Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, 2017; Aachen, 1 Online-Ressource (xiv, 179 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme (2017). = Dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, 2017, Motivated by the increasing need of carbon-free energy supply, development of concepts related to geothermal energy production has gained increasing attention in the last decades. Production of geothermal energy consists in the extraction of the heat stored in the Earth’s crust for direct use or electricity production. One or several borehole doublets are usually drilled to gain access to the targeted geological formations and the heat stored within the reservoir rocks is extracted by producing and injecting the geothermal fluid. It has also become a standard practice to use well stimulation or enhancement treatments in order to create secondary permeability and enhance the productivity of medium to low enthalpy reservoirs. The main challenges to guarantee a productive, sustainable and environmental safe geothermal operational campaign are to capture the details of the geology of the reservoir structures (geological formations, fractures and faults) and to quantify in time and space the dynamics of the relevant physical processes and their interactions with the geological environment where they occur. Continuous production and injection of geothermal fluids lead to changes in the thermodynamic conditions of a reservoir, where significant variations in pore pressure and temperature induce local gradients in the stress acting on the porous rock, thus affecting reservoir’s performance. The transport properties of a porous medium, which are porosity and permeability are indeed sensitive to the deformation of the bulk and pore volume and can alter if not control the overall reservoir productivity. Furthermore, changes in the stress acting on a geological discontinuity such as a fracture or a fault, as induced by geothermal operations can compromise the mechanical stability of such structures. This can result in the propagation or closing of existing fractures but it can also induce slip along fault planes which is usually accompanied by induced seismicity. This thesis aims at quantifying the impacts of the dynamics of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes on the transport properties of the reservoir rocks. The goal is to provide a working framework which will assist field scientists in assessing the reservoir behaviour during operations in the light of increasing the productivity of such operations by limiting related hazards. For this purpose, a multiphysic and multiscale workflow has been developed which combines data obtained from laboratory-based rock deformation experiments and field operations and an accurate description of the main physical processes and their coupling into a novel numerical framework. A poroelastic framework capturing non-linear processes related to the closure of microcracks at low confining pressure during hydrostatic loading in drained conditions has been constrained and validated using published laboratory data on two different sandstones. It was therefore possible to capture the non-linear decrease of porosity during hydrostatic loading in numerical simulation as monitored in the laboratory. The resulting poroelastic framework was later extended to account for thermal feedbacks in a thermo-poroelastic model. The impacts of temperature changes on the mechanical behaviour and as well as on the porosity and permeability distributions were analysed and quantified by means of a generic model and a field case application, the Groß Schönebeck geothermal research facility, located north of Berlin, Germany. The results predicted a decrease of approximatively 14 % in the life time of the reservoir with respect to previous estimates based on studies neglecting such deformation feedbacks. This thermo-poroelastic framework has also been used to study the impacts of pore pressure and temperature changes on the slip tendency of major faults zones in the vicinity of an operating well. The results showed that gradients in temperature can contribute to the increase of slip movements along major fault zones, with the magnitude of such movement correlating with magnitudes of induced thermal gradients by fluid injection and faults geometry with respect to the in situ stress field. Finally, a complete hydromechanical model formulation has been used to provide an explanation on the causative process behind field observations which were left unexplained before. These consist in instantaneous increases in pore pressure propagating at large distances (∼500 m) from a stimulated well which has been observed during a stimulation campaign at the Groß Schönebeck geothermal field. These observations can be explained as the results from a poroelastic effect in relation to a solid to fluid hydromechanical coupling, similar to the Mandel-Cryer effect triggered by compressional deformation as induced by the opening of a hydraulic fracture. In summary, this thesis demonstrates the importance of mechanical processes and multiscale non-linear relations between transport properties and the microstructure of the reservoir rocks for assessing the hydrothermal state of a geothermal reservoir and ultimately the productivity, sustainability and safety of geothermal operations. By means of complementary laboratory- and field-based observations, the outcomes of this thesis provide a complete workflow including space discretisation of complex geometries of a geological model and a powerful scalable numerical simulator capable of integrating new information as available. The tool developed during the course of this thesis is intended to help at improving the predictive capabilities of geothermal operations and could be extended to any reservoir operation in the future., Published by Aachen