50. Ancylus fluviatilis O. F. Müller, 1774 Findings in Serbia. Ancylus fluviatilis: Jaeckel et al. (1958); Jovanović (1995 a, 1995 b, 1998); Reh et al. (1997); Karaman (2001); Karaman & Živić (2001, 2005); Jović et al. (2006); Živić et al. (2006); Karaman & Karaman (2007); Đikanović et al. (2008); Savić et al. (2016); Stojanović (2017); Živić (2020). Ancylus capuloides: possible misidentification in Möllendorff (1873). Common name. River limpet. Morphology. Small-sized snail (up to 8 mm long). Shell is flat and translucent with reticulate sculpture. Apex is blunt and slightly bent to the right side, animal is grey. For more details see Welter-Schultes (2012: 48, figure on the top of the page). Distribution and ecology. Palearctic species up to 2300 m.a.s.l (in Serbia up to 1200 m.a.s.l.). Common in clean springs, streams, smaller and medium-sized rivers with hard substrate and high oxygen content (Welter-Schultes 2012). In Serbia, one of the most frequent species in the southern hilly-mountainous parts. Reports from the northern, Pannonian part, are scarce, and limited to few streams at Fruška Gora Mtn.. It has been reported from the Iron Gate Danube (Karataš) as well. Other remarks. On the IUCN Red List of threatened species it has been assessed as LC (Albrecht et al. 2011). Genus Ferrissia B. Walker, 1903, Published as part of Marković, Vanja, Gojšina, Vukašin, Novaković, Boris, Božanić, Milenka, Stojanović, Katarina, Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara & Živić, Ivana, 2021, The freshwater molluscs of Serbia: Annotated checklist with remarks on distribution and protection status, pp. 1-64 in Zootaxa 5003 (1) on pages 27-28, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5003.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/5120059, {"references":["Jaeckel, S. V., Klemm, W. & Meise, W. (1958) Die Land und Susswasser-Mollusken der nordlichen Balkanhalbinsel. 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