30 results on '"Adam, Karel"'
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2. Cross-sections of nuclear isomers in the interaction of protons on thin thorium target
- Author
Golomb, Robert, primary, Adam, Karel Katovsky Jindrich, additional, Zeman, Miroslav, additional, Tari, Sandor, additional, Haysak, Ivan, additional, Kish, Yurij, additional, Solnyshkin, Alexander, additional, Khushvaktov, Jurabek, additional, Vrzalova, Jitka, additional, Vespalets, Radek, additional, and Zavorka, Lukas, additional
- Published
- 2018
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3. Možnosti rozvoje malé obchodní firmy
- Author
Meluzín, Václav, Adam, Karel, Berková, Hana, Meluzín, Václav, Adam, Karel, and Berková, Hana
- Abstract
Diplomová práce „Možnosti rozvoje malé obchodní firmy“ analyzuje problémy, které souvisejí s možnostmi rozvoje společnosti s ručením omezeným. Obsahuje návrh strategie firmy, která povede stávající firmu k prosperitě a zvětší tržní podíl., The degree project „Development Possibilities of Small Retail Company“ analyses problems relating to the development possibilities of small trading company. This diploma thesis contains a project which aims to lead an existing company to the higher prosperity level and to increase market ratio.
4. Posouzení možností zvýšení protipovodňové ochrany obce
- Author
Uhmannová, Hana, Golík,, Pavel, Adam, Karel, Uhmannová, Hana, Golík,, Pavel, and Adam, Karel
- Abstract
Práce pojednává o posouzení stávajícího stavu toku Chřibská Kamenice v intravilánu obce Všemily. Cílem projektu je posouzení kapacity a současného stavu koryta toku. Na základě posouzení je navrženo opatření na zlepšení současného stavu a zvýšení protipovodňové ochrany přilehlého okolí., The work deals with the assessment of the stream Chribska Kamenice current state in the village Vsemily urban area. The aim of the project is the assessment of capacity and the current state of the stream-bed. Based on an assessment measure there has been designed the improvement suggestion of the current state and flood protection increasing in close neighbourhood.
5. Svařování sbíjecí hlavy důlního kombajnu
- Author
Kubíček, Jaroslav, Sigmund, Marian, Adam, Karel, Kubíček, Jaroslav, Sigmund, Marian, and Adam, Karel
- Abstract
Cílem této bakalářské práce je popis konstrukce a činnosti sbíjecí hlavy důlního kombajnu, zpracování technologického postupu a návrhu úpravy technologie. Sbíjecí orgány jsou vyráběny svařováním, byla vybrána metoda MAG s ochrannou atmosférou tvořenou plynem CORGON 18 (18%CO2+Ar). Při navýšení pevnosti nožových držáků, z oceli 15 230.3 na 1600MPa a navaření na segment šroubovice z oceli S355j2+N, došlo k praskání těchto držáků za studena. Prověřením celého technologického postupu a provedením výpočtů, byla nalezena chyba. Teplota předehřevu byla příliš nízká, a proto byla zvýšena na výpočtových 270°C spolu s dohřevem po dobu 2 hodin na této teplotě. Součástí práce je i ukázka zkušebního svaru prasklého držáku., The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe the structure and purpose of the longwall shearer drum to descriebe the technological process and to design the technology. Shearer heads are made by welding, MAG method with a protective atmosphere of CORGON 18 (18% CO2 + Ar) was selected. Increasing the strength of the knife holders, made from steel 15 230.3 to 1600MPa and welding to the helical segment of S355J2 + N steel, these clamps cracked cold. An error has been detected by reviewing the entire process and performing calculations. The preheating temperature was too low and was therefore increased to 270 ° C along with the stay for 2 hours at this temperature. Part of the thesis is a sample of the test weld of the rupture holder.
6. Návrh pojistného portfolia pro společnost SMERO, spol. s r.o.
- Author
Martinovičová, Dana, Křivánek, Jan, Adam, Karel, Martinovičová, Dana, Křivánek, Jan, and Adam, Karel
- Abstract
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou návrhu vhodného pojistného portfolia pro vybraný podnikatelský subjekt, a to společnost SMERO, spol. s r.o. Obsahuje analýzu rizik a návrh pojistného portfolia, díky kterému budou nejzávažnější rizika, ovlivňující chod společnosti, minimalizována prostřednictvím pojištění., This thesis concerns the question of the suitable insurance portfolio for chosen enterprise - SMERO, spol.s r.o. The thesis contains risk analysis and also the concept of insurance portfolio that aims to minimize the most serious risks influencing the business using insurance products.
7. Návrh pojistného portfolia pro společnost SMERO, spol. s r.o.
- Author
Martinovičová, Dana, Křivánek, Jan, Adam, Karel, Martinovičová, Dana, Křivánek, Jan, and Adam, Karel
- Abstract
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou návrhu vhodného pojistného portfolia pro vybraný podnikatelský subjekt, a to společnost SMERO, spol. s r.o. Obsahuje analýzu rizik a návrh pojistného portfolia, díky kterému budou nejzávažnější rizika, ovlivňující chod společnosti, minimalizována prostřednictvím pojištění., This thesis concerns the question of the suitable insurance portfolio for chosen enterprise - SMERO, spol.s r.o. The thesis contains risk analysis and also the concept of insurance portfolio that aims to minimize the most serious risks influencing the business using insurance products.
8. Aplikace dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti při hodnocení bezpečnosti vodních děl
- Author
Špano, Miroslav, Adam, Karel, Szarowski, Marcin, Špano, Miroslav, Adam, Karel, and Szarowski, Marcin
- Abstract
Diplomová práce se zabývá aplikací dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti při hodnocení bezpečnosti vodních děl. Součinitele spolehlivosti jsou kvantifikátorem podmínky mezní rovnováhy. Podrobnější nastudování postupů metody mezní rovnováhy vedlo k hodnocení celkové a lokální stability Vranovské přehrady. Výchozí podklady pro hodnocení byly údaje, poskytnuté technickobezpečnostním dohledem (TBD) a dostupná literatura. Pro výpočet zatížení, působících na vodní dílo Vranov, byl použit program GeoStudio 2018. Model proudění podzemní vody v podloží hráze byl vypočten modulem Seep/W a pro stanovení lokálních napětí byl využit modul Sigma/W. Následně proběhl výběr dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti a jejich následná aplikace do podmínek mezní rovnováhy. Hodnocení stability bylo doplněno o výpočty stupňů bezpečnosti. Výsledky byly mezi sebou porovnány., The diploma thesis deals with an application of partial reliability coefficients of reliability in assessing the safety of water works. The reliability factors are the quantitative condition of the marginal equilibrium. A more detailed study of the methods of the marginal equilibrium method led to an assessment of the overall and local stability of the Vranov Dam. The baseline for the evaluation were the data provided by the Technical Surveillance (TBD) and available literature. The GeoStudio 2018 was used to calculate the loads on the Vranov waterworks. The model of the groundwater flow in the subsoil was calculated by the Seep/W module and the Sigma/W module was used to determine the local stresses. Subsequently, the selection of partial reliability coefficients and theirs subsequent application to the limit equilibrium conditions were performed. Stability assessments were complemented by calculations of safety factors. The results were compared with each other.
9. Posouzení možností zvýšení protipovodňové ochrany obce
- Author
Uhmannová, Hana, Golík,, Pavel, Adam, Karel, Uhmannová, Hana, Golík,, Pavel, and Adam, Karel
- Abstract
Práce pojednává o posouzení stávajícího stavu toku Chřibská Kamenice v intravilánu obce Všemily. Cílem projektu je posouzení kapacity a současného stavu koryta toku. Na základě posouzení je navrženo opatření na zlepšení současného stavu a zvýšení protipovodňové ochrany přilehlého okolí., The work deals with the assessment of the stream Chribska Kamenice current state in the village Vsemily urban area. The aim of the project is the assessment of capacity and the current state of the stream-bed. Based on an assessment measure there has been designed the improvement suggestion of the current state and flood protection increasing in close neighbourhood.
10. Možnosti rozvoje malé obchodní firmy
- Author
Meluzín, Václav, Adam, Karel, Berková, Hana, Meluzín, Václav, Adam, Karel, and Berková, Hana
- Abstract
Diplomová práce „Možnosti rozvoje malé obchodní firmy“ analyzuje problémy, které souvisejí s možnostmi rozvoje společnosti s ručením omezeným. Obsahuje návrh strategie firmy, která povede stávající firmu k prosperitě a zvětší tržní podíl., The degree project „Development Possibilities of Small Retail Company“ analyses problems relating to the development possibilities of small trading company. This diploma thesis contains a project which aims to lead an existing company to the higher prosperity level and to increase market ratio.
11. Aplikace dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti při hodnocení bezpečnosti vodních děl
- Author
Špano, Miroslav, Adam, Karel, Szarowski, Marcin, Špano, Miroslav, Adam, Karel, and Szarowski, Marcin
- Abstract
Diplomová práce se zabývá aplikací dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti při hodnocení bezpečnosti vodních děl. Součinitele spolehlivosti jsou kvantifikátorem podmínky mezní rovnováhy. Podrobnější nastudování postupů metody mezní rovnováhy vedlo k hodnocení celkové a lokální stability Vranovské přehrady. Výchozí podklady pro hodnocení byly údaje, poskytnuté technickobezpečnostním dohledem (TBD) a dostupná literatura. Pro výpočet zatížení, působících na vodní dílo Vranov, byl použit program GeoStudio 2018. Model proudění podzemní vody v podloží hráze byl vypočten modulem Seep/W a pro stanovení lokálních napětí byl využit modul Sigma/W. Následně proběhl výběr dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti a jejich následná aplikace do podmínek mezní rovnováhy. Hodnocení stability bylo doplněno o výpočty stupňů bezpečnosti. Výsledky byly mezi sebou porovnány., The diploma thesis deals with an application of partial reliability coefficients of reliability in assessing the safety of water works. The reliability factors are the quantitative condition of the marginal equilibrium. A more detailed study of the methods of the marginal equilibrium method led to an assessment of the overall and local stability of the Vranov Dam. The baseline for the evaluation were the data provided by the Technical Surveillance (TBD) and available literature. The GeoStudio 2018 was used to calculate the loads on the Vranov waterworks. The model of the groundwater flow in the subsoil was calculated by the Seep/W module and the Sigma/W module was used to determine the local stresses. Subsequently, the selection of partial reliability coefficients and theirs subsequent application to the limit equilibrium conditions were performed. Stability assessments were complemented by calculations of safety factors. The results were compared with each other.
12. Možnosti rozvoje malé obchodní firmy
- Author
Meluzín, Václav, Adam, Karel, Berková, Hana, Meluzín, Václav, Adam, Karel, and Berková, Hana
- Abstract
Diplomová práce „Možnosti rozvoje malé obchodní firmy“ analyzuje problémy, které souvisejí s možnostmi rozvoje společnosti s ručením omezeným. Obsahuje návrh strategie firmy, která povede stávající firmu k prosperitě a zvětší tržní podíl., The degree project „Development Possibilities of Small Retail Company“ analyses problems relating to the development possibilities of small trading company. This diploma thesis contains a project which aims to lead an existing company to the higher prosperity level and to increase market ratio.
13. Aplikace dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti při hodnocení bezpečnosti vodních děl
- Author
Špano, Miroslav, Adam, Karel, Špano, Miroslav, and Adam, Karel
- Abstract
Diplomová práce se zabývá aplikací dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti při hodnocení bezpečnosti vodních děl. Součinitele spolehlivosti jsou kvantifikátorem podmínky mezní rovnováhy. Podrobnější nastudování postupů metody mezní rovnováhy vedlo k hodnocení celkové a lokální stability Vranovské přehrady. Výchozí podklady pro hodnocení byly údaje, poskytnuté technickobezpečnostním dohledem (TBD) a dostupná literatura. Pro výpočet zatížení, působících na vodní dílo Vranov, byl použit program GeoStudio 2018. Model proudění podzemní vody v podloží hráze byl vypočten modulem Seep/W a pro stanovení lokálních napětí byl využit modul Sigma/W. Následně proběhl výběr dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti a jejich následná aplikace do podmínek mezní rovnováhy. Hodnocení stability bylo doplněno o výpočty stupňů bezpečnosti. Výsledky byly mezi sebou porovnány., The diploma thesis deals with an application of partial reliability coefficients of reliability in assessing the safety of water works. The reliability factors are the quantitative condition of the marginal equilibrium. A more detailed study of the methods of the marginal equilibrium method led to an assessment of the overall and local stability of the Vranov Dam. The baseline for the evaluation were the data provided by the Technical Surveillance (TBD) and available literature. The GeoStudio 2018 was used to calculate the loads on the Vranov waterworks. The model of the groundwater flow in the subsoil was calculated by the Seep/W module and the Sigma/W module was used to determine the local stresses. Subsequently, the selection of partial reliability coefficients and theirs subsequent application to the limit equilibrium conditions were performed. Stability assessments were complemented by calculations of safety factors. The results were compared with each other.
14. Možnosti rozvoje malé obchodní firmy
- Author
Meluzín, Václav, Adam, Karel, Meluzín, Václav, and Adam, Karel
- Abstract
Diplomová práce „Možnosti rozvoje malé obchodní firmy“ analyzuje problémy, které souvisejí s možnostmi rozvoje společnosti s ručením omezeným. Obsahuje návrh strategie firmy, která povede stávající firmu k prosperitě a zvětší tržní podíl., The degree project „Development Possibilities of Small Retail Company“ analyses problems relating to the development possibilities of small trading company. This diploma thesis contains a project which aims to lead an existing company to the higher prosperity level and to increase market ratio.
15. Aplikace dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti při hodnocení bezpečnosti vodních děl
- Author
Špano, Miroslav, Adam, Karel, Špano, Miroslav, and Adam, Karel
- Abstract
Diplomová práce se zabývá aplikací dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti při hodnocení bezpečnosti vodních děl. Součinitele spolehlivosti jsou kvantifikátorem podmínky mezní rovnováhy. Podrobnější nastudování postupů metody mezní rovnováhy vedlo k hodnocení celkové a lokální stability Vranovské přehrady. Výchozí podklady pro hodnocení byly údaje, poskytnuté technickobezpečnostním dohledem (TBD) a dostupná literatura. Pro výpočet zatížení, působících na vodní dílo Vranov, byl použit program GeoStudio 2018. Model proudění podzemní vody v podloží hráze byl vypočten modulem Seep/W a pro stanovení lokálních napětí byl využit modul Sigma/W. Následně proběhl výběr dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti a jejich následná aplikace do podmínek mezní rovnováhy. Hodnocení stability bylo doplněno o výpočty stupňů bezpečnosti. Výsledky byly mezi sebou porovnány., The diploma thesis deals with an application of partial reliability coefficients of reliability in assessing the safety of water works. The reliability factors are the quantitative condition of the marginal equilibrium. A more detailed study of the methods of the marginal equilibrium method led to an assessment of the overall and local stability of the Vranov Dam. The baseline for the evaluation were the data provided by the Technical Surveillance (TBD) and available literature. The GeoStudio 2018 was used to calculate the loads on the Vranov waterworks. The model of the groundwater flow in the subsoil was calculated by the Seep/W module and the Sigma/W module was used to determine the local stresses. Subsequently, the selection of partial reliability coefficients and theirs subsequent application to the limit equilibrium conditions were performed. Stability assessments were complemented by calculations of safety factors. The results were compared with each other.
16. Možnosti rozvoje malé obchodní firmy
- Author
Meluzín, Václav, Adam, Karel, Meluzín, Václav, and Adam, Karel
- Abstract
Diplomová práce „Možnosti rozvoje malé obchodní firmy“ analyzuje problémy, které souvisejí s možnostmi rozvoje společnosti s ručením omezeným. Obsahuje návrh strategie firmy, která povede stávající firmu k prosperitě a zvětší tržní podíl., The degree project „Development Possibilities of Small Retail Company“ analyses problems relating to the development possibilities of small trading company. This diploma thesis contains a project which aims to lead an existing company to the higher prosperity level and to increase market ratio.
17. Možnosti rozvoje malé obchodní firmy
- Author
Meluzín, Václav, Adam, Karel, Meluzín, Václav, and Adam, Karel
- Abstract
Diplomová práce „Možnosti rozvoje malé obchodní firmy“ analyzuje problémy, které souvisejí s možnostmi rozvoje společnosti s ručením omezeným. Obsahuje návrh strategie firmy, která povede stávající firmu k prosperitě a zvětší tržní podíl., The degree project „Development Possibilities of Small Retail Company“ analyses problems relating to the development possibilities of small trading company. This diploma thesis contains a project which aims to lead an existing company to the higher prosperity level and to increase market ratio.
18. Aplikace dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti při hodnocení bezpečnosti vodních děl
- Author
Špano, Miroslav, Adam, Karel, Špano, Miroslav, and Adam, Karel
- Abstract
Diplomová práce se zabývá aplikací dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti při hodnocení bezpečnosti vodních děl. Součinitele spolehlivosti jsou kvantifikátorem podmínky mezní rovnováhy. Podrobnější nastudování postupů metody mezní rovnováhy vedlo k hodnocení celkové a lokální stability Vranovské přehrady. Výchozí podklady pro hodnocení byly údaje, poskytnuté technickobezpečnostním dohledem (TBD) a dostupná literatura. Pro výpočet zatížení, působících na vodní dílo Vranov, byl použit program GeoStudio 2018. Model proudění podzemní vody v podloží hráze byl vypočten modulem Seep/W a pro stanovení lokálních napětí byl využit modul Sigma/W. Následně proběhl výběr dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti a jejich následná aplikace do podmínek mezní rovnováhy. Hodnocení stability bylo doplněno o výpočty stupňů bezpečnosti. Výsledky byly mezi sebou porovnány., The diploma thesis deals with an application of partial reliability coefficients of reliability in assessing the safety of water works. The reliability factors are the quantitative condition of the marginal equilibrium. A more detailed study of the methods of the marginal equilibrium method led to an assessment of the overall and local stability of the Vranov Dam. The baseline for the evaluation were the data provided by the Technical Surveillance (TBD) and available literature. The GeoStudio 2018 was used to calculate the loads on the Vranov waterworks. The model of the groundwater flow in the subsoil was calculated by the Seep/W module and the Sigma/W module was used to determine the local stresses. Subsequently, the selection of partial reliability coefficients and theirs subsequent application to the limit equilibrium conditions were performed. Stability assessments were complemented by calculations of safety factors. The results were compared with each other.
19. Návrh pojistného portfolia pro společnost SMERO, spol. s r.o.
- Author
Martinovičová, Dana, Křivánek, Jan, Adam, Karel, Martinovičová, Dana, Křivánek, Jan, and Adam, Karel
- Abstract
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou návrhu vhodného pojistného portfolia pro vybraný podnikatelský subjekt, a to společnost SMERO, spol. s r.o. Obsahuje analýzu rizik a návrh pojistného portfolia, díky kterému budou nejzávažnější rizika, ovlivňující chod společnosti, minimalizována prostřednictvím pojištění., This thesis concerns the question of the suitable insurance portfolio for chosen enterprise - SMERO, spol.s r.o. The thesis contains risk analysis and also the concept of insurance portfolio that aims to minimize the most serious risks influencing the business using insurance products.
20. Aplikace dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti při hodnocení bezpečnosti vodních děl
- Author
Špano, Miroslav, Adam, Karel, Szarowski, Marcin, Špano, Miroslav, Adam, Karel, and Szarowski, Marcin
- Abstract
Diplomová práce se zabývá aplikací dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti při hodnocení bezpečnosti vodních děl. Součinitele spolehlivosti jsou kvantifikátorem podmínky mezní rovnováhy. Podrobnější nastudování postupů metody mezní rovnováhy vedlo k hodnocení celkové a lokální stability Vranovské přehrady. Výchozí podklady pro hodnocení byly údaje, poskytnuté technickobezpečnostním dohledem (TBD) a dostupná literatura. Pro výpočet zatížení, působících na vodní dílo Vranov, byl použit program GeoStudio 2018. Model proudění podzemní vody v podloží hráze byl vypočten modulem Seep/W a pro stanovení lokálních napětí byl využit modul Sigma/W. Následně proběhl výběr dílčích součinitelů spolehlivosti a jejich následná aplikace do podmínek mezní rovnováhy. Hodnocení stability bylo doplněno o výpočty stupňů bezpečnosti. Výsledky byly mezi sebou porovnány., The diploma thesis deals with an application of partial reliability coefficients of reliability in assessing the safety of water works. The reliability factors are the quantitative condition of the marginal equilibrium. A more detailed study of the methods of the marginal equilibrium method led to an assessment of the overall and local stability of the Vranov Dam. The baseline for the evaluation were the data provided by the Technical Surveillance (TBD) and available literature. The GeoStudio 2018 was used to calculate the loads on the Vranov waterworks. The model of the groundwater flow in the subsoil was calculated by the Seep/W module and the Sigma/W module was used to determine the local stresses. Subsequently, the selection of partial reliability coefficients and theirs subsequent application to the limit equilibrium conditions were performed. Stability assessments were complemented by calculations of safety factors. The results were compared with each other.
21. Posouzení možností zvýšení protipovodňové ochrany obce
- Author
Uhmannová, Hana, Golík,, Pavel, Adam, Karel, Uhmannová, Hana, Golík,, Pavel, and Adam, Karel
- Abstract
Práce pojednává o posouzení stávajícího stavu toku Chřibská Kamenice v intravilánu obce Všemily. Cílem projektu je posouzení kapacity a současného stavu koryta toku. Na základě posouzení je navrženo opatření na zlepšení současného stavu a zvýšení protipovodňové ochrany přilehlého okolí., The work deals with the assessment of the stream Chribska Kamenice current state in the village Vsemily urban area. The aim of the project is the assessment of capacity and the current state of the stream-bed. Based on an assessment measure there has been designed the improvement suggestion of the current state and flood protection increasing in close neighbourhood.
22. Svařování sbíjecí hlavy důlního kombajnu
- Author
Kubíček, Jaroslav, Sigmund, Marian, Adam, Karel, Kubíček, Jaroslav, Sigmund, Marian, and Adam, Karel
- Abstract
Cílem této bakalářské práce je popis konstrukce a činnosti sbíjecí hlavy důlního kombajnu, zpracování technologického postupu a návrhu úpravy technologie. Sbíjecí orgány jsou vyráběny svařováním, byla vybrána metoda MAG s ochrannou atmosférou tvořenou plynem CORGON 18 (18%CO2+Ar). Při navýšení pevnosti nožových držáků, z oceli 15 230.3 na 1600MPa a navaření na segment šroubovice z oceli S355j2+N, došlo k praskání těchto držáků za studena. Prověřením celého technologického postupu a provedením výpočtů, byla nalezena chyba. Teplota předehřevu byla příliš nízká, a proto byla zvýšena na výpočtových 270°C spolu s dohřevem po dobu 2 hodin na této teplotě. Součástí práce je i ukázka zkušebního svaru prasklého držáku., The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe the structure and purpose of the longwall shearer drum to descriebe the technological process and to design the technology. Shearer heads are made by welding, MAG method with a protective atmosphere of CORGON 18 (18% CO2 + Ar) was selected. Increasing the strength of the knife holders, made from steel 15 230.3 to 1600MPa and welding to the helical segment of S355J2 + N steel, these clamps cracked cold. An error has been detected by reviewing the entire process and performing calculations. The preheating temperature was too low and was therefore increased to 270 ° C along with the stay for 2 hours at this temperature. Part of the thesis is a sample of the test weld of the rupture holder.
23. Numerical analysis of the impact of breakwater culvert to the sea exchange in the Adriatic marinas
- Author
Lončar Goran, Mostečak Hrvoje, Polak Tea and Říha Jaromír, Julínek Tomáš, Adam Karel
- Subjects
breakwater culvert ,marina ,numerical analysis ,sea exchange - Abstract
3D numerical model analyses the impact of the breakwater culvert on the exchange between the sea waters of the marina and the open sea of the northern and southern Adriatic. The breakwater in the model analysis was treated as a vertical impervious barrier. In the analysis the hypothetical layout configuration of the marina (position inputs and width of the entrance to the marina, proportion of the length and width of the marina) varied. Sea currents in the model domain was generated by using non-stationary boundary conditions in the form of time series of sea levels based on seven constituents of the tidal signal. Wind-driven forcing is not taken into analysis. The research results show that the breakwater culvert in the analysed conditions reduces the e-folding time for exchange between the sea waters of the marina and the open sea average to 88%. The construction of breakwater culvert increases exchange between the sea waters when three breakwater culverts are positioned in the marina with an entrance in the side breakwater.
- Published
- 2015
24. Reasons why Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems are not Systematically Used in the Republic of Croatia
- Author
Malus, Davor, Vouk, Dražen, Riha, Jaromir, Julinek, Tomaš, and Adam, Karel
- Subjects
onsite wastewater treatment systems ,implementation ,Croatia - Abstract
Onsite wastewater systems (OWTS) are practically not used at all in Croatia. All old sewerage systems, new ones and planned ones are classical. The fact is that some countries use OWTS very intensively, improve them in terms of safety and technical efficiency and prove their advantages in use in many situations. The question is why such systems do not pass in Croatia although 40% of Croatian population lives in villages and settlements up to 2, 000 inhabitants. When treated wastewater is discharged underground, limitations in use of OWTS are primarily related to soils permeability, groundwater table and terrain slope. Likewise family home lots are often too small for the implementation of some basic OWTS technologies. On the other hand the utility companies in Croatia are not organizationally and technically competent to manage such systems, and resist implementation. Among citizens and some professional circles OWTS are inferior in every way and cannot meet sanitary and environmental standards. The national agency for water management has not made the necessary steps in the professional and legal regulations, so the basic requirements for the wider application are not satisfied. The paper studies the objective and subjective reasons why OWTS systems are not used. It analyzes briefly the situation in the world and then in Croatia. The reasons for lack of OWTS implementation are searched at local and national level through traditional and new urban solutions, soil type and hydro-geological realities, the attitude of the profession and policy, traditional heritage, cultural habits. The paper also draws attention to the fact that uncontrolled implementation of OWTS by the enthusiastic citizens can result in dangerous sanitary and environmental impacts.
- Published
- 2015
25. Analysis of SHPP Brodarci influence on production of HPP Ozalj
- Author
Ocvirk, Eva, Gilja, Gordon, Berbić, Jadran, Riha, Jaromir, Julinek, Tomaš, and Adam, Karel
- Subjects
small hydropower plant ,efficiency curve ,backwater impact - Abstract
Hydro junction Brodarci on the river Kupa is part of flood protection system Srednje Posavlje focusing to protect the city of Karlovac. Final design of flood protection system includes utilisation of hydropower in form of small hydropower plant Brodarci (SHPP Brodarci). In this paper an analysis of the impact of the SHPP Brodarci backwater on the production of existing hydropower plant Ozalj (HPP Ozalj) is given. Within the analysed river reach is located confluence of tributary river Dobra. HPP Lešće operation on river Dobra affects the regime of the river Kupa between the SHPP Brodarci and HPP Ozalj. Available hydrologic data includes information from gauging stations on river Kupa upstream and downstream of analysed river reach and on river Dobra downstream of HPP Lešće. Assessment of HPP Ozalj’s tailwater in the design state is based on the results of a detailed hydraulic flow model setup on hourly data and operating conditions on both HPP. Also are available hourly data for the year 2012 on production, the tailwater and the headwater at HPP Ozalj. For better description of the real conditions of production and thus a more accurate assessment of the impact efficiency curve for HPP Ozalj is analysed in detail. The main idea was to determine efficiency coefficient depending on available flow and head. Conducted analyses resulted in comparison of HPP Ozalj’s production in the current and design state based on the defined hydrological regime and efficiency curve. Results show that the raising tailwater during low flow has no negative effect on the production of HPP Ozalj due to improved working conditions and increased efficiency coefficient.
- Published
- 2015
26. Climate and land use changes impacts on small catchment areas
- Author
Dadić, Tamara, Tadić, Lidija, Riha, Jaromir, Julinek, Tomaš, and Adam, Karel
- Subjects
Hydrological regime ,climate change ,land use - Abstract
Considering hydrological and environmental processes, small catchment areas are very vulnerable. Their size, shape and land use characteristics as well as topographical features have strong influence on hydrological regime. This paper deals with these problems on one smaller catchment area in Croatia: Karašica-Vučica catchment, part of the Danube water basin. The total catchment area is 234.000 ha, the hilly part has 70.000 ha and the lowland part has 164.000 ha which is basically agricultural area. The altitude is between 85 and 953 m a.s.l. The watercourse network consists of natural rivers and artificial canals as part of surface drainage system. In the last hundred years, drainage system has been developing for flood protection. The natural watercourses have maximum discharges in spring and winter time and minimum in vegetation period. This hydrological regime is very unsuitable for irrigation implementation which becomes necessity for stable agricultural production. The annual precipitation in the period between 1981 and 2014 is 797 mm, without significant change, but its distribution has been changing. The mean annual air temperature in the same period is 11, 25mm but it shows more significant change of +0.31 oC/10 years. Analysis of catchment water balance and its change in the last thirty years will be presented, together with pressures on it. River discharges, ground water fluctuation, precipitation and meteorological data will be analysed for the period between 1980 and 2013. In this period few extreme droughts have occurred, in 2000 and 2003, causing damages in agriculture and the environment as well. The climate and anthropogenic influences on the water balance of the small catchment area are present and this paper will show how significant they are.
- Published
- 2015
27. Modeling of long-term sedimentation in the Osijek port basin
- Author
Gordon Gilja, Kuspilic, N., Riha, Jaromir, Julinek, Tomaš, and Adam, Karel
- Subjects
Closure dam ,bedload sediment ,sediment transport ,settling velocity - Abstract
On Drava River’s rkm 14+110 closure dam was constructed across the upstream end of the old bendway that is being preserved for Osijek port basin. During high water conditions when water level rises part of flow is diverted from main channel over closure dam. Overtopping of dam consequently disrupts water and sediment regime in port Osijek basin. Aim of this paper is to determine long-term sediment yield that enters the port carried by the flow over dam and conditions under which it deposits, changing port’s morphology during the process. This process is analyzed thought 8-year period, from 2005 until 2013. Paper presents modelling method for calculation of layer thickness for suspended sediment deposited in port basin. Bed forming sediment is extracted from total sediment inflow in port basin using Reynolds number as common parameter in sediment rating curves for port basin and gauging profile. For each sediment fraction conditions of its deposition are determined based on particle fall velocity, transport velocity and water column depth. Hydraulic flow conditions are calculated from measured hydrograph using 1D computations. Since sediment rating curve doesn't depict reliable relationship corresponding to flow sediment regime is analyzed for three characteristic scenarios (mean, minimum and maximum) according to data. Results are given as longitudinal profile of volume for deposited suspended sediment and compared to measured change in bathymetry for set time period.
- Published
- 2015
28. The Adriatic Sea Wave Energy Analysis
- Author
Ocvirk, Eva, Duvnjak, Katarina, Kaciga, Malvina, Riha, Jaromir, Julinek, Tomaš, and Adam, Karel
- Subjects
Adriatic Sea ,energy potential ,renewable energy ,renewable energy sources ,wave energy - Abstract
Nowadays, we are witnesses of renewable energy becoming more popular in Croatia. According to the Annual Energy Report in Croatia, in 2013 the total electricity production in the Republic of Croatia amounted to 13 431.1 GWh, of which 65.2 % was produced from renewable energy sources, including large hydro power plants. In this, large hydro power plants had a share of 60.3 %, whereas 4.9 % of electricity was produced from other renewable sources, such as small hydro power plants, wind energy, solar energy, biomass, biogas and photovoltaic systems. Electricity produced from renewable energy sources had a share of 48.2 % in the gross electricity consumption in Croatia. In that, electricity produced in large hydro power plants had a share of 44.6 %, whereas the electricity produced from other renewable sources had a share of 3.6 %. As a member of European Union and in the spirit of sustainable development, Croatia is obligated to increase current total energy production achieved by renewable sources of energy from today’s production of 4.9 % and reach the production of 20 % by the year 2020. On the other hand, Croatia is famous as a Mediterranean country with the length of the Adriatic coastline of 1777 km. If we include the additional 1246 islands it reaches the length of 6000 km. The average day amplitude of tides are not remarkable: In Dubrovnik amplitude is 22 cm, in Rovinj it is 47 cm, and is therefore not interesting from an energy viewpoint. According to some authors, the Adriatic Sea belong to seas with energy potential below 5kW/m which is not economically acceptable to use. In this paper, the analysis of wave parameters across the Adriatic coastline was made on the base of a 10 years simulation. According wave analysis energy potential is determined.
- Published
- 2015
29. Possibilities for recycling of sewage sludge
- Author
Vouk, Dražen, Nakić, Domagoj, Štirmer, Nina, Malus, Davor, Riha, Jaromir, Julinek, Tomaš, and Adam, Karel
- Subjects
sludge ,wastewater ,treatment plant ,sludge disposal ,ISSA ,concrete - Abstract
Each wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), whether it treats sanitary or industrial wastewater, generates certain quantities of sewage sludge, primarily through the settling process in primary and secondary sedimentation tanks. Generated sludge needs to be adequately treated at WWTP and disposed of in the environment in accordance with certain regulations and laws. In most EU countries, the problem of adequate disposal of sewage sludge has not been solved, nor is determined by the rules, instructions or guidelines. Due to the different technological possibilities of wastewater and sludge treatment as well as sludge disposal and possible negative social and environmental impacts, scientific and professional community of each country should achieve a consensus at the national level on which solutions are acceptable and at what level. Among the solutions that seem reasonable recycling of sewage sludge and its by-products reaches the top recommendation. Determining the optimum way of sludge disposal is important not only in terms of meeting the regulations, but the aspect of selecting optimal concept of wastewater treatment, including the selection of optimum technology for sludge treatment. Within the framework of sustainable development, recycling of sludge almost completely closes the cycle of wastewater treatment in which only negligible amounts of waste products that need to be disposed in the environment are generated. In most EU countries, significant amounts of stabilized and dehydrated sludge are incinerated. Current proposal of sewage sludge management strategy in Croatia is also oriented towards the construction of four to five sludge incineration plants. In the process of sewage sludge incineration special form of ash is generated – incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA), which is three to five times less in volume compared to stabilized and dehydrated sludge. ISSA also need to be disposed of in accordance with certain legislation. In this paper special emphasis is given on the possibility of recycling the ISSA in concrete industry. Up to date results on a worldwide basis will be described in the paper.
- Published
- 2015
30. Predicting output flood wave on the section of the Drava River
- Author
Šperac, Marija, Mijušković-Svetinović, Tatjana, Rabi, Anamarija, Riha, Jaromir, Julinek, Tomaš, and Adam, Karel
- Subjects
Flood wave ,propagation ,Muskingum method ,Kalinin–Milyukov method ,Drava River - Abstract
The movement of the flood wave along the river bed is a complex process, not only because of this that the flow varies in time, but because the water course hydraulic and geometric characteristics of the river bed is very variable. Propagation of water waves is the process that defines the characteristics of flood waves on a down stream section of the river flow on the basis of known flood waves in the upstream section. The main problem with the forecasts of flood wave output is in the mathematical description of the transformation input flood wave. The wave propagation can be illustrated by the space and time functions of discharge and depth. Flood routing is the determination of flow conditions in a river, given its initial state, the stream morphology and an inflow hydrograph. Flood- routing procedures may be classified as either hydrological or hydraulic. Hydrological methods use the principle of continuity and a relationship between discharge and the temporary storage of excess volumes of water during the flood period.Hydraulic methods of routing involve the numerical solutions of either the convective diffusion equations or the one–dimensional Saint–Venant equations of gradually varied unsteady flow in open channels. An example of a simple hydrological flood-routing technique used in natural channels is the Muskingum flood- routing method. In this paper for predicting output flood wave on the section of the Drava River (in the lower reaches) two methods are applied: Muskingum methods and a modified Kalinin-Milyukov method. The Muskingum method belongs to the class of hydrologic routing methods. Hydrologic routing models involve only storage and flow rates of floodwater and aim to capture the wave dynamics through their parameters. The Kalinin and Milyukov method is especially appealing for flow routing, because both model parameters, the number of linear reservoirs in the series and the time constant (or storage coefficient of the linear storage-outflow relationship of each reservoir in the cascade) are related to the channel’s characteristics and hydraulic conditions.
- Published
- 2015
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