In the last decades, the research in spintronics has mainly concentrated on ferromagnetic materials, which respond to the different kinds of spintransfer torques with gigahertz-frequency dynamics [1]–[3]. A jump to higher-frequency devices, working in the range of terahertz, is promised by the use of antiferromagnets (AFM) [4]–[6]. AFM materials will, probably, be in the research spotlight in the near future. In order to study their behavior, however, a new theoretical approach is needed, which, for instance, has to account for the strong internal exchange field in AFMs, for the absence of macroscopic magnetization, and possibility to operate without an external bias field. When it comes to modeling, AFMs are generally studied by considering the magnetizations M 1 and M 2 of the two sublattices. Dynamics of M 1 and M 2 is ruled by two coupled Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations [6]. In this work, we model micromagnetically an antiferromagnetic spin-Hall oscillator (ASHO). This device consists of an AFM layer coupled to a layer of a heavy metal, as sketched in Fig. 1, where a coordinate system $x-y-z$is also shown. The AFM layer is square-shaped, with dimensions 40×40 nm 2, whereas the dimension along $z$, namely its thickness $d$, varies from 1 to 5 nm. The heavy metal is designed with 4 terminals that can be used to apply a charge current, and/or to read the device resistance [7]. According to the well-known spin-Hall effect, when a current is applied (in our case in the plane $x- y$), it creates a spin polarization in the heavy metal. The consequent spin current, flowing along the $z$direction, creates a spin accumulation at the interface with the AFM, and, therefore, a torque on the AFM. The direction of the spin-Hall polarization p is perpendicular to the plane of the charge and spin currents, namely, if the charge current is applied along the axis $x$and the spin current is along the axis $z$, the spin polarization is along the axis $y[{2 ,7}]$. The spin-Hall-driven torque, therefore, acts on the magnetizations M 1 and M 2 of the two AFM sublattices in the same direction, thus allowing dynamics with a non-zero net magnetization. We investigate this dynamics, solving the equations of motion for the two sublattices by means of a custom-developed micromagnetic code. The following parameters are used in our simulations: saturation magnetization $M_{S}=350 \mathrm {x}10 ^{3}\mathrm {A} /\mathrm {m}$, spinHall angle $\theta _{SH}=0.10$. The exchange constant $A$is a variable parameter in our simulations, and assumes the values of 0.5, 1.0 and $1.5\mathrm {x} 10 ^{11}\mathrm {J} /\text{m}$. Similarly, the Gilbert damping constant $\alpha $is set equal to 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1. The AFM is assumed to have the in-plane anisotropy along the $x$direction, the corresponding constant is $K_{u}= 10 ^{5}\mathrm {J}/ \mathrm {m}^{3}$, and simulations start from the equilibrium AFM configuration of M 1 and M 2 along the easy axis, shown in Fig. 1. Last, but not least, the current is applied differently at the terminals, in order to modify the direction of the spin-Hall polarization with respect to the easy axis $x$. We consider three cases: (i) current at the terminals A-A' along $x$direction (p along $y$), (ii) current at the terminals B-B' along $- y$direction (p along $x$axis), and (iii) current at both A-A' and B-B' with equal intensity (p is directed 45° w.r.t. to x and y axes). By means of this configuration, it is, therefore, possible to manage the direction of the spin-Hall polarization with respect to the AFM easy axis, simply by tuning the two currents at the two couples of terminals. The above described systematic study has provided important data on the behavior of an AFM under the action of the spinHall effect. Dynamics of magnetization is excited above a certain threshold current. However, the same dynamics is turned off at the lower values of the driving current, highlighting a clear hysteretic behavior of the excitation. The values of the threshold currents and the width of the hysteresis region depend on different parameters. For instance, the threshold current increases with the increase of the AFM thickness, or the damping, or the exchange constant. When the polarization is moved from the axis $y$to the AFM easy axis, the threshold current slightly increases, and to get the excitation of dynamics we need to include a small thermal field. Above the threshold, the magnetizations of the two AFM sublattices show a precession around the spin-polarization direction, as shown in the inset of Fig. 2. The net magnetization is, mainly, given by the sum of the components of M 1 and M 2 along the spin polarization p, whereas the other two components give almost zero contribution when the sum of M 1 and M 2 is evaluated. The frequency of the net magnetization dynamics shows a blue-shift with the increase of the applied current (see the example in Fig. 2). The values of the generated frequency are from hundreds of GHz up to several THz, as expected. The hysteretic excitation, the blue-shift of the frequency, the order of threshold current, and of output frequencies confirm the predictions of the previous analytical studies [6], and confirm the validity of our numerical approach.