Coagulant dosing has played an essential role in urban water management for centuries. In fact, the first documented use of coagulant dosing for the production of drinking water dates back as far as 77 AD, where the Romans used aluminium sulfate to remove solids and colour from river water. The widespread use of coagulants for drinking water production started in the early 1900’s. Rather surprisingly, not much has changed ever since. The majority of drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) still heavily rely on coagulation and flocculation for the removal of turbidity, colour, natural organic matter (NOM) and pathogens. Amongst the various coagulants used at DWTPs, the most commonly used are aluminium sulfate (also known as alum) and iron salts (i.e. either in the form of ferrous/ferric chloride and/or sulfate).Iron salts also play an important role in other segments of our urban water infrastructure. First, they are the most commonly used chemicals to combat sulfide induced concrete corrosion and odour problems in sewer networks, a notorious and multibillion dollar problem for wastewater utilities worldwide. Second, the addition of iron salts is a prevalent approach for chemical phosphate precipitation in downstream wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Lastly, they are also dosed as a means to control hydrogen sulfide generation during anaerobic digestion.A universal aspect of coagulation-flocculation processes is the generation of large amounts of an unavoidable by-product, namely drinking water sludge (DWS). To give an idea of the size of the problem, the generation of DWS for the United Kingdom and Netherlands alone exceeds 130,000 and 29,700 wet tons per year, respectively. Management of DWS incurs large costs and often comprises a substantial fraction of the operational expenditure of DWTPs, with landfilling often used as the ultimate disposal route. As we are entering the era of a circular economy, such a linear use of large amounts of chemicals will not suffice in the 21st century.Hence, to find a long-term sustainable solution to coagulant usage in our urban water infrastructure, there is an urgent need to develop a more circular management approach to coagulant usage. Therefore, this PhD thesis aimed to demonstrate the practical feasibility and economic potential of an ‘urban water infrastructure-wide’ iron salt dosing management approach achieving multiple reuse and ultimate recovery and direct reuse of iron in our urban water infrastructure.First, the practical feasibility and effectiveness of multiple beneficial reuse of iron salts were investigated by replacing in-WWTP alum dosing with upstream in-sewer FeCl2 dosing through a year-long comprehensive testing at full-scale WWTP. The results showed that FeCl2 dosed (at 160 kg Fe/day) in sewer network effectively controlled sulfide concentrations (up to 93%) and was successfully reused for efficient phosphate removal in the activated sludge tanks of down-stream WWTPs. Moreover, the iron-phosphate rich sludge, when fed to the anaerobic digesters, was again re-used for sulfide control, thereby releasing part of the iron-bound phosphate. Importantly, in-sewer FeCl2 dosing did not negatively affect the biological nitrogen removal and UV effluent disinfection process. Finally, the above described benefits were accompanied by a reduction in overall chemical demand of ~6%. The results clearly demonstrated that significant benefits in terms of wastewater treatment operation as well as chemical savings can be achieved by utilities by adopting such integrated iron salts dosing approach.While in-sewer iron salt dosing practically eliminates the need for additional iron dosing in WWTP and brings economic benefits to utilities, it is still based upon a linear management approach, with ultimately the iron ending up in the excess sludge. Therefore, in the second part of the thesis, a thorough investigation was conducted aiming to demonstrate the feasibility of a combined ‘iron recovery and reuse’ approach through long-term comprehensive laboratory testing over a period of 3 years. The results showed that both FeCl3 and ferric iron-rich DWS (a waste by-product at DWTPs resulting from coagulation with FeCl3) dosing in sewer network results in similar performance in terms of sulfide control in sewers followed by successful reuse for phosphate removal and sulfide control in downstream wastewater treatment. More importantly, both type of iron forms a paramagnetic iron phosphate mineral called vivianite in the digested sludge and hence has the potentials for magnetic recovery. The results showed that about 92±2% of the in-sewer dosed Fe was bound in vivianite in digested sludge. A simple insertion of neodymium magnet allowed to recover 11±0.2% and 15.3±0.08% of the vivianite formed in the digested sludge of the in-sewer dosed iron in the form of FeCl3 and Fe-DWS, respectively. More importantly, almost complete (i.e. 98±0.3%) separation of Fe in the form of ferrihydrite (an amorphous ferric oxyhydroxide) was achieved from vivianite after alkaline washing. Subsequent batch experiments demonstrated that recovered ferrihydrite can be directly reused back to sewers for efficient sulfide control (achieving sulfide concentration of