In this paper, we proposed a new framework to incorporate an intelligent agent software robot into a crisis communication portal (CCNet) in order to send alert news to subscribed users via email and other mobile services such as Short Message Service (SMS), Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) and General Packet Radio Services (GPRS). The content on the mobile services can be delivered either through mobile phone or Personal Digital Assistance (PDA). This research has shown that with our proposed framework, the embodied conversation agents system can handle questions intelligently with our multilayer architecture. At the same time, the extended framework can take care of delivery content through a more humanoid interface on mobile devices., {"references":["L. Palen, M. Salzman, and E. Youngs, \"Going wireless: behavior &\npractice of new mobile phone users,\" presented at the 2000 ACM\nconference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Philadelphia,\n2000.","J. Rickel and W. L. 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