Anneke Oei, Caspar J. Hodiamont, Matthijs C. Brouwer, Sukanya Narasimhan, Setareh Jahfari, Hugo M. Horlings, Maaike Sohne, Joppe W. Hovius, Jeroen Coumou, Marinus H. J. van Oers, Bob de Wever, Steven T. Pals, Alex Wagemakers, Henrike Knol, Hein Sprong, Erol Fikrig, Infectious diseases, Center of Experimental and Molecular Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention, Neurology, AII - Amsterdam institute for Infection and Immunity, Graduate School, CCA -Cancer Center Amsterdam, Pathology, and Clinical Haematology
On April 1 2012, a 70-year-old patient came to our clinic reporting slow cognitive processing, memory defi cits, and a disturbed gait, all of which had gradually developed over several months and progressed during the last few weeks before the patient’s initial visit. He did not report fever, and he had not been outside the country for several years. He had recently been treated with CHOP (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone), poly chemo therapy, and rituximab (last dose on Aug 2, 2011) for a stage 4 diff use large B cell lymphoma. His medical history also included Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, un explained chronic diarrhoea, a splenectomy, extensive tick exposure, and two tick bites in the summer and fall before onset of symptoms. On neurological examination there was a distinct brady phrenia, and on cognitive assess ment, the patient scored 26 of 30 points on the mini mental state examination. Vital signs were normal and body tempera ture was 36·4°C. Cranial MRI showed no abnormalities, but two lumbar punctures showed cerebro spinal fl uid pleocytosis with raised protein values. The cause of this chronic meningitis was not identifi ed by wide-ranging micro biological, pathological, and haematological diag nostic testing (appen dix). A C6-immunofl uorescence assay for Borrelia burgdorferi in serum, but not in cerebro spinal fl uid, was weakly positive (index 1·8). However, a B burgdorferi IgG and IgM immuno blot were non-conclusive and nega tive, respec tively. A B burgdorferi sl qPCR in cerebrospinal fl uid was negative. Nonetheless, because of the absence of an alternative diagnosis and the progression of symptoms, on April 17, 2012, the patient was treated for a possible Lyme neuroborreliosis with once daily 2000 mg ceftriaxone intravenously for 2 weeks. Dur ing several weeks the patient fully recovered. At his last visit to the outpatient clinic in May, 2013, the patient did not have residual symptoms. Supported by the recent evidence of the presence of B miyamotoi in Ixodes ricinus ticks across Europe, the relation in time of the patient’s symptoms with the tick bites, and his immunocompromised status, we retrospectively considered B miyamotoi as the causative agent. We identifi ed motile spirochaetes in stored pre-treatment cerebrospinal fl uid by dark-fi eld microscopy (appendix). Additionally, a 16S rDNA pan-relapsing fever Borrelia quan titative (q)PCR and a qPCR targeting the B miyamotoi fl agellin gene was positive in two separate pre-treatment cerebrospinal fl uid samples and one pre-treatment blood sample (appendix). Notably, 2·2% of 352 I ricinus nymphal ticks from the vicinity of the patient’s recreational house in the dunes of Zandvoort, the Netherlands, proved to be positive for B miyamotoi by qPCR (appendix). Amplifi cation and sequencing of the glpQ and p66 genes confi rmed B miyamotoi as the causative agent and showed 100% identical sequences in ticks and the patient’s clinical samples (appendix). We were unable to culture the spiro chaetes in modifi ed Barbour-Stoenner-Kelly medium from stored blood and cerebrospinal fl uid samples. Finally, ELISA and Western blot did not show anti-GlpQ antibodies in blood and CSF. Relapsing fever is caused by various Borrelia species, which are predominantly transmitted by soft ticks. How ever, relapsing fever Borrelia species have also been identifi ed in hard ticks, including B miyamotoi in Ixodes ticks. B miyamotoi infection has been associated with systemic complaints, including malaise and fever, in case series. Recently, in the USA, B miyamotoi was shown to be able to cause meningoencephalitis in an immuno compromised patient. Physicians worldwide managing immunocompromised patients from Ixodes tick-endemic areas with a meningo encephalitis should consider B miyamotoi as a potential causative agent and should be aware that regular diagnostic tests for B burgdorferi will most probably overlook this diagnosis. Whether B miyamotoi is also able to cause neurological symptoms in non-immunocompromised patients requires further investigation.