Based on an Oregon pilot project to explore alternatives to court termination of parental rights, the four Parent Empowerment workbooks and the Practice Manual which make up this set are intended to help caseworkers or mediators assist parents in self-examination and decision making, allowing the parents to consider both parenting and adoption options in a non-coercive atmosphere. The workbooks are designed to empower parents by providing appropriate choices individually tailored to their needs by the caseworker. The workbooks may also help caseworkers and mediators design cooperative adoptions with parents. Workbook 1, "A Child's Needs," addresses the child's needs including where they have been, people that make a difference, what is important to the child, what gives the child strength, the child's needs, and benefits of cooperative. Workbook 2, "Looking at Options," looks at options including parenting, adoption, child's needs, involving the family, children with special needs, considering choices, and thinking about loss. Workbook 3, "A Cooperative Adoption," addresses cooperative adoption including openness, choosing parents, meeting parents, planning the agreement, contact before placement, and the adoption agreement. Workbook 4, "Letting Go," addresses letting go, including plans and goals, visits, transitions, good-bye ceremonies, grief, loss, healing, and new relationships. The Practice Manual presents a process that works in establishing openness in a wide variety of adoptions. The manual includes suggestions for professionals, ideas for transitions, and additional questions that might help clients. (Contains 39 references.) (SD)