Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the superior capsule tear patterns and synovitis with subacromial pathologies, such as bursal-sided rotator cuff tear and subacromial impingement syndrome. Methods: Fifty patients who underwent arthroscopic treatment for isolated bursal-sided tear were included in the study. Fifty more patients who underwent arthroscopic treatment for isolated Superior Labrum Anterior Posterior (SLAP) 2 lesion without pathology in the rotator cuff were included in the control group. Firstly, superior capsule tear and common synovitis on the rotator cable were assessed during glenohumeral joint examination. Coracoacromial Ligament (CAL) degeneration grading was performed according to the Royal Berkshire Hospital classification. Bursal-sided partial tear grading was done using Ellman classification. Whether or not there was a relationship between synovitis, classic capsule tear, plus reverse flap capsule tear, and partial bursal-sided tear existence. Results: There were 21 patients with reverse flap capsule tear in the study group and 3 patients in the control group. In addition, there were 13 patients with synovitis in the study group and 4 in the control group. Compared to the control group, there was also a significant positive correlation in the presence of both synovitis and reverse flap capsule tear with the presence of bursal-sided tear in the study group ( p = 0.000). There was, however, no significant difference between the presence of classical capsule tear and the presence of bursal-sided tear ( p = 0.485). Conclusion: This study shows that the presence of reverse flap capsule tear and synovitis was associated with partial bursal-sided tears. Therefore, if the reverse flap capsule tear or synovitis is detected in the superior capsule, the rotator cuff should be evaluated in more detail during subacromial bursoscopy in order not to miss a bursal-sided partial cuff tear.