting in reduced vessel wall signal. As a result, the achievable vessel wall definition at 3T is around half that of 7T.CONCLUSION: Simulation-based optimization of DANTE parameters facilitates improved T2-weighted DANTE-SPACE contrasts at 7T. The improved vessel definition of T2-weighted DANTE-SPACE at 7T makes DANTE preparation more suitable for T2-weighted VWI at 7T than at 3T.
- Published
- 2024
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