Jesús E. Argente García, Alfonso P. Ramallo-González, Jaime Bernardeau-Esteller, Ángel M. Enguix-Egea, José V. Yago Martinez, Antonio F. Skarmeta Gómez, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Fundación Séneca, and Bernardeau, Jaime
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are essential tools in the protection and conservation of marine ecosystems. However, very few MPAs are effective and meet their conservation objectives mainly due to a lack of coordination, participation or resources. For instance, in the Mediterranean Sea there are about 1062 MPAs, but 72% of them do not have effective regulations to reduce human impacts on biodiversity and current efforts are insufficient in managing human uses for the conservation and protection of marine biodiversity. This makes necessary to seek new ways or instruments for their management. In this sense, digitalization and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can provide tools to facilitate the development of MPAs management in a more effective, participatory and efficient manner because automatic agents report their information and digest the data no matter the situation. In the specific case of Spain, one of the main problems identified for MPAs management is the overlapping of different kinds of protected areas in the same territory. In addition, these are managed by different administrations (Regional, National). An example of this situation is the Sierra Helada Marine Natural Park (SHMP) in Alicante. Within its territorial scope there are 3 MPAs with different protection figures that overlap each other, SHMP, the Natura 2000 site of Serra Gelada i la Marina Baixa and a fishing protected area. These MPAs are managed by different regional governmental bodies, and have a natural resources action plan in use, supported by a management collaboration agreement with the town councils in the area and the Altea Nautical Club. In the SHMP, Posidonia oceanica (PO) is one of the most important ecosystems and its presence prompted its creation and declaration. PO is a marine angiosperm endemic to the Mediterranean Sea that forms extensive meadows from the sea surface to 30–40 m depth and which provides essential goods and services: it improves water quality and protect beaches against erosion. PO meadows are recognized as biodiversity hotspots, and as major carbon sinks, but they are very sensitive to human activities. However, although many regulations protect PO, there are still significant threats to their conservation. In this regard, the research presented in this paper is the development of an ICT-based software tool, called Smart MPA, that includes an analysis framework based on management and governance indicators specific for PO and a database on PO that includes and combines different sources of information, including the results obtained of the evaluation of the analytical framework, input from information from citizens or MPA users, for example, by sending photos to report infractions in PO at specific points and from satellite images or underwater UAVs. The main objective of the Smart MPA tool is to offer services applied to PO management, either through the analysis of governance indicators or by facilitating the integration of citizen information to be used in management activities. The tool has been tested and used by the management staff of SHMP to be applied to an annual monitoring of management measures to develop an adaptive management of PO and the SHMP. After that, a semi-structured interview was carried out to collect information on the analytical framework co-developed and a survey was created where management staff of SHMP have given their perception on the usability of the tool and on the environmental problems affecting the conservation of PO in SHMP. According to the results obtained, the management of PO in SHMP is efficient, at a general level, with the lack of adequate funding being a limiting factor. The main threats are boat anchoring and organic pollution. In conclusion, the Smart MPA tool and the analytical framework are instruments that can facilitate the management and promote good environmental governance processes for the conservation of PO meadows in SHMP. At the same time, the importance of exploring mobile apps to increase citizen participation and mitigate threats and impacts on PO have been highlighted., This study forms part of: (1) ThinkInAzul project supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación with funding from European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I1) and by Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia-Fundación Seneca; (2) WATERMED4.0 project (Efficient use and management of conventional and non-conventional water resources through intelligent technologies applied to improve the quality and safety of Mediterranean agriculture in semi-arid areas) action 1821 of the PRIMA program of the European Union. The PRIMA program is an Art.185 initiative supported and funded by Horizon 2020 (; and (3) B-Blue (Building the Blue Biotechnology community in the Mediterranean) governance and innovation project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Med program (