Submitted by Karla Bernardino ( on 2023-01-14T21:42:40Z No. of bitstreams: 5 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) DISSERTA????O_KARLA_MONIQUE.pdf: 1689829 bytes, checksum: 9c016c4aad204afe0ff91266650e9ab3 (MD5) 4) 102?? Folha com Membros da Banca - Karla Monique Cruz Bernardino (2).pdf: 1214794 bytes, checksum: aebb6c41c84a0e2d21a5531d5bd61666 (MD5) 2) ATA da 102?? Defesa de Disserta????o - Karla Monique Cruz Bernardino (1).pdf: 353112 bytes, checksum: 49ea3d61a63a7c3aa8275d6e5fc25f25 (MD5) CartaEncaminhamentoTCC-TESE-DISSERTA????O (1).pdf: 162122 bytes, checksum: 9864ad01ac43afe829cc503cd24a3f61 (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by PPGECIM Ensino de Ci??ncias e Matem??tica ( on 2023-01-16T22:50:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 5 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) DISSERTA????O_KARLA_MONIQUE.pdf: 1689829 bytes, checksum: 9c016c4aad204afe0ff91266650e9ab3 (MD5) 4) 102?? Folha com Membros da Banca - Karla Monique Cruz Bernardino (2).pdf: 1214794 bytes, checksum: aebb6c41c84a0e2d21a5531d5bd61666 (MD5) 2) ATA da 102?? Defesa de Disserta????o - Karla Monique Cruz Bernardino (1).pdf: 353112 bytes, checksum: 49ea3d61a63a7c3aa8275d6e5fc25f25 (MD5) CartaEncaminhamentoTCC-TESE-DISSERTA????O (1).pdf: 162122 bytes, checksum: 9864ad01ac43afe829cc503cd24a3f61 (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by Divis??o de Documenta????o/BC Biblioteca Central ( on 2023-01-23T14:42:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 5 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) DISSERTA????O_KARLA_MONIQUE.pdf: 1689829 bytes, checksum: 9c016c4aad204afe0ff91266650e9ab3 (MD5) 4) 102?? Folha com Membros da Banca - Karla Monique Cruz Bernardino (2).pdf: 1214794 bytes, checksum: aebb6c41c84a0e2d21a5531d5bd61666 (MD5) 2) ATA da 102?? Defesa de Disserta????o - Karla Monique Cruz Bernardino (1).pdf: 353112 bytes, checksum: 49ea3d61a63a7c3aa8275d6e5fc25f25 (MD5) CartaEncaminhamentoTCC-TESE-DISSERTA????O (1).pdf: 162122 bytes, checksum: 9864ad01ac43afe829cc503cd24a3f61 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2023-01-23T14:42:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 5 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) DISSERTA????O_KARLA_MONIQUE.pdf: 1689829 bytes, checksum: 9c016c4aad204afe0ff91266650e9ab3 (MD5) 4) 102?? Folha com Membros da Banca - Karla Monique Cruz Bernardino (2).pdf: 1214794 bytes, checksum: aebb6c41c84a0e2d21a5531d5bd61666 (MD5) 2) ATA da 102?? Defesa de Disserta????o - Karla Monique Cruz Bernardino (1).pdf: 353112 bytes, checksum: 49ea3d61a63a7c3aa8275d6e5fc25f25 (MD5) CartaEncaminhamentoTCC-TESE-DISSERTA????O (1).pdf: 162122 bytes, checksum: 9864ad01ac43afe829cc503cd24a3f61 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2023-08-29 This presents a study on an investigation of contributions to the use of GeoGebra work to study students' cognitive learning in a scenario with a major issue related to teaching teaching and their learning difficulties. However, reality transcends a factor that cannot be ignored in the research universe, when approaching a new direction in virtual classes using ICTs. That said, this perspective as an object of study includes research and how it can interfere in a positive way or in the teaching-learning process is negative. The division of the steps will be fragmented into three segments where preliminarily a literary study will be carried out about the productions carried out in the field and application of the virtual environment, highlighting the first contact of the student body with the GeoGebra Calculus I software in a virtual one; and apply as modeling activities with the Software within the environment in a participatory way in order to transfer to students the concepts and learning applications, respectively. The process will be evaluated electronically, where the cognitive instruments will be evaluated as important factors, this process of cognitive development will be inserted in the instruments of evaluation of the class and of the interview. The study analyzes and reflects on the implications of the software application conditions, both for the insertion of the modeling and in relation to the virtual environment. The research work with these practical applications and possibilities of use to apply the teaching of the class that will contribute to the learning of the class that will contribute to the learning of the class that can also contribute to the learning of the class as well as to learn and to discover in a path to teaching the beneficiaries themselves. In addition to verifying the learning environment and that technology is distant, it is possible that virtual environments can collaborate with reality and that virtual environments can collaborate with this reality more. Finally, the results confirm: Modeling (GeoGebra), Virtual environments can be interconnected in order to contribute to the students' learning process. Este estudo trata-se de uma investiga????o sobre como utilizar o GeoGebra no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de C??lculo I, atentando-se as contribui????es do emprego desse software no desenvolvimento da percep????o cognitiva dos alunos, diante de uma problem??tica relacionada ??s dificuldades de aprendizagem nesta disciplina. Todavia, a realidade transcende um fator que n??o pode ser ignorado no universo da pesquisa, ao abordar um novo direcionamento nas aulas virtuais utilizando as Tecnologias de Informa????o e Comunica????o (TICs). Posto isto, inclui-se esta perspectiva como objeto de estudo da pesquisa e como pode interferir de modo positivo ou negativo no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Esta disserta????o est?? estruturada conforme tr??s momentos respectivamente: levantamento liter??rio acerca das produ????es educacionais desenvolvidas em campo sobre a aplica????o do C??lculo I em ambiente virtual; primeiro contato do corpo discente com o software GeoGebra para o ensino de C??lculo I em um ambiente virtual; aplica????o das atividades de Modelagem com o software dentro do ambiente, de forma participativa, com intuito de transpassar aos educandos os conceitos e aplica????es de aprendizagem. Este processo foi avaliado via instrumentos eletr??nicos, onde aplicou-se question??rios para verificar como estes fatores influenciam no processo de desenvolvimento cognitivo do aluno, sendo inseridos nos di??rios de classe e entrevistas. O estudo buscou analisar e refletir sobre as implica????es das situa????es impostas na disciplina de C??lculo I, tanto para a inser????o de Modelagem atrav??s de um software quanto em rela????o ao ambiente virtual. O trabalho de pesquisa visa subsidiar essas aplica????es pr??ticas e atividades voltadas para o ensino de Derivadas, al??m de contribuir para o aprendizado da pr??pria turma por meio de um caminho prazeroso ao estudar C??lculo. Ademais, verificou-se que o ambiente de aprendizagem que introduz investiga????es emp??ricas e tecnologias ?? promissor para a forma????o dos discentes, ao inv??s de tornar essa realidade mais distante. Por fim, os resultados confirmam que a Modelagem (GeoGebra) e ambientes virtuais podem se interligar de maneira a contribuir para o processo de aprendizagem dos alunos.