Skromna je cjelogodišnja intenzivna proizvodnja povrća u zatvorenim prostorima s kontroliranim uvjetima, često neadekvatnih termotehničkih rješenja, s velikom potrošnjom i visokim troškovima energije. Proizvodni ciklus se ograničava na topliji dio godine kada su troškovi energije manji što značajno smanjuje ekonomičnost, kakvoću prinosa, konkurentnost i dugoročni opstanak proizvođača na tržištu. Bjelovarsko-bilogorska županija i susjedne županije raspolažu značajnim potencijalom obnovljivih izvora energije (biomasa, geotermalna energija) koji se multiplikativno ne usmjeravaju podizanju proizvodnih djelatnosti, a posebno intenzivnom uzgoju povrća u plastenicima. Nedostatak egzaktnih istraživanja i korištenje načelnih procjena često su razlog nedovoljnog praktičnog vrjednovanja biomase i geotermalne energije i mogućeg doprinosa ekonomičnoj intenzivnoj proizvodnji povrća. Provedena su istraživanja raspoloživosti šumske i biljne biomase, drvnih ostataka u drvoprerađivačkim pogonima te geotermalnog potencijala u Bjelovarsko-bilogorskoj županiji iskoristivih u energetskoj opskrbi centraliziranih i/ili decentraliziranih objekata (plastenika) za intenzivnu proizvodnju povrća. Analiziran je održivi ekonomični polumjer prikupljanja, pripreme i dobave obnovljive biomase. Prikazana i analizirana je potrošnja i ekonomičnost toplinske energije iz različitih vrsta pogonskog goriva usporediva s izravno primjenjivim obnovljivim izvorima energije. Kvantificiranim vrijednostima istaknuta je komplementarnost raspoloživih obnovljivih izvora energije s razvojem cjelogodišnje intenzivne proizvodnje povrća u plastenicima., The perennial intensive production of green food (fruit and vegetables), realised indoors, under controlled conditions, often with inadequate thermo-technical solutions, considerable consumption and high energy costs, is rather modest. The production cycle is limited to the warmer period when energy costs are lower, which reduces to major extent cost-effectiveness, yield quality, competitiveness and long-term presence on the market. The Bjelovar-Bilogora County and its neighbouring counties have at their disposal a major potential of renewable energy sources (biomass, geothermal energy), which are not directed towards the enhancement of production-related activities, in particular the intensive production of green food. The lack of exact research and the use of general assessments are often the cause of insufficient practical valuation of biomass and geothermal energy, as well as the possible contribution to cost-effective intensive production of green food. Research has been carried out regarding the availability of forest and plant biomass, wood residue in wood processing plants and geothermal potential in the Bjelovar-Bilogora County, usable for supplying the centralised and/or decentralised facilities (polythene greenhouses) for the intensive production of fruit and vegetables with energy. The sustainable cost-effective diameter of collecting, preparing and providing renewable biomass was analysed. The consumption and cost-effectiveness of thermal energy from diverse types of propellants, comparable to directly applicable renewable energy sources, were presented and analysed. By the means of presenting quantified values, the complementariness between the available energy sources and the development of the perennial intensive production of green food and other activities in the Bjelovar-Bilogora County was pointed out.