Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of vitamin A deficiency in chicks on tissue ascorbic acid, plasma oxidant status and antioxidant capacity, and renal L-gulonolactone oxidase activity (GULO) in broiler chickens. Chicks were reared in battery cages and fed a practical diet with vitamin A (control) or the same diet without supplemental vitamin A from day-old to 23 or 30 days of age. The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with 6-8 replications. At termination body weight, feed intake, and tissue weights were recorded and tissues analysed for ascorbic acid, GULO activity, antioxidant activty, and oxidant status. Growth, feed intake, relative weights of bursa of Fabricius, liver, spleen and testis were significantly reduced in vitamin A-deficient chicks. Vitamin A deficiency depressed renal GULO activity by 20% (P