58 results on '"Administrative law--European Union countries"'
Search Results
2. The Struggle Over Law in Europe
- Author
Aldo Sandulli and Aldo Sandulli
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries, Law--European Union countries
- Abstract
This book examines the role of law in Europe at a time when economic policies have become dominant not only on this continent but globally. Can law be seen as a mere infrastructure? Or does it contribute to defining the social and legal order through its own inherent rules? If the second hypothesis is true, what might these rules be, and how may they be identified? Lastly, to what extent can agreeing a definition of the role of law affect the future of Europe? With the Next Generation European Union, the EU has introduced an unprecedented investment plan for economic recovery and resilience. In doing so, it has become the most important financial intermediary on the continent. But is this simply the prelude to a European economic and financial revival, or does it also aim to strengthen the European legal order in social, political, and constitutional terms? This book argues that the role of law in Europe should be to achieve a balanced relationship between freedom and solidarity; encouraging economic competition, but also social cohesion. Analyzing the role of law in the project of European integration, it maintains that law should be more than an infrastructure for finance and economics, showing how it can act as a guide and a binding force to achieve a more balanced relationship between economics, politics, and law. This book will be of interest to scholars in the fields of public law, European law, law and economics, the philosophy of law, legal history, political theory, and political science, as well as others concerned with the future of European integration.
- Published
- 2024
3. EU Administrative Law
- Author
Diana-Urania Galetta, Jacques Ziller, Diana-Urania Galetta, and Jacques Ziller
- Subjects
- International and municipal law--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries, Administrative procedure--European Union countries
- Abstract
This insightful book analyses the theory and practice of administrative law in the European Union and its member states. Adopting a functional approach, Diana-Urania Galetta and Jacques Ziller provide a detailed overview of the law as it applies to EU institutions, bodies, offices, agencies, and member state authorities.Drawing on insights from comparative law, Galetta and Ziller explore key topics including administrative procedure, judicial review, legal instruments and executive function, and investigate how multilingualism mediates the interaction of EU and member state law. The book highlights the importance of change and adaptability in EU administrative law, and examines the role of the policies and institutional systems that govern it.Covering both primary and secondary EU law alongside the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice, this book is an essential resource for students and scholars of EU law and politics, administrative law, and institutional systems. It is also a valuable read for legal practitioners and administrators working in and implementing EU law.
- Published
- 2024
4. Efficiënt werken met de AVG
- Author
mr. Nico J. Mookhoek CIPP and mr. Nico J. Mookhoek CIPP
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries, Data protection--Law and legislation--European Union countries
- Published
- 2023
5. The Common Core of European Administrative Laws : Retrospective and Prospective
- Author
Giacinto della Cananea and Giacinto della Cananea
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries, Administrative procedure--European Union countri, Judicial review of administrative acts--European
- Abstract
Though European administrative laws have gained global significance in the last few decades, research which provides both theoretical analysis and original empirical research has been scarce. This book offers an important account of the evolution of judicial review and administrative procedure legislation, using a factual analysis to shed light on how the different legal systems react to similar problems. Discussing the concept of a ‘common core', Giacinto della Cananea reveals the commonalities in, and differences between, the foundational assumptions of European administrative adjudication and rule-making.
- Published
- 2023
6. The Enforcement of EU Financial Law
- Author
Jan Crijns, Matthias Haentjens, Rijnhard Haentjens, Jan Crijns, Matthias Haentjens, and Rijnhard Haentjens
- Subjects
- International and municipal law--European Union countries, Financial institutions--Law and legislation--European Union countries, Financial services industry--Law and legislation--European Union countries, Finance--Law and legislation--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries, Money laundering--Law and legislation--European Union countries--Criminal provisions, Securities--European Union countries
- Abstract
This book focuses on the enforcement of EU financial law on the national and supra-national levels. Emphasis is laid on the interaction between the EU and national levels (vertical interaction), as well as between the private, administrative, and criminal law levels (horizontal interaction). The book takes a multi-jurisdiction and inter-disciplinary approach and covers a range of issues that are highly topical, such as the new EU Anti-Money Laundering regime, and the ReNEUAL model for administrative law. Over the last few decades, EU financial law has grown exponentially. Virtually all these new rules and regulations require enforcement. However, the EU legislator generally has been reluctant to regulate enforcement at the national level, and often does not prescribe whether enforcement should take place through national criminal, administrative, or private law. This results in both practical and fundamental questions for the legal practitioner and the academic. This book addresses those questions. With contributions by leading academics and senior members of EU and national institutions, the book will be of interest to professionals dealing with financial law in their daily practice such as lawyers, bankers, policy makers, officers at supervisory authorities, and judges, but also for academics interested in fundamental questions of interaction between legal systems.
- Published
- 2022
7. The Changing Administrative Law of an EU Member State : The Italian Case
- Author
Domenico Sorace, Leonardo Ferrara, Ippolito Piazza, Domenico Sorace, Leonardo Ferrara, and Ippolito Piazza
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries, Administrative law--Italy--Case studies
- Abstract
This book presents the evolution of Italian administrative law in the context of the EU, describing its distinctive features and comparing it with other experiences across Europe. It provides a comprehensive overview of administrative law in Italy, focusing on the main changes occurred over the last few decades.Although the respective chapters generally pursue a legal approach, they also consider the influence of economic, social, cultural and technological factors on the evolution of public administration and administrative law.The book is divided into three parts. The first part addresses general issues (e.g. procedures and organization of public administrations, administrative justice). The second part focuses on more specific topics (e.g. public intervention in the economy, healthcare management, local government). In the third part, the evolution of Italian administrative law is discussed in a comparative perspective.
- Published
- 2021
8. Europäisierung des Verwaltungsprozessrechts im Diskurs der Rechtswissenschaft
- Author
Sönke Knickmeier and Sönke Knickmeier
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
Die Europäisierung des Verwaltungsprozessrechts wird seit langem als prägendes rechtswissenschaftliches Phänomen wahrgenommen und diskutiert. Statt ihre Konsequenzen dogmatisch zu untersuchen, betrachtet Sönke Knickmeier den dogmatischen Diskurs selbst. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die nationale Vorstellung von Dogmatik die Wahrnehmung europarechtlich geforderter Rechtsänderungen beeinflusst. Die gewählte Perspektive einer Beobachtung zweiter Ordnung vermag etwaige Vorannahmen zu explizieren und Entwicklungspfade sowie Pfadabhängigkeiten aufzuzeigen. Zugleich werden dadurch potentielle Weiterungen von Argumentationen für die Verarbeitung von Anforderungen des Europarechts sichtbar gemacht. Als Beispiele dienen insbesondere klassische Themen des Verwaltungsprozessrechts wie die Klagebefugnis bzw. subjektive öffentliche Rechte, die Bedeutung des Verfahrensrechts und die Kontrolldichte.
- Published
- 2021
9. Europa en het algemeen bestuursrecht : Burger en bestuur in de gemeenschappelijke rechtsorde
- Author
Commissie Europeanisering algemeen bestuursrecht and Commissie Europeanisering algemeen bestuursrecht
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries, Administrative law--Netherlands
- Abstract
Deze uitgave bevat het rapport van de Commissie Europeanisering algemeen bestuursrecht, die op 21 november 2016 werd ingesteld door het VAR-bestuur, over de (te verwachten) invloed van de op het niveau van de Europese Unie tot ontwikkeling komende algemeen bestuursrechtelijke regels en beginselen op de theorie en de praktijk van het Nederlandse algemeen bestuursrecht. De VAR-reeks is de publicatiereeks van de VAR Vereniging voor Bestuursrecht. Deze publicaties bestaan uit preadviezen over actuele bestuursrechtelijke thema's en verslagen van de jaarvergaderingen van de vereniging. Naast de publicaties in deze reeks verschijnen ook publicaties door jongere VAR-leden in de Jonge VAR-reeks.
- Published
- 2021
10. The Sound of Silence in European Administrative Law
- Author
Dacian C. Dragos, Polonca Kovač, Hanna D. Tolsma, Dacian C. Dragos, Polonca Kovač, and Hanna D. Tolsma
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
This book examines administrative silence in a comparative manner in the EU law and 13 jurisdictions from Europe. Administrative silence is an issue that lies at the intersection of legal and managerial aspects of public administration, a concept that is both reflecting and testing the principles of legal certainty, legality, good administration, legitimate expectations, and effectiveness. Inactivity or excessive length of proceedings appears to be of interest for comparisons, particularly in the context of the recent attempts to develop European convergence models. The book offers in-depth insights into legal regulation, theory, case law and practice regarding positive and negative legal fictions in the selected European jurisdictions.
- Published
- 2020
11. Controlling EU Agencies : The Rule of Law in a Multi-jurisdictional Legal Order
- Author
Miroslava Scholten, Alex Brenninkmeijer, Miroslava Scholten, and Alex Brenninkmeijer
- Subjects
- Civil rights--European Union countries, International and municipal law--European Union countries, Judicial review of administrative acts--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries, Bureaucracy--European Union countries
- Abstract
Controlling EU Agencies launches the debate on how to build a comprehensive system of controls in light of the ongoing trends of agencification and Europeanisation of the executive in the EU. Expert multi-disciplinary contributors explore the potential of interconnecting different concepts and types of controls, as well as different outputs of EU agencies, to address the challenges and limitations that individual types of control present. Insightful chapters analyse these issues in relation to individual concepts of control - autonomy, accountability, effective judicial protection, deference, protection of fundamental rights, transparency, liability - as well as specifically for different types of agencies'outputs, including both soft and hard laws. Through the creation of a systemic view, the book suggests ways in which this system of controls may be improved for the future. Timely and engaging, this book will be of great interest to scholars and students of law, governance, public administration and political science, especially those investigating controls of public power. It will also provide an important resource for researchers and officials dealing with design and operation of EU agencies. Contributors include: G.J. Brandsma, A. Brenninkmeijer, A. Buijze, F. Cacciatore, M. Catanzariti, M. Chamon, P. Craig, E. de Jong, M. Eliantonio, D. Fernandez-Rojo, S. Gabbi, T. Huisjes, B. Kleizen, M. Maggetti, F. Meyer, C. Moser, L. Mustert, S. Nicolosi, Y. Papadopoulos, S. Prechal, M. Scholten, M. Simoncini, B. Strauss, J. Timmermans, S. Tosza, A.H. Türk, M. van Rijsbergen, K. Verhoest, R. Widdershoven, M. Wood
- Published
- 2020
12. Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht unter europäischem Einfluß
- Author
Stefan Kadelbach and Stefan Kadelbach
- Subjects
- Administrative law--Germany, Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
Schon seit geraumer Zeit übt das Recht der Europäischen Gemeinschaft wachsenden Einfluß auf das innerstaatliche Recht aus. Im Verwaltungsrecht ist dieser Vorgang der Internationalisierung eine Besonderheit, weil dieser Bereich besonderen verfassungsrechtlichen Bindungen unterliegt und daher bislang heteronomen Einflüssen weitgehend verschlossen blieb. Aufgrund der besonderen Wirkungen des Gemeinschaftsrechts sieht sich nun das deutsche Verwaltungsrecht in verschiedener Hinsicht starkem Anpassungsdruck ausgesetzt. Dieser geht teils auf unmittelbar wirksame Normen des Gemeinschaftsrechts, teils auf die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes zurück. Stefan Kadelbach unterscheidet dementsprechend in seiner Untersuchung zwischen zwei Arten von Einflüssen: Solche, die auf Rechtsetzung zurückgehen, und solche, die von richterrechtlich herausgebildeten allgemeinen Rechtsgrundsätzen ausgehen. Er vertritt die These, daß sich das nationale öffentliche Recht in eine rein interne, vom Gemeinschaftsrecht unbeeinflußte Sphäre und einen europäisierten Bereich teilt. Dieser Annahme geht er rechtsempirisch anhand dreier ausgewählter Teilbereiche des Allgemeinen Verwaltungsrechts nach: der Rechtsformenlehre, dem subjektiven öffentlichen Recht und der Lehre von Beurteilungsspielraum und Ermessen. Für die Rechtsvergleichung eröffnet sich in dieser europäisierten Sphäre ein neues Betätigungsfeld.
- Published
- 2020
13. Law of Administrative Organization of the EU : A Comparative Approach
- Author
Matthias Ruffert and Matthias Ruffert
- Subjects
- Administrative agencies--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
With the transfer of ever more tasks and competences to the European level the EU's administration has become increasingly complex, with'agencification'as the most visible sign of this differentiation. This book offers a much-needed analytical overview of the field, with the aim of improving our understanding of administration at the European level, and indeed of improving the administration itself.Importantly, the book takes a comparative approach, examining the parallels and differences with the US law of administrative organization - and demonstrates that it is not sufficient to consider the respective laws of important Member States in isolation. Using this comparison as a vehicle, the book provides a rounded conceptualization of the law of administrative organization of the EU. This includes a reasoned proposal for a reformed Art. 298 TFEU to address deficiencies in the EU's administrative organization and to enhance administrative legitimacy in the EU.Legal scholars undertaking research in the field of European and administrative law and civil servants working for Member States or European institutions will appreciate the scholarly thoroughness of this book.
- Published
- 2020
14. Good Administration and the Council of Europe : Law, Principles, and Effectiveness
- Author
Ulrich Stelkens, Agnė Andrijauskaitė, Ulrich Stelkens, and Agnė Andrijauskaitė
- Subjects
- Council of Europe--Administration, Council of Europe, Administrative law--European Union countries, Right to good administration--European Union cou, Administrative law, Management
- Abstract
Good Administration and the Council of Europe: Law, Principles, and Effectiveness examines the existence and effectiveness of written and unwritten standards of good administration developed within the framework of the Council of Europe (CoE) and in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. These standards - called'pan- European general principles of good administration'- cover the entire range of general organizational, procedural, and substantive legal institutions meant to ensure a democratically legitimized, open, and transparent administration respecting the rule of law. They are about the'limiting function'of administrative law: its function to protect individuals from arbitrary power, to legitimize administrative action, and to combat corruption. This book analyses the sources and functions of the pan-European general principles of good administration and seeks to uncover how deeply they are rooted in the domestic legal systems of the CoE Member States. It comprises 28 country reports dedicated to an in-depth exploration of the impact of these standards on the national legal systems of the Member States written by respective experts on these systems. It argues that the pan-European general principles of good administration lead to a certain harmonization of the legal orders of the Member States with regard to the limiting function of administrative law despite the many fundamental differences between their administrative and legal systems. It comes to the further conclusion that the pan-European general principles of good administration can be considered as a concretization of the founding values of the CoE and describes the'administrative law obligations'a Member State entered into when joining the CoE.
- Published
- 2020
15. Integrazione amministrativa e unione bancaria
- Author
Macchia, Marco and Macchia, Marco
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries, Public administration--European Union countries
- Abstract
La Collana “Procedimenti europei – European Procedures”, di cui il volume Integrazione amministrativa e unione bancaria di Marco Macchia fa parte, accoglie contributi su temi che ricadano nell'ambito d'indagine del diritto pubblico europeo, ossia diritto amministrativo e costituzionale dell'Unione europea e dei suoi Stati membri, nonché diritto del Consiglio d'Europa (CEDU e altre fonti rilevanti). Per procedimenti s'intendono, dunque, sia i procedimenti amministrativi, sia anche i procedimenti legislativi e le procedure giurisdizionali (nonché di risoluzione alternativa delle controversie – ADR). In senso ampio la tematica dei “procedimenti” può includere anche aspetti organizzativi e istituti quali, per esempio, le agenzie, intese come strutture di garanzia dei diritti e dell'effetto utile del diritto UE. Tutti i contributi accolti nella Collana, dopo una prima delibazione da parte dei Direttori, sono sottoposti a procedura di doppio referaggio da parte di esperti del settore scientifico-disciplinare di riferimento.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
Die Europäisierung des Rechts hat sich in der jüngeren Vergangenheit als durchaus beliebter Forschungsgegenstand innerhalb der Rechtswissenschaften erwiesen. Interessanterweise ist das Verwaltungsorganisationsrecht jedoch bisher von derartigen Analysen ausgespart worden. Diese Lücke versucht die vorliegende Untersuchung zu schließen, indem sie nationale verwaltungsorganisationsrechtliche und rechtskulturelle Determinanten in den Vergleichsstaaten identifiziert und ihren Einfluss auf die Mechanismen der Umsetzung ausgewählter europäischer Rechtsakte herausarbeitet.
- Published
- 2019
17. EU Administrative Law
- Author
Paul Craig and Paul Craig
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
The third edition of EU Administrative Law provides comprehensive coverage of the administrative system in the EU and the principles of judicial review that apply in this area. This revised edition provides important updates on each area covered, including new case law; institutional developments; and EU legislation. These changes are located within the framework of broader developments in the EU. The chapters in the first half of the book deal with all the principal variants of the EU administrative regime. Thus there are chapters dealing with the history and taxonomy of the EU administrative regime; direct administration; shared administration; comitology; agencies; social partners; and the open method of coordination. The coverage throughout focuses on the legal regime that governs the particular form of administration and broader issues of accountability, drawing on literature from political science as well as law. The focus in the second part of the book shifts to judicial review. There are detailed chapters covering all principles of judicial review and the discussion of the law throughout is analytical and contextual. It begins with the principles that have informed the development of EU judicial review. This is followed by a chapter dealing with the judicial system and the way in which reform could impact on the subject matter of the book. There are then chapters dealing with competence; access; transparency; process; law, fact and discretion; rights; equality; legitimate expectations; two chapters on proportionality; the precautionary principle; two chapters on remedies; and the Ombudsman.
- Published
- 2018
18. Rimedi amministrativi ed esecuzione diretta del diritto Europeo
- Author
Chirulli, Paola, Luca, Lucia de, Chirulli, Paola, and Luca, Lucia de
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
Lo studio si articola in sette capitoli. Nel primo, ci si sofferma sul rapporto tra ricorsi amministrativi e autonomia dell'amministrazione europea; vengono altresì individuati i diversi modelli di rimedio e le tipologie di attività amministrativa cui essi sono ascrivibili. Nei successivi tre capitoli si analizzano la revisione interna (infra, cap. II), il ricorso alla Commissione contro gli atti di agenzie decentrate ed esecutive (infra, cap. III) e le funzioni delle commissioni di ricorso incardinate presso alcune agenzie decentrate (infra, cap. IV). Si rivolge poi l'attenzione alle attività del Mediatore europeo in relazione alle denunce presentate da singoli individui (infra, cap. V) e alle dispute di carattere individuale risolte dal Garante per la protezione dei dati per quanto riguarda trattamento d'informazioni da parte d'istituzioni e organismi europei. Questo ufficio in tempi recenti ha conosciuto una notevole estensione delle sue competenze che ora riguardano anche Europol e che presto verosimilmente si estenderanno anche a Eurojust (infra, cap. VI). Nel settimo capitolo si traggono le fila della ricerca, esaminando taluni aspetti critici emersi nel corso della trattazione, nonché le tensioni trasformative che interessano i singoli rimedi e la loro possibile evoluzione. Il tutto consente di trarre alcune conclusioni più generali circa il sistema europeo di giustizia amministrativa e la necessità della costituzionalizzazione di questo segmento dell'ordinamento dell'Unione.
- Published
- 2018
19. Administrative Regulation Beyond the Non-Delegation Doctrine : A Study on EU Agencies
- Author
Marta Simoncini and Marta Simoncini
- Subjects
- Administrative procedure--European Union countries, Administrative agencies--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
The importance of administration in the EU has been growing progressively together with the development of EU competences and tasks in the internal market. From the original model of a Community leaving enforcement with the Member States, the EU has become a complex legal order where administrative tasks are spread among different actors, including EU institutions, EU agencies and national administrations. Within this complex administrative law landscape, agencies and their powers have been essentially'upgraded'. This volume asks whether any such'upgrade'is compatible with EU law and its principles. Exploring both the case law of the CJEU and the regulation relating to EU agencies, the volume asks a crucial question about the legitimacy of the ever-increasing role of agencies in the enforcement of EU law.
- Published
- 2018
20. Vergaberecht EU und national
- Author
Walter Frenz and Walter Frenz
- Subjects
- International law, Public administration--European Union countries, Administrative procedure--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
Das Buch zeigt die unionsrechtlichen Grundlagen des Vergaberechts auf und behandelt EU- und nationales Recht gemeinsam mit Schwerpunkt auf den vielfältigen Verflechtungen.Das Vergaberecht kommt trotz der umfassenden Novellierung nicht zur Ruhe: Können nunmehr strategische Ziele wie Frauenförderung und Tariftreue unbegrenzt als Leistungskriterien eingesetzt werden? Unter welchen Voraussetzungen ist die – nicht geregelte – Hoheitsübertragung nach dem EuGH-Urteil Remondis ausschreibungsfrei? Wann gilt dies für nachträgliche Vertragsänderungen? Wann kommen Verhandlungsverfahren, wettbewerblicher Dialog und Innovationspartnerschaft zum Einsatz? Wie funktioniert die Compliance im Vergaberecht, um einen Bieterausschluss zu vermeiden (Vorlage VK Südbayern an den EuGH)? Alle diese Fragen sind vor allem europarechtlich geprägt. Das deutsche Vergaberecht kann, wie führende Vergaberechtler immer wieder betonen, nur vollständig erfasst werden, wenn der unionsrechtliche Hintergrund präsent ist. Diese Verknüpfung leistet dieses Handbuch.
- Published
- 2018
21. Contributo allo studio del principio di 'promozione' della concorrenza nel diritto amministrativo
- Author
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries, Restraint of trade--European Union countries
- Abstract
La monografia scientifica, intitolata “Contributo allo studio del principio di “promozione” della concorrenza nel diritto amministrativo”, si sofferma sul principio di concorrenza nella sua dimensione relativa alla “promozione” della concorrenza, sullo sfondo di un contesto culturale attuale dominato dal neoliberismo. Dopo aver esaminato, brevemente, qualche settore economico in cui la “promozione” della concorrenza si è realizzata con l'incisivo apporto della giurisprudenza, il volume ricostruisce in termini più generali il contributo alla “promozione” della concorrenza fornito dalla giurisprudenza eurounitaria, costituzionale ed amministrativa, evidenziandone, tra l'altro, il diverso modus decidendi pur in presenza di questioni strutturalmente identiche. Infine, nel volume si profila una prospettiva in cui l'enucleato principio di “promozione” della concorrenza sia destinato a condizionare la legislazione amministrativa delle attività economiche e se ne traggono alcune possibili implicazioni. Il volume ”Contributo allo studio del principio di “promozione” della concorrenza” si rivolge, dunque, a chiunque sia interessato a cogliere i rapporti tra l'esigenza di “promuovere” un assetto di mercato concorrenziale e i contrapposti interessi cui la disciplina amministrativa delle attività economiche tende a dare copertura.
- Published
- 2018
22. Specialized Administrative Law of the European Union : A Sectoral Review
- Author
Herwig C. H. Hofmann, Gerard C. Rowe, Alexander H. Türk, Herwig C. H. Hofmann, Gerard C. Rowe, and Alexander H. Türk
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
This volume deals with the law governing the administrative implementation of European Union public policy. Much of this law is specific to individual policy sectors. The volume provides a study of such specialized admininstrative law for more than twenty sectors. This cross-sectoral approach allows for detailed comparisons of EU administration in diverse policy fields. It identifies situations where legal structures and approaches may be unnecessarily duplicated, thus indicating where a comprehensive, general system could be advantageous for both Union law and policy achievement. The comparative nature of the study also draws attention to policy fields which have proven to be testing grounds for approaches adopted subsequently in other areas. In addition, the work highlights the distinctive, highly networked, and strongly cooperative character of EU administration, as a reflection of, and a foundation for, the operative nature of the European Union as a whole.
- Published
- 2018
23. The Legislative Choice Between Delegated and Implementing Acts in EU Law : Walking a Labyrinth
- Author
Eljalill Tauschinsky, Wolfgang Weiß, Eljalill Tauschinsky, and Wolfgang Weiß
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries, Delegated legislation--European Union countries
- Abstract
In the face of current confusion regarding the use of articles 290 and 291 TFEU, there is a need to further develop the theory of legislative delegation in the EU Commission. This timely book approaches this question from a practical perspective with a detailed examination of how the legislator uses delegated and implementing mandates in different fields of EU law.Offering an analysis of legislative practice and providing concrete evidence of how articles 290 and 291 TFEU are actually handled, the expert contributors offer new insights into potential developments in EU administrative law. From this emerges a tentative categorisation that separates delegated rule-making from implementing rule-making according to the differentiation of substantive and procedural matters. However, as difficulties in the categorisation continue to remain, the book explores their systemic reasons, deeply rooted in the unclear constitutional shape of the EU.The Legislative Choice Between Delegated and Implementing Acts in EU Law will be essential reading for law academics and course leaders as well as practitioners in national and EU administration interested in this ongoing debate central to EU administrative law. Contributors include: M. Chamon, J. Karsten, F. Lafarge, M. Ortino, A. Ott, S. Röttger-Wirtz, E. Tauschinsky, A. Vincze, W. Weiß, D. Zdobnõh
- Published
- 2018
24. I principi dell'amministrazione europea
- Author
Della Cananea, Giacinto, Franchini, Claudio, Macchia, Marco, Della Cananea, Giacinto, Franchini, Claudio, and Macchia, Marco
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
Nello spazio di pochi anni sono intervenuti mutamenti di ampia portata che hanno investito l'amministrazione dell'Unione europea e il suo diritto. Essi dischiudono nuove prospettive e fanno emergere inediti modelli di azione amministrativa. Le interazioni tra uffici europei e strutture nazionali, sempre più diffuse e caratterizzanti, comportano problemi nuovi e sollecitano una profonda revisione dei concetti dei quali i giuristi si servono, oltre che delle regole messe a punto dalle istituzioni politiche e da quelle giudiziarie per assicurare che le forme di azione siano conoscibili e rispondano ai principi fondamentali del costituzionalismo europeo, della controllabilità e della responsabilità. Per tenere conto del processo di sviluppo dei connessi istituti giuridici si è resa necessaria questa terza edizione dei Principi dell'amministrazione europea, in cui l'opera è stata profondamente rivisitata. Attingendo ai risultati dell'attività di ricerca, il volume ambisce a essere utile agli studenti e ai giuristi già formati. Giacinto della Cananea è Professore ordinario di diritto amministrativo nella Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”Claudio Franchini è Professore ordinario di diritto amministrativo nella Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”Marco Macchia è Professore associato di diritto amministrativo nella Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
- Published
- 2017
25. Towards a European Public Law
- Author
Bernard Stirn, Eirik Bjorge, Bernard Stirn, and Eirik Bjorge
- Subjects
- Public law--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries, Administrative law, Public law
- Abstract
A European public law is under construction, but how has this occurred and what is its character? Stirn proposes that this European public law is being constructed by the convergence of three circles: the law of the European Union, the law of the European Convention on Human Rights, and the different domestic legal orders. The mutually influential relationship of these constituents has allowed them to develop, most considerably in the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights. The book begins by reflecting on the different phases of the development of the European project from the end of the First World War. It outlines the transition from the European Coal and Steel Community to the European Union, as well as the other institutions contributing to these developments. The discussion then moves to the European legal order, which consists of the law of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights. Stirn explores how, in spite of occasional false starts and frictions, their relationship is becoming ever closer, and how their characteristics in law are becoming increasingly similar. Furthermore, Stirn analyses the relationship between European law and national legal systems. The differing approach to domestic incorporation of international law, whether it be monist or dualist is considered, as well as the recognition that European law is superior to domestic law. The character specifically of EU law, and how it compares to international and domestic law is also discussed, in particular its unique features but also the principles it shares with domestic law. In addition, the book examines the existence or not in member states'of constitutional courts, the level or jurisdictional orders and the recruitment and status of judges. Similar trends across Europe in public administration are also accounted for and subjected to analysis. Stirn concludes that a European model of public administration is becoming apparent.
- Published
- 2017
26. From the 'Democratic Deficit' to a 'Democratic Surplus' : Constructing Administrative Democracy in Europe
- Author
Athanasios Psygkas and Athanasios Psygkas
- Subjects
- Delegated legislation--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries, Decentralization in government--Law and legislat, Central-local government relations--European Uni, Democracy--European Union countries, Government accountability--European Union countr
- Abstract
Challenging the conventional narrative that the European Union suffers from a'democratic deficit,'Athanasios Psygkas argues that EU mandates have enhanced the democratic accountability of national regulatory agencies. This is because EU law has created entry points for stakeholder participation in the operation of national regulators; these avenues for public participation were formerly either not open or not institutionalized to this degree. By focusing on how the EU formally adopted procedural mandates to advance the substantive goal of creating an internal market in electronic communications, Psygkas demonstrates that EU requirements have had significant implications for the nature of administrative governance in the member states. Drawing on theoretical arguments in favor of decentralization traditionally applied to substantive policy-making, this book provides insight into regulatory processes to show how the decentralized EU structure may transform national regulatory authorities into individual loci of experimentation that might in turn develop innovative results. It thus contributes to debates about federalism, governance and public policy, as well as about deliberative and participatory democracy in the United States and Europe. This book informs current understandings of regulatory agency operations and institutional design by drawing on an original dataset of public consultations and interviews with agency officials, industry and consumer group representatives in Paris, Athens, Brussels, and London. The on-the-ground original research provides a strong foundation for the directions the case law could take and small- and larger-scale institutional reforms that balance the goals of democracy, accountability, and efficiency.
- Published
- 2017
27. Research Handbook on EU Administrative Law
- Author
Carol Harlow, Päivi Leino, Giacinto della Cananea, Carol Harlow, Päivi Leino, and Giacinto della Cananea
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries, Delegated legislation--European Union countries
- Abstract
This Handbook uses a thematic and interdisciplinary approach to discuss and analyse the various governance structures of the EU, focusing in particular on how these are administered. Key chapters, written by leading experts across the field, engage with important ongoing debates in the field of EU administrative law, focusing on areas of topical interest such as financial markets, the growing security state and problematic common asylum procedures. In doing so, they provide a summary of what we know, don't know and ought to know about EU administrative law. Examining the control functions of administrative law and the machinery for accountability, this Research Handbook eloquently challenges areas of authoritarian governance, such as the Eurozone and security state, where control and accountability are weak and tackles the seemingly insoluble question of citizen'voice'and access to policy making. Practical and engaging, this timely Research Handbook is sure to appeal to scholars and researchers of EU administrative law and EU law more broadly. Legal practitioners and EU policy makers will also benefit from its high level of engagement with contemporary deliberations.Contributors include: V. Abazi, M. Baran, T.A. Börzel, K. Bradley, A. Brenninkmeijer, E. Chiti, D. Curtin, H. Darbishire, M. de Visser, G. della Cananea, M. Everson, J. Grimheden, E. Guild, C. Harlow, E.G. Heidbreder, H. Hofmann, C. Joerges, M. Kjaerum, P. Leino, L. Leppavirta, I. Maher, J. Mendes, L. Muzi, N. Póltorak, T. Raunio, R. Rawlings, M. Ruffert, J.-P. Schneider, C. Scott, G. Toggenburg
- Published
- 2017
28. The Accountability Gap in EU Law
- Author
Marios Costa and Marios Costa
- Subjects
- Government accountability--European Union countries, Transparency (Ethics) in government--Law and legislation--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries, Judicial review of administrative acts--European Union countries
- Abstract
Almost two decades ago, the fall of the Santer Commission against a background of allegations of maladministration and nepotism had the effect of placing accountability on the political agenda of the EU institutions. More recently, the non-ratification of the Constitutional Treaty, the difficulties of the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty and the current financial crisis have increased the calls for accountability in the EU.This book investigates whether any progress towards more accountability and transparency has been made in the post-Lisbon era by taking a holistic approach to the subject. Marios Costa argues that currently the EU institutions and the Member States are not in a position to hold the so-called independent agencies as well as the various committees and expert groups accountable. Despite recent progress, the EU still needs to put forward an acceptable constitutional framework which will truly secure accountability at the EU level of governance.
- Published
- 2017
29. New Directions in the Effective Enforcement of EU Law and Policy
- Author
Sara Drake, Melanie Smith, Sara Drake, and Melanie Smith
- Subjects
- International and municipal law--European Union countries, Law--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
The EU is faced with the perpetual challenge of guaranteeing effective enforcement of its law and policies. This book brings together leading EU scholars in law, politics and regulation, to explore the wealth of new legal and regulatory strategies, practices, and actors that are emerging to complement the classic avenues of central and decentralised enforcement. The contributors evaluate the traditional'dual vigilance'framework of enforcement before examining network(ed) enforcement from theoretical, empirical and legal perspectives. They assess innovations in key EU policy fields such as the environment, consumer protection, competition, freedom, security and justice, and economic governance. This multi-disciplinary book will be of use to students and academics in law, political science, regulation and public policy. It will also interest policy makers in EU institutions, national administrations and courts engaged in the implementation and enforcement of EU law and policy.Contributors: E. Baker, P. Cortés, S. Drake, M. Eliantonio, M. Hobolth, M. Lottini, D.S. Martinsen, R. Murphy, C. Petrucci, J. Polak, M. Smith, J. Van der Heijden, E. Versluis
- Published
- 2016
30. EU Agencies : Legal and Political Limits to the Transformation of the EU Administration
- Author
Merijn Chamon and Merijn Chamon
- Subjects
- Administrative agencies--European Union countrie, Administrative law--European Union countries, Administrative agencies, Administrative law, Politics and government
- Abstract
Over the last two decades, EU legislation has established a growing number of subsidiary bodies commonly referred to as EU decentralised agencies. Recent years have witnessed the conferral of increasingly significant powers to these bodies to the point where the successful implementation of many of the EU's policies is now dependent upon the activities of EU agencies. While EU agencies have become indispensable in terms of their practical importance, the lack of a legal basis in the EU Treaties to establish and empower new bodies as well as the lack of an adequate framework in secondary law means that there exists little control over EU agencies. This results in critical issues, such as the absence of clear criteria prescribing when an agency may be empowered to act and also the failure to consider the interests of the actors normally responsible for the implementation of EU law, such as the Member States and the Commission. Providing the first comprehensive overview of the development of agencification in the EU, this book explores the question: What are the political and legal limits to EU agencification? Analysing EU agencies from an institutional and constitutional perspective, the book traces the development of EU agencies, explores the different tasks they perform, investigates the limits to agencification, and discusses the legal basis for such agencies.
- Published
- 2016
31. The Model Rules on EU Administrative Procedures: Adjudication
- Author
Matthias Ruffert and Matthias Ruffert
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries, Administrative procedure
- Abstract
In various European countries, debates on the transformation of administrative law are held from a national perspective and with different intensity. Given the considerable effects such a discussion may have on the methods of administrative legal scholarship, an analysis of these developments in a European context promises valuable results. For this purpose, a long term transnational exchange of ideas - between administrative law scholars from England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden, was initiated in 2005 in Dornburg Castle and then continued with meetings in London (2007), Paris (2009) and Dornburg Castle again (2012). The fifth workshop took place in Rome in April 2015. This time, the group considered a proposal for codification, the Model Rules of the Research Network on European Administrative Law (ReNEUAL). It analysed the Third Book of the Model Rules on single administrative decisions in particular. The editor Matthias Ruffert was Professor of Public Law, European Law and Public International Law at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universit�¤t Jena at the time of the workshop and is now Professor of Public Law and European Law at the Humboldt-Universit�¤t zu Berlin. He initiated the group and is co-leading it with Pascale Gonod, Universit�© de Paris I, Panth�©on-Sorbonne, and Andrew Le Sueur, University of Essex, Colchester. (Series: European Administrative Law, Vol. 11) [Subject: Administrative Law, European Law]
- Published
- 2016
32. Constitutional and Administrative Law : Key Facts and Key Cases
- Author
Jamie Grace and Jamie Grace
- Subjects
- Constitutional law--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
Key Facts Key Cases Constitutional & Administrative Law will ensure you grasp the main concepts of your Constitutional & Administrative Law module with ease. This book explains the facts and associated case law for:- The European Court of Human Rights and the UK Supreme Court - Devolution- Human rights law- EU membership- International law in the UK ConstitutionKey Facts Key Cases is the essential series for anyone studying law at LLB, postgraduate and conversion courses. The series provides the simplest and most effective way to absorb and retain all of the material essential for passing your exams. Each chapter includes: diagrams at the start of chapters to summarise key points structured headings and numbered points to allow for clear recall of the essential points charts and tables to break down more complex information Chapters are also supported by a Key Cases section which provides the simplest and most effective way to absorb and memorise essential cases needed for exam success. Essential and leading cases are explained The style, layout and explanations are user friendly Cases are broken down into key components by use of a clear system of symbols for quick and easy visual recognition
- Published
- 2015
33. An Ever More Powerful Court? : The Political Constraints of Legal Integration in the European Union
- Author
Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen and Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen
- Subjects
- Court of Justice of the European Union, Conflict of laws--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries, Law--Interpretation and construction
- Abstract
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has become famed - and often shamed - for its political power. In scholarly literature, this supranational court has been regarded as a'master of integration'for its capacity to strengthen integration, sometimes against the will of member states. In the public debate, the CJEU has been severely criticized for extending EU competences at the expense of the member states. In An Ever More Powerful Court? The Political Constraints of Legal Integration in the European Union, Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen challenges these views with her careful examination of how judicial-legislative interactions determine the scope and limits of European integration in the daily EU decision-making process. Methodologically, the book takes a step forward in the examination of judicial influence, suggesting a'law attainment'approach as a novel method, combined with a large set of interviews with the current decision-makers of social Europe. Through a study of social policy developments from 1957 to 2014, as well as a critical analysis of three case studies - EU regulation of working time; patients'rights in cross-border healthcare; and EU posting of worker regulations - Martinsen reveals the dynamics behind legal and political integration and the CJEU's ability to foster political change for a European Union social policy.
- Published
- 2015
34. Services of General Interest Beyond the Single Market : External and International Law Dimensions
- Author
Markus Krajewski and Markus Krajewski
- Subjects
- Commercial law--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries, Public utilities--Law and legislation--European Union countries
- Abstract
This is the first book ever to assess comprehensively the impact of EU international agreements on services of general interest.Services of general interest remain high on the political and legal agenda of the European Union. However, the debates about the impact of EU law on services of general interest usually focus on internal market law such as the free movement of services, competition law, state aid rules and the law of public procurement. The external and international dimensions of the European legal framework for services of general interest are often overlooked. This book addresses the impact of international trade and investment agreements on public services and the role these services play in EU external relations. It shows that the inherent tension between establishing and securing undistorted competition on markets and the logic of public services exists in international economic law in a similar way as in EU internal law.Given the contentiousness of international trade and investment agreements as well as the EU's external policies, the issues discussed in this volume are timely and relevant and contribute to the ongoing debate about the future of services of general interest in the EU with fresh ideas and perspectives.Markus Krajewski is Professor of Public and International Law at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany.
- Published
- 2015
35. Das Registrierungsverfahren nach der REACH-VO im Lichte des europäischen Eigenverwaltungsrechts.
- Author
Florian Ammerich and Florian Ammerich
- Subjects
- Chemicals--Law and legislation--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries, Chemical industry--Law and legislation--European Union countries
- Abstract
Florian Ammerich analysiert das Zusammenspiel der REACH-Verordnung (VO 1907/2006/EG) als wichtigstes Instrument des europäischen Chemikalienrechts und des allgemeinen europäischen Eigenverwaltungsrechts im Registrierungsverfahren. Die Arbeit formuliert nicht nur zusätzliche Anforderungen, welche Registranten und die Europäische Chemikalienagentur beachten müssen, sondern beleuchtet auch die Vollzugstauglichkeit des allgemeinen Eigenverwaltungsrechts. Dabei werden neben dessen allgemeiner Struktur das Recht auf Anhörung, das Recht auf Akteneinsicht, die Begründungspflicht, die Sprachenwahl und Möglichkeiten und Anforderungen der Aufhebung von Registrierungsbeschlüssen betrachtet. Der Autor arbeitet Lücken des allgemeinen Eigenverwaltungsrechts heraus und entwickelt Ansätze, diese zu schließen. Damit ist sie einerseits praxisrelevant für den Vollzug der REACH-VO und kann andererseits Impulse für die aktuelle Kodifizierungsdebatte des europäischen Verwaltungsrechts geben.
- Published
- 2014
36. Process and Procedure in EU Administration
- Author
Carol Harlow Harlow KC, Richard Rawlings, Carol Harlow Harlow KC, and Richard Rawlings
- Subjects
- Administrative procedure--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
This book is about the administrative procedures of the European Union, which we see as the'super glue'holding in place the sprawling structures of the EU governance system. The early chapters deal with the structures expansively defined, the diverse functions of administrative procedures in the EU and the values that underpin them, concentrating on the respective contributions of the legislature and administration. A separate chapter deals with the important procedural function of rights protection through the two Community Courts and the contribution of the European Ombudsman. We then turn to'horizontal'or general procedures, dealing with executive law-making, transparency and the regulation of government contracting. A study of Commission enforcement procedure ends the section.'Vertical'or sector-specific studies in significant areas of EU administration follow, including competition policy, cohesion policy (structural funds) and financial services regulation. Separate chapters deal with policing cooperation through Europol and with the interplay of international and EU institutions in the fields of environmental procedure and human rights. The final chapter contains the authors'reflections on current proposals for codification but ends with a general evaluation of the role and contribution of administrative procedure in the construction of the EU.
- Published
- 2014
37. The Role of Consumer ADR in the Administration of Justice : New Trends in Access to Justice Under EU Directive 2013/11
- Author
Michael Stürner, Fernando Gascón Inchausti, Remo Caponi, Michael Stürner, Fernando Gascón Inchausti, and Remo Caponi
- Subjects
- Consumer protection--Law and legislation--European Union countries, Consumer satisfaction--Europe, Administrative law--European Union countries, Consumer protection--Law and legislation--European Union countries--Congesses, Online dispute resolution--European Union countries--Congresses, Dispute resolution (Law)--Europe, Dispute resolution (Law)--European Union countries--Congresses
- Abstract
Consumer ADR in the Landscape of Adjudication The landscape of alternative dispute resolution in consumer cases (CADR) is about to change profoundly. With the advent of Directive 2013/11/EU on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 on online dispute resolution (ODR) a new way to settle disputes is advocated as a tool to enhance the internal market. The ADR system implemented by these instruments is designed to provide for speedy and low-cost out-of-court dispute settlement procedures between consumers and traders arising from the sales of goods and services. However, many questions remain open, namely the impact of the CADR system on the adjudication by state courts. The role CADR can play in the administration of justice is yet to be defined. In the present volume renowned experts of civil procedure and ADR shed light on a newly emerging branch of law.
- Published
- 2014
38. Beharren. Bewegen. : Festschrift für Michael Kloepfer zum 70. Geburtstag
- Author
Claudio Franzius, Stefanie Lejeune, Kai von Lewinski, Klaus Meßerschmidt, Gerhard Michael, Matthias Rossi, Theodor Schilling, Peter Wysk, Claudio Franzius, Stefanie Lejeune, Kai von Lewinski, Klaus Meßerschmidt, Gerhard Michael, Matthias Rossi, Theodor Schilling, and Peter Wysk
- Subjects
- Information technology--Law and legislation--European Union countries, Law--Social aspects--Europe, Environmental law--European Union countries, Public law--European Union countries, Constitutional law--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
Das Werk Michael Kloepfers lässt sich thematisch nicht eingrenzen, aber auf die produktive Spannung des »Beharrens« und »Bewegens« bringen. Unter diesem Titel versammelt diese Festschrift die Beiträge von Weggefährten, die der Bandbreite seines Schaffens Ausdruck verleihen. Sie dokumentieren die jüngeren Entwicklungspfade des Öffentlichen Rechts in Deutschland, sei es im Umweltrecht, im Informationsrecht oder aus anderen Teilgebieten des Verwaltungsrechts. Zwei Herzen schlagen in seiner Brust. Die Ökologisierung der Rechtsordnung, eines der Lieblingsprojekte von Michael Kloepfer, könne und dürfe verfassungsrechtliche Bindungen nicht überspielen, hat aber längst das Verfassungsrecht erreicht und drängt auf die angemessene Beachtung des Umweltschutzes im Ausgleich der widerstreitenden Interessen. In welcher Vielfalt sich das Öffentliche Recht in den älteren und neueren Schichten heute präsentiert, behandelt diese Festschrift für Michael Kloepfer zum 70. Geburtstag.
- Published
- 2013
39. EU Administrative Law
- Author
Craig, P. P. and Craig, P. P.
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
The second edition of EU Administrative Law provides comprehensive coverage of the administrative system in the EU and the principles of judicial review that apply in this area. The chapters in the first half of the book deal with all the principal variants of the EU administrative regime. Thus there are chapters dealing with the history and taxonomy of the EU administrative regime; direct administration; shared administration; Comitology; agencies; social partners and the open method of coordination. The coverage throughout focuses on the legal regime that governs the particular form of administration and broader issues of accountability, drawing on literature from political science as well as law. The focus in the second part of the book shifts to the principles of judicial review. There are detailed chapters covering all principles of judicial review and the discussion of the law throughout is analytical and contextual. The discussion in this part of the book begins with a chapter that considers the principles that have informed the development of EU judicial review. This is followed by a chapter dealing with the judicial system and the way in which reform could impact on the subject matter of the book. There are then chapters dealing with competence; access; transparency; process; law, fact and discretion; rights; equality; legitimate expectations; two chapters on proportionality; the precautionary principle; two chapters on remedies; and the ombudsman. The book paints a comprehensive picture of administrative law as it exists in the EU today.
- Published
- 2012
40. EU Law After Lisbon
- Author
Andrea Biondi, Piet Eeckhout, Stefanie Ripley, Andrea Biondi, Piet Eeckhout, and Stefanie Ripley
- Subjects
- European Union--Constitution, European Union, Treaty on European Union Protocols, etc. (1992 Feb, Vertrag von Lissabon, Law--European Union countries, Constitutional law--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
Many of the most controversial areas of reform initiated by the Lisbon Treaty were not negotiated in the Treaty itself, but left to be resolved during its implementation. Since the Treaty's entry into force, the implementation process has already had a profound impact on many areas of EU law and policy, and consolidated new areas of power, such as over foreign investment. This collection gathers leading specialists in the field to analyse the Treaty's implementation and the directions of legal reform post-Lisbon. Drawing on a range of expertise to assess and comment on the Treaty, the contributors include both academics and practitioners involved in negotiating and implementing the Treaty. Focusing on the central issues and changes resulting from the Lisbon Treaty, the contributors examine the Treaty in the broader background of how the EU, and EU law in particular, has been developing in recent years and provide a contextual understanding of the future direction of EU law in the post-Lisbon era.
- Published
- 2012
41. Doppelte Parlamentarisierung der EU: Ein Garant für Demokratie?
- Author
Tatjana Fabricius and Tatjana Fabricius
- Subjects
- Law--European Union countries, Constitutional law--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
Im Zuge der zahlreichen'Verfassungen'der Europäischen Union kam es innerhalb der EU in den letzten Jahren zu einem institutionellen Wandel. Mit der Etablierung der EU-Verfassung sollte die Stärkung des Europäischen Parlaments erreicht werden, um einen Kompetenztransfer von der nationalen auf die europäische Ebene zu ermöglichen. In Folge sollte die sukzessive'Entmachtung'der nationalen Parlamente durch die EU-Verfassungen die demokratische Legitimation der EU und ihre Institutionen in Frage stellen. Erstmalig mit dem Vertrag von Maastricht (1992) wurden die nationalen Parlamente gleichzeitig mit dem Europäischen Parlament wieder gestärkt. Explizit vor dem Hintergrund der Etablierung des Vertrages von Lissabon (2008) wird in der vorliegenden Publikation die Frage diskutiert, inwieweit die gleichzeitige Aufwertung des Europäischen Parlaments und der nationalen Parlamente kompatibel ist. Des Weiteren wirft Tatjana Fabricius die Frage auf, ob eine gleichzeitige Aufwertung der Parlamente die wesentlichen Demokratiedefizite der Europäischen Union eliminieren kann. Zur Beantwortung der Fragen wird zuerst die Geschichte der europäischen Union expliziert, um das demokratische Defizit der EU und das Misstrauen der Bürger in dieser herauszustellen. Mit der Beleuchtung des Europäischen Parlaments, explizit deren Funktionen und Kompetenzen, wird die Entwicklung dieser Institution von einem'Alibi-Parlament'zum dynamischen Politikgestalter nachgezeichnet. Es ist aber evident, dass die erhöhte Kompetenzerweiterung des EP keine erhöhte Handlungs- und Gestaltungsfähigkeit der EU nach sich zog. Dementsprechend wurde die gleichzeitige Aufwertung der nationalen Parlamente von den'Vätern der Verträge'fokussiert. Mit der Betrachtung der nationalen Parlamente im europäischen Integrationsprozess von der De- zur Reparlamentarisierung, wird deutlich, dass sich parallel zwei Demokratiestrategien gebildet haben. Doch explizit vor dem Hintergrund des Lissabon-Vertrages, implizit nach dem Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes in Karlsruhe zum Lissabon-Vertrag, wird trotz des dynamischen Charakters des europäischen Integrationsprozesses sukzessiv nach der Finalität der EU gefragt. Wurde mit dem Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts ein Exempel in Richtung einer erneuten Stärkung der nationalen Institutionen und Staaten statuiert, in Richtung eines wiedererwachenden Nationalismus? Oder sollte der vom BVerfG präferierte Mehrebenenparlamentarismus die demokratischen Defizite der Europäischen Union und deren Institutionen ausmerzen, indem die nationalen Parlamente hinsichtlich ihrer Kompetenzen und Handlungsfähigkeit mit dem Europäischen Parlament gleichgestellt werden?
- Published
- 2011
42. Le juge administratif et la primauté du droit communautaire
- Author
Charles-Edouard Delvallez and Charles-Edouard Delvallez
- Subjects
- Administrative law--France, Examiners (Administrative procedure)--France, International and municipal law--France, Administrative law--European Union countries, International and municipal law--European Union
- Abstract
Aujourd'hui présent dans tous les secteurs du droit administratif, d'une complexité croissante, le maniement du droit communautaire est délicat. La reconnaissance de sa primauté et la sanction de sa violation qui en découle sont des questions redoutables pour le juge administratif devant continuellement concilier le respect des engagements communautaires de l'Etat et sa souveraineté.
- Published
- 2011
43. Gesundheitsmärkte im Mehrebenensystem. : Eine Untersuchung zum System des Europäischen Verwaltungsrechts am Beispiel des Vergaberechts.
- Author
Wolfgang Denkhaus and Wolfgang Denkhaus
- Subjects
- Government purchasing--Law and legislation--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries, Administrative procedure--European Union countries
- Abstract
Die Entwicklung des Verwaltungsrechts ist eng mit dem historischen Prozess der Evolution des gewaltengegliederten demokratischen Rechtsstaats verbunden. Auch die Ordnungsaufgaben des Europäischen Verwaltungsrechts erfordern daher die Erfassung der Zusammenhänge zwischen dem System europäischer gewaltengegliederter Rechtserzeugung und dem System des europäischen Verwaltungsrechts. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung stellt der Autor die Frage nach der Stellung der Verwaltung in der Binnenmarktverfassung der Europäischen Union. Er zeigt auf, dass die europäische Binnenmarktverfassung die Ordnungsstrukturen des Allgemeinen Europäischen Verwaltungsrechts ebenso beeinflusst, wie das Verhältnis verschiedener Teilmaterien des Europäischen Besonderen Verwaltungsrechts zueinander. Referenzgebiet der Untersuchung ist das europäische Vergaberecht und die Frage seiner Anwendung auf den Vertragswettbewerb im öffentlichen Gesundheitswesen. Hier befasst sich der Autor zunächst mit der Stellung der Gesundheitsmärkte im europäischen Binnenmarkt und mit den dogmatischen Grundlagen des Gesundheitsvergaberechts. Ausgehend von diesen Eck- und Orientierungspunkten wendet sich der Autor den Einzelfragen des persönlichen und sachlichen Anwendungsbereichs des Vergaberechts im Leistungserbringungsrecht des SGB V zu. Die Arbeit zeigt auf, dass eine rechtssichere Bewältigung der Einzelfragen der Anwendung des Vergaberechts im Gesundheitswesen eine präzise Einordnung des Vergaberechts in das System des Europäischen Besonderen Verwaltungsrechts erfordert. Umgekehrt erweist sich das europäische Vergaberecht als eines der wichtigsten Referenzgebiete des Europäischen Allgemeinen Verwaltungsrechts.
- Published
- 2011
44. Public Liability in EU Law : Brasserie, Bergaderm and Beyond
- Author
Pekka Aalto and Pekka Aalto
- Subjects
- Remedies (Law)--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries, Government liability--European Union countries, Administrative responsibility--European Union countries
- Abstract
Over the last two decades public law liability for breach of European Union law has been subject to remarkable developments. This book examines the convergence between its two constituent systems: the damages liability of the EU and that of its Member States for failing to comply with EU rules. Member State liability, based as it is on the Francovich case (1991) and Brasserie du Pêcheur and Factortame (1996) judgments of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) is well established. But it is yet to be closely scrutinised by reference to the detailed rules on the liability of the European Union.The focus of the book is on the two key legal criteria that are common to both systems, namely the grant of rights to individuals by EU law and the notion of sufficiently serious breach of such rights. The analysis concentrates on developments in the case law of the ECJ and the General Court since the Bergaderm judgment (2000), which consolidated the convergence of the two liability systems that was first indicated in Brasserie du Pêcheur and Factortame. These two criteria are set side by side to evaluate the extent, in real terms, of the convergence of Member State and EU institutional damages liability, and to determine the extent to which one has influenced the other.This book shows that although full convergence between the two liability systems is not likely, each stream of case law should look to the other more actively as this important element of EU remedial law develops. Convergence in EU law public liability is supported by developments in adjacent areas, most notably European tort law and European administrative law. This study also illustrates how convergence in the EU liability systems to date has had spill-over effects into national public liability law.
- Published
- 2011
45. Grundstrukturen des Rechts öffentlicher Dienstleistungen
- Author
Markus Krajewski and Markus Krajewski
- Subjects
- Administrative law--Germany, Administrative law--European Union countries
- Abstract
Das Buch untersucht die sich wandelnden rechtlichen Strukturen der Erbringung, Organisation und Finanzierung von öffentlichen Dienstleistungen (Leistungen der Daseinsvorsorge, Dienstleistungen von allgemeinem Interesse). Es legt einen Schwerpunkt auf die europarechtliche Durchdringung dieses Rechtsgebiets und bezieht rechtsvergleichende Betrachtungen mit ein. Im einzelnen werden der Begriff öffentliche Dienstleistungen, die Verteilung der Kompetenzen, organisatorische und finanzielle Fragen sowie grundrechtliche Dimensionen angesprochen. Durch die Verzahnung europarechtlicher Überlegungen mit Untersuchungen des Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsrechts der Mitgliedstaaten werden die gemeinsamen europäischen Grundstrukturen des Rechts öffentlicher Dienstleistungen herausgestellt und aufgezeigt, dass europäische und mitgliedstaatliche Rechtsordnungen in einem Gewährleistungsverbund zusammen wirken. Dieser erlaubt es, die Erbringung, Organisation und Finanzierung öffentliche Dienstleistungen auch im 21. Jahrhundert als besondere öffentliche Aufgaben zu konstruieren und zu rechtfertigen.
- Published
- 2011
46. Administrative Law and Policy of the European Union
- Author
Herwig C. H. Hofmann, Gerard C. Rowe, Alexander H. Türk, Herwig C. H. Hofmann, Gerard C. Rowe, and Alexander H. Türk
- Subjects
- European Union, Administrative law--European Union countries, Administrative procedure--European Union countri
- Abstract
Administrative Law and Policy of the EU provides a comprehensive analysis of the administration of the European Union and the legal framework within which that administration operates. The book examines the multifarious approaches, techniques, and structures of public administration in order to systematise and assess the solutions they offer to political, social, and economic problems. The legal framework of administration is examined from the standpoint of how it meets the demands of specific policy objectives established by democratically accountable decision-makers. Administrative law structures and many of its underlying principles have developed in an evolutionary and isolated manner in each policy area. While aware of the diversity of specific areas, this book takes an overarching approach, setting out the common rules and principles that constitute the general body of EU administrative law. By integrating the disciplines of political and administrative science, and administrative law, the book offers a rich explanation and critique of the complex executive framework of the EU.
- Published
- 2011
47. Power and Legitimacy : Reconciling Europe and the Nation-State
- Author
Peter L. Lindseth and Peter L. Lindseth
- Subjects
- Administrative law--European Union countries, International and municipal law--European Union, Legitimacy of governments--European Union countr
- Abstract
A succession of crises has marked the last decade of European integration, leading to disorientation among integration scholars. Older frameworks for understanding have been challenged, while the outlines of new ones are only now beginning to emerge. This book looks to history to provide a more durable explanation of the nature and legitimacy of European governance going forward. Through detailed examination of certain fundamental but often overlooked elements in EU history, Peter Lindseth describes the convergence of European integration around the'postwar constitutional settlement of administrative governance.''Administrative'here does not mean'non-political'or'technical'-it means that supranational regulatory authority should properly be seen as'delegated'from national constitutional bodies. As such, supranational policymaking has relied to a significant degree on forms of oversight by national executives, legislatures, and judiciaries, following models of'mediated legitimation'first developed in the administrative state and then translated into the European context. These national mechanisms developed specifically to overcome the core disconnect in European integration-between exercises of otherwise autonomous supranational regulatory'power,'on the one hand, and the persistence of the nation-state as the primary source of democratic and constitutional'legitimacy'in the European system, on the other. It has been through recourse to the legitimating structures and normative principles of the postwar constitutional settlement, this study shows, that European public law has sought to reconcile'Europe'and the nation-state for more than fifty years.
- Published
- 2010
48. Der Europäische Verwaltungsverbund. : Grundfragen, Kennzeichen, Herausforderungen.
- Author
Wolfgang Weiß and Wolfgang Weiß
- Subjects
- Public administration--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries, Administrative agencies--European Union countries
- Abstract
Wolfgang Weiß geht grundlegenden Fragen des Europäischen Verwaltungsverbunds nach. Er bietet eine systematisierende Erarbeitung zu Grundfragen des Verwaltungsverbunds nach Anlass, Zielen und Grenzen sowie eine Herausarbeitung von Kennzeichen des Verwaltungsverbunds. Der Autor versteht den Verwaltungsverbund als eine notwendige Entsprechung zu einer Integrationsgemeinschaft. Der Verbund sichert daher nicht nur die Effizienz und Einheitlichkeit der EU-Rechtsdurchführung, sondern dient auch der Einspeisung spezifischer gemeineuropäischer oder transnationaler Interessen und der Kontrolle entsprechender Vollzugsbeiträge. Ferner ermöglicht der Verbund die unionale Steuerung des Vollzugs durch wechselseitige Informations- und Kooperationspflichten, durch Einwirkungsrechte der Kommission und durch soft law Instrumente wie Leitlinien und Empfehlungen. Der Autor geht sodann den institutionellen Ausgestaltungen in Form von Vernetzungen in Agenturen und Netzwerken nach. Abschließend erörtert er grundlegende Anfragen an und Herausforderungen für den Verwaltungsverbund.
- Published
- 2010
49. Demokratische Verwaltung durch Unionsagenturen : Ein Beitrag zur Konkretisierung der europäischen Verfassungsstrukturprinzipien
- Author
Christoph Görisch and Christoph Görisch
- Subjects
- Administrative agencies--European Union countrie, Administrative law--European Union countries, Constitutional law--European Union countries, Democracy--European Union countries
- Abstract
Die Diskussion um das tatsächliche oder vermeintliche'Demokratiedefizit'der EU betrifft nicht zuletzt die Unionsagenturen, d.h. die zunehmend an die Stelle des herkömmlichen mitgliedstaatlichen Vollzuges tretenden verselbständigten Verwaltungseinrichtungen von Union und Gemeinschaften. Aus diesem Grund hat die EU-Kommission unlängst eine Phase der Evaluation ausgerufen und angekündigt, bis Ende 2009 von weiteren wesentlichen Ausdehnungen des Agenturwesens abzusehen. Das Kernproblem liegt darin, dass es für die Agenturen anders als für die Hauptorgane der Union kaum spezielle gründungsvertragliche Ausformungen der allgemeinen, in Art. 6 Abs. 1 EU (bzw. Art. I-2 in der Fassung des Vertrags von Lissabon) normierten Verpflichtung auf das Demokratieprinzip gibt. Für dessen nähere Inhaltsbestimmung bietet sich das Agenturwesen damit als Referenzgebiet an. Auf der Basis einer umfassenden Klärung von Reichweite und Grundsatzcharakter des Art. 6 Abs. 1 EU sowie einer verwaltungswissenschaftlichen Typisierung der bestehenden Einrichtungen konkretisiert Christoph Görisch die demokratischen Anforderungen an das Agenturwesen. Das geschieht im Wege wertender Rechtsvergleichung und kritischer Analyse der grundlegenden'Meroni'-Entscheidungen des EuGH aus dem Jahre 1958 zum Grundsatz des institutionellen Gleichgewichts. Die so gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sind in der derzeitigen Evaluationsphase auch im Hinblick auf die jüngst vorgeschlagene Schaffung weiterer europäischer Regulierungsagenturen (z.B. auf den Gebieten Telekommunikation und Energie) von Bedeutung.
- Published
- 2009
50. Network-Based Governance in EC Law : The Example of EC Competition and EC Communications Law
- Author
Maartje De Visser and Maartje De Visser
- Subjects
- Competition, Unfair--European Union countries, Telecommunication--Law and legislation--European Union countries, Antitrust law--European Union countries, Administrative law--European Union countries, Central-local government relations--European Union countries
- Abstract
To strengthen the credibility of the EU and its policies, the European Community is increasingly concerned to emphasise effective enforcement of EC law. This book engages in the debate on the better application of European law by offering an integrated analysis of a new institutional arrangement - one that relies on networks grouping the Commission and national administrative authorities. Taking the traditional enforcement paradigms of decentralisation, centralisation and agency-based enforcement as starting points, their benefits and downsides are described and critiqued, and the author concludes that there is considerable room for improvement. The book then undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the network model to determine its core characteristics and assess its effectiveness. European competition law and electronic communications law are used as case studies because, inter alia, the networks there have developed an adequate level of sophistication. The book also employs a bottom-up approach, considering how four key Member States (France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom) have given effect to the relevant European rules. At the core of the book is a critique of the wider normative attractiveness of the network model. The discussion is kaleidoscopic, engaging with a wide variety of notions including legitimacy, judicial review, subsidiarity, institutional balance and efficiency. The thrust of the book is that network-based governance deserves careful consideration as the model that is able to mediate the competing concerns of coherence for Internal Market reasons, and of diversity and respect for local autonomy. This book is useful for EC competition law and communications law practitioners, and those with a keen interest in institutional and administrative law.
- Published
- 2009
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