330 results on '"Akumulace"'
Search Results
2. Plant responses to combined arsenic and cadmium stress
- Author
Burešová, Andrea, Mašková, Petra, and Podlipná, Radka
- Subjects
Heavy metals ,Detoxifikace ,Co-exposure ,Oxidativní stres ,Kadmium ,Cadmium ,Accumulation ,Fytochelatiny ,Oxidative stress ,Koexpozice ,Phytochelatins ,Arsen ,Arsenic ,Těžké kovy ,Detoxification ,Translokace ,Translocation ,Akumulace - Abstract
Arsenic and cadmium are both non-essential, highly toxic and carcinogenic elements that often occur together in the environment. Given the frequent co-contamination of the environment, it is necessary to investigate both plant strategies for dealing with one metal(loid) and the mechanisms that lead to tolerance or, conversely, sensitivity in the presence of both elements. Simultaneous exposure to multiple toxic elements may lead to extensive plant damage, however it may also result in the increasing engagement and intensity of defence strategies. Contamination of the food chain through crops growing on contaminated soils is a major concern, one that poses a risk to both human and animal lives. The aim of this research field is to reduce accumulation and translocation to aboveground edible parts as much as possible, for example by understanding the mechanisms behind heavy metal accumulation and translocation, or by stabilising toxic elements in the soil, or by cleaning up contaminated soil. One method of clean-up is phytoremediation, which usually utilizes plants with high tolerance to toxic elements, called hyperaccumulators. The knowledge of how defence strategies and mechanisms are affected by the interaction of multiple elements is important for identifying plant species capable of activating...
- Published
- 2022
3. Analysis of fluvial dynamics of montane stream using UAV
- Author
Šolc, Jakub, Langhammer, Jakub, and Hartvich, Filip
- Subjects
floods ,Fluviální dynamika ,povodně ,accumulations ,UAV ,eroze ,Fluvial dynamics ,erosion ,akumulace - Abstract
6 Abstract In recent decades the field of fluvial geomorphology has moved towards the most detailed and comprehensive description of the processes in fluvial systems. The recent development of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) has been a major contribution in analysis of fluvial processes, it provides very detailed data for change analysis. This thesis deals with the analysis of recent fluvial dynamics using UAV. The theoretical part of the thesis summarizes the current theoretical and methodological knowledge from the study of fluvial dynamics and also presents the general principles of UAV monitoring with its use in fluvial-geomorfological research. Recent fluvial dynamics was evaluated in the stretch of Javoří brook in Šumava Mountains where the long-term research is conducted by the Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology. Causal runoff events with an impact on fluvial dynamics were identified on the basis of the analysis of hydrometeorological data covering hydrological years from 2016 to 2020. A total of fourteen events exceeded the threshold of channel-forming discharge Q = 5,041 m3 ·s−1 in the investigated period. Geometrical, morphological and volume changes were evaluated based of the photogrammetric reconstruction of the riverbed during three successive scannings (2015, 2018, 2020). The...
- Published
- 2022
4. Vlastnosti vybraných hydrátů síranů
- Author
Honcová, Pavla, Plachta, Jakub, Honcová, Pavla, and Plachta, Jakub
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na studium vlastností důležitých pro akumulaci latentního tepla: tepelná vodivost, teploty tání/krystalizace, změny entalpie tání/krystalizace a podchlazení. Vlastnosti byly sledovány u hydrátů síranu a thiosíranu: heptahydrát síranu hořečnatého, heptahydrát síranu kobaltnatého, heptahydrát síranu železnatého, tetrahydrát síranu ceričitého, pentahydrát síranu mědnatého, dodekahydrát síranu draselno-hlinitého, hexahydrát síranu nikelnatého, pentahydrát thiosíranu sodného., The bachelor work is focused on properties important for the accumulation of latent heat: the thermal conductivity, the melting and crystallization temperature, the enthalpy change of melting and crystallization, the subcooling. The work concentrates on characterisation of these properties of the hydrates: magnesium sulphate heptahydrate, cobalt (II) sulphate heptahydrate, ferrous (II) sulphate heptahydrate, cerium(IV) sulphate tetrahydrate, copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate, aluminum pottasium sulphate dodecahydrate, nickel (II) sulphate hexahydrate, sodium thiosulphate pentahydrate., Fakulta chemicko-technologická, Student seznámil členy zkušební komise s tématem své bakalářské práce a zodpověděl jejich dotazy., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2021
5. Role of drug transporters in placental transfer of entecavir
- Author
Lukášová, Veronika, Červený, Lukáš, and Hofman, Jakub
- Subjects
MDCKII buňky ,hepatitis-B ,P-glykoprotein ,antiviral drugs ,lékové transportéry ,nucleoside transporters ,accumulation ,nukleosidové transportéry ,farmakokinetika ,BeWo cells P-glycoprotein ,BeWo buňky ,entecavir ,pharmacokinetics ,drug transporters ,Breast Cancer Resistance protein ,Breast Cancer Resistance Protein ,MDCKII cells ,placenta ,transport ,akumulace - Abstract
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Veronika Křečková Supervisor: PharmDr. Lukáš Červený, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Role of drug transporters in placental transfer of entecavir Entecavir (ETV), an analogue of guanosine, is a highly efficient anti-hepatitis B antiviral drug. It is the first-line therapy for both adults and children. Its use in pregnancy is limited due to a number of factors, including lack of data on placental pharmacokinetics. The placental transition of drugs is frequently controlled by drug transporters. ATP-binding (ABC) transporters, P-glycoprotein (P-gp), breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) or multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (MRP2) localized in the apical membrane of syncytiotrophoblast and pumping their substrates in the feto-maternal direction belong to most significant determinants of placental pharmacokinetics. Moreover placental transport of nucleoside-derived drugs can be affected by the activity of nucleoside transporters (NTs); equilibrative nucleoside transporters (ENTs) mediate facilitated diffussion, while the concentrative nucleoside transporters (CNTs) control active influx of their substrates. The aim of the diploma thesis was to describe the role of P-gp, BCRP, MRP2 and NTs (ENTs and...
- Published
- 2021
6. Lišejníky na substrátech bohatých na kovy s důrazem na hadce
- Author
Ghlimová, Heda, Steinová, Jana, and Peksa, Ondřej
- Subjects
fungi ,photobionts ,heavy metals ,serpentinomorfózy ,lišejníky ,lichens ,serpentinomorphoses ,serpentinite ,fotobionti ,akumulace ,accumulation ,hadec ,těžké kovy - Abstract
Serpentinite is an ultramafic rock covering about 1 % of the Earth's surface. Serpentinite contains a high content of heavy metals such as Ni, Cr, Co and, conversely, low content of major nutrients N, P, K. The high concentration of Mg reduces the availability of Ca to plants. Serpentinites are not distinguished only by their chemistry - they are also, for example, poorly thermally conductive and soils that form on the serpentine subsoil are considered infertile. This complex of properties causes the formation of so- called serpentinomorphoses in vascular plants and also promotes the development of endemism. However, these adaptations do not occur in fungi and in lichens and bryophytes they occur only partially. This bachelor thesis summarizes the basic physiological mechanisms by which myco- and photobionts ensure the survival of lichens on substrates with high content of heavy metals - it is above all extracellular absorption of metals (binding to cell wall ligands), intracellular absorption (and subsequent detoxification with metallothionein and phytochelatins), and exclusion of metals on the surface of mycobiont hyphae or on the surface of the thallus (binding to oxalates and secondary metabolites). The bachelor thesis also summarizes the morphological adaptations that occur in lichens in...
- Published
- 2021
7. Effect of Accumulation of Heavy Metals in the Red Fox Intestine on the Prevalence of Its Intestinal Parasites
- Author
Borkovcová, Marie, Fišer, Vladimír, Bednářová, Martina, Havlíček, Zdeněk, Adámková, Anna, Mlček, Jiří, Juříková, Tunde, Balla, Štefan, Adámek, Martin, Borkovcová, Marie, Fišer, Vladimír, Bednářová, Martina, Havlíček, Zdeněk, Adámková, Anna, Mlček, Jiří, Juříková, Tunde, Balla, Štefan, and Adámek, Martin
- Abstract
Simple Summary Heavy metal pollution of environmental ecosystems has become rather a significant factor in assessing them, as heavy metals can significantly influence animal health. The objective of this study was to examine a possible association between contents of selected heavy metals such as cadmium, copper, lead, chrome, zinc, and manganese in intestines of foxes and between prevalence of fox intestinal parasites. The association was not fully proven. On the contrary, sensitivity of parasites to cadmium was demonstrated; with increasing cadmium content in the intestine of the host, prevalence of parasites decreased to zero. No parasites were found in the intestine, when concentration of accumulated cadmium exceeded the level of 0.05 milligrams per kilogram, which represents the limit for meat (excluding offal) of bovine animals, sheep, pig, and poultry according to the Regulation (EU) No. 488/2014 amending the Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006). Thus, even cadmium content below the above limit showed an impact on parasite biodiversity. The aim of this study was (i) to compare levels of accumulated heavy metals in the fox intestines with and without parasites. Moreover, our research also dealt with (ii) examination of the relationship between heavy metal content in fox intestines and between the presence of fox intestinal parasites. The intestines of 34 hunter-killed foxes were dissected to detect the occurrence of parasites. In 15 intestinal samples, parasitic intestinal helminths were found. Heavy metal content in small intestine tissue and in parasites was determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The prevalence of parasites was significantly dependent on Cd content in the host's small intestine (p < 0.01). To conclude, the authors suggest that parasites are sensitive to Cd levels; their prevalence in the intestines of the fox host decreases to zero with increasing Cd content., Znečištění životního prostředí ekosystémy těžkými kovy se stalo spíše významným faktorem při jejich hodnocení, protože těžké kovy mohou významně ovlivnit zdraví zvířat. Cílem této studie bylo zkoumat možnou souvislost mezi obsahem vybraných těžkých kovů, jako je kadmium, měď, olovo, chrom, zinek a mangan ve střevech lišek, a mezi prevalencí střevních parazitů lišky. Sdružení nebylo plně prokázáno. Naopak byla prokázána citlivost parazitů na kadmium; se zvyšujícím se obsahem kadmia ve střevě hostitele se prevalence parazitů snížila na nulu. Ve střevě nebyli nalezeni žádní paraziti, když koncentrace nahromaděného kadmia překročila úroveň 0,05 miligramů na kilogram, což představuje limit pro maso (kromě drobů) skotu, ovcí, prasat a drůbeže podle nařízení (EU) č. 488/2014, kterým se mění nařízení (ES) č. 1881/2006). I obsah kadmia pod uvedeným limitem tedy ukázal dopad na biodiverzitu parazitů. Cílem této studie bylo (i) porovnat hladiny akumulovaných těžkých kovů ve střevech lišky s parazity a bez parazitů. Náš výzkum se navíc zabýval (ii) zkoumáním vztahu mezi obsahem těžkých kovů ve střevech lišky a mezi přítomností střevních parazitů lišky. Pro detekci výskytu parazitů byla pitvána střeva 34 lišek zabitých lovci. V 15 střevních vzorcích byly nalezeny parazitické střevní hlísty. Obsah těžkých kovů ve tkáni tenkého střeva a parazitech byl stanoven pomocí atomové absorpční spektrometrie (AAS). Prevalence parazitů byla významně závislá na obsahu Cd v tenkém střevě hostitele (p <0,01). Na závěr autoři naznačují, že paraziti jsou citliví na hladiny Cd; jejich prevalence ve střevech liščího hostitele klesá se zvyšujícím se obsahem Cd na nulu. (automatický překlad)
- Published
- 2020
8. Effect of Accumulation of Heavy Metals in the Red Fox Intestine on the Prevalence of Its Intestinal Parasites
- Abstract
Simple Summary Heavy metal pollution of environmental ecosystems has become rather a significant factor in assessing them, as heavy metals can significantly influence animal health. The objective of this study was to examine a possible association between contents of selected heavy metals such as cadmium, copper, lead, chrome, zinc, and manganese in intestines of foxes and between prevalence of fox intestinal parasites. The association was not fully proven. On the contrary, sensitivity of parasites to cadmium was demonstrated; with increasing cadmium content in the intestine of the host, prevalence of parasites decreased to zero. No parasites were found in the intestine, when concentration of accumulated cadmium exceeded the level of 0.05 milligrams per kilogram, which represents the limit for meat (excluding offal) of bovine animals, sheep, pig, and poultry according to the Regulation (EU) No. 488/2014 amending the Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006). Thus, even cadmium content below the above limit showed an impact on parasite biodiversity. The aim of this study was (i) to compare levels of accumulated heavy metals in the fox intestines with and without parasites. Moreover, our research also dealt with (ii) examination of the relationship between heavy metal content in fox intestines and between the presence of fox intestinal parasites. The intestines of 34 hunter-killed foxes were dissected to detect the occurrence of parasites. In 15 intestinal samples, parasitic intestinal helminths were found. Heavy metal content in small intestine tissue and in parasites was determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The prevalence of parasites was significantly dependent on Cd content in the host's small intestine (p < 0.01). To conclude, the authors suggest that parasites are sensitive to Cd levels; their prevalence in the intestines of the fox host decreases to zero with increasing Cd content., Znečištění životního prostředí ekosystémy těžkými kovy se stalo spíše významným faktorem při jejich hodnocení, protože těžké kovy mohou významně ovlivnit zdraví zvířat. Cílem této studie bylo zkoumat možnou souvislost mezi obsahem vybraných těžkých kovů, jako je kadmium, měď, olovo, chrom, zinek a mangan ve střevech lišek, a mezi prevalencí střevních parazitů lišky. Sdružení nebylo plně prokázáno. Naopak byla prokázána citlivost parazitů na kadmium; se zvyšujícím se obsahem kadmia ve střevě hostitele se prevalence parazitů snížila na nulu. Ve střevě nebyli nalezeni žádní paraziti, když koncentrace nahromaděného kadmia překročila úroveň 0,05 miligramů na kilogram, což představuje limit pro maso (kromě drobů) skotu, ovcí, prasat a drůbeže podle nařízení (EU) č. 488/2014, kterým se mění nařízení (ES) č. 1881/2006). I obsah kadmia pod uvedeným limitem tedy ukázal dopad na biodiverzitu parazitů. Cílem této studie bylo (i) porovnat hladiny akumulovaných těžkých kovů ve střevech lišky s parazity a bez parazitů. Náš výzkum se navíc zabýval (ii) zkoumáním vztahu mezi obsahem těžkých kovů ve střevech lišky a mezi přítomností střevních parazitů lišky. Pro detekci výskytu parazitů byla pitvána střeva 34 lišek zabitých lovci. V 15 střevních vzorcích byly nalezeny parazitické střevní hlísty. Obsah těžkých kovů ve tkáni tenkého střeva a parazitech byl stanoven pomocí atomové absorpční spektrometrie (AAS). Prevalence parazitů byla významně závislá na obsahu Cd v tenkém střevě hostitele (p <0,01). Na závěr autoři naznačují, že paraziti jsou citliví na hladiny Cd; jejich prevalence ve střevech liščího hostitele klesá se zvyšujícím se obsahem Cd na nulu. (automatický překlad)
- Published
- 2020
9. Vliv akumulace těžkých kovů v střevě lišky obecné na prevalenci jejích intestinálních parazitů
- Author
Martin Adámek, Vladimir Fiser, Martina Bednarova, Jiri Mlcek, Stefan Balla, Anna Adámková, Zdenek Havlicek, Marie Borkovcová, and Tunde Jurikova
- Subjects
metals ,intestinal parasites ,Article ,Microbiology ,Akumulace ,střevní paraziti ,red fox ,lcsh:Zoology ,parasitic diseases ,medicine ,Helminths ,lcsh:QL1-991 ,lcsh:Veterinary medicine ,General Veterinary ,Chemistry ,Host (biology) ,Heavy metals ,Small intestine ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,kovy ,lcsh:SF600-1100 ,population characteristics ,Animal Science and Zoology ,liška obecná ,accumulation ,geographic locations - Abstract
The aim of this study was (i) to compare levels of accumulated heavy metals in the fox intestines with and without parasites. Moreover, our research also dealt with (ii) examination of the relationship between heavy metal content in fox intestines and between the presence of fox intestinal parasites. The intestines of 34 hunter-killed foxes were dissected to detect the occurrence of parasites. In 15 intestinal samples, parasitic intestinal helminths were found. Heavy metal content in small intestine tissue and in parasites was determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The prevalence of parasites was significantly dependent on Cd content in the host&rsquo, s small intestine (p <, 0.01). To conclude, the authors suggest that parasites are sensitive to Cd levels, their prevalence in the intestines of the fox host decreases to zero with increasing Cd content.
- Published
- 2019
10. Study of drug-drug interactions of antiviral drugs on intestinal transporters
- Author
Záboj, Zdeněk, Červený, Lukáš, and Vokřál, Ivan
- Subjects
P-glykoprotein ,P-glycoprotein ,pharmacokinetics ,Breast Cancer Resistance Protein ,Caco-2 buňky ,transport ,lékové transportéry ,intestinal barrier ,lékové interakce ,drug transport ,akumulace ,Antiviral drugs ,transport léčiv ,drug-drug interactions ,střevní bariéra ,antivirotika ,sofosbuvir ,farmakokinetika ,drug transporters ,Breast Cancer Resistance protein ,Caco-2 cells ,accumulation - Abstract
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Zdeněk Záboj Supervisor: PharmDr. Lukáš Červený, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Study of drugs interactions of antiviral drugs with intestinal transporters Sofosbuvir is an antiviral agent widely used in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C. This orally administered prodrug is a designed substrate of ATP-binding (ABC) efflux transporters, P- glycoprotein (ABCB1) and breast cancer resistance protein (ABCG2). ABCB1 and ABCG2 are important determinants of intestinal absorption and are the site of significant pharmacokinetic drug interactions, leading to changes in drug exposure. Pharmacokinetic drug interactions may be undesirable (increasing the toxicity of the treatment) or desirable (allowing dose reduction). Because sofosbuvir is often administered in combination regimens with other anti(retro)virotics, the aim of this thesis was to study the ability to enhance intestinal absorption of sofosbuvir. To study the pharmacokinetic drug interactions on ABCB1 and ABCG2, a widely established in vitro bi-directional transport method through a polarized monolayer formed by the Caco-2 cell line derived from colorectal cancer has been used. We analyzed the drug interactions of sofosbuvir on these efflux...
- Published
- 2019
11. Role of drug transporters in placental transfer of entecavir
- Author
Křečková, Veronika, Červený, Lukáš, and Hofman, Jakub
- Subjects
MDCKII buňky ,hepatitis-B ,P-glykoprotein ,antiviral drugs ,lékové transportéry ,nucleoside transporters ,accumulation ,nukleosidové transportéry ,farmakokinetika ,BeWo cells P-glycoprotein ,BeWo buňky ,entecavir ,pharmacokinetics ,drug transporters ,Breast Cancer Resistance protein ,Breast Cancer Resistance Protein ,MDCKII cells ,placenta ,transport ,akumulace - Abstract
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Veronika Křečková Supervisor: PharmDr. Lukáš Červený, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Role of drug transporters in placental transfer of entecavir Entecavir (ETV), an analogue of guanosine, is a highly efficient anti-hepatitis B antiviral drug. It is the first-line therapy for both adults and children. Its use in pregnancy is limited due to a number of factors, including lack of data on placental pharmacokinetics. The placental transition of drugs is frequently controlled by drug transporters. ATP-binding (ABC) transporters, P-glycoprotein (P-gp), breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) or multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (MRP2) localized in the apical membrane of syncytiotrophoblast and pumping their substrates in the feto-maternal direction belong to most significant determinants of placental pharmacokinetics. Moreover placental transport of nucleoside-derived drugs can be affected by the activity of nucleoside transporters (NTs); equilibrative nucleoside transporters (ENTs) mediate facilitated diffussion, while the concentrative nucleoside transporters (CNTs) control active influx of their substrates. The aim of the diploma thesis was to describe the role of P-gp, BCRP, MRP2 and NTs (ENTs and...
- Published
- 2019
12. Odbĕr dusíku a síry cukrovou řepou v druhé polovinĕ vegetace.
- Author
Pechková, Jana and Hřivna, Ludĕk
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2014
13. Studium interakcí antiretroviálního léčiva tenofoviru a jeho proléčiva tenofoviru disoproxil fumarátu s placentárními nukleosidovými transportéry
- Author
Lalinská, Anežka, Červený, Lukáš, and Hofman, Jakub
- Subjects
placenta ,koncentrační nukleosidové transportéry ,accumulation ,těhotenství ,equilibrative nucleoside transporters ,nucleoside transporters ,concentrative nucleoside transporters ,tenofovir disoproxil fumarát ,BeWo buňky ,nukleosidové transportéry ,tenofovir disoproxil fumarate ,pregnancy ,NBMPR ,ekvilibrační nukleosidové transportéry ,akumulace ,tenofovir - Abstract
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Anežka Lalinská Supervisor: PharmDr. Lukáš Červený, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Study of interactions of antiretroviral drug tenofovir and its prodrug tenofovir disoproxil fumarate with placental nucleoside transporters Tenofovir (TFV) in the form of ester prodrug tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) is an essential part of combination antiretroviral therapy. It is often used in the prevention of perinatal HIV transmission. However, precise mechanism(s) involved in transfer of TFV/TDF from mother to fetus are not described in detail. Since these drugs are nucleoside analogues, there is a possibility that the mechanisms of their transplacental passage might include nucleoside transporters (NTs), either equilibrative or concentrative (ENTs/CNTs). The aim of the diploma thesis was to investigate the role of placental NTs in membrane transfer of TFV and TDF. To address this issue, we performed in vitro accumulation in the BeWo cell line derived from placental choriocarcinoma. By evaluating experiments, we found out that both TFV and TDF might not be substrates of NTs, thus the role of these transporters in TFV/TDF placental pharmacokinetics was not confirmed. Therefore, the drug-drug interactions on NTs...
- Published
- 2018
14. Study of interactions of antiviral drugs with intestinal drug efflux ABC transporters
- Author
Huličiak, Martin, Červený, Lukáš, and Vokřál, Ivan
- Subjects
Caco-2 cell line ,antivirotika ,intestine ,transport studies ,antiviral drugs ,tenké řezy střeva ,Caco-2 buněčná linie ,absorption ,drug interactions ,lékové interakce ,absorpce ,střevo ,drug efflux ABC transporters ,precision-cut intestinal slices ,lékové efluxní ABC transportéry ,transportní studie ,accumulation ,akumulace - Abstract
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Martin Huličiak Supervisor: PharmDr. Lukáš Červený, Ph.D Title of diploma thesis: Study of interactions of antiviral drugs with intestinal drug efflux ABC transporters P-gp, MRP2 and BCRP are efflux transporters, members of the family of ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters. These transporters are located on the apical membrane of the intestinal epithelium, where they may limit absorption of orally administered drugs. Study of drug interactions with/on intestinal efflux transporters is necessary to provide safe and effective treatment. The Caco-2 cell line is FDA recommended in vitro model of intestinal barrier and it is used for bidirectional testing of substrates and inhibitors of ABC transporters in preclinical research. However, this methodology has several shortcomings, so the need of introduction of new experimental models is increasing and the ex vivo method based on human or rat intestine is a promising option. Precision-cut intestinal slices (PCIS) represent a mini-model of the organ and contain all types of cells of the tissue. We used both in vitro model using Caco-2 cell monolayers for drug transport study and in our lab established ex vivo method of PCIS for accumulation study...
- Published
- 2018
15. Srovnání transportu a distribuce organického polutantu a trofických látek v rostlinách hrachu (Pisum sativum L.)
- Author
Francová, Jana
- Subjects
embryonic structures ,fungi ,food and beverages ,transport organického polutanu ,fluoranthen ,akumulace - Abstract
In this work, the transport and accumulation of 14C-fluoranthene (14C-FLT) and 14C-glycine (14C-gly) in pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L.) were observed after treatment of the substances to the nutrient solution and point-to-leaf. The aim of the work was to compare the transport and distribution of the above substances in pea plants. For this reason, the pea plants were attacked by aphids that penetrated the phloem by stylet. Samples were collected after 2, 24, 48 and 72 hours after the addition of 14C-FLT or 14C glycine to the nutrient solution or to the leaf. Transport and distribution the 14C-activities originatted from 14C-FLT or 14C glycine uptake were monitored by the liquid scintillation technique after combustion in oxygen flow. The results proved that 14C-FLT and 14C-gly translocates both from the nutrient solution and from the point of ap-plication on the leaf to the youngest part of the plant, to apices as significante sinks. Even 14C-activity was detected in aphids, which demonstrated FLT and glycine trans-port via phloem.
- Published
- 2018
16. Accumulation of heavy metals in tissues of terrestrial arthropods at fly ash deposits
- Author
Mengr, Jan, Tropek, Robert, and Heneberg, Petr
- Subjects
heavy metals ,vátý písek ,ekotoxikologie ,ecotoxicology ,accumulation ,coal fly ash deposit ,žahadloví blanokřídlí ,sand ,písek ,drift sand ,fly ash ,popílek ,Aculeata ,akumulace ,odkaliště ,těžké kovy - Published
- 2017
17. Flood protection in agriculturally used landscape
- Author
- Subjects
retention pond ,retention ,retenční nádrž ,Flood ,poldr ,retence ,protipovodňová opatření ,revitalization ,Povodeň ,polder ,akumulace ,accumulation ,flood control ,revitalizace - Abstract
The diploma thesis focuses on problematics connected to the flood and individual kinds of anti-flooding measures in agriculturally used landscape. Theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to the general description of flood problematic. It contains basic terms connected with floods, mentions causes and flood categories, and also the factors that influence it's progress. Thesis includes precautions and solutions of the anti-flood protection. In the practical part of the thesis is characterised chosen region with flood risk. Analysis of the present state includes field research. As a result of the discovered risks have been selected appropriate anti-flood measures for stated location.
- Published
- 2017
18. Metody zadržování vody v urbánní krajině
- Author
Nina Ličková
- Subjects
retention ,purification ,Environmental engineering ,retence ,rainwater ,Water retention ,Rainwater harvesting ,přečištění ,medicine ,Environmental science ,dešťová voda ,akumulace ,medicine.symptom ,Water resource management ,Urban landscape ,accumulation - Abstract
Sídla v současné době představují pro krajinu velkou zátěž, a to i z vodohospodářského pohledu. Nejsou vůbec soběstačná a čerpají zdroje z okolí. Zároveň pak produkují odpadní vody v nevhodné míře a nevhodného biologického i chemického složení. Problémy s plýtváním vodními zdroji, nevhodným užíváním vod a znečištěním bez následného přečištění či recyklace, se stupňují. Soudobá opatření pro zadržení vody v krajině, její úsporu a kvalitu se propisují do územních plánů měst a obcí, ale také zasahují do architektury staveb města. Jejich funkčnost a možnosti ztvárnění jsou předmětem této práce. Cities are now the big burden for landscape, also from the perspective of water management. They aren´t self-sufficient and they take resources from the environment. While then produce of wastewater in unsuitable extent and unsuitable biological and chemical composition. The troubles with wastage of water resources are growing. Today we know a lot of solution for retention rainwater in urban landscape, the water saving and maintain the quality of water. It influences the urban planning of cities and villages. This approaches intervene in architecture of buildings too. The functionality and design options, of these resolutions, are the subject of this work.
- Published
- 2016
19. Polyphosphates in microalgae: monitoring of their accumulation and intracellular localization by means of Raman microscopy
- Author
Suja, Matyáš, Mojzeš, Peter, and Kočišová, Eva
- Subjects
microalgae ,jednobuněčné řasy ,localization ,polyphosphates ,Ramanova mikroskopie ,lokalizace ,polyfosfáty ,Raman microscopy ,accumulation ,akumulace - Abstract
Phosphorus is widely used in agriculture, where it promotes the growth of crops and increases the profitability of soil. Together with a growing world population, there is a dramatic increase in consumption of this important element. However, the global phosphate deposits are finite and are expected to be depleted in the next few decades. It is therefore important to find an effective way of recycling, which could be represented by single-celled microscopic algae. Microscopic algae are able to accumulate large quantities of phosphorus from the surrounding environment and to store this phosphorus, among others, in the form of polyphosphates. Polyphosphates are high-energetic biomolecules which are contained in the cells of plant as well as animal kingdom. They play a key role in a vast number of vital processes. Raman microscopy can be applied to study metabolism and distribution of biomolecules at a cellular level without the need of a special preparation of the specimen before the measurement. The subject of this bachelor thesis consists of development of methodologies that are needed for studying the accumulation and intracellular localization of polyphosphates in microalgae by means of Raman microscopy.
- Published
- 2016
20. Phenomenon of human labor in the Hannah Arend's book Vita Activa: The role of labor in the process of capital accumulation and its ambivalent relation to the nature and environment
- Author
Vála, David, Novák, Arnošt, and Jirsa, Jakub
- Subjects
Hannah Arendt ,nature ,economical growth ,phenomenology ,Alain Schneiberg ,příroda ,ekonomický růst ,Alain Schnaiberg ,Hannah Arendtová ,production ,planetární meze ,labour ,treadmill of production and consumption ,běžící pás ,planetary barriers and boundariers ,práce ,kapitalismus ,zhotovování ,capitalism ,fenomenologie ,akumulace - Abstract
5 Tématem diplomové práce je fenomén lidské práce a její vztah k životnímu prost edí a p írod v rámci r stov orientovaného kapitalismu. První ást práce pomocí fenomenologické analýzy inných modalit, jak je nacházíme v díle Vita Activa Hannah Arendtové, odpovídá na otázky Co je to lidská práce? Jak se lidská práce liší od zhotovování? Jaký je vztah t chto inných modalit k p írod a životnímu prost edí? Druhá ást analýzy je zam ena na historické prom ny práce v období novov ku, jež se p ekrývá s nástupem pr myslového kapitalismu. Poslední ást pak analyzuje fenomén práce v soudobé environmentální sociologii - role práce v teorii b žícího pásu výroby (Allan Schnaiberg) a teorie akumulace kapitálu (J. B. Foster). Klí ová slova: práce, zhotovování, Hannah Arendtová, fenomenologie, kapitalismus, p íroda, b žící pás, ekonomický r st, akumulace, planetární meze, Alain Schnaiberg The aim of the thesis deals with the phenomenon of human work and its relationship to the environment and nature in the context of growth-oriented capitalism. The first part of the thesis includes phenomenological analysis of the two basic modalities: labor and work, which can be found in the Hannah Arendt's book The Human Condition. Second part of theses descirbe the crossing of those modalities during the modern times. In this part I try to...
- Published
- 2016
21. Methods of Water Retention in Urban Landscape
- Abstract
Sídla v současné době představují pro krajinu velkou zátěž, a to i z vodohospodářského pohledu. Nejsou vůbec soběstačná a čerpají zdroje z okolí. Zároveň pak produkují odpadní vody v nevhodné míře a nevhodného biologického i chemického složení. Problémy s plýtváním vodními zdroji, nevhodným užíváním vod a znečištěním bez následného přečištění či recyklace, se stupňují. Soudobá opatření pro zadržení vody v krajině, její úsporu a kvalitu se propisují do územních plánů měst a obcí, ale také zasahují do architektury staveb města. Jejich funkčnost a možnosti ztvárnění jsou předmětem této práce., Cities are now the big burden for landscape, also from the perspective of water management. They aren´t self-sufficient and they take resources from the environment. While then produce of wastewater in unsuitable extent and unsuitable biological and chemical composition. The troubles with wastage of water resources are growing. Today we know a lot of solution for retention rainwater in urban landscape, the water saving and maintain the quality of water. It influences the urban planning of cities and villages. This approaches intervene in architecture of buildings too. The functionality and design options, of these resolutions, are the subject of this work.
- Published
- 2016
22. Methods of Water Retention in Urban Landscape
- Abstract
Sídla v současné době představují pro krajinu velkou zátěž, a to i z vodohospodářského pohledu. Nejsou vůbec soběstačná a čerpají zdroje z okolí. Zároveň pak produkují odpadní vody v nevhodné míře a nevhodného biologického i chemického složení. Problémy s plýtváním vodními zdroji, nevhodným užíváním vod a znečištěním bez následného přečištění či recyklace, se stupňují. Soudobá opatření pro zadržení vody v krajině, její úsporu a kvalitu se propisují do územních plánů měst a obcí, ale také zasahují do architektury staveb města. Jejich funkčnost a možnosti ztvárnění jsou předmětem této práce., Cities are now the big burden for landscape, also from the perspective of water management. They aren´t self-sufficient and they take resources from the environment. While then produce of wastewater in unsuitable extent and unsuitable biological and chemical composition. The troubles with wastage of water resources are growing. Today we know a lot of solution for retention rainwater in urban landscape, the water saving and maintain the quality of water. It influences the urban planning of cities and villages. This approaches intervene in architecture of buildings too. The functionality and design options, of these resolutions, are the subject of this work.
- Published
- 2016
23. Methods of Water Retention in Urban Landscape
- Abstract
Sídla v současné době představují pro krajinu velkou zátěž, a to i z vodohospodářského pohledu. Nejsou vůbec soběstačná a čerpají zdroje z okolí. Zároveň pak produkují odpadní vody v nevhodné míře a nevhodného biologického i chemického složení. Problémy s plýtváním vodními zdroji, nevhodným užíváním vod a znečištěním bez následného přečištění či recyklace, se stupňují. Soudobá opatření pro zadržení vody v krajině, její úsporu a kvalitu se propisují do územních plánů měst a obcí, ale také zasahují do architektury staveb města. Jejich funkčnost a možnosti ztvárnění jsou předmětem této práce., Cities are now the big burden for landscape, also from the perspective of water management. They aren´t self-sufficient and they take resources from the environment. While then produce of wastewater in unsuitable extent and unsuitable biological and chemical composition. The troubles with wastage of water resources are growing. Today we know a lot of solution for retention rainwater in urban landscape, the water saving and maintain the quality of water. It influences the urban planning of cities and villages. This approaches intervene in architecture of buildings too. The functionality and design options, of these resolutions, are the subject of this work.
- Published
- 2016
24. Methods of Water Retention in Urban Landscape
- Author
Ličková, Nina and Ličková, Nina
- Abstract
Sídla v současné době představují pro krajinu velkou zátěž, a to i z vodohospodářského pohledu. Nejsou vůbec soběstačná a čerpají zdroje z okolí. Zároveň pak produkují odpadní vody v nevhodné míře a nevhodného biologického i chemického složení. Problémy s plýtváním vodními zdroji, nevhodným užíváním vod a znečištěním bez následného přečištění či recyklace, se stupňují. Soudobá opatření pro zadržení vody v krajině, její úsporu a kvalitu se propisují do územních plánů měst a obcí, ale také zasahují do architektury staveb města. Jejich funkčnost a možnosti ztvárnění jsou předmětem této práce., Cities are now the big burden for landscape, also from the perspective of water management. They aren´t self-sufficient and they take resources from the environment. While then produce of wastewater in unsuitable extent and unsuitable biological and chemical composition. The troubles with wastage of water resources are growing. Today we know a lot of solution for retention rainwater in urban landscape, the water saving and maintain the quality of water. It influences the urban planning of cities and villages. This approaches intervene in architecture of buildings too. The functionality and design options, of these resolutions, are the subject of this work.
- Published
- 2016
25. Rainwater Management in Urban Areas
- Author
Nina Lickova
- Subjects
Srážková voda ,Vsakování ,Akumulace - Abstract
Sustainable development efforts include the protection of natural resources. Water is one of the principal life-giving elements. Water conservation should therefore be central not only to environment conservation, but also to urban planning concepts, details and technological solutions employing the water element.
- Published
- 2015
26. Flood protection in urbanized landscape
- Author
- Subjects
retention pond ,retention ,retenční nádrž ,Flood ,poldr ,retence ,protipovodňová opatření ,revitalization ,Povodeň ,polder ,akumulace ,accumulation ,flood control ,revitalizace - Abstract
This thesis deals with the problems associated with floods and various kinds of protective measures. These measures should help to reduce the damage caused by floods and protect people on their health and lives. The work includes theoretical and practical part. The reader will find the theoretical concepts associated with floods and flood control measures, which are described individually. The practical part contains one selected area which is characterized in detail. The list of references from which it was drawn is given in the final park of work. The work also includes photographs of the selected river basins and map outputs for a better idea of the selected location.
- Published
- 2015
27. Hospodaření s dešťovou vodou v urbanizovaném území
- Abstract
Sustainable development efforts include the protection of natural resources. Water is one of the principal life-giving elements. Water conservation should therefore be central not only to environment conservation, but also to urban planning concepts, details and technological solutions employing the water element.
- Published
- 2015
28. Hospodaření s dešťovou vodou v urbanizovaném území
- Abstract
Sustainable development efforts include the protection of natural resources. Water is one of the principal life-giving elements. Water conservation should therefore be central not only to environment conservation, but also to urban planning concepts, details and technological solutions employing the water element.
- Published
- 2015
29. Hospodaření s dešťovou vodou v urbanizovaném území
- Abstract
Sustainable development efforts include the protection of natural resources. Water is one of the principal life-giving elements. Water conservation should therefore be central not only to environment conservation, but also to urban planning concepts, details and technological solutions employing the water element.
- Published
- 2015
30. Hospodaření s dešťovou vodou v urbanizovaném území
- Abstract
Sustainable development efforts include the protection of natural resources. Water is one of the principal life-giving elements. Water conservation should therefore be central not only to environment conservation, but also to urban planning concepts, details and technological solutions employing the water element.
- Published
- 2015
31. Hospodaření s dešťovou vodou v urbanizovaném území
- Author
Ličková, Nina and Ličková, Nina
- Abstract
Sustainable development efforts include the protection of natural resources. Water is one of the principal life-giving elements. Water conservation should therefore be central not only to environment conservation, but also to urban planning concepts, details and technological solutions employing the water element.
- Published
- 2015
32. Impact of habitat diversity and wood debris accumulation on macroinvertebrates
- Author
Nováková, Barbora, Matoušková, Milada, and Rödlová, Sylva
- Subjects
habitat ,dřevní hmota ,detrit ,hydromorfologie ,hydromorphology ,wood debris ,accumulation ,akumulace - Abstract
The revitalization of watercourses should be amended to restore the natural landscape water regime. Healthly waterflow should contain a morphologically rich bed with added dead wood and alternating pools and riffle. All these structures are colonized by varied fauna, that is distributed according to its dietary requirements. These problems are devoted to the research part of work. Another part is focused on the research of three tributaries in the upper basin of Blanice river near Prachatice. The location is thanks to the population of the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera), significant not only in Czech but also in european scale. Therefore, there is an important aspect of environmental protection. Given the importance of the site, there are experimental research carried out by Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology at the Faculty of Charles University in Prague. The practical part is based on the determination of macroinvertebrates revitalized Sviňovického brook and the subsequent evaluation of water quality. Samples of macroinvertebrate were collected using method PERLA and subsequently identified in families. For use BMWP score and ASPT index, the quality of water placed in the appropriate category of water quality.
- Published
- 2014
33. Akumulace elektrické energie
- Author
Holý, Jaroslav, Škorpil, Jan, and Tesařová, Miloslava
- Subjects
Czech republic ,elektrická energie ,akumulace ,electrical energy ,Česká republika ,accumulation - Published
- 2014
34. Draft of the project documentation of field road particulary reflecting water retention and accumulation in the land consolidation
- Author
- Subjects
side field road ,projektová dokumentace ,odvodnění ,vedlejší polní cesta ,ditch ,complex land consolidation ,retention ,katastrální území ,field road ,propustky ,fall culverts ,project documentation ,akumulace ,vegetační úpravy ,polní cesta ,landscaping ,retence ,cadastral area ,příkopy ,komplexní pozemková úprava ,drainage ,accumulation - Abstract
The goal of this thesis is to draft a project documentation of the new field road reflecting water retention and accumulation within the complex land consolidation. Territory, suitable for the construction of this new field road, is located in the foothills of the Novohradské hory, about 12 km southeast of the village Trhové Sviny. The chosen location with local names "U hrušky" and "Na 22 hektarech" is located in the eastern part of the cadastral area Dlouhá Stropnice. Proposed practical solution of project documentation of side field road design category P4,0/30 completed with a suitable alternative drainage is based on the theoretical summary of the literature review in this thesis. Other objects - fall culverts and landscaping the surrounding areas are included in the conception of project proposal. An integral part and basis for making the draft was field survey and subsequent analysis of the current status of the affected area.
- Published
- 2013
35. Příjem 137Cs a jeho interakce v rostlinném metabolismu
- Author
Šustr, Marek, Tylová, Edita, and Maršík, Petr
- Subjects
inorganic chemicals ,fluids and secretions ,urogenital system ,viruses ,embryonic structures ,toxicita ,soil ,potassium ,draslík ,půda ,cesium ,příjem ,toxicity ,uptake ,accumulation ,akumulace - Abstract
Plants are able to uptake radiocesium from soil, which is the potential route to enter the food chain. Cesium mobility in soil is determined by clay particles. Cesium can be reversibly ad- sorbed on their surface or can be fixed between layers. Mineral illit has the highest selectivity for cesium due to its frayed edges. Organic matter determines cesium mobility only in soil with organic matter content above 90 %. Cesium is more available for plants in this soil. Cesium uptake varies among species. Many plant species accumulating big amounts of cesium belong to family Chenopodiaceae. Cesium uptake is affected by other cations in soil solution. Potassium is the most effective one. Increasing of external potassium concentration from 50 μM to 250 μM decreased cesium uptake thirty-fold. Potassium affects cesium mobili- ty in soil and plant uptake. Due to chemical similarities of cesium and potassium some potassium transporters efficiently transport both cations. Potassium transporters are therefore considered the main entrance site in plant roots. Great contribution to cesium uptake is dedi- cated to high-affinity potassium transporter HAK5. Another great part of cesium uptake is mediated by non-selective cation channels. Plants can uptake up to 80 % of cesium applied on shoot surface. Cesium is highly...
- Published
- 2013
36. The options of using rain waters in the villages
- Author
Šímová, Jana
- Subjects
pitná voda ,vsakování ,drinking water ,rain water ,dešťová voda ,recyklace dešťových vod ,akumulace ,accumulation ,infiltration ,recycling rain water - Abstract
Voda je životně důležitou surovinou, na které je kromě člověka závislá celá příroda. V poslední době však vody velice rychle ubývá. Naopak se zvyšují nároky lidí na životní úroveň a pohodlí života. Úbytku vody se nedá zcela zabránit. Je však možné vodou š Water is a vital raw material, which is in addition to the human nature whole dependent. Recently, however, the water runs low very fast. On the contrary, increase the standards of living and comfortable life. The decrease of water cannot be avoided compl
- Published
- 2013
37. Studium akumulace kademnatých iontů energetickými plodinami
- Author
Berkyová, Petra, Soudek, Petr, and Petrová, Šárka
- Subjects
inorganic chemicals ,malva ,energetické rostliny ,sléz ,kadmium ,čirok ,cadmium ,GSH ,EDTA ,energy plants ,sorghum ,accumulation ,akumulace ,fungi ,food and beverages - Abstract
Cadmium is heavy metal toxic for plants and animals and environmental contaminant which must be removed from natural environment. In recent years a new method phytoremediation is getting more attention. This method uses plants called hyperaccumulators for extraction of heavy metals from soils. Hyperaccumulators have, however, after accumulation of heavy metals no other use. Therefore new possibilities are discussed in last few years. Energy plants, in this thesis sorghum and malva, could be used for accumulation of heavy metals from soils and after that these plants could be used as energy source. This thesis wants to find out if sorgum and malva are able to grow in cadmium contaminated environment and if these plants will accumulate cadmium. It also compares different cultivars of sorghum in toxicity tests and compares ability of these cultivars to grow in cadmium contaminated environment and to accumulate this heavy metal. Further it focuses on affection of uptake of kadmium ions by sorhum in presence of glutathione or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.
- Published
- 2012
38. Akumulace thoria a studium stresových odpovědí rostlin na jeho přítomnost
- Author
Kufner, Daniel, Soudek, Petr, and Petrová, Šárka
- Subjects
fungi ,food and beverages ,hydroponics ,hydroponie ,polyamines ,thorium ,phytoremediation ,fytoremediace ,polyaminy ,Nicotiana tabaccum ,akumulace - Abstract
The ability of the accumulation of thorium and study of the stress responses on his presence was tested on a selected cultivar of tobacco, La Burley 21. Plants were cultivated in Hoagland's hydroponic medium under artificial light. Except to the ability of accumulation and distribution of thorium in the all parts of plant was investigated the effect of selected organic and inorganic additions on accumulation. Among organic substances included citric acid, tartaric and oxalic acid in their presence was observed the increase of thorium in all parts of the plant. Were also tested products from the diamine and polyamines (putrescine, cadaverine, spermine and spermidin). These substances, also known for their antioxidant activity in plants, had an impact on reducing the accumulation of thorium, especially in the root system of plants. The most important factor influencing the accumulation of thorium was the absence of phosphate ions in a hydroponic medium, which caused the rise of the concentration of thorium about several levels in all parts of the plants. The initial decrease of pH after additions of organic acids or addition of high concentrations of thorium and the gradual increase of pH during cultivation had proved significant. It was also compared the uptake of accumulation and distribution of...
- Published
- 2011
39. Prehistory and history of human impact on landscape relief: And overview of current directions in the study and the importance of case studies
- Author
- Subjects
Holocene ,geomorfologie ,intrusion ,human impact ,palynologie ,krajina ,geomorphology ,Eroze ,intruze ,palynology ,akumulace ,erosion ,accumulation ,landscape ,holocén - Abstract
Humans became an important factor in the development of Holocene relief. They began to significantly influence a plant cover and retention of the landscape with the advent of agriculture. The consequences of deforestation and an economic land use on erosion and accumulation processes are evaluated by comparing case studies from areas of Germany, Czech Republic and Poland. The main erosive processes belong to the end of Eneolithic, Late Bronze Age, the end of the Roman Period, and early Middle Ages in the area of interest. On a microscale, a stronger influence of archaeological situations arisen before the start of the erosion events and a substantial reduction of artefacts stored in situ can be expected.
- Published
- 2011
40. Examples of road networks considering water retention and accumulation in rural and settled zones
- Author
- Subjects
soil ,intavilán ,legislativa ,settled zone ,odvodnění ,voda ,cestní síť ,extravilán ,legislation ,water ,retence ,road network ,eroze ,drainage ,půda ,rural zone ,retention ,erosion ,accumulation ,akumulace - Abstract
This bachelor thesis' s main purpose is to earmark suitable examples of road networks considering water retention and accumulation both in rural and settled zones. The background research in this thesis presents theoretical survey about road networks in the cohesion with water. This research has been composed from the open sources, most of them valid technical standards and from the recommended literature. The second part of thesis includes demonstration focused on documentation of road networks already realized in compliance with technical knowledge contained in the background research (braced field road in the cadastre land Skřípov, Prostějov county; field roads including drains in the cadastre land Chotěbudice; main drain including road drain along the filed road C5 in cadastre land Vojnice).
- Published
- 2011
41. Factors affecting carbon sequestration on post-mining sites
- Author
Vindušková, Olga, Frouz, Jan, and Cajthaml, Tomáš
- Subjects
soil organic carbon ,půdní organická hmota ,sekvestrace ,výsypky ,mine spoil ,carbon sequestration ,rekultivace ,soil organic matter ,mineland ,akumulace - Published
- 2011
42. Jak dokáží přežít rostliny na toxických výsypkových substrátech? Fyziologické a strukturální vlastnosti rostlin na substrátech s vysokým obsahem As a Hg
- Author
Kovářová, Monika, Albrechtová, Jana, and Soudek, Petr
- Subjects
mercury ,defence mechanisms ,toxicita ,arsen ,obranné mechanismy ,Heavy metals ,toxicity ,accumulation ,anatomy ,morfology ,As ,rtuť ,morfologie ,anatomie ,detoxifikace ,arsenic ,akumulace ,detoxification ,Hg ,transport ,Těžké kovy ,fungi ,food and beverages - Abstract
The heavy metals contamination of environment represents a worldwide problem lately. Heavy metals cause harmful effects not only to plants, but also to other organisms. Throught their acumulation in plant biomass, heavy metals enter a food chain and could negatively influence the human health. The impact of heavy metals on plants and their defence mechanisms against toxicity of heavy metals have been in focus of plant physiology and ecology research for decades. Importance of this topic arises from plant role in environment, ecosystem services and in human nutrition. Investigation in proces and mechanisms of heavy metal hyperacumulation in plants offer progress in fytoremediation and genetic engineering. The experiments on agricultural crops show how heavy metals enter the food chain and how they affect the crop yield. The aim of this thesis is to summarize information about heavy metals' effects on plants. The thesis is focused on arsenic and mercury, because the Czech Republic have also problem with heavy metals contamination and these two metals occur in high concentration in the spoil banks and soils adjacent to the lignite mining areas of Sokolovsko. The spoil banks with heavy metal content have to be revegatated, thus, the topic of their effect on plants is of high importance. In the first part of the...
- Published
- 2010
43. Možnosti využití dešťových vod ve venkovském prostoru
- Author
Šímová, Jana and Šímová, Jana
- Abstract
Voda je životně důležitou surovinou, na které je kromě člověka závislá celá příroda. V poslední době však vody velice rychle ubývá. Naopak se zvyšují nároky lidí na životní úroveň a pohodlí života. Úbytku vody se nedá zcela zabránit. Je však možné vodou š, Water is a vital raw material, which is in addition to the human nature whole dependent. Recently, however, the water runs low very fast. On the contrary, increase the standards of living and comfortable life. The decrease of water cannot be avoided compl
- Published
- 2013
44. Možnosti využití dešťových vod ve venkovském prostoru
- Abstract
Voda je životně důležitou surovinou, na které je kromě člověka závislá celá příroda. V poslední době však vody velice rychle ubývá. Naopak se zvyšují nároky lidí na životní úroveň a pohodlí života. Úbytku vody se nedá zcela zabránit. Je však možné vodou š, Water is a vital raw material, which is in addition to the human nature whole dependent. Recently, however, the water runs low very fast. On the contrary, increase the standards of living and comfortable life. The decrease of water cannot be avoided compl
- Published
- 2013
45. Možnosti využití dešťových vod ve venkovském prostoru
- Abstract
Voda je životně důležitou surovinou, na které je kromě člověka závislá celá příroda. V poslední době však vody velice rychle ubývá. Naopak se zvyšují nároky lidí na životní úroveň a pohodlí života. Úbytku vody se nedá zcela zabránit. Je však možné vodou š, Water is a vital raw material, which is in addition to the human nature whole dependent. Recently, however, the water runs low very fast. On the contrary, increase the standards of living and comfortable life. The decrease of water cannot be avoided compl
- Published
- 2013
46. Možnosti využití dešťových vod ve venkovském prostoru
- Abstract
Voda je životně důležitou surovinou, na které je kromě člověka závislá celá příroda. V poslední době však vody velice rychle ubývá. Naopak se zvyšují nároky lidí na životní úroveň a pohodlí života. Úbytku vody se nedá zcela zabránit. Je však možné vodou š, Water is a vital raw material, which is in addition to the human nature whole dependent. Recently, however, the water runs low very fast. On the contrary, increase the standards of living and comfortable life. The decrease of water cannot be avoided compl
- Published
- 2013
47. Možnosti využití dešťových vod ve venkovském prostoru
- Abstract
Voda je životně důležitou surovinou, na které je kromě člověka závislá celá příroda. V poslední době však vody velice rychle ubývá. Naopak se zvyšují nároky lidí na životní úroveň a pohodlí života. Úbytku vody se nedá zcela zabránit. Je však možné vodou š, Water is a vital raw material, which is in addition to the human nature whole dependent. Recently, however, the water runs low very fast. On the contrary, increase the standards of living and comfortable life. The decrease of water cannot be avoided compl
- Published
- 2013
48. Accumulation of thermal energy
- Author
Medveď, Dušan, Hvizdoš, Marek, and Mühlbacher, Jan
- Subjects
thermal energy ,ukládání ,tepelná energie ,storing ,akumulace ,Nuclear Experiment ,accumulation - Abstract
This paper deals with accumulation and storing of thermal energy, such as in phase change materials and chemical reactions, sensible thermal energy storage i.e. water tanks and underground thermal energy storage.
- Published
- 2007
- Author
- Subjects
decontamination ,monitoring ,heavy metals ,znečištění ,pollution ,water moss ,vodní mech ,dekontaminace ,akumulace ,accumulation ,těžké kovy - Abstract
The aim of the bachelor work was a complete literary compilation of the theme of using bioaccumulation efficiency of plants, especially water mosses, for a biomonitoring of the occurrence of heavy metals and some other risk elements in surface waters. Water mosses are useful for biomonitoring, some vascular plants gain ground in decontamination of waste waters.
- Published
- 2007
50. Časový průběh retence radiojódu u pacientů po podání léčebné dávky 131I v prvních dnech po terapii
- Author
- Subjects
radioiodine ,acumulation ,malign disease ,dose intake ,benign disease ,radiojód ,dávkový příkon ,benigní onemocnění ,Retence ,effective half time ,Retention ,akumulace ,efektivní poločas ,maligní onemocnění ,fungi - Abstract
After comparison diagnostic half time and therapeutic half time was found out bigger diference then established variation. It leads to result that therapeutic half time and indirect radioiodine retention too is depending on applicated activity. According the measurement I can establish the date of dismission in patients with benign thyroid gland disease on the second day (at lower therapeutic activity) and the tenth day (at higher therapeutic activity) after administration therapeutic dose. In patients with malign thyroid gland disease the date of dismission can be established on the third day (at lower therapeutic activity) and the fifth day (at higher therapeutic activity) after administration therapeutic dose.
- Published
- 2007
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